Level I Excursions are those which take students to familiar settings within the local area for daytime activities which expose students to risks typically encountered in everyday living or while at school and which involve local transportation either by walking, subway, city bus, school bus, or taxi. Examples of Level I Excursions: trips to museums, local parks, a local store or neighbourhood, a library, an art studio, a concert hall, a theatre, another school, or athletic facility. Parental consent for Level I Excursions is given at the beginning of each school year
Excursion Name
Date(s) and Times
(And Transportation Details)
Group Involved
Variety Village - Access Ability in Action
Wed Dec 18, 2024
Depart from TYS @ 9:15 am and return @ 12:30 pm
Students will travel in a 48 Passenger Yellow School Bus from Stock Transportation
All grade 8 PHE students and six teacher chaperones
Please note that there is no alternative programming available at school during the excursion time frame.
Group Leader and Staff Involved Cindy Scott, James McNeill, Derek Lam, and three additional teachers
Destination Address
Activity Description and Educational Rationale
Service Provider(s)
Emergency Contact Information
Approximate Cost Per Student
Please note that once you have provided consent to have your child participate on the excursion you will be charged for the expenses incurred on your child's behalf for this excursion. Where, after you have provided your consent, notice is given that your child cannot attend the excursion, efforts will be taken to avoid incurring expenses on your child's behalf for the excursion, and you will be only charged those expenses that could not be recouped.
Variety Village 3701 Danforth Ave , Scarborough, ON
Students will participate in Variety Village’s Access Ability in Action program Through this program, students will experience inclusive sport. Activities can include indoor curling, floor hockey, roller sledge hockey and a guided slalom obstacle course.
Variety Village, Stock Transportation
Please contact The York School Middle School office who will then contact teachers on site if needed
Cost includes Variety Village program fee and busing
Costs will be levied to student accounts after the excursion
Expectations of Participants
While on the trip, students are expected to continue to adhere to The York School Code of Conduct.
Cell phones are not permitted on this trip Please leave them in your locker at TYS
Special Considerations and What to Bring
Sun Protection: Where a trip involves your child being outside between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM, or the UV rating is predicted to be 3 or greater, remind parents to provide children with the following: sunscreen, hat and water bottle. Sunglasses that protect against UV-A and UV-B rays are also recommended.
DECEMBER 11th: Families must complete and return the Variety Village waiver to either Ms Sally Warren or their PHE teacher by Dec. 11, 2024, for their child to participate in the program. This waiver will be sent via email, attached to the trip date on the YorkNet calendar and through the class announcements on blackboard.
1. WATER BOTTLE: All students need to bring a water bottle
2. LUNCH: Students are required to bring their own lunch and a morning snack. There will not be an opportunity to purchase lunch during this excursion. We ask that all students exercise caution when packing snacks and are aware that people in our community have serious allergies to foods A NO NUT and NO PEANUT policy is in effect.
3. CLOTHING AND RUNNING SHOES: Students are required to wear their York Athletic clothing and clean dry running shoes. Students may stay in their York Athletic clothing for the duration of the school day.
4. PERSONAL MEDICATION: Please bring any personal medication (such as personal epipen, puffer, etc).