AutoCad Sketch up Vray Adobe Photoshop Adobe Indesign
Arizona State University Arizona Master's in Architecture I GPA : 4.00 Anticipated Graduation : Spring 2023
AutoCad Sketch up Vray Adobe Photoshop Adobe Indesign
Arizona State University Arizona Master's in Architecture I GPA : 4.00 Anticipated Graduation : Spring 2023
Gunadarma University Indonesia Bachelor of Architecture I GPA : 3.59 Design Excellence Winner Fall 2021 Herberger Institute for Design and Arts
Mesa Home Jakarta, Indonesia October 2013 - April 2015
Worked on designing and building residential projects in Jakarta, Indonesia. Developing the layout, producing the DD and CD drawings, detail drawing, and revision drawing. Total four residential projects produce.
Artindo Kreasi Utama Jakarta, Indonesia April 2015 - April 2018
Responsible for creating the interior design concepts, developing the layout, producing the DD and CD drawings, detail drawing, and revision drawing. Produce 3d design and render and presentation to the client.
Indonesian Health Ministry office design 5th floor
Iforte office lobby interior design
Neo Soho Apartment Unit interior design
Shop Retail Store Interior design
Office Interior design
Royal Botanical Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) is the project for expansion game. This brief focuses on architecture expansions as a ‘game’, with a set of rules that allows us to detonate improvements and innovation. The goal is to learn from previous buildings through new expansions and programs, to give them a second life within a sustainable and bioclimatic approach. In sum, the objective is to propose an expansion, several modifications and a new educational and public architectural building to host currently endangered ecosystems.
In order to create an expansion for the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh, the main goal was to create something that used the same language of what is already there. The architect, Allan Pedreigh, created a glasshouse that would stand out from the other structures on the site. He brought all the structural elements to the exterior. By doing this, he created more room in the interior for the plants to grow. This also allowed the structural elements to not be exposed to the chemicals released by the plants. Given that this was a successful concept, it was decided to keep the same structural plan for the expansion. And when it came to the types of plants that the new glasshouse would hold, moving the plant from the glasshouse located in semi private area and combine with medicinal plants were thought to be the best idea.
The original RGBE glasshouse 1967 size is 128m x 18.25m x 32.7m consist of 5 glasshouse that devided by climate zone, each house reperesent different climate, House number 1 ; describe as Arid area which have cacti and other succulent plants. House number 2 ; describe as warm temperate plants ; marsh and aquatic species. House number 3 ; Trees from various temperate regions of the world; most of it are Australasian trees and tropical tree. House number 4 ; Tropical aquatic plants ; Giant water lily- Victoria Amazonica. House number 5 ; Ferns. The suspension structure is used to maximise interior space for large plant growth and to minimize interference of any supporting structure within, which allows it to portray a more natural enviornment.
New Glasshouse uses various methods to reduce the existing glasshouse’s heat losses, such as a double glassed unit (Two layers of factory sealed Glass with dead air space) and a computer control system. Climate control in the new glasshouse uses Infrared heat systems, which produce heat energy to the plants and media to absorb but not cause heat to the air. This system is suited for a high structure glasshouse. The cooling system for the new glasshouse still uses the same method as the old one, which is vents. Vents are used to open and allow air exchange with the outside as natural cooling. All of those systems are controlled by Computer controls use microprocessors to make complex judgments based on information from many sensors.
Arizona State University
ADE 621
Instructor : Darren PetrucciThe site is located in Hawai’i. The site and the nature of the land on O’ahu demand non-permanent* structure, usability, and program. Housing raises the land value of any plot of land and is therefore unfeasible in a common or recognizable form. At the same time, should any of these types of space exist on local land, they need to be reconceptualized*. (*There becomes a need to reconceptualize what is known and defamiliarize that concept of agricultural land and housing. *Housing anywhere on the islands causes the land value to rise dramatically. Especially in farmland, it becomes essential not to build anything typically associated with a building or home.)
The client, Ko Hana, is a hyper-local, high-end rum distillery located on O’ahu. Using heriloom* varieties of Ko to juice and distill into rum, they provide a unique amenity to the islands and preserve Hawai’i’s earliest culture and traditions. Building the housing of Ko Hana workers must consider the provision and necessity since the farms are radically pragmatic. Their infrastructure and usability must radically adhere to principles of provision and need. They utilize the least amount of input for the most excellent yield and are easy to modify, change, and expand. The other issue to address is also scarcity. 80% of the goods on the islands are also imported. Recycling and selective abundance become very useful, perhaps more so than any other location on Earth, due to the true scarcity of resources. Selective abundance refers to using cheap, locally abundant, recycled materials. Examples include shipping containers, volcanic rock, or shipping pallets - all of which are either abundantly present, consistently brought to the islands or both.
