Classic newspaper Volume 22 Issue no. 4

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Vol. 22, No. 4 Spring 2006




Townsend Harris High School at Queens College

149- 11 Melbourne Avenue, Flushing, NY 11367

Festival ·of Natio-ns-puts on Multt~cultural week dazzling display of diversity ce/ebrates·HarnSitesf ,






by Linda K,ong The school was alive and thriving with culture as family · members, students, and friends crowded into the auditorium on March 16 for the Festival of Nations. After months of preparation , the annual show had finally arrived. Performers scrambled backstage, squeezing in last-minute r~hearsals and fixing their dazzling costumes. Everyone was ready by seven despite a few glitches with the lighting. After a wonderful performance of the national anthem by the THHS chorus, Ms Lisa ·Mars, the Assistant Principal of the Departll}ent of Languages other Than English, introduced . the night as a sharing of "each other's cultural heritage." That 1--------- ·was by another,-'pe~~ formance from the chorus with an inspiring version of John Lennon's "Imagine."The performances of the night included at least one from each corner o.f the multiethnic world. The first performance was an Israeli dance with a tra~ ditional dancing _of the Hora. Then from East Asia, the Chinese traditional fan, ribbon, handkerchief, and ·· lantern dances were presented. To add a little modern taste to the traditional Chinese perfonnances, students also belted out a popular song, "Tong Hua (Fairy Tale)." After the performance of Chinese dance, there was a song in Korean performed by Jennifer Shim and Gong Joo Paik, along with many backup dancers. They sang " Girls on Top" by fariious Korean pop singer Boa .- Later on in the night, Andrew Oh did exhibition of Korean Tae K won Doe. The Japanese performance . rounded out the East Asian performances with an enlightening dance called "Soran-Bushi."


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varied backgrounds . by Julita Mienko · rr\ulticultural experience, food Maya Angelou once · said, day brought the tastes and . "In diversityth~re lsbeauty and _ smells df each country into the there is strength." Townsend Townsend cafeteria. Traditional Harris put its own diversity on recipes such as Spanish arroz (/) display d_uring the annual con polio and pasta ltaliana ~ ~ Multicultural weeR this March. _ satisfiecj the taste buds of eager ~ Students of all gr~de~ eeland hunger-stricken students . '0 -· .ebrated the-beauty of the1r cui~'It was nice to look at cuisine · ture and nationality -with flags, from all around the world and · see how different it is," said food; dance,andmore. Flag day . irijtiat~dthe week. sophomore Vito Arena. Whether hanging around the FinaUy, as the week reached Students from Dr. Sato's Japanese classes do the S -8 h' oran us 1 dance at this year's Festival of Nations. · · · . .


shoulders ,or wavinghlgh above the h d . d .ea ' .many stu en ts proudly displayed their coun-

its clima~ the. Festival of Na. . tiOns performance stunned the audience with its beauty and

