SUN Thisweek Farmington and Lakeville

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Opinion Redesigning MN comes to town The Bush Foundation’s Redesigning MN initiative raises good questions for a group gathered in Apple Valley. Page 4A

June 29, 2012 | Volume 33 | Number 18

Some city department heads receive multiple raises Farmington human resources director’s salary nearly tripled after title changes by Laura Adelmann Sun Thisweek

2012 ment • June 29, Advertising Supple

Farmington | Lakeville

In some of the past 15 years, some Farmington department heads received raises every few months, their salaries surpassing 1- or 2 percent cost-of-living increases approved by the City Council each year. Questions have been raised about how those raises were approved, the justification for them and how some promotions were handled. In the 15 years Human Resources Director Brenda Wendlandt has worked for

the city of Farmington, her salary has almost tripled and her title twice changed. Wendlandt did not respond to phone messages and emails seeking comment, but City Administrator Dave McKnight said Wendlandt’s responsibilities increased to include payroll supervisor, chief labor negotiator for Farmington, and data practices compliance officer among other duties. Wendlandt started as a human resources coordinator earning $38,500 per year in April 1997.

By the end of 2000, Wendlandt had good job performance reviews, according to city pay reports, and received five raises to earn $48,901. Over the years, six of her 25 raises were approved by then-Finance Director Robin Roland while serving as interim city administrator in 2001 and 2005. Roland’s first promotion to interim city administrator came after then-City Administrator John Erar’s March 20, 2001, resignation. According to an internal March 28, 2001, memo,

Roland based Wendlandt’s 4 percent raise on a positive performance review and a market analysis conducted as part of the budget process. The analysis included a review of her pay grade and determined, based on external comparisons, her position warranted the $2,155 increase she received. Roland, who is currently the finance director in Cottage Grove, also received a $2,538 raise based upon the Stanton multi-city pay equity survey, and with her cost-ofliving and pay equity adjust-

Eyes on the Prize

Family-run Apple Valley market celebrates 30 years

Dew Days showers fun

by Andrew Miller Sun Thisweek

Dew Days offered a wide range of activities during the annual festival in the city of Farmington. Pages 12A-13A


Photo by Rick Orndorf

Sammy Schmitz is second in the Minnesota Golf Association’s Men’s Player of the Year points with some of the biggest tournaments of the season still to come. Page 14A

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See raises, 3A

Pahl’s Market has grown where it was planted


Golfer has the drive to succeed

ments brought her a 10 percent salary increase in 2001. In an interview, Roland said the market analysis would have been conducted as part of the budget process, and any promotions Wendlandt received would not have been a decision Roland made on her own, but continuing a process Erar had initiated. Erar said he did not recall the specifics of the pay study or the raise Wendlandt received as a result. He said he hired Wend-

Joshua Rice, of Lakeville, works hard at catching prize vouchers in the Mad Money Tornado Machine during the Minnesota Vikings and Frontier Communications cookout to help fill 360 Communities’ summertime food shelves on Wednesday, June 27, at the Burnsville Frontier office parking lot. The goal was to raise 1,000 pounds of donated food to benefit the 360 Communities food shelf. Some carnival games and a free cookout lunch was served by volunteer Frontier staff.

Donnelly drops out of county board race Cites time as the biggest factor; City Council, School Board candidate filing opens July 30 by Laura Adelmann Sun Thisweek

Farmington City Council Member Terry Donnelly filed his candidacy for the Dakota County Board of Commissioners on June 5, but withdrew his name from the race 48 hours later. “Now is not the right Terry time,” Don- Donnelly nelly said, noting he would consider running for the office in the future. “All options are open for sure,” Donnelly said. “Two years is a long time, but (running for county commissioner) is not out of the question.” The former Farmington

School Board member and current Farmington City Council member said he had long considered whether to run for the District 1 seat, held for 32 years by Joe Harris who last winter announced he would not seek re-election. “I thought I would make a good candidate,” Donnelly said. “A lot of people were supporting me.” Donnelly said he weighed the time he would spend campaigning and his family’s hectic summer schedule before deciding to withdraw from the District 1 race. “I have a lot of things going on this summer,” Donnelly said. “And my kids are in the county fair, so it is kind of distracting. My son has a couple years left of 4-H, and then he’s out. I didn’t want to detract from that.”

