This Life - Switzerland (July/August 2015)

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July/August 2015



Kitaclub Switzerlands Best Day Care Directory

Seizure Support Medical Marijuana

Real Food Make the Transition July/August 2015



Con t e n ts

2 Contents

3 Editor’s Note

This Life 4 Talking with Teens: Enabling VS Empowering


5 EpiDogs for Kids with Epilepsy 6 The New Kitaclub 8 This Life, Real Life: Seizing The Moment 9 This Little Life

This Health 10 Review: The Raw Exprience 11 Transitioning to Real Food 12 Gluten Free Gluttony


This Style 13 Stickerella

This Entertaining 14 Seasonal Sweet: One of a Kind Cakes 16 Miso Cute Cooking: Grandma’s Thursday Meal


18 Diary of a Party-a-holic

What To Do 19 Children Learn Best When They Are Having Fun 20 Cognitive and Motor Development in Children 22 Never Growing Up 23 Crafts for Kids: Forever Blowing Bubbles 24 Awesome Achievements

ThisLife 2



This Life - New Look!


Welcome to the NEW LOOK of This Life magazine! We wanted to bring you something a little different for the July/August edition - something fresh, new and exciting. We really hope you like what we have done with the magazine

Inspiring People with Children If you or someone you know has a great This Life story that you think should be told, please email us at .

and are eagerly awaiting your feedback! Along with our new look you may have guessed we have a new team, who will be sharing even more exciting stories and ideas with you.

This Life magazine is an independently owned magazine. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced or reprinted, we require prior permission be obtained in writing.

So what do we have in store for you this month? We will be looking at Real Food options for your family, challenging what is widely advertised as healthy food choices and sharing some great facts and tips on how to start thinking differently about what you eat. Have you heard about the “Kitaclub”? It is a new online directory listing all Day Care centers available to you in Switzerland. Allowing you to review over 1600 locations, chose your favourites and get in touch with them. A great site for day care managers and nannies too; just create a personal profile, update your availability and hey presto, less admin and more time to spend with the people who matter – the children! Gluten free dining in Zurich? We have it covered! Some great information for those who are gluten intolerant, about where to go and what to order whilst out and about. Discovering Epilepsy, a topic many people can admit they have limited knowledge on… we will be sharing two great, informative stories with you. One mothers battle to legalise medicinal Marijuana to help ease the pain her daughter suffers from her epileptic seizures, as well as Epi-dogs, a non-profit association and their amazing work in training service

This Life magazine is currently a FREE publication distributed throughout Switzerland. it is available in selected speciality stores, doctor and dental offices, spas, hair and nail salons, tanning studios, libraries, schools, community centers and numerous other high traffic locations. If you would like copies places at your business, please contact us directly at the email address above. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles, nor are we responsible for the products and services listed. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback. LIKE This Life magazine on Facebook to stay up to date on special offers, great discounts, local events and much more!

dogs to support children with epilepsy. Our monthly features include a delicious recipe from Miso Cute and a chocolate quinoa cake with passion fruit and chocolate ganache filling from One of a Kind Cakes. The Diary of a Party-a-holic brings you advice on hosting the perfect tea party and Make It Special are there to make your party just that – special, by entertaining your little darlings at their next birthday parties. Not to forget, in our new issue, we bring you ’This Life Kids’ and some therapeutic colouring pages - the new summer trend for creative adults! Love Your Life, Love This Life.

July/August 2015



This Life

Talking with Teens Enabling VS Empowering


ad called to Josh several times to get

Take a minute and think about what life skills you want for

out of bed and get moving. By the fifth time he was feeling

your children – qualities like: self-confidence, courage, re-

less than jovial. Mom had some money ready for lunch.

spect for self and others, humor and so much more. I urge

It was supposed to come out of his allowance but Josh

you to grab a pencil and paper (or iPad) and do this right now!

hadn’t planned well this month and needed a small loan to

This will generate the list of skills that your child can actually

get through the month. He has so much homework and is

learn. In order to learn and develop these muscles, they need

doing so well in school that his parents feel obliged to cut

us to give them the opportunity to do so. Otherwise, it is

him some slack with his family chores and his room; his

similar to muscles. They are present but only become strong

sister and brother don’t have that much work yet. And all

and toned when we use them even when it’s uncomfortable

thE stuff his friends have; his parents can’t bear to tell him

and we don’t always feel like it. And what happens if we don’t

that they don’t have that kind of money so Mom stays in a

use them?

job she does not like.


Does any of this sound familiar? I certainly recognize some old behaviors of mine in there. When our teens were babies, we would let them walk and fall down on their plump bottoms without rushing or let them take tumbles that we knew would lead to no grave harm, but were what the child

PeaceWorks Coaching

needed in order to practice and get stronger. By staying

Family&Parenting Coaching,

out of it we empowered our little one to get strong, build

Workshops, and Talks

confidence, learn life-promoting skills. However, when we intervene in the ways listed above, we are enabling rather than empowering, and thus hindering our child’s development into a mature, competent adult. Just as with Josh as a baby, these are the steps towards learning to walk as a teen and young adult. We thereby teach life skills. Enabling is doing for kids what they can do for themselves.


Kathleen Hennessy


Non profit Association Promotes Service Dogs for Epileptic Children I

allows them to detect changes in metabolism or behaviour

er with two friends from Lufingen/Augwil) founded the

of people, even before seizures become visible.

n March 2014, Madlaina Blapp-Franziscus (togeth-

non-profit association, EpiDogs for Kids. This association aims to support Swiss families, so they can afford and

Evelyn Nielsen (also a founder of EpiDogs for Kids) says

train service dogs for their epileptic children.

that “The individual training of such a service dog, adapted to the specific needs of children with epilepsy and

There are still various rare forms of epilepsy that have

their families, usually takes at least 2 years and can cost

not been discovered and for which there is currently no

around CHF 15’000. Her own 4 ½ year old son, Nikolaj,

medical help for the patients to be seizure-free. Madlaina

suffers from Dravet syndrome, a malignant form of epi-

explains that through her own personal experience of

lepsy. Since 2 ½ years his service dog and best compan-

working with service dogs, she was encouraged to launch

ion Kalle helps him and his family successfully cope on a

EpiDogs for Kids, in order to help reduce the distress in

daily basis with this disease.

patients of this intractable seizure disorder. Since not all families affected by epilepsy know about the The specific perceptual abilities of such a service dog can

possibility of a service dog nor can financially afford one,

save the life of an epileptic child in so many situations.

