OUR PHILOSOPHY Our philosophy is centered on creating boutique financial solutions for our clients. We achieve this by focusing our strategies on unique advisor training, specialized industry relationships, and a collaborative thinking approach with everything we do.
At the core of our marketing philosophy are these simple concepts integrated with digital media to stay connected and current with modern day businesses.
We help you understand your market We train you for your market We help you penetrate your market
For financial professional use only. Not for use with the public.
1. 1.
Our approach to accessing clients is targeted, deliberate and thoughtful. We help our advisors tap into their potential client base by actively helping them understand and penetrate their marketplace.
This allows us to eliminate the uncertainty of identifying and assessing qualified clients for our advisors, and to provide strategic value to each marketplace.
For financial professional use only. Not for use with the public.
Our unique training methods give our advisors a distinct competitive advantage.
Ever y month, we invite an industry expert to conduct an interactive workshop with our advisors on a variety of relevant topics. These workshops help our advisors learn about current issues and emerging trends within the industry, per form mock solution analysis, and engage in collaborative discussions that allow openly sharing and building on thoughts, ideas, and questions. Advisors can also access a wide range of web-based training provided by Securian.
For financial professional use only. Not for use with the public.
3. 1.
Here are a few examples of how we help our advisors penetrate the Leisure/Hospitality marketplace
MARKETING ALLIANCE Mar yland State Golf is the official magazine of the Mar yland State Golf Association (MSGA) reporting on key golfing events and issues for the state of Maryland, Washington DC, and the greater Middle Atlantic region.
Sent directly each month to 28,000+ golfers. Digitaly distributed to all 600 golf clubs in the Mid-Atlantic Section of the PGA.
LIVE CLIENT EVENTS We are also the official financial industry partner for the DMV Hospitality Golf & Gather, an event that boasts participants who are owners, GM’s, and Principles from over 75 of Maryland, DC, and Virginia’s leading bars, restaurants and night clubs. As a sponsor of the DMV Hospitality Gold & Gather 2015, we hosted the $5,000 cash putt-off challenge during the event which gives us direct contact with all 200+ attendees of the tournament.
As premium sponsors of the event, our brand works directly with other event partners and sponsors.
For financial professional use only. Not for use with the public.
4. 1. WHO IS SECURIAN FINANCIAL GROUP Headquartered in St. Paul, Minnesota, Securian Financial Group, Inc. has been providing financial security since 1880. Securian is committed to the personal financial goals of our individual customers. We take a long-term approach to insurance, investment and retirement solutions through our affiliates including Minnesota Life – a respected presence in the industr y for more than a century.
Securian Financial Group, Inc. is the parent corporation of Minnesota Life Insurance Company and Securian Life Insurance Company. Certain financial highlights are presented at the parent company level only.
More than 16 million clients as of December 31, 2015 Securian Financial Group and its affiliates protect clients nationwide with over $1 trillion of life insurance in force (as of December 31, 2015) More than $65 billion of assets under management as of December 31, 2015 Nearly $5 billion in total benefits paid in 2015 Securian and its subsidiaries are proven industr y leaders with client retention rates above 95% Securian Financial Group, as of December 31, 2015
WHO ARE SECURIAN’S AFFILIATES Securian’s customer-centric marketing approach has served well over the years and it positioned them for a solid future. Through its affiliates, Securian offers clients a wide array of products and services. Some of Securian’s strategic affiliates include Advantus Capital Management, Minnesota Life, and Capital Financial Group.
WHY WE CHOSE SECURIAN FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. Our affiliation with Securian Financial Services, Inc. reflects our philosophy of strong industry training and collaboration. As a local firm, we value Securian’s prestigious reputation, high-quality products, and meaningful resources to ensure that our advisors are equipped to be among the best in the industry.
BENEFITS OF OUR PARTNERSHIP WITH SECURIAN FOR ADVISORS Through our partnership with Securian, our advisors have access to quality industry training and the backing of a nationally recognized and endorsed firm. Because investing in our team is out top priority, our advisors receive the following when they join our firm. •
Paid licensing training for new advisors
Rapid success apprenticeship program
Monetar y Compensation
Full Service Investment Advisory Platforms
Wide array of Insurance and Annuity Products
Recognizable Brand with roots tracking back 135+ years
Ongoing Business Development Training
Access to Company Sponsored Industry Events
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Holistic financial planning is the process of examining the total financial picture in order to provide maximum objective value to our clients.
Some firms take an artificial approach to providing holistic financial services. They typically offer risk management products and investment products separately, either because of inadequate licensing, product-specific incentives, or insufficient training.
Separate from the financial plan and our role as a financial planner, advisors may recommend the purchase of specific investment or insurance products or accounts. These product recommendations are not part of the financial plan and clients are under no obligation to follow them.
We, at Securian Capital of the Chesapeake, believe in giving our advisors the full suite of industry training, knowledge, and skills needed to build appropriate solutions for our clients.
Unlike some firms, who do primarily only risk management or investment business, our goal is to have an equally balanced base of business between the two strategies.
For financial professional use only. Not for use with the public.
As you become more successful and your business grows, it does not become easier, it becomes more complex. We provide and have access to the support, processes, and resources needed to help you take your practice to the next level.
INFRASTRUCTURE - Techno lo g y Pla tfo r ms - Pro s pec ti ng S uppo r t - M ento rs hi p - Co mpli a nce - Acco unti ng / P& L S ta temen ts - Cas e D es i gn Tea m - Pra c ti ce D e velo pment - I nves tment R es o urc e G ro up
TRAINING - S peci ali zed Trai ni ng B o ard - Fi na nci al Pla nni ng - Pers o na l Co a chi ng - Ad v anced M a r k ets R es earch - Career Pa ths
MARKETING - Pro fe s s i o na l Bi o gra phy - We b D es i gn - C l i e n t Events - LinkedIn - Ta rg e ted M a r k etpla ces - A p po i ntment S etti ng Call Center
ENERGY - Co mpeti ti ve wi th S uppo r t - We v s. M e M entali t y - Fu n , Fas t, a nd Fr i end ly
COMPENSATION - Adv i so r Fi na nci al S uppo r t - B u si n e s s Fund i ng - C E O Equi t y S ha re - 4 0 1 K Pla ns - D e fe r red Co mpens ati o n
For financial professional use only. Not for use with the public.
Securities and Investment Advisor y ser vices oered through Securian Financial Ser vices, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC Securian Capital of the Chesapeake is independently owned and operated. Securian is a trademark of Securian Financial Group, Inc. and it has been licensed for use by Securian Capital of the Chesapeake. 600 Washington Ave, Suite 100, Towson, MD 21204 DOFU 4/2016 #1422777