' The night was filled with the Spanish speaking world, the tries' s~mbols. lnterna.tiona) · grace. Whether it was tradiperforrnances from South Asia. jazz clubs and .the salsa dane- music filled the halls Ih be- tiona! Chinese dance or modThere was a traditional anc;l· . ing. Then students from the -tween classes, rephicii;Jg the ern Korean pop, the audience ,m odern Indian .q_a nc_e _to Fr~hch classes acted out scenes usual music. "It was a good fullyernbraced the ·traditional "Sh~h~rezaad:" )1n Ar~~~~n;-!_ frz; m Le Pet:it Prince by - shapg~;"_ s~.:dfres~l_,l}ah l~r~an d,anc~s pu~ O,n di_splay. Ms. PunJab! modern an(i traditional . Antonie de Saint-Exupery. The ~onarsk1. · I had fun walkmg Betancourt, one of the teachers dance to "Dus Bahane," and · performances were concluded from class to class." · that helped contril?~te to the another traditional Indian dance with the readin·g ofa Spanish . . Tuesday was tra'd itional show's successful outcome, felt to"KajraRe." poem recited by jonio~s · dressday.whenstudents~adthe therewas"anicebalanceoftraThe soothing musicfrom the M~nique East and Abby Rani . . oppo~tumt_y to wem: atitlwntic ditional and modern dances" traditional Hawaiian dance · The night was a success re- clothmg from their cultures. · this year. Despite the numerous pleased the audience as did a gardless of the technical diffi- · Glittering sari~ andsatin ki!llo- · te:.chnical difficulties that took special danc·e ·from the West In" culties that occurred as the .. nos wereamong the most<;o~- place, the performance still -left dian song "Ya Dun No.'' Many ·· night when on~ Some perfor- mon costumes. As junior an impac-t and appreciation for cultures also combined to bring . mances were cut outofthe pro- !.oan~~ Rong -e·ommen ted, foreign forms of dance: Sophothe audience · an African ·gram last minute such as .the Multicultu_raldre~ssetus :apart moreAdamEiessawifoundthis Makossa Dance and lndiari · Japanese skit. th!ough o~r. uniquedi!lerences, yea~;~ p~rformance a "refreshRaghav Dance. . . · ·. "That's completely unfair!" __ b~tat the sam~ time_, ~t br.o ught . ing .experience.'; "It 's fun to Many other cultural dance . a performer from the skit ex- us closer :together. rhrough watch all 'YOUr friends up on sequences filled the night as claimed. ·· school participapo.n.': . stage," he said, "and see them well. There was the traditional There were many diffiCU'I- · To tie all fiv¢ sense~ ,into the ·· -in a di~ferent!ight." Armenian Folkdance which . ties with the music throughout. was adapted frorri the Antranig . the night. Many songs were Dance Ensemble, the tradi- ·playedduringthewrongperfortional Irish dance .that was ac~ mance. The performers, how- · companied by a performance ever, handled these malfuncfromjunior Mike Morrissey on tions with ease. "We prepared the bagpipes just in time forSt.. for consequences during -prac- ·· Patrick's Day; _a spectacular tice ," sophomore and performer performance from the Latin Pallabi Kundu said . Another American/Caribbean g-roup comment from sophomore and with Sabor Latino, and a tri1di- ' performer tiona! Greek dance .with a modGeorge Vourderis stated , ern twist. Short skits were ·a "Despite some technical diffipart of the night, too. Ms. culties, we still came-through, Betancourt's AP Spanish class and we all had a lot of fun . That Junior Adelle Platon and sophomore Precious Sipin show their performed a short play about beats everything." Filipino pride by wearing their country's tlag.

AIDS Day p.2

Get to know

.FBLA p.2


Learning and competing (n Japanese · p. 3

SING! revisited jJ.4


The Classic


B2 Future Business L~ eaders explore commercial issues Spring 2006




by Megan Law ies. ~ onehavetobebusiThe Future Business LeadThe FBLA is not ~nly for • _ ness-driven. Per4 ers of America club held its those who are interested-in , sonally, I'm into art first meeting on February 7. a business major. Its lead• and photography, ..-r-_~ and I plan to major The clu~ will meet every Tues- ers expressed the goal that day during tenth band in room members will develop ne_w in architecture/engiFUTVf<.E lW~tN£SS 435 . FBLA's co-presidents are skills, meet other students, neering, and sur!.£'\PE~S OF AMEf.ICA Amber Samalot and Frances and participate in various prisingly I am one Tran, and its advisor is gr'o up activities that may be of the-co-presidents .3 me .mbers ofFBLA," Amber said. "If anyuseful in other academic arJonathan Owens. '5"' Each month the FBLA has eas. FBLA aims to not only how to take thing, it's better to have busi~ >2 a different theme about which teach students valuable charge of a ness savvy because business "'"' situation, surrounds u~ all at one point or it seeks to educate its members. skills that are vital for a fu""5 Amber and Frances plan to fo- ture career in business. but ~ multitask, another, and everyone will have cus on business-related topics, also help build self-confiand ddegate to confront it," she added. Frances agreed, saying, such as advertising, marketing, dence, improve speech and per- responsibilities . All students are encouraged "Our club is open to anyone, propaganda, liability vs. re- ·formance, generate healthy sponsibility, ethics in the busi- · competition, and establish to join, regardless of what their not just people who are interness world, controversial busi- leadership positions for all its intended career or college ma- ested in pursuing business as a ness practices, and case stud- members. The goal is to teach jor is. "By no means does any- . career. Anyone who likes de-

AIDS Day presentations aim to spread a·warenesS

bating ideas and participating in group activities is welcome to join FBLA. We hope to help build confidence, increase awareness about the business world, and just have fun." Amber explained the rea-_ sons for establishing the club. "I had always felt that business was misrepresented in Townsend Harris, and Frances felt that this would be a great time to start a club for that sole purpose," she said. Amber credited her Queens College elective class as another impetus. "Our Business Ethics class with Professor James Hitt got the ball rolling in the right direction," Amber added .

