Interior Architecture Portfolio

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Interior Architecture


Thipmanee Trachoo

It is not only my work, but also my passion. -Thipmanee Trachoo

Thipmanee Trachoo

contacT 44/97 Nim i t ma i Road, K hlo ngsa mwa Dist ric t, Ba ngkok T ha ila nd 10510 P ho ne no. +6689-144-6452 ploy.t h ipma ne e @ gma m

Interior Architect

a m a n a r ta ho lic a nd na t ure lover. I a lways give my first prio ri ty a nd in t erest o n t he qua li ty o f li fe a s well as im proving na t ura l res o urce. Even t ho u gh I gradua ted fro m t he In t erio r A rch i t e c t ure Bachelo r, I believe in t he invisible lines wh ich co n ne c t ever y t h ing, o u t side a nd in side, t og et her. Hence, my s co p e o f focus just doesn’t lim i t in ‘in t erio r’ field, b u t a ls o rela t e t o surro unding enviro n men t s ; b uildings, urba n pla n n ing, p ublic space a nd in fra st ru c t ure, p o llu t io n s a nd clima t e crisis, et c. B esides, I a m qui t e a t ea m player a nd ke en o n wo rking co lla bo rat ive wi t h o t her ta len t ed mem bers t o develo p li fe qua li ty, ba sing o n crea t ive design.

Education Interior Architecture T ha m ma sa t Un iversi ty 2014 - 2018 Mathematics and Sciences Programme Tria mu do m suk sa no m klao S choo l 2008 - 2014

work experiences

Rea l-live proje c t Wo rk sho p C lub / A c t ivi ty 2019

Junior Interior Architect designL AB N L SS -E xh ib i t io n D esign -Furn i t ure D esign fo r ho t el

Documentary Photography Camp Sa ra kade e Magazine

-3D Prin t ing

Fo ur-mo n t h t ra in ing wo rk sho p

Architecture Building Camp

ha ndled by t he pro fessio na l pho t ogra phers a nd wri t ers

T he Facul ty A c t ivi ty -A S e creta r y -A leader o f sp o n s o r t ea m -A leader o f co m mun i ty t ea m

Committee at the music club

A Community Mall Project from Sansiri Co ncept ua l proje c t

T ha m ma sa t Un iversi ty Sy m pho ny Orchest ra -A s e creta r y

A co ncept wh ich blend

-A musicia n

neigh bo rhood iden t i ty wi t h t he co m mun i ty ma ll.

SKILLS A u t ocad 3D Max

Contour Co-creation Workshop Co ncept ua l proje c t

Part-time Graphic Freelancer

One-da y wo rk sho p a bo u t

-log o

facili t ies in acco m moda t io n.

-b ro u ch ure a nd p o st er

S ket ch Up


A do be P ho t o sho p


A do be I llust ra t o r

Natural Environment

Crea t ive S o lu t io n

A do be InD esign S usta ina ble

A do be L igh t roo m P ho t ogra phy (in t erio r)

Urba n D evelo pmen t

D evelo pmen t

Life Quality

Interior Design P ublic S pace




Bangkok Folk Museum (ii)


Community Project, Bangkok February 2017

Boonsong Lekagul Museum


Museum Project (dual project), Bangkok December 2017

Bangkok Environment Learning Center


Thesis, Bangkok Year 2017 - 2018

Boutique Hotel


Hotel Renovation, Bangkok September 2018

Health Tech Exhibition


Exhibition Design Bangkok December 2018 - June 2019

Interests Graphic - Acitivity - Photography 2017 - 2019


Selected Works 2014 - 2019

Bangkok Folk Museum (ii) Community Project, Bangkok February 2017

Site Analysis

Appproach and Concept

The project purpose is for public advantage, both people who live there and visitors. The building locates side by side the wooden Bangkok Folk Museum (i) which established by the same owner. Meanwhile, the neighborhood is concrete buildings, the old wood Thai style building stands out among the green area. Moreover, it’s easy to approach the site both by personal cars and public transport, so cars and bicycle parking are essential to require.

I decided to create this project to become a sharing space for both of visitors from the Bangkok Folk Museum in the day time and local people from their work (or school) in the evening by using traditional Thai house concept. The traditional Thai house has so many rooms separating around the house area, but has a court for a family meeting in the middle.

User Analysis There is a wide range of generations and several nations in this community; a combination cultural in Chinese, Thai, and Islamic. A temple and a mosque are not far from the site location. It is quite quiet in the day time, but back to live again in the evening with food carts. A grocery is used as a common space for meeting after dinner, but most children play inside because of lacking a public playground. It is clear that there is not enough public space for community events or even a playground.

