The Classic newspaper Volume 12 Issue no. 4

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Townsend Harris High School at Queens College

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149-.11 Melbourne Avenue. Flushing, NY 11367

'No objections':

Faculty earns top honors I Mock Trial team third in state by Helen Haritos and deserve recognition. Ms. Natalka Palc;,;ynski Blier was nominated by Dr. · "We don't demand excelLargmann. lence, we merely expect it," A panel appointed by Dr. is a quotation heard time and Harrington reviews the many again from various adminisletters received from Queens trators. Now it is the faculty high schools and decides on being awarded for continued which administrators receive excellence with Principal which honors. Malcolm Largmann, college , "It was quite a shock to be counselor Marilyn Blier, Arnominated," Dr. Largmann chon advisor Odile Garcia said. "Whatever recognition and Students Promoting Aids or award you are honored Awareness (SPAA) advisor with, you achieve it because Ilene Marcus all receiving other people have helped you top honors. Ion addition, achieve it." Guidance Counselor James "There are so many people Murray, Assistant Principal that deserve to be honored for of Humanities Lynne their committment to the stuGreenfield, and social studdents. Unfortunately, you can only honor one at a time,'' he ies teacher Nancy Leib have added. Dr. Largmann and been selected to participate in Ms. Blier were honored on a new program called the May 14 at a special cerChina Project. Both Dr. Largmann and emony. Ms. Blier were recognized Ilene Marcus, Odile Garcia, by the Office of the Superinand their students Jennifer tendent of Queens High Belo, !lana Golin, Jordana Schools. Dr. Largmann was Kaban, Jennifer Molina, named Queens Supervisor of Claire Schnabel and Aimee the Year and Ms. Blier was Shapiro, were honored for designated Counselor of the their leadership in human reYear. lations by the National ConDr. Largmann was nomiference of the Greater New nated by a committee from York Region on May 21. Townsend Harris that writes Ms. Garcia's work with the letters to Superintendent Service Honor Society, Margaret Harrington about Archon, and Ms. Marcus' administrators they believe (Continued on page 10)

by Natalka Palczynski Dhanji, and Rena Varghese; which team wins. After eight rounds of intense four juniors: Ilana Yagudav, Students spend long hours at competition, the Mock. Trial Nicole Bruno, Jeffrey Santos, competi- · team soared t i o n s to the top and which ofgrabbed ten take third place at I I ~ _:tJ ' ~ place on the state school championnights. ships in Al"They're bany May 8 very dedi- 10. The cated,!' team represaid Ms. sented New ':§ Leib. .....J York City Team >, and fought g members against win:z"' work with ners from .£ prof e sfive other re~ sional lawgions. :0: y e r s Of the through a more than m.e n tor 600 schools program. that origi- Triumphant after their third place win, members of the Mock Trial Team D a v i d Ruby Varghese, Sandi Intraub, Ilana Yagudav, Shirley Hwang, Nicole Bruno, nally com- Rena Varghese, Yvette Lopez, Jeffrey Santos, Taslim Dhanji and Annie Kuo R o s s , peted, only await the train home from Albany. Caroline these five Kretz and made it to J am e s AJbany. The team that won first and Ruby Varghese; nnd one Scanto~n of the Colin and place was the one that sophomore: Sandi Intraub. Roseman law firm coach them Townsend Harris had defeated In a mock trial, students pre- through most aspects of the trial. in the preliminaries. pare legal arguments for the The founders of the firm went The team's advisor, social plaintiff and the defense. The to the old Townsend Harris. studies teacher Nancy Leib,just team offers three lawyers and "Not only is it fun, but stutook charge of the group this three witnesses. Participants dents learn a lot too," comyear. · Previously she had design evidence, prepare cross mented Ms. Leib. "They are coached debate and run the in- examinations, write opening more careful with their speech ternational law program. and closing statements, and fol- and their self-confidence is The team consists of five se- low all court procedures. raised. They get to work with niors: Yvette Lopez, Shirley All schools are offered the professionals and do things that Hwang, Annie Kuo, Taslim same case and the judges decide real law students do."

Debate Team argues its way to victory; competes in Alb~ny finals by Kathryn Rube "Spectacular!" That's the word that English teacher and Debate Team coach John Francis used to · sum up the 1995-96 debate season. For the first time ever, the team participated in the ~tate competition . in Albany on Aprill9~20. Four of the five freshmen on the team - Scott Stein, Rebecca Silver, . Erika Strochlic, and Annette Orzechowski - along with senior Rena Varghese, competed in the regional tournament. Though all did well, Rebecca excelled, making it to the semi-

finals and placing among the negative sides of the argument top rwvice debaters in the state. and then prepare cases. These Prior to this competition, the consist of constructives, which 'team attended monthly debates outline one's own case, and rehosted by other schools in their buttals - arguments against the Brooklyn-Queens Catholic Fo- opposing side. The 'most recent regular searensics League. A typical debate consists of several rounds, son debate, ori March 16 at in which team members go one- Archbishop Molloy High on-one against debaters from School, was a regional qualifier. rival schools. Rebecca placed third, Scott There are three levels of com- placed second, and Annette, petition: novice, intermediate ·fourth, in the novice competiand varsity. Debaters receive a tion; Rena came in second at the topic, known as the resolution, varsity level. At previous debates, Rebecca for each tournament. They research .both the affirmative and and freshman Lisa Schapira had

placed first in novice, Rena came in second in varsity, and sophomores Kate Rube and Jamie Tong fourth in the intermediate competition. In addition, freshman Erika Strochlic placed in the top four at two regular season debates, giving her automatic qualification for the state competition. Though the team concentrates on individual debate, their Lincoln-Douglas team has also been very successfuL Seniors Beth Lebwohl and Ernestine Ward, along with junior Irene Biniaris, made it to the quarter-

finals in the Chemical Bank debate tournament. Their loss there was to Francis Lewis High School in a split judges' decision (2-1 ). Although Mr. Francis will be retiring from teaching after this year, he hopes that the team will be even "bigger and better next year." He is "extremely proud of how well all ot' the team members did ." According to him, debate is one of the things he will miss most about Townsend Harris. "Memories of debate will be among my fondest," he said . .


Fire Alarms Page 5

Recycling Pages 6-7

Ice Cream. Page 9

Girls' Soccer Page 12




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Recycling to save planet "Reduce! Reuse! Recycle!" So goes the chant of the environmentalists; anxious to minimize the tons of garbage produced by Americans _every day. Since July 1989, when New York City's · recycling program was established, blue receptacles filled with glass, plastics and other recyclables have dotted street curbs every two weeks, waiting to be collected by Sanitation. Unfortunately, the Sanitation Department has been grossly negligent in implementing this kind of program in city schools, which are among New York's larger garbage producing has shown little interest in providing us with recycling bins and setting collection dates. As far as recycling goes, Townsend Harris has been left to fend for itself. For the past few years, the Sanitation Department and the Board of Education have skillfully avoided students' appeals for help in establishing school recycling programs. According to Odile Garcia, advisor of SPE (Students for the Preservation of the Earth), neither the board nor the Sanitation Department have responded to the environmental club's pleas for recycling bags and bins, and have only managed to send recycling instruction manuals, leaving students frustrated and disappointed by the outright indifference of the officials in charge, Not only does Sanitation-forget to collect our regular garbage, which is left t9 rot in metal bins for weeks, but it seems that the board is too busy cutting school programs to be concerned about _ the environment. After much pestering from determined SPE members, the Sanitation Department showed a sign of life when it finally provided our school with two new bins for regular garbage. It is understandable that the heavy snows this past winter kept the sanitation trucks very busy and slowed down garbage collection, but New York's recycling laws have been in effect since 1989, and the lack of progress in school recycling programs is inexcusable. Despite all these hinderances, Townsend Harris has managed to set up its own recycling program through the efforts of SPE, and the cooperation from faculty and students. · SPE members have organized their own paper recycling program, collecting used paper weekly from their self-created bins placed in offices around the school. Club members also dug deep into their own pockets to buy recycling cans for all the main offices in the building at $10 apiece, and have taken on the responsibility of bringing aluminum cans to supermarkets for refunds, and crushing non-refund~ able cans for storage. The perseverance of these people to keep the building and environment "earth-friendly" is amazing-- Ms. Garcia and SPE members heroically pushed along and continued to rally for a recycling program, despite the non-existent cooperation from Sanitation and the board. The club has als9 encouraged teachers to reduce paper use. Thousands of sheets of paper are used by the faculty every · day, but that is to be expected - tests, homework assignments and other lesson-related materials are run off for the benefit of the students. However, because of a shortage of paper and growing concern over the piling garbage, teachers have been trying to save as much space as possible by printing material on both sides of the paper and shrinking text to make more room. As for the rest of us, we have to stop wasting so much paper and train ourselves to be more economical. We cannot toss our metal cans and recyclable plastic lunch items in the garbage, expecting someone else to fish it out from the discarded food and place it in its proper place. If we want something to be done, we have to work hard to accomplish it, the way SPE persisted in finding blue recycling bags for our school, and succeeded in eliciting outside donations from generous people who supported the group's efforts to encourage school recycling. No one controls the future, but we can certainly influence it. No one dreams about living amidst garbage either, so we must take care of our environment now. The popular slogan, "Every little bit counts" often falls upon the deaf ears of people who have little faith in themselves and everyone else, but the words do hold soine wisdom. Every little bit we recycle adds up, so instead of waiting an eternity for SOmeone else to take charge, let'S get mQVing and help Start a trend that will clear the garbage from the future .

Goals of a Harrisite_ by Dominika Bednarska

I am a Townsend Harrisite. My goals are simple andfew: . To maintain a 90 average, Join a few school clubs, Become part of a community organization, Win a few awards, Learn how to program my VCR. I am a Townsend Harrisite. My goals are simple and few: To maintain a 95 average, Become president of all school clubs, Run that community organization, Win the majority of awards in the free world, Work for a VCR manufacturing company. I am a Townsend Harrisite. My goals are simple and few: Maintain the highest average ever achieved by man, Consolidate all extra-curricular activities into o.'ne of which I am the only and supreme head, Expand my community organization into a cross-country chain, Give out all those awards. I am a TownsendHarrisite. My goals are simple andfew: Buy out all those leading VCR companies, Establish a foundation in my honor that will cure all social problems of our time, Become the first left-handed teenage woman in .Congress, Save all endangered species by providing an environmental sanctuary in my bedroom, Find extraterrestrial life forms and convert them to proficient users of the World Wide Web, Divide myself into a million functional and productive parts so that I can efficiently rule all of planet Earth, Write an autobiographical self-help book entitled "I am not an over achiever." After all I am a Townsend Harrisite. I have to have some achievements on my college application.

