SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2020
PG 4
PG 22
In conjunction with our Covid 19 series, STYLE takes a look at the area of feeding, provision of consumer goods and donations being done by celebrities. Some of them are reaching out in these difficult times of fear and uncertainty. They are applauded, not just for not their art, but also their act of kindness. FUNKE BABS-KUFEJI and guest correspondent AZUKA OGUJIUBA report...
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”. “No one has ever been poor by giving”. “We rise by lifting others”. The most important thing during this trying time is the impact we make on others not as fortunate as us. The art of giving is paramount at this point in time. Even if you are the most tight-fisted or self-centered person known to man, you cannot see and hear the groaning hunger of the land without reaching out to help ease the burden of the downtrodden. Everyone, young and old, rich and not so rich, even up to the ‘just managing’ level, have been compelled to do something. To. Give. Seeing the joy on the faces of the recipients is second to none. Their prayers, their gratitude and their helplessness would soften the heart of even the most hardened criminal. Nothing gives one greater pleasure than knowing you played a role, no matter how small, in putting one more bowl of food on someone’s table. The truth is, one has always known that the downtrodden have lived very austere harsh lives beyond comprehension. As harrowing as that sounds, it became much worse during this lockdown with corona virus battling with hunger virus to wear the crown of hardship. So it came as no surprise that the government, corporations and individuals starting distributing food to areas that needed them most. Yes, the government is doing their bit but private individuals have played a major role in feeding millions of people with proceeds raised from their collections and donations. It is also sad to say, that no matter how widely spread these philanthropic acts are, they have not even scratched the surface in terms of numbers. Regardless, an inch is better than a mile in the right direction. Less people go hungry. Less stomachs are rumbling. Quite frankly, l think this philanthropic acts should become the new normal. It is on this note we applaud our celebrities on this Cover Edirin who have used their names and brands, not to mention their own personal monies, to support a good cause. For everyone that has made sacrifices, monetarily, provided services or volunteered in this food distribution, well done! We also pray the curve of the pandemic flattens and later down the line, fizzles our like other pandemics before it. Till then...Stay Safe and keep giving! FASHION DIRECTOR/EXECUTIVE EDITOR
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, No. 9131 Sunday, May 10, 2020
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, 9131 Sunday, May 10, 2020
STYLE & DESIGN Alero Adollo aleroadollo@yahoo.com
AFTER THE VIRUS: 5 WAYS IN WHICH COVID-19 WILL CHANGE YOUR WAY OF WORKING Strapped to various devices powered by data, many corporate workers have been latched to video calls for hours, having meetings, reviewing deals, policies and most recently having parties (you check out the website set up specifically for online parties www. houseparty.com). The ongoing effect of this period is that many of the tenets which underpin our known ways of working have been thrown into question. We have been repeatedly taught that circumstances can force us into new ways, and so many are arguing that the much touted “future of work” is here, even though it is a journey. For me, I am only too confident that we now have our legs on the first steps of this ladder. Here are the 5 ways in which the ways of working as we know it today will change: THE ORGANIZATION Adaptation to remote working will be swifter for some sectors than others- Telecommunications, some older oil and gas firms and E-commerce firms who had various versions of work from home policies will be quicker to adapt. Manufacturing, fmcg organisations will be just behind the others. All originations will need to redesign their operations to be able to deliver to the customer in this new era- they will have to look through all their service designs with the question of ‘what can be delivered with little human interaction, including reviewing what their new unique service proposition now is. As social distancing will be around for a while, organizations may need to redesign their infrastructure to accommodate the required distancing – Walkways, entrances, exists, lifts may all need to be reviewed in the light of social distancing. Some organisations will find that they do have an excess in real estate and some a shortage either way, sanitary practices will be increased, and enforced.
thought out career ladder and take on the role that is relevant to the business in these times; so as a Rewards Manager rather than hold on to your previous desire to emerge human capital Head, you should jump at the opportunity to be Operations Manager which is where the real need is at this time. Overall, adaptability and communication will be the two most sought after people skills post covidthe former for the reasons explained, the latter because more than ever, communication will be one of the most required skills when working remotely. Overall, people will need to be open to reskilling and upskilling.
THE PEOPLE As the lock down has forced a deeper valuation of organizational and service designs, organizations will be seeking a more efficient model – an outcome of this will be an obliteration of roles and an increase/expansion of some and in some cases, completely new roles. E-commerce was one of the areas that saw job creation amidst the lockdown- Amazon specifically saw an upsurge of sales during the lock down, it had to recruit more people- (175,000) specifically for activities around remote shopping. The real pressure around people is thinking carefully about the value that you bring to an organization and how you can deliver value beyond your primary area. So you pretty much have to wear both a specialization and generalization hat- most importantly you should abandon your carefully
THE SYSTEMS Based on reduced contact or now physically contactless nature of work, most organizations will migrate fully to cloud storages. They will before this, be forced to make additional investments in mobile devices, security software and more. Burn out is one of the major outcomes of blurred lines between work and home life (work life integration). Coupled with reduced physical social engagements as an outcome of the new ways of working, organizations who previously thought mental health to be a ‘private matter of the staff” will find that mental health support will become a need, this means those whose health insurance covers didn’t provide for this, will now have to do so. Now this will be alongside setting up support systems within your wellness teams or setting up wellness teams if you did not already have one.
CORPORATE CULTURE My recent linked in article talked about corporate culture being put to test by these new ways of working particularly as your corporate culture was designed for proximity behaviors. Organizations will now need to put in extra work to reiterate values that they hold dear. It may also be an opportunity to rethink the entire values. Keeping traditions that drive engagements digitally will be a good way to start-zooming Thank God it is Friday (TGIFs) or significant day celebrations will help keep the engagement side of culture going. ENTER THE DIGITAL LEADER Leaders will find themselves thrust in a management by proxy approach and it’s worse for leaders who already have a management by proxy behavior or even micromanagement. Leaders will have to be reskilled on how to manage by proxy, how to measure what matter- outcomes, outputs and what to look out for in waning cultures or behaviors. As continuous improvement is a standard ingredient for success, I have no doubt that the organizations who constantly make improvements will be here for many more decades Nkiru Olumide Ojo is an Author, Corporate General Manager, Female Enthusiast and Lover of Africa. Connect with her via LinkedIn: LinkedIn/in/Nkiru-olumideojo Twitter: @nkiruolumideojo IG: @nkiruolumideojo or FB:NkiruOlumide-Ojo
Nemesis, Karma, words that have set the teeth of many on edge and their hearts in disequilibrium. Despite mercy, despite grace, it seems we get away with nothing, kill or steal, ask God for forgiveness, he will forgive you, BUT, the state will send you to jail. Many believe Nemesis is an adept weaver who has woven a web so thick that when she throws out her net, she is methodical enough not to spare anyone deserving of her cruel reward. Nemesis was the Ancient Greek goddess of divine retribution, so “she meted out punishment for evil deeds, undeserved good fortune and hubris”, in effect the idea was that once you do wrong, wrong marks you on her calendar. Christianity came with the concept of grace and mercy, and we decided on carte blanche, and we reveled in the miry clay with careless abandon but actions have consequences, so our favourite chant of “I got grace, so I can do whatever I like” is somewhat defective reasoning. Many of us have done things in the dark that when light pierces we get jittery, you cannot be the devil’s favourite child and expect to live in cruiseville. Life happens to the best of us yeah and bad things happen to good people, that too...but be assured that our offline actions oftentimes sits on the sidelines watching and waiting to pay us back. There is seed time and harvest and unless God intervenes, actions usually invites reactions, causes speak to effects. We cannot plant tomato and reap potato. Karma, the messenger of consequences does not play ping pong either, “Karma in Hinduism and Buddhism is the sum total of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence and good or bad luck is viewed as resulting from one’s previous actions”. What this then means is that good and evil attracts their ilk, perchance this is true but that is not always the case. Life can be very funny, because if truth be told many things don’t line up behind logic and many things don’t make sense. There are troubled souls hobbling around petrified within because of tomorrow and probably a dalliance with a dodgy past, but trust me, the calm we feel after an angry storm sometimes silences the thunder we carry in our souls, all we need to do is stay our eyes on the face of our Creator and we will walk on water, we will find peace. As pilgrims in progress through this tempestuous sea we called life, we need to open bank accounts in heaven as a matter of urgency and credit daily with our acts of kindness, we need to make this journey seamless for others and resign our membership from the much revered “pepper them club” which probably hitherto seemed like a good idea but if we choose to continue on this path, the real pepper will end up blinding our eyes. We need to wake up and smell the coffee, the days of our lives are not faffing around, so advice ourselves we must and change our trajectory, it’s not too late in the day to retrace our steps and change our direction, move with the quiet wind and develop an unassailable intimacy with the Creator, then and only then can we find uhuru. Remember the the popular saying that, it’s not about the destination but about the journey. Don’t just zoom through, pause and ponder. We must learn to savour the ambience as we traverse, soak in the scenery and endure the experiences that traumatise, learning and growing, no matter the curveballs we get thrown and the bland meals we get served, we must learn that beautiful lesson in selflessness......”that is the only way back to Eden, the only way back to life”.