EpiDogs for Kids supports parents by informing them on

For example, the service dog is capable of identifying the

this important topic and taking over a large part of the

seizures at an early stage, enabling a quick response and

training costs of such a service dog.

to act appropriately before the seize attack begins. The strong sense of smell orobservation of these service dogs

For further information and donations please visit

EpiDogs for Kids

EpiDogs for Kids Management Board: Larissa Kagi, Evelyn Nielsen and Madlaina Blapp-Franziscus with their first three service dogs, Querido, Kalle and Magic (from left to right)

July/August 2015



Auf Kita-Suche? Mit Kitaclub kein Problem!


eit Oktober 2014 vereinfacht die Online-Plattform Eltern die oftmals langwierige Suche nach

Wunschlisten erstellen und die Kitas direkt kontaktieren.

einer Kindertagesstätte. Hier finden Interessierte alle wichtigen Informationen über Kitas – wie Lage, Öff-

Wie seid ihr darauf gekommen? Begonnen hat al-

nungszeiten und Wartelisten – auf einen Blick. Bisher

les mit einem Arbeitskollegen, der auf Kita-Suche war.

war das Angebot sehr unübersichtlich, nicht alle Kitas

Er stellte fest, wie unübersichtlich das Angebot ist.

verfügen über einen Online-Auftritt oder dieser war

Also haben wir uns umgeschaut, was es so für Anbiet-

mittels Suchmaschinen nur schwer auffindbar. Mit Ki-

er gibt. Und weil wir auf keine moderne schweizweite

taclub profitieren Eltern und Kitas kostenlos von ein-

Lösung gestossen sind, haben wir beschlossen, eine

er vereinfachten Kommunikation, Administration und

solche Online-Plattform gleich selber aufzubauen. Das

einer direkten Vernetzung bei der Kita-Suche. Ist die

bot sich natürlich an, da wir mit unserer Web-Agentur

Kita-Suche schon erfolgreich abgeschlossen, auch

über das nötige Know-How und die Erfahrung im Bau

dann hält Kitaclub einige interessante Funktionen für

von Online-Plattformen verfügen.

Eltern parat. Kita-Suche – reicht dafür nicht eine normale Kitaclub Geschäftsführer Martin Angehrn erzählt vom

Suchmaschine im Internet? Das dachten wir an-

Projekt und dessen Umsetzung.

fangs auch, aber nein, leider nicht. Noch lange nicht alle Kitas verfügen über eine Webseite oder sind gut

Was ist


| ist die erste On-

auffindbar im Netz oder den Suchmaschinen. Bei uns

line-Plattform mit einem Kita-Verzeichnis für die ganze

sind alle Kitas in der Nähe aufgelistet und nach Postle-

Schweiz. Zurzeit sind über 1600 Kitas mit einem at-

itzahl zu finden. Unsere Treffer bieten auch gleich die

traktiven Online-Profil aufgeschaltet. Bei uns kann

wichtigsten Informationen auf einen Blick.

man ganz einfach nach einer Kita in der Nähe suchen,

Für wen ist geeignet? Kitaclub eignet

Bricks&Wide und Gridonic aus Zürich sowie ein er-

sich für alle Eltern oder werdende Eltern, die in der

fahrener Internet-Unternehmer. Die beiden Agenturen

Schweiz wohnen und auf Kita-Suche sind oder ein Kind

kümmern sich um das Branding, Design und die Plat-

in einer Kita haben. Umgekehrt eignet sich Kitaclub für

tform-Entwicklung. Ich persönlich kümmere mich um

alle Kitas und Tagesmütter.

das Tagesgeschäft. Irit Mandel unterstützt uns zudem seit kurzem als Bloggerin und bei anderen Textarbeit-





en. Ausserdem arbeiten wir mit diversen Kitas zusam-

Kindertagesstätten? Kitas können bei uns gratis

men, welche uns fachlich beraten und uns zur Seite

einen attraktiven Online-Auftritt erstellen, welcher


dank Responsive Design auf allen Endgeräten (Smartphone, Tablet, Desktop) optimal dargestellt wird. Auch

Was für weitere Services sind geplant? Wir arbeit-

profitieren sie von unseren Online-Tools, welche die

en gerade an einem neuen Wartelisten-Tool, damit sich

Kita-Administration vereinfachen. Dadurch können sie

Eltern neu direkt via Kitaclub bei den Kitas anmelden

Zeit und Geld sparen. Kitas können ihre Plätze direkt

können und ihre Anmeldungen im Überblick behalten.

und auch kurzfristig kommunizieren und haben über

Die Kitas wiederum können ihre Anmeldungen so ze-

die Plattform einen direkten Zugang zu ihrer Ziel-

ntral auf einer Plattform verwalten und die Plätze ein-

gruppe. Ausserdem bieten unsere Partner Kitas viele

facher vergeben. Aktuell haben viele Kitas ein Prob-

Vergünstigungen an.

lem mit Doppelbuchungen, das wird durch unser Tool gelöst. In Zukunft wird es eine Spielplatzsuche und

Ich habe bereits einen Kita-Platz, ist für mich

eine Stellenplattform für die Kitas geben. Unser Ver-

eine Registration bei dennoch sinn-

zeichnis möchten wir noch mit weiteren Kinderbetreu-

voll? Ja klar, alle Mitglieder profitieren bei uns von

ungsangeboten ausbauen.

attraktiven Vergünstigungen unserer Partner für die ganze Familie. Zudem können sie sich über Bewer-

Du wirst selbst bald Vater, was sind deine Top 3

tungen ihrer Kita informieren und erhalten Tipps und

Tipps für die Kita-Suche? Am besten eine Auswahl

Informationen im Newsletter, dem Blog oder den So-

der möglichen Kitas zusammenstellen (das geht am

zialen Medien. Kitaclub bietet neben dem Kita-Verze-

besten mit unserer Wunschlisten-Funktion auf kita-

ichnis bald noch weitere Dienstleistungen, wie z.B. Dann bei allen Kitas persönlich mit dem Part-

eine Spielplatzsuche, an.

ner/der Partnerin vorbei gehen, um einen Eindruck vor Ort zu gewinnen und offene Fragen zu beantworten.

Wer steckt hinter Hinter Kitaclub.

Am Ende zählt das Bauchgefühl und eine frühzeitige

ch stecken die Teams der beiden Web-Agenturen

und schnelle Anmeldung.


Hello, looking for daycare? is the first online platform with a daycare directory which covers

the whole of

Switzerland. There are currently over 1,600 day care center profiles to view online. With you can easily look for a daycare center nearby, create wish lists and contact the kindergartens directly. Plus the website is also in English! Hurray! July/August 2015



This Life, Real Life...

