Saturday 23rd April 2016

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NNPC: Transfer of $1.8bn Oil Blocks to NPDC not Transparent Chineme Okafor in Abuja The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) yesterday finally accepted that the transfer of oil blocks to its subsidiary, the Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (NPDC) valued at the cost

of $1.8 billion but for which only $100 million has so far being paid by NPDC was not transparently conducted. NNPC’s Group Executive Director (GED) in charge of Finance and Accounts, Alhaji Ishiaka Razak said at a meeting with the Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initia-

tive (NEITI) that the oil blocks transaction was not transparent and requires comprehensive independent investigation. A statement from the NEITI on the outcome of the meeting made available to THISDAY last night in Abuja contained this. The statement noted that the

Chairman of NEITI’s Board, Dr. Kayode Fayemi who is also the Minister of Solid Minerals; NEITI’s Executive Secretary, Mr. Waziri Adio and Razak who represented the Group Managing Director of NNPC and Minister of State for Petroleum, Dr. Ibe Kachikwu were at the meeting.

According to NEITI, the meeting was convened to resolve the frosty working relationship between both organisations, as well as bridge the information gap between them in the execution of their respective mandates. Razak noted NNPC’s full commitment to the NEITI

process. He said the corporation would henceforth deepen its involvement at all levels of NEITI processes in the oil and gas sector. Continuing on the lingering controversy over NNPC’s transfer of the oil blocks; OMLs Continued on page 6

FG Allays Fears of State Bond Holders, To Bear Repayment Burden of Some States ...Page 6 Saturday 23 April, 2016 Vol 21. No 7661 Price: N250 TR


& RE A S O


In New Jersey, Jonathan Lists His Legacies

Yemi Adebowale

Former president, Goodluck Jonathan yesterday touched on some of the legacies of his administration while speaking

to Friends of Africa Coalition on “Strengthening Democracy and Elections” at the mayor's office in Newark, New Jersey, United States. Speaking to the elite group,

Jonathan said the 2015 general elections in Nigeria had potential for major crisis and that the campaigns leading to the elections almost polarised the country into Christian v

Muslims and North v South divide. The former president said that most world leaders were worried that the elections would result into major crisis.

“Some pundits even from where the leadership question here in the United States said comes into play. “As a leader that was duly that those elections would spell the end of Nigeria and that we elected by the people, I considwould cease to exist as a nation Continued on page 6 because of the polls. That is

Saraki: My Original Sin Was Opposing Muslim/Muslim Ticket in the APC I have every reason to expect not to be persecuted by the party I contributed so much to build MAJEK FASHEK

Yemi Adebowale The President of the Senate, Dr. Bukola Saraki has, for the first time, opened up on the intrigues of his ongoing trial at the Code of Conduct Tribunal over asset declaration issues and the role of his party, the All Progressives Congress (APC), saying that his refusal to support a Muslim/Muslim ticket for the APC in the 2015 presidential election is largely responsible for his ordeal. Saraki who wrote a reply to an earlier article published last Saturday by Dele Momodu in his Pendulum column said the position he took on the running mate issue was his “original sin” and those whose ambition were truncated by the position had been doing everything possible to frustrate him. He said: “I have also been accused of helping to frustrate some people’s opportunity to emerge as President Muhammadu Buhari’s running mate. But I have no problem with anybody. My concern was that it would not be politically smart of us to run with a MuslimContinued on page 6

My Rehab was for Spiritual Rebirth

SuperSaturday pg. 8-9

EZEKIEL ANAIBE Even at 70, I’ll be More Romantic

Plus pg. 17


L-R Executive Director/Chief Financial Officer, Union Bank Plc, Mrs Oyinkan Adewale; CEO, Nigerian Stock Exchange, Oscar Onyema; MD/CEO, Union Bank, Emeka Emuwa and Chairman, Union Bank, Cyril Odu, at the sounding of the closing gong and Union Bank's facts behind the figures ...yesterday

Buhari: Nigeria Derived No Benefit from Naira Devaluations in the Past ...Page 6



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T H I S D AY, T H E S AT U R D AY N E W S PA P E R •SATURDAY, ApRil 23, 2016



Buhari: Nigeria Derived No Benefit from Naira Devaluations in the Past Tobi Soniyi in Abuja For the umpteenth time, President Muhammadu Buhari has insisted that he was yet to be convinced that the vast majority of ordinary Nigerians would derive any tangible benefit from a devaluation of the Naira. A statement issued by the Senior Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, Mr. Femi Adesina

said he maintained his stand on Naira devaluation yesterday while speaking at a meeting with members of the Council of Retired Federal Permanent Secretaries who paid him a courtesy call at the State House in Abuja. Buhari said that he still held the conviction which motivated his principled resistance to devaluation in his first tenure as Head of State. The president said: "When

I was military Head of State, the IMF and the World Bank wanted us devalue the Naira and remove petrol subsidy but I stood my grounds for the good of Nigeria. "The Naira remained strong against the Dollar and other foreign currencies until I was removed from office in August, 1985 and it was devalued. "But how many factories were built and how many jobs were created by the devaluation?

"That is why I'm still asking to be convinced today on the benefits of devaluation." The retired Permanent Secretaries were led to the President by Otunba Christopher Tugbobo. Buhari welcomed the council's pledge of support for the successful implementation of his administration's Change Agenda, especially in the priority areas of improving security, curbing corruption

and revitalizing the national economy. "I am glad you have rightly identified the key issues we campaigned on. "We need a dynamic bureaucracy which will not mislead us into taking wrong decisions," the president said. The council of Retired Federal Permanent Secretaries was established in 2004 to serve as a platform for retired permanent secretaries to offer constructive

advice to government on key policy issues. Chief Philip Asiodu, the pioneer Chairman of the Council, said that its members wanted the present administration to succeed because Nigeria had already lost many opportunities for progress. "We are non-partisan. The interest of Nigeria is paramount to us and we are anxious that you should succeed," Asiodu told the President.

FG Allays Fears of State Bond Holders, to Bear Repayment Burden of Some States Obinna Chima

The federal government has allayed fears of likely default by states that had issued bonds, saying that it would ensure that the debt obligations are redeemed. Clearly, the federal government disclosed that it would be bearing the repayment burden of states that had issued the debt instrument, especially states it (the federal government) is indebted to. The Finance Minister, Mrs. Kemi Adeosun, gave the assurance to bond holders, in response to enquiries by THISDAY. This followed concerns raised by a lot of bond holders after Thursday's announcement by the federal

government that it would not make deductions from states’ Federation Account allocations for the month of March on their restructured loans so as to allow them pay their workers’ salaries. Adeosun, who made the announcement at the end of a meeting of the National Economic Council (NEC) had said the decision to stop the deductions was informed by the fact that states do not have enough resources to meet their obligations. But the move was not well received by some investors in fixed income instruments such as commercial bank, pension fund administrators and some multilateral institutions, who felt that the Irrevocable Standing Payment

Orders (ISPOs), which was the primary comfort for them to purchase the securities was being tampered with. Some even expressed disappointment that the federal government did not carry them along before such decision was arrived at. However, Adeosun stressed that all the bonds would be redeemed as at when due. According to her, "the bond holders are getting paid. The Federal Government of Nigeria is bearing the burden as in many cases as it is owing states." States which included Lagos, Kaduna, Cross River, Edo, Ogun, Bauchi, Katsina, Osun, Oyo, Enugu, Taraba, Borno, Delta, Plateau, Yobe, Benue, Abia, Zamfara, Imo and Kogi, had issued bonds in the past

years to support infrastructure developments in their states. States that desire to raise funds from the bond market are required to execute an ISPO, which must be approved by the Honourable Minister of Finance mandating the Office of the Accountant General of the Federation (OAGF) to, on a monthly basis, deduct and remit pension contributions and funds for the redemption of the debt obligation of the state. Adeosun had said at the NEC meeting that low receipts from crude oil sales meant that there was insufficient revenue to share, thereby making it harder for states to survive. She said: “This is an update on the financial situation in the states: it was discussed

extensively that currently the Federation Account receipts are among the lowest that has been seen in recent memory. “We are looking at N299.7 billion this month (for March allocation) and that is because of the very low oil prices recorded in February and January, if you remember oil prices went as low as $28 and $31 and that has affected receipts to the Federation Account. “As a result of which I approached the president at the behest of the state governors that we defer the loan deductions from the Federation Account entitlements and the aim of this is to ensure that we support the states through this difficult period to enable them meet their salary obligations. “The government is very

committed to stimulating this economy and recognises that the ability of states to meet salary obligations is very important to getting the economy moving again, and so to that end, the president approved that deferral.” Adeosun said states had been asked to submit financial data that would allow the federal government to work on a model and predict how much support in terms of loan deferrals to be given to get through this period until the economy begins to recover. She said: “I want to emphasise that this is not a bailout, it is a deferral, postponement of deductions rather than a bailout just to allow the states to get the cash they need to meet their salary obligations.”

special compensation. Rather, I only expect to be treated like every loyal party member and accorded the right to freely aspire.” On allegations that in seeking to be Senate President, he struck a deal with the PDP and made it possible for one of them to be the Deputy Senate President, Saraki said he knew it was the dominant narrative across the nation, but it was far from the truth. He continued: “I did not do any deal with the PDP. I did not have to because even before the PDP Senators as a group took the decision to support my candidature on the eve of the inauguration of the 8th Senate, 22 PDP Senators had already written a letter supporting me. What I did not envisage was a situation where some members of my party would not be in the chambers that day, especially when the clerk had already received a proclamation

from the President authorising the inauguration of the Senate. “Pray, if a team refused to turn up for a scheduled match and was consequently walked over, would it be fair to blame the team that turned up and claimed victory? I believe those that made it possible for PDP to claim the Deputy Senate President position were those who decided to hold a meeting with APC senators elsewhere at the time they ought to be in the chambers. What the PDP Senators did was to take advantage of their numerical strength at the material time. They simply lined up behind Senator Ike Ikweremadu while those of us from APC voted for Senator Ali Ndume. It was a game of numbers, and we were hopelessly outnumbered. If the PDP had nominated their own candidate for the Senate Presidency position that day, they would have won. It was as simple as that.”

He said further that his ongoing trial was not about corruption: “I am happy that since my trial started, people who have followed the proceedings have now understood better what the whole thing is about. I have had opportunity to declare my assets four times since 2003. Over those years, the Code of Conduct Bureau had examined my claims. There was no time that they raised any issues with me on any item contained in my declarations over those twelve years. This is why you should be surprised that while I am being tried by the Code of Conduct Tribunal, the witness and the evidence supplied against me were all from the EFCC. “Like you, I have an abiding faith in the judiciary. May God forbid the day that we would give up on our judicial system. However, the onus is not on me to prove that I have confidence in the judiciary; the burden is

on my prosecutors to prove to the world that justice is done in my case. If the process of fighting corruption is itself corrupt, then whatever victory is recorded would remain tainted and puerile. “Let me end by observing that I am not alone in this trial. On trial with me in this process is the entire judicial system. On trial with me is our entire anti-corruption institutions and our avowed commitment to honestly fight corruption. On trial with me is our party's promise to depart from the ways of the past, a promise that Nigerians voted for. And I dare say, on trial with me is our media and their ethical commitment to report fairly and objectively. In the end, it is my earnest hope that whatever we do will ultimately ennoble our country.”

Jonathan said his strict adherence to the rule of the law ensured that Nigeria's peace, prosperity and progress were not derailed by the conduct and results of the 2015 elections. Speaking on the other legacies of his administration, he said: “I am proud to say that while I took over a Nigeria that was

the second largest economy in Africa with a GDP of $270.5 billion in 2009, I handed over a Nigeria that had grown to become the largest economy in Africa and the 24th largest economy in the World with a GDP of $574 billion. “I inherited a Nigeria in which the trains were not working,

and handed over a Nigeria in which citizens can safely travel by trains again. I inherited a Nigeria that was a net importer of cement, and handed over a Nigeria that is a net exporter of cement. In 2009 the richest Nigerian was the 5th richest man in Africa, but I handed over a Nigeria that produced the richest man in Africa. “These are but a few of the parameters that illustrate some of the economic transformations we engineered during my term in office.” The former president said this success was made possible by the fact that there was a stable political leadership in Nigeria that did not have to pander to any other constituency except the electorate who brought him to power. Jonathan also argued that if the process that brought leaders to power "did not flow through the people, they naturally administered their governments to first and foremost serve the constituencies that brought them to power." Jonathan also met with the CEO of Moskeeto Armor, Robin R. Crespo and his team as part of events leading up to the

SARAKI: MY ORIGINAL SIN WAS OPPOSING MUSLIM/MUSLIM TICKET IN THE APC Muslim ticket. I doubt if we would have won the election if we had done this, especially after the PDP had successfully framed us a Muslim party. I felt we were no longer in 1993. Perhaps, more than ever before, Nigerians are more sensitive to issues of religious balancing. This was my original sin. “What they say to themselves, among other things, was that ‘if he could conspire against our ambition, then he must not realise his own ambition as well.’ For me however, I have no regrets about this. I only stood for what I believed was in the best interest of the party and in the best interest of Nigeria. We have got to that point in our country when we no longer believe that anyone could stand for anything based on principles and convictions alone. Moreover, in the growing culture of media crucifixion and presumed guilt; it is rare to find a voice like yours that

calls for fairness and justice.” Saraki also chided his party for the role it has played so far in his trial. He said: “Let me make this point clearly. I do not expect to be shielded from prosecution because of my contribution to APC, if there was genuine basis for such action to be taken against me. But I have every reason to expect not to be persecuted by the party that I contributed so much to build. The New PDP may not have given APC victory in 2015, but it was an important factor in the dynamics that produced that victory. “And with all sense of modesty, I was an important factor in the formation of New PDP; in leading that group to the APC; in ensuring our group’s support for the candidate during the primaries and in mobilising substantial resources for the election. For these, I have not expected any


IN NEW JERSEY, JONATHAN LISTS HIS LEGACIES ered the people’s interest first. How do I manage my people to avoid killings and destruction of properties? With the interest of the people propelling all the decisions I took, we were able to sail through. Indeed, we sailed through because I refused to interfere with the independence of the Independent National

Electoral Commission, INEC, having appointed a man I had never met in my life to run it. “My philosophy was simple. For elections to be credible, I as a leader, must value the process more than the product of the process. And the citizens must have confidence in the electoral body,” he said.

NNPC: TRANSFER OF $1.8BN-WORTH OIL BLOCKS TO NPDC NOT TRANSPARENT 26, 30, 34, 42, 4, 38 and 41: “We in the new management team of NNPC have reviewed that transaction and totally agree with NEITI that the transaction was not transparent and should be investigated.” NEITI had its 2012 oil and gas audit report stated that Nigeria may have lost billions of Naira from the transaction. Its audit findings were further buttressed by a PwC audit report which also said the NPDC had yet to complete the payment for the assigned assets, with only $100 million paid out of the total value of $1.85 billion assigned by the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR). NNPC and NEITI had in the past held different positions on

this transaction, with the former insisting that the transaction was duly completed. Also in the statement, NNPC provided its defense of the 445,000 barrels per day (bpd) domestic crude allocation to it from the country’s daily production, as well as other clarifications on revenue remittances to the federation account, management of the fuel subsidy regime, Joint Venture cash call and its debt to the federation. On domestic crude allocation of the 445,000bpd which NEITI has over the years faulted in its reports as source of huge loss of revenues given the fact that refineries are not working, the corporation said: “It is based on its responsibility to ensure

availability of petrol for local consumption.” Razaq added: “We sell the allocated crude using the international market price and use the proceeds to procure products also at international market price and sell the products to domestic market at subsidised price to meet sensitive local consumption demand.” He further explained that in carrying out this statutory national responsibility, it often put the NNPC at debts and exposed it to enormous national pressure to meet citizen’s demands. He however stated that in-line with the NEITI’s recommendations in its audit reports, the on-going restructur-

ing in NNPC would involve unbundling it into autonomous business units that will operate commercially, profitably and transparently. The statement also quoted Fayemi to have welcomed the spirit of the new team in the NNPC and called for closer cooperation based on mutual respect between NEITI and the NNPC. “The role of NEITI in the extractive industries is to ensure that revenues from oil, gas and mining are prudently managed to support national development, reduce poverty and positively improve the lives of the citizens. We need the NNPC to understand this and open its doors for NEITI operations,” said Fayemi.

World Malaria Day on April 25th, 2016. Moskeeto Armor manufactures clothing to protect against malaria, the zika virus, Denue and other vector-borne diseases. It was successfully clinically field-tested in Nigeria in 2014. When worn by children as a standalone product, Moskeeto Armor was 90% effective at reducing the malaria infection rate, and when combined with a bed net, the Moskeeto Armor combination was 97% effective at stopping the spread of malaria. The Goodluck Jonathan Foundation is partnering with Moskeeto Armor to protect African children against malaria and other vector-borne diseases. “The simple principle of ‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself’ lays a foundation of commitment to protecting nations,” said Jonathan during the meeting with Moskeeto Armor. Continuing, he said “these crises caused by such small insects, transmitting these deadly diseases, have devastated so many lives across Africa and the world, but with one just as small idea, there is hope for a better tomorrow.”


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My Rehab was for Spiritual Rebirth

Nigerian-born reggae star, Majekodunmi Fasheke otherwise known as Majek Fashek, attracted international attention in 1987 when he signed a record deal with Interscope and released his debut song, “Send Down the Rain”, – an instant hit. It came as a prophecy from his spiritual father, the late Primate Emmanuel Owoade Adeleke Adejobi, and seemed to coax a rain storm that ended one of the worst droughts in Nigeria’s history. After the hit track, he became a superstar and one of Africa’s greatest reggae-influenced performers following the death of legendary Bob Marley. Born in Benin City, once the centre of the ancient Bini Kingdom, Fashek inherited his love of music from his mother. She was his guardian angel, who raised him up alone following the death of his father. He was just 11 years old when his father died. As a youngster, he played the maracas during ceremonies. While he developed an early interest in Jamaican music, Majek was equally drawn to Indian music. Learning to play guitar while in secondary school, he joined a band, Jah Stix, and began playing in Lagos night clubs. He started out as a youthful, bubbly, and full of life reggae musician who thrilled crowds with just the strum of his guitar strings. But his fame and fortune fell apart when he started doing drugs. He ended up in rehab. Majek Fashek speaks with Adedayo Adejobi about his descent into drug addiction, how he finds redemption at the rehab and his rebirth, collaborations with Tuface Idibia and plans for the future… Yeah...Fame and Fortune Derailed Me


A Minstrel’s Odyssey through Fame, Fortune and Fall ith his fame receiving global acclaim, Majekodunmi Fasheke looked set to rule the world. A sonorous voice temptingly unmistakable in the crowd, Majek Fashek, as he the world came to know him, released another solo album, ‘Prisoner of Conscience’, in 1988, selling more than 200,000 copies in Nigeria alone. This was after his incredibly debut hit, Send Down the Rain. Fashek became a household name in Nigeria and Africa. And for several years, he was the rave of the nation’s entertainment industry. His songs were creative, rational and delightful to the listening public. A few years down the line, everything changed as he succumbed to marijuana, cocaine and alcohol addiction. Looking frail, sickly, and haggard, he drew tears from those he once drew applause. A star seemed dimmed forever. But he would not admit he was into drugs. To him, he was facing spiritual battles. “I only went into seclusion for spiritual rebirth,” he said. Majek claimed he had never been on drugs all his life. He attributes his slowdown in his career and gount looks to spiritual enemies. “I never used drugs. I have home trouble. When people see your star they begin to get jealous and they want to kill it. That was what happened to me.” Following his intensive rehabilitation in the United States of America and Nigeria, after he had an encounter with schizophrenia and going through series of therapies, he has over the months proved that he is truly back on the grid as shown by his performance at recent gigs and stage performances. In his usual elements, dressed in the same oversized jacket, jeans and signature cap that have been the hallmark of his musical career over the years, Majek stepped on the stage in his typical “rumba style” walking and exuding a semblance of the aura of confidence and appeal with which were his preserves when he held sway in the 80s. A Singer and Halcyon Days of Yore One could not help but be held spellbound as Majek dished out some of his popular songs such as ‘Africa’s Unity’, ‘Majek Fashek in New York’, ‘Send Down the Rain’ and a few others that gave listeners serious goose bumps and moved some to tears. It was obvious the rain-maker has not totally lost

his charm and one couldn’t help but imagine the huge talent he still possesses having gone through drug and alcohol addiction. According to his new manager, who doubles as his caregiver while in rehabilitation at the St Nicholas Hospital Lagos, Uzoma Omenka Day, the music legend is staying clear of environments and association that can trigger any cravings. Amongst the few people who played a major role in Majek Fashek’s rehabilitation and healing after he allegedly separated from his wife and was deported from America, was a US-based musician and one-time Majek’s band-mate, Monica Omorodion Swaida. She, through a crowdfunding platform, GoFundeMe, coordinated and sought fans around the world to donate to the fundraising cause, to save the reggae icon’s life. A Journey through a Rehab… To give meaning to what he went through during his time at the rehab, Fashek said he would be going back to a track in one his old albums, I & I Experience. The title of the track is ‘A Living Dog is Better than a Dead Lion’. “To fully explain what the rehab was to me, I have a song titled, ‘A Living Dog is Better than a Dead Lion.’ It captures how I feel. I give thanks to the Most High for where I am today.” According to him, it was not just rehab, but alcohol detox as well. He said it was an opportunity to dry out. “They say recovering addicts return from rehab dry, but, somehow, after a month or a year they go back to their old habit, but I must say I have been vilified. I have heard people say all sorts of things about me, but I need people to understand that stress can make anyone do anything. It is true that I have an addiction, but I trust that I will be fine,” Majek added. The father of three said when he was growing up, he neither smoked nor drank. “When growing up, I never tasted alcohol or smoked, but you know it is actually part of the lifestyle of a performing musician. You must be high. But now, I am working on an alternative form of inspiration. And I am not the only one. In many genre of music, from reggae to rock, one needs to be high to play some rock songs.” When asked if he thinks musicians need to be under the influence of some substance to perform, the reggae star notes: “For certain genres of music, you must be high; like highlife, rock music, reggae. For a man like




SUPER SATURDAY I’ll Wear Suit and Tie for the First time when My Manager Marries... Bob Marley to maintain that level, it must not have been easy. But I have calmed down and will find a way.” On how he thinks he will be able to compose or perform without using substances, he says: “Now I am cold, very cold. I will try to do music without using drugs.” “If you want to go far in music, as an upcoming act, don’t womanise. Stay away from hard drugs and too much alcohol.” In a thankful tone, Majek appreciated all those who prayed for him and wished him well while in rehab. “It is one thing to go into rehab and another to come out. The doctors gave me first class treatment, but God healed me and I give Him the credit. Only God and the Lord Jesus Christ can deliver. The good thing about rehab for me is that it helped to right my image.” A Singer and Spiritual Godfathers Majek said he first went to Church of the Lord, Aladura in Anthony Village to see and appreciate God over his life and healing. Papa Emmanuel Owoade Adeleke Adejobi is his spiritual father and mentor, even in death. “He was indeed a true prophet and man of God. Until his death in 1991, he stood strong and tall behind me. I still call him Oosa; meaning an oracle. He was indeed an oracle of the living God. I was moved to go to my church, where I grew up, learned and played music to thank God because they equally stood by me through my trying times. My mother was equally a staunch member until her death. You know, before I went to Abuja for my rehab, Baba Oladiyun came to my rescue. Most churches won’t do that. May God bless him and keep this ministry. Materials and spiritual things are two different things because Jesus Christ cannot come from heaven to heal you. This Baba is a ‘correct’ prophet. I shared his testimony at Pastor Wole Oladiyun’s church (CLAM).” Apostle Oladiyun during his message described Fashek as a legend that would blossom again. He then prayed that the Lord would perfect all He has started in the life of the reggae artist as he called on churches and ministers of God to show godly love to people irrespective of religion, ethnicity and condition. A Minstrel and His Return Majek Fashek was trending after his performance at the recently held AY Live 2016 for a number of reasons. One, he dispelled fans’ worry of his inability to perform again as he thrilled them at Eko Hotels and Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos. For a lot of people, it was exciting to see

Majek Undergoing Clinical procedures at Saint Nicholas Hospital, Lagos, alongside his Manager

the old-timer back on his feet, performing hit songs after hit songs. During his performance, Majek did not mince words as he shared his thoughts on politics, the past government and the current one. A Manager’s Tale of Tenacity His manager, Omenka Day said he got to know Majek years back but it was in year 2000 that they became close friends. “I have from time immemorial recognised the talent in him and I believed he would bounce back. I can boldly say that everything is better and Majek has bounced back to life in full gear. We are indeed grateful to God who intervened.” Day said during his rehabilitation at Nicolas, they both spent months in rehabilitation. “I practically lived there with him. I stayed in the hospital all through, encouraging him. We prayed together, had morning devotions, bought old school music , watched movies

together and we both planned on how he will bounce back and achieve great heights in his music career.” When asked why he believed in the rain maker, he said, they have had a mixed grill of ups and down. He both believed in Majek also and would not stop believing in him. “He is a bundle of great talent. Thanks to Honourable E. J Agbonaiyinma and Captain Hosa Okunbo who have been of great support to Majek Fashek without making public announcements. Chief Ayiri is also appreciated.” Speaking on what keeps him engaged, he said he said he is on computer training at the New Horizon Computer Learning Centre. “I am grappling with technology because during my time, it was analogue. And so, in this jet age, I am not left behind, and so I have gone digital by knowing how to send

Majek with his original Ja’stix Band; from right: Sammy Sammama, George Orwells, Majek Fashek, Amos Mcroy and Black O’rice

Majek recording his album in his studio in 1988

… with his manager, Uzoma Omenka Day

…with the reporter, Adejobi

email, Facebook ,WhatsApp, Instagram and so for me to be able to reach out to his fans worldwide.” Asked on how he copes with and manages the living Legend, he says “managing Majek Fashek is really not easy but the good thing is that he listens to me and also my advice.” When asked on the next big thing from the legend, the manager said: “There is a big surprise coming from Majek. We are playing some gigs now and open to more local, national and international gigs.” He added that the reggae icon had just finished a collaboration with Tuface Idibia and a video is coming out soon. And there is a tinge of emotion there as his Manager said whenever he is getting married, Majek is going to be his best man by wearing tie and suit for the first time. Majek Fashek’s tale is like how “Stella got her groove back.”




News Editor Ahamefula Ogbu 08116759810 (sms only) Email

Military Arrests Four Boko Haram Kingpins, Insists Curfew in Maiduguri Still in Force Senator Iroegbu in Abuja Troops of 3 Battalion, of 22 Task Force Brigade have arrested four Boko Haram terrorists kingpins known as Ameers at Rann, headquarters of Kala Balge Local Government Area (LGA) of Borno State. This is as the Army has reminded members of the public that the 9pm-6am curfew arrangement imposed on Maiduguri, the Capital of Borno State, as one of the measures to counter the activities of Boko Haram terrorists was still in force. Also, remnants of Boko Haram terrorists, who were cornered by the Nigerian troops in some enclaves in Borno State, have in a sign of desperation and survival, found an innovative way of converting vegetable oil to fuel. The Director of Army Public Relations (DAPR), Col. Sani Usman, said the kingpins who were apprehended yesterday, specialised on various aspects of criminality aimed at sustaining the terrorists group in their areas. According to Usman, the four terrorists were arrested following a tip off by well-meaning members of the public. Subsequently, he said, the troops conducted a cordon and search operation in the general area that led to the apprehension of the terrorist leaders, who contribute to the sustenance of the

insurgency through their illegal trade specialisation. The Army Spokesman listed the arrested kingpins to include: Umara Mai Gyaran Rediyo (Radio Technician), Umaru Mai Nama, (who specialise in cattle rustling and sales), Alifa Makinta (a specialist on stealing foodstuffs) and Balu Jugudum (in charge of stolen jewelries). In a related development, Usman said the military were also able to carry out clearance operations, raids and patrols that resulted in the killing of many suspected Boko Haram terrorists, arrests and rescue of persons, as well as recovery of arms and ammunitions. He said: "The troops of 7 Division Special Fighting Forces attached to 25 Task Force Brigade Damboa, at a checkpoint, arrested a suspected Boko Haram terrorist, Abubakar Bello and six other suspects carrying 28 gallons of “Turkey” brand of vegetable oil, eight bags of flour, 130 crates of soft drinks and two bags of sugar. "In addition, five mobile telephone handsets, external hard drive and five flash drives, two national identity cards and the sum of Seventy Thousand Naira (N70,000.00k) only were recovered from him. Preliminary investigation discovered that the terrorists now dilute the vegetable oil with other substances to produce diesel to power their generators."

END OF THE ROAD... Boko Haeam kingpins arrested in Borno trying to infiltrate civillian populatins returning to their homesteadsfrom internally displaced camps in Kala Nalge Local Governent Area of Borno State... yesterday

In a related development, Usman said that the troops of 254 Task Force Battalion in conjunction with vigilantes and Borno

Youths Empowerment Scheme (BOYES), also carried out clearance operations at Mufurundi, Kaleri, Masemari, Bego, Bale, Gadzama

and Gagantilo villages along Damboa-Bale-Gwoza road. He said that during the operation, troops encountered

and detonated an Improvised Explosive Device (IED), buried by the terrorists at Gadzama village.

Amnesty Says Nigerian Court Remands Jonathan's Cousin Military Killed Hundreds of in EFCC Custody over Alleged $40m Fraud Minority Shiite Muslims Akinwale Akintunde

Adedayo Akinwale in Abuja The Nigerian military is again under scrutiny for allegations that it carried out systematic killings of hundreds of civilians, following a similar report in March. A new report by Amnesty International sheds light into the killings of some 350 minority Shiite Muslims – men, women, and children – in Zaria. The human rights group released a report based on eyewitness accounts and satellite images detailing large-scale killings and a mass grave. Between Dec. 12 and 14, 2015, the Nigerian Army clashed with members of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) who had gathered for a religious meeting. Some of the IMN members were armed with batons, knives, and machetes, and closed a section of road in front of the IMN headquarters in Zaria, blocking the Army chief's convoy. The military said they raided the city after the members of IMN attempted to assassinate the Army chief. The religious-political organization has denied that claim, saying they had armed themselves only in self defense. IMN is a major Shiite sect in Nigeria, where a majority of Muslims – who make up roughly half of the country's 170 million population are Sunni. IMN members have found themselves targeted by Boko Haram as it wages its war on

the Northern part of the country. "The true horror of what happened over those two days in Zaria is only now coming to light.... Our research, based on witness testimonies and analysis of satellite images, has located one possible mass grave. It is time now for the military to come clean and admit where it secretly buried hundreds of bodies," wrote Netsanet Belay, Amnesty's research and advocacy director for Africa. Amnesty has previously accused the Army of targeting civilians during its war against terror group Boko Haram. The group's reports, such as a March publication claiming that officerssystematically killed hundreds of men and boysafter a jailbreak during a Boko Haram attack, maintain that the Army's treatment of civilians has been unlawful, which the Army denies. "The massacre at Giwa and the failure to hold anyone to account for it is a stark reminder of the culture of impunity that exists for human rights violations in Nigeria," Amnesty said in a statement accompanying the March report. "The horrific acts committed by Boko Haram must end and perpetrators of crimes under international law in its ranks must be punished. "But their horrific acts cannot and should not be used to justify the Nigerian military's unlawful conduct and human rights violations."

A Lagos Magistrate Court sitting in Ikeja yesterday, remanded Robert Azibaola, a cousin to former President Goodluck Jonathan in the custody of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) pending the completion of investigations of an alleged diversion of $40 million through One-Plus Holdings, a sister company of Kakatar Construction Limited which was for securing oil pipelines. Chief Magistrate B..O Osunsanmi gave the order that Aziboala should be remanded in EFCC custody as requested by the anti-graft agency. According to EFCC, the payment for which Azibaola was being investigated was said to have been made by the detained former National Security Adviser, Col. Sambo Dasuki (rtd). Aziboala had recently approached the High Court of Federal

Capital Territory to challenge his unlawful detention by the EFCC since March 23, 2016. In the motion ex-parte dated and filed on April 5 and brought pursuant to Order 5 Rules 3 and 4 of the fundamental Rights (Enforcement Procedure) Rules 2009, Section 35 of the 1999 Constitution (as amended), Aziboala had prayed the court to grant him an interim bail pending his arraignment before a court of law by the respondent (EFCC) or pending the determination of the substantive motion in this suit. Justice Goodluck Olasunbor of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory held that Robert’s detention by the EFCC for over two weeks was unconstitutional. The judge in his ruling said the applicant (Robert) had disclosed sufficient evidence before the court to warrant the granting of his reliefs. According to Justice Olasunbor, Section 35 (5) of the Constitution

provides that a person who is under arrest or detention shall be brought before a court of law within reasonable time. He therefore admitted Aziboala to bail with two sureties pending his arraignment before a court of law or pending the determination of the substantive motion on notice in this suit. The judge ordered that each of the surety must be a serving or retired Director in any of the federal government ministries or parastatal and must be resident within the federal capital territory. He also ordered that the applicant should deposit his international passport to the Chief Registrar of this Court. Justice Olasunbor further ordered the EFCC to release Robert’s colleague and Executive Director of Kakatar Construction and Engineering Company Limited, Mr. Dakoru Atukpa who had

also been in detention for the same period. There was however a new twist as Aziboala was moved from Abuja to Lagos by the EFCC only to be taken to the Lagos Magistrate Court Ikeja asking for an order for his detention which was granted. Counsel to Azibaola, Chief Chris Uche (SAN) said “This is scandalous to say the least. It is a sad irony that a Commission that claims that nobody is above the law is portraying itself as being above the law. What they did in Lagos is forum shopping and an abuse of court process. "They knew that such impunity will not work in Abuja, the reason they went to Lagos to continue the illegal detention of my client using the guise of fresh charges against him. This is an unfortunate attempt to undermine the positive order of the court and overreach the order to release my client on bail."

LG Poll Holds Today in Ondo Without Main Opposition Party James Sowole in Akure Though without the participation of the major opposition party, All Progressive Congress (APC), the much publicised election into local government administration holds in Ondo State today. During the exercise, electorates are expected to elect chairmen in the 18 local government areas and 203 wards. The election is the first to be held since the incumbent Governor

Olusegun Mimiko took over power in February 2009. Mimiko had on assumption of office dissolved the elected council administration and replaced them with Caretaker committee that the state government review every six months. In order to ensure participation of residents of the state the government had directed that workers should close at 12.00pm so that whoever wanted to travel for the election could do so.

At the headquarters of the Ondo State Independent National Electoral Commission (ODIEC), located on Oba-Ile Road in Akure, the office was a beehive of activities. When THISDAY got to the office, staff of the commission were seen moving election materials to various local governments. Equally, ad-hoc staff were seen collecting materials like identification tags, vests and caps made for the election.

The government had already announced restriction of movements from 7:00am to 4:00pm. ODIEC said 17 political parties would be participating in the election, which the APC described as diversionary and unnecessary. The APC had directed its sypathisers to stay at home remain calm saying the election could never be free alleging that the ODIEC officials were card carrying members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).





Adebowale Buhari is Evidently Encouraging Impunity 07013940521


ne of the things President Muhammadu Buhari vowed to fight on assumption of office on May 29 last year was impunity in all aspects of our nation’s life. I spent a lot of time this week reflecting on the meaning of impunity. Exemption or freedom from punishment after breaching the laws of the land looks more like an appropriate definition of this word. In international law, it refers to the failure to bring perpetrators of human rights violations to justice and, as such, itself constitutes a denial of the victims’ right to justice and redress. Impunity is especially common in countries that lack a tradition of the rule of law, suffer from corruption or that have entrenched systems of patronage, or where the judiciary is weak or members of the security forces are protected by special jurisdictions or immunities. Virtually all these apply to Nigeria. In the last 11 months of the Buhari administration, the laws of our land are being flouted with impunity while our president looks the other way. Let’s take a look at what Fulani herdsmen have been doing in the last 11 months across the nation. They enter other people’s communities, destroy their farmlands and kill innocent people. The heinous crime committed by these herdsmen in Agatu community in Benue State where over 100 people were killed is still fresh in our memory. Just this week, four villages were sacked by the rampaging herdsmen in Oyo State. As at yesterday, not even one of these herdsmen, who committed these massacres, has been apprehended by security agents. Which impunity is bigger than this? Security agents are even afraid of apprehending these herdsmen from hell. Our dear president has not been courageous enough to order a crackdown on these lawless herdsmen. Not even a word from Buhari. I have noticed that these herdsmen have been emboldened by Buhari’s inaction. This is the height of impunity. Go back to the definition of impunity and you will understand what I mean. The amended set of principles for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights Through Action to Combat Impunity, submitted to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights on February 8, 2005, states: “Impunity arises from a failure by states to meet their obligations to investigate violations; to take appropriate measures in respect of the perpetrators, particularly in the area of justice, by ensuring that those suspected of criminal responsibility are prosecuted, tried and


duly punished; to provide victims with effective remedies and to ensure that they receive reparation for the injuries suffered; to ensure the inalienable right to know the truth about violations; and to take other necessary steps to prevent a recurrence of violations.” I hope this will be brought to the attention of Buhari. The mass killing of Shi’ites in Kaduna by the military is another case of impunity being encouraged by Buhari. Much as I disagree with the extremism of the Shi’ites, I will not support impunity on the part of the military. The Shi’ites were simply massacred and not a word from our president. As at press time, 247 Shi’ites are believed to have been killed in the melee. The massacre of innocent Nigerians by Boko Haram terrorists has continued unabated under Buhari’s watch. In the last 11 months, over 3000 have been killed by the terrorists. It is very sad to note that not a single terrorist in the troubled North-east has been prosecuted. We are only told stories of the arrests. Nothing happens thereafter. This is another classic case of impunity under Buhari. In neighbouring Chad, many Boko Haram members have

That Boko Haram Attack in Kareto Anything built on falsehood will always crumble. This is exactly why we are getting this unimpressive result in the war against Boko Haram. These same terrorists whom this administration claimed to have defeated were strong enough to attack a military base in Kareto, Borno State on Monday. For over 10 hours, troops of the 113 battalion fought gallantly to repel the attackers. The terrorists’ who were said to have numbered almost a hundred, reportedly started the attack by launching IEDS on positions of the troops and followed with shooting from different angles. After the battle, the military claimed only 24 others were injured during the attack. On their part, they killed 30 Boko Haram members while the other ran away. So, the same defeated Boko Haram terrorists able to mobilise over 100 fighters to attack a military base? A military base can only be attacked by a terror group that is alive and kicking. By Tuesday, the “disable” terrorists also ambushed the convoy of the General Officer Commanding, 7 Division of the Nigerian Army who was on his way to Bama, Borno State to visit troops. One


soldier lost his life while two others were injured in the attack. Also on Tuesday, the Internally Displaced Persons camp in Bama was attached by the terrorists, leaving nine people dead. All these attacks point to the fact that the war is far from over as being claimed. This is the fact this administration must face and plan for accordingly. Propaganda will get us nowhere.

been arrested, tried and sentenced to death. Nothing is happening in this direction in our dear nation. Those involved in criminal activities must be duly punished. Buhari is not doing this with the Boko Haram terrorists. Now, let’s go to the issue of petrol scarcity. You drive into a governmentapproved fuel station and petrol is dispensed to you at amount miles above the regulated price. It some states, it is as high as N400 per litre. This is the same petrol that should sell for the regulated price of N86.50 per litre. Because of the piercing scarcity, you are forced to buy at this crazy price. Officials of the Department of Petroleum Resources, who by law, are expected to ensure price compliance, drive into the lawless fuel stations, get “settled” and drive out. Owners of the fuel station continue their exploitation with impunity, with no one to arrest and punish them. The story in town is that the marketers also “settle” NNPC officials to get allocations because of the limited supply. Yet, we say we have a government in place. The impunity in our fuel stations in the last eight weeks is unprecedented in the history of this country. The laws of our land are being breached; yet, no action from Buhari. Still on the NNPC. Our law says crude oil and gas proceeds should be paid into the Federation Account. Under Buhari’s watch, this corporation has not been doing so in the last 11 months. A report by the United States-based Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) has shown that the corporation under Buhari’s watch remitted only $2.1 billion out of the $6.3 billion it made from the sale of oil and gas during the second half of 2015. The

analysis indicates that NNPC withheld $4.2 billion during the period. The international watchdog said that the NNPC continued to withhold revenues from sale of oil and gas worth billions of dollars from the treasury without effective rules or oversight. NRGI stated that NNPC retained 66 per cent of proceeds from three types of sales, which was 12 per cent higher than the withholdings under Goodluck Jonathan in 2013 and 2014. Nobody is taking steps to punish NNPC’s leadership responsible for this impunity. Forex is another area where so much impunity is being encouraged by our president. The forex policy of this administration encourages corruption with unparalleled impunity. Our limited USD is given out at interbank rate of about N197/$. Because of the huge gap between the official rate and parallel market rate, there is massive roundtripping. Naira is at present exchanging at N325/$ in the parallel market. Why won’t they round-trip when they can make a profit of about 60% for doing nothing? The bulk of the USD sold at official market finds its way back to the parallel market and nothing happens to the round-trippers. The unending detention of erstwhile National Security Adviser, Sambo Dasuki is definitive impunity. He was granted bail by a court of law, perfected his bail and when it was time to go home, another agency of government arrested him and threw him into detention since last year. Nobody was punished for this impunity for obvious reasons. Our president was so proud to say, ‘why should he (Dasuki) be allowed out on bail. If you see the atrocities these people committed against this country, we can’t allow them to jump bail.’ This impunity must stop. Buhari has sworn to protect the laws of our land. This, he must do, unequivocally.

Still on Our Atrocious Forex Policy The need to adopt a flexible exchange rate regime to enable the country cope with changing demand and supply conditions in the forex market remained on the front burner for most of this week. Manufacturers who are going through hell due to the existing forex policy are sacking thousands of workers on a daily basis. They have never had it so bad in the 55 years history of this nation. The Nigerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry ( LCCI ) has been worried. As usual, it has again passed its position on the forex regime to the government. The chamber listed the benefits of a flexible forex policy to include enhancement of liquidity in the forex market; reduction of uncertainty in the market; enhancement of investors’ confidence; transparency in the allocation of forex; minimisation of discretion in the allocation of forex, as well as the reduction of opportunities for round tripping and other sharp practices. How I wish we have a listening government. The President of the LCCI, Dr. Nike Akande added: “In Nigeria’s case, we do not have the reserves to support the exchange rate at N197 to a dollar. The consequences of fixed rate adoption have started manifesting in the gap between the official and parallel market exchange rates to an unprecedented level of over 60 per cent, lack of liquidity in foreign exchange resulting in acute scarcity, mounting trade debts, increasing factory closures, as many manufacturers have not been able to access foreign exchange for raw materials and other inputs, unavailability of investors to meet offshore obligations, mounting inflationary pressures and sharp drop in capital inflows.” This is point well-made. The LCCI is not talking about devaluation here. It is talking about a flexible exchange rate regime. This is the point I have been making for almost 11 months now. The truth is that most manufacturers are not getting their desired amount of forex at the official rate. PZ Cussons Plc recently confirmed that it was paying as much as 70 per cent more than the official rate for dollars in order to


remain in business. It added: “Whilst the official naira exchange rate continues to be stable, a lack of availability at that rate is resulting in the majority of dollars being purchased at a premium of 50 per cent to 70 per cent. The resultant cost impact is being managed through changes to relative pricing in an environment where trading conditions remain challenging. The situation in Nigeria remains extremely fluid.” Recall that PZ Cussons said recently that it would be “very insane” for Nigeria to persist with its currency policies. The refusal of the CBN to exempt foreign carriers from this horrendous forex policy claimed its first casualty in the aviation industry this week, with Iberia Airline pulling out of Nigeria. The Spanish national carrier took the decision, in view of the financial predicaments brought upon it by the policy, which prevented it from repatriating its profit in the last 11 months. Nigerians working for Iberia will join the unemployment market by May 1. Since the introduction of the policy, the foreign airlines have over $500 million trapped in the various banks. Other foreign carriers are threatening to withdraw for Nigeria.






