The Wooster Blade, Volume XXII, Issue 1

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The Wooster

BLADE Volume XXII | Issue 1 | Sept. 23, 2021

Grace Brownson

Inside the Sept, 23 2021 Issue

p. 2 - What Makes WHS, WHS?

p. 3 - Mask Policy

p. 8 - Social Media Trends

p. 10 - Wooster Cross Country Invite



What makes WHS unique? WHS school spirit differs in value THEO OLLIER staff writer

Every school day at WHS, Connor Rotolo (12) or Grahm Dixon (12) can be heard on the morning announcements, encouraging students to get excited about sporting events, especially Friday night football games. Additionally, there are student made signs throughout the high school saying things like “Go Woo!” or “Woo Pride.” External factors foster school spirit at WHS, and it seems like most students have school spirit because of school pride signs and upperclassmen getting excited about athletic events.

But, how important is this sense of support and pride to WHS students? Kicker on the WHS football team and soccer player, Drew Rader (12), said he views school spirit in a positive light. He said that having school spirit, for sporting events in particular, encourages athletes and affects the school’s environment in beneficial way. “I think it [school spirit] affects the games and the environment of our school in a good way. In the sports aspect of it, I think it’s really encouraging to us out there, to see our school having spirit,” Rader said. On another note, Wilson Galdamez (12), a new band member at WHS, said that people who do activities like

school sports take school spirit more seriously, but those who are not in sports pay less attention to school spirit. “I feel like it’s definitely important for anyone involved in extracurriculars, but anyone who’s not, I don’t feel like they really care,” Galdamez said. Maggie Ozar (10), a member of the girls cross country team, is more in favor of supporting WHS students than having pride for the school itself. “I think it [school spirit] is more about supporting the students who do stuff [extracurricular activities] and less about the actual school,” Ozar said. School spirit is taken to have different meanings for students at WHS.

Activities create WHS community LUCIA PERFETTI cover editor Everyone has seen at least one high school movie filled to the brim with school spirit and thought to themselves: “this is so unrealistic,” or “Wooster is nothing like that.” For the most part, that might be true, as WHS has never had an impromptu hallway song and dance a-la High School Musical. But, there is also no lack of involvement. Out of nearly 40 students who took a survey on Google Forms Sept. 7 and 8, 76% of the students polled are involved in a club or sport. When compared to a 2019 CDC survey, which found that 57% of students nationally played a sport, Wooster is miles ahead of the rest of the nation. The best part about these

numbers? More than one-third of the students mentioned their extracurriculars are “fun” and ‘“enjoyable.” One survey respondent elaborated on this point by saying,, “I enjoy being part of a team, and it gives me a chance to socialize while doing things that I love.” This was the popular answer from many students, most of whom agreed that their extracurricular improves who they are as a person, regardless of whether that is socially, mentally or physically. Although not everyone at WHS is involved in an extracurricular activity, 37 of the people polled said activities have something that makes it unique to them. For this reason, it was hard to categorize WHS’s unique nature because everyone has a different experience. A number of the students

mentioned that people at WHS, including students at teachers, are what makes their experience unique. One student characterized WHS by saying, when asked, “What is one thing that makes Wooster unique for you?,” the response was simply “The people.” Another student had a more elaborate answer, saying, “One thing that [makes Wooster] unique is the positive community from all the teachers and students.” Other poll respondents mentioned their friends, teachers, peers and mentors, with more than a few pinpointing the air conditioning as the most unique aspect of WHS. What makes WHS unique is that people may all have differing opinions, but its community makes a team and that team is team WHS .


WHS cheerleaders lead the Frontline in a cheer during varsity football’s home game against St. Vincent St. Marys on Sept. 10. Some students clearly have school spirit, as demonstrated in their participation, some are

indifferent, and some support individual students, rather than WHS as a whole.

If you are interested in advertising for The Wooster Blade, please contact adviser Kristi Hiner at 330-345-4000, ext. 3210.


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Kostohryz makes impact in inaugural year at WHS HANNAH LOGIUDICE on campus editor Before the 2021/2022 school year began, WHS and the WCSD added many new staff members to the building; one of these staff members is Christina Kostohryz. Kostohryz is an English Dept. member who teaches English I and English II, as well as helping out with the online students. While this is her first year teaching at the high school, she has been teaching within the district for four years as a teachers’ aid and as a long term sub at Edgewood Middle School. Though she enjoyed her time at the middle school Kostohryz said she has a special affinity for teaching at the high school. “I really like teaching at the high school level, as opposed to the middle school because I really enjoy teaching at the high school, ” Kostorhyz said. Last year, she worked as an online and Generals Academy teacher for WHS, which she

continues to do this year. Before she was involved with the WCSD, she taught at Triway High School and St. Mary in the English Department. Kostohryz has had her teaching license for 23 years. She graduated from Akron University, where she got her bachelor’s degree and then moved into obtaining her masters in education with a concentration in literacy from Ashland University. Outside of school, she notes that she enjoys traveling specifically to Disney or going on Disney cruises. Kostohryz also has two children, Caleb and Grace, are both in tenth grade. Though she has been at the high school a short time, she has already made an impact on many students, including Parker Murphy (10). “She is a wonderful caring person to all students who walk by or see her throughout the day,” Murphy said. Kostohryz is a teacher who has already made a difference to students despite being new to the high school. She is excited to make a difference in the lives of high school students.


