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Lending a Helping Hand
Under this scheme, the Foundation will recommend indigent students who will be adopted and sponsored for their full academic program. The sponsor can choose to be anonymous or meet the beneficiaries. Here the sponsor will also be provided with a periodic statement of the beneficiary's academic performance.
You can also choose to sponsor any of our programs like the Annual Lecture, Thinking Aloud Magazine and Teachers’ Excellence Award or support the skill acquisition program organized for indigent undergraduates in various tertiary institutions to equip them with relevant ICT and soft skills relevant to career success.

4 PLEDGE https://www.rehobothdreamsolidfoundation.org/donations Bank: First Bank Nigeria
You can give one-time donation through a transfer to the Foundation's account or donate online through a secured donation link on our website.
Account name: Rehoboth Dream Solid Foundation
Account number: 2015884815
Sponsors can also make a pledge to give some money to the Foundation on a regular basis (weekly, monthly, quarterly, biannually or annually). Such sponsor will just send an email with details of the pledge and credit the Foundation's account.
Matching gifts are charitable workplace donations made by corporate entities that matches employees’ donations to eligible non-profit organisations. It is a way to show their employees that they are mindful of their social needs and support the causes they are most passionate about by empowering them to donate to any non-profit of their choice.
Different organisations have different matching policies and it will interest you to know that some international corporations do up to double of your donations or more. What this means is that if a staff should donate a $100 to an NGO through a matching gift channel or work place giving, an organization with a 2:1 matching policy will donate additional $200 on behalf of that employee; making it $300 donation.
Many employees are not taking advantage of this platform and some are not even aware of the various workplace giving opportunities opened to them in their organisations; especially multinational corporations. As a donor, you can increase your impact by simply donating through a matching gift platform like Benevity. The process is very simply and automated in most organisations.
To do this, simply find out about your organisation’s workplace giving policies from your HR department. If you would like to get RDSF listed or registered for your organisation’s workplace giving program, kindly send us an email through rehobothdream@gmail.com and we will be happy to onboard.
You can also volunteer your time and expertise by joining the RDSF team to carry out its daily operations and execute various projects across Nigeria. Most of these voluntary services can be done remotely.
Fitness Spotlight With Mrs Ngozi Mbonuike

successful leader gets to the finish line with his team. I am passionate about building teams, this has seen many young professionals reach their potential through mentoring and coaching.
I am a fitness and wellness enthusiast and run a healthy food business in Lagos Nigeria, Santé Wellness Hub. I am fifty-seven years old with three young adult children.

“I am passionate about building teams, this has seen many young professionals reach their potential through mentoring and coaching.” then, I have continued to find ways to exercise.
“In the year 2000, I had my first baby and added so much weight, I weighed almost 96kg. I knew I had to do something drastic.”
How often do you work out and how do you create time for your routine?
Consistency is key for any fitness journey. I create the time to work out at least three times a week. I go to the gym either early in the morning, if I have a late morning meeting in Lagos or after work in the evening.
Share with us the various ways you keep fit. Are you currently enrolled with a gym?
Yes, I am currently enrolled in a gym.
I still take long walks when I am in a safe environment. Whenever I travel, having a gym in the hotel is a priority for me. As previously mentioned, I started with long walks, then aerobics exercises. I use various exercise platforms on YouTube. This really helped during covid when movement was restricted.
I however found I constantly plateaued: that when despite all you do the scale does not shift.
I started researching and found out only aerobics won’t give the desired results particularly for menopausal women. Research revealed strength training was key to getting optimal results. I then registered in a new gym, got a coach, and started lifting weights and working out with machines. The results are amazing. Not only am I energized, but my dresses also started fitting better.
A few years ago, I started a fitfam @ work and this has must work around foods available to you and your household. Currently I just cut down on the quantity I’m eating and make sure I keep my meals healthy. I eat pounded yam and all our staples. Moderation is the key.” your workout routine effective?
Do you have an exercise buddy? What is the benefit of having a fitness accountability partner?
I have exercise buddy’s, IDL FITFAM and my coaches.
Having an accountability partner cannot be over emphasized, my two coaches are my accountability partners, these guys are like 20 years younger than me, they are huge motivators. I give them the respect due them and obey their instructions…. I am seeing results. Because I respect them, they go out of their way to update me on the latest techniques.
When I started doing deadlifts for example, I could barely lift the bar without weight. They kept pushing me till I lifted 100kg. What? Me? Yes! When you join a gym, please get a coach. You can’t do it on your own.

Many people struggle to stay motivated and keep to their fitness routine. How do you motivate yourself on days when you do not feel like working out?
I am naturally self-motivated. My coaches are great motivators. Like I said earlier, if they don’t see me, they check to be sure all is well.
The greatest motivator is when you start seeing results.
How important are food choices in your fitness journey?
Food is the major contributor in my fitness journey, I would say about 80%. Exercise contributes only about 20%. This is why many people spend so much time exercising and don’t see results.
I have done all kinds of diets, fruits diet, protein diet, slimming teas (they just run your tummy and you are back to where you started), the truth is that these diets are not sustainable.
To succeed in your fitness journey, you must work around foods available to you and your household. Currently I just cut down on the quantity I’m eating and make sure I keep my meals healthy. I eat pounded yam and all our staples. Moderation is the key.
Sante Wellness Hub started with the aim of providing healthy food options. All our products are healthy options to replace processed foods. We serve: Greek Yoghurt, Parfait, Tigernut Milk, Granola, Cold-Pressed juices & Sandwiches.
What advice or tips do you have for busy executives struggling to juggle fitness with their busy schedule?
You can’t be too busy, if the doctor tells you, you have few hours to live unless you exercise, you will create time to exercise. We need to creatively create time to exercise either you do it in the morning or in the evening or anytime in between. Long walks, especially if you live in a safe area a few times a week, is ok. Get a treadmill. Have a plan and follow through.
How important is routine medical examinations in the quest to stay fit and healthy?
Routine medical examinations are very important. You need to know your medical standing before embarking on any diet or exercise regime. Most ailments, when detected early, are easily treated. The big diagnostic centers have packages for routine examinations, and they are pocket-friendly. Most times people say, “It’s not my portion”. That is a wrong approach. We pray things don’t get out of hand.
Have a coach. Have a structured plan for exercises you do each time you go to the gym. Be consistent.
Reach Sante on Instagram: @santewellnesshub WhatsApp: 08037200487

“You can’t be too busy, if the doctor tells you, you have few hours to live unless you exercise, you will create time to exercise. We need to creatively create time to exercise either you do it in the morning or in the evening or anytime in between.”
Follow me on social media: @ngozimbonuike

Thank you for you time!