Take the advantage of greenry view from Bangkok Folk Museum (i)


Common area To design the existing building to become a sharing space for both locals and visitors, the interior space was provided to many activities. An activity area, for doing homework or holding workshops which visitors can join the events, is the main area. In addition, it can be transformed to be a temporary exhibition when there’s not any event. A small library on the second floor is designed for children to use after school or at the weekend. Besides, there is a dining area and a common space which like a meeting zone. They can see the view of their neighborhood, watching their children doing homework and taking a deep breath from green space. Also, they can be seen from their companies who are going to meet them up there!

Activity area

Take the fresh air from the neighbor

Activity area


Boonsong Lekagul Museum Museum Project (dual project), Bangkok December 2017

Dr. Boonsong Lekagul was an environmental Thai conservative who had protected wild-life animals and the famous forest in Thailand, Khao Yai. The museum purpose is meant to tell the story of his hard-work-life, how he devoted his life for nature and his reason. The contents are going to encourage people to protect this forest where has become Thailand’s largest national parks and the World Heritage site of Dong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest in nowadays.

Conceptual Thinking (Story Line) Prologue This chapter introduces the users Dr.Boonsong Lekagul, the environmentalist, and gives information about the importance of forest protection by using a short animation. The gallery of the forest pictures is shown on the wall. And there’re some types of the hunting guns put on the podiums with the description boards.

Who is the real hunter? Users will experience the Khao Yai transitiveness. The first phase shows users the forest used to be so plentifully that the bulls can live. The second one shows how cruelty the wildlife and the forest get from human activities, hunting sport and cutting down trees.

The brave fighter The first phase of the third chapter shows how Dr.Boonsong and his companies fight back. And the highlight in this chapter is the skywalk leading to the outside. The landscape is designed to look like a real forest.

Knowledge from the friendship The books, the maps, the advice for camping, the ways animals live from Dr.Boonsong and his companies display in the fourth chapter. It is the key to live in the forest, learning animal behaviors. Users can learn from the realistic-size models and the description boards.

Eprologue This is the final chapter. There’s a long route passing through the timeline boards. As a summary, there are graphics boards that show Dr.Boonsong and his companies’ activities comparing the status of the forest at that time.

Furniture Layout Plan and Zoning


phase 1

phase 3

phase 2

phase 1

Exibition Zone

Public Area

Private Area


The first chapter introduces the users Dr.Boonsong Lekagul, the environmentalist, and

gives information about the importance of forest protection by using a short animation. The gallery of the forest pictures is shown on the wall. And there’re some types of the hunting guns put on the podiums with the description boards.Meanwhile second phase in the the second chapter shows how cruelty the wild-life and the forest get from human activities, hunting sport and cutting down trees. ome techniques are the hologram animals running away from death through the users, the shotgun sound effects increasing the sense of fear. In addition, there are some information boards showing the reduction of animal population and the effects after the forest destroying on the walls.

The last phase is nothing but dark charcoal texture walls, they represent the after effect of the wood burn.

A metal bull-skull sculpture showing on a podium, facing to everyone who just watches the destroying from the previous phase.

The first phase of the third chapter shows how Dr.Boonsong and his companies fight back. The projector screen shows some short movies about the council conference and the floor which also be the projector shows the sky scene while the Thailand President boarding a helicopter to see above the Khao Yai. In the second phase shows the result of their winning. Users have to walk on the wooden skywalk under which the recovery of the Khao Yai forest model is shown. From the burned trees, they gradually become seedlings,

and finally, grow up to be the big forest again. And the highlight in this phase is the skywalk leading to the outside. The landscape is designed to look like a real forest. The refreshing atmosphere, the birds singing, the sunlight passes through the green leaves on big trees. These are the unexpected experiences which users might be impressed. After the walk through the landscape, then it brings them back in the next chapter.

This is the final chapter. There is a long route passing through the timeline boards. As a summary, there are graphics boards that show Dr.Boonsong and his companies’ activities comparing the status of the forest at that time. On every wall are covered in reflective material, except the wall that next to the landscape is clear glass. That causes the greenery reflections from the exterior into the interior. Look like they’re walking among the forest.

The highlight in this phase is the skywalk leading to the outside.

