Love, the Universe and Everything

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videophiles, not digital audio engineers. This is a magazine about science. This is a magazine ad I created for my commercial art class. This is a magazine for those who love and practice photography, whether it be for a livelihood, personal fulfillment, or just for fun. This is a magazine well worth receiving. This is a magazine which is maintained by Jakob who is, I think, "related" to APEXSC (see above). This is a magazine dedicated to girls and their dreams, ages 8-14. This is a magazine based on reality and not some false utopia where people live in peace and harmony and everyone lives by your narrow-minded opinion. Not for the faint of heart, this is a magazine that specializes in the very ADULT side of Dallas and Ft. Worth. This is a magazine for parents and children on the Worldwide Web. This is a magazine you listen to. This is a magazine, not a book. I regret to say that this is a magazine market that has become totally saturated. This is a magazine written for girls by girls! This is a magazine that specializes in cult films, most notably US sci-fi and European horror. This is a magazine that attracts high income active men and women. This is a magazine for school administrators. This is a magazine and also a pay site: they are the biggest HYPOCRITES on the web. This is a magazine about Holstiens. This is a magazine for every teenager in every youth group. This is a magazine which is not exactly well-known for top-notch journalism, and yet it made the proper call. OK, as most of you probably already know, this is a magazine you can find at your local bookstore or what not. This is a magazine index for the National Geographic magazine. This is a magazine which answers questions on refugees and includes a Forward by the Minister of Home Affairs Dr M. Buthelezi. This is a magazine page introducing information about print-friends and the Prinet. If this is a magazine article we don't have, and you are a University of Montana student, it's very possible we can get a copy of the article faxed in. This is a magazine for the skilled solder slinger…with a big plus. This is a magazine, the title of which actually stands for Atari Newsletter And a Lot Of Games. This is a magazine that emulates an actual printed periodical in full color, giving the feel of walking into a gallery, a museum, a wonderful study. This is a magazine for genealogists out of Utah, currently celebrating its 50th year of publishing. Since this is a magazine primarily written to publish information about universities and university life to freshers, we need to include descriptions. We don't have that intention mainly because this is a magazine devoted to Chinese language literature lovers, who live outside China. This is a magazine cover. This is a magazine produced by Coloplast UK, which features rather interesting pictures of the above mentioned problems. This is a magazine NOT to be missed! This is a magazine questionnaire from FHM. This is a magazine of a group of gay South Asians in North America. This is a magazine featuring art, poetry, and a compilation CDR. This is a magazine reporter from Tokyo. This is a magazine for church leaders and parents. If you have an interest in the digital library, this is a magazine that you MUST read and check frequently. This is a magazine written by teens, for teens. This is a magazine ad for the Baryshnikov Dance Collection. This is a magazine that praises the Ku Klux Klan and attacks Abraham Lincoln for "the sinister Emancipation Proclamation” — an invitation to the slaves to rise. This is a magazine that is inserted in THE major daily newspaper published in Rome. This is a magazine which is issued alternate months commencing January each year, and at the end of two years is available. Version 2 av This is a Magazine™ är ute. This is a magazine that is "for kids, by kids." This is a magazine for people who apparently wallow in it. This is a magazine about Dr. Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement. This is a magazine about DD, DTS and DVD audio-video. This is a magazine about ferrets. This is a magazine about managing and servicing property and facilities and can involve consultancy services, real estate services. This is a magazine that makes our members proud, and it simultaneously attracts non-members to our fold. This is a magazine looking for bands with a web presence. This is a Magazine with lots of info. This is a magazine that is given out with every purchase from 'FREE' music stores in Holland only. This is a magazine page for introducing information about print-friends and the Prinet. This is a magazine for DSP system developers. This is a magazine for vitamin retailers. This is a magazine shared with the city's other universities, Liverpool and Liverpool Hope. This is a magazine showing some amazing artwork. Yes this is a magazine from America. This is a magazine not only read by home and garden design enthusiasts, but for decision makers in their respective industries who are looking for impact. This is a magazine by A&M-Corpus Christi students in the Technical and Professional Writing minor in cooperation. This Is A Magazine - knowingly pretentious cool design. Consumer response has been fantastic—this is a magazine busy working women have been waiting for. This is a magazine site. This is a magazine that has drawn on writers from different perspectives and intends to reach muslims everywhere. This is a magazine for all model horse collectors. This is a magazine of Telugus. While this is a magazine I don’t regularly buy. This is a magazine devoted to horses...exclusively produced online and available free only to Internet users. This is a magazine available to members of the Adventure Cycling Association. This is a magazine of esoteric philosophy presenting the principles of the Ageless Wisdom teaching as a contemporary way of life. This is a magazine dedicated to used motorcycles, ATV's, jet skis, and wave runners. This is a magazine on education for elementary through high school educators. This is a magazine is definitely worth a click-through. This is a Magazine of Motor Topics for the Vintage Chevrolet historian. This is a magazine spread that featured the entry. This is a magazine about...well, remodeling. This is a magazine for discussion and information. This is a magazine dedicated to Diners and the likes. This is a magazine about hackers (very old thing!). This is a magazine you must subscribe to. This is a magazine dedicated to teenage women. This is a magazine that comes out six times a year. This is a magazine and web site company that is dedicated to the upliftment of today's African and African American college. This is a magazine online dedicated to those who have been "touched by adoption". This is a magazine ad for the above project. This is a magazine cover done in Photoshop, a play on the popular CatFancy and DogFancy magazines. This is a magazine published by the Danish School Library Association. This is a magazine highly recommend for your fashion needs, music needs and intelligent articles. This is a magazine which contains interviews with the stars of the film, and those that have worked on the film. This is a magazine -- or "netzine" -- or something. This is a magazine produced by St Paul's College every year. This is a magazine article that was first published in the Daily Northwestern of May 13, 1991 and then published on the web. Nevertheless, this is a magazine seemingly `plugged in' to the world city network, located to report on our new `global- ising' world. This is a magazine spawned round a massive classified list. Formerly Infotrac, this is a magazine, journal and newspaper full-text database for information on current events, arts, government. This is a magazine not only important for the attendees of the conference, but as a reference tool for all of those interested in the resource industry. This is a magazine site offering reports on doing business in Mexico. This is a magazine whose contents consist of “how to” tutorials, helpful tips, special offers, informative articles, and ClarisWorks news. This is a magazine for dog owners. This is a magazine from England we have been selling for years. This is a magazine that deals with Christian Evidences and Faith. This is a magazine guide, unbiased and probably unique, to the world's premier golf resorts and family holiday venues. This is a magazine on-line. Nevertheless, this is a magazine seemingly `plugged in' to the world city network, located to report on our new `global- ising' world. This is a magazine about wildlife rehabilitation. This is a magazine with an entirely new visual language for this genre. Note: this is a magazine, not a peer reviewed journal, but it is still a periodical. This is a magazine dedicated to Access/VBA. Since this is a magazine by students, it is hoped it will reflect the diverse culture of Missouri Valley College. This is a magazine & web site which will blow your mind! This is a magazine ad from the 1950's showing photos of Betsy in several outfits -- the blue pin dot Schoolgirl dress. This is a magazine about Latin. This is a magazine that's geared toward women, and one that we feel is unique in its approach toward giving information on products for shopping. Remember sweetie, this is a magazine column and cannot answer all your needs. This is a magazine from the UK authorized to shock, gross-out, and otherwise make your day seem less unusual. We have to remind ourselves that this is a magazine-selling exercise, and not a valid research exercise. This is a magazine with lots of info and history concerning microbroadcasting, net, and pirate radio. This is a magazine that will put the rest in the shade. As this is a magazine, outlay and neatness will also be taken into account when deciding you grade: neatness and outlay will be taken into account. After all, this is a magazine for Windows Users. Note: This is a magazine, but the only publication information available from the web site was the date of the issue. Well, this is a magazine, so it must be time we do that. This is a magazine rich in information. This is a magazine that always gets confused with Margaret. This is a magazine about mainly Milano and Italy. This is a magazine for people truly passionate about their music – published by people who share that passion. This is a magazine Script from Nihongo Journal. This is a magazine published quarterly targeting the students who have an interest of computer science and the IT community in general. This is a magazine that studiously avoids any mention of the word or subject 'death,' so any recognition that there are bombs or death in the world. This is a magazine all about music, entertainment and publishing. This is a magazine published monthly that gives information on consumer products. This is a magazine you can order through your Personal Ministries secretary. This is a magazine updated monthly reviewing new CDs, giving CCM charts, etc. As this is a magazine for and about women motorcyclists nothing of offense should be found. This is a magazine geared to men who like their women hefty, horny and big bodied. It makes sense really; this is a magazine about university. This is a magazine that people read who want to travel. This is a magazine ad that depicts the image of two overweight women grocery shopping. This is a magazine issued from 1961 till 1977 by the Nihon Kiin to promote going overseas. This is a magazine-style Web page for the various versions of our armed forces (including the Coast Guard). This is a magazine that follows the online learning industry. This is a magazine with deep articles. This is a magazine targeting professional and technical interested PC-users. This is a magazine covering contemporary Christian music. This is a magazine about video games. Oh yes, we've covered the small independents, too, and we always will, because this is a magazine for the whole rental industry. This is a magazine devoted solely to the chess activities of Devon players. This is a magazine formatted web site. This is a magazine for stories of downsizing, stupidity, sexual harassment and all the delights of the modern workplace. This is a magazine that comes once a month and consists of a lot of modern topics. This is a magazine site offering you all the latest advise, gossip and tickets to popular events. Basically, this is a magazine about the music my writers and I like. This is a magazine unlike most - saturated with opinion and controversy it covers the British music scene and youth culture. This is a magazine that will encourage ladies in femininity rather than feminism. I realize this is a magazine, but the resources are there. This is a magazine for young people; especially students. This is a magazine that goes deep. This is a magazine style site with issues coming out every three months. This is a magazine written by Phil Porter, writer of Smashed Eggs and full of information. We're not here to "take away" your voice - this is a magazine by and for adult webmasters. This is a magazine for the practicing fiddler. This is a magazine that poses a difficulty for me from the start. This is a magazine that speaks with the intimacy of a trusted friend and the faithfulness of a trusted priest. This is a magazine focusing on holistic health, personal growth and environmental awareness . This is a Magazine is awesome! in particular, since this is a magazine column, tentatively about writing, i want to focus on horror, and fantasy, as they have been, might be--on publishing. This is a magazine newstand displaying hundred of titles. This is a magazine for dancers of rock'n'roll, rockabilly, slow swing, jitterbug... heck it's for everyone. This is a magazine without a masthead. to be more knowledgeable about business in alberta, this is a magazine you should look at occasionally. In addition, if you'd rather leave the writing to us, then tell us what you'd like to see - this is a magazine for you afterall! This is a magazine for you to explore! This is a magazine written by and for kids. This is a magazine research company which analyses market demand prior to a magazine's launch. This is a magazine that i am the broadcast editor of, covering the arts in the bristol bath area. This is a magazine-style program that deals with a variety of health and household issues. This is a magazine photo, taken from a 1993 magazine, which features sean connery. This is a magazine about change—a magazine about forces that can't entirely be controlled, predicted or explained. This is a magazine article written by ronald reagan five years after he came to hollywood to pursue his acting career. This is a magazine that barbara assures us is filled. This is a magazine dedicated to those of you who desperately want to. This is a magazine that covers comics. This is a magazine about dd, dts and dvd audio-video. This is a magazine production course whose final product is the school memory book. This is a magazine for thema samples. This is a magazine, but the only publication information available was the date of the issue. This is a magazine about british life and what we britons do for fun. This is a magazine, it is a good read...very nice imagery. some great illustration too. This is a magazine wow. of course, This is a magazine that celebrates "mock traditional" decor, and it could be considered slightly mocking of the marshfield tradition. This is a magazine, from the united states, that targets the bear and leather community. This is a magazine spread done in the style of charles s. anderson design co. This is a magazine for the wrongly convicted. this is "a magazine of ideas". But this is a magazine about saltwater sportfishing and one can not deny that more and more fishermen are moving to the twin hull designs for their fishing. This is a magazine for owners who have a real relationship with their dogs, and want to know more about how to provide them with the best. After all, this is a magazine about lotus notes and domino by notes and domino experts. This is a magazine which was available on the annapurna circuit at in 1997. This is a magazine published daily at airshows around the world. This is a magazine cover that the band performed in their fall 2000 tour. This is a magazine alert! remember, this is a magazine that needs to appeal to the public! This is a magazine that is published in the netherlands. This is a magazine-size, no-color book that nevertheless entertains as it informs, thanks to a reader-friendly format that divides the lively, often humorous. This is a magazine devoted to the natural beauty and strength of women surrounded by the majestic scenery of western canada. This is a magazine about what women need to know! This is a magazine featuring the area around dogubeyzit, turkey. This is a magazine fed, fully-automatic.30 cal.gun. This is a magazine rich with historical information. This is a magazine that breaks down the barriers. This is a magazine that many radio stations subscribe to. lucky for me, this is a magazine based mostly on opinions, so here are some of mine on the subject. This is a magazine article index and full text database. This is a magazine for repair shops, car dealers, tire dealers, tool and equipment distributors and other vehicle-repair. This is a magazine about "higher things". This is a magazine that you and your staff have created in good faith and i thank you for it. as already explained this is a magazine covering all aspects of woodworking and in this issue we have articles on carving both the exotic and erotic, plus some. This is a magazine on education for elementary through high school educators. This is a magazine produced by the institution of fire engineers based in london. This is a magazine photo, taken from a 1989 magazine, which features chi chi rodriguez and is a very nice photo of the senior golf pro. This is a magazine on uechi ryu done by george mattson. Since this is a magazine featuring beautiful women of color obviously we are always looking for new models. This is a magazine for you out there. just a censoring note, this is a magazine written by ex-cons for reading by inmates. This is a magazine for italian cars only. This is a magazine with pictures of famous sports athletes. This is a magazine that comes from the heart of a pagan orientated family. This is a magazine about mobile communications. This is a magazine where you can learn how to make low-fat enchiladas, or read about jennifer lopez, who's playing selena in the upcoming movie. This is a magazine which contains several pieces and types of literature. This is a magazine site set up specifically for the windows powered pocket pc. This is a magazine for you. Its relationship with its readers makes it a one-of-a-kind media tool: this is a magazine that is read, recognized, appreciated. This is a magazine dedicated to grieving children and children in crisis. This is a magazine that can be left on dr's offices, knowing that it will be taken home and read by a potentially new radio hobbyist. This is a magazine published twice yearly by the union. This is a magazine spread done in quarkxpress. i want to make a "webzine" a la This is a magazine, a wonderful site that may showed me. This is a magazine aimed at educating ecuadorian youth on taboo topics such as homosexuality, aids, drugs, relationships, abuse and just about everything else. This is a magazine, it has words and pictures in it. This is a magazine all about the conference held in Washington DC on june 9-11 1994. This is a magazine for aviation-minded people. This is a magazine about pontiacs, so we'll not wax at length about slp's bowtie offerings, the camaro ss and the all-new chevy s-10 based supertruck. This is a magazine devoted to serving the gis industry. This is a magazine cut of what don's latest restoration, for a collector in west-central wi, looked like when it was new. This is a magazine for plus size girls' for health & clothes a great magazine! This is a magazine dedicated to high-tech music and equipment. This is a magazine put together by young people and hosted by the bbc information web site. Now this is a magazine - even if you aren't heading to steamy miami today - this online magazine can give you a little taste of miami. This is a magazine rather than a journal that combines information for students, teachers and schools. This is a magazine that had not supported the use of military force since world War II. This is a magazine written from a female perspective about females but written for both men and women. This is a magazine with low moral character. This is a magazine devoted to old glory miniatures. the fact is, regardless of its rather expensive production values, this is a magazine that would really only appeal to s&m/fetish/leather practitioners. This is a magazine section for focusing on ecotourism and sustainable development. This is a magazine about macintosh computers that also links to ziffnet and a search of all of their publications. the compiler’s comment: this