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District 1 includes Farmington, Hastings, Coates and surrounding townships, and after redistricting is temporarily a two-year term. The winning candidate could face four votes in two years: two primaries and two general elections. In 2014, the seat will return to a four-year term. “That’s a lot of campaigning,” Donnelly said. Donnelly is in his first term on the Farmington City Council; he is still considering whether to seek a second term. The filing period for Farmington City Council and School Board candidates is July 31 to Aug. 14. Laura Adelmann is at laura. or

From humble beginnings, Pahl’s Market has taken root in Apple Valley to become a destination business for locally grown flowers and produce. The family-run market at Galaxie Avenue and County Road 46 along Lakeville’s northern border is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. Lakeville resident Gary Pahl, who owns the operation with his wife, Jane, and his brother, Brian, remembers the early days of Pahl’s Market – sweet corn, watermelons and tomatoes being sold out of the back of a semitrailer with a handpainted Pahl’s Market logo on its side. There wasn’t a lot of traffic passing by in the market’s See pahl’s, 20A

Doug Anderson seeks Lakeville City Council seat He has more than 30 years experience in finance, community involvement by Aaron M. Vehling Sun Thisweek

The Lakeville City Council race is heating up. Doug Anderson, a member of the council’s newly created Financial Advisory Committee and chief f i n a n c i a l Doug officer at Anderson Hamline University, has announced his candidacy for a council seat. “Lakeville has a strong reputation of being a great place to live and work,” Anderson said in a press release. “We need to ensure that services are continued and resources are efficiently and effectively used.” In an interview with Sun Thisweek, Anderson, who is also a certified public ac-

countant, said “what distinguishes me (from other potential candidates) is a 30-plus-year career in business and finance.” Building off this, among Anderson’s campaign focuses is ensuring economic growth in the city using fiscally conservative principles. He pointed out that one avenue to reach that goal is conducting risk analyses of potential actions. “We need to be able to articulate risk,” he said, “instead of doing it on the fly.” Anderson said the city needs better planning to mitigate situations where it has empty buildings. The city using shortterm borrowing to further along the Heritage Center project “raised questions from citizens.” See anderson, 15A

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June 29, 2012 Sun Thisweek - Farmington-Lakeville

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raises, from 1A landt and she “did an excellent job.” The study was likely conducted, he said, because the city was growing at the time and employees probably had to have additional knowledge and skills. “Basically, if the city is getting larger, there’s a lot more work,” Erar said. He added that interim city administrators typically work to keep operations “status quo” until a permanent administrator is hired. “When you’re authorizing a new position, that typically needs approval within the budget process,” Erar said. He said the City Council approves salary ranges, and increases that fall within those ranges would not require specific council action to implement. “I suspect an interim administrator would probably want to keep council well aware of any actions they take if they’re an interim,” he said. Lakeville City Human Resources Manager Cindi Joosten said city staff promotions there involve multiple steps that include review by a position evaluation committee and a personnel committee before it is brought to the City Council for approval. Any accompanying raise must go through the same approval process, she said, but added when Lakeville was a smaller city, it did not have the same amount of internal controls. Wendlandt’s March 2001 raise was authorized retroactive to Jan. 1, 2001. One week later, on April 2, 2001, Roland authorized Wendlandt’s title to be changed to manager and signed off on another 10.5 percent raise that brought Wendlandt’s salary to $60,000. Her job title change was not approved or considered by City Council, according to a review of city meeting minutes from that time. Wendlandt has brought other similar employee promotions before the council seeking a resolution for approval, including one in November 2002 for an administrative