Townsend Harris High School at Queens College 149-11 Melbourne Avenue. Flushing, :'<.Y. 11367

Editor-in-Chief: Veronica Lee Natalka Palczynski

Readers are invited to submit letterS to the edi· tor. Letters should be placed in Ms. Cowen's

Managing Editor

Michael Munoz & Amanda Schoenberg

mailbox in the general office. The Classic reserve5

the right to ·edit all letters. Letters must include name and o!licial class. 1<ames will be withheld upon request.

News Editors

Erik Bloch & Rena Varghese Feature Editors

Heather Paterson

Tara Balabushka Lay~ut

Sports Editor

Erika Zwetkow


George Motakis Art Editor

Photography Editor


Lauren Sharett

Business Manager

Assistant Feature Editor

Beth Matucci

Claire Schnabel

Assistant News Editor

Assistant Sports Editor

News Staff Dominika Bednarska, Richard Capone, Beth Citron, Helen Haritos. Cory McCruden, Jennifer Pare, Romina Perrone, Ellen Schnabel, Michael Weiss Feature Staff:

Demetrios Benzikis. Alexander Blunt. Amy Kommatas. Mark Von Ohlen. Kathryn Rube. Liron Shapir. Rebecca Silver, Hope Villella

Photographers· Erica Carroll. Danielle Cohen. Lina Fan. Jason Freedman. Mall Gottlieb. Millie Liu, Kimberly Lydtin, Kathleen Maignan, Sofia Pangiotakis, Emilia Rakowickz. Lisa Shapira. Marco Trauzzi, Henry Wong, Jason Wu, YOung Yoon Sports Staff

Justin Fox, Joseph Regen, Johnny Wong

~Rachel Sperling, Melissa Tinio, Vesna Vasic

Layout: Julia Kohen Principal - Dr,MalcolmLargmann

Advisor - IlsaCowen Photography Advisor- Richard Tiffen




The Classic


May 1996

l~~~~rr ~© ~~~ [§cg]~i!©rr Make group projects group projects To the Editor: Many teachers assign group projects. Their goal is to have large problems tackled by a few students working together while learning from each other at the same time. Unfortunately, this goal is not always achieved because the projects are not designed to insure that all people will contribute. It seems a few students always end up doing a lot while others can slack off and still get a good grade. Often slackers bring down the grade of the rest of the group. Teachers should understand that without individual accountability, the original goal of the group project- to have a difficult problem attacked by a group of people who all do an equal share of the work - will not be achieved. When planned out correctly, group projects can make learning fun for everyone involved. Even teachers benefit by not having as many projects to mark. However, when people feel that there is an unequal division of work, all enthusiasm is lost and true collaboration cannot take place. Vicki Realmuto

Briefly: Seniors, Samuel Kim, Rebecca Mandell, and Michael Munoz have been named National Merit finalists. Four students are finalists in the National A-chievement Program for Outstanding African American Students. They are Akiba Smith, Brian Purville, Russell Jones and Nia Rhodes. Both Brian and Akiba received a $2000 achievement scholarship. Naina Alves, David Haghighi, Jennifer Kroell, Adesina Sanchez and Ryu Yokoi, juniors, were semi-finalists in the National Hispanic Scholar Recognition Program Amanda Schoenberg, senior, won the first place Gold Circle Award for in-depth news writing in the national contest sponsored by the Colombia Scholastic Press Association. Juniors Vanessa Melchiori, Jennifer Sobrino, and Romy Varghese won Certificates of Merit for their entries in the Barnard College Essay Contest.. ·Mathematics teacher and Program Coordinator John Brown was named Outstanding Teacher of the Year by teachers on the Honor Selection Committee. A poem by senior Beth Lebwoh] won first place and a $1 0;000 award in the Bertlesman writing and music contest, while seniors Jessica Gazsy and Kristy Sottolano won fourth place. Jessica Rodrigues, senior, won Honorable Mention in the New York City Poetry festival. Seniors Colleen Chan and Elizabeth Irizarry won Honorable Mention in the City Cotlege Poetry Contest. The Classic was selected as the second place winner in the American Cancer Society, Queens Division, Great American Smokeout Youth Advocacy Journalism Contest for their February, 1996 spread on smoking. They received a plaque and a $150 check. Nisha Shah won first place, and Sunny Chow, Nancy Fann, Peggy Kong, Ronald Lee and Monica Patel, second place, in the Asian Pacific American Law Students Association's essay contest for Asian and Pacific Islander students. The contest was open to those attending Townsend Harris and John Bowne High Schools. Maggie Yuan won first place in the ninth grade division of the New York City Association of Teachers of English essay contest. Avegaile Rose Austria placed third. Eun Joung Kim, Sylvia Yue and Edyta Zielinska placed as semi-finalists in the Otto Burgdorf Contest. The contest is a student research competition, run by the New York City Biology Teachers Association. Emily Haisley, senior, was one of four winners at the Math, Science and Technology Fair sponsored by Polytechnic University. Senior Sabrina Dixon was chosen to represent Region I at the National Society of Black Engineers' first annual Try-Math-a-Ion competition in Nashville, Tennessee, March 27-31. Of the 191 students who took the National Latin Exam, 144 placed in award level categories. In Level I, there were 6 Summa Cum Laude, 27 Maxima Cum Laude, 32 Magna Cum Laude, and 24 Cum Laude awards. In Level II, there were 4 Summa Cum Laude, .21 Maxima Cum Laude, 14 Magna Cum Laude, and 15 Cum Laude awards. Senior llan Golin received the first place award of $1200 in the contest "Rewarding Young Leaders in Our Community," sponsored by the Check Cashiers Association of New York in conjunction with Travelers Express Company and the Division of High Schools.

Student-Faculty show Postponed till next fall by Dominika Bednarska

Blechman. "It's a good way to get people "It's SING and Saturday Night Live involved in school spirit," she added. all rolled into one," said Lynne Although the auditorium still lacks Greenfield, Assistant Principal of Humanities, describing the upcoming student-faculty § show. Originally So ·c;; planned for April :E 25, 26, and27, the show was post] poned to next fall ~ ~ because of a >, faulty lightboard, .0 B and difficulties in 0 coordinating ~ schedules. However, the senior portion, a parody of the Lisa Ebe and Jeffrey Santos, juniors, work on the script for the Wizard of Oz will Student-Faculty show, which will be performed next fall. be performed in late June. Auditions, held on April 29, received a some equipment, Ms. Blechman is large turnout. excited to use the "gorgeous rehearsal The performance is jam-packed with rooms, dressing rooms, and catwalks." parody and meant to "highlight our tal- Last spring, Ms .Greenfield and Ms. ents or lack of them," said English Blechman were given training on the teacher Harriette Blechman . lights and sound system. Ms.Greenfield and Ms. Blechman are SING, Expressions, and EIIE, clubs the co-coordinators of the production, that usually organize and perform their which is a fund-raiser for auditorium own productions every year, cancelled equipment. their show plans because of a lack of While backdrops and audio gear are stage equipment and money to support needed, the real purpose of the show is three separate plays. However, "A Day to "involve everyone who is interested," at Townsend Harris" will allow students said Ms. Blechman. and faculty interested in acting to work The theme of the show is "A Day at together in one major performance. Townsend Harris." According to sopho- "[Mr. Lustig and I] really wanted to do more Carolyn Arcella, "each class has a musical, but we just didn't have the a different skit, and it will all tie together money ." said Ms. Blechman. "We dein the end." cided not to be too optimistic about what "We are not going to make fun of we could accomplish this year and pool teachers, but we are going to poke fun all our resources into one big perforat Townsend Harris," said Ms. mance," said Ms. Greenfield.

Enrichment returns by Erik Bloch

Drama, photography classes and other activities are once again a part of Townsend Harris life with the return of the Enrichment programs in April. Enrichment has been a part of Townsend Harris since its re-opening 12 years ago. However, under the financial strain of the recent budget cuts, the school was forced to part with this unique program. Now, in light of newly found funding, a modified form of En- · richment is available as a voluntary after-school activity for the remainder of the term. The program began on April 2, and offered such classes as Drama Club, and Computer Data Analysis. However, of the dozen or so courses that were offered in March, only three have drawn enough interest to run: Visual Image Processing Workshop, ' Drama Club and Journalism. Visual Image Processing Workshop, taught by science teacher Richard Tiffen, allows students to "explore the visual arts" through traditional photography and computer graphics. Reactions to the return of Enrichment have been mixed. "Since I've never been in Enrichment, I don't know what

I've missed. But I don't have time or interest for the courses," said freshman Tony Lee. Sophomore Danny Gold also chose not to participate in the the program, explaining, "I've usually got a lot of things to do after school." Some students, however, have welcomed the arrival of Enrichment. Freshman Jody Horton said, "One ofthe reasons I chose to come to this school was because of what I heard .about Enrichment. I'm glad I have a chance to at least see what it is like." Senior Melissa Rosenblatt said that after-school Enrichment is a good idea because "this program gives us a rare chance to be with each other and to interact with the underclassmen." "The seniors are always the same," said Principal Malcolm Largmann. "First they say how glad they are to see Enrichment end, then they tell me how much they miss it and how much it has helped them develop." Many faculty members are also pleased about the revival of Enrichment. "They will come back. Where else can a kid take part in the kinds of activities that Enrichment has to offer?" said Ms. Schwartz.



The Classic May 1996


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Arista inductees Vocabulary Month comes back Shine at ceremony by Beth Citron The annual induction of Townsend Harris students into Arista, the nation a lly recognized honor society, occurred on April 24 in the Colden Center Auditorium. The ceremony honored students who had met the required criteria of academic merit, character, and service. Margaret Landry, advisor to · Arista and foreign language teacher, emphasized that Arista's theme for the coming year is service. The traditional ceremony of lighting candles was performed by the newly elected officers of Arista. Kunlin Tsai, the third year vice president, lit the candle of scholarship; Annie Socci, second year vice president, lit the candle of leadership; Winnie Ma, secretary, lit the candle of service; Adrienne Socci, treasurer, lit the candle of character.

