THINK - Issue 21

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ISSN ISSN2306-0735 2306-0735







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arth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some

To communicate with us and follow the latest in research news

of us more than we can ever learn from books,’ said British

statesman John Lubbock. University of Malta researchers have also learnt from our planet; this special EARTH focus packs 31 pages chock-full of studies that could transform the Maltese Islands. While research into concrete is investigating new ways of sustaining

To see our best photos and illustrations

development by adding plastic and waste limestone into the mix (page 26), the LifeMedGreenRoof project plans to make Malta’s buildings green, revitalising aerial views of the islands (page 20). The seas around Malta also hold another bonanza, with pockets of fresh water beneath the saltwater that could be tapped (page 32). And speaking of ambitious projects, new microgrid

To view some great videos

networks could see Malta become the EU’s first green island (page 36). The rest of this edition looks into games as a philosophical and teaching tool, a food app for dietary requirements (page 54), and gender and language issues (pages 10 and 11). We have an opinion piece on a new

To read all our printed magazines online

unit supporting researchers (page 12), an interview with a filmmaker (page

68), and a visit to the Joint Research Centre by Malta’s best and brightest (page 50). The Valletta 2018 Foundation talks about the need to listen to the Valletta community (page 64) and we find out more about a big donation to research in Malta by the island’s largest charity (page 62).

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Edward Duca EDITOR-IN-CHIEF @DwardD

Cassi Camilleri


Are you a student, staff, or researcher at the University of Malta? Would you like to contribute to THINK magazine? If interested, please get in touch to discuss your article on or call +356 2340 3451




Malta seismic network



History, medicine, and art






Issue 21’s cover takes us back to our roots. Designed by illustrator Roberta Scerri, its use of texture and earthy tones is contrasted with light, bright greens, blues, and whites, which builds on THINK’s elements theme.


Bloomin' roofs go green


Concrete for sustainability


Sustaining sustainability


Underwater groundwater


A green future for Electrical Networks




Nurturing language development through interaction


Where has ‘woman’ gone?


Striving for scientific excellence





Do you think this is a game?


The limits of noise


Science in the house!


CONTRIBUTORS TOOLKIT Dr Pauline Galea WITHOUT BORDERS Prof. John Chircop Rebecca Catrin Jones DESIGN Alec Fenech Dr Ing. Emmanuel Francalanza OPINION Dr Sarah Grech Angie Mifsud Dr Marceline Naudi Axel Steuwer STUDENT SECTION Johnathan Harrington

SCIENCE IN THE HOUSE Dr Ing. Marc Anthony Azzopardi Dr Shawn Baldacchino Dr Ian P. Cassar Dr Owen Falzon Dr Lourdes Farrugia Dr Melissa Formosa Angele Galea Dr Ruben Gatt Dr Rebecca E. Dalli Gonzi Dr Elisa Seria FOCUS Prof. Maurice Apap Nigel Borg Ruben Paul Borg Maria Di Domenico Antoine Gatt Dr Aaron Micallef Dr Alexander Micallef

Hans-Joachim Sonntag Prof. Ing. Cyril Spiteri Staines FEATURES Dr Shawn Baldacchino Cassi Camilleri Dr Vanessa Camilleri Dr James Ciarlò Dr Melchior Cini Prof. Alexiei Dingli Rebecca Catrin Jones Prof. Charles L. Mifsud Dr Vanessa Petroni Rositsa Petrova Sephora Sammut Hans-Joachim Sonntag Joanna Vella

RIDT H.E. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca Wilfred Kenely Sarah Spiteri CULTURE ARTICLE Jaakko Blomberg Victor Jacono The Valletta 2018 Foundation ALUMNI ARTICLE Kenneth Scicluna Veronica Stivala START UP Monique Chambers Jessica Edwards

LAB TO LIFE Prof. Joseph N. Grima Clemens Uhl ILLUSTRATIONS Roberta Scerri PHOTOGRAPHY Sebio Aquilina Neville Attard Cassi Camilleri James Moffett Matthew Muscat-Drago David Pisani Kenneth Scicluna Jean Claude Vancell Steven Levi Vella Max Vetter

THINK is a quarterly research magazine published by the Marketing, Communications & Alumni Office at the University of Malta To subscribe to our blog log into and fill in your details. � For advertising opportunities, please call 2340 3475 or get in touch by email on Advertising rates are available on




Growing up in the digital age


Level up! Upgrading Game-based learning

How digital technology impacts early childhood development


Games in classrooms could reduce early school leaver numbers


Malta’s brightest exports: Travelling to the EU’s JRC



Young Scientist Award winners go to the Joint Research Centre




Running with ideas

Foody indulgence: there's an app for that!

Making strides and sharing knowledge

Become the most inclusive host you know

THE MALTA COMMUNITY CHEST FUND invests in medical research


Urban Utopia


The Malta Community Chest Fund invests in medical research


How does a packed cultural calendar affect residents?




What to watch, read, listen to and who to follow on social media

Lights, camera ...and Ken

Our content picks to stimulate your eyes, ears, and mind










Jessica Edwards Giulia Buhagiar

The pros and cons of working in film

ISSN 2306-0735 Copyright © University of Malta, 2017 The right of the University of Malta to be identified as Publisher of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright Act, 2001. University of Malta, Msida, Malta Tel: (356) 2340 2340 Fax: (356) 2340 2342 All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purpose of research and review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. The publisher has used its best endeavours to ensure that the URLs for external websites referred to in this magazine are correct and active at the time of going to press. However the publisher has no responsibility for the websites and can make no guarantee that a site will remain live or that the content is or will remain appropriate. Every effort has been made to trace all copyright holders, but if any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers will be pleased to include any necessary credits in any subsequent issues.



Gutenberg Press, Malta





Malta Seismic Network The network can record close “microearthquakes” with equal clarity to large earthquakes from all over

Monitoring and Research Group (Faculty of

the globe. These massive quakes send seismic waves

Science, Department of Geosciences), has been

travelling through the planet’s interior at several

placing its ears more firmly to the ground, listening

kilometres per second. All of this data is transmitted

to the smallest vibrations of our Earth.

to a University of Malta server, which distributes

Since 1995 the Malta Seismic Network has grown from a single seismic station at

the information to data centres worldwide. But what is the advantage of having so many stations

Wied Dalam to a network of six broadband

in such a small area? Firstly, researchers can gather

instruments all over the Maltese Islands.

valuable information and share it with the seismological

Stations are installed in several locations. The

community to build more detailed models of the

sensitivity of the instruments means that they need

Earth’s interior. Secondly, an immediate advantage

to be homed in places where human interference

is the enhanced detection and analysis of smaller

is minimal. Church crypts and underground tunnels

and smaller earthquakes from all sides of the island,

are perfect. Being broadband instruments, they can

leading to a deeper insight of active faults. Thirdly, the

detect very slow vibrations from frequencies less

network gives precious information on the properties

than a millihertz (the whole Earth’s normal mode

and structure of the rocks of Malta. More accurate

frequencies), to tens of hertz (ground motion from

information about our islands’ composition and

anthropogenic noise and near earthquakes).

behaviour will help make Malta earthquake-ready.

QUICK SPECS • Sensors: Trillium 120PA/ Trillium Compact • Technology : 3 symmetric triaxial sensors with force feedback • Bandwidth: 8mHz to 150Hz • Weight: 7.2kg/1.2kg • Height: 20cm/10cm • Power consumption: 600mW/160mW • Data Loggers: Centaur 24bit ADC, Internet-enabled


why over the past three years the Seismic

Photos by Jean Claude Vancell


he earth’s surface is never still. And that is



Without Borders



History, Medicine and Art We still live in a world where being beautiful is vastly important. 'dirty' and even contagious. Racial discrimination

has been merged with our concept of what

against Arab Muslim pilgrims upon returning

is morally ‘good’. Since the Ancient Greeks, who

from their annual Hajj saw them detained in

thought that beauty was inherently good and

quarantine for fear they might be carriers of

ugliness was inherently evil, we have struggled to

disease from these ‘dirty’ places. Before being

move away from this way of thinking. A ‘normal’

granted re-entry to southern Europe, they had

individual is usually defined as ‘beautiful’ in

to endure physical examination and fumigation

some sense, be it through good health, social

to cleanse them. While this selective segregation

class, or appearance. Problems arise when the

based on ethnicity may seem ridiculous

binary emerges, seeing deviations from the

now, are things really so different today?

norm rejected as ugly, dirty, immoral, and ‘sick’. Working with various international research

Chircop suggests not. 'These same concepts are shown today by the way we treat migrants from

institutions across Europe and the US, Professor

war-torn countries.' In general, non-European and,

John Chircop (Department of History, Faculty

especially, irregular migrants are segregated, kept

of Arts, University of Malta) is delving into

away from society, and treated as second-class

how our understanding of what is beautiful is

citizens. In place of quarantine ‘fumigation’, we

used within the social, political, and medical

now use biometrics, with routine physical tests,

spheres of our society to mould perceptions

and vaccination. We can try and justify this by

and construct ways of control over how

highlighting the developments in technology,

we see and treat ourselves and others.

justifying our actions by emphasising the scientific

Our perceptions of what is beautiful or

or 'medical' benefit of these examinations. But

ugly shapes constructions of the ‘Other’, and

really the ideas behind this are the same; by

makes easier the control of sectors of society

treating a population as different, necessary for

that are considered to be a threat to public

testing, we automatically create a distinction

health and the social order—the destitute,

between 'us' and 'them'. This segregation is then

prostitutes, and criminals—dirty, diseased,

reinforced in art, political cartoons, popular

amoral, and ugly. There are striking examples

films, television, and wider social media.

in history of medical institutions isolating

Although much progress has been made in

those that did not fit the norm. To this day

human rights and fair treatment of individuals,

the idea of ‘beauty’ still segregates society.

prejudice is insidious and subtle. It has melded

Historically, disease was thought to be

itself into the fabric of society, and we need

contagious and transmitted through physical

to be aware of it to change it. Chircop states,

contact, or even inhalation. In Europe, even

'to go about changing this, we must start

up until the early 20th century people were

from the present, and go back in history.' By

encouraged to keep a safe distance between

learning from our past, we can expand the

themselves and anyone who might be considered

concept of beautiful in today’s society. Without Borders


hroughout history the concept of ‘beauty’



unction, form, safety, and environment. SYLO is a family of hybrid cycle rickshaws

Form was an especially important factor in the design process. As the aim was to use this vehicle both within the historical

that fulfills all four design pillars to deliver

context of the capital city, Valletta, and in cosmopolitan

good performance and a smooth ride.

spaces such as Paċeville and Bugibba, it was essential for the

SYLO is designed for short distances, catering

vehicle to complement its built environment, be it classical

to commuters and delivery services. What sets it

or contemporary. Towards this end, bold lines were used,

apart from its counterparts is its mixed-propulsion

making the vehicle look distinct without looking alien.


technology, using both photovoltaic panels and pedal


power. Adding to its ‘green’ points is the fact that

SYLO was the product of 10 mechanical engineering

recyclable plastics have been used for the body. This

students supervised by academics from the Department

helped from an engineering perspective because it

of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,

kept the vehicle light, allowing it to serve its function

Faculty of Engineering, University of Malta as part

despite the difficult terrain it must operate in.

of a third-year engineering design project.


What sets it apart from its counterparts is its mixed propulsion technology, using both photovoltaic panels and pedal power.


Nurturing language development through interaction Dr Sarah Grech


anguage is at the core of

distinction between ‘Trid ice cream?’

nurtured—they might be the country’s

what makes us human. From

instead of ‘Trid ġelat?’ as both are

best lawyer in a few years’ time.

birth, we interact through

equally well understood in Malta.

language, making our

What is more important is that a child

child behind. A truly holistic education

way through gurgling and

has enough exposure to become

recognises that physical activity is

babbling to words, and, eventually,

sensitive to which version or dialect

vital, perhaps even more so, for the

telling (tall) stories. It is important to

to use in which context. In English,

less sporty child. The same applies in

nurture this linguistic development

we have no problem singing the

languages. We must ensure that every

as early as possible, and in Malta, this

nursery rhyme ‘Horsey, horsey don’t

child has the opportunity to express

involves exposure and sensitivity to

you stop…’ despite knowing that the

themselves both in speech and writing,

the forms and dialects of at least two

established word is of course ‘horse’

even if they seem to struggle. After

languages: Maltese and English.

because experience shows us that

all, we don’t teach an unsteady runner

children happily grow out of their

how to run by making them sit and

by setting a good example so that

‘baby’ language. The same is true of

watch while we run a race for them.

children have a solid language basis

the different forms of languages and

Similarly, children learn how to speak

to build upon. Here, it all boils

dialects typical in a multilingual society.

and write by practising the languages,

down to one key point: interaction.

As we grow older, we can become

not listening to (lengthy) explanations

Language is a two-way process,

sensitive to which forms of a dialect or

about how to use a language.

so for a child to truly benefit, they

language are best understood in the

This is what nurturing skills is all

need to interact with others from

home, amongst friends, or at work.

about. If we want to raise confident,

Such growth can be nurtured

birth—TV cartoons just do not cut it.


knowledgeable youngsters, we must

spend most of their time in school.

allow them to constantly practise

is all about sounds and bonds, not

If schooling is meant to be about

ways to get their message across. In

about learning letters or reciting a

encouraging children to reach their

Malta’s ri ch linguistic environment,

poem. However, even then a child is

full potential, then this should also

this means nurturing all our dialects

sensitive to differences and variation

hold true linguistically. Just as a sporty

and forms of language in whatever

in language. Children know that home

or musical child is identified and

shape or form available to us. It is

language is different from what they

encouraged to work on their natural

only through this process that we

hear outside in the wider community.

talent, a child whose linguistic skill

can then shape rich, meaningful

For Maltese children it is useless to

is recognisable should get the same

forms of communication amongst

place early focus on lamenting the

treatment. That talent should be

ourselves, and the wider world.