services director. Farmington’s city code does not specify if those kinds of promotions require council approval. Currently the League of Minnesota Cities states that Farmington’s governance structure requires job promotions be ratified by the City Council. In 2001, Wendlandt had earned a 22 percent raise that included a pay equity adjustment of $1,756; Minnesota state law requires public entities to regularly conduct equity studies to promote equal pay. By September 2002, then-City Administrator Ed Shukle promoted Wendlandt to human resources director without council approval, according to city records. Citing the 2002 compensation study, Wendlandt’s salary increased to $68,440. According to Page 13 of the study, Wendlandt’s then $67,521 salary was already between 6.9 percent and 14.7 percent above the other salaries in the comparison. Those findings were never presented in city meeting packets and then-council members interviewed for this story did not recall those being reviewed by the council. City Council Member Jason Bartholomay said he has recently reviewed the compensation study, and understood it to say in general most city management positions were then paid above-average while lowerskill positions were then paid below-average. Then-Farmington City Council members interviewed said they do not recall if they were shown the full $26,500 study, or voted to approve the study findings. The council authorized the $26,500 study be conducted, according to city council packet material. “I don’t have a clue who authorized it,” then-Mayor Jerry Ristow said of the way the study conclusions were implemented. Many city staff received a raise as a result of the study, said former Council Member LaCelle Cordes. Cordes said the council also didn’t know about title changes, and she got the impression staff just wanted the

council to “rubber stamp” everything. “We questioned them, but we got dogged if we questioned what they were doing,” Cordes said. “It was like ‘How dare you question us? This is how it is.’ ” A Sept. 16, 2002, memo from Wendlandt to the council said the city’s final recommendation regarding the study will include “salary adjustments and title changes for some city staff,” without identifying the positions or mentioning Wendlandt’s position as manager could become a director and move into a higher salary range. In January 2003, Wendlandt received another raise based on the compensation study, and a 2-percent cost-of-living increase that brought her salary to $76,882. She continued to receive three raises in both 2004 and 2005 bringing her salary to $90,884, a 15 percent increase over two years. In addition to the costof-living raises approved by council annually, the reasons for raises she was given throughout her time with the city include merit steps, compensation study adjustments, market adjustments, pay equity adjustments, position change adjustments, performance awards, contract adjustments and step adjustments. Cited once in Wendlandt’s city pay records was “FDDA (Farmington Department Directors Association) contract Adjustments” that resulted in a 3 percent salary increase. McKnight said the FDDA was an independent union department heads formed for a brief time, but has since disbanded. Wendlandt currently earns $106,613 making her one of the highest paid employees at the city. Other city department heads have also received multiple pay increases over the years. Former Administrative Services Director Lisa Shadick’s salary was $31,772 when she started as assistant operations manager at the city’s liquor store in September 1996.

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By November 2002, when Wendlandt recommended the council approve the appointment of Shadick to administrative services director, her salary had risen 47 percent to $46,873, boosted by pay equity, cost-of-living and market adjustment raises. The new job included a 31 percent pay increase. From 2003 to 2009, Shadick received 16 more raises, including three merit increases and a step increase. She was given increases based on the 2002 compensation study, although the Page 13 chart shows her salary was between 8 percent and 10.5 percent above that of similar positions elsewhere. Shadick’s salary was $101,795 in 2010 when her position was eliminated due to city budget concerns. Roland’s salary history indicates she started in November 1996 at a salary of $49,000. She received cost-of-living increases, pay equity adjustments and two raises based on the 2002 compensation study. Page 13 of the study also indicates Farmington’s finance director salary was above-average compared to other entities by between 2.4 percent and 7.7 percent. City salary sheets show Roland received salary increases when she was named interim city administrator in 2001 and 2005. In 2001, her salary went back to $65,453 after an ad-

3A for all information to be presented to the council. “I think that council should be aware of those types of things,” he said. “Anytime there is an increase in the budget … the council should be aware of the details as to what that is making up that increase. We have to be able to report those things back to our constituents.” “This does concern me,” Farmington Mayor Todd Larson wrote in an e-mail to Sun Thisweek. Council Members Julie May and Terry Donnelly were unable to be reached for comment. Larson added he is proud to be part of the current council. “We ask questions and David keeps us fully informed on items such as this,” Larson said. “The way Farmington does business has changed with this council and with David, the management team does not and will not run the city.” Numerous requests were made of Wendlandt to provide information for this story. She had not responded to those requests as of press time. Information for this story was provided by other city staff members and McKnight.

