The Classic newspaper Volume 8 Issue no. 2

Page 1

Vol. 8, No.2, January, 1992

75-40 Parsons Boulevard. Flushing, NY 11366

Townsend Harris High SChool at Queens College

Westinghouse winners announced:

Duong named finalist by NeftaU Serrano Senior Daihung Duong was named this week r , as one of40 final ists in the 5 1st annual Westing'! house Science Talent Search, and Yujuan Choy , and David Mayer placed as semi-finalists. Daihung's winning entry was in physics, while Yujuan and Dav id submitted projects in bio logy and social science. Daihung will be awarded $2000 and an allexpenses-paid trip to Washington D.C. March 5-9 to compete for scholarships ranging from $ 10,000 to $40,000. David and Yujuan are among 300 semi -fmalists sele cted from the 1,705 entrants this year. Daihung 's entry, a research project on the physical properties of polymers, was actually an outcome of his ongo ing research at Queens College . With the help ofWestinghouse advisor Susan Appel , supervising scientists Dr. M ii-iam Rafailovich and her husband Dr. Jonathan Sokolov , and phys ics teacher Phillip Jone s, Daihung studied the effects of heat on polys tyrene, more commonly known as styrofoam . "Bas ically what 1 did was take two different types of polymers and mix them together to get a blend. And, 1 found out that by heating them, they segregate; one diffuses out of the other," I explained Daihung. The crux of his projectlay in heating the blend at high temperatures in high vacuum. Since hig h vacuum ovens didn't exist, Dr. Rafailovich asked Daihung to design a special high vacuum oven to be paid for by Queens College. "I think we went through hundreds of different designs before fmally settling down to one," said Daihung. The oven, now in use at Queens College, cost over $ 1000. ''Daihung's project was at an unbelievably lhigh level," said .Ms . Appel. '1 don't think 1

know many graduate students, let alone high school students, who could do something like . that. II While Daihung's project took two years to develop, Dav id's social science study on students' use ofstudy guides and its impacton their creativity, took abou t two months to research. "By administering...a standardized test ofcreativity," said Dav id, "I discovered that there was no correlation between students' use of study guides and their creativity." Dav id, supervised by Ms. Appel, surveyed Townsend Harris students in Howard Wagner's psychology class and the Westinghouse class. Despite his success, David felt his chances of advancing as a fmalist were slim. "I think it 's very tough hav ing a social science project and expecting to go further....The problem is that about 10% of the fmalis ts have social science projects; the res t are pure science," he no ted. Last year only three of the forty fmal winners worked in the soc ial sciences. Yujuan's research into the phenotific reversibility of the Eschenicia coli mutant covered over a year's worth of work, starting after her internship at Michigan State University. There, she learned techniques in microbiology which she utilized in her Westinghouse. "I discovered that one of the phenotypes did have a phenotific reversibility, and that the others are not totally reversible," she said . Since similar spontaneous mutations occur in nature, Yujuannotes, understanding the mutations is very important in practical applications. Yujuan was supervised by Dr. Irvin Hirshfield of St. John's University and Ms. Appel. Michael Manson, Joseph Horn, and Harriette Blechman were other faculty members who worked with the Westinghouse entrants.

JPQP~lf JR~c'Cliftg -25% of the fibers used In paper Industry of the U.s. comes from recycled paper. . -A tree can be saved with each 4- foot stack of paper that Wrecycled. -150,000 trees could be saved every year If 100,000 Americans dlsc:ontlnued their Junk mall. -40 million acres of forest are destroyed each day to produce paper. -50 to 100 acres of Rain Forest are destroyed every minute of every day. -17 trees are saved with each ton of recycled paper. -There 1574% less air pollution when recycled paper Ismanufactured as opposed to paper manufactured from virgin wood pulp. -Enough omce:a~d writing paper wthrown away by Americans each year to build a wall 12 feet high from L.A. to N.Y.C. Source: Anderson.Bruce N. - editor,The Environmental Catalogue and Consumer'sGdidefor a Safe Earth, New York: Prentice Hall Press, 1990. Compiled by Olga Mazyuk

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Spring brings birds, bees - and condoms by Jennifer Mattucci The condom availability pro;gram for New York City high schools will be instituted in Townsend Harris by the beginning of the spring term along with approximately 50 other schools. Health teacher Ellen Schwartz is serving as Team Leader of the program. Students will be able to receivecondoms, which have been donated by Trojan and Ramses, from one of six staff members. The condoms will be available ten periods a week in specific classrooms, which will be posted or announced. They will also be made available to seniors at Queens College. The six staff members who volunteered for the program are Mrs. Schwartz, health teacher Keith Hanson, guidance counselor Marilyn Blier, history teacher Myron Moskowitz, Coordinator of Student Affairs Judy Beiner, and secretary Joan Starr. ''[They] sit in room, come in, they are given [two] condoms, a card [with a warning thatcondomscanbreakandleak], and they can ask questions,"said Ms. Schwartz. Teachers will also be able to refer students to resource places such as hotlines, mental health centers, or specially trained counselors. The program prom-


ises completeconfi dentiality for the students. There will be six mandatory on-going AIDS prevention lessons for students of all grades, the first in one ofMs. Schwartz's Health classes on January 29. ·T wo representatives from the Board of Education will be pres.ent to observe the class. The team includes a few students, faculty members, and Lore Wolf, motherofsenior StephanieWo lf. Students may come in as many times a week as they wish to ask for the condoms, but only two will be given per visit. All staff members taking part in the second phase of the program attended two full-day meetings mandated by the Board of Education in the middle of December held at Forest Hills High School. They were given sensitivity training to make them more comfortable with the program and therefore more helpful to the students, and information to answer students' questions. The first phase of the condom availability program began on November 26, 1991 at John Dewey High School in~rooklyn. and City-As-School in

second phase and another 50 in the third phase. All of the 120 city high schools will be participating by the end of the school year, acco rding to Schools ChancellorJoseph A. Fernandez (New York Times, 11(27/91). Ms . Schwartz admits she has some mixed feelings about the program. "I don't like to see the school taking over what 1 perceive to be pare ntal roles . The role of the school is to educate students. Since we live in a society whe re parents aren 't always able to fulfill their roles ,...since we are dealing with a viru s that is fatal, and since this is a way to reach teenagers, 1 accept it as a place where condoms sho uld be madeavailable to them," she said " People are likely to use something if it is easy to get. " I t is hoped this program will lower the number of cases of AIDS in New York City teens. The city's teenagers constitute 20% of the adolescent AIDS cases in the nation, yet only 3% of. America's teens live in the city, according to the Center for Population Options (New York DailYlYews, 11(26/91). -'This is not condom distribu- I,

Greenwich Village. Fourteen other New York City high schools joined the program in the next two weeks. There are approximately 50 schools in the

tion; it is availability," stresses Assistant Principal ofHealth and Physical Education Harry Rattein.

Environmental group launches paper recycling by Diana Tuite Everyone throws out three pounds of paper weekly, reports the Sanitation Department. To combat this waste, Students for the Preservation of the Earth (S.P.E.) and their advisor Odile Garcia instituted a school-wide recycling program in early November. The group placed recycling bins in the general office, room 216, and the teacher's room. Originally planning to place cans in every classroom, butshort on funds, the club 'set up several more stations in areas like the library and halls , and placed cartons in some classes. During lunch or after school, S.P.E. members empty the cans into a large

container outside the building. The refuse is later picked up by the Sanitation Department as part of the city's Paper Recycling Program. "Everyone will love the idea of recycling because it is different and it helps the environment. I hope students will become aware and look into it in their own community," said President' of S.P.E., Lynette Cegelski. A speaker from the Sanitation Department, John Cho, visited the organization on October 30 to prepare students for the project. Mr. Cho praised the club as one offew in flushing with such a program. Many members feel that not enough

Miss Teen N.Y.

Junior Banquet




of the students and faculty are being reached, "Some teachers still throw paper out," said junior Melina D'Amico. "We need more announcements. Teachers should collect scrap paper after exams and put it in the cans." In addition, S.P.E. has encouragedteachers to conserve paper by using both sides of sheets when making copies. Eventually, Lynette hopes to "recycle other things that we cannot now, like newspapers." The group is also responsible for the recycling ofsoda and juice cans in the cafetorium. Some members propose that in the future, S.P.E. tackle the recycling of sporks used during lunch.



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The Classic February 1991 ~

Picking u.p the pieces 1.\~L9 S""~ A fREE!

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Situation 1: You are sitting In class, and your teacher hands out relsograph sheets. As they are being passed back,you notke the sheets are long \ and wonder how you'D be able to learn aD the vocabulary on them. When ~you get your copy, however, you find that It Is only half ruled with vocabulary and the rest ls blank. What is wrong with the above situation? The fact is that the person is wasting paper. In a world where people are too lazy to recycle and our forests are so valuable, the last thing we should be doing is wasting paper. Yet rexographs are run off for briefitems that could be writtenon a blackboard, some students write on only oneside ofa sheetofpaper, and students throw out papers that are only halffilled with writing and that could be used for scrap paper. It would be easy to make multiple copies of a notice or assignments on a computer andthen use a paper cutter to separate them. It is so easy to write on both sides of a sheet of paper and to perform other small paper-saving acts. Situation 2: You are sitting In your classroom and your friend tells you she received a bad grade on her exam. She shows you her test paper, crumples it up in anger and despair, and tosses it In the garbage•. What is wrong with this situation? The fact is that the person is not recycling. We at The Classic admit to using a large amount of paper. So much paper is used up having reporters print out revised copies of their articles . Paper is used up when we print out copies to proofread. We used to feel terrible about using so much paper anddiscarding it after we were finished. Now, at least, we can do something about it. \ Students for the Preservation of the Earth has set up recycling bins in the Guidance Office. school. Members have giv~ their time and effort to make recycling boxes and To the Editor: Marilyn Blier, a basket for recyclable paper available in the lobby and other locations throughThanks for the nice article highlightGuidance Counselor out the school. Everything we need to help save the forests is virtually at our feet. ing the program at Camp Rising Sun.


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Camp Rising Sun

AIl we have to do is put th?aper we no longerne~ in the bins and SPE will do the rest. Yet people are still t?O lazy to do even this much. Americans throw out about 160 million tons of garbage a year and places to put it are running out. One would think we would be happy to recycle, yet that ,is not the case. Papers are carelessly tossed in garbage cans or even on the floor. We are pleased to say that improvements are being made by both faculty and students to• help in recycling. "and stopping th~..--waste ~fpaper." Many teachers have started using both sides of the paper to make copies of material, and teachers are making one set of copies for all of their classes to use. Fewer-rexographs are being handed 'out and mote material is being written On the board. ,Students are not only recycling, but fmding ways to use less paper. For example, instead of using a new piece of paper for a newday' sclassnctes, some students continue taking notes on the previous day's paper. We applaud the initiative and effort of thes~ People. Itis not easy to deviate from a pattern of living that one is so used to and be part of a minority that is trying to better the earth. Yet their efforts alone are not enough. We all have to take the time to pick that piece of paper up off the floor and put it in the recycling bin. We have to take those newspapers, aluminum cans, and other recyclable materials we have at home and make use of curb-side recycling. We have to decide whether or not this earth means anything to us, and if it does, then do something to help it: be clever abou t saving paper, and when we are through with it, recycle! ,~,

However, you neglected to .~ention other students who have partIcipate<!: seniors, Pia Alexander and Tasha Kersey and junior, Alexandria Bonhomme. Ninth and tenth graders who might be interested in attending the Ramp this summ~r should see ~e in th~ , u;., ~

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To the Editor: I am really enraged by the fact that the BOY'S CROSS-COUNTR Y TRACK TEAM has been completely left out from your."fall season pre~

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by Diana Tuite Twas New Year and trickumeroustests Did taunt and terrify the kids; AIl sweaty were their clammy palms, A-pounding were their lids. '

One, two! You flew through line by line, Your trusty Bic went scratchy-scratch! You left triumphantly at last A crowded bus to catch.

"Beware the Januwack, my child! That time of year when nerves are snapped, Beware the papers due and shun The frightastrous failure trap!"

"Hast thou survived the Januwack? Relax, at last my Harrisite." Oh joyous day! Yahoo! Hooray! Your last final's out of sight.

You took your powtic pen in hand, Long time the missing answers sought, So rested you in the aftermath, With ten tests still unfought.

Twas New Year and trickumerous tests Did taunt and terrify the kids. AIl sweaty were their clammy palms, A-pounding were their lids .