Seizing the Moment


y name is Lisa Valle. I am a parent and ad-

the side effects.

These are medications that are

vocate for my daughter Maya. Maya is 7 years old and

highly addictive.

No parent wouldever want their

struggles with a genetic neurological disorder. She has a

child to deliberately ingest these types of chemicals.

genetic mutation called DYNC1H1. The mutation causes

I believe Cannabis is a safer alternative to many

her body to be unable to produce an important protein in

of the traditional anti-epileptic drugs prescribed to

her neurons and as a result endures countless, debilitating

most children. This is why cannabis should be the

seizures which have stolen her ability to walk and speak.

first medication of choice, not the last resort.

I have been actively supporting medical cannabis access

Although Maya struggles with many limitations be-

in New York State for over a year.

In July 2014, New

cause of her epilepsy, seizures do not define her.

York State’s Governor, Andrew Cuomo signed The Com-

Maya loves life. She loves going to school, she plays

passionate Care Act into law. This law allows Cannabis

on a baseball team and bowling league for special

to be used for medical purposes. Maya has suffered over

needschildren, participates in therapeutic horseback

1,000 seizures since then because the program has not

riding, loves going to Disney World and meeting all

been implemented. Every seizure she endures causes

the princesses, rides jet skis and has swam with dol-

further neurological, cognitive and physical damage. Not

phins. Maya’s life does have value, she is an inspi-

only that, every seizure puts her life in danger.

ration, and her life does matter.

In the fall of 2015, Maya spent several days in the hospi-

I have read many research studies. Many studies

tal due to prolonged uncontrolled absence seizures. She

suggest that Cannabis has the potential to decrease

was only able to attend school four days in the month of

her seizure.

October because she was neurologically unstable.

protectant that could actually improve her cognitive

It is inhumane for Maya’s seizures to be ignored any longer. Seizures are not safe. Nothing about a seizure is safe. We left the comfort of safety, six and half years ago when Maya had her first seizure. It is inhumane for Maya’s seizures to be ignored any longer. Her entire brain

Not only that but also it is a neuro

and physical development. I believe even if Cannabis could take away some of her daily seizures, it could reduce her risk of death. The one seizure that cannabis could stop from happening could be the one that saves her life.

has an overwhelming electrical shock every 15 minute

As a mother of a medically fragile child, I should not

that lasts about 3 seconds. Everyday... all day... Maya

have to be forced to decide between being a good

deserves better from the government.

citizen or a good mom.

We have added and increased medications to help re-

The currently global cannabis laws are based on an

duce the frequency of Maya’s seizures. The side effect

outdated sigma of a lifesaving plant. New legisla-

of the three prescriptions she currently takes is several

tion is being introduced on a United States Federal

pages long which include liver damage, aggression, de-

level that gives families like mine hope for a better

pression and sedation. One of the medications that is

tomorrow. Medical professions are seeking opportu-

prescribed to Maya has a warning page to go along with

nities to study the efficacy of cannabis, but hit road blocks because of current laws. With more legislators, medical professionals and patients advocating the compassionate use of cannabis, the tides are changing. Cannabis is Medicine that can stop seizures. For more information of Cannabis and Cannabinoid Medicine, please contact the Strains of Hope Foundation.

Lisa Valle, Parent Liaison and Advocate Strains of Hope



T his Little Life Hi

, I’m Katie.

I like living in Switzerland because they have lots of different things to do. The weather is much better here, it isn’t always raining like it used to in England! The schools here are very different to the schools back in England. Each lunch time we go home to our families to have lunch together and then we return back to school for the afternoon every day, apart from Wednesday when we have the afternoon free! We do a lot more art, craft and even woodwork in our lessons. The children are really nice and friendly, and they like helping me with my German. Since moving here I have found more things that I like to do. I enjoy walking in the mountains, swimming in the lakes in summer and Skiing in the winter. There are many different festivals they have here in Switzerland. In February they have something called Fastnacht where people dress up as winter witches and throw confetti and sweets into the crowd... and sometimes hay. We have to shoo them away into the woods so we can welcome spring and say goodbye to winter. Another funny thing they do in Zurich is to burn a giant snowman made of hay (and fireworks) and see how long it takes for his head to blow off.... If it burns quickly we are meant to have a good summer, if it takes a long time it will be wet and miserable. I have really enjoyed moving to Switzerland, it wasn’t as scary as I thought it would be and I am having lots of fun! Love from Katie x

If you want your story to be the next This Little Life article, contact us at July/August 2015




This Health

The Raw Experience




next meal to hit our table was satay skewers.


Tastefully marinated pineapple and mush-

prepared with so much love and understand-

room, served with a delicious peanut sauce.


always food.

been Simple,

fascinated hearty

ing of the full potential of each ingredient. All types of nuts,

Then came the pink nori sprout rolls served with a lovely

in all types of textures and flavors. Vegetables prepared in

orange and coriander salad. The thai “fish” cakes came out

ways you’d never dream of. Sauces full of flavors and pizzazz,

next and were surprisingly not fishy at all :) They were made

and desserts that are out of this world! Amazing bites with

from almonds and were served on lettuce, with a sweet to-

incredible layers of flavor. I mean, who wouldn’t like that?

mato chili relish. One of my favorite meals came out next,

So naturally, as soon as I heard about the new pop-up restaurant The Raw Dinner, I was first in line. I dragged along a dear

which was raw Pad Thai. It had an exquisite almond butter and ginger sauce, and was really delicious and refreshing.

friend of mine, who never had a raw meal, let alone a 7 course

For dessert we were served a mango cheesecake (cheese free

raw dinner before. She thought she’d be getting raw fish and

of course), made from soaked cashews and a whole lot of love.

carpaccio, and was disappointed to hear she wouldn’t...