Sun Thisweek - Farmington-Lakeville June 29, 2012

ministrator was hired and her normal duties resumed. In 2005, Roland’s pay increased from $87,056 to $88,314 for the extra work. Once those duties ended, she was given a 2.9 percent merit increase above her temporary salary that was signed by then-Mayor Kevan Soderberg. Roland said she received the increase the second time because she had advanced in the city’s compensation system, qualified for merit pay. She said the city got a good deal when she served as interim for nine months in 2005, because she only received $1,000 more to take on the city’s top job duties than she would have received had she not done the extra work.

Council concerned

Farmington City Council members have expressed concern about the wage increases and promotions that have apparently occurred without council approval. City Council Member Christy Jo Fogarty said when she started on the city council 10 years ago, she was under the impression that Wendlandt’s position had always been a director. “I don’t remember ever taking a vote approving that job become a director,” Fogarty said. “I don’t think it Laura Adelmann is at laura. happened. “It certainly wasn’t some- or thing that was said in a memo on a council agenda.” Bartholomay advocated



June 29, 2012 Sun Thisweek - Farmington-Lakeville

Redesigning our lives for the new economy by Tad Johnson Sun Thisweek

One participant at a recent gathering of Dakota County residents said he had to quit school and his job because there wasn’t a reliable transit option from Rosemount to Mendota Heights after he couldn’t afford to keep his car. Another resident lamented the fact that the social fabric of her Burnsville neighborhoods seemed to be fraying. Yet another feared that a wave of people retiring would not only saddle the economy with unforeseen costs but drain the workforce of experienced leaders. The solution to all of these problems may rest in innovation spurred by the Bush Foundation’s Redesigning MN project. Earlier this month about 30 people gathered at the Apple Valley Hayes Community and Senior Center to talk about how the framework of Redesigning MN could work in their communities. Here’s the crux of it: Minnesota’s 1.3 million Baby Boomers started to retire in January 2008, a “silver tsunami” that will keep crashing on our shores for the next 20 years. From a government delivery perspective, the silver set will demand more expenses (medical assistance, long-term care), while generating a lot less tax revenue. With fewer people entering the workforce to feed tax revenues, government agencies will have to increase productivity to meet the new demands, according to state demographer Tom Gillaspy. Redesigning MN is a process through which government can innovate public services to become more efficient in such areas as transportation, housing, health programs and natural resource conservation with a fo-

in brief

Sun Thisweek Columnist

Tad Johnson

cus on outcomes expected rather than how they are delivered. As the Apple Valley session proved, Redesigning MN is about so much more than government agencies adapting to the New Normal. It pertains to private businesses, nonprofits, families and, yes, each and every one of us. As a participant in the session, I was impressed with the open and free exchange of ideas and opinions – that were in many cases in direct opposition to each other. There was a diversity in the room that went beyond its typical racial definition. There were young and old, longtime residents and those new to the area, there were some political leaders, but they were far outnumbered by regular Jacks and Jills. The session, which will become part of a documentary to air this fall in an eight-part Twin Cities Public Television series, seemed to capture the attention of those involved. After viewing a short video that set the stage for the need to “redesign,” participants discussed what could inhibit and incite redesign. They were asked to talk about why it is important, what could be some results and how could its concepts spread. The session turned its attention to transportation for a portion of the evening, which included a panel discussion involving some

