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s I arrived at our appointment at 12 noon on a Monday afternoon, I couldn’t help but notice the vibrant energy emanating from the room. There, sitting across from me, was His Highness (Dr.) Ephraim Faloughi Spiff OON, a true embodiment of warmth and vitality. With his infectious smile and lively demeanour, it was hard to believe that this remarkable man turned 80 on the 17th of November 2023.



In a dazzling display of talent and style, the Future Face Global 2023 Grand Finale at the Royal Box in Cube 65 Mikano Building, Lagos, Nigeria, was nothing short of spectacular. This prestigious event was not just a gathering of fashion elites and A-list celebrities but a celebration of emerging supermodel talent from around the globe.


Finally, DECEMBER…




Lifestyle & Fashion A Guide To The Different 8 Stages Of Locs “Girl Code: Time For A 21st Century Update?”


10 Trend To Try: The Mini Handbag 11 Becoming The Peak Performing Woman

Fashion: Where Do We Draw The Line Between Fun And Ridiculous?





Fashionista Forever


A Conversation With Jimmy Jean-Louis


Christmas Glow Up: A Beauty Enthusiast’s Holiday Gift Guide


20 @thisdaystyle |


ey guys, Can you believe it’s finally December? Wow. This year has been a rollercoaster ride that tested us Nigerians to our core. From challenges to triumphs, it’s been a crazy one. I don’t know about you, but I’m absolutely thrilled to see the end of 2023 and eagerly looking forward to all the incredible things that 2024 has in store for us and our dear country. I can’t help but feel a sense of optimism about what lies ahead. New opportunities, fresh starts, and the chance to make even more amazing memories are just around the corner. So, tell me, how are you gearing up for the festive season? I’ve already spotted a bunch of fun activities lined up, and I plan to attend them with some good friends. There’s just something about celebrating the end of the year with loved ones that makes it all the more special. Speaking of friends, you should read the article on Girl Code. It struck a chord with me because I’ve some time in the past found myself having this exact same conversation with friends on this topic, especially the rule about not dating a friend’s ex, no matter how long the previous relationship has been over. It’s amazing how everyone seems to have such conflicting opinions based on their personal experiences. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this, too! So, how’s your weekend going? Are you enjoying some well-deserved relaxation or making the most of your free time with exciting plans? It’s the perfect opportunity to recharge before the new week begins. Make sure you take some time for self-care and enjoy those little moments that bring you happiness. As we step into the last month of the year, I want to wish each and every one of you the very best. May the holiday season be filled with success, love, and countless adventures. Let’s make it one to remember. Cheers to a fantastic December. Love,


@thisdaystyleon |

Sunday, December 3, 2023 Vol. 22, No. 10426


Sunday, December 3, 2023 Vol. 22, No. 10426








Sunday, December 3, 2023 Vol. 22, No. 10426

Sunday, December 3, 2023 Vol. 22, No. 10426

Future Face Global 2023


n a dazzling display of talent and style, the Future Face Global 2023 Grand Finale at the Royal Box in Cube 65 Mikano Building, Lagos, Nigeria, was nothing short of spectacular. This prestigious event was not just a gathering of fashion elites and A-list celebrities but a celebration of emerging supermodel talent from around the globe. Out of 36,000 applicants, 20 finalists made it to this grand stage. Among them, two stars shone the brightest: Jeff Ugiomoh from Nigeria and Fatou Kebbeh from The Gambia. Their victory at this starFATTOU KEBBEH AND JEFF UGIOMOH studded night, supported by giants like Aquafina, Mikano Motors, Cube 65, Saris Signature, Whispering Angel, and Ecobank, is just the beginning. Elizabeth Isiorho, the visionary behind Future Face Global, highlighted the importance of diversity and inclusion in this year’s event. “The whole reason for creating Future Face was about changing lives,” she stated, and indeed, the lives of Jeff and Fatou are set to transform. They have both secured a two-year modelling contract with a top international modelling agency and Beth Model Management.































Sunday, December 3, 2023 Vol. 22, No. 10426

Sunday, December 3, 2023 Vol. 22, No. 10426



This is Dr. Abiola Salami. As a world-class performance strategist, I understand that any organisation, industry, community, country, or continent that wants to consistently deliver excellence must constantly empower, engage, and recognise the sterling contribution of its women. This is why I have consistently powered a few interventions to support this thinking since 2013, which culminated in The Peak Performing Woman of The Year. Every fortnight on this platform, I will share insights to help women flourish and deliver excellence as career professionals, entrepreneurs, and nation builders.

Understanding Your Power as A Peak Performing Woman The post-pandemic world requires a new level of action. The World Economic Forum and the Oliver Wyman Forum report that “women have been hit hard by the harsh conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, causing them to adapt to new realities. In my opinion, these new realities require a new level of commitment to engaging, empowering, and recognising women, especially those who are blazing the trail and setting new records as Peak Performing Women. The Peak Performing Woman is that woman who knows her worth. Not by measuring herself against other women or men but by always digging into her potential to be bigger, better, and greater than who she was yesterday, matching her achievements with her potential. Peak Performing Women understand that you don’t have to be anti-man to be pro-woman or pro-man to be anti-woman; they focus on reshaping humanity for the utmost good of all. Peak Performing Women are those with an unrelenting commitment to uplifting and empowering other women, with character ethics and personality ethics. Regardless of age, race or socio-economic status, Peak Performing Women care for and respect one another. They are preoccupied with creating lasting positive change in their families, industries, and communities. Peak Performing Women are those women who stand up to fight injustice no matter which gender is the victim. The Peak Performing Woman loves and esteems herself daily by believing in her strengths, finesse, and uniqueness. The Peak Performing Woman understands that although others may have different opinions about her, what really counts is what she chooses to believe, accept, and improve. The Peak Performing Woman takes personal responsibility for her success. She constantly engages her competence, character, and creativity for outstanding achievements. The Peak Performing Woman understands that crying is not a sign of weakness, helplessness, or hopelessness, but after crying, she picks herself up, dusts herself off and moves forward with gusto to deliver excellence. The Peak Performing Woman knows that she is exceptional. She knows she brings beauty and glory to the world. The Peak Performing Woman understands that looking within herself is the first step to becoming and maintaining her exceptional nature. She understands that excellence is inside-out and not outside-in. She understands that if any change will happen, that change must start from inside of her. She knows that this change gets transformed within her from an abstract thought into a concrete plan that she’s committed to following through