A haven for education Thomas Moore's ideal world was a Utopia, where nothing went wrong and everyone lived without fear. A Utopia might not accurately describe any New York City high school, but Townsend Harris is probably the closest to it. . As we walk through a metal-detector free entrance, we see graffitti-free walls and feel a sense of safety unique to our school. It is a place where students are free to learn without fearing for their lives. We are truly a place of ~ucation. Some say that safety is something that should be expected and not marvelled at, but the fact is there are very few places in New York, if any, that could make such claims of safety. A recent shooting at Thomas Jefferson High School in Brooklyn, which left one student dead, clearly demonstrates the violence that has spilled over from the streets into our schools. How is a student. who has just witnessed a peer's death. supposed to focus on leaming?How is that student supposed to aspire to great achievements, ·when going to school becomes dangerous instead of enlightening? The answer is that there is no way possible. Under such circumstances, leaving the building alive becomes the day's greatest achievement. It is reaIIy sad that so many of our feUow students throughout the city today donotexperience an education free offear. We feeIProud to go to a school where , you fear a test more than your life!

Track team neglected

view." As the captain of the team , must express the team:s deep sorro in the fact that for the last three yew ( we've received absolutely no suppc from any part ofthe school.not to me tion extremely minimal coverage I the school "media."All this despite tl fact that we've consistently outpe formed all the other boys' athletic tear in the school... .. David Pa

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Q~lassi ~

Scnier Edilor-in-Qricf: Jennifer Dubow Edil<r-in-Qricf: Randl Korobelnlk

Rishona Fleishman

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Jennifer Mattucci

MaaqI....sporll EdIIor

N.... EdIIor

Therese Ferguson

DaihlDlg Duong

Fature Edflor

ComPululLa,_1 Edllor

Jennifer Sorowitz

January Angeles, Olga Mazumewicz

AlIIbtul Featur"'Cempuler EdIlGr

Co-fllotl1Inphl EdIIort

Pead Otan

Stenhanie Wolf lui_ Muqer

Art EdIlGr

Sallrji.agd!, Diana Tuite .1 ...... EdI.....

Readels are InYiled to submit'-rs 10the edlor. L_shouldbeplaced InMs.Cowen's. mailbox In the geIl8IlII oIllce. 1M C.....c 18S8rvM the right 10edit .. Iettera. Letters must Include name and oIllclal class,Names wtthheld upon18q.-t.

Stacey Gluck

Etoduo.... EdI....

~ Aleerna Bacchus, Massandje Bamba, Jennifer Otau,.Joanne Douvogiannis, Adam Farron, Johanna Fausto, Jennifer Fitzgerald, Lany Friedman, Matthew Gilgoff, Stacey Gluck, Matthew Goldstein,

Latasha Greene, Kathy Hennanowski, Laura Hummel, Zina Izrael, Kelly Jones, Wendy Lame, Jason Leder, Sally Magdi, Olga MazyUk. Beth Mellow, Shalene Moodie, Jose Olivera, Kristina 01I0Il, Verusha PlI1czynski, Ishle Yi Parle, Shamika Samuels, Tara Seary, Neftali Serrano, Sarah Tranml, Diana Tuite, Donna Weiss, AmyYan ~ m : Phoebe

Dallal, loanna Drescher, Alison Gabriele, Hadar (Jackie) Hellman, Brannie Jones,

Beverlie Leano, Michelle Lockwood, Vicki Soffer, Danielle Tropea

Corrections: TheClassicapologizes for the foUowing errors in the November, 1991 issue: Junior President Jetmifer Teodoro's name was omitted from the student government cox, We did not note John Hynes' new position as Queens College Liaison. Conor Kilpatrick's name was misspelled and the Boys' Cross-Country Track Team was omitted from the fall season preview.

~ Cannon

Otu, David Iankelevich, James Kim, Bikkei Law, Vinh Nguyen, Timothy Nolan,

Maria Skrepetos, Teresa Tse, Ritzel Tuazon, Cynthia Wong, Amy Van TXPine and Business Staff: Ann Carroll, Jennifer Chau, DanieUa Coleman, Sabrina FlI1cone, Olga Mazyuk, Roxanne Ryan, Felicia Vinci, Tara Weinstein, Janice Yee Prindpll1: Dr. MlI1co1m Largmann

Advisor: nsa Cowen

. . ':-


The Classic ,.,February 1991


Showtime for Magic by Neftali Serrano The shockwaves of the "M agic announcement" were profound. Families ate their dinners and watched television while the man they knew as Earvin Johnsonproclaimedhimselfyet anothervictirn of the AlDS-HIV virus. But to the viewers it didn ' t matter what the disease was called; what mattered was that a supposed untouchable was infected with a disease many of them thought was for homosexuals and prostitutes, not for a man whose magic had carried hiffi through a stellar II-year career in professional basketball. Surely the "Magic announcement" struck a sensitiv~ chord in the heart of mainstream Am~rica. But what happens if the magic fades away? There have been the Liberacis and the Rock Hudsons, big names who in the past have opened up America's eyes to the growing epidemic of the Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome; or perhaps it was just a blink. These names were soon forgotten, or etched into the minds of Americans as just exceptions. They were homosexuals, people said; it can't happen to me. Then carne .Magic, with his smile, his ease, and his promise to be a lighthouse for young people everywhere in the fight against this almost mystical

disease. Already his impact has been felt more greatly than that of any other m V.victim, partly because he is alive and speaking openly of the disease he has contracted, but mostly because he is Magic Johnson and because he is a heterosexual. Now the former NBA player faces his greates t challenge ever. He must not let the magic fade away. When he was on the court, the spotlight went where he went, but now offthe court he must create his own spotlight As a self-proclaimed spokesman of safe-sex, Johnson will have to capitalize on his notoriety and charisma to infiltrate the very consciousness ofthe increasingly sexually active adolescents of America. Plainly stated, is a teenager going to think of Magic Johnson on a Friday night when he or she is faced with the all-too-common decision, to do 'it' or not to do 'it'? That may take magic. Magic's fight, however, cannot be solo for it to be effective. As he well knows, the only way to win is to playa team game. This team should be comprisedoforganizationswiththeprominence, power and monetary means of the NBA, professional athlete organizations, private corporations and perhapsmostimpqrtantIy, thefederalgovernment. M~gic is simply the point

guard. Johnson's burden should also include more than just advocating safe sex. He will have to dispel misconceptions . about the disease and inculate solid reasons into the minds of teenagers for no t seeking the kind of lifestyle that can put you at risk of contracting the AIDS virus - the kind of lifestyle that may have cost him his life. It is a task which, considering the invincibility most adolescents feel, is profoundly difficult. Americans should ask themselves why it has to take a Magic Johnson to create enlightenment about a disease , when the disease is one that should force enlightenment from its own potency and impact on society. It once took a young Len Bias to edify American society as to the authenticity of an increasing drug problem among adolescents and young adults. Len Bias never got the chance to be a spokesman against illegal drugs, or for that matter, was never able to grace the courts like Magic Johnson once did. One thing is for sure: the statistics are overwhelmingly against Magic Johnson, both in battling AIDS and in getting his message across to many of his younger fans. It's almost rerniniscent of his Orange Slice commercial,

Mystery performances highlight winter concert by Jennifer Chsu Twelve caroling teachers, a flute duet by "mystery faculty," and a dancing principal were some of the attractions of the Winter Concert The Chorus and the Concert Band also performed on December 12 at 7:00 PM. in the caI fetorium. Hosted by senior Dien Taylor, the concert began with the "English Carol Festival" played by the band under the direction of Adam Alter. Other band selections included Tchaikowsky's "Dance of the Reed Flutes" and "Irish Tune From County Derry" by Percy Grainger. Stephanie Wolf, senior, conducted "Maoz Tzur, ' a traditional

tune arranged for the band by Mr. Alter. The C lassie's very own advisor Ilsa Cowen and physical education teacher Larry Ceraulo surprised the audience with their hidden talents, playing a flute duet by G.F. Telemann. Mr. Ceraulo came back later to play saxaphone with the band. The Chorus, directed by Dorothy Savitch, followed with a variety of songs, some on the holiday theme. Vocal Soloists included Jennifer Bersamin, Asha Mahoney, Desiree Morgan, and NiH Resnick. Jennifer accompanied herself on the piano as she sang, and junior Alison D'Amico played the solo flute part in

a Shubert song. Two more "mystery faculty" membersrevealedtheir identities when Latin and French teacher Thaddeus Ferguson and Latin.and Greek teacher Richard Russo performed an operatic duet, "Solenne in quest' ora" by G. Verdi. Just when everyone thought all the evening's surprises had been sprung English teacher GeorgetteWallace and Principal Malcolm Largmann got up and danced to the "Variation Overture" by Clifton Williams played by the band with Mr. Alter on clarinet. For the grand Grand Finale, twelve teachers and staff members sang Townsend Harris's vers ion of ''The Twelve Days of Christmas."Instead of receiving turtledoves, golden rings, and a partridge in a pear tree, their "true love" gave them 40-minute jogs, nagging teachers, heavy textbooks, and hissing roaches. Eyeryone's favorite seemed to be the Grand Fmale. . "I t was funny when the teachers sang individual parts. It was really good,"

where he makes a basket without look- cour t But as Johnson responds in the ing and the announcer says, "Betcha commercial, ",Watch me. " can'tdothatagain."So say many ofhis We will be watching.Now it really is critics, who claim he will not be able to showtime. duplicate his 'on-court feats off the

Youths must fight racism by Matthew Gilgorr Genocide is the most horr ible crime. Adolph Hitler came very close to achieving his goal to eradicate entire peoples. I myselfbelieved that darkest age in history could never be repeated. I have been involved in heated debates attempting to refute even the possibility that such a racist tyrant could come to power again. But the Louisiana gubernatorial elections made me pause and think. David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan, ran for governor of Louisiana and put a scare in all moral Americans. He came close but did not manage to win. Strangely, I felt limited relief in the outcome of this election. Duke won the white vote, thereby proving to me that under the right conditions, a blatant racist can flourish in the government. He also made me realize how common racist feelings are in America. It must be accepted that while there are no Grand Wizards in high American political positions, people sharing the attitudes of David Duke unquestionably are. Let's face it, if an admitted former

commented freshman Toyya Meyers . . Dr. Largmann, ameng many others, thought it was the best concert Townsend Harris has ever had. ''The band is getting better every time I hear them. The chorus group I have now is

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~:2::.~::~:::. ever worked

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Susan Appel. the new Assistant Principal of Mus ic, was very happy with SURP RISE PERFORMERS: Principal Malcolm Largmann and English the performance."I thought it wasreally wonderful. It was really fun," she said. teacher Georgette Wallace waltz at the Winter Concert.



KKK leader who does not hide his past can come so close to winning an important political election, surely with a little clever concealment, a racis t could go anywhere. But what can I do with this realization? Where can I go with it? After all, I'm not even old enough to vote. But I'm at least smart enough to become informed, as are all Townsend Harris students. Ifmost adults in the world are too lazy, or too busy to ferret out racism in the government and battle it, then why shouldn't students fill the role'! We 'c an campaign against the racists, and expose them to the voting population which makes the fmal decision. David Duke may have lost, buthe has already announced his intentions to run for the presidency. He will not go away, nor will the racism and hatred which surrounds him. If the task of challenging racism on anational scale is too great, remember, there is hate and prejudice all around us, in our neighborhoods, at home, and even in our school. All of our efforts will make a difference.