is a magazine paper devoted to the outcomes of the same author’s travel to uk. This is a magazine analyses magazines, with art, photography and writings. This is a magazine sold by unemployed or homeless people who buy it for $1.00 and sell it to the public for $2.00. This is a magazine that is incredibly practical and useful in helping people get more from the time they spend on the internet. and third, this is a magazine and weblog about the online experience. This is a magazine devoted to small home businesses. This is a magazine of political, cultural, and literary ideas. This is a magazine for people concerned about attention to fine detail. This is a magazine which, for better or worse, speaks to our generation. This is a magazine about new york city but it has some great views of the statue of liberty. This is a magazine intended not just to entertain but to engage your child's brain. This is a magazine with photos and articles. The thing at the bottom says "guys and dolls" yeah this is a magazine. Nevertheless this is a magazine seemingly ‘plugged in’ to the world city network, located to report on our new ‘globalising’ world. This is a magazine improving all the time in design as well as content. This is a magazine which seems to be aimed primarily at adults who wish to pursue fitness through swimming or related aquatic activities, more often than not. This is a magazine with lots of great ideas and articles. This is a magazine layout for now magazine. This is a magazine for fans run by fan, and pretty soon i'll be crowding those snooty slicks off the newstands. This is a magazine for fish farmers in australia. This is a magazine for mothers with hearts in their home that has an emphasis on adoption! This is a magazine not just about computers or games, but both and overclocking and hardware and upgrading. This is a magazine run by christian academics for the study of the philosophy of religion. This is a magazine promoting learner centered perspectives. This is a magazine created by middle school kids in s. carolina many interesting things. check out some beautiful work at This is a magazine (via whatdoiknow). This is a magazine story: the words are written, moved around, e-mailed back and forth from author to editor for revisions, paired with the art, proofread. This is a magazine by fejj, the owner of the group once known as futureware. How can i tell if this is a magazine or journal? This is a magazine to read about "man" of interest in various music genres. This is a magazine for you and by you. This is a magazine produced in holland. as the title suggests, this is a magazine about the village, for the village. This is a magazine cover from the early days. This is a magazine seemingly aimed at rich old men who like to read about old stuff, aka armchair archaeologists. This is a magazine featuring many modified cars and a full feature and picture shoot of my car. This is a magazine for sharing experiences and fostering true sisterhood wherever and whenever we see it. check out the fresh and shiny new This is a magazine. This is a magazine edited by disabled youth from the mielnica foundation. Ok, this is a magazine for nail care professionals but i have a huge nail fetish myself and when i saw it at my salon, i was drooling. This is a magazine for church leaders and parents. This is a magazine that publishes demographic information. This is a magazine targeting adolescent girls. hivos supports literarte through its cultural fund because this is a magazine of high quality about contemporary art and culture in honduras. This is a magazine produced in march 1997. This is a magazine about women gunowners, and there are a hell of a lot of pro- gun politicians and lobbyists out there who don't really give a damn. This is a magazine that gives all the information you could ever ask for while in london. This is a magazine-style newsletter with short articles to cover a wider range of subjects appealing to a wide audience both within the faculty and outside. This is a magazine that awaits publication in english so that many more can enjoy. This is a magazine marketed to children. This is a magazine intended to be of interest primarily to those who run rôleplaying games. This is a magazine for serious students of postal stationery and postal history. This is a magazine ad for "comme des garcons shirts," a new brand launched by comme des garcons. This is a magazine wot you can't shred wiv yer claws. this is a magazine published by chris forbes. this is a magazine that is at the top in its industry. As this is a magazine article, presentation is also important. This is a magazine that you must see! it is filled with basic information that if you are just starting out, is a treasure trove of great tips and techniques. This is a magazine for macintosh diehards. This is a magazine published around four or five times a year. This is a magazine for those who cross the borders on sealed trains in the dead of night, for the scientists who work in unlicensed laboratories. This is a magazine reporter from tokyo. This is a magazine and newspaper index that searches by subject areas. This is a magazine poster featuring a great picture of udo and wolf playing at a festival. This is a magazine with a damn good reputation which concentrates on the industrial / experimental / avant garde scene. This is a magazine ad for greater milwaukee open, the illustration is a heightened drawing. This is a magazine with money behind it, in the form of emap publications. This is a magazine, born in the experience of another culture and nurtured in the love for the children. published five times per year this is a magazine for finalists with helpful articles on the graduate job market and applying for jobs. This is a magazine article i found on rr's. This is a magazine subscription only. Since this is a magazine for christian musicians, my one admonition to them would be to be ready for their albums. This is a magazine that prints a weekly issue featuring music charts for many college radio stations in the us. This is a magazine for the experienced collector as well as those just starting out in the field of antique radio. This is a magazine aimed toward new york's broadway crowd: theater-goers, and theater insiders. This is a magazine, published every two months, aimed at street entertainers and other people. This is a magazine that gives many ideas on reading at home with your children. This is a magazine on aquatic plant management and is not directed at the hobbyist but is nonetheless interesting. This is a magazine always ready to make its readers think. Don't forget, this is a magazine for you all, so advertising, readers letters, jokes, your personal problems and whatever you can find or imagine. This is a magazine of ancient rome. This is a magazine, i assume, written by and aimed at women, and yet again it has failed to remind us that basically sheer hosiery hits the spot. This is a magazine database called supertom, which can be accessed only from school. This is a magazine for academic staff, speccially for education. This is a magazine website that has feature articles about careers, working, resumes. This is a magazine format custom publication which will include four 1⁄4 page. 4-color ads per page. This is a magazine for the nerds and geeks in our high schools. This is a magazine site that has information on tourism, business, commercial, centennial information, recretion, state, social studies and history. This is a magazine that deserves to be read more than once, a claim i would ordinarily not make for a publication in any field. This is a magazine that describes itself as down-to-earth and how-to. After all, this is a magazine for videophiles, not digital audio engineers. This is a magazine about science. This is a magazine ad i created for my commercial art class. This is a magazine for those who love and practice photography, whether it be for a livelihood, personal fulfillment, or just for fun. This is a magazine well worth receiving. This is a magazine which is maintained by jakob who is, i think, "related" to apexsc (see above). This is a magazine dedicated to girls and their dreams, ages 8-14. This is a magazine based on reality and not some false utopia where people live in peace and harmony and everyone lives by your narrow-minded opinion. not for the faint of heart, this is a magazine that specializes in the very adult side of dallas and ft. worth. This is a magazine for parents and children on the worldwide web. This is a magazine you listen to. This is a magazine, not a book. i regret to say that this is a magazine market that has become totally saturated. This is a magazine written for girls by girls! This is a magazine that specializes in cult films, most notably us sci-fi and european horror. This is a magazine that attracts high income active men and women. This is a magazine for school administrators. This is a magazine and also a pay site: they are the biggest hypocrites on the web. This is a magazine about holstiens. This is a magazine for every teenager in every youth group. This is a magazine which is not exactly well-known for top-notch journalism, and yet it made the proper call. ok, as most of you probably already know, this is a magazine you can find at your local bookstore or what not. This is a magazine index for the national geographic magazine. This is a magazine which answers questions on refugees and includes a forward by the minister of home affairs dr m. buthelezi. This is a magazine page introducing information about print-friends and the prinet. If this is a magazine article we don't have, and you are a university of montana student, it's very possible we can get a copy of the article faxed in. This is a magazine for the skilled solder slinger…with a big plus. this is a magazine, the title of which actually stands for atari newsletter and a lot of games. This is a magazine that emulates an actual printed periodical in full color, giving the feel of walking into a gallery, a museum, a wonderful study. This is a magazine for genealogists out of utah, currently celebrating its 50th year of publishing. Since This is a magazine primarily written to publish information about universities and university life to freshers, we need to include descriptions. we don't have that intention mainly because this is a magazine devoted to chinese language literature lovers, who live outside china. This is a magazine cover. This is a magazine produced by coloplast uk, which features rather interesting pictures of the above mentioned problems. This is a magazine not to be missed! This is a magazine questionnaire from fhm. This is a magazine of a group of gay south asians in north america. This is a magazine featuring art, poetry, and a compilation cdr. This is a magazine reporter from tokyo. This is a magazine for church leaders and parents. if you have an interest in the digital library, this is a magazine that you must read and check frequently. This is a magazine written by teens, for teens. This is a magazine ad for the baryshnikov dance collection. This is a magazine that praises the ku klux klan and attacks abraham lincoln for "the sinister emancipation proclamation” — an invitation to the slaves to rise. This is a magazine that is inserted in the major daily newspaper published in rome. This is a magazine which is issued alternate months commencing january each year, and at the end of two years is available. Version 2 av This is a magazine™ är ute. This is a magazine that is "for kids, by kids." This is a magazine for people who apparently wallow in it. This is a magazine about dr. martin luther king and the civil rights movement. This is a magazine about dd, dts and dvd audio-video. This is a magazine about ferrets. This is a magazine about managing and servicing property and facilities and can involve consultancy services, real estate services. This is a magazine that makes our members proud, and it simultaneously attracts non-members to our fold. This is a magazine looking for bands with a web presence. This is a magazine with lots of info. This is a magazine that is given out with every purchase from 'free' music stores in holland only. This is a magazine page for introducing information about print-friends and the prinet. This is a magazine for dsp system developers. This is a magazine for vitamin retailers. This is a magazine shared with the city's other universities, liverpool and liverpool hope. This is a magazine showing some amazing artwork. Yes this is a magazine from america. This is a magazine not only read by home and garden design enthusiasts, but for decision makers in their respective industries who are looking for impact. This is a magazine by a&m-corpus christi students in the technical and professional writing minor in cooperation. This is a magazine - knowingly pretentious cool design. consumer response has been fantastic—this is a magazine busy working women have been waiting for. This is a magazine site. This is a magazine that has drawn on writers from different perspectives and intends to reach muslims everywhere. This is a magazine for all model horse collectors. This is a magazine of telugus. While this is a magazine i don’t regularly buy. This is a magazine devoted to horses...exclusively produced online and available free only to internet users. This is a magazine available to members of the adventure cycling association. This is a magazine of esoteric philosophy presenting the principles of the ageless wisdom teaching as a contemporary way of life. This is a magazine dedicated to used motorcycles, atv's, jet skis, and wave runners. This is a magazine on education for elementary through high school educators. This is a magazine is definitely worth a click-through. This is a magazine of motor topics for the vintage chevrolet historian. This is a magazine spread that featured the ron tomasello\nick rescino entry. This is a magazine about...well, remodeling. This is a magazine for discussion and information. This is a magazine dedicated to diners and the likes. This is a magazine about hackers(very old thing!). This is a magazine you must subscribe to. This is a magazine dedicated to teenage women. This is a magazine that comes out six times a year. This is a magazine and web site company that is dedicated to the upliftment of today's african and african american college. This is a magazine online dedicated to those who have been "touched by adoption". This is a magazine ad for the above project. This is a magazine cover done in photoshop, a play on the popular catfancy and dogfancy magazines. This is a magazine published by the danish school library association. This is a magazine highly recommend for your fashion needs, music needs and intelligent articles. This is a magazine which contains interviews with the stars of the film, and those that have worked on the film. This is a magazine -- or "netzine" -- or something. This is a magazine produced by st paul's college every year. This is a magazine article that was first published in the daily northwestern of may 13, 1991 and then published on the web. nevertheless, this is a magazine seemingly `plugged in' to the world city network, located to report on our new `global- ising' world. This is a magazine spawned round a massive classified list. formerly infotrac, this is a magazine, journal and newspaper full-text database for information on current events, arts, government. This is a magazine not only important for the attendees of the conference, but as a reference tool for all of those interested in the resource industry. This is a magazine site offering reports on doing business in mexico. This is a magazine whose contents consist of “how to” tutorials, helpful tips, special offers, informative articles, and clarisworks news. This is a magazine for dog owners. This is a magazine from england we have been selling for years. This is a magazine that deals with christian evidences and faith. This is a magazine guide, unbiased and probably unique, to the world's premier golf resorts and family holiday venues. This is a magazine on-line. nevertheless, This is a magazine seemingly `plugged in' to the world city network, located to report on our new `global- ising' world. This is a magazine about wildlife rehabilitation. This is a magazine with an entirely new visual language for this genre. Note: This is a magazine, not a peer reviewed journal, but it is still a periodical. This is a magazine dedicated to access/vba. Since this is a magazine by students, it is hoped it will reflect the diverse culture of missouri valley college. This is a magazine & web site which will blow your mind! This is a magazine ad from the 1950's showing photos of betsy in several outfits -- the blue pin dot schoolgirl dress. This is a magazine about latin. This is a magazine that's geared toward women, and one that we feel is unique in its approach toward giving information on products for shopping. Remember sweetie, this is a magazine column and cannot answer all your needs. This is a magazine from the uk authorized to shock, gross-out, and otherwise make your day seem less unusual. We have to remind ourselves that this is a magazine-selling exercise, and not a valid research exercise. This is a magazine with lots of info and history concerning microbroadcasting, net, and pirate radio. This is a magazine that will put the rest in the shade. As this is a magazine, outlay and neatness will also be taken into account when deciding you grade: neatness and outlay will be taken into account. After all, this is a magazine for windows users. Note: this is a magazine, but the only publication information available from the web site was the date of the issue. Well, this is a magazine, so it must be time we do that. This is a magazine rich in information. This is a magazine that always gets confused with margaret. This is a magazine about mainly milano and italy. This is a magazine for people truly passionate about their music – published by people who share that passion. This is a magazine script from nihongo journal. This is a magazine published quarterly targeting the students who have an interest of computer science and the it community in general. This is a magazine that studiously avoids any mention of the word or subject 'death,' so any recognition that there are bombs or death in the world. This is a magazine all about music, entertainment and publishing. This is a magazine published monthly that gives information on consumer products. This is a magazine you can order through your personal ministries secretary. This is a magazine updated monthly reviewing new cds, giving ccm charts, etc. as this is a magazine for and about women motorcyclists nothing of offense should be found. This is a magazine geared to men who like their women hefty, horny and big bodied. it makes sense really; This is a magazine about university. This is a magazine that people read who want to travel. This is a magazine ad that depicts the image of two overweight women grocery shopping. This is a magazine issued from 1961 till 1977 by the nihon kiin to promote go overseas. This is a magazine-style web page for the various versions of our armed forces (including the coast guard). This is a magazine that follows the online learning industry. This is a magazine with deep articles. This is a magazine targeting professional and technical interested pc-users. This is a magazine covering contemporary christian music. This is a magazine about video games. oh yes, we've covered the small independents, too, and we always will, because This is a magazine for the whole rental industry. This is a magazine devoted solely to the chess activities of devon players. This is a magazine formatted web site. This is a magazine for stories of downsizing, stupidity, sexual harassment and all the delights of the modern workplace. This is a magazine that comes once a month and consists of a lot of modern topics. This is a magazine site offering you all the latest advise, gossip and tickets to popular events. basically, This is a magazine about the music my writers and i like. This is a magazine unlike most - saturated with opinion and controversy it covers the british music scene and youth culture. This is a magazine that will encourage ladies in femininity rather than feminism. I realize this is a magazine, but the resources are there. This is a magazine for young people; especially students. This is a magazine that goes deep. This is a magazine style site with issues coming out every three months. This is a magazine written by phil porter, writer of smashed eggs and full of information. we're not here to "take away" your voice - this is a magazine by and for adult webmasters. This is a magazine for the practicing fiddler. This is a magazine that poses a difficulty for me from the start. This is a magazine that speaks with the intimacy of a trusted friend and the faithfulness of a trusted priest. This is a magazine focusing on holistic health, personal growth and environmental awareness. This is a magazine is awesome!

