SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 2020
S N O I T S E U Q 0 E 2 N : 9 O
As patients battle with this deadly Corona virus world wide, very few people here in Nigeria are willing to speak out as survivors because of the ignorant stigmatization that comes with contracting it. But nonetheless there are a few exceptions to the norm and Eyamba Dafinone is one of those exceptions. As a welcome participant in STYLE’s COVID-19 series, Eyamba grants another interview with EXECUTIVE EDITOR of STYLE, RUTH OSIME on not just her experience, but also her perspective on how best the government and people can contain this virus. We applaud her for her bravery!
15-18 OCTOBER 2020 LAGOS
PG 9
PG 10-11
When we decided to do the Covid-19 series, l thought at most, we would have six editions. But as the weeks go by, we discover more areas to explore because this period has become the new normal in our welfare and lifestyle! Though we already interviewed a survivor, Oluwaseun Osowobi, we had to revisit the issue again with another survivor, Eyamba Dafinone. Unlike Oluwaseun who was the first person to visit IDH in Yaba, Eyamba went in when the front liners were in full throttle. She gave a very deep insight on their progress and suggested ways for government to bridge the gap with the various huddles they are facing now in combating this virus. One thing most paramount in this pandemic is how people have learnt to think outside the box. Innovations have been borne out of selfisolation. People have discovered things about themselves that they did n o t know they had within them. Innovations and exciting ways to kill boredom has become the order of the day. I, personally, have thoroughly enjoyed the various challenges being enacted on Instagram. Most entertaining to watch l must say. I also believe one of the traits that will stay permanently post-Covid is our hygiene. I believe we will continue to wash our hands obsessively. I also believe we will be a lot more cautious in public gatherings and l can safely say the days of handshakes and bear hugs are over. What l also find about this lockdown is that people are catching up with communications to loved ones and friends. I have had so many random calls from people just calling to check up on me. It took a while to digest that because most of my calls are either work related or mostly restricted to just family and close friends. Bad habit. But there never seemed to be enough hours in the day to reach out to anyone else. Now...we have all the time in the world to do so. Let us enjoy it while it lasts. These are quiet moments to treasure. Stay Home. Stay Safe. To read STYLE online every Sunday, go to www.thisdaylive.com
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, No. 9117 Sunday, April 26, 2020
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, 9117 Sunday, April 26, 2020
Colours to boost your BLUE Blue is often linked to feelings of calmness and tranquility, which has us conjuring idyllic images of a blue lagoon or swimming pool. While different shades of blue have different associations, I feel that ccolour trend like pale-blue hues are well-suited to feelings of calm and stillness.
TANGERINE Tangerine is intimidating to wear. But take on this punchy hue and you get to benefit from all the uplifting and energetic effects the bright orange has on the psyche, so really, the rewards outweigh the risks.
GREEN Greens are very tied to nature and all the feelings of safety and grounding that come with experiences like gardening, sitting under a tree, or just generally being surrounded by nature. There is also ample research to show that being in nature reduces stress and anxiety, but since we can’t go run through a field of grass right now, trending shades of olive green will do just fine, too.
If your first instinct is to light a candle or go for a run to feel energized, you’ll tool for influencing your mood which For us fashion people, that something as as picking out a red top versus a blue asignificant choice than you think, which would be fun to educate everyone on the and the feelings each of them evokes.
to melt away stress want to add another should be colours. seemingly benign top actually is a is why we thought it best colours for mood
This might seem like a no-brainer, but joggers are a staple for a laidback yet cool look. Worn in a coordinating set or on separately with other basics this look should be you go to super comfy work from home look.
TO BE WEARING NOW! Four weeks in to the lock down in Lagos and I’m pretty sure most of us have fine-tuned our wardrobes to work from home but if you are still not sure what pieces are comfy yet practical to wear during these trying times then this is for you.
S DE rry I L S t fu r.
COMFY STAPLES Like I said before a matching top works flawlessly with sweatpants, but so do t-shirts. A cropped style or a slouchier silhouette is will give an updated look.
WHITE Here’s a color trend you might not have considered to have any pronounced psychological effect but does. Sure enough, studies have linked shades of white and trending off-whites like ecru to feelings of peacefulness and cleanliness; two feelings I’d gladly embrace the next time I reach for my favorite white tee or beige trousers.
PINK Shades of pink are known for their nurturing vibe, and even can project a feeling of love and kindness, according to research.
Similar to joggers, leggings are another must-have for your work day at home. They are super comfy and go with just about any other comfy staple you have in your wardrobe.
For those slightly more dressed up vibes, it’s all about a comfortable button down in an oversize cut. Classic white shirts are bang on trend right now, clean, smooth and fresh, white is a colour that pops on every skin tone.
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THISDAY Style Vol. 22, No. 9117 Sunday, April 26, 2020
oo ovies is t m g n i h c t a to the sofa w wn doesn’t have n o y a d o r d r othe lock ating you nding an owing. Being on d e p p u s , f e o b a o de dr s fl and the i your war tive juice X g a I e n L i r F s c i E e n N s a f o g all o et th o or the time. nguage t ine and g ompleted t a s c l s u h a a o c r p g u r o n t i m u up arn e yo pretty can take . From le to chang d u e e o i If you’ve m y p i t s u c g ’s c t n thi elf o bear, i SIADE oductive ep yours r e p k much to f u o o BY ISIOMA U y y t f n i e t l o p n e , r be boring g a novel, there a n i t i CV to wr
2. Organize your wardrobe
1. Learn a language
Most of us have at least one dress that we know we’ll never wear again or a pair of jeans that just don’t fit the way they used to. It’s time to declutter your wardrobe and get rid of those sad pieces that no longer see the light of day. Either pass them onto friends and family or donate them to charity.
Remember all those times you said you’d learn Italian, Spanish or French but just couldn’t find a spare minute? Here’s your chance. With a wide selection of YouTube videos and online tutorials at your disposal, why not use this time to learn a completely new language with Duolingo.
4. Update your CV and professional accounts
3. Learn to play an instrument
Dust off that keyboard you got for Christmas last year, re-tune that guitar you’ve had for god knows how long and begin to fill your days with the sound of music. With so much free time, it’s never been easier to pick up a new skill.
Before lockdown, the idea of updating your CV, cover letter or LinkedIn profile might not have been very high up on your priority list. Rather than putting it off any longer, why not give all your professional documents and accounts a total makeover? Use this present period to work towards an even brighter future.
6. Get fit
5. Start a blog
Missing the gym? Working out at home can be just as beneficial for both your mind and body. Why not try out different types of workouts over the course of the next few weeks and find that workout that really works for you.
You can never go wrong with writing a blog. Whether you’re using it as an online writing portfolio, a space to share your passions or as an opportunity to try something new, it’s time to get those creative juices flowing.
8. Upcycle your furniture
7. Do some gardening
Can’t stop staring at that annoying chip in your side board? Desperate to give those bookshelves a new lick of paint? Why not try your hand at a spot of DIY and transform those tired piece of furniture into something your friends will be jealous of.
Sick of spending all your time indoors? Transform your garden into a tranquil space so that you can venture outside for some much-needed fresh air.
9. Clear out your kitchen cupboards
Organize the entire contents of your kitchen cupboards. Check the expiration dates on those canned goods at the back, clear out that junk drawer you’ve been avoiding or go the whole hog and colour coordinate your spice rack! You know what they say tidy kitchen, tidy mind.
10. Wash your makeup brushes
Been meaning to wash your makeup brushes for a while now? Besides bacteria, your favourite beauty brushes can also accumulate dead skin cells and oils over time, so it’s pretty important that you keep them fresh and clean. Avoid makeup streaks and patches by painting your face with a smoother, more streamlined brush.
