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“Preface for Autumn”
Preface for Autumn
By Dr. Mary Theresa Hall
We give You thanks, Harvester of shadowy days and beckoning nights for times and seasons and now for fall magic that wands transforming images of star-infested skies and moon-crossed clouds and trees translucent in shedding love
leaves rustling to the beat of the Autumn Piper of saved hour and breath of life.
For Octoberfest And Thanks offerings For holy days to renew initial baptisms of life and birth For rains and winds and all gentle, natural re-minders that the God of surprises asks for open arms to receive the Creator's embraces in fields fallings and risings that wear out seasons’ passages and patch soul garments to Kingdom’s cloaks.
We give you thanks for the One whose presence, trust and generativity we celebrate in autumn so Your companions may know - may wildly know –that love is more tenacious and enduring than the most fiercely attached leaf of Your vine and spirit-filled breath encompasses all the land more pervasively than embers the hearth.
We give you thanks for God who makes more than the Home-bound joyful and does not cheat our attachment or our desire in the end.
Giver of eternal bounty and dignified splendor, beyond imagining but not beyond desire, we give you our mosaic tapestries and our seasons of change. AMEN!
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