videophiles, not digital audio engineers. This is a magazine about science. This is a magazine ad I created for my commercial art class. This is a magazine for those who love and practice photography, whether it be for a livelihood, personal fulfillment, or just for fun. This is a magazine well worth receiving. This is a magazine which is maintained by Jakob who is, I think, "related" to APEXSC (see above). This is a magazine dedicated to girls and their dreams, ages 8-14. This is a magazine based on reality and not some false utopia where people live in peace and harmony and everyone lives by your narrow-minded opinion. Not for the faint of heart, this is a magazine that specializes in the very ADULT side of Dallas and Ft. Worth. This is a magazine for parents and children on the Worldwide Web. This is a magazine you listen to. This is a magazine, not a book. I regret to say that this is a magazine market that has become totally saturated. This is a magazine written for girls by girls! This is a magazine that specializes in cult films, most notably US sci-fi and European horror. This is a magazine that attracts high income active men and women. This is a magazine for school administrators. This is a magazine and also a pay site: they are the biggest HYPOCRITES on the web. This is a magazine about Holstiens. This is a magazine for every teenager in every youth group. This is a magazine which is not exactly well-known for top-notch journalism, and yet it made the proper call. OK, as most of you probably already know, this is a magazine you can find at your local bookstore or what not. This is a magazine index for the National Geographic magazine. This is a magazine which answers questions on refugees and includes a Forward by the Minister of Home Affairs Dr M. Buthelezi. This is a magazine page introducing information about print-friends and the Prinet. If this is a magazine article we don't have, and you are a University of Montana student, it's very possible we can get a copy of the article faxed in. This is a magazine for the skilled solder slinger…with a big plus. This is a magazine, the title of which actually stands for Atari Newsletter And a Lot Of Games. This is a magazine that emulates an actual printed periodical in full color, giving the feel of walking into a gallery, a museum, a wonderful study. This is a magazine for genealogists out of Utah, currently celebrating its 50th year of publishing. Since this is a magazine primarily written to publish information about universities and university life to freshers, we need to include descriptions. We don't have that intention mainly because this is a magazine devoted to Chinese language literature lovers, who live outside China. This is a magazine cover. This is a magazine produced by Coloplast UK, which features rather interesting pictures of the above mentioned problems. This is a magazine NOT to be missed! This is a magazine questionnaire from FHM. This is a magazine of a group of gay South Asians in North America. This is a magazine featuring art, poetry, and a compilation CDR. This is a magazine reporter from Tokyo. This is a magazine for church leaders and parents. If you have an interest in the digital library, this is a magazine that you MUST read and check frequently. This is a magazine written by teens, for teens. This is a magazine ad for the Baryshnikov Dance Collection. This is a magazine that praises the Ku Klux Klan and attacks Abraham Lincoln for "the sinister Emancipation Proclamation” — an invitation to the slaves to rise. This is a magazine that is inserted in THE major daily newspaper published in Rome. This is a magazine which is issued alternate months commencing January each year, and at the end of two years is available. Version 2 av This is a Magazine™ är ute. This is a magazine that is "for kids, by kids." This is a magazine for people who apparently wallow in it. This is a magazine about Dr. Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement. This is a magazine about DD, DTS and DVD audio-video. This is a magazine about ferrets. This is a magazine about managing and servicing property and facilities and can involve consultancy services, real estate services. This is a magazine that makes our members proud, and it simultaneously attracts non-members to our fold. This is a magazine looking for bands with a web presence. This is a Magazine with lots of info. This is a magazine that is given out with every purchase from 'FREE' music stores in Holland only. This is a magazine page for introducing information about print-friends and the Prinet. This is a magazine for DSP system developers. This is a magazine for vitamin retailers. This is a magazine shared with the city's other universities, Liverpool and Liverpool Hope. This is a magazine showing some amazing artwork. Yes this is a magazine from America. This is a magazine not only read by home and garden design enthusiasts, but for decision makers in their respective industries who are looking for impact. This is a magazine by A&M-Corpus Christi students in the Technical and Professional Writing minor in cooperation. This Is A Magazine - knowingly pretentious cool design. Consumer response has been fantastic—this is a magazine busy working women have been waiting for. This is a magazine site. This is a magazine that has drawn on writers from different perspectives and intends to reach muslims everywhere. This is a magazine for all model horse collectors. This is a magazine of Telugus. While this is a magazine I don’t regularly buy. This is a magazine devoted to horses...exclusively produced online and available free only to Internet users. This is a magazine available to members of the Adventure Cycling Association. This is a magazine of esoteric philosophy presenting the principles of the Ageless Wisdom teaching as a contemporary way of life. This is a magazine dedicated to used motorcycles, ATV's, jet skis, and wave runners. This is a magazine on education for elementary through high school educators. This is a magazine is definitely worth a click-through. This is a Magazine of Motor Topics for the Vintage Chevrolet historian. This is a magazine spread that featured the entry. This is a magazine about...well, remodeling. This is a magazine for discussion and information. This is a magazine dedicated to Diners and the likes. This is a magazine about hackers (very old thing!). This is a magazine you must subscribe to. This is a magazine dedicated to teenage women. This is a magazine that comes out six times a year. This is a magazine and web site company that is dedicated to the upliftment of today's African and African American college. This is a magazine online dedicated to those who have been "touched by adoption". This is a magazine ad for the above project. This is a magazine cover done in Photoshop, a play on the popular CatFancy and DogFancy magazines. This is a magazine published by the Danish School Library Association. This is a magazine highly recommend for your fashion needs, music needs and intelligent articles. This is a magazine which contains interviews with the stars of the film, and those that have worked on the film. This is a magazine -- or "netzine" -- or something. This is a magazine produced by St Paul's College every year. This is a magazine article that was first published in the Daily Northwestern of May 13, 1991 and then published on the web. Nevertheless, this is a magazine seemingly `plugged in' to the world city network, located to report on our new `global- ising' world. This is a magazine spawned round a massive classified list. Formerly Infotrac, this is a magazine, journal and newspaper full-text database for information on current events, arts, government. This is a magazine not only important for the attendees of the conference, but as a reference tool for all of those interested in the resource industry. This is a magazine site offering reports on doing business in Mexico. This is a magazine whose contents consist of “how to” tutorials, helpful tips, special offers, informative articles, and ClarisWorks news. This is a magazine for dog owners. This is a magazine from England we have been selling for years. This is a magazine that deals with Christian Evidences and Faith. This is a magazine guide, unbiased and probably unique, to the world's premier golf resorts and family holiday venues. This is a magazine on-line. Nevertheless, this is a magazine seemingly `plugged in' to the world city network, located to report on our new `global- ising' world. This is a magazine about wildlife rehabilitation. This is a magazine with an entirely new visual language for this genre. Note: this is a magazine, not a peer reviewed journal, but it is still a periodical. This is a magazine dedicated to Access/VBA. Since this is a magazine by students, it is hoped it will reflect the diverse culture of Missouri Valley College. This is a magazine & web site which will blow your mind! This is a magazine ad from the 1950's showing photos of Betsy in several outfits -- the blue pin dot Schoolgirl dress. This is a magazine about Latin. This is a magazine that's geared toward women, and one that we feel is unique in its approach toward giving information on products for shopping. Remember sweetie, this is a magazine column and cannot answer all your needs. This is a magazine from the UK authorized to shock, gross-out, and otherwise make your day seem less unusual. We have to remind ourselves that this is a magazine-selling exercise, and not a valid research exercise. This is a magazine with lots of info and history concerning microbroadcasting, net, and pirate radio. This is a magazine that will put the rest in the shade. As this is a magazine, outlay and neatness will also be taken into account when deciding you grade: neatness and outlay will be taken into account. After all, this is a magazine for Windows Users. Note: This is a magazine, but the only publication information available from the web site was the date of the issue. Well, this is a magazine, so it must be time we do that. This is a magazine rich in information. This is a magazine that always gets confused with Margaret. This is a magazine about mainly Milano and Italy. This is a magazine for people truly passionate about their music – published by people who share that passion. This is a magazine Script from Nihongo Journal. This is a magazine published quarterly targeting the students who have an interest of computer science and the IT community in general. This is a magazine that studiously avoids any mention of the word or subject 'death,' so any recognition that there are bombs or death in the world. This is a magazine all about music, entertainment and publishing. This is a magazine published monthly that gives information on consumer products. This is a magazine you can order through your Personal Ministries secretary. This is a magazine updated monthly reviewing new CDs, giving CCM charts, etc. As this is a magazine for and about women motorcyclists nothing of offense should be found. This is a magazine geared to men who like their women hefty, horny and big bodied. It makes sense really; this is a magazine about university. This is a magazine that people read who want to travel. This is a magazine ad that depicts the image of two overweight women grocery shopping. This is a magazine issued from 1961 till 1977 by the Nihon Kiin to promote going overseas. This is a magazine-style Web page for the various versions of our armed forces (including the Coast Guard). This is a magazine that follows the online learning industry. This is a magazine with deep articles. This is a magazine targeting professional and technical interested PC-users. This is a magazine covering contemporary Christian music. This is a magazine about video games. Oh yes, we've covered the small independents, too, and we always will, because this is a magazine for the whole rental industry. This is a magazine devoted solely to the chess activities of Devon players. This is a magazine formatted web site. This is a magazine for stories of downsizing, stupidity, sexual harassment and all the delights of the modern workplace. This is a magazine that comes once a month and consists of a lot of modern topics. This is a magazine site offering you all the latest advise, gossip and tickets to popular events. Basically, this is a magazine about the music my writers and I like. This is a magazine unlike most - saturated with opinion and controversy it covers the British music scene and youth culture. This is a magazine that will encourage ladies in femininity rather than feminism. I realize this is a magazine, but the resources are there. This is a magazine for young people; especially students. This is a magazine that goes deep. This is a magazine style site with issues coming out every three months. This is a magazine written by Phil Porter, writer of Smashed Eggs and full of information. We're not here to "take away" your voice - this is a magazine by and for adult webmasters. This is a magazine for the practicing fiddler. This is a magazine that poses a difficulty for me from the start. This is a magazine that speaks with the intimacy of a trusted friend and the faithfulness of a trusted priest. This is a magazine focusing on holistic health, personal growth and environmental awareness . This is a Magazine is awesome! in particular, since this is a magazine column, tentatively about writing, i want to focus on horror, and fantasy, as they have been, might be--on publishing. This is a magazine newstand displaying hundred of titles. This is a magazine for dancers of rock'n'roll, rockabilly, slow swing, jitterbug... heck it's for everyone. This is a magazine without a masthead. to be more knowledgeable about business in alberta, this is a magazine you should look at occasionally. In addition, if you'd rather leave the writing to us, then tell us what you'd like to see - this is a magazine for you afterall! This is a magazine for you to explore! This is a magazine written by and for kids. This is a magazine research company which analyses market demand prior to a magazine's launch. This is a magazine that i am the broadcast editor of, covering the arts in the bristol bath area. This is a magazine-style program that deals with a variety of health and household issues. This is a magazine photo, taken from a 1993 magazine, which features sean connery. This is a magazine about change—a magazine about forces that can't entirely be controlled, predicted or explained. This is a magazine article written by ronald reagan five years after he came to hollywood to pursue his acting career. This is a magazine that barbara assures us is filled. This is a magazine dedicated to those of you who desperately want to. This is a magazine that covers comics. This is a magazine about dd, dts and dvd audio-video. This is a magazine production course whose final product is the school memory book. This is a magazine for thema samples. This is a magazine, but the only publication information available was the date of the issue. This is a magazine about british life and what we britons do for fun. This is a magazine, it is a good read...very nice imagery. some great illustration too. This is a magazine wow. of course, This is a magazine that celebrates "mock traditional" decor, and it could be considered slightly mocking of the marshfield tradition. This is a magazine, from the united states, that targets the bear and leather community. This is a magazine spread done in the style of charles s. anderson design co. This is a magazine for the wrongly convicted. this is "a magazine of ideas". But this is a magazine about saltwater sportfishing and one can not deny that more and more fishermen are moving to the twin hull designs for their fishing. This is a magazine for owners who have a real relationship with their dogs, and want to know more about how to provide them with the best. After all, this is a magazine about lotus notes and domino by notes and domino experts. This is a magazine which was available on the annapurna circuit at in 1997. This is a magazine published daily at airshows around the world. This is a magazine cover that the band performed in their fall 2000 tour. This is a magazine alert! remember, this is a magazine that needs to appeal to the public! This is a magazine that is published in the netherlands. This is a magazine-size, no-color book that nevertheless entertains as it informs, thanks to a reader-friendly format that divides the lively, often humorous. This is a magazine devoted to the natural beauty and strength of women surrounded by the majestic scenery of western canada. This is a magazine about what women need to know! This is a magazine featuring the area around dogubeyzit, turkey. This is a magazine fed, fully-automatic.30 cal.gun. This is a magazine rich with historical information. This is a magazine that breaks down the barriers. This is a magazine that many radio stations subscribe to. lucky for me, this is a magazine based mostly on opinions, so here are some of mine on the subject. This is a magazine article index and full text database. This is a magazine for repair shops, car dealers, tire dealers, tool and equipment distributors and other vehicle-repair. This is a magazine about "higher things". This is a magazine that you and your staff have created in good faith and i thank you for it. as already explained this is a magazine covering all aspects of woodworking and in this issue we have articles on carving both the exotic and erotic, plus some. This is a magazine on education for elementary through high school educators. This is a magazine produced by the institution of fire engineers based in london. This is a magazine photo, taken from a 1989 magazine, which features chi chi rodriguez and is a very nice photo of the senior golf pro. This is a magazine on uechi ryu done by george mattson. Since this is a magazine featuring beautiful women of color obviously we are always looking for new models. This is a magazine for you out there. just a censoring note, this is a magazine written by ex-cons for reading by inmates. This is a magazine for italian cars only. This is a magazine with pictures of famous sports athletes. This is a magazine that comes from the heart of a pagan orientated family. This is a magazine about mobile communications. This is a magazine where you can learn how to make low-fat enchiladas, or read about jennifer lopez, who's playing selena in the upcoming movie. This is a magazine which contains several pieces and types of literature. This is a magazine site set up specifically for the windows powered pocket pc. This is a magazine for you. Its relationship with its readers makes it a one-of-a-kind media tool: this is a magazine that is read, recognized, appreciated. This is a magazine dedicated to grieving children and children in crisis. This is a magazine that can be left on dr's offices, knowing that it will be taken home and read by a potentially new radio hobbyist. This is a magazine published twice yearly by the union. This is a magazine spread done in quarkxpress. i want to make a "webzine" a la This is a magazine, a wonderful site that may showed me. This is a magazine aimed at educating ecuadorian youth on taboo topics such as homosexuality, aids, drugs, relationships, abuse and just about everything else. This is a magazine, it has words and pictures in it. This is a magazine all about the conference held in Washington DC on june 9-11 1994. This is a magazine for aviation-minded people. This is a magazine about pontiacs, so we'll not wax at length about slp's bowtie offerings, the camaro ss and the all-new chevy s-10 based supertruck. This is a magazine devoted to serving the gis industry. This is a magazine cut of what don's latest restoration, for a collector in west-central wi, looked like when it was new. This is a magazine for plus size girls' for health & clothes a great magazine! This is a magazine dedicated to high-tech music and equipment. This is a magazine put together by young people and hosted by the bbc information web site. Now this is a magazine - even if you aren't heading to steamy miami today - this online magazine can give you a little taste of miami. This is a magazine rather than a journal that combines information for students, teachers and schools. This is a magazine that had not supported the use of military force since world War II. This is a magazine written from a female perspective about females but written for both men and women. This is a magazine with low moral character. This is a magazine devoted to old glory miniatures. the fact is, regardless of its rather expensive production values, this is a magazine that would really only appeal to s&m/fetish/leather practitioners. This is a magazine section for focusing on ecotourism and sustainable development. This is a magazine about macintosh computers that also links to ziffnet and a search of all of their publications. the compiler’s comment: this is a magazine paper devoted to the outcomes