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, 9117 Sunday, April 26, 2020
Watcher Dear
BATTLE OF THE BULGE - PART 5 Recap and vital statistics: I was super-slim till about 10 years ago, then gradually got fat. I started this weight loss programme in March when I weighed a whopping 120kg and measured 49-47-51 (chest-waisthips) inches. In weeks 1 and 2, I lost 5kg and 1.5 inches from my hips and stomach, by sticking to a largely liquid diet (vegetable/fruit juices and smoothies, plus light foreign soups made from broccoli, carrots, etc). During this 14-day period, I only ate carbs, meat and fish 4 times. I couldn’t sustain this level of discipline in weeks 3 and 4; but instead of compromising between near-starvation and sheer gluttony by increasing my food intake by a reasonable amount, I reverted to bingeing on sugar, booze and high-calorie meals and gained 2kg. In week 5, I pulled myself back from the brink of total surrender to my baser instincts and lost 1.5kg by embracing the 16:8 diet (eating whatever I wanted to eat in modest quantities, but only eating between 9am and 5pm and completely ignoring sugar and alcohol). I stuck to the week 5 formula in week 6 because it had delivered success without putting me under too much pressure. I also started to take exercise seriously for the first time since I embarked on this programme…which, by the way, is not just about weight loss. It is also about wanting to improve my health in general. Every doctor worth his or her salt will tell you that all types of physical activity produce multiple benefits and can impact very positively indeed on folks who already suffer from – or wish to avoid heart disease, strokes, hypertension, diabetes; and so on. Exercise also boosts energy levels and even keeps depression at bay, enhances brain function and minimizes dementia risk. In other words, even if I can shed all of my excess weight by simply eating less, it 100% makes sense to get fit as well as diet. But which exercise was best for me at this early stage of my long journey? I told you last week that my friend Ladi has formed a walking group in Abuja, to combat the boredom of the coronavirus lockdown and that I’ve been admiringly monitoring the exploits of group members, most of whom walk between 5 and 10 kilometres a day. It was tempting to quit merely monitoring them and join them because they were having so much fun and I was in a very enthusiastic mood. But when you are 60, resemble the Michelin Man, have painful knees and haven’t done any rigorous moving and shaking for ages, it may not be wise to try to keep up with walkers who are much fitter than
you are. I’d had a personal trainer till the covid lockdown and social distancing descended; but the poor man could never persuade me to make a real effort; and I was always cancelling our sessions. I consulted a physiotherapist who shared my view that plunging into the fray now could be demoralising as well as counter-productive. He reminded me that my knees had collapsed less than 6 months ago, that I had wound up needing a wheelchair and walking stick for a while, that my knees had still not yet fully recovered and that I could damage them further if I pushed myself too hard too soon. I also concluded that biting off more than I could chew and then failing woefully in front of an audience could be humiliating to the point where I would creep or limp away and totally give up. Long story short: The physiotherapist said that exercise is good for weak knees but advised me to do my own thing at my own pace for a few weeks, privately, until I was stronger. So I started to go it alone, small by small…and to combine cardio training with strength training, core training and stretching. My main sources of guidance were Harvard Medical School publications (available online), the American Healthline website and British YouTube videos. Every morning in my bedroom, I’d spend 15 minutes doing seated cardiovascular, fat-burning exercises that made my heart pound. Then I would, very slowly initially, walk up and down the stairs in my house for 15 minutes. Then I’d spend an hour lifting dumbells (purchased last year but rarely used) and doing sit ups and stretches. It was tough at first – the stair-climbing bit especially; but I doggedly stuck at it. Every day except Sunday. My personal trainer would have been shocked to see his laziest client being so dedicated. And it got easier and easier; and I got faster and faster and my muscles ached less and less (thanks also to hot towel massages administered by the girl who helps me at home). I’m sure this 90 minutes per day regime contributed significantly to the 2 kg weight loss I have achieved in the past 7 days. I am now 113.5kg and have lost 2 inches off my stomach, an inch off my hips and at least 2 of the rolls of fat on my back since March. Yay!!!
The flights touched down and prayers of gratitude went out from those who know that even a regular flight these days have no guarantee of making it to their destination. It was just days after a Ukrainian passenger jet had been obliterated over the skies of Teheran killing all 176 people on board. The news was filled with accusations that it had been shot down by an Iranian mission and so it was understandable that a safe landing anywhere would be followed by a prayer of gratitude. As the huge Boing 747 taxied to the gate, the Captain announced that UK Border control would be meeting passengers as they disembarked and everyone needed to have their passports out and visible as they came off the plane. As I sat through the announcement, my heart was filled with a dangerous combination of anger and shame. When did this degrading practice start again? I wondered. For a few years we had battled the denigration of having to be lined up like criminals sneaking into a country that didn’t want us, while they examined our passports, certain that they were either fake or the visas were not authentic or worse still, we had arrived with no passport at all. Even if this was the case with one or two persons, it could never justify the humiliation vested upon over 400 other innocent passengers. My heart sank in shame as I queried what would bring a people with such great potential in them to be brought so low in a foreign land, for in all my flying years, this treatment has only been meted out to passengers on flights coming from Nigeria. The Lord God Almighty, following the murder of Abel by Cain, branded him with a mark to prevent others from killing him even though his sin was grievous and deadly. God’s protective mark allowed Cain to move freely throughout the earth and have a family without fear of being persecuted. As I was handed back my passport, the mark my nation presented to me as a citizen, my anger simmered as I wondered what action my government would take to protect us from being humiliated and persecuted in our travels around the world. That there are Cains amongst us doesn’t make them anyone less a Nigerian, nor does it permit others to denigrate us all with open hostility. If God protected Cain, with his murderous heart and disobedient soul, any citizen should rightly expect her nation to adequately protect them too. May our marks bring us pride and not shame today.
DONU KOGBARA IS A VANGUARD NEWSPAPER COLUMNIST. Please feel free to share your thoughts about her weight loss journey on donzol2002@yahoo.co.uk
For your comments, contributions, connect with me here: @TonyeCole1 on Twitter.
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, No. 9117 Sunday, April 26, 2020
Make a statement from the office to drinks with your friends in a bright suit. These pops of colour brighten everyone’s day and elevates your wardrobe instantly. Rather than go for traditional shades, try your hand at something loud, such as blue or red. Find a hue that best suits your skin tone and rock it in its entirety. Add accessories like a bold clutch bag and a pair of funky heels. It’s a versatile option that allows you to stand out among the rest.
As the year progresses, so do the hottest styles. From designer showrooms and runways to street style fashion, there have been plenty of fresh looks to try this year. From the omnipresent neutral colour combinations to a myriad of bright shades, there is something for everyone. Prepare to see some of these top trends everywhere you go. SOFT CLUTCHES
If you’ve been following up with the latest trends, you’ll know that soft clutch is the ultimate bag of the season. This is an oversized and plush accessory that looks stunning on any occasion. Easy to carry and with an abundance of room inside, these gorgeous handbags look like a pillow and are a dream option for any style-conscious individual. You can choose from a timeless shade like tan, black or white, or step outside the box with a purple, green, or red option. They look fantastic in a casual context that is easy to transition into a formal occasion.
These trendy belts will create an instant hourglass shape for you and complete your attire. This is a versatile accessory that will be on everyone this season. You can wear it with a dress, skirt, or pants; there are no rules to how you style it. To create a monochrome look, opt for a single shade across your entire outfit. It is an item that will never go out of style, so make sure you keep this in your wardrobe for every occasion.
As trends come and go, one will always remain in style: a sleek pair of sandals. This season, there has been a myriad of square toe shoes making the rounds, and for a good reason. This flattering design, with a strappy finish, elongates the legs and creates a unique silhouette for any outfit you’re wearing. Choose from bright shades to add life to your ensemble, or keep it classic with traditional colours like white, black, or brown.