Sun Thisweek would like to hear readers’ perspectives on Redesigning MN. To learn more about the project, go online to Send reactions to how you think government agencies in Dakota County can redesign its services to or comment on this column at If you would like to take part in a discussion group on the topic, send an email to the same address. of the leaders of the estimated 36 organizations in Dakota County that offer transportation services. (Look for more about this in a future edition.) As the conversation carried on, I was impressed with the responses to the questions. The body public is often scorned for its lack of community engagement, but that may be because they rarely are asked to share their opinions in such a forum. If Dakota County is going to meet the challenges of the future, it is going to need all the ideas it can get in all levels of government – county, city, school district, township and beyond. Businesses, which may be ahead of the curve on redesign, will be required to go even further to reassess how they can deliver their services. Nonprofits must innovate in the face of declining contributions. Families will be asked to continue to tighten their budgets. Even with all the negative overtones, I can’t help but see a tremendous opportunity in all of this.

There will be millions of seniors leaving Minnesota jobs in the next 20 years. Their departure can set innovation in motion not unlike what happened in Dakota County government when it redesigned by attrition as a wave of retirees hit in recent years and many of those positions went unfilled. In such instances, people ask: How can we do things differently? Can duties be reassigned to others? Can one person do the work of two people through innovation, like putting technology to its highest and best use? Retirements mean in many cases these workers will need replacements in search of greater responsibility and leadership roles. We need to identify areas in which there is a concentration of silver workers and train those currently working or the unemployed in those fields. We need to learn all that we can from these experienced workers now, so that knowledge can be applied in redesign efforts. We need to encourage them not to go to Florida or Arizona and to continue to use their talents in a volunteer capacity for Minnesota agencies that sorely need volunteers. Redesigning MN will not happen overnight or in one evening with a two-hour meeting of a few citizens. It will take a comprehensive approach that involves as much mobilization of ideas and energy as possible. So, what are your ideas? Tad Johnson, managing editor of Sun Thisweek and the Dakota County Tribune, can be reached at or Columns reflect the opinion of the author.

Poverty’s reach startling, but not unbeatable

It’s hard to imagine that one out of every 10 Minnesotans is now living in poverty. For a family of four that’s annual income of about $23,000, or $442 per week. In the last 10 years poverty rates grew by 3 percent in Minnesota. What’s most surprising is that it’s no longer confined to the inner city. According to U.S. Census Bureau data, an estimated 11 percent of Minnesotans live in poverty. That’s roughly 587,000 people, or the combined population of Minneapolis, Rochester and Bloomington. Minneapolis and St. Paul still lead the way at more than 22 percent each, but suburban growth demonstrates it’s not just confined to the Twin Cities. In Burnsville, 8.1 percent of the population is living in poverty. In Bloomington, 7.3 percent live at or below the poverty level. In Chaska, on the western-most edge of the metro, 7.6 percent of the population is living at the poverty level. The proliferation shows up virtually everywhere: St. Louis Park, 8.2 percent; Spring Lake Park, 8.2 percent; Maplewood, 10.6 percent; Coon Rapids, 7.6 percent; Isanti, 9.9 percent; and Richfield, 11.8 percent. And it can be even tougher in Greater Minnesota. Morrison and Mille Lacs counties each have more than 12 percent of the population at or below the poverty level. Here’s where it gets really concerning. More than 16 percent of Minnesota’s children under the age of 6, our future lead-

ECM Editorial ers, are living in poverty. And a stunning 35 percent of African-Americans in Minnesota live in poverty. The poverty rate for all people of color is a staggering 26 percent. The first place this usually impacts a family is at the dinner table. From 2008 to 2010, food shelf visits by metro families in need jumped by 97 percent, according to Hunger Solutions. Without an adequate food source, everything else breaks down. Clearly, proper nutrition is critical to early development and the learning ability of children, especially in the first three years of life. Without it, more children struggle and fall behind in their development. The growth in food shelf use has put a tremendous strain on local food shelves, not only in keeping shelves stocked, but also in their ability to staff facilities. Part of the solution is to show genuine concern for fellow citizens. All Minnesotans can do something to make life better for those in need. It can start with volunteering at food shelves, homeless shelters or through church and civic organizations that seek ways to teach others to be more self-sufficient. In 2010 more than 1.5 million Minnesotans volunteered their time to help others. That equated to roughly 170 million hours of time. Almost 30 percent of that time was spent collecting and distributing food to those in need. Volunteerism is not only valuable in combating poverty,