Kostohryz, who joined the English Dept. this year, teaches an English II class consisting of freshman and eighth graders.


Community members come together on Monday, Aug. 16 to protest Wooster City School District’s mask mandate before a BOE Meeting at Wooster High School.

Debate on mask mandates in Wooster City Schools continues LUKE POMFRET co-editor-in-chief The WCS Board of Education unanimously voted to follow the CDC recommendation for masking in the district on Jul. 27. Since that decision has been made, a parent-led group named “Community members for making Masks a choice for WCS Staff and students” believes this decision violates their freedom of choice. According to the CDC, Wayne County has reported a total of 465 positive COVID tests from the week of Aug. 30- Sept.. 6. The CDC also recommends that students and staff wear masks and maintain 3 feet of distance regardless of vaccination status. Sue Herman, president of the Board of Education, stated at the Aug. 24 BOE meeting, “The common goal of all of us is to keep our children in school and think of all the mitigat-

ing factors that created mental health issues with our students last year, the biggest was they didn’t get to see each other and their teachers, they didn’t get to do school the way we’ve always done school… As to all the other questions that have been posted, the opinions that are out there, know we are doing the best we can. We promised to you that we will follow the science.” One of the leaders of the Facebook group is Nancy Swartentruber. Swarentruber states that the BOE has overstepped its boundaries in making students and staff wear masks. “I would like to speak on behalf of over 1100 community members, including faculty/ staff who work in the district but are afraid to speak up in fear of retribution... We are profreedom of choice, and your policy of mandating masks is a direct violation of our civil liberties, “Swartzentruber said at the BOE Meeting.

The Facebook group, which has 1,100 followers as of Sept. 8, decided to make their voices heard at an “Anti-mask Rally” outside of WHS on the same day as the Aug. 16 work session for the BOE. Roughly 55 people were there holding signs that said, “WCS Unmask our kids” and “My child, my choice.” At the Aug. 24 regular BOE meeting, less representation was shown by the group. However, multiple dedicated activists such as Nancy Swartzentruber, Eric Swartzentruber, and Arturo Machado criticized the Board for not listening to their pleas. As Sue Herman gave her remarks on the individual’s comments, there was shouting from the audience and a complete transition to the next agenda item. The BOE has not reversed its decision to mandate masks, but the Facebook group does say that further legal action may be required, and they are looking at their options.



Businesses take necessary precautions during COVID-19 MAYA GALINDO-BENSON staff writer When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the entire world had to adjust in many sudden and unexpected ways. Places closed down, people were quarantined, and masks began to be seen everywhere. So, how and when did local businesses deal with the masking problem? Some of the first businesses to shut down were restaurants, but now, as restrictions have lessened after the roll out of vaccinations, restaurants are back in business. Two of these local restaurants include Spoon Market and Deli and Local Roots Market and Café. At Spoon, mask policies have changed throughout the pandemic, but currently, employees are required to wear masks, while customers are not enforced to do so. “When we did enforce it for

the customers before, it was a little bit difficult,” describes one worker about previous mask policies, as some customers were reluctant to wear a mask. Turn left and walk down the street, and note that Local Roots is in a similar position. Executive director, Addam Schwieterman said, “Currently we are following government regulations and guidelines.” This policy means that it is obligatory for employees to wear masks, and customers who have not been vaccinated are encouraged to mask up while in the store. Both of these restaurants are following what they believe is safest for the customers at their businesses. As Kaylee Manson, a Team Lead at Spoon Market and Deli describes, “We were just trying to follow CDC guidelines.” Although restaurants have had to consider mask mandates, they are not alone in these difficult decisions. A Time

to Craft, a locally owned craft store has also had to look into masking policies. “I have been following state guidelines,” stated the owner of the shop, Rachel King, regarding mask policies. Presently, they are only requiring masks for people who have not yet received a COVID19 vaccination. Down the street from A Time to Craft lies Flex Yoga, a local yoga gym. They have taken a different approach on mask mandates, “We do not currently have a mandate” said Dee Black, the Studio Manager. Despite not having a mandate, anyone who would like to wear a mask still can. But how did they come up with this policy? Black said that they have, “followed the Ohio Requirements for gyms.” Let’s take our last deep breath together. Inhale… As we come to a close, we can see that although local businesses

do have differing policies on wearing masks, they do their best to follow government regulations in order to keep their employees, customers,

and the greater community safe. Exhale... Flex Yoga describes this perfectly, saying customers “just wanted us to be open.”


Two customers enjoy a meal in outdoor seating at Spoon Market & Deli in downtown Wooster.