It’s one of the longestlasting trends for the past few seasons, and it isn’t going anywhere soon. These monochromatic and neutral outfits are easy to replicate and look great on everyone. Choose from a sandy-coloured suit with a turtleneck to a boiler suit or leather skirt. Don’t be afraid to experiment with varying shades of this neutral tones – try sand, camel, or even buff. The opportunities are endless, and it is a timeless option for anyone’s closet.
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, 9117 Sunday, April 26, 2020
Alero Adollo aleroadollo@yahoo.com
Keep it slouchy with these funky boots. Sitting just below the knee and crumpled with every step, this footwear looks great during the colder months. Whether you prefer a warm shade of cream or you’re into off-white, you can up the ante of every outfit. Compliment the pale hue with a white T-shirt or button-down under a coat – make them stand out with a black dress and oversized blazer.
Oh wow, this ship called life, oh wow.......on a good day it’s cold and lonely and now we are being told to create a greater distance to ensure survival. This conundrum is so bizarre, it confounds even the wise. There is no leg room here, we seem to have a tsunami on the breed and a ferocious one at that. Today we are all being held prisoners, held captive by something we cannot see, cannot touch, yet so deadly that world economies have come to a grinding halt just at the mention of it. The things we put a premium on are today blowing in the wind, we walk with staggered steps inebriate as the world oscillates in a frenzy of pure unadulterated fear. 2020 has turned out to be a mean teacher who takes one straight to exams without lectures. How does one even begin to work this out. The lessons we need to learn, we must not fail to learn or we will be engulfed in the flame of inertia and this particular flame consumes. Everywhere you turn, there is a tale that pales. If we could only see the morrow and work out the end from the beginning, we will be able to avoid the potholes that overturn. If we can look at this period in our collective history as the speed breakers and pause to catch our breath just maybe this redirection will direct us. Today we look at all the things we deemed important and marvel at the futility. The cars, the clothes, the different designer branded accessories that we cannot put on to go anywhere, the summer vacations that now terrifies, a chasing after the wind, all meaningless, the good book said, it’s really a time to reflect, just maybe this can pull us back from the brink. We had floated in slime and flirted with sludge enjoying the steady decay but alas all we have accrued are sitting pretty paying us no mind as we sit terrified in our confinement. How does the mind wrap itself around this without falling apart, for the first time in our journey there is no place to run except within and even within there is clutter. What a world, our bank of knowledge, our combined brilliance, none of these is giving us a soft landing as we continue to dance in the theatre of the macabre. Many who claim there is no God are re-examining their stance. Those who claim they dine and wine with the Creator are totally confused but refusing to admit that nobody truly gets God. God is sovereign like that, he no be our mate. I had a good long drawn out look at something I had always wanted and loaned myself common sense, if I buy, of what use will it be, but if I invest it in the life another, it will go a long way in removing their frozen tears. This must be our new normal, wiping away the tears in the faces of others or scraping it as the case may be. We have truly become our brother’s keeper, cos if he goes down, so do we. We need to ensure that there is none hungry amongst us because hunger will kill faster than any alien disease. As we traverse the days ahead, with many lives lost, many hearts held captive by fear, we may need to go back to the drawing board and look deep into what we trust and if we truly believe God is God, then follow him we must and change the pattern of our trajectory.
Colours of Life with Koko Kalango
PROFITING FROM COVID 19 According to the International Labour Organisation, over 190m jobs have been lost due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Meanwhile some people are smiling to the bank; Eric Yuan, owner of Zoom Video Communications, is $4bn richer as his platform has become a popular choice for virtual meetings. Seventeen-year-old Avi Schiffmann’s website, which tracks the spread of the corona virus, has attracted over 350m visits and a company offered to pay him $8m to put adverts on his website but he turned down the offer. Locally, some people are making good money producing and selling masks and hand sanitisers. Something tells me that these people will remember this pandemic for good. Even if we cannot all profit materially from COVID 19, I believe everyone one of us can profit in some way. FAITH OVER FEAR It is difficult not to be afraid if one follows the harrowing statistics being fed us on the news, daily. It is even worse when we consider our poor medical infrastructure. When countries with excellent medical facilities are struggling, where is the hope for Nigeria. In the time of the Ebola virus, I recall reading somewhere that the developed societies were mocking Nigerians for praying. Whether those prayers worked or not can be subject to debate, but one thing is undisputed, contrary to all expectation, Nigeria scaled through that challenge successfully. Here we stand, once again, helpless, before an invisible enemy that has brought the world to a standstill. What an ideal time to build our spiritual muscles, to fight the good fight of faith. We can lift our spirits with God’s word. God bless those who created the audio Bible. When I struggle to keep up with my daily bible reading, I resort to the audio bible. Another way we can build on our faith is by following positive stories such as those of COVID 19 survivors. This lock down is a good time to draw close to God. We can settle serious stuff for the rest of our lives. We can build the foundation of many generations. As we feed our faith, we are making deposits into our spiritual account. PEOPLE OVER POSSESSIONS Our busy lifestyle has dried up the milk of human kindness in most of us. We have been so driven by our ambition to succeed that we have neglected relationships. Have we stopped to wonder how the poor around us would be impacted by the economic meltdown? Have we given serious thought to how we may adjust our lifestyle, going forward, to enable us spare a bit more for the less privileged amongst us? How about cutting down on the number of clothes and shoes and bags we acquire? How about scaling down the number of times we eat out or those frivolous trips and using some of the funds we save to keep the salaries of our support staff going. This is also a time to pay attention to those in our lives. In this season, we are likely to be stuck indoors
with family. Here are some tips to help families bond; play board games, play those silly ‘how well do you know me’ games. Watch movies together. Have at least one meal a day together and during that time give your phones a break. Take time to listen to each other. Praying together is a great practice. When we intentionally pay attention to people, we are making deposits into our relational accounts. INFORMATION OVER IGNORANCE This is the time we must bless the lord for the inventors of the world wide web. The fact that we can all stay connected even when we are physically distanced, is something that distinguishes this Chinese Flu from the Russian Flu (1889-1890), the Spanish Flu (1918-1920) and the Asian Flu (1957-1958). With the democratization of information, ignorance is no longer an option. There are many good free courses online. It would be wise to take advantage of them. The lockdown presents an opportunity to get tech-savvy. It is time to take our businesses online. Those who transition to the digital space will be left behind. This lockdown in also the perfect time to catch up on our reading. In addition, we can pick up a new skill, learn a new sport. I am planning to resume playing the piano. It is exactly forty years ago my father bought me a piano for my birthday, to encourage me to take music seriously. Over the years I allowed that skill to get rusty but thankfully I have also kept my piano tuned, with the hope that I would one day go back to playing. With the information available to us at the press of a button, we don’t even need physical tutors. When we keep ourselves informed, we are making deposits into our knowledge account. We too can remember this season for good. The first steps towards profiting’ from COVID 19 is to be intentional about how we spend our time. We may never again have such an opportunity in our lifetime. We should maximize our profits. We can pray the words of Psalm 90 verse 12 – ‘So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom’. THE COLOURS OF LIFE SHOW On Easter Sunday we kicked off our Colours of Life show on You Tube. Through conversations, testimonies and stories, this lifestyle programme brings hope to the viewer. In the first edition, Sarah Boulus, shares her incredible experience of finding purpose after a tragedy. Last week, Peace Ighodaro told of how he got into drugs, his time in prison, gaining freedom and how he is now helping others. Tune in at 5pm (WAT) today, we would be discussing How to Overcome Addiction with Christie Bature. And next Sunday Chisa Nosamiefan, a Lupus advocate, challenges us to use our lives to make a difference inspite of any limitations. Koko Kalango is author, Colours of Life devotional and host of the Colours of Life show which airs on YouTube at 5pm (WAT) on Sundays. Follow @koko.kalango on instagram for updates or email contact@coloursoflife.org
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, No. 9117 Sunday, April 26, 2020
TAKEAWAYS FROM COVID 19! Moses Inwang, a Nigerian film producer, has given his takeaways from the COVID-19 pandemic, telling us a few important lessons he has learnt in the past few days:
• United States is no longer the world’s leading country. • China won the 3rd World War without firing a missile and no one could handle it. • Europeans are not as educated as they appear.
