1 minute read

GALLERY EXHIBIT quackery The Age of Questionable Medical Marvels

Step right up! See this exhibit of some of the so-called medical marvels of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Many of these “curatives” were not just ineffective, they were downright dangerous. Learn about the societal and economic forces that unleashed these questionable treatments on the public, driven by hucksterism, false advertising and get-rich-quick schemes.

The Carriage House is fully accessible For more information, call 609-884-5404 or visit www.capemaymac.org


Beneath A Blanket Of Stars

Stairway to the Stars

Lighthouse Climb


Cape May Point State Park, Lighthouse Avenue off Sunset Boulevard

Without the light of the moon, you see the stars shine! Climb the 199 steps to the top of the Cape May Lighthouse on evenings of the New Moon and the start of a new 29.5-day lunar cycle, when the moon is so dark it blends in with the night sky and is invisible to the naked eye. Stars and constellations are more visible on clear nights during the New Moon! Binoculars are permitted if securely worn around the neck at all times

Purchase tickets at the Lighthouse the night of Climb.

$20 adults, $10 children (ages 3-12)

For more information, call Cape May MAC at (609) 884-5404 or visit www.capemaymac.org

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