Think 149 Exam Special

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in English

The 68-page Essential EXAM Special


❯❯ exHAuSTIVe GrAmmAr reVIeW:

 essay writing  reading  listening

 gerund or infinitive?  top phrasal verbs  reported speech  future tenses  prepositions  rise vs. raise


 fill the gap  sentence transformation  speaking ❯❯ Plus a FREE 18-page


that'll knock your socks off!

 essential false friends  conditionals  word order  the passive  make vs. do, etc.  lie vs. lay



Exam SpECIal

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Welcome to Think ’s exam special. one of our aims is to encourage readers to enjoy english and it was immensely satisfying to receive an email recently from Pablo C. saying how we had helped to instil in him a passion for the english language and anglo culture. having said that, we also realize that many of you are studying english primarily to increase your job prospects, and specifically to be able to add an english-language qualification to your CVs. it is with this in mind that we have prepared this special exam issue of think. this issue is more than just a grammar manual in that it starts with a 19-page section on how to go about preparing for the different sections that english exams contain (pp. 4-23). this is followed by a 20-page section that covers all the problem areas of english verbs (pp. 24-43). of course, grammar is more than just verbs and we look at other important grammar structures over the next eight pages (44-51). this is followed by a four-page section on word order (pp. 52-55) and the magazine concludes with an 11-page section on those confusing words that typically cause endless problems for learners (pp. 56-67). there’s no point studying grammar if you don’t practise what you’ve learned, so the exercise pack is full of exercises specifically designed to consolidate your understanding of what you have studied. this is downloadable for FREE for all readers from (though it is included in the bundle received by digital subscribers and those who buy the magazine as an apple app). the exercises even include a couple of listening comprehension tests (based on material on the internet). this issue is 16 pages longer than usual, which is why there is no CD this month. but don’t worry, the CD/audio will be back next month as usual.




see you next issue, Nick Franklin, EDITOR

mAgAZinE ABBrEViATion & sYmBols kEY Listening: there is a recording on the CD connected to the text.


ENGLISH VERBS ......................................................................... 24 Predicting 26 Conditionals 28 obligation & Prohibition 30 Past tenses 32 gerund or infinitive 34 Future tenses 36 the Passive 38 reported speech 41 auxiliary Verbs 42 expressing ability OTHER STRUCTURES ........................................................... 44 Dependent Prepositions 46 saxon genitive 48 relative clauses 49 -ing vs. -ed adjectives 50 Comparisons WORD ORDER ............................................................................... 52 Word order CONFUSING WORDS ............................................................ 56 lie vs. lay; wind vs. wound 57 top 20 Phrasal Verbs 58 top 5 False Friends 59 top 20 False-Friend Verbs 60 already, yet, still 62 Make vs. Do 65 if vs. whether; more vs. else 66 rise vs. raise 67 next Month

Exercise: there is an exercise in the subscribers’ exercises relating directly to the text.

Bookmark – spelling Crib

Conversation point: these questions prompt discussion on topics related to the text.

❯❯ FREE 18-page downloadable exercise pack at:

Subject link: there is a related article on the pages given.


sth. = something, s.o. = someone, swh. = somewhere

METHODOLOGY ........................................................................ 4 the successful language learner 7 Correcting 8 essay Writing 10 better Writing 12 sentence transformation 14 reading Comprehension 15 speaking 16 Cloze – Fill the gap 18 Word building 21 subscription Form 22 learning to listen


Find us on Facebook too. 3

Methodology | From Think 14 and 75

30 Ways to Be a More Successful English-Learner

For instance11, a two-to-three-month summer break with no practice can cancel out much of what you have learned over the previous nine months. 7.  Concentrate on what you find most difficult, not what you find easiest in English. Typically, exam exercises can be listed under the seven categories below. Write a number beside each according to its difficulty for you (1 for ‘piece of cake12’, 10 for ‘torture’): ❯❯  reading comprehension ❯❯  vocabulary (e.g. phrasal verbs)

