is invited to
learn, innovate and help your Haitian peers to overcome disaster… …by working with us on an educational and inspirational fund-raising project for a sustainable girls’ school complex in downtown Port-au-Prince, Haiti. TH IN KIN G DEVELO PM EN T was set up in 2010 after an earthquake destroyed the capital of Haiti. The Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny in Haiti are one of the country’s largest educator of women, and they lost most of their schools and other facilities in the Port-au-Prince area. Since no one else was offering them support to do long-term planning, a group of young architects, engineers and urban designers set up Thinking Development to help them do the project they needed. Together, our international team and the school children and teachers have designed a beautiful, eco-friendly, disaster-resilient school. What’s more, it’s designed to be easily adapted for sites all over the city. Now we need to raise enough money to start construction, and we think you could help! CHECKLIST • Enthusiasm and creativity to support Haiti this autumn? • Desire to be part of an innovative, sustainable project that supports education for everyone? • Space in the school calendar before Christmas? • A team of volunteers (us!) to help you plan some great fund-raising activities (e.g. recycling unwanted metal, a readathon, talent show, battle of the bands, art/design competition, creative writing competition, jumble sale, quiz)?
Rebuilding schools is integral to Haiti's long-term recovery from disaster. Help us start with schools. BEN EFITS O F SUPPO RTIN G • You can contribute to building a new girls’ school complex in Port-au-Prince • Pupils will gain a deeper understanding of the effects of disasters, like Haiti’s earthquake, on communities in other parts of the world and learn more about the difference between sustainable disaster relief and emergency aid • If pupils support the November/December crowd-funding campaign, they will learn how a campaign works and see the potential of crowd-funding for small, idealistic projects • Pupils and staff will be able to track exactly what a difference their contribution has made to our online campaign, and ultimately to the lives of those at our school in Port-au-Prince
1. If you’re accessible to one of our team in the UK, Ireland, USA, Sydney, Haiti, Puerto Rico, France, Chile or Colombia, someone from our team will give a presentation about the project at your school. If we can’t be there, we’ll provide you with a succinct and energetic video presentation.
2. A fund-raising event takes place at your school in November. →
3. You donate the funds to our online campaign. →
4. Watch the blue bar rise – thanks to your hard work. →
5. Stay connected! If enough schools join us in supporting this project, we could build this school quickly and start a wave of sustainable school reconstruction in Haiti. At the moment they’re still short thousands of schools.
YO UR REW ARD • A copy of our book for library, dedicated to your school • One of the Centre Rosalie pupils' drawing of her dream school framed and dedicated to your school • We’ll thank you on our website with a picture or short video of the fund-raisers and their messages to the girls in Haiti (the challenge is to do this in French or Haitian Creole!) • We will work with you to design teaching resources for half-term or term projects on natural disasters, sustainable architecture, citizenship in line with the National Curriculum • You’ll have been part of something amazing, a charity that treats people from everywhere as equals, and helps them to secure the things we take for granted on their terms – not on ours.
TH IN K ABO UT IT! Call or email for more information, to share ideas, or to get started! Fundraising Officer: Helena Cicmil ( ; +44 77 2994 7195) Project Director: Linda O’Halloran ( ; +44 75 3131 7561)
Centre Rosalie Javouhey Phase 1 Cost Breakdown Phase 1 Buildings $751,000USD
Total prices include contractor, labour, machinery, safety equipment and classroom furniture
Local Disaster Recovery. Global Impact
With the assistance of Bruce Shaw Quantity Surveyors, we have estimated the total cost for the 1st new school block (Phase 1) to be $1,090,000USD. This includes 10% for technical design (making instructions for those who build with exact measurements, material quantities) and a further 10% for local project management, supervision and training. The remaining 80% will cover construction labour and materials. All costs are conservative estimates based on similar projects already under construction in Haiti.
Walls $137,000USD
Solar Energy Systems & Water Tanks $120,000USD $350USD for 1 (of 264) Solar Panels $7,600USD for batteries and electrics
Roof $105,000USD
Inc. structure, hurricane strapping,
Structure $103,000USD
Our 6 principles... Passive Design
Disaster-resilient Foundation $101,000USD All designs and implementation plans must
Staircases & Landings Efficient $58,000USD
Shading devices $53,250USD
$8000USD for 1 of 4 Green Walls The design and planning process has to ensure a non-partisan outcome that is Windows, Wall Partitions & Doors $53,000USD
$350USD for 1 hurricane and intruder secure door $100USD for 1 hurricane and intruder secure with mosquito net
join our mission to do Thinking Development!