it creates compassion and understanding among community members. It makes this a better place. Perhaps the greatest weapon in the arsenal, though, is education. Understanding the consuming nature of poverty is the first step in fixing the problem. If it’s not understood it cannot be fixed. Left unchecked, it will create more problems for everyone. With help from parents and families, the education of our children will be the best and most effective way to slow and reduce poverty in Minnesota. An educated population is one that is valuable to the workforce, has the ability to overcome obstacles and makes society stronger. Education offers the most direct path out of poverty. But it takes personal sacrifice, not just by students, but by parents, grandparents, guardians, teachers, and everyone who has an impact on children. Minnesota schools spend more than $11,000 per pupil each year, yet many high schools struggle to get students graduated in four years largely because of diverse populations. In fact, there are more than eight suburban districts that have a fouryear graduation rate below 80 percent. Other states have already discovered that higher per-pupil spending does not necessarily equate to a better result. The key is identifying at-risk students early and making sure effort is made to help them succeed with a variety of state and federal programs that keeps the focus on individuals and ultimately directs them on a path

toward college. That’s important when considering that by 2018 Minnesota employers are expecting that 70 percent of the jobs here will require education beyond high school, according to a Georgetown University study. While a high school graduation may have translated into a good job in 20th century, a college-educated workforce will be necessary for Minnesota to be competitive from this point forward. We have some work to do, but it is achievable. Right now fewer than 19 percent of Brooklyn Center’s adults possess a bachelor’s degree. The same is true of adults in Isanti County, where 16 percent have a bachelor’s degree. And in Mille Lacs and Morrison counties, only 15 percent of adults have a bachelor’s degree. Education is the foundation upon which this state’s future will flourish or falter. People will ultimately make the real difference in this campaign. If we don’t care, who will? Through a renewed commitment to education that reinforces knowledge as a means for a better life, students who are living in poverty can discover that there is hope and that they have value. But it must be a shared vision, one that all Minnesotans recognize as critical to the continued success of the state. An editorial from the ECM Editorial Board. Sun Thisweek Newspapers and the Dakota County Tribune are part of ECM Publishers Inc.

Letters Support voter ID question

ID question on the ballot in November. As a registered voter, however, I deserve to have To the editor: There is a lot of misin- confidence in the election formation about the voter process. Fair, transparent

elections give confidence to all voters, regardless of their political affiliation. Voter fraud is only detected after the election is over and it is very costly

Letters to the editor policy Sun Thisweek welcomes letters to the editor. Submitted letters must be no more than 350 words. All letters must have the author’s phone number and address for verification purposes. Anonymous letters will not be accepted. Letters reflect the opinion of the author only. Sun Thisweek reserves the right to edit all letters. Submission of a letter does not guarantee publication.

Laura Adelmann | FARMINGTON NEWS | 952-894-1111 | Aaron Vehling | Lakeville NEWS | 952-846-2056 | Andy Rogers | SPORTS | 952-846-2027 | Mike Jetchick | AD SALES | 952-846-2019 | Keith Anderson | Director of News | 952-392-6847 | Managing Editors | Tad Johnson | John Gessner Publisher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Julian Andersen President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marge Winkelman General Manager/Editor. . . . . . Jeffrey Coolman Farmington/District 192 Editor. Laura Adelmann Lakeville/District 194 Editor. . . . . Aaron Vehling

Thisweekend . . . . Photo Editor. . . . Sports Editor . . . Sales Manager. . . Office Manager. .