until she delivers greatness for the world to see. Any woman who wants to deliver peak performance constantly must consciously ensure that she is not her own number one enemy. You should seek to get out of your own way as you must constantly ensure that you are not preventing your success. A detailed examination might reveal ways you have been preventing yourself from achieving your desired success. Perhaps certain beliefs have led to some self-limiting attitudes responsible for why you are not making as much money as you desire, why you are not getting the kind of promotion you deserve or why you are not dating or married to the type of man that you desire, or why your relationship with your children seems not to be going well. There could be many reasons you don’t get things done, some of which are outside your control. I agree with that, but instead of focusing on the things you can’t control, let us take some time to focus on the one barrier that you can control – your beliefs. In the next edition, we will delve into the seven selflimiting beliefs common with women and what you can do to live above them. The Peak Performing Woman Project is our vehicle for driving the renewed commitment to empowering, engaging and recognising women in their quest for delivering excellence in a post-pandemic world. The project will equip women to deliver excellence as career professionals, entrepreneurs, social innovators, political office holders and in their personal lives. It will enable more women to live beyond misperceptions, stereotypes and misplaced emotions that could limit the God-given exceptional nature that is within the woman for the development of humanity. I believe any opportunity for improvement extended to any woman anywhere is an opportunity extended to every human being. Also, any opposition served by any woman based on her gender is an opposition served to every human being everywhere. And every contribution made to womanhood by anybody, anywhere, is a contribution made to the entire human race everywhere. Join us on this journey. ABOUT DR. ABIOLA SALAMI Dr. Abiola Salami is the Convener of The Dr. Abiola Salami International Leadership Boot Camp, The Peak PerformerTM and The Peak Performing Woman of The Year. He is the author of The Peak Performing Woman’s Companion. He is the Principal Performance Strategist at CHAMP – a full-scale professional services firm trusted by high-performing business leaders for providing Executive Coaching, Workforce Development, and advisory services to improve performance. You can reach him at and connect with him at @ abiolachamp on all social media platforms.


One of the cardinal rules of this sacred code is the prohibition of dating a friend’s ex without permission. Another example is the common situation of a friend’s breakup. The girl code dictates a rally of support: ice cream, a listening ear, and an unspoken agreement to dislike the ex—at least for a while

irl code—a term that resonates with many, yet remains an enigma to others. At its core, it’s an unwritten set of guidelines, a silent agreement among women and girls, governing interactions in various scenarios. These unspoken rules serve as a compass, guiding behaviour and fostering a sense of solidarity. But in an era of rapid social change, it’s worth pondering: is the girl code still relevant, or is it an archaic relic of the past? The girl code spans a wide array of scenarios, from the trivial to the profound. One of the cardinal rules of this sacred code is the prohibition of dating a friend’s ex without permission. Another example is the common situation of a friend’s breakup. The girl code dictates a rally of support: ice cream, a listening ear, and an unspoken agreement to dislike the ex—at least for a while. Or consider the scenario of finding oneself in a potentially unsafe situation at a party or club. The girl code becomes a protective shield, where even strangers step in as pseudo-guardians, ensuring each other’s safety. Another familiar aspect of the girl code involves secrets and confidences. Sharing a secret with a friend is an act of trust, an unspoken agreement that the information won’t leave the circle. The girl code amplifies this, turning secrets into sacred trusts, only to be shared with the tightest of inner circles. Yet, the girl code isn’t without its critics. Some argue that it can perpetuate stereotypes and enforce a binary view of gender. They contend that the girl code might inadvertently exclude or alienate those who don’t fit neatly into traditional gender norms. Additionally, there’s the issue of the girl code being used as a weapon rather than a shield. Unfortunately, instances where the code is invoked to justify harmful gossip, exclusion, or bullying, are not rare. In these cases, the girl code devolves from a source of empowerment to a tool of division.

Despite these criticisms, the essence of the girl code, at its best, is about fostering a sense of community and mutual support. It’s a recognition of shared experiences and challenges, a silent nod to the unique path women walk in society. When applied with empathy and inclusivity, the girl code transcends its potential pitfalls, becoming a force for positive relationships and empowerment. The relevancy of the girl code in today’s world hinges on its adaptability. As society evolves, so must the girl code. It should be inclusive, flexible, and used to uplift rather than to segregate or belittle. In this light, the girl code can still hold significant value. It can act as a unifying thread, a collective understanding that helps navigate the complexities of relationships and social situations. The girl code also serves as a reminder of the power of solidarity. When women support each other, they create a formidable force. This support can manifest in myriad ways, from providing career guidance to a new colleague, comforting a stranger in distress, or simply being there for a friend in need. However, for the girl code to remain relevant, it must be continuously reevaluated and reshaped to fit the context of the times. It should be a living, breathing set of guidelines that encourages kindness, respect, and empathy. It should celebrate diversity and promote understanding across different walks of life. While the handbook of the Girl Code might not be etched in stone, its pages, scribbled with tales of laughter, tears, and sisterhood, continue to be a compelling read. And who knows? In a few years, the Girl Code might evolve into something even more inclusive and empowering, reflecting the dynamism of womanhood. Until then, let’s raise a glass to this beautiful, flawed, yet indispensable guidebook of female friendship. After all, as the saying goes, behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women who have her back – and perhaps, that’s the Girl Code in its truest, most unadulterated form.