In his speech, Malcolm Largmann, principal, pointed out that more than 31 percent of Townsend Harris students were accepted into Arista, an exceptional numbe r. After Dr. L argmann ' s speech, U day Gosalia, president of Arista, used the comparison of being a New York Mets fan through tough times to express parents' devotion to their children. The traditional Arista pledge was delivered by Ms. Landry to the third year inductees; Malcolm Rossman, Assistant Principal of Organization, to the second year inductees; and Sheila Orner, Assistant Principal of Pupil Services, to the first year inductees. Adding to the ceremony was the performance of the Concert Band. Under the direction of Peter Lustig, music teacher, the band played "The StarSpangled ·Banner," "Variation Overture," and the Townsend Harris Alma Mater.

by Kate Rube "Thigmo-what?" exclaimed a student inspecting the sheet of paper posted in the stairwell, with the ominous phrase "Vocabulary Word of the Day" printed on the top .

played on the skeleton in the main lobby and throughout the building. English teachers also publicized the words. As the climax of the month, the multiple-choice vocabulary test was administered simultaneously to

Arch·on recognizes outstanding service by Cory McCruden Cans of baby food were dropped into a box as Archon inductees walked up on stage to receive certification of their acceptance into the service honor society May 8. The tenth annual induction ceremony honored students for their active involvement in the community . Marvin Leiner, Queens College liaison, and Malcolm Largmann, principal, spoke at the induction, which took place in the auditorium . The baby food will be donated to the Salvation Army and will be used to help families in need. The idea was thought of by former Archon president Ilana Golin. Junior Julie Gilgoff said, "Archon is all about helping people. I thought it was a really nice idea." Students were lauded for their commitment to helping others. Dr. Largmann quoted encouraging words from the poet William Wordsworth to describe the efforts of the students. Wordsworth wrote, "Small service is true service while it lasts. The daisy, by the shadow that it casts, protects the lingering dew drop from the sun." "When I do these things, I don ' t really think about the credit, but it's always nice to hear a little praise now and then," said junior Monica Patel.

Dr. Leiner mentioned the dedication that Townsend Harris students possess. He stated, " Whether it be a march for human rights or a walk-athon for AIDS, Townsend Harris students are always doing something to help out." The traditional flower was passed from the old executive board to the new. ''I'm sure that we'll be able to do a great job and continue to do the things that Archon is known for," said Ani Aydin, senior vice president of the 96/97 execqti ve board. · A plaque was awarded to Odile Garcia, advisor of Archon, for her devotion and hard-work. Although she was unable to attend the ceremony, students enthusiastically praised her. "The induction was great, but with the absence of Ms. Garcia, something was missing. It was difficult organizing the event without her guidance, but with the help of faculty like Sheila Orner, the night was a success," said David Chau, 96/97 Senior President of Archon. After the ceremony, refreshments were served and parents were given the opportunity to mingle with students and staff. "I thought the ceremony went really well. Archon is something special and I'm happy to be a part of it," said junior Nancy Fann.

March Madness: Skeleton Ephebic Oaf, presents the word of the day during Vocabulary Month. Thigmotactic was one of 30 all students. This was to prewords to appear on the April vent any quidnuncs from Fool's Day quiz which culmifinding out the questions benated Vocabulary Month, that forehand. The tests were unique annual event which marked by some sagacious Encomes to Townsend Harris glish teachers, who also helped along with the first signs of devise the exam. spring. The 115 students who During the last Vocabulary reached the apotheosis of ver- month two years ago, 154 stubal achievement with their per- dents had perfect scores. (What fect scores won a candy bar kids will do for a Snicker's from the school store along with bar!) a certificate from Principal One might question why Malcolm Largmann. One win- Ms.Greenfield came up with ner, to be chosen by a drawing, Vocabulary Month, her brainwill receive a gift certificate to child of five years ago. "It's an a Barnes and Noble bookstore. actvity that involves the whole Last year, students managed school community. The voto escape this "torture," as one cabulary is mainly words that sophomore called it, because·of kids should know, but don't," the vicissitudes in the school's she explained. moving schedule. However, Most of the disparate words this form of castigation is back that were contributed served for the fifth year as what looks this purpose, but one might to be a Townsend Harris suspect that appearances of tradition. "snood" in texts read by high The vocabulary was compiled school students are few and far by word whizzes Michael between. The word, given by Carbone and Cathi Vieser, stu- Mr. Carbone, was a "blast from dent teachers from Queens Col- the past," as he said. lege, and Lynne Greenfield, AsMs. Walsh, who had several sistant Principal of Humanities, of her words chosen, contribfrom the copious suggestions uted her vocabulary for a difprovided by teachers and staff ferent reason. "Every year, I members. always pick words that relate Each day of March, a differ- . to my hero, Don Quixote." As ent vocabulary word was dis- she explained, this quixotic

man wanted to undo all the evils of the world. Quixote represented an anachronism because he dressed and carried on like a knight 200 years after they were around. Several language teachers provided words that are cognates. Mr. Russo's contributions all had Latin and Greek roots. They are "frequently mispronounced because of their unusual spellings," he added. AloiJg with her Don Quixote vocabulary, Ms. Walsh offered the word "castigate," which has the cognate "castigare" in Latin and Spanish. "People are often mistaken about its meaning, confusing it with . . . well, another word," she said. Other teachers picked a word simply because they "liked the way it sounded," as English teacher Ms. Weyne said, referring to her word, "gambol" According to Ms. Biener, she was "always coming across 'meretricious' in reading, and could never remember what it meant." She thought that if it was given as a vocabulary word, she, along with everyone else, would find it difficult to forget its definition. When questioned about the reason for choosing a certain word, many were vague, replying that it just seemed like a "good word:" Two contributors, Alan Katz and Millie Tiovonen, chose words with very similar meanings - diatribe and harangue -but would anyone associate lectures or sermons with teachers at Townsend Harris? English teacher Harriette Blechman insisted that there was no reason for her selecting "sylph" - a slender young woman. Some speculated that Principal Malcolm Largmann's choice, "roan," related to him personally in some way but that apparently was not the case. He chose it because the word appears frequently but is so small that it isn't easily recognized. Though many would like there to be a moratorium on Vocabulary Month, it looks as though these 31 days are here to stay. There isn't much of a schism among the student body - most would like to see the program proscribed.Teachets, though, seem to like the idea, seeing it as another way to make Townsend Harris the apotheosis of high schools. Students, however, do not impugn the truth of Ms. Greenfield's claim that Vocabulary Month might be helpful in the future for that dreaded test, the SAT's. "It just reinforces the school's commitment to vocabulary in a fun way," she says. Black History Month, Women's History Month ... Vocabulary Month. Who knows? -it might become celebrated nationwide.

.. ...


The Classic


May 1996

Kadamani does more than set off fire alarms

by Romina Perrone False Fire Alarms: They can be annoying to your ears ~r blessings that interrupt boring classes Either way, Adel Kadamani, chemistry teacher, is often the man responsible for · them in room 643 . Mr. Kadamani produces the false alarms when he combines chemicals that form heat, energy and SMOKE. "It's fun doing things that show what we ·

recails sleeping in the moun. tains with fellow soldiers, as well as being wounded and hospitalized before leaving the war. Many casualties and deaths resulted from the frequent bombings. When he was 22, the war in Lebanon drove Mr. Kadamani to the U .S. When 'he arrived in the United States, Mr. Kadamani got his B.S. degree at East Carolina University in

advice. He taught at Paul Robinson High School from 1988-1990. In 1991, he joined the faculty of Townsend Harris. Mr. Kadamani is a fan of classic movies. His favorite movie is Gone With the Wind. He spends his free time working out, reading newspapers, and being with his friends and family. · This past Christmas, he flew to Lebanon, where his fiancee


Adel Kadamani, chemistry teacher, sparks an interest in his students. are talking about [in class] so North Carolina, and then did you· can experiment with an graduate work at the City Uniidea, not just read about it," he versity of New York, where he claims. took extra credits every year and As a high school student in received his Masters degree afLebanon, Mr. Kadamani was ter three years. He says that he always amazed at how certain would never have been able to things react with others. This is do that in Lebanon, where you when he first developed an in- must go to the university for all four years in order to receive terestin chemistry. Mr. Kadamani was raised in your degree . He feels that the a family with high values . His education here is better because younger brother and sister and "there is more equipment, more he were brought up very strictly. books for research, ahd you are He believes that firmness works in direct contact with technolwell on kids to teach them what . ogy ;" andyou also have a wider is best for them. However, he variety of university choices. feels that success has to do with There are only four or five uni: one's own philosophy of life. versities in.L-e banon. In 1989, a close friend of his His own philosophy is to lead a good Christian life, have a returned to Lebanon and was strong commitment to people killed on his way there because around you, and to have good he was a Chris1ian . Mr. human relations . He is a very Kadamani feels that this event religious Christian and attends changed him. He says that since church every Sunday. "God then he has had a stronger comcomes first in my life," said .Mr. mitment to help those around . him and has valu~d God more. Kadamani. Mr. Kadamani worked at his He believes the current Arabfather's shop, selling and repair- Israeli peace talks are important ing bicycles, from when he was because people are tired of war. I 0 years old until he was 17. At He feels that "there will always be someone unhappy, but peace that time he joined the army. · Mr. Kadamani was involved will prevail." Mr. Kadamani became a in the Lebanese civil war between the Christians and the teacher because he is a "people Muslims for five years. "Any- person" and it gives him the one who could carry a gun had chance to do what he feels he to go," said Mr. Kadamani. Be does best: listen, guide and give

Rita and he were married on Christmas Eve. The celebration continued for four days at a large reception hall. The first night, over 450 people attended the party and approximately 75 .. people attended the next three nights. · Mrs. Kadamani is not a United States citizen and Mr. Kadamani had to return to the states without his bride . On March 11, Mrs. Kadamani flew here from Lebanon, for the first time ever. Mr~ Kadamani claims that his new wife loves the United States and she plans on going to school here. Mr. Kadamani has been -taking his wife sightseeing. First on the agenda was the Statue of Liberty, said Mr. Kadamani, because it represents freedom of choice and opportunity. He plans on taking her to Disney World. "They have so many things that you can do and enjoy and have a good time," said Mr. Kadamani. He has been to Florida five times during his 15 years in the United States. He enjoys the peace and quiet and the warm weather. Even so, he lives in New York. He says he could live anywhere so long as he is ap- preciated by his family, friends and co-workers.