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Andrew Miller Rick Orndorf . Andy Rogers Mike Jetchick Ellen Reierson

15322 Galaxie Ave., Suite 219, Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-894-1111 fax: 952-846-2010 | Office Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Friday

to the taxpayers. It is much better to prevent the fraud in the first place. A valid photo ID would help to do this. Most Minnesotans have a photo ID already if they drive a car, register for college, or apply for a bank account. Voting is indeed a right, but you have to meet eligibility requirements. These include being at least 18 years of age, a resident of Minnesota, and a resident in the precinct in which you will cast your vote. A photo ID will provide all of this information to an election judge. I hope that you want to protect your vote by supporting this vital law in Minnesota.

math. No wonder so many jobs have been outsourced to overseas countries. As a 5-year-old, I contracted several diseases, any one of which could have been fatal. My mother homeschooled me for a whole year and at 6 years old I could do fourth grade work at the “A” level so I never went to the first grade. Teachers downgraded my intelligence and spoke to my parents about my lack of coordination with a parting “good luck” assessment. Since then I earned a college degree, was declared irreplaceable in World War II, earned collegiate letters and built a civilian resume which has attracted the plaudits of the top world biographers. Along with all PAM PICKETT of this, I burst beyond the Lakeville upper 1 percent to attain a A better future financial future rarely realized in these bad economic is up to you times. To the editor: As I have written many Re: Educational deficien- times for these pages, your cies and financial failure future is up to you. Don’t In the worldwide tests leave it to somebody else. given to students, our U.S. youngsters rank close to FRANKLIN WICKER the bottom in science and Lakeville

Second thoughts on bumper stickers To the editor: I am a supporter of the marriage amendment on the ballot this November. A couple months ago I called the Twin Cities office for this campaign. I suggested bumper stickers promoting the amendment. I was told due to a fear of violence and vandalism of the cars, they had decided against it. I was also told during the successful campaign for the marriage amendment in California, supporters of the amendment had bricks and concrete blocks thrown through their house windows, their cars vandalized and received death threats on the phone. This is the kind of hate opponents have for Christians, conservatives and for marriage. RALPH GILBERTSEN Burnsville

Sun Thisweek - Farmington-Lakeville June 29, 2012


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Open house at Kindernook

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Kindernook Preschool, 20088 Kenwood Trail, Lakeville, will hold an open house from 9 to 11 a.m. Wednesdays during the summer months. Fall preschool classes begin Sept. 10. For further information, call Laura Saarela at (952) 440-3662 or visit www.

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News Brief Climate meeting set July 7 The Dakota County chapter of Citizens Climate Lobby will meet from 11:45 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, July 7, at the Galaxie Library, 14955 Galaxie Ave., Apple Valley. University of WisconsinMadison professor Jonathan Patz will speak via conference call about the health impacts of climate change. For more information, contact Paul Hoffinger at (651) 882-0671.

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June 29, 2012 Sun Thisweek - Farmington-Lakeville

District 194 budget stable Management restructuring pursued by Aaron M. Vehling Sun Thisweek

The Lakeville Area School District released its preliminary budget for 20122013 and things are looking manageable. In early 2011, the School Board voted on almost $16 million in budget adjustments designed to balance the budget for 2011-2012 and 2012-2013. Programs such as elementary art were cut, as were about 100 faculty and staff members. Crystal Lake Elementary was repurposed into a site for special education and early childhood and community education. The costs for operating many sports and cocurricular programs were outsourced to booster organizations, among other costsaving measures. That the district did not put off the pain last year means that this year is much more routine. It could have been worse. The $135 million budget for the district, which serves about 11,000 students over