Wooster residents review fair rides at Wayne County Fair SHERIDAN SCHAUER focus editor Each September, Wooster hosts the Wayne County Fair, which consists of rides, food, games and music events. There are attractions for people young and old at the fair. Each year, tickets are distributed at the school for the Monday of fair week so students can get in for free. Tickets include a pass to get into the fair, but do not include the ride pass. Many people say they go to the local fair to ride the many rides offered. In fact, when

distributing surveys to people at the fair Sept. 13, 82 out of the 100 people polled, stated they rode the rides that are available at the fair. Among the popular attractions, there are several that take their participants on adrenaline-rush style escapades, whether it is being dropped from a high point or being spun at a fast pace. There is something for almost everyone at the fair. When hosting a traveling fair, there may be concerns for the safety of the rides. When asked if people believe that the rides are safe, 75 out of 100 people polled said they believe the rides are safe. One random fair attendee said that the rides,

“could be operated better, but they’re not that bad.” Twentyfive out of 100 people polled said they believed that the rides are not safe. According to the poll responses, few people get sick from the rides with 32 out of the 100 respondents noting this fact. When asked about her favorite ride, Lydia Otto (12) said she “liked some of the old ones like Top-gun, but the new ones aren’t that bad… I like the hang gliding one.” The Wayne County fair continues to entertain residents in Wooster each year and will return to Wooster in September of 2022.


The Wayne County Fair continues to entertain people in Wooster with rides, food, games and music.



Local art programs and institutions begin post-COVID recovery LUCIA PERFETTI cover editor

Although it may feel like Wooster is in the middle of nowhere, the community has a vibrant arts scene. During COVID, however, local arts were adversely affected. “The impact was huge,” said Akron Art Museum director Jon Fiume. “From organizations having to lay staff off...spend money on safety protocols (and) pivot their programming to digital, to local artists no longer being able to earn income.“ By the end of 2020, 30% of museums forecasted permanent closure, according to a survey from the American Alliance of Museums published at the end

of July 2020 on their website. Those museums who did not close are now dealing with loss of income, according to Dr. Marianne Wardle, Art Museum Director at the College of Wooster. “Donors shifted donations away from cultural institutions toward more immediate community needs,” Wardle explained. Luckily for the Downtown Arts Theatre foundation, they obtained funds to purchase the old movie theatre at 116/118 E. South Street, currently home to Liberty Screen Printing and Embroidery. “Today, folks can watch movies, even new releases, anywhere, at home or on their phones. It won’t be enough for us just to offer movies,” said

Greg Shaya, President of the Board of Trustees. “We want to make the theater a fun and welcoming destination, where watching a movie or listening to music will be a special experience.” Creatives will be included as well, says executive director Cameron Maneese. “Supporting storytellers and creating a culture that supports new voices in the arts is vital,” Maneese said. There is no opening date, but once renovations are finished, the theater will contribute to the vibrant Wooster arts community. Although COVID was a challenge, artists adapted, and the idea of digital art became popularized. Does this mean less interest in

physical art? Museum directors are not worried. “Looking at art is a physical experience. You stand with it... you move around and see and experience different things. Online there is no sense of scale or presence,” Wardle explains. “You can experience the artwork in a completely different way in a physical museum experience,” Fiume elaborates, “...being able to completely experience the colors, textures, size, and how it may be exhibited with other pieces of art is completely different than an online experience.” However, Fiume remarks, digital art does complement the museum experience, as museums are beginning to incorporate digital art into

exhibits. Wardle warns that this may be hard because, “Museums that want to show digital artwork will have to navigate technology advancement and the costs of maintaining both the digital artwork and the means of exhibiting it.” For now, the Akron and College of Wooster art museums are thriving. “From what I’m hearing among museums that have reopened, people are eager to come back. Everyone’s tired of being stuck at home and looking at screens,” says Wardle. Admission to the COW art museum is free, and they have a new exhibition that opened Sept. 7 . As for the Akron Art Museum, admission is $6.

Area merchants adapt to COVID restrictions and changes THEO OLLIER staff writer

The global COVID-19 pandemic has caused many businesses to close part of their operations or even close as a whole. Many businesses changed the way they functioned in the early months of the pandemic to accommodate their customers while staying safe. Smaller businesses have also had to change the way they operate, which is exemplified by Wooster’s local businesses. Local Roots, a grocery co-op in Wooster with produce from local farmers and handicrafts made by local artists, changed their setup and experienced growth in their business throughout the pandemic. According to Local Roots Executive Director Adam Schwieterman, Local Roots

began a curbside pickup system at the start of the pandemic, which has died down in recent months. Schwieterman notes that Local Roots grew as a whole during the pandemic, but did not see a jump in sales over the summer as mask restrictions were lifted. “Over the course of the last year and a half, we’ve had growth . . . in recent months, it’s been steady inconsistent growth,” Schwieterman said. Wooster Chamber of Commerce President Samira Zimmerly also cited some positive changes relating to local businesses during the pandemic, stating that the community came together to focus on supporting local businesses, and businesses were creative with the way they functioned. “I think everybody came together to support our local businesses more than I think

they have in the past . . . I think local businesses have also gotten creative in their approach over the last year and a half in how they do their marketing, as well as how they offered shopping through the pandemic,” Zimmerly said. Local restaurant Broken Rocks Cafe and Bakery switched much of their operation to curbside pickup and added online ordering, but has not experienced much growth during the pandemic except for a short time after the Ohio mask mandate was lifted June 2, according to owner Glen Grumbling. Additionally, Grumbling stated that there has been a move back to more carryout orders at Broken Rocks in recent months. “We started doing way more carryout, we added the online ordering (closer to the start of the pandemic). . . We had a

nice increase there for about two months, (after the mask mandate was lifted) and now we’re seeing it move back to carryout and less dine-in,” Grumbling said. As shown by Broken Rocks

and Local Roots’ business changes, local businesses have gotten creative with how they offer their products and services with Wooster’s community with curbside pickup and online ordering,.