Sustainable post-disaster reconstruction: Starting with schools Thinking Development is a post-disaster reconstruction
47C Lime Grove London, W12 8EE United Kingdom Follow us: @thinkingdevelop Local Disaster Recovery. Global Impact
$1,090,000USD: BREAKING IT DOWN “But you could get 3 schools in Ghana for that!” tech.” HERE’S WHAT WE SAY: and complicated and expensive to build schools that protect
poor. Supervision costs therefore include training workers
their inhabitants from both forces. to pay to leave Haiti with the skills it needs to continue developing safely in the future. below picture of the local neighbourhood). The only way to create enough schools to meet the demand is to build harder to build safe tall buildings than it is to build safe
that you have somewhere to go and think big thoughts,
somewhere safe to go when a hurricane is coming, somewhere spacious enough to play and run around,
Haiti does have local materials to make safe structures. Our 6 not principles...
somewhere with access to computers and the things you could never get at home. In Haiti, even more so than in
Customs taxes are high.
Passive Design
All designs and implementation plans must
wider community to make their own futureHAITI brighter.
also come from abroad. Port-au-Prince
Although new codes are being gradually introduced, this culture is slow to fade, and therefore close supervision is required to make sure that buildings are built safely.
Inclusive The design and planning process has to
ensure a non-partisan outcome that is
join our mission to do Thinking Development!
If you share our principles and can help, please join our mission to do Thinking Development!
Sustainable post-disaster reconstruction: Starting with schools Thinking Development is a post-disaster reconstruction
Centre Rosalie Javouhey Phase 1 Cost Breakdown Phase 1 Buildings $751,000USD
Total prices include contractor, labour, machinery, safety equipment and classroom furniture
Sustainable post-disaster reconstruction: Starting with schools
Port-au-Prince Walls $137,000USD
Solar Energy Systems & Water Tanks $120,000USD $350USD for 1 (of 264) Solar Panels $7,600USD for batteries and electrics
Thinking Development is a post-disaster high-density, eco-friendly, and disasterresilient classroom block for urban Haiti with one of the country’s largest educators of women. Founded by graduates of University College London in response to Haiti’s devestating 2010 earthquake, we are
a dedicated, 100% voluntary team of engineers, architects, development planners and communicators. Together with a community of teachers, students, parents and local school managers in Port-au-Prince, we are making a long-term plan for post-disaster school reconstruction that meets everyone’s needs.
Roof $105,000USD
Inc. structure, hurricane strapping,
Structure $103,000USD
Foundation $101,000USD
Staircases & Landings $58,000USD
Shading devices $53,250USD
$8000USD for 1 of 4 Green Walls
Windows, Wall Partitions & Doors $53,000USD $350USD for 1 hurricane and intruder secure door $100USD for 1 hurricane and intruder secure with mosquito net
join our mission to do Thinking Development!
Our 6 principles... Passive Design
Buildingsmustbenaturallylitandventilated during daylight hours. When electricity is required, such as for computing and water
Alldesignsandimplementationplansmustbe resilienttoenvironmentalandsocialthreats, likeearthquakes,hurricanes,poormaterials and poor construction skills.
Thisisgoodfortheenvironment,andcheaper to maintain.
School spaces must be child-friendly; they mustinspirelearning,playandcreativity;they must allow local children to learn the skills their communities need; and they must feel safe, secure, and welcoming to all they serve.
Designsmustusematerials,stylesandskillson the local market. They must also be modular andeasytoreplicate.Thismakesthebuilding cheaper and easy to maintain, and enables peopletoimprovetheconstructionskillsthat they need.
Projects must be planned with the bigger picture in mind; they must consider all local needs, resources, infrastructure and ambitions for the future. This ensures that we only implement projects that are needed and that lead to empowering, equitable, and sustainable development.
The design and planning process has to include all groups who are immediately ensure a non-partisan outcome that is maximally useful. It should also empower all collaborators to look after their collective creation and continue sustainable development planning.
Ifyoushareourprinciplesandcanhelp,pleasejoin our mission to do Thinking Development!