Abreu shares tlreamf at City Hall ceremony

formances throughout the cerby Stephanie Pak social change being by Darcy Rendon Junior Rosalia Abreu had a · emony. Nterwards, Rosalia got Asia Betancourt, a made possible by chance to step in Dr. Martin the chance to meet each one of the openquiet, yet force fu I Luther King Jr.'s shoes on Janu- the dignitaries and share her ap·mindedness of a presence, brought an ary 16, 2006, his observed preciation for Dr. King and his both intelligent and auditorium full of stubirthday, by giving a speech at ideals with them. interested audidents to silence on She along with fellow City Hall. In it, she explained ·AIDS Day on January ence," she said. the importance of Dr. Martin junion Calder Singer partici24. ~he chose to share .~ "The fact that stu~ dents were asking Luther King Jr. Day and the pated in a six-week Great her story in hundreds Speech Making program last ideas he stood for. of schools throughout -13 questions instead "It was one of the most re- fall at the City Hall Academy. New York City with ~ of simply staring warding days of my life. I The class learned how to write the hope of teaching ~ blankly · at their worked so hard on my speech, effective speeches and analyzed £ peer educators says others the truth behind and it felt good to see all the several speeches about civil living with HIV and ~ something about -g_ the overall success work paid off," she said, smil- rights issues. As a final project, AIDS . For the entire each student wrote .his or her ing. Douglas Hill and Asia Betancourt were this year's of the day." day, peer educators speakers at the AIDS Awareness Day presentation. · Many dignitaries were own speech about why it is imThe students taught students lespresent at the ceremony, includ- portant to observe Dr. Martin sons aimed at improving deci- . ers were comfortable and they themselves confirmed these ing Mayor Bloomberg, Police Luther King Jr. Day. seemed to have a good relation- statements. "I know I learned sian-making skills, promoted Commissioner Ray Kelly, English teacher Peter ship with their audience." it in health, but this time it was the use of abstinence as an acformer Mayor David Dinkins, Wamsteker also helped Rosalia What was most important to personal," said junior Jillian ceptable option for teens, and city councilmen and council- perfect her speech. Her speech him, however, was the follow- Gruber. "But I thought it was provided necessary basic HIVI women, and people who.· had was chosen as the best in the up he experienced afterwards. informative. It wasn't the same AIDS education. worked with Dr. King. Mayor class, and she had the honor of "A couple of students came to old age story." Al'though the Ms. Betancourt (who is not Bloomberg also spoke briefly reading it at the ceremony at me later that day to get addi- sophomore class did not have related to Spanish teacher about Dr. King. A chorus was City Hall on Dr. Martin Luther Amelia Betancourt) and her tional information on the les- peer educators come to their present to provide musical per- King Jr. Day. The ceremony classes due to a lack of student sons," he said. fellow educator Douglas Hill was televised JuniorMarissa Kinsey was educators, they did attend the are volunteers for an organizaon NYCTV. surprised by some of the ques- auditorium presentation . "I was tion funded by the Ali Gerutz "I wasn't retions students asked. "I thought surprised by the fact that someFoundation called Love Heals. ally nervous it was hi'ghly informative; it one would come to inform us Physical education instructor about being helped to reaiJy reinforce the about the potential of getting Keith Hanson and SPARK on television education we had already re- AIDs. I didn't know the ways conselor Mark Duke organized because the ceived in health class . I find it in which HIV positive people the Townsend Harris day's acspeech was hard to believe that people were affected by the disease . tivities. about somedon't know certain things, The personal account made me Mr. Duke, who helped prething that I'm things mentioned in the discus- more aware of such potential~" pare the peer educators, really passophomore · Tague sions about HIV. People asked said stressed the importance of a s i o· n a t e questions, and I thought 'It's so Mosoiah. system in which open dialogue about: workMr. Hanson, who also acted obvious.' It was·a great opporbetween teens took a prevailing for hutunity to answer misguided as a peer educator, felt that ing role in the education stu= man rights 15 facts." Senior Stacey Eliuk, a HIVI AIDS day was a success. dents received . "What is imc -:; and fighting HIV I AIIDS peer educator, was "I randomly walked into classes portant is that students get dif~ against diso ' pleased students asked ques- and I saw that the peer educaferent perspectives from leso:: crimination," tions : "In being given the op- tors were well-prepared. The sons from their peers; teens ~ she exportunity to instill change students were receptive to their teaching teens gets a different ~::l plained . "I presenters, and none of the peer w~thin a receptive audience, I, reaction from lessons taught by 8 can talk for and many of the other HIV I educators came to me with any counselors like myself. It's im0 0 hours about .<: AIDS peer educators, felt an complaints. They had no probportant to learn from peers. I 0.. that!" she immense sense of pride, not lems with the classes. There stuck my head into different .Junior Rosalia Abreu meets former New York added, laughonly for ourselves, but for, the was a nice flow back and forth." City Mayor David Dinkins at City Hall. classrooms, and all the presentin g. <:/)