Access from the sugarcane farm from the east, people exit the narrow trail of the farmland, finding themselves in the open area; and along the perimeter of the crop circle are five slopes leading downhill to the vessels. At the end of the slopes are the gabion towers, not only as a frame capturing the views but also as the extension of the retaining wall that is terracing the land. On both hand side are the water gathering staircase providing the access to the next level, as for the ADA ramp will be located on the north side along the farmland. On the lower level stands five pairs of vessel units, common areas are located between each pair of units and a planting area will be shared by the pair units.
The gap between two vertical gabion walls attached on the vessels is 15’, not only creating a square frame for the views but also act as a threshold for the extension of the sugarcane. The circulation area works as a boundary of the ruins and the industrial, as well as the separation between fields and living.
Purely a gift from the land, the crop circle possesses the sacred and resilient. Weddings and other ceremonies can be held in this natural event space. The crop circle on the site is a 50’x60’ elliptical. Leveraging the most common element, sugarcane and red soil forming a lifetime experience within the farm.
The housing has two types; The single unit that can accommodate two people and the family unit for three people. The area between each unit has a shared space for a flower bed and a common area to interact with other users.
Assembled by 8 layers, rainwater will follow the gravity and flow through the filters then finally the purified water landed on the metal water pan which extends to the lower level. Each gabion module contains a small metal panel to keep the finer particles from being washed away, and the gap between the module and the metal water pan will be filled up with charcoal. At the end of the staircase, the rainwater will be merged with those gathered by the water gathering slab, and into the buried overflow water tank before the clean water was pumped up to the water bladder on the rooftop.
Hawaii has a northeast trade wind throughout the year. Trade wind in Hawaii happens from 85 to 95% of the time in the summer and from 50% to 80% in the winter. We see the trade wind as an opportunity to build the wind tower to distribute cool air into the housing unit.
bolted steel plate as exterior connector spray foam insulation
8’-6” 0’-6”
gabion wall basket roof insulation, 2” glass wool 1’ 8’ 8’
15’ 20’ oor, 0.7” ber board
Detail Joinery
welded steel plate as interior connector
Detail Roof Hatching
Housing Unit Section
Detail footing vertical unit
weld connection to container steel pipe
adjustable base
arm guide bracket hold open arm with grip adjustable base
Detail footing horizontal unit
bolted anchor
gabion wall basket 3’x3’x1’ weld connection to container steel pipe
3” 0’-6” compacted earth with rock
Water Collection The Wind Tower The Wall DetailsThis is the design of a multi-block government office with various building styles for a final undergraduate project. The idea is to build a civic center where people may gather and establish a shared space in an open area to develop a community and a healthy environment. This project includes five distinct types of structures, and the design concept was inspired by the area’s cultural elements traditional textiles. This implementation of the fabric pattern can be seen in the site plan, the site plan imitating this pattern and merging it with the building’s circulation and hierarchy.
The building’s design was influenced by the traditional “Mbaru Niang,” a kind of house common to most of the high land civilizations of the people who live in this region. This old home’s conical thatched roof is well-known. The idea highlights culture by employing strong patterns in each structure, with the identical design on the walls of each building.
Regent office, 3 store bulding, built up area 6885 sqm
Office type 1, 2 store bulding, built up area 1800 sqm
Office type 2, 2 store bulding, built up area 1536 sqm
Office type 3, 1 store bulding, built up area 1920 sqm
Office type 4, 1 store bulding, built up area 2252 sqm
The Department’s office is made up of three buildings that are all connected. For that reason, this structure is constructed with three entrances to allow for more flexible circulation. There are 14 offices in the region, thus the entry may be transformed into a single space for several workplaces. The circle in the center of the space also functions as a traffic hub and a focal point for the area behind the Regent’s Office.
A courtyard has been created at the front of the area as a site for the ceremony to be held, and it has been made open so that it can be viewed from the main road entrance. Human circulation and vehicular circulation both take place within the space. The position of parking and drop-off from automobiles to buildings affects vehicle circulation.
The building’s structure is made of light steel, which was chosen since the main building’s span (Regent’s Office) is wide enough to make the construction more efficient. Because a conventional building makes it easier to work on, light steel constructions are also efficient in official and agency offices.