. The Classic February 1991

Smoke-out day encourages.kicking the hab by Zina Izrael Non-smokers participating in the annuaiNational Smoke-Out Daymade theirwaythroughthehallsoITownsend Harris on November 22, encouraging smokers to refrain from cigarettes at least for thatday.Coordinatedby health teacher Ellen Schwartz, the day's events aimed at helping some people break their habit, and educating all students on the risks of smoking. . Students paraded up and down the stairs with stickers stating "Kiss me, I don' t smoke" attached to their foreheads, noses. cheeks. thighs. behinds, arms, binders. schoolbags. shirts. and even shoes. Pamphlets were circulated throughout the school informing students of the perils of smoking. A coffin and a skeleton were placed in the hallway near the office. A special Enrichment featured English and Latin teacher Thomas Sweetin and guest speaker Sara Kaufman. Coordinator of Smoking Cessation for the Queens branch of the American Lung Association. Mr. Sweetin revealedthe details of his battle with smoking-induced lung disease to a roomful of students in the .library. He had started smoking in his early teensandhadbeen achainsmoker

down my throat, a tube up my nose•... an ice water blanket becausemy temperature had gone up to 106 degrees Farenheit. .. I thought I was a gonner.... I put rol .~ a healthy body under a 35-year assault," said Mr. Sweetin who now has an angry red scar run~ ning down his ches t to remind him of his sufferings. Once he qu it smoking, he felt as though $' there was a "whole othe r world out there." According to Mr. Sweetin, his colleagues even GAAPHICALLY DESCRIBING his dam- thought he smelled better. "Smoking is an incredible aged lungs, English teacher Thomas ::;weetin shared his smoking experiences addiction and one should have with students. a lot of compassion for those up until this summer. Ten years ago he trying to stop," said Sarah Kaufman in had the "scare of his life" when his her talk. Shepresented students with a lung had collapsed. This event, how- film depicting second-hand smoke as a ever. did not deter him from smoking. miscreant with wicked intentions. This past summer. Mr. Sweetin's Junior Vikki Buza expressed pessilung collapsed again. The doctors man- mism over the likelihood of smokers aged to "cut out the damaged parts of quitting on Smoke-out Day. "I don't both lungs." Using an X-ray of one of think the school can do anything. It's his lungs as illustration, Mr. Sweetin really up to the individuals who want graphically pointed out that there.had to quit smoking." she said. been "gobs of tar sunk into the craters However, according to an article in of the lungs." After having been TheNewYorkTimesonNovember21. "stapled" back together. he had tubes "Every year 1.3 million Americans going in and out of him. "I had a hose join the ranks of former smokers, who

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now number more than 36 million." In addition, the article reports researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles have shown that smokers who choose to qui t on the American Cancer Society's Great American Smokeout Day ha ve a relatively high degree ofsuccess. Their study showed that of those who quit on Smokeout Day, 25% were still off cigarettes a . year later. Cancer, emphysema, and heart disease are just a few of the m any diseases that may arise within a habitual smoker's body. These problems may seem too far away and too unreal to deal with at a time when poor health for most teens is not a big issue and smoking is socially accepted ... or is it? Many public places now prohibitsmoking. often forcing smokers to step ou tside for a few puffs. "When I had two classes backto back on the second floor, I was able to make

it to the porch and back for a COl drags in between. Everythin! planned so I got my drags,' Mr.Sweetin. Smoking is no longer conside graceful an act as it had been yew Yellow teeth, "zoo" breath, ar presence of mucus and phlegi typical side-effec ts ofsmo king a usually not thought of as being glamorous. The addic ted smoke often find him or herself perfoi thi s "glamorous" act in seclusi the ne arest restroom when ask smo ke elsewhere.

'Junior banquet, junior banquet, yeah!':

Organizers rap. to promote dinner dance by Donna Lin Weiss The Junior Banquet will take place at Bruno's on the Boulevard in Jackson Heights on May IS, from 8-12 P.M. .The sit-down dinner will include an appetizer. salad, a main course with roast chicken, dessert, and unlimited soft drinks. Tickets cost $30. Juniors Christine Marrero and MelissaParlefsky are the studentchairpersons of the committee for the banquet. They're involved with collecting deposits. booking the place, and promoting the event. Christine invemted the "rap advertisement" which was heard throughout the schopol, informing the students of the affair, "All the work is worth it." Otherjuniors that are helping with the banquet include Sohini Chowdhury, Kenny Hom. Taryn Julius, Randi Korobelnik, Ingrid Lemmey, Enrique Maitlin, Jason Pensky, Kalen Tubridy, and Marie Y arisantos. "One thing that the committee was very dedicated to was keeping the price as ~w as possible, and making sure we getthe mostforour money."said Arthur Boulanger, Program Coordinator and the faculty advisor assisting with the banquet. "We don't want anyone to be excluded because of the price." The $30 cost per ticket can be paid in three installments of $10 each . Townsend Harris students had to have their first two deposits in by Janu ary 16. Tickets for outside guests can be purchas ed until March 16.

According to Mr. Boulanger, the price is cons iderably lower than most junior proms cost five years ago. "Bruno's is giving us a deal. It's a great-looking place. with good food. and it's affordably priced," he said. Principal Malcolm Largrnann believes the Junior Banquet is a "very nice idea. The price is reasonable, so the activity can include any of those juniors who want to attend." The Student Leadership class, under the direction of Judy Biener, Coordinator of'StudentAffairs, has assisted in planning the affair. and studentcoordinators, as well as faculty advisors, are all helping with the organization. Ms. Biener claims she hasn't "done a thing. The students have taken the initiative to organize it and they're very determined to make it work." The Leadership class had decided against calling the evening a "Junior Prom." "We don't want anyone to feel obligated to bring a date, and the word "prom" implies that you should bring a date." explained Mr. Boulanger. The Leadership class plans oil hearing and screening demo tapes of the prospective disk jockeys. The committee members also welcome suggestions from the juniors for disk jockeys. To further enhance the atm osphere of the banquet, the juniors chose " Heaven On Earth," as the theme for the banquet, and " Ear th Angel" was chosen as the theme song .

said "I hope many teachers will take attend. "I think a junior banquet The organizers of the Banquet have this opportunity to show their support like a junior prom. and we a entered a contest in Sassy magazine in hopes of winning a $5000 gift certifiand have fun with the junior class.." Dr. have an Awards Dinner everj Largmann encourages teachers to at- We 'Ilhave apromnextyear.vs, cate towards decorations. favors and tend. for he feels the banquet is "a junior who wishes to remain I invitations for the event. The committee worked frantically to social event for students and teachers mous. Other juniors are fully in favc alike." English teacher Georgette get enough deposits by November 7, Christine and Melissa said. "When we Wallace has already paid the deposit Ingrid Lemmey, Junior Vice-Pre ofthe StudentGoveriunent, feel for her ticket. were supposed to have fifty deposits The chaperones for the event include Junior Banquet is in no way within two days, we thought it would be impossible, But so many people Eng lish teachers Debra Michlewitz, away from the senior prom. It' s: HelenRizzuto, Judy Biener, and Arthur formal dance where juniors wil came through, proving that our class has enough spirit and support to make Boulanger. and Spanish teacher Ilene enjoy themselves." this work, Everyone's been so terrific Marcus. The committee held a bake Junior Matt Mandell's views , and eager to make this happen!" sale, with the profits going towards the with those of Ingrid's. "I thin! cost of the dinners of the chaperones. good idea to have something Ii Christine said. Amidst all the excitement, there are after your junior year becad Mr. Boulanger agrees . "This is the those who feel indifferent or negative Townsend Harris. your junior firs t time in a long time that a class has about the event and are not planning to more likesyour sen ior year," he showed so much willingness .to participate in something such as this," he -:-:;~~ . . fi) ., said. "It's really amazing. especially ~. ' ,.. " , . :,,~:; the number of people that committed to attend with such short notice. In the Our 16 Year Old Serv ice will r~~ past, we've hardly been able to get " 'match your quallllcaUons to financia l aid ~' G) ,I ...... students to commit to something, es- '. .,..- L:1II.. sou rce s us ing computers .~ 'Q~ '0 j pecially when money is involved." \~ .... RESUI,.TS • • • CUARANTEED! ::''',.... I :" .. ,.::7~ Within two days. over seventy deposSend Today f or Frea Inlormallon " m...~ . G\ I its were received for the banquet, a lot Please Send This Coupon To: more than was expected by the comFINANCIAL AID RESEARCH SERVICES I ~: ~ mittee. "We were really sUl"J'."ised to 34-071 11 Sl reel, CorOlla, New York 11368 l ' .~ ~~-(l get such an enthusiastic response." or CALL' 1-800-8 ;72-1221 Extension 2067 Melissa said. Their goal was to get at ~BJ·~~§: Name of Student _ least 125 people to attend and "__' ently, they have already succeeded. Clly Siaia • Zip _ M any members of the faculty are Telephone Number _ _' excited about the banquet as well. High Schoof AUendlng Year In School _ Myron Moskowitz, history teacher.

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The Classic February 1991

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Workshops, dance capture Founders' Day spirit by Kathy Hermanowski & Jason Leder An Indonesian dance performance. square-dancing. and avisit by the radio station WNSR were all part of the annual Founders' Day celebrationsheld at Townsend Harris and Parsons Junior High School on November 22. "Founders' Day is the most important event on the school's calendar. It links us with the past and our goals for the future," said Principal Malcolm Largmann at the eighth annual ceremony at Parsons auditorium. Ngozi Efobi, President of the Senior Class, guided the new students through the recitation of the Ephebic Oath, the pledge taken by ancient Greeks and modern Townsend Harris youths to serve their community and leave it "greater" than they found it. Julie Chan. a graduate from Townsend Harris in 1988, told the new students that "Townsend Harris High

has given you much and much will be librarian; and Michael Manson. his- York City. Through dance. her own coordinatedby English teachers Raquel narrative, and some pantomiming, Ms. Chung and Helen Rizzuto. Health expected from you," and that they tory teacher. . Burton acted out an Indonesian fairy teacher and Enrichment Coordinator should strive to serve the community. tale. The dancer, striving to look like Ellen Schwartz and English teacher " a true Indonesian villager. was bare- Deborah Michlewitz ran the square don't delay." she said. Ron Scapp, Director of the College While new Harrisites and represen- foot and wore a green silk outfit, golden dancing workshop. and many students Preparatory Program at Queens Col- tatives of various student groups at- anklets and a scarfthat was tucked into said that they enjoyed it. Another workshop run by Assistant lege, Mort Lisser, President of the tended the ceremony, upper classmen her belt while its ends hung down from Townsend Harris Alumni Association, followed a special program in the high thesideofherbody. She portrayed the Principal of Mathematics Harry Ratand Sam Hess, Parent-Teacher Asso- school building. All classes began the differentcharacters in the story by con- tien, consisted of musical presentaciation Representative also addressed day by reading a biographical sketch stantly changing her mask and her hat. tions. Junior Ore Carmi • an awardthe audience. Jason DeLeo, junior, of the schocl?s original 'founder Some of the hats were decorated with winning composer, was greeted by over recited his poem. 'The Moon." Townsend Harris, and discussed his golden beads and long flowing tassels. three minutes of aIJplause before playMusical presentations played an many accomplishments. ' Students The masks. were painted with bright ing a selectionofclassical music on the piano. Juniors Ofir Isaac.Oliver Ivanisi, important part in this year's ceremony. wrote poems about teachers, and ex- colors and were very detailed. The highlight of the dance presentaand Jason Deleo, who had never played The National Anthem was sung by . arnined letters written by famous tion came when the dancer put on the together before. formed a band and Desiree Morgan, sophomore, accom- alumni and principals of the former mask of an ugly woman who thought performed rock classics such as Jirni panied by trumpet player Damian Townsend Harris High which existed she was beautiful. She then went around Hendrix's "Purple Haze." Ofir played Young. senior. Jennifer Gabriel and in Manhattan. • hugging and kissing boys in the crowd. guitar. Oliver was on vocals, and Jason Heidi Wong, seniors, performed on In their third band classes, students Oneoftheboyswhowaskissed,junior played bass. the piano. Band instructor Adam Alter shared items representative of their Another activity sponsored by played a bass clarinet solo accompa- varied cultural heritages. Donna Lin Rob Liff, said, "When I wanted to be an actor. this was not what I had in WNSR (105.1 F.M.) gave some stu: niedby piano player Robert Lanaghan. Weiss, junior. brought in a dreidel, a mind." dents the chance to learn more about The ceremony concluded with the top-like toy played with during the Mr. LaPlante accompanied Ms. the media. A story-telling workshop, Townsend Harris Chorus Jewish holiday of Chanukah, and Burton on his home-made instruments. led by English teacher Georgette tl singing a piece by Schubert taught other students how to play with He made one from a hubcap while Wallace, encouraged students to share '~ and the Alma Mater, which it. Junior Nicole Whittington brought another was a xylophone m~de out of tales th'~tha~~ been or will be passed was written by Ervin Drake. in Panamanian dolls, Chemistry and wooden pipes. I down through their families. Townsend Harris '32. Physics teacher Adel Kadamani. who Afternoon workshops included oriA dance from 1:30 P.M. to :0 Many faculty members is from Lebanon, brought in homegami, musical presentations, story-tell3:30 PM. brought an end to the day's were involved in organiz- made bread and a type of sweet sauce ing, square dancing. ~dmedia, among celebrations. "It was a much- needed ~ ing the event, including As- called "debes be tahini.' o others. Origami. the Japanese art of change from the everyday that keeps ] sistant Principals Malcolm An Indonesian dance was performed e, Rossman, SheilaOrner, and, in two shifts irrthe. gymnasium by paperfo,!diJlg, w,as.a"wor~~p lc:db.Y.r ,O~h s~hoo\ from ~ bec.?ming CHORAL DIRECTOR Dorothy Savitch leads Lynne Greenfield; Judy Bi- dancer Deena Burton and her accorn- junior Susan Cho, and sophomores tiresome and surprisingly enough, it musical performance at Founders' Day as- ener, Coordinator of Stu- panyingmusician.SkipLaPlante.from SeanDougherty.EliseHines.Maryum was actually cool," said junior Erik sembly. dent Affairs; Valerie Billy, the Bali-Java Dance Center in New Khwaja, and Chris Musarra, and was Abad.