You may have bought this magazine days before an English exam. If you have, it should be of some use. However, its real value is to give orientation over months to ensure that you prepare effectively and efficiently for your English exam. This article uses methodology and real classroom experience to offer you 30 things you can do to be a more successful English learner. Setting Goals1 1.  Write down five reasons for learning English. You might want to conceptualize them as five things you will be able to do when you are fluent in English. 2.  Write down five things you really love about some aspect of one of the Englishspeaking countries. This doesn’t mean you have to like US-UK foreign policy2; it may be an element of counter-culture, music, art or a hobby. Focus on those aspects of English-speaking cultures that you like. 3.  Set yourself short-, medium- and longterm goals1 in your language learning. Reward yourself3 when you achieve4 them, analyze why if you don’t.

of time a week listening and watching in English (on the internet, CDs, the radio, DVDs and TV). Ideally, try to convince the person or people you live with to share 9 the learning experience. If you can’t, agree on a time when you can listen to or watch English without being interrupted by complaints10. 6.  Don’t be a stop-start student. Breaks in your language learning can be immensely damaging to your progress.

❯❯  writing ❯❯  grammar structures ❯❯  word building ❯❯  listening comprehension ❯❯  speaking From this you should have a rough13 guide of how much time, proportionally, you should dedicate to each area. 8. Try to do something – anything! – in English every day. 9.  Try to listen to some English at least every other day. 10.  If you work, take advantage of learning opportunities provided by your employer.

Defining Commitment5 4.  US research suggests that the average student takes six months of full-time study (8-12 hours/day) to achieve 4 professional proficiency between European languages. If you study less than one hour a day continuously, you’ll take over five years. If you interrupt your study for any significant period of time, your knowledge of English will not stand still6 but7 will deteriorate. 5.  Negotiate your learning with the people you live with. Commitment5 to English will involve spending a certain amount8

Photo by Marina Carresi

to set a goal (set-set-set) – establish an objective foreign policy – strategy in international relations 3 to reward oneself – give oneself sth. special 4 to achieve – accomplish, attain, get

commitment – dedication to stand still (stand-stood-stood) – stay in the same place 7 but – (in this context) by contrast it 8 amount – quantity

1 2


to share sth. – confront sth. jointly/together complaint – protest, criticism 11 for instance – for example 12 piece of cake – (colloquial) very easy 13 rough /rʌf/ – (in this context) approximate





Think in English Exam Special

Methodology | From Think 3

Sentence Transformation

Sentence transformation exercises are an excellent way of testing a learner’s knowledge of grammar and his/her ability to manipulate language. However, there is one problem: there are only a limited number of structures which easily adapt to this type of exercise. This is very good news for the learner, as it means that by concentrating on the most likely1 structures her/his possibilities will be improved dramatically2. Typically, you are given one complete sentence, and a second sentence with a gap in it. You have to complete the second sentence with between 2 and 5 words (if you write more you will lose marks). One of your words must be the ‘key word’ provided. You cannot change the key word in any way:


Structures Frequently Tested These phrases should help you to revise structures but they are insufficient to teach them to you. If there is a structure you don’t know, look it up4 in a grammar book and learn it! 1. the last time + PAST TENSE + ago = PRESENT PERFECT (haven’t done) + for e.g.  The last time I saw her was two weeks ago. = I haven’t seen her for two weeks. 2. DIRECT QUESTION = INDIRECT QUESTION e.g.  “Have you got a car?” She asked him. =  She asked him if he had a car.

3. DIRECT COMMAND = INDIRECT COMMAND e.g.  “Do come to the party”, he said to her. = He invited her to come to the party. 4. DIRECT STATEMENT = INDIRECT STATEMENT e.g.  “I was sleeping when the fire started”, he said. = He said he was sleeping when the fire started. 5. regret5 not + -ING = wish + had + PAST PARTICIPLE = if only + had + PAST PARTICIPLE e.g.  I regret not studying harder. = I wish I had studied harder. = If only I had studied harder. 6. too + ADJECTIVE + for + PRONOUN + to + VERB = not + OPPOSITE ADJECTIVE + enough + for + PRONOUN + to + verb e.g.  It’s too hot for me to drink. = It isn’t cold enough for me to drink. Photo by Sara L. Carresi

Photo by Marina Carresi

She didn’t scream, even though she was afraid of mice. DESPITE (key word) She didn’t scream _____________ afraid of mice. The correct answer is ‘despite being’.