Frequent false alarms Trigger little response by Hope Villella Em! Em! Em! screeches the fire alarm as for the second time today its ear-piercing ring penetrates the halls and classrooms of Townsend Harris. But teachers don't pause and students continue working because the fire alarms have become· as commo·n an occurrence as finding dictionaries in each stud.e nt's backpack. Yet, while e·v erybody now anticipates the announcement by Malcolm Rossman, Assistant Principal of Organization, saying that everything is fine, there still remains a hint of alarm among staff and students. "The day when a fire really does happen and the fire bells go off, nobody will pay attention," said sophomore Jamie Tong. Presently, the administration and the custodial staff are working together to minimize the interruptions. "The system is extremely sensitive," Mr. Rossman explained, saying that all but two of the times that the alarm has been sounded have been due to experiments in the science laboratories. Custodian Engineer Joseph DiGiacomo said that creation of any kind of smoke, such as from a cigarette or lit flame, are enough to trigger the alarms. On "rare occasion," he added, dust that collected overnight could clog their filters and set them off. According to Mr. DiGiacomo, the biggest problems are located in rooms 604 and 639 of the science department. He said that some of the activations might be prevented by students and teachers learning to operate the portable exhausr fans properly. Mr. Rossman explained, though, that Adel Kadamani, chemistry teacher, .

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the usual recipient of the blame for setting off the fire alarms, and the rest of the science department, are not at fault. There are problems with the connections of the ventilating units, he said, and therefore they cannot be used to filter the smoke. When an alarm sounds; a board in Mr. DiGiacomo's office locates the origin of it and a member of the custodial st;1ff immediately reports there to find out the cause. If there is no fire, Mr. DiGiacomo cancels the bells as quickly as possible and Mr. Rossman announces that there has been a false alarm . Regardless of precautions taken by the staff, some students are still worried. "I think it's bad that the fire alarms keep going · off, because we'll just keep sitting there and saying, 'Oh it's Mr. Kadamani's fault,"' said . sophomore Tamika Turner. Sophomore Nathalia Cobain disagreed. "I guess it's good because when there's a real alarm, it will go off, except we have to be careful not to ignore alarms in case some are real." While it appears that the ah1rms are just super-sensitive, Mr. DiGiacomo says that there is no way to know if the alarm equipment is functioning properly. The School Construction Authority had various problems with contracts in the building of the school and so installation of the alarms may not have been completed properly. Mr. Rossman concluded that there is no real solution because if they were to "deaden" the sysc tern· in any way, it could only make the situation more dangerpus. He added that though the noise is a nuisance "the fire alarm system has backup protection so that it protects you from mechanical error."

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May 1996

Cutting through red tape:

Environmental club promotes recycling; city fails by Amy Kommatas School-wide recycling sounds easy enough. All the students have to do is separate their garbage into those ne~t blue recycling bins and POOF! - your old chemistry lab will . magically transform into an envelope .. . right? Unfortunately , it takes more than fairy god mothers and wands to establish a school-wide recycling program, Harris students are finding . out. Cutting through the red tape of the Sanitation Department has been di fficult for members of Students for the Preservation of the Earth (S PE) . This environmental club organi zed all paper recycling at the old building several years ago, but then ran into problems wi th the Saniuition Departm ent when it stopped com ing to pick up the paper and remove the recycling bin . SPE has fo und the Sanit ation · Departm e nt ne g lect s th e new building as well. " Since the buildin g is so new , it seems as though the Sanitation Department thinks we don ' t exist. Trying to get their attention and help has been difficult ," said Gregory Alvarez, SPE Co-president.

maintaining that the garbage was piled up high and was never picked up by the Sanitation Department. "We can wait for the bins, but we just want them to pick up our recyclables. It is starting to smell here!" he said. More fingers are pointed when discussing whose job it is to carry out a recycling program. "It's good you guys are doing it, but it's not your job," said Mr. Solomita.


stores non-recyclable Very Fine cans refundable cans for recycling. Members 1 the cans home or to a local supermarket wl they are refunded. Either the next meeti or the next day, the money is tun~ed Sabrina disclosed that the club collec almost 500 cans each qwnth, which trans!: to about 100 dollars. At one point, the crushed cans were stc and used in a workshop at Youth Can, a wo wide environmental conference, which ' held at the American Museum of Nat1 History on April 28, 1995. The large s< model of a triceratops on display in the lol is the result of the students' inventive ust cans . Harold the Dinosaur is con strue

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Other Options


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Recently, SPE began the first step in school-wide paper recycling by "a) creating their own bins out of any ·c: available boxes an.d setting them up Q"'· in the main office. When SPE copresidents, Eun Joung Kim and Gregory spoke to Malcolm Rossman, Assistant Principal of Administration, of their plans, he responded," Thank you for what you are doing. I know I am one of the biggest paper pigs." Every Thursday, SPE members collect the recyclable papers and pack and store them in the garbage loading dock. (So that's what that other door leads to on the second floor!!) Eun Jung is optimistic over the outcome of their efforts. "If you give it time, it will be really successful,'' she said. Clear plastic bags are needed to hold the recyclable paper collected in the main office; however, the Board of Education has failed to supply Townsend Harris with such bags . . It is a requirement of the Board of Education to "provide plastic recycling bags and twine to each facility through the facility's custodian." Due to their lack of cooperation, SPEturned to the kitchen staff, who supplied them with the needed bags. The Board of Education "should have been leading the city's efforts, not helping to drag it behind, '.' concluded a New York Times editorial regarding the lack of recycling in most city schools . (New ·York Times 31231 94).




Recycling Goals Under the New York City recycling law, which took effect in July 1989, the Sanitation Department is to "implement collection programs, develop processing facilities and take other steps necessary to achieve specified recycling goals within certain institutions, including the Board of Education." This entails providing the school with proper recycling Freshman Peter Pavlou washes out cans as freshman bins and assuring garbage pickup Peter Maroudas crushes them for recycling. every two weeks. So far, neither of these things has happened. According to Tony Solomita, a representative for the New York Sanitation "You're actually doing the custodians' job. Department, "None of this is easy." The trash Your job is to really sit here and learn." As outlined in their contract, the custodians' receptacles are "working their way slowly and surely ... to s.omehow reach you. " He added, only recycling responsibility is "bringing "You put it [recyclables] out there, we'll pick recyclables out to the point of collection on recycling day ." Head Custodian I Engineer it up." After hearing this, Gregory laughed, Joseph DiGi~como said, "If designated , we

Paper products in high demand by Lauren Sharett It is an aspect of daily life and a vital part of any regular school day. It is essential for classwork, homework, memos, and tests. This necessity is paper -and it is constantly in demand at Townsend Harris High SchooL On an average, four to five cases of 8 1/ 2" x 11" paper are used per week. This adds up to 25,000 of just this one Wpe of paper, with 5,000 sheets being used per day. Each box costs about $30, with the price varying throughout the y·e ar . Teachets and administrators frequently use 8 1/2" x 14" paper as well. As of now, the ~per is supplied through a Board of Education c,ontract extendi:ng until July. In the past, paper was purchased privately through venders, with prices set

will implement one[recycling program]cv, but it will be up te> the students te> make it work." He adds, "We are not garbage separators. Without their help we cannot make it work." Odile Garcia, SPE advisor, said, "As le>ng as a program is established, the custodians are willing to cooperate." During the holiday season, SPE gave them their trademark "earth -friendly" tee shirts to thank them for their help. While waiting for the Sanitation Department to come through on their legal duties, SPE is looking into a · private company to pick up the garbage. "The private company would pay us if we have a certain amount of . paper. Right now we don't have enough," Ms . Garcia explained . "John Bowne started recycling paper and we might link up with them ."

by bidding. The school's allocation for paper supplies has been affected by recent budget cuts. However, thanks to contributions from the PTA, Townsend Harris has been able to purchase the amount of paper necessary. Many individuals have recognized the hjgb demand for paper and therefore limit its use as much as possible. "There has been a farge improvement in the use ef paper. The faculty is really tJ:ying to ce>nserve paper and use both sides of the sheets," said Odile Garcia~ advisqr of Students fer the Preservation ·of the Earth. Ms. Garcia reminded everyone that money is nnt the on~y issue at' hand when she suggested, "I think we should use recycled paper, bur· this is expens·i ve and may be difficult to find."

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Living in Garbage Every year, the average student produces 140 lbs of garbage (NYC Institutional Waste Stream Composition Study). Three percent of all of New York City's waste is accumulated by public schools. Yet, instead of being recycled , virtually all of the 12,00 tons collected daily by the Department of Sanitation accumulates at Fresh Kills on Long Island. Aluminum cans make up about two thirds of all the metal waste collected in the city of New York. In response to this, members of SPE began a Very Fine can recycling committee, at the request of Ms. Garcia last year. Headed by juniors Sabrina Ahmed and Smitha Kunjumone, the group crushes and

completely out of Very Fine cans purc~asE from Townsend Harris machines. Blue recycling bags are required for n disposal of aluminum cans, but the Board < Education has yet to supply SPE with an: Jeffrey Lewis of Woodhaven came to th rescue and donated a supply of blue bag. thanks to the efforts of sophomore Sabrin Ahmed. "Recycling affects how we all live, explained Smitha Kunjumone. "Not enoug people realize how important it is."