Colours of Life with Koko Kalango
POST COVID 19 - NEW BEGINNINGS In a Facebook Live video dated March 23 2019, Pastor Kadesha Jenkins of New Beginnings Outreach Ministries in Columbia, South Carolina, prophesied the outbreak of a “viral sickness”, a “deadly flu” that would “take people out” quickly, in judgment. Who says the Lord did not send a warning? The Genesis of the COVID-19 pandemic has been traced to the Exodus of over 70 million people from China to various destinations around the world. Most of them were returning from the annual pilgrimage to celebrate the Lunar year. This plague has resulted in an estimated 250,000 deaths amongst the over 3.5 million infected in 210 countries. Someone has likened the resulting global lockdown (to check the spread of the disease), to the experience of Noah in the ark. LESSONS FROM NOAH - ENTERING THE ARK We are probably familiar with the story of Noah. He came into international limelight for obeying what would otherwise have been a ridiculous instruction. At the time God told Noah to build an ark, it had never rained. But the Lord let Noah in on His plan to judge the world by a flood and asked him to construct a giant boat in which himself, his family, his in-laws and a male and female of every specie of living creature would take refuge. God had found Noah to be righteous and blameless in a world of sinners. Noah obeyed. When they entered the ark, God shut the door and it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. Like Noah, we are safer in doors during the pandemic. Like Noah, we are likely to be locked in with family. Like Noah, the decision to end the lockdown is not in our hands. LESSONS FROM NOAH - SURVIVING THE ARK If Noah had a choice, he would probably not have wanted to be confined to the same location with all manner of animals, in addition to his family and inlaws. As the head of the home, he would have still had to attend to responsibilities like settling disputes and giving direction to the family. Life in the ark would have been uncomfortable and inconveniencing. Noah would have had to put all the teachings he had heard on relationship into practice. To keep himself sane in those trying times, I would imagine that Noah’s routine would have included frequent exercise, healthy eating, quality time with God and quality time alone. But because he knew that one day the rain would abate and they would have to exit the ark and face the real world, Noah must have also used this time to prepare for life after lockdown. Like Noah, we are on compulsory sit-in. Like Noah, we must exhibit the fruit of the spirit and we must exercise our body, mind and spirit to survive. Like Noah, we must prepare for life after COVID. LESSONS FROM NOAH - LIFE AFTER THE ARK The earth was flooded for 150 days. Then one day the waters dried up and Noah and company could disembark. Even if they were now free, Noah would have needed faith and courage to step out of life in the ark. The world into which he was emerging was not the one he had left many months earlier. The old had been swept away, all things were now new. The social
and physical infrastructure he knew no longer existed. The systems he was used to had been washed away. He would have had to build from scratch. First Noah built an altar upon which he sacrificed burnt offering to God. In turn, God blessed Noah and made a covenant with him. Noah then set out on his farming business; he planted a vineyard. NOAH’S ERROR Noah drank the wine from his vineyard and got drunk. The pre-ark Noah was righteous and blameless, the post-ark Noah drank until he got drunk. What changed? Could it be that having survived the lockdown Noah believed he was entitled to a bit of a treat – some extra wine. Could he have been experiencing post-lockdown depression? Could the reality of the new world have driven him to the bottle? Whatever the case, in his drunken state, Noah lay uncovered. His son, Ham, saw his nakedness and called his brothers (Shem and Japheth) to look. But they refused and instead, covered their father’s shame. When Noah recovered and realised what had happened, he cursed the descendants of Ham but blessed Shem and Japheth. Like Noah, we all have an Achilles hill. Like Noah we may be tempted to let our guards down after the lockdown. Like Noah, a little carelessness can cost us much. NEW BEGININGS In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), on March 30, 2020, Pastor Kadesha said the Lord is asking us to “turn back” to Him. We should no longer do things our way. She said God is ordering a reset of the world. In short, this season presents an opportunity for us to humble ourselves before our Maker and make the necessary adjustments. The nations that have propagated laws against God’s will and those that persecute God’s people, would do good to return in repentance so He can show them mercy and heal their land. The church should return from entertainment to consecration, discipleship and evangelism. At the individual level, we should examine our ways and see if we are still in the faith. This is a lifetime opportunity to settle matters once and for all. We can use this time to seek the Lord for direction for the rest of our lives. In this time, we can build the foundation of many generations. It is time for new beginnings. *Pastor Kadesha’s prophecy can be viewed on Youtube under ‘The Coronavirus Prophecy Spoken March 23, 2019’. You would need to fast-forward the video 47 minutes to get to the most relevant portion. THE COLOURS OF LIFE SHOW Talking about New Beginnings, on Easter Sunday we premiered our Colours of Life show. Through this lifestyle show we hear personal stories, testimonies, and discuss topical issues. Join us for conversations that bring hope. Today we talk to Andy and Ngozi Jibunoh on Making Marriage Work. Episodes air on YouTube at 5pm (WAT) on Sundays. Follow me on Instagram for updates @koko. kalango
! P U K S A M
Vol. 22, No. 9131
With news of the coronavirus impact on the economy, travel and, of course, health, it’s hard to imagine the deadly virus fostering the start of a new fashion trend – but that, it seemingly has. Welcome to the all protective face mask. With the epidemic showing no signs of abating, fashionable face masks are selling like hot cakes across the globe, with consumers falling over themselves to help prevent the spread of the virus, despite their effectiveness being called into question when compared to the surgical face masks. And while there might be some down sides to the new trend, with some consumers reportedly feeling no need to apply make-up when covered by a mask, which in turn could have repercussions for cosmetics sales, it seems this trend is here to stay at least for as long as the pandemic lasts. A trend no one could have predicted, the question is, will masks continue to be a fashion staple and stand the test of time post-outbreak? That’s anyone’s guess. For now, join the bandwagon and help stop the spread of the virus with a face mask. From Ankara to silk, there are lots of fabric options to choose from.