The Classic


Spring 2006

Japanese-students keep busyin andoutofclassroom by Cindy Chen

test is held by the Japan Between the Japan Bowl, America Society of South Calithe National Japanese Speech fornia and took place at the Competition, and regular · University of California, Irvine . classwork, first, second, and on May 20. Each speech was third -y ear Japanese students required to last less than five have been kept on their toes. minutes .and could be about any After laboring all year on these topic suitable for high school projects, Japan is still on most students. After a brief reading of these students' minds, even of the speech, judges will ask though summer is fast ap- about seven comprehensive proaching. questions to the contestants. To Throughout the year, stu- be eligible for the Nationals, dents have been rigorously contestants must either be a first working through contest after or second regional speech comcompetition. Junior Richard , petition winner. A total of fifEdele, a third year Japanese stu- teen t;ompetitors were selected. dent, won third place at the Thinking back, Richard reU.S.A National Japanese Lan- membered, "One of the most guage High S.chool Speech intereSting questions I was Contest. Sophomore Shamriz as~e_d was, 'If there is other life Tamanna and Junior Kevin in the universe, what do you Chen both were awarded rec- think it would be like?"' His ognition for their haikus in the winning response was, "The 2006 Students Haiku Contest. more I think about it, the more A group of students entered and I don ' t understand." competed in the Japan Bowl in Japan Bowl Washington. A total of three The Japan Bowl this year students this year have been was held on March 24 and 25 given the chance to go to Japan in Washington D .C. Sophoas exchange students during the mores Martha Syryca, Tinya summer by the Youths for Un- Cheng , and Anita Sanassi from derstanding program . Several _ the second-year Japanese class students wer.e also given the were sefected to attend the comchance to_be a part of a cultural petition. Selected from the tea ceremony inManhattan. third-year class were juniors Lauren Wong, Christina Lam, Speech Contest Junior Richard Edele started and Marcus Ng. The second teaching himself Japanese year students finished at 18th about I 112 years ago and is cur- out of 25 while the third year " rently in Dr. Mariko Sato third- finished at 20th out of 27. The nation-wide competiyear Japanese class. A friend sparked his interest in Japanese. tion for high school students Dr. Sato gave Richard applica- tested understanding of Japations for the regional speech nese language and culture. It competition, and he placed also assesses students' ability to third. He was given the honor communicate with Japanese as to participate in the national their second language. The topevent due to the first place ics of the competition ranged winner's unavailability. All ex- from government to music and penses for the trip, including clothing to food. To be eligible airfare, were paid for, courtesy to compete in the Japan Bowl, a contestant cannot be a native of the Aurora Foundation. The National Speech Con- speaker, have lived in Japan for more than six months, have taken college courses in Japanese, or have had any private tutorin g. Dr. Sato hosted a Townsend Harris Japan Bowl · to select our school six participants for the 0 E national event. U) 0 The overall . , _ , . /!},,__ ___ -"" ~-·t:: management of "' ~ <-.. the competition 0 ~ dissatisfied Dr. Sa to . "I think ~ that [the Japan -& Bowl] would be more meaningJunior Ellen Abramowitz prepares for the ful if there is a Soran-Bushi dance at the Festival of Nations. regional com-


