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2023 MET Gala theme leads to controversy
a gay man, unwilling to dress curvy woman, promoting anorexia suggesting it was not a bad thing to stop eating, and making numerous horrible comments about the Holocaust and the history of the event. According to an article from CNN “Style,” written by Bianca Britton, when asked about hit singer Adele, Karl told Metro in Paris in 2012, “She is a little too fat, but she has a beautiful face and a divine voice.”
MOLLY BYRNE cover editor
Every year on the first Monday of May, the Met Gala takes place in New York City, with Anna Wintour, a British journalist and co-editor in chief of Vogue, as the host and co-chair of the event.
The MET Gala is known for having a star studded red carpet where designers dress the most famous celebrities as well as elaborate themes for the designers to follow.
The theme for the 2023 MET
Gala was selected as honoring the former creative director of Chanel, Karl Lagerfeld, who passed away in 2019.
The controversy around this theme not only is driven by the press, but seeps into the event as many key celebrities choose not to attend this year’s gala.
So, why was Karl Lagerfeld so problematic to so many people?
During his time as the creative director for Chanel, he is quoted making comments about openly not supporting gay marriage, as
Now why, after all of these horrible comments, was this man still selected as the theme for the MET Gala, which is a fundraiser for the MET Museum?
Prior to the gala, Wintour was asked about the theme and the fact that Karl was not only known for his time at Chanel, but also for his terrible comments and bigotry. In an article from The Daily News written by Karu. Daniels, Wintour said, “And I think sometimes he would say things … to shock, and not necessarily things that he believed in.” The fact that at a fundraising event for such a prestigious group of people, the theme that was selected was a man who had such strong, discriminatory views that openly showed his disdain for anyone in a minority group, is incredibly insensitive and abysmal.
Many celebrities were missed from this year’s gala, most notably Blake Lively and Selena Gomez, who have openly voiced their beliefs on the internet that do not align or support those of Lagerfeld.