Y Style , 2020
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, 9131 Sunday, May 10, 2020
YOU BE THE JUDGE THISDAY Style Vol. 22, No. 9131 Sunday, May 10, 2020
Osas is usually a show-stopper but this is not one of her on-top-of-your-game days. The shade of her shoes doesn’t go well with the dress and looks like she could not be bothered to go the extra mile for such a big event. It happens. 6/10
Osas draws attention to her thighs in this outfit whereas her strongest features are her face, waistline and shoulders. Some might say the outfit is tad too simple for the event she wore it too but she certainly catches the eye with that slit. She could have pumped the volume more still with a little twist. 6/10
I get the sexy Greek goddess theme she was aiming for here. Gold and green are difficult colours when combined and can be very unforgiving if not executed perfectly. The only flaw here is maybe her slit should not have been so wide. It takes away from the sultry nature of the outfit. 7/10
Mercy looks really amazing in this dress and for the right occasion. The embellishment is accurate as too much of it would likely have taken away from the overall look. I would have preferred a different pair of shoes though. 8/10 It’s no wonder she won best dressed at the AMVCA, she killed this look, her shade of green, the style of the dress, her hair and makeup, perfect! The slit may have been too deep cut, but it’s just perfect for the dress. She may have needed a necklace, but I guess since the dress already has a little bit of ruffles around the neck, she didn’t want to look too busy with her look 9/10 Mercy Mercy! Always looks gorgeous, her shade of green is just royal, her designers did a great job and she killed the outfit, but I feel like a little neckpiece would have been good as well, but what do I know? 9/10
Green really complements her skin, the cut-outs makes the whole outfit sexy. She looks really elegant. Nice hair do and appropriate accessories. Well put together. 8/10
She has always been a favourite when it comes to fashion and I literally look forward to seeing what she’ll wear to events and as usual, she didn’t disappoint. For a dark-skinned girl, green really looks really good on her. However, I am worried about the length of her dress and the trouble she might have walking in it. But asides that, she nailed the look. 8/10
I would firstly say that green perfectly suits Tacha’s complexion and the make-up is nothing but amazing with her beautiful hair colour even though I would have preferred it packed up. But these ruffles didn’t do justice to the dress. The all whole outfit is so busy and her shoes are a NO for a formal dress like this. 7 /10 Whoever did her hair and makeup did a very fine job. She looks beautiful. As for her dress, there are many “buts” however, I’ll talk especially on the ruffles. I feel they are too much and if they wanted that lace on her thighs, they should have just gotten rid of it. Without the ruffles, the lace would have been perfect. It’s one or the other, not both. Wrong shoes too. 6/10 I just have one question, why do we have lace running through to her legs? Her shoes did nothing for the outfit. Well I must say, she is more subtle in exposure compared to most and her hair is a lovely colour that compliments the shade of her outfit. 7/10
She sure looks good in green, her skin pops so well, but her dress was too busy. Sometimes, less is more.
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, 9131 Sunday, May 10, 2020
Esther really must have drawn a lot of attention with her dress. But with so much exposure, there is no focal point as people have too many places to draw their eyes to. One word...overkill. Still, she has a beautiful smile, lovely hair do and make over.
She has kept her neckline simple showing some cleavage. Meg didn’t pay attention to that fashion rule. One exposed part at a time, legs or cleavage. Not both. 7/10
Esther’s hair and makeup got me... her dress is also really beautiful. But I feel she showed off a little too much. The boobs especially, were too pushed up and I think she definitely needed a simple but elegant neck piece for a dress with that type of neck cut. 7/10
Nice shade of green, nice style of dress if only the cape was not included because it looks like it’s not even part of the dress seeing where they placed it. Her neckpiece is so wrong and did not do the dress justice. 5/10
Firstly, I must say I love the combination of the green and black, but she put in too much work for the result she got and the dress still came out a little below perfect. 6/10
Beautifully styled, but the necklace is too busy for the outfit, sometimes less is more like l said before.
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, No. 9131 Sunday, May 10, 2020
CORONAVIRUS, FEAR, ANXIETY & DEPRESSION Pt 2 Few weeks ago my article on CORANAVIRUS, FEAR, ANXIETY & DEPRESSION PART 1 was published. This is the second part. Dwelling in fear, anxiety and depression is very debilitating to health and infact weakens the immune system. As an integrative care practitioner we manage Fear, anxiety & depression in a holistic perspective. These will be my advise to anyone dealing with depression especially in this coronavirus pandemic. As soon as you wake up make sure you say your prayers. When one is depressed it is difficult to stay focused to pray as the mind will not be able to concentrate. My advise is to listen to some spiritual videos and prayers. This will help you to cope better and will help you reprogramme your mindset from negative to positive Make sure you do one form of exercise or the other. Brisk walk in a secured estate is good. Walking up and down your stairs gradually up to 10 times Morning and evening. If you have a threadmill do 30 mins at least three times a week. You can also do stand and sit on a chair in your home. Exercise is very good in improving the circulation and improving the mood. There are aerobic videos available on-line that you can accesss. Please note that health and fitness is not the same. You can be healthy but not fit and you can be fit and not healthy. Many people in the quest of trying to be fit are inadvertently damaging their health by exceeding their target heart rates in their daily excercise routines. Please be mindful of these as some people have dropped dead while playing tennis or over exercising. In this coronavirus lock - down so many people are lazying around since they do need to leave the house so they may lie in bed for most of the day. I advise you take your bath early because water is an energizer and a revitalizer. Once you take your bath you will feel better and be able to cope better with your depression, anxiety and mood swings. I have been dealing with depression and anxiety for so many years and I am getting better and better every day by applying the cani - principles. Depression is a very difficult condition to manage but with determination and committment it can be overcome. Positive affirmation is a very powerful skill. You feed your brain postive information and your brain obeys. One powerful affirmation I do to help me manage my depression is this. “I am a Phenomenal, relaxed happy, vibrant woman or man”. You say it 10 times in the morning, afternoon and night. “Holy Spirit uproot all negative beliefs , thoughts, feelings, decisions, words and actions from my spirit, my mind, my body in Jesus name Amen If you do this consistently on a daily basis over time you will find yourself feeling better day by day. Power - breathing is very important to make sure that the lungs are getting adequate oxygen as many of us breath in a shallow way because of the stresses of everyday living. If you Join our on - line health living community you can learn this skill and
more. Adequate oxygenation of the Lungs Will help nourish your organs , alleviate fatigue and improve your mood. Progressive muscular relaxation is a good way to reduce stress in your body. Stress is a silent killer and bad stress can lead to all kinds of medical conditions including depression. It is important that you work on improving your blood circulation as poor blood circulation is very detrimental to health. Many people including young people are walking around with clogged vessels. A high protein intake in our foods increases the level of homocysteine in our bodies. High homocysteine moves calcium from our bones to deposit in the vessels of the heart. As we grow older our ability to make Nitrc oxide is decreased. Nitric oxide helps in making our vessels more flexible helping to improve blood circulation. The cardiovascular clapping exercise is a very simple and effective way to open up the blood vessels, improve the blood circulation and improve the mood and lead to better sense of well- being. Standing infront of a Mirrow and laughing at the count of 205 times a day is another way of Changing the programming of your brain from negative to positive. Try to listen to music, dance, sing along and keep busy by watching comedies and reading personal development books. After my Bible, I read Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins. It is a very profound book which helps people to turn their weaknesses to strengths and get out of depression. Personally none of these works for me without Prayers and Bible reading. This is a time to build your relationship. Call your friends, relatives and have friends you can share your feelings with. I have an online mental and emotional management programme. I will advise you sign on. Some cases of depression can be severe and may require a qualified medical doctor to deal with it. I advise you include an integrative care Practioner who can help detect most of the body dysfunctions and nutritional deficiencies that are in your body and recommend healthy diets and nutritional supplements that can help reverse the dysfunctions and correct the nutritional deficiencies. Your doctor needs to check for levels of your vitamin B12, methy folate, iron, anemia, vitamin D, thyroid function , liver function and kidney Function. There are foods that can alleviate depression and I advise you see a nutritionist who can recommend the foods you need to consume to help fight depression. Try and include water - rich foods to your diet, like vegetable and friut juices so your blood can move from acidic to alkaline as this will help alleviate the depression and anxiet. Some cases may require convectional anti- depressant but that will be my last resort not my first line of management. There are many effective research backed nutritional products that can help alleviate depression and anxiety . We must realize that God has given us the power of decision. We do not have to allow every thought
or beliefs that comes to our mind to enter and begin to disempower our lives. We must stand guard at the door of our minds and sanitize the thoughts that we let in. It is not the external events in our lives that determine our reaction. It is our perception of the event. Happiness is a State of mind. What you focus is what you get. If you focusing on all the negatives in your life you will be disempowered and most likely will be depressed and anxious but if you have the attitude of gratitude, grateful for life, for God’s free oxygen, a roof, food and you or any of your famlly and friends are not suffering from corona you should be singing praises, dancing and being phenomenal living a happy healthy and fulfilled life Let me use this oppurtunity to inform Nigerians about one root cause of many diseases including Depression and anxiety. It is our digestive system micro - flora, (micro - biome or normal bacteria and other micro-organisms ) that are our primary defense system against pathogenic organisms. Our uinhealthy diets, high stress levels, environmental pollution, dehydration, frequent use of anti-biotics, prescriptive drugs and other unhealthy life choices contribute to an inbalance in our gut micro-flora setting the stage for inflammation in the digestive system and other systems of the body. Science and research has proven that humans are only 10 percent human cells. The complex inner ecosystem of microbes, bacteria and other microscopic organisms outnumber human cells in the ratio of 9:1. There are over 100 million microbes in every body. 10000 species of bacteria make up the human eco-system. A healthy gut (digestive system) is a healthy micro- biome. More than 4000 species live in the digestive system dramatically affecting the - The Brain and the nerves - Overall immunity - Food metabolism and weight - Varous human organs and more . The right balance in our micro - flora or micro - biome is critical to our health. Every one’s Microbiome is as unique to the person as his or her finger-prints and can be rapidly altered by many factors as me mentioned above. The functions of a balanced micro-biome include - strong immunity - Good digestion and metabolism - Brain Health - Hormone production - Genetics. One of the most common causes of depression is Inbalanced gut micro-biome. I will spend my next write up talking about how you can rebalance your micro-biome so you will reverse many chronic diseases and alleviate depression, anxiety and fear. Stay safe, stay positive. Till next two weeks. God bless.