Bangkok Environment Learning Center Thesis, Bangkok Year 2017 - 2018

Project Proposal

Site Analysis

This project is going to encourage people to look back at the environment problems and protect the environment by starting at they themselves. We have seen so many advertisements about reducing plastic to save the world, but our behaviors hardly change. Why does it seem so difficult to live in an eco-friendly life in Bangkok? Why do we still think the environment problems aren’t ours, eventhough they involve our life? And how do we live and protect the environment at the same time? This project will lead ‘the students’, all of us have to learn all time, to the four different cities. One of the cities encourage the students to notice what are in their town. Some city is dark and looks scary, but it sincerely shows them what happen to the environments. And finally the students will know what (or who) is the problem of the environment problems. And what we should do to save our ‘City’.

The project site is located at the train maintaining factory in Makkasan district. The factory has been planned to be developed to become a Bangkok public park. Site surroundings are accomodations and schools. It is easy to approach the site by personal cars and public transportations. In addition, the building is surrounded by so big green-space that can be designed for the great landscape.

Site Plan and Access

User Analysis

Approach and Concept

Target group of this learning center are students (10-12 years old) and families (children with parents). It’s important to tell the next generation what happen to their towns and encourage them that they can alleviate the situation. In the meantime, the students can integrate the lessons from the exhibition with their school projects.

The big change begins from a small step. This learning center is designed for students “Walking through Towns” from a small town to a big City. They will learn about the neighbor environment until, the last step, they will learn that they’re ALL one of the big city.

Conceptual Thinking (Story Line)

1. What are in our town? CIT Y 1 ‘Our Home’ The students will learn to build their own towns. During ‘the construction’, they’ll notice that houses aren’t only things in the town. But they’re surrounded by trees, animals, other buildings, etc. Something are natural and something are human-made. They’ll learn that all of these called environments and everyone and everything are parts of the big city.

2. Why are the environments so important? CIT Y 2 ‘Dream City’ After designing their dream town from the previous City. In the next step, they will learn aboout the best city-environment around the world.

3. What happen to Bangkok? CIT Y 3 ‘Pollution City’ When get in the third City. The students will face the dark space. Many environment problems in Bangkok will be shown up here.

4. Let’s change. CIT Y 4 ‘Sustainable City’ In the last City, the students will have time to express their opinion and discuss to each others about the Cities and will learn about Sustainable Development Goals; SDGs. A short animation will help them more understand. They will be encouraged to design their own ‘tomorrow Bangkok’ which will be shown at the lobby hall so that everyone can see the ideas from the new generation.

Master Plan

Furniture Layout Plan

Main Entrance Sub Entrance

Zoning and Circulation City 1


City 2

Reception and Lobby Hall Permanent Exhibition Temporary Exhibition

City 3

Souvenir Workshop Restaurant and Kitchen Restroom

City 4

Staff Area and B.O.H. Administrative Area

City 1 ‘Our Home’ The spaces are divided into four zones, which represent the type of enviroments. Sample: Theses mountains represent the natural environment and are reduced some elements.

Someone just built their sea world.

Old wood palette are reused as tables and chairs.

Here’s the air pollution zone. It’s a game that everyone are players. Every action they do will effect on the kinetic hanging above. This kinetic sculpture represents the air that we use to breathe. If we do some order given from the gray floor, the kinetic will turn to be darker and will be hung nearer to the floor.

The students will learn what actions that effect the air and what are eco-friendly.

Reference หนังสือ Thailand’s SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: Sourcebook. (2015). Singapore: Editions Didier Millet Pte Ltd. สารนิพนธ์ ประทานพร โชตินุกูล. (2558). โครงการออกแบบสถาปัตยกรรมภายในพิพิธภัณฑ์ธรรมชาติแห่ง

สยาม. สารนิพนธ์ปริญญามหาบัณฑิต, มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์, คณะสถาปัตยกรรมศาสตร์และการผังเมือง, สาขาสถาปัตยกรรมภายใน.

