Numerology - Master Numbers

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Table of Contents The Master Numbers ............................................................ 3 The Meanings ..........................................................................5 The Master Number 11/2….................................................5 The Master Number 22/4..…………………………………….……..6 The Master Number 33/6………………………………..….…..……7 The Master Number 44/8……………………………...………..……8

The Master Numbers The Master Numbers are 11, 22, 33 and 44. The repeating numbers add a special power to the numbers meanings and therefore should not be reduced when compiling someone’s Numerology Chart. These numbers reveal special, amplified energy and you should pay close attention to them. They represent a higher spiritual plane, while the reduced number’s energy is more mundane. While doing your chart, if you find a Master Number, or more than one Master Number, you need to be careful to maintain balance in all areas of your life – physical, emotional and spiritual. The energy from Master Numbers can be a challenge and difficult to live with. With the leadership potential and heightened energy the Master Numbers bring, many end up in the public eye. Remember that with this type of attention, responsibility becomes greater. Like all the numbers, the Master Numbers have both negative and positive aspects. Because of their intense energy, with them comes great responsibility. You will have to learn to control the dual energy and

face the test and challenges. Master Numbers come with spiritual principles. These principles seem lost in a world of instant gratification, violence and materialism. If you can act for the good of humankind, in the midst of selfishness, you will become the leader of your dreams.

The Meanings Master Number 11/2 Often called the Spiritual Messenger. The person with this Master Number has the job of bringing spiritual insights to the rest of humanity. This number’s vibration is that of a peacemaker. Harmony and cooperation are your trademarks. You are sensitive to what is happening around you, but you need to resist the temptation to “nitpick”. With the two 1’s, you have a strong amount of energy but must remember that (1+1=2) the 2 is sensitive and craves companionship. It is important to stay grounded and balanced at all times. One of the strengths of this Master Number is integrity. With this number, if you are not working towards finding and conveying spiritual truth, you will find yourself supporting the work of others, rather than achieving your own goals.

Master Number 22/4 Considered the most powerful of all the numbers. This number is the Master Builder. This number’s mission is to build things for the good of humanity. The 4 is strong and determined and will work hard to put things into place, while the two 2s are caring and sensitive. If you have this Master Number, you will find the need to achieve more. Use your knowledge to build in the world. On the down side, the energy of the 4 can lead to rigidity, but the 22, with its spiritual vibe tends to be more comfortable with how things work out. This Master Number carries a great amount of responsibility. If you ignore the higher calling, you will simply work off the energy of the 4 and fall into a role of laborer instead of becoming the spiritual leader.

The Master Number 33/6 Thought to be the most loving of all numbers. This Master Number is called Healing Energy. This vibration is one of love for all. If you find this number in your chart, you demonstrate the highest level of caring for those around you and will strive to heal all with your love. The double 3 gives you a great deal of creativity, but the flip side can be flakiness. The 6 lends you responsibility, a focus on family and a love of home. This number is a teacher of teachers, selfless. You may crusade for justice and tend to relate to the underdog. Be careful not to become a martyr to one of your many causes. Remember balance in all things. If you do not work off the higher love of the 3s, you may feel over burdened by all the responsibilities that come with the 6.

The Master Number 44/8 This rare Master Number embodies the powers of the 4 and 8 and therefore is no stranger to hard work and material abundance. This Master Number is given the name Master of Spiritual Power. If you have this number you carry with you the opportunity to be a leader, the power to lead and the talent to be good at leading. If you have this Master Number in your chart, direct your energies toward organization and leadership. When focused on that, you will achieve your goals. You must also accept those around you without pushing them out of their comfort zones. You will find a spiritual use for the material abundance that you have been blessed with, perhaps by giving, receiving and creating a higher order. Because this Master Number and those that are higher, occur so rarely, many numerologists say that it’s hard to give an accurate description of how these energies function in our human realm.

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