• How animals feel in the zoo.
• We can survive vacation without trips to Europe and USA.
• The planet regenerates quickly without humans at play.
• Majority of people can • Rich people are in fact less work from home. immune to diseases than the poor. • We and the kids can survive without junk food. • Human beings are opportunistic and • Prisoners in jail for petty despicable no matter their crimes can be released. socioeconomic position • Living a hygienic life is not when prices are rising. difficult. • No Pastor, Rabai, Mullah, • Only women should not Alfa or Pandit saved know how to cook. patients. Doctors and • There are a lot of good healthcare workers did. people in the World. • Human beings are the real • If you build more schools viruses on the planet. and make them free, you • We sure can spend Billions of will have to construct less Dollars on the poor without hospitals and probably red-tapism. prisons. • Health professionals are worth more than sports’ persons and entertainers. • Oil is worthless in a society without consumption.
• Media is just manipulative and opportunistic. • Fame, wealth and position are vanity. • Health is indeed wealth.
Not being able run around outside and burn off some energy off can be really hard for kids and even for adults too! You need a distraction? Look no further. You can make it fun filled and engage your family in some amazing indoor fun activities. We’ve rounded up a wide selection of board games to keep the whole family entertained, no matter the size of your family, whether it’s 2, 3, or 10 family members, there is a wide range of fun-filled activities and ideas that your whole family can put to use. From online games to classic games like Cluedo and Monopoly, there really is something for everyone on this familyfriendly round up. These games are extremely competitive, fun to brighten your moods and kill boredom. BY USIADE ISIOMA
CLASSIC MONOPOLY Monopoly is a board game currently published by Hasbro. In the game, players roll two six-sided dice to move around the game board, buying and trading properties, and developing them with houses and hotels. Players collect rent from their opponents, with the goal being to drive them into bankruptcy. SCRABBLE Perfect for any parents looking to inspire an English and spelling lesson - this classic board game is both fun and educational. Making home
schooling that little bit easier, Scrabble can help children develop logical and spatial thinking, analytical ability, creativity, practice observation and memory. TRIVIAL PURSUIT: THE HARRY POTTER EDITION With over 600 trivia questions covering the Dark Arts, Hogwarts, magical spells, potions, objects, people, animals and creatures, this board game might yet confound the smartest witches and wizards. PLAY THAT TUNE: DISNEY A laugh-out-loud game for all
the family, test your Disney song knowledge as well as your kazoo playing abilities with this musical guessing game. With 60 songs of varying difficulty included, players must play the tune on the kazoo, while their teammates guess which classic Disney song is being played.
simple really, the first team to guess correctly wins the round, but there’s a twist... guess too slow and you’ll lose some dough! Your team needs to act fast because each round the winners get to steal a plug of dough from a team of their choice.
RAPIDOUGH This one-of-a-kind board game will put your artistic skills to the test. It’s a bit like charades - but with playdough! Split up into teams of two or more and each round, the team’s sculptors must model the entry on their card. It’s pretty
THE LOGO BOARD GAME You’ll be surprised at just how many iconic logos there are in the world - can you guess them all? Best suited to adults and children aged 12 and over, this board game will have you feeling nostalgic with logos, brands
and packaging from your childhood and today. MR & MRS: FAMILY EDITION How well do you know your partner? This board game requires players to pair up with either a romantic other half, friend or family member to answer in-depth and entertaining questions about each other. GUESS WHO This classic guessing game might just be what you need to keep the kids entertained. For anyone that doesn’t know the rules, each player must
choose a mystery character and then, using yes or no questions, guess which character their opponent is playing as.
each side), and forty-eight Ayo seeds (four seeds in each hole). Two individuals take turn to play this game, which runs anti clockwise. The first player begins by moving LUDO seeds from his right-hand side Ludo is a strategy board game to the opponent’s side. for two to four players, in which the players race their HIDE AND SEEK four tokens from start to finish Hide and seek can be loads of according to the rolls of the fun since you are playing this two dices. Like other cross and game within the confinement circle games. of your house. Your kids will love this super fun experience! AYO GAME Just be sure to make things A game played in a carved orderly and competitive. You wooden box, containing can apply different colours to twelve holes (six holes on different teams!
WHOT Whot is a game played with a set of non-standard cards in five suits: circles, crosses, triangles, stars and squares. It is a shedding game similar to Crazy Eights. CHESS Chess is a two-player strategy board game played on a check red board with 64 squares arranged in an 8×8 grid. The game is played by millions of people worldwide. Chess is believed to be derived from the Indian game chaturanga sometime before the 7th century.
FREE APPS YOU CAN DOWNLOAD TO HELP WITH SOCIAL DISTANCING BY USIADE ISIOMA From chatting to friends to recreating your workout routine, here are some apps you need while staying inside amid the coronavirus pandemic. While we have been encouraged to stay indoors and keep contact with other people to a minimum, it is completely understandable that plenty of people out there will be feeling lonely and somewhat cut off from the world, particularly those who live alone. Fortunately, we are living in a digital age and there are some amazing apps out there that people have been relying on during social distancing. Check out some favourite apps to help
you get through the pandemic and they’re all free!
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THISDAY Style Vol. 22, No. 9110 Sunday, April 19, 2020
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, No. 9117 Sunday, April 26, 2020
Eyamba Dafinone is a Council member MAN, an avid Art Collector, a member of Vision 2020, MD of Afriq Products Ltd, a Fan Manufacturing and Property Developer. Over the years, Eyamba has talked about the challenges of women in the manufacturing industry and emphasized the need for the government and the banks to do more to allow for inclusion of women into the industry. She stressed that the major reason for failure in the manufacturing industry is bad government policies, high interest rates, shortage of power supply and importation. She advised aspiring women to take risk as it is the only way to succeed and advised for more participation in politics and challenging Nigeria’s political leaders. She is happily married to her husband Ede, from the Dafinone dynasty and blessed with two girls. Like every success story, the climb to the top is full of bumps and turns and like every successful business person, Eyamba has scaled through all to get to where she is today. Bubbly by nature, Eyamba has never shied away from taking a stand for a cause she is passionate about. So when life dealt her blow with contacting Coronara virus, she not only survived it but has seized the opportunity to create more awareness about what is easily the world’s most trending topic in today’s times. CORONAVIRUS has infected over 2.5 million people globally and in Nigeria, over 782 people according to the World Health Organization(WHO). As patients battle with this deadly virus world wide, very few people here in Nigeria are willing to talk about it because of the ignorant stigmatization that comes with contracting it. But nonetheless there are a few exceptions to the norm and Eyamba Dafinone is one of those exceptions. This week, after her interview with ARISE News, as a welcome participant in STYLE’s COVID 19 series, Eyamba delved further by granting another interview with EXECUTIVE EDITOR of STYLE, RUTH OSIME on not just her experience, but also her perspective of how best the government and people can contain this virus. We applaud her for her bravery!
S R E S W E I S R E N S 9 A 1 E D & I N O S N COV I F N A D O I A B T M S A E Y E U H T Q I W 20
We have been told symptoms vary from person to person. What were yours and what are the other symptoms you have read about?