Standing Strong Many people cite Ms. Garcia as the dri\ ing force behind the school's entire recyclin mission. "She is the conscience of our schoo She keeps us on track with the really impm tant issues that some people would like t leave to others to do," stated Princip2 Malcolm Largmann. Standing in the main lobby this Hallowee was Ms. Garcia, enclothed entirely in plasti bags. The only thing recognizable about he was the familiar cries of "Reduce! Reuse Recycle! Rethink!" Whether she is encouraging people to tak action or singing Christmas carols at Cerebral Palsy Center, :Ms. Garcia's warn




The Classic May 1996

COOperate resence compels many people to take imilar strides towards helping others . 'Although Ms . Garcia has been constantly agging about us recycling, it' s basically the tmly reason anything gets accomplished. We hank her and appreciate all of her efforts," ~aid Gregory . "She doesn ' t simply talk, she does," said Dr. Largmann . ' There is a Native American saying, "We tlon' t inherit the earth from our parents. We orrow it from our children." Ms . Garcia ~eems to back this statement wholeheartedly, spo nsori ng a variety of "earth- friendly" telated activities to boost interest. Some, however, still think there is more to accompli sh.

~ 'It is not enough to have a club promoting he preservation of the earth and just win :ontests on it," declared junior Ruby arghese , SPE member. "More people have o show concern, and it should start with >etter waste habits and control in the ,chools." Junior Suzanne Guarnieri agrees, "We all lave to pitch in and save the environment 1ecause if we don 'i, no one will." Former New York City School Chancellor tamon Cortines also addressed the issue of ecycling, stating, "The earth is not just omething to be passed down onto future renerations after we are finished using it, like orne "hand-me -down" ecosystem. It .is ather an irreplaceable treasure we hold for ur children and our children's children. ecycling is an important part of keeping that rust bountiful." ronald Lee contributed to this article.

!ources: The Road to Recycling distributed by he Environmental Action Coalition, New York ~mes 11127/93, 3/23/94, 4/27/94, 11/28{94, Re>cling Guidelines Memorandum, distributed by e Board of Education, NYC Institutional Waste . ,tream Composition Study in "A Comprehensive 'Olid Waste Management Plan" Volume 1.2


Recycling queen Garcia cleans up school, wprld by Erika Zwetkow , She was born and raised in France, teaches biology, and chemistry, just about lives on the sixth floor and is involved with more things than you can count. Sound familiar? That's Odile Garcia. Ms . Garcia came to the United States when she was 21 years old because "I didn't know what I wanted to do with myself, and I wanted to learn better English," she said. She attended Queens College and student-taught in Townsend Harris for one year. She was asked to stay, and has been teaching here for eleven years. Sus an Appel, Assista nt Principal of Science, said the school invited Ms . Garcia to teach at Townsend Harris because "she was really enthusiastic about everything, she was committed to humanity, and she was just wonderful with the students." SPE (Students for the Preservation of the Earth), Save the Children (a student club to help abused and starving children nationally and internationally), Amnesty International (a student club promoting human rights, mostly through letter-writing), Archon (the service honor society), Puffles (an anti-drug program for children run by students), and YouthCan (a- program, part of SPE where students communicate with others, and exchange information about environmental projects with people from other countries on the Internet), are just a few on the long list of groups, clubs, and projects with which Ms. Garcia is involved. ' When asked how she fits all her activities into h;r schedule, she replied; ''I'm here every morning at a quarter to seven, I work during school, after school, and sometimes <?D Saturdays. I almost have too many things but a lot of things come with tl\e season." Ms. Garcia adds that SPE makes two trips a year to the Queens County Farm Museum, which is where students created the dinosaur made out of crushed recycled cans that sits in the school lobby. Another contribution to recycling was her Halloween costume this year.. She was basically covered from head to toe in garbage. A top, shirt, head piece, and niask all made out of plastic bags, aluminum cans and paper products contributed to her elaborate, eye-catching costume that made a dramatic statement fashion-wise, and literally. "I tried to send a message promoting recycling amongst the students, " she said. Ms . Appel recalled that several years ago Ms. Garcia came dressed as a vegetable, and another year she was Raggedy Anne. She added, "Every year her costumes are wacky, and just amazing." Ms . Garcia didn't want to describe herself, but she explained, "Sometimes I have a bad temper, sometimes I'm in a good mood, but that's me, that's just the way I am." Greg Alvarez, a junior, said, :'Ms. Garcia doesn't like to talk about herself, and she always refuses to be in pictures for the yearbook, or when a club gets a group picture taken." It might not be something known schoolwide, but some students and faculty can confirm that Ms. Garcia is known for her acting and singing abilities. Ms. Appel . explained that when Ms. Garcia was a student teacher at Townsend Harris, the instructor at Queens College came to observe a biology lesson Ms. Garcia was conducting about reflexes. · To demonstrate how reflexes work, Ms. Garcia: proceeded to slam her finger in a

drawer and pretended to be hurt. Since the . ·A lot of what Ms . Garcia does helps others, class and the instructor from the college didn't whether it be in a nursing home with Archon, know she_ was pretending, the college holding a candlelight vigil for abused children instructor "turned pale," as Ms. Appel stated, with Amnesty International, or communicatand he went over to see if Ms. Garcia was all ing across the world with other students and right. Ms. Garcia, however, went right on schools to exchange information and help save with the lesson, explaining from her theEarthwithSPEandYouthCan . Ms.Garcia demonstration how and why reflexes occur. is totally dedicated to helping others, Ms. Appel laughed as she said that one of the especially those at Townsend Harris. many reasons the school hired Ms. Garcia was With her accent, colorful personality, and her "acting · ability ." Some students admit to hearing Ms . Garcia sing as well. She is known for singing a little song in French . about the Periodic Table in her chemistry classes help . her to remember different elements and such. There ' s another song that she sings in French, a lullaby, about a cat, that wa~ sung to her by her mother when she was a child. Ms. Garcia says she went back to school to become a teacher because most of her family members are teachers, but she I. . also believes that -..r..L. ~.:·~ t .. "helping and sharing with others is important." Her favorite quotation is, "If one life has breathed easier because you have lived ~ this is to Literal bag lady Odile Garcia greets students in her Halloween finery. have succeeded," by Ralph Waldo Emerson. She agrees very involvement in the school in ev~ry way, "she strongly that "to touch one person in your life really represents what a humanities school is a success." should be," said Ms . Appel.

. Recycling one ton of paper saves 17 trees. . Recycling a stack of newspapers roughly four feet high is equivalent to saving one tree. . Each of us uses about two trees worth of .. paper each year. . More than 73 million tons of paper are produced each year. · . Paper is the single largest part of the waste we produce. . Ea;ch aluminum can recycled saves enough e-nergy to run a television for three hours. . Nearly two million tons of a.luminum cans are thrown away each year. .. Amy·Ko·mmatas





Chang holds own Read-Aloud celebrates At Olympic trials Black History Month by Roinina Perrone Table tennis player Karen I. Chang, senior, returned from the Olympic Trials held at the · University of Michigan February 21-23, placing eighth out of 11 competitors. Karen won three matches out of 10, against 10 women ranging from 14 years old to the early thirties, most of whom she had played in the past. The top four play-

States Table Tennis Association. Karen and her mother left for Michigan on February 20 and returned on the 24th. "Table tennis is a closely knit community of players, so you see all the same top players all the time," said Karen. She also added that the athletes are mostly trained in China and are from an Asian background. Karen played three to five games with each competitor. Whoever won three games first won the match. The winners . are determined by their number of wins as well as who they 'I attended more defeat. for the experience During the· three days · of competition, Karen followed a than for winning.' strict schedule. She awoke at 7 A.M. every day for breakfast, and then went to two and a half hour practices. Competitions ers are heading to the Summer ended at one P.M. and then Olympics (one as an alternate). resumed again at seven until Karen said that she is not at about ten dclock. Between this all disappointed by the results. time she had lunch and relaxed. Two of the matches she won Karen said that athletes were . were against athletes whom she not provided with food, only had never defeated previously. with transportation to and from "This was my first time at the the university. In January Karen suffered a Olympic Trials. I've only recently begun playing at this back injury from skiing. She high level of competition," was worried that it would interfere with practice for the OlymKaren said. "[Most of the other athletes] pic Trials. Two weeks before have competed at the Olympic the tryouts, Karen's injury imlevel many · times before. The proved and she began daily winners were mostly in their · practice. She worked "harder late twenties and early thirties, than usual," practicing five and so I have time to improve. I sometimes seven times a week. Karen said that her table ten[attended the trial] more for experience than for winning," nis coach, Hui-Yuan Liu, just "wanted me to play my best," she added. Karen was invited to the and Karen feels that's what she Olympic Trials by the United did.

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by Beth Mattucci There were 24 readers for the of her favorite poems by Nikki A Read-Aloud highlighted the band five Read-Aloud, and due Giovanni and Maya Angelou at celebration of Black History · to an abundance of performers the close of the band five preMonth, an annual tradition in as well as interruptions by bells sentations. Commenting on the February that commemorates and fire alarms, their readings Read-Aloud, she said, "I was the achievements of Black were finished at a later date. For very pleased arid I feel that there ·Americans and raises cultural the band 7 awareness. It took place in the ·event, there library during bands five and were 19 parseven on February 27 under the ticipants. guidance of librarian Valerie Students Billy. from those Publicized through the Hu- lunch bands manities Department with the were able to help of Assistant Principal attend along Lynne Greenfield, the event with English featured student volunteers and history reading poetry, essays, excerpts classes that from plays, and original pieces. came with their teachers. r~1 The event w a s deemed successful by most of 'It was heart-felt, the students uplifting, ~duca­ who attended. tional, Sophomore and essential' Dominick Giovaniello said, "It Topics included heritage, cul- was good. Black History comes alive as freshman ture, and racism. Some of the Some things Rebecca Silver reads poetry by African poets~ featured authors were Maya were· too Angelou, Frederick Douglass, long, but it and Langston Hughes. Students was good. It showed how the is a need for these kinds of acwere very creative in the ways readers felt about Black History tivities. The library's a great that they recited their selections. Month." Sophomore Claire place to have them." For example, junior Colleen Schnabef said,"The students Some students were angered Rainford read her poems in a read with intense feeling." that the Read-Aloud did notalJamaican accent, and got down Participants in the Read- low everyone to attend. Sophoon her knees for "An Evening Aloud also offered positive more Tamika Turner said, Thought" by Jupiter Hammon. comments. Junior Simone "How could they have a ReadThe readers represented a broad Hoyte said, "The Read-Aloud Aloud and exclude sixth period spectrum of ethnicities. was an excellent opportunity to lunch? I don't know how many further educate Harrisites in re- people took' part in it, but I'm mHI sure more people would have come if they had opened it to all lunch bands." Other events commemorated Black History Month as well. In worked for them at one time, 'Hopefully, we've the library, Ms. Billy displayed and Ofra was "r.eally interested relevant books and posters. Earin what they were doing." engendered a lier in the month, she showed a Ofra wasn't sure if she would tradition.' do a Westinghouse, given the film called San Kofa ·by an chance again. However, she Ethiopian film director. The · was glad that she was recogclub EIIE (Educate to Elevate) nized for her work, though she displayed trivia questions and bad never expected it. "I loved gard to Black History. Finally, pictures with biographies of fathe research, but I liked the as opposed to hearing the same mous black Americans such as recognition, too ... I feel so old and dull lectures, we were Marian Anderson, Jatkie honored," she said, ''I never given the opportunity to[ make] Robinson, Joe Louis, and expected it." ourselves aware of past and Langston Hughes in the center Compl~ting a Westinghouse contemporary black poets. staircase. The club also· made has changed Ofra's life and has Hopefully, we've engendered a announcements during the had an impact on what she would like to do in the future. tradition." month to inform the scho9l She is now considering Junior Schiffon Jones, who about the lives of some famous researching in college and perread an original biographical black Americans. haps even majoring in essay entitled "Reasons," said, Some teachers who couldn't neuroscience. "I have a lot of "The· Read-Aloud was an ex- bring their classes to the Readother interests besides science. ceedingly positive experience. Aloud had their own celebraI want to keep my options It was heart-felt, uplifting, edu- tions. Myron Moskowitz, Social open,'' she added. cational, and essential. The Studies and Participatory DeFor future Westinghouse parspirituality and sense of com- mocracy teacher, had his classes ticipants, she says, "Don't do it munity of all who participated hold their own read aloud. Other just because you want to win that's the worst reason. Doing , teachers gave assignments to made my day." it is enough; that's what it's Ms. Billy, who organized the their students to do research on about." whole event, also shared some the lives of Black Americans.