❯❯  Remember to read the parts of the answer given to you before and after the gap. ❯❯  Be careful with spelling. ❯❯  Write in block capitals if your writing is hard3 to read. ❯❯  Remember that contractions count as two words (e.g. I’d rather you didn’t = six words).

The re-enactment took place even though it was raining.

I'd rather have a cup of tea than a cup of coffee. 1 2

likely – probable dramatically – significantly, a lot


3 4

hard – (in this context) difficult to look sth. up – try to find sth. in a reference


book or similar to regret – feel sorry about Think in English Exam Special

English Verbs | From Think 33

Future Forms Compared

Never let the future disturb1 you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons2 of reason which today arm3 you against the present. Marcus Aurelius (121-180) English uses seven different structures to talk about the future: 1.  the future simple with will (e.g. I will leave), 2.  the future simple with shall (e.g. Shall I leave?), 3.  the future of intention (e.g. I’m going to leave), 4.  the present continuous (e.g. I’m leaving on Monday), 5.  the present simple (e.g. It leaves at three o’clock), 6.  the future continuous (e.g. we’ll be leaving), 7.  the future perfect (e.g. we’ll have left), 8.  the future perfect continuous (e.g. we’ll have been walking), 9.  be to (e.g. She is to be the next company president) and 10.  be about to (e.g. It is about to rain).

1. Future Simple: Will vs. Shall In Modern English you can only use shall with the first persons singular and plural (I/we). Moreover4 , we only tend to use shall in offers and suggestions (will is not possible in offers and suggestions). Except in questions, shall – like will – is usually contracted to ’ll in speech (and is therefore5 indistinguishable from will); e.g.  Shall I carry your books? = Would you like me to carry your books. e.g.  Shall we go to the cinema tonight? = Let’s go to the cinema tonight. e.g.  I’ll go to the market tomorrow (I’ll could be either ‘I will’ or ‘I shall’)

The future of intention (be going to) is used to talk about past decisions about the future: e.g.  I’m going to visit Jane = I have already decided to visit her. Both the future simple and the future of intention can be used to make predictions. Often there is no difference: e.g.  I think it’ll rain tomorrow = I think it’s going to rain tomorrow. However, if there is a condition in the prediction, we prefer to use the future simple: e.g.  If you eat more organic food, you’ll have fewer headaches. (not “you’re going to have”).

3. Going to vs. Present Continuous The Present Continuous is very similar to the Future of Intention (‘be going to’). It is used to talk about future plans (which are unnervingly7 similar to future intentions!). The most important difference is that the Present Continuous has to be accompanied by an expression that explicitly Photo by Marina Carresi

Photo by Marina Carresi

Although all of these tenses are used to refer to the same time period (the future), each one suggests a different aspect of

future time. This article will compare them and help you to use them together to talk about future time. This article should not be used if you have never studied the essential future tenses (Future Simple, Present Continuous and ‘be going to’) as it is inappropriate as an introduction.

2. Future Simple vs. Going To The Future Simple is used for spontaneous decisions. e.g.  I’ll go to visit Jane = I’ve just decided to go to visit Jane (because I’ve heard that her handsome6 brother has got back from university!).

Look at those terrible black clouds. There's going to be a storm. 1 2

to disturb – bother, worry weapons – arms, (in this context) tools, instruments


to arm s.o. – prepare, defend moreover – what’s more, in addition 5 therefore – for this reason

The Maritime Museum opens at 9 a.m.





handsome – (usually applied to men) attractive unnervingly – (in this context, sarcastic) alarmingly, frighteningly Think in English Exam Special

English Verbs | From Think 26

Reported Speech

The past perfect tenses, the conditional tenses and the past of intention cannot be made “more past” so these tenses do not change: e.g. “I was going to win”, she said. ➜ She said she was going to win.

