Roundtable : <Live-in-Common; Domain of Urban Culture> - Reorganization : Chapter II

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The project aims to envision opportunities of architectural platforms through collective researches and designs conducted in Asian metropolises. Perception of public in Asia is heretofore complementary to common in comparison to westerns, in the sense of its tolerance of controllability from the authorities. And private as well, more or less, a given consciousness from the western modernization, overwritten on the common of Asia. Today, we evidently find indications and the importance of the common is arising in our cities:

increasing movements to generate more flexible and humanoriented lifestyles, by overcoming contradiction between the public and the private. It is a strong challenge against old and rigid systems. The project will explore tangible city structure to intangible city culture. As the project develops, we think it may have ambiguous conclusion such as reaching to a turning points where this desirable movements fall into capitalistic money game or caught by nostalgic group dynamics.


DOMAIN OF URBAN CULTURE INTRODUCTION Common comes from the sense of togetherness, which is different from the typical meaning of publicness bounded by the legal framework on possession. Regardless of being inherited h i s to r i c a l l y o r j u s t c r e a t e d spontaneously, their complexity, flexibility and intimacy do not necessarily contradict private domains. It could be stated that future urban culture is generated in the common spaces, crossing the domains of the private and the public. Consequence to this premise, let’s strive to test the strength of the common. A street can be a common space. A living room could be, if you want. Then, how about your bedroom? And your bathroom? Indeed, no chance at all?



“We live in a world ruled by fictions of every kind – mass merchandizing, advertising, politics conducted as a branch of advertising, the instant trans imagery, the increasing blurring and intermingling of identities within the rea free or original imaginative response to experience by the television screen. W in particular it is less and less necessary for him to invent the fictional conte writer’s task is to invent the reality” Koolhaas and Mau, S,M,L,XL, p.492.

slation of science and technology into popular alm of consumer goods, the pre-empting of any We live inside an enormous novel. For the writer ent of his novel. The fiction is already there. The

CHAPTERS What indicates ‘common or commonness’ in our cities today? How are they created? or in what context can we identify ‘common / common-ness’ to public/private space controlled by mass-capital and authorities? And what shapes or determines the meaning of tangibility and intangibility of common /or/ common space?

1. &lt;Fiction&gt; : Scope / Narration of finding tangible/intangible perceptions of ‘common / common-ness’ in an eye of a one and many (individual and public).

We believe reorganizing today’s urban ecology of ‘common’ space will advance our narration and understandings of ‘common / common-ness’. We are opting to find proper domain for “common / common-ness” by demonstrating and articulating our investigation in 3 different fields;

3. &lt;Reorganization&gt; : Act of design through deconstructing and reorganizing fundamental architectural elements to create playground for all commons.

2. &lt;Adaptation&gt; : Simulation of speculations which characterizes identity and programs of ‘common / common-ness’.

Compositions of our narratives will develop ecology of ‘common /common-ness’ into form of architectural fictions. It is maybe artificial or it may be formless. It is maybe superficial or it is maybe profound figure. But it will be in search of possible representations of ‘common / common-ness’ of urbanspace and urban-culture of today and tomorrow.


LIVE-IN-COMMON: DOMAIN OF URBAN CULTURE ROUNDTABLE | The project aims to envision opportunities of architectural platforms through collective researches and designs conducted in Asian metropolises. Perception of public in Asia is heretofore complementary to common in comparison to westerns, in the sense of its tolerance of controllability from the authorities. And private as well, more or less, a given consciousness from the western modernization, overwritten on the common of Asia. Today, we evidently find indications and the importance of the common is arising in our cities: increasing movements to generate more flexible and human-oriented lifestyles, by overcoming contradiction between the public and the private. It is a strong challenge against old and rigid systems. The project will explore tangible city structure to intangible city culture. As the project develops, we think it may have ambiguous conclusion such as reaching to a turning points where this desirable movements fall into capitalistic money game or caught by nostalgic group dynamics.



REORGANIZATION | Imaginging Common Space | Scale-less / Site-less Act of design through deconstructing and re-organizing fundamental architectural elements to create playground for all commons.






