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Bimbo Komolafe Editor

In today's rapidly changing world, the power of collaboration and support among women has become more evident than ever. In our cover story, we explore the remarkable journey of Mrs. Toyin Omozuwa, Founder of the Women SupportingWomen(WSW)network , an inspiring community that has been transforming the lives of women worldwide. She shares with our readers the numerous ways the WSW network has been a beacon of hope and inspiration. The interview is loaded and reminds us that people can accomplish more together when they support one another,irrespectiveofgender.
Stroke is a serious and often life-altering medical condition that affects millions of people worldwide. In one of our health articles, award-winning neurologist, Dr Niyi Borire delves into the intricacies of stroke, shedding light on its symptoms, risk factors, preventive measures, and avenues for recovery. You will also enjoy reading our second health article titled ‘FacialKeloidScar:AnAestheticEnigma ’ by Dr. Oluseyi Ibukun-Obaro, a Consultant Oral and MaxillofacialSurgeonwithNationalHospitalAbuja.
We are pleased to bring you another encouraging success story from the work done by the Rehoboth Dream Solid Foundation (RDSF). Omolola Mariam Kolawole recently graduated from university, acquiring a Bachelor of Technology inAgriculturalEconomicswithaCGPAof4.42/5.00.RDSFisproudto havebeenapartofherstory.
The fitness spotlight is on Mrs Yemisi Ayeni, former Managing Director of Shell Nigeria Closed Fund Administrator Limited,andwearedelightedtoshareherfitness regimewithourreaders.
Investing in rental properties can be a lucrative endeavour, but it comes with its fair share of challenges. In this edition, our finance article explores valuable tips to help landlords protect their properties and navigate the complexitiesofearningincomefromrealestateinvestments.
On a sad note and with heavy hearts, we share the sad news of the passing of one of our esteemed pioneer trustees, Mrs. Roseline Igbokwe. It is with deep sorrow that we bid farewell to a remarkable individual who played a pivotal role in the success and growth of our organization. The Trustee’s corner in this edition is dedicated to her memory. Pleaserememberherfamily,friends,andthe entireRDSFcommunityinyourprayers.
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