In my case, I never developed any of those symptoms and thus did not meet the standard needed to be permitted to test, so I had to fight for a test. My symptoms were spread over a week and they overlapped; some only lasting a couple of days. Symptoms included: SEVERE body aches (I felt like a punching bag being pounded by three boxers), diarrhea, fever, splitting headache, loss of smell, profuse and excess night sweats (I had to change night clothes at least twice in the night), high temperature, rigours, shivering, cold extremities, and leg cramps. I had to cross check the initial diary I was keeping as I wanted to be able to tell the doctor what I was going through in case I turned out to be COVID positive. In a recent interview, I forgot to mention the sharp pain in my chest which felt like a knife piercing through it, and a lower back pain on both sides. I also had reduced appetite and severe fatigue. Every day seemed to bring on a different thing. I dismissed most of the symptoms as malaria but it was the loss of smell that triggered my doctor, who was tele-monitoring me, to insist that I needed to be tested. Sometimes people are tested if their spouses or someone they had close contact with had been found positive even if they themselves did not display any symptom. It is important to note that the symptoms manifest within five days of being in contact of the virus. I left London on Friday night, arrived Lagos on Saturday morning and by Tuesday night, developed aches and pains. I recommend that people document any strange feeling or sensations and keep a medical diary at this peculiar time.
How did your family and loved ones react when they heard you had contracted the virus?
I talked to my children regularly during self isolation, but they did not think I had contracted Covid -19 as l was not coughing nor suffered from any breathlessness. They were concerned that I could get infected if I went in to take a test but were reassured when they realized the doctors would come and test me at the flat where I was. The older members of the family were praying for me and we were very pragmatic, especially because I had chosen to self-isolate and not put any of them at risk. All in all, they were relieved to hear from me and that I had commenced treatment. To be honest, it was my husband who broke the news to the family, l do not know their initial reaction. I had already spent one night in Yaba before my positive results came out. He had driven behind the ambulance the previous day to identify where I was being taken to. My doctor had called him early that morning that there was need for me to be moved to the Isolation Centre. My uncle, who is over 80 years old, offered to cook for me every day. My dear friends were most distraught. They called me crying. My husband was incredibly supportive. He ensured food was delivered three times a day sometimes as early as 6:45 am. It was really stressful for all the family but we all hung on to our good Lord. By the time I got into IDH, the worst of the symptoms were over. I felt God’s loving arm around me and was not scared. I did not think, why me?
How anxious were you regardless and how long were you at the center for?
I stayed eight nights at IDH. The only time I was anxious was when I seriously reacted to the medication on my third day. I became nauseous and my vertigo was triggered. I frantically called my doctor and husband to get help to relieve the distress. I did not eat for almost two days. I was worried I would not be able to take my
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, No. 9117 Sunday, April 26, 2020
medication. My husband had to come himself that afternoon to make sure I was okay and stood outside the window at the rear of the building trying to get a glimpse of me. He informed me his mother was really concerned. I requested that he make a recording of me to show them at home that I was okay. This video went a long way in reassuring my loved ones I was recovering. I prayed a lot; everyone in my room was a prayer warrior. Some prayed till morning then slept. I got a lot of online calls which helped while away the time. It seemed my day was breakfast, meds, sleep, lunch, meds, sleep, super, meds, sleep. We inmates (my joke, we felt like prisoners) were on Netflix, talking to family and friends.
In Nigeria, our culture hides everything. This is not the time to hide. It is a time to shout and scream if you think you have symptoms. We need people to know that they owe the country a social responsibility to save; their lives and other’s lives. They should recognize the exponential growth and speed at which cases could rise and deaths can occur. This is no time for self pity, or narrow mindedness.
What did the other patients tell you about their own experiences when they discovered they had the virus?
Stories I heard at the centre were that some family members were unknowingly mean in their extreme measure of safe guarding themselves. This left the patient feeling very vulnerable and distressed as their family treated them as lepers. This is due to lack of understanding and fear that Covid is synonymous to a death sentence. Some family members did not visit. It is not as if a proper visit could take place but waiving from the car is good to know that you are not abandoned. Families have to be more supportive. Some were wonderful and send food daily, including take away for the wards and supplying Asu to patients. We got donation of Greek yoghurt and Strawberry yoghurt constantly from companies. Nigerians are kind. It is important to try and live as normal as you can. I like my cold water so I asked for my ice to be delivered with all my meals (I know I was told it was bad for me). A patient bought Dominos pizza for me; yes, we smuggled in our pizzas! Please note that IDH provided hot meals three times daily. On Good Friday, I arranged for Frejon and Fish, crabs, prawns, squid. My friend who sent the food forgot the Garri she had lovingly fried. I heard a scream that someone has Garri on the other side of the ward. The ward was split into two wings. The over 35s were in one wing and the younger ones were in the other wing. The other wing replied that they also heard there is Frejon so we shared our rations together. Later, the young girls came round offering cotton buds which we all gladly took as some had been too ill to pack properly. We bonded. We embraced each other as a family and I am in touch with those who have left. We had talks where people spoke about sneaking in the ambulance at night into their estate so that their neighbours would not see them. I urged them not to be worried and that upon returning home, they should insist that other members go for testing. I told the other patients that we were in good company and asked how they feel about Boris Johnson, Chris Como, Tom Hanks, Mrs Trudeau, or Prince Albert of Monaco were embarrassed about contracting the
virus. Our talks helped strengthen those who were demoralized. We should all let everyone know about the symptoms so that we can help with contact tracing. As soon as I suspected I ha covid-19, I called everyone I met while away to confirm that they were okay and also to be sure if anyone was ill, they were doing the correct thing in notifying those they had come into contact with, so they self-isolate and reduce any risk of further spread. We shared stories, we helped each other, shared meals from home. To be honest, I was never afraid. I had confidence in the services being provided. I would enquire how many people have been released, how many deaths and when I realized even a little 10yr old Indian girl was babbling away with confidence across the other side of the ward, I certainly was not scared of Corona but concerned about my mental state as I had now effectively been in three weeks of lock down. Apparently some patients had psychologists counseling them during their stay. None of us in our ward got that. Madame O A was my angel; she prepared a hot bucket of water for me every day (very very hot with instructions that I should not dilute it, but pour it over my head because the heat was good). She insisted we kept our AC off as she was convinced the virus liked the cold. We would sometimes plead with her for just 10 minutes of AC! Patients in other rooms were amused as to how hot our room was in spite of a perfectly functioning AC. Though Madam O A was equally a patient, she was concerned about me and encouraged me to get up rather than lay down, to sit up and use a chair to alleviate pressure on the lungs. She was a former nurse. We have been in touch almost daily since we both left.
How many tests did you have to do before you were finally released to go home?
After the initial test taken to confirm my Covid-19 status, I subsequently had five additional swab specimens taken. I was tested every two days from the first to my last day. I am told testing is every three days now. This will invariably lead to longer stay by patients and pressure on bed spaces as number of new cases rise. The issue with the testing process was that the results were not communicated in a timely manner. It could take over a week to get any of your last three tests. I remember telling the doctor on Friday morning, eight days after being there, that he should not ask me how I am faring until he tells me my test results. The results of my follow up tests are still pending.
What were you most impressed with about the center?
The Isolation Centre at IDH had a system and protocol. There were set times for breakfast, medication, vitals, cleaning, and testing. If you arrived and your results were unconfirmed; you are taken to a tent as suspected case, away from others and approached from a separate entrance. New patients were made to feel welcome. I was given a bucket, slippers, tooth brush, and thermometer on arrival. That first afternoon, there was a lot of music and laughter coming from the male tent behind me, and this was reassuring. The male tent started praise and worship at 5 am. The Godly spirit in the centre impressed me. I was also touched by the love amongst the ‘inmates’ (that was my private joke as I thought sometimes it felt like prison). Some would arrive crying and we would ask why; no one has died here. Some patients later told me they had not felt that much love in a long time. Our African spirit of camaraderie was visible. The hospital atmosphere bore no resemblance to what we saw on TV in Europe or America. I was approached by Mrs. A at 11:30pm to rededicate our life to Christ. We prayed till almost 2am. We had frequent praise and worship sessions and a friend would call at
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, No. 9117 Sunday, April 26, 2020
test labs. There is also the social impact, effects of a lockdown. I do not believe any scenario for a pandemic had ever been considered.