We thought nothing could top that one, until the mignardises

And even though we each went with different feel-

(a small confectionery appetizer) came. It was a small choc-

ings and expectations, we both came out satisfied,

olate mousse, made with avocado, banana, zucchini, soaked

full (and very happy) bellied and tipsy ever so slightly.

and dried buckwheat and quinoa, and almonds, with beauti-

The meal started off with a glass of bubbly, which had







This Raw Dinner: Plant-based, vegan and gluten-free, using only natural, unprocessed, unrefined organic, whole foods.

ful freeze-dried strawberries which gave it that extra oomph. Our over all experience was really great. Warm hosts kept us well hydrated and happy, and were full of information about all the meals, and Raw foodism in general. These guys came together and formed an association, in the hope to bring more awareness to raw food in Zurich. 100% of the profit they make goes to charity, which I find to be pretty awesome. Raw food is easily capturing my heart. I don’t think I’ll ever fully commit to eating only raw food, but it is Such



a joy to have, when the right people prepare it for you. I

al beverages for their health benefits) and a gorgeous







highly recommend everyone to check out The Raw Dinner,

appetizer, or Amuse-bouche as it was written in the

before it disappears. It’s an experience you’ll never forget!

menu. The appetizer consisted of two beautifully laid out balls made of four ingredients only; almonds, chives, olive oil and herb salt. I should probably mention that all nuts prepared for this dinner were soaked and then dehydrated, making them a million times healthier and easier to digest. So back to our appetizer, the delicious balls were served with cabbage chips and tahini sauce. We were off to a good start, and were already looking forward to see what they had in store for us next. Food kept rolling in, presented elegantly and always offered with wine pairings or any other choice of vegan wine. To those who are not big wine drinkers, tea, coffee and energized, filtered still water was offered as well. The



The Raw Dinner Photos: mascha dahan photography

Transitioning to Real Food L

et’s talk about taking a few steps

other names as well that may or may

the food companies have to add certain

into the Real Food world for a minute.

not sound like sugar. Regardless of how

chemicals of all shapes and sizes. Some

And don’t worry, no one is expecting you,

they sound, the following are all sugar:

are natural and harmless. Others are the

or telling you, to change your whole eat-

Cane juice, Dehydrated cane juice, Cane

devil. Some food companies write their

ing habits overnight, just because silly

juice solids, Cane juice crystals, Dextrin,

E-numbers, others their name. Sugar for

Danna (and millions of others) wrote to

Maltodextrin, Dextran, Barley malt, Beet

example, is added to many processed

do so. Not at all. I’m here to explain to

sugar, Corn syrup, Corn syrup solids,

foods, which makes them addictive (yes,

you WHY you should consider taking that

Caramel, Buttered syrup, Carob syrup,

believe it or not, sugar is more addictive

step into Real Food world, and how much

Brown sugar, Date sugar, Malt syrup, Dia-

than cocaine!!), low on nutrition, and just

more delicious and satisfying it will be

tase, Diatastic malt, Fruit juice, Fruit juice

plain unhealthy.

once you do.

concentrate, Dehydrated fruit juice, Fruit juice crystals, Golden syrup, Turbinado,

I found an easy way of finding out what

A good way to start is by understanding

Sorghum syrup, Refiner’s syrup, Ethyl

each one is, and if it’s safe or not. There

what it is that we put in our bodies, and

maltol, Yellow sugar.Another good rule is

are probably many smart phone apps out

even worse, what we allow our children to

avoiding anything that claims to be low

there, but I use one called E Food Ad-

put in their growing bodies. Checking the

fat, fat free, low carb, zero calories, trans

ditives. When you enter an E-number

ingredients in each packaged food that

fat free, and even whole grains, or any

(or name) found in the ingredients, the

you buy is a good and simple beginning.

other claim which sounds very attractive.

app will tell you the description, purpose,

A rule I’ve set myself for example, is that

It’s been found, that in order to make

risks, functions where in the world it is not

if sugar (which might take on a different

that food fat free for example, the man-

permitted, and additional information. In

name) is in it, it stays on the shelf. If

ufacturers will add some form of sugar

addition to that, its color coded. So if you

there are words I don’t understand is in

and other horrid “ingredients” (if you can

don’t have the time to read it all while do-

it, the same rule applies.

call them that) in order to make that food

ing your shopping, you will quickly know

taste good, because who are we fooling,

if it’s safe to eat or not, by the color it will

One of the easiest ways to recognize sug-

fat is delicious. And this might surprise

show up as. I know it sounds very time

ar on a food label is by recognizing the

you, but if you eat the right kind of fat, it

consuming and tedious to check each and

-ose suffix. When you find words that end

might actually help you lose weight! But

every ingredient of every single thing we

in -ose, there’s a good chance it is sug-

that I’ll leave for another time.

buy. God knows I thought so too before I


actually started doing it myself. But soon

Sugars ending in -ose include: Su-

crose, Maltose, Dextrose, Fructose, Glu-

Soon enough you’ll realize there is a lot

enough you’ll see and feel the difference.

cose, Galactose, Lactose, High fructose

of stuff in your favorite foods that you

Give it a try, and don’t hesitate to contact

corn syrup, Glucose solids. Just because

don’t really know what it is and why it’s

me with any questions you might have

it doesn’t end in -ose, however, doesn’t

there. Processed food, by default, needs

along the way!

mean it isn’t sugar. There are plenty of

to taste the same. In order to do that,

Danna Levy Hoffmann Miso Cute Cooking Courses

July/August 2015



Gluten Free Gluttony in Zurich F

or those of us who are unfortunate enough to be plagued

something a little more fun, Don Weber is a Mexican restaurant

with a challenging digestive system it’s always a stress finding

near to Escher-Wyss Platz. The gluten free menu offers a Mex-

safe places to eat while out and about. Living with a gluten free

ican feast of gluten free burgers (a rarity!), fajitas, burritos,

diet can be difficult at the best of times, but in a foreign land it

enchiladas and a lot more besides!

can feel almost impossible. From language barriers to cultural attitudes, and sometimes a mind boggling variety of strange cuisines, there are many potential landmines one must carefully tread through while finding something to eat. Simple misunderstandings can well lead to major mishaps, so all in all finding a good restaurant can be a

Nooba, close to Stadelhofen station, offers a concoction of Asian dishes. From curries to pad thai, to spicy Korean noodles. Just ask one of the friendly waiters for the gluten free options; for some of the dishes they are able to accommodate gluten free eaters.

daunting experience.

Luckily for us, Zurich is home to an abundance of delicious, glu-

A recent discovery is Kerala; an Indian restaurant tucked away

ten free restaurants, and with heightened awareness of gluten

two tram stops from Oerlikon train station. If Indian food is

sensitivities, more and more establishments are eagerly jump-

something you enjoy then this is the place to go. The menu

ing on the bandwagon.

clearly labels a wide variety of gluten free options (actually,

The holy temple for all stuff gluten free is Mr&Mrs Gluten free, handily situated one tram stop away from Stadelhofen station. Don’t be fooled by appearances, the stylish minimalist interior holds a treasure trove of gluten free goodies stacked way up high. From a freezer full of sweet and savoury foods to a fridge full of gluten free beer, as well as delicious freshly made cakes

most of the menu!) – trust us when we say, you won’t be able to stop yourself from utterly pigging out on the beautiful assortment of dishes on offer! •

