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I joined allsolutions only because a good friend showed it to me..
I basically joined to humuor him....I didn't even take the time to read the welcome e-mail... I simply copied and pasted a part of the free website and sent it out to a safelist. Next morning I had 4 signups...Then I sent e-mail to my friend saying Well signed up 4 members for your program last night.. whatever that means ? I then went back to the welcome e-mail to have a look to see just exactly what I was involved in... because I really had no clue
focused on allsolutions... Sure I was making money with other things..but allsolutions will make me rich !
I joined allsolutionsnetwork Just over 3 weeks ago My downline has exploded to 3750 plus members through 10 Levels .... I just received my 1st commission last night... $118.35
Plus, I believe I may have reached 3rd bonus level..So I have more money coming Not bad considering it was payment for the last 2 weeks of last month... And a lot of people just joined within those 2 weeks...
away the free website.. Put it in the right hands and look out Just so you know..I'm no guru...I have no list to mail too I don't know how to create websites..I don't have autoresponders..I don't spam. Many members are way better internet marketer's than I am or ever will be
I simply made up an e-mail and post everyday to safelists Plus I use traffic exchanges.
Get active and start building a huge downline... it's the easiest thing I have ever done..Just give away your website..Couldn't be any easier !
you can do it.. You're not selling anything or asking anyone to spend money on anything that they wouldn't already be buying or thinking of buying.
You are simply giving away a free website that will change lives ! I show it to everyone...If they see the potential..fantastic..if not..their loss not mine !"
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