3pm to make sure I did my Divine Mercy Prayer. All of these helped boost my morale. I left IDH on Good Friday. On Easter Sunday, a saxophonist played at IDH and I sent Easter lunch of Jollof Rice, fish, prawns, snails, mixed meat stew, plantain, coleslaw, native soup and pounded yam as well as a cooler of iced soft drinks, water, juices and one bottle of Corona Beer to Ward A! I hear someone drank it; it was a joke as our meds should not have permitted anyone to drink alcohol, but the way we try and recover in Africa is different.
In terms of performance, what is your opinion on the front liners?
The PHC were generally in good spirits. I noticed if there was any need for medication outside of the protocol that had been set, the response time was inadequate. But this could be due to the fact the pharmacy might have been secured for the day. They took adequate care in attending to our regular needs. The doctors were frequently changed, this could be the need for constant training of new staff. But the response time, if there was an emergency, could be slow. There should be an emergency number with someone on duty, in case a crisis arises. Results for tests were also delayed unnecessarily although they claimed it was a function of results being entered into a data bank before notifying them was the cause.
Were you given any protocols to follow by the centre after your discharge?
This is where I felt the Isolation Centre had a serious lapse. We were told to come back five days after being discharged and then two days to test. I tested five days after discharge but a week after testing, there is still no result. This causes unnecessary anxiety. I think that the testing area for discharged patients should be located away from where fresh suspects come for testing. I was seriously uncomfortable when I returned for testing. I believe we should have used the drive-through at institute of Medical Research, Yaba. My husband assumed we would be given a protocol but no such protocol was given. We have followed international protocol. I have continued to observe self-isolation for total of 14 days after leaving the centre. I will get tested on day 14 and hope that the results come back early. It is best that since we started with caution we continue with caution. I have at risk elders and asthmatics family members.
The danger with COVID19 is that it spreads quickly. I felt compelled to come out and reassure Nigerians that our cultural attitude of non-disclosure of information which we consider personal, will backfire this time. This is the time to come out and shout if you think you have it, so that others may keep their distance and that you may be put into self-isolation so we stop the spread and flatten the curve
There is a need for a clearly written protocol for to be given to patients when they leave so they can brief their families to get the home adequately prepared.
For those who have experienced this ailment, what advice will you give to ensure they do not have any mental or emotional scars from their ordeal?
This virus is not sexually transmitted. You can catch it in a restaurant, bus, plane, walking, opening a shop door. There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. I am eternally grateful that I recovered. Why now bring shame to my gratitude? That is meaningless. In Nigeria, our culture hides everything. This is not the time to hide. It is a time to shout and scream if you think you have symptoms. We need people to know that they owe the country a social responsibility to save their lives and others. They should recognize the exponential growth and speed at which cases could rise and deaths can occur. This is no time for self pity, or narrow mindedness.
How prepared do you think our healthcare system is to fight this virus?
The Nigerian healthcare system has been under funded for years. In spite of funds being raised, it still faces logistical challenges, staff shortages, inadequate amount of trained personnel, shortage of
What stringent steps do you feel need to be taken to fight this virus effectively?
To effectively fight this virus, we must identify, test, isolate and treat this virus. There is need for AWARENESS CAMPAIGN. Need to use jingles, radio, pictorial poster translation in different languages. Use musicians, animations. Co-opt telecommunications to set up charging points around the nation and give free credit so news can be disseminated via bulk messaging. Data bank of symptoms should also be publicized. We must continue to emphasize the need for social distancing and for hand washing, etc. In Nigeria, the high risk areas are the densely populated locations where people could sleep six to seven in a bedroom and four to six rooms share a toilet. Decluttering is needed. There should be constant testing of front line personnel on a weekly basis. Setting up think tank to see how the hunger issue, palliatives in cash can be given. Recently a Plummer revealed he needed to work to earn a living and when told of the benefits of an effective lockdown and asked what he thought, he replied “Who wan die?” IT specialists can work quickly with banks. Only singular accounts with BVN are recurring credited. We can do this! But phones have limitations: 1. Phones need charging. With the lock down, there is no petrol for mini generators. 2. With no one working, recharge charges are not paramount expense. 3. Phone lines advertised online did not work. More emergency contact lines needed. 4. There should be liaison with Telecommunications companies to do bulk broadcasting of lines in different areas. Set up links online for booking testing so that appointments are scheduled and the centre is not overwhelmed. Or identify where the calls are coming from and then set up sample collection centres in various regions. I would also recommend town criers, mega phones in communities, pictorial flyers and posters everywhere.
What other problems do you foresee with our testing program?
Testing presents another problem if we extrapolate how many likely suspects we need to test. Even if we have the testing kits donated, we do not have sufficient test labs or testing equipments or reagents. Even with all the funds being thrown at this issue, there will be log jams and bottle necks with the supply chain logistics. There are standard testing criteria and critical testing criteria. Nigeria has to define its own criteria. Symptom identification may be all we have if there is a deluge and rush. We need to specify where people can go to get the information out.
What is your take on speed of response to people who call NCDC?
Data officers have been advertised by NCDC, but who has seen this? Why don’t they use logistic company personnel during this lock down who are used to inputting regional information to assist in capturing data? They have loads of staff and they can be co-opted and trained to handle calls. The rate at which people are being picked up for isolation has slowed down. I am aware of a case where someone was positive and after two days, the
ambulance still had not picked them up. Is this due to pressure on ambulance or lack of beds? This should be investigated. Why is there a delay in getting patients to treatment centers?
What other precautionary measures can you suggest be exercised to reduce the side effect of late responses?
In the event that there are going to be delays in picking up patients, those who live alone and are still strong and effectively isolated, should be given oximeters, blood pressure machines and thermometers to take readings and medication for two days until there is space in the wards or an ambulance to pick them. These medical supply packs could be prepared in advance. As the facilities fill up, it is important for the Local authorities and the State government to come together and brain storm which other buildings can be used. Event halls, schools, churches, mosques, empty office buildings, etc,. Population pressure points should be pre-identified. The number of staff needed should be estimated and those local to those areas, trained in advance. Front liners have higher risks of contamination than anyone else. To reduce workload and pressure on them, what areas do you feel the states should explore in terms of recruiting more people for this role?
Training has to commence on use of oxygen, testing kits, lab training, disinfecting, fumigation, and packaging of medication. There should be continuous testing of the front-liners. The cocktail of medication, which is not a guarantee, but seems to be working, means we must extrapolate the quantities needed and then work with pharmaceutical companies to ensure they have raw materials and timing of production. Their staff must also be tested frequently or housed for the period in safe housing and transported to ensure safety and to reduce contamination. Most states do not have accredited bio safety labs. They do not have lab equipments nor personnel. There is need to work with universities to identify final year students and train them quickly on how to obtain samples and technicians. Retired workers can also be brought out to help. This is an ailment that unfortunately, comes with a stigma. Why are people so afraid to come out about it and is your openness about your own experience part of a campaign to distill these fears?