When we want to say what someone said we can either put his/her words between inverted commas (e.g. He said, “You are mad”.) or we can express Other Auxiliary Verbs the idea in reported speech (e.g. He said I was mad). Direct speech is Some auxiliary verbs have a past tense, common in novels, in plays1 and when giving quotes2. However, indirect and in these cases they go ‘one tense speech is more normal in live conversation, in reports, and in academic back’ in reported speech: work. Moreover, you need to know how to use indirect speech if you are Direct Reported going to do an exam in English. The conversion from direct to indirect Speech Speech speech is particularly appropriate for transformation exercises. can could Indirect Statements3 Occasionally the reporting verb (e.g. “he says”, “she tells me”) is in the present. In this case, pronouns will change in indirect speech, but the tenses in the reported clause stay4 the same: e.g. He says, “I’ll do it.” e.g. He says he’ll do it. However, it is much more common that the reporting verb is in the past (e.g. “she said”, “they told me”). In this case the tenses in the reported clause have to change. The changes of tense are governed by what we call the ‘one-tenseback’ rule. This simply says that the tense of the verb has to go one tense further into the past, as follows. Reported Speech Direct Speech Future Perfect Perfect Conditional e.g. She said she e.g. “I’ll have would have bought bought it by it by Friday. Friday”, she said. Continuous Future Conditional Continuous e.g. He told me he e.g. He said “I’ll would be having tea be having tea at 8 at 8 o’clock. o’clock”. Conditional Future Simple e.g. They said they e.g. “We will lose”, would lose. they said. Future of Past of Intention Intention e.g. She claimed5 she was going to e.g. “I’m going to win. win”, she claimed. Past Simple Present Simple e.g. She said he was e.g. “He is happy”, happy. she said. Past Continuous Present e.g. You said they Continuous were swimming. e.g. “They are swimming”, you said. 38

Past Perfect Simple e.g. He claimed he had bought a car.

Present Perfect Simple e.g. “I’ve bought a car”, he claimed. Past Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Continuous e.g. She told me she e.g. “I’ve been had been painting painting the ceilthe ceiling. ing”, she said. Past Simple Past Perfect Simple e.g. He said he had e.g. “I bought a bought a dog the dog yesterday”, he day before. said. Past Perfect Continuous e.g. You said you had been working.


must/had to

❯❯  That It is possible to use ‘that’ after the reporting verb. In general, use ‘that’ when you are writing and omit it when you are speaking.

Past Continuous e.g. You said, “I was working”.

play – theatrical production, drama quote (n.) – quotation, repetition of the exact words of another person 3 statement – declarative phrase, sentence that


However, other auxiliary verbs – could, would, should, might, ought to, used to and mustn’t – have no past form and so do not change. e.g. “I used to live in Scunthorpe” ➜ She told me that she used to live in Scunthorpe.

Photo by Marina Carresi

He told Joe to play with his little brother.

1 2


4 5

is not a question stay – remain, continue to be to claim – declare, say, state

Think in English Exam Special

Word Order | From Think 20, 59 and 74

Word Order

Many exams expect you to order a sentence correctly. Subject, Verb, Object


All the ‘practice’ sentences given in this article are real examples of incorrect word order from university students who are studying English. The idea is that you should analyze what is wrong and how to correct it. We have placed the correct versions below as blue footnotes so that you can think about the mistakes before seeing the correct version:   You know how hard and busy has been this year for me. 5   The longer you stay the more enjoyable will be the experience.6  On the first floor are situated the kitchen and a large7 bedroom. 8

a very unnatural word order and it is better to respect the ‘subject-verb-object’ sequence.


  It is very important the wildlife11.12   There it is situated the farm.13    In addition it would be necessary accommodation for one little dog.14  I enjoyed it very much but now it starts the boring part.15   How much it cost the room?16

❯❯  Adverbs of definitive time go at the beginning or end of the sentence: e.g. Yesterday Sarah raised her hand. or e.g. Sarah raised her hand yesterday. ❯❯  Evaluating adverbs are placed at the end of sentences:

Order & Adverbs


  We don’t know very well the country.20   Our children had also a good time. 21   They gave us some good advice about how to approach22 properly23 large7 animals.24   Would you like together us to decide where to go?25   It was a fantastic day, and everybody enjoyed very much the visit. 26 dummy – (in this context) imitation, false, fake to lead to (lead-led-led) – result in, produce, cause 11 wildlife – fauna and flora 12 Wildlife is very important. 13 The farm is situated there. 14 Accommodation for one little dog would also be necessary. 15 I enjoyed it very much but now the boring part starts. 16 How much does the room cost? 17 ‘before the verb’ means before the main verb but after the auxiliary verb (if there is one) and after the verb ‘be’: e.g. She was never happy at home. 18 to raise sth. – put sth. up, elevate sth. 19 main – principal, primary (as opposed to ‘auxiliary’) 20 We don’t know the country very well. 21 Our children also had a good time. Or, Our






❯❯  Adverbs of frequency31 go before the verb: e.g. Sarah sometimes raised her hand.

