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Cape May Presbyterian Church
You are welcome to worship with us any Sunday, in person, on Facebook Live, or on Youtube at your leisure.
9am Traditional Worship with organ • 11am Celebration Worship with jazz On Holy Week, you will be welcome to any of the following services:
• Palm Sunday services at 9 am and 11 am
• Maundy Thursday 7:30 pm including communion
• Good Friday 9 am Stations of the Cross begins at Congress Hall (with other Cape May churches)
• Easter Sunrise Service at 6:30 am at Decatur Street Beach. Please note this year’s location, due to construction at the Cove. Dress warmly and bring a chair if you’ll need one!
• Easter morning 9 am and 11 am services
Other events include:
· Introducing the Friendly Mug Club—for those who’ve lost a spouse and could use a friend! March 30— email the church for details.
· Spring Bake Sale from 11 am to 1 pm on Saturday, April 15
· Jazz Vespers: On April 16 vocalist Sharon Sable and her band; on May 21, guitarist Mike Ian! At 3 pm for only a $10 donation.
· Follow us on Facebook for other activities and updates! You can find us on any time on our website, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube, or by sending us an email or giving us a call.
As always, we are praying for you, and wishing you the many blessings of Lent and Easter!