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, 9131 Sunday, May 10, 2020
DAVIDO DONATES PROCEEDS OF HIS NEW SONG TO SUPPORT DOLCE & GABBANA’S CORONAVIRUS RESEARCH FUND Adeleke, says he would donate all the proceeds from his new song to support international fashion house, Dolce & Gabbana’s Coronavirus Research Fund. The video which was released on a few weeks ago is titled ‘D & G’ and features popular American singer, Summer Walker. The singer said the decision to send all the proceeds from the video to the COVID-19 research was due to his personal experience. The singer announced that his fiancee, Chioma Rowland, tested positive for coronavirus on March 27. The singer later announced that she tested negative for the virus on April 20. “I was on tour, she was in London with my son. When we all came back to Nigeria, we were, like, because we have travel history, I think it’s best we get tested,” he told CNN in an interview. “We had no symptoms. Nobody in the house had symptoms. Out of all 34 of us, that got tested, she was the only one that came out positive, which was crazy to us.” Chioma has since recovered and
It is popularly believed that corona Virus has it own advantages aside the obvious disadvantage of people losing their lives. A former Egyptian MP has listed 22 advantages of the deadly disease, corona Virus. Read the 22 advantages below: 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12.
Davido said she never exhibited any symptoms. Davido, who lives in Lagos, Nigeria, also said his family donated about N507million to the federal government in Nigeria and also distributed over 6,000 bags of rice across Osun State. “People are really going through a hard time,” he continued. “This is the first time something like this has paused the whole world. A lot of people out here make money from day to day, like, surviving day to day pay. That’s not possible because we all have to stay inside. Culled from CNN News
13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
Politicians now think of their members. Countries now realize the importance of God. People learn how to greet in public with decorum. All humans are now equal. No country is above the other. Whites people even want to come and stay in Africa. Blacks don’t recognize the white countries anymore. People realize God heals and not medical doctors. It has brought back humanity, and has made authorities think of good hospital as must do projects. Brought back people to their sanity and to their morals. It has closed down bars, night clubs, brothels and casinos. It brought down interest rates and sent pharmaceutical experts to intensive research for drugs. Brought or forced families together. It has stopped people eating dead and forbidden animals. So far it has moved one third of military and government expenditure to health care. Arab countries have banned shisha., Americans under pressure, UK speechless, Africans doing about turn all against smoking. Coronavirus is pushing people to speak the truth because if you touch a victim and lie, the coronavirus will find you out. It undermines dictators and their powers, it also made people look twice at the so called men of God who heals every thing before coronavirus came. Humans are now worshipping God rather than progress and technology. It is forcing authorities to look at its prisons and prisoners. It has taught humans how to sneeze, yawn and cough. Coronavirus is now making us stay at home, living simple lives.
Isn’t that Amazing?
Dr. Ifeyinwa Nwakwesi Stress, Nutrition, Cell- Revitalization, Personal Development, Genotherapy, And Integrative Medicine Specialist, The Phenomenal Woman By God`s Grace
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THISDAY Style Vol. 22, No. 9131 Sunday, May 10, 2020
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, No. 9131 Sunday, May 10, 2020
The coronavirus (COVID-19) is a crisis like no other the world has faced in recent decades as the pandemic has affected households in many ways. The rippling effect has caused people to lose their source of income as prices of goods and commodities have gone up. Strident steps are now being taken by corporations, private individuals not to mention NGOs, to ease the fate of the downtrodden at this trying times. In conjunction with our Covid 19 series, STYLE takes a look at the area of feeding, provision of consumer goods and donations being done by celebrities. Some of them are reaching out in these difficult times of fear and uncertainty. Setting up various NGOs and Food Banks, they have dug deep into their pockets and also used their status to team up with brands and individuals to achieve this goals. Although the government and corporate bodies are playing their role, it is a known fact that they cannot accommodate the number of mouths that need to be fed. So this is the moment for all to show acts of love, to reach out and help a fellow man. Even though people have benefited from such philanthropic gestures, we can hope and pray that it continues until the curve of the pandemic flattens and even after. The good thing is that nothing is too small because every little morsel that such ventures provide counts. As they say, an inch is better than a mile in the right direction and we thank all those, including the featured celebrities, for making an impact in the time of need. They are applauded, not just for not their art, but also their act of kindness. FUNKE BABS-KUFEJI and guest correspondent AZUKA OGUJIUBA report...
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, No. 9131 Sunday, May 10, 2020
(Banky-W) MUSICIAN What steps do you take to ensure the provision from the Food Bank spreads as far as possible and to ensure the same people do not come twice shortchanging others?
We have a few strategies in place to prevent this from occurring. The first thing is, we have a ticketing system in place where people are given a ticket prior to getting into line. That ticket entitles each person to a food package. At the point of picking up the package, the ticket is retrieved from them and torn, and the food is then disbursed. The second thing we do is that for crowd control and line management, we partner with amazing people from the community i.e. their community leaders like the king of boys, the women leaders, etc and they bring people from the community with a sense of ownership and authority. In conjunction with our partners from the Police, LASTMA, Neighborhood Watch, the Safety Commission and other security personnel, we now have an entire team of people who are committed to helping control the crowd, and monitor/manage the lines. So once someone has taken food, this team ensures that person does not get back in line for seconds. The community themselves are also very vigilant, so in the rare moments where someone attempts to return for seconds, they actually point the person out and he/she is immediately removed. We’ve also started using a harmless ink spray, especially when giving out the bulk foods, so that it’s clearly evident who has picked up food. We hope to make this a sustainable effort long term; in our minds, this can be a permanent community service initiative for the Community. However that’s completely dependent on if we continue to get donations, and volunteers. As long as enough people continue to give, and enough people opt to serve, then the core leadership team does not need to bear the burden alone and we can keep this going forever, by God’s grace.
What has been the most touching scene you have experienced in doing this venture?