At the earliest stages, language


Apart from parents, children

Equally, it is important to leave no

Where has ‘woman’ gone? Dr Marceline Naudi


ack in the old days it was

In the past, we spoke about

assumed by most that

women’s liberation, women’s rights,

if you had male sexual

feminism, equality for women, women’s

characteristics you were

studies, violence against women.

a MAN and as such your

When we talked about domestic

nature was to be macho, brave, and

violence, what we meant was intimate

aggressive and bring in the money

partner violence perpetrated far

for the family; and of course, if you

more by men against women.

had female sexual characteristics, you

Nowadays we speak about human

were a WOMAN, and as such your

rights, gender equality, gender

nature was to be sensitive, emotional,

studies, gender-based violence, family

nurturing, and an ‘angel’ in the home.

violence, and when we speak about

Then we discovered ‘gender’,

domestic violence we get told; ‘What

i.e. not the physical/biological

about the men? What about the

characteristics, but the social

children? What about older adults?’

and cultural meanings attached

When we speak about feminism, we

to being a woman or a man, our

are labelled passé or extremists.

learnt behaviour. At this stage,

Effectively, ‘woman’ has become

it became clear that having male

invisible. The still-dominant patriarchal

sexual characteristics in itself did

discourse has succeeded, with the help

not necessarily make one incapable

of all of us, in neutralising ‘woman’

of holding a baby or wiping up

and camouflaging this as ‘progress’.

vomit. At the same time, it was now

If we had indeed achieved ‘gender

agreed that possessing female sexual

equality’, if women’s rights as human

characteristics did not necessarily

rights were really being upheld, if we

make one unfit for public life,

had eliminated violence against women,

employment outside the home, or

then this would be right and proper…

leadership (political or otherwise).

But have we?

And we embraced these changes

My answer to that is, of course,

with gusto! Now, we thought,

as you would expect, a resounding

women (and men, or other) could

NO, we have not! And making

be whatever they wished to be! We

‘woman’ invisible once more will

were no longer held back by our

not help us achieve this!

sexual characteristics, by being seen as ‘woman’ (or ‘man’). This was a big

Photo by Steven Levi Vella from

step forward for ‘gender’ equality.

Artemisia: 100 Remarkable Women, a project by Network of Young Women Leaders.


Somewhere along the line however, ‘woman’ disappeared…


Striving for Scientific Excellence


Research Support Services Directorate


Research Support Services Directorate (RSSD) team

to bring international and private

the UM to bring experimental

endeavour. From funding, to

sector experience to the UM.

laboratories to a world class level. The

project management, quality assurance, and so much

multifaceted nature of this work makes


it difficult to summarise. Among other

for applied or fundamental research,

The most attractive funding

laboratory output, systems design and

needs to tick a whole list of boxes

opportunities for scientists at the UM

commissioning, followed by quality

for it to achieve its full potential. This

nowadays are based on competitive

assurance, such as managing standard

is where we, the Research Support

European Union instruments.

operating procedures (SOPs) and

Services Directorate (RSSD), come in.

Preparation for them is intense,

supporting and writing equipment

and only the most innovative and

tenders, creating and managing asset

with comprehensive support towards

groundbreaking ideas hit the mark.

databases, and ensuring proper waste

achieving scientific excellence, from

Our team can guide you not only to

management. We can also contribute

identifying and advising on funding

identify the most suitable funding

to managing your projects, all in the bid

opportunities to getting specific

opportunity, but also on building the

to improve the efficiency, productivity,

accreditation of their scientific

right team, all the while ensuring

and function of any laboratory.

methods. And our newly established

that strict EU guidelines are being

directorate reflects the growing

followed. We also help you identify

assurance is obtaining accreditation for

ambition of the University of Malta

and approach collaborators in

some of the techniques and methods

(UM) to develop into a world-class

Academia, private industry, and the

used. To this end, accreditation and

research institution. We are a team

state—a requisite of many EU funding

SOPs ensure reliable, repeatable, and

of nine enthusiastic individuals

programmes. To this end, RSSD

reproducible measurements, a must for

with very diverse backgrounds.

aims to be the interface between

work in and with the private sector.

more, any active project, whether

Our goal is to provide researchers

things, it involves building services,

The next step in this chain of quality

Having worked and studied (apart

the academics, researchers, and the

from the UM) in institutes such as the

general administration, as a one-stop

University of Cambridge, Max Planck

shop for research funding. Once the

Institute, Imperial College London,

project is successful and funded,

University College London, University

we will then link it with the range of

of Nottingham, the European

support services availble. But that is

We are based on the first floor in

Institutions, as well as the private

not where our contribution ends.

the Regional Building, Triq l-Imħallef

companies like GlaxoSmithKline,

On the laboratory and infrastructural

RSSD will give you the right support needed to achieve your vision.


Paolo Debono, or simply drop us an

Teva (Actavis), Novartis and Methode

side of RSSD, we help the scientific,

email on or visit

Electronics, our team is excited

technical, and laboratory staff at

our website at



esearch is a complex



Do you think this is a game? John Harrington


icture an item of furniture. Was it a table, a chair, or

against how we used the word 'games', i.e. as a container

a wardrobe? Our ideas of furniture are not oriented

for all the things we collectively consider game-like.

around what it does, or even its essential nature, but rather

That said, I also had the opportunity to test-drive this work

around all the common examples we see around us and

in a game I am currently developing with Dr Stefano Gualeni,

the cognitive web of interrelations that builds in our head.

which analyses what the word soup means (issue 20, pg 46).

This fictional furniture is just an analogy.

Apart from answering the long-standing question of

Supervised by Prof. Gordon Calleja, I investigated

what a game actually is, this research also shows how

how language affects our preconceptions of what

games would benefit from being more inclusive and

games are and what they should do. Our ideas

experimental. By creating these types of games, we

about games are not related to their potential or

can attract people whose cognitive model of a game

their openness but to constructions in our mind.

is different from the norm. Similarly, by designing

My research was mostly within the philosophy of

games that are more open, we can stretch the web of

language. I explored how our ideas of what a thing is are

interconnections in people’s minds, potentially showing

not grounded in what it does or is, but around a cognitive

how games are more akin to life than we realise.

image, created by what we often see and label it as.

Are you ready to play?


My research was mostly theoretical. It showed how


other game researchers might have been misguided or

This research was carried out as part of the Masters

had counter-intuitive results. Their research tried to

in Digital Games, carried out by the Institute of

define what games are and did not realise that this went

Digital Games at the University of Malta.

matter map and its distribution in the universe we observe. Images captured using telescopes are analysed carefully to understand the distortions of galaxies due to the presence of dark matter lenses. However, in practice this is a very arduous task because telescopes suffer both from electronic noise as well as atmospheric distortions, so throughout my PhD, I investigated how the noise present in astronomical

The limits of noise Deandra Cutajar


images could contribute to the distortion of galaxy images and also introduce errors in our maps of dark. Under the supervision of Prof Kristian Zarb Adami, I applied Bayesian inference to determine the correct measurements of galaxy shapes. However, since the variations in the shape and size of galaxies due

f the astronomical phenomena we can witness

to lensing is very small, the measurement of dark

with our own eyes, a solar eclipse is one of the

matter is extremely difficult. Only novel statistical

most spectacular. This phenomenon was used early

methods developed within a consistent Bayesian

in the 20th century to prove Einstein’s new theory of

framework allow us to extract the maximum amount

gravity. As light passes around a celestial object, its

of information in such difficult scenarios.

path is bent exactly as predicted by Einstein’s theory. When researchers compared the amount light

Unfortunately, the application of the new methods in my Ph.D. have shown results that are similar

that was bent by large clusters of galaxies with the

to those reported by other researchers, with the

observed mass of the galaxies, they found that there

techniques failing to provide the desired accuracy.

was a discrepancy of over a factor of 1000, giving birth

Nonetheless research goes on, unravelling more

to the phenomenon known today as dark matter.

mysteries and questions that still need answers.

The distortions of galaxy shapes by large masses,


provide astronomers with a tool to construct a dark


Science in the House! Researchers from the University of Malta are descending on the House of Representatives for the Science in the City festival. Here is a selection of their work, ranging from Malta’s first space mission to achieving earlier breast cancer diagnoses.


Dr Ing. Marc Anthony Azzopardi (Faculty of Engineering, UM)


Dr Owen Falzon

(Centre for Biomedical Cybernetics, UM)


Biomedical engineer Dr Owen Falzon’s work focuses on developing signal processing, image processing, and machine learning techniques for biomedical applications. He is also working on improving the performance of brain-computer interfaces and the analysis of thermographic images to extract information relevant for a range of clinical applications including diabetes.


Dr Elisa Seria

(Research Support Office, UM)




(Faculty of Economics, Management & Accountancy, UM)


Dr Ruben Gatt

(Faculty of Science, UM) Dr Ruben Gatt’s research interests include the investigation of counterintuitive materials such as auxetics that become fatter when stretched. Characteristics like these make them resistant to indentation, for example, meaning that they have wideranging applications in various industries including safety.

(Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, UM)

Dr Melissa Formosa

(Department of Applied Biomedical Science, Faculty of Health Sciences, UM) Molecular biologist Dr Melissa Formosa leads the Malta Osteoporotic Fracture Study, part of an international consortium investigating the genetics of osteoporosis and fracture susceptibility. She is currently using the zebrafish model to study novel genetic factors implicated in bone physiology.

Dr Ian P. Cassar

Dr Ian P. Cassar is studying sectoral interconnectedness across the Maltese economy to aid in the formulation of industry-specific policies that will enhance Malta's competitiveness and tackle key environmental issues, such as the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, more effectively.

Dr Lourdes Farrugia

Medical physicist Dr Lourdes Farrugia studied the interaction of electromagnetic fields with the human body for her doctorate and is now focused on measuring the dielectric properties of biological tissues required to design innovative microwave medical devices for new clinical applications.

Dr Elisa Seria’s latest work explores the potential use of stem cells to reconstitute damaged skin, tissue, or organs. Through her work, she believes cell therapy may substitute the transplantation of organs, revolutionising medicine.


(Faculty for the Built Environment, UM)

Dr Rebecca E. Dalli Gonzi is an architect whose current research is focused on process improvement in construction technology. Her latest project is a floating structure with various applications including a performance space, dining on water, and architectural art.

Dr Ing. Marc Anthony Azzopardi is seeking to create new advanced electronics design industries that benefit the Maltese economy. He leads two engineering student teams designing high performance vision systems and miniaturized spacecraft in preparation for Malta’s first space mission, and all with a view for commercial applications.


Dr Rebecca E. Dalli Gonzi


Dr Shawn Baldacchino (Faculty of Medicine & Surgery, UM)

After discovering a new type of breast cancer in his doctorate, Dr Shawn Baldacchino is now reading for his post-doctorate. The project, ‘Accurate Cancer Screening Tests’ aims to determine breast cancer types more accurately, potentially leading to earlier diagnoses, with possible classification from body fluids.









9 Students

Photos by Sebio Aquilina





in not only protecting it, but enriching it.

are taking centre stage, there is one

In this EARTH focus, we have a selection of the

thing that unites us all: Earth. Lady Bird

University of Malta's best contributions to that

Johnson once said that 'the environment is

discussion, from innovative energy grids to the

where we all meet.' We all have a mutual interest

freshwater under our seas and so much more.