Teen talk show to airin March by La Tasha Greene and Tim Nolan Members of the Journalism and Student Leadership classses may see themselves on T. V. in March when WNYW/Channel 5 tests a new talk show aimed at young adults. The Journalism class, their teacher, lIsa Cowen, and Carole Ries, parent of sophomore Michele Ries, participated in a taping on October 18, and the Student Leadership class, with their teacher Judy Biener and Humanities Assistant Principal Lynne .Greenfield, attended on October 21. According to TheNew YorkPost (l{3/92), 'The Jane Pratt Show" will run for 13 weeks only in New York from 5-6 P.M. weekdays before Fox decides if it will be shown in syndication nation-wide. Jane Pratt, editor of Sassy magazine, was chosen as host because of her experience in dealing with issues that concern young adults. The talk show was set up in a forum style for audience participation, and several Townsend Harris students spoke on camera.. Audience members. which included students from several schools. were encouraged to make comments from the moment the guests on the stage made their first statements. The comments were shouted from every comer of the audience and students were calling out "Jane! Jane! "because before the taping began, Jane stated. "We don't like politeness. so just call out my name if you have something to say." The controversial topic of discussion for the October 18 taping was homosexual men involved with heterosexual women. There was much audience participation. "Who are we to say that homosexual-


ity is wrong? Who are we to decide? It's up to each person to decide what 's right for them." said sophomore Robyn Herman. "Signs of ignorance towards homosexuIii ality are a tragedy in our educaion system because we are not taught about homo:I: sexuality at a young age before it is too late," said Stacey Gluck, sophomore. ~ "God is used to help understand each other, not to use against each other. How dare you use God on your side?" asked sophomore Kristina Olson in response to a girl in the audience who said that gay . NEW TALK SHOW HOST Jane Pratt meets With Jourd 1 ed G d be d peop e ne e 0 to cure. na ,.Ism stu d ents at FOX St ud'lOS. Ann e N or throp, an ed ucator on h omosexuality and AIDS who was invited and seated in portant issues connected with the topic. "Condoms the audience, also responded to the girl's statement, and AIDS were two subjects that should have been saying. "It's sad that people have this animosity discussed." said Ron Carroll, sophomore. towards homosexuals. It is also sad to bring up God "She [Ms. Pratt] talked too long with the guests to promote hate. God is love." instead of allowing adequate time for students to ask The topic of the show the Student Leadership . questions. Her style ofhopping around the audience class attended was changing one's way of dressing was juvenile. She harped on questions that caused to please a boyfriend or girlfriend. Many students uproars while sacrificing important issues that were expressed the view that this episode was nothing less controversial. She failed to follow up with relemore than a fashion show and that it insulted their vant questions related to homosexuality such as intelligence. They also thought it reinforced the AIDS [and] safe sex. She didn't give the only expert stereotype that teenagers are unable to think of in the audience enough air time. thereby taking the anything else besides clothes and hair. sole professional element away from the show." While reactions expressed in the journalism class said Eugene Chan, sophomore. discussions were mixed. most students thought the Whether either of these two pilot episodes will be show was a bit too chaotic. 'The discussion jumped aired reamins to be seen. Fox Studios has refused to around too much. and no issues were explored in reveal any other information. If they are. Townsend depth," said Michele Ries. There was also a general Harris studentsjustmightsee some farniliarfaces on agreement that Ms. Pratt overlooked the most im- television in March.





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PTA sponsors food, testlvltles by Jennifer Chau International Night, an event sponsored by the Parent-Teacher Association, took p'lace in the cafetorium on December 19. The festivities included food from around the world. Dr. Largmann felt International Night was very warm, congenial, and even family-like. He attributed the small attendance to the inconvenience of the date. "More people would have come if it were earlier in the month. Everyone was busy preparing for the holidays." he said. "It was a great idea, but it wasn't publicized enough," said Susan Hess. a parent. This was the first year the program was not run in conjunction with the Foreign Language Department. ''What happened," said Mr. Puglisi, Co-president of the P.T.A ....was the Foreign Language Department last year ...wanted to run its night during Foreign Language Month [March]. and we went along with it last year ....The emphasis of the Foreign Language night lastyear was on the entertainment rather than the food. and we wanted to put an emphasis on the food." The P.T.A. therefore decided to hold their International Night in December. The Foreign Language night will again take place in March. ' ... .. " , ,~'" t ~r,.



The Classic February,1991 .

n Alumni Association re-establishes alma mater by SaUy Magdl ' "It seems almost inevitable that TownsendHarrisHighSchoolwillclose its doors forever in June 1942 ." Th ese words, written in a letter to the students ofthe original Townsend Harris High, marked the end of the 92-year-old school for gifted boys, which was established by the fIrst American ambassador to Japan, Townsend Harris. The school closed as a result of insufficient funds when New York City mayor Fiorello LaGuardia decided to cut the budget of the school by $100,000. But now, after 49 years, Towns end Harris is once again not only alive, but celebrating its eighth Founders' Day. Townsend Harris owes its rebirth in 1984 to the vision and enthusiasm of its Alumni Association, whose members loved their old schoo l too much to accept its demise . TIlls "nostalgic organization" -was established in 1980 by Irving Ger ber, graduate of TownsendHarris in 1939. Mr. Gerber posted ads in local newspapers announcing his idea to organize the associat ion. "There was a certain mystique about Townsend Harris that made all of us]the , alumni] very proud to have graduated from there,".Mr. Gerber said. "We all talked about our memories of the school,

e, Despite deskless

The long search for an appropriate against the original school. college ended with a stroke of luck. At After the approval of Townsend Harthe same time the alumni wanted to re- ris, a principal was needed to organize establish To~ndHarris, Saul Cohen, the new school. The Board of Education president of Queens College, was given chose Dr.Malcolm Largmann, the Chairthe responsibility to create a new school. man ofthe English Department at Samuel "We presen ted the idea of Townsend 'J. Tilden High School , for the position. Harris to Dr. Cohen and he was very One of the first tasks that Dr. Largm ann excited about the projec t," Mr. Shereff faced was the hiring of staff members explained. with the help of Dr. Haan. "We were A curriculum was designed by a looking for versatile teachers who liked committee of people from the Board of to work with adolesc ents and worked Education and Queens College. As in the well underpressure, " Dr.Largmann said. previous Townsend Harris, a vigorous. After the applicants were intervie wed, course of studies including English, social twelve teachers were chosen, along with studies, foreign and classical languages, Assistant Princ ipal for Organization mathematics, and science, was incorpo- Malcolm Rossmann, Assistant Princip al ,rated into the curriculum; computer tech- for Academics Bernice Horowitz, and nology was to be a new addition. The Assistant Principal of Guidance Shiela committee met with the Board of Educa- Orner. tion, where Townsend Harris rece ived a "Since 1 attended Bronx High School tremendous amount of suppor t from of Science which was the only thing 1was Chancellor Anthony Alvarado. Finally really proud of as akid,l thought it would after a 5-1 vote, the re-establishment of be interesting to become involved in the Townsend Harris was approved. re-establishment of a high school that Townsend Harris became Townsend was similar to the school 1 attended," Mr. Harris at Queens College with Dr. RobCrt Rossman commented. "I always wanted Haarias the 'lilUsOri: be tween -me ' ~o to' Write a bSok; it's 3lmo'st as ifi wrote a schools, Dr. Haan 'served in this' position ' schoo L" " !y, t ' J'- i < , ' " ';; until his retirement from the post last', In late May, the selection process for year. "The ideal result of the collabora- students commenced. Dr.Largmann, Mr. tion would be the characteristic high Rossman, and some of the new teachers buttherewl!Snoorganization!!tat ~o~ghtt schQot ,emph.asis on students and ~e interviewed applicants a.t Queens Col~ the 'alumni together." , if,:;,' .. <l~ -, • cfhJacteristic'colIege erriphas~, on ' sub.-.. lege. Students were expected to be able ~ Within a short time, Mr. Gerber re- ject matter," Dr. Haan said. articulate their thoughts clearly. An onceived 100 responses to the ads. Those ThoughTownsendHarriswasapproved site essay tested how quickly students 100 men became the nucleus of the or- by the Board of Education, it was not . could think and how well they could ganization. About three years after the accepted by the community. Principals write.

by Jennifer Sorowitz ment and a challenge, one "This kind of school is an answer to the were willing to face. David Dukes of the world," said Global "Very few people are give History teacher Myron Moskowitz, ex- tunity to create a ne w scho plaining one of the reasons he and four- Largmann, teen other faculty members became in"I came to Townsend Han volved with the re-est ablishment of though t it would be a ch Townsend Harris seven years ago. ''The becaus e 1respect Dr. Largrne mission [of the school] was to provide a ship," said Dean Wanda Ni humaniti es education for high achieving merly worked at Tilden f. and highly motivated students from all with the principal. five boroughs," he said. Ms. Appel came "to tI) This education was to provide "for completely different." Bern people who are going to live by the itz, the former Chai rman of 1 Ephebic Oath, enfusing a civic sense of was attracted to the school responsibility," said Foreign Language " the emphasis on English , tI Chairman Joan Walsh. on enrichment and on the in Many problems plagued the school was to bej the veryfirst humar when it opened. "We had nothing when in Queens ." we started ," said Principal Malcolm "I met a person at a bridge Largmann."We had to live outofboxes." was a Townsend Harris alur ''The first day we walked in, there were , ing on the committee, and he no chairs," recalled Assistant Principal I'd like to join the school ," s ofOrganizationMalcolm Rossman. "We teacher Rhoda Weinstein, no sat on the floor for the first several weeks," Principal ofSocial Studies at said Jennifer Antosczewski, a member of Lane High School. , the frrstc lass.''There were also no books, «, During .the few .months 1 especially remember that there were no : school opened, the faculty , English textbooks.' Entire myths were Queens College to plan the • rexographed." ,. "We became very close:.m "If it was not for what teachers collec- Sheila Orner, Assistant Princi tively borrowed, we would not have been Personnel Service. "Becaus able to operate," said English teacher Arthur Boulanger. "We had no paper," , recalled Jayne Irene, secretary to Mr. Rossman. "We used carbon paper be-

establishment of the Alumni Association, the small group of men started talking about a new dream - to re-establish their alma mater. The idea was conceived by Henry P. Shereff, first president of the Alwnni Association."The idea of re-establishing

cause we had no copiers; we had to use manual typewriters [and] had to ask Parsons [Junior High School] for copiers." Since there were no computers the first year, the Word Processing class was taught with pencil and paper. "When you went ifito delete mode, you just erased,"



schools m New


and Parent Teacher Associations of different Queens schools opposed the new school, fearing its high standards would attract all the outstanding students and teachers in Queens. Also, Townsend Harris was though t to be "elitist," an accusation that had also been delivered

York $~ ~ : ' :~.Ji >t-k too~ &Jib'

Though 1,350 students applied for Townsend Harris, only those with above~verage academic scores were scheduled for the interview. Of these, 249 students were accepted into the school. Students wererated on the basisofacademic scores, which counted 60%, and the interview


mandatory that half the high

Spanish department," said Ms. Walsh .

