Vol.ll, No.3, March 31, 1995.
aSSlC_.___ 75-40 Parsons Boulevard. Flushing, NY 11366
Townsend Harris High School at Queens College
'We're movin' out' - this time for real! by Veronica Lee
April 24, 1995: Moving Day, Take 2. Planstoparadeto the new building on the day students return from spring vacation are in full swing, after being brought to a halt by the sudden postponement of the original February 28 date. According to Principal Malcolm Largmann, everything is "in place and running smoothly" for the relocation of Townsend Harris to itsncwhomeat 149-11 Melbourne Avenue on the Queens College campus. Several events have been arranged by the Student Union to commemorate the occasion. On April 24, students will first report to official class, where they will
'receive instructions for the march down 76th Avenue and 150th Street to the new building. Pennants, designed by junior Sylvia Yue, with the words "Townsend Harris AT Queens College" in bright lettering, will be distributed to all Harrisites as souvenirs to carry along the parade route. Judy Biener, Coordinator of Student Activities, said; . "Sylvia drew several pictures and the Student Union chose the design. The pennants are beautiful." Upon arrival at the new school, marchers will be greeted by the Concert Band playing renditions of the "Liberty Bell March," "Washington Post," "Stars and Stripes Forever," and "Semper Fidelis," all composed by John
Philip Sousa. Peter Lustig, band director, said, "We'll also play the school alma mater, of course, and we'll try to play fanfare music as Dr. Largmann enters the building." "It's going to be an interesting time with 900 kids walking through the streets and the band playing music at the school," said freshman Philip Borzio. After the march, students will report'to homeroom for a ribboncutting ceremony before entering their new classrooms. Following the ceremony, a rotation of the grades has been planned to allow freshmen, sophomores, and juniors to tour the building accompanied by student guides, do paperwork in official class, receive 1
locker assignments and eat lunch in the state-of-the-art cafeteria. "It's going to be a very festive time," said Ms. Biener. "We're just counting on nice weather for the parade." The Student Union is planning activities to regenerate enthusiasm for the move. "We're going to begin a countdown to April 24 in the main lobby, and start making announcements over the P A system again, comparing the old building to the new one," said Seth Cohen, S.U. President. On April 6 and 7, the library is scheduled to be moved to the new building, while large boxes of machinery are set to be shipped out April 12 and 13. Enrichment will not meet in
April, due to the loss of several rooms, including the library. The daily Monday schedule will also allow teachers sufficient time to give tests before the April24 move. The Student Union plans to have a Spirit Week in the new school, consisting of a Hug Day, Hat Day, and Blackout Day. The possibility of a spring dance in celebration of the move is currently being presented to the school administration by the S.U. for approval. Commenting on the April 24 date, Ms. Biener said, "I feel confident that we're going to move, but I wouldn't bet my life savings on it." Vesna Vasic, S.U. Treasurer, added, "We're all hoping for the best and that we'll get over there soon."