Westinghouse finalist explores capital by Kathryn Rube "It was such a great experience," said Ofra Biener, referring to her trip to Washington D.C. As a Westinghouse finalist, Ofra traveled to the nation's capital along with 39 other winners to exhibit her project, having to do with identifying grammatical errors. (See The Classic, 2196, p. 1.) The stay, which lasted from March 6-12, consisted of interviews, presentations, and judging. Ofra went through five interviews. Each was conducted by one to three people and focused on a branch of the sciences. These included biology, physics, math, psychology, and philosophy. "We weren't just asked questions about our own project," Ofra said, "It was a little intimidating, especially for me, because my project was social science based." On March 9-10, the projects were presented at the National Academy of Sciences, where the finalists stood next to their

work and answered any questions the viewers had. : At first, Ofra said, everyone was tense and uptight, but they quickly opened up to each other. "I met so many interesting people that was definitely the best part," she said. Ofra also gives thumbs up to the hotel, food, and general treatment by the supervisors. "Everyone was just so nice to me," she commented. The · tr~p wasn't only "all work and no play," either - all the finalists went sight-seeing, and saw the play Les Miserables. Another enjoyable part of Ofra' s trip was her "Prime Time Appointment." The finalists were all informed that they could pick any organization or agency to tour fot: a day. Ofra chose the Aavanced Research Pnogram Agency, which works for the Department of Defense in creating, as Ofra put it, "the technology for the future." She had learned of the agency becl!use her mother had





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Sugar ban hurts profits

by Mark Von Ohlen Gummi Bears, Sour Patch Kids, and other candies with sugar as their first ingredient can no longer be sold at The Harrisite Consession Site, due to the enforcement of an old Board of Education rule. To fill the void and make up for lost profits, the store is now selling ice cream and frozen yogurt. Judy Biener, Coordinator of Student Affairs, is in charge of all the "behind the scenes" work such as placing orders, while school aide Stella Kartas runs the store when it is in operation during lunch bands with student volunteers who receive service credit for their jobs. Even though Townsend Harris is a school, it receives no special discount from R & S Dudley, the wholesaler from which the store orders, but it is tax exempt. This saves the store some money so prices do not have to be dramatically raised in order to make a profit. At The Harrisite Consession Site, chips, cookies, and Combos are 50 cents apiece, while candy and cough drops are 60 cents. Some new products available include brownies, Twix, and Kit Kats. Townsend Harris apparel such as sweaters, sweatshirts and pullovers are also on sale at the SU store. According to Ms. Biener, the SU store usually brings in $120 a day. This adds up to thousands of dollars a year which, with SU dues, makes up the "central pot"

of the school's money. The money is then distributed throughout the year to various clubs and activities. This limitation on sugar has brought down sales considerably at The Harrisite Consession Site from its usual $120 a day to about $85 to $90 a day now. This is lost money that could have been used for clubs, shows, and sporting events. Ms. Biener went on to say that the " restricted sugar" policy was always broken· by schools, but now the Board of Education is putting its foot down by auditing them. If a school is caught breaking this rule, it will receive a summons. "Americans in general don't eat well....Now with this ban, kids will reach for an alternative to candy," said health teacher Ellen Schwartz. Principal Malcolm Largmann made an announcement at a meeting about a month ago, asking the SU to "find alternate goodies." Fresfiman Michael Taylor felt that the sugar ban was unnecessary. "We'll buy the candy after school anyway; they may as well make a profit off our sugar rush,'; he said. "As the days get warmer, I hope the ice cream sells better," said Ms. Biener, in hopes of making up for lost profits. "There are a lot bigger problems than how much sugar kids are eating. The Board of Education policy is not a good idea."

TheCiassic May



Kartas satisfied with job, life 'Y Helen Hartios ..1 like people, I like verybody. I don't care who it s; if they're nice, Ilike them," tella Kar:tas, the aide in charge f the school store, repeated hroughout her interview with

Rossman, Stella applied for a job at the Board of Education. "I was very, very lucky," she says of her being placed here at ·· Townsend Harris. "I do whatever I can. The more I can help the school, the better," she said. She currently manages the new school store,

the Student Union," observed Jason Freedman, sophomore and monitor in the school store. When Stella says she "loves her kids," she is referring to the monitors who help her during her lunch bands. She has 'he Classic. developed a good relationship Born and raised in Salonica, with many students and is alreece, Stella, ways smiling she likes to be when speaking ailed by to them. She tudents and considers them taff alike, spent all her "babes." ost of her life When she here, living with heard a junior er mother, girl works as a ather, and sister. waitress, Stella Stella got told her, 1arried and had "You'' re too he first of her young, babe. hree children in They'll kill you reec.e before there. You're oving to the too young to be nited States in working." 966 ...At first it Stella likes as hard he'f.e , e.·verything ery hard. We about the Stella K~rtas serves one of the many customers at the Ham site ad no language, school. "EvConcession Site during lunch. erybody is nice othing. But we ot used to it;" she s·aid.. which was recently officially here,'' ·she says. ' 1llike the new Theodore, her oldest son•. is-a dubbed "The Harrisite Conces- building, I like the o'id building, uccessful plumber. Maria is sion Site." The name was the anywhere as fong as I'm with appily"married. Christina, bet winning submission in the Stu- tbe people I love.'' oungest child, is a college dent Union's "Name the School The only 'time sbe gets upset tudent. Store Contest" It was chosen by with her "babes" is when they She says her children and her a panel of S.U. officer,s, as well don't buy the candy and other randchildren are her most as the Coordinator of Student snacks. "They're not buying aluable possessions, and this Affairs Judy Biener. When them,'' Stella said. "Come on ·as evident by the love in her asked her opinion about the new guys. Buy one get one free. coice as she spoke about them. name, Stella said, "I like it. It's Come on babes," she continued while trying to sell the potato Before being hired by chips, popcorn, pretzels, and s-sis•tant Principal of rganization, Maleol•m 10ld:ftsb.

I scream, you scream: the story behind the frozen delicacy by Tracee Ng Mint chocolate chip, fudge swirl, cherry vanilla, double chocolate brownie ... which flavor to choose? Should you get soft serve or hard? In a cone or a cup? When you finally decide, it's all the more satisfying, feeling the ice cream melting in your mouth and bursting with flavor. Mmmm. Ice cream is one of the most popular desserts in the world. While ice cream is considered a rare delicacy in countries such as China, it's so popular and easy to come by in the U.S. that the average American eats ice cream about once a day. A wide range of flavors has been developed to meet the evergrowing demand for this delectable dessert. Actually, all the types of ice cream we know today have evolved from sweetened snow. No one knows exactly when or where ice cream was born. The best guess so far was that Marco Polo brought recipes for ices back with him from China in 1295. Around this time, flavored ices became all the rage with the European monarchs. Kings sent out messengers to the mountains to gather fresh snow to make the

ices. And those messengers had to run like the wind, because God help them if the snow melted before they got back to the castle! In the early 1700's, the British colonists brought ice cream to America in a




Although it remains loved by many, health-conscious Americans worry about fat and calories in ice cream. And sure


developed form, using ice snow, and saltpeter (a mineral) to freeze cream,fruit and spices. It was a luxury food, but a popular one. It was always homemade until Jacob Fussell established the first ice cream plant, which marked an increase in eating ice cream. In the 1900's, soda fountains began to serve it in new ways, on cones and in sundaes and soda. Today, the U.S. produces 900 million gallons of ice cream yearly.

enough, all the milk and eggs used in ice cream can make you put on a pound or two, which is why frozen yogurt, a lower-fat substitue, has become increasingly popular today. Some strong -willed people have even managed to totally abstain from

eating this taste bud tempter. Townsend Harris students and faculty, however, would never swear off their ice cream. In a recent poll taken of 260 Harrisites, all admitted to liking and eating ice cream. Carol Homiak, an aide who works in the library, has a soft spot for vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup. "It's got to have the syrup. The gooiness makes it good," she said. Junior Veronica Valasek's favorite is chocolate chip cookie dough, although she falls for most types of ice cream. "It's the cookies mixed with the creamy taste. But it has to be Ben and Jerry's. No one else makes it better. Then again, I like all types of ice cream. I'm addicted!" she said, hiding her face behind her hands. But Veronica doesn't need to be ashamed; she speaks for a lot of Harrisites. Surprisingly to a lot of people, just plain vanilla is the most craved flavor in America, according to several national polls. The survey compared the number of vanilla lovers to chocolate cravers, and each time vanilla won. But not in Townsend Harri .s- here chocolate won by 13 votes.

