3 minute read

Theoretical Physics

Mathematical, Physical & Geological Sciences (MPG)


A Physics student writing the Rydberg formula for the wavelengths of Hydrogen atomic transitions.

n Learn to understand and predict the behaviour of physical systems ranging from subatomic to astronomical scales using advanced mathematics

The combination “ of problem solving, mathematics and real-world examples helped me choose Theoretical Physics. The staff and lecturers in the UCD School of Physics are very helpful and easy to approach and consistently provide a great deal of support to students. Since completing my undergraduate degree I spent time travelling outside of Ireland and have recently started an MSc in Data Analytics that will use skills I learnt during my time in college such as programming, problem solving and mathematics.

Ian Smith, Graduate Sample pathway for a degree in Theoretical Physics *

YEAR 1 ENGAGE WITH THE PRINCIPLES PHYSICS MATHEMATICS APPLIED & COMPUTATIONAL Modules include: Modules include: MATHEMATICS Modules include: 4 Foundations of Physics 4 Calculus in the 4 Applied Mathematics: 4 Frontiers of Physics Mathematical and Physical Mechanics and Methods 4 Thermal Physics and Sciences 4 Applications of Differential

Materials 4 Linear Algebra in the Equations 4 Quanta, Particles and Mathematical and Physical

Relativity Sciences 4 One

Elective module 4 One




YEAR 2 CHOOSE YOUR SUBJECTS The subject combinations listed below are illustrative of what a student who graduates in Theoretic al Physics could choose in Year 2. Further subject combinations are possible depending on the choices in Year 1. Further information is available on page 23.

THEORETICAL PHYSICS Modules include: 4 Electronics and Devices 4 Oscillations and Waves 4 Introductory Quantum 4 Classical Mechanics and

Mechanics Special Relativity 4 Fields, Waves and Light 4 Vector Integral and 4 Methods for Physicists Differential Calculus 4 Calculus of Several Variables 4 Computational Science PHYSICS Modules include: 4 Students who choose Theoretical

Physics as their main subject for second year also cover the requirements for Physics. 4 Thermodynamics &

Statistical Physics



THEORETICAL PHYSICS – Modules include: 4 Two

Elective modules

4 Analytical Mechanics 4 Quantum Mechanics 4 Partial Differential Equations 4 Functions of One Complex Variable 4 Electromagnetism 4 Advanced Laboratory 4 Foundations of Fluid Mechanics 4 Quantum Theory of Condensed Matter


Elective modules

4 Theoretical Physics Project 4 Applied Quantum Mechanics 4 Advanced Mathematical

Methods 4 High Energy Particle Physics 4 Nuclear Physics 4 General Relativity &

Cosmology 4 Computational Biophysics 4 Relativistic Quantum Mechanics 4 Theoretical Astrophysics 4 Quantum Field Theory 4 Advanced Statistical Physics

BSc (Honours) Theoretical Physics

MSc PhD Industry Conversion Courses

4 MSc NanoBio Science 4 MSc Meteorology 4 MSc Space Science & Technology 4 MSc Research 4 MSc Physics (NL) 4 MSc Nanotechnology 4 MSc Applied

Mathematics &

Computational Physics 4 MSc Computational

Physics 4 Students can pursue a PhD in universities in Ireland or abroad in areas as diverse as theoretical physics, atomic physics, computational nanobio physics, particle physics, biophysics, nuclear physics, medical physics and astrophysics 4 Financial Sector 4 ICT industry 4 Material Science &

Nanotechnology 4 Medical Physics and

Biotechnology 4 Geoscience &

Exploration 4 Energy Technology

Sector 4 Meteorology 4 Professional Master of

Education (PME) 4 MA Economics 4 Graduate Medicine 4 Master of


*See pages 4 and 5 for information on the terminology used above. Potential combinations shown here are examples only and are not guaranteed by UCD. Modules are subject to change each year.


UCD School of Physics/ UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics internationaladmissions@ucd.ie facebook.com/UCDScience twitter.com/ucdscience V1 2021

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