Alex Falconer highlights how online trading of light weapons in North Africa threatens civil aviation

ast week, the Small Arms Survey and Armament Research Services (ARES) released a new study of online weapons trafficking in Libya. The results show how social media is mobilising the trade of black market weapons across North Africa. Most concerning are the whereabouts of Gaddafi’s stockpile of Soviet-made SA-7 surface-to-air missiles. How does the online availability of these weapons underline the terrorist threat to civilian aircraft? ARES’s dataset of online transactions serves up a valuable insight into the types of weapons which are freely changing hands in Libya. It is unsurprising that small arms – pistols, rifles, and other hand-held weapons – are the most prevalent weapons type traded online. More significant are the findings on light weapons, or portable anti-aircraft, anti-tank, or heavy machine guns. With these weapons trading at higher costs (from US$5,900 for heavy machine guns, to US$62,000 for a ZPU-2 14.5mm anti-aircraft system) only better resourced militants are likely to be able to acquire them. Among the sales of light weapons documented, the unguided shoulder-held RPG-7 was the most common rocket-launcher traded. ARES also uncovered sales of five types of anti-tank guided weapons (ATGWs), in addition to Russian and Swiss-manufactured hand-held grenade launchers. But most concerning of all, ARES uncovered two man-portable air-defence systems (MANPADS) claimed by the sellers to be complete, as well as a small number of missile tubes and gripstocks sold without the remaining systems. MANPADs are essentially shoulder-launched surface-to-air missiles. They can be used to target low-flying civilian aircraft or helicopters, or indeed any aircraft at the vulnerable points of take-off and landing. The findings come at a time when Islamic State (IS) and Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb are competing against one another for regional influence. Both groups are known to be working hard to acquire weapons. Competition often leads to escalating one-upmanship, with tit-for-tat terror attacks designed to attract local recruits. Some of these have included spectacular recent attacks on foreign targets in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Ivory Coast. Given their size and mobility, functioning MANPADS would be a highly effective weapon for a terrorist group such as IS, which routinely targets civilians as part of its military and propaganda strategy. Targets in civil aviation


are frequently referenced in terrorist propaganda material, underlining their prestige. To date, IS-linked groups have not yet succeeded in downing a civilian aircraft using a guided rocket (though they have succeeded in this goal through smuggling explosives into an airliner’s hold). And, only a few instances of guided missileattacks by terrorists on aircraft have been recently recorded in North Africa. A caveat to this threat concerns the motives behind some of these sales. In some cases arms traders may want to dispose of obsolete or unwanted arms. IS- and Al Qaedalinked militants may be able to purchase the weapons online with ease, but whether these would be fit for use is not guaranteed. Indeed, starting from $2,900, the MANPADS components appear to have been advertised relatively cheaply. It might be reasonable to expect higher prices given the prestige attached to successful aircraft attacks and the expected levels of demand. There are a number of reasons why many MANPADS from Gaddafi’s stockpiles may now be unusable. Even before the NATO bombing of Libyan weapons stores in 2011, UN and US officials believed many of Gaddafi’s poorly maintained missiles to have fallen into disrepair. After the regime fell, the US military located and destroyed 5,000 shells from among the stockpile. Would the leftover weapons have been better maintained by their traffickers? Still, the Algerian government’s weekly seizures of smuggled weapons caches (including a number of singlebarrel ZPU 14.5mm heavy machine guns over recent weeks) demonstrate the continued scale of cross-border arms trafficking in North Africa. There is a distinct possibility that at least some guided missiles will have fallen into the wrong hands and remain intact. The levels of light and small arms trading remains a serious security risk for businesses and personnel operating locally - and a particular concern for Western firms and citizens, who have been the repeated targets of recent attacks. Online arms acquisitions – particularly MANPADs - are likely to continue to be embraced by terrorist actors, parallel to these groups’ exploitation of social and online media more generally.

Falconer is an analyst at PGI Intelligence


Mohammed Musa Bello is best for the FCT, argues Emmanuel Ado


ohammed Musa Bello, the 16th Minister of the Federal Capital Territory - lean and of average height, quiet and unassuming - in the estimation of some people, ought not have been named the minister of the FCT. A well-planned city where everything that was supposed to work does not work - chaotic, squalid, traffic gridlocked, open sewers, Abuja is everything Lagos was. Having reduced Abuja to a jungle, the average Nigerian believes that only an “eccentric” man can effectively run the FCT. And that is the problem that some people have with the minister’s appointment. They want to judge him by “eccentric” standard - demolition of houses, tough talk, etc. But at the end of his tenure, Bello, like the military boys always say, “would have cleared their doubts” without becoming rude and insulting. Many have questioned his appointment against the background that he is a gentleman. That Bello ought to have been sent to culture ministry - which by their estimation is not a jungle. But the big question is: has President Muhammadu Buhari saddled Bello with a job far beyond his capacity? The answer is an emphatic No. Suffice it to mean that Bello has what it takes to run the FCT. The difference will be a matter of style. Coming from a very disciplined home, you won’t hear him insult or rain abuses at anyone. In appointing him, the president wanted someone who is not only incorruptible, but is fair and just. And who can make sense of the jungle that is Abuja and put it on a path of irreversible law and order. What reportedly captured the president’s attention of his potential was the effective

and quiet manner that Bello as chairman National Hajj Commission brought order to the annual hajj exercise, which before the coming of his board was chaotic and a source of huge embarrassment to Nigeria. Providing accommodation, licensing of airlines, transportation and other services related to the performance of the hajj was made to look so simple by his board. It became so refreshingly sweet not to read or hear about delays in airlift, or missing luggage. Bello must have a knack for bringing order to bear on chaos. Bello who until his appointment was the managing director of Bajabure Industrial Complex Yola, is a graduate of accounting from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. He also attended the famous Barewa College, Zaria with the likes of Nasir el- Rufai, the governor of Kaduna State. He worked with the now defunct Icon Merchant Bank. And was at a time a director of Habib Bank. What Bello is bringing to the FCT is grace, compassion, team play, a wealth of experience that traverses the public and private sectors. For instance, those that were scandalised when he announced that some policies of the former minister, Senator Bala Mohammed would be continued should expect more. He won’t say or do “politically correct” things just to make people happy or generate headlines for the media. Expect him to say or do what in good conscience he believes is right. He won’t join in demonising the former minister as the worst minister of the FCT without facts. Only a gentleman will be that graceful to acknowledge that not everything Bala Mohammed did was bad. This reminds me of Maradona who in that famous interview

with Gary Linker some years back paid tribute to the English. Maradona was a menace to their defence in the World Cup quarter finals match. Though the first goal remains controversial, the outstanding quality of the second makes it one of the famous goals. Maradona said that he could have only scored such a “ wonderful” solo goal against the British because they are gentlemen. Against the Italians he could have ended up in the hospital. Recall how Zidane was provoked by the Italian Marco Materazzi .The objective was achieved as Zidane was sent off and Italy went on to win the World Cup. The initial signs are good. He inspires confidence by making it clear that public service is about service delivery. The key officials of the ministry are getting the message, that they have no choice but to deliver. During a recent visit to one of the many refuse heaps in the FCT, the minister asked for a shovel. Some of his aides thought it was all about “usual show”. He dug and dug until he proved to them that the refuse heap was not a week old refuse or two but something that had been left unattended to for at least six months. The message was clearly understood. As Bello settles down, expect the security of life and property to receive attention, not because Abuja is seat of power but because that is the purpose of government. And coming from Adamawa State, which has borne its own fair share of the insurgency, he sure knows first-hand the effects of insecurity - especially the pains and its effect on business. The other area that will surely receive his attention is education. He recently ordered that schools in the FCT be

fenced. Beyond securing the school lands from encroachment, paramount on his mind were job creation and security. He is always thinking value added. The supply of potable water to all, not just Asokoro; general cleanliness of Abuja, completion of ongoing projects, provision of low income houses will also get the needed attention. Issues like the Wuye market crisis between the 2002 allottees and 2006 group will be speedily resolved, especially as the high court and the court of appeal have delivered judgments on the rift. Though the minister is taking over at a very critical time of economic challenges, he is expected to deliver considering his efforts in blocking leakages and ensuring that projects are appropriately priced. And of course there are projects that do not need money - bad driving and parking, indiscriminate disposal of refuse, etc - what they need is a change of attitude. Will the people of Abuja contribute their quota in the task ahead of making the FCT a dream place? Bello has said it severally that he can’t do it alone. He will provide leadership. Peck of the office is not an attraction to him. As chairman of the National Hajj Commission, when the then president Yar’ Adua who appointed him died, he wasted no time resigning. But President Goodluck Jonathan rejected the resignation because of the good job he was doing. His very high standard of ethics would surely be intact, when he leaves the FCT. Like the Hausas will say ga fili ga doki - meaning Mohammed here is the field (fili), and the horse (doki).Abuja is all yours to turn around.

Ado wrote from Kaduna




Arms and the herdsmen...

Shoprite and the South East Retail Markets


ne of the earliest proverbs I learnt was that a ‘wise man whose house or yam barns are on fire do not go chasing rats’. The aforementioned proverb means that when local issues become troubling, the best thing to do is to find permanent solution and not to abandon ship and go about doing good for distant people. Nigeria is on a threshold of a national economy that is about collapsing. The national and sub -national governments are in total disarray regarding what economic model to adopt to achieve rapid economic recovery with a fast declining crude oil market globally. State government can’t pay salaries because governors steal the allocations accruing from the federal allocations. The federal government borrows averagely the sum of N600 billion yearly to service the salaries of federal workers, so said the Secretary to the Government of the Federation. The President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration since coming to power a year ago has been fishing all over the world for the most suitable and sustainable alternative to the dwindling international asking price of crude oil. The foreign travels which gulp billions of scarce foreign exchange are seen as the evidence that the federal government does not have any reliable economic team. The Finance Minister Mrs Kemi Adeosun has been described by the International funders as a light weight when compared with the immediate past Economic and Finance Minister, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. From the United States, the Nigerian President has traversed the Middle East, Asia and the far East but for the ordinary Nigerians there’s no solution that has come close enough to bridge the gap between the few who have stolen so much from our common till with the millions who are absolutely impoverished. For three months motorists and companies can’t get enough premium motor spirit and diesel to power their equipment. What this means is that millions of people who were hitherto gainfully employed are being laid off by these companies whose operational costs have skyrocketed due to scarcity of fuel and the poor state of infrastructure. Understandably, the economic outlook this year is hovering dangerous within the precipice. Renowned global audit firm, Pricewaterhousecooper in its recent forecast on the performance of the Nigerian economy in 2016, said with a lot of uncertainty surrounding the economy, it will struggle to grow at 4.0 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). As if this sad analysis isn’t enough, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently cut Nigeria’s GDP growth forecast for 2016, to 4.0 per cent growth rate as the country continues to contend with the challenge of declining income

from the drop in crude oil prices. The latest growth forecast by the fund is 2.25 percentage points lower than its last year’s projection for Nigeria. The Bretton wood institution stated this in its 208-page World Economic Outlook (WEO) titled: “Adjusting to Lower Commodity Prices”, released in Washington DC, recently. Amidst these ugly economic scenarios graphically projected, the current invasion of several Nigerian retail markets by the South African franchise known as SHOPRITE is troubling. This invasion is even more destructive in the South East because of all the geopolitical zones the South East economy depends substantially on retail trading. But with the flooding of the retail market of the South East of Nigeria by foreign-originated and designed trading retail stores, millions of small time traders will be forced to close shop since these South African shops are usually attractive to politically exposed persons especially in the South East who secretly buy into these South African Shops and simply nominate their stooges to be their fronts. These politicians such as governors thereby launder their loot in these South African business outlets where return on investment is high because of the powerful propaganda and media mileage the outlets enjoy. Emmanuel Onwubiko, head, Human rights Writers association of Nigeria


Attention: Gov Bello Of Kogi State

ne should not say it’s too early to start complaining about Governor Bello’s administration, looking at the fact that he recently assumed office. However, one should also not keep quiet when the starting is wrong and things are beginning to fall apart. Since his inauguration as the 4th executive governor of Kogi State, the state has remained static compared to the previous administrations of the late Prince Abubakar Audu, Alhaji Ibrahim Idris and the immediate past governor, Capt. Idris Wada. The state has been in turmoil, one problem to another, ranging from constitutional crisis to political crisis, administrative crisis to economic crisis and development crisis. The governor who took the oath of office January 27, 2016, has first cried out that the “state is broke”. However, the decision of Gov. Bello to appoint incompetent men into his cabinet T H E S AT U R DAY N E W S PA P E R as senior EDITOR SHAKA MOMODU DEPUTY EDITOR YEMI ADEBOWALE special MANAGING DIRECTOR ENIOLA BELLO advisers DEPUTY MANAGING DIRECTOR KAYODE KOMOLAFE and special CHAIRMAN EDITORIAL BOARD OLUSEGUN ADENIYI assistants is EDITOR NATION’S CAPITAL IYOBOSA UWUGIAREN not helping matters. Some of these men were T H I S DAY N E W S PA P E R S L I M I T E D sacked EDITOR-IN-CHIEF/CHAIRMAN NDUKA OBAIGBENA GROUP EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS ENIOLA BELLO, KAYODE KOMOLAFE, bankers ISRAEL IWEGBU, EMMANUEL EFENI, IJEOMA NWOGWUGWU and GROUP FINANCE DIRECTOR OLUFEMI ABOROWA dismissed DIVISIONAL DIRECTORS PETER IWEGBU, FIDELIS ELEMA, appointees MBAYILAN ANDOAKA, ANTHONY OGEDENGBE from DEPUTY DIVISIONAL DIRECTOR OJOGUN VICTOR DANBOYI various SNR. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR ERIC OJEH ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS HENRY NWACHOKOR, SAHEED ADEYEMO positions CONTROLLERS ABIMBOLA TAIWO, UCHENNA DIBIAGWU, NDUKA MOSERI of governGENERAL MANAGER PATRICK EIMIUHI ment. GROUP HEAD FEMI TOLUFASHE During ART DIRECTOR OCHI OGBUAKU II Bello’s DIRECTOR, PRINTING PRODUCTION CHUKS ONWUDINJO inaugural TO SEND EMAIL: first speech, he promised

to follow the train of change mantra of President Muhammadu Buhari, whose cardinal point is to curb corruption, impunity and ensure rule of law. Gov. Bello is fond of President Buhari’s quotable quote, “I belong to nobody, and I belong to everybody”. But so far, a lot of anarchy, impunity, breach of the law has become the talk of a day in Kogi State. The past administration of former President Goodluck Jonathan, where 15 was greater than 21 is what has been replicated in Kogi State House of Assembly and the state governor, Bello, happened to be on the side of the smaller number that is greater than the bigger one, which necessitated the impeachment of the speaker. In terms of development, Gov. Bello’s slogan “New Direction” is nowhere. Recently, he embarked on demolition of a popular roundabout in the state capital constructed by late Prince Abubakar Audu. The act was motivated by political, selfish, fetish beliefs. If not so, why would a governor who is complaining of financial problem embark on destruction when he knew that money would be needed to reconstruct? Bello was absent from Prince Abubakar’s funeral because of his political feud with the late Prince. Furthermore, the unrepentant Bello embarked on state workers’ screening to sweep the past administration employees. The closure of Odu General Hospital has become worrisome. Kogi voted for change and not anarchy; Kogi voted for change and not impunity; Kogi voted for change and not suffering; Kogi voted for change and not corruption; Kogi voted for change and not sentiment. Therefore, there is need to advise Gov. Bello to appoint technocrats into his cabinets and abide by rule of law and ensure credibility and accountability in his government. Ikani Joshua, From Dekina, Kogi State




with Eddy Odivwri 08053069356

Chibok Girls and the Boko Haram Cross


t was two gruesome years penultimate Thursday since the Chibok girls went missing following their abduction by the Islamic terrorist group called Boko Haram. That fateful night, 276 school girls were forcefully abducted from their school hostels in the quiet Chibok community in southern Borno State. The students were “loaded” into big waiting trucks. On their way out, one of the trucks broke down. While trying to fix it, 57 of the students managed to escape, leaving the other 219 stuck(?) in the hands and enclaves of the Boko Haram gang. The girls were abducted during former President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration, and the ease and success of the abduction was generally blamed on the tepid administrative tone of the Jonathan government. Too soon, and understandably so, the abduction of the school girls caught a global attention, after the Bring Back Our Girls (BBOG) campaign kicked off. In all the corners of the earth, the Chibok girls’ fate was a topical issue. Many countries sent troops and military aids aimed at, not only rescuing the Chibok girls, but also routing and decimating the Boko Haram terrorists. And for a while, it seemed the end of the Boko Haram menace was near, so near. Hopes rose sharply at the rescue and return of the abducted girls, what with the drones, fighter and surveillance jets etc. that were deployed. France, Germany, US, Japan, Israel, United Kingdom, etc., all came calling and collaborating with the Nigerian troop. Who would have thought that after all the media blitz that heralded those collaborative efforts, that two years after, the same Chibok girls will remain elusive, leaving in their trail trauma and anguish for their parents and indeed a bewildered nation? It is difficult to explain, how one-by-one, each of the foreign nations who had volunteered their support parked their bags and left us in our lurch. Not even the regional coalition comprising Niger, Chad, Cameroun, Benin and Nigeria which ought to have reined in the terrorists wherever they may be hibernating within the region, has been able to completely undo the gang. Worse still, the fate and memory of the Chibok Girls is almost now in the dustbin of global history. In fact, some persons had argued that the Chibok story was a mere creation by political strategists to make Jonathan look very much like a wicked weakling, for the sole purpose of his ouster. Until the second anniversary of the abduction, Chibok girls were no longer a regular topic of national discourse. Even the BBOG group had seemingly gone weary in the campaign for their rescue. But penultimate Tuesday, Boko Haram released another 2-minute video clip showing 15 out of the 219 girls all donning the trade mark hijab, raising hope again, that they are indeed alive. Some three mothers who watched the organized video show, identified their daughters in the video. But pray, where are the other 204 girls? How come it is only 15 girls that were captured in the video? Could it be that the girls have been shared among the Boko Haram overlords and the ones shown are just a set? How come there is no much physical change in their looks, two years after? Is it truly possible that all 219 girls are alive and have been cohesively preserved for two years? How has the gang been able to feed and clothe the girls with all such feminine cares/complexities for two years? Have many of them not been married off by the insurgents? The poor handling of the Chibok girls’ abduction was a major campaign issue that worked against former President Jonathan. And the unstated belief was that with a Buhari, a retired army general, on the throne, the Boko Haram menace would soon be a thing of the past with the rescue and return of the Chibok girls as one of the assured benefits of Buhari’s return.


Budget Blues and the Common Man


id you hear that the inflation figures rose to 4.8 per cent last month, thus making it the highest in four years? Why will it not rise when the national lawmakers are dithering over the budget? How can it be explained that this is middle of April and we are still going back and fro with the national budget for 2016 when they should be gearing up for the 2017 budget?

Why are you making it look like the lawmakers are the problem? Blame it on the Buhari style of government wherein everything comes slow and in droplets. Are you not aware of all that has befallen this budget? Did you not hear at a time that the budget was missing? After it was found, they discovered that it was heavily padded by some “executive ghosts”? Did you expect the lawmakers to pass the budget, just like that? So who was it that padded the budget? Was it the lawmakers or the budget mafias in the ministries?

Buhari But almost a year in office, neither the annihilation of Boko Haram, nor the return of the abducted girls is a done deal. That thus means that the problem was not all with the Jonathan personality or approach. The confession and admission of President Muhammadu Buhari last January (during his maiden media chat) that he did not have intelligence on the where about and fate of the Chibok Girls, further dampened the hope of their eventual return. Under Buhari, Boko Haram has been remarkably routed and “degraded”, but the killer group remains as deadly as ever, although with fewer incidences of attacks. It is remarkable that the terrorists are now luring young persons into the fold with loans. This should worry our financial institutions which make it tough getting loans. It is amazing how despite the frequent reports of the killing and arrest of scores and hundreds of the terrorists, they never really get depleted. It is even more mystifying that after reports of cutting off their supply links in food and fuel resources, the terrorists still manage to not only exist but also launch attacks. One popping question is this: from the many Boko Haram members so arrested and detained, how come sufficient intelligence on their modus operandi as well as their armoury, external links, and even location of the Chibok girls have not been extracted from the detained members? Yes, the notorious “Sambisa forest is as large as Enugu State”, but how come it is impregnable? Perhaps more worrisome is how the Nigerian government seems to be pampering the Boko Haram menace. Those who are arrested and detained are treated like Kings in Kuje prison, Abuja. They enjoy preferential treatment in the name of re-orientation and de-radicalisation of the insurgents. They even have access to internet facilities and communication equipment, which they use in communicating with insurgents still in the field/forest. They organize and co-ordinate attacks even from prison, while being fed and pampered by tax payers’ money. Few weeks ago, Cameroun executed some convicted Boko Haram members. Cameroun has not recorded even a tenth of what damage Boko Haram has wrought in Nigeria. Yet they have already recorded execution of condemned persons. But we are still labouring to re-orientate and de-radicalise those who have chosen to kill and be killed. The Republic of Chad, last year, banned the wearing of hijab in public places as a way of checking the spate of suicide bombers. Chad is a preponderantly Muslim country, yet they had the courage to ban the wearing of hijab. But in Nigeria where Muslims are almost in the same number as Christians, we have not had the courage to ban the wearing of hijab. The consequence is that in the last three or more months the female teenage suicide bombers are all those using the hijab to cover up the IEDs they strap around their bodies. We are better made up our minds if we are going to tackle Boko Haram like enemies or like allies.

Are you asking me? Are you not following how some ministers added some projects into the original budget? Are you not in this country? You talk as if you did not hear of how the lawmakers in the lower house engrafted many projects including street lights, town hall and supply of tricycles and grinding machines into the national budget as if it is a local government budget. And after the padding had been redressed, the lawmakers not only removed as much as N17 billion from the budget, they added several more items amounting to N40 billion in the House of Reps alone, as if they are the author of the budget? I don’t know by how much the senate influenced the budget. Pray, what is the business of a federal government and town hall? How does a town hall develop the country? Can’t you see how some of these lawmakers abuse their privileges of appropriating the budget? Look, the lawmakers, in exercise of their privilege of appropriating the budget, have the right to re-cast the entire budget. They can remove and add items as they deem fit, guided by the overall interest of the nation. Is that why town hall is in a national budget, for instance? How many towns are in Nigeria for a federal budget to accommodate an inconsequential project like town hall which will be built with N100 million? What kind of town hall is that? If you check, it will be the town of one of the leaders of the House of Representatives. Does that community not have a town Union? Look, if such silly shenanigans are not stopped right now, next time, they will engraft the kitchen of their grandmothers into the national budget. Hey, Can we be serious for once in this country!


So you are justifying Buhari’s refusal to assent to the passed budget? Do you know the implication of this in the economy? I am not justifying anything. I am saying we must show seriousness. Did you expect President Buhari to blindly sign such a budget into law, just like that? Do you know that the foundation of corruption is laid during the budgeting process? And let me shock you with this: do you know that right now, the budget has been reduced to a bargaining chip? Do you know that the senate is holding on to the budget so they can use it to negotiate the fate of Saraki at the CCT? If you doubt me, ask your senator. You have not answered my question. Do you know the implication of this delay of signing the budget on the life of the common man on the street? You can direct your question to the lawmakers who have a perennial habit of distorting a budget all in the name of exercising their right of appropriation. And if I may add, please tell them to face the business for which they were elected: to make laws for the order and good governance of the country. QED! They were not elected to become contractors or project supervisors. You talk out of banal ignorance.You don’t know the lawmakers have a responsibility to attract federal government projects to their various constituencies so as to impress their constituents that they are effective at the centre? If they fail to achieve this, why will they be re-elected next time? Get it straight. Lawmakers are principally to make laws. If they want to attract projects to their constituencies, they can do so by influencing the executive members to accommodate their interests, not that they will wait for the budget prepared by the executive and begin to yank off some projects and engraft their own in the name of appropriation. We must do things rightly. Go and tell them. Let me tell you, the longer the budget is delayed for whatever reason, the greater the chances of the failure of the budget. The rains are almost here. Not much of road construction can take place during the rain, for instance. With the year gone into the second quarter already, the year’s budget seems disabled ab initio. Look, we must insist on propriety. It is because lawmakers always hijack the past budgets that the nation has been experiencing budget failures. That is why so much will be expended every year and we don’t get to see the impact on the ordinary man on the street. This is a regime of Change. And it must be reflected on all aspects including budget. It is consoling that the Speaker of the House of Reps, Yakubu Dogara has accepted to meet President Buhari to review the grey areas, and I hope the senate will hear the murmur in the polity and do the needful expeditiously by addressing the issues so the budget is signed without further delay.




In Brief Prisons CG Denies Assault on Lawmaker

The Controller General of Prisons, Dr. Peter Ekpendu has denied alleged beating of a female Lawmaker by his aide. According to a release by the Service spokesman, Mr. Francis Enobore, none of the CG's aides had face off with the Lawmaker. The statement reads: "The attention of the Controller-General of Prisons, Dr. PE Ekpendu has been drawn to media reports on an alleged assault on a female member of the House of Representatives by his aides on Wednesday, 20th April 2016 and the disquiet it has continued to generate. It is important to state that whereas it is true that the Controller-General was at the National Assembly on the invitation of a Committee to attend to some official issues with some of his staff, neither the pilot car in front of him nor his official car had any confrontation with anyone. He went there with four cars and not 20 as alleged."

EFCC Didn't Bar Me, Says Metuh

LETS WORK TOGETHER... L-R: Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode, discussing with Managing Director, National Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA), Barr. Danladi Ibrahim and General Manager, Marine Service, NIWA, Engr. Olusegun Balogun during a meeting with the Governor in Abuja, recently

Top Osun State Government officials Kidnapped in Kogi Yinka Kolawole in Osogbo and Yekini Jimoh in Lokoja

Three top Osun State government officials have been kidnapped along Obajana-LokojaAbuja road while returning from Abuja. The state government confirmed the kidnap through a release signed by the Head of Service, Mr. Sunday Olayinka Owoeye. The release reads in part: "Preliminary information available to us indicate that the gunmen

accosted them between Obajana and Lokoja, the Kogi State capital and forced them to stop before the three officials were violently whisked away. "The officials were returning from Abuja where they attended the briefing on the State and Local Government Reforms Project; a World Bank and European Union Programme. "The Government has alerted all necessary security agencies nationwide in general and Kogi State in particular towards safe release of the three abducted

officials”. The government however appealed to all Nigerians for useful information that could lead to their immediate release. THISDAY gathered that the victims were marched into the bush by their captors while the official vehicle in which they were traveling was abandoned by the road side. The Permanent Secretary and the Director were said to be on their way from Abuja where they had gone to represent the state at the monthly FAAC meeting.

When THISDAY called on the Kogi State Police Commissioner, Mr. Yakubu Umar, he disclosed that he was in Abuja but yet to be briefed. It would recalled that just this week Monday, three staff of the National Iron Ore Mining Company (NIOMCO) Ltd, situated at Itakpe along the Lokoja-Okene high way in Kogi State were also kidnapped by some suspected kidnappers. The abducted workers were John Job, Mohammed Tajudeen and Samuel Abiodun.

Man to Die for Killing Fulani Man Tobi Soniyi in Abuja The Supreme Court has affirmed the death sentence handed out to a farmer and father of five, James Afolabi by the Kogi State High Court and the Court of Appeal. In a unanimous judgment delivered yesterday, a five-man panel of the apex court held that there was no basis to disturb the concurrent finding of the trial of the Appellate and lower courts in their previous judgments. Afolabi, from Kogi State, was convicted and sentenced to death by the Kogi State High Court, Lokoja in 2012 having been found guilty for the murder of a Fulani man, Abubakar Mohammed.

The court relied on Afolabi's confessional statement to the police, where he claimed to have shot Mohammed on the chest for straying into his (Afolabi's) yam and cassava farm on February 27, 2009. The Court of Appeal, Abuja on March 22, 2012 dismissed his appeal and upheld the decision of the trial court, a decision he appealed to the Supreme Court. Yesterday, Justice John Inyang Okoro, in the lead judgment, in the appeal marked: SC/181/2012, held that although the prosecution could not produce an eye witness at trial, it provided sufficient evidence, through its witnesses, "which gave vent to the confession of the appellant. "And in any case, this court held

in Mohammed v State (2007) 11 NWLR (pt 1045) 303 at 230 paragraph F that where an accused person confesses to a crime, in the absence of an eye witness of the killing, he can be convicted on his confession alone. "For all I have said, I hold a strong view that the court below was on a strong wicket when it upheld the conviction and sentencing of the appellant upon reliance on his confessional statements," he said. Justice Okoro also sided with the lower court in concluding that the intention of the appellant was to kill the victim. "In the instant case, the appellant states emphatically, in Exhibit D (confessional statement), adjudged

to have been freely and voluntarily made, that he aimed his gun at the chest of the deceased at close range and shot him. "It was his further evidence that the deceased fell down and could not move again. At that point, he ran to the village head and reported that he had killed a man. "In the circumstance, did he intend to kill the man? I had earlier stated in this judgment that a person is taken to intend that natural and probable consequences of his act. "So, when the appellant aimed his gun at the chest of the deceased and shot it, did he intend to keep him alive? I do not think so. At least he intended to cause him grievous bodily harm."

JEDC: Why We Disengaged Some of Our Workers Seriki Adinoyi in Jos Managing Director (MD) of the Jos Electricity Distribution Company (JEDC) Plc, Alhaji Gidado Modibo has denied alleged disparities in the salaries of workers, noting that the company would continue to put the welfare of staff as top priority. Explaining that salaries of staff of the company were harmonised in November 2015, the MD said the records were there to back his claim, adding that "we know the relevance of morale to efficiency, and cannot treat some workers

better than the others because we all need their maximum output." Modibbo, who addressed the press in his office, also said "The union's claim that we have been sacking people is not true. Since we took over the company in 2013, we have recruited more than 150 people into the system. "We only disengaged a few redundant and weak people that were not adding any value to the system, and that included four Assistant General Managers, four Business Managers and some principal and senior managers.

"We run JEDC as a private outfit that must stay afloat and survive, so much premium is placed on productivity and resourcefulness. "The records and data are there to support the performances of those sacked and those retained. "We have found out that it is the former workers that were sacked over such poor performance that have mobilised students and miscreants to fight the system." He said some of those sanctioned were shown the way out because they were involved in all manners of extortion.

"But they are struggling to remain in the system which is not just possible because the union cannot force us to engage or keep anyone we do not find useful." Mr. Musa Ayiga, Vice President, National Union of Electricity Employees (NUEE), North-East had recently accused the JEDC of sacking no fewer than 50 employees, including him. Ayiga told the newsmen in Jos that the management carried out the sack over staff agitation arising from disparity in salaries and working conditions.

The National Publicity Secretary of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) , ChiefOlisaMetuhhasdeniedreportsthathehasbeenbarredfromcontesting for any position in the forthcoming national convention of the party. Metuh in statement issued on Friday, said that both the party's guideline and constitution of country upheld the principle that one was presumed innocent until indicted by the law court. "I have been inundated with calls from friends and associates enquiring about a report in a section of the media suggesting that I have been barred from contesting any position at the forthcoming National Convention of our great party. Nothing can be farther from the truth! I wish to restate that the decision not to contest is personal and completely within my right. At no time have I ever been approached or any responsible person ever infer that the constitution of our party should be changed to exclude those facing court trials.

Assassins Kill Medical Doctor

Management and staff of the University of UyoTeaching Hospital (UUTH) inAkwaIbomStatehavebeenthrownintomourningasyettobeidentified gunmen assassinated, the Head of Pathology Department of the hospital, Dr. Ivy Umana.The deceased who was declared missing by the university authority was later discovered to have been murdered by suspected hired assassins at her residence in Shelter Afrique Housing Estate in Uyo, the state capital. The body of late Dr. Umana aged 44 who reportedly lived alone at her residence was seen when her house was forcefully opened on a search. By the time of filing in this report the cause for her assassination could not be ascertained as family sources suspected that she must have been killed by hired assassins. “She was living alone in her Shelter Afrique residence before her murder. We just heard that gunmen came to her house and killed her”, a source said.

Unijos Appoints Maimako VC

Followingakeencontestamong26Professors,SebastianSeddiMaimako has emerged the new Vice Chancellor of the University of Jos, Plateau State. In a statement signed by the Principal Assistant Registrar, Information and Publications of the university, Mr. Abdullahi Abdullahi, the university on Friday announced the appointment of Maimako, saying "The 12th Governing Council of the University of Jos has approved the appointment of a new Vice-Chancellor for the University. He is Professor Sebastian Seddi Maimako who is the Dean, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Jos. This follows the Council’s consideration of the recommendation of its Selection Board at its Special Meeting held on Friday 22nd April, 2016. His appointment will take effect from 23rd June, 2016."The statement added that the appointment was for a single term of five years.

RCCG Shops for N300m

The Redeemed Church of God Mission, Upper Room Assembly, Ogudu Road branch is hosting an impartation service where it hopes to raise about N300 million to enable it build facilities to accommodate the 600 member strong congregation. “It is pertinent to note that Upper room Assembly has been growingprogressively in congregation and has planted seven new parishes within the Lagos province 19. Presently, we have over 600 members including children as the strength of worshipers and thisis putting a lot of strain on the subsisting facilities in the church, hence the urgent need to have a bigger and better structure for the Area/ Zonal Headquarter. “Our mission is to raise the sum of =N=300million between April and August 2016.To this effect, Pastor J.TKalejaiye will be coming on April 30, 2016 for an Impartation service of Kingdom partners to launch the new church project.The programme starts at 3 pm prompt at our church auditorium, 122, Ogudu road, Ogudu GRA, Lagos”, they said.

Okugbe Club Elects Officials

Okugbe Social Club Nigeria recently elected her new executive members toruntheaffairsoftheClubforthenexttwoyears;January2016-December 2018.Those elected to pilot the affairs of the club are; Dr. Jacob Otabuko (President),Mr.Alfred Okurokpe(VicePresident);Mr.DanielRhogho(General Secretary);Mr.RobinsonEberuje(AssistantGeneralSecretary);Mr.Gabriel Ikpedia(Treasurer);Mr.EdwardTanure(Spokesman);Mr.SundayEssi(Elder); Mr. Bright Edefah (Patron Internal) and Mr. Goodluck Onorienobohwo (Adviser). Others are Mr. Monday Esemedi (Adviser); Evang. Macaulay Obore (Financial Secretary); Mr. Victor Agharehon (Assistant Financial Secretary); and Mr. Issac Najuvie (Organising Secretary) Certificates of Leadership were presented to the officers.

Hussey College Old Students

Hussey College Warri Old Students Association(HCWOSA), Lagos branch will hold its monthly meeting on Sunday April 24, 2016 at No.20, Wole Olateru Crescent, Lekki Phase-1, Lekki Pennisula. According to a statementsignedbytheSecretaryoftheassociation,Mr.EmmanuelMok, the meeting to be hosted by Rear Admiral Festus Porbeni (rtd), former Chief of Defence Administration and one-time Minister of Transport, will deliberate on the school's 69th anniversary dinner/awards nights slated for Saturday, June 11, 2016 as well as ongoing HCWOSA projects in the institution.



INSIGHT Sunset on Integrity: Regression of The Black Intellectual


Jon West

s a young child in the 1962, with great interest and passion for the unfolding events surrounding black and African liberation movements and the civil rights struggle, I was intrigued by the struggles of the African American people , in the Southern states of the USA, in the effort to desegregate the institutions of state, especially education and voting rights. The case of James Meredith, the first Black student to desegregate Ole Miss, the University of Mississippi, was quite enthralling for my young mind. I was fixated on going to the United Sates, like the legendary Nnamdi Azikiwe, in search of the Golden Fleece in the mode of Jason and The Argonauts. However, seeing the television newsreels of the Civil Rights struggle, I wondered whether this was what the young Zik confronted when he stowed away to the USA in the 1930s. How could a student attend lectures with about a company of State troopers and National Guardsmen for protection from the baying mobs of white supremacists and people wearing the forbidding hooded robes of the Ku Klux Klan? In class, the television newsreels showed him alone in a corner of lecture rooms, shunned by his white classmates and treated with contempt by his lecturers, themselves all avowed racists. Meredith withstood all this and some more provocations, but had to surrender at some point, to come to the University of Ibadan in Nigeria, to continue his education. He however, finally managed to graduate from the University of Mississippi . His travails scared my young mind and made me wary of white America and was instrumental to my decision to study in the United Kingdom, like my father, who told me that, even though there was discrimination and racism in the United Kingdom, the degree was nothing comparable to what was happening to African Americans , especially in the Southern States. An interesting aspect of all this was that the resistance to the desegregation of Ole Miss was led by the Senator representing the State of Mississippi in the US Senate, a certain Senator Jesse Helms. An avowed and unrepentant racist and segregationist, Senator Helms opposed any action by the

Fast forward to early 2015, as the countdown to the 2015 Presidential election started. A new Wole Soyinka emerged. Hitherto known for his contempt for the military dictators that had brought Nigeria to its knees from their decades of misrule, the new Wole Soyinka started singing a different tune. Asked on the Qatari Cable Television Channel, Al Jazeera, about the disconnect between his new found love for the democratic credentials of the brutal military dictator now turned the Presidential candidate of the opposition All People Congress, General Muhammad Buhari, which was diametrically opposed to his previous opinions on the candidate, Wole Soyinka, unashamedly retorted that he had a right to change his mind and was ready to support the exdictator because the ruling party did not appear willing or able to secure the State and fight corruptio

James Meredith in 2014 Federal Government to desegregate the South, where Blacks faced apartheid conditions in a supposedly liberal country where the constitution and an earlier declaration of Emancipation after the US Civil war, freed the slaves and gave them equal rights, encompassed in the promise of 40 acres of land and a mule to farm it, a promise however never kept by the State, like Yakubu Gowon’s 3Rs after the Biafran war. Fast forward to the 1990s and James Meredith is in the news again, but now for incredible reasons. This grandson of freed slaves, who by now had graduated from the University of Mississipi, but was also the proud father of a son with a Doctorate degree, was now a political aide to believe it or not, an old and ailing Senator Jesse Helms, still representing the state of Mississippi, now in theory desegregated. The surprising and heart rending narrative was the fact that Senator Jesse Helms was now running against a young educated black man for the senate seat, and James Meredith was what in Nigerian parlance is called an “ otimkpu” or political thug for , wait for it, the racist senator Jesse Helms. And what was James Meredith saying? That he supported Senator Helms against his black brother, because blacks did not have the intellectual ability to run the state of Mississipi or represent it at the Senate. James Meredith!! On whose behalf the Nigerian Government and the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured Peoples( NAACP), the umbrella black emancipation organisation, waged an unrelenting political war to ensure that he got an education , while fighting for the desegregation of the American South. And he had to mouth the same racist dogma that was used to first deny him his right of education as a citizen of the State of Mississipi. This is the stuff that fiction is made of, but it is true and very well documented. I still cannot for the life of me, understand what drove the regression of James Meredith from civil rights warrior to a slave or house Nigger, a situation that his grandparents were liberated from about two centuries ago. Nobody has offered an explanation for this terrible stain on the conscience, racial integrity and intelligence

of the Black American and Black people in general. Just a few years after James Meredith’s sojourn at the University of Ibadan, the Nigerian Civil war broke out , a direct fallout of the pogrom against the Igbo and other Eastern Nigerians that followed the ill-fated military coup of January 1966. A certain young intellectual, poet and playwright Oluwole Soyinka and lecturer at the university while the Meredith drama was playing out, was embroiled, first with the resistance against the denial of the political will of the peoples of the Western Region, by the Northern dominated Federal Government, through its surrogate in the West, a certain RF Akintola, who was then the Prime Minister of Western Nigeria via a party that was in a local alliance with the Northern dominated Northern Peoples Congress. This political imbroglio in western Nigeria was one of the immediate causes of the military coup and counter coup and therefore the Civil war. As the clouds of war loomed, the indefatigable and idealistic young intellectual affirmed his support for the secession of the Eastern Region as the Federal Government could no longer guarantee the lives and safety of the citizens from that unfortunate part of the country. With the declaration of the independent state of Biafra carved from the former eastern region, Soyinka went to Biafra to meet Ojukwu, the leader of the eastern region and now Head of State of the Republic of Biafra after a similar sortie by the newly acclaimed leader of the Western region, Jeremiah Obafemi Awolowo, fresh out of prison on conviction for section and treasonable felony . On his return from Biafra , Awolowo was made the Vice President of the Supreme Military Council of Nigeria, the Governing authority of the military regime that was then ruling Nigeria. Wole Soyinka, was , on the other hand, incarcerated until the war’s end in 1970 by the military Government on the trumped up charge of conspiracy to supply weapons to the secessionists. While incarcerated, Wole Soyinka wrote his prison memoirs , titled The Man Died, a harsh critique of the Military regime and its brutal prosecution of the Biafran War, which has been the greatest post-Independence tragedy in African history to date. Even after his release from Jos prison, Wole Soyinka, never renounced his support for the idea of Biafra as a refuge for people persecuted and left unprotected by the Nigerian State. Wole Soyinka, perennial thorn in the flesh of successive Nigerian military dictatorships, culminating in his exile from Nigeria after the June 12, 1993 electoral debacle, never changed his views on Biafra and the Igbo’s right to seek a safe heaven in a new state after the incredible pogrom and genocide of the Biafran war. In fact as late as December 2014, Wole Soyinka insisted that the Biafran War was a Genocidal war against the Igbo people. He also attended the funeral of the Biafran Leader, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, as a sign of solidarity with the Biafran cause , when the Biafran Leader died in 2013. Wole Soyinka was the only nonIgbo/Eastern Nigerian prominent personality to attend the funeral, where Ojukwu was given a State funeral, interestingly, the only other Nigerian to be given that honour after the late great Nnamdi Azikiwe, the first President of Independent Nigeria. President Goodluck Jonathan and his wife were also in attendance. Fast forward to early 2015, as the countdown to the 2015 Presidential election started. A new Wole Soyinka emerged. Hitherto known for his contempt for the military dictators that had brought Nigeria to its knees from their decades of misrule, the new Wole Soyinka started singing a different tune. Asked on the Qatari Cable Television Channel, Al Jazeera, about the disconnect between his new found love for the democratic

credentials of the brutal military dictator now turned the Presidential candidate of the opposition All People Congress, General Muhammad Buhari, which was diametrically opposed to his previous opinions on the candidate, Wole Soyinka, unashamedly retorted that he had a right to change his mind and was ready to support the ex-dictator because the ruling party did not appear willing or able to secure the State and fight corruption. However, the dictator turned democrat had earlier exonerated a previous, now late, dictator, Sanni Abacha of corruption charges, even though Abacha’s family had accepted the fact of his corruption and were signing off on the repatriation of proceeds of their father’s corruption from sundry European, American and Middle Eastern jurisdictions. The new Soyinka was also now in cahoots with State Governors who were blatantly corrupt but were feting him during book launchings and other activities designed to siphon funds from state coffers. The APC Governor of his home State of Ogun, actually employed Soyinka’s son as a commissioner(minister) in the state cabinet. However, more of the new Wole Soyinka was yet to come. In a secretly recorded proceedings of a lecture at Harvard University, Wole Soyinka appeared to launch an unwarranted diatribe against his beloved Igbo people of Biafra , on behalf of whom he spent years in Jos prisons and nearly lost his life. He accused the Igbos of always making a mercenary political choice and this time , by not supporting his beloved All Progressive Congress of the military dictator Muhammadu Buhari, who only six months earlier, Soyinka had vowed not to dine with, even with the longest spoon, as the dictator was in his opinion, worse than the devil. The question now, as in the earlier case of James Meredith, is what drove this black and Nigeria intellectual pearl and Nobel Laureate in Literature to repudiate all he stood for in these, his twilight years, an action that suffers the risk of irreparable reputational damage? Can Oluwole Soyinka, an intellectual per excellence and infant terrible of Nigerian resistance to military dictatorship, succumb to the temporary and reputationally destructive spoils of corruption at age 80 and for what? You have to wonder at his very loud silence as the military dictator turned democratic President, is reenacting most of the blatant illegalities that made him Wole Soyinka’s greatest adversary in a previous incarnation as Head of the Nigerian State and military dictator. The descent of James Meredith and Oluwole Soyinka to the depths of intellectual, moral and political regression in their twilight years is a worrying omen of things to come and may spell the end of Black intellectual and moral rebirth in this millennium. How do some of the best of a race always turn coat for, ostensibly purely pecuniary reasons, lending sickening credence to the assertion by white racists, that slavery was perhaps a redeeming process for these morally deficient peoples who were going to inflict the same pains on themselves anyway. Looking back at the shenanigans of James Meredith and Oluwole Soyinka, I am gratified that Nelson Mandela came out of prison too late in his life to succumb to the disease of regression that seems to afflict other Black people , who suffered for the race early in their lives, but renounced all they stood for, and therefore, the whole purpose of their lives, in old age. It would have been the greatest injury to the moral and intellectual reputation of Blacks and Africans, if that global moral icon were to have regressed and perhaps extolled the merits of apartheid in later years. ––Jon West, Abeokuta, Ogun State



pg. 20 pg. 26 pg. 29 pg. 37 pg. 40 pg. 41

Ezekiel Anaibe

Even at 70, I’ll be More Romantic




I was Among First Set of Millionaires to Settle in Apapa Dr. Ezekiel Aikohin Ainabe is an engaging personality. He is the Chairman Zeek Group Of Companies which includes Zeek Oil and others. Ainabe is a man who rose through the ranks. He admits the only property his father had was a bicycle. He would not have gone to school but for the Free Education introduced in the Western Region of Nigeria in 1955. That changed his story and his life, for the good. He admits he was one of the few men of means who bought properties in Apapa in the 70s. A generous philanthropist in pursuit of the ideals of Rotary Club which he belongs, Ainabe is also a devout member of the Anglican Church, where he was awarded a Knight of the church. His financial prowess and business acumen earned him a seat on the board of Bestworth Assets and Trust Limited, which is a member of the Nigerian Stock Exchange. In this chat with Oge Ezeliora during his 70th birthday in Lagos, the philanthropist speaks on his lifestyle, family background and why he would like to devote more time to his wife...


ow do you feel attaining a ripe and glorious age of 70? I feel much fulfilled and I give glory to God that I am 70 and by the grace of God in good health, both physically and mentally and I feel very settled in my mind. The most interesting thing is that I am very certain that I’m in the right place that I should be. I feel fulfilled with my family, with my work, with my charity and the position I rose to in my career as a politician is very fulfilling. I feel very happy and grateful that I am 70. I bless God for keeping me till this age. I know it’s not easy. I have been working very hard, trying my best to make my family comfortable at all times. I appreciate God for that. Whatever I am today is by the special grace of God. I bless God that I am alive to celebrate this year. My families are alive to celebrate with me. They came from all parts of the world to celebrate with me. I have been promoted to the next level in life. I know I have done enough for myself and this is the time to relax with my family and enjoy. I feel very much honoured that God has honoured me. Today, “is indeed a special day to me because when I was 50, I thought I would celebrate it in a big way but I fell sick and could not celebrate my birthday as I planned it then. So I waited till I was 60. Then I and my children celebrated my 60th birthday in United Kingdom and in USA. But it cannot be compared to this one because I am 70. And I chose to celebrate this one in Nigeria so that I could invite my friends and well wishers. As I speak to you, my heart is full of joy that I am celebrating my retirement age. So I give thanks to God. But you don’t look the age. What is the secret? I think the answer I always give first is that probably because the years run so fast. The number of the years you are carrying or you have attained doesn’t allow your body the time to adjust to the number; because by the time you know it, it is Christmas and by the time you know it, it is New Year. So I just feel that with that, it will be difficult for the body to catch up. However, naturally in my family, we age well and from where I come from, which is Ekpoma. That is why I always tell people that I am from Edo State and I am not scared of age because from the time you are born, you are taught how to look after yourself, so we age gracefully. The idea is not to look young. I don’t want to be young but the idea is to age gracefully.