I did not realise there was a stigma until I began speaking to other patients. I certainly do not feel any level of disgrace or otherwise because I caught the virus! The difference is a that this virus can be deadly and spreads very quickly. But it is clear that like a common cold/flu, it can leave your system. The patient with the virus has to act responsibly. Once there is a contagion, everyone has to have the mindset that you can easily catch it. Assuming you might have caught it. Everyone has to safe guard their loved ones and those around them by being proactive at all times. Delay and unnecessary exposure can cost lives. The virus is no respecter of status. In America, the ratio of blacks dying to the population is disproportionately high because they continue to go out to work and do menial jobs. In Europe it started with Royalty; Prince Albert of Monaco, son of Queen of England Prince Charles (heir to the Throne), the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson. Why should we then in Nigeria feel this is a disgraceful situation? Again, it is not a sexually transmitted disease; you can
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, No. 9117 Sunday, April 26, 2020
catch it just by entering a restaurant or plane. Stigmatization means that people hide in their homes and then infect immediate family and domestic staff that could then pass it around when going on errands. The importance of closely monitoring our physical changes so we quickly spot any symptom cannot be overemphasized. The symptoms must be explained to Nigerians. They should know that an estimated 97% of people that contract the virus might recover but 3% might die. The danger with Covid-19 is that it spreads quickly. I felt compelled to come out and reassure Nigerians that our cultural attitude of non-disclosure of information which we consider personal, will backfire this time. This is the time to come out and shout if you think you have it, so that others may keep their distance and that you may be put into self-isolation, so we stop the spread and flatten the curve. The exponential growth of this virus is rapid. We cannot afford not to adhere to WHO warnings which estimate that 10,000,000 Africans will contract this just because of how fast it spreads. We can reduce this estimate by behavioral change as was in the case with the Ebola virus.
We need a well thought out harmonized game plan with all these different groups working as ONE UNIT IN THIS FIGHT. It is not a competition nor time to hoard any information. The more people that put their thinking caps on, the better. Embrace and convince the masses. This is a crisis situation and no time for being pedantic. Let us show the world Africa can lead the way in strategic solutions and love of our fellow man.
How can you convince and encourage people about the efficiency of IDH, Yaba?
This is a phenomenon we are going through. IDH the Infectious Disease Hospital situated In Yaba is the foremost hospital equipped with staff and protocol to fight a contagion. In addition, they are backed by WHO, USAID, and CDC funding and continuous training. It is the only place doctors and staff from such private hospitals can get trained and front end staff can get trained. There is no charge for treatment at IDH Yaba. The same should apply for private hospitals that are Certified. It should be free to the patient while government compensates the private hospitals directly for every patient sent there. It would probably be best if private hospitals that choose to take in COVID specialize in high risk patients. For documentation purposes and for adequate record keeping, patients should be referred to those hospitals by NCDC. All private hospitals, once certified, to handle Covid-19 patients by NCDC should be supervised by same. The accreditation of hospitals is done by NCDC.
Do you feel private hospitals should be included as treatment centers as well?
If accredited hospitals are to benefit local communities, we have to determine what the bed capacities are and if these clinics meet the criteria. In highly populated areas, there could be a possibility that since schools are closed, the empty classrooms can be
quarantine zones for this period. There is a need to talk to State Ministry of Education and consider if this option is possible in case there is pressure. The advantage of schools is that the very nature of class room divisions allows for wards to be set up for testing zones and waiting rooms. Decontamination zones, shower facilities might quickly have to be built. We have to be prepared for that. The hospitals that can be accredited should be quickly assesed. However, with recent number of cases of medical staff testing positive, the compensation package would have to be attractive enough and insurance set up. Training of support staff is also key.
Street stylists usually prefer to balance out their gathered puff-sleeve blouses with denim, whether the jeans be cropped, cuffed or white. Add in a statement bag and pointedtoe heels to draw attention elsewhere.
What has been the feedback since your ARISE News interview?
The feedback since the ARISE interview has been overwhelming. I received words of encouragement and prayers for “demystifying Covid-19”! In fact, the very next day, a family of 12 said after watching the program, they felt inspired and went to IDH. 11 of them tested positive and are now receiving adequate care. A few days later also, the wards were full. Most people stating they felt encouraged to come to IDH. We thank the Lord for His mercy and give Him all the Glory.
Depending on the occasion, pairing a sexy off-the-shoulder puff sleeve top with a statement skirt can be modern and utterly chic adding a unique dose of sex appeal to even the simplest of outfit as seen on DAKORE EGBUSO AKANDE.
In your interview on The Morning Show on Arise TV, you reeled out figures of a more realistic estimate of the number of cases Nigeria will most likely have in time to come?
The figures I gave were based on WHO projections on what the infected cases could be in Africa. Based on us being 17% of the African population which stands at 1.3 billion, an estimated figure of 1,7000,000 Nigerians could get infected. But there was a proviso; it was stated that their projections for Ebola did not happen because there was a behavioural change. In last two days, our daily number of cases have quadrupled. We have not even seen the tip of the iceberg. It is key that we identify as many people that might have symptoms. Encourage pastors, family friends, household staff to persuade those who think they are infected to come out. This will help contain the spread. My interest in the current advocacy is as a result of my concern that we as a Nation are at a cusp. Decisions reached now are crucial. This is NOT from survivor’s view point but a seriously worried and frightened Nigerian watching what is going on. We have seen European Presidents cry on TV in despair. We, in Nigeria, still have a situation that is controllable but based on decisions reached, it could swing either way. I may not have resources to throw around but l believe I have a voice that can see these problems and offer suggestions. There are others with creative strategic mindset. An amalgamation of think tank teams that already exist. A selection of IT experts with massive personnel laying fallow that could be used in data collection instead of recruiting and retraining inexperienced personnel. Logistics experts. Leading Economists. Communications. Medical. Local Govt. Religious bodies etc. I am ready to assist where ever I can. This is not the time for public vs private sector, we need to work as one. It is thinking through solutions together that we will make this work. United we will fight. As one, we will win. Money is not solving corona. America has shown us that. We need a well thought out harmonized game plan with all these different groups working as ONE UNIT IN THIS FIGHT. It is not a competition nor time to hoard any information. The more people that put their thinking caps on, the better. Embrace and convince the masses. This is a crisis situation and no time for being pedantic. Let us show the world Africa can lead the way in strategic solutions and love of our fellow man.
THISDAY Style Sunday, April 26, 2020
e aissanc n e R e ver n th erged i larity ebbed o y m e e v e t opu lari f f sle The pu 830s, but its p gain in popu s a a a in the 1 ly to return f fed sleeve w go u n o p d l e e u h tim 930s. T that wo e in the 1 minine style rmations. Th e h hyper f many transfo hort ¾ lengt s h a e g h r at t throu e was eithe thered tayed a v e g e e l s v e f f e s pu ngth sl is trend has ns… e l l l u f or . Th atio nt vari bottom top or ate in dif fere ve remained d on till way. They ha easy to d G I in a B singly chic an at you’re h i surpr you know w up the if n pull of f . Ready to tur k of these i g p n r c doi ke you some helpful a T ? e sy volum along with hem ea t s g n n o i i r s ea ver make w wear. tips to o t
This unique puff sleeve party dress on TOKE MAKINWA is nothing but classic from material to style. The sleeve plays with proportion in a way that’s different to all the other styles which is a nice alternative to the usual dress.
Choose a chiffon or sequin puff sleeve dress for a party or a night out. It’s definitely a statement, and a cool and memorable one. Short sequined puff sleeve dresses are so flattering. You can pick collar type according to your preference. BEVERLY NAYA’s dress provides a little flash of skin at the shoulders that’s both feminine and eyecatching.
Wearing a statement gathered/ puff sleeve on a dress can give it that ‘80s vibes, so keep it simple and unique. If you want to feel a little more daring, you can try an Ankara print with puff sleeves in an interesting texture or pattern, like one on LINDA OSIFO.