Adverbs can go at the beginning of a sentence, at the end, or before the verb17: e.g. Quickly Sarah raised18 her hand. e.g. Sarah raised her hand quickly. e.g. Sarah quickly raised her hand. In other words we don’t normally put the adverb between the main19 verb and its object.

Many learners try to maintain the word order from their own language by inserting a dummy9 subject. This leads10 to rather – quite, very regular English inflections are limited to adding -s for the third person singular and for plural nouns, adding -’s for the ‘Saxon genitive’ and adding -ed for the past and the past participle of verbs 3 for example ‘skiing’ or ‘time’ can be nouns, verbs or adjectives (‘I like skiing’, ‘I am skiing’, ‘these are my skiing boots’; ‘time is a problem’, ‘Could you time the race?’, ‘She built a time machine.’). 4 to avoid – (in this context) not commit 5 You know how hard and busy this year has been for me. 6 The longer you stay the more enjoyable the experience will be. 7 large – (false friend) big 8 The kitchen and a large bedroom are situated on the first floor.

❯❯  Adverbs of Manner29 go before the verb30 or at the end of the sentence: e.g. Sarah happily raised her hand. or e.g. Sarah raised her hand happily.

Photo by Marina Carresi

More than in other languages, word order is rather1 strict in English. There is a reason for this: English has so few inflections2 and so many words can serve different functions3 that, without a rigid word order, English would be (even more) confusing. The most basic rule of English word order is: SUBJECT➜ VERB ➜ OBJECT and by remembering this you can avoid4 a lot of mistakes.

  As you know I am starting a new job so I have not saved27 yet a lot of money.28

There were quite a few people at the event. children had a good time too/as well. to approach – get close to, go up to 23 properly – appropriately, correctly 24 They gave us some good advice about how to approach large animals properly. 25 Would you like us to decide where to go together? Or, Would you like us to decide together where to go? 26 It was a fantastic day, and everybody enjoyed the visit very much. 27 to save – reserve, keep (opposite of ‘spend’) 28 As you know I am starting a new job so I have not saved a lot of money yet. 29 nearly all adverbs ending in -ly are adverbs of manner. 30 if the adverb is only one word 31 ‘always’, ‘usually’, ‘generally’, ‘frequently’, ‘often’, ‘sometimes’, ‘seldom’, ‘occasionally’, ‘rarely’ and ‘never’. 22

Think in English Exam Special

Confusing Words | From Think 2

Make or Do?

Distinguishing between ‘make’ [make-made-made] and ‘do’ [do-did-done] causes huge1 problems even for the most advanced learners. There are no magic shortcuts2, though we can offer a few pointers3. 1.  Sometimes people try to distinguish the two words in terms of ‘make’ meaning ‘create, manufacture’ and ‘do’ for other less creative activities. A cursory4 look at the lists below will largely5 scupper6 such notions. 2.  Some 60 of the collocations form figures of sound (alliteration, assonance and rhyme). Use this euphony to help you memorize these collocations. 3.  In the final analysis – once we have separated the ‘do the -ing’ collocations, ‘make’ collocations are much more common than those with ‘do’.