Sunday, December 3, 2023 Vol. 22, No. 10426


Sunday, December 3, 2023 Vol. 22, No. 10426



Stage 1: The Beginning (0-3 Months)At this stage, you’ve decided to start your locs and are filled with anticipation. Your hair is typically free-flowing, and you’re in the process of allowing it to mat and form into locs naturally. During this stage, you may experience some unruliness and frizz as your hair adjusts to the new growth pattern. This is the time to be patient and resist the urge to manipulate or retwist your hair too often. Embrace the journey and enjoy the freedom of your evolving locs.

The mini bag trend is a delightful departure from the oversized handbags that have dominated fashion for years. It encourages us to pare down our essentials and make a statement with our choice of accessories. Whether you opt for a pop of colour, classic black, or a playful texture, there’s a mini bag out there for everyone. So, if you’re ready to downsize your handbag game and embrace the mini bag trend, read on to discover how to wear it with flair.


1. A Pop of Colour

One of the best ways to make a statement with a mini bag is to opt for a bold and eye-catching colour. Whether it’s a fiery red, a vibrant cobalt blue, or a sunny yellow, a brightly coloured mini bag can instantly elevate your outfit. Pair it with neutral tones like black, white, or beige to let your mini bag steal the spotlight. FERRAGAMO

2. Keep It Classic with Black

If you’re not quite ready to venture into the world of vivid hues, a classic black mini bag is always a safe bet. Black goes with everything, making it a versatile choice for any outfit. Whether you’re dressed up for a night out or keeping it casual for a brunch date, a black mini bag will effortlessly complement your look.

Embarking on a loc journey is an exciting and transformative experience. If you’re considering starting yours, it’s essential to understand the different stages you’ll go through, when they start and what to expect at each stage. So, let’s dive in and explore the different stages of the loc journey! By Oroma Jumbo

Stage 2: Budding (3-6 Months)Depending on your



hair type and hair growth speed, your locs should begin to take shape and show signs of growth from the third month. You’ll notice the appearance of small knots and budding sections as your hair continues to mat. It’s important to resist the temptation to retwist your locs too frequently, as they need time to mature and strengthen. This stage is all about nurturing and gentle maintenance. Regularly moisturising your scalp and keeping your locs clean will help them thrive.

3. Crossbody Coolness

One of the best ways to wear a mini bag is as a crossbody. This style not only keeps your hands free but also adds an element of street-style chic to your outfit. Whether you’re running errands, attending a music festival, or exploring a new city, a crossbody mini bag will keep your essentials close and your style on point.

4. Play with Textures


Mini bags come in various textures, from sleek leather to plush velvet and even trendy croc-embossed styles. Experimenting with different textures can add depth and dimension to your ensemble. A suede mini bag can create a soft and romantic vibe, while a patent leather one can exude edgy sophistication.


5. Minimalist Elegance

The mini bag trend is all about embracing a minimalist approach to accessorising. This means carrying only the essentials: your phone, a small wallet, keys, and perhaps a lipstick. The key is decluttering your bag, allowing the mini bag to shine. It’s a lesson in simplicity and style that’s both practical and fashion-forward.

6. Day to Night Transition

One of the most significant advantages of a mini bag is its versatility. It can effortlessly transition from day to night. For a daytime look, pair it with jeans and a crisp white shirt. When the evening rolls around, swap out your jeans for a sleek skirt or tailored pants, add some statement jewellery, and you’re ready for a night on the town.

Stage 3: Teenage Locs (6-15 Months)

By this stage, your locs have grown longer and thicker, and they’re starting to take on a more defined shape. This is often referred to as the “teenage” stage, as it can be a bit unpredictable and rebellious. Your locs may stick out in different directions or form loops and bumps. Embrace the uniqueness of this stage and remember that patience is key. Regular maintenance, such as retwisting and palm rolling, can help tame unruly locs.


Stage 4: Maturation (15-18 Months)

Congratulations, you’ve made it to the maturation stage! By this time, your locs have significantly matured and become more established. They’re tighter, denser, and more uniform in appearance. Your hair will be fully locked, and you’ll enjoy the benefits of low-maintenance styling. You can experiment with various loc accessories, styles, and colours to express your individuality at this stage.

Stage 5: Rooted in Strength (2+ Years)

After two or more years, your locs have reached their full potential and have become a true reflection of your journey. They’re strong, resilient, and deeply rooted in your personal growth. At this stage, you have a deep connection to your locs and a profound understanding of the patience and dedication it took to reach this point. Embrace the versatility of your locs and continue to care for them with regular maintenance and love.

7. Embrace the Micro Bag



If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, you can even go a step further and embrace the micro bag trend. These ultra-tiny bags are more like jewellery pieces than functional handbags, but they make a powerful style statement. While they may not hold much more than a lipstick and a credit card, micro bags are a testament to the art of fashion.



