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Elections, from page 1

by Nancy Lee Bethea

minor political party they are registered or even if they are registered without a specific party affiliation:

Please remember, Florida is a closed primary state. This means only voters who are registered members of political parties may vote for respective party candidates or nominees for an office in a Primary Election including a Presidential Preference Primary Election.

A person can register with a party or change his or her party affiliation at any time, but in order to vote for a party candidate in an upcoming Primary Election, the person must register with that party or change his or her party by the registration deadline for that Primary Election (applicable also to a Presidential Preference Primary Election). Please see Florida Statute section 97.055 for more information.

There are times, however, when all registered voters can vote in a Primary Election, regardless of which major or

1. If all the candidates for an office have the same party affiliation and the winner of the Primary Please remember, Florida is Election will not face a closed primary state. This means only voters who are any opposition in the general election (i.e. no write-in candidates registered members of have qualified), then political parties may vote for all registered voters respective party candidates can vote for any of or nominees for an office in a the candidates for that

Primary Election including a Presidential office in the Primary Election. Preference Primary Election. 2. If races for nonpartisan (i.e., free from party affiliation) judicial and school board offices, nonpartisan special districts or local referendum questions are on the Primary Election ballot, then all registered voters, including those without party affiliation are entitled to vote those races on the ballot. At a General Election, all registered voters receive the same ballot and may vote for any candidate or question on the





PICTURED ABOVE: Aaron Bell, A.M. “Hupp” Huppman, Thomas Ford, Alyson McCullough, Jeanne H. Scott, George Spicer

ballot. If there are write-in candidates who have qualified for a particular office, a space will be left on the ballot where their name can be written.

In order to vote in the August 23 Primary Election, you must be registered. You can register online, in person, or by mail. To register online, please visit https://registertovoteflorida.gov/home. To register in person, please visit the Nassau County Supervisor of Elections office located at 96135 Nassau Place, Suite 3, in Yulee, or you may visit other voter registration agencies listed at https://www.votenassaufl.gov/voter-registration-agencies. To register by mail, please complete and sign a Florida Voter Registration Application (available at https://www.votenassaufl.gov/. Click on the “Voters” tab, then on the “Register to Vote” tab to download the application.

Please remember, the deadline to register to vote or to update your registration information for the Primary Election is Monday, July 25, 2022. Early voting will take place at five locations across Nassau

County from Wednesday, August 10, through Saturday, August 20, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, including Saturday and Sunday.

To register to vote or to update your registration information, please visit www. votenassau.org or call the Nassau County Supervisor of Elections office at 904-4917500.



County Commissioner District 2:

Aaron Bell Hupp Huppman

County Commissioner District 4:

Thomas Ford George Spicer Alyson McCullough Jeanne H. Scott

School Board Member

District 1: Jamie Deonas Shannon G. Hogue Rick Pavelock

School Board Member District 3:

David T. Dew Curtis Gaus Albert J. Wagner

School Board Member District 5:

Ashley M. Benoit Lissa Braddock

Ocean, Highway and Port Authority District 3:

Justin Taylor Scott Hanna

Ocean, Highway and Port Authority District 4:

Kyle J. Caswell Ray E. Nelson

Ocean, Highway and Port Authority District 5:

Mike Cole

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