Do the (gerund)

The only clearly different structure is when we are talking about a gerund (-ing noun) preceded by the. In these cases we always use do: do the cleaning

do the (dirty) dishes7

do the drying-up

do the filing8

do the gardening

do the ironing

do the typing

do the washing-up9

Although the division between domestic, scientific, business and general vocabulary is often artificial, we have divided the list for your convenience:

Science & Proof Rhyme make a breakthrough10

Business contexts

make a mistake

Alliteration make mint15

make certain (that)

do an experiment

make money

make a discovery

do an operation (on s.o.)

make demands on

make sense

do research

make sure (that)

do a test

do a deal16

Assonance make an application make arrangements17

At Home

make a cancellation

Use ‘make’ for food and drinks: make breakfast, make a cake11, make (a cup of) tea/coffee, make (the) dinner, make lunch, make (the ) supper.

make a complaint18

Alliteration make ends meet12 make a mess13



‘Make’ and ‘do’ are very common expressions relating to work:


Others make a bed/the beds

Photo by Belén Gutiérrez

make a claim make a declaration make a payment make preparations make a statement19 Pararhyme

do the housework14 do repairs

make a cheque out to make a packet15 make work for s.o.20

make an appointment21

do business

make a bid22

do sth. for a living

huge – great, enormous shortcut – (in this context) simple solution 3 pointer – clue, indication, suggestion 4 cursory – quick, brief 5 largely – mostly, in general 6 to scupper – destroy, invalidate 7 notice the alliteration in ‘do the (dirty) dishes’ 8 filing – classification, categorization 9 do the washing-up – do the dishes 10 to make a breakthrough – make a discover, advance significantly 11 notice the rhyme in both ‘make a cake’ and ‘bake a cake’ 12 to make ends meet – earn enough money to cover one’s expenses each month 13 to make a mess – create chaos, disorganize sth. 14 to do the housework – clean, cook etc. at home 15 to make a mint/packet – (informal) earn a lot of money 16 ‘make a deal’ is also possible 17 to make arrangements – arrange/organize sth. 18 to make a complaint – complain, protest 19 to make a statement – state, declare 20 to make work for s.o. – create additional problems for s.o. 21 to make an appointment – organize a meeting 22 bid – offer to buy sth. at a specific price 1 2

Think in English Exam Special



In Next month’s Think

Publisher Agustín Buelta Editor Nick Franklin Artistic Director Marina Carresi Sub-Editor Nathan Burkiewicz

Produced by: Revistas Profesionales, S.L. Published by: Ediciones Mejora, SL C/de las Delicias, 3 – 28260 Galapagar (Madrid) Telf. Subscriptions: Tel: 902 044 066 e-mail: Photography: Cover photo by Marina Carresi Marina Carresi, Sara L. Carresi, Leonardo L. Carresi, Alex, Jaume Carbonell,Almudena Cáceres, Ana Lozano, Belén Gutiérrez, Jacobo Trevol, Irene Sanz, Mario Herrera, Isabel Rodríguez, Sonia Crivillers, Lois Humphrey, Mario Fabra, Raul Puy, Kim Martín, Dani Quiroga, Imma Isla, Ana Miralles + photos kindly supplied by the British Embassy in Madrid. International Relations: María Martín Martín

CD Debate - Classroom controversies

Photo by Jorge royan

Page Design: Nathan Burkiewicz Writers & Contributors: All texts by Nick Franklin. Webmaster: Almudena Cáceres Sound Engineer: Josué Bravo Advertising: Irene Martín Barcelona Office: Mariano Sánchez c/Rocafort 241-243, 5o 1. Tel. 93 322 12 38 Photo by not FroMUtreCh

Drink - Gin

❯❯ Travel | The Isle of Palms: gunboats and golf on the eastern seaboard ❯❯ Feature | Memes: ideas that rule our lives ❯❯ Economics | Is China slowing down? ❯❯ Internet | The Virtual Office ❯❯ Drink |

Gin is In

Photo by siebbi

Cinema - Daniel Day Lewis

❯❯ Cinema | Daniel Day Lewis: the Poet’s son ❯❯ Great Theatre | O’Casey’s Juno & the Paycock ❯❯ Word Building | Pig-headed, bloody-minded, feather-brained Fools! the suffixes -head(ed), -minded and -brained ❯❯ Words | Exclusion words: are you a landlubber? are you a layman?

❯❯ Society | The World Turned Upside Down: social Change in south africa

CD Debate: Classroom Controversies: co-ed or single-sex schools? uniforms? discipline?

❯❯ History | Traitors on Air: anglo radio propagandists for the nazis

Song: shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? by Will Shakespeare (performed by Hamish Binns)

❯❯ Poetry | “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” the World’s favourite english sonnet by a poet called William shakespeare

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