At 70 will you say you have achieved much, are you satisfied with amount of wealth you have? A lot of people have asked me those questions. I tell you the truth: I have done well for myself. If you say I have achieved, yes I have. In wealth and in good health. Some people are about my age but they are not in good health. I thank God for my life and I am celebrating my 70th birthday in good health. I am privileged to be alive and I am satisfied with all I have. I have the peace of God in my life. I have good people like the elders, the church, my club, Rotary, and my community that cares about me. I belong to a club which believes in helping people. I don’t struggle for what is not mine. I was among the first set of millionaires that came to Apapa to reside in the 70s and I bought quite a large number of properties then of which I am enjoying today. God has been faithful to me because I am under His directive. All the wealth I acquired today came from God’s directive. I do nothing without seeking His face; maybe because of my background. I came from a very humble background which I will not go into details about. But God has lifted me. I know lot of people have forgotten their backgrounds and they are living extravagantly without helping the less privileged. They also forget where they came from and how they suffered to become great. That is not my style. Each time I look at where I came from, and what I am today, I give praise to God. I am happy I have reached the age of 70. And it is my wish that I will continue to celebrate more years until God decides to call me. Are you among those millionaires that acquired wealth through inheritance? My father only had a bicycle and a mud house before he died. I came up from a humble background. In fact, I went to school by privilege and that is the reason why I always help the poor. But today I have more than enough for me. I have done excellently well more than my father. How I wish he was alive to witness what is happening. All I have today is what God has given me. I see myself doing very well and I have done well. Like I said this, this is my retirement age. What are your achievements? I think it will be very immodest to start outlining my achievements but to be very modest, I think my greatest achievement is investing in the house of God. Helping the needy is my hobby and also bringing up the less privileged turning them into professionals like





… and family

At 70, I Want to be Romantic More than Ever my own children and seeing them grow; putting them in the best schools and giving them as much exposure as possible – locally and internationally. Seeing these ones develop confidence in themselves, speak well and excel in school. These are my achievements anything I have today belongs to God. How did you come up with the idea of getting people together from far and near to celebrate with you? Sometime ago, I told myself that when clocked 50 years, I would surely celebrate it in a grand style. I tried it when I was 60 but it never worked out because I was ill. So I said my 70th birthday must be great. As the time approached, I told my family about it and my children bought the idea and planned it for me. I just wanted people to come and celebrate with me. I wanted my friends to thank God for me that I am alive, sound, strong and healthy to celebrate 70 years. It is a big plus to me. I know many people that we started together but today they are not alive to celebrate. I give God the Glory. With all you have today, you might have passed through one or two challenges in life, can you share some? Life itself is full of challenges. I had a humble background so things were tough for my father. I give God the glory for the free education programme that was set up in 1955 as I benefited from the programme. It was the same free education that made me to attend primary school, secondary and even the university. Although I got financial assistance from few people that noticed I was brilliant. If not, I would have been a peasant farmer or even died as my family could not afford to send me to school. So I see it as an achievement because my parents would not have afforded to send me to school due to their poor background. Again, everything turned around for my good. Apart from that, all my children are well trained and they are all doing well. On that note, I believe God has really blessed me. I rose up from grass and today I am living by his grace it is a testimony. Can you compare the Nigeria of today to that of the ‘70s? I know things were better in the ‘70s compared to Nigeria of today. But we have hope and believe in almighty God for great change. Nigeria is like the mature man that has a whole lot of stories to tell; a story to tell to the younger generation; a story of imperial colonial

rule; a story of oppression; a story of struggle for independence, a story of anticipated freedom; a story of war and lack. Nigeria has a story of oil boom and plenty and a story of lean returns and famine. Indeed, there is a lot happening in our country. All we need is to pray for our President because it is not easy to rule Nigeria with the Boko Haram menace. I have faith that God will bring forth change to our country. Nigeria will be a better place by the special grace of God. We should learn how to support our president instead of running him down Remember we all voted and prayed for him to win and now he has won God has heard us. Why don’t we support him with our prayers? Why don’t we follow our conscience and support him? Yes, the oil price has gone down tremendously and our President is still managing. We should support him. So he will have the strength to exhibit what God has led him to do for us. I believe all he has promised us he will do it by the special grace of God. Do you sometimes feel intimidated by some of your friends within your age bracket? I look at myself as a human being and I don’t allow myself to be intimidated and I don’t go out of my way to intimidate people. I just know that all of us are in the business of nation building. It is for you to show your strength. What I always tell people is that let’s meet in the field as human beings. If you are good and nice to people, it does not matter who or what you are. God has lifted me above all my enemies and I am grateful that I am alive to witness my 70th birthday. As a director on the board of Bestworth Assets and Trust Limited, what is your advice for investors? As an investor, you shouldn’t make assumptions. You need to be certain that your stockbroker meets all standards set by their own profession. Just like they practise in Bestworth Assets and Trust, I have tried other brokers and I noticed that Bestworth are reliable and they will give you the best and good reasons to invest. Nobody wants to put his or her money in the hands of a stockbroker who is not registered. But an unregistered stockbroker will not see it as such. They will convince you but be smart and invest wisely. Especially, now that oil price has really dropped. This is the best time to invest. Only a registered stockbroker will confidently give a quick answer. So I encourage

people to invest wisely. You need to know what investment strategies your potential stockbroker will adopt with your money. Will they be making longterm purchases? Short sales? Margin transactions or options? Do they adopt a single proven strategy for all their clients or they use a different strategy for each client? Don’t just accept straight answers. Demand explanations too and invest wisely.

United Kingdom. I also obtained MBA from Syracuse University, New York, in 1980 I was opportune to attend various courses and seminars at home and abroad. I am a member of the Howard University Business Review Committee; member of the American Professional Club of PI Sigma Epsilon, New York, and member, Direct and Professional Sales and Marketing Executives International of New York.

People see you as a very tough man? Do you think you are one? It depends on their definition of toughness but I know that like I said if there is anything as reincarnation, I want to come back a man because there is nothing as amazing as watching your children celebrate you. So whether you have to be a tough man to survive is what I don’t know, but I do know that I am a good strategist because I spend so much time on my own. So I strategise a lot on how to survive in a country like Nigeria. If that is called being tough, so be it.

When would you call your best moments? (Laughs) My best moments in life were discovering myself as a hardworking man; discovering what aspects of career I wanted to pursue at the beginning of my own independence. Also meeting my wife, falling in love and getting married and having children who today are doing amazingly well and remaining my source of pride. Anytime I look at them, I feel many inches taller than I am. All these are the things that make growing up get really exciting. Discovering yourself and your body has been great and also knowing what you have to do in the midst of all God has created.

What are your regrets in life so far? Absolutely, no regrets. I thank God for every good thing and every bad thing that has happened to me but I am very grateful because God has compensated me with good things from the challenges I passed through while growing up. If I come back, I will still do it the same way but I want my parents to be alive so that they can reap the fruit of their labour. I have enjoyed everything that came along with what I chose to be in life. From my career, as devout member of the Anglican Church, where I was awarded a Knight of the Church I have enjoyed it. Even my venturing into business, I have enjoyed it. What was your growing up like? Let me say I was born on April 18, 1945 at Ojoelen, Ekpoma in Edo State to Pa John Obeke Ainabe (Alias O Jesus) and Madam Oyibo Ainabe. I attended St. Mark’s Anglican Primary School and St. Peter’s Anglican Secondary School between 1955 and 1963 at Ujuelen, Ekpoma. I was known to be a brilliant student and this went with a lot of leadership responsibilities as at that time. Between 1966 and 1970, I also attended Western Boys High School, Benin where I completed my secondary education and between 1972 and1974, I obtained a diploma in salesmanship from the University of Manchester,

Do you have experts who handle your wardrobe for you? It is natural. I do them myself. I grew up dressing well and also know how to take care of my clothes and my things. I grew up knowing how to come out looking good and so I don’t have need for a wardrobe manager. I don’t just shop off the shelf; I take my time to pick what I want. No matter how many dresses I have, they all have their various sentimental values attached to them. I manage myself and most important, I manage my body. Now you are 70, will you still have time for your family? I am in my retirement age. So I will surely have time for them, particularly, my darling wife. All these years I have been so busy chasing one business or the other. I had no time for her. Sometimes she complains but I know how to pet her and make her happy. But now I am relaxed I will surely concentrate on her. So are you promising to be a romantic husband to your wife? Oh yes...I am ready to show her more love and I know this will make her happy. Even at 70, I will be more romantic than ever.



loud Whispers

with JOSEPH EDGAR (09095325791)

The Great Fayose of China

Where is Jimoh Ibrahim I can’t help but ask this question. This particular mogul, the Donald Trump of Nigeria is missing in action and I am really sad especially during these hard times. We really miss his grandeur postulations on his fairy tale wealth and solutions to the many problems that continue to strangle us. I once met him in his beautiful,mansion tucked in the VGC Estate in Lagos. He was a perfect host as he ‘forced’ me to eat one black soup he was eating. The soup tasted like saw dust but na rich man give me, so I obediently swallowed it all the while proclaiming just how delicious the soup was. I miss him and he should please come out of his exile and excite us once again. Nigerians need him at this time. Grazing Commission Bill I am in full support of this Bill. Look it is the solution to my major problem which in itself is my inability to afford to buy Land in Lekki Phase 1 after almost 20 years of working in Lagos, two years of which I spent with Mr. Nyamali who woke up one day on the wrong side of his bed and decided he wasn’t enjoying seeing my ugly face every morning and sacked me. You see the Bill must be passed into law so that good commercial Land can be annexed for the herdsmen where they can graze their cattle without having to kill anybody. My people once the bill is passed, I will just run and go and buy five cows and become an Akwa Ibom herdsman. Immediately, I will move my cattle to Lekki Phase 1 off Admiralty Way, near Clara’s house and start grazing my cattle. The Government would have no choice but to give me the land so that I will not be forced to kill or maim anybody simple. So I cannot wait for the bill to be passed, my only prayer is that I hope the price of cows will not go up o. You know our people, once they decipher this idea now, the price of cow will now hit the roof and thwart all my plan. Why did I now talk now, me and my big mouth. National Assembly Oya o, ball is in your court. In defence of Wizkid The arrogance of it all is really absurd. I read Linda Ikejis statement on why she went to report to the Police the so called ‘threat’ Wizkid made during their childish tantrum. Her ‘holier than thou’ and self righteousness remains to me an acute symptom

I do not understand why people begrudge others. A man deciding to go visit his relations in far away China and while at it, stops by the nearest Train Station or was it motor park to address the citizens on the need to have three square meals and not walk around naked is today being vilified. Last I checked it was a free country and this person in question was ‘freely’ given a mandate by the good people of Ekiti to represent and govern them. This mandate did not limit the holder to the territorial space today known as Ekiti, but also extended to all the the train stations and motor parks all over the world especially those in China. So in exercising his mandate, my brother with his co sojourners put on their very best Jeans and headed to China. Now my issue is with the amebos’ who will not mind their business who do not see anything right in my brother, condemning and criticizing his every step even this one that was sanctioned by the United Nations High Commission on Refugees. I have analysed this particular issue very closely and as far as this one is concerned, Fayose did not do anything wrong. China is today

of ‘imbecilic idiotism’ Kai, this girl should not let me open dictionary for her o. She fired the first salvo, the fact that she has annointed herself our national blogger and as such we all have no right to complain when she deems it fit to assist us by putting us up on her holy grail. Wizkid was expected to call her and show gratitude for helping him expose his issues with his landlord and when he did not do just that and reacted the only way he knew how best to, she lost her cool. Salvos were fired from every every angle and in that kind of roforofo fight, there are no boundaries, mud from both sides were thrown. He called her names and she did the same. Both sides gave as best as they could and the whole country took sides. But today, she was the one who decided to go report to the police and did not even stop at that, when Wizkid showed the big man by apologising after realising that he should have respected this ‘lady’, she went to town to gloat giving us reasons why she went to the police like I care and capped it by boastfully saying that she refused to take picture with Wizkid. What is that, after all Don jazzy took picture with Olamide after their fight or is it becuase it was police that settled this one and not Dangote. Well, me I am really getting tired of the antics of this Aunty and will stop going to her blog until she learns how to respect people especially those she ‘outs’ on her blog. As for Wizkid, I thought you were on a world tour na which time you come appear for police station, you sef na you dey cause some of these things attimes. You still have my support. Linda if you want to report me for this

our greatest trading partner and would be playing a vital role in who becomes the next Governor of Ekiti State hence this all important visit and speech. So my people as Olamide said, ‘leave matter for Lawma’ this was a perfect trip and as the elections come closer we will be seeing a lot more, becuase where I am seated, the Chinese voting public will be needed to secure another term if our Egbon is still qualified. We need the Chinese votes. Kai, only in Nigeria.

article, please not police o, I am afraid of Cell, you can report me to Dangote that will be a better option, Oya, I have just abused you, let’s go. Panama Papers and Wale Tinubu When the Oando result came out, I screamed o. They told me to shut up, so I shut my Calabar mouth what did I know. This Panama people have come o and the revelations are huge . I am still keeping my mouth shut and will not say anything o. I have not heard or read about his or anybody’s involvement. I am jeje minding my business at the fuel station waiting for my turn to buy fuel at black market price, this is really for oando’s shareholders and their dependants. Who am I, have I seen power in my house for the last two months to go and concern myself with Panama or whatever they have called it. Did they say 12 companies? A whole 12 companies’ na Sidon look I dey o. I have said nothing and will continue to cover my mouth until I see fuel to buy. Bukola Saraki: an Enigma Every night I remember the Senate President in my prayers. He really needs a lot of it at this time. The forces amassed against him are enough to see him run into the Sambisa forest

where I suspect he would be in safer hands than what he is seeing now. Daily the accusations mount, the Senators joining him on the free ride to Court are reducing daily and I really do not see how he will escape this one. I am sure in his lonely moments he would just be telling himself that he should have remained a senior Senator in the Chambers and all these would never have happened to him. But even he himself should have expected this kind of backlash after that magic he perpetrated to become the Senate President. These attacks are so heavy coming from all sides that one begins to wonder how he even sleeps at night. After Sambo Dasuki, I think he is the most persecuted Nigerian. But all is not lost, my advise is for him to broadcast nationally an apology to all those he has offended from the founding fathers of our Nation, those who helped us win Independence from the British, down to the present day Lords. Send emissaries to go and beg with a promise to always respect elders and listen to advise. Just maybe this ill wind will blow away. Me, I am very worried. If this fails, we can always visit Pastor Joshua at Synagogue after all if Presidents from other African Countries can come there to get prayers why can’t we try this solution. I really beg Egbon me, let’s give up and just say sorry and run before they catch us. IBB very Ill? I read this report with a tinge of sadness. The gap toothed General is said to be ill. Yea and I like him very much. I suspect that since he lost his exotic wife Maryam, something in him died. He lost his lustre and was not really the bubbly and handsome general we had all come to love and hate at the same time. Our favourite villain cannot just go like that. We should all rally round and pray for his ‘speedy recover’ becuase we still need him in this our country. Get well soon my Lord. Loud whispers: no more free Tickets The rate at which people are asking for free tickets, I would soon collaborate with the CBN to assist in publishing the names of these people so that the shame of those who are owing the Banks will catch them and make them go and buy the tickets for my Play with Alibaba which is coming up 1st May at the Muson centre. If I give everybody a free ticket just for asking, the aim of producing the play will be totally defeated. You may ask what is the aim, my people the aim is to pay school fees o. That is the truth. When I saw the bill last year, I collapsed in shock. The bill had gone up by 500% and my income due to the harsh economic climate had stagnated. So staring at my kids being kicked out of school I decided to produce this play. So all those who have been asking for free tickets should know that they are jeopardising my children’s future. Just go buy the tickets, na beg I dey beg. If you don’t have fuel to drive to Tera Kulture where you can get them, order online through Nigertickets, Ariya tickets or deal day. Better still call me, I will come and deliver them at your doorstep. Help me o.




Chief Mike C. Nkwoji: 1943-2016 Emeka Nkwoji


would not be achieved through education but through trading. The message was repeated. It was a woman’s voice according to him. ika, as was fondly called Young Mike followed the advice, went back by his mother and siblings without returning to the stream; parked his was the youngest child tinker box and left school. As he got home of his parents, Bessie and and narrated his experience to his mother, James Nwanaemeka she broke down disbelieving his story. She Nkwoji Umuezenwona clan in Umuatulu Awovu felt that Mike made up the story to make her Village, Enugwu Ukwu of suffer even more, especially as she had just managed to pay the term’s school fees. Mike Anambra State. The birth of Mike Chukwujekwu Nkwoji, 73 was not deterred but asked her to pray for him and watch him grow to take care of her. This years ago and his achievements in life clearly promise he kept until his mother passed on at confirms the old Igbo adage that “Only God Plants an Iroko Tree.” Young Mike was naturally a very ripe age. The Journey of his destiny started at Onitsha endowed with a very high intelligent quotient where Mike commenced his apprenticeship and ability to learn. The humble background in buying and selling. He later joined his elder of his parents was a dog in the wheel of his brother, Sir Gab Nkwoji who was already in educational pursuits. radios and record business in Aba. He served He attended St. Peters School, Coal Camp Enugu for his primary school. During the period him for several years and believing he had acquired enough knowledge, decided to open of his primary education he lost his father, and his own business. being the youngest was the only one left to asIn 1963, he opened a shop known as “Mike sist his mother with her petty trading alongside Radios” at no 1/3 Asa Road, with less than attending his classes. Being a determined child, 10 pcs of radio sets but with loads of empty he scaled through his primary education and cartons arranged as if they contained radio. proceeded to Okongwu Memorial Grammar He relied on “Oso Afia” on a daily basis to School Nnewi for his secondary education. Mike’s secondary education was a struggle, as break even and it paid off. He maintained a he had to assist his widowed mother by selling relationship of honesty and trust with anybody he collected goods from and before long, his oranges, kites, bananas etc during holidays to business flourished and he bought his Limouhelp raise money for his next term’s needs. He sine –white horse rally bicycle’. According to was not ashamed that while his peers were him, he rode on this bicycle only from 4pm basking in the euphoria of “ndi college” he when the major sales for the day would have was selling fruits under electronic poles at Coal been over and will have time for enjoyment. Camp just to help his mother make ends meet. While on this ride, he would be waving to It is worthy to note that Mike’s fruits always his pears who were still hustling to get the sold out before any other person’s. Even the days feeding money and they would cheer girls. As a result, they always avoid taking a his style. The next year, business flourished stand to sell near Mike’s stand. However as time went on, he wondered how long he would and he bought a Suzuki motor cycle. As time continue to do this and also achieve a sustaining went by, Mike rose from being a distributor’s life style which would enable him look after his representative to becoming a distributor himself. All these because he was honest, mother, a widow when he grew up. focused, efficient and hard working. This Mike disclosed that one day, on his way to relationship of trust extended to all electronics the stream to fetch water, a voice called him firms in Nigeria including Philips Nig. Ltd., severally but looking at every direction, he saw no one. The voice asked him to leave the school Waides Co, Adebowale Electronics, and other private individuals who dealt on importation immediately and go home, that his destiny of electronics at that time. In 1967, Mike was seriously wounded on the leg and arm during an air raid attack in Biafra so it became impossible for him to ride on his motor cycle which he enjoyed. He was forced to buy a car – Flat 750 (blue) a car he used to evacuate his belongings when Aba fell. During the war, he was able to sustain his family by engaging in “Afia Attack”, taking all the risks attached to crossing over to Nigeria, buying tobacco in cases and coming back to Biafra to sell them with huge profit. Mike’s gift of vision to decipher what and when to invest in business made him invest all his Biafra currency in buying and storing cars as if he knew that Biafran money would be useless should they lose the war. At the time the war ended Mike had bought (5) five cars Holden, Mercedes, Passat and 2 Peugeot cars. After the war, he found it very convenient adapt and start a new life in business. With proceeds from sale of these cars he was able to marry his heart throb, Ongodi from Odi in Bayelsa State. He later opened his business again at Aba with branches at Onitsha, Umuahia and Enugu. However, because of his zeal to carve his own niche in electronics business, he started with the importation of records in 1972. When the goods arrived he was overwhelmed with joy and was very eager to add “Limited” to his business name. Thus in 1973, his business name changed to Mike Merchandise Company Ltd with Head office at No. 10 Asa road, Aba. That same year, he built and moved into his own “little mansion” bungalow at Agwu Avenue, Umungasi Aba. By 1975, the business spread into his being the sole agent for the importation of Sierra electronic products into Nigeria. When the importation of electronics was banned, he registered Mikko Electronics solely to assemble imported knocked down parts. Mikko products went viral competing very favourably with other electronics in the market at that

HewasaKnightofSt.of ChristopherofChurch ofNigeriaAnglican Communionand contributedimmensely tothedevelopmentofthe Church.Heremodeledhis homechurch,Immanuel Churchwhichhisfatherwas knowntohavecontributed toitsbuildingin1913,built anddonatedSt.Monica’s ChurchEnugwuUkwu,afully air-conditionedchurchand mademeaningfuldonations totheotherchurchesin EnugwuUkwuirrespective ofdenomination.AtAba heterrazoedStMichael’s Cathedralandwasamajor donortoalltheprojectsat thecathedralandseveral otherdioceses.

Mike Nkwoji time. In 1977, he registered Micia Printing Press which undertook the printing of beer corks, beer labels, bank note wrappers, savings account booklets, paying in slips, withdrawers slips, calendars and stationeries. Their customers included many blue chip companies. Chief Mike was endowed with skill for very transparent planning and execution of landable projects. Hence he successfully held many responsible positions where he performed creditably some of which are. -Chairman Monier Construction Co. (MCC) Limited; Director, Nigerian Central Packaging Industry; Chairman, Invae Chemicals Industries Ltd. And Chairman, Regency Finance Ltd. Etc. Sir Mike’s Christian life is worthy of emulation. He maintained his Christian faith till he passed on. A chorister at St. Peters Church, Enugu during his primary school years, he was proud to show his ability as a chorister whenever the need arose. He got married in the church and raised all his children under God, making it a point of duty to attend Sunday services no matter where he was and inculcating same in his children. He served God with passion and always gave for God’s work with a cheerful heart. He was a Knight of St. of Christopher of Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion and contributed immensely to the development of the Church. He remodeled his home church, Immanuel Church which his father was known to have contributed to its building in 1913, built and donated St. Monica’s Church Enugwu Ukwu, a fully air-conditioned church and made meaningful donations to the other churches in Enugwu Ukwu irrespective of denomination. At Aba he terrazoed St Michael’s Cathedral and was a major donor to all the projects at the cathedral and several other dioceses. In Houston, USA he was a major donor to many dioceses as well as making a awesome donation to the face lift project of St. Alband’s Golders Green, London where he worshiped. He was a Trustee of Paul University Awka Anambra State, where he along with Igwe Ralph Ekpeh and Senator Abana built a 4 storey, 400 bed

student hostel. He donated ultra-modern ultra sound machines what millions of Naira to the Colleges of Medicine of both Anambra and Abia State University Teaching Hospitals. He had a Foundation which awards scholarships to hundreds of secondary and university students. An active sports man, he contributed substantially to the development of Aba Sports club especially the Golf Course as well as the Enugu Golf Course. In the affairs of the Enugwu Ukwu his home town he was the front line development agent in other words Obuzogu. He pioneered the construction of Enugwu Ukwu Sports Club as well as Umunri Palace for which he mobilised funds from indigenes at home and abroad as well as supervising the project and being the highest financial contributor. He was survived by his wife, Chief Mrs. Ongodi Nkwoji Onodugo Enugwu Ukwu na Umunri, 5 children and 12 grand-children. Okpata worldwide was celebrated in his life time by family, friends and Enugwu Ukwu Community in Nigeria and in the Diaspora for his gifted qualities. He will be generally and surely missed. A commendation service will hold in his honour at St. Michael’s Cathedral Aba on Wednesday 27th April, ,2016 while funeral service will hold at Emmanuel Church, Enugwu Ukwu on Thursday 28th April followed by Interment. Meanwhile, prominence Nigerian have been paying glowing tributes to the memory of late Chief. Some of the tributes received so far by the family include those from the Anambra and Imo State governors, Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu, Senators Abana, Chris Ngige, Hon Eddie Mbadiwe and Hon Dozie Nwankwo of House of Representatives, Chief Cletus Ibeto and Igwe Ralph Ekpeh of Enugwu Ukwu. In his tribute, Abana who is the Chairman of the Central Burial Committee extolled the qualities of the late Nkwoji who he said contributed immensely to the landmark projects in the town including the Umuni Palace, Paul university Awka and St Monica’s Anglican Church Enugwu Ukwu.


THISDAY, THe SATurDAY NewSpAper • APRIL 23, 2016


OUK, the Trojan, Ticks 56


Ebere Wabara

n case you did not surprisingly know, ‘OUK’ stands for Orji Uzor Kalu who needs no introduction except to reaffirm that he was the “Action Governor” of Abia State, according to ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo, between 1999 and 2007. The only governor ever so described in such a laudatory phraselogy by a serving president in the country’s history. Hurrah, OUK, the irrepressible Trojan and humanist, is 56 years old today! His supersonic impact on the country’s politico-economic profile is such that you will think he was already 70. He has done superlative things in life at home and abroad that some of his peers and elders have never dreamt of let alone actualizing. Dr. Kalu is simply an enigma who has all his fingers on every imaginable pie. His visage symbolizes bursting youthfulness, if not mature exuberance. This celebrator deserves all the honours and recognition that would be outpoured today in various parts of the world as his teeming admirers, associates, friends, well-wishers, acquaintances and family at home and overseas commemorate his birthday in grandiloquent dimensions in architectural environments resplendent of Romanesque typicality. In his palatial homes in Washington, Igbere, Abuja and Lagos, the flora and fauna that inhabit these places will know that it is a celebratory day in the life of one of Nigeria’s most loved and most popular personalities. In line with his Forbes’ rating as one of 50 Africa’s richest men, his quintessential philanthropy is borderless and boundless to the point of superfluity and satiety. Ironically and in contradistinction, while outsiders who benefit from his overflowing beneficence are almost innumerable, a few of us who work directly with and for him are subsisting on poverty, quietude and taciturnity! Perhaps, our recompense is in heaven as we continue to suffer and smile because we believe in him which is most critical and important—our inexplicable deprivation and seeming pauperization notwithstanding. This could explain why his perception, public reputation and pedigree of famousness are bursting at the seams. A veritable icon of human existentialism, Dr. Kalu is a rare, uncommon, legend in virtually all spheres of life. What he marginally lacks in formal scholastic enterprise he makes up with high intelligence quotient, knowledge and wisdom such that even those with professorial attainments cannot intimidate him. Dr. Kalu indisputably knows his onions. Our celebrator’s sterling leadership characterization is almost inimitable. Most people acknowledge his political sagacity, entrepreneurial wizardry and economic ambassadorship all of which explain why he is a household name in the Nigerian firmament and a referential personage in international commerce. His industry knows no bounds. You cannot but be baffled by his versatility, acumen and prodiguous commitment to investment issues. He has a passionate drive for mega-businesses that border on industrialization and optimal human capital utility. Even most people with the finest of education cannot compete with this naturally endowed investor of global repute. His illimitable contributions to the socio-economic and political transformation of Nigeria cannot be overemphasized. A leader of leaders, we in your media team felicitate with you for inspiring most of our fellow countrymen and women beyond their wildest imagina-

tions. You have touched and continue to touch more and more lives, using innumerable instrumentalities and platforms, particularly your unparalleled philanthropic stamp and cosummate compassion for the less-privileged members of the society. On one of our trips from Owerri Airport to Abuja Airport on a chartered flight, you spent not less than N5 million on all manner of airport staff in both locations. I witnessed the naira rain and took mental note of the N1000 bundles as you dished out from the bag of one of your orderlies. In fact, one of his close aides, Prince Kunle Oyewumi, intimated to me much later that it was a routine! No matter the level of hardship in the country, you still put smiles on people’s faces. I recollect one day during a convoy bus ride en route to Igbere from Enugu where we had made a whistling stop to see Prince Arthur Eze and you mused that you only get debit alerts on your handset and wondered aloud when credit alerts will start popping up! Your own credit alert comes from heavenly realms as God pilots your ways and finances—not earthly sources! Your amiability and dynamism are humongous. Your testament to diligence, integrity, honesty of purpose and service to people all over the world is confirmatory of an exemplary life. Well-meaning Nigerians will continue to extol your virtues, recognise your immense contributions to the country and the world and continue to appreciate you despite vanishing pockets of oppositional forces and malcontents who are peeved by your soar-away accomplishments in spite of the thorns strewn on your way by detractors and jealous clans of hate domiciled especially in Abia State. There is no doubt that you are resoundingly exceptional in copious ways as an achiever in multifarious aspects of life. The only minus in Dr. Kalu’s political trajectory is unilaterally foisting his successor in office, T. A. Orji, on Abians. The celebrator has profusely apologized to the people of Abia State for that misadventure adamantly engineered by him. First among equals and his peers, Dr. Kalu has brought creativity to business and politics. This novelty has made him to be a master-strategist in whatever he does, especially in entrepreneurship and politics. In the process, he has had to ruffle feathers and moved on magisterially, not allowing any concommitant drawback arising from economic or political miscalculations to derail him. He is never deterred by failure— as he is always resolute on what the future holds in store for him. Attributes that distinguish our subject today include courage, determination, vision, focus, forthrightness, empathy, astuteness, fear of God, hardwork, kindness, love, candour, thoughtfulness and pan-nationalism. These are some of the motivating factors that keep OUK on as he strives for the betterment of his environment and humanity, irrespective of one’s ethnic group or language. For him, humanity is universal and should not be bogged by mundane and divisive elements. A devout Catholic, Dr. Kalu does not indulge in excesses as is typical of most moneybags. He enjoys the company of friends and staff more than any other thing. In ardent subscription to this lifestyle, he spends long hours holding courts amid dining and wining with various groups and individuals all day long. For him, there is no time for perishable/worthless engagements. There are no airs of superiority or haughtiness around him whatsoever. He sits at the table for meals with commoners without anyone knowing who the master is. Timidity puts him off. For him, boldness is a great source of joy and happiness.


In the same breath, he does not flaunt his wealth or live the life of aristocracy. You know great men by the way they treat people of lower rungs. Dr. Kalu, the Aba boy of yesterday, has grown to become a global citizen. Indeed, the young chap of no spectacular beginning has come of age and overflowing wealth. With business portfolios and tentacles spanning four continents and still counting, he is now the grandmaster of investments. By dint of diligence and God’s blessings, he has become a household name that there is hardly any hamlet in Nigeria where his name does not ring a bell and even opens doors. The name Kalu is now synonymous with dynamism, accomplishments and vision. The superfluity of goodwill he attracts is so confounding that one wonders what the magic wand is. He is at home everywhere in Nigeria. People’s love for him surpasses that of a mother for her child! Only very few Nigerians have this kind of cross-border personage and overwhelming acceptability. His passion for sports is so legendary that it does not require rehashing here. The only point to underscore here is that under his tutleage, Enyimba International Football Club of Aba became three consecutive winners of the biggest elusive title on the continent, the African Champions’ Club Cup of the Confederation of African Football. Dr. Kalu has gone ahead to become the Pillar of Sports in Africa after the late M.K.O. Abiola. Dr. Kalu’s pan-Nigerianism is unprecedented so much that virtually all his companies are headed by non-Igbo. I hear it is a deliberate policy—not just a happenstance. Only few entrepreneurs can entrust their conglomerates in the hands of people outside their geopolity. I know the murmurings among my Ndigbo brothers about this externalization of our “right” and “entitlement” in the Nigerian thinking! Of course, our oga at the top is unapologetic on this. In corroboration of this intriguing philosophy, most of his domestic staff in Nigeria and worldwide are not from the South East! Somewhat, there is obviously God’s hand in the fortunes of the man we all toasting today. Despite his human frailties and occasional misjudgments, everything seems to work in his favour. The only setback he has probably suffered in life is electoral banditry, but with time, he should be vindicated by the revalidation of his latest senatorial victory. The bandits and other hypercritics of this Adonis helplessly and

Dr. Kalu’s pan-Nigerianism is unprecedented so much that virtually all his companies are headed by non-Igbo. I hear it is a deliberate policy—not just a happenstance. Only few entrepreneurs can entrust their conglomerates in the hands of people outside their geopolity. I know the murmurings among my Ndigbo brothers about this externalization of our “right” and “entitlement” in the Nigerian thinking! Of course, our oga at the top is unapologetic on this. In corroboration of this intriguing philosophy, most of his domestic staff in Nigeria and worldwide are not from the South East

haplessly appreciate his large heart and sportsmanship in politics and holistic attitudinal disposition to life. Some of them confide in me. Dr. Kalu has just done the first leg of a tripodal journey on earth. The second eminent leg begins tomorrow and the last lap will commence 56 years thence—in other words another 56 years from now! We all in your global media team—including blue-blooded, charming and humble Prince Kunle (an untrained but highly cerebral and arduous “journalist”/writer whose regular interventions catalyse my work)—wish you many more fruitful years in service to humanity! Oga, your boys are grumbling, as they are not “feeling” you! I have been quelling their planned insurrection, mutinous thoughts and anticipatory combustible rebellion! I have assured them that their despondency, restiveness and restlessness over lolly end today as we celebrate your especial day! Henceforth, they can now bank on you convertibly! Once again, happy birthday, sir, from all of us in the media team, as we celebrate robustly and profoundly to the toast of your continued good health, prosperity and long life. My own personal birthday wish to you is with the memorable words of Thomas Jefferson: “If you would have a happy life, remember two things: in matters of principle, stand like a rock; in matters of taste, swim with the current.” Mmiri riri enyi, it is well with you whether any envious tribe likes it or not! ––Wabara (ewabara@yahoo. com/08055001948) is the media adviser to Dr. Orji Kalu.






Loose Thinking


OST of the mistakes in the print and electronic media are the manifestations of carelessness, loose thinking and ignorance. We must be consistent in the use of either British or American English—mixing up both variants in any lexical environment shows slipshoddiness. Also note that most media audiences are sticklers for purism. For those in this finicky and fastidious class, any egregrious slip counts. Unfortunately, most people who commit these facile and fallacious blunders are persons who should know but because incorrigibility has affected them they have become ignoramuses! Why, for instance, should some journalists describe themselves as ‘media practitioners’ instead of ‘media professionals’ or ‘mass communication practitioners’? Doctors and lawyers practise medicine and law, respectively, clearly unlike the fourth estate. I am not a linguistic diagnostician, but I can perform lexical and structural surgeries and make efficacious pharmacological/therapeutic recommendations based on knowledgeable familiarity with errors (and some of their typologies) that border on grammar, logic and rhetoric, which I had referred to elsewhere in this column as the pillars of the English language—get them right and you are on course. Finally, I am more concerned here with the practical aspect of the English language than its critical theoretical underpinnings which are available in all standard textbooks and easily accessible. This work is a stop-gap exercise for quick resolutions of daily grammatical challenges. From my own personal experiences and encounters with people, most exonormative language users prefer easy-to-read-and-follow summaries to usually massive, boring and complex theoretical methodicalness! This is hoping that I am not

inadvertently encouraging intellectual slothfulness by this remedial quick-fix intervention! DAILY SUN CITY NEWS of April 11 fumbled copiously: “11 (sic) persons, yesterday, perished in an auto accident on Benin/Ore (sic) road. The accident it was gathered occured (sic) near the Owena bridge Ore.” This way: ELEVEN persons, yesterday, perished on the Benin-Ore road. The accident (no need for ‘it was gathered’) occurred near the Owena bridge, Ore. “As at Press time, families of the victims have (had) started thronging the Ore General Hospital, looking for their family members.” What else would they have been doing? “CBN spends N26bn in (on) productive sector” ”Dangote flags off (inaugurates) S1bn cement plant” “Argentina ((Argentine) president to appear in court” “El Salvador (El Salvadorian) govt orders raid of Massack Fonseca offices” “NPFL: Pillars overun (overrun) Nasarawa, as Heartland beats Rivers United” Finally from DAILY SUN: “Your contributions to the development of Enugu State and renewal of Enugu Urban is (are) worthy of emulation and celebration.” “Customs intercept $110,060 at Lagos Port” Get it right: Customs intercepts. “Seven die in Ibadan road crash” The road did not crash! A rewrite: Seven die in auto/vehicular crash on Ibadan road. Last week’s edition of THE NATION ON SUNDAY disseminated two headline goofs: “Mulikat Adeola-Akande’s consolation gig” Truth in defence of freedom: consolatory gig. ‘Consolation’ is a noun while ‘consolatory’ is an adjective. “Why are matured ladies still single?” Where are the bridegrooms? Mature (not matured) ladies are choosy! “In actual fact (which one is not actual?), the, 08055001948

Nigerian police has (have) constituted itself (themselves) into a terror gang, perhaps because of the protracted military rule.” One of these days we may get to read ‘factual fact’! “He does not bother them that about six kilometers (kilometres) to (from) their station….” “During the electioneering campaign that ushered in the present regime, many stories were bandied about.” Strike out ‘campaign’ in the interest of tautology-free writing. “They are therefore teaching in the so-called satellite campuses of sister universities or in evening classes to supplement their wages.” Get it right: on (not in) campuses. “Senate President Bukola Saraki, in response to a question, has (had) jokingly said.…” “Armed robbers paid him a non-courtesy call at about 7.30 p.m.” Back to the basics: either at 7.30 p.m. or about 7.30 p.m., depending on the level of exactitude. By the way, do bandits pay courtesy calls? “As it was remarked sometimes (sometime) ago….” “…at least not in any way that the day had given him any hint of what the day had in stock (store) for him.” “It is make belief” This way: make-believe. “…it cuts in from the next street whether along the very busy New Aba-Umuahia Road or at the outskirts of the city.” Travelogue: on the outskirts of the city. “The sweet look of the cards do (does) not give any inkling of a country nearly three decades old.” Wordsmiths call it error of attraction. “Beside the African Union dastardly act which shocked and outraged the Nigerian society….” There is a world of difference between ‘beside’ and ‘besides’ (which applies here). “In fact, a dangerous development such as cultism should not be treated with a kid’s glove.” Get it right: kid gloves. “The impression I was given was that IBB had morbid fear of the wild, wild west, and would

never cross the River Niger again, talk less (let alone) coming to Lagos.” “Anything to create a reasonably safe distance between us and the military administrator’s siren was alright.” Current form: all right, if you subscribe to formal (Standard) English. ‘Alright’ is an unacceptable spelling except in the US. “The NLC’s protest march to the National Assembly brought some reassurance to the strong vocal resistance to what understandably is viewed as betrayal by the legislators.” Contextually, I assert that ‘protest’ is clearly redundant here. “He has indeed made remarkable damages on earth with a little help from its inhabitants.” ‘Damage’ is uncountable except in legal reparations. “But rather than see the move as an affront against (to) the military....” “What this therefore calls is (are) clear-cut criteria for determining who goes and who is retained at the end of the pruning exercise.” What is the function of ‘exercise’ here? And this: criterion (singular); criteria (plural). “If each civil servant had at least a twobedroom house in Abuja, very few Nigerians could have raised any eyebrow on the furniture allowance for lawmakers as was done.” Our mandate, their meal ticket: raise eyebrows (fixed expression). “...and that money spent on the comfort of the executive and legislative members of government does not extend into (to) the pockets of civil servants or other members of the civil society.” “When it did, it was time to head to (for) the hanger for a heavy check, sometimes called a D check.” “…Lagos Chamber of Commerce President…receiving momentos as....” Till eternity: mementos. “Merger of Japan’s three banks elicit (elicits) reactions” Why the noun phrase-verb disagreement? Another error of attraction

PEOPLE2PEOPLE...with Oke Epia

Much Ado About an Ambassadorial Award


his week the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) dragged itself further down the muddy terrain of Nigeria’s politics. For some time now, it has somewhat suggested that it was not content with being just an anti-graft agency: its managers wanted a portion of the political pie baked by the new sheriff in town. Last Tuesday they sought to do this in none other place than the Senate of the Federal Republic. An unadvertised ambassadorial position was offered and withdrawn within a space of 24 hours. And in very dramatic circumstances that got Nigeria’s political space excited. The drama comes at a time President of the Senate Bukola Saraki is facing trial over charges of false assets declaration and money laundering filed against him by the Federal Government. In fact, the climax of the plot happened same day Saraki sat boxed in the dock of the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) marveling perhaps at the flip-flopping of a certain Mr. Michael Wetkas, staff of the EFCC and star prosecution witness in the case. While witness Wetkas was unravelling under the weight of Mr. Kanu Agabi’s crossexamination, a certain Suleiman Bakare, also a staff of the EFCC was officiously decorating Senator Ike Ekweremadu, Saraki’s second-in-command in the Senate with an ambassadorial award. Thus, while the Senate President was feeling the rough edges of the law in a packed court in town, the Deputy Senate President was regaling in his decoration as an ‘anti-corruption ambassador’ by the EFCC in his cozy office. Incidentally both events hugged headlines in the media and discerning political minds either confirmed their fears or strengthened their suspicions. But the circumstantial irony of the parallel happenstances is not the issue here. Neither are the permutations conspiracy theorists attributed to both within the context of the Senate’s slippery sand. The anti-climax which occurred 24 hours later is the issue. And here is the story. After the media had buzzed with the befuddling news that the anti-graft agency had found and indeed decorated a worthy ambassador of its anti-corruption crusade in the highly esteemed person of Ekweremadu, the EFCC came up 24 hours later firing from fiery cylinders that it did not authorize such award. In a rather bellicose statement that did it more harm than good, the commission disowned its staff, branded him an instrument in the scheme of ‘corruption fighting back’ and disrespectfully threw tirades at the person and office of the Deputy Senate President. Any objective reader of that rabid rebuttal signed by Mr. Wilson Uwajaren, the spokesman of the EFCC would hear the voice of Jacob even though the hand of Esau it was that wrote. Titled ‘Ekweremadu Not EFCC’s Anti-Corruption Ambassador’ the statement began: “The attention of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, has been drawn to some reports in the