Albany trip ai.ms to stop impending budget cuts; State senators support senior tuition waivers classes like Latin and Greek, and ers was also concerned about state stats are one thing, but you are the tives who maybe did not agree As a result of lobbying efforts Enrichments, and the senior cuts in higher education. "CUNY living proof behind it," said Mr. with us," said Ms. Biener. "I felt we were preaching to the conby Townsend Harris students, "Bridge Year." Students reiterated and SUNY," he said, "are among Lopez. Junior Adam Carroll said, "I verted," added junior Elizabeth several state legislators expressed these points in one-on-one meet- the best in the country. A lot of their support for the tuition waiv- ings with legislators and their people wouldn't have been able to feel today was a success because Irizarry. ers which allow seniors to attend staffs. The day was inspired by a afford college if it weren't for these we were able to voice our con- Other efforts adopted by Harris to trip to Townsend by Housing systems." Mr. Sanders said he cerns directly to our representa- 路 protest cuts included a massive letQueens College classes for free. It was feared that the money for Committee Chairman Vito Lopez would "look into" the waivers that tives. We brought our school to ter writing campaign. Each stutheir attention and many of them dent wrote letters to state represenallow for the Bridge Year. the waivers, roughly $335,000, on January 19. promised to talk to their colleagues tatives. Assemblywoman Vivian Coinciding with the trip was the "This is a powerful move, would be cut in this year's state Cook, laughing, remembered the about our release of report cards from the concerns." budget. However, "a number of coming to see representatives," _......_,.. letters. senators have been calling the said Angela Davis, legislative "You kept college as a result of our lobby- director for Assemblyman Darry my secreing," said Principal Malcolm Towns. "This is the first group of tarybusyby Largmann. "It looks as if our sen- high school students we've seen opening this year; we've seen college stuior year waivers will be saved." mail," she Students from each grade, ac- dents but not high school students." said. companied by Coordinator of Indeed, representatives were enA demonStudent Activities Judy Biener, thusiastic about Harris' lobbying stration outP. T.A. Co-President Ann Carroll, efforts. "It's a tough fight up here side of City this year," said Assemblywoman and parent Rosa Pagan, went to H~lisbeing Albany on March 7 and met with Melinda Katz. "It helps every time planned you come to see us; it reminds us representatives to discuss prospeccity-wide tive cuts in the state's budget, that there is a constituency out for late which will be voted on April 1. there we represent." April or All the students on the trip came The budget proposed by Goverearly May in a conference room for together nor George Pataki will probably ask for a $300 million cut from a meeting with Steve Sanders, Lobbying against educational budget cuts, Dionrie Fraser, Bonnie Yee, Akiba Smith, Roshni Ray, by Student U n i o n New York City alone. The state Chairman of the Education Com- Michael Munoz, Elizabeth Irizarry, Marlin Daniels, and Tamar Aydin, meet with Senator Vito, President Assemblywoman Melinda Katz, and their aides. Photo courtesy of Vito Lopez. mittee, who stressed the imporcurrently gives about$5 billion to Seth Cohen tance of government in education. the city for education. The only complaint students had and Queens Student Advisory Representatives were handed a "You can tell something about the Chancelor's office for New York position paper, written by Ms. kind of government you have by City high schools. Townsend about the day was that it seemed Council Facilitator Naomi B iener, which outlined reasons for the way it treats children and young Harris placed first in math, read- everyone they met with was on Stonehill. "We're timing the rally stopping education cuts, citing a adults, especially when it comes . ing and attendance, bringing their side. "I would have likect to to most effectively influence the loss of sports programs, ''extra" to education," he said. Mr. Sand- praises from representatives. "The have met with other representa- City Council's vote," said Seth. by Michael Munoz
2 Appel named top Bio-Teacher New building almost ready a girl could be. I decided to be a teacher. As by Jennifer Pare Being named top biology teacher in the far as I'm concerned, it's the best thing I city wasn't something Susan Appel was could've done." Ms. Appel will be presented with the expecting when she opened her mail from the New York Biology Teachers Associa- award at a dinner-dance in June. "This tion. "I didn't open [the envelope] right gives me a good chance to invite my mother away because I thought it was an announce- up from Florida," she said with a laugh. Ms. Appel's students and fellow teachers ment for a meeting. When I did open it, I started screaming like a maniac," she said. are especially proud of her. Science teacher On the evening of Thursday, March 16, Odile Garcia and members of the Science Ms. Appel received the news that her peers Research elective gave her a surprise breakhad voted her number one for excellence in fast party on the morning of March 21 in celebration ofher achievement. Sophomore biology teaching. The awardis given . " ' Dimitri PapanNew York Biology agnou said, Teachers Associa"After years of tion, of which Ms. hard work, the Appel is a member. day of true apPast winners of the preciaL~n and award choose the reward has finominees based on nally arrived." the quality of teachw.;,.~ ~ Sophomore ing and the service . Kate Margalit performed in the agreed, saying, field of biology. "Ms. Appel is Two nominees are an inspiring and chosen, and a ballot encouraging inis mailed out to the , dividualandher members of the Asdevotion to us sociation, who deshould be valtermine the winner. ued." Candidates for the Junior Niaaward are not told Joy Rhodes, of their nomination; who is in Ms. they learn of it only Appel's Indeif they've won. pendent Study Besides her work Photo courtesy of Susan Appel. class, said, "She at Townsend Harris, Ms. Appel is an officer in the New York actually listens, and she helps you as much Biology Teachers Association and has given as she can. She puts a lot of effort into the workshops in biology to teachers and stu- class and makes sure we all do the best dents. "It's fun [to be a biology teacher)," Westinghouse projects possible." Ms. Garcia had only praise for Ms. Appel, she says. "I like watching my students think and try to find out how things work. When saying, "Ms. Appel is my mentor. .She I was young, there wererft too many things trained me; she really is the best."