Sunday, December 3, 2023 Vol. 22, No. 10426

Sunday, December 3, 2023 Vol. 22, No. 10426

HH (DR) EPHRAIM FALOUGHI OON 80 and Thriving As I arrived at our appointment at 12 noon on a Monday afternoon, I couldn’t help but notice the vibrant energy emanating from the room. There, sitting across from me, was His Highness (Dr.) Ephraim Faloughi Spiff OON, a true embodiment of warmth and vitality. With his infectious smile and lively demeanour, it was hard to believe that this remarkable man turned 80 on the 17th of November 2023. Born in Port Harcourt in 1943, His Highness (Dr.) Ephraim Faloughi is a native of Twon Brass in Bayelsa State. A man of vision and a staunch advocate for excellence, he has amassed numerous degrees and fellowships, including honorary doctorate degrees in Science and Technology and Finance. Additional ly, he holds a senior fellowship with the Institute of Internal Auditors of Nigeria. But it is not just his academic achievements that make him extraordinary. His journey to success is one of sheer determination and resilience. Starting as a Sales Executive at NIDOGAS and later at the West African Thread Company Limited, Ephraim Faloughi’s unwavering drive led him to establish NOVESCO TRADING COMPANY (NTCN) in 1973. Under his leadership, NTCN flourished into a premier indigenous concern, renowned for its production of high-quality carpets. The company’s commitment to Total Quality Management earned it global recognition and an “Award of Quality” from the Standard Organization of Nigeria. Driven by an insatiable thirst for success, His Highness (Dr.) Ephraim Faloughi has ventured into various industries, including insurance, information technology, food, and construction. He currently serves as the Chairman of Sovereign Trust Insurance Company Limited, TEEOF Holdings Limited, and De Brass Suites LTD, among others. His contributions extend beyond the business realm, as he sits on the boards of groundbreaking companies in the banking, oil and gas, and publishing sectors. His commitment to integrity and philanthropy has garnered him laurels both locally and internationally. From the Officer of the Order of the Niger (OON) national award to the Great Africa Merit Award, Ephraim Faloughi’s contributions have left an indelible mark on society. As I delved deeper into our conversation, it became clear that His Highness (Dr.) Ephraim Faloughi’s influence and impact extend far beyond his accomplishments. With a “can-do spirit” and a passion for better understanding and friendly relations among peoples, he has become a charismatic captain of industry and a role model for integrity. Interview - Oroma Jumbo Your journey has been remarkable. What pivotal moments shaped your path to success? My mother was a young lady who was in a relationship with a Lebanese man, and it was during this time that they had me. That’s how I came about. I spent my formative years in Port Harcourt, where my career took off. Part of my youth included being a rascal and doing all the things that young children and adults do. I was stubborn, enjoyed playing pranks, and what have you. As I matured… you know, as part of growing up, you look at things and your situation and decide to make changes. I observed what was happening around me and made the conscious decision to grow from there. As I grew, I started to shed certain bad behaviours and replaced them with new ones, only to eventually let go of those as well and adopt new ones. It was a cycle of learning, unlearning, and relearning. How do you define excellence, and how has this definition influenced your achievements? If I were to define excellence, it would be characterised by being honest, truthful, and empathetic. It is seeing yourself as your neighbour’s keeper and being empathetic towards people who are less privileged. These qualities are what make you a human being, not the accumulation of wealth. They are a reflection of the goodness that resides in our hearts and are demonstrated through our actions towards our neighbours and peers. One thing I know is that some of my peers engaged in activities during their youth that I didn’t take part in. I never smoked cannabis or experimented with drugs. Those things were never a part of my life. Instead, cigars were my own thing. I would pose


with them, and even if I wasn’t smoking, they were always present. I also had a fondness for pipes and still have some of them to this day. We would purchase these pipes from Selfridges, and the aroma they emitted was quite enticing. In those days, we considered ourselves to be fine boys, and the scent of the pipe would often draw the attention of the ladies around us. If you strive for excellence, aim to excel in every aspect of your life. You cannot be 100% perfect. It’s important to acknowledge that perfection is unattainable; no one can achieve it except for Christ. If you consistently show excellence and have the ability to articulate yourself, you will undoubtedly make progress in whatever you pursue. This progress will not only benefit you but also contribute positively to society, your country and all you lay your hands on. Both in business and doing whatever it is you do. By doing it excellently, you will leave a lasting impression on those who witness your work. Consider yourself as a vehicle for others to learn from. Your accomplishments and even your failures can serve as valuable lessons for those around you. Embrace failure as an opportunity for growth and learning. Analyse your mistakes, adjust your approach, If you consistently and strive to gain experience through every show excellence and setback. What inspired you to venture into the insurance industry in Nigeria? Business. Any serious-minded businessman will explore any genuine, legitimate

have the ability to articulate yourself, you will undoubtedly make progress in whatever you pursue



Sunday, December 3, 2023 Vol. 22, No. 10426

and worthwhile business opportunity. I was into manufacturing and furniture making, and then I went into trading. Eventually, I partnered with Mr. Seun Ajayi, and together we bought over Lawson Corporation company. We successfully revived it, turned it around, recapitalised it and that’s how I got into insurance. Prior to that, I’d also been a broker, so that inspired me to go into insurance.

I am. All of us have a beginning; we all do. We’re not born with silver spoons in our mouths. It takes hard work and dedication to grow, as long as it is done with integrity and without resorting to deceitful means. As you reflect on your journey, what do you consider to be your greatest achievement, and why? Trying to be nearer to God. A lot of my friends wonder what I’m doing attending a white garment church, but I firmly believe that all roads ultimately lead to God. Whether one identifies as Christian or Pentecostal, we each have our unique paths towards seeking salvation and connecting with the divine. We all enjoy, we all boogie down and so but when it comes to worshipping God and looking for God’s mercy, I don’t joke with it. That’s my greatest achievement.