OKE EPIA Telephone (sms only): 07059850016 Email: Twitter: @resourceme

print and online media, on April 20, 2016 claiming that the anti-graft agency has decorated the Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu, as “Anti-Corruption Ambassador.” And after conveniently attributing the reports to a press statement issued by the office of the Deputy Senate President but not denying its content, the Commission identified one of its own as the fall guy: “ The EFCC totally dissociates itself from the purported action of Bakari as he acted entirely on his own and clearly outside his liaison officer brief as he was never instructed by the Acting Chairman nor mandated by the management and staff of the Commission to decorate Ekweremadu or any officer of the National Assembly as ‘Anti- Corruption Ambassador’,” the statement stated emphatically. It continued with the scapegoating by labelling the ‘offending’ officer a black leg in the Commission’s anti-graft war while straying listlessly from the issue of focus to lash freely at the judiciary for issuing a “string of antiEFCC rulings” in recent times. According to the EFCC statement, the Ekweremadu affair and so called antagonism of the judiciary form parts of “calculated attempts to derail the anti-corruption war, even as there were indications of the capture of a prominent section of the media by dark forces.” As if that was not enough, the Commission took a freestyle swipe at the Senate saying “the picture of organized corruption marshaling its evil forces to launch a sustained fight-back becomes clearer, if cognizance is taken of the bewildering insistence of the Senate to carry on with the ill-advised amendment of the Code of Conduct Bureau and Code of Conduct Tribunal Act as well as the inexplicable provisions proposed for amendment of the AntiMoney Laundering Act.” This was after the Senate had announced a reversal of its decision to amend the said laws. It then zeroed in on the number two man of the institution who may not really be blamed for choosing to accept a honourary ambassadorial award even though the timing can be considered inauspicious. Although that portion of the statement was couched in insulting innuendos, the message could not have been lost on its target. “Let it be underscored that the statutory mandate of the EFCC is the investigation and prosecution of all economic and financial crimes cases, which does not include phoney decoration of

any individual as “Anti-corruption Ambassador”. That award and title are unknown to the EFCC and could not have been invested as purported, on behalf of the Acting Chairman, Management and staff of the EFCC. “Further, the Commission is not in the habit of awarding titles to individuals. Those who seek titles for reasons of waging a counteronslaught against the war on corruption in addition to massaging inflated sense of influence know the quarters to approach for such dubious honours. Not the EFCC. Members of the public and stakeholders in the fight against corruption are enjoined to disregard the so-called decoration, while stern administrative action is being taken on the clearly misdirected officer who acted entirely without authorization.” The EFCC had taken umbrage at both its staff and the Deputy President of the Senate. And expectedly, Ekweremadu would have none of that. He fired back in a statement signed by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Uche Anichukwu. “The attention of the Office of the Deputy President of the Senate, Senator Ike Ekweremadu, has been drawn to a statement purportedly issued by the spokesperson of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Mr. Wilson Uwujaren, denying that the agency decorated the Deputy President of the Senate, Senator Ike Ekweremadu as its Anti-Corruption Ambassador,” the counter claim began. According to the statement, “Mr. Bakari also, on behalf of the Acting Chairman, management, and staff of the EFCC decorated Senator Ekweremadu as an Anti-Corruption Ambassador of the EFCC. It is also a fact that the visit and decoration was captured in both pictures and video. “Taking cognisance of the command structure of the agency, we also wonder whether Mr. Bakari could have acted on his own or read from a prepared text without recourse to the Commission, which he represents, especially as the visit and decoration was never solicited for in the first place. “We leave the rest to discerning members of the public to read in-between the lines and make their own judgments. However, Ambassador or no Ambassador, the Deputy President of the Senate will not back down from his legislative efforts and advocacy as captured in his several public statements and lectures over the years, pushing for legal and institutional reforms such as Special Anti-Graft Courts; security of tenure and financial autonomy for the EFCC and related agencies. Only such reforms would fast-track justice and insulate the anti-corruption agencies from external interferences and self-reversals.” Not everyone may accept Ekweremadu’s argument that the EFCC was externally influenced to act the way it did but many would agree that the Commission conducted itself in a manner unbecoming of a non-partisan and neutrally pan-Nigeria agency of government. Follow writer onTwitter @resourceme




Tosin Clegg

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I’ II Love to Work With Kanye West Skales has upped his game since he got signed on to a new label. He has released several singles and videos. In this interview with Tosin Clegg, he talks about his career, a forth coming album and challenges What inspired my new single


couple of weeks ago, I was in Ghana for a pan, African tour with my team and at the same time I was working with a lot of Ghanaian artistes and producers too. I got into the studio with Dj Breezy and we were working on a couple of tracks and that’s how we made this song. There was no particular inspiration as it was just us working back to back and dropping different ideas. It’s called, ‘ I want you’ and it’s the first single off my sophomore album. I dropped the single and video at the same time. The video was directed by Unlimited LA. Now, it’s getting massive reception. You know when people demand for you and you have to go. So that’s what it is basically. And there is more to come in May before my album drops and even when it does, I would be on tour. With my new album, I’m raising a different point of view This time around, I have different artistes on board. Not the usual ones I used to work with as it’s all different. The artistes on the new album are known names as I’m friends with most of them and I only do music with people I have chemistry with. That way, I can vibe easily. Either one way or the other, they have affected my life. We don’t want to be telling the same story again and we want to switch it up. Like I said I’m still working on a lot of stuff form the album. My dreams I want to be a very strong internationally-known artiste and businessman at the same time because I have a whole lot of ideas I’m going to be selling very soon. That’s what I want Skales to be. I’m not just doing this for profit even though at the end of the day, I want to make profit. I do something I have passion for as it was more like a hobby that I do unconsciously; then I turned it to what I can benefit from profit-wise. If you are doing something and you are in love with it then it’s perfect and I love doing this. My New Label’s Good Of course, every business has its ups and downs but definitely it’s been great. At the end, it’s just you knowing what you are there for. They are playing their part and you playing yours. That’s all that matters and it’s been good so far as you can tell. I have been dropping singles. It wasn’t so with my other label. I have been in charge of my career. I would love to work with Kanye West I would love to work with Kanye West, Chris Brown, Jay Z and a lot

of people. One of the major reasons I haven’t done collabo is because I don’t believe in just doing it for doing sake; I believe there should be an impact. I don’t want to do it for hype because it’s going to die in one or two weeks then people move on. I’m trying to do this for something that will attract attention from other countries and continents. I have everything balanced already I feel like Skales has taken over everything as my whole life depends on Skales. Nothing different as it’s just the same me at home and everywhere. About my fans and social media The truth is that I have got to a point where my music is more than a hobby. It is business and the fans play a major role like they inspire me a lot; like what I hear from them when I put out music and the comments I get inspire me for the next music I put out. For now, I am still in the process of creating a strong relationship that makes me very accessible to the fans as you aren’t making this music for yourself to listen to, but rather for them. I Love good things Whether it’s Nigerian or American, I just go for things that are attractive and people are like ‘where did you get this from.’ I’m more of the urban youth style. My regret I should not have allowed anyone make decisions or direct me. I should have been the one doing the directing. This is what I’m doing now. So, I’m right now doing that and making decisions as well as reaching out to my team on what they think and their ideas too. I don’t even spend as much on my clothes like I do for my studio. I’m talking about softwares and upgrading this and that. Timaya is my homie Timaya is my homie. Apart from the fact that we chill out all the time, we make music and act on each other’s music making suggestions. Like the last single he dropped, ‘I concur’ I was the one that suggested Don Jazzy and connected the whole thing. He has done pretty much for me too and when I play my songs for him he suggests I do this or that. I really don’t do much collabos with artistes because I have just few friends and I work with a lot of producers like Killa Tunes, Jay Pizzle, Spellz and those are people I have chemistry with. I have five tattoos One is the Phillipians 2yrs. It was the first memory verse I had in my head because they kept repeating it for me and I had it in my head. And the second one is what Skales is actually is - speak-


ers, cassette and it’s the music. The third is my ideas for life. They are my guide lines for life where I have God first, ambition, success, love, loyalty and a lot of things. I think I have like six. Also I have my mum’s name signifying the whole connection. Right now, the name I have on me isn’t my name but I have plans in the future to change it to it.

after like two-three years I dropped out because I moved to Lagos and it wasn’t easy going back and forth. I was studying Banking and Finance then when I signed to EME. I went back to the university again which was Lead City, Ibadan where I was studying office management before I switched to Business administration then obtained a degree in that.

My educational background I did my primary school in Kaduna; can’t really remember the name as I went to different primary schools switching anyhow. Then I finally graduated at St Michaels Secondary School. I went to University of Jos in 2007 and

My Love Life I’m just there as I’m in the middle. For now, I would just put it this way: What is more important is the music. They make this whole thing move faster and easier. So, basically, I reach out to them as much as I reach out to every other person.






I Get My Rap Inspirations from the Streets

Kings International Music Network’s artiste, OBA, is out with her official single (audio and video) “Lead Me” from her forthcoming third album project. The song was written at that point in her life when it seemed as if she had lost every reason to move on. It was produced by Philip Uzor while the video was directed by Paul Gambit. OBA is a renowned Christian musician, a soulful singer/songwriter with over two decades in the music scene. Her blend of music stands her out among many others. Her fans will see a soulful blend with Africanness in this piece of music which is OBA’s trademark. OBA indeed is a divine diva, a brand in a class of her own. She is currently rounding off work on her third album project, in which she has just released a new song to encourage someone to rely solely on God. A passionate worshipper, OBA is also an author, blogger and public speaker.

Isaac Akorede Bernard,popularly known as Benzeeno, was born and brought up in Lagos. Benzeeno dives into the indigenous lyrical ingenuity by preaching and rapping about his daily life on the street. He recently penned a five-year deal with Espin Entertainment last week. Following the deal, he dropped a new joint which will be followed up by a video in a couple of weeks. He speaks to Tosin Clegg about his career

RACHAEL OKONKWO GIVES BACK TO SOCIETY Nollywood actress, Rachael Okonkwo, popularly known as Nkoli made her first spotlight appearance on a movie titled Nkoli Nwa Nsukka, which automatically changed her fortune in the movie industry. She gave back to the society recently by hosting over 7000 fans on Easter Sunday in Onitsha. The event was massively attended by mainly children as well as movie actors and film makers. Commenting on the huge turnout, the fair complexioned actress said: “I decided to do this Easter carnival in Onitsha this year because of the love people have for me; it’s my own little way of giving back to the society and an avenue for me to meet and interact with my fans because they made me what I am. “It’s by God’s grace with sponsorship from companies like Tummy Tummy

noodles, Aqua Rapha, Km Company Ltd, Eforevo TV and Royal Edge celebration. She continued, “I did this same show in Enugu last year and more than 6000 people came out. So, this year, I decided to extend the love outside my state and to the glory of God people turned out. The crowd was massive; more than 7000 people came out.” The ex-dancer turned actress added: “Last year, I did it all by myself. So, when these companies saw the clips they were inspired and decided to help we with what they can. The kids were entertained - they ate, drank and the lucky ones went home with souvenirs and writing material. I could not provide for all because the crowd was massive but by his grace, in my next year edition, I will select three kids that I will place on scholarship.”

FACE OF PETITE NIGERIA KICKS OFF 2ND EDITION Face of Petite Nigeria seeks to celebrate the beauty, brains and to also empower women. It has been established in Nigeria to provide young women the opportunity to grow as rounded individuals. According to the founder/CEO, Melissa Nnamdi, the organisation will prepare them to take on the world as women who are aware of the opportunity that can be derived from fulfilling their purpose as well as empower them to impact the welfare of humanity positively. She added: “Through participation in this programme, they experience first-hand important

societal issues, develop professional and personal skills and showcase their talents. Our vision is driven by the suppressed potentials and capacity of the average Nigerian woman. Through, this program we envisage an empowered Nigerian, a leader, an ambitious and learned woman. A woman ready to take responsibilities, face challenges and is focused on changing her environment.” This year’s edition is tagged ‘Pride of womanhood’ and it’s going to be bigger and better as the winner will represent Nigeria for the first time ever, Miss Universal Petite Pageant in Florida, USA.


ow long have you been doing music?

About eight years now. And a Rap artiste and that’s what I have been doing from day one. Many things inspire me to do music because I listen to a lot of rap from 2pac, Biggy, Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre.

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

Largely it’s from the streets just like every other rapper. Normally, when I write about music I talk more of the streets as I grew up from the streets.

What steps are you taking to attain stardom?

I’m taking many steps as it is. I look at many people in the industry and it’s not that I’m competing with anybody but I’m taking my time studying them. I’m doing my own and I know from now into the next two years, I will get a breakthrough. This would be largely based on the fact that my music is different.

What should your fans expect from you?

They should expect a lot really. And I have been working on different styles of music like afro, dancehall. My new song, ‘Esemi’ is a street slang. Yes there are challenges but for me there aren’t any. I’m always set to go and good to go.




BMW i8 is an Unusual Car Stories by Bennett Oghifo


our seats, carbon fiber construction, a mid-mounted three-cylinder engine, two transmissions and a pair of electric motors. The BMW i8 truly is an unusual car. Built as part of the company’s concept for sustainable mobility, the i8 is one of two models in BMW’s i sub-brand. Unlike the electric i3 city car, the i8 is a hybrid performance vehicle that’s out to prove a supercar can be fast and efficient at the same time. Using carbon fiber construction, the car features seating for four people in front of the mid-mounted engine. These extra accommodations makes the i8 almost a foot longer than the Audi R8, albeit with a similar profile. The roof at its highest point is four inches lower than that of a similarly sized Mercedes E-Class Coupe, though, making the i8 look like a true supercar. But the i8 doesn’t look like anything else on the road. Falling somewhere between a concept car that accidentally slipped into production and a product sent back in time from a futuristic society, the i8 is full of creases, curves and contours all shaped by the wind. Futuristic Interior… The futuristic theme continues with the stylish interior, which is more elegant than the outright mid-mounted engine is a six-speed automatic, while the front motor has a two-speed auto of its own. This all adds up to a zero to 60 mph acceleration run in four seconds or less, with top speed limited to 155 mph. in the front is always operated by the car. Despite being a conventional six-speed automatic, it responds quickly to inputs and downshifts without delay. My only real complaint with the drivetrain has to do with the engine’s sound. Although it is moderately loud on the outside and not all that bad sounding for a three-cylinder, inside audio is pumped through the speakers to create a more pleasing tone. It sounds like a six-cylinder and there are even hints of Porsche 911 flat-six in there. Not Your Everyday Supercar…

2016 BMW i8

But the i8 is more than just a fast car. It’s a true plug-in hybrid. When fully charged, the i8 can drive up to 15 miles on electric only power by — get this — using only the front wheels. Yup, this wedge-shaped supercar can transform into a front-wheel drive commuter. To keep the car in all electric-mode, simply press the eDrive button. Once engaged, the car has more than enough power to move around town – there’s enough torque to break the front tires loose when turning. When the battery runs out, a level-two charger can recharge the battery in just 1.5 hours, or you can just let the engine do it. With a full

charge, the i8 is rated at 76 MPGe, but even in full gasoline mode, it still achieves a combined average of 28 mpg – not bad for a car with this kind of performance. Best of all, the transition between electric and gasoline propulsion is completely seamless at all times. Not a Numb EV… The i8 is more than a straight-line rocket, unlike some other electric cars. It’s designed to handle corners just as well. Using extensive amounts of carbon fiber, the car tips the scales at 3,455 pounds and features a slightly rear-bias weight distribution.

To balance efficiency and cornering grip, the i8 wears skinny offset tires. Despite this, it grips very well in the corners – a testament to how well-designed the chassis is. It doesn’t require big meaty tires to compensate when making a turns, yet remains very stable at freeway speeds. The steering is just like a sports car of this caliber should be. It’s direct, quick and responsive. The car as a whole behaves and responds a fraction off of say an Audi R8 V8 or Porsche 911, but it comes with the added benefit of being a plug-in hybrid car as well.

Ford Fiesta ST200 Announced with 197 HP, 217 LB-FT of Torque


t’s not quite a Ford Fiesta RS, but the Ford Fiesta ST200 will stir up trouble in the hot hatch segment. Rumors that the American automaker was working on a Fiesta RS variant were debunked by Ford itself, but at least now the ST200 model has been confirmed. There’s a modest increase in performance to 197 horsepower from the 1.6-liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine while torque has gone up 20 per cent to 214 pound-feet. That means with the car’s overboost function, the Ford Fiesta ST200 is capable of having 212 hp and 236 lb-ft of torque for short 15-second bursts. If these numbers sound familiar, it’s because it’s pretty much the same as the Ford Fiesta ST equipped with the factory-available Mountune kit. The Fiesta ST200 however does get a shortened final drive ratio that is intended to enhance “in-gear acceleration for improved drivability and an even more fun to drive experience.” According to Ford, zero-to-62 mph comes in 6.7 seconds, marking a 0.2-second improvement over the standard Fiesta ST. It will have a top speed of 143 mph. To help distinguish itself from a standard

Fiesta ST, the ST200 model will come in a unique Storm Grey finish with matte black 17-inch wheels and red brake calipers. Inside there are part-leather Recaro sport seats, illuminated door sills and seatbelts with silver detailing. Production of the Ford Fiesta ST200 will commence this June ahead of deliveries starting in the summer. After revealing the new Fiesta ST200, it now looks like the company is preparing a hotter version of the Focus ST. New spy photos have emerged showing Ford testing a modified Focus ST on roads close to the Nurburgring. The current Focus ST makes 250 horsepower, while the top-dog Focus RS model makes 350, leaving a large gap where a hotter ST model would fit in. Aerodynamics look improved on the car thanks to a new front spoiler and some added canards used on the front bumper. Some changes to the suspension are also a given, trying to refine the car further and help it to handle corners. Some new graphics and wheels would round out the package. The car will likely end up making around 270 or 280 hp, which may lead Ford to name it the Focus ST270 or ST280.

2017 Ford Fiesta

Mansory Gives Rolls-Royce Dawn 740 HP , Tasteful Body Kit


ansory has introduced its version of the Rolls-Royce Dawn to the world. Known for tuning some of the world’s most luxurious models, Mansory has added its own twist to Rolls-Royce’s latest creation, the convertible four-seat Dawn. Up front is a newly designed spoiler that features larger air intakes and integrated LED daytime running

lights, while the visible use of carbon fiber gives the Dawn a sportier appearance. The side skirts have been sculptured to give the luxury convertible a lower and sleeker look while a lip spoiler has been added to the Dawn’s trunk to help reduce lift on the rear axle. On all four corners are massive 22-inch wheels paired to Vredestein rubber sized 265/35/22 in the front and 295/30/22 in

the rear. What’s more exciting is how much performance has been improved with the factory 6.6-liter V12 engine tweaked to provide 740 horsepower, a substantial increase from the factory’s output of 563 hp. Torque output has also jumped from 585 pound-feet of torque to 738 lb-ft. According to Mansory, that allows its version of the Rolls-Royce Dawn to go from zero to 62 mph in just

4.5 seconds, while its maximum speed is now 177 mph. Inside, quality materials can be found throughout with brushed aluminum, carbon fiber, burl wood or highly-polished piano lacquer surfaces gleaming in the cockpit. Like most bespoke tuning programs, the customer has plenty of options to choose from when it comes to personalizing the interior, and Mansory never disappoints.






(Asst Corps Marshal) Zonal Commanding Officer Zone RS7 Abua phone 08077690700 FRSC TOLL FREE NO 122

Is Eating While Driving A Distraction?


Toyota Corolla MC 2016

New Corolla Introduces more Prestigious Styling, High Levels Safety Equipment Stories by Bennett Oghifo


urrently sold in approximately 150 countries and regions around the world and accounting for around 20% of Toyota’s global sales, the Corolla remains the most popular vehicle in the company’s line-up. The updated Corolla model range now introduces a new and advanced exterior styling. The front has been completely restyled to highlight a wider vehicle stance

and a more prestigious design. It incorporates Toyota’s Under Priority and Keen Look design language featuring a small upper grille flanked by new LED headlampclusters,includingnew LED light guides, and a revised front bumper incorporating a large lower grille. To the side, the door handles receive a new chrome trim finish, enhancing the character line running from the front to the rear of the vehicle. A choice of new 16” and 17” alloy wheel designs is available.

Greater style is added to the rear through the adoption of new LED tail lamp clusters and a new chrome garnish which further emphasises the vehicle width. The new Corolla is available in a choice of 9 body colours, of which three are new: Platinum Bronze, Tokyo Red and Earth Bronze. Fitted as standard across the entire model range, Toyota Safety Sense helps to prevent or mitigate collisions across a wide range of traffic situations by processing information provided by a com-

pact, windscreen head-mounted unit housing both a laser and a camera. Toyota Safety Sense incorporates a Pre-Collision System (PCS), Lane Departure Alert (LDA), Road SignAssist (RSA) andAutomatic High Beam (AHB). Thanks to the system reducing the risk of being involved in traffic accidents, drivers of the new Corolla may benefitfromlowerinsurancecosts or more advantageous insurance reclassification. The new Corolla goes on sale throughout Europe this summer.

Jaguar F-Pace Coming with Over 500 HP


high-performance Jaguar F-Pace is in development. The British automaker’s Special Vehicle Operations (SVO) division is looking to hunt down the BMW X5 M and Mercedes-AMG SUVs with a high-powered F-Pace and supercharged V8 engine churning over 500 horsepower. According to Car and Driver, Jaguar already has prototypes testing in the real world and the high-performance F-Pace could head to market as soon as 2017. That’s not all, as SVO is also testing the supercharged V8 engine under the hood of the Jaguar XE sedan, giving the British automaker a competitor to the popular BMW M3, Cadillac ATS-V and Mercedes-AMG C63 models. There is no final decision yet on a high-performanceJaguarXEoffering, as the brand would contradict its own strategy for electrification with a high-powered V8. There is no denying the demand for high-performance sedans in the luxury space and considering

L-R: Group Executive Chairman, House of Estate International Limited, Mr. Bode Adediji; Chairman,Toyota Nigeria Limited, Sir. Michael Ade-Ojo; Chairman, Choice International Group, (CIG), Ms. Diana Chen and the former GMD/CEO, First Bank Nigeria Plc, Mr. Bisi Onasanya, during the unveiling of Gree Air-Condition and GAC Motor showroom, in Lagos… recently

how attractive the Jaguar F-Type SVR is, the F-Pace model should be good looking. The all-new 2017 Jaguar F-Pace has been revealed in full and will be initially priced from $43,385

when it arrives next spring. At its launch, the 2017 Jaguar F-Pace will be available with V6 gas engines, but pricing will drop to $41,995 when the British automaker introduces a

four-cylinder diesel to the lineup later in 2016. The 3.0-liter supercharged V6 engine sporting 340 horsepower and 332 pound-feet oftorquewillbepairedtoaneightspeed automatic transmission.

Maserati Levante Could Get a V8


aserati’snewLevante isn’t exactly underpowered with 430 horsepower available, but a big boost may be coming from a new V8 engine. The powerplant is said to be a twin-turbo 3.8-liter V8 borrowed from the Quattroporte sedan,

where it makes 523 hp. Autoblog asked the head of Maserati vehicle programs, Davide Danesin, if the engine would fit in the Levante. “Yes, it fits, and we have a prototype already,”saidDanesin,whowent on to confirm that the big V8 can be paired with an all-wheel drive system.

When the Levante launches, it will be available with a 3.0-liter twin-turbo V6 offered in two flavors; either with 350 horsepower or 430 hp in the S model. This new updated V6 will debut in the Levante, though it will find its way to the Ghibli and Quattroporte soon, bringing a 20-hp increase to those cars in

S tune. If Maserati does build the highperformance crossover, it will be faced with stiff competition from the 520-hp Porsche Cayenne Turbo and 570-hp Turbo S along with the 550-hp Range Rover Sport SVR.

(Source: Autoblog)

Last week, a driver was pulled over by our men in the Federal Capital Territory for using his phone while driving. An interesting argument ensued between the driver who claims to be Israeli and the patrol team leader. The driver engaged the patrol team on what he understood to mean driving and using the phone. He told them that contrary to their claim, that he was not using the phone but that he was merely holding on to the phone and driving. He also informed the team that in his hometown, drivers are allowed to drive holding on to their phone. In his response, the smart patrol team leader politely told him that the traffic laws in Nigeria differ from those of his hometown. He went further to ask him if he truly understands the driving rules of engagement as contained in the National Road Traffic Regulations, 2012 which prohibits using your phone while driving and other distracted driving behaviors?. Continuining, the officer rhetorically asked the driver if he is aware of Regulations 103 which forbids a driver from smoking or eating or drinking. According to the Regulations, ‘the driver of a taxi, stage carriage omnibus or any other vehicle shall not smoke, eat or drink while driving ‘Besides the driver, the same Regulations forbid even the passengers from smoking. According to Regulations 107,(h)no person shall while travelling in or upon a stage carriage or omnibus, smoke or carry a lighted pipe, cigar or cigarette in any part of the vehicle whether or not a notice prohibiting smoking is exhibited in the vehicle. Knowing that he had humbled the driver with these questions, he reminded him of the appropriate driving position especially with respect to holding your steering. I don’t know how long you have been driving and how you handle your steering but please indulge me to bore you a little on steering handling at all times, including during the rains. The vogue on our major roads including the cities is to find a good number of drivers who hold the steering with one hand, eat, or phone, with the other. Some others would choose to rest their right arm on the front passenger’s headrest even under the rain. The driver in question today was driving and clutching his phone which he claimed he was not using for which I quickly injected that maybe he was about to take a selfie, flash, or whatever. The correct posture is to hold your steering wheel with both hands except when shifting gear lever or giving signals. The recommended way is to hold the steering on nearly opposite sides in a position termed “tento-two” derived from the clock hand positions at ten minutes to two o’clock, that is, 01.50 or

13.50 hours. It is a traffic offence to drive with one hand only.All of these provisions are meant to guard against the risks inherent in distracted driving which is a leading factor in many crashes, and cell phone use and texting are two of the most common distractions.Globally laws that addresses these like the one cited earlier support restrictions of all electronic device. Researches on distracted driver maintains that often drivers are distracted and that distraction impacts driver performance . the findings further maintains that distractions affect driving performance;drivers frequently are distracted, perhaps as much as half the time,distractions are estimated to be associated with 15 to 25 percent of crashes at all levels. Texting likely increases crash risk more than cell phone use.Based on the existing research, the report urges use low-cost engineering solutions such as edgeline and centerline rumble stripes to alert motorists who may drift,record distracted driving in crash reports and evaluate other distracted driving laws and programs. There are many distractions which may prevent a driver from focusing on the complex task of driving: changing the radio or a CD, talking to passengers, observing an event outside the vehicle, using an electronic device, etc.. Like I once wrote on this page,crashes involving distracted driving injured more than half a million people in 2008 in the Unites States ofAmerica. Deadly driving habits kills nearly 6,000 Americans a year while Car crashes are the leading killer of youths in America –they kill an average of 11 teens each day. As US Secretary ofTransportation Ray LaHood says, ‘‘the mother who lost children,the children who lost mothers. You want no part of that kind of loss.Talking on the phone while driving causes as much impairment as drunk driving- its like driving after you have taken 4 beers and if you are texting while driving, you are 23 times as likely to get into a crash. In the US, nearly a third of all crashes are caused bydrivers who are either talking on cell phones or texting.Studies have shown that drivers who use their cell phones for talking or texting have much slower response times than those who do not.They also have slower reaction timesthan people with blood alcohol levels of 0.08.Studies have also shown that poeple who talk and drive at the same timesare four times likely to crash.Those who text and drive are twenty times more likely to have an accident.While the dangers of phoning or texting behind the wheels is undisputed, laws that ban texting while driving have not reduced the number of crashes across four states in the US according to a study, but a slight increase in road accidents has been recorded.





Frequent Urination, .Cel,


requent urination is the need to urinate more than you normally would. The urge can strike suddenly and can cause you to lose control of your bladder. It can feel uncomfortable, like your bladder is extremely full. This is also referred to as having an overactive bladder. A recent study carried out by researcher, concluded that urinating every two hours or more is considered to be frequent urination. It is your urge to urinate more often than usual. Urgent urination is a sudden, strong urge to urinate, along with discomfort in your bladder. Frequent urination may occur both day and night, or it may be noticeable only during the night and called nocturia. Frequent urination can affect your sleep, work and general well-being. Frequent urination can be caused by a variety of different disorders. It is a typical symptom of a UTI [urinary tract infection], prostate problems and diabetes are other characteristic conditions that lead to frequent urination. In some cases, bladder cancer and dysfunction as well as other medications may also bring about too frequent urination. Enlargement of the prostate and drinking too much before bedtime may cause nocturia. The anatomy of the human bladder and the adjoining tubes attaching to the kidneys, makes the likely causes fairly easy to understand. Frequent urination may be caused by diseases affecting the urinary tract at any level. The urinary tract includes the kidneys, the tubes connecting the kidneys to the bladder (ureters), the bladder, and the duct through which urine flows from the bladder out of the body (urethra). There are certain common factors, that could be linked to frequent urination . These include : Infection, disease, injury or irritation 1. of the bladder Conditions that increase urine produc2. tion Changes in muscles, nerves or other 3. tissues affecting bladder function Certain cancer treatments 4. Drugs or beverages that increase urine 5. production. These are normal things we do, that would ordinarily increase urine production. Therefore as a result of these, there are some signs that you may also experience, such as : Pain or discomfort during urination • A strong urge to urinate • Difficulty urinating • Loss of bladder control • Unusual urine color. • The symptoms experienced in men and women could be different, and it is a pointer to the underlying disease. Specific diseases, conditions or other factors that can result in frequent urination include Pregnancy , vaginitis, overactive bladder, kidney infection, diuretics[ water retention], consumption in excess of total fluids, alcohol, caffeine, prostatitis , benign prostatic hyperplasia, diabetes, urinary tract infection, urinary incontinence, bladder stones, and believe it or not…. Anxiety. • Bladder infections (the most common 1. cause in women and children) • Urinary incontinence 2. • Noncancerous enlargement of the 3. prostate gland (benign prostatic hyperplasia— the most common cause in men over 50) • Stones in the urinary tract. 4. The following sign indicate, that you see your doctor as quickly as possible. Blood in your urine • Red or dark brown urine • Painful urination • Pain in your side, lower abdomen or • groin


weak pelvic muscles • nerve damage • being overweight • lack of estrogen (common after meno• pause). It is then important for you to probe : • When did this symptom begin? • How often do you urinate? • What symptoms are you experiencing? It is expected , that you will be ask you for a urine sample and check it for bacteria and blood. A negative result wil then point to the fact that , you’ll likely need to get an abdominal or pelvic ultrasound to check for anything abnormal in the bladder. If the ultrasound test is inconclusive, your doctor may order more invasive tests, such as a cystoscopy to detect tumors or obstructions. Treatment Treatment for frequent urination depends on the cause. It is normal , to first treat the primary disease responsible for frequent urination, such as diabetes. If an infection is at fault, then you will be will prescribed antibiotics for getting rid of the infection. Medications that control the muscle spasms in the bladder can help reduce urinary incontinence, which is loss of bladder control. Your doctor also may suggest doing pelvic exercises, or bladder retraining exercises, to help delay urination. Help your self You can take some steps to reduce your likelihood of developing frequent urination. Your best defense is to stop smoking and maintain a healthy weight. Limit your caffeine and alcohol intake. Constipation can also contribute to frequent urination by putting pressure on the bladder, so increase your fiber intake to maintain regularity. Seek instruct on the proper way to perform pelvic exercises. These can strengthen your pelvic floor.

Difficulty urinating or emptying your • bladder A strong urge to urinate • Loss of bladder control • Fever. • It is quite normal that the diagnosis for men could be different from women, because of the different anatomies. [ genital and urinary structure]. But test common to both genders are, With men : There are various diagnostic tests that your doctor may use to determine condition and the causes of the condition. Often times, a physical examination 1. will be performed first, this may include an abdominal, pelvic and/or rectal examination. Blood tests may also be conducted to 2. establish renal and thyroid function levels as well as plasma levels. Analysis of the urine will help determine 3. if a UTI, exists or if there is risk of diabetes or hyperthyroidism. 4. Overactive bladder This condition is common in One out of six patients, who are usually over 40 years old. Frequent urination is a symptom of an overactive bladder, which can be caused by:

Urinary Tract Infection [UTI] UTIs can develop anywhere in the urinary system, but they most often occur in the bladder and urethra. They’re more common in women than men because females have a shorter urethra, allowing bacteria to travel more easily to the bladder. The need to urinate frequently, pain or burning when urinating, strong-smelling urine, and lower abdominal pain are symptoms of UTI. As the infection progresses, you may experience: fever • chills • loss of bladder control • nausea. • Diagnosis and treatment The most common test is to do a urine microscopy and culture. The infecting organism is then cleared using prescribed antibiotics. Key points for much older people Older men often urinate frequently because the prostate usually enlarges with age. In older women, frequent urination is also more common because of many factors, such as weakening of the pelvic supporting tissues after childbirth and the loss of estrogen after menopause. Both older men and older women may be more likely to take diuretics, so these drugs may contribute to excessive urination. Older people with excessive urination often need to urinate at night (nocturia). Nocturia can contribute to sleep problems and to falls, especially if a person is rushing to the bathroom or if the area is not well lit.



Sheyi Ojo


Playing for Super Eagles or Three Lions


Fairytale to Reality PAGE. 29




Playing for Super Eagles or Three Lions? Sheyi Ojo was a delight to watch last weekend and little wonder he was rated as one of Liverpool's best players during Reds’ away win against Bournemouth. But there are fears in some quarters that Ojo might end up playing for Three Lions, especially having played for England at the junior level. Kunle Adewale reports



ele Alli and Jordon Ibe are some of the few British-born Nigerians that have turned their backs on the Super Eagles of Nigeria and have instead chosen to play for England. It would therefore be no surprise if the new kid on the block, Sheyi Ojo, who made his second Liverpool debut last weekend, decides to go the way of his Liverpool teammate, Ibe. Former Nigerian international, Paul Okoku, is however of the opinion that until the national team is made attractive, Nigeria-born players living abroad would continue to dump Nigeria for other countries. “If the Nigerian team was at the level the Super Eagles were before the USA 1994 World Cup, all these players would be struggling to be part of the team, and not the other way round. It is a shame that at this level of Nigerian football, the football federation and its coaches still travel abroad to convince players to put on the colours of the national team, when players should actually be scrambling to play for the Eagles. “Until we develop our football and make Nigerian football a brand, we will still be going out on our knees to convince average players to star for us. If our league is in proper shape, do we have to be doing these,” Okoku said. Born in England by Nigerian parents, Ojo was so impressive that former England international, Ian Wright said he was 'so excited' to see how Liverpool winger Sheyi Ojo develops after his dazzling display in last Sunday's 2-1 Premier League victory away at Bournemouth. The 18-year-old Reds academy graduate made his first-team debut earlier this season in the FA Cup third-round against Exeter City and scored in the tie's replay win too. Ojo started Liverpool's last two Premier League games and was in fine form against the Cherries, even having a hand in Roberto Firmino's opening goal. Former Arsenal and Crystal Palace striker Wright, speaking in his role as a pundit for the BBC's Match of the Day coverage of the game, reflected: “I remember we did the FA Cup game when Liverpool played Exeter on this quagmire of a pitch and seeing Ojo with his beautiful left foot.” The ex-England international added: “He's got this calm demeanour about him. I am so excited about him and want to see what he's like in bigger games, more intensified.” Ojo joined the academy of MK Dons when he was 10 years old and by the age of 13 he had played for the Dons' U18 side and was training with the first team squad. During his time at the club, Ojo became the first MK Dons trainee to receive an international cap at youth level. In 2011, Liverpool beat off competition from a host of Europe's top clubs including a multimillion pound offer from Chelsea to sign Ojo, then 14, for an undisclosed fee believed to be in the region of £2 million and went on to be joint top scorer in the prestigious U17 Future Cup. Having made a number of appearances on Liverpool's bench over the festive period, Ojo joined Wigan Athletic on loan on February 2, 2015 and five days later, he made his professional debut coming on as a 59th minute substitute for Wigan Cont'd on page 31



GLOBAL SOCCER Nigeria Professional Football League…

Kuemian Returns for Plateau Test Rivers United have been handed a massive boost ahead of Sunday’s match day 13 Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) game against Plateau United. This follows the news that Ivoirian striker, Kuy Kuemian Venance is fit again. Kuemian has not played for United since April 10 when he suffered a strain of the left quadriceps in the club’s 1-2 defeat to Heartland at the Dan Anyiam Stadium, Owerri.

The former Leones Vegetarianos man duly missed out on the club’s 1-0 win over Kano Pillars in Port Harcourt on April 17 but has now been passed fit to return against Plateau United this weekend. “The doctor (Chukwuemeka Agi) asked him to stay away from training for a week and he duly complied. “He is available for selection for the next game against Plateau United in Jos. “Guy is an important player and he will make the attack even stronger,”

Eguma told Rivers United media. Kuemian made his debut for Rivers United in the club’s 1-2 defeat to MFM FC in Lagos on February 24 and did not miss a single game until he strained his quadriceps in Owerri. He scored arguably the club’s most important goal in the league this seasonan injury time winner in the match day five NPFL clash against Nasarawa United in Port Harcourt on March 6.

Ikhana Calls Huge Enyimba CCL Feat

Ojo Cont'd from page 30

Playing for Super Eagles or Three Lions? in a Championship match against Bournemouth, with Wigan naming Ojo as their man-of-the-match after he had a positive impact on the game. He was recalled by Liverpool in January 2016, and made his firstteam competitive debut for the club as a substitute in the FA Cup third round match against Exeter City that ended in a 2–2 draw the next day. Ojo went on to score his first competitive goal for Liverpool in the replay against Exeter. Having been born in England and of Nigerian heritage, he is eligible to represent either Nigeria or England. At youth level, he represented England at the U16, U17, U18 and U19 levels. John Salako, for example, was born in Ibadan but represented the Three Lions. Gabriel Agbonlahor is another player who ultimately opted for England over Nigeria, while Warri-born Nedum Onuoha, it seems, still hasn’t decided who he wants to play for. Una Nwajei, Ugo Ehiogu, Carlton Cole, all chose England. Nigeria has also ‘lost’ players to Germany, Patrick Owomoyela and Dennis Aogo; David Alaba to Austria, Angelo Ogbonna to Italy and Oguchi Onyewu to the United States. However, to date, John Fashanu rues his decision to play for England at the expense of his fatherland as he was dumped after playing a couple of friendly games for the Three Lions. Since then, he has been in the fore front of the campaign against players of Nigerian descent choosing to play

for another country. In September 2014, Ojo received his first England U18 call up for a double header against the Netherlands. He appeared in both games with England winning by an aggregate score of 7–2. And in 2015, he received his first call up for the England U19 team and played 90 minutes in a 3–2 away win over Germany. It remains to be seen if Ojo would learn from Fashanu’s example, whereby, he was used and dumped by England.

Until we develop our football and make Nigerian football a brand, we will still be going out on our knees to convince average players to star for us. If our league is in proper shape, do we have to be doing these

Former Enyimba coach, Kadiri Ikhana has described as huge achievement the side qualification to the lucrative group stage of Caf Champions League. The Nigerian champions edged the Tunisian giants, Etoile Sportive du Sahel 7-6 on penalties after both legs of the encounter ended three goals apiece for the sides in Port Harcourt, Nigeria and Sousse, Tunisia respectively. Ikhana said the two-time African champions have by that singular heroic act put the nation’s name on the front banner of top clubs in the continent. “Enyimba’s qualification to the group stage of the Caf Champions League at the expense of the Tunisian side, Etoile du Sahel is a huge achievement and we must say big congratulations to the side. “Enyimba have succeeded


the head coach of Shooting Stars Sports Club (3SC) to The former Nigerian right back guided the People’s Elephant to win the Caf Champions League title in 2003. Enyimba’s progression to the group stage of Africa’s first tier club competition has ended the almost four-year search for a berth in the group phase by any domestic club side.

in putting Nigeria’s name on the world map of top football playing nations. “For some time now no Nigerian club has been able to qualify for the group stage of the Caf Champions League. “Enyimba went to the lion’s den to the pull qualification ticket from the mouth of Etoile du Sahel, it’s not a mean feat but a huge achievement for the entire country. “I believe that Enyimba are wiser with the harrowing experience in Sousse, Tunisia in the hands of Etoile du Sahel to know how to prepare for the group stage hostilities. “Enyimba are good side and have what it takes to rewrite the sterling performances in Africa achieved in 2003 and 2004 but they must work quite hard to realise the lofty dream,” said

Week 13 Fixtures El-Kanemi Heartland Kano Pillars Plateau United Warri Wolves Wikki Tourists Abia Warriors Akwa United Lobi Stars

Nigeria Premier League Table Ifeanyiubah Rangers Abia Warriors Rivers Utd MFM FC Akwa Utd Lobi Stars Pillars Wikki Tourists Wolves 3SC Nasarawa Utd Sunshine Stars Tornadoes Heartland Giwa FC Plateau Utd El-Kanemi Enyimba Ikorodu Utd

12 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 7 12

7 6 5 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 1

1 3 5 1 4 3 3 3 4 4 0 0 5 2 2 2 2 1 0 3

4 2 1 5 3 4 4 3 3 3 7 6 3 6 5 5 6 7 4 8

15 17 12 14 13 17 14 14 12 5 13 11 13 15 8 11 12 13 6 6

v v v v v v v v v

10 11 7 12 12 12 11 12 6 7 15 13 11 16 9 14 18 18 7 20

Ikorodu Utd Sunshine 3SC Rivers Utd Giwa FC Ifeanyiubah MFM FC Enyimba Tornadoes

5 6 5 2 1 5 3 2 6 -2 -2 -2 2 -1 -1 -3 -6 -5 -1 -14

22 21 20 19 19 18 18 18 16 16 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 13 9 6




Can Swansea put an end to Leicester fairytale?

Leicester Consolidates Attempt at Maiden Title Chase with Swansea Visit With just four matches to go and five points ahead of second placed team, Tottenham, what was generally perceived as a fairytale is fast becoming reality as surprised Premier League leaders, Leicester, continue to soldier on with the visit of Swansea. The result would go a long way in deciding the Premiership title.


head of tomorrow’s showdown with Swansea, Leicester winger Marc Albrighton says the shock Premier League leaders are feeling unbeatable as they march towards the most remarkable title triumph in the history of English football. Claudio Ranieri's side are five points ahead of second-placed Tottenham Hotspur with four games left and remain firmly on course to clinch a first English top-flight title despite suffering a setback in Sunday's draw with West Ham United. After stunning the Premier League with their surge to the top of the table earlier this season, Leicester were widely expected to fade away when the pressure of the title run-in mounted. But instead the Foxes, beaten just three times this term, have proved impervious to nerves during a remarkable run of six wins and only two goals conceded in their last seven matches. That blistering sequence has given Leicester a five-point lead over second placed Tottenham and put the title within touching distance just 12 months after the unfashionable club were battling to avoid relegation. Establishing the secret of Leicester's astonishing success in Ranieri's first season in charge has become a favourite discussion for pundits and fans alike in recent weeks. But Albrighton, 26, has a simple answer, insisting Leicester are being driven by a wave of confidence that has grown stronger each week as they realise they are good enough to compete with the league's best. "Yes, to some extent, I would say we feel unbeatable. The position we are in and keeping the clean sheets, that is one of the main factors. If you are not conceding goals then you are not going

to lose games. We have the quality up front to go and score. The team spirit is what has got us here. We have brilliant individuals, but there is no point having them if we are not going to play as a team. It's massive that we are keeping a winning habit going. If we continue to do that everything will look after itself," Albrighton said. However, Leicester's remarkable charge on the Premier League title has given fans of other clubs hope that their teams can achieve a similar feat, Albrighton has said. Albrighton highlighted the applause from Sunderland's supporters when the Foxes beat the home side 2-0 at the Stadium of Light on April 10, a victory which secured their place in next season's Champions League. "To be applauded off by home fans is very rare and it was touching, it touched everyone, including the gaffer. Obviously, with what is going on, it is an emotional time," the former Aston Villa winger told British media. "We are in a place no-one, including ourselves, thought we could be in. We have achieved something special. It is a credit to us. Obviously, he (Ranieri) got emotional and we have never seen that before. "It shows how much he cares and how much he has put in since the summer. A lot of people questioned it (his appointment) maybe. The relationship between the players and the manager, and the coaching staff, has just clicked into place." Leicester host 15th-placed Swansea City at the King Power Stadium on Sunday before Spurs take on 14th-placed West Bromwich Albion at White Hart Lane a day later. Meanwhile, this afternoon, Manchester City will try to strengthen their position in the top four when they face Stoke City at the Etihad Stadium. Manuel

Pellegrini's side are unbeaten in their last four league fixtures, while mid-table Stoke have failed to win any of their last three games in the top flight. As the season winds down, teams begin to prioritise games according to what competitions they remain in, and in Manchester City's case, Pellegrini's men are three wins away from lifting the Champions League trophy. Focus will turn to the European competition next Tuesday when they face Real Madrid at home in the first leg of the semi-finals, but before that, they have to take on Stoke in the Premier League. City's title challenge drifted away a few months ago, but they are not yet assured of a place in the top four as they currently reside third in the standings, one point above fourth-placed Arsenal with four games left to play. Manchester United are knocking on the door as they are two points adrift of their local rivals, so City cannot switch off in the Premier League as they still need to keep themselves within the top four. The team's form in the top flight has improved over the last few weeks as they have managed to record three victories and a draw since losing 1-0 in the Manchester derby on March 20. After earning a 3-0 win over Chelsea last weekend, City had momentum heading into their midweek game against Newcastle United, but they were restricted by Rafael Benitez's side. City head into this weekend's match in the fifth-best form of the league having taken 11 points from their last six matches - only Leicester City, Tottenham Hotspur, Liverpool and Manchester United are in better form at the moment. In addition, the North-West outfit are second to Spurs in terms of attacking threat as they have scored 62 goals this

season, just two fewer than Tottenham, who have scored the most league goals in the campaign. After his strike against Newcastle, Aguero has now moved up to second in the league's top scorers, level on 22 goals with Leicester's Jamie Vardy. Tottenham's Harry Kane leads the way on 24. The Potters meanwhile are on course to finish in the top half of the Premier League table this season, but Mark Hughes's men need to start picking up points if they are to put pressure on the teams above them. Stoke are currently ninth in the standings, four points behind Southampton, seven behind Liverpool, who reside seventh and eighth respectively, and nine points adrift of sixth-placed West Ham United. Last season, Hughes's team finished the campaign in ninth place on 54 points, meaning that they will need a further eight from their last four games in order to better their 2014-15 campaign. The Potters are not in the best form of late, having recorded one draw and two defeats since sealing a 2-1 victory over Watford on March 19. Pellegrini could receive an injury boost ahead of this weekend's game as David Silva, Samir Nasri, Gael Clichy and Bacary Sagna are all expected to be declared fit for the visit of Stoke. Vincent Kompany is expected to play twice in five days as he made his return from a calf injury to start City's 1-1 draw with Newcastle United on Tuesday night. The captain came through the match unscathed, as did Raheem Sterling, who came off the substitutes' bench after recovering from a groin injury. As for Stoke, they will be without Erik Pieters until January 30 as he serves a suspension for picking up 10 yellow cards this season.



