Network Marketing Oklahoma City WWW.allstarsuccess.BIZ What is the one thing that gets most people running for the hills in a network marketing opportunity? It's being told to make a list of your friends and family. Not only are you going to end up shooting yourself in the foot as an entrepreneur, but it can also cripple your business before you even get started. Now before we do away with the whole notion of working within your warm market and being a member of the NFL (No Friends Left) club. There is one aspect on the subject of a warm market that is worth looking at from a whole different perspective. By digging deeper with a new set of eyes, you may very well begin to see a more effective strategy.
Network Marketing Oklahoma City WWW.allstarsuccess.BIZ When we talk about an approach we are referring to how best to go after a certain segment of your warm market. Which if I might add, is being badly neglected, under valued and grossly overlooked by just about everyone in the network marketing industry. So what are we talking about here really: Remember your real Warm Market by definition are the people that you do business with right in your own back yard! These are the products and services that you are already buying the ongoing relationships that you have already established with local business owners. When you think about the realization of that alone, it makes sense. Which really when you get right down to it, that is what real network marketing is all about. Every business needs a network and every business has to continue marketing.
Network Marketing Oklahoma City WWW.allstarsuccess.BIZ Imagine how that could provide you with more opportunity to leverage those relationships to build your network marketing business! The real marketing list of businesses that you frequent on a ongoing basis is pretty large. For example: The dry cleaners, the carpet cleaner, your favorite clothing store, salon, your banker, your favorite grocery store, your dentist, a favorite restaurant that you frequent, your trainer, Etc. The list could go on and on. Anyway you get the idea, again this is your real network warm market. Think about this, these are people you know and trust that your spending money with, you may even know their families as well as their families knowing yours depending on how tight knit the community you live in is. Notice I did not say friends and families in general, we are talking about segmenting a group of business owners and building off their network base instead.
Network Marketing Oklahoma City WWW.allstarsuccess.BIZ These businesses do have some sort of direct influence on the things that you are buying from them weekly monthly Etc. What better way to discus business with someone who already owns one. If you can position your self as a solutions provider in finding opportunities to tailor the benefits of your product to them: or even their customer base, because remember they in-turn are consumers just like you and me who in-turn have a network as well. Imagine being able to leverage another businesses credibility in your being referred to, say their customer list or other business associates who they have dealings with who are in your same niche. This is what we call leveraged relationship because of the fact that those you are already doing business with also have a network of people, staff or other businesses that they come in contact with and then those contacts customers, supply chains distribution etc.
Network Marketing Oklahoma City WWW.allstarsuccess.BIZ So your local community network just from talking to a few businesses in your area can grow. Because the many people that make up a business enterprise even if it is a small business you in-turn can tap into their distribution channels their networks as well. For example a product within the weigh-loss niche could be someone who has a clientele within the wellness arena, could be a health coach or health spa that you maybe are already a member of. Think about those businesses that you are already a customer of that is serving the same demographic or the same market that you are in that could complement their product or service with your main network marketing product. Where you could match up businesses that offer services that you are already using and then position your self in that relationship offering your product as well.
Network Marketing Oklahoma City WWW.allstarsuccess.BIZ Another example: it could be say one of your favorite authors who writes books about health and wellness that even talks about or dedicates one book in particular on one single ingredient that happens to be the same main ingredient in your network marketing product. Do you not think that there could be an opportunity there instead of just being a consumer having purchased the book you could be maybe working in doing a business to business deal with the author. You could contact a whole host of authors already in your target market online, in putting deals together just like this. These are just some of the countless examples, all by way of just repositioning your self as a net-worker. Leveraging your business into the relationships of those businesses, who are already in your same niche.
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