3 minute read
Mayor Dan Gordon Update
I have had a great time over the past few weeks attending some outstanding events in our District. One of those was the grand reopening of the Woodend Methodist Church and Community Facility. I was delighted to attend this opening and to be asked to speak. There has been strengthening work carried out and extensions to the rear of the building which now connects the hall and amenities to the church. It looks great.
The church was first opened in 1911 by Mr GH Blackwell who was of course the founder of Blackwell’s Department Store in Kaiapoi more than 150 years ago, and a great supporter of the church.
As a result of the newly-completed renovations the history of the church has been preserved and its future has been assured – it really is a credit to all those involved.
I am continuing to engage with Waka Kotahi to ensure residents’ concerns over Woodend safety improvements remain to the fore. In particular, those conversations involve the need for a safe crossing over State Highway 1 at the Pegasus Town roundabout, with residents’ preferred option being an underpass. I will update you when there is more information or news to hand.
Council’s Annual Plan is now out for consultation. The Annual Plan is Council’s budget for the financial year 2023 / 24 and is produced in the years between the Long-Term Plan. Due to the current cost of living crisis and difficult economic environment, we have only put forward proposals needed to meet legislative or current levels of service. Our aim is to make prudent, future-focused decisions while maintaining the high level of service our residents expect from us. There are some key challenges we face in this Annual Plan including potentially bringing forward planned upgrades to our drinking water infrastructure and more regular testing of water to meet new regulations. We must make immediate improvements to the stormwater network following flooding from extreme weather events and we need to increase our roading budget to make sure local roads remain at a high standard.
We really want your feedback on the issues, so to have your say or for more information visit Waimakariri. govt.nz/letstalk.
Please share your thoughts with us before 17 April 2023.
I welcome contact from anyone who needs assistance or has an issue that they may want to discuss. Email me at dan.gordon@wmk.govt.nz or phone 021 906 437. I’m here to help.
Dear Community Readers
Wow what a busy first term for 2023 at Woodend School.

It has been a full-on exciting time with students engaged with their learning interwoven with many new experiences and activities. It has been wonderful to have a much more settled learning environment with the ability to more freely welcome parents back onsite, attend assemblies and help around the school again.
We have reviewed our student leadership opportunities / pathways that we have within the school. As a school we want to provide as many opportunities as possible for our students in Years 5 - 8 to take on leadership roles that enhance our Woodend School culture.
Across these levels we have students involved as Pou Manama (Lead Students), Student Leaders, Kapahaka Leaders, Whare Manu Leaders, Sports Leaders, Librarians, Road Patrol and Office Duty / Roll Helpers.
We are so grateful for so many of our students wishing to be involved in and around the school.
Some of our senior students were able to attend the Blue Light Challenge recently. This day involved many teamwork challenges including a police obstacle and a radar running course. They also participated in a CPR course. This was an amazing experience, and we hope that we get the opportunity to be involved in this again.
Recently 11 of our senior students attended the PAL’s Leadership course at Main Power Stadium. This course (Physical Activity Leaders) teaches students how to be leaders and teach activities and grow confidence. We appreciate our parent community, the staff and our students and wish all a happy Easter and restful holiday break.

Nga mihi nui Woodend School

Lions Club of Woodend Pegasus

Fundraising for local community projects as a volunteer. Support club activities but having fun and friendship.
New members are very welcome.
Dinner meetings on 3rd Thursday each month (own cost). For more details contact Brian on 027 958 8888.
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The Woodpecker is delivered to 3,600 households!, uploaded to a number of Facebook pages and groups as well as a digital copy being permanently available via Issuu. com
If you are interested, please email the Editor to ask about our advertising rates. debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz www.successfactor-ima.com

Who found Mr Woody Woodpecker last month? comes out! - Sent in by Mel Kime (below right)
Charlotte Neylon aged 4 from Tuahiwi was over the moon to find Woody this month! - Sent in by Emma Neylon

My son Dallas van de Vondervoort, aged 6 found Mr Woody. He found him while waiting to head off to Saturday morning cricket! - Sent in by Jemma van de Vondervoort (top right)
It was out first time receiving The Woodpecker in Ravenswood and we loved reading it. We have found Mr Woody Woodpecker! Isaac Kime aged 3 from Ravenswood. Looking forward to reading the next issue when it