As a leader in the insurance industry, what changes have you witnessed over the years within Nigeria? The insurance industry has grown, but it is still far from reaching its full potential. Nigerians have not fully embraced the concept of insurance. As I mentioned in my previous interviews, we tend to purchase expensive cars, just like the House of Assembly and Senate buying SUVs for ₦200 million. Do they insure these vehicles? That’s another question. You buy ₦200 million worth of vehicles, and when you’re told to pay a premium of ₦5-7 million, you shy away from it. The culture of insurance is not there. This is something that we need to adopt. We should not spend our money on luxurious items without insuring them. Whether it’s jewellery, watches, or even clothes, they should all be insured. How do you envision the future of the insurance sector in Nigeria? Enormous. We have 200 to 220 million people in this country. If we could manage to provide insurance coverage for just 10% of them, the industry would undoubtedly experience significant growth. But like I said, the culture is not there. Even the government is not helping matters because the government should bear the responsibility of insuring all their property. It is only logical that government assets should be insured, but they’re not. What do you consider to be the key factors for sustaining successful businesses in today’s ever-changing market? Be consistent and honest. Do not cheat. Refrain from getting involved in situations that can lead to trouble. Instead, let people know where you’re going, your intentions, your objectives and the purpose of your products and services. The moment you go into the fast lane, you’re bound to fail. Today, you have young men and women engaging in unnecessary activities that they’re not supposed to. This is a consequence of our failure as the older generation to guide them properly and show them the right path to follow. You took a step back from working full-time seven years ago. What do you miss the most about being actively involved in the business world? Everything. Everything because if you are very active, very proactive, and suddenly you’re not, you feel lazy, and you feel bad. You think, “Oh, how I wish I could do this”. And when you leave the young ones who are to learn from you, you must be there to correct them if they make mistakes. I miss coming to the office like I used to. I miss going out. I miss engaging in business discussions and negotiations. Some are successful, while others may not be, but the determination never wavers. I miss that. I’m retired, but it doesn’t seem like it. Surprisingly, now I have more responsibilities as I rely on my children, the younger ones, whom I must guide, shape, and encourage to make the right choices. In a way, I am still working. If I were to handle things on my own, I would go straight to the tasks at hand. How have you been able to balance your family life with your professional endeavours? By having a good home and a peaceful home. The wife is the key. If your wife gives you peace and doesn’t nag you, then things are easier. Of course, you know that you must keep every woman happy. Once you have peace in the house, you will be successful because that’s a very crucial area.


Sunday, December 3, 2023 Vol. 22, No. 10426

What role do you believe storytelling and sharing experiences

How do you stay motivated and passionate about your various endeavours at this stage in your life? Observing the young ones doing the right thing brings me joy. Witnessing the growth and resilience of the businesses I have fostered, even in the face of challenging economic circumstances. That gives me satisfaction, and I smile. How did your 80th birthday celebration go, and what does this milestone mean to you? On the 14th, one of my sons-in-law organised an event for me. I just showed up as a guest. On the 16th, my children had another celebration planned. I went and enjoyed myself. On the 17th, my actual birthday, my wife and I opened our house to guests. This milestone means a lot to me. When I turned 70, God blessed me with my first grandchild, who celebrated his tenth birthday on the 11th. That was the greatest gift I ever had, and that has spurred me to see myself reflected in their growth. When you see your grandchildren, you see a reflection of yourself in them. It is truly a remarkable blessing from God. This milestone inspires me to remain grateful to God, to continue doing good deeds, and to be kind to others. Despite the current dire situation in our country, I implore the government to empower the younger generation to take charge. We are all growing older, and it is difficult to comprehend why my agemates would still hold positions of power within the government.

Be consistent and honest. Do not cheat. Refrain from getting involved in situations that can lead to trouble. Instead, let people know where you’re going, your intentions, your objectives and the purpose of your products and services.

play in connecting generations and preserving legacies? Well, it’s by imbibing what we have learned to the next generation. But the next generation, are they ready to learn or not? That is the key factor - we must impart the wisdom we have acquired throughout our lives. We should teach them what our mothers, fathers, and families have taught us. We should emulate the positive actions we witnessed from them while avoiding the negative ones. It is now our responsibility to instil these values in the younger generation, regardless of whether they are our own children or someone else’s. This is what our nation should strive for - the older generation should pass on these attributes to the younger ones so that they can eventually take over. Without a succession plan in place, be it in business or in a country, everything will eventually crumble. As you approach your 80th birthday, what reflections come to mind about your legacy and impact? Being continuous and being grateful to God. The biblical saying goes, “The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength, they be fourscore years, yet is their strength

labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.” If by chance you become fourscore, it is not due to personal strength or one’s own goodness or good deeds, but rather by the mercy of God. Once there is God’s mercy upon you, everything falls into place. So, my legacy is to strive to draw closer to God and to make a positive impact on the lives of others. It is important to never look down upon anyone, including those who are less fortunate, as we are all equally created by God. I’ll tell you a story. When I was growing up in Port Harcourt, there were some uncles that used to mistreat me, look down on me and verbally abuse me. Somebody told one of them – he’s late now – that they should not treat me that way because they did not know what I would become in the future, “Today he’s like this, but you don’t know what he’s going to be tomorrow”. And this is why I advise against underestimating people. The cleaner, the messenger or the tea maker in the office may grow and become somebody. If you are alive to witness that growth, they’ll now look you in the face and bring up the wrong you did them. I worked while growing up. I used to drive taxis in those days, I sold ice cream, I worked as a steward in a hotel, and today, here