Amazon US , Alibaba CN , Rakuten JP, Coupang KR ..., transformations that these companies have established in commercial market industry to meet the needs of suppliers and consumersB2B, B2B, C2C, C2B in ‘global’ markete-commerce have narrowed a gap between global door-to-door proximity in past two decades. And today, startups such as UberUS, Market KurlyKR, Woowa Brothers CorpKR are contentiously engaging in ‘local’ markets and individuals to meet arising demands for new living standards, cultures, and speed. Alongside with these industries’ scale of performance and adaptability of market transformations, our ‘livingto-workingor socializing to learning’ habitats are changing very rapidly as well and vice-versa. From ‘online’data-clouding / streaming platform service such as Google WorkspaceUS, DropboxUS, YoutubeUS, NetflixUS to co-working ‘space’ platform service such as WeWorkUS, FastFiveKR, Justco SG, these variegated dimensions of platforms, whether it is virtual or physical platform, are shaping how we communicate, how commute, how we interact and how we think, socialize, work, and live today.


While our daily habitats and city-scapeswhether its generic or are adopting to this huge leap toward economical environment, the project &lt;Playground : Imagining Common-Spaces&gt; asks how we can shape our common-space of the in-between realm- to provide, from house to city scale, a bunch of real place for real people and real thingsAldo Van Eyck in today’s urban ecology.

planned structure and network

Project &lt;Playground : Imagining Common-Spaces&gt; imagines collection of distinct forms/figures which stimulates creativity of common space for all users in today’s urban ecology to human environment. The projects situates on the contour of two biased topographical approach; 1. Commonality adopts itself in validity of today’s global/local market environment. 2. Shaping of common spaces validates creativity of users in today’s market economy or capitalism tyranny.


02 PLAYGROUND AS COMMON SPACE, COMMON SPACE, PLACE FOR CREATIVITY. Common space, may be a domain for communication and socialization can be shaped in various forms, programs and scales. &lt;Playground : Imagining Common-Spaces&gt; investigates potential space orders and organization of the common space. Process of designing ‘Playground’ is not to determine right or wrong of the former; inclusive planning in accordance with regulations such as guidelines, design standards, policies, etc., nor generic forms driven by economical and political demands. But through ‘process of reorganization and assembly’ of urban ecologyenvironment, social and economic contexts and spatial/ architectural fundamentals, we propose possible forms of new common space optimized for our urban culture,

living habitat in empirical and contextual anatomy. Furthermore, as today’s approach toward design relies on pursuing uniformed and comprehensive “development” rather than radical ecology of urban/ anthropologic metabolism, &lt;Playground : Imagining Common-Spaces&gt;projects to exhibit congruity in between exquisite cognition of practical space and on the other end, purely imaginative forms. Through this form finding process of the common 01&amp; 02 space, we hope to visualize how we are able to portray IMAGE &quot;Leaf-Tree, importance of composing notion of the place and 1. House-City&quot;, Aldo context where potential of individuals can imagine van Eyck and create new common/social space and relations, 2. Photo courtesy of Amsterdam not driven by economically driven global-local market. City Archive


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03&amp; 04

IMAGE 3. Hanam Misa District, Urban Development for 38,000 Household, 2009~2015 (ongoing) google earth : 6823m

2. Sibum Apartment , Urban Development for 1,578 Household, 1970~1971 google earth : 2464m



Project departs from anatomy of making decision from our th &#39;scale-less&#39;. Derived from the condition, we are free to &#39;scribble&#39; a space /or/ an objet of &#39;imaginative visual playground&#39;, in occurre design habits.

As if we are to reminisce different conditions of thoughts and experience friction triggering us to make decision to &#39;tip-toe / or / blaze&#39; around in are portraying the playground of our thoughts and interpretati

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houghts to design precisions. Project is currently &#39;site-less&#39; and &#39; or precisely &#39;articulate&#39; basic forms and movements to &#39;design&#39; ence to our distinct respondence and articulation/sense of our

ns tickling on the fringe of our thoughts personal experience on playground n respondence to our instincts through-out the project as if we ions.



IMAGE &lt;Playground&gt;

Choi, Keun Woong (2020)

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IMAGE &lt;Playground&gt; Choi, Taesan (2020)


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Participants / Contributors

Hiroki Muto &amp; Associates


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