I think for me, the experience with the little children has been completely life changing. Seeing the absolute joy in their faces has been the most rewarding thing. And then the prayers that the community shower on our heads, especially the elderly, the grandmas and grandpas. The entire time that they’re in line, they’re praying for God to bless us, and just hearing the prayers coming one after another, is really moving and impactful on your heart. People think of community service as you helping others. What many don’t realize is that by changing their lives, you’re changing yours. You cannot come out of this kind of experience the same. It uplifts your spirit and fills your heart with love in a way that words cannot properly explain. I feel more people should be involved in this philanthropy and if so, they can donate or volunteer. All of our information is on social media - @LekkiFoodBank on IG or Twitter, or they can send an email to LekkiFoodBank@gmail.com
How impactful has this act been for you and the recipients and how long do you plan to donate food and cash for?
It’s been great, amazing and emotional. One evening around 7pm, I was sharing food in the neighborhood. I saw two kids, about six years old. From our convoy of four SUVs, we called them to come get food from us but they wanted to run away thinking we were kidnappers. Then one of them recognized me and told the other one that ‘Don’t run, it’s Chief Priest’. I felt goosebumps all over my body. If these kids at this age can identify me at night and want to still come and get my gifts then that means they see me as their ‘angel’. I will never forget that night. I go to different communities, hood by hood and the local government areas
unannounced. When I get there, I work with people there who will help me identify who has gotten palliatives, so he or she does not come twice but it still happens because I can’t get to figure everyone out but one thing is for sure if he or she gets the palliatives twice they did that because they are extremely hungry and want more like Olivia Twist! I don’t blame them or get angry at them because there is hunger in the land. I will do this forever, I have been doing this before the Covid19 pandemic, with my Cubanafoundation, kiek foundation which is owned by Mama cubana who is the wife of Obi cubana, the chairman executive of cubana group and now that corona is here, we are still doing it, for examples we shared thousands of bag of rice and noodles with cash giveaways and we still doing it and will still continue when coronavirus is gone so it’s a forever thing. He shared bags of rice, cartoons of indomienoodles and gave out monetary gifts as well and he has been involved in charity before the Covid19 pandemic. As long as we breathe and as long as our lineage keeps moving on so will it be because we have impacted in them that our major source of wealth and greatness is giving.
What have you done to support the poor for Covid 19?
I gave out money on all my social media platforms and monetary support to some companies like Kokun Foundation and Lekki Food Bank. I also sent food stuff to neighboring communities around Amen estate where l reside and have my studio.
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, No. 9131 Sunday, May 10, 2020
Do you feel more people should be involved in philanthropy and if so, how best do you advice they go about it?
If you have to give and you want to, then give. But remember, it must come from the heart. I got a lot of people asking and telling me to give things to my fans and community without them even being aware that we were already doing so. Giving should come from the heart and if you don’t want to that’s okay but if you are not sure how to go about it, there are charity organizations out there you can approach to support or partner with. This was also what made me support Kokun foundation, Lekki Food bank and a few others. God bless all our frontline workers too.
through trusted foundations like ours as many people have always done.
7 moment?
Is philanthropy something you want to continue doing post-Covid if you can or it is just for the
ENTREPRENEUR & MARKETING EXECUTIVE People always feel the need to give back to a society that has blessed them as individuals. But not everyone is passionate about such acts. Do you feel philanthropy should be a necessity for individuals and corporations because it’s perceived to come with its own rewards. What is your take on this?
Philanthropy is a huge part of my life and that of my family. It is one of the character traits my parents instilled in me. I have always done giveaways on my social media handles and given donations to different charitable organizations. The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted for me, the dire need of the vulnerable and underserved communities, and my N1million giveaway was my gift to them and myself. My charity work will definitely continue post-covid19.
Aside from food, what other things do you think people should do to make the lives of the recipients more bearable?
Money. Safety measures. Hope. People need money to buy food, drugs, the essentials, pay bills, and keep body and soul together. Safety measures such as Social Distancing, Washing of hands, Use of sanitizers should continue to be encouraged and practiced. We all need to be kind to one another, and keep the hope of a better life and Covid-free world alive. “Giving is Living”, so the more people giving, the better and merrier the world is. A wise man Patrick J. Ryan once said: “Philanthropy lies at the heart of human greatness.” I encourage everyone to give-of themselves, their resources,talents, skills, network. You can volunteer, donate money and food. Use your network to raise funds, create awareness, the list is endless. Make sure you are contributing in your own way to make the world a better place.
What inspired you to do this philanthropic act?
The fact that there is hunger in the land combined with the corona virus pandemic is a terrible thing. In Nigeria, corona virus isn’t the only virus we have, hunger is also a virus and in our own little way, we need to support and help those who need it. A little help goes a very long way. What you can do, just do it which is why I did what I did and I remember my mum used advise this. It also gives me joy. I also love to support young up and coming acts, be there for people who need the support. Although some people take advantage, it does not take away the pleasure of giving. Since the pandemic hit the city of Lagos, our palliative has been quite impactful in communities around me like Eleko and some other smaller villages around. We were able to give people foodstuff and we made sure nothing was filmed because that should not be the reason for giving. On social media, a lot of people are begging and I was of the opinion that if you could buy data to stay connected, then you shouldn’t be hungry. But if you think of it, this social media is entertainment for all of us. Some don’t have electricity most times and the little time they have power supply to charge their phones to stay connected and engage themselves drives away boredom and depression. It is wrong to think people on social media who have data don’t need money which is why we did a N1,000,000 give away on Instagram and N200,000 on Twitter. For me it was important that we give so that people could use it for whatever they need in these critical times. Also this platform gave us the opportunity to educate people about the virus and the importance of staying safe and protected. It also helped us engage with people on the importance of living an honest life. Making them aware that armed robbery and stealing is not an option. Joining the one million gang boys is not the solution to the problem rather, it adds to it and if you get arrested, you go to jail and if you get shot, you die. Prostituting is also not an option, you have to wait for God’s time and everything will fall in place. I have begged before which is why I give so much.
How have you been able to raise funds to meet the demands of the people you give food to?
During this pandemic and before the lock down, I reached out to thousands of individuals with different kinds of food stuff in over 19 areas/ communities in Lagos. We have given out mostly raw food this period with huge support from the Dangote group. We have also extended our reach beyond Lagos State to other States within the region. We have had quite a number of individuals support us (some who would like to remain anonymous). We have also worked with corporate brands, celebrities and influencers including; Aliko Dangote, Kate Henshaw, Rita Dominic, Funke Akinrele-Bello, D’banj, Small Doctor, Olamide, Mercy Aigbe, Lasisi Elenu, Tolu Bally, Chioma GoodHair, Cubana group, The Tea Room who have constantly supported us since the onset of the lock down.
What measures have you taken to keep yourself protected while you go out to distribute food to the poor?
To be honest, food is one of the basic necessities a lot of people cannot afford at this time and once we get to some areas, it is difficult to get people under control. Myself and the team wear masks, have loads of sanitizers always in the vehicle/ bus and ensure we observe social distancing as much as possible even when we share food items. We observe all the necessary precautionary methods and can only pray and hope for absolute protection and safety. I love what I do and I am positive that all will always be well with regards to my health. It will amaze you the number of people that cannot even afford to feed themselves once a day talk less of three times a day. Food is the most basic thing and a lot of people do not have access or resources to feed themselves. Like I usually say; if you don’t eat, you cannot function. More people can, and should be, interested in reaching out to those who do not have the basic amenities in life. They should try to meet the needs of the underprivileged in the society
Well doing charity work is what I have always been passionate about. It is something I have been doing and I thank God for that. Post pandemic, I won’t stop and I encourage other people to adapt and continue to do so because at the end of the day, it’s for a good cause . Also, apart from food, there are a lot of people that need to be rescued from the slums they live in. I participated in a movement that helped a family of four, a single mother and her three kids within the ages of five and seven, out of the slums. I also recently helped blind students with materials and other things they need for school because most of these school don’t have enough resources to fend for them. So, apart from food there is a lot that can and must be done.