Frozen yogurt, however, didn't score well in the school poll. Only six out of 260 preferred frozen yogurt to ice cream, but 179 said that they didn't like it. One extreme frozen yogurt hater wrote, "It tastes like glops of glue." Another person's opinion was, " People who eat frozen yogurt do it mostly because they think ice cream is fatty . I'm surprised that they eat it when there's ice cream, because I certainly can't." And for all those searching for adventure,Michelle Sokolowski has come up with something for you. "It's not in all the stores, " she said.'"But if you like exotic flavors, the Last Mango in Paris by Baskin -Robins is something to try."

Sources: Joseph, Lawrence. "The Scoop on Ice Cream." Discover August 1992 : 69-73 Krensky, Stephen. Scoop After Scoop: A History of Ice Cream. New York : Atheneum, 1986 " Low-Fat Frozen Desserts : Better For You Than Ice Cream?" Consumer Reports August 1992 : 483-87 "Ice Cream." Vol. 8 of the World Book Encyclopedia.1995




The Classic

May 1996

Softball team looks to playoffs Club Soda captivates audience (Continued from page 12) prospects since Jennifer came in as a freshman, and has helped our. team tremendously." Other strengths are in the team's hitting and fielding. Shortstop Kelly Olino, and outfielders Heather Ward, Christine Grant, and Sarah Franco, all seniors, are highlights in the field, as well as Elisha Ramos behind the plate. "We have good speed, and strengths at pitcherand catcher, making for a wellbalanced team," comments Ceraulo.

by Jennifer Pare

According to shortstop Kelly Olino however, one can't just single out a few people on the team as being important contributers. "Everyone on the team can play; they're all good at their positions, and every position is strong," Kelly said. Coach Ceraulo believes this is probably their last chance at a championship with this team, and hopes they can add a successful playoffs season to their already dynamic regular season.

Third place ends track season (Continued from page 12) Cowan also placed second in discus. Overall coach Horn felt the track team had the most successful year yet. "We were third in Queens in indoor and outdoor and second in cross-country, losing only by one point. We had a great year, and will probably have an even better one next year." said Horn.

Other leaders in the middle distance events were junior Lauren Mione who placed first in the 1500 meter walk at the Queen Championships and the 4x800 meter relay team made up of juniors Kien Quach, Christina Juva, Judy Lee and freshman Heather Ibert, which finished second. Sophomore Tarsha

Teachers take top honors (Continued from page 1) with SP AA gained them the honor. "I didn't deserve it; they deserved it," Ms . Marcus said , pointing to SPAA members . She added that she was "very proud SPAA has won. [The award] is a recognition of our commitment to AIDS awareness and prevention ." Ms . Lieb, Ms . Greenfield, and Mr. Murray were all chosen to be part of the China Project, a two-year program started by the American Forum for Global Education. It was designed to give 30 New York City educators an opportunity for in-depth study of China. Ten schools were selected and each was asked to nominate a group of three teach-

ers. A language arts teacher, a social studies teacher and any other educator were needed for the experience. The theme for year I of the China Project is "Chinese Culture in China: What does it mean to be Chinese," and the theme for year II will be "The Chinese Diaspora: The Chinese Experience Abroad." In the summer of 1997, Ms. Lieb, Ms. Greenfield, and Mr. Murray will take a one-month trip to China. "The awards represent what people think of our school," Dr. Largmann said. "And this year has been a wonderful year. The awards have been coming in one after another."


During an early scene in Queens College's production, Club Soda, one of the club members attempts to define its name. As he explains it, it's called Club Soda because "We sparkle and sizzle." On Friday, March 29, the junior class, along with students from John Bowne, got the opportunity to see several "sparkling" actors at work when they attended a special performance of Club Soda at the Queens College Theatre. Directed by Susan Einhorn and introduced by Queens College President Allen Lee Sessoms, Club Soda opened, quite enjoyably with a song from the Big Band era, "In the Mood ." Set in 1946 Brooklyn, the play incorporated much of the popular music of the time, from Tommy Dorsey to Benny Goodman. Club Soda traces approximately two years in the life of Lillie Kreiner, a 14 1/2-year-old daughter of Jewish immigrants, played by Queens College student Jill Parshley. When the audience is first introduced to Lillie, they Jearn that she has just been chosen to play Sleeping Beauty in an up-coming school play. Her innocence and enthusiasm are evident early on, but it's not until her teeth are broken in a car accident that we are introduced to Lillie's family life. Her mother is appalled when Lillie ' s teeth are broken, and mad at her for getting into a stranger's car. Barely able to make ends meet financially, Mrs. Kreiner cannot afford to get her daughter's teeth fixed, Jet alone encourage Lillie 's lifelong dream of going to college. Further evidence of Lillie's unhappy home life is seen when her mother calls her a "bigshot" for having ambition and loving to read. She refuses to Jet Lillie take piano lessons, even though they're free. Lillie's father works from morning to night and is never seen once throughout the course of the play. When Binnie, played by Queens College student Arthur Francesco, comes into the picture, Lillie is faced with issues she ' s never had to deal with before. Binnie is two years older than Lillie and instantly attracted to her. Not long after the two start dating, Lillie loses her virginity and fears that she's pregnant. One of the funnier scenes in the play occurs

when Lillie and Binnie, pretending they're married, visit a doctor, who sounds mysteriously like Dr. Ruth. The doctor advises Lillie to take baths in hot mustard in order to prevent pregnancy. While these major changes are occurring in Lillie's life, Club Soda is still continuing to function. The club is for men only, and Lillie is hurt every time she's kicked out of the meeting place. Besides Binnie, the original members are his friends Louie, Vic, and Toss, all played by Queens College students. Later in the play they initiate a new guy, Bert, who has one of the funniest roles in the production. Louie, played by James Liebman, is an intellectual-type who has the same goals as Lillie. He too wants to go to college and enjoys reading. At one point, Lillie and Louie kiss, but nothing ever comes of it. At the end of the play, Lillie, who discovers she's not pregnant after all, marries Binnie and their futures are temporarily set; Binnie is going to be a carpenter and Lillie will settle for being a stenographer, thus giving up her dream of going to college. All in all, Club Soda playwright Leah Kornfeld Friedman created a realistic portrayal of one girl's life during the 1940's. The actors, because they were so entertaining and comfortable in their roles, really reached the audience. The actresses who portrayed the mothers perfectly captured the stereotype of the overprotective and annoying parent. The only disappointment in Club Soda is the ending. The entire play is about Lillie's ideals; how a poor girl from Brooklyn with ambition and ability wants to become something. In the end she just settles for being adequate; getting a job as a stenographer and marryingsomeone who's not even half as intelligent as she is. It's not clear whether Lillie's decision to marry Binnie stemmed from love or a feeling of frustration . Marrying Binnie was something she knew she could attain; it was certain. Going to college was not so certain; she had disapproval from so many people. The status of women in America has come a long way since 1946, but Club Soda still proves to be absorbing and entertaining.





























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Mentz brings high spirits to custodian job

by Nicole Anello You may have noticed her in the halls as you rushed to fourth period math class. You may have seen her bustling about during lunch bands, push broom in hand. You may have even been greeted by her on a snowy morning with her spirited shout of "Stamp your feet! Leave the snow outside!" Who is she, anyway? She is Margie Mentz, one of the new custodians (and only woman) working at Townsend Harris. This is the first school that Ms. Mentz has worked in and she has plenty of kind words for the building. She calls it a fantastic, great, a beautiful building!" She enjoys the pace of her work. "It's exciting ... lots of things to do. I'm always going and doing," she said. "I just don't like having to go home and cook afterwards." Ms . Mentz's regular duties include cleaning the offices on the third floor, emptying trash cans, and cleaning the lavatories . While her duties don't differ from those of her male counterparts, she has her own theory as to why she is in charge of the third floor. "Because it's the administrator's floor," she says. "They need someone who's going to be friendly; a guy may

not be as friendly." Ms. Mentz feels that she has truly "lucked out" working here. She says that she has been ·

gear me in the right direction. He's · down to earth and he knows how to talk to you. He gives respect."

what Ms. Mentz calls "normal stuff' such as going out to eat, seeing movies, and shopping. "When we've earned it,"