of the same author’s travel to uk. This is a magazine analyses magazines, with art, photography and writings. This is a magazine sold by unemployed or homeless people who buy it for $1.00 and sell it to the public for $2.00. This is a magazine that is incredibly practical and useful in helping people get more from the time they spend on the internet. and third, this is a magazine and weblog about the online experience. This is a magazine devoted to small home businesses. This is a magazine of political, cultural, and literary ideas. This is a magazine for people concerned about attention to fine detail. This is a magazine which, for better or worse, speaks to our generation. This is a magazine about new york city but it has some great views of the statue of liberty. This is a magazine intended not just to entertain but to engage your child's brain. This is a magazine with photos and articles. The thing at the bottom says "guys and dolls" yeah this is a magazine. Nevertheless this is a magazine seemingly ‘plugged in’ to the world city network, located to report on our new ‘globalising’ world. This is a magazine improving all the time in design as well as content. This is a magazine which seems to be aimed primarily at adults who wish to pursue fitness through swimming or related aquatic activities, more often than not. This is a magazine with lots of great ideas and articles. This is a magazine layout for now magazine. This is a magazine for fans run by fan, and pretty soon i'll be crowding those snooty slicks off the newstands. This is a magazine for fish farmers in australia. This is a magazine for mothers with hearts in their home that has an emphasis on adoption! This is a magazine not just about computers or games, but both and overclocking and hardware and upgrading. This is a magazine run by christian academics for the study of the philosophy of religion. This is a magazine promoting learner centered perspectives. This is a magazine created by middle school kids in s. carolina many interesting things. check out some beautiful work at This is a magazine (via whatdoiknow). This is a magazine story: the words are written, moved around, e-mailed back and forth from author to editor for revisions, paired with the art, proofread. This is a magazine by fejj, the owner of the group once known as futureware. How can i tell if this is a magazine or journal? This is a magazine to read about "man" of interest in various music genres. This is a magazine for you and by you. This is a magazine produced in holland. as the title suggests, this is a magazine about the village, for the village. This is a magazine cover from the early days. This is a magazine seemingly aimed at rich old men who like to read about old stuff, aka armchair archaeologists. This is a magazine featuring many modified cars and a full feature and picture shoot of my car. This is a magazine for sharing experiences and fostering true sisterhood wherever and whenever we see it. check out the fresh and shiny new This is a magazine. This is a magazine edited by disabled youth from the mielnica foundation. Ok, this is a magazine for nail care professionals but i have a huge nail fetish myself and when i saw it at my salon, i was drooling. This is a magazine for church leaders and parents. This is a magazine that publishes demographic information. This is a magazine targeting adolescent girls. hivos supports literarte through its cultural fund because this is a magazine of high quality about contemporary art and culture in honduras. This is a magazine produced in march 1997. This is a magazine about women gunowners, and there are a hell of a lot of pro- gun politicians and lobbyists out there who don't really give a damn. This is a magazine that gives all the information you could ever ask for while in london. This is a magazine-style newsletter with short articles to cover a wider range of subjects appealing to a wide audience both within the faculty and outside. This is a magazine that awaits publication in english so that many more can enjoy. This is a magazine marketed to children. This is a magazine intended to be of interest primarily to those who run rôleplaying games. This is a magazine for serious students of postal stationery and postal history. This is a magazine ad for "comme des garcons shirts," a new brand launched by comme des garcons. This is a magazine wot you can't shred wiv yer claws. this is a magazine published by chris forbes. this is a magazine that is at the top in its industry. As this is a magazine article, presentation is also important. This is a magazine that you must see! it is filled with basic information that if you are just starting out, is a treasure trove of great tips and techniques. This is a magazine for macintosh diehards. This is a magazine published around four or five times a year. This is a magazine for those who cross the borders on sealed trains in the dead of night, for the scientists who work in unlicensed laboratories. This is a magazine reporter from tokyo. This is a magazine and newspaper index that searches by subject areas. This is a magazine poster featuring a great picture of udo and wolf playing at a festival. This is a magazine with a damn good reputation which concentrates on the industrial / experimental / avant garde scene. This is a magazine ad for greater milwaukee open, the illustration is a heightened drawing. This is a magazine with money behind it, in the form of emap publications. This is a magazine, born in the experience of another culture and nurtured in the love for the children. published five times per year this is a magazine for finalists with helpful articles on the graduate job market and applying for jobs. This is a magazine article i found on rr's. This is a magazine subscription only. Since this is a magazine for christian musicians, my one admonition to them would be to be ready for their albums. This is a magazine that prints a weekly issue featuring music charts for many college radio stations in the us. This is a magazine for the experienced collector as well as those just starting out in the field of antique radio. This is a magazine aimed toward new york's broadway crowd: theater-goers, and theater insiders. This is a magazine, published every two months, aimed at street entertainers and other people. This is a magazine that gives many ideas on reading at home with your children. This is a magazine on aquatic plant management and is not directed at the hobbyist but is nonetheless interesting. This is a magazine always ready to make its readers think. Don't forget, this is a magazine for you all, so advertising, readers letters, jokes, your personal problems and whatever you can find or imagine. This is a magazine of ancient rome. This is a magazine, i assume, written by and aimed at women, and yet again it has failed to remind us that basically sheer hosiery hits the spot. This is a magazine database called supertom, which can be accessed only from school. This is a magazine for academic staff, speccially for education. This is a magazine website that has feature articles about careers, working, resumes. This is a magazine format custom publication which will include four 1⁄4 page. 4-color ads per page. This is a magazine for the nerds and geeks in our high schools. This is a magazine site that has information on tourism, business, commercial, centennial information, recretion, state, social studies and history. This is a magazine that deserves to be read more than once, a claim i would ordinarily not make for a publication in any field. This is a magazine that describes itself as down-to-earth and how-to. After all, this is a magazine for videophiles, not digital audio engineers. This is a magazine about science. This is a magazine ad i created for my commercial art class. This is a magazine for those who love and practice photography, whether it be for a livelihood, personal fulfillment, or just for fun. This is a magazine well worth receiving. This is a magazine which is maintained by jakob who is, i think, "related" to apexsc (see above). This is a magazine dedicated to girls and their dreams, ages 8-14. This is a magazine based on reality and not some false utopia where people live in peace and harmony and everyone lives by your narrow-minded opinion. not for the faint of heart, this is a magazine that specializes in the very adult side of dallas and ft. worth. This is a magazine for parents and children on the worldwide web. This is a magazine you listen to. This is a magazine, not a book. i regret to say that this is a magazine market that has become totally saturated. This is a magazine written for girls by girls! This is a magazine that specializes in cult films, most notably us sci-fi and european horror. This is a magazine that attracts high income active men and women. This is a magazine for school administrators. This is a magazine and also a pay site: they are the biggest hypocrites on the web. This is a magazine about holstiens. This is a magazine for every teenager in every youth group. This is a magazine which is not exactly well-known for top-notch journalism, and yet it made the proper call. ok, as most of you probably already know, this is a magazine you can find at your local bookstore or what not. This is a magazine index for the national geographic magazine. This is a magazine which answers questions on refugees and includes a forward by the minister of home affairs dr m. buthelezi. This is a magazine page introducing information about print-friends and the prinet. If this is a magazine article we don't have, and you are a university of montana student, it's very possible we can get a copy of the article faxed in. This is a magazine for the skilled solder slinger…with a big plus. this is a magazine, the title of which actually stands for atari newsletter and a lot of games. This is a magazine that emulates an actual printed periodical in full color, giving the feel of walking into a gallery, a museum, a wonderful study. This is a magazine for genealogists out of utah, currently celebrating its 50th year of publishing. Since This is a magazine primarily written to publish information about universities and university life to freshers, we need to include descriptions. we don't have that intention mainly because this is a magazine devoted to chinese language literature lovers, who live outside china. This is a magazine cover. This is a magazine produced by coloplast uk, which features rather interesting pictures of the above mentioned problems. This is a magazine not to be missed! This is a magazine questionnaire from fhm. This is a magazine of a group of gay south asians in north america. This is a magazine featuring art, poetry, and a compilation cdr. This is a magazine reporter from tokyo. This is a magazine for church leaders and parents. if you have an interest in the digital library, this is a magazine that you must read and check frequently. This is a magazine written by teens, for teens. This is a magazine ad for the baryshnikov dance collection. This is a magazine that praises the ku klux klan and attacks abraham lincoln for "the sinister emancipation proclamation” — an invitation to the slaves to rise. This is a magazine that is inserted in the major daily newspaper published in rome. This is a magazine which is issued alternate months commencing january each year, and at the end of two years is available. Version 2 av This is a magazine™ är ute. This is a magazine that is "for kids, by kids." This is a magazine for people who apparently wallow in it. This is a magazine about dr. martin luther king and the civil rights movement. This is a magazine about dd, dts and dvd audio-video. This is a magazine about ferrets. This is a magazine about managing and servicing property and facilities and can involve consultancy services, real estate services. This is a magazine that makes our members proud, and it simultaneously attracts non-members to our fold. This is a magazine looking for bands with a web presence. This is a magazine with lots of info. This is a magazine that is given out with every purchase from 'free' music stores in holland only. This is a magazine page for introducing information about print-friends and the prinet. This is a magazine for dsp system developers. This is a magazine for vitamin retailers. This is a magazine shared with the city's other universities, liverpool and liverpool hope. This is a magazine showing some amazing artwork. Yes this is a magazine from america. This is a magazine not only read by home and garden design enthusiasts, but for decision makers in their respective industries who are looking for impact. This is a magazine by a&m-corpus christi students in the technical and professional writing minor in cooperation. This is a magazine - knowingly pretentious cool design. consumer response has been fantastic—this is a magazine busy working women have been waiting for. This is a magazine site. This is a magazine that has drawn on writers from different perspectives and intends to reach muslims everywhere. This is a magazine for all model horse collectors. This is a magazine of telugus. While this is a magazine i don’t regularly buy. This is a magazine devoted to horses...exclusively produced online and available free only to internet users. This is a magazine available to members of the adventure cycling association. This is a magazine of esoteric philosophy presenting the principles of the ageless wisdom teaching as a contemporary way of life. This is a magazine dedicated to used motorcycles, atv's, jet skis, and wave runners. This is a magazine on education for elementary through high school educators. This is a magazine is definitely worth a click-through. This is a magazine of motor topics for the vintage chevrolet historian. This is a magazine spread that featured the ron tomasello\nick rescino entry. This is a magazine about...well, remodeling. This is a magazine for discussion and information. This is a magazine dedicated to diners and the likes. This is a magazine about hackers(very old thing!). This is a magazine you must subscribe to. This is a magazine dedicated to teenage women. This is a magazine that comes out six times a year. This is a magazine and web site company that is dedicated to the upliftment of today's african and african american college. This is a magazine online dedicated to those who have been "touched by adoption". This is a magazine ad for the above project. This is a magazine cover done in photoshop, a play on the popular catfancy and dogfancy magazines. This is a magazine published by the danish school library association. This is a magazine highly recommend for your fashion needs, music needs and intelligent articles. This is a magazine which contains interviews with the stars of the film, and those that have worked on the film. This is a magazine -- or "netzine" -- or something. This is a magazine produced by st paul's college every year. This is a magazine article that was first published in the daily northwestern of may 13, 1991 and then published on the web. nevertheless, this is a magazine seemingly `plugged in' to the world city network, located to report on our new `global- ising' world. This is a magazine spawned round a massive classified list. formerly infotrac, this is a magazine, journal and newspaper full-text database for information on current events, arts, government. This is a magazine not only important for the attendees of the conference, but as a reference tool for all of those interested in the resource industry. This is a magazine site offering reports on doing business in mexico. This is a magazine whose contents consist of “how to” tutorials, helpful tips, special offers, informative articles, and clarisworks news. This is a magazine for dog owners. This is a magazine from england we have been selling for years. This is a magazine that deals with christian evidences and faith. This is a magazine guide, unbiased and probably unique, to the world's premier golf resorts and family holiday venues. This is a magazine on-line. nevertheless, This is a magazine seemingly `plugged in' to the world city network, located to report on our new `global- ising' world. This is a magazine about wildlife rehabilitation. This is a magazine with an entirely new visual language for this genre. Note: This is a magazine, not a peer reviewed journal, but it is still a periodical. This is a magazine dedicated to access/vba. Since this is a magazine by students, it is hoped it will reflect the diverse culture of missouri valley college. This is a magazine & web site which will blow your mind! This is a magazine ad from the 1950's showing photos of betsy in several outfits -- the blue pin dot schoolgirl dress. This is a magazine about latin. This is a magazine that's geared toward women, and one that we feel is unique in its approach toward giving information on products for shopping. Remember sweetie, this is a magazine column and cannot answer all your needs. This is a magazine from the uk authorized to shock, gross-out, and otherwise make your day seem less unusual. We have to remind ourselves that this is a magazine-selling exercise, and not a valid research exercise. This is a magazine with lots of info and history concerning microbroadcasting, net, and pirate radio. This is a magazine that will put the rest in the shade. As this is a magazine, outlay and neatness will also be taken into account when deciding you grade: neatness and outlay will be taken into account. After all, this is a magazine for windows users. Note: this is a magazine, but the only publication information available from the web site was the date of the issue. Well, this is a magazine, so it must be time we do that. This is a magazine rich in information. This is a magazine that always gets confused with margaret. This is a magazine about mainly milano and italy. This is a magazine for people truly passionate about their music – published by people who share that passion. This is a magazine script from nihongo journal. This is a magazine published quarterly targeting the students who have an interest of computer science and the it community in general. This is a magazine that studiously avoids any mention of the word or subject 'death,' so any recognition that there are bombs or death in the world. This is a magazine all about music, entertainment and publishing. This is a magazine published monthly that gives information on consumer products. This is a magazine you can order through your personal ministries secretary. This is a magazine updated monthly reviewing new cds, giving ccm charts, etc. as this is a magazine for and about women motorcyclists nothing of offense should be found. This is a magazine geared to men who like their women hefty, horny and big bodied. it makes sense really; This is a magazine about university. This is a magazine that people read who want to travel. This is a magazine ad that depicts the image of two overweight women grocery shopping. This is a magazine issued from 1961 till 1977 by the nihon kiin to promote go overseas. This is a magazine-style web page for the various versions of our armed forces (including the coast guard). This is a magazine that follows the online learning industry. This is a magazine with deep articles. This is a magazine targeting professional and technical interested pc-users. This is a magazine covering contemporary christian music. This is a magazine about video games. oh yes, we've covered the small independents, too, and we always will, because This is a magazine for the whole rental industry. This is a magazine devoted solely to the chess activities of devon players. This is a magazine formatted web site. This is a magazine for stories of downsizing, stupidity, sexual harassment and all the delights of the modern workplace. This is a magazine that comes once a month and consists of a lot of modern topics. This is a magazine site offering you all the latest advise, gossip and tickets to popular events. basically, This is a magazine about the music my writers and i like. This is a magazine unlike most - saturated with opinion and controversy it covers the british music scene and youth culture. This is a magazine that will encourage ladies in femininity rather than feminism. I realize this is a magazine, but the resources are there. This is a magazine for young people; especially students. This is a magazine that goes deep. This is a magazine style site with issues coming out every three months. This is a magazine written by phil porter, writer of smashed eggs and full of information. we're not here to "take away" your voice - this is a magazine by and for adult webmasters. This is a magazine for the practicing fiddler. This is a magazine that poses a difficulty for me from the start. This is a magazine that speaks with the intimacy of a trusted friend and the faithfulness of a trusted priest. This is a magazine focusing on holistic health, personal growth and environmental awareness. This is a magazine is awesome!