ArtHur Boulanger 5 late : was new, we were tremendou: tive [of each other] ." "We had time during the figure out how the school wo said Ms. Appel. "We started tc each other." After the theme 0: order was decided upon, " we up everywhere," she said. When the school opened , tl freshman class of200 students of a greaternumber of girls tha, the same as it is now . ''The fir. ing class took a big risk," said ~ ''They had no idea what they w She feels that this didn't stop ' succeeding, "The )~tudents of' Harris weretso -motivated,"

The Classic February 1991


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ssroorns, bookless shelves, reborn school prevails rented. "One mom sat down and the chair collapsed," she said. "I remember carrying the chairs up and down the stairs with Ms. Mandell, in high heels," said Ms. Billy. For Ms. Walsh, "The first graduation seems to stand out." She can remember looking at the students and thinking, ~ ''They really did it! We really did it!" ~ For Lynn Alaimo, a member of the first ::Eos class, graduation was "very emotional. [It was] very touching when I heard all E the teachers say good-bye." Now the pioneer faculty are awaiting the completion of the new building that will be located on the Queens College campus. "We thought by the time they [the first class] were seniors, we would be in a new building," said Ms. Appel. She is still looking forward to the move. "It will give us more room to do the things we want to do." She will espeORIGINAL STAFF MEMBERS Sheila Orner and Susan Appel still work closely together after eight years. cially enjoy the Projects Room where . ~ experiments can be set up and left undisTheyhad the opportunity to do many thought it was a go; it was an impresssive couldn't do,' ~ative things.'" " , . venture." . ''The most memorable experience was turbed. '"There was a feeling of euphoria,',' said, Betty Marina. secretar,y to the,princi- i. th~ r1l;~~qaY; 9.f,!>riep,.tation,:'. ,~)ticn. 100. 'The pew building...Will benefit the art :etary,Joanl,Starr. •:~We, .wWe I deter-pal, attributeathe school'ssuccess to Dr. parents attended, said Ms. Orner. Due ,~ departm~nt," said Mr, Morales. In addi tined-t6make a difference in the lives of, Largmarm'sIeadership, "I knew he had it . the shortage of chairs, they -, had to be tion to a -gr ea ter amount of space and r=·tc..··i l' ';i ,:' ~. .:. ...: ~ ;) .i !.J.J~i ~ many of the city's sons and daughters inhim. I don't know if there was ariyone "r LrL "~:' . [;~" .." ", .,.,. ' , ' , .i-. we couldaccept..Wewere all exclu- else who could have made it a success .. . '}.

, equipment, "in the art wing [there will be] a terrace on which students will be able to sit and draw or sculpt during warm weather, while simultaneously experiencing the outdoors," he said. For Ms. Walsh, the fact that "each department will have its own office," is especially inviting. She also feels that the new location will help the school to "take on a more professional amb iance." Mr. Moskowitz feels that after seven years, "In many ways it [Townsend Harris] hasn' t changed. It's become established." Overall, the teachers are glad they became involved. "I can't think of any place I'd rather go," stated Ms . Orner. " I was one of the building blocks." The teachers were able to overcome the problems that faced them and managed to help make Townsend Harris a National School of Excellence. "We started with chaos, "relates Ms. Appel. "By J\D1e we had order."




lve~y dedi~ated to our students and to . like,~ did," she ~aid. , iaking a difference':' : Once you ve gotten

Members of the journalism class helped 10 research lhis·arlicle.~" i . , . " :.

, F'a"m ' '"0""U',. S" fa"ceS",f -III -=0' ' r u ' ·nd ers' D'ay

past .the skepticism... people addressed it [Townsend Harris] as an acceptable option," said Mr. Rossman.

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were there'just for us." Dr. Largmarm agreed. He said, "There were times when we thought the school Visitors flocked to the new school to would never succeed. You have to realsee how it was functioning. "We were ize that the idea of reopening the school always being watched by alumni and was established,in February of 1984, and .s'" people from the Board of Education," that in September, we had to start it. said science teacher Howard Wagner. "It Founder's Day was the realization for was like being in a giant fishbowl." ~ many people that we were actually a During the first year, everyone man::E school, and we were recognized by evos aged to become very close. "Every teacher eryone." After the Founde rs' Day ceremony, the knew every student," said Ms. Walsh. "It E two hundred students travelled back to was an everyone-knows-everyone situTownsendHarris to participate in a workation," agreed Ms. Weinstein. "The shop which required them to make their smallness in numbers coupled together own time capsules. "Each class had to with the adverse conditions we worked make a time capsule in which the con. under at the beginning helped to bond the tents represented that year at Townsend :HOOL is founding faculty member student body and staff into one working Harris. The contents were put in shoe unit," said Jo Ann Gruber, supply secreboxes, and some of the things that were The process wasn't that simple, tary. "It was fantastic to share the feeling ~ included were transportation passes, a list ofthe most popular songs, and sample .ough;there were many obstacles along of accomplishment." .. tests," said Sheila Orner, Assistant Prinheway. There was "alotofopposition to Many of the pioneer staff members cipal of Pupil Personnel Service. ownsend Harris from the other Queens have fond memories of the first year. ~ Assistant Principal of Organization chools.[They were] afraid we would be Looking back, Mr. Rossman feels, "The I Malcolm Rossman was the ' one who Irawing the best .students," said Ms. first year seemed like a weekend. The Ii thought of the time capsuleidea. "Iwanted ppel. "Parents were afraid it wasn't year just started and endedinstantly.T ~ the students to have a sense of being a ;oing tohappen. Alotofschool'sP.T.A.'s had the feeling it was the fastest time of part ofhistory, and I also wanted them to ere against it. Lots of people said it my life." to:) feel as if they were creating history," he vasn't going to open," said Mr. Ross- . The students'completionofthe first 30E said. The time capsules were not buried, ~an. . - minute jog was a memorable experience § but were saved and will be opened on a Despite these many hinderances, the for Ms. Nix. "Both their parents and the special occasion. "The reason we have Founders' Day is dents and faculty felt they would be students complained," she said, "butwhen to remind Townsend Harris High School bietosucceedincreatingthenewschooi. they did it, they cheered and congratu. students that this is a very special school. ~e problems made us stronger," said lated each other. This was a highlight for DR JONAS SALK (right) and Queens College President Saul B. Cohen I only hope they realize that," said Dr. greet guests at the very first annual convocation of the new Townsend inglish teacher and Attendance Co-ordi- me because it was such a struggle for Largmarm. Harris. ' luor Harriette Blechman. "I always them and I saw them do something they '




by Aleema Bacchus "Exciting,""exhilarating," and "memorable" was the way members of the original Townsend Harris High School staff described the first Founders' Day, which was held on October 25, 1984 in Colden auditorium at Queens College. Among the many guest speakers were Dr. Jonas Salk, inventor of the Salk polio vaccine, who was an alumnus; Rabbi Moses Rosenthal, the oldest living alumnus of Townsend Harris; Henry D. Shereff, President of the Townsend Harris Alumni Association; SauiB. Cohen,

President of Queens College; Heather Nash, a student; and Principal Malcolm Largmarm. Dr. Salk's speech was about the role of science in the future, and Heather's speech was about the significance to her, as a memberofthe recreated Townsend Harris, of upholding the traditions that were established by the original Townsend Harris. Reminiscing about the first Founders' Day, librarian Valerie Billy, said, "I think that what struck us all that day was that a few months back, we didn't exist, and on that day, all of these important people



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The Classic

February 1991

Halloween spirits, horrors haunt halls AIDS .group by Verusha Palcynski & Jennifer Fitzgerald -/ The scene was set: Cobwebs hung over classroom doors; orange and black streamers decorated the first floor, and skeletons; gypsies, rabbits and Mouseketeers walked the halls. It was Halloween, Thursday October 31. And to add to the Halloween spirit, the Student Union sponsored a dance on Friday night in the gym. Students and teachers expressed their school spirit on Halloween by dressing up in costumes. English teachers Harriette Blechman, Judy Biener, Debra Michlewitz, Lynne Greenfield, Georgette Wallace, Paula Wayne and Principal Malcolm Largmann dressed up as Mouseketeers. Eight juniors got together to become Sno:-v White and the Seven Dwarfs. Melissa Parlefsky came as Snow White, Johanna Plavin was Dopey, Kalen Tubridy was Doc, Bridgette Delauro was Sleepy, Chrissy D'Andrea was Bashful, and Jennifer Cheswick was Happy. However, two of the dwarfs didn't come to school. "Sneezy was sick and Grumpy was in too bad a mood to come to school," said Johanna. "There has been less participation over the seven years I have been here," said math teacher Shelley Goldfarb, who came dressed up as a pumpkin. 'The teachers are showing more school spirit than the 'The turnout of the students," she added. number ofcostumes was the best I have seen in three years, but we still need more participation," junior Christine Marrero said. Christine was "Bernie "-the i '."L :.. ,t construction worker on his lunch break." Sophomore Maryum Khwaja felt Halloween was a perfect time to share her ~i~c culture. Maryum always comes to school dressed in a purdah, which consists of shalwar (pants), a kameez (shirt), and a hijab (scarf). "People always ask me what it's like wearing it," she explained. Maryum then decided to bring in the clothing so t}tather friends would know how it feels. With Maryum providing the outfits, junior Susan

She feels it shows they have a great deal of respect for watching students dance to reggae. I think I'm going her culture. to take les sons," she said. Sophomore Erica DiSanzo, who did not wear a cosWhile gho sts and goblins were haunting houses on tume, said, '1 feel bad about not showing spirit. I'll try Halloween, even scarier spirits were lurking inside the Townsend Harris library during an Enrichment to make up for it next year." Ghostgrarns were sent during lunch bands. They presentation that day. ''Tales from the Darkside," a series of short works consisted of a lollipop and a song written by Ms. Biener, Coordinator of Student Affairs, and sung by appropriate to the day , was performed by the school's eight students to the tune of either Phanlom of the dramatic workshop, under the direction of drama Opera or "Taps." The singers were juniors Alana advisor Harriette Blechman. Edgar Allen Poe's Sanford, Diana Stamatelatos, and Donna Weiss, timeless horror poems ''The Raven" and 'The sophomores Monique Cole, Stacey Gluck, Roxanne Sleeper" were among the pieces recited along with a dramatization of the the popular story, ''The MonRyan, and Ronda Alexander. Halloween festivities continued the following eve- key's Paw," by W.W. Jacobs. ning with the dance, which netted a $400 profit. A group of students from Deborah Michlewitz's ''The dance was a great success. We made a high English 5 class also went from room to room doing profit, which is really good because we usually don't a Reader's Theater presentation of 'The Raven." make anything," said Junior President Jennifer Teo"Maybe the Raven will return," said Ms. Michledoro. witz. Ms. Biener was also happy about the dance. "I was Stacey Gt uck, Sally Magdi, Francine Rich, and surprised and pleased with the turnout and the good Jennifer Sorowitz contributed to this article. time everybody seemed to - -- ~ _ ·n- ... •

spreads awareness by Stacey Gluck Students Promoting AIDS Awareness (S.P.A.A.), the new teen health issue group, meets outside the gymnasium at 7:30 every Monday morning to plan activities that will spread awareness about STD's and HIV/ AIDS preverition. The group is led by health teachers Keith Hanson and Ellen Schwartz. 'There are a lot of myths about AIDS. Our goal is to educate people so they know the facts," said sophomore Erika DiSanzo, S.P .A.A. 's group leader. S.P.A.A. plans to produce commercials promotingknowledge of teen health-related issues. In addition, the group is scheduling a nurse, a social worker who treats mv patients 'and an educator from Planned Parenthood as guest speak-


have," she said. "This was the best dance because the music was great and there were a lot of outside people that livened the place up," said sophomore ers Monique Cole. :~'" S.P.A.A,. will videotape and edit However, there were those ~ the presentations, and will combine .who were critical of the ~ excerptstcuse in their commercials, dance. "I thought they :::s , The group hopes to produce a miniplayed too much rap and reg.; mum of five commercials by the end gae," stated Norlene Cayetof the year. These will be shown to ~ students on a VCR during English ano, sophomore. Others ] classes, -Enrichm en ts, and lunch expressed concern over the Q. bands. L. f. number of'outsiders who apS.P.A.A. also plans to conduct inpeared at the dance. formational surveys, perform skits, The theme of the dance and have poster campaigns. was black and orange. Over Currently, the group consists of half the Harrisites in attenand junior classes. However', Mrs. r c;},1o and sophomores Sean I?P~~herty, Elise Hines, dance wore these colors, inSchwartz stressed that "We'd like to and Chris Musarra dressed up as Muslim women. cluding foreign language DISGUISED as a construction worker on his lunch break, junior Chri stine see this group grow. New members "People think they did it to make fun of me," said teacher lleneMarcus. "Itwas Marrero demonstrates her school spirit on Halloween. are always welcome." Maryum, "but they didn't. I know them too well." a huge success. I enjoyed .~


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Hynes presides over Bridge Year Hispanicculturecelebrated by La Tasha Greene

by Pamela Yamamoto As the new Queens College Coordinator, history teacher John Hynes acts as a guidance counselor, a dean, a transportation pass distributor, an attendance officer and a teacher. He has replaced Rhoda Weinstein, one of the original faculty members of Townsend Harris, who has been appointed Assistant Principal of Social Studies at Fran-

klin K. ~~ HighSchool. "My Job IS to represent Townsend Harris High School on the campus," said Mr. Hynes. "Basically, I make sure the college Bridge Year program runs on,..a daily basis." According to Mr. Hynes, working as the Queens College Coordinator is "a dynamic way to be involved inthecollegeprogram."He said, "I enjoy working with students in many different capacities and being involved in the students" school life outside of the classroom," he said '1 have the opportu-

nity to do many varied things which I could not do as a classroom teacher." However, Mr. Hynes still enjoys teaching in the classroom. He has two Participatory Democracy classes, as well as the Great Issues class. ''Townsend Harris seniors are capable of handling' college challenges," he said. ''This pro. gram helps students in the transition from high school to college. Many graduates have returned to say that it . has helped them in their col:l lege career." .>0: j After workin g for sev~ eralmonths,Mr.Hynesfeels that he has "a lot to learn. I ~ would like to know more E about the basic philosophy of the Bridge Year program Q. . , and the programming concepts,"he said. Althoughhe feels it is too early to sugggest any changes in the program, he hopes to make ".j,.\~ NEW QUEENS COLLEGE LIAISON John Hynes teaches valuable contributions in the his Participatory Democracy class. near future.