Mr&Mrs Glutenfree Forchstrasse 28, 8008 Zürich Nooba, Kreuzpl. 5, 8032 Zürich

Kerala Hofwiesenstrasse 188, 8057 Zürich

Santa Lucia, Marktgasse 21, Zurich and

Theatersrasse 10, Zurich

If you are looking for a quick fill meal while on the go, Zurich

Don Weber Heinrichstrasse 213, 8005 Zürich

is home to Several Santa Lucia establishments which boast a

Au Gratin Bahnhofpl. 2, 8001 Zürich

delicious variety of safe-to-eat pasta dishes, as well as salads

Hiltl Sihlstrasse 28, 8001 Zürich

and sweet treats, Mr&Mrs Gluten free is a staple for any gluten free eater in Zurich.

and, in select places, tummy warming risottos. If Italian isn’t your style, there are also the famed Hiltl establishments (Hiltl and Tibits), which offer an international vegetarian cuisine with a beautiful well stocked buffet. All dishes are clearly labelled to help you know what is safe to eat and what is not (so not only good for gluten free eaters but also a variety of other allergen sufferers, or if you happen to be vegan). For a finer gluten free dining experience in Zurich there are a wide variety of restaurants with wonderful gluten free menus. Au Gratin, situated next to the main train station, comes highly recommended with a huge variety of gratins, salads and traditional dishes to satiate even the pickiest of eaters. If you fancy




This Style

Happily Awaited or Dreaded? How to prepare you and your kids for the start (back) to school


arents and their children are often nervous for the first day

Are you interested in learning more about the easiest, most

at school.But with these simple tips, everyone will feel rest assured

efficient way to label all personal belongings? Have a look at

and have a smooth start:

the products of STICKERELLA or enter our summer draw for a chance to win one of three “School Start”

1. Involve your child in all preparations. This way he or she will feel

special packs. This Life readers also benefit from a 15%

‘grown up’ and slowly get used to it.

discount on our entire product range ( products). Don’t miss out – write us an email (info@stick-

2. Make sure you receive a list of all the materials you need to buy with the subject ‘ThisLIFE summer draw’ and be

upfront from the new school (e.g. stationary, school uniform). If

in with a chance to win!

your child is a first-grader, also have a look at your school’s recommendations with regards to their required set of skills (e.g. cutting with scissors, writing his own name).

Stickerella 3. Let your child know what his schedule will be like - try to adapt your child’s daily rhythm accordingly. You can make it more visible to your child by making a timetable and get them involved as you prepare it. 4. Check the list of classmates: Who does your child already know? Photography by: Matt Anderson & Mariann Sahn

Who is he friends with? Arrange for your child to walk to school with another class mate. If you are new in the neighbourhood, find out what social activities your child’s new friends are engaged in. 5. You and your child will be more relaxed once you have labelled all personal belongings, packed the school bag and decided on the morning and afternoon snacks together. Try not to do this in a hurry the night before the first day. The night before school starts, should be saved for a favourite meal – a small celebration of the end of the summer holidays and reaching a new milestone.

July/August 2015



A Healthy Cake for the Sweet Tooth My World of Baking


he first time I experienced baking was when I

was 13 years old, I remember selling my cupcakes for 10 pence each to my mum’s friend. I was not fond of her as she smoked like a chimney and had a stinky personality to match. She would always pinch a few cupcakes on her way out which she didn’t pay for and I would glare at her as she walked off. She reminded me of Cruella de Vil! Luckily that baking frenzy only lasted for a couple of months. My love of baking came up again when my second son was born. Because of my sons, I wanted to make them cool looking birthday cakes, like the ones you see in magazines, books and on TV. And so, overnight my cake hobby started - and boy, oh boy, was I hooked!! I never once saw it coming; that I’d have my own cake company! With two children, working part-time in IT and making cakes. It’s a busy life, but hey, I’m loving it!

Besides creating bespoke cakes, I

also provide cupcake decorating workshops for children and adults. I also decorate cupcakes for parties. If interested, please do not hesitate to contact me. I’ve been running my company for a year now and I’m happy to say, so far it’s been a fun adventure. Thanks to word of mouth from my supportive friends and family, my customers are returning for more orders and if Cruella de Vil ever showed up on my doorstep, I wouldn’t hold a grudge and will give her a dozen cupcake for free.

A Healthier Cake for the Sweet Tooth

Earlier this year, I made a cake for a dear friend of mine, Mariann. She was hosting an afternoon tea party and it was “thee” most exquisite and elegant tea party I’ve ever attended – we even had our very own Carson the butler (aka: her husband dressed in a suit with a tea towel neatly folded and draped on his left arm!). Of course it was my duty to make her favorite cake of mine; a healthy cake, gluten free and sugar free Chocolate Quinoa cake with passion fruit and chocolate ganache filling. Because of the quinoa and dates, the cake will be very moist. So here is the recipe I’d like to share, for you to bake at home...

Sugar and Gluten free chocolate Quinoa Cake INGREDIENTS •

370 grams Cooked Quinoa

4 Large eggs

300 grams Pitted dates

120 grams Melted butter

100 ml Melted coconut oil

75 ml Almond milk

1 teaspoon Vanilla paste

40 grams Cocoa powder

2 teaspoon Baking powder

½ teaspoon Baking soda

½ teaspoon Salt

• INSTRUCTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 150°c degrees (fan assisted) 2. Combine 3 eggs, coconut oil and the quinoa in a blender until smooth. Pour mixture in a large bowl. 3. Combine the remaining egg, melted butter, almond milk, vanilla paste and dates in the blender until smooth. Add mixture to the bowl and combine. 4. In a small bowl, thoroughly combine the cocoa powder, salt, baking powder and baking soda and add to the rest of the mixture. 5. Pour batter into a cake tin and bake for 1 hour and 30 mins



This Entertaining

Chocolate Ganache and Passionfruit Curd Filling INGREDIENTS •

400 grams Lindt chocolate 50% cocoa or Cailler cremant chocolate

200 ml Double cream

4 tablespoons Passion fruit curd

INSTRUCTIONS 1. On a medium heat, break the chocolate into pieces into a saucepan, pour cream all over. Stir until the chocolate has melted and is thoroughly combined with the cream. 2. Remove from cooker and allow to cool down for 4 hours. 3. Mix curd in the chocolate ganache 4. Once the cake has cooled down, frost cake and decorate as you please. 5. Last but not least ... dive in and enjoy!