This is a Magazine. It has words and pictures in it. Compendium #1. A reader’s companion to: Contributing Editors: Karen Ann Donnachie (photography) Andy Simionato (graphic art/illustration) Compendium contributors: Dr. Alderete Azisaka Koji BO130 Riccardo Boldorini Boogie Anthony Burrill Miguel Carvalhais Chiu Kwong Man Cesare Cicardini Paul Clark Yanick Dusseault GGT Takeshi Hamada Karen S. Ingram Anne Kelly Julia Krahn Lia Machine Tristan Manco Jethro Marshall Mexer Microbo Tucker Nichols David Pfluger Michael Spoljaric Yuuka Suyama Tatiana James Victore Wonder Wagon Document specifications: grid: 3 column grid font: Courier New printing: offset process printing photolithography: computer-to-plate trimsize: 230 mm x 290 mm (plus 3mm bleed) total pages: 200 perfect stitch binding (brochure) weight: 980g Paper types: a. PhoeniXmotion Xenon 115gm 2 b. Phoenix Imperial White Gloss 135gm2 c. PhoeniXmotion Xantic 115gm2 d. Phoenix Imperial (topside only gloss) 250gm2 all papers by Scheufelen. Headquarters: Viale Coni Zugna 4, Milano 20144 Italy tel. fax. +39.02433628 (CET)