Broken Rocks Cafe and Bakery, located on Liberty St. in Wooster, switched operations to curbside pickup during COVID-19.


WHS offers various mental health Students focus on mental resources for students and staff health during pandemic Student Support Services in WHS Anazao: -Anazao Community Partners provides behavioral and mental health services to students and staff, as well as access to a multitude of community resources. Goodwill Industries: -Focused on working with students ages 14-19 years old...their goal is to provide supports to students that eliminate barriers to careers and future employment OHuddle: -OHuddle is a mentoring program that provides students with 1:1 mentoring to develop students assets. Information courtesy of Sara Crooks

ASHTON DUNLAP co-editor in chief

Lately, mental health has been a much more prominent topic of consideration, especially through the COVID-19 pandemic. According to WCSD Board of Education Vice President Dan Stavnezer, the pandemic has created many new difficult changes in a students’ life. “The change in the 2020-2021 school year, in which there were multiple different educational paths, different learning models, differing physical presence in the school or satellite learning areas along with a nuanced response to a never before seen issue and the unknown danger of a new virus, is much different than this year,” Stavnezer said. WCS does have various resources in place to help students who may be struggling with these anxieties and vulnerabilities, says WHS principal Sarah Crooks. “We have a partnership with Anazao community partners. They’re a mental health facility in town. At Wooster High School, we have two case managers and a clinical therapist and every other school in the district has a case manager and a clinical therapist,” Crooks said. WHS principal Dr. John Deuber adds that WHS has several other options in the school and in the community for students to pursue in terms of obtaining services. “The fact that we have therapists on staff, in every school, we have another therapist who’s here three days a week. We have an organization, OHuddle, that will help students; they’ll assign a mentor in the community and

“SOMETIMES IT’S A CONVERSATION A STUDENT MAY HAVE WITH A TRUSTED TEACHER, YOU KNOW, ANY OF OUR STAFF MEMBERS...AND THEN, THAT TEACHER TAKING THE NEXT STEP OF WORKING WITH THE STUDENT OR WITH THE COUNSELING SERVICES... ” DEUBER SAID. adult mentors to help students that may be struggling with family life, with relationships, with work life,” Deuber said. What is the process for a student to get mental health help through WHS? Deuber says there are several ways to help as a student. “Sometimes it’s a conversation a student may have with a trusted teacher, you know, any of our staff members. Just like, I’m really upset by this. And then, that teacher taking the next step of working with the student or with the counseling services... And, I think there’s a lot of peer help we could use,” Deuber said. A counselor request link and other information can be found under the “Guidance” tab of the WHS website.

MOLLY SNYDER feature editor

March 13, 2020, was the last day of school before quarantine went into effect. Many were isolated from everyone outside of immediate family for upwards of four months, which starkly contrasts with life before the pandemic. As restrictions are being lifted, many still feel the effects of the prolonged period of isolation. “I had discovered that my social skills lacked a lot of the components they [had] back when I was regularly talking to people face to face,” Rhys Florence-Smith (9) said. Florence-Smith elaborates this point by saying that he feels his social skills are slowly becoming what they were before, but different nonetheless. Isolation can have a negative effect on a person’s mental health, which is something Florence-Smith can relate to. “During the quarantine, I fell into a large hole of un-motivation… on top of all of this I watched many of my friends around me have deteriorating mental health,” Florence-Smith said. Although quarantine had many negative effects on people, for some students, it also served as a time for people to discover new interests. “Quarantine gave me a lot more free time to research political perspectives and COVID made me generally more interested in current events,” Chris Vann (12) said. Vann came out of the lockdown with a newfound passion for politics. Even with new found interest, Vann also said the lockdown had a negative impact on his


mental wellbeing. “It was hard to motivate myself to do school work… I did not learn as much last year as I probably should have,” Vann said. During quarantine, many found themselves using social media more often, which can negatively impact a person on another level. “[The lockdown] caused me to criticize myself a lot more than I previously had been… social media had a big hand in this, because I had constantly seen what was considered pretty on the internet,” Mackenzie Wilkes (12) said. Wilkes said the lockdown had a very negative effect on her mental health, as she is experiencing a lack of social skills and a shortened attention span. Regardless, Wilkes said she feels as though parts of her life have had a positive impact from the pandemic. She has found a new appreciation for the little things in life, and has improved her physical body through exercise and healthy habits.



