Diabetic Ketoacidosis

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Diabetic Ketoacidosis Diabetic Ketoacidosis is a condition in which the body cells are unable to get glucose for energy due to low or no insulin secretion by the pancreas. Thus for energy requirement the body system start breakdown stored fat for energy, break down of fat produces toxic acid called ketones. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a potentially life-threatening complication in diabetic patients. It mostly happens in those with type 1 diabetes and at many cases type-1 diabetes is first diagnosed after a DKA episode. It can also occur in those with type 2 diabetes under certain circumstances. DKA episode occurs when there is an absolute shortage of insulin; in response the body switches to burn fatty acids and producing acidic ketones that cause most of the ketoacidosis symptoms and complications. Ketoacidosis Symptoms | Ketosis symptoms Once break down of fat happens, it produces ketoacidosis symptoms mostly within 24 hours. Most common ketoacidosis symptoms are nausea & vomiting, thirst, excessive urination and severe pain in the abdomen. Hyperglycemia or high blood sugar levels can be noticed during or just at the beginning of the ketoacidosis episode. Ketoacidosis Causes Ketoacidosis is due to low or no insulin; low insulin may be caused by emotional feeling, physical illness, alcohol abuse and improper insulin therapy. DKA are frequently happens to those who have diabetes, it may also be the first presentation in someone who is not previously diagnosed as diabetes. Young patients with recurrent DKA may be due to eating disorder, or may be using insufficient insulin due to the fear of gaining weight. Ketoacidosis diagnosis test | Ketosis diagnosis test Ketosis increases blood glucose level, releases ketones and dehydration. So ketosis test involves blood glucose test, urine ketone test and eletrolyte test. Diabetic ketoacidosis may be diagnosed with the combination of hyperglycemia or high blood sugars, ketones on urinalysis and acidosis are shown.

Ketoacidosis Treatment | Ketosis treatment Ketoacidosis causes dehydration and electrolyte depletion. Ketosis episode is due to low or no insulin. So ketosis treatment starts with insulin therapy and electrolyte replacement. The main target for the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis is by replacing the lost fluids and electrolytes while lowering the high blood sugars and ketone production with insulin therapy. Admission to an intensive care unit with a close observation is necessary. Ketoacidosis Prevention | Ketosis prevention Ketoacidosis is caused by low or no insulin in the body, thus if you are strict in your diabetes management can prevent the diabetic ketoacidosis episode. Attacks by DKA can be prevented in known diabetics by strictly following “diabetes guidelines during illness or sick”. Diabetes guidelines during illness include  Advised to have some extra insulin when sugar levels appear uncontrolled,  Having an easily digestible diet rich in salt and carbohydrates,  Take proper treatment to suppress fever and treat infection. Follow author’s links for detail information on diabetes symptoms, diabetes causes, diabetes risk factors, carbohydrate metabolism, diabetes organs, diabetes diagnosis test, diabetes help, hypoglycemia, ketoacidosis and diabetes lifestyle changes or diabetes care. Also browse through the site for detailed diabetes information and its treatment by conventional medicine (diabetes medication & Insulin diabetes treatment) and natural diabetes treatments. If diabetes is not treated properly then in long run may cause many diabetes complications.

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