love, the universe and everything...



This is a Magazine. It has words and pictures in it. Compendium #1. A reader’s companion to: Contributing Editors: Karen Ann Donnachie (photography) Andy Simionato (graphic art/illustration) Compendium contributors: Dr. Alderete Azisaka Koji BO130 Riccardo Boldorini Boogie Anthony Burrill Miguel Carvalhais Chiu Kwong Man Cesare Cicardini Paul Clark Yanick Dusseault GGT Takeshi Hamada Karen S. Ingram Anne Kelly Julia Krahn Lia Machine Tristan Manco Jethro Marshall Mexer Microbo Tucker Nichols David Pfluger Michael Spoljaric Yuuka Suyama Tatiana James Victore Wonder Wagon Document specifications: grid: 3 column grid font: Courier New printing: offset process printing photolithography: computer-to-plate trimsize: 230 mm x 290 mm (plus 3mm bleed) total pages: 200 perfect stitch binding (brochure) weight: 980g Paper types: a. PhoeniXmotion Xenon 115gm 2 b. Phoenix Imperial White Gloss 135gm2 c. PhoeniXmotion Xantic 115gm2 d. Phoenix Imperial (topside only gloss) 250gm2 all papers by Scheufelen. Headquarters: Viale Coni Zugna 4, Milano 20144 Italy tel. fax. +39.02433628 (CET)

love, the universe and everything...


Kiss and Makeup.

Illustration by Andy Simionato. Research by Giorgia Pambianchi.


Prepare to rock...


Kiss and Makeup.

Illustration by Andy Simionato. Research by Giorgia Pambianchi.


Prepare to rock...




