Since the lockdown does not allow free movement, is there any sense of foreboding when you go to some of these communities as you might not know what you will encounter in the process?
Yes there is always someone on ground in most of the places that we decide to go to. There is a person is there to coordinate. For me, going into an environment or community you have never been to is like going to a foreign place even though it’s still in the same country. You have to find someone that will help out and also put an eye on things because human beings can get out of control especially when you are there to give free stuff. In terms of social distancing, I try to practice that because if you look very well at some distribution processes and pictures on social media, you will see they are not practicing social distancing. Not adhering to this is also part of the problem. God forbid if someone in the crowd is positive, people are definitely going to get infected and the spread then begins in the community.
What communities do you feel most donors might have unknowingly overlooked during this lockdown period?
During this pandemic I have not only reached out to the less privileged but also the less privileged with disabilities. I was able to reach out to the dwarf community in the outskirts of Lagos. I call them the forgotten of Nigeria as people don’t pay attention to them. If you look closely, with all the giveaways and charities being done, nobody has reached out them. But l have helped them in my own little way.
What has the goal of your organization during the pandemic?
As CEO of @loatsd_promotionalmedia and also founder of the Noella Foundation, our goal is to help eradicate poverty and improve the lives of the less privileged during these trying times. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, we partnered with FoodClique Support in giving out palliatives to the needy to assist the Governor of Lagos state, His Excellency Babajide Sanwo-Olu in fighting the pandemic. We have visited communities across the state, distributing emergency food packs in partnership
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, No. 9131 Sunday, May 10, 2020
with music star and YBNL boss Olamide and artiste FireboyDML. The food items in each box include: Rice, Garri, Salt, Spaghetti, Noodles, Curry, Sugar and Eggs. Over 651,500 meals have been delivered to individuals and families across Lagos. Also, there’s a daily provision of 500 meals for Muslim faithfuls current participating in the Ramadan fast.
During the course of distribution, are there any particular scenes that touched a chord whilst on the field and do you feel it is our collective responsibility as able citizens to dig our hands in our pockets to give, no matter how small or big?
Since we started the Noella Foundation/Food clique Covid-19 Emergency Foodbox Initaitive, it would be difficult for me to pick one single scene as the most touching. We have had volunteers working endless hours, packing and distributing foodboxes, partners and donors who supported in droves amongst other things. However, the genuine expression of relief and emotions from those we have helped has been very touching. From the prayers of the elderly to grown adults crying, or the young and infirm expressing hope, there is little that can beat this feeling knowing that you are contributing in your own little way towards making a big impact in the lives of such people. What may seem a small gesture in a small box of 30 meals is actually a life-saver for many. Philanthropy should not be forced. It should be guided by passion and a genuine need to give back and help solve society’s problems. It must come from within and not everyone has the capacity to help others with what they have. However, there are other ways to help out – from advocacy to organization to volunteering. Beyond the inspiration to do this act, is this question – would we as a society be better off, safer and more productive if there are less hungry people within the society? The answer lies in that question.
What is your impression on what has been done so far by yourself and other bodies towards philanthropy during this pandemic?
FASHION DESIGNER Is this the first time you have done philanthropy or has it always been something you did before this pandemic?
I have always loved doing charity work. As a young child when every body dreamt about becoming Doctors or Lawyers, I wanted to have a motherless babies home to take care of children. I applied to be a social worker and eventually changed to study Psychology because it’s still within the range of helping people. So during this pandemic, a friend of mine said he wanted to start an initiative feeding over 300 hundred people and l decided to support him. And anytime I go out for our food drive, I always make sure I wear my gloves and my mask and observe social distancing. When I get back home, to be honest, I get a little scared, yes I panic. So I wipe down the door handles of my car, take off my shoes and leave them outside then immediately put my clothes in the washing machine and head to the bathroom to bath. Of course I will have washed my hands prior to doing all these. We always put measures in place for social distancing but at the beginning it was a bit hectic because we needed to educate them about social distancing and the importance of wearing their masks. We had to put strict measures in place and with the Nigerian military men helping with the queues, it became a lot easier to manage. We mark out lines on the floor to indicate the distance between two people and this has been followed till date and with no mask or social distancing, you don’t get any food.
More needs to be done. Our feeding initiative started years before the current pandemic. Based on our core focus at Noella Foundation which has been to Provide Solutions to eliminate hunger and also, Entrepreneurship, we continue to provide solutions to solve these social problems. The COvid-19 emergency food boxes however, was done with our foodbank partners, FoodClique, and the mandate was simple – feed as many of the most vulnerable as we can to ease the effects of the Covid-19 lockdown in Lagos. I’m proud to say that so far, we have distributed more than 650,000 meals in over 20,000 boxes. This has ensured that people who would most likely have been forced out of their homes to find food during the lockdown were guaranteed around 30meals from each box they received through the initiative. We have also used technology to guide our decision making and monitoring activities. Together, we can win the fight against hunger.
Who has your Foundation teamed with to provide food for the poor during this pandemic?
My foundation The Tiwa Savage Foundation teamed up with Oba Farms who kindly donated over 500 food parcels and cash, which we handed out to those in need. It was such a humbling experience. I haven’t reached out to any particular food or drinks brand, but I have connected with the companies that endorse me to hear how they are planning to help our community during this pandemic. As a citizen, I can only advise that the government ensures that the palliatives and reliefs are really reaching the people that need it the most and aren’t ending up in the wrong hands. I feel that the most vulnerable people in this situation should be assisted first. Naturally, women and children should be served first, but let’s not forget the elderly and disabled men who are equally vulnerable.
You have been sharing food in the slums for a while, more so now with the Corona virus. Has the lockdown or restricted movement put you under more pressure?
Yes the pressure is more now. Aside from giving foods, in the past we have had to remove people living in bad conditions, find them a place and furnish it then also give them capital to start up a business. But we couldn’t do that this time round because there were more people and mouths to feed as even the ones who had daily bread couldn’t access it during this period. Hunger became the order of the day, so we had too use majority of the funds we had with the support of some people to feed those who had little or nothing to eat. My focus were people in rural areas that the government have more or less forgotten or know nothing about. Peak Milk gave us 50 cartons on this project.
Have there been times when you have had to revisit certain areas because you felt the need to and what usually warrantees this?
I try to give raw foods stuff which helps sustain them for a period of time. I didn’t want to get involved with the cooking of the food because, if you cook today, what will happen tomorrow or the next?! So I gave small bags of rice, beans, cartoon of indomie noodles and the condiments to cook them. For some, we give them money to be able to feed for the period of the lock down. So basically, we survey the area to see how many people we need to reach out to but the challenges we faced is that if we count 200 people to feed, coming back, the numbers have multiplied because they have spread the news which has made it difficult for us to keep up with. So sometimes, we have to go back dependent on the money we have available. But we try as much as possible to distribute in order of priority so that everyone will get something.