She also is greatly interested in foreign lands, though she herself has only left New York to visit Florida and Puerto Rico. She loves the scenery, which she calls "quaint." Of the places she would most like to visit, she singled out Spain because she had a paternal grandmother who was born there and is interested in finding out what region she had lived in. Working in a high school years after she herself graduated ·B has prompted her to think about j- how things have changed since b the mid-seventies. The biggest ] innovation she notes · is .§ computers. "Everything is high ~ tech," she said. "It's so,so cool." ~ Ms. · Mentz attended ] Washington Irving H.S. in c.. Manhattan, then an all-girls school. When classes let out, though, "All the guys 'were waiting outside for you,"she recalled with a smile. She said her fondest memory then was going to her prom: "Everything was new, fresh, perfect You're like an angel." Ms. Mentz had only good Margie Mentz, custodial worker, leaves the school spotless before she leaves for the day. things -to say about Townsend Harris' students. When she's not working, she she adds . "They really are better inspired by her boss, Custodian She and Matthew share a mannered than [kids in] regular Engineer Joseph Di Giacomo, spends time with her 13-yearwho, she says, is like a "father old son, Matthew, who by co- special bond, she says. "We can public schools," she observed. . incidence attends school in the ·talk about anything: sex, drugs "They're here to learn, not to figure" to her. "He has taught me a lot, " she old building on Parsons - anything. You need to talk. I goof off. They want an explained. "He knows how to Boulevard. Together, they do never had that kind of a education and something good relationship with my parents." out of life." Ms. Mentz cites having her son Margie Mentz has some as one of the high points of her words of advice for students. life. "He's the best thing that She says, "You guys are the ever happened to me. You want future. Never forget values and something so badly, it fills you respect. You' II be surprised at up. That's how I felt." what happens." by Hope Villella were asked to raise $20, senators the room. "Hey, if there are Failure to reach expected thought that a Dance-a-thon that fewer people, there's more goals for the Dance-a-thon on asked students to raise $10 room on the dance floor!," said March 29 led to another through sponsors would be sophom01;e Nathalia Cobain. postponement of the purchase . equally successful, explained Sophomore Gina D'Andrea of a tarp for the gymnasium Ms. Biener. But to attendees, it agreed, saying, "Although it floor. The Dance-a-thon, which quickly became apparent that a was grossly underpopulated, was held in the Student Union tarp was not in the near future. those who came danced and building of Queens College, "I don't think we're getting the had a great time. Those who PAYMENTSFORI2 MONTnsv had a turnout of 140 students, tarp for the gym," said freshman, didn, t come are party-poopers." Andrea Martin upon arrival at far below the expected 600. Some students felt The cost of the tarp, which the dance. disappointed by the outcome of the dance. "I think that it would be fitted over the entire ·~-----------. was fun, but I think it would gym floor for future dances and . .I yr. Suvlu e.. ,., AS LOW AS have been much better if more activities, is estimated to be • Mtlt~tet~aaa• Tnu people had showed up," said between $10,000 to $20,000. sophomore Jessica Pettinger, Judy Biener, Coordinator of 'Although it was Student Affairs, reported that adding that "people who beg grossly the school had to foot a $300 for dances all year should underpopulated, those actually show up ." bill because the dance had not who came danced and Ms. Biener said that they had taken in enough money to cover ALPIIA SERVICE AS lOW AS PER MNTH. costs. However, profits from learned that a dance was just not had a great time.' previous fundraisers had been the way to raise money : She (FREE RECONNECTS WITH yR. OF SERVICE) pointed out that even if the enough to make up the difference. The Student Senate, The dance started out slowly price had been five dollars and which had organized and with only a few students twice the number of people had promoted the . ~ance, had dancing, but gradually more come, there still would have anticipated 600 students, the people made their way to the · been the same profit. She said OR turnout of the fall Mixer; but the dance floor, including Susan that the raising of money had lack of attendance prevented Appel, Assisstant Principal of served to boost morale among them from making the $1,000 Science, showing her school students. Nevertheless, there is still no that they had hoped for. spirit A vast array of music was M!N!!AH!H @HNW!O!J!ll!G! OUHH! The idea for the Dance-a-thon played to appeal to every money to purchase the tarp, 311 MAOIIOH AVE. m IIXTII !VlHUf 107-0871H COHTIH!HUL AV!. originated from the Student student's taste, spanning from though Dean Wanda Nix and . H!W YORK, IIY 10017 H!W YORK, NY 10011 ronm mus, HY m1s Senate. After the huge success alternative rock to reggae. Those Ms. Biener are looking into {lll) 949-HS9 (212l47l-666l (718)261-1861 of the Bowl-a- thon In who attended did not seem other ways to get it. For now, December in which students discouraged by the emptiness of it will have to wait.

Dance-a-than's low turn-out Leads to tarp. postponem.e nt




·t 89 lncl•~•d:











The Classic

February 1996

Girls• Soccer team seeks· Possible championship by Heather Paterson Coming off a regular season in which they were Queens II Division Champions, the Girls' Varsity Soccer team hopes a possible championship is in sight. They enter the playoffs seated second in the city behind their rivals, Tottenville, last year's champions, who defeated them in the semi-finals. The girls are hoping for a rematch this season in the finals. Advancing to the finals is a real possibility fo.r the team, with a second seed. They will play Staten Island Tech Tuesday, May 28 in the first round and probably Stuyvesant and the Bronx High School of Science if those teams win. Earlier in the . season they defeated all three teams, but are sure those teams are going to be looking for revenge. The soccer team steamrolled over opponents, winning 6-0 and 7-0. They were given their toughest competition from Van Buren High School, the other

elite team in their division, but the girls defeated them twice (30) and (2-1). A real rivalry developed


between th~ two te.ams .and brought much publicity from · Newsday, which highlighted their games in the newspaper. Sophomore Ta:ra Paterson commented on their games against Van Buren saying, "They were more like football games than soccer games." The team's only loss this

Ten·nis teams raUy to triumphant en·ds by Heather Paterson After finishing second in their divisions, behind Cardozo High School, both the Girls' and Boys' Varsity Tenni's teams made it to the second round ofthe playoffs with 7-2 records. For the boys' team it was the first time they ever did. Extremely close (3-2) second round losses to Stuyvesant for the girls, and Bronx High School of Science for the boys, however, ended their successful seasons. The close nature of the two matches made the losses disappointing for both teams. "We were a couple of games short of advancing to the semi-finals," said coach Jim Murray of the boys' team. Both teams had advanced to the second round after easy (50) wins over Lehman and Kennedy High Schools, In past years, the boys were unable to beat Forest Hills High School and make it to the playoffs, allowed them to place second above their "nemesis," as coach Murray described them, The teams' new iooks, with new players· and doubles

season came in a game against Hunter High School by default when coach Keith Hanson pulled his team off the field, because the referee Jet the game get out of hand. Coach Hanson has a very deep team and one that is willing to run and do drills in 90 degree heat in order to get ready for the playoffs, which he says has accounted for its success. He also pointed to his scoring ·- machine, junior ~ Adrienne Socci, who ~ has 24 goals of the o teamstotalof51. ~ The team already ~ has a championship ~ under their belt when ] they won the Elaine o... Hale .Memorial tournament back in April. In the . tournament they had a · .· nailbitting shootout in ·the · quarter .finat-s · against Sheepshead Bay High School, and defeated their rivals Tottenvillle in the finals. Another championship may be in order for the girls team, if they can advance tci the finals and defeat Tottenville again, but this time ·for the City Championship.

pairings, accounted for their success. The girls' team had four new starters; freshman Jodi Horton, who played second singles; sophomore Ilissa Strolovitz, who played first singles; and juniors Jennifer Pare and Lauren Fabricant, who phiY.ed as a second doubles team. Seniors Natasha Grayson and Isabelle Sawicki made up a new first doubles team that had the best record of 8-2. According to coach Ellen Schwartz, the new combinations and players made the girls' team "dynamite." "Every position was strong," she said. Coach Murray also had a revamped boys' team. Senior Alan Dorfman was the new third singles player; junior David Blechfield and freshman Elliot Einhorn made up the new first doubles team; and sophomores Paul Kim and David Worth, sophomore Dan Fisher, and junior Ross Muken, all rotated as the two new second doubles pairs, Members of both teams will be competing in the citywide individuals this week.

Right on track:

Third place Caps off Best year yet by Liron Shapir and Heath~r · Paterson Achieveing a top three spot in the Queen Championship was the Girls' Outdoor Track team's goal from the beginning of the season, and by the end they accomplished that goal. Coming off a very strong indoor season in which they placed third in Queens, they felt they could perform well in their outdoor season, and did. "There were many second and third place finis})es this year that they are just too numerous to mention ." said coach Joseph Horn. • Many runners excelled in individual events. Junior Chris, tina Juva placed first six times in the 2500 meter runs throughout the season. Also, Maria Wormack led the team in the field events placing third in the 1OOm high hurdles at the Queens Championships, and first in the high jump. Junior Judy Lee finished third in the high jump. Continued on page 10

Varsity Softball team Looks ahead to playoffs

by Justin Fox and Heather Paterson the championship last year and Hoping to get a good shot at again will have the top seed in the city championship, the the playoffs this year. The Harris girls will meet Girls' Varsity Softball team starts their playoff run Midwood in the quarterfinals, Tuesday, May 28. They will assuming they advance past the enter the playoffs seated fifth first round, a team they recently in the city, after a 22-3 regular lost to in a heartbreaking 9-8 season, going undefeated in · defeat. If they defeat Midwood, their division. Port Richmond will be their Coach Larry Ceraulo feels opponent. Head coach Larry Ceraulo confident that the team can improve upon their claims this year's team, paced disappoinment last season by eight returning seniors, has when they were ousted in the been the best team ever. He second round by Van Buren s~id, "This team can compete High School, who have with anyone." According to become one of their biggest Ceraulo, the team's strengths rivals. During the season the begin with pitching. All-city two teams played two close pitcher in 1995, Jennifer Dull, along with highly touted games decided by one run. Yet, Ceraulo looks to Staten freshman pitcher Dina Parise, Island teams as their main are considered to be the roadblocks. "For the last 10 . cornerstones of an experienced years, the road to the pitching staff. "Dina is a big addition to our championship has begun and ended in Staten Island," he said. pitching staff," feels Ceraulo. The Staten Island team Port "She is probably ene of the best Ricl:lmond HighSchool" won (Continued or:t page 10) ... ' ' ' · ' ' ' . . . ' :·····. ·,: . . ,;·.. ,: ... :. -.. ·.:. ·. ':··\ ,• ·:· '.

Late Breaking News: Senior Pauline Chang won the individual crown in the Queens Championship in handball. In the Student Faculty Volleyball game, the faculty won 3 - 1 against the students on Thursday May23rd. Details in June issue.

Boys• volleyball season Cut short by 4-4 finish by Jonny Wong and Heather. Paterson Experience was the key for the Boys' Varsity Volleyball team this year, and hopes of a · possible division championship were in order at.the beginning of the season. Although experience did improve the team, it was unable to accomplish its goal of r~aching the playoffs. They, finished third in their division, with a 4-4 record. Despite , the fact that their season was cut short, the team was able to use their training and experience to improve upon last years' 2-6 finish. According to senior Toni Tsai, the reasons for not making the playoffs was all psychological, not physical. However, the team also lost some of its members of last year, who decided not to play on account of academic pressures in junior year. The last time the team made it to the playoffs was in .1993. Despite the fact that the '96

team had experienced seniors that made it a "seasoned one," according to coach Elizabeth Dempster, senior Aris Troupros still felt that the '93 team, of which he was a member, had a more important componentheight. "The seniors on that team were all very tall," he said. By no means could the boys' be slighted for not working hard this season. Their coach held · two-hour practices each day :1'nd intense drilling, with bu"mping, setting, and spiking. Their 4-4 record came with much sweat and effort. One thing they couldn't do, however, was stretch themselves to be six feet tall. With only two new people joining the team this year and a senior core of Aris, Tony, Jack Ng, Eddie Lee, and Ben Fong graduating, the team hopes to rebuild next year. Acquiring skilled freshman will be important as well as getting back · those play.e rs who took a leave of absence from play this year.

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