GLOBAL SOCCER Spanish La Liga Fixtures TODAY Vallecano Atletico Barcelona Eibar

v v v v

Madrid Mรกlaga Sporting Deportivo

15:00 17:15 19:30 21:05

SUNDAY Levante Sevilla Getafe Villarreal

v v v v

Bilbao Real Betis Valencia Sociedad

11:00 15:00 17:15 19:30

MONDAY Celta Vigo




Bundesliga Fixtures TODAY Kรถln Ingolstadt Hertha Stuttgart Wolfsburg Schalke

v v v v v v

SUNDAY M'gladbach Frankfurt

v v

Darmstadt Hannover Bayern Dortmund Augsburg Levakusen

Hoffenheim Mainz

14:30 14:30 14:30 14:30 14:30 14:30

14:30 16:30

Serie A Fixtures TODAY Inter




SUNDAY Frosinone Atalanta Bologna Sampdoria Torino

v v v v v

Palermo Chievo Genoa Lazio Sassuolo

11:30 14:00 14:00 14:00 14:00





MONDAY Roma Verona Carpi

v v v

Napoli Milan Empoli

14:00 16:00 18:00

Hot Shots

Premiership Table

Harry Kane



Jamie Vardy



Sergio Aguero

Man City


Romelu Lukaku



Riyad Mahrez



Odion Ighalo



Jermain Defoe



Olivier Giroud



Diego Costa



Gyifi Sigurdsson



Marko Amoutovic



Graziano Pelle



Dele Alli



Alexis Sanchez



Georginio Wijnaldum Newcastle


Dimitri Payet

West Ham


Troy Deeney

Watfor d





Andre Ayew



Ross Barkley




TODAY Man City Villa Bournemouth Liverpool

v v v v

Stoke Southampton Chelsea Newcastle

12:45 15:00 15:00 15:00

SUNDAY Sunderland Leicester

v v

Arsenal Swansea

14:05 16:15

Leicester Tottenham Man City Arsenal Man Utd West Ham Liverpool Southampton Stoke Chelsea Everton Watford Bournemouth West Brom Swansea Crystal Palace Norwich Sunderland Newcastle Aston Villa

34 34 34 33 34 34 33 34 34 33 34 34 34 33 34 35 34 33 34 34

26 39 28 22 12 14 13 10 -10 4 5 -7 -16 -9 -11 -9 -25 -18 -26 -42

73 68 61 60 59 56 54 51 47 44 41 41 41 40 40 39 31 30 29 16

34 34 34 34 34 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 33 34 34 34

48 43 35 13 17 8 3 2 -1 -2 -3 -8 -7 -18 -4 -13 -18 -34 -32 -29

82 73 68 61 59 52 49 48 48 43 42 42 38 38 37 37 31 30 29 22

Seria A Juventus Napoli Roma Milan Fiorentina Milan Sassuolo Chievo Lazio Genoa Torino Empoli Atalanta Udinese Sampdoria Bologna Carpi Frosinone Palermo Verona

Barcelona Atletico Madrid Villarreal Bilbao Celta Vigo Sevilla Valencia Mรกlaga Sociedad Eibar Real Betis Las Palmas Deportivo Espanyol Vallecano Sporting Granada Levante Getafe

34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 33 33 33

67 42 71 11 10 -7 5 2 0 -3 -8 -15 -8 -14 -28 -20 -20 -27 -26 -32

he had suffered a serious injury. "All ok, thanks for the support," Ronaldo said on Instagram. Real, however, are expected to rest Ronaldo for the first time this season in the league in preparation for Tuesday's Champions League semifinal first leg at Manchester City. Gareth Bale could return after missing the Villarreal game but defensive midfielder Casemiro is suspended. Barcelona defender Marc Bartra, who scored against Deportivo with a surging run into the box, said the thrashing would lift his team for the run-in. "This came at the ideal moment because the teams behind us were closing in on us, so this convincing victory is not just three points, but also a statement of intent," he said.

Barcelona have lost their last two league games at the Nou Camp and face a Sporting side fighting to avoid relegation. They welcome back central defender Gerard Pique from suspension. Barca coach Luis Enrique began his career at Sporting, who came from behind to beat Sevilla 2-1 on Wednesday and climb out of the bottom three. Real's opponents Rayo Vallecano drew 1-1 with Malaga and are five points above the relegation zone. Real have won all nine games against Rayo since their neighbours returned to the top flight in 2011, thrashing them 10-2 in December with Bale scoring four times. Atletico are boosted by the return of captain Gabi against Malaga, but will be missing centre back Diego Godin, who injured his hamstring against Bilbao

Bayern Dortmundd Leverkusen Hertha BSC M'gladbach Mainz Schalke Wolfsburg Ingolstadt Kรถln Darmstadt Hamburger Hoffenheim Augsburg Stuttgart Bremen Frankfurt Hannover

30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

58 42 14 4 12 3 -2 1 -6 -7 -10 -8 -10 -10 -14 -19 -20 -28

78 71 51 49 45 45 45 39 39 37 35 34 34 33 33 31 27 21




Man City


Man City






Man City


Man City






Man City


Man City






Man City




Man City


Man City






Man City


Man City



FA Cup Fixtures TODAY

Man Utd




Crystal Palace v




Martinez Charges Everton to Repay Fans with Man U Win Everton must compensate their fans by advancing to the FA Cup final after putting on a woeful display in the 4-0 Premier League drubbing against Merseyside rivals Liverpool at Anfield on Wednesday, manager Roberto Martinez said. The Toffees take on an in-form Manchester United side, who have won five of their last six games in all competitions, at Wembley on Saturday as the Spanish manager looks to guide the club to silverware for the first time in more than a decade. A red card for Everton defender Ramiro Funes Mori, who will miss the semi-final through suspension, all but compounded their timid display against Juergen Klopp's men and Martinez urged his side to quickly shift their focus after the damaging defeat.

"We have to move on quickly and repay our fans with a proper, proper performance and proper showing in the semi-final. We shouldn't dwell on this game too much," Martinez told British media. "The top and bottom is we didn't cope with the emotions and didn't deal with it. Today is so huge we don't need any motivation now. There's a feeling of embarrassment. We shouldn't put on show like this. "There's no denying that the only thing that matters is to prepare the game on Saturday, regroup and make sure we have that opportunity to repay what the fans deserve." Crystal Palace play Watford in the second semi-final at Wembley on Sunday with the final taking place at the same venue on May 21.

Martinez charges Everton against Man U

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Head to Head

Barca Rejuvenated for Title Run-in Barcelona, Atletico Madrid and Real Madrid resume a nail-biting La Liga title race on Saturday after all notched up victories on Wednesday. Leaders Barcelona, who ended a four-game winless streak by hammering Deportivo La Coruna 8-0 away from home, host struggling Sporting Gijon on Saturday. Atletico battled to a 1-0 win at Athletic Bilbao to stay level on 79 points with Barcelona, who top the table with a superior head-to-head record and host Malaga. Real stayed one point behind their title rivals after beating Villarreal 3-0 and are expected to be without top scorer Cristiano Ronaldo for their visit to struggling neighbours Rayo Vallecano. The Portuguese forward was unable to finish the game against Villarreal after suffering cramp in stoppage time but eased concerns

La Liga




Joe Boygot the better of Prince Nurudeen during their first encounter at the GOtv Boxing Night Season 4 at the National Stadium, Surulere, Lagos


Alonso Says He’s Still the Quickest Driver in F1 A defiant Fernando Alonso claims he would beat any driver if he was in a similar car and still harbours hopes of landing a third world title. Alonso hasn't won a championship since consecutive triumphs with Renault 10 years ago and his decision to join McLaren last season has backfired so far, with the Woking team struggling to recreate past glories with Honda. The Spaniard, whose start to 2016 was disrupted after a huge crash at the Australian GP, has managed a best finish of fifth during his second spell with McLaren. However, given the right tools, Alonso still believes

he is the best there is in Formula 1. "I always feel confident about beating anyone," Alonso told Sky F1's Martin Brundle last weekend ahead of his race return in China. "I don't believe that I'm better than anyone on pure speed in qualifying, I don't think I'm better than anyone in wet conditions, dry conditions, qualifying, race. But if you put me in the same car at the same moment and same track as anyone. I think that I will beat them. "Maybe I'm not best of all sections, but overall I will beat them." Brundle then asked if Alonso sees another world

championship in the driver looking back at him in the mirror every morning, to which the 35-year-old replied: "Yes, definitely." Alonso admitted he was "lucky to be alive"after his high-speed collision with Haas' Esteban Gutierrez in the season-opener, but admitted that his "stupid" initial thoughts were on getting back to racing, whether that be in an impossible-to-repair MP8-41 or even a third car. He was replaced by Stoffel Vandoorne in Bahrain - with the youngster collecting McLaren's first points of the season - and confirmed he tried to convince the FIA doctors he was fit to race by

performing push-ups in front of them. Alonso's reintroduction onto the grid atSunday's Chinese GP didn't quite go to plan - finishing P12 - and with one year remaining on his McLaren contract, and no desire to join another team after that, time is running out if he is to secure another title. That is why Alonso holds such high hopes for 2017 with changes to engines, tyres and chassis all on the horizon. "Right now I don't think that we are enjoying driving as much as we should do," he added. "We cannot be seven or eight seconds slower than 10 years ago. This is not fun to drive.

Donald Almost Quit Golf after a Four-year Barren Spell Ryder Cup star Luke Donald has revealed he almost called time on his career after failing to register a major tour victory for four years. The former world No 1 has dropped down the world rankings since his last European Tour success at the BMW PGA Championship in 2012. The Englishman admitted

he had begun questioning the wisdom of playing week in, week out with little reward until a timely return to form last weekend. A joint runner-up finish at the RBC Heritage,two shots adrift of South Africa's Branden Grace, has rekindled his appetite for the game and he is looking to continue his upward

curve at the Texas Open - live on Sky Sports - this weekend. Donald, who moved up from 95 to 68 in the world rankings thanks to his high finish at Harbour Town, told Sky Sports News HQ: "It's been very tough and at times I even thought 'do I want to continue working this hard and not getting much out of it?'

"Certainly when you are playing well and competing each week the game seems pretty easy but the real aim is when you are not playing well how many times can you go out there and keep working until something clicks. "Obviously last week was hopefully a big step in the right direction for me."

GOtv Boxing Night 7

Anambra Tiger Gets New Opponent Heavyweight boxer, Ebenezer "Anambra Tiger" Okoli, will now fight Abiodun "Finito Wonder" Afinnih at GOtv Boxing Night 7 holding at the Indoor Sports Hall of the National Stadium, Lagos, on May 1. Okoli was initially billed to fight Michael Godwin in a national challenge contest. Godwin, however, has pulled out of the duel, citing injury. But Okoli is of the view that Godwin’s claim is a ruse. "He is afraid of the punish-

ment I promised to mete out to him in the ring. He called me an old man, but I warned him that I may look old, but I have a sound engine. That was what scared him off. One day, I hope to meet him and teach him not to talk carelessly," said Okoli. Afinnih, an experienced boxer, disclosed that he has been seeking an opportunity to fight and now that this has come, he is ready to show the world the stuff he is made of. "Okoli calls himself Anambra

Tiger. Well, I am not called Finito Wonder for nothing. I will finish him off in the second round, when my punches will change him from a tiger to a cat. Okoli is in trouble," boasted Afinnih. GOtv Boxing Night 7 will be headlined by the national lightweight title fight between Nurudeen Fatai, reigning champion, and Oto Joseph. Also lined up are a cruiserweight challenge contest between Idowu Okusote and Chibuzor Vincent; lightweight

clash between Osamudiamen Goodluck and Rilwan Oladosu; light welterweight duel between Rilwan Babatunde and Tope Agboola as well as and the middleweight duel between Chukwuebuka Ezewudo and Ganiyu Kolawole. Sponsored by GOtv, the event is supported by MultiChoice, Paragonis Multimedia Limited, Complete Sports, KSquare Security,, Brila FM, Bond FM and SuperSport. SuperSport will broadcast it live in 47 African countries.

Joe Boy, Nurudeen Clash at Radio Station Reigning national lightweight boxing champion, Nurudeen "Prince" Fatai, and challenger, Oto "Joe Boy" Joseph, last Saturday, gave fans a foretaste of their impending clash when they engaged each while featuring on a radio programme. The incident occurred at the studios of Eko FM, where they were guests on the sports programme, Arena Sports, ahead of their May 1 clash at GOtv Boxing Night 7 holding at the Indoor Sports of National

Stadium, Lagos. Signs of tension began manifesting when the two arrived the station with Nurudeen ignoring greetings from the challenger. Feeling snubbed, Joe Boy, who knocked out Nurudeen in a challenge contest at GOtv Boxing Night 4, seethed. It took no time for the bottled up anger to burn within inches of explosion. The trigger was a question to Nurudeen on what the fans should expect. The diminutive boxer, still pained by his defeat

which he attributed to a hand injury, exploded in fury. "I will teach the rat a big lesson at the GOtv Boxing Night. He is a rat. He knows it. He won because I was injured. I am fit now and will show him that he is a rat," he fumed. Joe Boy interjected with his own fighting talk, branding his opponent a sore loser and an expired champion. "He will be beaten again, this time in second round. He is expired. His reign has

ended," he said, infuriating Nurudeen who leapt at him. Joe Boy returned the hostility, hands rolling into fists, as both swapped threats before they were pulled apart by the presenter and their chaperon. Flykite Promotions, organisers of the event, had previously dubbed the fight "El Classico" of boxing. The best boxer at the event will go home with N1million cash prize and the Mojisola Ogunsanya Memorial Trophy.

Cuswoth Commends First Bank for Supporting Valentine Kitty The convener of the annual Valentine Kitty, Mrs Bola Cusworth has thumped up First Bank Nigeria Plc for their support for the tournament over the years. She gave her commendation at the closing ceremony of the 2016 edition of the event which held at the Ikeja Golf Club last week. According to her, the tournament survived this far because of First Bank and other well-meaning Nigerian’s support. Meanwhile, Nkoli Mouka has emerged winner of the 2016 edition of the competition. Playing off a handicap of 23, Moka netted a score of 69 to defeat others in the keenly contested event, while Alaba Adetunji with a net score of 75, came in the second position. In the Gross category for women, ChiChi Alamu emerge winner after 90-gross score. Mrs Busola Joseph won in the veteran category for women while Ayo Fagbemi topped the men’s winners chart. Adebiyi Fetuga came second after 71-nets wining on count back while Garrard Onyiuke came in the third position with a net score of 71. Onyiuke also won on count back. Jimoh Ogundare won the trophy staked in the gross category for men while Tunde Oremade won in the veteran category. Explaining the delay in organising this year’s event, Cusworth said it was as a result of some unforeseen circumstances, adding that plans are being put in place to make sure that the event holds as schedule in subsequent editions.

Joshua Offers to Help Fury Lose weight Ahead of Klitschko Rematch Anthony Joshua has offered to help Tyson Fury lose weight ahead of his rematch with Wladimir Klitschko. Fury, the WBA Super and WBO world heavyweight champion, tweeted out his need to lose a "whopping 3st 3lbs" ahead of his July 9 fight and has offered to help Twitter followers lose weight with him. Joshua has joined in the conversation, suggesting his British rival get in touch for some advice of his own. "I told him I've got the training tips when he's ready," Joshua told Sky Sports News HQ. "He's three stone overweight - I could shed that in a month, don't worry about that. Just reach out Tyson, I'm here!" It is not the first Twitter tussle between the heavyweight stars, after Fury labelled Joshua "a weightlifter who is fighting for a paper title" days before the Olympic gold medallist was crowned IBF world champion. Joshua hit back, calling Fury "fat boy" and again made it clear he would like to fight him - and his cousin Hughie - soon, especially if the rivalry continues. "I see the demand that people want to see me fight Tyson Fury at some stage, but I'll do it one Fury at a time," he said. "But we'll get the ball rolling, so whether he wins or loses and the demand is still there, I'd love to fight Tyson Fury some time." Joshua has also revealed he will have two more fights this year,starting off with his first world title defence at The O2 on June 25.




with KENNETH EZAGA 0807 0530 677,

Even as we Lose Our Jobs, Nigerians Still Pine for European Football and Job-Cutting Sponsors Back Them We Nigerians are a truly mystifying people, and too many times we simply defy logic. How else can you explain our continued fascination with European football even as our economy crumbles around us? Our parents, children, brothers, sisters, friends and colleagues are losing their jobs or having their salaries slashed, yet even some of the most educated among us cannot draw a line between this new reality and a damaging mentality that has wrecked out economy. Even when the line can be drawn, there is a monumental lack of will to change our ways especially as we hardly understand that our actions on an individual level affects us all on a societal level. When we turn our backs on Nigerian football and sports, we all must live with the consequences of the thousands of jobs lost and the absence of the wealth that would have resulted from that. Today the biggest stories in Nigerian sports is about the title races in England and Spain. Backed by Nigerian businesses, who are themselves retrenching staff in their hundreds because of poor business, we are all caught in the unfurling fairytale about which of Leicester City or Tottenham Hotspur will be crowned kings of England or whether it will be Barcelona, Atletico Madrid or Real Madrid that will be champions in Spain. Sorry guys, but those are not our stories, and they can never be, while all the money made by these clubs, leagues and countries, partly based on our support, will not save us from the sack in Nigeria. Sadly, many still expect a magical plan or budget from the federal government that will solve all our problems, but when are we going to realize that the problem is us and our never-ending thirst for things foreign? When will our exceptional minds take responsibility and sit down to redirect the course of the country rather than wait for Father Government?


e have all been witnesses to the recent retrenchment of staff across all strata by some of the biggest Nigerian business organisations, especially those in the beverage industry and banking, many of whom have been the leading sponsors of European football in this country. The Nigerian Labour Congress has warned about the expected tsunami of job losses, yet even those living in constant fear of the sack are guilty of destroying the very local industry they need to stay employed in. Our big businesses defend their unschooled business sponsorship tack by bleating that Nigerian football is unappealing to Nigerian fans. While that may be so, is wisdom then in turning to advance the leagues and economies of other countries or investing in making the local game better and all of us richer? Shouldn’t it be easy to see that a successful local football industry would to attract global investments and sponsorships, thus leading to the creation of more jobs and wealth locally and ensuring that their businesses and society are sustainably successful? Look people, business is bad for too many of us in Nigeria today, and now is when we need to put the future of our children above and beyond the fleeting satisfaction of simple pleasures. We must at least also realize that the problems we face are not just created by our politicians, but by us due to the very nature of how we reason. The rich people in the world invest, while the poor acquire liabilities. Rather than investing in our local sports, we are acquiring liabilities, wasting resources in an endless search for entertainment. We are all abusing one politician or the other today, yet we cannot link our destructive choices to the mess our economy is in today. As many of you would know, this mentality is not just in football or sports, it permeates our entire lives. We want foreign clothes, foreign schools, foreign holidays, foreign accents, foreign products, foreign this and that, not to bring success to our country, but to drain our resources and bring hardship. I have said here before that the basic difference between us and successful societies is that while we are too sexy for ourselves, they focus almost entirely on developing their own. I have used the example of Scotland before and it is the

same around Europe and the Americas. The Scottish Premier League remains front and center for Scottish football fans despite not having the likes of Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Neymar or any world class player at that. In Nigeria we look down on our league and rubbish it. Even the money that the big businesses should pump into developing it is now contributed to expanding the popularity of European football. Today without oil the nakedness of the Nigerian economy is out there for the world to see. Is it not a shame that an economy that is considered the biggest in Africa really does not have a solid production base? I wonder many times how these Oyibo people rate us in their private moments, because I can assure you that our outlook on football only makes sense to us in sub-Saharan Africa. European football is popular around the world, but we are the only people who have abandoned our leagues to adopt the European clubs, leagues, and for some, even national teams. The sad part about Nigeria is that, apart from the lacking mentality, we

have all the other ingredients to become a world power in sport. Black people look to have been created to dominate in sports. It happens in countries around the world, we even see Nigerians leave our shores and find fame and fortune in other countries. Were we to have the support structure needed to make us competitive in sports - and for me this is more about a private-sector led initiative than government policy, as the former can influence the later – the industry would create an unbelievable number of jobs and wealth locally that then translates to big business patronage all around. To be sure though, please do not confuse my position to mean I am an Oyibo hater. Quite the opposite, because I believe in interdependence. Left to me I would hire a lot of Oyibo help to turn Nigeria around as the Arabs have done. The West is light years ahead of the game, but I do not wish to spend my life following others, I want to be followed. If that means hiring outside help then so be it. The best engineers in the world were invited to transform the

Middle East in our life time and no one is complaining. If we hire the best from America or Europe to build fantastic tourism resorts in Nigeria that leads to tourists pouring into our country every year, then I would rather go down that route than leave our tourism industry dead only to then glorify other countries. Needless to say I would welcome foreign players and coaches to the NPFL if that makes the league successful and expands job opportunities for Nigerians at home. As long as the glory and wealth comes to Nigeria, I will support it. What you will not catch me do is pour my time and resources into promoting the leagues and clubs (or other businesses) of other countries while mine lies prostrate. We are suffering as all poor people do because we treasure simple pleasures over investing in our own, because we would rather enjoy ourselves than think about the collective good, because we simply do not understand how the new world works… that if you do not build your own to tap into the vast resources in the global village, you will be consumed.






Horsemen of the Apocalypse II Nnamdi C. Nwokedi


nbelievable… Everyday stories of corruption abound. Like the leaking pipes of a broken sewage, the putrid and unbelievable tales of corruption and mind boggling greed continue to assail the sensibilities of Nigerians. This is a country that went astray decades ago because of the worthlessness of its ruling class; a ruling class that has systematically decimated the commonwealth of its citizens through unbridled looting and plundering of the nations resources. A ruling class that has been supported, inadvertently, by the flawed structure of the polity that enables our leaders to rape us at will, carting away our nation’s resources with little or no checks and balances. The fundamental problem with our polity is that its foundation is badly flawed. We therefore need to restructure this polity in order to be able to effectively prosecute the so-called war against corruption. In as much as the current government has taken bold steps to bring as many culprits as possible to book, one can easily see that the level and scope of this degeneracy has long gone out of control.

We need to realign and restructure our polity in such a way that it makes it difficult and unprofitable to steal. You cannot leave cheese for a rat and then instruct it not to steal it. You must keep the cheese out of the rat’s reach or set an effective trap en route to the cheese. We must restructure Nigeria politically and economically so that we can have a sane country. Politically, we must decentralise power; period. The centre is too powerful and too encompassing and dominates every sphere of endeavor in the country. To acquire political power is a do or die affair, and every energy, manipulation and strategy in the entire polity, is expended on getting into this vortex of power and iniquity. No matter how much we may disagree or debate this issue, unless and until we restructure our polity, we shall continue to sing the same old songs of ‘zero tolerance’ and ‘war against corruption’. We shall never get anywhere because it is only defined structures that prevent crime, not rhetoric or scapegoatism. When Buhari goes, if the next man is not as disciplined, the system will simply relapse into worse iniquity. We’ve all seen this before. This is not Buhari’s first time of playing the anti-corruption game. Secondly, our economy is public sector driven and this is not right. We are a capitalist

democracy therefore we must have or grow our economy to be private sector driven. The American economy, for instance, is overwhelmingly private sector driven that is why there is a system in place and that is why there is prevalent sanity in the system. If there is an anomaly or financial mismanagement in the public sector it is called corruption, and depending on how riddled the sector is, corruption may become prevalent. If the same thing happens in the private sector, it is called fraud, and the culprits must be punished because somebody’s money would be missing and the money must be accounted for. Fraud is never forgiven nor overlooked in the American private sector because there is a system in place to prosecute fraud. Neither is corruption tolerated because the public sector is only a percentage of the private sector-driven economy and the private sector will demand justice for their tax money. In Nigeria we have runaway corruption because the public sector overwhelmingly dominates the polity and the economy, therefore those in control of the government can rule with utter impunity in total disregard of the wishes and aspirations of the masses and so called electorate. The public sector is humongous. Therefore, it is controlled by cabals who determine who gets into governance and the only allegiance

they owe anyone is to themselves and their cronies. This is a deplorable modern feudalistic system that shamelessly exists and festers in a modern constitutional government such as ours. Reprehensible… This is why a succession of people have been able to repeatedly rape and plunder our national commonwealth for decades on end with merciless impunity. This is why a potentially great nation has been striped to the bone and its citizens left confused and begging bread. This is why we have had six years of massive oil boom and today have nothing to show for it except poverty, disease and death. This is why half of Nigeria is unemployed and the other half is broke with the exception, of course, of our ruling classes. Incomprehensible… Yet to confound comprehension they have pretentiously laid back and enjoyed the fruits of corruption and iniquity at the expense of the people they are supposed to protect. Until we restructure our polity and our economy, we shall not be able to enjoy the fruits of nationhood. We shall continue to be a country adrift. God bless Nigeria. –– Nnamdi C Nwokedi

Tambuwal, Mark, Ihedioha, Others Endorse ORDERPAPER Online


overnor of Sokoto State, Aminu Tambuwal, former President of the Senate, David Mark and ex-Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Emeka Ihedioha are among top members of the political class that have hailed the birth of, Nigeria’s premier independent legislative online newspaper. Top media gurus and editors have also endorsed the newspaper, including Mr. Tunde Rahman, former Editor of Thisday Newspaper and publisher of Western Post; and Mr. Oma Djebah, a former Thisday Editor and former Commissioner for Information, Delta State, among others., since it was recently founded, has been professionally driven to an admirable height in the online genre of journalism in Nigeria by Mr. Oke Epia, an experienced Editor and former Special Adviser in the National Assembly. is the first authentic and independently-driven online newspaper that reports the legislature as an arm of government in Nigeria. It fills the gap of a ready interface between citizens and elected representatives thereby helping to deepen democratic growth and development in the country. The newspaper is non-partisan, nondiscriminatory and is guided by truth, balance, fairness and the pursuit of equity. In a congratulatory letter to its publisher, Tambuwal described OrderPaper. ng as a “much awaited and distinctly worthy intervention in the reportage and coverage of the legislature in Nigeria.” According to the Sokoto State Governor, who is the immediate past Speaker of the House of Representatives, “the advent of OrderPaper online is a commendable initiative that would, no doubt, enrich engagement between the people and their elected representatives in Parliament.” He urged the National and State assemblies to take advantage of the newspaper to deepen their engagement with the public while also calling on other stakeholders in the democratic project to take special interest in and support the medium for the sake of democratic consolidation. On his part, Mark who served as two-time President of the Senate consecutively between 2007 to 2015, described as a “needed and needful addition to the growing

genre of online journalism in Nigeria,” noting that its specialised reporting of the legislature has automatically earned it a prime place in the industry. The six times Senator and former Military Governor of Niger State congratulated the publisher and enjoined all lovers of democracy especially stakeholders interested in the growth and flourishing of the Parliament to engage constructively with the newspaper. Ihedioha, described as a “noble, unique and innovative effort given its specialisation on reporting the legislature as an arm of government,” adding that “as one who believes the parliament is not adequately reported by mainstream media, the place of is not only assured but insured in the minds of legislators, enthusiasts of parliamentary practice, and lovers of democracy in general.” He said further: “I am thrilled that this project was founded and is being driven by a Seasoned Journalist, Public Relations Expert and Media Manager, Mr. Oke Epia who satisfactorily served me as Special Adviser on Media while I was Deputy Speaker of the 7th House of Representatives. “Mr. Epia’s calm disposition, versatile experience, focus and determination all combined together offer an inalienable collateral to the strong hope that is a project destined to fly high. I am even more convinced about this given the impressive growth trajectory of the medium in less than six months of operation. There is no better assurance that is an idea whose time has come. This online newspaper deserves all the support it can get to take firm root and also help our fledgling democracy to develop.” From the media world also came glowing endorsements for the newspaper as Rahman and Djebah in their separate letters of congratulations, praised both the effort and the founder. For Rahman, “specialising on the Legislature will be a major contribution to journalism and to the people because the Legislature is that arm of government that really embodies representative democracy that we operate in the country. The parliament is at the core of democracy; without that arm of government, democratic government is incomplete and becomes something akin to dictatorship.” The Editor-in-Chief of Western Post said further: “I have taken time to go through and I’m impressed by the quality of the design and quality of news and analysis as well as the delivery time, which is of essence in online journalism. I must say, however, that I’m not surprised in the least given

Oke’s robust background, competence and commitment to journalism. I recall that all these were manifest when he worked with me at THISDAY. We worked together to power CICERO, the Political Pages of THISDAY on Sunday Newspaper at the time. I hope and pray that God will bless him with all that he needs to maintain and sustain and grow it into an online newspaper of his dream in this new age of technology-driven journalism.” Djebah, an experienced and acclaimed global journalist and past Information Commissioner in Delta State, expressed strong delight at the birth of He said: “I am particularly excited at this cheering development because of the personality who founded the project. Oke worked with me in over a decade in both the newsroom and as my Special Assistant in my sojourn as Commissioner in Delta State and I can attest to his intellectual prowess, decent work ethic, professional competence and sterling character of hard work.” Djebah who is also the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of the Diplomat newspaper, added: “I have no doubt that OrderPaper will not only flourish but also become an indispensable item in the lexicon of legislative reporting in Nigeria and even beyond.”



MEMOIRS Felix Matthew Ogbeyewebor Osifo

My Wife’s Great Meals and Good Character Help Me to Stay Focused His dimmed eyes radiate bright moments in life – and the vicissitudes that came with them. He is like a precious old book, unruffled by constant thumbing of its pages. His mind portrays perspicacity; his voice, clarity and his gait, grace. For good 80 years, he has lived a life of determination, integrity, honesty and perseverance. Born on April 19, 1936 in Warri, Delta State, Felix Matthew Ogbeyewebor Osifo is a testament of industry and ingenuity. His name, ‘Ogbeyewebor’ is striking; it means “a poor man has no voice or say.” In the case of Pa Osifo, that was not entirely true. But how did he get that name? As he shares his life’s episodes with Funke Olaode, he explains. After Standard Six, his hope of further education was put on hold. Rather than immerse himself in self-pity, he travelled to Lagos at the age of 17. From being an apprentice for a local firm, he rose to become an executive director and a managing director. The narratives of this former executive director in UAC and managing director of Vono Products cannot be fully captured in one interview. However, Osifo whose biography will be presented on May 7 talks about how he fell in love, how hard he worked and what helped him to break through At 80 Years Old, I Am Not Praying for Death I Wanted to be Doctor of Machine I Met My Wife by Providence


ou don’t show enough signs of ageing and you’re so calm. What’s the secret? Thank God for His goodness and mercies. My calmness is a combination of many factors. I was brought up in a very structured environment and home. I don’t believe in hustle and bustle and I keep the records of my duties. This has helped me not to be under unnecessary pressure. Again, I believe as a being that we should be grateful to God in every moment of our lives. Being 80 years old is very significant, particularly, in our environment where longevity is truncated due to various challenges. In the last 20 years, our country has been passing through a lot of challenges and it takes God’s grace to survive in such situation. Doing business in Nigeria is challenging. And to live up to 80 is the grace from God. Then what has kept you going over the years? Once one has trust in God, one will always be guided in the way one thinks, what one says and what one does. The bottom line is being conscious of one’s relationship with God. One should ask oneself: Am I doing what is right? Am I relevant in God’s scheme of things? Basically, I am a very contented person. I also believe you have to be good to other persons; bear no grudges and don’t be overly ambitious. I have a good wife and she has been very supportive of me. She is a woman that knows what her husband wants; my type of meals and so on. These help a man to be focused and stabilised irrespective of the age.

Osifo and wife, Beatrice with their young children in the early days.

You sound so religious. Are you a clergyman? (Laughs) I am not a pastor. I am an Elder in the church of the living God: God’s Kingdom Society. I have been a member of this organisation since the age of 14. I am not a churchgoer but a Christian who believes that Christianity, well practised based on truth, literarily transforms one’s attitude to life. You are positive and very clear in your mind that without God and His begotten son, Jesus Christ, there is a vacuum in one’s life. I am a Christian who believes you have to practise what you hear and read in the Holy Bible.

What is you background like? My biography would be launched on May 7. My parents were poor in terms of resources. At the age of 14, I identified the situation of things and felt I would not enslave myself but rather take advantage of available opportunity and this is what has propelled me over the years. My middle name ‘Ogbeyewebor’ meaning a poor man has no say came about due to the situation of things when I was born. It wasn’t that my parents were so poor that they didn’t have anything to eat. In their case, they expected friends and relations to rally round them when I was being expected but the help was not forthcoming. What was the Nigeria of your dream while growing up? Nigeria of my dream is a country that is free, united in spite of difference in diversity; a country where an average Nigerian would be proud of. But it saddens my heart when you go abroad and once you introduce yourself (as a Nigerian) what comes to mind is ‘this is a fraudulent character’. This aspect is very worrisome. Tell us about your growing up? I was born in Warri, the famous town in the then Western Region now in Delta State on April 19, 1936. But my parents hail from Umunede in Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State. Warri then was relatively small; we knew ourselves because it was a communal living. It was a town that was relatively quiet and the circles of friends were limited to your environment. Most young men and women were focused. It was a colonial area and I enjoyed my life. I never allowed deficiency of my parents to affect me. My mother traded in yams while my father worked as a sanitary inspector worker (wole-wole). He used to tap palm wine as well. That was my humble beginning. I came to Lagos after primary school at St. Andrews CMS School in December 1952. I desire to further my education but couldn’t due to financial constraints. I had a clear mind of what I wanted as a child and that path was further strengthened during one of the events of my church, God’s Kingdom Society. I listened to introduction of some of the members who had come from other branches within and outside Warri. One of them was introduced as a ‘doctor of ma-



MEMOIRS At 80, I Still Chair the Board of a Company Cont’d from Pg. 38 chine’. That moment something told me I was going to be a doctor of machine. I went to one of the elders in the church to talk to the doctor of machine that I would like to toe his line. In February 1953, at the age of 17, I came to Lagos to fulfill my ambition. I joined a company owned by a member of the church as an apprentice. The company was involved in repairs and maintenance of office machines. I came to Lagos without knowing any relation but I believed in God that He would pull me through. My mother was skeptical that most people who came to Lagos never came back because they got easily carried away. But I made her proud. What did you want to become before your encounter with ‘doctor of machine’ at a church event? I have always wanted to be an engineer because I was good at using my hands, fixing things. The church event was a synergy of things coming into place and I embraced it because it fitted into the profession I wanted. How did you kick off a career as machine repairer in Lagos? Again, God was faithful. Immediately after my training in 1956 at the age of 20, I joined UAC group. And by God’s grace I got to the highest level as an executive director. By the time I retired at the age of 50 in 1986, I served as managing director of Vono Products, a subsidiary of UAC. We live in a country that believes so much in paper qualification. How did you rise up the ladder with Standard Six? I trained on the job. I was at a training school in Brighton in England in 1958. It was a company that manufactures office machine. It was my first trip abroad. I went back in 1961, 1962, 1967 and it never stopped. Well, I have always said that university education is the next level from primary and post-primary education. Here, you acquire knowledge and knowledge is not static. It now depends on which direction you want to apply that knowledge. To me, what is important is having that basic knowledge: the ability to read and write and the sky is the limit. I never had secondary education but was exposed to different training programmes that prepared me ahead. I was at Adult Education department for 12 weeks at the University of Lagos at a time. I also attended a college in the United Kingdom under the tutelage of a professor from University of Philadelphia. I also attended a programme at the University of Ibadan under the umbrella of Nigerian Institute of Management.

Osifo with wife, Beatrice

You must a genius then? It can only be God. I believe in taking advantage of the environment. I read a lot and got myself exposed. In those days, I identified where I could get information, expand my knowledge and grew from them. I spent 30 years of my working years in UAC and left in 1986.

Doing what he knows how to do best...Osifo working on a machine equipment

Did you face any discrimination rising up the ladder? Not really; in those days, it was not a question of academic qualification. The questions are: ‘Are you the right person for the job? Do you have the mental capacity for the job? Can you perform? Can you do it? Before the indigenisation policy, the expatriates occupying those positions were not interested in big qualifications. Again, in those days, there were many correspondent schools and if you wanted to develop yourself further, you could enroll in such schools. You pulled out of UAC to become your own boss. What gave you conviction that you were going to succeed? Strength, ability and success come from God. It was an interesting decision. I felt then and even now that I have made my contribution to the growth and development of the nation. I wanted to add value to the economy which I did. I floated Osiquip in 1987. We just identified an area which was refurbishing of machines and equipment. We wanted to re-activate maintenance culture. And that was the direction the company went. We were faced with a few challenges such as finance, manpower, source of getting the technical competence; with time we overcame the challenges. After running the company for close to three decades, I took a back seat though my retirement is not (about) going to sleep as I am still the nominal chairman of Osiquip. And I have also slowed down on my activities. I am an active fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Management. The council (chartered) recently appointed me as chairman of Management Standard and Ethics of the Committee. You have spent 53 years of your adult life in Lagos. Are you planning to go back home? Not completely but as time goes on, I will be spending more time back at the village than Lagos. I have always been a community man and going home will be a gradual process. Can you say you have achieved all? You can’t achieve everything but as a being one should ensure that basic things are achieved. One of which is to have a good wife, good children, train the children because the best legacy or asset you can give your children is good education.

How did you meet your wife? Meeting my wife was by providence because I never knew her from anywhere. Coincidentally, she is from my town. My late cousin, Mr. Justin Ozor and I were very close. He was much younger but took a lot of interest in my affairs. In fact, he encouraged me to marry early. When I eventually met my wife, Beatrice, our chemistry just gelled and we got married in 1960. I was 25 and she was 19 then. The marriage is blessed with children and we also have grandchildren. We have given our best to them in terms of education. As a matter of fact, all of them went through university education that I never had. What lesson has life taught you in the last 80 years? The last 80 years have taught me a lot of lessons. One, one needs to remain focused; there’s no point trying to cut corners to get to a destination. Two, leadership has been a big problem in Nigeria. This country is so endowed by God with resources in terms of natural and human resources. The get-rich-quick syndrome seems to have taken over people

Meeting my wife was by providence because I never knew her from anywhere. Coincidentally, she is from my town. My late cousin, Mr. Justin Ozor and I were very close. He was much younger but took a lot of interest in my affairs. In fact, he encouraged me to marry early. When I eventually met my wife, Beatrice, our chemistry just gelled and we got married in 1960. I was 25 and she was 19 then. The marriage is blessed with children and we also have grandchildren. We have given our best to them in terms of education. As a matter of fact, all of them went through university education that I never had


particularly those who found themselves in the position of authority. I believe contentment remains the operating guiding of any child of God. Once you have food, shelter and you are blessed with good health, you are blessed. You cannot ride two cars at a time or sleep in two rooms at a time. These are some of the lessons of life that one has not deviated from the norms. If you could turn back the hands of clock, were there things would you like to do differently? When I retired from the UAC, I had to start all over again. It was tough. Again, I asked myself that if I had worked for another five years may be I would have been dead now. Honestly, I have no regrets about life and my career path. I am fulfilled by the grace of God. What would you like to be remembered for? That I touched lives. I have been of a great value to my immediate family and the community at large. I have continued to be focused on God who directs our affairs. In spite of all the challenges, I maintain my integrity and God has been faithful. I also thank God for granting me good health and longevity. I have always said to my wife and children that rather than become a recluse or liability, I will rather sleep and not wake up because death is the ultimate end of all mortal. Only God knows when, where and how. I am not praying for it now but I am not afraid of death. Would you say poverty shouldn’t be an impediment to attain greatness? To the younger ones out there, it pays ultimately to remain focused. It pays to identify from day one to accept your situation. Having identified your situation, decide on what you want to be. There is no harm in starting from nothing believing that God will raise you to whatever level you aspire to. There are times that young men and women blame their parents for their situation. Most parents who are poor did not bring poverty to themselves. For instance, when I was very young in Warri, during holidays, I used to go to construction sites to do menial jobs. I didn’t find that disgraceful because I wanted some money for my upkeep which my parents couldn’t provide. I overcame my travails through hard work and the grace of God.




Ladies, Here’s Why You Should Be Lifting

The Edenlifestyle corner with

MAJE AYIDA, 07062614551


ust because you’re not vying for 20-inch biceps or thunderously strong thighs like the muscle heads in the gym, doesn’t mean you should shun the weight room. Lifting weights gives you an edge over belly fat, stress, heart disease, and cancer, and it’s also the single most effective way to look hot in a bikini. Yet somehow women are still hesitant: Only about a fifth of women strength train two or more times a week. Here are some reasons you shouldn’t live another day without hitting the weights. You’ll Lose 40 Percent More Fat If you think cardio is the key to blasting belly fat, keep reading: When Penn State researchers put dieters into three groups, no exercise, aerobic exercise only, or aerobic exercise and weight training, they all lost around 21 pounds, but the lifters shed six more pounds of fat than those who didn’t pump iron. Why? The lifters’ loss was almost pure fat; the others lost fat and muscle. Other research on dieters who don’t lift shows that, on average, 75 percent of their weight loss is from fat, while 25 percent is from muscle. Muscle loss may drop your scale weight, but it doesn’t improve your reflection in the mirror and it makes you more likely to gain back the flab you lost. However, if you weight train as you diet, you’ll protect your hard-earned muscle and burn more fat. Your Clothes Will Fit Better Research shows that between the ages of 30 and 50, you’ll likely lose 10 percent of your body’s total muscle. Worse yet, it’s likely to be replaced by fat over time. And that increases your waist size, because one pound of fat takes up 18 percent more space than one pound of muscle. You’ll Burn More Calories Lifting increases the number of calories you burn while your butt is parked on the couch. That’s because after each strength workout, your muscles need energy to repair their fibers. In fact, research showed that when people did a total-body workout with just three big-muscle moves, their metabolisms were raised for 39 hours afterward. They also burned a greater percentage of calories from fat compared with those who didn’t lift. Lifting gives you a better burn during exercise too: Doing a circuit of eight moves (which takes about eight minutes) can expend 159 to 231 calories. That’s about what you’d burn if you ran at a 10-mile-per-hour pace for the same duration. Your Diet Will Improve Exercise helps your brain stick to a diet plan. University of Pittsburgh researchers studied 169 overweight adults and found that those who didn’t follow a three-hours-a-week training regimen ate more than their allotted 1,500 calories a day. The reverse was also true, sneaking snacks sabotaged their workouts. Both diet and exercise likely remind you to stay on track, aiding your weight-loss goals. You’ll Handle Stress Better Break a sweat in the weight room

and you’ll stay cool under pressure. The fittest people exhibit lower levels of stress hormones than those who are the least fit. Another study has found that after a stressful situation, the blood pressure levels of people with the most muscle returned to normal faster than the levels of those with the least muscle. You’ll Be Happier Yoga isn’t the only Zen-inducing kind of exercise. Researchers found that people who performed three weight workouts a week for six months significantly improved their scores on measures of anger and overall mood. You’ll Build Stronger Bones As you age, bone mass goes to pot, which increases your likelihood of one day suffering a debilitating fracture. The good news: A study found that 16 weeks of resistance training increased hip bone density and elevated blood levels of osteocalcin, a marker of bone growth, by 19 percent. You’ll Get Into Shape Faster The term cardio shouldn’t describe only aerobic exercise: Circuit training with weights raises your heart rate 15 beats per minute higher than if you run at 60 to 70 percent of your max heart rate. This approach strengthens muscles and provides cardiovascular benefits similar to those of aerobic exercise, so you save time without sacrificing results. Your Heart Will Be Healthier Researchers at the University of Michigan found that people who did three total-body weight workouts a week for two months decreased their diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) by an average of eight points.