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, 9131 Sunday, May 10, 2020
BATTLE OF THE BULGE - PART 7 I am 5 feet and 10 inches tall and 60 years old. I was super-slim till about 10 years ago, then gradually got fat. I started this weight loss programme on March 16th when I weighed a whopping 120kg and measured 49-47-51 (chest-waist-hips) inches. I’ve had ups and downs - bad days when I reverted to gluttony and did little or no exercise… and good days when I’ve eaten abstemiously and exercised enthusiastically. Fortunately, the good days have outnumbered the bad days; and I’ve lost roughly 1kg a week since March 16th. I’ve also shed quite a few inches. Last week, I weighed 112kg and my vital statistics were 47-45-49. This week, I’m down to 111kg and my vital stats are 47-44.5-48.5. Considering that there have been weeks when I’ve lost at least 1.5kg and as much as 2.5kg, weight loss in the past 7 days has been slow, even though I’ve taken exercise seriously and avoided overeating. But dieting is not an exact science. Forget about predictable results. My doctor says that thanks to all manner of uncontrollable variables such as hormonal activity and metabolism, one will sometimes lose more in weeks when one hasn’t been very strict with oneself and less in weeks when one has been doggedly disciplined. At any rate, a 1kg-per-week average loss isn’t bad by any standards. And I’m philosophical about the possibility that it’ll take me another 26 weeks (6.5 months) to get rid of the 26kg I still need to lose. Having said this, I am impatient by nature and would rather reach my goal (85kg) sooner rather than later. And the thought of dutifully focussing on weight loss till Christmas does not thrill me. At all. Covid 19 has already ruined 2020, forced us to constantly confront grim infection/mortality statistics, turned us into fearful prisoners in our own homes and robbed us of countless pleasures. So let me at least try to pull off, as soon as possible, a feat that will cheer me up. My favourite pastime at the mo is visualising myself joyfully chucking out every horrid, tent-like, fat-concealing garment I own, then elegantly swanning around in beautiful slim clothes. So how can I get to my delightful daydream in less than 6.5 months? Having abandoned my complacent belief that 1kg a week is more than OK, how can I do my darndest to double or triple this result and wind up with a 2-3kg loss per week, most weeks? In recent weeks, I’ve been following an
intermittent fasting regime whereby I totally avoid alcohol and sugar, while eating normal Nigerian or foreign meat/fishcarbohydrate-vegetable meals every other day and sipping gallons of low-calorie liquids (smoothies, juices and light European/Asian soups) the rest of the time. Since I haven’t lost more than 1.5kg per week on this regime, it is clearly too lenient for a gal who is in a hurry! BUT previous attempts to be heroically draconian have proved unsustainable. During the first fortnight of this programme, I lost 5kg by barely eating. I mostly survived on vegetarian fluids and only had 4 small normal meat/fishcarbs-veg meals in 2 weeks. But I couldn’t keep it up and went on a mad food binge in weeks 3 and 4, which caused me to gain some of the weight I had lost. Eventually, I settled into a more moderate intermittent regime in week 5. And there I have stayed since then. But you know what? We can do whatever we want to do, if we have the right mindset. And I’ve decided that I would rather suffer severe discomfort for a few weeks by “sprinting” through the obesity-ditching challenge in 3 months than cosily “crawl” towards my destination for 6.5 months. OK, so fast-tracking is where I want to be. But some nutrition gurus are opposed to rapid weight loss because they feel that “crash dieting” is counter-productive – as in unhealthy and unsustainable. But the medical establishment does not always speak with one voice and I’ve encountered a respected doctor called Michael Moseley who writes diet/exercise books and says that obesity is so dangerous that liberating oneself from it as soon as possible makes sense. We now know that Covid 19 is more likely to kill fat folks. We have always known that fatness can trigger off heart attacks, strokes, Type 2 diabetes, dementia and many other potentially lethal ailments. Meanwhile, Moseley also firmly contradicts colleagues who say that weight that is quickly shed is much more likely to be regained…because of psychological and chemical factors. I am not in a position to agree or disagree with experts who have conflicting opinions. But the proof of the pudding is in the eating. And I am ready to give Moseley’s theory a go. Will keep you posted. DONU KOGBARA IS A VANGUARD NEWSPAPER COLUMNIST. Please feel free to share your thoughts about her weight loss journey on donzol2002@yahoo.co.uk
The good looking, smartly dressed young boy walked up boldly as I stood in one of my home town’s many small courtyards, surrounded by people whose primary objective was to prise some handout before I departed for the day. His boldness intrigued me as did his politeness and forthright speech. “I would like you to help me” he began. “I want to learn to become a painter but I don’t have the money to do so”. “What kind of painter?” I inquired to which he responded “a house painter”. “You don’t need money to learn that” to which he responded “as an apprentice, I have to pay the master to teach me”. This boy was smart. The conversation continued for a while as I suspected someone had put him up to approach me, his mother had, nevertheless this 15year old boy was brutally honest, even about his own shortcomings and was clearly articulate regarding his desire. Surely he can aim for much higher in life than becoming a painter, I reasoned, he was certainly intelligent enough so I began to question him about school and his preferred subject. Math was the answer, which didn’t surprise me so I moved on to who his role model was. He named a TV evangelist I had not heard of so I whipped out my phone, intending to illustrate the potentials he could unlock through tech in his hands. Handing my phone to him, I asked he Google his role model and that was when I got the shock of the decade. The Creator of the heavens and the earth gave man a clear commandment to love your neighbour as yourself. The young boy looked at the phone, shook his head and calmly informed me he couldn’t read or write. My brain skipped its logical sequencing for a minute as I could have sworn he’d told me he was in JSS3 (approx halfway through secondary school) so I asked and he affirmed. In JSS3 and was barely literate? How could this be I wondered, but alas, it was so. From the day he went into primary school till date, they were hardly taught, promotional exams are a mere formality and pupils are shipped each academic year into the next class whether they learnt anything or not. Surely, this must be gross wickedness by those entrusted to nurture our future. This young boy with the intelligence to be anything he desired on earth, was already set to be less in life by a selfish system designed to steal his future. May righteous leaders awaken in our nation today. For your comments, contributions, connect with me here: @TonyeCole1 on Twitter.
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, No. 9131 Sunday, May 10, 2020
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, 9131 Sunday, May 10, 2020
If you’re stuck in quarantine right now and are under lockdown due to the coronavirus, now is the perfect time for you to go all in and focus on yourself! We are being given an opportunity to disconnect from the world and be in control of our own time. Think about it for a second, at the end of this, where do you want to be? Still stuck in the same place. Or would you have evolved into a better version yourself? Now is the perfect time for a glow up! Here are 10 ways to get started. BY KONYE CHELSEA NWABOGOR
Okay, so when talking about having a glow up, we all know that this is the first thing that comes to everyone’s mind. Getting your dream body or even working towards it, is something that you can totally invest in right now. Use the time you have to meal prep, workout, do yoga, stretch or whatever it is you know you need to do to get your ideal body.
Glowing up doesn’t just mean changing yourself on the outside, it means improving yourself on the inside too. Now is a great time to upgrade your skill set at whatever it is you feel you could improve on, whether that’s cooking, baking, writing or whatever is it you are interested in. There are loads of free online classes for this. A little brushing up on your skills can really elevate you to new levels and make a huge impact in your life. So, go for it!
If you’re an entrepreneur, blogger, artist, writer or
it just makes you feel more put together and polished. Play around with eyeshadow palettes and lipsticks, etc. and see what gives you and your features the best look possible and then master it!
This is the real glow up, the permanent one that lasts a lifetime. Good and healthy habits equal a good and healthy lifestyle. Now is a great time to incorporate and maintain healthy habits into your life. Practice meditation, exercising each day, journaling, eating healthy and overall just being START A better version of yourself. YOUTUBE aNow is the time to build strong CHANNEL routines for yourself that you Some people say can stick to for years and years they want to start a YouTube to come. Remember, it takes channel, podcast or improve exactly 21 days change a habit, their Instagram feed. Now is so this is the perfect time for a great time to get creative you to drop those bad ones! and do those things. There’s It doesn’t have to be all doom nothing better than making and gloom either, you can content you’re happy with still have fun, watch TV and and putting it out there. laze around from time to time It’s even better when during lockdown, but prioritize you’re consistent and see your habits first and let your your entire IG feed come down time be your reward! together or your YouTube channel slowly grow. Just GIVE YOUR make a plan and go for it! SPACE A You never know where you could be at the end of this. MAKEOVER
Play around with what you’ve got in your closet already. A great way to find outfit ideas is to look on Pinterest. There are tons of ideas to go through!
simply just someone that runs your own at home business, now is a great to make some renovations. Work on your uncompleted projects, improve your art, finishing up what needs finishing. Now is the time to get everything on track, before the world gets back to normal! Which it will! You may be feeling discouraged, however now is an opportunity to focus on ways you can upgrade your marketing game and sales. Get things in order, as small as they may be so that when things are back to normal, you know that you’re right on track!