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, No. 9117 Sunday, April 26, 2020
LONGEST NAME PLACE. People who live in
Mamungkukumpurangkuntjunya Hill, Australia, need a little patience when it comes to learning to spell their hometown’s
unrelated Black men who were prisoners at Kansas’ Leavenworth Penitentiary, has become a legendary tale in forensics science lore. The two men looked nearly identical and because of it, they ultimately caused the prison industry to shift from an outdated facial recognition system to using fingerprints to identify inmates.
name. But you know what? So do the folks from Lake Chargoggagoggman-chauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg in Massachusetts and Tweebuffelsmeteenskootmorsdoodgeskietfontein, South Africa. None of them have quite as much work to do when jotting down their address as those who live in Taumatawhakatangihanga-koauauotamateaturipukakapik imaung-ahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu, New Zealand, though. At 85 letters long, this is the longest place name in the world.
From about 1915, when the statistical record began, until 1980, about one in every 50 babies born was a twin, a rate MBADIWE TWINS of 2%. The rate began to increase and by 1995, was SUNSET BOULEVARD STRIP, HOLLYWOOD, LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA 2.5%. The rate surpassed 3% THE WORLD’S TOTAL POPULATION IS MORE THAN in 2001 and hit 3.3% in 2010. That 7.5 BILLION. And obviously, that number sounds huge. means one out of every 30 babies born is a twin. However, it might feel a little more manageable once you learn that if every single one of those people stood shoulder- Scientists believe this trend is due to the fact that older women tend to have more twins, and women are choosing to-shoulder, they could all fit within the 500 square miles to start families later. Fertility treatments such as in-vitro of Los Angeles, according to National Geographic. SUNSET fertilization likely also plays a role. BOULEVARD STRIP HOLLYWOOD LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA
SILENCE IS GOLDEN, as they say. And while it may not be worth quite as much as jewels and gold to most people, it certainly was the primary goal for those who built the quietest room in the world. Located at Microsoft’s headquarters in Redmond, Washington, the lab room measures a background noise of -20.35 dBA, which is 20 decibels below the threshold of human hearing and breaks previous records for spaces that were deemed the planet’s quietest places, according to CNN. 20
of the world’s population were people under the age of 30. Around 89.7 percent of those young people live in emerging and developing economies like the Middle East and Africa. NIGERIA SCHOOL CHILDREN
cotton, you can wear this cute ensemble during any time of the year. Cinch in your waist with a belt bag and lengthen your pins in a pair of stunning heels. IDIA AISIEN
Make a serious statement with a bold suit. Choose from a bright color like
Show off your pins and enjoy your birthday in style with a mini dress. It’s perfect for any season of the year; you can dress it up or down with accessories. ESTARE
a strapless neckline or something with long sleeves, and don’t be afraid to play with color and texture. Lengthen your legs with a pair of platform heels, and watch the compliments come in. TUBO RENI
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, 9117 Sunday, April 26, 2020
Take a
pink, red or blue and stand out by playing with texture. Unlike regular outfits, this is the perfect option for the girl who loves making an impact on their birthday. KEFILWE MABOTE
Every year, there’s a special day that celebrates you – so why not honour it in style? Yes birthdays are the best time to gather everyone you love and have a fantastic time but with the current pandemic we are facing, this might almost be impossible for the rest of the year but let that not deter you from celebrating. You can always have a zoom party with loved ones and friend and we have just the right outfit for you to make a good virtual fashion statement.
relaxing lunch with your closest friends in a sweeping maxi dress. I J It is a timeless option for your FE KU special day. Choose a slim-fit S B BA E and a sweetheart neckline or an K UN F asymmetrical design – it’s perfect BY for any season and occasion. If COCKTAIL DRESS you’re going out for cocktails at As one of the go-to a bar, you will celebrate in style. styles, the cocktail TENI WADE dress is a no-brainer when it comes to your JUMPSUIT birthday. Classic and Take your birthday to the next timeless in design, level in a sleek and sexy jumpsuit. these frocks hit Creating a streamlined effect at the knee with maximum impact, this is or below an essential piece of clothing to and offer a feminine feel. wear on your birthday. Whether it’s made from denim, leather or Choose from
TROUSERS AND SHIRT For a casual celebration, wear a cute pair of trousers and a shirt. Put a high-fashion spin on the classic pants by donning leather, metallic of a fun pattern. To elongate your figure, opt for a slim-line top and loose bottoms, pulling in the waist with a statement belt. DAMILOLA EDAOWO
Feel flirty in one of these gorgeous skirt outfits. From a micro-mini to a marvelous maxi, you can knock everyone out of the park in these stunning ensembles. DEBBIE BEEKO
The easiest way to look like an amateur in heels is to put your whole foot down at once as if you’re wearing flats. When wearing heels, put your heel down first, followed by your toe. This will make your walk look more natural.
Wearing heels makes your stride shorter than normal, so you’ll have to take an increased number of small steps to go the same distance. We’re not recommending baby steps, but don’t try to take your usual long strides either.
Trying to walk quickly in heels often ends up looking quite awkward. Between the smaller steps and the compromised balance, it’s best to take your time in heels. Besides, walking slowly gives off an air of confidence.
When walking in heels, you’ll walk more gracefully if you have a goal point andlook at your goal point (maybe it’s the podium at the end of the stage), and visualize a straight line going toward your end point, rather than looking down at your heels as you walk.
MAKE SURE YOUR SHOES FIT PROPERLY If your shoes are ill-fitting, it makes the difficult task of walking naturally in heels almost impossible. If your heels are too big, use shoe pads for a better fit. If they TUBO RENI ESTARE IDIA AISIEN
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, No. 9117 Sunday, April 26, 2020
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, 9117 Sunday, April 26, 2020
hile a t W ? t h ou s, rig he work t u o t rk r wo g during variety, . u o y ut of u’re doin ing some ence, too ng o t s o o d er ti the m th what y form, ad ke a dif f fore star t e g a t i e o ant t s to do w e the righ ore can m ht foods b ergy to w u v n ha ef Yo ig that re you ha you do b ith the r enough e orrectly f o t c w u t lo h d ing s tc. - wha eling up you wit . If timed ergy an k a e m n e fu SS rts g, ide chin re you’re an prov ging pa an boost ep FITNE t e r t c n s c e ng su routine ost challe workout cks to k i k a s a M s n fitne the m fore a ick s your through eating be some qu r e , powe one right . Here ar se d and ce exerci n enha BY F
FRUIT AND NUT BUTTER Grab an apple or banana with the nut butter of your choice. Fruit makes a great pre-workout snack because it is relatively simple for the body to digest. APPLE & NUT BUTTER, APPLE & ALMOND BUTTER It contains glucose, which is used to power your muscles during a workout. Nut butters contain protein which helps support muscle repair. GREEK YOGURT WITH GRANOLA, HONEY AND BERRIES Generally, fruits rich in antioxidants can help decrease inflammation that can be put on HONEY, GREEK YOGURT WITH GRANOLA, RED BERRIRES the body after training and yogurt is a great source of protein, while the berries contain carbohydrates and fiber.
PROTEIN SHAKE, FRUIT SMOOTHIES, OR JUICES Carbs with protein gives you a combination of fast carbs to fuel workout. Proteins also allows for more sustained energy and muscle repair. So a protein shake with mixed berries would be a nice preworkout snack. Fruit smoothies or juices are also a good option for a quick energy boost.
ALMONDS AND DRIED FRUIT Almonds contain protein needed for muscle performance and repair. Dried fruit provides the glucose needed to fuel muscles during high-intensity workouts.
CAFFEINE Caffeine can help with early morning workout but make sure you don’t over do it.
WATER Water is not technically food, but it’s essential to stay hydrated, especially when you’re working out. Keep a water bottle with you and drink at least 20 ounces of fluids three hours leading up to a training session and at least four to eight ounces every 15 to 20 minutes, if possible, during training.