Bloomin' roofs go green Rooftop gardens as insulation, flooding prevention, and much more

Concrete for sustainability Making buildings better

Sustaining Sustainability Sustainable consumption through action

Underwater groundwater A potential solution for Malta’s eroding water table

A green future for electrical networks A new approach to incorporate green energy production








t a time when all of humanity's differences


Bloomin’ Roofs Go




Weather in Malta can be extreme. Summer is scorching. Winter brings storms. Some might blame nature and leave it at that, but there are solutions to these problems. Nigel Borg talks to Antoine Gatt about one of them. can be up to 6°C hotter than rural

Malta for its sunny

areas due to heat being absorbed by

days, but as most

buildings during the day and reflected

on green roofs in Malta and spanned

locals know, the

into the atmosphere at night.

a total of four years, starting in

summer heat can

And while the temperature is not

The project was a baseline study

November 2013 and finished in

be debilitating, draining everyone’s

much of a problem in winter, flooding

July 2017. Partly funded by the EU

energy by early afternoon. Winter

can be. Even moderate downpours

through the LIFE+ funding body,

is mild and relatively pleasant;

can slow traffic down in key areas and

one of the main findings of the

however, the occasional downpour

dole out serious damage to people’s

project was that green roofs act as a

nods towards Noah’s trials. People

property. Extensive hard surfaces

temperature buffer, particularly during

are quick to complain about

like roads and concrete mean that

summer months. ‘The demonstration

the inconvenience this weather

rainwater is not absorbed. The lack

green roof at the University of Malta

causes, but the consequences

of green spaces just makes it all

was found to tame the temperature

run much deeper, affecting our

worse. Road closures and even deaths

shifts, keeping it at a steady 27°C on

economy, our environment, but

are common when storms strike.

a daily cycle’, says Gatt, ‘reducing air

In one of the world’s smallest

conditioner use and the formation of

most of all, our quality of life.

nations, space will always be a

hairline cracks in the building itself.’

drive up electricity bills due to air

problem. How can we have more

Overall, this would make the building

conditioner use, but it can also

gardens when we barely have room for

more energy efficient and reduce

damage buildings. In summer, roof

everything else on this tiny island? The

maintenance costs on things like

slab temperatures can vary from

answer is green roof technology. This

membrane replacement. On a national

25°C to over 60°C each day. These

technology is already used successfully

level, green roofs also help Malta reach

temperature fluctuations can be

in northern Europe; however,

one of the EU’s Europe 2020 Strategy

problematic, as the expansion and

considering the Maltese climate, there

targets, which include reducing energy

contraction of the roof slab and

was some question on whether it

requirements by 20%, particularly as

damp proofing (membrane) leads

could be adapted for local use. These

buildings have been identified as having

to hairline cracks. Exacerbating the

questions are precisely what the

the greatest energy-saving potential.

situation is the ‘urban heat island

LifeMedGreenRoof project, managed

phenomenon’. Towns and cities

by Antoine Gatt of the Faculty for the

High summer temperatures quickly

The most important benefit happens over the winter months Focus


Built Environment, set out to answer.

any tourists visit


In reality, relative to Malta’s size, we actually have more flowering plants than England!

by reducing localised flooding. In

this is laid over the damp proofing

the study, the green roof absorbed

membrane and roof slab. Soil cannot

up to 90% of the rainfall in 2016.

be used as a growing medium for

While it is true that the winter was

green roofs because it is too heavy.

relatively dry and bouts of rainfall

It can also contain plant seeds which

were not too close together that

would increase maintenance time.

year, it is still an impressive number.

‘Ideally, local materials would be

If implemented widely enough, they

used for the growing medium but

could plug the flooding problem.

the materials available were not appropriate,’ Gatt says. ‘We tried using


crushed concrete and stone, among

There were a number of challenges

for plants to grow in.’ Other materials

which the LifeMedGreenRoof

trialled included crushed olive stone

project set out to overcome.

and locally made compost. Sadly,

One major problem was adapting

the olive stone requires more study

northern European technology

due to the presence of oils, and the

to a Mediterranean climate and

compost was found to contain heavy

ecosystem. Apart from practical

metals. Substrate materials were

considerations, ‘a big challenge was

instead imported from Italy. They

the perception that ‘nothing grows

included pumice, lapillus, coconut

in Malta,’ ’ says Gatt, particularly

fibres, and biochar, a type of charcoal

due to our harsh summers. ‘In

used for agricultural purposes.


plants which can withstand the

plants than England!’ he added.

sweltering conditions on Maltese roofs. Apart from the heat, summer

plants and growing medium. They

brings intense sunlight and high winds

also need other layers to help with

that can prove deadly to exposed

drainage and to protect the building.

areas. However, these conditions do

A typical green roof system would

not only affect roofs. Local garrigue

consist of a total of five layers. From

habitats are characterised by shallow

top to bottom these would be: the

soil and very little shade, meaning that

plants, the substrate or growing

the plants found there are exposed

medium, filter fabric, the drainage

to intense sun and wind—very much

module, and the root barrier. All

like plants on a roof would be.

Photo by iCreateMotion

Another challenge was selecting

we actually have more flowering Also, green roofs need the right


composition of our rocks wasn’t good


reality, relative to Malta’s size,

others, but found that the chemical

The plants chosen for the trial green roof were successfully grown in this study. These included species such as Antirrhinum tortuosum (Greater Snapdragon or Papoċċi Ħomor), Hypericum aegypticum (St John’s Wort or Fexfiex tal-irdum), Cheirolophus crassifolius (Maltese Rock-Centaury or Widnet il-Baħar), and Thymbra capitata (Mediterranean Thyme or Sagħtar). Considering how some of the plants found locally are endangered and scarce, such as Anacamptis pyramidalis subsp. urvilleana (Maltese Pyramidal Orchid or Orkida Piramidali ta’ Malta), green roofs could also act as conservation beds. The diverse plant selection would also provide spaces for rare animal species. ‘One time we went up to the roof to see a swallowtail butterfly,’ Gatt says, ‘and that’s one of the rarest butterflies to see.’ The Maltese honey bee, currently thought to be facing extinction, could also find reprieve in green roofs.

MASSIVE BENEFITS TO BE REAPED The potential benefits of having green roofs are not limited to acting as a temperature buffer in summer and as flood mitigation in winter. Green roofs will add green spaces where none were previously thought possible. Given Malta’s rapid increase in construction, the aesthetic impact Focus

in many areas would be more


than welcome. Implementing

environment and a healthier lifestyle,

ripe for the picking for a startup

green roofs would soften the

increased activity, and higher attention

business to turn this academic

harshness of buildings and lend

levels in school children. Green roofs

research into a new economy.

a more vibrant, varied aesthetic.

can also serve as recreational spaces,

Each building would have its own

especially in office blocks, allowing

green roof technology is that they

unique roof garden to show off.

colleagues to use them as a space

work very well with photovoltaic (PV)

to socialise during breaks, much like

panels, whose efficiency of energy

studies have shown that green

parks abroad. They could even be

production peaks at around 25°C.

infrastructure improves people’s

used for events provided there is

Given that summer temperatures

well-being. Correlations were found

sufficient space. Depending on the

in Malta are often well above that,

between being around the natural

growth medium’s depth, they can also

lowering the PV panels’ temperature

act as noise buffers and reduce glare.

would boost energy production.

Aside from beautification, many


A big challenge was the perception that ‘nothing grows in Malta.


From a landlord’s perspective, all

Yet another potential benefit of

Luckily, green roofs help in cooling

of the above increases the property’s

the air above them through

appeal and value, while also increasing

evapotranspiration. Experiments in

jobs in the construction industry

Hong Kong showed that combining

directly related to the implementation

green roofs with PV panels resulted

of green roof technology. The

in a 4% increase in power production.

economic benefits are huge,

The advantages seem endless.


and regulations are needed. The

the destruction or covering of soil

policy would need consultations with

by buildings. Reducing the area of

stakeholders. Financial incentives are

exposed soil has a negative effect on

Given all they have to offer, green

vital to kickstart the implementation

flooding and ambient temperatures

roofs could contribute towards

of a new technology. Incentives

since it reduces soil that is available to

solving Malta’s greatest issues. It is

could take the form of something

retain rainwater. This contributes to

worth keeping in mind that many

similar to what was done for PV

flooding and the government’s costs

of these benefits would result only

panels, such as a tax rebate from the

in terms of flood relief. As a tax, this

if green roofs are implemented

government based on the surface

would be reduced based on the area

on a national scale. This brings us

area of the green roof installed.

of green roof installed and also on

to the third and biggest challenge

Regulations could be put in place

any garden present on the plot since

faced by the project: policy.

for certain buildings to have a green

this would help reduce flooding.

roof, such as public and commercial

Only time will tell what will happen

positive results, a policy proposal

buildings. Something similar exists in

in terms of green roofs, but one

has been submitted. Feedback

France where commercial buildings

can hope that we can look forward

from the the government, MEPA,

are required to have a green roof.

to a greener future; not only for

and the ERA have been positive.

A less direct form of financial

our own sake but for also for our

If green roofs are to be implemented nation-wide, the right incentives

incentive would be the introduction

beloved islands and for the sake of

of a tax based on soil sealing, or

those who will follow after us.

East Wing of demonstration Green Roof (left) West Wing of demonstration Green Roof Photos by iCreateMotion


Following the project and its very


Concrete is the most used building material supporting the construction boom. Hans-Joachim Sonntag talks to Dr Ruben Paul Borg about advances in cement bound materials that can lead towards sustainable development, more durable buildings, and a lower carbon footprint.


n the compacted floors of the

as a binder which reacts with

Maltese Islands’ Neolithic temples

water, ultimately producing a

lies a precursor of concrete. Its

hardened material. This basic recipe

modern reinvention surrounds us

leaves the door open for a diverse

today in buildings, civil engineering

range of cement bound materials

works, and infrastructure. The rapid

which can be engineered to suit a

growth of Malta’s construction industry

wide variety of applications from

and infrastructure (currently pushing

artworks to towering skyscrapers.

above 5% GDP rate of growth) has led

But how does it really impact us?

to a reliance on concrete’s versatility

interested in working with concrete,

expert Dr Ruben Paul Borg says that

Borg lists three main reasons:

while concrete usually evokes negative

innovation, cultural heritage, and

connotations—think ‘concrete jungle’—

sustainability. ‘It is hard to overstate

it is absolutely essential to modern life

the importance of sustainability,’

and holds many interesting secrets.

he says. ‘Cement production alone

At its core, concrete is a mixture Focus

of gravel, sand, and cement acting


Asked why he first became

and adaptability. Construction materials

accounts for over 5% of the manmade contribution to CO2 emissions,

Degradation of concrete corrosion of reinforcement

simply because we use so much

made with basic ingredients, including

a result, its use increased dramatically,

of it,’ and that statistic will only

volcanic ash acting as a binder,

ultimately becoming the most widely

increase with the current growth

resulting in an improved microstructure

used construction material. However,

rate. Sustainable construction can

and enhanced durability. Opus

there are downsides. Embedded

only be achieved through innovative

caementicium was used in the

reinforcing bars can corrode and lead

approaches intended to reduce

Pantheon in Rome, the world’s largest

to cracking, degrading structures. Borg

concrete’s carbon footprint. This

unreinforced concrete dome, which

refers to the historic 1930s reinforced

can be achieved in different ways:

still stands today, 2,000 years on. ‘The

concrete water tower at the Civil

through the use of alternative low

use of local material, including waste

Abattoir, a unique structure in Malta

impact materials and industrial by-

materials, to improve the material’s

which he and his team are currently

products, development of advanced

design and durability is the perfect

restoring, reverting to advanced

materials, and more durable concrete

example of how we should think about

cement-based materials, composites,

structures. For all this, Borg says, ‘we

sustainable concrete,’ says Borg.

and innovative techniques. ‘We need to

Reinforced concrete was developed

pay more attention to the preservation

in Europe over 100 years ago. Made

of industrial heritage and concrete

ancient Romans because they were the

out of concrete with embedded

British military structures in Malta,’

first to use concrete on a large scale.

steel bars, it can withstand huge

Borg says. ‘These structures present a

Roman concrete, opus caementicium, is

compressive and flexural stresses. As

challenge in appreciating first and

Researchers in the field turn to the


can take inspiration from history.’


then restoring our 19th and 20th century heritage. But they also present an opportunity in understanding how early concrete and reinforced concrete structures performed over time and the mechanisms involved in their degradation.' ‘This,’ he adds, ‘enables us to design durable infrastructure for a sustainable future.’ Non-corroding materials could be one solution to the problems facing reinforced concrete. During his past research, Borg focused on the potential of high-performance fibre-reinforced concrete structures and the exploitation of industrial by-products and waste materials such as limestone. In another recent study, fibres produced from recycled waste plastic polyethylene terephthalate bottles helped in controlling early stage cracking of concrete. Such approaches fit into the concept of the ‘circular economy’ which is strongly promoted by the European Union by addressing the life cycle impact of materials and structures. In line with this principle, Borg has been

Civil Abattoir historic reinforced concrete water tower Photo by Dr Ruben Paul Borg

successfully using quarry limestone and excavation waste as alternatives to cement and aggregate to produce strong and durable cement bound materials. In addition, construction and demolition waste, which accounts for the largest portion of waste generated in Malta, has been used to produce concrete with improved lifecycle


performance, effectively resulting


Academia should be a driving force in the process by staying one step ahead and by inspiring industry Recycling of concrete

Top: Recycling of quarry waste from the extraction of limestone Bottom: Healing of cracks in concrete: before (left) and after (right) treatment. Right: Ruben Paul Borg (Background: Concrete benches based on industrial by-products, produced by students in materials engineering) Photos by Ruben Paul Borg

in reductions in raw material being

detection of damages, as well as a

new standards for construction

extracted and in waste produced.

better understanding of what makes

waste recycling when demolishing or

certain structures more durable.

dismantling buildings, University of

carbon emissions is another major

Cracks occurring in concrete structures

Malta researchers are collaborating with

problem. The production of cement

may lead to degradation and loss

the MCCAA (Malta Competition and

is highly energy intensive, therefore

in integrity with time. In recent

Consumer Affairs Authority) and the

different binders based on industrial

studies Borg is conducting with his

BICC (Building Industry Consultative

by-products and waste materials can

students and collaborators, he is

Council, Government of Malta). The

help reduce the environmental impact.

also looking at ‘self-healing’ concrete

work promises to solve a key waste

Together with his students, Borg

using specific concrete additives, as

problem as more than 80% of waste by

has been developing a geopolymer

well as particular strains of bacteria

weight generated is from construction,

concrete that should help reduce

to heal cracks in concrete. Showing

and it should lead to a better quality of

concrete’s carbon footprint.

microscopy images from these studies,

the built environment for everyone.

‘Notwithstanding these advances,’ says Borg, ‘the best way to tackle the

Borg explains that the technology holds great potential for the future.