Paper cranes, good will, Sent to ea-rth·quake.victims by Bonnie Yee Hoping to be the light at the end of a tunnel, Townsend Harris students recently sent a check of about $172 and wishes for a speedy recovery to the victims of the January 17 earthquake in Kobe, Japan. To raise money for the earthquake victims, members of Archon, Save the Children, Hiroko Muchniki' s Japanese classes, and other students collected donations, held a bakesale, and sold Japanese calendars. Along w1th the money, letters of encouragement and hope (written in both English and Japanese), and 1,000 paper cranes were constructed and sent to Kobe on March 13. Students felt the need to do something, after receiving an e-mail message from Kobe Hishi High School, sent by Tohru Asai, a teacher. "The earthquake damage to the city was so tremendous, it's hard to believe it's modem-day Kobe at all," Asai said, in his message. To express their support, students made 1,000 origami cranes over the course of
several weeks. According to Japaneses tradition, paper cranes are sent to a person to wish him happiness and a quick recovery. Archon's Junior President, Maria Fox, believes in keeping with tradition. "One thousand cranes shows that we care; it shows a lot of effort. No matter what we did, the fact that we did something is the important part," Maria said. Some students feel that although paper cranes are nice, raising more money would have been more helpful. "An earthquake is devastating, because it not only takes lives, but also property," junior Elisha Rodriguez said. "I'm sure the cranes will be appreciated, but I'm sure more money would have been useful," she added. All in all, science teacher and Archon advisor Odile Garcia is pleased with the students' efforts. · "The purpose was to make kids stop and think of somebody else and not themselves," Ms. Garcia said.
by Violetta Ostafin As the April24 moving date to the new building draws near, construction workers are hurrying to ready the school for occupancy. "The building will definitely be very near completion by this date. The school is and will be absolutely stunning," said Sam Gordon, the Project Manager for the School Construction Authority (SCA). "Considering the level of completion of the building today, we could not possibly have moved on February 28, when wires were still exposed in some rooms and walls needed to be erected in others," said Principal Malcolm Largmann. "I am confident now, however, that we are moving into a safe and exciting facility." Mr. Gordon and Joseph DiGiacomo, the custodial engineer, both expect the auditorium, which is still under construction, to be completed by mid-May. Until then, the auditorium and the rooms adjacentto it will be blocked off to prevent student access. "Workers... will be confined to that specific part of the building. Identification will be required to insure that only appropriate personnel enter," explained Dr. Largmann. "Everything is progressing well," said Malcolm Rossman, Assistant Principal of Organization. "I just delivered the bell schedule to the new building. We want music to play in place of the usual ringing sound," he said. Debra Michlewitz, English teacher and Space Coordinator for the move, recently completed a grant proposal for funding to train teachers to use the computers in the new building. "The training would enable us to pass on our knowledge of the computers to students who could use them for reasearch and projects. I am hoping that we receive the money; it would be another thing to add to all of the wonderful things we will be getting in the new building," she said. Since the decision not to move, which came on February 16, the contractor has been working on an accelerated schedule and weekly meetings have been set up to monitor the company's progress. The meetings, which take place every Friday, are attended by Dr. Largmann, Mr. Rossman, Mr. Gordon, Mr. DiGiacomo, and representatives from the construction company. "We go to see if the contractor is meeting the deadlines that we had set for them," said Dr. Largmann. "I feel that the meetings are moving along very nicely. They are very productive. I would say that they are the juice behind the motivation of the whole project," said Mr. Di Giacomo. During the meetings, "punch-lists," which point out what still needs to be done, are made. The lists include small items such as assembling furniture and cleaning light fixtures and larger jobs such as installing fire extinguishers. "The SCA will be here even after you move in," said Mr. Gordon. "We still need to see that the fiber optics are installed and the punch-list items are completed. I plan to be here until September because of such small work," he said . . "You have a beautiful school. I was very uncomfortable and scared with the move and worked to do all that I could possibly do to prevent you from moving in February. It [the building] was not ready and there would have been much confusion and discomfort," said Mr. Di Giacomo. "Now I think that the building will be ready for you. If you moved in today, we could even work with that," he added. But is it worth the trouble to move an entire school toward the end of the school year? "Yes," said Dr. Largmann. "We have already lost a great deal of academic time, but we cannot allow a vacant building to just stand there. It is hard to control vandalism when a building is empty. Plus, the freshness and openness will be exciting," he said.