สื่ออิเล็กทรอนิกส์ สรณรัชฎ์ การญจนะวณิชย์. (ตุลาคม 2542). นิเวศในเมือง. สืบค้นเมื่อวันที่ 1 ตุลาคม 2560, จาก ณรงค์ฤทธิ์ รอเสนา. (กุมภาพันธ์ 2555). การพัฒนาอย่างยั่งยืน. สืบค้นเมื่อวันที่ 1 ตุลาคม 2560, จาก ศูนย์ข้อมูลกรุงเทพมหานคร, กองสารสนเทศภูมิศาสตร์ ส�ำนักยุทธศาสตร์และประเมินผล ศาลาว่าการกรุงเทพมหานคร. กรุงเทพฯ ปัจจุบัน. สืบค้นเมื่อวันที่ 1 ตุลาคม 2560, จาก กนกพิชญ์ ปิยะสันติกุล. (ตุลาคม 2560). ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างเรา: คนกับพื้นที่เมืองและการพัฒนาพื้นที่สาธารณะอย่างมีชีวิตชีวา. สืบค้นเมื่อวันที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน 2560, จากความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างเรา-คนกับพื้นที่ เมือง-และการพัฒนาพื้นที่สาธารณะอย่างมีชีวิตชีวา#.WzvrjtIzZPZ พิมชนก พึ่งบุญ ณ อยุธยา. (กุมภาพันธ์ 2561). Volvo Ocean Race การแข่งขันเรือยอชต์ที่ยืนหยัดเพื่อความยั่งยืน. สืบค้นเมื่อวันที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ 2561, จาก กฤติยา ศรีสรรพกิจ. (กุมภาพันธ์ 2561). Planetary Game. สืบค้นเมื่อวันที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ 2561, จาก Ning iUrban. (มิถุนายน 2556). ที่จอดรถจักรยานใช้พื้นที่นิดเดียวตามซอกตึก โดยสถาปนิกชาวเกาหลีใต้ MANIFESTO ARCHITECTURE. สืบค้นเมื่อวันที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ 2561, จาก Urban Creature. (กุมภาพันธ์ 2561). DUSTY BANGKOK. สืบค้นเมื่อวันที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ 2561, จาก Bangkok Post Group. (มีนาคม 2560). จัดอันอับ 12 เมืองที่มีพื้นที่สีเขียวมากที่สุดในโลก. สืบค้นเมื่อวันที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ 2561, จาก Romullo Baratto. (ธันวาคม 2559). The Planners’ Guide to Trees in the Urban Landscape. สืบค้นเมื่อวันที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ 2561, จาก Amy Frearson. (มกราคม 2559). Singapore’s answer to the High Line could stretch across the entire island. สืบค้นเมื่อวันที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ 2561, จาก Ecology Center. FACTSHEETS & LINKS. สืบค้นเมื่อวันที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ 2561, จาก Ali Montag. (สิงหาคม 2560). No US cities make the world’s top 10 livable list-but these Canadian and Australian ones did. สืบค้นเมื่อวันที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ 2561, จาก The United Nations. The World’s Largest Lessons: Life on Land. สืบค้นเมื่อวันที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ 2561, จาก National Gepgraphic. THE WORLD’S TOP CITIES FOR PEOPLE AND THE PLANET. สืบค้นเมื่อวันที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ 2561, จาก sustainable-cities-graphic-urban-expeditions/ Waste Management. How We Think Green. สืบค้นเมื่อวันที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ 25661, จาก Waste Management. What Can I Recycle?. สืบค้นเมื่อวันที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ 25661, จาก

Boutique Hotel Hotel Renovation, Bangkok September 2018

The beautiful old building designed by a famous architect at that time, Jira Silpkanok, was operated as a jewelry factory for many years before abandoned. The owner decided to renovate it to become a boutique hotel. Inspired by the element of architecture and its charming history, we designed by based on the existing structure, old pieces of furniture, and amazing hand-craft tools. I have received the mission to create the dressing table, lamp, and other decors.

LAMP DESIGN A lot of hand-craft tools as an inspiration to create anything. We have chosen this equipment, considering the quantity and shape, to design the lamp.

adjustable light bulb

for bracelet and watch

for bracelet and watch for jewels for jewels

minimize the core

minimize the height

change to rectangle




47.5 cm







A welcome box inspired by a jewelry box. Red velvet and golden rib express a sense of luxury while the cream fabric, inside the box, gives the feeling of softness


ELEMENT Burgundy Velvet Gold accent Beige interior

Red Velvet Gold Rim Beige Fabric Mirror A5 Paper White velvet Coffee Capsule Pencil Sugar Packet Tea Chocolate

22.5 cm

33 cm

9 cm

15 cm 24.5 cm

33 cm 7.5 cm


24.5 cm

8 cm


28.5 cm

8 cm





125 cm

4 cm

98 cm


Health Tech Exhibtion Exhibition Design, Bangkok December 2018 - June 2019

The 6-month exhibition handled by Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth) shows about improving-life technology. It is meant to be a motivation and conduciveness Thai people to good health with the innovation. The project organized in many parts; research and design, graphic and media, props and construction which introduced me every phase of the constrution process. I have collaborated with many talented designers and received the opportunity to do research and design some part of the exhibition display. Moreover, I have designed some presentations to present to clients.