That’s enough to reduce the risk of a stroke by 40 percent and the chance of a heart attack by 15 percent. You’ll Be Way More Productive Lifting could result in a raise (or at least a pat on the back from your boss). Researchers found that workers were 15 percent more productive on days they exercised compared with days they didn’t. So on days you work out, you can (theoretically) finish in eight hours what would normally take nine hours and 12 minutes. Or you’d still work for nine hours but get more done, leaving you feeling less stressed and happier with your job, another perk reported on days workers exercised. You’ll Live Longer Total-body strength is linked to lower risks of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer. Similarly, scientists have found that being strong during middle age is associated with “exceptional survival,” defined as living to the age of 85 without developing a major disease. You’ll Be Even Smarter Muscles strengthen your body and mind: Researchers found that six months of resistance training enhanced lifters’ cognitive function. In fact, the sweat sessions resulted in better shortand long-term memory, improved verbal reasoning, and a longer attention span. For those of you ladies afraid to look like a bodybuilder, understand that you just don’t have the testosterone that men do, and as such it’s near impossible to bulk up the way a man does without steroids. Besides, men themselves struggle to put on muscle in the gym, its not as easy as that. Get lifting!

Lifting increases the number of calories you burn while your butt is parked on the couch. That’s because after each strength workout, your muscles need energy to repair their fibers. In fact, research showed that when people did a total-body workout with just three big-muscle moves, their metabolisms were raised for 39 hours afterward. They also burned a greater percentage of calories from fat compared with those who didn’t lift. Lifting gives you a better burn during exercise too: Doing a circuit of eight moves (which takes about eight minutes) can expend 159 to 231 calories. That’s about what you’d burn if you ran at a 10-mile-per-hour pace for the same duration




The Omowunmi Ready to Wear Brand



Omowunmi Ready to Wear


he Omowunmi label was created from a desire to create a fresh urban persona for a woman with a social lifestyle. The founder wanted to create a brand because of her thirst for beautiful things that were trendy and depicted a sociable woman. Printed fabrics with bold colours, 3D designed petals, structural pieces and simplistic fine lines is what the Omowunmi label is all about. This is a Nigerian-based women’s clothing label that incorporates vibrant, colourful and urban designs on high quality fabrics to create unique apparel. This ready to wear brand targets women between ages 20 to 40. A range of the brand is called the “MOMA range” which includes elegant Caftans for women who love the one piece, well-embroidered rich, effortlessly chic and elegant look. Another range is the OMA, which forms her initials and signifies a woman of class who likes to express herself in the simplest form. Omowunmi is a label that depicts a woman personifying freedom, elegance and class. It is for the woman with a social lifestyle, encompassing an outfit for work, black-tie, cocktail, party wear, day wears and even linen beach wear. An Omowunmi woman has a certain lifestyle; she’s social yet reserved, trendy yet effortlessly chic. She reflects a girl next door who embodies the Celebrity Culture. The creative director Omowunmi Akinnifesi is the former Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria 2005, Miss Tourism International Ukraine 2005 and Nigeria’s representative to the Miss World in China 2005. As an art lover who also loves Tourism, she was honoured as the Environmental Ambassador for Lagos State Nigeria. In the creation of the clothing line she travelled through New York, South Africa, Jordan, Paris, Nice, Monte Carlo, Turkey, London and Vietnam inspired by the environment, festivals, nature, Safari wild life and the social lifestyles of these metropolitan cities. She produces an exciting range of outfits through her strong sense of personal style and identity from petal prints to monochrome, pearly and coal palettes. Omowunmi ready-to-wear clothing is available in selected designer retail stores in Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt with her online store under construction called







L-R Registrar/CEO, NABTEB, Dr Olatunde Aworanti; Guest Speaker, Dr Doyin Salami; Managing Director, Vatebra, Mr Kunle Akinniran; Deputy Managing Director, Mr Mike Aigbe and Registrar, West African Examination Council, WAEC Dr. Iyi Uwadiae, during the unveiling of Vatebra (Formerly Fleet Technologies Limited) in Lagos recently

L-R: Developer Experience and Evangelism Director, Microsoft Nigeria, Shina Oyetosho; Team lead, Team Humane, Ayodele Obasegun; Team Member, Team Humane; Otaru Babatunde and Chief Information Officer, Sterling Bank, Olayinka Oni at the National Final of the Microsoft Imagine Cup competition, held recently

“Dearth of Investment in ICT Affecting South East Region’s Economy” The inadequate attention given Information Communication Technology, ICT, in the South East zone of the country has been identified as a major setback to growth and development in the region. This was stated by Chairman of Zinox Groups, Dr. Leo Stan Ekeh, who also called for urgent and enormous investment in digital platforms, having observed that the region had not shown real commitment to the provision of basic infrastructure, which would drive the adoption and deployment of technology . Ekeh, who was a guest speaker at the Enugu State Investment Summit that was held recently, declared that Enugu State had the potential of earning the status of the digital capital of Nigeria and that of West

Africa in extension if only it could exploit the limitless opportunities in high tech to create digital wealth. According to him, “Enugu enjoys a rare privilege of being an established cosmopolitan city. It is therefore easier for the government to take ownership. The state presently has the largest concentration of ambitious tertiary institutions in the country, it has fiber optic cables laid all over the state and enjoy cheaper rental cost for quality accommodation, good roads while the general cost of living is less than 50% of most cities in Nigeria.” He however identified lack of political will and electric power infrastructure which he said could be substituted temporarily with generators before partnering to build power plants as limiting factors.

Nigerians Charged to be Innovative as Vatebra Unveils Identity

First Set of Winners Rewarded in Indomie Wrapper Promo

IFLUX Opens New Outlet in Lagos

Dufil Prima Foods, makers of Indomie Noodles has rewarded the first set of winners that emerged in its ongoing wrapper redemption promo. The ceremony which took place at the company’s Surulere office in Lagos saw winners from across the country presented with varieties of gifts including Refrigerator, DVD players, flat screen Television and lot others. The star prize went to two winners, Alfred Ogini and Chidinma Charles from Kano who won an all-expense paid trip to Dubai. Brand Manager of the company, Mr. Amber Yadav expressed gratitude to the company’s customers for their loyalty and also sought their continued patronage. He added, “This promo is coming at a time when Nigeria’s economy is facing some challenges and we see what we are doing now as a form of empowerment to

Barely three months after it debuted in Nigerian market, professional Light Emitting Diode (LED) brand, IFLUX, is making waves in the country having announced the opening of its second retail store in Victoria Island area of Lagos. The Hong-Kong based firm that believes that Nigeria’s power problem emanated largely from excessive consumption called for a switch to LED technology considered to be ecofriendly, cost effective and sustainable lighting option. According to the firm, the clean energy money saving LED appliances were being introduced in Nigeria to phase out long-standing and often energy wasteful incandescent and fluorescent lighting competition in market. At the launch of the new outlet, the Managing Director of the company, Teddy Lee revealed that the firm planned to open eight more branches in the state before the year runs out. He added that IFLUX stood out among other competitors being the first in the line of business to offer two years warranty on all its products. “We have proven to the market our commitment to quality and service. For instance, the 88 solar-powered streetlights installations in Ikeja computer village, a corporate social responsibility project sponsored by TECNO Telecoms are iFLUX products. As we speak, those LED streetlights are fully functional; there are no glitches and each of them has a warranty of two years, within this period, iFLUX will be responsible for fixing or replacing any of the streetlights that develop factory faults,” Lee stated. Shedding more light on the product, Managing Director of the firm in Nigeria, Victor Okpaluku said. “iFLUX products saves up 80% of the energy used to power incandescent lights, the power wattage required to light up an iFLUX light bulb to full glow can be as low as 8W.”

Nigerians need to start thinking outside the box by being extra creative, especially now that the country’s major revenue fetcher, crude oil, is losing its value, professionals have said. Industry professionals who gathered in Lagos recently to celebrate the rebranding of a top notch Information Communication Technology(ICT) firm, Fleet Technologies, now renamed Vatebra advanced the opinion. Deputy Managing Director of Vatebra, Mr. Mike Aigbe, pointed out that the Impact of constant instability in Oil Prices was taking its toll on not just the economy but every individual and therefore advised that, “We must think outside of the box, and possibly break the box to see beyond now and begin to explore means of converting our social-capital, creative- capital and human-capital for economic prosperity using opportunities available in technology and innovation” As a way to engender innovativeness both at individual and national levels, Lagos Business School don, Dr. Doyin Salami, who delivered a lecture titled: Beyond Now-Nigeria without Oil, Prospect for Technology and Innovation, implored government at all levels to create necessary infrastructures that would unleash the Potentials in the ICT sector which according to him was the fastest growing in the country. “Now, the economic gear is shifting from Agriculture, far from fully exploited, to services ,as the economic activity driver, partly catalysed by fast pace of progress in the global ICT sector which has increasingly enabled ‘soft’ innovation leading to the formation of new and expansion of old services. “The question raging in citizens lips are; What Next? Are we ready for technology and innovation to drive the future? What of infrastructure deficit”, he pointed. Managing Director of Vatebra, Mr. Kunle Akinniran, who disclosed the motive behind the rebranding of the 13-year old firm stated that the company realised the need to align its name with what it does and stand for particularly as many misinterpreted Fleet Technologies to be a Vehicle Fleet Management Company.

“You will see this state transform into a haven for digital wealth creation as well as smart and quality lifestyle in the 21st century if my points are well taken care of. “Digital wealth is the new mega wealth that rewards effort in few months or years but you must create solid platforms to uplift your people. It is about building creative platforms for our kids and millions of today’s restive youths which will channel their energies and passion towards what is termed today as true miracle wealth. Increased access to education as captured in the building of a knowledge economy, a clear change of attitude, visualising the bigger picture and liberalising access to information through ICT are core essential requirements to achieving this.

Nigerians and ultimately, contributing our quota to support the economy”. On how to participate in the Promo, he said, “Eat Indomie, collect 20 wrappers, submit them to a nearby redemption centre and win” In his remark, Public Relations Manager of the company, Mr. Tope Ashiwaju stated that the promo was a form of strategy to keep the environment clean as it was expected that more wrappers would be collected from the street by aspiring winners. Head, Consumer Protection Council, CPC, Lagos, Nggada Yakubu expressed the council’s commitment to continue to protect consumers and their right. He lauded the company for keeping to its promise and also charged consumers to always watch out for the terms and conditions that follow a promotional activity.

FG Partners Private Firms on E-Learning The latest alliance between the Federal Government and some private firms to promote digital education in schools may be signaling a gradual end to the conventional chalk board learning style prevalent in Nigeria’s Institutions of learning. According to Minister of Education, Mr. Adamu Adamu, the partnership which was established with notable Information Communication Technology (ICT) firms like Samsung electronics and Skool Media, sought to digitalise classrooms in not less than 104 unity schools, on the platform of mobile learning such that students could access class rooms anywhere from their palms and ultimately, convert classrooms across Nigeria into ‘Smart classrooms’ where learning was made practical, fun filled , progressive and impactful. Commenting on the new deal, Director, Business to Business, Samsung Electronics West Africa, Charles Ojei , said that the initiative was a laudable

milestone in the Nigerian educational system, giving both teachers control over the classroom and the students, an atmosphere that made learning easier and more memorable. He added that, “The Solution provides tablets for students with relevant and practical educational content which makes classroom interactive, collaborative and conducive for students and teachers ; while it also provides security for these devices and helps schools to filter contents consumed by students. Also speaking on the development, Project Director, Spool Media, Moses Imayi, expressed fulfillment being a party in the deal that aimed to transform the nation’s educational system. “This we believe will be the beginning of better performing educational system in Nigeria. Through this project, we are building the IT competence of the next generation of leaders and providing employment opportunities to over 200 young Nigerian graduates’’, he said.

“You must invest in quality education, protect basic infrastructures like fiber optic cables, power stations, telecoms towers and cell sites, etc. for the growth of the region. There are so many investors including myself looking for conducive places in Nigeria to invest and Enugu could become that hub”, he pointed out. Likewise, Chairman, Heir Holdings, Mr. Tony Elumelu, advised eastern governments to form an alliance that would strongly impact the region’s economy. “There should be a collaboration from other sister states in the south-east to establish a framework for regional partnership, which will position the region to undertake capital intensive projects that will affect its economy”, he remarked.




I Want to be Africa’s Number One Media Mogul There is Nothing Secret about My Love Life

Traversing two civilisations, South Africa’s Metro FM DJ and businessman, Thabo Molefe (TBO Touch), seems to have touched the fabled Midas for good. A special kind of DJ that reminds you of Soul Train driver, Don Cornelius famous for “You can bet your last money, it’s all gonna be a stone gas, honey! I’m Don Cornelius, and as always in parting, we wish you love, peace and soul”, Molefe is spontaneous and ingenious. He demonstrates greatness in his promotion of soul music. With the inspiration of DJ Enuf and Funk Master Flex, Molefe has taken the profession to a new height and his eventual last stop of becoming Africa’s number one media mogul is evidently on course. The media entrepreneur, at his New York’s Waldorf Astoria tells Nduka Nwosu about his life, philosophy, business and the woman in his life


he argument on whether South African Metro FM DJ, Thabo Molefe, otherwise known as TBO Touch, is the most popular show host in his country has gone viral severally in the social media. If you are one of the regular social network users, you must have come across TBO Touch being described as a successful radio personality hosting the drive time show and working on Metro FM for over ten years after debut on Hot FM 97. Put the other way, who does Molefe hang out with when, for example, he is in New York City, where he studied and walked the ropes in the art that has brought him so much fame and fortune? If you visit Molefe on Instagram and find him posing with such celebs as Suge Knight, Diddy, DJ Khaled, Fabulous and Floyd Mayweather, that will begin to tell the story. It is in the territory of Molefe to re-jig, by say flying into New York and be one of the celebrities watching his friend, Mayweather demolish one of his many victims at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas or at the NYC Madison Square Garden or better still unwind at the NBA All Star Weekend. That is the essential TBO Touch. Every minute of his life is eventful. Touch seems to be living his life with no stone unturned, sometime ago launched his condom brand to Molete celebrate a late friend. lessness, known as “Ubuntu,” in his At 34, he can claim to have seen so native language. Literally translated, it much and achieved so much to give means “you are who you are, because himself a real life of luxury. Recently, of others; you therefore have to love Molefe married one of the beautiful not just for the sake of yourself, but damsels in South Africa and engaged for the sake of the person next to his fans in robust conversations over you.” what they called his secret wedding. Molefe added, “My grandmother, Touch felt differently asserting there was nothing secret about his wedding Rose Ntombiyokuthula Molefe, a to the love of his life. “There’s nothing champion of faith, always shielded the disparities of poverty. Hence, how private about my love life. Watch E! I grew up thinking I was from a rich Entertainment in your local schedulfamily.” ing as they reveal uncensored truth Like every young man and woman about Thabo and Nandi Molefe,” he of his age coming to America was said. prompted by a desire to conquer the Touch proudly tells his guests he world and gain the ultimate experigrew up in a family that represents ence of life on a higher turf. That a dynasty of ministries in Southern explains why at an early age, Molefe Africa and salvation was the first started dreaming of a ‘New World’. lesson in his catechism; a lesson that Before then, the radio host was asked taught him another principle – self-

what was special about growing up and the friends he made along the way both at high school and university. He may not easily accept he was already having a silver spoon tucked into his mouth but his narrative tells it all: “In late 1997, I made a shift from a South African public high school in Vereeniging into a US private Catholic high school, Bishop Grimes in New York.” The famous radio personality admitted he felt something special about his new school environment, which was the freedom and ability to interact and compete with children of other races that valued you more on what your personality or test scores were, instead of what your skin tone was supposed to be. Referring to the

The inspiration lies in the fact that Touch combines easily his radio and entertainment exposure with his radical entry into new business ideas. His first love is business, otherwise he wouldn’t have gone to study business administration at the university. He tries however to defend media as his first love. Of course, there is the business angle to every venture and new idea and media has many angles that have made billionaires of those who dared. This seems to be Touch’s realm and aspiration to be a top African business mogul post-Apartheid era, he observed back home in South Africa, he was part of the first generation of mixed races especially the black people of the land to be allowed into a multi-racial school, an environment filled with sentiments of Apartheid. On this critical issue, Molefe educated his audience that being the first few in a classroom with mixed races was enough motivation for his generation striving to excel and not allow the investment of their parents to be counted as a waste. “To this day, I still keep in contact with my close



CELEBRITY FOCUS I Have Failed Enough in My Business Ventures... South African and US high school friends because our friendship was never based on what we could benefit from another other. New friends are hard to come by because early bonds are not easily broken by new acquaintances.” As part of his American experience, Touch worked, even if briefly, as a bartender at the popular Xstasy Night Club and Lounge at Sunset Park in Brooklyn. Was that an experience to cherish? According to him, that experience taught him a lot as a bartender, and possibly his vision for showmanship as a radio host must have been partly honed there. But, how did Molefe metamorphose into TBO Touch? It has to do with being in the right place, at the right time – New York City was the theatre of action in the 1990s and his ambition was to merge two dynamic and colourful worlds, Africa and America; a synthesis that provided the third point of the triangle, the essential TB Touch. This philosophical proposition, according to Molefe fuelled his desire to transform into the realm of radio broadcasting with such celebrities as Funk Master Flex and DJ Enuf as mentors. He watched the duo work on a day-to-day basis and that led him to a boundless measure of entertainment. “As Thabo, the core content is always spiritual but with Touch, the content is more contemporary, edgy and cool,” he said. Molefe invented TBO Touch as the media and stage vehicle to not only touch the soul of his audience but their minds. His business drive comes from his long time exposure to living with Grace Jones, who he refers to as ‘big sister,’ learning as it were, the fundamentals of the business side of entertainment. Touch is reminded of his once popular expression that building relationships and establishing sound networks could only come about by striving to be the best in everything one does and knowing one’s position in life. Elaborating on that he said, “If you think your wealth is in your bank account then trust me you are lost.” To him, riches and future wealth lie in the quality of relationships everyone has with people as they evolve in the pursuit of comfort and happiness. “I am fortunate enough to enjoy the pleasure of travelling extensively and in every city I land in, I have somebody significant to reach out to – money cannot buy this,” Touch said. Nobody, according to Touch, is an island complete on his own, adding that creation wouldn’t be complete without the law of opposites. “There has to be drought for rain to come, males to meet females and so on. I’m not in this world to advance my own course in life, but to help the person next to me to walk through the door of his or her own destiny. There is more fulfilment in knowing that you’ve enabled the next person to reach self-actualisation.” Molefe pointed out that his assets are not the balance in his account, where he lives or what car he drives. “My assets are relationships; they are as significant as the value of making it in life without even thinking of failure as an option.” At 33, Touch seems to have done so well for himself combining his media engagements with business. How did this happen? His story is that of a man who runs and falls but keeps getting up to keep running. “I

have failed enough in my previous ventures, in order to understand that it is noble to dust yourself off and get back in the race. Unlike many success stories, I’ve seen more misses than hits. What is empowering though is that today, I am able to face any new prospective opportunity and speculate on a higher level, as to what will be successful,” he noted. Just last year, the radio host hinted he was preparing for a major business launch he tagged ‘Touch Life Style’ products with his business partner. “Thembilihle Jiyane-MynhardtTouchWarick is one of South Africa’s finest wine vintage makers. This is the story of two South African brothers who came together from two very different backgrounds, ethnicities and histories, for one good common purpose. This is the first venture that the Ratcliffe family of Warwick wine estate has partnered with the Molefe family. You can visit our website to see what our newest initiative will be supporting,” he said. Yet, the inspiration lies in the fact that Touch combines easily his radio and entertainment exposure with his radical entry into new business ideas. His first love is business, otherwise he wouldn’t have gone to study business administration at the university. He tries however to defend media as his first love. Of course, there is the business angle to every venture and new idea and media has many angles that have made billionaires of those who dared. This seems to be Touch’s realm and aspiration to be a top African business mogul. “Media is everything. We shape the world’s perception and opinion through the media. Presidential campaigns become successful as a result of powerful media strategies. I have found that my way of thinking and knack for personal skills have been better transcribed in the world of media and business in the media world.” Would Touch say his sojourn to America has made the experience a dream come true? Looking back, he has done well for himself and his American dream has gone a long way to make a success story of his early aspirations. “America is a country that prides itself for the opportunities it presents for one to flourish. And when the intention is strong, the universe conspires. The world has taught me that time is the most precious commodity and till this day I live by this principle,” he admits. Touch’s comparison of business in the US and on the African continent is one of a person who has traversed both continents often. He schooled in South Africa and the US and has been practising his art and business across both divides. “America has had the right business model for the past 80 years. Africa has had the right show model for the past 20 years. It is our responsibility to master the business aspects of these (two countries) correctly,” he stated. Touch also talked about his Nigerian experience with passion. “My trip to Nigeria is always blissful. In reference to my recent trip, in September, the people were warm and receptive. Their indigenous business flair is forever inspirational. I always look forward to my next trip.” Ten years from now, what should his audience be looking at as the essential TBO Touch? “Africa’s number one media mogul,” he said.

Molete with wife

My Assets Aren’t Money and Cars but Relationships




UBA CEO Award: A Banker’s Night Like No Other




his was an evening when bankers did not really look like bankers. The UBA CEO award is, perhaps, the only one of its kind in the banking industry that can match up to any celebrity show. This is a night when staff of pan-African financial services group, United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc dumped all their airs of being bankers and get immersed in the excitement of one evening in 365 days. The Expo Hall of Eko Hotel and Suites in Lagos, started coming alive as staff, customers and friends of Africa’s global bank walked onto a well laid red carpet, ushering them into what turned out to be an unforgettable and exciting evening. Tagged “Grammy” of the UBA financial calendar, the UBA CEO awards is an evening of fun, entertainment and celebration. It is a special evening with the sole purpose of celebrating the bank’s staff that have performed exceptionally well in the outgoing financial year. It is a tradition that the bank has maintained since 2008 and this was the eighth edition since its inception. As usual, it lived up to its reputation as a night of glamour and glitz as bankers let down their conservative mien and turned out in a “party” mode to celebrate their colleagues who stood out in the 2015 financial year. The theme of the night was ‘The Evolution of UBA’ and was aimed at celebrating UBA’s rich history as one of the biggest and dominant banks through the ages from its inception in 1949. Beyond the red carpet, the expo halls of the Eko Hotel and suite was turned into an exciting mix of lights and music. The stage was set and the evening did not fail to deliver nonstop entertainment from beginning to the early hours of Sunday. It was like being on Broad Way, as top Nollywood stars, including, Segun Arinze, Norbert Young, Ireti Doyle, and Gideon Okeke, highlighted the men and women, who have made UBA what it is today, through a choreographed display of music and dance. On stage, they traced the history of UBA, starting with its heritage building on 57 Marina, the UBA Group’s contributions across Africa and its footprint in 19 African countries; Nigeria, Ghana, Benin Republic, Cote d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Chad, Cameroon, Kenya, Gabon, Tanzania, Zambia, Uganda, Liberia, SierraLeone, Mozambique, Senegal, Congo DR and Congo Brazzaville as well as in the key global financial centres of New York, London and Paris. They also presented how the network is helping create wealth and financial inclusion across the continent. The multicultural diversity of the UBA group was on full display as board members and the managing directors of the UBA subsidiaries in all its 18 countries of operations outside Nigeria also attended the event. Also present were distinguished Nigerians, including the Governor of Kebbi State, Atiku Abubakar Bagudu, the Governor of Abia State, Okezie Ikpeazu, company CEOs, including Bismarck Rewane (Financial Derivatives), Foluso Phillips (Phillips Consulting), Dele Momodu (Ovation), Austin Okere (Computer WareHouse Group), Ijeoma Nwogwugwu and Ruth Osime (Thisday’s Editors), Nnamdi Okonkwo (MD, Fidelity

Chairman, UBA, Mr. Tony Elumelu, his wife Awele and Children

Group Managing Director and CEO, UBA Plc, Mr. Phillips Oduoza and wife, Jumai

Kennedy Uzoka; Chairman, UBA Guinea, Aboubacar Kagbe Toure; MD, UBA Guinea, Franck Goore

Bank), among others. Others, were the board and management of the UBA Group, including UBA Chairman, Tony O. Elumelu and wife, Awele; GMD/CEO, Phillips Oduoza and wife, Jumai; GMD Designate, Kennedy Uzoka and wife, Lotanna. In line with its geographic spread, board members of UBA subsidiaries across Africa were present. There were 16 different categories of awards given out to staff, business offices, country subsidiaries and strategic business units. Specific areas covered by the awards include; Business Office with the most “Contribution,” individual and business office with the highest deposit growth in Nigeria and Africa; most improved country or regional bank in profit before tax; as well as deal of the year. Other areas covered by the awards include; business office and subsidiary with the best digital banking adoption rate, customer service, country with the best compliance rating and best head office support unit.

R-L: GMD Designate, Kennedy Uzoka and Dbanj

MD, UBA Ghana, Abiola Bawuah (award recipient); Chairman, UBA Sierra Leone, Mrs. Emerica KarefaKargbo and Oduoza




Kinabuti Dare2Dream Season2 Launches Episodes onTV, Online


he brainchild of Italian fashion brand, Kinabuti, Dare2Dream, announced recently the broadcast of the 16 episodes of the second season. The project, powered by FCMB, was set out to train and bring out the best of University talents in fashion and business. The D2D executive producers held the press conference announcing the broadcast on TV and online with a Nescafe press breakfast at Kinabuti Studio. Present at the press conference were: Media Partners and Representatives, Tatiana Moussalli Nouri, DGMD of Cool/Wazobia TV, Pris NzimiroNwanah, SeniorProducer and Director EbonyLifeTV, Rich Tanksley, Head of Pulse. ng, Kamdora, Fashion Blog. Dare2Dream Sponsors: Obi Mbanuzuo, COO of Dana Air; Diran Olojo, Head Corporate Comms, FCMB; and Shamsideen Fashola, Head of FCMB Flexx Account. Dare2Dream Trainers: Maje Ayida, CEO Eden Lifestyle – Fitness Trainer; Bola Fawehinmi, CEO of Few Models Management – Modeling trainer; Juliana of Society for the Performing Arts Nigeria (Span) – Dancing trainer. Dare2Dream Season 2 Finalists: Ifeoma scouted in UNILAG, Mary scouted in UNIPORT The executive producer, Caterina Bortolussi explained to the audience that “the main different between Season 1 and

Season 2 is the wider spectrum of talents and skills that were developed from campus to camp. This season is extremely rich with many moving stories from mentors and contestants.” According to Mr. Diran Olojo of FCMB, “Dare2Dream is delivering messages that inspire the youth to be disciplined and focused on their lives’ objectives, whether it is in modeling, banking or any other line of work.” Mrs Tatiana Moussali of Cool/ Wazobia TV added, “In February 2016, we launched a new channel, Wazobia Max that is available on terrestrial TV and reaches out to the largest audience, including young people at home. We really hope young people will identify and get motivated by watching Dare2Dream on our channel.” Mrs Pris Nzimiro-Nwanah of EbonyLifeTV explained, “RealTV is becoming more and more present in today’s programming. Dare2Dream content is particularly appealing to the new generation who enjoys watching drama and inspiring real-life stories.” Bola Fawehinmi, the D2D modeling trainer, shared her personal experience as a model. Bola, now running her own agency, Few Models Management, said, “Dare2Dream really inspired me. I also learnt a lot from the contestants. “Dare2Dream Season 1’s winner is the most-booked model at the moment. She has the right attitude and she is extremely professional which, for clients,

Diran Olojo (FCMB Marketing Director), Tatiana Moussalli DGMD of Cool_wazobia), Rich Tanksley (Head of pulse. ng), Pris Nzimiro-Nwanah (Senior producer & Director EbonyLIfe TV), Obi Mbanuzuo (COO of Dana Air)

count as much as her look.” The two Dare2Dream finalists described their experience in camp, saying, “meeting so many inspiring celebrities we would have never had a chance to meet otherwise. Dare2Dream inspired us to make changes and take an active role in our life, in school projects or within our community.” After an exclusive preview of the first episode at D2D bootcamp, we went on with questions and answers to sponsors, trainers

and media partners while enjoying Nescafe. Corporate sponsors, who made D2D Season 2 possible, are FCMB, Nescafé, Domino’s Pizza, Dana Air and The One Spirit Company who distributes Mouton Cadet and Veuve-Clicquot. The broadcast of the 16 episodes of Dare2Dream Season 2 will be from May 2016 on Africa Magic Showcase, Africa Magic Urban, EbonyLifeTV, WazobiaMax, WazobiaTV, CoolTV and

Loud Whispers Featuring Alibaba Debuts on Workers’ Day


ome Sunday, May 1, 2016, theatre lovers in Nigeria will be hosted to a superb theatrical experience in the genre-crossing performance of Alibaba in a new play called Loud Whispers. Alibaba will be supported by a 20-man cast, featuring other talented thespians such as Patrick Diabuah, Paul Alomona, Tony Okuyeme, Tony Offiong, and Joy Ogbekene. ‘Loud Whispers’ is an adaption of Joseph Edgar’s collection of humorous satires celebrating the Nigerian spirit. Edgar’s book has elicited so much laughter and attention through its acerbic but comical banters on topical issues. Interspersed with music and dance, the satirical comedy drama is laced with humour as it depicts the various experiences of the Ali Okiemute (played by Ali Baba) family and is a representation of the typical Nigerian family’s journey through the past and present economic dispensations. It is a story of wit and directness, touching

on the prevalent issues that shape our resolve to keep the unified Nigeria dream alive for the future generations against all odds. The play is produced by popular broadcaster, Olisa Adibua, Shina Peller of Quilox and Mofoluwake Edgar, and adapted and directed by the veteran thespian, scriptwriter and Artistic Director behind Quebic 4 Productions, William Benson. William has successfully directed many critically acclaimed plays including The Sisters, Trials of Oba Ovonramwen, The Meeting, Yoruba Romance, and Private Lies, among others. AIICO, AXA Mansard, Bank of Industry, Uber, Rain Oil, and Quiloxare are the sponsors of this maiden edition. Loud Whispers - the Play holds on the 1st of May, 2016 at the Agip Recital Hall, MUSON Centre, Lagos. There are three shows: 1pm, 3pm and 6pm (Command Performance). Tickets are available at Terra Kulture. The play is proudly brought to theatre lovers by Katunga Media, a leading African marketing communications agency.

UBA CEO Award: A Banker’s Night Like No Other But the highlight of the awards was the “GMD’s Special Award” for a staff that performed exceptionally in his or her assigned duties in 2015. This is an award won by the best of the best in the UBA Group and the staff must have displayed a positive attitude to work and colleagues, maturity in handling the bank’s internal and external customers, commitment, knowledge of the bank’s operations and offerings, integrity, which is a core value of the bank and a high level of productivity. The night also experienced high level performance from Nigeria’s top music stars. Staff took to the dance floor as they experienced back to back electrifying performances from the Alert Master, Korede Bello, Koko Master, Dbanj, the gorgeous Yemi Alade, and a sensational Dr. Sid. Also on stage to crack the ribs of the audience with jokes was “Basket Mouth.” This was a night of pure fun as staff danced and laughed for a greater part of the night without

L-R. Joseph Edgar, Olisa Adibua, Alibaba, William Benson, Mofoluwake Edgar

Cont’d from Pg. 36

consideration for the stress that usually comes with their job. Speaking during the awards ceremony, Phillips Oduoza, Group Managing Director and CEO of UBA Plc described the UBA CEO awards as the most exciting event in UBA operational calendar. “This is the night we honour members of our staff who have come to represent everything we stand for as an organisation. The staff, departments and business units that receive awards this night are hardworking, articulate and always willing to go the extra mile to achieve the targets we set for ourselves at the beginning of every financial year as a bank,” Oduoza said. This year’s UBA CEO Awards was organised by a team comprised of Pamela Shodipo, Charles Aigbe, Bola Atta, Chux Onwusah, Nonso Nduanya, Christiana Okenla and supported by Dujour Events, Q21 Events, Flower Plus and K Square Security.

L-R:, Lady Ngozi Okonkwo, Chief(sir) Emma Bishop Okonkwo Ofr, Chairman Ekulo group of companies with newly wedded Mr and Mrs Eze Amuchie after their wedding at our Saviours Anglican Church TBS on Saturday April 9th 2016




Leaving Microsoft to Set up Office Machines was a Leap of Faith

It is not always easy and consistent to be active in the information technology business for more than 17 years. From Data Processing and Management Services, DPMS, where he started service in global information technology, Okey Ikpe received technical, sales and services certification and also passed through Compaq, International Business Machines, IBM, and Microsoft Corporation West Africa where he was in charge of Nigeria, Ghana and Sierra Leone. As Public Sector Director, he was instrumental to the elevation of the company as a trusted information technology adviser for Nigeria. In this chat, Okey, as fondly called, tells Stanley Nkwazema how he founded Office Machines Nigeria Limited, OMNL, and why Nigerian graduates could be retrained towards meeting global IT demands and assisting the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, deploy teleconferences solution that was used for election and the training of the Revenue Mobilisation and Fiscal Allocation Committee, RMAFC Working for Government, Frustrating Yet Exciting had over 17 fascinating years of professional experience working for global IT companies namely IBM, Compaq and Microsoft and of course the premier IBM partner, Data Processing Maintenance and Services Limited, before stepping out as an entrepreneur to establish Office Machines Nigeria Limited, OMNL in 2009. During those periods, I had the opportunity to interact with some of the global best minds in IT, in a cross cultural, multi ethic and diverse environment. While DPMS accounted for most of the formative period in my career which transformed into a rich, resilient and spirited personality, it is worthy of note that the unique experience of the global companies gave me the opportunity to learn about the processes, systems, strategies, structures, best of breed technologies, services and most importantly people that made these companies outstanding, remarkable and competitive. I picked up the fundamentals and advanced knowledge about computers, software, networking and communication as well as how technology helps to transform and enhance productivity of various sectors such as banking and finance, telecommunications, government, healthcare and education. This was possible because I managed across industries which helped me to learn how to move away from prescriptive to consultative engagement framework with government. The earlier resigned to telling the customer how technology can solve its problem while the later uncovered the technology requirements and needs of the client in collaborative manner. A major step in this process is to qualify the opportunity by understanding the customer strategic goals, its priorities, operational requirements, data needs, security considerations, level of internal IT skills set, personal inertia to adopt or adapt technology while incorporating potential future data growth plan and


information needs. Providing service to government, whether it is vertical structure such as federal, state and local or horizontal level such as ministries, departments and agencies; or even breaking either of these two structures into sectors such as transport, education, healthcare, energy, public safety and privacy, defense and intelligence, environment, food and agriculture, population and quality of lives, judiciary and justice system require a very deep understanding of the technological drivers. For example, it will be interesting to find out what the fundamental problems a government commission would like to solve by issuing citizens with identity. Why should such identity be unique to an individual and not anyone else? How to ensure that records captured are reliable, current, authentic and secured? Then is the question of what are the current installed bases of the customer? How is it used? What is the strategic objective and how can IT help to deliver it? The process of gathering this useful information is what I describe as consultative interaction and engagement framework modeled by OMNL. Typically, it may seem challenging because governments inadvertently hold up useful information needs which could serve as inputs in designing innovative solutions or uncovering the fundamental problems they are faced with. It is only when such information has been adequately elicited from people involved that a prescriptive robust solution can be offered. Clearly, it is not the absence of methodology, technologies and tools that create complexities in interacting with government but largely the human element. If the change mantra can instill and create a phalanx for professionalism and excellence in execution of government assignments aimed at delivering public good, I can guarantee you that in no distant time, the entity called Nigeria will begin to unleash its potentials. Deriving Joy In His Vocation I am extremely passionate and excited

I picked up the fundamentals and advanced knowledge about computers, software, networking and communication as well as how technology helps to transform and enhance productivity of various sectors such as banking and finance, telecommunications, government, healthcare and education. This was possible because I managed across industries which helped me to learn how to move away from prescriptive to consultative engagement framework with government




ENCOUNTER People Have Hurt me in the Past…Including Friends about the works that I do as an entrepreneur, technology social change agent and a devout parent. No one believed that I could jettison the comfort of life under the umbrella of multinational company to explore and express my skills, talent and ingenuity in a start-up that was richly funded by ideas and zero capital. The personal decision to resign from Microsoft after a significant five-year stint as public sector lead and business development manager in Ghana was borne out of innate desire and conviction that customers fundamentally make their purchase decision based on ‘people’ not ‘brand’. I built strong personal equity with clients that I interacted with. I consistently ensured honesty, transparency, infectious commitment and fanatically executed tasks with excellence. It is these values that define my work till today; the joy I derive by making positive and lasting impact in the lives of people and communities. My greatest joy is the young top talents that Office Machines have attracted, groomed and nurtured over this six years period. Not only that, we contribute in honing their skills and competencies but also we have increasingly helped in reducing unemployment, wealth creation and social transformation. The indirect impact is many lives that these young men and women touch which accounts for the technology social change agent our organisation is known for. It may interest you to note that I developed and designed the curriculum and program for reintegration of ex-militants and unemployed youths from Niger Delta under the Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs. I was never paid for my ideas, efforts and knowledge, which is typical of Nigeria government. However, my overwhelming joy is that I contributed in a big way to national development. My advice therefore to government is to learn to use individuals and organisations that create some of these unique social programs in the implementation to ensure that expected results are achieved. The most important work of my life is being a devout parent by caring and providing for my wife and children. My responsibility which I take seriously is to guide them in God’s ways, ensure peace and love for one another. People, including friends, have done terrible things to me, but over the years I have developed a big heart and shoulder which is why it may be difficult, yet easy for me to forgive even when it hurts. At OMNL, This is What We Are… As the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Office Machines Nigeria Limited (OMNL) I am responsible for developing and designing the strategic plan, coordination of the functional leads, supervision and orchestration of company activities, monitoring of programs, ensure compliance with corporate governance, organisational values and delivery of customer and stakeholders satisfaction. I am responsible for the achievement of the organisation profit goals and business growth objectives. In OMNL, our greatest asset are our people, so we work very hard to ensure that we hire and retain top talents by investing in their training, coaching, mentoring and reward system that match and most times better than comparable organisations. Importantly, we instill early in employees career self-confidence and appropriate knowledge which makes it easier for them to thrive in a complex environment. Personally, I lead by example and as much as possible reflect our corporate values which include respect for life, straight talk, honesty and integrity, accountability, taking extra ordinary steps and seeing them through. These define us as an organisation. The IT job Proper Working for Office Machines and being an active participant in the IT sector gives me excitement. Similarly, I relish every opportunity to apply my skills, talent and experience in solving customer problems so I am enthused with how some of our projects have helped create strategic impact in transforming lives, people and communities. One of such project is the ability to track all customer complaints related to services provided by the power distribution companies in Nigeria. Our customer complaint handling application and portal when launched nation-wide will help track, monitor and measure client complaints. A known management cliché says that, if you cannot measure it, you cannot manage it. The toothbrush text is for NERC therefore to measure customer complaints in order to apply right regulations to manage it and we hope that the tool will be fully utilised for the purpose. On another score working with IT advisors, I led the

coupled with human capital, where poor health in the workforce and inefficient higher education holds the country back from fulfilling its potential. ICT, however, can help to reverse the situation if only a conscious effort is made to focus on renewable energy, solar technology, retraining of our workforce, introduction of technology in government and sincerity of purpose by leadership to use accurate data in planning, managing, sharing and allocation of resources in Nigeria. This is self-explanatory and unambiguous: let’s just use technology and for once stop living in land as the Americans would say. Again bear in mind that three countries namely: Ireland, Israel and India have something in common: they are all non-oil producing countries but their GDPs have remained significantly higher than average, comparable to First World countries. This is because they led in information technology and have developed intermediate to advance skilled workforce. IT industry in India comprises of software industry and information technology enabled services, ITES, which also includes business process outsourcing, BPO, industry. India is considered as a pioneer in software development and a favorite destination for IT-enabled services. The Indian software and services exports were estimated at $49.7 billion in 2009 to 2010, as compared to $47.1 billion in 2008 and 2009; an increase of 5.5 per cent. ICT can therefore solve some of revenue gap. Clearly, ICT is a medium through which most of current challenges can be solved. Two things come to mind: how can ICT help government generate revenue aptly explained earlier and how can ICT reduce cost? When you automate government processes, issues of ghost workers, unaccounted revenue, duplication of projects, contract splitting and monitoring of ongoing projects will reduce. Money saved from these drain pipes can then be applied to other teething national problems. Ikpe

The most important work of my life is being a devout parent by caring and providing for my wife and children. My responsibility which I take seriously is to guide them in God’s ways, ensure peace and love for one another. People, including friends, have done terrible things to me, but over the years I have developed a big heart and shoulder which is why it may be difficult, yet easy for me to forgive even when it hurts

team that developed and designed the enterprise architecture and IT strategy of the National Population Commission; a prerequisite to conducting, successful biometric based national censors in 2016. Interestingly, I was part of the team that articulated the five year strategic plan of the National Information Technology Development Agency which should help in repositioning the agency from a ‘’self contract awarding agency’’ to a catalyst that fosters IT diffusion, internationalisation and integration in Nigeria. Let me reiterate once more that these strategic consulting services I offered were at no cost to government on the contrary most government agencies pay firms such as Accenture, Price Water House Coopers, IBM Global Services, Mckinsey and Boston Consulting millions and millions of dollars. Besides the national assignments I am thrilled with my employees and how we have helped horn their skills and knowledge. A good number of them were hired as fresh graduates, very talented individuals and within a short period they exude great confidence and competency typical of OMNL trade mark. The truth is that our graduates need an environment that will positively challenge and tickle their minds to innovate. So what can be more exciting than knowing that one is responsible and has positively contributed to the well-being of thousands and thousands of people and families? ICT Could Drive National Regeneration Information and Communication Technology can be broadly viewed under two sectors: Information Technology and Communication. In Nigeria, the growth of both these sectors is very significant in the past two decades. While the Communication industry has built up an enormous confidence for itself in the global markets, IT has remained at very rudimentary stage especially in governments and governance. Let’s be honest, the challenge with government is not lack of enough revenue to meet its obligations, neither is it the absence of laws or institutions to enforce policies and regulate. It is clearly the abuse of regulatory and use of powers. Take a look at the global statistics on productivity levels, you will notice that Nigeria ranked 124in the 2015/2016 results of the World Economic Forum annual global competitiveness. The picture is mixed where a less competitive domestic environment outweighs improvements to encourage foreign competition; the financial market, where banks are rated as relatively sound but access to finance remains problematic; and the labour market, which is one of the region’s most flexible but is dragged down by an inefficient use of talent and a comparatively low female participation rate. Priorities include investment in infrastructure which is singled out as the most problematic factor for doing business