There are endless opportunities for innovation in concrete and as

Industry interest and new European-

many issues. Concrete may not

materials efficiently for an intended

funded projects mean Borg is confident

be appreciated, especially given

application and ensure structures

that the findings will be applied.

the problems Malta is facing with

perform throughout their lifetime.’

‘Academia should be a driving force

development and the countless cranes

This brings us neatly back to the issue

in the process by staying one step

that come with it. The importance of

of durability in concrete structures.

ahead and by inspiring industry,’ he

sustainability is key given concrete’s

Using a technique called Structural

states. Besides the interest from the

impact and use within society, which

Health Monitoring, sensors inside

private sector in these advances, he

offers significant challenges. It is

the concrete can detect materials

also nods to the government which

only with research like Borg’s that

and structural performance and lead

has also acknowledged the importance

we can hope to transform these

to improved safety through early

of concrete sustainability. To develop

challenges into opportunities.

carbon footprint of concrete is to use


Cement’s high contribution to



Changing our attitudes and behaviour is not easy, especially when the results of the effort may only be seen years from now. Issues like sustainability require action at different levels within individual, community, and international spheres. Local NGO Kopin provides a hybrid approach, and suggests ways of breaking this down into bite-sized action.


ugust 2nd 2017 marked

seem to be piling up: severe water

the day humans

scarcity, denser urbanisation,

used up the natural

overfishing, unexpected shifts in

resources our planet

temperatures, and extreme weather

is able to generate

episodes. A dichotomy has emerged

in one year. Over the past few

on the islands. While on the one

years, this date has moved earlier

hand, people are increasingly

into the year at an alarming rate.

concerned with the effect that

Environmental sustainability has

health and quality of life, many

over. In December 2015 world leaders

also still believe that the well-

gathered in Paris for the Conference

being of a society is measured by

of the Parties, where they signed an

short-term economic income.

agreement on the carbon emission


Many organisations are acting

reduction. Despite criticism about its

on this viewpoint. All of them are

lack of concrete mechanisms binding

advocating for more sustainable

stakeholders to uphold targets,

development of the Maltese Islands:

over 150 countries have signed up

from the promotion of land and

and presented their plans to keep

marine conservation, to the active

global temperature change below a

opposition of green area development.

two-degree Celsius rise, a rise that

The reappropriation of Manoel

would devastate our ecosystem

Island’s open spaces and shore was a

and put life on earth in jeopardy.

recent success thanks to the fruitful

Malta is involved in the Paris


climate change might have on their

become a pressing topic the world

collaboration of activists such as Kamp

Agreement. Despite this process,

EmerÄĄenza Ambjent amongst others,

the country’s environmental issues

citizens, and the Gzira Local Council.

1. Kopin's stall at the WorldFest 2017 2. Children visiting Vincent Eco Farm 3. Children working on their school garden at Saint Michael School Photos by Michelle Calleja Chehab

decade, Kopin has been working in Malta

the amount of food and water wasted

alternatives to mainstream consumerism,

every year in Malta and Europe.

and inspire new entrepreneurs.

But while schools are an excellent

Much of what needs to be done

to raise awareness about the different

portal into young people’s lives,

to alter the path we are on requires

issues linked to sustainable development,

Kopin also strives to connect with

a collective effort that includes the

not only from an environmental

older members of the community

private sector. Changing light bulbs and

point of view, but also by highlighting

and empower them to drive change.

buying local is not enough. Individuals

the impact that an unsustainable

Over the past two years Kopin has

cannot compensate for politicians' and

world has on citizens’ rights.

been promoting an economy that

the corporate sector’s responsibilities.

shifts profits from one’s pockets to

It is through a legal framework that

Through EAThink—eat local, think global!

the promotion of social causes. Susy—

the necessary green policies, such as a

we are reaching out to students and

Sustainable and Solidarity Economy

shift in fossil fuels and the provision of

teachers in schools, to promote the idea

has mapped sustainable businesses

working wages, can be implemented.

that achieving sustainable development

in Malta and put them in touch with

The exploitative system that places

starts from the early years of education.

each other, enabling them to work

the burden on the individual has to

The provision of teaching materials,

together and better advocate their

be dismantled and replaced with an

promotion of organic school gardens,

causes. The project is also promoting

economic system that provides viable,

and organisation of educational visits

these initiatives through film thanks to

environmental options for everyone.

to smallholder farmers should bring

a collaboration with the Valletta Film

We need to stop thinking

a better understanding of the effects

Festival. With these stories, we can

exclusively like individuals and

that everyday food choices have on

show that the status quo can evolve

develop social collaboration that

life on earth. Children involved in the

and things can be done differently. Later

delivers true solidarity.

project activities are now aware of the

this year, in October, we are inviting

amount of energy needed to produce

all socially-conscious enterprises in

food or to import certain products from

Malta to a public event in Birgu to


abroad, and they are also aware of

meet citizens, share their ideas about

Kopin Malta

Education is a key area for Kopin.


Each one of us has the duty to improve our quality of life. For the last


Under the sea is a whole new world with its own geology. Dr Aaron Micallef writes about the MARCAN project, shedding light on the freshwater reserves sitting beneath the sea’s saltwater and how they can be used to alleviate the groundwater problem plaguing The Maltese Islands.


e have a water problem.

have been made during oil exploration campaigns.

By 2020 shrinking

Freshwater reservoirs can form underwater

freshwater resources

in two ways: either the sediment/rock layer

and growing demand will

that hosts the groundwater extends from the

lead to 40% of the global

coastline to the seafloor, or the groundwater is

population experiencing problems of water

‘fossilised’, a remnant of when sea levels were

scarcity. When it comes to water resources

significantly lower than today and part of the

per inhabitant, Malta is one of the ten poorest

seafloor was exposed. Recent estimates put the

countries in the world. Water shortages in

volume of freshwater hosted in sediment and

other countries have led to food shortages,

rock offshore at half a million cubic kilometres of

economic slowdowns, and even increased global

freshwater: equivalent to four times the volume

conflict. Addressing local and global freshwater

of water used by humans in the past 200 years.

shortages is a matter of urgent concern.


Solutions? There are a few. Many call for water


Offshore groundwater has recently raised the interest of geoscientists at the Marine Geology &

recycling and better controls over its use. But the

Seafloor Surveying (MGSS) group of the Department

world is not always as straightforward as we would

of Geosciences (Faculty of Science, University

like it to be, and these ideas are not always feasible.

of Malta), and not just for its potential use as a

Groundwater resources may be compromised by

source of freshwater in the future. During the last

contamination, sea level rise, or conflicts with

100 years, groundwater has been proposed as an

neighbouring states, as in the case of Pakistan and

important player in shaping onshore and offshore

the Maldives. So, we need to think out of the box.

landscapes; however a definitive link remains to

One solution may be found at the bottom of

be made. For the majority of the last 2.5 million

the ocean. In the past few decades a number of

years, the sea level was up to 130 metres below

serendipitous discoveries of freshwater, down

present levels, creating suitable conditions for the

to hundreds of metres depth below the seafloor,

development of extensive groundwater systems



Box Canyon

Electromagnetic induction survey along Ashberton coast


Present sea level

Recharge Recharge

Aquifer conďŹ ning un it

Aquifer con ďŹ nin g un it

Offshore groundwater reservoirs during high sea level

CSEM - Receivers Photo by Brad Weymer

Offshore groundwater reservoirs during low sea level

CSEM - Transmitter Photo by Brad Weymer

R/V Tangaroa Photo by Dr Aaron Micallef


Digital elevation model of Ashburton coastline compiled using drone


Dr Aaron Micallef

MARCAN RV Tangaroa Cruise Team Photo by Dr Aaron Micallef

across large areas of the global seafloor.

South Island of New Zealand, one of the

of groundwater erosion in the

It is thought that these systems may have

project’s two study areas. In April 2017

laboratory and determine whether it

controlled dangerous processes such

the project team sailed from Wellington

is an effective process in shaping the

as submarine landsliding, transporting

on board the research vessel Tangaroa

terrestrial and submarine landscapes.

sediment across continental shelves

and spent four weeks surveying

and into the deep ocean, effectively

the seafloor offshore Timaru, which

opportunity to address long-standing

creating underwater avalanches that

hosts one of the shallowest offshore

questions in terrestrial and marine

destroy seafloor infrastructure. They

groundwater systems in the world. The

geology and bring about a great leap

also play a role in generating tsunamis

scientists used advanced technologies

forward in our understanding of

and contribute to canyon formation.

such as marine controlled-source

some of the most widespread and

Should this theory be correct, our

electromagnetism to map sub-seafloor

significant landforms on Earth, but not

understanding of groundwater systems

salinity, as well as a suite of geophysical

just that. Groundwater seepage has

needs swift revision; however, data

and chemical data to generate a 3D

also been proposed as an important

around the subject is sparse, and

groundwater model of the region. The

factor shaping landforms on Mars. The

this is why the MGSS geoscientists

expedition also involved a terrestrial

project also has important applications.

developed the MARCAN project.

component, whereby the coastline

MARCAN will contribute essential

close to Ashburton was surveyed with

environmental baseline data, scientific

Council Starting grant, MARCAN is

drone and electromagnetic induction

knowledge, and observational tools

a five-year project that will define

to characterise the onshore-offshore

to make the Maltese Islands and

the characteristics and dynamics of

interface. Similar expeditions are

the EU a leader in the assessment

offshore groundwater in unprecedented

planned for the Maltese Islands in

and environmentally-sustainable

detail, and determine whether it plays

late 2017. Much of the data sets

exploitation of valuable offshore

an important role in marine geology.

acquired during the expedition

groundwater resources. This could

Led by myself, Aaron Micallef, the

are being processed, but there are

be the beginning of a revolution

MGSS team brings together geologists,

good indications that an extensive

in the groundwater problem.

geomorphologists, geophysicists,

reservoir occurs offshore. We also

geochemists, hydrogeologists, and

found widespread evidence of gas

MARCAN is funded by the European

engineers from the University of Malta,

seepage (methane), which could

Research Council under the European

GEOMAR in Germany, NIWA in New

complicate our investigation.

Union's Horizon 2020 Programme

Zealand, and the New Mexico Institute

During the next five years,

(grant agreement n° 677898).

of Mining and Technology in the USA.

experiments and numerical modelling

The MARCAN project

The first phase of the MARCAN

will be carried out. This will later allow

can be followed on:

project involved an expedition to the

us to use that data to run simulations Focus

Funded by a European Research

The project presents a unique



A Green Future for Electrical Networks


Malta can lead EU countries to become the first green island in the Mediterranean with 100% renewable energy. Dr Alexander Micallef, Prof. Ing. Cyril Spiteri Staines and Prof. Maurice Apap tell us more about how Malta could do it.


alta’s size and

However, our current national

Maltese islands, identifying how to

location have

targets are much less ambitious.

integrate a variety of renewables

shaped the island’s

All EU countries are legally bound

and energy storage systems into

fate since time

to produce at least 20% of their total

its energy mix is difficult.


energy through renewable energy

At its peak in August 2017 Malta’s

Wars were waged for control over

sources by 2020. Some countries

electrical energy demand hit 460 MW.

Malta; wars were won thanks to

like Sweden are also working under

Presently this demand is met through

its aid. Centuries later, Malta’s

their own steam, setting the bar

three different sources: the gas power

geography continues to hold

high and aiming for 49%. Malta’s

station in Delimara, the recently

just as much importance, if for

goals, however, fall disappointingly

completed Malta-Sicily Interconnector,

different reasons altogether.

short, with a target of just 10%. And

and a selection of renewables. The

if that wasn’t enough, doubt is also

presence of the interconnector

is wise to start small. Malta’s

being shed on whether we can even

improves the security and reliability of

miniscule size, combined with its

reach that. Change has to happen.

the local grid; however, it also means

When testing new ideas, it

that the necessary diversification of

population and vehicle density,


the energy supply is being outsourced

renewable energy solutions. In

Malta faces unique energy challenges

of the total energy generation, mostly

fact, Malta could lead other EU

with its dependency on fossil fuels for

from small-scale domestic and industrial

countries, making it the first green

both electricity and transportation.

PV installations, though it should be

island in the Mediterranean, with

And while the potential of solar and

noted that the government is now

100% renewable energy penetration.

offshore wind energy is huge for the

building its first solar energy farm.

Prof. Ing. Cyril Spiteri Staines

Dr Alexander Micallef

Prof. Maurice Apap

makes it the perfect petri dish for cutting-edge development and

production accounted for a mere 5%


Photos by Jean Claude Vancell

implementation of widespread

to Italy. In 2016 renewable energy



‘fit and forget’ approach, can

in standalone (islanded) mode if

have a slew of problems.

required, or they can be integrated

The stability of an electrical grid

modernised using ‘smart’ tech. This

allowing for effective use of many

is maintained through a delicate

technology communicates between

decentralised sources of electricity

balance between supply and demand,

its different points, allowing for more

generation. Multiple microgrids can

between energy generation and

efficient delivery and reliability. It not

then be interconnected together to

the electrical loads connected to

only reduces common problems like

form a larger distribution network.

it. A large renewable energy supply

power cuts, but also allows people

This interconnection enables the

could compromise stability due to

to better manage their own energy

transformation of the electrical grid

the intermittency of the energy

consumption and costs because they

into a true smart grid, offering better

generated—there is no solar power

have easier access to their own data.

supply reliability for customers.

at night! Simply increasing the

Utilities benefit from a modernised grid

number of renewable energy

through improved security, reduced

sources without an overhaul of

peak loads, increased integration of

the whole grid, known as the

renewables, and lower operational costs.