Makeup can really give you a glow up on another level if you know how to do it right. Practice perfecting your makeup on your face, the type of different outfits you wear, or looks you want, etc. Makeup is a great way to glow up. It boosts your confidence because
It’s good to have a closet filled with endless outfit but it can get confusing. Make better use of your wardrobe by maximizing the mileage of your clothes like this simple DION BACI shirt top; this essential piece is this week’s one-look-threeways item. Making the most of wardrobe essentials with this silk shirt is one of the best ways to get the best value for your money. Think of it as the foundation to any outfit.
If you’re someone who sucks at cooking or just wants to get better at it, well here’s your chance to correct that. Go on you tube and try out new recipes. Over time, you will definitely get better at it.
Glowing up is not just about the outside, but the inside as well. You can use this time, to get quiet and go in. Heal those past wounds and traumas you’ve been dealing with, but never had the time to address. Get emotional, write it all out, now is a good time to do that, and just get it all out. This will help you release things you’ve been holding onto and make space for you to move on from it all. Journaling is a great and healthy way to do this. Even if it just means getting clear on your thoughts and things that you feel are holding you back.
N. B
- Remember, slow progress is always better than no progress. This doesn’t mean you Tired of your old boring space? can’t achieve your Why not change things goals by the end of the up and around a little? lockdown. All it means, This doesn’t have to be big is that you should be changes like renovating or patient and caring painting, but simply moving with yourself, do what things around. Give your works for you and space a glow up by making don’t push yourself it more suitable to your style too much. Nothing and pleasing to the eye! Perhaps, move the clock, desk, worth it ever happens easy, so give yourself chair, mirror or whatever it is time, and let this be that you can reposition. You can also print out pictures and a start to changing your lifestyle for the hang them up in frames on better! One glow up the wall. Get creative, now’s at a time! the perfect time for it!
For a smart-casual take, wear with cropped pants and matching sneakers. BLESSING OKORO’s look would be fun for a girl’s night out or casual date. Add up a
Pair a black high waisted wide leg pants with a satin T-shirt and heels for a chic outfit perfect for the office or a night out.
The DION BACI shirt top is very versatile especially when tucked in. She has paired the shirt with a statement fitted skirt than emphasizes her figure.
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, No. 9131 Sunday, May 10, 2020
THISDAY Style Vol. 22, 9131 Sunday, May 10, 2020
How to Create a Spa-Like Experience at Home BY KONYE CHELSEA NWABOGOR
Honestly, is there anything more enjoyable than a day spent at the spa? We think not. Those hours of pure pampering are the ultimate indulgence, but when a spa trip isn’t exactly possible due to the compulsory lockdown, there are plenty of easy ways you can recreate a relaxing spa-like experience at home.
1. Load up on hot towels.
Giving yourself a facial? Rather than running back and forth to the sink to wash your face between steps, load up on soft
cotton towels. Soak them in hot water, then wring them out until they’re just slightly damp. Use these to clean your face and wipe off any product, just like the professionals do at the spa. To up the ante, add a
why going to a spa feels so special is because all five of your senses are engaged. When setting up a treatment at home, remember to do the same and incorporate elements that are pleasing to your sense of sight, smell, few drops of essential oil to the taste, touch, and hearing. Set water - lavender or eucalyptus the mood with candles, soothing music, dim lighting, a are both good options. cozy robe, a glass of cucumber 2. Engage your water - it may sound simple, senses. but these little add-ons are A large part of the reason what make even the most
mundane beauty rituals feel special and spa-like.
3. Mask your way to clearer skin.
There’s no doubt that a good
face mask is a quintessential skincare indulgence. If you don’t have a mask product, a DIY version will suffice. If you’re dealing with pesky blemishes, mix one tablespoon each of turmeric,
The great news for those bad hairA days is that the Beret is back as a fashion accessory with a long history of chic women sporting it! Not only has it graced style icons we all know and adore, it has continued to be a major accessory on the runways, as evidenced in seasons past. Fashion influencers are perfecting the art of the beret. Check how they have rocked it effortlessly.
CHIOMA IKOKWU tops off her chic look with a camel-hued beret for that perfect “I look chic, but I am badass,” vibe.
Even those few minutes you spend under the spray every
brush in short, circular strokes. Move upward, toward the direction of your heart. Dry brushing exfoliates, improves circulation, and can help make skin look smoother.
6. Treat your eyes.
5. Dry brush like a pro.
So many professional body treatments involve this technique, which is easy to do at home. Hop in the shower, but before you turn on the water, grab a body brush and
Cucumbers aren’t the only way to soothe tired eyes. You can also boil two chamomile tea bags in milk, then refrigerate them until cool. Place over your eyes for 10 minutes to help refresh eyes that are tired from staring at
the computer screen for hours.
7. Create your own body buffer.
Fancy body scrubs at the spa often have many complicated ingredients, but you can easily create an at-home version with just two (yes, two!) items that are probably already in your kitchen. Combine equal parts granulated sugar with liquefied coconut oil into a paste-like consistency. Use it to scrub from head to toe before rinsing off (do so in the shower for easy clean up).
CHIC AMA’s sequins high waist pants paired with vetements monogram glove top and polka dot Chanel shoes combo would be chic on its own, but adding a sequins black beret really brings this charming ensemble together making it so unique and amazing.
Coloured beret is a statement in itself, which means you can leave the rest of your look super classic and simple. The shirt dress matching the simple sandals and a bag finishes off the look perfectly! KOME
4. Make your shower more spa-like.
day can become more like a full-body treatment, simply by changing the temperature of the water. Experiment by switching from hot to cold. This is good for the skin and helps improve blood flow.
There are ways to update your wardrobe and your look without so much as stepping into a shop if you don’t feel inclined. Think new ways to wear rather than new things to wear. Here are five trends that perfect for shaking up your wardrobe - and some hero items to have if you do have the urge to hit the shops or online stores.
Take note from INIDIMA OKOJIE and add an edge to the classic look by tilting a black beret to the side for the ultimate cool-girl vibe.
This pop of white looks great. A white beret lends some edge while maintaining a feminine feel. A classic jacket is added for that something extra. BRACKETT ELLIS
raw honey, and milk (the mixture should be thick, not too runny). Apply all over and leave on for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing. The turmeric is anti-inflammatory, honey is anti-bacterial, and the lactic acid in the milk gently exfoliates, leaving your complexion clear and glowing.
Yes we know we have always been told to button up our shirts but unbuttoning one or two more buttons down can be quite sexy. For those with big busts, you can simply do up the top buttons, but leave the ones underneath your chest to the bottom undone. The shirt will gracefully billow in the gentle breeze and for those with smaller busts, you can leave all the buttons undone but tucked into your skirt or trouser - voila! - You’ve basically created a new top. MELISSA HOLDBROOK AKPOSOE
Wearing socks with sandals used to be something only school kids did back in the days, but not any more. Everything from neat white ankle socks to elegant black kneehighs are things you will spot on the runway now. Keep the look unfussy by sticking to a platform sandal and avoiding patterns. FIFI UMENYIORA
The concept of wearing a dress or a coat dress over trousers has FIFI UMENYIORA previously been too much for most people but now it has become SWIMSUIT AS a thing and now is the time to BODYSUIT get on board. A bit of layering You have a swimsuit you wear never goes amiss when you are every now and again but want a bit indecisive as you can always to get more wear out of it? Tuck whip the trousers off if you get too it into anything from a ruffled midi hot. Look for tunic-style dresses skirt to longline shorts and you that hit just above the knee and have an updated look. ABISOLA style over flared or ankle-cropped KOLA-DAISI trousers. YUTEE RONE