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Hispanic Heritage Month celebra- . on Puerto Rico, discussing its histions took place in the cafetorium on tory, culture; and ethnic foods such as November 14th. Joan Walsh, Foreign burritos and salsa dips that are now Language Coordinator wanted "to enjoyed here as well. share little facts" about Hispanic culAmong other students who particiture by having students represent ma - pated were sophomores Laura Camjor areas of Latin America. Her origi- pos and Sandra Ridriguez who spoke nal intention was to have a small En- on the Dominican Republic, Nicole richment in the library, but at the last Whittington, Brenda Schultz and minute,"itblossomed and more people Roxanne Ryan who did a presentawere able to come and share their tion on Brazil, and Scott Kaye who backgrounds", said Mrs. Walsh. gave a briefPresentation on Ecuador. 'The audience responded favoraSophomore Susana Kozer started off the festivities with a brief presen- bly to it, especially the dance and tation about Spain, which is the mother song," said Mrs. Walsh. country (La Madre Patria) to many Latin American nations. Sophomores Tina Morgan and David 11 Corporan danced the ~ Meringue and Salsa both of which originated in Puerto Rico. 1;' Sophomores Desiree Morgan and Bernadette Crespo along DESIREE MORGAN, Bernadette Crespo and with junior Keith David Corporan dance at the Hispanic Heritage Tully gave speeches Month Celebration. '~ 1,.,i. , -1.'(\"' : : \ ., ..... .,. ( ~ .... "" "', v- J '~" • - ~. . vl.,,·" ~ h- ·'. · ~ · ·~ . .- .• I"v:,J·... {~'.l:a


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Skinner wins New York teen pageant by Anna Zwierz questions outat you, "she remembered, interests including weight-training Tina Skinner, senior, won the Miss Based on this personality interview, and aerobics. Teen New York Pageant in December. the pageant staffchose 110 girls out of "I find that doing these activities is With this accomplishment came the the original number to proceed to the the best way for dealing with stress honor offlying down to Orlando, Flor- second phase of the contest. and aggression," she explained. ida to represent our state in the wellThis second phase included the eight"I also listen to a great deal of known Miss Teen U.S .A. pageant. hour-long ,pageant held at Brooklyn music, Heavy Metal 'and Hardcore; How ever, T ina is not taking the trip. ' College on December I , 1991. and on the wee kends, I love to go to In order to participate in the national "In those eight hours, I learned that I shows at the Ritz. In my very rare competition,T ina had to have a chaper- do work well under pressure, which is spare time , I enjoy drawing, painting, one . ''There was a certain amount of something that I nev er thought that I and designing clothes," , money that I had to get from sponsors did well. I was very proud of myself The current M iss T een N.Y has so tha t my sister could-accompany me that I was able to m ake my points... so defmi te plans for the future. "Iplan to on the trip, acting as my chaperone . I clearly ... without breaking down." said be a dentist, ye t I'm hoping to go fur~ failed to collect the money before the T ina. ther. I want to be an oral surgeon. I due date, and I've already notified the "For once, everything that I stand for would also like to m odel part-time," , pageant directors that I was n' t going," is coming across to people and they are Tina says that sh~ has two major inshe explained. respecting it," she said. fluences in her life: Smead O 'Conner "I wish that I could go to Orlando "When they announced my name as and Sigmund Freud. because I really need the vacation... l Miss Teen N. Y., it felt great. I did my "I think that Sinead O'Conner is wou ld have really liked to meet the little wave/bow to the judges, and that one ofthe most inspiring and influenwinners from the other states, but I was it. After the pageant, there were all tial people in my life," said Tina. "I wasn't actually looking foward to these people taking pictures ofme; my love everything that she stands for. competing again. I think of competi- family and my friends all rushed on Her position on freedom of exprestion as an animalistic characteristic; stage. I was at Brooklyn College from simi, from censorship to homophobia and the competition at those pageants 8 AM, and the pageant didn't end until is most admirable. She really is an is really 'cut-throat' competition." said about 11 PM. I was so tired, that all I ideal woman of the nineties;anintelTina. remember thinking was, 'I want to go ligent woman with strong principles Tina first heard ,of the pageant from home! '" recalled Tina. is exactly what we need on the media her brother-in-law. "I am one of the ''That day, I had a great feeling of scene. Aside from all of this, she has biggestwoman libe ralists around," she being acknowledged as an intelligent carved out her own personal vocalist said. I am against the exploitation of person, notjust a pretty face to all those style and has given anew meaning to women and I preach genderequality of who knew nothing about me," she the word originality." every which sort. So, a pageant was added. "Another person who fascinates me kind of against everything that I stand This accomplishment, as well as her is Sigmund Freud," she contined. "I for. But, I decided to enter it because high academic achievement, took a do believe in many of his principles I was hoping that it would open some grear'deal of work, effort and many and theories, and I think that he was doors for me into modeling, which sacrifices from Tina. "I've been work- one of the most intelligent people of would hopefully get me through col- ing since I was twelve," she said. "I all time. He has much more ofa place lege. And, I thought that it would give was bussng tables and then I waitressed in history in my head than any other me an opportunity to preach these ideas several years. When I got into great accomplisher," , to other girls my age and to tell them Townsend Harris, my freshman and Tina Skinner sets ihigh goals for that it's not physical beauty that is so sophomore years were incredibly dif- herself, and is confld~t that she will important, but knowledge and intelli- ficult because I was working over be successful. "Success to me is not gence - because beauty will only get twenty-five hours a week, trying to necessarily materialistic wealth and you so far in the world." maintain a 94 average; butI did it. I had fame, and it's not about being 'happy,''' First, Tina, along with over 250 girls, a lot of stress, a lot of pressure, and my she says. "If my equanimity is strong had to go for a personality interview social life was limited to a certain and high, and if I'm stable mentally with some pageant directors. degree." and emotionally, then there's noth"It was like walking into a room and Currently, Tina is waitressing part- ing in the world that can bring me having all ofthese peoplehurling these time, yet she fmds time to pursue other down."


Sisters survive despite abusive father by Jennifer Chau' Honour Thy Father, a recent novel by Lesley Glaister and published by Atheneum, has an ironic title since the main characters in the novel, four sisters, do the opposite of what the title suggests. Maybe that is because their father doesn't really deserve honor. He pays little, if any, attention to them when they need it most. The four girls - Agatha, Milly, and the twins Ellen and Esther, who are nicknamed "Ellenanesther" because they're so close seem to live very unhappy lives. Agatha, the eldest sister, acts like a mother to Milly and "Ellenanesther" and does a pretty goodjob ofit, considering she's not yet ready to be one. She makes it her respo nsibility that her sisters are clothed, fed and healthy. M illy, the narrator of the story, seems10 ,be having the hardest time of all . She is the only sister who has not inherited their mother' s good looks.

Before her mother died, she always had her neighbor and bes t friend, Isaac, to tum to. However, after the death of her mother, she was prohibited by her father from leaving the house, and now , only has her sisters. "Ellenanesther" are the mos t interesting characters in the story. They look alike, dress alike , and always do things such as sleeping and eating at the same time. Because of their father's coldness and harshness towards them, the twins start to act the same way and keep to themselves. Their insensitive father is the total opposite of their loving, caringmother. The girls' mother, who died when the twins were still very young, suffered from the "pa ins" of marriage. Believe me , they weren ' t your everyday husband and wife fights. The girls would eavesdrop while their father be at

their mother before he went to work. It seemed as if he bea t her "once beautifulface"every day, aface which became pale ,and swollen. In addition. he would leave his family for weeks, sometimes even months at a time . This novel tells about the problems of teenage girls trying to cope without a mother and an abus ive and mean- spirited father. They have no one to help them wor~ out their problems, no one except themselves. I recommend this book to everyone. It is well-written and has an original perspective, contrasting the perceptions of the sisters when they are teenagers and the memories of those perceptions when they are elderly spinsters . It is a story of loss, sadness, and surv ival , and shows how important family is during your adolescent ye ars.








PIANIST ORE CARMI plays at the Winter Concert.

PianisVcomposer lives music by Therese Ferguson ''The first day of class, I was really scared. I didn't know any English, and my mother came with me and helped me to understand (what was being said)," stated Junior Ore Carmi about his first day at the Julliard School of Music. Ore, who was bornin Isreal, andstarted playing the piano at the age of eight, came to America at the age of ten. That same year, he auditioned at lulliard and was accepted: "All the other students were talking to each other. I didn't have any friends. I was alone," he said. Ore said that this remoteness, did not really bother him and was an advantage. "Since I hardly had any friends, I studied more and became really advanced my first year there," he said. Ore attends Julliard on Friday afternoons and Saturdays. There, he takes two chorus courses in which they sing classical music in languages such as German and Italian. He is part of a chamber music trio in which he plays piano. He takes an ear training class, a course in music composition for piano, and a master class in which students have the chance to perform for the class every week. His homework includes anaylzing musical pieces, and writing musical compositions. In addition to this homework, Ore practices three hours or more a day . Ore admits that his schoolwork interferes with the amount of time he has for practicingonthepiano. "Musicismywhole life. It comes first, and school comes second," he stated. In addition to playing the piano, Ore alsospendsanenormousamountoffune composing. "It usually takes me half a year or more to compose,"he said. "One time it took me a whole year," "I come up with ideas and play around with them on the piano. I show the compositions to my teacher and he tells me what I could do. Then. I work on it somemore,"hesaid. Most of the pieces

Ore composes are for his classes at Julliard. Recently Ore won first prize in the Young Inventors and Creators Contest for his composition, "Piano Solo". "It was a nationwide contest. There were 18 winners in 18 different fields and I won for classical music composition. I was really surprisedwhenI got the call saying I had wonJ. I didn't expect it at all," he said. This was the first time Ore entered a contest for musicalcomposition.Aboutfouryears ago, Ore won a contest, as a pianist, sponsored by the Queens Symphony Orchestra. Ore plays only classical music and he plays music by composers such as Beethoven. Schubert, Schumann, Schubert, Schoenberg, and Bartok. Ore does not have a favorite composer, and he plays both old and modern classical music. Although Ore likes modem classical music, that is the only type of music he likesin"todaY'sworld,""Idon'treally like rock and roll, heavy metal, or those types of music. It annoys me. I prefer classical music," he said. Ore obtained his love of classical music from his parents. ''They always playedclassicalmusic andjazz. Ididn't really listen to the jazz but I loved the classical music," he stated. Ore says that he <lo es not feel pressured by his parents to succeed, ''They want me to do well, but they don't push me," he said. "Sometimes I don't push myself enough," he added, "and I'm no t always happy with the result." In his spare time, Ore likes to study _languages . He can speakHebrew and English, and has studied German, French, and Latin. As for the future, Ore definitely wants to pursue a career in classical music. "I love my music," he said. "If I couldn' t play or compose for whatever reason. I wouldn't know what to do. I'd feel like something was 'm issing,' he said .