Challenges Can be Relative… Most of the projects we have done in the past have fundamental challenges ranging from managing clients lack of commitment, long period of absence from the office due to official travels, bureaucracy, unwillingness to pay even when contract has been satisfactorily completed, departmental rivalry, ethnic sentiments and pure greed. As a work around, we develop an implementation framework that captures the MDA’s culture, tinges and nuances. Really and truly, the country has a very long way to go, and the way you can tell a broken system is when a civil servant irrespective of the level ‘kidnaps’ your file, challenging you to go to the Minister or President to complain and nothing will happen. This clearly demonstrates not just impunity by the public servant, but a confirmation that there are no more rules and regulations guiding the conduct of public officers. These are some of the unpleasant and sad events we have faced in providing services to government. Monitoring jobsandImplementationofAgreements I presume that you want to know what we do to ensure that projects are delivered within scope and budget and also that customers derive satisfaction from the projects we have executed. If that’s what you meant, then I would say that on acceptance of an offer from a client, the first thing we do is to internally assign programme or project managers to deliver on the assignment. At the project initiation meeting, we agree on milestones, deliverables, resources, scope and time lines. It is at this point that we set up periodic reviews to ensure smooth execution of the project. By applying OMNL Compound Comprehensive Methodology in project management which includes the people, process, technology, organisation culture and nuances, we create a systematic, predictable process to ensure effective execution and customer satisfaction. However, while this methodology reflects the ideal situation we have witnessed atypical, extraneous variables infused with human inordinate desires that have impacted on some projects. To mitigate this, we apply executive support to ensure that the compass to a satisfactory project execution is not entangled. In the same vein, we provide after sales support by signing service level agreements which guarantees the client on premise problem resolution or quick-fix technical support. The support type is based on how critical the situation is and information required by the client. We build this into the contract based on customer acceptance. Though, there are cases where the customer has opted out from signing a service level agreement which could be due to lack of budget or understanding of the benefits. In some other cases, the customer may limit the after sales support to the warranty provided by the manufacturer for




by OMOLOLA ITAYEMI 08054699602

The Making of Lekki Tourism Zone

Lagos State, with more than 180 kilometers of sandy beachfront, myriads of islands, some inhabited and others lying fallow, probably boast of the highest tourism credential in West Africa. Lately, Lekki, one of Lagos’ LCDAs has taken up the gauntlet to maximally harness these gifts of nature and turn them into real value-for-money tourism assets that can lure tourist traffic from far and near. Omolola Itayemi writes


he Lekki Council Development Area (LCDA) of Lagos has resolved to use tourism as a tool for socioeconomic transformation and in the process put the area in the tourism map of Africa. The area has tourism assets that have been lying fallow prior to this time. For those who know, it was just a huge waste of God’s gift. Lekki’s foray into tourism goes back more than 100 years. The colonialist saw the potentials of the zone as a tourism haven, and that was why they decided to build a chalet there where they could go and unwind and generally have quality leisure time. That gave birth to the place that was later made more famous when the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo was detained there in the ‘60s. Aside from the detention centre, there was no major high profile tourism project of the government until when the then Military Governor of the State, Colonel Buba Marwa developed the Eko Tourist Beach Resort at Akodo, Lekki in the ‘90s. A private sector initiative was also put in place by Otunba Wanle Akinboboye when he opened the luxurious La Campagne Beach Resort, Ikegun in the early ‘90s. Presently, it is as if the scale has been removed from everybody’s eyes and they can now see that this part of the state is a tourism gold mine. A free trade zone will soon be operational there, complete with its own international airport. There is also a 27-hole golf course, myriads of hotels, leisure centers, Lekki Market for crafts, Elegushi beach and Nike Art Gallery. The future is looking bright. One would then ask, what, in terms of natural tourism asset, does the Lekki area have to offer? It has a lot; it has history. Scattered on the beach front of the area is the slave baraccon that was used during the slave trade; the Refugee Island; the Freedom Flag; the Awo Detention Centre; some colonial relics at Orimedu and many others. Of course, there is close to 30 kilometres of white sandy beach, including that of the famous Eleko Beach. The council also boasts of about 16 lakes, in addition to the lagoon areas and smaller islands. It is in the light of this that the former local council development area chair, Barrister Mukandaisi Ogidan decided to turn the area into a Tourism Zone years back and, since then, remarkable progress has been made. The axis has metamorphosed into a full tourism zone, especially with the full grading of the Lekki-Epe express way. Ogidan made history made history, as he was the first LCDA chairman in Nigeria to do so, and this was also to his credit as an administrator. Asked why he declared the area as a tourism zone, Ogidan said with the declaration, the council would welcome investors in tourism and that they would be given all the necessarily co-operation to put projects in place for them to have returns on their investments. Looking back, it was a high profile event because on hand as the special guest of honour, at the declaration ceremony, was the president of the World Council of Mayors from the United States of America, Mr. James Walls, who came with his entourage. Others were, a former commissioner in Lagos State, Chief Tunde Kasali; World Council of Mayors Tourism Ambassador

A tourism zone

to Nigeria, Otunba Wanle, who is also the owner of the La Campagne Beach Resort. He believes the position of the council was a welcomed development and promised to work with the council to develop the area. Also in attendance were traditional rulers from the council and other notable individuals. Ogidan said the ceremony was a catalyst for the transformation of the area and he couldn’t have been more correct. His words: “We see this kind of transformation

And with over 100 hotels and accommodation types, scores of leisure centers, very colorful and vibrant markets selling everything from fish to artifacts, golf resorts, galleries, a conservation centre and loads of sandy beaches, one can say Lekki has not only become a tourism zone but is also fast taking over as one of West Africa’s major destinations. Lekki is about an hour’s drive from the city of Lagos, off the Lagos-Epe Expressway

as the only way we can bring the economic potentials of this local government development area. Awo said in the ‘60s that this place will be the best in terms of development. Thank God this is coming true while we are still here and while our former leaders are still present. We have seen our brother, Mayor James Walls, and their coming here today is good. It is also to secure the assurance that when they come here to invest, you will be prepared. We will give them every co-operation required for the transformation of Lekki LCDA.” The President of the World Council of Mayors spoke on why he decided to be part of the history. His words: “It is truly an honour to be here for the declaration of the Lekki Tourism Zone. Ambassador Wanle Akinboboye called me on the phone and said Mayor, I need you to be in Nigeria next week. And I said to the ambassador, are you crazy? I am in the middle of an election, and you want me to stop what I am doing and travel to Nigeria, and the ambassador said yes, and I replied okay. And before you know it, I am here in Nigeria. I came to Nigeria because this is something very important. Prior to becoming, the President of the World Council of Mayors, I served as the Vice President for tourism and ambassador Akinboboye told you, my first experience of the motherland was right here in Nigeria and right here in Lekki. Since 2008, I have had the opportunity to visit the motherland and here in Nigeria over 30 times. So, when you talk about tourism, it is very important because men and women and brothers and sisters of African descent need to reconnect with the Motherland. I believe that it is projects like this that will give African-Americans,

Africans in Europe and others an opportunity to not only come back and reconnect but also come back and reinvest in Mother Africa. So, this tourism zone is an opportunity for Africans to come back and re-establish their ground and reinvest in our community and I will leave you with this: this is our day, truly it is, this is our hour and as Africans we shall make sure we do not miss our time.” Interestingly, Chief Kasali, going down memory lane to talk of the efforts of the leaders of the area to open up the place in the past, only reinforced the need to make this dream a reality. “When you talk about the economy of an area, you talk about commerce, industry and tourism. We thank God we now have the Lekki Free Trade Zone in this area. At the beginning of this free trade zone, it was like a tug of war because we needed enlightenment and a lot of talking to let our people know that this is the future that we have been talking about. Once we have the free Trade Zone, we are opening the place for commerce and industry and then when we have the tourism project, then we are opening up the place for the whole world. I believe, and I am so passionate about it, that we haven’t seen anything yet.” And with over 100 hotels and accommodation types, scores of leisure centers, very colorful and vibrant markets selling everything from fish to artifacts, golf resorts, galleries, a conservation centre and loads of sandy beaches, one can say Lekki has not only become a tourism zone but is also fast taking over as one of West Africa’s major destinations. Lekki is about an hour’s drive from the city of Lagos, off the Lagos-Epe Expressway.




Knights Canvass Support for Fight against Corruption Femi Ogbonnikan


clarion call has gone to all Nigerians, regardless of ethnic, religious and regional affiliations to join the President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration in the fight against corrupt practices. The Catholic Knights of Saint Mulumba (KSM) made the call while announcing their upcoming 2016 annual conference during a press conference held at Catholic Church of Transfiguration, Victoria Garden City (VGC), Ajah, Lagos, recently. The Supreme Knight of Saint Mulumba, Brother Anthony Onuh, said that the war against corruption was not just a battle for virtue and righteousness in Nigeria, but that it was also a fight for the soul and substance.

Onuh said the fight required collective efforts and that all Nigerians should be part of the struggle and that this ought to be carried out at all levels, in order to recover wasted opportunities. According to the Supreme Knight, “To guarantee sustainable success in fighting corruption, Nigerians must transcend ethnic, religious and regional affiliations and sentiments. Those who are genuinely identified to have either stolen or recklessly used the national wealth must be compelled to make comprehensive restitution. In this process, we strongly urge all to eschew personal interest, political vendetta, and bitterness. Those with the mandate to facilitate this process should be guided by a true sense of justice and act in accordance with the rule of law.” To reduce the menace, the KSM urged the government of President Muhammadu Buhari to strengthen the nation’s anti-graft agencies to enable them deal speedily with their investigations and prosecution of past and present public office

holders found to have corruptly enriched themselves at the expense of the country to recover all missing funds. On the frequent fuel scarcity, the association noted that the crisis has crippled economic and commercial activities in the last three months, while admonishing the government to look into what it could do with the nation’s refineries, which are either old or obsolete and, to construct new ones and, if possible, encourage investors to build private refineries in Nigeria. Besides, the KSM drew the attention of the government to the current security challenges in the country, which include kidnapping, insurgency, armed robbery and pipeline vandalism. They seized the occasion to commend security agencies for their gallant efforts to contain societal ills. They, however, called on the government to be more proactive in the fight by improving on intelligence gathering, as well as providing more modern fighting equipment to the security agencies and to give topmost priority to the welfare of the troops.

No Division in Imo PDP, Says Uzodimma


he leader of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in Imo State, Senator Hope Uzodimma has declared that there was no division in the Imo State Chapter of the party as the members were united and resolute to take over the state in 2019. Speaking against the backdrop of perceived factions in the state chapter of

the party, Uzodimma told journalists at the Sam Mbakwe Cargo Airport Owerri, Imo State on Thursday that though there might be some differences among party members as “it is common even in a family, the PDP in Imo is united and working hard to win back the state in 2019”. He said though some party men in the state were against adopting option A4 for the forth coming Ward Congresses of the party, it was not an indication that the

party was divided or in disarray. The leader said option A4 remains the only credible means to elect people as the “harmonized list option being canvassed by a certain group of persons’ breeds hatred and bad blood after elections”. “Option A4 brings credibility to the process as those who lost in the process support the winners but harmonization breeds hatred, bad blood and disenchantment in the party”, he added.

Uzodimma urged the National Working Committee (NWC) not to be deceived to take hasty decision that would hurt the party as was the case in 2015 which caused PDP’s electoral victory. “It was the practice by the PDP to handpick candidates in the 2015 that caused it to lose in that election. The NWC should be guided by that experience and not repeat the same mistake”, he cautioned.


L-R: Former Chief Press to Kwara State Governor, Alhaji Mas’ud Adebimpe; Catholic Archbishop of Lagos, Most Rev. Dr. Alfred Adewole Martins; and Managing Director, National Pilot newspaper, Billy Adedamola at the funeral service of Mrs. Anthonia Afolabi at St Leo’s Church, Ikeja, Lagos... recently

US Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Samantha Power (r), playing basketball with young girls enrolled in a Peace Through Sports programme run by the American University of Nigeria, in Yola...recently

L-R: ECOWAS Commissioner for Finance, Sesay Allieu; Managing Director of Ecobank, Mr. Charles Kie; President of EOCWAS, Marcel Alain de Souza; and Deputy Managing Director, ECOBANK, Foluke Aboderin, during a courtesy visit by the management of ECOBANK to ECOWAS Secretariat in Abuja...recently

L-R: Member, SEBECCLY Cancer Care, Morolake Kindeji; Board Member, Mrs. Hannah Omojole; Commander, Rapid Response Squad (RRS), ACP Olatunji Disu; and member, SEBECCLY Cancer Care,Tina Ometu, during the presentation of portrait of first largest Human Pink Ribbon formed by 7,598 Nigerians, a Guinness World Record for breast cancer to Commander RRS in Lagos...recently

L-R: Director, Management Systerm Certisfication, Standard Organisation of Nigeria (SON), Mrs. Oluremi Ayeni; Director, Metreology, Mr. Obiorah Manafa; acting Director–General, Dr. Paul Angya; Director, Compliance Directorate, Mr. Bede Obayi; and Director Operations, Mr. Felix Nyado, during the acting Director-General’s meeting with the maritime stakeholders at Golden Tulip Hotel, Amuwo Odofin, Lagos...recently

L-R: Marketing Communications Manager, Dizengoff Nigeria, Humphrey Otalor; Country Manager/CEO, Dizengoff Nigeria, Antti Ritvonen; Integrated Project Manager, Oscar Walumbe; and CEO, Latag Venture Farms, Olatunde Agoro, during a media tour of the Dizengoff greenhouse farm in Lagos... recently




L-R: Print Category Winner, Cannes Lions Nigeria, Adefolaju Tella; Cyber Category Winners, Cannes Lions Nigeria, Azad Abdullahi and Adekunle Koledoye; and Film Category Winners, Cannes Lions Nigeria, Samuel Oludare and Jephthah Nwabuisi (all from Insight Communications Ltd.) at the recently held Cannes Lions Nigeria Awards in Lagos

Insight Shines at 2016 Young Lions Award


t was an impressive moment at the just concluded 2016 Cannes Lions Nigeria ceremony which held at the MUSON Centre, Onikan, Lagos, when Insight Communications was not only recognised as a historical industry leader, but also as a vibrant and youthful agency filled with bright minds, when it carted away most of the awards in the creative category of the Young Lions Award. Consistently, Insight Communications has not only become a conduit for navigating excellence in the Communications industry, its vibrant understanding of the industry has made it a place for young people to be nurtured into global relevance. Only last year, Insight was voted 3rd best place to work in Nigeria and also one of the best places to work in the country by Millennials, ahead of firms like Google. At the Young Lions Award this year, five agencies were judged by a jury of respected industry experts, of which Insight Communications came out with astounding success in all three catego-

ries it entered for, namely in the Print, Film and Cyber (Digital) category. Chief Operating Officer, Insight Communications, Feyi Olubodun expressing his excitement over the win, stated that, “It is a great feeling for us, as we have always set out to elevate creativity, and these young talents testify to our commitment to continue to offer fresh and transformation ideas that would raise the bar of creativity in the industry.” Also commenting, Chima Okenimkpe, the Creative Director of Insight Communications explained that, “Again and again, actions like this reveal that Insight is an ever-young agency, and from being founded by men in their youth; they have maintained an environment of freshness where young minds can be nurtured and grown. Is it still a wonder why we have held the pillars of the advertising industry for decades?” Okenimkpe emphasized that the big win particularly in Digital is a result of digital transformation happening across the agency “Digital is not a department at Insight, it is fully integrated into

everything we do for our clients. For as long as the consumer remains kings, we will continue to focus on them rather than on the technology,” he said. At this year’s event, there was a display of engaging and inspiring creative from different agencies, but Insight Communications delighted the eminent jury with their brilliant entries. The pair, Jephthah Nwabuisi and Samuel Oludare representing the agency in the Film Category, won with their entry, ‘Death Toll’, while the duo of Azad Abdullahi and Adekunle Koledoye won with an entry titled ‘The World Tree’ in the Cyber Awards category. The Print Award Category was won by the pair of Emeka Ezeagu and Adefolaju Tella, who by his winning last year’s edition in the same category, becomes a consecutive winner of the Print award. Tella, makes an industry record, as he becomes the first young creative to win the Print category back to back. Over the years, the Young Lions Award has proven itself to be a platform for showcasing the brightest, young

creative minds in Nigeria’s Communications industry and agencies with fresher perspectives, while also offering an opportunity to winners in some of the award categories to represent Nigeria at the international event during Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. Along with the awards in the creative category, some young talents from the agency only won scholarships to prestigious school of Advertising. Jephtah Nwabuisi was awarded a Bachelor’s Degree Scholarship at the illustrious Miami Ad School, Hamburg Scholarship Award in partnership with Steinbeis University, Berlin Germany, while Ifeanyi Blessed Dibia got a Master’s Degree scholarship Award at the same university. The prestigious Young Lions Award is organised by Chini Africa, the Nigerian partner of the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, the world’s biggest celebration of creativity in communication. The winning team will lead Nigeria’s contingent to the global event, the Cannes Lion Festival of Creativity, from the 18th – 25th of June, 2016.

Unilever Launches Improved Sunlight


aundry Day is about to get easier and more economical for Nigerians, with the unveiling of the new improved Sunlight 2 in 1 detergent, which offers a unique fragrance that gives bursts after bursts of freshness, an incomparable washing experience and prices as low as N10 per pack. Gentle on clothes, yet tough on ingrained stains, the new improved Sunlight 2 in 1

detergent is available in two variants- Sunlight Spring Sensations and Sunlight Tropical Sensation. With the brand re-launch, Unilever Nigeria is also introducing a 225g pack at N100 and a 25g pack at N10, to offer Nigerians more options. Speaking on the launch of the new Sunlight 2-in-1 detergent, the Brand Manager, Sunlight, Ojeabuo Akhiojemi, observed that Unilever has a tradition of commitment to customer satisfaction and will keep evolving ways to

make laundry less stressful and more affordable for customers. “We pay attention to the feedback we receive from customers about what they expect from their laundry detergent. Asuperior clean, an exciting fragrance, freshness and affordability are high on the list and we have ensured that the new Sunlight 2-in -1 meets all these requirements” Akhiojemi said. “The new improved Sunlight 2 in 1 detergent offers a winning combination, as it has

Naija FM Launches on GOtv


Otv has introduced a new audio channel, Naija FM 102.7, on its platform. The Lagos-based Pidgin English audio channel, which launched 14 April on GOtv, is available on channel 301 to all subscribers. Naija FM Lagos is the second audio channel to launch on GOtv in Nigeria. John Ugbe, Managing Director, MultiChoice Nigeria, said the channel addition will

further boost local programming on the GOtv platform. “We regularly assess the quality and relevance of our content to ensure that it caters to the different tastes and preferences of our subscribers. The launch of Naija FM Lagos on GOtv is driven by our understanding that local content is important to our subscribers,” he said. He also noted that no other digital terrestrial television (DTT) operator in Nigeria has shown more commitment and support for local content than GOtv.

Also speaking on the development, Chris Ubosi, Managing Director of Megalectrics Ltd, owners of Naija FM, said: “We are delighted to partner with MultiChoice Nigeria on the launch of Naija FM 102.7, Lagos, on GOtv. The partnership is significant as it creates an additional medium for us to reach our audience.” Naija FM Lagos provides a wide range of programming that includes news, talk shows, sports and music. GOtv subscribers canstart their day with Naija FM Lagos by tuning to the morning

all the components of a gentle, yet effective detergent while offering a variety of pack sizes, suitable for everyone’s needs. It also has an exciting new fragrance that leaves your clothes with a refreshing scent long after washing.” He added. The new and improved Sunlight 2 in 1 is now available nationwide in two variants: Sunlight Tropical Sensation (Sunlight Pink) and Sunlight Spring Sensation (Sunlight Yellow) in strikingly beautiful 25g, 225g, 500g, 1kg and 2kg packs.

motivational show, Morning Runs, hosted by the trio of Godwin Aruwayo (First Voice), Sabina (Naija P) and Ushbebe. From 4pm to 10pm, weekdays, listeners can follow the conversation on the Gragra Xpress showhosted by OSAM, Naija FM’s tallest man, and OTB, the mouth of the Niger Delta. DJ Atte will get listeners partying every Saturday from 10pm till dawn, while Sabina aka NaijaPastor will serve up spiritual soulfood, praise and worship music on the Sunday Best Show.




Ekeomas Christen Grandson in Grand Style

O Adedayo Adejobi

il magnate and Chairman of Nepal Oil and Gas, Elder Eme Ekeoma, has become a grandfather, at the age of 56. The Ekeomas, Elder Eme and Ngozi were elated as they christened their grandson, Kenechukwu born to their daughter, Ezinne, 27, at the Holy Trinity Catholic Church, in Maitama Abuja,

recently. The visionary entrepreneural couple, widely acknowledged as one of Nigeria’s influential business leaders and philanthropists, hosted friends, family, editors, and business associates to a soiree where they celebrated their well-deserved new status as the latest grand-parents. For the Ekeomas, it was, indeed, a testament to God’s love, boundless mercies and well-kept covenant. When Ezinne delivered the baby boy, both grandparents flew immediately to

America to see the child. They stayed with for a few days before returning to the country. The officiating Priest, Rev Father Christopher Inegbenoghu, dedicated the baby to God according to the practice and observances of Catholic rites. After the two-hour, 45 minutes church outing, a well-attended reception followed at the Ibeto Hotels, a well tucked hideout owned by Cletus Ibeto, another billionaire and industrialist with many roles in the nation’s economy. The roll call of a few of the A- list guests

include; Cletus Ibeto; President Transcorp Hilton, Emmanuel Nnorom, Eze Ndigbo of Lagos; Ifeanyi Udu; and Jaiye Ayeni. The Ekeomas, one of ‘Corporate Nigeria’s Most Powerful People,’ preside over a multibillion-naira business empire that includes oil and gas, foreign exchange, professional service, and haulage. The fact that they have become one of the nation’s most successful entrepreneurs is no surprise. The Ekeomas, who enjoy boundless clout, they remain one of Nigeria’s richest people.


L-R; Commissioner for Industry, Trade and Investment, Benue State, Dr.Tersoo Kpebi; Gov. of Benue State, Samuel Ortom and Acting Director General/CEO, Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON), Dr. Paul Angya, during SON promotion on SME to Benue State...recently

L-R; Chairman, Mentoring Committee, Nigerian Academy of Pharmacy (NAP), Mr. Jimi Agbaje; President, Nigeria Academy of Pharmacy, Prince Julius Adelusi-Adeluyi; Managing Director, Glaxo Smithkline (GSK) Nigeria, Mr. Lekan Asuni; and Special Adviser to President Muhammadu Buhari on New Media, Tolu Ogunlesi, at the NAP mentoring programme held at the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry Exhibition Centre, Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos...recently

L-R: The Ooni of Ife, His Imperial Majesty, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi (Ojaja 1); wife of the founder of First City Monument Bank (FCMB) Plc, Olori Abimbola Balogun, wife of Ooni of Ife, Olori Wuraola Ogunwusi and Olori Omo-oba Akile Ijebu, founder FCMB Plc, Otunba Michael Olasubomi Balogun, during a courtesy visit by Ooni to Balogun at his residence in Lagos...recently

L-R: Head of Creative, Star Times, Demola Akerele, Zonal Sales Manager, Olumide Oke-Olawuyi, Star Times Dealer in Ilorin, Mrs. Femi Ajibade, Sales Director, Star Times, John Osemene and Public Relations Manager, Israel Bolaji, at the presentation of a brand new Hyundai car to Ajibade, for being the best Star Times dealer in 2015 in Lagos...recently



T H I S D AY, T H E S AT U R D AY N E W S PA P E R • APRIL 23, 2016


he funeral and outing services for Late Chief (Mrs.) Juliana Mogbonjubade Osiberu was held at St. John’s Anglican Church, Ijoku, Sagamu, Ogun State on April 8, 2016. Here are the personalities that graced the occasion Photos: Dan Ukana Son of the deceased and Elepe of Epe, HRH Oba Adewale Osiberu, and his Olori Olubukola

Dr. Yemi Ogunbiyi and his wife, Folashade

Mrs. Bimpe Osiberu and her husband Engr. Adebayo Osiberu

L-R: Otunba Gbenga Daniel and Chief Segun Osoba

L-R: Chief John Odeyemi and Chief Sunny Kuku

L-R: Mr. Ted Iwere, Mr. Eniola Bello and Mr. Nosa Igiebor. L-R: Prof. Theophilus Ogunlesi, Prof. Oladipo Akinkugbe, and Prof. Gabriel Ogunmola.

Deputy Governor of Ogun State, Chief Yetunde Onanuga, and the former Governor of Cross River State, Donald Duke.

L-R: Olori Wunmi Sonariwo and Olori Florence Oyenuga


T H I S D AY, T H E S AT U R D AY N E W S PA P E R • APRIL 23, 2016


Engr. Remi Osiberu and his wife, Agbeke

L-R: Chief Mrs. Iyabo Ogunshola and Mrs. Bola Adetula

L-R: Dr. Dipo Olabumuyi, Chief. Wole Aina, and Chief Oluwarotimi Akeredolu, SAN

L-R: Dr. Kayode Ojutiku and Mr. Biodun Sobanjo

L-R: Mr. Ray Ekpu and Mr. Akinnola Oyegbile

L-R: Justice Fatima Akinbami and Mrs. Tokunbo Ajanaku

L-R: Dr. Kehinde Ashiru and Lady Maiden Ibru

L-R: Mrs. Joyce Onafowokan, Dr. Mrs.Ethel Onafowokan, and Dr. Funso Onafowokan

L-R: Justice Adesola Oguntade and Otunba Niyi Adebayo

L-R: Mrs. Mobola Fashola, Mrs. Folake St. Mathew-Daniel,Olori Ladun Sijuade, and Chief. Iyadun Okenla.


THISDAY, THe SATurDAY NewSpAper • APRIL 23, 2016


The Truth About Money Transfers and the Presidential Campaign Funds Femi Fani-Kayode

‘The truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it lose and it will defend itself’- St. Augustine.


or the last few weeks I have been the subject of absurd and outlandish headline stories in various newspapers who have accused me of being a fraudster and who have claimed that funds were transferred into my bank account by the former National Security Advisor, Col. Sambo Dasuki and by the Governor of the Central Bank Bank of Nigeria. They have also claimed that I used public funds for the Presidential campaign of President Goodluck Jonathan. The attempt to tarnish my name, paint me as a common criminal and convict me of wrongdoing in the court of public opinion without even hearing my side of the story is petty, shameful and nauseating. It is also a reflection of the desperation of those that seek to pull me down and destroy me simply because my opposition to this government has been unrelenting. In January 2015 I was appointed as the Director of Media and Publicity for the Jonathan/ Sambo Presidential Campaign Organisation by President Goodluck Jonathan. The Director-General of the Campaign Organisation was Senator Ahmadu Alli and the Deputy Director-Generals were Alhaji Ibrahim Turaki SAN (north) and Governor Peter Obi (south). Chief Tony Anenih, an elderstatesman and one of the most distinguished and reverred leaders in our country, was the Presidential Advisor to the Campaign Organisation. There were at least 10 other Directors and Directorates apart from me and mine including the Directorate of Mobilisation which was led by the respected Professor Jerry Gana and the Directorate of Administration which was led by Alhaji Aliyu Modibbo. There were also zonal and state Directors of the Presidential Campaign Organisation in all the zones and states of the country. All these names that I have mentioned including all the other Directors whose names I have not mentioned are, as far as I am aware, men and women of immense integrity and good character and they have mostly been either Ministers of the Federal Republic or state Governors at one time or the other in our history. It was an honor to serve alongside such people and I have absolutely no regrets about doing so. Yet given the fact that I was not the only Director in the Campaign Organisation and in view of the fact that all the Directors and zonal and state Directors got their funds from the same source and account as I did, one wonders why only I and three others should be singled out for this reprehensible treatment and these false allegations. I chose to remain silent on the issue up until now simply because the allegations have not been officially made by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) or anyone else but the newspapers keep citing their sources “inside the EFCC” as their basis for these shameful allegations. Mr. Josef Goebbels, Chancellor Adolf Hitler’s Information Minister when Germany was in the terrible grip of the Nazi party, said that once a lie is repeated enough times it becomes truth to those who are continuously subjected to it. This is especially so if it goes unchallenged. I cannot sit by silently as my name is dragged through the mud in this way and I am convicted in the court of public opinion. This has happened to me once before and it took me seven years to clear my name. It will not happen to me again.

Buhari Consequently I am constrained to take this opportunity to state the facts of this matter, set the record straight and await my traducers and accusers to make their next move. It is indeed time to challenge those that are making these allegations and to kill the lie. The fact that my bank account was frozen on the orders of the EFCC two weeks ago without any explanation is proof of the fact that I am being targeted and that those that seek to have their wicked way with me are about to pounce. Given this it is important that all the relevant facts are put before the world before I am subjected to the Dasuki treatment, put away indefinitely and not given the opportunity to defend myself before the public. Meanwhile, in their usual manner, after this is done the EFCC will then flood the media with all manner of lies about my so-called atrocities which only exist in the figment of their imagination. The allegation of fraud and the receipt of public funds from the National.Security Advisors Office and Central Bank into my bank account is false. These allegations are baseless, wicked, shameful and irresponsible. It is not true that ANY money was paid into my account by or from the National Security Advisor’s Office, the Central Bank of Nigeria or any other government agency or institution last year or at any other time. As the Director of Media and Publicity of the Jonathan Presidential Campaign Organisation I was asked to submit a budget for my Directorate by Chief Tony Anenih, the Presidential Advisor to the Presidential Campaign Organisation and Mrs. Nenadi Usman, the Director of Finance. My team and I prepared the budget and it was approved. Rather than collect cash, for security reasons and the purposes of accountability I was advised by the Director of Finance to open a bank account for this purpose, which I did. The funds were paid into that account in installments at the beginning of last year by the Director of Finance and each deposit was authorized and approved by the Presidential

Advisor to the PCO, Chief Tony Anenih. The account that they used to transfer the money to me was a private company account which was owned or under the control of the Director of Finance. It was the same company and account that was used to send money to all the other Directors of the PCO and the Zonal Directors, State Directors and all our PDP governorship and legislative candidates during the various campaigns. I made a point of asking what the source of the funds in this account were and I was told by the Director of Finance that the funds were sourced from private individuals and private companies who opted to support and fund President Jonathan’s campaign. She told me that no money was paid into her company from any government official, account or agency. This she told me in the prescence of witnesses and I believed her. I was told that there was a fundraising event held by our party (PDP) which took place in early January 2015 in which billions of naira was raised specifically for the Presidential campaign. I believed this to be true and I had no reason to doubt it. Our funds were given to us by the President who was the leader of our party through the Director of Finance of the PCO and we were not in a position to inquire into the sources of funding of the party’s campaign. Indeed, it was not our responsibility to do so. Once I got these clarifications and confirmation I agreed to receive the funds into my bank account and use them for their stated purpose. The transfers were made and I used the funds to carry out all our operations during the course of the presidential campaign. It was an aggressive and well-run campaign and we gave our opponents a very hard time indeed. It was also very expensive and we barely had the resources that we really needed but we did an effective job with the little we were given. The whole nation, including our friends and our enemies, can bear witness to that and they saw the excellent quality of our work. Hardly anyone can dispute this yet some fail to appreciate the fact that such a strong showing costs a lot of money. Media and publicity campaigns cannot be run on goodwill alone: you need cash and

plenty of it. During the course of the election and after its conclusion I submitted detailed accounts of our expenses and evidence of our work to the Director of Finance of the PCO for onward transmission to the DirectorGeneral of the PCO and ultimately President Jonathan himself about how the money was spent and they were satisfied. Given the fact that these were not public funds the only legal body that can inquire into our expenditure of campaign funds is President Goodluck Jonathan who set up the PCO. I was commended for my efforts by him and I can proudly say that my Directorate did not owe any individual, service provider, organisation or media outfit that provided any services to us one kobo at the close of the campaign. All our debts were paid and obligations met during and just after the election. The suggestion that there was any fraud in any of this or that I colluded and conspired with others to use government money to run a campaign is false and very insulting. The suggestion that the money was some kind of “cash bonanza” or “bazaar” as has been reported by the leading progovernment newspaper in the country today is childish and absurd. If that had been the case I doubt that I would have been foolish enough to open a bank account to receive government funds or “bazaar funds” as this would have been easily traced. If I had anything to hide or if I was doing anything wrong I would have insisted on collecting cash for my operations which would have been far easier to conceal. The fact that the EFCC gained access to my bank account and leaked details of it to the media including my inflows is not only a gross violation of my privacy but it is also unlawful. I was a Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria ten years ago and I was a key official in the Presidency thirteen years ago. I had the honour and privilege of serving my country in these two capacities when the father of our nation, President Olusegun Obasanjo, was our President. Consequently I am familiar with the workings and importance of accountability, due diligence and due process. This is why I was very careful with how we managed our resources at the Directorate and why I appointed a seasoned civil servant who retired from the civil service with commendation at the Director level as my Director of Finance in my Directorate. I was also mindful of the fact that I had to be very careful with the management of funds that were put under my care given the fact that I had been wrongly accused and viciously persecuted by the Yar’adua administration and the Farida Waziri-led EFCC with trumped up and baseless criminal charges for the previous seven years. That whole ordeal almost ruined my life and my career but God was with me throughout and He delivered me from their evil because I had done nothing wrong. On 1st July 2015 I was acquitted by a duly constituted court of law of all those charges and I give God the glory for that. Yet the struggle continues. I am appalled at the behavior of the EFCC in this latest matter but I am not surprised because they have had it in for me for many years. Their almost obsessive interest in me and their motivation to destroy me is essentially political and partly personal and this has always been so. In short, just as was the case seven years ago, they are being used by the powers that be and by forces that are far above them. To that extent I sympathise with them.

Cont’d on Pg. 57


THISDAY, THe SATurDAY NewSpAper • APRIL 23, 2016


A Minister as Stormy Petrel Dennis Agbo


et again, the controversy trait is haunting Mr. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi. This time it is his role in the protracted 2016 budget debate that came to light with the embarrassing allegations of padding and corrupt introduction of extraneous matters in the financial document. Before this, he had the unaccomplished monorail project in his state, Rivers State which as at the time he left office had gulped millions of dollars of state fund and has remained an unfinished business. Even the consultants and contractors handling the project doubted its viability yet Amaechi was not deterred in his intention to forge on with it until it became a stillborn project. His ministerial screening at the National Assembly was not just turbulent but was in equal measure controversial. Three times, the Senate refused to screen him but in his clandestine proclivities, he managed to go through the process against objections by Rivers State and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). The National Assembly did not listen when PDP warned about the implication of an Amaechi in the federal cabinet. Political expediency overrode the necessity of bringing on board a character that will always remain a blight in saner situations. It was understandable why the PDP’s suggestion was not taken seriously because the All Progressives Congress (APC) was trying to assert its newly acquired power and was ready to resist anything that emanated from the erstwhile ruling party. Now, the option before Amaechi is that he should resign his position. But it is obvious that it has become a not too viable option. The Rivers State chapter of the PDP has asked Amaechi not to heed the call of members of the National Assembly to resign or tender unreserved apology, over the LagosCalabar Rail project controversy. Rivers State PDP chairman, Bro Felix Obuah, asked the former governor to remain in office so he can show the world who he is. “We have said it times without number that Amaechi cannot change his true colour under President Buhari and must remain a cog in the wheel of progress. His early resignation will hardly free the APC members and the unrepentant Amaechi apologists from the world of theories which is not good for the country. “The taste of the pudding, they say, is in the eating, while experience remains the best teacher. Please let Amaechi be”, said Obuah. Amaechi’s Railway imbroglio became more scandalous when Senator Gbenga Ashafa, the Chairman, Senate committee on land and transport (APC-Lagos State), confirmed


that the Lagos-Calabar Railway project was not included in the initial budget sent to the National Assembly. “I confirm that the Lagos to Calabar Rail line was not in the original document that was presented to the National Assembly by the Executive,” said Ashafa. The National Assembly had accused Amaechi of begging them during his budget defence, to slot in the project they claimed was not among the items submitted by Buhari. The federal government represented by the Budget Ministry, however, insists that the project was duly submitted and accepted by the National Assembly for approval, and noted that relevant committees of the parliament received the document. Amaechi’s foray in politics began in 1999 when he was elected as a member of the Rivers State House of Assembly. He later emerged as its Speaker, a position he held for two terms of eight years. It is therefore expected that as a lawmaker, he is not expected to be a lawbreaker. After his stint as a lawmaker, for him to become a governor was another round of controversy that made the Supreme Court to reverse itself after awarding Amaechi the governorship seat of the state when it was obvious that he did not participate in the 2007 election proper. As a Governor, he was the Alpha and Omega of Rivers politics, and was said to have abhorred dissenting opinions in the state. The controversy personified in Amaechi played out prominently when he became chairman of the Nigeria Governors’

Forum (NGF). Before his emergence, the NGF never held election to elect its officials but used consensus. On his assumption of office as chairman, Amaechi attempted to turn the NGF to a parallel federal paraphernalia through which the opposition political parties would punch the presidency. For him, controversy seems to be a way of life. As Governor of Rivers State, Amaechi was involved in so many controversies such as the dismantling of his benefactor and godfather, Dr. Peter Odili’s political structure in the state. It is also being alleged that he in a bid to neutralise Nysome Wike in the politics of Rivers State, he recommended him for appointment as Minister so that he (Amaechi) could have a field day in the state without the prying eyes of his then Chief Of Staff. Little did the former governor know that he was actually sending Wike out to become the Governor of Rivers State. Even the controversy surrounding the vacant stool of the Traditional Ruler of Ubima (Amaechi’s Home Town) is allegedly attributed to Amaechi’s insistence that his brother must become the sole candidate. The appointment of a Vice Chancellor (VC) for Rivers State University of Technology, the state owned university was mired in controversy that led to the school’s closure for months, leaving thousands of students and parents in limbo. The demolition of the waterfront settlements displaced thousands of families in Rivers state and which was given as reason why Amaechi fell out with the former first Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan. The Soku/Oluasiri oil well dispute between the Kalabari in Rivers state and Nembe people in Bayelsa ended in an needless war that cost innocent lives due to the alleged perfidious schemes of Amaechi who later used the crisis to blackmail President Goodluck Jonathan. The revealing controversy over the purchase of an aircraft by Amaechi cannot be so easily forgotten in a hurry. The state’s teaching hospital stirred sufficient controversy too. Ditto for the Obi Wali Cultural Centre. The sale of the centre was shrouded in secrecy and failed to pass the test of due process and fiscal responsibility. Subsequently, Amaechi led an arsenal against his own brother, then President Goodluck Jonathan, by leading five governors away from the PDP to form the New PDP in the full glare and to the disgrace of the President at the Eagle Square of all places. Amaechi worked tirelessly for the APC with the hope that he will be nominated as Vice Presidential running mate. He bankrolled the campaign and held a war chest. At the end Amaechi did not only lose Rivers State but was denied the Vice Presidential slot. We are watching to see the next controversy he will stir in the coming days.

The Truth About Money Transfers and the Presidential Campaign Funds Cont’d from Pg. 56 Yet if this is an attempt to intimidate, silence or distract me they shall fail because I am not a coward and I do not fear them or those that sent them to torment me. And neither will I sit by idly and watch them trying to destroy me again. Their allegations are malicious and self-serving and there is no substance or truth in them. We did not run the Presidential Campaign Organization or my Directorate with paper or hot air: we ran them with money. There is no crime in that. A substantial portion of that money was paid by my Directorate directly to the media for rallies, television, radio and newspaper adverts and jingles together with many other services rendered and we have all the records and documents to prove it. As stated earlier those records have been duly submitted to the relevant quarters and they commended us for our work. I did not run the Directorate alone and I had at least 10 Deputy Directors, Assistant Directors and Sub-Directors, who were all also appointed by President Jonathan, working under me. I was responsible for the funding of each and every one of their various operations. Our entire team was dedicated and we all worked very hard because we believed passionately in our candidate and our party. I have yet to hear of any Presidential Campaign Organization anywhere in the world that was run without any money and that was funded with just goodwill. I might add that we spent far less money than the APC and the Buhari Presidential Campaign Organization because they had access to massive amounts of state government funds and they used those funds effectively. For every million naira we spent they spent ten. They even contracted the services of a

famous American media consultant (the same one that President Obama used in 2008) and paid him ten million U.S. dollars for his counsel and advice. They had fleets of cars and buses whilst my Directorate was not even given one vehicle to get our people around. The official jeep that was meant to have been given to us for our operations during the campaign was high jacked and it never arrived. We were forced to use our own personal vehicles and we were glad to do so. Yet the other side had everything that money could buy. They even chartered numerous private jets throughout the campaign to get around the country. Where did they get all their funding from? Why is the EFCC not leaking stories or talking about that? Instead of using the EFCC to try to rubbish me and my colleagues and smear our good names, those that are in power today should tell us where they got their campaign funds from and how much of it came from the Governments of Lagos and Rivers state. The two people that headed those two state governments then are now both Federal Ministers today. One of them, who was the Director-General of the Buhari Campaign Organisation, was specifically indicted by a Judicial Commission of Inquiry for using millions of dollars of state government funds to run the Buhari campaign yet nothing happened and his reward was to be appointed as a Minister. Again what about the 5 billion naira cash that was flown down to Port Harcourt in Rivers state from Abuja in chartered plane a couple of days before the re-run election that took place on March 19th 2016. Where did they get that amount of cash from and what was its purpose and source?

What has the EFCC said or leaked about that? It appears that there is one law for those that are in power today and another for those that are not. Why persecute the innocent and leave the guilty? Was it a crime to fight and lose an election? If Jonathan had not been a gentleman and if he had insisted on remaining in power at all costs or challenging the outcome of the election in court would we have the peace that we are enjoying in our country today? Have those that are behind all this nonsense forgotten all that so soon or is it that they are just drunk with power and they are on a mission of revenge? If that is the case are they then worthy of the power that God has given them and should He not take it away from them before it is too late and they set the country on fire? If there was any wrongdoing can the EFCC honestly put their hands on their chest and say that those of us that were asked to do a job and given money to do that job knew anything about it? Were we the ones that sourced the funds and were we expected to launch our own private investigation into where the funds came from before accepting to receive and use them for the job we were asked to do? In their heart of hearts they know that the answer to the two questions are both in the negative. Instead of going after the right people they wish to use the situation to embarrass and shame those of us that they see as the President’s political enemies and critics just to further defame, malign and humiliate us and destroy our future and careers. This is vindictive, petty and wicked and, as long as the Lord is on the throne, it will not stand. It is a very dangerous precedent and I sincerely hope that all stakeholders take note

of the implications of what is brewing and going on. It would be a very dangerous thing and utterly counter-productive for this government to open a can of worms and try to implicate innocent men and women who were simply doing their job and who knew nothing about any wrong-doing or illicit and illegal transactions or bank transfers of public funds from or to government accounts. I wish to remind them that they will not be in power forever. Sooner or later the tables will turn and they themselves will be subjected to the malicious lies, false allegations, smear campaigns, injustice, brutality and persecution that they are presently subjecting others to. It is only a question of time. Now let the Ancient of Days and He who never sleeps or slumbers, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, judge between this government and all those innocent men and women that they are demonising and persecuting and that they seek to torment and destroy. As long as Jesus is on the throne and our hands are clean, no matter how long it takes, we shall prevail and ultimately they will pay a heavy price for their malice, injustice and wickedness. These are facts and readers can be rest assured that I will say nothing different to this if and when I am formally asked by anyone or any agency. When the EFCC begin to leak their falsehood and sallacious allegations to their agents in the media kindly take note of the fact that, as usual, they will be telling tall tales and they will be lying. Now I challenge them to do their worse. I have no fear of them or of those who have sent them to do this dirty job. May God judge them all and may He reward them for their wickedness.

THISDAY, THe SATurDAY NewSpAper • APRIL 23, 2016



Nigerian Women and the Political Glass Ceiling in Party Management Ugo Ben-Nwauzor


here is no doubt that there are few successful and succeeding women in the predominantly male dominated Nigerian political profession. However, success in this context should be defined as actually running the ministries, the MDAs, the legislatures, the States or the country and more especially the political parties that offer the platforms to candidates to aspire into elective and appointive offices. I mean the “juicy” good positions that carry power and influence. During the last political dispensation, there were 9 female ministers in the federal cabinet. Certainly women never had it that good; thanks to President Jonathan and kudos to the then First lady, Patience. However, this sounds good until you remember there were 42 ministers and women ran only three of the 27 ministries (Aviation, Finance and Petroleum), that was mere 2.5 percent, while the rest 6 were regarded as Junior Ministers. And then there were fifteen women in the National Assembly. Fifteen seems applause worthy unless you count all 450 seats in both the House and Senate. That means women held only 3.3% of the National Assembly positions while being more than 50 percent of the voting population of Nigeria. On the issue of leadership positions in the national assembly, women have been practically nonexistent for the past seventeen years of unbroken democracy, except Hon. Mulikat Akande Adeola as Majority House Leader in the 7th session and the celebrated Hon. Patricia Etteh who was unanimously elected in June, 2007 as the Speaker during the 6th Assembly. The latter’s tenure was however short-lived as she was forced to resign barely 5 months after. Many still believe that she was not well treated and accepted by her male colleagues because of her gender. The present political dispensation has also seen President Buhari embrace democratic tenets that give room for female participation in his government with the appointment of 5 female ministers; Kemi Adeosun (Minister of Finance), Amina Mohammed (Environment), Senator Aisha Jummai Al-Hassan (Women Affairs), Aisha Abubakar (Minster of State, Trade/Industry & Investment) and Hajia Zainab Shamsuna Ahmed (Minister of Budget & National Planning), however this figure shows a decline from a 21.42% women representation during Jonathan’s administration to 13.89 % in the current dispensation. At the States, there are 5 female deputy governors and Nigerians had thought that maybe in the nation’s history we may be having a female executive governor in Taraba state if Senator Aisha J Al-Hassan had wonher electoral petition at the Supreme Court. That means, the Nigerian women may still need another shot in 2019 in an attempt to break the glass ceiling into a State’s House. The 8th National Assembly has only seen a slight improvement in women representation with 8 senators

The singular most common factor that many women have children means that they are not available for party meetings24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Ninety-five percent of those party related meetings are held at the dead of the nights, “when it is dark, sometimes raining and the dogs are barking”. Therefore they lose that edge to their male competitors. There is no doubt it is a societal issue that children hurt women in the workplace more than men, not just in politics

Adeosun and 15 members of House of Representatives, still a dismal 5.1%. There is no doubt that the leadership of the political platforms through which candidates are presented for elective positions has a significant and critical role for what these statistics are. It is therefore imperative to examine the leadership composition of the 2 major political parties; PDP and APC. While APC has one woman, PDP has two women in their National Executive Committees. When you consider that APC has 20 members and PDP 35, those numbers are just a 3 to 5 %in each party. It’s also safe to say that there is no one female in a high level position other than the post of “WOMEN LEADER”. At the subcommittee levels, there are women scattered through the organizations usually in fund raising akin to similar positions reserved by the banks for their female associates apparently to lay the “golden eggs”. Interestingly, even the position of the Treasurer which has come to be a traditional role for women in most sociocultural organizations have been hijacked by the men in our major political parties. While PDP seems not to trust a woman as a treasurer with Bala Buhari as its National Treasurer, similarly the APC has Alh. Bala Mohammed Gwagwarwa in charge of its treasury. Furthermore, none of the 3 major political parties that control at least a State i.e. APC, APGA and PDP has a woman as a national leader, party chairperson, secretary, vice chairperson, PRO etc. The women are relegated from the most visible, most influential and most powerful positions. Therefore, it can be concluded that women playing active roles in these parties are working for their cause but not leading them. Now, what are the primary causes of the political industry glass ceiling for women in Nigeria?