New choir teacher joins program

Donda impresses fans

LAURA RAPPORT a&e editor This school year, the WHS faculty welcomed a new choir director, Elyse Mason. Mason, who accepted the position following a yearlong vacancy of the position, attended Indiana Wesleyan University and graduated in 2019. Mason says she has wanted to teach music ever since she was six-years-old. “I came home from my first grade music class and told my parents that’s what I wanted to do,” Mason said. Mason said she hopes to help students understand that “... music is not only something that is beautiful, but also an academic subject that takes detail and focus.” In looking at her favorite part of teaching music, Mason notes that helping students to form a bond with each other ranks among one of her favorite parts of the job. “...I feel like my classes are becoming a family, and a place where everyone can feel loved, heard, and important,” Mason said. Mason says she is looking forward to many years teaching at Wooster and creating a thriving environment for students at WHS, while students, like Hayley Sleek (11) are looking forward to working with the choral program. “I am so excited to have choir back at the high school… I am looking forward to a fresh start and a new perspective on ways the choral groups can improve,” Sleek said. Craig French, Music Dept. chairperson, said he has enjoyed working with Mason and is looking forward to

DELANEY WILSON on-campus editor


Elyse Mason, New Director of Vocal Music for WCSD, splits her teaching day between Edgewood Middle School and WHS. seeing the growth of these programs. “We are very excited to watch the choral program grow into multiple ensembles, prepare kids for performances in musicals, and develop students into lifelong musical pedagogues. With Mrs. Mason at the helm, we are certain to see quantitative and qualitative growth in the choral program… She is kind, knowledgeable, passionate and very musical. She is already making a huge difference in the musical excellence of her groups,” Mason said. Mason is excited to introduce her students to various types of music.

“I am looking forward to spending many years here developing a thriving, diverse musical experience for my students. I want Wooster to be known for having a wonderful choir program that sings everything from current pop music… to Bach,” Mason said. Mason encourages all students to get out of their comfort zones and join choir. “Choir is for anybody and everyone is welcome. Yes, even if you think ‘you can’t sing’. I always tell my students, you can try anything for a year. Try choir. It might become one of the best decisions you make in your high school career,” Mason said.

In late August, Kanye West released his long-awaited album, Donda. The album has 27 tracks and clocks in at almost two hours in length, but is full of features such as Kid Cudi, The Weeknd, Jay-Z, Playboi Carti, Marilyn Manson and many others. Like his albums of the past such as Ye (2018) and My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (2010), Donda gives listeners a glimpse into West’s mindset, adding another chapter into the evolution of West since The College Dropout (2004). West’s talent for tapping

into different emotions with unique instrumentals and impeccable features continues on this album. While the length of the album may turn some away, West provides a diverse array of sounds and feelings, including multiple versions of the same songs, including “Jail,” “Ok Ok, Junya,” and “Jesus Lord.” These multiples give listeners different perspectives, so each listener can find something to enjoy, while also giving West a chance to feature different artists on different versions of the song such as when Jay-Z is featured on “Jail,” and Marilyn Manson and DaBaby are featured on “Jail pt. 2.” The hype for Donda was met with a well-crafted album that fits in perfectly with West’s discography and evolution, while keeping the elements of previous albums that have landed West next to the all-time greats. West continues to evolve without losing what has made him successful, and Donda is the perfect example of that evolution.

Entertainment Guide: Dune directed by Denis Villeneuve and starring Timothee Chalamet, Zendaya, and Rebecca Ferguson, comes out Oct. 22. Dune is an adaptation of the popular science fiction novel by Frank Herbert, about Paul Atreides, a young man who must travel to a dangerous planet in order to save his people. You Season 3: The third season of Netflix’s popular drama You, is coming out on Oct. 15. The show is about a charismatic, but creepy man named Joe Goldberg, played by Penn Badgley. The highly anticipated third season comes out on Netflix on Oct. 15. The Tempest: Great Lakes Theater’s production of William Shakespeare’s final play The Tempest,will open Oct. 15 at the Hanna Theatre. The play follows Prospero, a sorcerer who shipwrecks his enemies on an island in order to enact revenge.



How Social Media Effects Trends OLIVIA HINER & MATTIE DUNLAP staff writers Social media is a main factor in starting trends as it is a common way to spread various ideas. After posting a question on Instagram asking followers to respond to the question, “Which social media apps do you believe most affect trends?,”a little over a dozen people responded. The most popular answer to the question posed is Tik Tok, followed by Instagram, and then Vsco and Pinterest. Tik Tok is a social media platform with about 1.1 billion monthly users, as stated in a article published June 14. Tik Tok is known for creating trends in fashion, music, cooking and so much more. More recently, film cameras, and media, including vinyl, has been trending because of Tik Tok. One big factor that affects these trends is the

amount of influencers on Tik Tok, which currently numbers in the 100 thousands, according to a article published on Aug. 17. By making a short video using a product, sponsored or unsponsored, people are bound to participate in trends in which they see influencers partaking. Honing in on the disposable cameras, by just looking them up on Tik Tok, there are 236.1 million videos related to them. With fashion, 92.5 billion. Clearly, a lot of people contribute to creating and participating in trends on Tik Tok. Pinterest is a huge social media platform that contributes to trends. On the app store, it is previewed as, “the place to explore inspiration.” It is the place one goes to get ideas. Not only does it inspire, it is also an easy place to follow trends. Whether those interests pertain to fashion, room decor or cooking trends, users can find it all on Pinterest. According