What are your aspirations for the years ahead, and how do you plan to continue making a positive impact in your various roles? I need to encourage people when they are on the right path and offer guidance when they stray. This country needs the younger generation to take over the government, do the right thing and be focused. It will reduce unemployment, all the 419 and yahooyahoo. Empowering them will go a long way because a lot of youths don’t have jobs, and that leads them to learn evil ways, which is not good for the nation. Nigeria is a great country with immense potential. However, for it to truly flourish, it requires the involvement and leadership of the younger generation. I plan to be a positive role model to everyone in my life by doing the right thing and voicing my opinions when it’s necessary. At this age, When I turned 70, what can you do to me if I don’t speak the God blessed me with truth? It is my duty always to speak the truth, even when it may be inconvenient or unpopumy first grandchild, lar. I refuse to turn a blind eye to the truth and who celebrated his contribute to the nation’s downfall. Why should tenth birthday on I see black and say it’s white? This is what is the 11th. That was the killing the nation: our politicians not speaking greatest gift I ever out and not saying the truth. They are being had, and that has very deceitful. Why don’t they let the youths be? Why do they want to disrupt things? spurred me to see I need to stand tall in speaking out. That’s myself reflected in what I need to do now.

their growth.



Sunday, December 3, 2023 Vol. 22, No. 10426

Sunday, December 3, 2023 Vol. 22, No. 10426


By Oroma Jumbo


ashion has always been a form of self-expression, allowing individuals to showcase their creativity, personality, and style. It is a dynamic industry that constantly pushes boundaries and challenges norms. However, there comes a point where fashion can become so outlandish that it ventures into the realm of the ridiculous. Balenciaga, a renowned fashion brand, has recently become synonymous with such audacious designs. One example of Balenciaga’s foray into the absurd is unveiling a £695 towel skirt. Yes, you read that correctly - a skirt made entirely of towel fabric. While this may sound like a joke, it is a real product that has garnered significant attention and controversy. While they are not the first fashion house to experiment with unconventional materials or designs, their reiteration of such ideas has caught the internet’s attention, spawning countless memes and debates. This skirt is just one of many outrageous pieces the brand has introduced to the world. From platform Crocs to oversized puffer jackets, their designs often toe the line between innovative and downright eccentric. While some argue that these creations are a testament to the brand’s creative vision and ability to provoke conversation, others see them as nothing more than publicity stunts or a way to generate buzz in an oversaturated fashion market. But Balenciaga is not alone. There are numerous examples of fashion brands and designers pushing the boundaries of what is considered acceptable or stylish. From Vetements’ DHL logo T-shirt to Moschino’s fast-food-inspired collection, the fashion industry has seen its fair share of head-turning creations. These designs often elicit mixed reactions, with some people embracing their uniqueness and others dismissing them as nothing more than gimmicks. So, where do we draw the line between fun and ridiculous in the world of fashion? The answer is subjective and varies from person to person. Fashion, after all, is a form of self-expression, and what may appear ridiculous to one person may be perceived as fun and daring to another. It is ultimately a matter of personal taste and individual interpretation. Fashion has always been a platform for experimentation and creativity, and it is through these bold and unconventional designs that new trends often emerge. While some may view these outlandish creations as nothing more than a fleeting fad, others may see them as an important catalyst for change in an industry that thrives on innovation. Ultimately, fashion is about expressing oneself, pushing boundaries, and challenging societal norms. It is a reflection of our ever-evolving culture and a means of celebrating individuality. So, while some fashion choices may seem ridiculous to some, they may be seen as empowering and liberating by others. One thing is certain: as long as fashion continues to inspire and provoke thought, it will always have a place in our ever-evolving world.


Never underestimate the power of bold earrings, chic rings, and statement necklaces, these statement accessories effortlessly complete any outfit. If you want to transform your casual outfit to make you look incredibly chic, throw on a stylish accessory. They don’t just make a statement; they also, give a bright and new feel to your old clothing. When next you want to dress up your regular jeans and t-shirt or you want to add an extra touch to your simple party dresses try out these few bold accessories that will instantly make your outfit a fashionable statement. 1. Embrace Your Inner Confidence: Style begins with self-assurance. The key to looking fabulous at any age is feeling fabulous within yourself. Confidence is your secret weapon, and it’s timeless! So, stand tall, wear that smile, and let your inner radiance shine. Believe me, confidence is the best accessory you can ever wear.


2. Quality Over Quantity: As you age, investing in quality pieces becomes essential. Classic, well-made items stand the test of time and can be mixed and matched effortlessly. Think of a timeless trench coat, a well-fitted pair of jeans, or a little black dress. These wardrobe staples never go out of style and can be adapted to suit your age and taste.


3. Find Your Signature Look: Every fashion icon has a signature look, and you can too! Discover what colours, patterns, and styles resonate with you. Do you like vibrant colours, minimalistic chic, or bohemian elegance? Once you’ve found your style, stick to it and build your wardrobe around it. Your signature look should be a reflection of your personality and taste.


4. Dress Your Age (But Don’t Be Boring!): While age-appropriate fashion is about respecting your age, it doesn’t mean you have to be boring. Avoid being overly youthful or excessively conservative. Strike a balance by mixing classic elements with modern twists. For instance, pair a tailored blazer with trendy sneakers or a chic midi skirt with a graphic tee. Experimentation is the spice of fashion life!


5. Adapt to Your Body: As we age, our bodies change, and that’s perfectly normal. Embrace these changes and adapt your fashion choices accordingly. Choose clothes that flatter your body shape and enhance your best features. Tailored pieces and strategic layering can work wonders.