The singular most common factor that many women have children means that they are not available for party meetings24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Ninety-five percent of those party related meetings are held at the dead of the nights, “when it is dark, sometimes raining and the dogs are barking”. Therefore they lose that edge to their male competitors. There is no doubt it is a societal issue that children hurt women in the workplace more than men, not just in politics. The notion of men being able to work late nights with no adverse effects to their family because the wife will always handle it is archaic and certainly need to change. Women in every profession will remain trapped beneath the glass until their husbands work out strategies that give them the flexibility not to be encumbered by the so called traditional role of a woman. Secondly, being a party chairperson or secretary requires a killer instinct and majority of women shy away from being that aggressive, fear being labelled an ‘iron lady” or a “Margaret Thatcher” which prevent them from making the tough decisions and rising to the top positions. I believe that women need to move past this intimidation tactic. Furthermore, politics as practiced in Nigeria and some other countries is a dirty game; a do-or-die affair and not for the lily-liver hearted, therefore many women have a cold attitude towards politics and governance. However, it will do them good to be more involved, get enlightened on topical national issues and possibly “bulldoze” their ways to the front of national media cameras to express their views on national discussions. One good starting point could be to start or co-start or get actively involved in an NGO that focuses on gender issues, environmental issues or get visibly involved in their professional associations. The media will eventually sought to hear their stories, a most needed public referral to the political parties’ leaders. Secondly, the advent of technology such as social media has given both men and women a level playing field to let their voices to be heard. Their voices can be amplified from their bedrooms, kitchens, offices etc. That is the beauty of social media like Facebook, twitter etc. Linda Ikeji’s voice can vibrate through the entire country from the comfort of her kitchen, and when the male politicians come calling, she can determine the time and venue of the next political meeting. Therefore, the solution to breaking the glass ceiling requires effort on the parts of the women, their spouses and the current leaderships of the political parties. The political parties must support women. Besides giving them free nomination forms, they must go further in helping them succeed at the primaries and the real contest. The women should go beyond serving as colorful entertainers during political rallies to actually determining the entertainers to be hired. Women need to get over the stigma of being aggressive and close the deal and men need to allow their women to explore a little. In the US a case in mind is how Bill Clinton has supported his wife, Hilary in her political career, first as a Senator of New York and later as a strong contender for the Democratic Party Presidential ticket and today all polls indicate she might be making history as the first woman president of the most powerful nation on earth. In Nigeria, Bola Tinubu, APC national leader;Alh. Abdulkhadir Kure,former governor of Niger State and Chief Ufot Ekatteh, former Secretary to the Federal government are good examples of husbands who have supported their wives politically to become senators. If these men can do it, I believe that more husbands and more men can provide their shoulders for our women politicians. Finally, the major parties must do the needful, by involving more women in the national executive committees. If a woman can be a successful minister, she can also be a successful party chairperson, or secretary or PRO. And hopefully our politics will be more humane, less aggressive, less threatening and less intimidating. Maybe if the two major political parties could have a woman PRO, just maybe, Nigerians may witness a less over heated political system caused by caustic press releases that get churned out by past and present male ones. Therefore, as PDP prepares for its next national convention next month in Port Harcourt and APC later in the year, it is time they began to critically evaluate the value women bring to leadership in modern political parties. ––Ugo Ben-Nwauzor (PhD) is an analyst at AsoGates Strategies, a US & Nigerian Public Affairs consulting firm. Tel: 615-5878203. Email:




One of the power distributing plant, Egbin Power Plant, Ikorodu

Boosting Electricity Power Supply in Nigeria

T Uche Aneke

he administration of President Muhammadu Buhari has in recent times faced criticisms by some Nigerians who engage in a debate on seemingly low pace in meeting the expectations of the people in terms of providing their electricity needs. While some people believe that it will take quite some time before a steady power supply could be achieved due to the dilapidation and vandalism of the Sector’s infrastructure over years, others argue that the PMB administration is doing little to improve on the successes achieved earlier in the power sector. No matter the divide of the argument one finds himself, it may not be out of place to say that it is too early to assess the scorecard of President Buhari’s government in terms of providing the electricity need of Nigerians. Although many people will not readily appreciate the efforts of the government in addressing the country’s power needs, a cursory look at the trends of development in the power sector is certainly assuring. There is a clear sign of backstage activities aimed at boosting power supply in the country. One of these clear signs is the expected dividends from Mr. President’s foreign trips, which has stimulated investors’ confidence and drive in Nigeria’s power sector. The Minister of Power Works and Housing, Babatunde Fashola SAN, in his recent write up as a Guest Columnist in one of the national newspapers, revealed that Nigeria is engaging with countries like United Arab Emirate and China to bring significant investment into

various areas in the electricity sector. He noted that Nigeria would engage with UAE to bring solar power to the country at an attractive price, while China has signed collaboration agreement with Nigeria in the area of power infrastructure development. As part of the efforts to increase power generation, the Minister recently met the Head of the International Nuclear Agency in Abuja who visited to assess the progress of Nigeria’s nuclear power development. The plan ultimately is to start to produce nuclear energy- 1,200mw at start expanding up to 4,800mw. The Minister is also developing an energy mix that will harness the various potentials of renewable energy sources in the country. In doing this, consideration is given to the issue of location of the power production facility in relation to the source of power. For instance, government will be developing solar projects in Northern States like Jigawa and Kano which have been identified as the most prolific solar area in the North. In the North- Central Zone, the energy mix in that area will be a combination of solar, hydro and coal. In South South and South West, it will largely be gas. In part of South East, it will be a combination of gas and coal. The Minister has through his negotiating skills been able to resolve critical issues of unresolved court cases, relocation of facilities and gas supply constraints which had hindered electricity supply. The most recent is the brokering of a truce in a three year old dispute between Geometric Power and Enugu Distribution Company that had stalled the completion of a 141mw power project for the people of Aba in Abia State. The resolution of this feud will certainly boost power supply to

the people of Aba and to the traders in Ariaria. According to the Minister, “the development would be a major boost for made- in -Nigeria goods for which the markets in the area have been famous”. Speaking on the significance of the truce, Professor Barth Nnaji former Minister of power stated “Today to us is a historic day and it is historic because a sector that is largely driven by the private sector has its first major crisis resolved and I think it is wonderful that this has been done by the efforts of the Minister of Power and this administration”. The Minister was also able to broker a truce between two groups over sharing of scarce gas that had impeded the powering of over 200mw of idle power from Egbin Power Plant, owned by AES. Similarly, in Alaoji, the Minister resolved a problem where the transmission network cannot be energized to evacuate 450mw because of telecoms mast located very close to it. He was able to convince the Globacom Telecoms Company Chief Executive, Mike Adenuga to patriotically and in the national interest remove the transmission mast. The Minister has also been negotiating an out- of- court settlement of a 13 years long dispute between the Federal Government and a private company over a 2003 meter supply contract. Hopefully, government will soon take delivery of over 300,000 meters that have been locked up in a warehouse; these will help to close up the metering gap in the country that stands at about three million. As a way of addressing transmission issues in the country, a lot of planning has gone into strengthening and expansion of transmission infrastructure. 24 transmission projects have been earmarked for focus in 2016 budget. The same number will be undertaken in 2017

and expand from there in 2018. Obviously this trend will aid incremental power to the grid and to consumers. There are other initiatives introduced by the Minister to boost power supply and add integrity to the electricity value chain. One of such initiatives is the introduction of monthly meetings that have enabled sectoral interface and team building in the sector. It is on record that through those monthly meetings, issues of gas supply and the inability of distribution companies to take on their responsibilities were resolved. As at today the general public now knows which of the DiSCo CEOs to call when there is a problem in a particular area as all their contact details have all been published in the newspapers. Prior to now, incidences of electrical accidents and electrocution without sanctions to the defaulting DisCOs had been a regular occurrence.. This has since been checked by the Minister. The unfortunate incident of the 300 level student, Miss. Justina Oluchi Anakwe, who was electrocuted in the University of Lagos is a case in point. Through the intervention of the Minister, the defaulting DISCO has since compensated the family of the deceased girl. Arm chair critics will easily argue that these initiatives have not translated into the much desired physical power supply. Nonetheless, with this government’s sustained vigor and political will to move the power sector forward, obstacles on the way of achieving reliable electricity supply will surely be dismantled; thereby boosting power supply in the country. Uche Aneke, General Manager Public Affairs Nigerian Electricity Management Services Agency, NEMSA,






Lagos High Court Dethrones Monarch Akinwale Akintunde The traditional ruler and Orijeru of Igboye in Epe Local Government Area of Lagos State, Oba Micheal Gbadebo Onakoya has been dethroned by a Lagos High Court sitting in Igbosere. The court presided over by Justice Iyabo Kasali yesterday, held that the selection process that led to Onakoya's enthronement in 2007 was flawed. The judge therefore restrained Onakoya from parading himself as the monarch and Orijeru of Igboyeland of Epe Local Government. Delivering judgement in the suit filed by representatives of one of the

four ruling Houses Ewade Ruling House, Justice Kasali held that the nomination of Onokoya, the second defendant in the suit, to the stool of Orijeru of Igboye was illegal and of no effect. The court held that Onakoya was not a member of the Ewade Ruling House of Igboye and not entitled to be nominated to the stool of the Orijeru of Igboye. The claimants in the suit are Alhaji M.A. Quadri, Chief Dauda Kadiri and Mrs. Oladipe Otunowo for themselves and as representatives of Osekelu branch of Ewade Ruling House. Others are Chief Gbenro Otunowo,

Mr. Yemisi Adegboyega and Mrs. Adeleke Ogunnubi, for themselves and as representatives of Okuyemi/ Okuboyejo branch of Ewade Ruling House. The defendants, aside from the second defendants, are Head of the Ewade Ruling House, Otunba Abdulwasiu Musa-Adebamowo, Lagos State Government and Attorney General of Lagos State. The claimant in the suit filed by their counsel, Tunde Oyende, had sought for "an order of perpetual injunction restraining the second defendant from parading himself as a member of Ewade Ruling House of the said Igboye or presenting

Saraki Orders Reversal of Sani-Omolori's Appointment OmololuOgunmadein Abuja

Senate President Bukola Saraki yesterday ordered the National Assembly Commission to immediately reverse last Wednesday's appointment of Mr. Mohammed Sani-Omolori as Acting Clerk of the National Assembly. This order was contained in a letter signed by Senator Isa Galaudu, Chief of Staff to the Senate President, titled: “Withdrawal of letter of appointment of Acting Clerk of the National Assembly,” dated 22nd April, 2016. The letter was addressed to the Executive Chairman, National Assembly Service Commission, Dr. Adamu M. Fika, who had announced the appointment of Sani-Omolori on Wednesday as the replacement

for Alhaji Salisu Maikasuwa who is scheduled to proceed on terminal leave on May 14, 2016. The appointment of Sani-Omolori, however, came as rude shock to both the staff and members of National Assembly as Sani-Omolori who is the current Clerk of the House of Representatives is a junior officer to Mr. Benedict Efeturi, the Deputy Clerk of the National Assembly. Saraki's letter said the commission must follow due process by ensuring that the appointment of a new clerk was done on the basis of seniority. The letter read in part: “We present to you the compliments of the President of the Senate and Chairman of the National Assembly, Distinguished Senator (Dr.) O. Abubakar Bukola Saraki,

CON. Please recall that during your last meeting with the President of the Senate on April 20, 2016, the procedure of the appointment of the Acting Clerk of the National Assembly was discussed.

himself for the stool of Orijeru of Igboye on the platform of Ewade Ruling House. "An order of perpetual injunction restraining all the other defendants from recognising the second defendant as a member of Ewade Ruling House of Igboye", amongst others. Justice Kasali granted all the reliefs sought by the claimants. She also described as fraudulent, the documents used by the deposed monarch for his nomination, selection and subsequent recognition by government for the stool of Orijeru of Igboyeland. She agreed that the claimants were not aware of nor participated in the meetings purportedly held by the Ewade Ruling House in August, 1991which culminated in his unlawful nomination. The judge therefore dismissed all the 35 point averments of the second defendant contained in his amended statement of defence and counter claims filed through his counsel, Babatunnde Oshilaja.

WHERE IS CHRISTIANA AND MY SON? In 1986 a Calabar lady named Chris ana lived on Matanmi street, Onipanu, Lagos. She was in love with Moses an Igbo man, who lived in USA. Chris ana gave birth to a baby boy. She brought the baby to Moses's sister Lucy, who lived at no 6 Alhaji Yekini street, Shogunle, Lagos. Moses has since lost a contact with Chris ana and his son and now searching for them if you have informa on about Chris ana and my son, you will be rewarded #500,000. Please contact Priscilla at 08032106750 or 08037182608.

I formerly known and addressed as MISS ADAEZE MARY UGWU, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS ADAEZE IFEANYI EMEKA. All former documents remain valid. UBA BANK and the general public should please take note. I formerly known and addressed as JACOB NKEKU MAINA, now wish to be known and addressed as YAKUBU NKEKI MAINA. All former documents remain valid. The general public should please take note. I formerly known and addressed as YAYA FEMI FELIX, now wish to be known and addressed as OLOGUN FEMI FELIX. All former documents remain valid. The general public should please

take note.

I formerly known and addressed as MISS OMODARA TOKUNBO FREDOMOJOLE, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS OMODARA TOKUNBO OJOSIPE. All former documents remain valid. The general public should please take note. CONFIRMATION OF NAME

This is to inform the general public that I, JAMES UDEME .O. and ALIGBA UDEME is the same person. The general public should take note.

I formerly known and addressed as OBIH STELLA IFEYINWA, now wish to be known and addressed as OKOLI STELLA IFEYINWA. All former documents remain valid. The general public should please take note. I formerly known and addressed as MR IBRAHIM AKINWUNMI ADEWALE ORIYOMI, now wish to be known and addressed as MR IBRAHIM GAFARI ADEWALE . All former documents remain valid. The general public should please take note. I formerly known and addressed as MISS ABIODUN ABIOLA FAMOYIN, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS AMANAU ABIODUN ABIOLA. All former documents remain valid. The general public should please take note. I formerly known and addressed as ISAH ALIYU KATANGA, now wish to be known and addressed as ISAH IBN ALIYU. All former documents remain valid. The general public should please take note. I formerly known and addressed as MISS KEHINDE SILVER IDAHOR, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS KEHINDE SILVER OGBANGWOR. All former documents remain valid. The general public should please take


I formerly known and addressed as DIALA JENNIFER CHIMEREMMA, now wish to be known and addressed as SAMUEL JENNIFER CHIMEREMMA . All former documents remain valid. The general public should

please take note.

I formerly known and addressed as PRINCESS THERESA IYASEHOLTKOTT, now wish to be known and addressed as PRINCESS THERESA IYASE-ODOZI . All former documents remain valid. The general public should

please take note.




No Plan to Resign, Says Delta Information Commissioner, Ukah Omon-Julius Onabu in Asaba


L - R: Marketing Director, Nigerian Bottling Company, Sergio Vieira; Director, Public Affairs & Communications, Coca-Cola Nigeria Limited, Clem Ugorji; Marketing Director, Patricia Jemibewon and Marketing Manager, Cletus Onyebuoha, during the launch of Coca-Cola’s “Taste The Feeling” campaign, held in Lagos...recently

FG Allays Fears of Blackout as Electricity Workers' Union Suspends Strike Paul Obi in Abuja

The Federal Ministry of Power, Works and Housing has denied as untrue that there was a directive by the leadership of National Union of Electricity Employees (NUEE) to Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN), members to stay away from work which raised fears of a nation-wide blackout. However, the National Union of Electricity Employees (NUEE) yesterday said they were suspending the ongoing strike over militarisation of TCN offices in the country following the intervention of Minister of Labour and Employment, Sen. Chris Ngige, which prompted them to return to work. A statement from Mr. Timothy Oyedeji, the Director of Press to the Minister of Power, Mr. Raji Fashola SAN, the Ministry, after

consulting the management of TCN had to make the clarification that there was no declaration of industrial dispute by NUEE, nor any lawful notice of strike action against TCN. “Therefore no staff of TCN has any legitimate cause to absent him or herself from duty. The Ministry is fully aware that the Nigeria Police initiated heightened security measures at the PHCN Headquarters building at 14, Zambezi Crescent Maitama, which is also the head office of TCN. The heightened security became necessary as a result of a series of security breaches in the building by persons who claimed to be carrying out the instructions of NUEE, some of whom were not identified by TCN as their staff. The most recent incident was targeted at officers of the Nigeria Police Force who

were in the building on official assignments, and accompanied by officials of the Ministry. “The heightened security measures are not meant to lock out any official of TCN or any member of the public who has legitimate business with TCN. The NPF put the measures in place to protect Federal Government facilities and operations. The measures are also meant to ensure the building is accessible only to persons who are authorized to be in the building by TCN or the Ministry. The measures were put in place by NPF to secure a safe working environment for all TCN and Ministry staff in the building, including any staff of TCN who happens to be NUEE member. “The Ministry has confirmed from TCN that appropriate contingencies are being put in

place to safeguard the national grid to avert any unnecessary inconvenience and suffering for its customers and the Nigerian public. “The Ministry has also confirmed from TCN that any member of staff who absents him or herself from work without a legitimate reason should be prepared to forego any compensation for the period of such absence and to face the disciplinary processes that govern his or her employment contract with TCN”, Oyedeji said. The union had following what it termed militarisation/lockout of TCN offices, downed tools in addition to some unresolved issues in the 2012 agreement, requiring that “Labour issues be concluded before the winding down of the headquarters of the PHCN,” directed its members to withdraw their services.

Midwestern Oil and Gas Celebrate You Still Owe us 7 Months Arrears, Pensioners tell Aregbesola 9m Hours of Safety Determined to uphold a record of accident-free operations, Midwestern Oil and Gas, has celebrated nine million hours of safety and hazard-free activities. At a brief ceremony held simultaneously in Lagos and Kwale (Delta State), the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company, Mr. Charles Oditah, noted that the achievement of the nine million man hours LTI-free milestone, was a proof that the company integrated HSE elements into the company’s projects and activities. The company which has continued to maintain an impressive safety record in the industry has remained primed on accident-free operations. Remarking on the feat, Oditah pointed out that “accidents are very costly and that is why we must continue to ensure that we operate safely and within the ambits of relevant regulations.” He further challenged the workforce to even set higher standard stressing

that the introduction of the e-learning HSE learning programme, “Enduring HSE Culture”, was a sure way the company expected its personnel to upgrade their knowledge on safety modules, promising that “management will continue to provide all necessary support resourceswise to aid us in achieving LTI-free operations.” Many of the stakeholders who spoke at the event commended the management of the company for providing the support base on which the feat was accomplished, remarking that “Even though we are a local oil company, we operate on a global scene with our HSE records”. One of the staff who spoke at the event thanked the management of the company for its quick responses on matters of safety and stressing that “safety matter is everybody’s business.” Plaques and cash prizes were later awarded to some staff who distinguished themselves in their various departments s it concerns safety procedures.

Yinka Kolawole in Osogbo

The group of retirees of 2011/ 2012 under the aegis of Good Governance Support Group (GGSG) of the Osun State branch of Nigeria Union of Pensioners (NUP) has declared that Governor Rauf Aregbesola still owed the pensioners in the State seven months arrears, and that no fewer than 522 members lost their lives as a result of the non-payment. According to the statement signed by the group’s Chairman and Secretary, Comrade Gbenga Oyeleke and Comrade Sola Olojede respectively, in reaction to the purported media interview granted by the State Chairman of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Mr. Jacobs Adekomi, titled: “NLC Affirms Osun Govt. Not Owing Salaries”. They condemned the stage managed interview of Mr. Adekomi in the electronic media, pointing out that they lost some of their members without enjoying the fruit of their labour due to the insincerity of Adekomi who allegedly signed the unauthorised Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with

the State government that allegedly enabled Aregbesola to divert the bailout funds to the State. “Our attention has been drawn to the purported stage-managed Electronic media interview where the so –called Osun State Chairman of the Nigeria Labour congress (NLC), Mr. Jacobs Adekomi stated that ‘Osun State government not owing workers in the State’. We want to put it on records that Mr. Adekomi of NLC did not have power to speak for the Pensioners in the State as Mr. Rauf Aregbesola is still owing pensioners seven months pension. “We wish to state here categorically that Mr. Jacob Adekomi is not fit to be a Labour leader in all ramifications and also not sincere with the welfare of the workers, he is leading in the State. Instead of fighting for the interest of the workers which their check-off due are spent by Adekomi, he chose to collude with Mr. Rauf Aregbesola ledState government to plunge the State into the state of quagmire whereby the unborn generations will suffer the consequences”, they alleged.

Delta State Commissioner for Information, Mr Patrick Ukah, has denied he was considering resigning his job as a state executive council member of the government of Governor Ifeanyi Okowa. There were rumours of a possible resignation of Ukah following the carving out of a directorate of orientation from the state ministry of information, a development which the rumour-mill in Asaba said did not go down well with the commissioner. An overseas-based online publication subsequently flashed news of the planned resignation of the Delta State information commissioner. However, a statement by Mr. Sam Ijeh, Media Assistant to the commissioner, and made available to THISDAY in Asaba, described the report as mischievous and baseless. The statement said that the claim that Ukah's grouse was over "Governor Ifeanyi Okowa’s decision to split the (information) ministry", was equally misleading and intended for mischief. According to the statement, "The entire report is baseless, unfounded and tendentious. The story exists only in the figment of the imagination of Sahara Reporters, a medium very well known for its brand of terrorism journalism which it dubs as “citizens journalism”, whatever that means." It said that the clarification

was necessitated by the need to "disabuse the minds of the unsuspecting reading public and the friends and associates of the Commissioner who have besieged his office with calls since the report was published. "The Ministry of Information has not been split into two; and, as such no new ministry has been created even though the governor recently created a Directorate of Orientation out of the Department of Orientation in the Ministry to be headed by his Senior Special Assistant (Orientation and Social Mobilisation) now renamed Executive Assistant." On the rumoured removal of the ICT Department and Website from the information ministry to the Government House, the statement pointed out that the ICT unit had been moved "before Mr. Ukah was appointed Commissioner" for information by Dr Okowa. "We all know the proximity and interdependency of the website and the ICT Department. That the two are housed in the same place was to ensure efficiency in their operations and engender better coordination", it said. "In the light of the foregoing, Mr. Ukah could not have contemplated, let alone threaten, resignation", the statement said, adding, "Mr Ukah, for the avoidance of doubt, enjoys a good working relationship with His Excellency, Senator Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa, and is irrevocably committed to helping the Governor achieve his goal of prosperity for all Deltans", he said.

Lagos Assembly Set to Criminalise Forceful Possession of Land Femi Durojaiye The Lagos State House of Assembly on Friday proposed a Bill for a law to prohibit forcible entry and occupation of landed properties in Lagos State. Stakeholders, who gathered at the Lateef Jakande auditorium in the assembly premises agreed that the law was timely as it would put an end to the menace of land grabbers "ajagungbales," who they said had been making lives difficult for the people. The Leader of the House, Hon. Sanai Agunbiade, who represented the Speaker, Hon. Mudashiru Obasa at the event, said that the law would cut the wings of land grabbers and legal practitioners, who collude with them to cheat the residents of the state. Agunbiade stressed that land was to Lagos what oil was to the people of the Niger Delta. "A lot of people have abused and destroyed the value system of the people of Lagos State. We cannot wait anymore. People, such as civil servants, would struggle to buy land, only for them to be unable to use the land. "People are given allocation and they would not be allowed to use the land. Some uniform men and professionals even work with some land grabbers to implement illegal judgments," he said. The law provides that no person or group of persons shall use force or for the purpose of forceful takeover of the said land. "No law enforcement agent, vigilante or ethnic, cultural/

traditional militia shall execute the judgment of a court in respect of any landed property except as may be provided for under the Sheriff and Civil Process Law," it said. One of the stakeholders at the event, who is also the Ayangburen of Ikorodu, Oba Kabir Adewale Shotobi observed that the fines in the law was too meagre for the kind of business in the sector. This was corroborated by some other stakeholders at the event. Oba Shotobi also called for the amendment of some sections of the law, and later told journalists that land grabbers were usually invited by unscrupulous individuals and that some local chiefs collaborate with them. The Permanent Secretary of Lands Bureau in the state, Mr. Bode Agoro advised that the Governor's Monitoring Team should be added to Section 12 that was concerned with the issue of arrest. The Chairman of the Lagos State chapter of the Nigerian Bar Association, Mr. Martins Ogunleye, in his submission, advised that the state should avoid making retroactive laws and that the Environmental Task Force might not have the capacity to investigate the offences properly. "We should avoid loopholes in the law and a punishment must be prescribed under Section 8 of the law. Also, any erring lawyer should be reported to the NBA of Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Committee instead of Council of Legal Practitioner stated in the law," he said.




FG to End Violence against Police Detainees Yemi Akinsuyi in Abuja The Federal Government has said the nation must confront and address custodial violence against police detainees in the country. It noted that victims of violence in police custody had often raised alarms, stressing that acts of torture, coercion, intimidation and extrajudicial execution were aberrations in the nation's criminal justice system and a negation of the constitutional principle of the right to dignity of the human person. The Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice,

Abubakar Malami said this on Friday in Abuja during the inaugural Inspector-General of Police Annual Strategic Police Management Conference with the theme, "Custodial Violence and Strategic Police Management." The AG described violence against detainees in police custody as a betrayal of the persons who had been placed in the care of law enforcement agents through the instrumentality of the law. Malami said, "We are living witnesses to the fact issues of custodial violence against detainees in police cells and other detention centres have

often been raised by the victims, the press, domestic and foreign non-governmental organisations and even by concerned stakeholders within governmental institutions. "Violence in this context includes acts of torture, coercion, intimidation and even extra-judicial execution in extreme cases. These are realities which we need to confront as individuals, as institutions and as a nation." The minister said he was impressed by the courage of the police leadership to openly discuss the issues, even where certain aspects might negatively impact on the image

of the Force. "It is in my opinion, a demonstration of the necessary will to boldly reposition the Force for the challenges that lie ahead," he added, noting that excuses of inadequate personnel and resources, would not be acceptable to explain away indiscretions committed in the line of duty, including custodial violence. Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo, who declared open the conference said allegations of forced confessional statements by suspects had often led to protracted trials within trial and occasioned significant delay in criminal cases.

FOR A SECURE STATE... The Executive Governor of Anambra State, Chief (Dr.) Willie M. Obiano in a group picture with the Service Commanders in Anambra State

ITF Tournament: Safwat Takes on Antal for Tombim Finals Africa’s leading tennis player Mohammed Safwat of Egypt, took two hours yesterday to despatch Nicholas Meister of the United States 6- 4, 6-4 to reach the Tombim Futures Tennis Tournament in Abuja. Playing at the centre courts of the of the Abuja Tennis Club, Safwat ranked 276 and seeded number two for the Tombim/ITF tournament showed enough experience as he combined his baseline play to outwit the rugged American ranked 360 and seeded number four for the Tombim.

Safwat will now meet Antal van Der Duim of the Netherlands who also outplayed David Perez Sans of Spain 7-6, 6-3 in another thrilling encounter also decided at the Centre courts of the National Stadium Tennis Courts. Many had given Perez the number one seed and ITF ranked 259 player the game against VanDer Duim ranked 355 by the ITF , even before the first service, but Van Der Duim showed enough strength to take the first set which went into tie break

at 7-6. He finally dumped Perez 6-3 to book a place for today’s first leg finals which comes up at the same venue by 3;pm The two players will enter into today’s finals with 27 points added to their ITF ranking. But the winner will however get seven points more for winning the first leg. Safwat had come to the Abuja tournament for the first time after winning 42 Futures tournament in Egypt out of the 52 he played. The Abuja performance will help improve

his ranking. The second leg of the Tombim / ITF Futures Tournament starts on Monday after Sunday break with all the players battling for the points needed to break into the Challenger series. Only Moses Michael got to the Quater finals before losing out to David Perez, out of the four Nigerian players including Imeh Joseph, Sylvester Emmanuel and Thomas Otu, were dumped after picking the wild cards for the tournament.

'Finnish Companies Exploring Opportunities in Nigeria' Peace Obi

The Trade Commissioner, Finnish Trade Promotion, Mr. Olu Raheem has said that Finnish technology companies were set to explore the huge business opportunities West Africa and particularly, Nigeria offers. Stating that as a key driver in international trade and Africa's largest market, the incentives to enter Nigeria was strong for Finnish companies that were looking to expand their footprint in technology and digital services. According to the statement, Finpro, the official trade and investment promotion agency of Finland with a local office in Lagos would be bringing to Nigeria seven fast growing Information Communications Technology (ICT) companies from Finland from April 25 to 29, 2016 whose innovative ICT

solutions would further boost local businesses and benefit the Nigerian consumers. Noting that there was space in Nigerian market, especially in the technology area, which was an area Finnish technology know-how and innovative solutions could provide added value. And that the connectivity from Finland-growth program run by Finpro, would be bringing the companies to the country to meet with local authorities and prospects. "As markets are fluctuating globally, Finnish companies are looking to grow and want to be part of as well as contribute to the program of a quickly evolving market. The companies coming to Nigeria represent longstanding know-how in connectivity platforms, mobile infrastructure, security and authentication, operations management, digital campaign and learning solutions”,

the statement added. Stressing that given the rapid transition from 2G to 3G, reaching 4G, created new requirements for further development of network infrastructure capacity and capabilities. And that according to Finpro Program Director, Kimmo Aura, "connectivity from Finland growth program are in perfect position as they can provide the needed solutions for operators such as platforms for service implementation and mobile network solutions as well as applications. "Finnish expertise will deliver Nigerian telecommunications sector solid technological solutions helping operators to increase revenue, decrease costs and optimise network usage and reach. The comprehensive Finnish offering will enable operators to deliver innovative services to their end users, increasing quality of service and coverage of their networks,

Raheem assured. Listing the visiting companies to include Comptel, Exomi, Funzi, JLSoft, Monami Agency Movial, QPR Software, said that Finland's introduction of countless technologies and digital services to the world through global players such as Nokia that Finland's digital success story is the net sum of many factors. "At the same time Finland's digital success story is the net sum of many factors, including an almost national obsession with technology and all things digital. Finland's emphasis on interdisciplinary education, diversified IT ecosystems and extensive ICT competencies ensure an outstanding position in the global marketplace. Moreover, Finns have expertise in agile problem solving and effective roll-out of large, global scale projects", he said.

Army Parades Alleged Colonel Impersonator Senator Iroegbu andAdedayo Akinwale inAbuja The Nigerian Army on Friday paraded one Prince Onyemauche who had been impersonating an army Colonel to carry out his nefarious activities. This is coming barely three days after the Nigerian Navy declared an alleged impostor, “Captain Olugboyega Olubiyi Ayokunle” , who collected bribe from unsuspecting members of the public as a Senior Naval Officer, wanted for impersonation. Parading him yesterday in Abuja, the Director of Army Public Relations (DAPR), Col. Sani Usman, said the suspect was driving a grey-coloured Toyota Tacoma Pick-up van with registration number LAGOS LSD 05 BM at the time of his arrest. Usman said Onyemuche was arrested alongside SSgt. Jacob Phillip with service number 79NA/19278 on February 17, 2016 along Wazobia Mitir Park, Gwagwalada Abuja at about 12:30 am, by the troops of 176 Special Forces Guards Battalion. He said: "Mr. Prince Onyemauche had earlier escaped check from Abaji Military check point where he claimed to be a Colonel in the Nigerian Army. Following their arrest, both suspect were moved to Gwagwalada Barracks where a search was conducted on Toyota Tacoma van in which they were travelling." Usman added that, "the search revealed an AK 47 rifle with registration number 3290 and four magazines, out of which, two were empty while the other two were loaded with 42 rounds of 7.62mm ammuniton. A Luger pistol, 21x9mm parabellium and the sum of One Million, Eleven Thousand, Three hundred Naira (N1,011,300.00)." Also recovered include; six phones, one Samsung tablet, 12 cheque booklets, 6 ATM cards, Toyota Tacoma pick up van, one Driver’s License

belonging to Onyemauche, one temporary driver’s license belonging to Mr. Rasaq Olarenwaju, one Expended case of 9mm Parabellium ammunition, one INEC voters card belonging to him, 7 funds transfer funds for Zenith bank and Ecobank and Sakes invoice number 19822 for Blessed Triplet Pharmacy. The Army Spokesman said that it was discovered that the suspect had it as a habit of illegally using soldiers as escorts while travelling outside Lagos to his village in Imo state and sometimes to Abuja. Usman explained that the three identified soldiers including SSgt. Jacob Phillip, who travelled with him without official authorisation were awaiting trial by a court martial. He however said the suspect would be handed over to the police for further investigation. The cases of people impersonating military personnels including the Service Chiefs are on the increase including those with fake facebook and twitter accounts. The Naval Director of Information (DINFO), Commodore Christian Ezekobe, had earlier this week called for the arrest of one “Captain Olugboyega Olubiyi Ayokunle” who claims to be a senior officer of the Nigerian Navy collected the sum of N100,000.00 from Mr Olugbemiga Ayeni as mobilisation fee for investigation into alleged fraudulent dealings involving another naval officer, whose name was given as Prince Aderemi, Aderemi’s wife and one Mr Olugbenga Ayeni. Ezekobe said that following a report and a formal complaint forwarded to the Naval Headquarters by Mr Olugbemiga Ayeni on the behavior of the said “Captain Olugboyega Olubiyi Ayokunle”, the Nigerian Navy carried out a thorough investigation on the identity of the names mentioned and discovered that the men who were parading as officers of the Nigerian Navy were impostors.

Dangote Discloses Plan for Further Investment Expansion Crusoe Osagie

President of Dangote Group, Aliko Dangote, yesterday announced that plans were on in the company to intensify its investments in the private sector through the expansion of its existing capacity and increased stakes in fresh investments. Dangote who made the announcement at a dinner in his honour to mark his emergence as The Guardian Newspapers Man of the year, also stated his company's preparedness to partner with the media to conduct a comparative analysis and study bordering on the volume of investment between the federal government and Dangote Group. According to him, despite being the single largest investor in the nation’s economy, his company was exploring new areas of investments where needs in the society could be met while expanding its investments in the oil and gas industry through the petrochemical plant which was under construction. Dangote commended the newspaper for the award, describing it as the best award received in 2015. He noted that feats by indigenous investors were often times not recognised by their countries and in the local media,

thus, making The Guardian award notable and commendable. "When we announced our plans and target of one million metric tonnes of Cement capacity, we were seen as unserious, but today, we receive letters from different countries to come and invest. We are considering investments in essential commodities to meet needs of our people. "I don't know how The Guardian Newspapers got their ranking criteria, but I must say it is commendable considering that we are never appreciated at home. I don't need an award to tell me how much I'm worth or being among the powerful people in the world. This recognition is highly appreciated. "What we have achieved with our investment in the Cement industry is to drop the price of Cement. Presently, our sales is about 45 per cent but we are targeting a sales volume of 70 per cent by the end of this 2016. The gas pipelines we are trying to build will be the biggest in the country surpassing the federal government's own", he added. On diversification, Dangote noted that the group was already helping the nation to diversify adding that the situation was a blessing in disguise prompting states to exploit their natural resources and add value.

Saturday, April 23, 2016



& RE A S O


Price: N250

MISSILE Jonathan to Critics

“I inherited a Nigeria in which the trains were not working, and handed over a Nigeria in which citizens can safely travel by trains again. I inherited a Nigeria that was a net importer of cement, and handed over a Nigeria that is a net exporter of cement. In 2009 the richest Nigerian was the 5th richest man in Africa, but I handed over a Nigeria that produced the richest man in Africa.” – Former President Goodluck Jonathan speaking to Friends of Africa at Newark, New Jersey, United States.

RIGHTOFREPLY Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki

A Candid Response From Senate President to Pendulum


y dear brother Dele, let me thank you most sincerely for your article last weekend, “My Candid Letter to Saraki.” I take everything you said in that article to heart and I must commend you for your candidness indeed and the sincerity of your intentions. As you said in your article, you are someone I have known more by reputation than by any personal relationship, until recently when we struck up some personal acquaintance based on our shared political interests, especially during the last presidential election. However, I understand why you had to sound so defensive for knowing me at all and had to publicly map the boundaries of our relationship. We have got to that point in our country when we no longer believe that anyone could stand for anything based on principles and convictions alone. Moreover, in the growing culture of media crucifixion and presumed guilt; it is rare to find a voice like yours that calls for fairness and justice. I would have simply sent you a text message or call you up for your candid advice to me, which I take seriously. But I feel the need to make some clarifications on some of the issues you raised. One of them was that in seeking to be Senate President, I struck a deal with the PDP and made it possible for one of them to be the Deputy Senate President. I know this is the dominant narrative out there, but it is far from the truth. I did not do any deal with the PDP. I did not have to because even before the PDP Senators as a group took the decision to support my candidature on the eve of the inauguration of the 8th Senate, 22 PDP Senators had already written a letter supporting me. What I did not envisage was a situation where some members of my party would not be in the chambers that day, especially when the clerk had already received a proclamation from the President authorizing the inauguration of the Senate. Pray, if a team refused to turn up for a scheduled match and was consequently walked over, would it be fair to blame the team that turned up and claimed victory? I believe those that made it possible for PDP to claim the DSP position were those who decided to hold a meeting with APC senators elsewhere at the time they ought to be in the chambers. What the PDP Senators did was to take advantage of their numerical strength at the material time. They simply lined up behind Senator Ike Ikweremadu while those of us from APC voted for Senator Ali Ndume. It was a game of numbers, and we were hopelessly outnumbered. If the PDP had nominated their own candidate for the Senate Presidency position that day, they would have won. It was as simple as that. Secondly, I don’t know if you were aware that in the build up to Senate inauguration, the National Working Committee of the APC sent two signals. The first signal specified how leadership positions in the National Assembly have been zoned. While we were

Saraki trying to give effect to this decision, the second signal came, which contained names of people to which these zoned position had been allocated. What was not acknowledged was that the President of the Senate is not an executive president. He is primarily one of 109 senators. Therefore, I cannot decide by myself who gets what in the Senate. Therefore, when they said I defied party directive in the choice of principal officers, they are invariably ascribing to me the power that I did not have. My dear brother, most people talk about the Senate Presidency position, but this was not my only offence. I have also been accused of helping to frustrate some people’s opportunity to emerge as President Muhammadu Buhari’s running mate. But I have no problem with anybody. My concern was that it would not be politically smart of us to run with a Muslim-Muslim ticket. I doubt if we would have won the election if we had done this, especially after the PDP had successfully framed us a Muslim party. I felt we were no longer in 1993. Perhaps, more than ever before, Nigerians are more sensitive to issues of religious balancing. This, my brother, was my original sin. What they say to themselves, among other things, was that if he could conspire against our ambition, then he must not realize his own ambition as well. For me however, I have no regrets about this. I only stood for what I believed was in the best interest of the party and in the best interest of Nigeria. Now to the substantive issue of my trial. As you rightly noted, this trial is not about

corruption. And I am happy that since my trial started, people who have followed the proceedings have now understood better what the whole thing is about. I have had opportunity to declare my assets four times since 2003. Over those years, the Code of Conduct Bureau had examined my claims. There was no time that they raised any issues with me on any item contained in my declarations over those twelve years. This is why you should be surprised that while I am being tried by the Code of Conduct Tribunal, the witness and the evidence supplied against me were all from EFCC. Like you, I have an abiding faith in the judiciary. May God forbid the day that we would give up on our judicial system. However, the onus is not on me to prove that I have confidence in the judiciary; the burden is on my prosecutors to prove to the world that justice is done in my case. If the process of fighting corruption is itself corrupt, then whatever victory is recorded would remain tainted and puerile! Some people have wondered, why has Saraki been “jumping” from one court to another instead of facing his trial? To those people, I would say that I have only gone to those courts in search of justice. Strange things have happened, and they are still happening. For example, Section 3(d) of the Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal Act states that the Bureau shall refer any breach or non-compliance to the Tribunal. However, where the person concerned makes a written admission of the breach, no reference to the Tribunal shall be necessary. It was on this basis that the case against Asiwaju Bola Tinubu was dismissed in 2011, by this same judge in this same Tribunal on the grounds that he was not given an opportunity to deny or admit to any breach before he was brought before the tribunal. This was the ruling that I relied on in making my case. But what did the judge say? That he had judged in error in 2011 and he had since realized his error and departed from it. My question is whether a Tribunal of first instance has the power to reverse itself. I should expect that everyone would be worried if justice is applied differently to different people. However, in spite of my fears, I remain hopeful. Why? Because the judiciary does not end with this Tribunal. Do you know the genesis of my real problems with President Goodluck Jonathan? I have had a touchy relationship with him, but the turning point was in September 2011 when I moved a motion on the floor of the Senate that exposed the N2.3 trillion fuel subsidy racket. I remain proud that I was the Senator that blew the lid on the most elaborate corruption scheme ever in this country. But after that I became a marked man. My security was withdrawn. I was invited and re-invited by the EFCC and the Special Fraud Unit. I was even declared wanted at a point. I believe I am still one of the most investigated former governors in this country. I have no doubt

that if the Jonathan government was able to find anything against me, they would not have allowed me to go unpunished. Let me make this point clearly. I do not expect to be shielded from prosecution because of my contribution to APC, if there was genuine basis for such action to be taken against me. But I have every reason to expect not to be persecuted by the party that I contributed so much to build. The New PDP may not have given APC victory in 2015, but it was an important factor in the dynamics that produced that victory. And with all sense of modesty, I was an important factor in the formation of New PDP; in leading that group to the APC; in ensuring our group’s support for the candidate during the primaries and in mobilizing substantial resources for the election. For these, I have not expected any special compensation. Rather, I only expect to be treated like every loyal party member and accorded the right to freely aspire! Some people have complained that I have been taken Senators with me to my trial. But I did not force them to follow me. The Senators have freely accompanied me to the Tribunal not because they are loyal to me as Abubakar Bukola Saraki, but because they are committed to the principle that produced me as the President of the Senate. The same principle that produced Ike Ekweremadu as Deputy Senate President and produced Ali Ndume as Majority Leader. They see all of us in the Senate leadership as manifestation of their jealously guarded right to freely choose their own leaders. Because they know they made us their leaders without any external interference; they are confident that they retain the power to remove us whenever they so wish. They also know what this trial is all about. They believe I am being victimized because they have expressed their right to choose their own leadership. This is why I am not in any way perturbed by my absence in the chambers during this trial. Because I was not imposed on the Senate, I feel confident that the Senate will protect its own choice whether I am present or not. It is never about me. It is about the independence of the legislature. It has always been so since 1999. It is so today and it would be so in 2019, it would be so in 2023, and as long as we practice a democracy that operates on the principle of separation of powers. My dear brother, let me end by observing that I am not alone in this trial. On trial with me in this process is the entire judicial system. On trial with me are our entire anti-corruption institutions and our avowed commitment to honestly fight corruption. On trial with me is our party’s promise to depart from the ways of the past, a promise that Nigerians voted for. And I dare say, on trial with me is our media; and their ethical commitment to report fairly and objectively. In the end, it is my earnest hope that whatever we do will ultimately ennoble our country. •Dr. Saraki is President of the Senate, Federal Republic of Nigeria

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