petition first," she said. However, Dr. Sato added , "For · first time attendance, they did exceptionally well. I was impressed by the high school education level of 0 Japanese lanU) 0 guage in this -"" ·c country." "' ~ ._ 0 W h e n ~ asked for ext:: "::J pectations for 0 u 0 next year's Ja0 ..c pan Bowl, Ms. 0. Sato replied. Students learned the fine art of the tea ceremony at the Urasenke Japanese Tea "I'm not sure House in Manhattan. whether we're going to do it again next year of thousands of applicants, nity to attend a traditional tea although some teachers are three students from our school ceremony at a Japanese talking about starting a Japan were chosen to be a part of the teahouse, Urasenke Chanoyu _ Bowl at the United Nations In- YFU program to go to Japan Center, in Manhattan. On the · ternational School as a part of this summer. trip students were familiarized the Spring Fair." Freshman Derek Gumb, with the Zen philOsophy behind Students, however, took sophomore Hannah Kang, and the Way of Tea. Tea is considered an art form home much experience and a junior Richard Edele will spend memorable time. about 6 weeks with their host to Japanese society. To brew an stated, "It was fun staying there families and get the opportunity excellent cup of soulful tea, one · and getting to watch the final - to see special sites and attend has to have great peace of mind ist compete--[they] translated Japanese classes. Through this and discipline of the body. At experience they will learn about the tea ceremony, students get things almost instantly." Tinya also expressed her the culture of the Japanese so- to experience the true wonders feelings. "For the first time, I ciety including that of their cus- of tea pouring and special sitting and drinking positions experienced a true sense of toms, foods , and music . Hannah was excited about used. · competition - these people reThe Spring Fair held at the ally want to win," she said. being selected for the program. Tinya also related a lighter an- "i am really looking forward to United Nations International ecdote from her stay in Wash- this . I am very interested in School in Manhattan was anington: "I saw at-shirt that said learning more about Japanese other opportunity to experience . 'A Ninja Stole My Homework.' customs and cultures . I am also Japanese traditions and meet That was really funny, so all six very excited about meeting my new friends . This year over 450 new host family," she said . high school students particistudents got the shirt." Dr. Sato also commented pated from New York, New JerHaiku ·Competition Students from our school that, "[YFU] seems to be the sey and the vicinity. This year students ran participated in a haiku contest best in terms of selecting host families, providing scholar. booths, some of which featured sponsored by the Northeast Soran-Bushi Dance. the ships, etc. One to two Council of Teachers of Japa· Townsend Harris students are · Modern Soran-Bushi was nese in collaboration with the selected every year for full created about 15 years ago to a United Nations. The purpose of scholarships." tradi tiona! fisherman's song this worldwide contest was to Students who wish to _be part and has become a phenomenon promote global understanding of the program must fill out an in J<:tpan since. This dance is through the Japanese poetry application that requires a picwidely used in many secondary form of haiku . ·ture of themselves , a majoresschools in Japan as part of their The two top winners were physical say, and five minor essays. A education curriculum sophomores Shamriz Tamanna letter and as part of recommendation from of therapy for beand Kevin Chen . Kevin's poa teacher is also needed. In adhavior problems . etry was titled "Tea at Two." expects dition, the host family One line read "ko koro Japanese language educanomimasu" which translates to receive a letter before your arrival that includes information has been gaining popular"hearts drink." Shamriz's po- · about the student and his . ity in Townsend Harris and tion etic verses were about rain and or her expectations of th_eir across the nation . The multitude wind in the month of May. of enriching cultural experiDr. Sato was proud of her country. ences in which Japanese stuOther Activities students' work. "They both dents take part may be one reawrote haikus in Japanese , Besides these numerous son for the trend. Junior E llen which is the impressive part, " contests and competitions , all Abramowitz , proudly said , she said. Youths for Understanding the students in the Japanese "When people ask me why I'm Youths for Understanding Classes also have a chance to in the Japanese program, I can (YFU) is a program dedicated experience first hand_J apanese tell them it 's because it is an extraordinary program which I in helping students learn their customs and cultures . have come to cherish and enStudents in all the Japanese second language -in a country joy." classes have had the opportuthat speaks the language . Out