6. Accessorise with Elegance: Accessories are the icing on the fashion cake. A statement necklace, a stylish handbag, or a well-chosen hat can elevate your outfit instantly. However, remember the golden rule of less is more. Don’t overdo it; let your accessories enhance your outfit, not overpower it.




7. Keep Up with Grooming: Looking stylish isn’t just about your clothes; it’s also about personal grooming. Regular skin care, a flattering hairstyle, and a skincare routine will help you maintain a fresh and youthful appearance. After all, a wellgroomed individual always looks stylish! 8. Seek Inspiration: Fashion inspiration is all around us! Follow fashion bloggers, read fashion magazines, and watch style documentaries. Find influencers and icons whose style you admire and adapt their ideas to fit your aesthetic. 9. Don’t Forget Comfort: Comfort should never be sacrificed for style. Choose fabrics that feel good on your skin and shoes that support your feet. When you’re comfortable, you exude confidence and elegance effortlessly.







10. Age Is Irrelevant: Ultimately, remember that age is just a number, and there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to fashion. The most important thing is to wear what makes you feel fabulous and authentic. Style knows no bounds, and you can be a fashion maven at any age. AMAKA MBONU



Sunday, December 3, 2023 Vol. 22, No. 10426

Sunday, December 3, 2023 Vol. 22, No. 10426


JIMMY JEAN-LOUIS Just a few hours before the highly anticipated AFRIFF closing ceremony, I had the remarkable opportunity to sit down with the ever-charming and effortlessly stylish Jimmy Jean-Louis. Dressed in a relaxed t-shirt, shorts, and slippers ensemble, he exuded a natural elegance that hinted at his impeccable personal style. Jimmy’s journey to stardom is a testament to his steadfast determination and innate talent. After relocating to Paris from Haiti with his family, he embarked on a trajectory that led him from dancing to modelling and then to the silver screen. Today, he is recognised for his performances in both Hollywood and international productions. During our conversation, we briefly touched on the Nigerian movie industry, his self-care routine and how he maintains a youthful appearance, even at the age of 55.

with the environment as possible. I think it’s important because we reside in nature, so how do we establish communication and maintain that connection? On the other hand, because I spent some years in fashion, I also understand the other side of the spectrum. When it’s time to dress up, I can easily do it and pull off anything from a modern look, like a tuxedo or bowtie, to a traditional look, such as Ugo Monye’s designs. Are there any specific grooming practices or traditions from Haiti that you still incorporate into your routine? When we talk about Haiti, we have to understand that the culture there is very similar to the Nigerian culture as they share a common ancestry of displaced individuals from many years ago. Part of my lineage can be traced back to Nigeria. There are a lot of similarities in traditions, beliefs, names and some of the practices. For instance, we have our Sango and deities that definitely originated from here, but we find them in Haiti as well. But as far as grooming is concerned, I don’t believe so. As I say, I’m very simple. You’re simple, but have you got any tips or rituals that you swear by for maintaining your signature look? First and foremost, in terms of my physical well-

being, I take care of myself. There’s no doubt. I work out regularly and eat well, which is a great combination. Cardio is a part of my routine. For me, my body is my number one tool for navigating through life. My physique will stay with me for life, so I have to take care of it. It’s important, as it allows you to regain a few years. Establishing a routine and adopting a lifestyle that prioritises balance is key. Work hard play hard but take care of your body and engage in sports and hobbies. Achieving this balance is necessary to live the best possible lifestyle. It is reflected not only in how you dress and present yourself but also in the energy you radiate to others. How important is grooming to you, and what does it mean to you in terms of self-expression and confidence? I don’t question it at all because I feel good in my skin. Even if I were dressed in rags, I would still go anywhere. I could go to a palace dressed like this and feel completely comfy. I don’t need to appear a certain way to feel confident. I think it’s important to have this mindset because some people believe they need to be a certain way to have confidence or to gain approval from others. I’m not necessarily looking to please anyone because if I’m comfy in my skin, nothing anyone thinks matters.

Credit: Location- @art.hotelng Photography- @zimmani Outfits- @ejiroamostafiri Footwear- @313eko Styling/Grooming/Production@latashalagos

Interview – Oroma Jumbo So, how has your stay in Lagos been so far? It’s been hot, oh my goodness… but so far so good. I initially came here for three days for the Africa Movie Academy Awards (AMAA), and I ended up staying for over two weeks. After the AMAA, I shot a movie with Kunle Afolayan, and now I’m wrapping things up with AFRIFF, so it’s been three things packed in one. Were there any standout films for you from the AFRIFF screenings? I saw a few films, and you know what? It’s great to see the transformation in the quality of the movies. Last night, I had the opportunity to see the closing, Breath of Life, and it was impeccable. It’s a question of whether it is your style of movie or not, but as far as execution, storyline, Establishing a routine and and every aspect, including adopting a lifestyle that prioritises wardrobe, make-up, actbalance is key. Work hard play ing, and lighting, are all up hard but take care of your body to standard. It’s at the point and engage in sports and hobbies. where you can take the movAchieving this balance is necessary ies and show them to anyone, anywhere in the world, to live the best possible lifestyle. It is and I think that that’s new for reflected not only in how you dress Nigerian movies. I’m not imand present yourself but also in the plying that this movie is the energy you radiate to others. only one, but what I’m saying is that now Nigeria has films they can proudly share without any reservations... you know [laughs]. So yes, it’s good to see the evolution and the progress that some of the artists have achieved in the movie industry. Although there is still room for improvement in terms of structure, things are gradually falling into place. Based on the recent films I’ve seen; I can confidently say that there will undoubtedly be more advancements in the