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Townsend Harris High School at Queeno Colleae 75-40 Panons Bl•d. Flushln& New York 11~
Phyllis Pei Michael Munoz
Sports Editor
News Editor
Erik Bloch Feature Edllor
Tara Balabushka LaJ-ollt Edl"tor
Desiree Clemente & Sarah Kim Phofo&raphJ Edlton
Readers are Invited to submit letters to the ed~or. Letters should be placed In Ms. Cowen's mailbox In the general office. The Claulc reserves the right to edn all letters. Letters must lncludenamaand~k:lalclass. Names
David Iankelevich
will be withheld upon request.
Art Editor
Michael Garber Business Manapr
Dionne Fraser, Wendy Kemp, Violeua Ostafm, Kelly Villella Senior Contrlb11Una Edlton
News Staff- Mid>ool Garber. Beth Mattucci, Cooy McCNdt::n, Fcmmdo M<RDD. RODI!d Lee. Cbrio Libby. Jennifer Pue. Hcotbor "-non. Ellen Sclmabol. Armada Scboombor&. Launm Stwcu, Reno Vorjhooo. Man:i Wclbcr. JCIIIlilior Wolf, Bomio Yeo Feature Staff- Dominib llcdnarab. Demctrioo Bertzikia. Mlllhow Chan&. JCIIioa Guoy, HclenHaritoo. N . Kapoor. O..U. Lcoaobo>cco. Na!alka-Palozynolti, Romina Kathryn Rube. Scot Seber. Jemilior Silvermm. Irina Tsytsylin, Danna Vui<:, Mic::bacl Weia Sports Staff - Jlllliu Foot. Heather Fucnoa. Cooy Noaouky. Scot Seber, Oam: Schnabel, Liron Shapir. Jeooili:r sa_.._. Photographer - Dioone l'raoer
Artists- Alvaro lborguca. GeorJI" MOiakis, Ono Fetcncn. Rena Varsheoe Twist- LeoticOffeubac:h Principal - Dr. Malcolm Largmann
Advisor - Dsa Cowen
Vol. 11, No.3, April 1, 1995 .•
asSlC......--75-40 Parsons Boulevard. Flushing, NY 11366
Townsend Harris High School at Queens College
Ancient lingo added to language curriculum
Fault line at building site Threatens long-awa1ted move
by Beth Mattucci
by Demetrios Bertzikis
Next year the Foreign Language Department will be welcoming a new addition to the Townsend Harris family: Proto-Indo-European. This fouryear required course will be added to the curriculum along with the one modem and classical language that students are currently studying. Latin and Greek teachers Lisa Language and Roman Russian, who are responsible for coming up with the idea, will instruct this course. According to the The Encyclopedia Americana (1994), Proto-Indo-European is "a hypothetical language thought to have been spoken about 3,000 B.C." For more than 200 years, scholars have speculated that many modern-day languages classified as belonging to the Indo-European family (from India to Europe) have branched off from Proto-Indo-European. The original Indo-Europeans are believed to have originated from the steppes north of the Black Sea, in what is present-day Ukraine. Later, they conquered several European cultures on horseback, and spread their language in the process. According to an article in Science News (February 25, 1995), it is believed that many foreign people willingly acquired IndoEuropean dialects so that they could share in the thriving economy of the Indo-Europeans. Although no written evidence exists of this language, there has been a recent breakthrough. Professors from Queens College's Foreign Language Department, Ms. Language, and Mr. Russian have been meeting for the last year with one goal: to reconstruct this hypothetical language. By studying the shifts in languages as they spread throughout the world and the research of other linguists who have tried to reconstruct