Key 4a. 4b. 5. 6. 8. 9a. 9b. 10. 12. 14. 15.

to illustrations (page numbers). Siouxsie and the Banshees Alex Harvey Band Arthur Brown Kiss Alice Cooper Freddie Mercury David Bowie New York Dolls Mina Skyhooks Roxy Music



Key 4a. 4b. 5. 6. 8. 9a. 9b. 10. 12. 14. 15.

to illustrations (page numbers). Siouxsie and the Banshees Alex Harvey Band Arthur Brown Kiss Alice Cooper Freddie Mercury David Bowie New York Dolls Mina Skyhooks Roxy Music










The rules of attraction.

Lia & Miguel.



The rules of attraction.

Lia & Miguel.
















Illustrations by Takeshi Hamada.




Illustrations by Takeshi Hamada.






Never enough.

Graphic art by Andy Simionato.


Your eyes tell lies.


one degree c+m+y

Never enough.

Graphic art by Andy Simionato.


Your eyes tell lies.


one degree c+m+y



one degree circle



one degree circle



3-way eclipse c-m-y

rain c-m-y



3-way eclipse c-m-y

rain c-m-y



Starry Eyes.

Photography by Karen ann Donnachie.

Model Carolin Woidt.

Makeup Miriam Langelotti.



Starry Eyes.

Photography by Karen ann Donnachie.

Model Carolin Woidt.

Makeup Miriam Langelotti.












7th Robot.

Illustrations by Dusso.









7th Robot.

Illustrations by Dusso.




















Glass Ball.

Illustration by Azisaka Koji.



Glass Ball.

Illustration by Azisaka Koji.









Imagine she’s a pretty nice girl, but she doesn’t have a lot to say.

54 55

Imagine she’s a pretty nice girl, but she doesn’t have a lot to say.

54 55


Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone,

Together. Together. Together. Together. Together. Together. Together. Together. Together. Together. Together.

Alone, Together. Alone, Together. Alone, Together.

Photography by Karen ann Donnachie.



Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone,

Together. Together. Together. Together. Together. Together. Together. Together. Together. Together. Together.

Alone, Together. Alone, Together. Alone, Together.

Photography by Karen ann Donnachie.
















Just enough for the city.

Photography by Karen ann Donnachie.



Just enough for the city.

Photography by Karen ann Donnachie.














Just like I pictured it.

Photography by Boogie.



Just like I pictured it.

Photography by Boogie.










and everything.





and everything.







Photo repro. by Centro dell’Immagine.



Photo repro. by Centro dell’Immagine.


Heavy Metal. Zeche Zollverein, Essen. Henrisch端tte, Hattingen. Stahlwerk, Duisburg.

Photography by Riccardo Boldorini.



Heavy Metal. Zeche Zollverein, Essen. Henrisch端tte, Hattingen. Stahlwerk, Duisburg.

Photography by Riccardo Boldorini.
















Photo repro. by Centro dell’Immagine.



Photo repro. by Centro dell’Immagine.


Happiness is a warm gun.



Photography by Karen ann Donnachie.


Happiness is a warm gun.



Photography by Karen ann Donnachie.







Model Stefanie Wilfling.

Makeup/Hair Ornella Riverditi.



Model Stefanie Wilfling.

Makeup/Hair Ornella Riverditi.



Feels like.

Illustration by Anne Kelly.



Feels like.

Illustration by Anne Kelly.



Mythen Monster.

Illustration by Mexer.



Mythen Monster.

Illustration by Mexer.

1. Can I buy you a drink or do you just want the money? (from David Pfluger’s Pickup-Lines)

102 103

Facing South. Photography by JJ Marshall.

1. Can I buy you a drink or do you just want the money? (from David Pfluger’s Pickup-Lines)

102 103

Facing South. Photography by JJ Marshall.



Victory Boy.

Designs by James Victore.



Victory Boy.

Designs by James Victore.


Love Story.

Illustration by Blixie.



Love Story.

Illustration by Blixie.












Stencil Nation.

Image collection by Tristan Manco.



Stencil Nation.

Image collection by Tristan Manco.



see key for artists.



see key for artists.



Tools of the Trade.

Stencils by BO130 and Microbo.



Tools of the Trade.

Stencils by BO130 and Microbo.









Key to stencils. 1. Space Invader by BO130, Milan (photo kad) 2. Vampire by Sniper, UK (photo Sniper) 3. Sid(anon) (photo T.Manco) 4a.b.c. Faces by Mircobo (photo kad) 5. Scumfuck(anon) Brighton, UK (photo Nylon) 6a.b. Bruce Lee by BO130 (photo kad) 7. Child by Nylon Bristol, UK (photo Nylon) 8. Nude(anon) Paris, France (photo T.Manco) 9a.b.c.d. Streetlamps (various artists) NYC, USA (photo D.McElwaine) 10. Dinosaur by Jeffrow, Bristol, UK




thanks to Tristan Manco, author of Stencil Art, by Thames & Hudson 2002.
















Key to stencils. 1. Space Invader by BO130, Milan (photo kad) 2. Vampire by Sniper, UK (photo Sniper) 3. Sid(anon) (photo T.Manco) 4a.b.c. Faces by Mircobo (photo kad) 5. Scumfuck(anon) Brighton, UK (photo Nylon) 6a.b. Bruce Lee by BO130 (photo kad) 7. Child by Nylon Bristol, UK (photo Nylon) 8. Nude(anon) Paris, France (photo T.Manco) 9a.b.c.d. Streetlamps (various artists) NYC, USA (photo D.McElwaine) 10. Dinosaur by Jeffrow, Bristol, UK




thanks to Tristan Manco, author of Stencil Art, by Thames & Hudson 2002.














Candy Man.

Illustration by Anthony Burrill.



Candy Man.

Illustration by Anthony Burrill.











Dark Star.

Photography by Karen ann Donnachie.



Dark Star.

Photography by Karen ann Donnachie.



Vest and pants by Giuliano Fujiwara. Belt by Officina Vagante. T-shirt by Alessandro de Benedetti.



Vest and pants by Giuliano Fujiwara. Belt by Officina Vagante. T-shirt by Alessandro de Benedetti.



Dress by Alessandro de Benedetti.

T-shirt by Malcolm Mc Innes. Boots photographer’s own.



Dress by Alessandro de Benedetti.

T-shirt by Malcolm Mc Innes. Boots photographer’s own.



Striped t-shirt by Giuliano Fujiwara. Vest by Officina Vagante.



Striped t-shirt by Giuliano Fujiwara. Vest by Officina Vagante.


Dress and belt Officina Vagante.

Model Annela Tommer. Hair & Makeup Ornella Riverditi.


Dress and belt Officina Vagante.

Model Annela Tommer. Hair & Makeup Ornella Riverditi.

2. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again? from David Pfluger’s Pickup lines


I love robot. Streetart by Tatiana. 139

Robotype. Street art by Tatiana

2. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again? from David Pfluger’s Pickup lines


I love robot. Streetart by Tatiana. 139

Robotype. Street art by Tatiana

3. Well here I am, what were your other two wishes?

140 141

Tribute. Illustration by Andy Simionato.

3. Well here I am, what were your other two wishes?

140 141

Tribute. Illustration by Andy Simionato.








Artwork by Tucker Nichols.




Artwork by Tucker Nichols.



Photography by Julia Krahn.




Photography by Julia Krahn.




Fleur de lis.

Illustration by Karen S. Ingram.



Fleur de lis.

Illustration by Karen S. Ingram.







Futura Bold. The Soldier and the Princess.

Photography by Karen ann Donnachie.



Futura Bold. The Soldier and the Princess.

Photography by Karen ann Donnachie.





Paul Renner – born 9.8.1878 in Wernigerode, Germany, died 25.4.1956 in HÜdingen, Germany – graphic artist, painter, type designer, author, teacher. Designer Futura (1928)

156 157

Paul Renner – born 9.8.1878 in Wernigerode, Germany, died 25.4.1956 in HÜdingen, Germany – graphic artist, painter, type designer, author, teacher. Designer Futura (1928)

156 157



Model Anna Fox. Styling Simone Guidarelli. Hair Gabriele Trezzi. Makeup Giorgia Pambianchi. Special thanks to Malcolm Mc Innes also Cosetta Colla Collection for the vintage marionettes.



Model Anna Fox. Styling Simone Guidarelli. Hair Gabriele Trezzi. Makeup Giorgia Pambianchi. Special thanks to Malcolm Mc Innes also Cosetta Colla Collection for the vintage marionettes.


Don’t take more than you give.


The Moral Circus (is back in town).

Illustration by Chiu Kwong Man.


Don’t take more than you give.


The Moral Circus (is back in town).

Illustration by Chiu Kwong Man.












Illustration by Wonder Wagon.




Illustration by Wonder Wagon.


Soft Core.

Illustration by Andy Simionato.



Soft Core.

Illustration by Andy Simionato.








Cut it out.

DĂŠcoupage by Andy Simionato.



Cut it out.

DĂŠcoupage by Andy Simionato.








Photography by Cesare Cicardini.




Photography by Cesare Cicardini.











War on War.

Illustration by Machine.



War on War.

Illustration by Machine.














Red and Blue.

Place lens over left eye. Place lens over right eye. Viewing glasses not included.

3d Illustration by Dr. Alderete.



Red and Blue.

Place lens over left eye. Place lens over right eye. Viewing glasses not included.

3d Illustration by Dr. Alderete.








Breathe in.

Photography by Karen ann Donnachie.

Model Rachel Mains.



Breathe in.

Photography by Karen ann Donnachie.

Model Rachel Mains.



Breathe out.

thanks to Luciana Zuffi.



Breathe out.

thanks to Luciana Zuffi.



Dr. Alderete (a.k.a. Jorge Alderete) Comic creator from Argentina, working in Spain.

Karen ann Donnachie Photographer from Australia, working in Milan, Italy.

Azisaka Koji Illustrator from Japan working in Belgium.

Yanick Dusseault (a.k.a. Dusso) Matte Artist from California, working in Wellington, New Zealand.

BO130 Stencil Artist, Milan, Italy.

GGT Street artist, Milan, Italy.

Riccardo Boldorini Photographer, Milan, Italy. Boogie Photographer from Belgrad, working in Brooklyn, NY, USA. Anthony Burrill (a.k.a. Bless the Artist) Illustrator, London, UK. Miguel Carvalhais Artist, Portugal. Chiu Kwong Man Illustrator from Hong Kong, working in Birmingham, UK. Cesare Cicardini Photographer, Milan, Italy. Paul Clark (a.k.a. Blixie) Illustrator, Brooklyn, USA.

Issues 1 through 4. Love, the Universe + Everything.


Pierluigi Longo Illustrator, Milan, Italy

Yuuka Suyama Illustrator, Tokyo, Japan.

Machine Design collective, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Tatiana Street Artist, Milan, Italy.

Tristan Manco Graphic designer, Bristol, UK.

James Victore Graphic artist, poster designer NYC, USA.

Jethro Marshall Photographer, London, UK.

Wonder Wagon Web artists, San Francisco, USA.

Takeshi Hamada (a.k.a. 617) Illustrator & designer, Tokyo, Japan.

Mexer (a.k.a. Mexico) Illustrator, Düsseldorf, Germany.