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The Classic *.:~ii:~~:::::-m~

Febru8~ 199 1 ~l~I~~£11t

Future Teachers practice pedagogy now by Johanna Fausto . "It takes a dedicated and caring teacher to motlvate...students to achieve their highestpotential and feel good about themselves...That is. the . definition of teaching;" stated Joan _ .. . Walsh, advisor of the Future Teachers ~ of America Enrichment ~ Future Teachers allows its members .. to leave the school building at least ~ .' ;. once a week during Enrichment to go .rJ to their assigned schools, whetherit be 9 P.S. 154, Parsons J.H .S., or Solomon Schechter. There, they do various activities with kids such as reading aloud to them, walking around and aiding them with their schoolwork, or simply looking after them. Service credit is given all who do theirassignedjobs,butservicecreditis FUTURE TEACHERS Enrichment member Nicole Kissag, junior, reads to students at the farthest thing from most members' Solomon Schechter school.

level of[the] students, and [be able to show] how a certain subject is related to their lives," explains junior Christine ,D ' An-: drea, who assists a I second grade class at P.S. 154. "A good teacher should also have patience and love kids .. .. If ' a teacher has no love and no care for [his! her] students, then that teacher has no right to be there. Whenever I enter the classroom each week, all the little kids run

tion in Future Teachers an option for fulfilling the mandatory' community service requirement for the senior Participatory Democracy course. Senior George Reuter taught a Regents Math class at Parsons J.H.S .last year. He spent his Easter vacation .planning lessons with the coordinating teacher. After Regents exams 'were . taken , he very proudly announced that 85% of 'his' students had passed. Another current senior, Dien Taylor, taught Spanish at Parsons last year. He became very involved, bringing candy to motivate his students and preparing rexographs for them. In addition to helping out in neighborhood schools, the Enrichment offers ESL lessons for freshmen in Townsend Harris. ESL lessons are

richment this year. "It is a personal joy However, not all the children grasp out of their seats to greet me. I love to see a student from my little group say newly introduced ideas easily. When them; they're so sweet." 'I can' .... I like it. I like guiding and in- junior Nina Reed sees her students Right now, the Future Teachers Enstructing people. It's my niche, it's my confused and discouraged, she feels richment has neither boys nor ,s enplace," she said. frustrated. "Then I try to get another iors. "Last term we had a few guys, Sophomore Melanie Popp, who student who understands the material butnowthey'reseniors,"coRUllented teaches kindergarten at Solomon to explain it in a way that a teacher Melanie. 'They [the boys] probably Schechter, feels good when her students probably couldn't. I also try to relate think that teaching is a woman's job, succeed in what they do. "I accom- the lesson to something the students which it isn't." plishedsomethingthathashelpedthem are familiar with. Visual aids are a The seniors are attending classes at to accomplish something for the good of great help," she said. Queens College, which prevents them their education," she explained. "A good teacher should be able to from joining the Enrichment. Ms.

mandatory for those students who arrived in America 2-3 years ago and who have a,little difficulty with their English. They are taught once aweek during Enrichment. Whether the Future Teachers teach in Townsend Harris or other schools, they encourage their students to learn and grow. Maybe someday, one of themwilltaketheskillsshehaslearned and be recognized as a prominent ' educator in her field.

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minds. "I _didn't join just to receive service credit, but for the satisfaction I get from working with kids," said sophomore Betty Chu, who also spoke for the majoritypf members. Junior ,JaCkie Hellman joined because she "wanted to see what it was like to be on the other side of the desk." Laura Camposrsophornore, taught l!.n ESL [English as a Second Lan•guage] class in Parsons J.H.S . last year and decided to continue with the En-

explain things on the Walsh would like to make participa-

Internship leads to Crue album a winner real life experiences by Amy Schwach fortuneofbeingbothmyfourthandflfth Little did I suspect a year ago, when grade teacher back in the good old days) -, I first heard about senior year intern- who has an interesting outlook on eduships, that I'd soon be standing in front cation. of forty fourth graders in an urban Ms. Smith put me to work right away, e1ementaryschool, trying to teach them helping some of the many low-funchow to spell the days of the week and tioningreadersinherclass.Isoonfound which one comes before the other. that even on a one-to-one basis, motiWhen my coordinator, Mrs. Sandra vating students to read was not an easy Fischler, came to Townsend Harris to task. speak about the "City as a School" After my first day in the classroom, I internship program, I had to admit that came home and took a nap for several being away from my senior year courses hours, the first time I have done that at Queens College did not sound very since I was three years old. I developed appealing. the other hand, being agreatrespect for what teachers have to away from the classroom and home- . put up with in the classroom. work after eleven years of school had a For example, on my second day '~t ' certain attraction. work, I was escorting a number of stuMrs. Fischle r explained' that the dents down to the lunchroom, when two program entailed working regular of the more active students began a business hours four days ,a week and heavyweight boxing match at the back spending Fridays at seminars at vari- of the line. I started yelling "Stop!" at ous work sites around the city. My th~topofmylungs,butitdidn'tse~to daydreams were first ofcovering break- doanygood.PI U1lgingtowardthemlike ing news stories with Dan Rather or Giants linebacker Lawrence Taylor, I producing the soap opera,"Another managed to get between them with only World." Travel problems and a paren- slight bruises to show for my successful tal injunction that "i f you are going intervention. The two kids were later into the communications field, you'd punished by the teacher and I began to better have some thing to fall backon,' consider another "fallback'lprofession. led me to the principal ofmy local As time went on, however, I began to elementary school. . see some ofthe rewards ofteaching, This led me to class 4-329 at P.S: 104 Onerew'ard came when a studentnamed in Queens and to Ms. Karen Smith, an ' Latoya, with whom I had been working



experienced teacher (she had the good


by Zina Izrael Like an invincible arrow released in title, "Smokin' in the Boys Room," helps 1981, Motley Crue has been traveling win Motley Crue a successful album, through the decade leaving deep im- would probably win a Harrisite a trip to prints wherever they've been. Their the dean's office. music has pierced hearts and brought Dr. Feelgood's "Kickstart My Heart," about a mixture of feelings. Often re- did just that. It is a live recording of a nally realized how to solve problems ferred to as the "lewd, rude, bad boys concert in Dallas in July 1990 which with more than one number. It really of rock, " Motley Crue has forced hard sounds even better than its original track. boostedmyself-esteemtohelpherleam rock fans to swallow, digest, and dis- It's a song that has been around for three something that will carry over into fur- cover for themselves that they've ac- years and comes alive once again. Its therlearning. quired a craving for Motley Crue mu- energy can be felt biting into you like Whilelstillplanonpursuingacareer sic. the fangs of a savage beast that just in communications, I have gained an Decade of Decadence, Motley won't let go. Hours later, the song's insight into myself, as well as into the Crue's new album, commemorates impact can still be felt. teaching profession, and I will most the band's ten fruitful years together "Angela," a song never before reprobably take the education courses nee- in the limelight. It depicts their fast- ' leased, should have stayed unreleased. essary to become a certified teacher. paced, wild, and often lascivious life- It is a merging of cliches and does not . At the same time, the weekly semi- styles in fifteen memorable songs, live up to the spirit of the rest of the nars have led me into areas that I never three of which are new tracks. The album."Anarchy in the U.S.A.," another would have thought of or had contact album contains songs from ea~h one new track, has a punk style which bewithprior to the internship process. I of thek previous albums. D.oD. fuddles many, causing them to say, "Is have spent the day at the Manhattan launches off with two remixes from this the Crue we once knew?" The anDistrict Attorney 's office watching vide- the To~ Fast For Love alb~m first swer is a defmite "yes." Although lead " us with a . otaped confessions of killers, . visited introduced in 1982. "Live Wire!' and vocalist Vince Neil surprises the Lehm'an Brothers stock bro~erage -"Piece of Your Action" are both sun rougher, tougher, and more crass voice company learning about stocks and, as delectable as they used to be, hav- that sounds like anything but his own, bonds and spent several long days at the ing the 'same catchy tunes, yet are , the fundamentalcharacteristics of the Borough of Manhattan CommunityCol- freshly seasoned, thus creating a new Crue are still there. The song is an ideal lege, discussing my experiences with fl~vor. The album continues with two way ofending the album, giving it much others who are in the internship pro- original trac~ from the Crue's sec- . or'itszest. gram. ond album, Shout at the Devil. Both Motley Crue went from "club-level Soon it will be back to books, class- songs have the same power and rip- metal to stadium size rock -n-roll" ~n the rooms, homework and cheeseburgers at ping effec t they had years ago. past decade. Their nonchalant attitudes the Student Union with all my friends. I In contrast to the harnmer!-ngprevi- have helped them deal with harshcritiwill, however, be a slightly different ous songs, Theater of Pain's " Home cisms. The years moved fast and ~o did person from the one who fmished junior Sweet Home," a '91 remix, saturates they, Unlike their raunchy appearances, year only last June.i have learned many lite with a warm yet crispfeel ing theirtunes arepolishedand oncecracked things about myself, my capabilities produced by its luring melodyplayed . .open, smack almost anyone with a burs t and my future goals. For that, I have to on a Steinway piano and cellos ,in- of glee. Decade of pecade.nce_s,hCJuld thank Mrs . Fischler, Ms. Smith and a stead of on synthesized instruments. doubtlessly be part of any true Crue

,- !


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The Cla••lc February 1991 '

Clinton. clips Hawks' wings



by Neftall Serrano lead. It vanished as quickly as it had a part in the Hawks' erratic serving. For a team that was supposed to be been built, with Clinton getting its "We werenervous because we were up inexperienced, the Girls' Varsity Vol- offense into gear again and stealing the against a good, team, an undefeated N1 leyball team surprisedmany with a 10- second set 15-9. However, the Hawks seated team," she said. 2 run that fmally ended in their final did not play dead, as they avoided Despite the loss, Ms. Nix and her matchup with Clinton High School several match points before Clinton team had no regrets about a season (27-0) via a two set sweep (7-15, 9-15). .closed out the game. which took them on a ride no one exThe game, held at Murry Bergtrum on "I think that we played pretty well," peered them to take - no one, that is, the 20th of November, marked the end said Coach Wanda Nix. "I think we except Ms. Nix, who expects that from ofthe season for the Queens A division were just overmatched." She said it all her teams. "We really hung tochampions andthe !fin ai game for four was a tribute to Clinton that Townsend gether," she said. "We didn't think I seniors on the team, three of whom Harris played fairly well yet was still we'd get past the division, let alone the , I were starters. Clinton went on to de- unable to break through against Clin- semi-finals,' Vicki said. feat Roosevelt becoming the P.S.A.L. ton's offense or defense. It was a season that had them play Junior Vicki Buzza led the Hawks division rival Cardozo an unusual champs. Clinton's hard ~iking offense kept with 25 spikes, five of which were number offour games, of which Harris the Hawks on defense for most of the kills. Senior Lauren Ciacca also added won three. Two of those were regular game, utilizing seniorhitters LisaBello five kills and five service points to lead season games, one was a special playand Brenda Banegas. The Hawks, the Harris offense. Serving, however, offgame to decide theN1ranking in the by Matthew Goldstein trailing the entire first set, did not help was one of the deciding factors of the division, and another was the quaterfiThe girls' 1.V. Volleyball season their cause, stunting their own rallies game, with the Hawks missing ten nal game preceding the Clinton game, came to a close, ending with a two-set with key' noncharacteristic serves (4 serves, many in the middle of rallies. a game which Harris won (15-13, 14- loss to John Bowne High School, on. missed out of 20). The missed serves, Vicki admitted that nervousness played 16, 15-13). The Hawks fmished with an over .500 though not many, were It was the first time in over record .at 4-3. "Mrs. [ Robin] Rothenough to allow Clinton to three years that Harris lost a stein, the coach, would have liked to play their powerful offensive regular season game, but 'it have done better, but she was pleased was also the first time a Hawk and proud with the results," said game and control the ball, easily winning the frrstset,15-7. team had gone as far as the Madeline Stephen, freshman team "They were just a better and ~ semi-finals - atell-talesignof member. more experienced team than Led by captain Danielle Fishman, ~ the maturity of a line-up that us. I think we played well but ~ sported senior Captain Eura the girls started out well, going 4-0 E Ahn (3), senior LaurenCaiac- , with two blowout wins over Hillcrest they were better," saidjunior Vicki Buzza. cia (23), senior Joanna Woo H.s.. Wins over Jamaica High School The second set began fa(17), and juniors Vicki Buzia andBowne High School improved their (22), !Terez Czapp (l3),.and , record further. ,j vorably fOf"theHawks-as they jumped out to an early 2-0 CARDOZO feels Harris' offensive attack as captain Jennifer Teodoro (24). The winning streak did not last long Eura Ahn spikes ball. , "" '::,'"-, "


~Ji ~,n)I)

Bowne avenges Harris in finale





after that. In Jamaica's search to avenge their previous loss, they won a close two-set match. First-place Cardozo was next on the list for Townsend Harris. Their devastating serves proved a prominent factor in the Cardozo Judges' two-set victory. The Cardozo loss was followed by a revenge win for Bowne. The team then fmished the season at 4-3, tied for second place " " with B'oWne. The team, consisting of six sophomores and seven freshmen, was evenly distributed with the right amount of good ' setters, bumpers, and servers. "Everyone will try out for varsity next y~, but, tli~ freshmen are assured a vspot on the J.V. team," said Madeline.