Fall Fashion Picks Photos by Grace Brownson Captions by John Fajardo


to a socialmarketingwriting. com article, updated on Jan. 7, 2020, titled “4 Reasons Why Pinterest Has Become Extremely Popular,” “Pinterest stands out because it is unique, while the other popular social media sites focus on content and messages, Pinterest focuses on images.” It is easy to save and share these images, contributing to trends, whether that is starting or following them. Instagram, the second largest social media app according to, is a creative platform that influences trends all over the world. Margaret McBride, a 9th grade Instagram user, says social media is a great way for new, creative ideas, especially trends, to spread. “The ability to find people who think similarly to them [instagram users] using the algorithm lets teens develop similar mindsets and create trends,” McBride said. McBride also states that

To avoid the cold temperatures, Brownson wears a warm turtleneck. While multicolor and ecstatic articles of clothing are enticing, sometimes solid black is the better choice in an outfit. When unsure on what to use to match the rest of your fit, black should always work. The black boots tie up the monochrome fit, exemplifying the versatility of black articles, and also including the recurring trend of boots from past seasons and years.

When looking for comfort and warmth, but still remain fashionable, look no further than skinny jeans. The denim can fit with almost any color or shirt/shoe style making it very versatile. Brownson reps a contrasting color scheme with the white top and button down jacket, but the jeans could also make a nice monochrome fit.

staff writers social media influences trends through conversations and interactions. McBride continues by saying that the trends that spread on Instagram have both a negative and positive influence on the teens that come across them. “Some trends I’ve seen can be as innocent as food and dancing, but I feel like it can get problematic when they involve people’s insecurities and sort of making people feel bad about themselves,” McBride said. However, McBride states that the trends influenced by Instagram can help kids fit in and give teens a sense of connectedness. McBride notes that some trends she has seen originate from Instagram are photo editing, alterations of one’s image, and style and fashion.

Our Fashion Picks


For the upcoming fall season, sweater vests are a big trend. Both pictured are from Zara. While the sweater vests pictured are both around $50, just looking up sweater vests can give you many cheaper options.

Women’s Baggier/ loose fitting pants are also trending right now. The above pants are Dickies, and the jeans below are from Zara. Both types of pants can be found at many stores.



Remembering 9/11 20 years later NORA LEVY staff writer


A survivor of the 9/11 attacks quietly observes the memorial on the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks.

Growing up in a post 9/11 attack America

DELANEY WILSON on campus editor

A lot has changed since 9/11. Airport security is more intense, nationalism has become a regular part of politics, mistreatment of Muslim people, are all changes brought about as a result of 9/11. The climate of today’s news media is often tense, biased, and sometimes aggressive. For my generation, people who were born after 9/11; this is all we know. It has gotten worse as time has gone on, but has existed to some degree for our whole lives. Sept. 12 has been said to be the

last day Americans were all united, including the media. Major networks agreed not to show footage of bodies at Ground Zero , or air footage of people jumping from the buildings. While there was some misinformation, this can be attributed to the lack of information available at the time. News started to change once the government began to take action. The decisions to invade Iraq and Afghanistan are two of the most controversial decisions in the 21st century. Even the decision to pull out of Afghanistan 20 years later has become a heated topic. The difference in how different outlets cover the same exact events has changed. Now we rely on instant news, which has created a new type of misinformation. The way networks portray major disasters and events has changed. These changes can be attributed not to 9/11 directly, but to the actions taken as a result of 9/11.

Amid the hustle and bustle of the Financial District, there was quiet. Twenty years after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, the memorial was crowded with many observers and tourists. There were mixed emotions at the memorial, some were there to pay their respects and honor their loved ones, while others were there to snap selfies. The observers came from far and wide; there was a motorcycle club with members from Massachusetts and Michigan that arrived to see the memorial and uniformed firefighters from the Los Angeles Fire Department. One observer and current resident of New York City, Vivian, can remember the day of the attacks very vividly. Vivian said she was 15-yearsold and was in ninth grade in Brazil when she recalled a classmate yelling that planes had hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. She thought nothing of it; she thought it was an accidental plane crash. After school, she and her mom turned on the news when she fully grasped what occurred. “The world had never seen such an attack,” Vivian said, when explaining the effect of 9/11 on the world. Vivian has since moved to New York City and visits the memorial periodically when she passes it, noting that she was very thankful to be at the memorial on the 20th anniversary of the attacks. “It’s great to remember the unity at one point, after that I remember the United States was really, really united. And, the whole world showed a lot of sympathy,” Vivian said.


The 9/11 Tribute Lights brighten the night sky again, illuminating the flowers placed on the memorial by loved ones. As she recognized all the lives that were lost and the lives destroyed due to those deaths, Vivan said she took time to read the messages family members left at the memorial and emphasizes that it is important to continue to teach and pass along all of the values for which people stand. After dark, two young men approached a name at the memorial where they laid a singular red rose above the name etched into the memorial. The young men then stood in silence with their eyes closed for a long period of time. The two young men were not alone in remembering family, friends or colleagues that died on 9/11. Another man stood motionless, overlooking the South Tower memorial. He wore a black shirt with a

singular word on it; the shirt said “SURVIVOR.” Around his waist hung a sweatshirt that said, “Ground Zero” and “Rescue Recovery.” The emotion could be plainly seen in the somber expressions, closed eyes and bowed heads of these three individuals. The observers at the memorial were of all ages, races, nationalities and ethnicities and represented the wide range of people who were killed in the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11. They set aside their differences to come together. They set aside their political beliefs to remember the tragic events. Most importantly, they set aside their time to honor the victims of the terrorist attacks and make sure that lives are never forgotten.