Marilyn Maurer One of a Kind Cakes Bespoke cakes, cupcake parties and cake/cupcake decorating workshops for adults and kids Photography by: Matt Anderson & Mariann Sahn

July/August 2015



Quick Weekday Dinner...



rowing up in Israel, I found myself at grand-

Well, I truly believe we can! In fact, I know a few

ma’s house (and in her kitchen) a big chunk of my

families who believe the same, and practice it on

childhood years. Grandma did not have time to

a daily basis. Yes, it’s a change (and it doesn’t

greet people at the door with a “hello”or “how are

have to happen overnight), and yes, you might

you?”. The first question she’d ask as soon as I

get some huffs and puffs when refusing to buy

walked through the door was “are you hungry bin-

the kids favorite snack or that soft drink the hus-

ti?”(which means my daughter in Arabic). So as

band begged you to get. But I guarantee that by

you can imagine, life revolved around the kitchen.

the time you get the hang of it, everyone will feel

There were always massive amounts of food in the

better, be more energized, and will steer clear of

fridge and on the dining table, and strangely every-

processed food without you standing over their

one was very skinny at the same time. And we ate.

shoulders. And you know what? If they do choose

A lot. Of everything. And we took seconds without

to have something “sinful”once in a while, it won’t

a hesitation!

be such a big deal. It will happen once in a blue moon, rather that something that goes into their

As a young adult, I ended up living at my grandparents’ house, and my bedroom was just next to

growing bodies regularly.

finally lived on my own. Managing to recreate her

When we replace real, traditional foods like butter, meat and vegetables with crappy, processed junk foods, we get fat and sick. Real food is the key to good health, processed food is not. Period.

recipes was always a joyful moment. To this day,

[source: Business Insider]

the kitchen. Grandma was not a spring chicken by then, but still kept herself busy in the kitchen most of the day. Cooking with her, and learning some cooking tricks and tips, helped me a lot when I

my boys’ most favorite recipes are the ones I’ve inherited from her. I know she’s chilling in heaven

So the general idea: avoid processed food. Pro-

with a big bowl of fruit and nuts, smiling down at

cessed food, by default, needs to taste the same.

us :)

In order to do that, the food companies have to add certain chemicals of all shapes and siz-

So going back the to the “everyone ate heaps and

es. Some are natural and harmless. Others are

was skinny”part, it really does make you think,

the devil. You can find more information on page

doesn’t it? I’m sure you remember the same reali-

11 of this magazine, about how to know which

ty. We ate natural fats, and heaps of them (butter,

chemicals you want to avoid. I’d like to share with

avocado, nuts etc), we ate seasonal fruits and veg-

you one of grandma’s great recipes, which I make

etables, grains, legumes, meat, and we survived

once a week still, and the whole family loves!

to tell the tale. It really does sound like fiction, but back then people went to the butcher to buy meat, and to the guy at the corner to get the fruits and vegetables. So why can’t we live like that today?



Thursday Meal Grnadma’s Thursday Meal INGREDIENTS - 500g basmati rice - 250g red lentils - 1tbsp tomato puree - 5-7 cloves of garlic - 2 tsp ground sea salt - 3-4 tbsp butter - Fresh vegetables (cucumber, tomato, avocado and whatever else you like) - Kefir/yogurt/a mix of milk products and a bit of water - Eggs (optional, but adds a lot!) INSTRUCTIONS 1.

In a heavy bottom pot, throw in one and

a half cups of tap water, the salt, and tomato puree, and start heating. 2.

Meanwhile, place the rice and lentils in a big

bowl, and wash until water is clear (replacing the water about 3-5 times). When well washed, place in with the water. The water should now be about 2cm above the rice. Take out or add more if needed.

5. The rice is now cooked and waiting for some companionship. 6. In a bowl or carafe, pour in the Kefir/yogurt or a mix (we often use quark, yogurt, sour cream and kefir mixed with water). Add salt and pepper to it. Done. If you decide to make a sunny side up egg, use the same pan you fried the garlic in. It will give the egg an extra delicious flavor. Enjoy!

3. Stir the rice once, and cover. Let boil on high heat until you see that the water reaches the level of the rice. Keep a close eye, as you don’t want the rice to

Danna Levy Hoffmann

burn. As soon at the water reaches the rice level,

Miso Cute Cooking Courses

turn down to the lowest heat, stir again, and cover.

Leave on lowest heat for at least 15 mins.

4. While the rice is cooking away, crush the garlic

cloves and put in a pan with butter. Fry the garlic

Photo Credit: Hofmann Photography

until it browns ever so slightly. Add the garlic and butter to the rice, mix well and cover again.

What Miso Cute has to offer: -

Cooking courses for children ages 1 and up Workshops for adults Birthday and party entertainment Cooking Camps Team Building events and much more, all focusing on 100% healthy recipes, using local, organic ingredients! July/August 2015



Diary of a Party-a-holic

The Perfect Tea Party I





tea and prepare it just the way they like

Sometimes doing a craft activity all to-



it. It doesn’t matter if they don’t match,

gether can be nice, but all in all, I find


that just makes it look even more like a

most people are happy to just relax and

certainly for you. Last week, I did just this

tea party. In addition, I love adding sugar

enjoy the atmosphere of being together.

and I hosted a small tea party in a park to

cubes, a milk jug and a small dish with

For my daughter’s birthday, we were just

celebrate my daughters’ 4th birthday. It

slices of lemon on the table. It just really

very lucky that there was a playground

was a real hit – not just because of all the

gives it that tea party feeling. I also like

next to where our tea party was set



to include a pitcher of water with pepper-

up, so the children were entertained for


mint and sliced lemon in it. It is refresh-

hours and had a blast (while we watched

really are no rules to follow to have fun.

ing and compliments the menu so well.

them from the corner of our eyes, as




















we scoffed down yet another scone)!

The Scene

The Menu

Setting the mood is very important.

There aren’t any rules when it comes to

Will the tea party be indoors or out-

the menu, but generally, a standard after-

side? If you live in Zurich or Zug, there

noon tea comprises of finger sandwiches,

are some lovely little spots by the lake

little one-bite cakes and scones or tea-

which would be ideal on a sunny after-

cakes. But that’s not to say that you can-

noon, and you can even have a post-

not also include some pastries, biscuits or

tea swim in the lake afterwards. Don’t

fresh fruits. It is your tea party after all,

forget to pack a large blanket to sit on

so personalize it just the way you want it!

and a few towels to dry off afterwards.

For my daughters’ birthday, I baked cream



scones the night before (they really were

dust it off and use it as the cen-

quick to make and tasted divine). If you








don’t have the time however, bake them in

blanket. For parties indoors you can

advance and freeze them. Make sure you



serve the scones warm though, with lash-

add a touch of vintage to the ta-

ing of jam and clotted cream. Mmmh, de-

ble. Lace doilies, fresh flowers, fold-

licious! I also feel that individual portions

ed napkins, fabric bunting and a few

are key, so make all tasties small enough

party printables can really add to the

that they can be eaten with just 1-3 bites.