coming months or years. You always look so well put together. How would you describe your grooming routine on a typical day? I must say that I’m not very fancy. This would be me every day. I’ll dress up only if I need to. If I don’t need to, I’m just gonna be as chilled as possible, but if the occasion calls for it, I’ll dress up to the max. I look forward to wearing my Ugo Monye outfit to the closing event. I must say that we had an amazing photoshoot with Ugo a few days ago, shot by Kelechi Amadi-Obi. The pictures are just amazing. I must say that tonight, I’m going to try to look as good as I can. I will try to be king-like because that’s what Ugo’s creations require. The posture will have to be there, and I’m looking forward to that. Are there any specific grooming products you use regularly, and why do you like them? Not really, you know. I have a fondness for shea butter when it comes to skincare. I appreciate anything that can contribute to improving the skin. I like to do things that are necessary and not go over the top. Would you say that your experiences and upbringing played a role in shaping your grooming habits and your personal style? My upbringing is really rich in many ways, and the quick answer is yes. I can effortlessly transition from being dressed completely down to being dressed completely up. Growing up in Haiti, there was no electricity or running water at home, and we often ran around barefoot. That forces you to stay in touch with nature, with something that’s solid. In terms of my personal style, I try to stay as natural and in harmony


Sunday, December 3, 2023 Vol. 22, No. 10426

Sunday, December 3, 2023 Vol. 22, No. 10426

CHRISTMAS GLOW UP: A BEAUTY ENTHUSIAST’S HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE There’s joy in the air because the holiday season is here, and it’s time to dive into the enchanting world of festive beauty! Get ready to spread joy and sparkle with our carefully curated holiday gift guide for the beauty enthusiasts in your life. From skincare wonders to makeup magic, we’ve got the inside scoop on the most radiant gifts that will have them glowing through the holiday season and beyond and thanking you for it!

THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE GETTING BRACES AS AN ADULT Braces have long been associated with teenagers, but more and more adults are embracing orthodontic treatment to achieve the smile of their dreams. Whether for cosmetic reasons or to fix dental issues, getting braces as an adult can be a life-changing experience. Before you embark on this journey, here are a few things you should know: By Oroma Jumbo

1. Skincare Treats

For the skincare lovers, consider gifting a set of high-quality skincare products. Look for absorbent serums, hydrating masks, and good moisturizers from reputable brands. Antiageing kits or skincare bundles with various products make for an excellent choice.

2. Beauty Tech Treasures

Bring innovation into their beauty routine with the latest beauty tech gadgets. From facial cleansing devices to at-home LED masks, these tools elevate their skincare regimen. Choose devices known for their efficacy and user-friendly features to ensure seamless integration into their beauty rituals.

3. Makeup

Invest in a high-end eyeshadow palette, long-lasting lipsticks, or quality makeup brushes. You can also do a curated set of makeup essentials!

4. Spa Treatments

Bring the spa to them with a gift certificate for a luxurious spa day or a collection of pampering athome spa products. High-quality bath oils, scented candles, and plush robes provide a relaxing and rejuvenating experience, allowing them to unwind in style.

5. Luxurious Fragrances

Perfume is a timeless and elegant gift. Many brands offer beautifully packaged gift sets with additional pampering products like scented lotions or shower gels; these sets are your best bet.


Types of Braces When it comes to braces, you have several options. Traditional metal braces are the most common, but if you prefer a more discreet look, you can opt for ceramic or clear aligners like Invisalign. Lingual braces, which are placed behind the teeth, are another option. Each type has advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to discuss with your orthodontist which option suits you best. Treatment Duration Unlike teenagers, adult orthodontic treatment often takes longer due to the maturity of the jawbone. On average, braces may need to be worn for 18 to 36 months, depending on the complexity of the case. Patience is key during this process, as it takes time for your teeth to shift into their proper positions. Possibility of Setbacks Your orthodontist might discover more issues to be corrected during treatment, which could result in a slight extension of the duration you will need to wear braces. There is no need for you to feel anxious about this, as it is inevitable that those brackets will be removed in due time! Expect Add-Ons Mid-treatment, your orthodontist might recommend add-ons such as extra brackets, habit breakers (to curb bad habits like tonguethrusting) and elastics (used with braces to correct bite issues). Oral Hygiene Maintenance Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial during orthodontic treatment. With braces, brushing and flossing regularly becomes even more important to prevent plaque build-up and tooth decay. Your orthodontist will provide you with special tools and techniques

to clean your teeth effectively. Be prepared to spend some extra time on your oral care routine. Diet Adjustments Braces can temporarily limit your food choices. Sticky, chewy, and hard foods can damage or get stuck in your braces, leading to discomfort and potential damage. It’s best to avoid foods like popcorn, chewing gum, caramel, and nuts. Remember to cut solid foods into smaller, more manageable pieces to prevent mishaps. Discomfort and Adjustments Getting braces can be uncomfortable initially, as your mouth needs time to adjust. Your lips will look different, and you may experience soreness, irritation, or even ulcers as your teeth begin to shift. Over-the-counter pain relievers and orthodontic wax can provide relief. Additionally, regular adjustments will be needed to tighten

the braces, which may cause temporary discomfort. However, the end result will be worth it! Lifestyle Adjustments Braces can influence various aspects of your daily life. Speech may be affected initially, but you’ll quickly adapt. You may find yourself drooling more than often when you’re asleep. Protecting your braces during physical activities or contact sports is also important. Wearing a mouthguard can help prevent any damage to your braces or teeth. Financial Considerations Adult braces can be a significant investment. Costs vary depending on the type of braces and the complexity of the treatment. Dental insurance coverage may help alleviate some of the expenses. Consult with your orthodontist to discuss payment plans or financing options that fit your budget.


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