Poster by Studio Dialogue

Sketch Idea draft sketch

Water, the essential substance of living life. To supply or store water is hard work for a hundred years ago. At that time, the only equipment to store water for consuming was a jar. It could be considered that jar is the first ‘health tech’ for Thai people, before being developed to other technologies in the subsequent period.


3D - SketchUp

Research and Design Technique Display SCIO áÅÐ SCALE SCIO áÅÐ SCALE ÁդسÊÁºÑµÔã¡ÅŒà¤Õ§¡Ñ¹ ËÅÑ¡æ¤×ÍÊÒÁÒö track ËÃ×ÍËÒÊѴʋǹ¤Ø³¤‹Ò·Ò§âÀª¹Ò¡ÒÃÍÒËÒà â´Â·Õ่ SCIO ÊÒÁÒöºÍ¡ä´ŒÇ‹ÒÍÒËÒÃÍÐäÃÁÕ¤ÇÒÁÊ´ÁÒ¡¡Ç‹Ò ÃʪҵÔËÇÒ¹ÁÒ¡¡Ç‹Ò ´Ñ§¹Ñ้¹ã¹â«¹¹Õ้¼ÙŒàÅ‹¹¨Ðä´Œ·´Åͧàª็¤¤Ø³¤‹Ò·Ò§âÀª¹Ò¡Òà ¤ÇÒÁÊ´ãËÁ‹ áÅÐä´Œ·´Åͧ¨Ñ´Á×้ÍÍÒËÒôŒÇµÑÇàͧ â´Â㪌 product ·Ñ้§Êͧ໚¹µÑǪ‹Ç ¨Ø´»ÃÐʧ¤ ¢Í§¡ÒèѴáÊ´§ product ÊͧªÔ้¹¹Õ้à¾×่Í 1.ä´Œ·´Åͧ㪌 product ·Ñ้§ÊͧÍ‹ҧ à¾×่ÍÃѺÃÙŒ¤Ø³ÊÁºÑµÔ¢Í§ product ¡ÒÃ¹Ó product ä»ãªŒã¹ªÕÇÔµ»ÃШÓÇѹ áÅФÇÒÁÊÓ¤Ñޢͧ product µ‹Í¡ÒÃÁÕªÕÇÔµ·Õ่´Õ (well being) 2.ä´Œàª็¤ÊÀÒ¾ÍÒËÒà ¤ÇÒÁÊ´ãËÁ‹ ¹Á·Õ่´×่ÁºÙ´ËÃ×ÍäÁ‹ ¼ÅäÁŒËÇÒ¹ä»ËÃ×ÍäÁ‹ ໚¹µŒ¹ ÏÅÏ 3.ãËŒÃѺÃÙŒ¶Ö§ÊÒÃÍÒËÒ÷Õ่ä´ŒÃѺã¹àÁ¹ÙÍÒËÒÃᵋÅÐÍ‹ҧ·Õ่àÃÒ¡Ô¹»ÃÐ¨Ó 4.ä´Œ¨ÓÅͧÍ͡ẺàÁ¹ÙÍÒËÒ÷Õ่àËÁÒСѺàÃÒâ´Â㪌 product ·Ñ้§ÊͧÍ‹ҧ *àʹÍ: ¨Ñ´â«¹¹Õ้àËÁ×͹ⵠзҹ¢ŒÒÇËÃ×Íà¤Ò¹ àµÍà àµÃÕÂÁÍÒËÒÃ㹤ÃÑÇ «Ö่§ÁÕÁÒ¡¡Ç‹Ò 4 Í‹ҧ ÍÒ¨»ÃСͺ´ŒÇÂàÁ¹Ùᡧµ‹Ò§æ ¢ŒÒÇÊÇ ¼ÅäÁŒ ÂÒËÅѧÍÒËÒà ¨ÓÅͧÊÀÒ¾¡ÒÃÃѺ»ÃзҹÍÒËÒä¹ä·Â㹪ÕÇÔµ»ÃШÓÇѹ* HOW TO


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Design Presentation Board

Interests Graphic - Acitivity - Photography 2017 - 2019

Graphic Posters

Concert Posters


Four-month workshop, I have received the wonderful experience from the assignments given by the professional photographer. Do the real work on the real field and collaborative with a partner, a writer. have up my photography skill more than I’ve expected.

All photos are permitted to publish by the person in the photograph.


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