Indo-European words, this team of experts was able to piece together a probable language. These scholars feel that Townsend Harris students will be ideal candidates to learn this ancient language because of their intellect and their ability to absorb both foreign and classical languages. Mr: Russian is enthu~iastic about teaching the new language. "I think that Townsend Harris is the perfect school in which to pilot this language. In my experience teaching here, I've witnessed the students' remarkable ability to grasp a new language. I also think that learning Proto-Indo-European will be beneficial to the students because it will allow them to understand many other Indo-European Jan~ guages," he said. The extra course will be conveniently added into the schedule by creating a tenth band, extending the school day by one hour. The consensus of most students is that it is a small sacrifice to make for a better education. Senior I. M. Smart said, "I think it is a great idea. It will not only give mean edge over other high school students, bur it will also be a lot of fun, like Latin. If only someone had thought of this sooner." Freshman Teacha Me is also excited about this new addition to the
Once again, Townsend Harris may be forced to postpone its move. The discovery of a major fault line under the new building on the Queens College campus has the school Construction Authority scrambling to strengthen the building against possible earthquakes in the area. The recently-discovered fault is situated underneath 149-11 Melbourne Avenue, the site of the new building ready to be occupied by Townsend Harris High School. The discovery has also given rise to fears that an earthquake of major magnitude will some day strike New York City. An investigative report, exclusively obtained by The Classic through an anonymous City Council member, shows that any decision by the mayor to allow the move-
problems of one individual school at this time. Dr. Stanley Galakowicz, the seismology expert at New York University who discovered the fault, proclaims that "it is massive," and predicts that "a major earthquake is destined for the area." He made the discovery this week
pal Martin Bigmann of this latest impediment to the move, he said, "I know nothing about this. Until I have received an official call from the Board of Education, we are moving, despite any danger to our lives ." Another seismology expert, Dr. Horton Suess, said, "I am 100 percent certain that an inevitable earthquake
mentofTownsendHarrisHighSchool Townsend Harris family. · He com- to the new building will jeopardize mented, 'This is a great opportunity. the students' "well-being," and vioBy learning Proto-Indo-European, I late city and federal laws unless the will be able to understand almost any building is reinforced to withstand a language. I also like the idea of hav- 7.4 or higher magnitude earthquake. ing a tenth band; nine is just not Townsend Harris will remain at enough." 75-40 Parsons Boulevard unless this If this course is successful, teach(;!rs standard is met and a new Certificate will consider offering "Deciphering · of Occupancy is iss':led. Hieroglyphics: A Guide to UnderThe mayor still has not commented standing Cave Drawings" as an elec- on this matter, saying he is too busy tive next year. cutting the budget to look into the
">~ --
whileexperimentingonthemetalconc tent of the earth in the neighborhood of Queens College. He claimed that he personally talked to top city officials, who agreed that Townsend Harris cannot occupy that space unless they reinforce their building before moving in. Galakowicz also said that he will soon "widely publicize the discovery" and only talked to The C lassie because its school was directly involved. When The Classic informed Princi-
will reveal a sinkhole which will ilterally swallow up anything or anyone who is present at the area." Dr. Suess said that it is quite probable that the fault was formed during the end of the Ice Age when the water from the melting ice entered the earth and was trapped by New York City. IfGalakowicz's discovery is legitimate and if Suess' predictions are true as well, the future of not only Townsend Harris, but the entire city, could be devastating.
