THINK - Issue 35

Page 15

Commuters, Ahoy! Marthese Cini that commute to Malta for work are

would lose its character and identity.

for transport geographers,

classified as extreme commuters.

The fast ferry service was popular

especially on island archipelagos.

My research showed that the

with Gozitans who worked in or

Small islands like Gozo depend on

average Gozitan commutes around 4

near Valletta. Commuters were also

outside links for their infrastructure.

hours per day. For daily commuters,

satisfied with the addition of the

My (Marthese Cini) research study

that’s 20 hours per week. In European

fourth ferry, since this considerably

focused on Gozitan commuters

countries such as Sweden, the

improved the existing ferry service.

working in Malta and the recent

Netherlands, and France, as well as

discussions on ‘connecting’ the

the United Kingdom and Switzerland,

decision makers. By taking various

islands. Specifically, I studied

commuters who face long trips

considerations, economic, social,

whether a ferry or a tunnel would

(more than two hours, minimum

and environmental into account,

be more suitable for their needs.

three times per week) total between

it becomes easier to develop a

5 and 10% of the commuting

strategic solution that addresses

It’s needed to work, shop, and visit

population. Gozitans are commuting

Gozitan concerns. Should we look

friends or family. Travel is commonly

longer than most of Europe!

at the short to medium term gains

Travelling is central to our lives.

seen as a burden that takes time and

There are few publicly available

This research can help inform

of implementing a faster ferry

money. People’s travelling behaviour

studies about Gozitans’ concerns

service, or should we look at the

is important to consider. It can help

over travel time and their attitude

longer term costs and benefits of

identify and understand which mode

on infrastructural changes. In my

constructing an underwater tunnel?

of transport commuters use the

research, I sent a questionnaire survey

The answer isn’t simple, but it

most and why, as well as the reasons

to 350 Gozitan commuters. The

requires research to answer.

behind certain destination choices.

majority of commuters were against

To decide on their mode of travel,

the building of the proposed tunnel

This research was carried out as part

commutors consider the distance of

(63.7%) and were in favour of a fast

of the Master’s Degree Programme

the trip and its purpose, travel time,

ferry service between Valletta (in

in Geography at the Faculty of

safety, perceived comfort, service

Malta) and Gozo (65.7%). If a tunnel

Arts, University of Malta under the

quality, and other factors. Gozitans

was built, participants felt that Gozo

supervision of Prof. Maria Attard.



ravel time studies are important


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