Wooster Invitational returns after hiatus BEN STAVNEZER staff writer After one year off due to COVID-19, the Wooster Invitational returned Sept. 11 with 110 teams from 41 schools who faced off against Wooster at the high school’s cross country course. The Invitational is the largest sporting event attempted this year so far at Wooster. According to On The Mark Timing, there were 1,666 athletes and about an equal number in the crowd attending. The Saturday morning started off with a brisk temperature, but warmed up by noon. In the Division I boys varsity race, the first place school was Massillon Jackson with an average time of 16:14. Wooster’s team scored seventh place overall in the race, with an average time of 16:51. The first place runner was

Evan Jarold from Brunswick, with a time of 15:16. The first Wooster team member to finish was Ashton Dunlap (12), who was 13. Ethan Keating (11) came in 16, just 13 seconds later and improving his personal record by 40 seconds. Sam Wilds finished 98 with a time of 18:15, improving his personal record by 23 seconds. Wilds, who finished in 98 place of 164 runners, said running in these types of races creates a complex feeling. “When you’re in the middle of a race, you’re saying stuff in your head like ‘god help me I’m about to die,’ but when you finish, it’s pure elation and pure joy,” Wilds said. In the Division I girls varsity race, the first place school was Massillon Jackson with an average time of 19:26. Wooster came in 10 overall, with an average time of 21:26. The first person to finish the

race was Clare Nicholas from Wadsworth with a time of 18:09. In 27 place, Audrey Miller (11) was the first Wooster team member to finish, with a time of 20:09. Aubrey Beall (11) participated in the DI girls open and finished in 185th place with a time of 31:04, improving her personal record by over three minutes. Beall said that running has helped her in numerous ways. “[Running] Helps with my anxiety and it feels good after you know you did well,” Beall said. Despite the large number of people at the Invitational, event organizers were not worried about COVID-19. Trevor Dunlap, an organizer and father of runner Ashton Dunlap, said “Coach Bennett is really thoughtful in regards to how he approaches events and the mindset he has for safety, not just of his athletes, but of the entire community,” Dunlap said.

Daily Record Power Rankings

Local sports writer predicts seasons LEXXE PARSONS a&e editor With plenty of sports kicking off during the fall, The Daily Record’s preseason power rankings are done. Across Wayne County, high school sports teams are pitted against one another: Wooster, Orville, Central Christian, Hiland and Norwayne. However, the power rankings sometimes are a bit confusing. Generally, these rankings are made before games have started, with the boys soccer rankings holding Wooster in the lead, then Hiland, Norwayne, Central Christian, and Orville. Joshua McWilliams, a sports writer at The Daily Record said

the process of picking power rankings is purely objective, but whenever he does the rankings he considers these five things: head-to-head matches, the strength of a schedule, roster changes (injuries, line-up changes, etc.), overall program success and what he sees when he is watching the games. “I am looking for cohesion, organization on the pitch, foot skills, intent with passes, spacing, goalkeepers, and stuff like that,” McWilliams said. Alex Mallue, WHS assistant athletic director, said he was indifferent about power rankings and how they may affect the sports seasons. The girls JV volleyball coach,

Jennifer Snowbarger, said that she is contacted often by The Daily Record for predictions and updates about their season and how she thinks they compare to other teams in the area. She says she loves the coverage for bridging the information to our community better and also that though biased, she believes WHS has some of the best players in the area. The Daily Record’s Power Rankings are a large part of pre-season activities for people who are interested in sports in the community. They cause excitement for the larger community and they kick off the incoming school year and the fall sports season.


Ethan Keating (11) runs ahead of Green cross country runner Spiro Papas during the varsity race at the Wooster Invitational Sept. 11.

Lately in SPORTS: Boys Varsity Soccer Boys Soccer lost to Lexington 0 - 2

Girls Varsity Soccer

Girls Soccer beat Lexington 2-0

Varsity Football

Football defeated Lexington 38 - 14.

Cross Country

Both Boys and Girls Cross Country Teams placed 3rd at the Jackson-Hudson triangular meet.