'Tiny Bubbles':
Stressed students may pop away problems in new room by Helen Haritos
Assistant Principal of Organization Malcolm Rossman announced yesterday that the tons of bubble wrap in the lobby will be used to cushion a room in the new building. The room will be used as a stress reliever, with students locking themselves in there to pop the bubbles and reduce tension. Students can sign their names on a sheet that will be displayed outside thedoorofthe"paddedcell." A guard will be hired to monitor who enters and when. Each student will be lim- .
ited to once a week, five times a marking period. Each "session" will be three minutes long. The room will also be used as a punishment. When students act up, forget homework, or get a referral, they will get locked in there. They won't be allowed to pop the bubbles, however. The guard will be present, popping away, while the unlucky student stands there and watches. Stephen Roxland, a freshman, thinks that this is a form of "cruel and unusual" punishment. Mr. Rossman had ordered 1,000
boxes of wrap, most of which was needed to protect science material. This supply soon needed to be replenished. Another 1,000 boxes were ordered and what is seen in the lobby is all that is left of the second shipment. The big question hanging over Mr. Rossman's head was what to do with the extra supply of wrap. It is anticipated that a lot of wrap will be needed. The company is giving Townsend Harris a discount of 2,000 boxes for the price of 1,000. Money for this project will be raised by a bake sale every week and by
increasing the price of the bagels by five cents. Harrisites will volunteer their time and strength to re-wrap the room, and will receive a maximum of 15 service credits per term. Administrators, teachers, and students alike have all given into the temptation of popping the wrap in the lobby. "It's there- you have to do it. It's just there," commented Harry Rattien, Assistant Principal of Mathematics. When Mr. Rossman was asked if he ever popped a bubble, he replied, "What I do is take a straight jab," and
hepunchedintotheairwith~;~.smileon his face. Students seemed pretty pleased when they heard about the padded cell. Helen Maliagros, a freshman, said, "Pad up a room? It has a good purpose but it's kind of...comy." '· Mr. Rossman hopes the bubble wrap in the new room will not need changing for at least a week; however, considering the number of tests and the amount of homework given, he expects to need the services of the volunteers to re-wrap the room by the second day there.
2 Barbie gets brains:
New doll modeled after Harris girls
and votes, the executive board chose Townsend. by Natalka Palczynski and Jennifer The new Barbie, which as been molded to look Silverman Mattei Toy Company has received numerous as realistic as possible, has a hunched back and complaints in recent years about its Barbie doll's bag (to scale- there are roughly 11,200 gratl}s in flighty personality. Many people feel that this is a 25-pound book bag), hackey sack, dictionary, not the image that Barbie should portray. The program card and SU card. There will also be a line of accessories to be "We girls can do anything, right Barbie?" mentality is back again. In an effort to restore her sold separately. Some of these items are: gym ~ood name and popularity, Mattei has decided to ·uniform (colors- crimson and gold), Barbie locker, Barbie NYC j..-'1~ 9:.~-.~ .. bus, and Barbie Mass Transit train. In addition, Mattei will produce a limited edition . of Kens. They will market approximately 9.5 million Townsend Harris Barhies, with a Ken for every 700 Barbies. It is estimated that they will be worth $1,000 each by the year 2000. These Barbies will be on sale in the S U Store of the new building, as well as many other stores throughout the country. It is expected that Barbie will be available for purchase as soon as Townsend Harris students make the move to the new buillding. Mattei hopes that this new Barbie will end complaints from feminists. When so.phomore Jennifer Matchin; an avid Bar, .,,..,.. • hie collector, was take an educational approach. Company research- asked what she thought of the new doll, her ers surveyed the country looking for the school response was, "Like I'm glad she's not like such with students who best fit the public's idea of an an air head any more. Like who needs a ditzy incredible woman. After countless discussions idol? Go Barbie, yeah! "
Regents Board revamps exams; Makes them 'student-friendly' by Fernando Moreno Imagine coming in on the day of a Regents and having the option of taking it with your best friend, or being given the opportunity to take the test home for a couple of days. How about taking Regents exams on subjects like the NBA, Pearl Jam, and Melrose Place? This June, students throughout the state will get first-hand experience in taking the newly-revamped Regents tests, after the Board of Regents in Albany passed new rules and regulations regarding the format of the exams last week. The changes are aimed at improving the scores of the thousands of test-takers, while maintaining the principles of learning, only this time using different approaches. The idea of changing some of the old ways of the Regents came about because of the mediocre grades that students have received during the past few years. By making the proper adjustments, members of the Board of Regents hope to boost the scores on the tests and also increase the percentage of students receiving Regents-endorsed diplomas. One of the biggest alterations made involves
