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2010s - Once a L ass o, Always a L ass o
The Lasso Alumni Association establishes its scholarship program for graduating Lasso seniors in spring, 2010, and almost $50,000 has been awarded to date. The scholarships become an impor tant link bet ween the LAA and current Lassos.
I n 2011, the Bob Bullock Texas State H istor y Museum in Austin presents “ Texas H igh School Football: M ore Than the G ame.” The exhibit features Lasso memorabilia and the Lassos per form at the museum. LAA members attend the opening.
A book , titled “ Texas H igh School Football: More Than the Game,” accompanied the exhibit and explained the impac t of the Lassos. “ The Lassos were por trayed as America’s sweethear ts.
were the ideal girls,” wrote author/historian and curator of the exhibit Joe N ick Patosk i.