Passive design principles are used to create the main office, which serves as the hub of the multi-block structure. Brise soleil is used on the building envelope to minimize heat at sunset. Other constructions may be built using the same process. The use of a zigzag wall as a facade helps to conserve heat while also creating a distinctive look.
Twin House - Mesa Home (2013-2015)
Architect : Dip. Ing Oce RS & Thiresia A. Sir
Location : Prapanca, South Jakarta, Indonesia
Built Up Area : 484 sqm (Built)
The owner has two daughters for whom she wishes to construct two similar residences. According to the request, the owner wants a traditional facade with few features and an everlasting style. Both residences feature identical layouts that mirror one other.
The garage, kitchen, storage, laundry, and machine room are all located on the first level. The heart of the home is on the second story, where all of the common spaces are housed. The pool connects the kitchen and living room, providing good circulation for the user. Except for the guest bedroom, which is on the first floor, all bedrooms are on the third floor.
Architect : Thiresia A. Sir
Location : Kupang, Indonesia
Built Up Area : 196 sqm (Built)
The house is intended for a couple with one child, and the request is to construct a house that uses less air conditioning throughout the day. The temperature in this location reaches a maximum of 39 ℃. To reduce the usage of air conditioning, the second story is utilized as a windcatcher. When the project is completed, the user cools the living room by opening the window on the second level throughout the day.
Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, and a service space are located on the first level. Two bedrooms and a bathroom are located on the second level.
A minor adjustment has been made to the project during the design process. Because the user believes in Fengshui, two doors near the stair can not face each other. As a result, the door now faces the living room. The tv set has been moved below the staircase, and the dining table is located near the backyard.
na mea ono Boutique - Artindo Kreasi Utama (2015-2018)
Designer : Thiresia A. Sir
Location : Tangerang, Indonesia
Built Up Area : 39 sqm (Built)
The goal is to construct the interior of a clothing store on a low budget but to make it elegant because the owner’s logo and brand already project an exquisite image.
The design incorporates all gold-colored materials, including brass hanger displays, cabinet handles, and specific interior design features. A glossy black color finish gives the shop design a sophisticated and glam appearance. To save money, I utilize High-Pressure Laminate (HPL). There are certain adjustments in the design throughout the construction phase, including finding the edging for Gold HPL in the display. The HPL distributor has discontinued this color of HPL edging. Instead of gold trimming, I used black edging. Another challenging problem is finding a supplier able to produce brass finishes for large-scale hangers and accessories. The manufacturers only have small containers that can be used for the dye procedure; finding the manufacturer takes a long time, but we eventually discover one.
Designer : Thiresia A. Sir
Location : Jakarta, Indonesia
Built Up Area : 825 sqm (Built)
The goal is to create an office environment that incorporates the color of the user’s brand. I utilized brighter colors like beige wood tone and white with texture to make the inside seem broader but not dull because the logo is lime green and baby blue. This color is applied to the walls and as an accent wall color. The furniture such as chairs uses this hue as well. Because it is a government office, I designed the open space type of office space to create a less formal environment. It helps employees communicate with one another and make a good work environment. The floor design uses a parquet as guidance to the main entrance, and the rest of the office has carpeting to reduce noise.
Artindo Kreasi Utama (2015-2018)
Designer : Thiresia A. Sir Location : Indonesia
Built Up Area : 32 sqm (Design)
The concept is to create a lounge for brainstorming ideas near the main foyer, with brightly colored chairs in various forms and glass barriers as walls. I intend to make it a focal point so I use pop-up color.
Artindo Kreasi Utama (2015-2018)
Designer : Thiresia A. Sir Location : Indonesia
Built Up Area : 65 sqm (Built)
The idea is to design a lobby and meeting room that looks elegant and matches with brand logo.
Artindo Kreasi Utama (2015-2018)
Designer : Thiresia A. Sir Location : Indonesia
Built Up Area : 55 sqm (Built)
The idea is to design a white meeting room.
Neo Soho Apartment
Designer : Thiresia A. Sir
Location : Jakarta, Indonesia
Built Up Area : 60 sqm (Design)
The request is to create a loft apartment for a single-men client. The black color dominates the interior on the first level to keep it neat because this unit is rarely used. We utilized a beige color scheme for the furnishings on the second story to create a comfortable feeling. I advised using city view wallpaper on the wall near the stairwell to add interest.