As we had children at our tea party, in














So, drink up - it’s time to throw your very own perfect tea party and GET SCONEd!!!

Tala from Perfect Packages designs personalized party stationery and styles themed events. She will add her magic to any kind of event and will bring your party to life, wowing all your guests! No matter how big or small your event is, Tala will make the perfect party package for you. Her stationery designs include invitations, cupcake toppers, bottle wrappers, tent food labels, mini posters, Thank You labels, banners, candy bag toppers, chocolate bar wrappers and much more...!

addition to the scones, I made star

The Tea

shaped cream cheese sandwiches, sa-

You will need English Breakfast tea and

vory straws, little fairy cakes, chocolate

Tala Daniela von Däniken

lots of it! For the more adventurous

biscuits and added a box of crisps for

Perfect Packages Parties

among your friends, why not introduce

the little fingers to grab between games.

a few special tea flavors - Twinning’s

Hand Made Party Stationery & Event Styling

have a large selection to choose from,

The Activities

and tasting them makes nice conversa-

Other than drink tea and eat scrump-

tion too. If at all possible, borrow lots of

tious sweets, what does one do at a tea

tea pots, so everyone can pour their own

party? Chat and have fun, that’s what!



What To Do

Children Learn Best When They Are Having Fun

Hello, hello, hello, how are you? Hello, hello, hello, how are you? I am good, I am great, I am wonderful... Every time I go to preschool, my teacher Lucie starts the circle time with this song. I really like the song and we always stand up, dance and sing together. And then we sit down in a circle and talk. Today I told Lucie and the other children about the dream I had last night. There was this huge dinosaur and he really scared me at first. I could see all of his sharp teeth and it was soooo big!!! Now it’s Nevio’s turn to tell us his story: He was at his grandmothers last night and ate some yummy strawberries and cream. And Amy who had a dream, was a princess living in a beautiful castle. Sometimes I don’t want to tell any stories but I love to listen to my friend’s stories! So today it’s Tuesday and the weather is sunny with some clouds. Every morning Lucie shows us a board with lots of magnets and it helps us to find out what day and month it is. I like picking the numbers. Num-

choose the signs for the weather. Is it rainy? Is it sunny? Is it cloudy? What’s





What’s in this big blue bag?? We pick something out of the bag but we can’t see what it is! Oooh now it’s my turn... I slowly put my hand in the blue bag and pick a little bean bag. So now we put the beanbags on our heads and slowly balance across the room. It’s hard to keep the beanbag on my head but I manage. I can even balance it on my tummy!!! Now we talk about our Mini beast Hunt!!! I have already found a spider, a slug, a snail and an ant last time we went to the forest. I picked up the slug with my hands and it felt slippery and wet. Now I am so excited to go out and find more. But we have rules: We always make sure we’re nice and gentle to the little insects. We have special containers to put them in, so we get a chance to have a closer look at them. Once that’s done, we release all the little insects without hurting them.

The Little Learners Preschool provides children from 2 to 4.5 years old, in a bilingual environment, pre-kindergarten experiences such as, craft and construction activities, sand and water play, adventure play, music and movement, books and stories as well as the opportunity to socialize with other children in a small group. Children learn independence, build confidence and learn to be part of a group, practice their language skills and develop their fine and gross motor skills. They learn about themselves and the world around them through play. Every month we explore certain topics, which you can find on our website. We use songs, stories, pictures, role-plays, trips and games. The Preschool is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 8.30 to 11.30am and Wednesday from 8.30am to 4.30pm. Minimum attendance is once a week. And we offer a free trial morning and a settling period tailored to each child. Anja Clarke Little Learners Daycare and Preschool

ber eight is my favorite number be-

cause it looks like a racing track. We

Photography by: Molly Penton-Zaidman

July/August 2015



A closer look at Cogmo Kids Bilingual Preschool T

ing pre-school. After his trial session at Cogmo, our son felt so comfortable that he did not want to come home! On

he company Cognitve Motion GmbH was formed

my part, I immediately liked the multicultural environment

in 2007 in response to and with the help of parents

and the friendly staff. Although our son was shy speaking

who wanted to have a meeting point for their families

English at the beginning, he somehow picked it up and, one

with children from 0 to 5 years.

day, that was it, he felt totally confident with it.After almost 2 happy years at Cogmo, we are impressed by how much

Over the years it was evident that there was a gap

our child has been developing: yes he is fluent in English

in themarket for flexible preschool program - some-

but he also knows numbers, colors, letters, shapes, dances

where that Parents were happy to leave their little

hip hop and has been playing with children from all over

ones for a few hours at a time, where the kids had

the world!” - AS

fun could learn at the same time. So in 2011 Cogmo started a preschool program, a few mornings a week

“Cogmo has been a huge part of my children’s daily lives

and this has since evolved into the great little school

and development for years. Since my eldest daughter

it is today!

was 3 months old we have attended classes, and both my daughters attended the preschool before going into lo-

This is what some of Cogmo’s parents have said about

cal kindergarten, as well as swimming and ballet classes. Cogmo has provided my

the preschool:

children with a safe and “Our son Cosimo (4) has




attended Cogmo Preschool

ment. The teachers and

in Zumikon since he was

staff are patient, knowl-

two years old.Having been

edgeable and caring, and

a very shy child, he has

it is priceless knowing

developed self-confidence

they are in such capable

and is being encouraged

hands.” - Paula

to develop his interests and to follow independent-

“My daughter is a very

ly what inspires him. At

shy child, and as Russian

Cogmo, children learn in a

is our home language,

playful way, they develop their social skills and learn

she was unsure about staying on her own in the preschool.

to be empathetic to their fellow “ pupils” and teach-

Cogmo allowed me to attend the preschool mornings, and

ers. Sally, has a very unique talent in educating the

get involved in the program with my daughter to help her

kids, (who love her)! and she chooses her staff with

build the self-confidence she needed. It has been super to

very high sensitivity. In the past two years Cosimo has

see her grow in confidence and make friends, and although

learned to bake bread, to engage in all kinds of craft,

she was not very happy to stay on her own, and I had

music and role play. He is able to communicate very

the time to be with her, the 9 months she had in Cogmo

well in English since being at Cogmo, as well as talk in

preschool has given her a good base for English, and the

his mother tongue, German.” -Melanie

opportunity to learn and have fun with children of her own age.” –JM

“We have always wanted to give our French speaking son the chance to learn foreign languages effortlessly,