The electrical grid needs to be

Malta has already taken a step in


The presence of the interconnector improves the security and reliability of the local grid; however, it also means that the necessary diversification of the energy supply is being outsourced to Italy. 38

into the larger distribution network


the right direction by introducing

we (Dr Alexander Micallef, Prof.

smart meters to its grid, helping match

Ing. Cyril Spiteri Staines, Prof.

electricity generation and demand.

Maurice Apap) have been working

They provide an important link with

in the field of microgrids in close

an information and communications

collaboration with the Department

technology infrastructure. However,

of Energy Technology at Aalborg

we are still a long way from unlocking

University for the past six years.

a real ‘smart grid’s’ true potential.

The work started with investigations

Technologies such as the Internet

into single phase microgrids where

of Things (IoT) have the potential

electric power is distributed through

to revolutionise our lives through

alternating current (AC) using a

efficient management of connected

system in which all the voltages

appliances through the use of online

of the supply vary in unison. We

portals, smart plugs, and smart meters.

modelled a group of neighboring

Microgrids are the next step in

households in a residential area with

the green journey. They work as a

local electricity generation. With this,

self-contained small-scale power

it was essential to ensure that the

grid that can operate independently

voltage and frequency were within

while linked to the main power

acceptable levels for the appliances

grid. These microgrids contain

connected. Failure to do so would

their own renewable energy

have resulted in considerable damages.

source, storage systems, and

Considering that the energy sources

loads all working cooperatively.

also had inverters that change direct

Microgrids can operate autonomously

current (DC) to alternating current,


ELECTRICITY SUPPLY NETWORK Illustration of smart electrical networks shaped by microgrid clusters






Bi-directional power flow due to distributed sources and storage

specialised control techniques needed

Therefore, DC microgrids have

the European transport industry

to be developed and implemented

potential advantages over their AC

and achieve a European transport

through this project to ensure

counterpart: lower conversion losses

system that is resource efficient,

reliable operation. These control

due to fewer stages (DC to AC and

environmentally friendly, safe, and

algorithms for the inverters enabled

vice versa); no requirement for grid

seamless for the benefit of the

both islanded and grid-connected

synchronisation; and elimination of

economy and society at large.

operation, while being coordinated by

voltage phase or frequency issues

a local microgrid central controller to

that occur on AC grids. Now we


manage and optimise the operation

are working on determining the

The research areas of smart grids

of the microgrid. This coordination

best network architecture and

and microgrids are rapidly growing,

can also be improved through

energy management strategies for a

and the potential benefits on the

decentralised control by applying

residential building with the possibility

local and global scale are enormous.

additional IoT concepts. The next step

to extend this to a group of buildings.

By allowing for a deeper integration

shall be to scale up the laboratory

The team is exploring the

of renewable energy sources, we

setup and possibly integrate it into

application of microgrids and IoT

would like to strengthen the Maltese

a community project, where the

in smart grids for marine and land

position as a green island through

potential benefits of such systems

transportation systems. Sustainable

more projects in these areas.

could become more evident.

transport is a priority in developed

This change needs to happen

countries and efforts are being

through collaboration with local and

DC microgrids for electrical networks

made towards greener transport at

foreign industry, electrical network

in buildings. While electricity is usually

European and national levels. The

operators, as well as policy makers that

provided in the form of AC, there

European Commission is pushing

are open to moving beyond traditional

are various consumer electronics

a ‘Smart, Green, and Integrated

energy generation and distribution

powered by DC, such as LED

Transport’ initiative, which aims

schemes to create the backbone for

lighting, laptops, and smartphones.

to boost the competitiveness of

an innovative Maltese Islands.

The team is now also investigating





Growing Up in the


Digital Age


With the rise of digital technology and its impact on early childhood development, young children and parents alike are stepping into unchartered territory. Hans-Joachim Sonntag talks to Prof. Charles L. Mifsud and Rositsa Petrova about their latest study in collaboration with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre.


t is no secret that modern technology has

on ‘how the families use digital technologies

reshaped family life. Screens are part of

and how these are impacting their lives.’ She

virtually every household, meaning that

was aware, however, that ‘when you talk to

interaction with them begins early. Parents

young children in front of their parents, they

trying to pacify their children by placing a

may aim to please,’ so interviewing them

smartphone or tablet in their hands is a common

separately allowed for the added benefit of

sight nowadays. The problem is that most

highlighting discrepancies between children’s

research conducted so far has focused on kids

views on their use of digital technologies and

between the ages of nine and sixteen, leaving

the way their parents perceived things.

many unanswered questions about the exposure To answer these questions, the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre initiated a


Europe-wide study. As part of this project, the

One of the biggest concerns for parents when

Centre for Literacy (University of Malta) carried

it comes to digital technologies is the possibility

out in-depth interviews with 10 local families.

of children becoming over-reliant on them.

Leading the endeavour were Prof. Charles L

However, the general consensus during the

Mifsud and researcher Rositsa Petrova.

interviews was that digital devices may be

‘The increasing technologisation of childhood

beneficial when used in a balanced way, together

is not very well studied’, Prof. Mifsud confirmed,

with traditional toys. A few recent studies have

‘and there are many conflicting views about the

highlighted that activities such as physical

potential benefits and dangers.’ Petrova said

painting or crafts can complement technology,

that the interviews would help garner insight

as they involve a more sensory experience.


to digital technologies in early childhood.


Prof. Charles L. Mifsud


Interestingly, the study showed


One of the biggest concerns for parents when it comes to digital technologies is the possibility of children becoming overreliant on them.

Rositsa Petrova

children are inclined towards them

that a lot of joint family activities

too because the device’s response

involved the use of digital

to their stimulus is instant, just like

technologies. Parents read ebooks

if they were to knock over their toys

to their children and played games

in real life and watch them fall.

together, emphasising the overall

For many children, the appeal of

positive attitude to changing lifestyles.

interactivity is what gives smartphones

One mother even pointed out how

and tablets a leg over traditional toys.

‘[her son] learns when he is playing

One girl preferred the phone to her

[videogames] with his father. This

dolls because it could talk back to her.

involves the skill of teamwork.’

Interactivity and personalisation are

Asked about the different devices,

great benefits of many technological

it became clear that the children in

applications, but even without

the study were particularly fascinated

taking into account interactive

by the touchscreen capabilities of

media, the benefits of digital devices

smartphones and tablets. In the words

are known. By the age of two,

of a seven-year-old: ‘On the phone, all

children are cognitively active when

you need to do is with your fingers and

watching TV, showing less interest

on the computer you have to type…

when the programme has been

and sometimes I find it difficult.’ Young

scrambled to remove the narrative.


smartphone. In recognition of this,

have their own. However, the children

personal tablets have been given to

developed a sense of ownership

eight year olds in schools in a project

regardless and started acting very

The concept of emergent literacy

spearheaded by Malta’s Ministry of

independently. ‘Sometimes I ask

refers to the child’s growing awareness

Education. Using these technologies

mum and sometimes I don’t—it’s

of what reading and writing are,

from an even younger age can allow

still OK,’ one seven-year-old said.

before actually being able to engage

children to become digital natives

in them. Studies have shown that

and master these skills early on.

Many children also admitted to using the devices without their parents’ knowledge. This


was particularly true for when

but further research is required

Parents in the study generally claimed

their children’s use of technology

to fully understand the effects on

to supervise the interaction of their

was rarely a possibility, except in the

traditional literacy development.

children with digital technology very

case of one family in the study. The

closely. This feeling of control is partly

youngest child had developed an

literacy. Children are increasingly

due to the so-called Pass-Back Effect

addiction when the technology had

expected to be multimedia savvy

which involves parents passing on

been used as a ‘babysitter’ and was

and to switch between interpreting

their devices to their young children

therefore strictly prohibited from

text, audio, and flash on a tablet or

who were deemed to be too young to

any further access. He had also

of digital technology, such as writing on tablets, has a positive association with print awareness and knowledge,

Another concern is that of digital

they were sent to bed to sleep. Exercising complete control over


literacy activities involving the use




been referred to a speech therapist

children to digital media should

independent even six year olds were

as he had difficulties communicating

choose high-quality programmes and

with the technology, downloading

with other family members.

guide the children to understand

apps by themselves,’ recollects

However, even the father of

what they are doing. For children

Petrova. One boy said that he helped

this family acknowledged that

aged two to five years, a limit of

his mother to go into the setting

technology could be a positive

one hour per day is recommended.

of the family’s tablet to uninstall

While these are useful guidelines,

apps when more storage space was

as it was controlled. But to what

according to Mifsud’s study, the most

required for an update. This lack of

extent can exposure to digital

important thing is to have meaningful

parental engagement was reinforced

technology be reasonable?

communication with children, all the

again when some parents were not

while setting clear limits. ‘Children

able to tell the interviewer which


are very capable and resourceful,

websites their children use regularly.

about digital technologies and

findings in Malta, but one of the most

The American Paediatric Association

allow them to explore,’ recommends

pressing is the need to help parents

has the following guidelines for

Petrova. ‘If they are used mindfully

understand how to reap the most

technology use by children. Parents

and not just as a babysitter, there

benefits from digital technologies. A

whose children are younger than 18

shouldn’t be any problems.’

follow-up project is now underway,

so parents should be more open

Many lessons can be learnt from the

and it is looking at how the technology

months should avoid having their


use in the same families is changing

children between 18 and 24 months

Another great concern parents

for Literacy, in conjunction with other

of age who want to introduce their

referred to was young people’s online

European partners, is putting together

behaviour. One parent decried

information for parents, as well as

that ‘nowhere on the internet

teachers, to boost their multimedia

is safe!’ Parents clearly feel the

literacy, emphasising the integration

need to become more engaged in

of digital and nondigital practices.

children using screen media other than video chatting. Parents of

Parents clearly feel the need to become more engaged in their children’s online activities, while also making sure that there is a focus on educational apps to balance playing with learning.

their children’s online activities,

as the children grow older. The Centre

The inescapable reality is that

while also making sure that there

smartphones and tablets are part of

is a focus on educational apps to

young children’s lives. As a result,

balance playing with learning.

they are developing intuition and

One way to address such concerns,

competence that can quickly leave

says Mifsud, is for the parents to

parents outmatched. Rather than using

engage in meaningful talk with their

a smartphone as a pacifier, parents

children about what they are doing

need to embrace the possibilities and

with the digital technology. Only

take a proactive approach to guiding

two of the families used parental

the process of technologisation

controls, illustrating a wider problem

for their benefit. As six-year-old

in the area—parental engagement.

Rosie put it: ‘I just like to figure out

It was evident that children were

new stuff.’ And so she should.

sometimes more technologically proficient than their parents. ‘I found

The online version of this study can be

it amazing to discover how good and

accessed from:


force in child development as long




Suggesting a teacher might start the lesson by telling students to launch Pokémon-Go on their tablets might sound crazy, but this could be the new way to engage a generation of technophiles. Dr Vanessa Camilleri writes about the potential impact of gaming in the classroom.

10% of the population by 2020, in

should be found within the framework

game’, what’s the first thing that

line with European Union goals.

of a set of rules which may or may not be explicitly stated during game play.

pops into your head? Bioshock, Call of Duty… maybe World of Warcraft? High quality, Triple A games with

millions of players around the world


It also has to offer an environment that is conducive to promoting shared accomplishments. Whatever the

Although the use of games at school

game, research has shown that the

Gamers immerse themselves

has been common practice for some

potential for engagement is much

in these worlds for hours on end,

decades now, many were limited to

higher when the game design is

exploring them like true travellers.

basic drill and practice ‘edutainment’.

focused more on the application of

They learn the lore, complete

But this thinly veiled attempt of

strategy, communication, analysis, and

missions, hone skills, becoming

masking education within a ‘game’

other higher-order cognitive skills.

evangelists of their favourite worlds.

was about as popular as chocolate-

And with good reason! Games tap

covered broccoli, failing to stimulate

of early school leaving (ESL) tend

into their need for adventure and

any high-level cognitive activity,

to fare rather poorly in academic

excitement, providing a safe space for

leaving students as disengaged

subjects, this does not necessarily

them to live out their wildest dreams.

and bored as they ever were. The

reflect their ability to grasp these

challenge we still face is the lack of

more complex games and skill

might cause some to roll their eyes

enthusiasm with education-related

sets. There is a high potential for

in exasperation and dismiss it as a

gaming. There is a need for more

developing complex skills when

waste of time. But they would be

engaging games in the classroom

playing specifically designed

wrong. In a country where more than

which offer the student the chance

educational games. The importance

one in five students (20.9%) leave

to learn without really realising it.

of implementing GBL in the classroom

fuelling a billion-dollar industry.

This very visceral reaction to games

Although students who are at risk

Over the years the boundaries

is clear, and steps need to be made

unengaged, and bored, there is

of game-based learning (GBL) have

towards it being fully acknowledged

something to be learnt from games.

widened. The concept now includes

within the educational community.

The project Game-based Learning

meaningful play: serious games such

school because they feel demotivated,

to Alleviate Early School Leaving

as Pulse, Duolingo, and Food Force.

(GBL4ESL) seeks to use games and

This said, the most essential features

incorporate them into classrooms

of a game have remained constant.