Krawczykkayaks toward Olympic gold by Larry Friedman Brian Krawczyk:jdmor, has a desire which is uncommon to many of his peers. "I hope that one day I'll be good enough to win a gold medal in the Olympics!"exclaimedBrian.ThespOltinwhich he hopes to succeed is kayaking. Brian's interest in kayaking started in the summerof1988whenhewentonvactiontoLake Sebago in upstate New York. "My father brought me up there to introduce me to the sport," said Brian. Brian realized 1then that he would enjoy pursuing kayaking. II , The first thing he needed was a coach. This job was easily filled by Brian's father, Henry Krawczyk, who kayaked in the 1968 and 1976 Olympics. "I look up to my father because he was such a great paddler Imd had so much experiI I ence,' said Brian. "Kayaking is an intense sport, which demands


a lot of time, hard work, and training,"he stated. His training is very rigorous. For the past four years, Brian's sUJ!UIler training has consisted of paddling on the water twice daily, as well as running and lifting weights at Bear Mountain and Lake Sebago. During the winter, he also runs and lifts weights. He is presently training for the Junior National Championships. This is an important race because every paddler in the U.S. attends these races. "I hope I win so Icango to Europe and race against the best people in the world," said Brian Brian kayaks in three catagories, singles, doubles, and quadruples. He has won over 100 ' medals including two trophies for pairs and fours. "My most precious medals are two bronze medals won at the U.S. National Championships, "he said. These Championships

took place during August 13-17 of this year. Brian was recently honored as the best junior paddler of the Eastem region. "Ilovethewaterandllike the rush -you get when you reach the fmish line in victory," said Brian. Kayaks are slender racing boats, which are very hard to balance. The races are held on calm lakes. The boats are separated into nine lanes KAYAKING CHAMP Brian Krawczyk dreams of enterand a starter shoots off a gun which ing the Olympics " signifies the beginning of the race. The distance oemg a memoer or a parucuiar CIUO. 1\.aYaKlJlg IS varies from 500 meters, which is a short span, to not popular in the New York City area because 10,000 meters, which according to Brian takes a there is no place to practice. lot of endurance. According to Brian, kayaking is not a moneyKayaking is not a very expensive sport. The ' making sport and most people race for personal price of kayaks-range from $500 to $1000. One satisfaction. "I love kayaking. It's a great chalcan be eligible to iJarticiJ>ilte in races without lenge and just plain fun," said Brian. ' ,,;

Mon.Sat 10:00 AM • 11:00 PM Frl 8< Sat 1111 Midnight

Cross-country wraps up winning season by Shalene Moodie , With a record of3-2, the Boys, Crosscountry team coached by guidance counselor James MurTfly placed third in its division. Sean Dougherty, sophmore, became the ~t person in the school's history to win an important city medal in track. With a time of 20:34 minutes,-he was !among the top I 15 of 160 rurmers at the Boys'CrossCountry City Championships. David Topper, sophomore, Frank Wang, sophomore, Bri;m Chen, freshman, Khuriam Nasii, and Rufmo Chung, juniors, ran in the borough meets. Captain Davw! Park. senior;'

Chris Dudin, junior; Sean Dougherty, Eric Kurzrok, Wazeem Mohamed, Olivier Block, and Douglas Harrison. sophomores, competed in the City Championships. Theironly defeat was by Cardozo High School, who was undefeated and placed first in the division. "I was really delighted with the boys' enthusiasm, team spirit, commitment and dedication. They were coopera~ tive and easy to coach!" Mr. Murray exclaimed. ThiswasMr.Murray'sfrrst year as the team's coach. He felt his job was made easier by the good athletes he workedGwith. ', David eark

agreed. "The team was fantastic this year and I hope they keep on getting better!" he said. David Park, however, .says he personally should have "practiced harder, earlier in the season," Also he felt the school could have been more supportive by anouncing and attending meets. With top players DavidTopper, Sean, Chris, and Douglas, the team is looking forward to next year. Promising rookies Wazeem and Brian should also make meets exciting. Coach Murray encourages more boys to join. "3.1 miles is not that terribly . far to iun!'~lUhaid. ," ...... '. "

Sunday " 12 Noon· 10:00 PM



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" ,r ·, "J .t,


· .·12

The Classic February 1991

Sharks on the prowl, Blue Devils scowl

Van troubles stunt swim' season

Intramural Hi 9 hIi9 hts

by Matt Gilgorr

by Neftall Serrano Beware, the (6-0) Sharks are in the water and they are dangerous. Captain Stefan Bilaniuk and company are undefeated after having faced strong teams in the Troopers, Celtics, and Razorbacks. "I think our chances are great," Stefan said "We've got strong rebounding and a good set ofguards." Does he see anybody beating them? "Not at alU"he boasted. -The confidence seems to be spreading as Trooper (4-2) captain Randolph Taylor boldly proclaimed that his team was unbeatable."No; No. Nobody [can beatus]," he said. "With the leadership of myself and the good play of Tony [Manza] and the others, we'll be there in the end "That was before they ran into the Sharks, but with a healthy Daniel Loewy (outfor six games with a hand injury) , returning , this team ' )Vill be hard to beat in the playoffs . -It looks like the Magic (3-4) will be .there in the end desp ite their recent three-game slide . Junior captain Anthony Mahon and promising freshm an Khaalid Geter lead the way with an excellent supporting cast injunior Greg Smith and senior Antonio Suarez. Their only weakness may be inconsistent shooting from theoutside, Mabon went from a two Point performance against the Troopers to ,a 30 point performailce agains t the,Blue Devils . -Among the worst teams in the


The Girls' Swim team had a victoryfilled season, yet their illustrious season ended abruptly in route to a quarterfmal playoffmatch with La Guardia High School: as the school van broke down on the Long Island Expressway. But perhaps the season's greatest acheivementwastheschool'sunprece' dented success at the PSAL individual . h'Ips; T ownsend H arns . fin char amplOps ~ . hed lace i all . . 18 seventh' p ace, mover points with Jennifer Cheswick swimming to second and fourth place finishes in the 100 meter butterfly and the 50 meter freestyle respectively. In the lOOme-




" ', ", '

York newspapers: Curtis Bunn 'bers such as . Greg Anthony, (Newsday),PeterFinney (Daily Anthony Mason, .and Xavier News), Cliff Brown (New York McDaniel.GuardJohnStarksis Times),andFreddyCurber(New also proving to be an explo sive York Post). Each shared his attributetotheteam,ashemainsecret ofsuccess as a journalist, tains a scoring average in the each telling of similar methods double digits."I think we should and results. Bunn emphasized give alotofcredit to our younger reading "other new spapers to players," said 6'6" guard Gersee how people write ." Finney ald Wilkins at the conference. concurred, telling the attentive The Knicks have also re signed students, 'The best thing to do Patriek Ewing and Charles is a lot of reading and writing." Oakley to lucrative contracts to Although the pay is not much, insure 'that the center and forthey said,joumalism could be a ward positions on the team are satisfying career. filled 'fOr the next few years . The Knicks hope their new -.The addition of coach Pat Riley youth-orientedattitudewillhave only strengthens the team that reciprocal effects. mainly on . much more. their ticket sales and the popuBesides focusing on a winlarity of their team. As an incen- ning season and winning over tive for high school students to younger fans, the Knicks hope attend Knick games, they are to prove incorrect the public's instituting a special General perception of the team as one Organization plan in which which only cares about making students pay half price for tick- money. ' They want the new ets upon showing school LD. KnickS to be seen as a more fancards. Also on their "youth oriented team, willing to give push" agenda is a new junior back to the community which Knicks basketball team for stu- they entertain. dents ages 8-18 who have passAfter the press conference, ing grades. Its aim is to keep the Knicks did their job on the kids off the streets and put them court, beating the Miami Heal onto the court, The students left that night TheKnicksarebuildingthem- knowing the Knicks would be selves a strong future. They have there to help them both on and acquired many new team mem- off the court,

.<' "


'0 7

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about an hour and a half late only to fmd out their lateness had forfeited the game . A disappointed team had to settle for a fourth place finish in a season which was filled with high hopes. "I'm confidentwe would've beatenLaGuardia, but probably would've lost to Brooklyn Tech in the next round," contended team member Nicole Kis sag.Brooklyn Tech did go on to fmish fiirst m . thee CIty ci and H arns ' waits . for fi &. h fi next year or a rair c ance at irst, The team, despite the ill-fated ending, had a victorious regular season, winning all regular season meets ineluding a big victory against division rival Bayside High School, to become the Queens borough champions. Members of the team said the season was characterized by almost unblemished success, but captains Jenni fer Cheswi k dDebb' Benik dC h esWIC an ie an oac J J dan eedth hed ames or agr eseasonreac its low point when they lost in po stseason play . 'There are only three seniors on the team out oftwenty-two total members . Next year we sho uld have even more talented swimmers. While it's unfortunate that the team ended on a sour note, we'll only get better from here on. Next year I believe we have a good h . " shot a t beimg City 1 c amplOns.



Knicks court teenage kids . , t" -"

.. '


,l ,'-

by Rishona Fleishman, Larry FrledJDan, & NeftaU Serrano When the New York Knicks invited public high school students to a press conference on November26, l991, it was more than just good public relations. It demonstrated the Knicks' commitment to education, as wellas their desire to excite a city that is longing for a championship team. John Ceraulo, director of public relations, opened the High School Editors Press Conference by welc;omingthe aspiringjoumalists and photographers . He then introduced Goodwill Ambassador Carl Ramsey, a retired Knick forward who stressed the importance of a good , education. Ramsey learned frrsthand the impor tance ,of having skills beyond his basketball talent, His typing skills e'nabled him to get ajob as a typing teacher after his sports career ended. From there, he went on to broadcasting for the Knicks throughout much of the late 70's and 80's. Now Ramsey makes a living helping young people learn this valuable lesson. Students also received encouragement from the beat writers from all the major New


tyle Nicole Kissag placed third and league are the hapless Volunteers (1fourth. The team was purnped up to face 4) and the Blue Devils (1-5). The Volunteers, whose only victory came laGuardia High School in the quarteragainst the Troopers in a forfeit, lack fmals for the City championship, the personel to help out junior center having previouslyreceived a bye in the David Rosenthal in the scoring deparfirst round, But on the way to the meet, tement, But not to worry because the the van got a flat tire, right in the sc:ow~g B~ue Devils are close bemiddle of the Long Island Expresshind, WIth . b ut It . . Th .fair talent but no. team chemth way. "I t was not 0 nlvy exci excitmg. istry. ell greatest enermes are em. dan · The was scary; we were m a gerous se1ves. e Henry. H ayes.: 1e d T' omahawks (1-5) round out the bottom of spot," said Mr. Jordan. . While the coach ~ove the van to a the league. Selected games; Main Source over servicestation,thet~played"durnb Bomb Squad, 43-40; Captain Brian games like duck, duck, goose, the hokey Kirkland 28 points; junior Rob Liff, 9 pokey, and points. r ed light, green light," Troopers over Powermasters, 44-27; said team Captain Randy Taylor, 2 lpoints;junior Tony Manza, 11 points . .. .;; m e m be r Powermasters over the Razorbacks 01 J h . Dud' 7 . ~ 0 anna 3 Chris Il, 47-4; m, 1 pomts; ' ' 14 bo ar, ds : e'"l:: P l a v 1n . . Young , 2' 6 D arman points, . a 1osmg . cause.' ~ Whenthebus tJ • m Magic over Arrogance, 53-43 ; An~ fmally ' got f ixed , the thony Mabon, 27 points , 20 boards; ] team got lost Ramon Serrano, 28 points for Arro-, gance. ~ on the way to the swim Powermasters over Blue Devils , 54meet in the 53; Jason Pensky24points, 9 rebounds for the Powermasters; Jason Vives 30 city. ' . ,COACH JOROAN diverts traffic from the disabled van as The swimpoints for the Blue Devils. Sharks. over . ed , . '.45-34;., ,. ., . the stranded , "Swim Team looks on. mers arnv . Bomb' Squad, Stefan Bilam';!k, ~,4 POUlts, 1? re:,.. . boimds; Devin Gallagher with 21 '. , ~ \ W · points led the Bomb Squad.


. .. . .


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