THINK - Issue 32

Page 50

IDEA Innovators play a a different game South Africa-based entrepreneur Rapelang Rabana says that when it comes to innovation, the skills and experiences we accumulate over our lifetime are better resources than formal qualifications. Words by Daiva Repeckaite.


verything around you that

is uninhibited by legacy technologies.

an app she compares to ‘Uber

you call life was made up

‘[When Skype came along,] we didn’t

for domestic workers’. It helped

by people who were no

have personal laptops with high-speed

thousands reshape their participation

smarter than you,’ African

bandwidth,’ she explains, showing how

in the informal economy. Millions

innovator Rapelang Rabana

African businesses were mobile-first.

of women work in people’s homes


as nannies, chefs, or gardeners.

told her audience in Malta, quoting Steve Jobs. ‘When you choose [not to] accept an assumption that is no

world, Rabana generously praises

protects the rate set, she explains.

it is those moments that are a true

innovators from around Africa. At a

In her opinion, the information

source of innovation.’ Her words

South African startup competition,

gathered could also help governments

hit a chord as the coronavirus

she had once assessed a crime alert

target subsidies to reach informal

pandemic ripples worldwide and

system developed for disadvantaged

workers: ‘There is no transparency

society grapples with the pressures

townships. ‘You can’t rely on alarm

as to what they’re doing or how

of online learning, the quest for tools

systems, because the police or

far they travel, and I imagine that

to stay productive, and the need

security guards will take a long

once the data build up and become

to better distribute resources.

time. Essentially it’s a community-

more readily available, governments

based crime alert system, where

will be in a different position [...]

a keynote speech at the Malta

they’ve got devices that can make

to subsidise [their] transport.’

Innovation Summit. She emphasised

a loud noise and alert community

the unique position African

members when things happen.’

entrepreneurs are in, as their creativity IDEA

service, as it logs their hours and

longer serving your best interests,

In October 2019, Rabana gave


In her speeches around the

The app professionalised the whole

Other innovators came up with

Rabana built her own business after graduation. She decided to sell this business rather than be

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