In 2013 Malta’s Information

effectively to reduce the rate of early

A game must set out a problem that

Technology Agency (MITA) approached

school leavers (ESLs) to no more than

needs to be solved. The solution

the Department of Artificial




f I say the words ‘digital’ and ‘video


the diehard video game skeptic.

Intelligence with a proposal to team

between five institutions in Europe:

up as partners in a project designed

MITA, University of Malta (UM) and

to introduce the use of video games

St Margaret’s College in Malta, Donau

guidebook together will also help to

in the classroom to stimulate learning

University in Vienna, and Nystromska

change policy on a much larger scale.

in young people. The suggestion was

School in Sweden. Two years later

Because no current policies exist

accepted immediately, and a new

UM took the lead on the design of

to advise on or regulate the use of

collaboration was formed—GBL4ESL.

a guidebook while MITA and Donau

gaming in the classroom, everything

The project GBL4ESL was formed

worked on sourcing suitable games

that has been done in the area has

and bringing the project together.

relied on teachers’ initiative. GBL4ESL

Challenges arose in the form of time

hopes to change this by standardising

constraints and simple geographical

implementation of such games.

as an Erasmus+ strategic partnership

The use of the toolkit and

barriers; however, the mission was accomplished, resulting in a toolkit of digital games which can easily be translated into any lesson plan.

Before official release of the toolkit,

The toolkit provides teachers

school teachers and academics from

with the material needed to run the

the institutions involved were invited

games confidently in the classroom,

to workshops and seminars across

reintroducing an element of fun in

Malta, Sweden, and Austria to receive

learning. Its partner is a guidebook

training on how to use the games

that explains how these games can

effectively and offer their feedback.

be used most efficiently. Suggestions

The results were immensely positive.

include allocating specific time

Dr Vanessa Camilleri Photo by Jean Claude Vancell


The challenge we still face is the lack of enthusiasm with educationrelated gaming.



Marion Evelyn Cassar, a Personal,

for gaming in the school day and

Social and Career Development

highlighting the importance of

teacher, found the toolkit to be

feedback and brainstorming to

particularly useful while introducing

determine how to target different

the large variety of topics covered in

groups of students with each game.

her wide subject area. 'I can safely say

Among the most successful lesson

that with my students, game-based

plans are those focused on literacy

learning has increased the participation

and numeracy, which have been

and engagement,' she says. Others

implemented with great success. The

were most inspired by the flexibility

game’s aim is to bring the player up to

GBL provides, allowing the students

the highest standard in both of these

to work to their own potential.

skills, setting a strong foundation for

Computing and ICT teacher Eleanor

further learning. This project also

Mifsud said that 'Students could be

takes into consideration the learning

creative, innovative and reach their

kids do at home, and so advice is also

own level of attainment. GBL4ESL is

available for parents, showcasing the

designed to encourage a willingness to

theory behind the games and evidence

learn, which makes this independent

of their success to persuade even

learning such an important factor.

is intriguing for all students,

of the toolkit and the practical guide

praise for how many diverse

irrespective of their academic

for educators, there were a number of

applications the toolkit had. 'We

achievement or their motivation

additional conclusions which emerged

have used GBL to introduce topics,

towards learning.’ These comments

from the project and which are

consolidate objectives, revise a

highlight the success of the game

essential for the success of game-based

single learning outcome or a whole

with both ESLs and high-achievers.

learning. Having proper feedback,

topic, and explore mathematical

Perhaps most important are the

evaluation, and input from students and

facts during lessons,' Rose Grixti and

students’ reactions to gaming in

teachers alike resulted in a project that

Victoria Brincat reported, having

the classroom. Jose Molina Avella

they felt they could take ownership

tested the toolkit in classes with

at Nystromska School found that

of, especially important in the case

their mathematics students.

introducing an element of fun in a

of disengaged early school leavers.

Some teachers took this even further

lesson with the use of digital or board

Ultimately, the project highlighted

with their students, allowing them to

games proved to have a huge impact

the need to bring back fun to the

be in control of the objectives, rules,

on both teachers and students. He

classroom. Old style game-based

and outcomes of their educational

also said the evaluation that followed

learning has no place in the learning

game. Marlene Galea and Dorienne

each game was a positive experience,

environment anymore, but by changing

Grech run maths and computing

allowing them to communicate their

our misconceptions about new digital

extracurricular clubs in St Margaret’s

ideas on what worked well for them

and more interactive games, we open

College in Malta for students with

and what they would change.

up a whole new world of potential

a large range of abilities. Students

By involving both students and

learning resources more likely to attract

of the maths club were encouraged

teachers in the testing process, the

to write pleasantly-challenging

project became much more of a

puzzles for their peers, developing

collaboration rather than a question of

The toolkit and guidebook can be

numeracy but also communication

dictating what would work best in the

accessed from:

and design skills. 'Problem-solving

classroom. Although the main scope

Project info can be accessed

presented in a gamification approach

of the project was the development


a technology-loving generation.


More positive feedback included


MALTA’S BRIGHTEST EXPORTS: TRAVELLING TO THE EU’S JRC A group of Maltese researchers travel to the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre site in Ispra to share their work in the fields of climate change, environment, and medicine. Cassi Camilleri writes.


ommunities are built around shared goals and policies. Since

summer, these words ring truer than ever. With work like this going viral, the JRC’s role

its inception the European Union

and responsibility is starkly clear. When I was

(EU) has worked do just that: bring

invited to visit the Ispra site by the Malta Council

countries together under an umbrella

for Science and Technology (MCST), Dr Melchior

of prudent principles that guide decisions and

Cini explained how five inspiring Maltese scientists

achieve rational outcomes benefitting all involved.

would be given the unique opportunity to not only

But the world is not a utopia; systems stumble.

get an inside look into its functions, but to present

Shifting ideologies and political leanings lead to

their own research to their European colleagues.

disagreements. Mitigating such discord is the

I could not get on that plane fast enough.

great equaliser—science—stripping away agendas and beliefs and replacing them with facts. The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is the European Commission’s science and knowledge service, a

With the support of the Executive Chairman of

sprawling hive packed with brilliant minds from

the Malta Council for Science and Technology

all four corners of the continent. Its mission is to

(MCST) Dr. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, the Malta

provide independent, evidence-based scientific and

Young Scientist Award was set up to encourage

technical support to see European policies through

exchange and to share Maltese research with our

from inception to implementation. ‘The work we do

European counterparts, contributing to the JRC’s

here is not research for research’s sake,’ says Elke

mission. The application process consisted of an

Anklam, Director of the Health, Consumers and

initial screening and an interview, following which

Reference Materials Directorate at the JRC. ‘Here,

five winners were handpicked for a study visit to

the research has a direct impact on people’s lives.’

the JRC’s site in Ispra, Italy. And so the team was

This summation could not be more accurate.


assembled: Dr James Ciarlò, Sephora Sammut,

As I write this, US President Donald Trump’s

Joanna Vella, Dr Shawn Baldacchino, and Dr Vanessa

administration is ploughing on with devastating

Petroni. ‘They all work in different areas—climate,

reversals of climate policies. At the same time,

rare diseases, geology—which will make things

environmentally conscious social media users

very interesting,’ Cini said. And he was right.

are sharing a slew of articles citing a new study



Talking to Ciarlò about his work on climate

by the JRC which says that if global warming

projections, he honed in on a specific problem we

continues to go unchecked, ‘a new super heat

have in the simulation of the atmosphere. At the

wave of 55°C can regularly hit many parts of the

moment, significant assumptions are being made

world, including Europe and the United States.’

to simplify the task. ‘There are so many organic

After the heatwave ‘Lucifer’s’ rampage this

chemicals, all going through so many changes in

Detail of the state-of-the-art anechoic chamber at the European Microwave Signature Laboratory at the Ispra site The grounds at the Joint Research Centre's site in Ispra (left) Photos by Cassi Camilleri

Reaction Wall at the European Laboratory for Structural Assessment


Entrance to the anechoic chamber at the European Microwave Signature Laboratory at the Ispra site (left) Photos by Cassi Camilleri


their atmospheric lifetime, and all of

but more investigations need to be

them influence weather—it’s almost

made in this field to fully understand

impossible to monitor. Most of the time

the ramifications of changes to our

Upon arrival at the JRC, we were

they complicate studies, so they are put

coastline and how to protect them.

welcomed by tall trees, a carpet of

The rest of the team, Petroni,

green grass, and a bold red Maltese

aside,’ he said. However this creates a problem with accuracy in predictions,

Baldacchino, and Vella, are dedicated

cross. The visit coincided with the last

so Ciarlò developed a state-of-the-art

to medicine. Petroni and Baldacchino

few weeks of the Maltese semester,

Regional Climate Model that introduces

both made research advances in

during which Iain Formosa and Romilda

the organic chemical processes as well

cancer. Through genetic profiling on

Manicolo organised events to share

as the physical properties that cause

cancer strains, Petroni discovered novel

Maltese culture and traditions with

these particles to affect our climate.

therapeutic approaches to improve

colleagues. It was quickly pointed out

the targeting of breast cancer cells

how the pair were the only Maltese

baton with the first study on Maltese

and improve response to therapy.

people in the 3,000-strong workforce in

pocket beaches, a very important part

By combining different drugs and

Ispra. ‘It would be great if we could have

of our landscape. Her paper shed light

treatments, she found that less of

some more Maltese minds in some of

on beach sediment dynamics and

each would be needed, thus reducing

our sites,’ Formosa said, expressing his

how beaches change over time. Wave

side-effects associated with each and

great support for our researchers’ visit

exposure, geological background,

improving patients’ quality of life.

and the work they were presenting.

and coastal configuration were

Baldacchino, on the other hand, used

found to be important components,

biomarkers, features specific to a

most everyone we met at the JRC.

particular cancer cell that are measured

As part of the visit, Ciarlò, Sammut,

to define different cancer strains, to

Vella, Baldacchino and Petroni had the

identify and better diagnose lesser-

opportunity to shadow leading scientists

known cancer strains. Finally, Vella

in their respective areas. From the JRC’s

is tracking mitochondrial disorders

Air & Climate Unit, Dr Luca Pozzoli and

through time and tracking their

Dr Srdan Dobricic, whose work involves

prevalence in the Maltese population,

monitoring pollution, emissions, and air

all this with the intent of generating a

quality for the benefit of EU citizens, said

genetic profile for Maltese citizens.

that ‘while we do not run atmosphere

Sammut picks up the environmental

It would be great if we could have some more Maltese minds in some of our sites


JRC Group @EuropeanUnion, 2017



Indeed, this feeling was shared by

@EuropeanUnion, 2017

simulations ourselves, we collect

Baldacchino. Guided by Dr Pascal

the crowd was gathering, among them

outputs from different models and

Calpo, they were introduced to the

JRC’s board of governors, Director

different countries, and try to compare

facilities that enable the understanding

General Vladimir Sucha opened the

these outputs with observations to

of nanomaterial properties and their

floor for Malta’s researchers. He stated

validate or make estimates.’ In fact, he

interactions with biological systems. The

that this was an excellent opportunity

added that ‘that is one activity we are

equipment is needed to support the

for Malta’s voice to be heard through

going to present to James. It could be

safe and sustainable development of

their research. Following his thanks, the

interesting for him to contribute to

nanotechnology in today’s society. Other

five chosen ones took centre stage and

in future.’ The aim is for this data to

labs I saw were the European Microwave

shared their work to much applause.

inform policy and country responses.

Signature Laboratory, home to a state-

The Malta Young Scientist Award

of-the-art anechoic chamber used

was a great opportunity for the UM’s

common ground at the Water & Marine

mainly to test wireless communication

researchers, both to bring their valuable

Resources Unit where, as Dr Diego

systems, and the European Laboratory

work to light and to create links with

Macías explained, numerical modeling

for Structural Assessment, which

European colleagues. The ultimate

tools are developed that allow them

works on the harmonisation and

result will be these young researchers

to simulate the conditions in European

risk mitigation in construction.

joining the team at the JRC in future,

seas under different scenarios. ‘This

What is impressive here is that the

representing Malta as they contribute

can be applied to climate change and

labs at the JRC are being opened to

directly to the effort to inform policy

political scenarios. We try to understand

researchers all over the continent.

at the local and European level.

how different options in the marine

Access to the laboratory is being

environment will affect the service and

offered to researchers from academic,

hunger for knowledge. As centuries roll

the ecosystem.’ They were a vital part in

public, and industrial laboratories

on, it shows no sign of abating, with

the development of the EU’s Common

based within EU Member States and

new discoveries bringing forth more

Fisheries Policy, which outlines member

Horizon 2020 associated countries.

questions than they answer. What is

states’ quotas for the amount of fish

The prospect is brilliant—many Maltese

certain is that facilities like the JRC and

they are allowed to catch. Through

researchers expressed interest.

the bright minds of the researchers

various market interventions, the EU is encouraging the fishing industry while making sure that their activity remains viable for the fishermen of tomorrow. Lab visits followed, capturing the interest of Vella, Petroni, and

The human race has an insatiable

housed within are certain to help us


work through them one by one. Time

The highlight of the visit was the

Read more:

Maltese scientists’ presentations. As

could not be more pressing.