“Our son, Zachary, has been at Cogmo Preschool since the

hence why we chose to enrol him in an English speak-

age of 2 and he absolutely loves it! He is ouryoungest child



and despite initially wanting to put him into the same

ed to gross motor activities, a fine motor/sensorial/imagi-

school as his two older siblings, after a trial day at

nary play activity room, a separate art and music room AND

Cogmo, the decision was made and we could not be

great outdoor facilities on theirdoorstep!

happier with our choice. The dedicatedteachers and staff at Cogmo are attentive to the children’s individual needs and make learning exceptionally fun using an energetic and very creative approach. Good manners are enforced in a gentleway and the children are taught in an all-round safe and nurturing

Young children effortlessly assimilate the stimuli of their environment including language, culture, the development of concepts, information from the senses.

environment. We are extremely happy with Cogmo Preschool and feel that Zachary will be perfectly prepared for Kindergartennext year!” -- DM From August 2015 Cogmo will extend the preschool program offering more places, however still maintaining small groups focusing on the specific needs of each child.

Focusing on enhancing the cognitive as well as the motor development of children to prepare them for their next steps in education , be it integration into the Swiss kindergarten or private school system.

Cogmo’s curriculum includes: • Ballet/creative dance, and Hip Hop • Swimming lessons • Sports (e.g ball sports, football, racket games, tumbling gymnastics etc) • German for beginners and English for beginners • Coming soon: Special sensory stimulation classes

Knowing that separation anxiety for parents and little ones is an issue, Cogmo accommodates your family’s needs and encourages parents to stay, if they feel their child needs them there, and to be involved as long as it is necessary to settle their little one into the program! This time will give you the opportunity to spend time with your child so that when the time is right for them to integrate into the preschool, the transition of being dropped off is not so difficult!

The Cogmo preschool target age group is between +-24 months to 4 years. This is when children are engaged in the developmental work of self-construction and building functional independence, and their first “school“ experience is most impressionable!

Sally Bantock Cognitive Motion GmbH

Using the “discovery model” and a completely bilingual (English/German) approach to learning through

Cogmo Kids Bilingual Preschool

play, the children’s “work“ at Cogmo includes gross

and fine motor play, art and music, Imaginary themes

and early math and writing concepts. The facilities include more than 150 square meters indoors devot-

July/August 2015



Never Growing Up A

s an adult and whilst ‘growing up’,

are you constantly reminded to ACT YOUR AGE?

people. Mums that have also been rolling up snowballs and hiding them in the back of their push chair hoods ready to attack me at the school gate (much to the be-

I want to challenge the perception of what GROWN

wilderment of all the children to see two grown women

UP actually means? Why do we as adults lose our fun

running around the playground screeching as we’ve got

spark and feel we have to conform to the masses of

snow down our backs!).

people around us? Not wanting to stand out in the crowd….. and questioning those people who DO de-

So let’s face it, we aren’t all sheep… we aren’t all suited

cide to have the confidence and free spirit to be more

to every day, regular jobs. Isn’t it best to find some-


thing you truly love, something that allows your creative spirit to have something to be passionate about?

Even though I have calmed down a lot as an adult, I only feel I have done that to try to fit into a world

Find a way to embrace who you are, your inner self:

where people thought I was too much, throwing my

whether that be a board game master, a flamboyant

natural behaviour out of the window to be someone

dresser, a puddle jumper - find the time each day to

different to who I truly was/am. No one ever stopped

acknowledge you are allowed to be a little different and


incorporate it into your day. You may find it brings you


a lot more inner peace. Allow yourself to enjoy the little things and embrace your inner child and know you

I look at my lovely children and find I stand there wish-

aren’t going to be the only Mad Hatter at the tea party

ing I could wear the funky dress covered in manic bird

of life.

prints with matching neon pink high tops, or wishing I could madly run over to a fountain in the middle of the park and start splashing everyone around me. Why do I second guess getting my face painted at family events when my kids beg me to join in, what’s wrong with just doing it? Would I get away with it…. probably not…. I feel I would either be the victim of gossip ‘who does this person think she is’ or be made to take a breathalyzer to see if I am under the influence of alcohol. However, I know I am not the only soul out there who feels this way, I have been lucky enough on my ‘life journey’ to meet likeminded



Louise from Make it Special creates magical moments for birthdays, special events and fundraisers. Her mission is to inspire the joy of being a child, encouraging a belief in magic and special wishes coming true. Walk the plank with pirates, master cupcake decorating, discover dinosaurs, have a visit from your favourite princess... if you can dream it we can do it... Louise will create a truly fun and magical experience.

Louise Gooding Make It Special

Crafts for Kids

I’m forever blowing bubbles...

Summer is here and what nicer way to spend the day than to be blowing beautiful bubbles into the air with your kids!

Instant Bubble Solution Ingredients * 2 cups of warm water (tap water works ok but distilled/bottled water is better) * 8 tablespoons of washing up liquid

Once ready, add 5 - 6 drops of vegetable oil to the solution, and you’re done! If the bubbles pop too quickly, or the solution isn’t working too well you can try adding a little more washing up liquid or a few more drops of vegetable oil.

* Vegetable oil Method Put the warm water in a large bowl and slowly add washing up liquid in the water and stir gently (stirring too quickly produces a ot of suds!). Stir until the soap dissolves. Let the bubble mixture sit for 5 minutes to settle

July/August 2015



Awesome Achievements Zev : doing a fabulous job at his piano recital Sophia: doing an amazing job at her piano recital Ari: completing his first trial day of spielgruppe like a big boy Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you! We love you Zev, Sophia and Ari!

Katherine is awe-

Ella-May just turned 11. She decided to tackle Rowing this year and rain or shine there she goes, every week. They call her “power girl” she is the ray of sunshine at home. Kind, original and clever!

some, because she has already done lots of amazing thing this year: Fantastic ballet performance in The Wizard of Oz; beautiful singing performance last weekend with her children musical group and she run 750 meters at this year’s Winterthur Marathon with the other children. Mama and Papa are very proud of you! We love you very much.

My daughter Katherine has performed for the second time in the Gran Noche Flamenca this year. It is a big flamenco concert organized by the flamenco school she has been attending since she was 3.5. We were told she was too young to start, but she proved everyone wrong and continues to enjoy learning this difficult dance and performing on a big stage. We are so proud of you, Munchkin, for your hard work and pursuing your passion for music and dance!

Valetta Hubin-Plimmer, 12. She worked very hard as an English speaker to get into Kanti and she made it! She is ecstatic! She is tenacious, full of life and loves dancing, singing and the Arts.



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