B4 Seniors taste sweetness of success at SING! The


Spring 2006

St;phanie Pak, --_about 3! new ·game .show in SING' performances came town. In it Roger, ari ordtnary to an end on Saturday, January man, had to spend a million 29 with a victory for the se- dollars within twenty-four niors. This year's theme was hours. Special appearances "That's So Cliche," requiring included English teacher Peal! SING! performances to in- ter Wamsteker and science/ corporate some sort of banal math instructor Philip Porzio plot or phrase, with titles such as Don Vito, who described as "Getting Away with Murder" - SING! as "incredibly enjoyby the sophmen , "Time is able." Be added, "All of: the Money" by the juniots, and grades worked incredibly "Happi~y Ever After?" by the ,- hard, showing a great deal of seniors. . effort.and enthusiasm in their Performances began "on · productions. I loved having Thursday with sophmen SING' the opportunity t6 be in- whose plot revolved around the . valved in the juniorprbducmurder of a man, Mr. Mil- tiori and can't wait to do it lionaire, played by chemistry • .again next year with the Triteacher Adel Kadamani , and - umph at SING! class of07!" two detectives who struggled to · The performers in ju~ior understand their feerings for SING! dan.c ed to . "Lose one another. Sophomore· Control'~ by Mis$y Elliot The cast and crew of Senior SING! gather on stage after their production and bask in the glory of a Thierry Thompson and foreign and a techno version of the · victory ,. language teacher Andrew famous theme song would like to have been part of pearance as a dentist, with a comical voice reminiscent of urday night, although seniors for The God- it" next year. father movSenior SING' which characters l'rom The Simpsons. were declared the winners. The ies. Ellen amazed everyone with an i-m- He praisecrall of the students . votes were biased,'' Kiran Abramowitz, pressive backdrop of a city built who participated and added, "It Lorick , sophomore, pointed out. who playe~ out of sweets; was about the BestBuy how four kids save a Martin Gomez, a ~ senior, stated, i felt that salesper!\On can.dy town . from a SING! was an overall in jU!JiOr sugar drought brought _ SING!, ex- ()n by an eviiqueen. The · _success. The sophme11 plained, j>.ho,w began and ended .. ·----~!'!~~ de:fi-niteJ)'_ :ere- :)~~:: "SING! . is _with a chorus that sang ative with'thei'r perfor- · always fun': mellow songs reminisinance, but the -real ._ 1 ;. always c~nt of the memories of competition Ia¥ begreat: This good times that they tween the juniors and ............. -~ year was no . shared,· seniors. While the juri-· Science · ·teacher ~ excep(i~n." iors had incredible Katherine __ . Ludvik _ ~Peter.. dancing, I felt the se~ Gyuratz, a danced with the seniors niors had the 0 . . " because of how strong 0 semor smd, . in all of the dance num'0. ,:I thought bers, such as "Living ~ all the aspects of their ->-. -· . . . § the juniors . on a Prayer" by Bon ::::"' performance were, g did a really . Jovi and "Shake" by ~ from scenery, singing, u . . B good j.6b; . · the Ying Yang Twins. ~ dancing, to acting; ev0 ' . . -E. they were , The final dance was a 2 erything was consiso I , so good creative , "replay" of ~ tent y up to par. Senior Alexandra Stergiou gets int9 cha~acter that I was .several dance numbers, ~ "SING! rose far - behind the scenes. · .... scared for · one JroiTi each year 8 above my expectations . 0 Hagerty performed their._own . a minute that th~y w'ould winf --~ (:2003, 2004, and 2005) ] for a high school perforo.. mance. We have a lot of rendition of Kanye West'shit •• ;I could' also see _that sophme_n· beginning when theseSenior Elana Mugdan gets ready to take to the song "Golddigger," and sopho- put in a huge effort. Fm sad that niors were freshmen . talent in this school," stage. more Melanie Sovern, who it 'sniy last SING! ;-but I plan English tea.:herRobert said an anonymous junplayed the French maid, sang to be baclf next year to watch . ( ·Ba9stock also made a guest ap- was great to see the camarade- ior after the show. "Lady Marmalade" with ale · ·· ~ie of the students, Fan Zhang who played the -working together angel in junior SING! said , "It tered lyrics "She Ain;t Got No Alibi ." both on and off the was my first time in SING! 1 · "It was definitely a great stage. Just watching had so much fun! 1 was really experience, because you get to - it was a good time. " drawn to my character, and beknow a lot of people that you . ''The JUniors e a use the actors. ·worked towere able to mix .gether, even through long don't really get to talk to in class. The workdefinitely paid _humor with good hours, the acting in junior off because performing is ~ acting, which SING' came out great." fun," said sophomore Vivian ~ caught the attention Freshman Samantha ~- ofthe.audience. The Kendall was very impressed Lee, who danced in sophmen ~seniors had good SING! When asked . if she with her first SING! experi-~ acting, along with ence• "I wasn't expecting would participate in SING! ;_ · again, she ~plied, "Absolutely, '0 s.ome laughs. How- much, but after seeing all of the work and skill required to put ~ ever, the juniors especially after thi.s yean the kept the audience's . it together, I was stunned. It inmemories and the show a~e just ~ attention better. spired me to join SING! next a great experience ." Junior SING! followed than the seniors. I year. I loved the parodies of the think the juniors classic songs, like the ones sophmen SING! with a story Seniors Kevin Tobar and James O'Brien show off their production's creative .clearly won on Sat- · from Chicago imd Rent." costumes. by









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