Flash programming & animation by MK1785

Karen S. Ingram Illustrator, Brooklyn, USA.

Microbo web: Stencil Arist, Milan, Italy.

Andrew Johnstone Illustrator & designer, Sydney, Australia.

Tucker Nichols Artist, Mill Valley, California USA.

Anne Kelly Illustrator, Los Angeles, USA.

Ignazio Pacces Writer, Milan, Italy

Stefan Gruber Animation artist. Seattle, Usa.

Julia Krahn Photographer from Germany, working in Milan. Simone Legno (a.k.a. Tokidoki) Illustrator & web artist, Milan, Italy. Lia Animation artist, Vienna, Austria.

Andy Simionato Illustrator & Graphic Designer from Australia, working in Milan, Italy. Michael Spoljaric Designer, New York City, USA. Sven Steuber Font designer. Berlin, Germany.

Models: <Starry Eyes> Carolin Woidt @ Tomei Future <Futura Bold> Anna Fox @ Tomei Future <Breathe In> Rachel Mains @ Beatrice Models <Shoot> Stefanie Wilfling @ Beatrice Models <Dark Star> Annela Tommer @ Look Now! Styling: <Futura Bold> Simone Guidarelli <Breathe In> Paola Tamburelli @ Greenapple Hair & Makeup: <Starry Eyes> Miriam Langelotti @ Greenapple <Futura Bold> Gabriele Trezzi (hair) & Giorgia Pambianchi (makeup) @ Closeup <Shoot> & <Dark Star> Ornella Riverditi @ Freelancer Thankyou to these designers & PR Offices: Luciana Zuffi Malcolm McInnes Officina Vagante Giuliano Fujiwara Alessandro de Benedetti Maximillian Linz <>

Special thanks: the Biondani family, Lucia, Armando, Manuele and Claudio, Patrick Bierther (Heavy Metal), Terry, Joe & Claudia, Paola Zanella, Antonio Malgioglio, Renato Cazzaniga, Roberto, EMMECI Service, Priya Bhatnaga, Massimo Gamba, Daniela Birondi, Valente Serra, Marika, Luca and Paolo Guidi, Maurizio Ruggero, Maurizio Denisi, Melissa and Matteo (thankyou for the cake), Shane Schneck, Boiler Magazine, Creative Review, Urban Magazine, Barazoku Collection, Libreria Menabò (milan) <>, habu, Womble, Stefania Colla, Teatro delle Marionette <> Rojo Magazine, Homer Cusic, Andrea Losavio, Cristina Magnaghi, the repair team at MindsatWork (for resuscitating our HD), Jasper (Shift magazine), Neomu Magazine, Flux magazine (Toronto), Jonas&An (Magazien), Gerard Smurthwaite. All material Copyright 2002 This is a Magazine. The entire contents of and This is a Magazine Compendium, including logotype, graphics, photography and text, are fully protected by copyright and registry and cannot be reproduced in any form for any purpose without prior written permission from This is a Magazine. The individual contributors have claimed copyright ownership and all liabilities for the material published. Frequency: thrice yearly Compendium #1: 1500 copies Advertising: 0% of total pages Online readership Issues 1 to 4 total downloads: 120,000 Distribution: For dealer inquiries please contact This is a Magazine at tel.fax. +39.02433628 (CET)

Printers: grafiche abi2ue s.r.l. Viale Italia 74/76 Sesto S.Giovanni (MI) 20099 tel. +39.022428351 fax. +39.022400915 Paper manufacturers: Papierfabrik Scheufelen GmbH + Co. KG Scheufelen Italia S.r.l. Via Manzoni 35, Monza (MI) 20052 tel. +39.0392326858 fax. +39.0392304438 Platemakers: Emmeci Service s.r.l. Via Don Claudio Speziali 16, Usmate Velate (MI) 20040 Scanning and reproduction: for <Just like I pictured it>, <Heavy Metal> and <Interiors> by Centro dell’Immagine, specialists in Giclée Art reproductions, Via California 7, Milan. tel. +39.02461423 fax. +39.024692072 & Graphic design: andy simionato Notes: This is a Magazine is created on an inexistent budget, by a tiny team of creatives cooking graphic stunts up most of their waking hours, it would not exist without the support of a large network of friends, colleagues and family, nor would we go very far without our subscribers and all the fine people out there that have plugged the magazine through their own independent zines, web-portals and newsletters. To all of these people thankyou, This is your magazine. k+a



Dr. Alderete (a.k.a. Jorge Alderete) Comic creator from Argentina, working in Spain.

Karen ann Donnachie Photographer from Australia, working in Milan, Italy.

Azisaka Koji Illustrator from Japan working in Belgium.

Yanick Dusseault (a.k.a. Dusso) Matte Artist from California, working in Wellington, New Zealand.

BO130 Stencil Artist, Milan, Italy.

GGT Street artist, Milan, Italy.

Riccardo Boldorini Photographer, Milan, Italy. Boogie Photographer from Belgrad, working in Brooklyn, NY, USA. Anthony Burrill (a.k.a. Bless the Artist) Illustrator, London, UK. Miguel Carvalhais Artist, Portugal. Chiu Kwong Man Illustrator from Hong Kong, working in Birmingham, UK. Cesare Cicardini Photographer, Milan, Italy. Paul Clark (a.k.a. Blixie) Illustrator, Brooklyn, USA.

Issues 1 through 4. Love, the Universe + Everything.


Pierluigi Longo Illustrator, Milan, Italy

Yuuka Suyama Illustrator, Tokyo, Japan.

Machine Design collective, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Tatiana Street Artist, Milan, Italy.

Tristan Manco Graphic designer, Bristol, UK.

James Victore Graphic artist, poster designer NYC, USA.

Jethro Marshall Photographer, London, UK.

Wonder Wagon Web artists, San Francisco, USA.

Takeshi Hamada (a.k.a. 617) Illustrator & designer, Tokyo, Japan.

Mexer (a.k.a. Mexico) Illustrator, Düsseldorf, Germany.

Flash programming & animation by MK1785

Karen S. Ingram Illustrator, Brooklyn, USA.

Microbo web: Stencil Arist, Milan, Italy.

Andrew Johnstone Illustrator & designer, Sydney, Australia.

Tucker Nichols Artist, Mill Valley, California USA.

Anne Kelly Illustrator, Los Angeles, USA.

Ignazio Pacces Writer, Milan, Italy

Stefan Gruber Animation artist. Seattle, Usa.

Julia Krahn Photographer from Germany, working in Milan. Simone Legno (a.k.a. Tokidoki) Illustrator & web artist, Milan, Italy. Lia Animation artist, Vienna, Austria.

Andy Simionato Illustrator & Graphic Designer from Australia, working in Milan, Italy. Michael Spoljaric Designer, New York City, USA. Sven Steuber Font designer. Berlin, Germany.

Models: <Starry Eyes> Carolin Woidt @ Tomei Future <Futura Bold> Anna Fox @ Tomei Future <Breathe In> Rachel Mains @ Beatrice Models <Shoot> Stefanie Wilfling @ Beatrice Models <Dark Star> Annela Tommer @ Look Now! Styling: <Futura Bold> Simone Guidarelli <Breathe In> Paola Tamburelli @ Greenapple Hair & Makeup: <Starry Eyes> Miriam Langelotti @ Greenapple <Futura Bold> Gabriele Trezzi (hair) & Giorgia Pambianchi (makeup) @ Closeup <Shoot> & <Dark Star> Ornella Riverditi @ Freelancer Thankyou to these designers & PR Offices: Luciana Zuffi Malcolm McInnes Officina Vagante Giuliano Fujiwara Alessandro de Benedetti Maximillian Linz <>

Special thanks: the Biondani family, Lucia, Armando, Manuele and Claudio, Patrick Bierther (Heavy Metal), Terry, Joe & Claudia, Paola Zanella, Antonio Malgioglio, Renato Cazzaniga, Roberto, EMMECI Service, Priya Bhatnaga, Massimo Gamba, Daniela Birondi, Valente Serra, Marika, Luca and Paolo Guidi, Maurizio Ruggero, Maurizio Denisi, Melissa and Matteo (thankyou for the cake), Shane Schneck, Boiler Magazine, Creative Review, Urban Magazine, Barazoku Collection, Libreria Menabò (milan) <>, habu, Womble, Stefania Colla, Teatro delle Marionette <> Rojo Magazine, Homer Cusic, Andrea Losavio, Cristina Magnaghi, the repair team at MindsatWork (for resuscitating our HD), Jasper (Shift magazine), Neomu Magazine, Flux magazine (Toronto), Jonas&An (Magazien), Gerard Smurthwaite. All material Copyright 2002 This is a Magazine. The entire contents of and This is a Magazine Compendium, including logotype, graphics, photography and text, are fully protected by copyright and registry and cannot be reproduced in any form for any purpose without prior written permission from This is a Magazine. The individual contributors have claimed copyright ownership and all liabilities for the material published. Frequency: thrice yearly Compendium #1: 1500 copies Advertising: 0% of total pages Online readership Issues 1 to 4 total downloads: 120,000 Distribution: For dealer inquiries please contact This is a Magazine at tel.fax. +39.02433628 (CET)

Printers: grafiche abi2ue s.r.l. Viale Italia 74/76 Sesto S.Giovanni (MI) 20099 tel. +39.022428351 fax. +39.022400915 Paper manufacturers: Papierfabrik Scheufelen GmbH + Co. KG Scheufelen Italia S.r.l. Via Manzoni 35, Monza (MI) 20052 tel. +39.0392326858 fax. +39.0392304438 Platemakers: Emmeci Service s.r.l. Via Don Claudio Speziali 16, Usmate Velate (MI) 20040 Scanning and reproduction: for <Just like I pictured it>, <Heavy Metal> and <Interiors> by Centro dell’Immagine, specialists in Giclée Art reproductions, Via California 7, Milan. tel. +39.02461423 fax. +39.024692072 & Graphic design: andy simionato Notes: This is a Magazine is created on an inexistent budget, by a tiny team of creatives cooking graphic stunts up most of their waking hours, it would not exist without the support of a large network of friends, colleagues and family, nor would we go very far without our subscribers and all the fine people out there that have plugged the magazine through their own independent zines, web-portals and newsletters. To all of these people thankyou, This is your magazine. k+a

Thanks to:

Papierfabrik Scheufelen GmbH + Co.KG Scheufelen, makers of Premium coated papers, have contributed in kind towards the realization of This is a Magazine. We would like to thank the Scheufelen group for their support and dedication to the experimental visual arts.

grafiche abi2ue s.r.l. Milano, Italy Press and Prepress specialists. Grafiche abi2ue are valuable partners in our adventure, we wish to extend our gratitude for their support, patience and skill.

This is a Magazine. Compendium #1. ISSN 1721-4904 Printed in Milan, Italy, October 2002. This Compendium is the first in a series of independently published catalogs created as a reader’s companion to the online experimental art project (ISSN 1721-4467). Some works have necessarily been re-interpreted for print. We intend to print 3 compendia per year.

Stick a fork in their ass and turn them over. They’re done. (Lou Reed)


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