Girls Tennis

Girls Tennis defeated Ashland 5 - 0

Varsity Volleyball

Girls Volleyball defeated Mount Vernon 3-0

Girls Varsity Golf

Girls Golf defeated Ashland 177 - 179

Boys Varsity Golf

Boys Golf lost to Mount Vernon 174 - 165 Last Updated: Sept. 23, 2021

THE WOOSTER BLADE | VIEWS | Sept. 23, 2021 | PAGE 11



Editors-in-Chief Ashton Dunlap, Luke Pomfret Webmasters Ashton Dunlap Graphics Manager Grace Brownson Business Manager Delaney Wilson Head Photographer Rumen Zdravchev A & E Editor Lexxe Parsons, Laura Rapport Cover Editors Chloe Frichtel, Lucia Perfetti Feature Editor Molly Snyder, Grace Brownson Focus Editor Sheridan Schauer, Lanie Meyer On Campus Editor Hannah LoGiudice, Delaney Wilson Sports Editor Trent Kuzma, Jhon Fajardo Trends Editor Olivia Hiner, Sophia Mera Views Editor Brittany Wachtel Staff Writers Mattie Dunlap, Molly Bryne, Ben Stavnezer, Nora Levy, Marin Dixon, Stella Powers, Theo Ollier, Anika Ellis Artists Grace Brownson Photographers Grace Brownson, Hannah LoGiudice, Rumen Zdravchev, Ashton Dunlap, Ben Stavnezer, Brittany Wachtel, Sheridan Schauer Adviser Kristi Hiner The Wooster Blade is a biweekly student publication printed every other Friday by the Newspaper Production classes at Wooster High School. The Wooster Blade is designated as an open forum and follows publishing guidelines as established by district-wide publications policy protecting students’ freedom of expression. All copy, art and photography are property of The Wooster Blade and cannot be reproduced without permission. Letters to the editor are limited to 300 words and The Wooster Blade reserves the rights to print and edit as per length and content. The Wooster Blade is a member of Quill and Scroll, National Scholastic Press Association and Columbia Scholastic Press Association. The Wooster Blade is printed in cooperation with Wooster’s The Daily Record. Letters and inquiries should be addressed to The Wooster Blade, 515 Oldman Road Wooster, Ohio 44691. The Wooster Blade can be contacted at 330-345-4000 ext. 3210. The newspaper can also be found at




The Wooster Blade Editorial Board promises to continue equitable reporting practices After an abnormal production schedule during the 2020-2021 school year, The Wooster Blade is back to its normal bi-weekly schedule. Our staff members are now able to come together and fully collaborate to proliferate the best version of our newspaper we can during the 20212022 school year. Along with the general staff, The Wooster Blade Editorial Board will now be able to meet as a full staff to better discuss pressing issues and generate meaningful editorials in every issue and to set some goals for this school year. The board recently met to discuss and establish our goals for this year, which we are including within this editorial. First, we, The Wooster Blade Editorial Board, promise to collaborate to

ethically and justly report on the issues that impact students and the Wooster community, as a whole. The Wooster Blade staff has, and will continue to be, the voice of WHS, Wooster City Schools, and the greater Wooster community. In reporting on and about these areas, our staff members will continue to provide unbiased reporting that covers a variety of relatable and newsworthy topics. We will strive to cover stories that are relevant and relatable to a plethora of audiences. Additionally, we will aim to write stories that cover people, businesses, events and teams that are not usually covered. We recognize that all groups are vitally important to the personality of our school and city and deserve to be highlighted accordingly.

The board would like to recognize that everyone has the freedom of speech and that while we respect all opinions, we are devoted to getting the most accurate information available and exercising and reporting on that speech in a responsible, ethical and fair way. In order to be as professional as possible, all staff members must follow the current American Press Association guidelines to ethical reporting. A return to the normalcy of a full school year will allow our staff to return to the normalcy of our more consistent schedule and process. The Wooster Blade staff will work to create the best possible bi-weekly newspaper we can produce by consistently eliminating bias and covering normally muted voices.

Texas abortion law threatens women’s rights

BRITTANY WACHTEL views editor On Sept. 1 , Texas’ new abortion law that officially bans abortions after six weeks of pregnancy was enacted. The law, which is more commonly known as the “heartbeat bill,” is framed around the ideology that by six weeks of pregnancy, a heartbeat can officially be detected, meaning that the fetus is a living human being.

President Biden was quoted during a press conference at the White House on Sept. 2 as calling the law “extreme” and stated that it, “...blatantly violates” Roe v. Wade protections in the state. What makes this law the most strict in the nation is the push for private citizens to sue anyone who they believe is performing or aiding in an abortion after six weeks. While patients seeking an abortion cannot be sued, providers of the procedure and anyone who aids patients in finding a provider, are not protected. This law states that those who drive a woman to a clinic or provide financial assistance as abetting an abortion. Planned Parenthood offices in Texas are still currently open, although they are no longer booking any appointments for abortions that would take place at, or after, the six week mark. While Texas does allow exceptions for medical emergencies that are “life-

threatening,” it does not protect those who are victims of rape or incest. To provide incentive for citizens to sue those who aid or abet abortions, Texas Right to Life has set up a “whistleblower” website where anonymous tips can be easily submitted. Those citizens who successfully sue anyone involved in a procedure after six weeks are awarded a minimum of $10,000. Due to the reliance on private lawsuits, the chance for Texas officials to be reprimanded for their actions is obsolete. The fact that Texas is able to blatantly go against basic human rights as presented in cases such as Roe v. Wade is a disgrace to the rights of women not only in Texas, but across the country. The passing of this law is sure to set a precedent for the discussion surrounding the surface level rights that are being taken from women.

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