Similarly, Sammut found plenty of



Start up



Cooking for others has become increasingly complex these days thanks to ever more diverse dietary requirements. Monique Chambers talks to Jessica Edwards about her perfect solution.

something and it’s the wrong size, the wrong

people, the small talk, the etiquette. It

colour. I had had enough of that and decided to

is a social dance many find challenging.

go down the route of creating an app around it,'

Me? I’m a shy vegetarian who also

Monique says. And thus the Indulge Me GIFT app

happens to be lactose intolerant.

was born. Since then, it has been downloaded

Being invited to a dinner party is not something I particularly look forward to. I have to beg for options

thousands of times and travelled to 110 countries. After the success of the Indulge Me GIFT app,

with no meat, no fish, and no cheese and then watch

Monique was ruminating over new concepts. At this

the host’s face drop, instantly regretting their invite.

point she was working as part of the marketing team at

I usually end up being served a lettuce salad with a

the Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO) at the University

side of resentment. But now… there is a solution.

of Malta (UM), helping start-ups get their message

Monique Chambers is the mind behind an

across correctly 'from tech to human'. It was then that

application called Indulge Me FOOD. The app allows

her thought to merge algorithms and hosting elaborate

hosts not only to send out invites to their dinner

dinners emerged. How great would it be if you could

guests and receive their RSVPs, but also stores their

have an easy way to invite all your friends, gather their

food preferences and intolerances ahead of time,

RSVPs and their food intolerances, and find the right

meaning the host can cater for all ‘picky’ eaters

recipes that would cater to all those dietary needs at

present. The app cleverly provides recipes that

once? This train of thought set the ball in motion.

account and accommodate for everyone’s intolerances. Monique has been working in marketing and PR for

Looking to focus on her new app idea, Monique left her position at the KTO and dedicated herself

25 years, technology marketing in particular. It was

fully. A year later, in 2016, Monique’s plan was

during this time that she developed an appreciation

set, and she sent in her application for the UM’s

for all things ‘lovely and nice’. And that was where

TAKEOFF Seed Fund Award. Hard work paid

the Indulge brand started. The philosophy behind

off: she was awarded the funds and became an

it is one of self-appreciation, the idea of treating

incubatee. With this came the opportunity to read

yourself and enjoying the ‘nice’ things in life. The

for a Masters in Entrepreneurship at the Centre for

brand includes books, a magazine, property, and apps.

Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation, with

The first app is based on the idea of having a wish

the Indulge Me FOOD app as her major project.

list that can be seen by others. The inspiration? ‘So you know when your boyfriend buys you

The venture began with research. ‘You have to research, research, research. The first app I made

Start up


inner parties can be daunting. The new




1. Monique Chambers

Start up

2. User Interface Design for Indulge Me FOOD. From left to right: Sending invitations - Grocery List -Suggested Recipes


[Indulge Me GIFT] did okay, but I didn’t do any

off their invites. Once guests receive the invitation,

research. You need to make sure no one is doing the

they fill in their profiles, unless they have done so

same thing and that you’re getting the most out of the

already, along with their eating restrictions. Once

app,’ she says. ‘I just thought it was a good idea and

everyone has accepted the invitation, the host

that was it. That approach was a missed opportunity.

gets a list of everyone that’s accepted and a list

Although it did well, I could have done so much more

of their intolerances. From there, they would be

with it.’ With that lesson learnt, she joined forces

presented with menu suggestions that cater for

with British Panel Research agency FLY to find out

all of the intolerances at once. ‘Recipes usually

more about people’s entertaining habits and how

only cater for one particular eating restriction,

they felt about this new level of nutritional diversity

these would cater for all of them,’ Monique says,

in today’s social circles. The results confirmed some

eliminating the need to make multiple dishes.

key points. 94% of hosts do not know what brands to

Indulge Me FOOD is not only appealing to hosts.

buy for certain intolerances or diet restrictions. 54.4%

Monique is currently in talks with retailers to find

of hosts are unhappy to create a separate meal for

partners who would like to offer the app to their

friends with dietary restrictions. They also found out

customers exclusively. This means that these business

that 40% of hosts use messaging services to invite

partners would be able to build a repository of their

guests, which makes it more difficult to keep track.

own products which clients could refer to, related

54.4% of hosts are unhappy to create a separate meal for ‘intolerant’ friends

to their recipe of choice. This way, the app would also be able to provide clients not just with a set of recipes, but with an easy-to-follow shopping list tailored to the retailer and the items it stocks. For the time being, the app is being offered to foreign companies because Maltese retailers are not big enough. That said, it will be available in app stores for local consumers to use. ‘Often people go to more than one shop to get what they need, unlike

her skillset. ‘I always want to avoid being a jack of all trades,’ she says. Despite the budget restrictions,

abroad, where you can usually find all you need in one shop, including homeware,’ says Monique. Through this journey, Monique has done away

she brought a number of experts on board who

with some outdated anxieties. She says she is

could handle different areas in app development.

now happy to talk about her ideas openly, doing

UK-based lead generation agency Buying Time took

away with ‘paranoia’. ‘Having an idea is one thing,

on the role of finding an audience. She also hired

making it happen is another entirely,’ she says. Not

development studio JustSomeCoding to build the

to mention how people can sometimes point out

app with assistance from SWITCH for branding. 'I

things you overlooked. ‘A friend mentioned religious

worked with both for the Indulge Me GIFT app and

diets and the restrictions that come with those. It

a couple of other projects,’ she says. ‘Relationships

was an area I hadn’t even considered. And I should

started in 2011 when I worked with them on adverts

have,’ she says, ‘The world is a very small place.’

from their clients which were included in Indulge

Besides making it easier for the host to organise

magazine,' Monique states, highlighting the importance

dinner parties, this app will definitely help in making

of keeping connections close and networks growing.

all the guests feel included. I look forward to the day

The app came together and is now receiving its

I can enjoy a dinner party and stay late because I no

final touches. The way it works is that hosts send

longer need to nosedive into the fridge at home.

Start up

Following that, Monique sat down and considered


lab to life




e d g n w i i i t h n n u R

Prof. Joseph N. Grima’s work on auxetic metamaterials has been lauded the world over. Now that NIKE has released a shoe with an auxetic sole, he talks to Clemens Uhl about his thoughts on sharing knowledge.


any innovators look to nature

Leading the way in auxetics in Malta is

for inspiration. When Swiss

Prof. Joseph N. Grima, whose interest in

electrical engineer George de

interdisciplinary research directed him to work

Mestral was on a walk with his

in that field years ago, at the time unaware of

dog in 1941, he noticed how

how important it would become. When reading

cockleburrs in the woods clung to his companion’s

for his Ph.D. at the University of Exeter, Grima

fur. This inspired him to develop the fabric hook-

was introduced to the principle of auxetics by

and-loop fastener we now know as Velcro.

Prof. Kenneth E. Evans, who coined the term.

However, there are also times when existing structures and materials for so long


that they eventually end up with something that

The counterintuitive nature of auxetics appealed

has properties rarely seen… even in nature.

to Grima’s creative mind. ‘Imagine sitting bored in

Most materials in nature stretch and narrow

a restaurant waiting for your food. You take three

when pulled; cloth, rubber bands, plastics all of

toothpicks, arrange them like an arrow and connect

them behave this way. Auxetic materials don’t.

them at the tip. If you start pulling the shaft, the

They have what’s called a negative poisson’s ratio.

outer legs extend horizontally, creating a design

When stretched along an axis, they grow fatter in

which expands in each direction. It becomes auxetic.’

a direction perpendicular to the direction of the force; when they are pulled they grow wider.

By arranging several connected arrows next to each other, he created a lattice of star shapes. lab to life

researchers sit in their lab and manipulate


Within those stars, in the negative space, he identified the basic forms underpinning them— triangles and polygons. It was then that Grima moved away from working with sticks and came up with the idea of having intervened rigid units. This became the basic concept for all his future research. ‘Once I found a working model, I started generalising,’ explains Grima. ‘The next obvious step was to use squares.’ Grima used all sorts of materials to bring those models to life, from rubber carpets to metal, but the resulting structures proved unwieldy. They needed a better solution. And that came in the form of a mathematical model. Translating what he was seeing in front of him into a set of equations would be Grima’s next task. With an optimised model, other researchers no longer need to wade through the endless jungle of possible shapes and patterns in order to find the golden solution for their specific problem. It was at this point that modern innovation brought with it the last piece of the puzzle—3D printing. Testing an idea is always essential. The mathematical model was born out of the need to make fewer real-life metal and rubber models, but it did not replace actual testing. 3D printing now provides a very quick and efficient way to prove that a design actually works in real life. Using synthetic materials, objects get printed layer by layer, eventually creating a physical representation of the object. ‘When you see and feel a physical model, you can easily play with it and see how it works. It is basically the same when trying to understand certain mechanisms in science.

lab to life

Developing such a shoe wouldn't have been possible without the open mindset of sharing knowledge.


Running footwear sole with auxetic design

Developing such a shoe wouldn't have been possible without the open mindset of sharing knowledge. For Grima, the University of Malta, or indeed any university, should be an open, innovative institution providing recent knowledge and sharing research for future use. Companies should be able to put together different bits of research and add their own ideas in order to produce new products, creating something bigger. 'If every little bit of research of the University were to be protected to the extent that practically nobody else could use it, then you would create a society where nothing could develop further.' This said, it also goes to show how relevant Prof. Joseph N. Grima

research at universities is to private industry, and how they would do well to support such work. The next step for Grima is pretty

Listening to facts preached by a teacher and

straightforward. 'What I would like to see is

doing sample calculations using cryptic formulas

more researchers contributing to building blocks

sometimes won't do the deal. Once performing

to develop innovative products, which are then

a hands-on experiment, you really start to grasp

used by the people to improve the quality of their

the matter,’ says Grima. ‘Mathematical models

lives.' Shoes are but one concrete application

and rapid prototyping now permit researchers

for auxetic materials. Because of their ability to

to significantly optimise their designs like

adapt to irregular shapes, there is a lot of potential

never before. You can just keep on tweaking,

for the use of auxetics in mattresses, car seats,

adapting, and printing it until you are satisfied.’

and even safety hats. The higher resistance to impacts make auxetics very useful in production


of protective gear which could save lives.

Oftentimes, research stays in the lab; new

affordability. The products made should still be

technologies don't surpass the phase of

affordable for everyone, he says. ‘What is the

prototyping. But that is not the case with Grima’s

point in spending hundreds of thousands of

work in auxetics. Taking advantage of the unique

euros on research which will be only be made

way auxetic materials react to pressure, NIKE just

accessible to a limited number of people such as

recently presented a running shoe with an auxetic

the high-end sport professionals?’ he questions. When Grima started out, research in auxetics

approach with rotating triangles. They promise

was still in its early days. After dedicating decades

a better fit, smoother movement, and a sleeker

to this field his contribution has seen it make

feeling proving that Grima’s design works. 'When I

huge leaps, proving that research can travel

first tried these shoes I was very happy to see that

beyond lab walls and have a very real impact on

one of our first models developed got translated

people’s lives. With this sense of community in

into an actual product, which feels great.'

mind, Grima will continue to strive forward.

lab to life

sole that seems to be incorporating Grima’s

An important factor in all this, for Grima, is


THE MALTA COMMUNITY CHEST FUND invests in medical research


Research Innovation & Development Trust (RIDT)



om its very inception, the University

The President’s commitment has been re-endorsed

of Malta Research Innovation and

with the signing of an agreement to finance a three-

Development Trust (RIDT) aimed to

year National Eye Study to the tune of €132,000. The

catalyse a societal culture change—to

project investigates the incidence of eye disorders

see funding for research and innovation

such as glaucoma and cataracts across the Maltese

receiving broad-based and sustained support,

population. To date there is no reliable data available

as well as donations from large corporate

on blindness and common eye diseases. Led by

donors. Indeed, a few productive years later,

ophthalmic surgeon and visiting senior lecturer Francis

a silent revolution is gaining momentum as

Carbonaro (Faculty of Medicine and Surgery), the

Maltese society embraces this concept.

project will be gathering data from 1% of the Maltese

To underline this shift, there couldn’t have

population aged between 40 and 80. The goal is to

been a more significant donor than the Malta

determine both age and sex-specific prevalence, and

Community Chest Fund (MCCF). The MCCF,

the cause of blindness and visual impairment in adults.

under the patronage of the President of the Republic, is considered by many to be the people’s philanthropic saving pot, the national piggy bank for good causes. It raises funds through its relentless campaigning and public generosity. Following in the steps of her predecessors, the current President, H.E. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, has taken this endeavour to new heights with L-Istrina, the yearly telethon fundraiser which hit the €5.5 million mark in 2016. In December 2014, following an invitation

[It is a] 'distinct honour and great privilege to offer the full support of the Republic of Malta to the Research Trust’ PRESIDENT, H.E. MARIELOUISE COLEIRO PRECA

by RIDT’s CEO Wilfred Kenely, The President visited the University of Malta’s research In her message to the RIDT, the President of

class research projects in areas such as breast

the Republic spoke of her ‘distinct honour and

cancer, brain-computer interfacing, and kidney

great privilege to offer the full support of the

disorders. Following that visit, the RIDT engaged

Republic of Malta to the Research Trust. My

with the Office of the President to identify

office is committed to help achieve the aspiration

research projects that would be supported

and values we share with the Research Trust

by the Malta Community Chest Fund.

to create sustainable economic growth as a

The first project to be funded was a study in the genetics of osteoporosis. Dr Melissa

means to social development and prosperity.’ The Malta Community Chest Fund has

Formosa (Faculty of Health Sciences) is leading

chosen to invest in medical research conducted

this project which, having conducted studies

within the University of Malta. In doing so, it

on animal models, is looking at Maltese families

is not only supporting the quest for research-

with members affected with osteoporosis in a

based solutions to our daily challenges, but

bid to to determine whether genetic factors also

also sending a clear message to the Maltese

increase susceptibility to this bone disease.

community—investment in research pays.


facilities and was shown some of the world-




Valletta 2018 Foundation

business, while also contributing to

to take part in the process, their

major cultural and artistic

the congestion and noise. The solution

attitude becomes much more positive.

events can breathe

is in identifying ways to effectively

Organisers have to provide enough

new life into the city.

balance the discomfort brought about

information and make participation

When Malta’s capital

by social change and the valued

easy. It’s important that it’s not just

benefits that same change brings.

about a small circle of activists, but

was granted the title of European Capital of Culture for 2018, all hands

Finnish social activist, Jaakko

about the whole community.’ Closer to home, project leader of the

were on deck to prune and preen,

Blomberg knows the struggle. He

reversing decades of decay to make

founded the NGO Yhteismaa (Common

Ġewwa Barra initiative, Victor Jacono,

it ‘worthy’ of such a prestigious title.