Supreme Court overrules Unfair referral for t-shi·rt by Romina Perrone March 15 was a school day, but sophomore Joseph Formato spent it at the State Supreme Court. Battling a referral he got from dean and gym teacher Ronda Stix on March 1. 1994, he emerged triumphant after the court unanimously ruled that he had received an unjustified referral. According to Ms. Stix's testimony, Joseph received the referral because "he wore at-shirt which encouraged our other Townsend Harris students to fail out of our fme gym program." The t-shirt in question was navy blue with red paint spelling "MUSCLES R 4 AIRHEADS." Joseph and his parents, Leonard and Nina Formato, claimed that Townsend Harris had violated his First Amendment rights by issuing him the referral. In addition to wearing the controversial tshirt, Joesph had also refused to do "The Easy 4,000," an exercise series consisting of pushups, sit-ups, and 4000 laps around the gym. Chief Justice Ronald Crump, in delivering the court's verdict, said, "Under the Hazelwood decision of 1988, schools can ban free expression if it is likely to cause disruption in the school, but Mr. Formato's t-shirt did not present a clear and present danger of such disruption."
Judge Crump stated that Joseph's t-shirt did not call for action to be taken against the gym program, and he therefore ruled that Joseph is protected by the First Amendment. Ms. Stix had argued that the t-shirt encouraged students to refuse to build their muscles or take gym seriously. This, she claimed, was a "clear and present danger" to their health. Joseph's referral was demolished, and all disciplinary points were erased from his record. Despite this, he had to complete 'The Easy 4,000" the next day. After the trial, Joseph stated, "I never meant to encourage any kid in my class to fail out of gym. I never even intended to do so myself. I am only sorry that Ms. Stix had to waste her time and am sorry that she took it the wrong way." "I did not take anything the wrong way," replied Ms. Stix. "I only feel that if you don't complete the "Easy 4,000" and then encourage classmates not to, you are guilty of being out of shape and out of your mind. You should be punished for this." Dr. Largeboy said, "I believe that the judge knows his l~ws and regulati~ns. He made his decision, fulfilling his duties with responsibility. It worked out for the best."
the amount of time that a student is allotted to take an exam. Under Jhe old guidelines, a test in any subject lasted for three hours, but with the new rules, a student has the option to take the exam paper home for up to two days. This will allow pupils to use all the sources they want to obtain the correct answers, thus giving them a great opportunity to score high on the tests, and at the same time, motivating them to hone their research skills. Another change made by the Board is that those who wish to take their examination in ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . school may do so, under the condition that they offered, so that taking the exams will appeal to a Hoop, sophomore. ''The new forinat allows do it with a classmate. Some educators feel that broader range of students. These include exams for us to lean important skills by examining a person achieves more through cooperative which require the know ledge of the NBA, radio things that are appealing to us. Our mathestations, Pearl Jam songs, and T.V. dramas like matical skills should improve with keeping learning, and they have taken this idea one step further by mandating students to take the ReMelrose Place and Days of Our Lives. The up with the NBA, and a couple of episodes of gents with a partner. Test-takers will be enreason for tests in such mainstream topics is to Melrose Place should give us a lesson ortwo couraged to converse during the three hours of encourage students to be aware of their cultural in sociology." Officials of the Board of Regents in Albany exam time, ensuring that each answer will be surroundings. Tests in these new subjects may continue to explore other alternatives to make well-thought-out. be taken in place of a Regents exam in an acataking Regents more worthwhile for stuUnder the old system, Regents were given demic area, and may be used to fulfill the· redents. Announcements regarding more only in academic subjects, such as math, sciquirements for a Regents diploma. changes are expected to come in the next few ence, foreign language, English, and history, "These changes in the Regents make me look but now, tests in more "popular" topics will be forward to taking . them in June," said Horace months.
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