Ground) in Helsinki in 2012. Yhteismaa

tells us how Valletta residents often felt

Now, after years of intense effort,

specialises in new participatory

‘helpless and disowned of their spaces.’

the hard work has paid off. City

city culture, co-creation, and social

Ġewwa Barra was created to address

Gate now provides an appropriately

movements. ‘In the beginning, many

precisely that issue: to empower

magnificent entryway into Valletta.

municipal officers in Helsinki were

residents and give them ownership of

Dingy, long-shuttered venues have

against our events and projects; they

their community, using artistic tools to

been restored and reinvigorated. The

just didn’t have any procedure for

get a glimpse at the cultures affecting

once sleepy city has roared back to

handling them, so we kind of had to

their lives and help them express

life with the wealth of events being

find a new way to do things.’ Leaving

the needs and dreams that shape

organised. Valletta is no longer a stop

room for people to share their ideas

their experience in the capital city.

on the hop-on hop-off bus; it is a

and expressing themselves is also

bustling melting pot of old and new

essential, he says. ‘There should be

with an inescapable siren song.

different kinds of roles and tasks for

This shift has created positive

people to take on; all changes are

momentum in the arts scene. But

scary, so it’s important to inform

not all outcomes have been positive.

people and make them feel like they’re

Valletta’s overhaul can look very

part of the process. For example,

different for the ones who call the city

many people are prejudiced against

home. The burst of activities may have

street art, but when you explain more

disrupted some people’s day-to-day

about it and give people the chance

‘We seek to encourage creativity, but also responsibility. We hold creative

Residents often felt ‘helpless and disowned of their spaces.



alletta is living proof that



Ä ewwa Barra was created to [...] empower residents and give them ownership of their community, using artistic tools to get a glimpse at the cultures affecting their lives and help them express the needs and dreams that shape their experience in the capital city.


workshops conducted by different facilitators and artists to give people the chance to look at themselves through the aesthetic lens of the artworks. Currently we are engaging the residents of Duwi Balli in a process of creative place regeneration, through a collaboration between architects Maria Cerreta and Franco Lancio, the Valletta Local Council, and the Valletta Services Directorate. It is not simply a matter of approaching the residents and asking them what nice things they would like us to do for them. It is a matter of asking them what they wish to express with our support, of providing them with tools and opportunities to respond creatively to the changes affecting their lived spaces,’ Victor says. In 2017 and 2018 Ġewwa Barra is going to extend its reach even further in order to involve residents from across the capital city, with different artists conducting a series of creative workshops that will culminate in an exceptional performing arts event. While Victor is realistic about the forward march of Victor Jacono

change, he believes it is unjust and unacceptable that changes are engineered by a handful of stakeholders, whose decisions everyone else simply has to accept— especially when such changes are going to affect Valletta’s residents’ lives dramatically. Much like Jaakko with Yhteismaa, he believes that the fear of change can be lessened if people are informed and included in the process. ‘The voices of those stakeholders with lesser means need to be amplified and given the importance they deserve. The arts can contribute greatly towards this. Ġewwa Barra is not so much about single events, but the mainly bottomup processes engaging the residents creatively. I believe it is the experiences brought about by such processes that will leave an important and longlasting legacy with the inhabitants of Valletta.’ Jaakko Blomberg and Victor Jacono are keynote speakers at the Valletta 2018 conference titled Living Cities, Liveable Spaces: Placemaking & Identity. More information on this conference can be accessed at Registration ends on 12th


November. Discounted rates are available for students. Jaakko Blomberg





Maria (Marieclare Camilleri) from The Isle Photo by David Pisani

Filmmaker Kenneth Scicluna originally wanted to work in computer animation but finally found his calling in film. Veronica Stivala joins him on his journey so far, which despite being rather distressing at times, is also one that brings with it some rewards. down again, and then building all the

at the library: On Directing Film, by

one of the best film

happenings and voices in a script, and

David Mamet, and Cinematography,

schools in the world.

then re-shaping them when filming, and

by Kris Malkiewicz. He reflects how

Number five on the

yet again when editing, and stringing

‘although knowledge of sociology

Hollywood Reporter’s

all the pieces together, and finding that

has served me well in my work, to an

rankings and with an acceptance rate

it somehow works. It is a very painful

extent, in hindsight, English would

of just 7% according to the Columbia

process that is so rewarding in the

have been a much better option’. Even

Spectator, getting in is no mean feat.

long run, that it somehow justifies the

with these ‘missteps’, through UM

Filmmaker Kenneth Scicluna did,

means, ruinous at times, to get there.’

lecturer Louiselle Vassallo, he signed

Interestingly Kenneth, now 42,

on as a production assistant on Dust

arts scholarships were non-existent.

originally wished to work in computer

(1996), produced by the late Sonny

As a result, Kenneth had to renounce

animation. Having studied computer

Monte and directed by his son Gratian.

both times because he could not

science at sixth form, he moved on to

Looking back, Kenneth remembers

afford the substantial fees. Instead

the only related course offered at the

how the experience was ‘formative

he turned to practical filmmaking,

University of Malta (UM) at the time:

and informative. A few friendships

and so his journey began. Since

computer science and mathematics.

formed on it have also lasted.’

then, he has become a member of

A year later, he dropped out and

the European Film Academy, had his

switched to communication studies

on foreign films, all the while developing

films screened at some 70 festivals

and archaeology, finally settling on

his own. He has a long list of credits

around the world, and has been

communication studies and sociology

to his name: Genesis (2000—written

named Best Local Director at the 2011

some time after. There were several

by Jean Pierre Magro), a film about a

Malta Short Film Festival for Daqqet

catalysts for this change, one of them

group of young people finding their

ix-Xita, a film which also received

being the discovery of two books

way in the world, was the first Maltese feature film in decades to be invited

the Best Cinematography Award. So what attracted him to film in the first place? ‘The glamour,’ deadpans Kenneth. He is indeed a witty man. He is also the only person—so far—to answer my emails with quotes from poetry, lightening the tone of what could easily become run of the mill exchanges. ‘I think it’s the length of the process, perversely,’ he confides on a more serious note. ‘As much as it can be a pain, there’s attraction in the method of conceiving a thought and turning it into a story, and breaking it

From there, Kenneth started working

Film can leave a mark, even if small, on the way people think, feel, and see the world. It is a risk, hopefully a calculated one.

to festivals abroad. Central Express (2003) saw him directing two short documentaries for Rai 3, one focusing on Caravaggio’s sojourn in Malta, the other a meandering journey into the Gozitan genius loci. The Isle (2004­—cowritten with Jean Pierre Magro) for Zentropa’s Visions of Europe tells the story of a foreigner who takes pictures of dilapidated buildings, inspired by Böcklin’s cycle of paintings on the Isle of the Dead. With Marie Briguglio,

Photo by Ritty Tacsum

twice. Times were different then and,

he joined forces with ten other Alumni


olumbia University is


Tafxnaf workshop Photo by Matthew Muscat-Drago

At the launch of Visions of Europe

Preparing a scene from Daqqet ix-Xita (top) Photo by Max Vetter


The boy from Daqqet ix-Xita (Plantagenet Rain) Photo by David Pisani, Neville Attard & Ken Scicluna


European directors for Europe’s Old New

moments of ellipsis. My only issue,’ he

somehow, someone, somewhere

Faces, a project supported by Looks

contemplates, ‘is that sometimes the

will find [his] work interesting’. For

Film+TV for Arte, where together

gaps in my films can be a bit too wide’.

those thinking of starting a career

Kenneth does not mince his words

in film, Kenneth warns them not to,

on the basis of national monuments.

when asked what filmmaking means

‘unless you’re prepared to face pain.

Then came Daqqet ix-Xita (2011),

to him: ‘A lot of uncertainty, and a lot

A lot of pain. And financial misery.’

the first film co-funded by the Malta

of effort for little return. That is the

For those stubborn ones out there

Film Fund, a disturbing yet oddly

stark truth. It’s going out on a rough

still reading, Kenneth advocates to

moving account of a young man’s

sea in a small boat.’ But, he continues,

start with a solid education. ‘Get

futile attempts to escape his mundane

‘what keeps you rowing, sometimes,

a first degree in Communication

life. Finally, there’s Eleġija (2014),

is the belief that beyond the next

Studies with a secondary area having

the first in a series of films inspired

crest lies something important: a

a strong literary component. Further

by Maltese poetry for Inizjamed in

concept, a happening, a face. And

your theoretical studies in film at MA

conjunction with the Valletta 2018

sometimes, you do find that face,

level—the MA in Film Studies at the

Foundation, which drew inspiration

that fleeting thought, that glimpse of

UM is excellent in this respect, and

from Doreen Micallef’s writings.

a truth, and when you do, the seas

then move on to a practical film school

calm down for a while, and it all seems

abroad.’ Currently, Kenneth is reading

strong points are, Kenneth finds he

worthwhile, and worth pursuing again.

for the MA in Film Studies himself.

lives ‘best in dark corners,’ admitting his

But there’s also a lot of aimlessly

least successful attempt was in colour.

rowing about, and getting wet.’

Speaking about what he thinks his

‘I don’t think I can do comedy,’ he

Indeed, a career in film is not an

To keep the wheels turning, Kenneth also lectures part-time with the Faculty of Media and Knowledge

declares, noting how he likes narratives

easy one. And a successful career in

Sciences (UM) on the Development of

built around ‘gaps, holes’. Elaborating

the industry means you must be ready

Film Language with his mentor, Prof.

further on this, he explains: ‘I relish

to take risks and to believe in yourself.

Saviour Catania, as well as on Applied

To this comment, humble Kenneth

Media Aesthetics and Film Analysis.

answers that, ‘more than a staunch

Beyond the bread and butter, Kenneth

belief in myself—although there

is also working on a wonderful project

were a few surprising moments, like

called Tafxnaf where he shares his

winning a mentorship award of late

film-making experience with 12 and

with a German-Iranian producer, and

13-year-olds. ‘It has certainly been

other such moments along the years,

very hard work and the cause for

which suggested I just might have

many a sleepless night, but seeing the

interesting goods to sell—it’s a belief

children take an active role in turning

in film itself. A belief that a film can

stories, which they themselves have

leave a mark, even if small, on the way

written, into short films is a very

people think, feel, and see the world.

rewarding process,’ he confides.

Kenneth warns that anyone wanting to get into a similar career in film ought not to, ‘unless you’re prepared to face pain. A lot of pain. And financial misery.

It is a risk, hopefully a calculated one.’ Did Kenneth ever have any

His latest project is a film adaptation he is working on with award-

down moments, any times when

winning writer Clare Azzopardi—a

he felt like giving up? ‘Yes,’ he says,

process he is greatly enjoying, not

surprisingly adding how he tries to

least because of the sheer pleasure

give up daily. But, thankfully, what

of working with Azzopardi.

keeps him from pulling the plug

Kenneth leads a busy life, but I end

all the way out is a comment from

our interview by asking what he does

his wife, feedback from a friend,

when not working. To this, his reply is:

and ‘the dogged stubbornness that

‘Parenting. Or trying to, haplessly.’ Alumni

they drew a picture of their country





The uplifting Ultralife by Oh Wonder celebrates love and life, beautifully capturing the ‘ultra’ feeling when

Praised for its scientific realism, Moon (2009)

someone or something turns life upside down.

follows Sam Bell (Sam

A spectacular series of

Rockwell) as he works

graphic novels written

through his own personal

by Brian K. Vaughan

hell, just as he’s nearing

and illustrated by

the end of a three-year,

Fiona Staples. Badass

painfully solitary mission

Romeo and Juliet in

mining helium-3 on the far

space—that is Saga.


side of the Moon. YOUTUBE CHANNEL

Everyone loves Kurzgesagt, and so do we. The animation is on point, and

Ever wondered what the world would be like if the Nazis

topics range

had won the second World War? Watch The Man in the

from economics,

High Castle.

to biology, philosophy, and



To-do list

Sam Spratt’s client list



includes Variety, Rolling

Design lovers, this one is for

Smithsonian, Gawker,

you. 99% invisible handles

Wall Street Journal,

a wide range of topics that

National Geographic,

tend to stay under the radar.

Angry Birds, Netflix, and

The origin of revolving doors

Childish Gambino. This

is a good one.

guy is special.

Stone, Der Spiegel,

With you wherever







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