86 square miles, comes at a time when challenges approach with slow but steady determination. Declining enrollment means a loss of per pupil revenue from the state, said Director of Business Services Mark Klett. The Oct. 1, 2011, head-count revealed that the district had 87 fewer students than expected. The district receives from the state an average of about $5,124 per pupil enrolled in the district (on the last day of school, not the first). The exact number depends on the grade a student is in – high school students get more funding than those in elementary, Klett said. That loss of money was offset by added revenue from the Legislature, which along with Gov. Mark Dayton, voted to pay back school districts some of the millions they withheld to balance the state’s budget. In Lakeville, that amounts to an increase of $50 per pupil for the biennium, Klett said. The general fund balance

will remain at about 5 percent of expenditures, above the 4 percent target the School Board has set. “Nothing is happening that wasn’t planned,” Klett said. “Going forward we will have challenges again, though.” What the district faces is a rapidly changing demographic landscape. Earlier this year, the district hired demographer Hazel Reinhardt to study the situation. Her findings concluded that the district could lose as many as 651 students over the next five years as residents in the district age and stay in place, a reverse from the previous dynamic that involved young families moving to the area and having children. For the next two school years’ budgets, the district will embark on an budget process that brings in even more “stakeholder involvement,” said School Board Member Bob Erickson. That includes the community as well as staff members. The process for budget planning for 2013-2014 will begin this September, he said.

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William Victor Gagnon William Victor Gagnon, age 48 passed away on June 13th after a short battle with colon cancer. Survived by wife, Leanne, two children, daughter Victoria and son Zachary, his parents Noel and Nancy Gagnon, sister Tami Gagnon, 4 nephews and his extended family. Memorial service was held on Tuesday June 19th, 2012 at Hope Church in Apple Valley.


Endersbe Johnston Tom and Lisa Endersbe of Eagan announce the engagement of their daughter Tori to Clint Johnston the son of Gary Johnston of Las Vegas, NV and Barbara Cohen of West Roxbury, Massachusetts. The bride to be is a 2005 Graduate of Eagan High School and has a degree in Journalism from the University of Kansas. The future groom is a 2003 graduate from Wellesley High School in Massachusetts and has his degree in Psychology from the University of Kansas. The couple currently live in Minneapolis, MN and is planning an August 11th wedding in the groom’s home town of Chatham, MA.


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In other news, the district will pursue a $30,000 restructure of its executivelevel positions. The move, officials say, is a bid to create more consistency and a more streamlined administration. Heads of certain departments will become “executive directors” who are cabinet members with the possibility of filling in for Superintendent Lisa Snyder if need be. Because the district has no assistant superintendent position, Snyder said, this move clearly outlines chain of command. “This will help us strengthen decision-making,” she said at a recent School Board meeting. Director of Special Services Renae Ouillette will become executive director of special education and student services and will attend school board meetings as part of the upper cabinet. The cost is attributed primarily to minor raises resulting from changing titles and, in the case of Jason Molesky, a drastic redefinition of his job description and expectations, officials said. “Funding considerations are quite minimal for what we are gaining,” Snyder said. In addition to top-level changes, other positions in departments will be restructured to better serve students, Snyder said, “promoting innovation, closing the achievement gap and providing more support to teachers.” For example, technology coordinators and the district support center will be moved from the non-academic Business Services department to the Teacher and Learning department, where those positions can be fully integrated with curriculum.

Handtke Johnson Lindsay Handtke, daughter of Bruce and April Handtke of Onalaska WI, and Andrew Johnson, son of Bob and Lisa Johnson of Lakeville, MN, announce their engagement. Lindsay is a 2005 graduate of Holmen High School, in 2009 earned her B.S. degree in English/Spanish at the U of M Twin Cities. She will begin her new job teaching at Adelante College Prep Middle School in Mpls this fall. Andrew is a 2004 graduate of Lakeville High School, graduated in 2008 with an Electrical Engineering degree from the U of M Inst. of Technology Twin Cities. He is employed by Starkey Hearing Technologies in Eden Prairie. A July 21st wedding is planned at the Onalaska Church of Christ in Onalaska, WI.

Deanna Lynn Darling Age 51, of Lakeville passed away at her home surround by her family on June 23, 2012. She was a 1979 Graduate from Rosemount High School. Deanna worked 17+ years for Walgreens in the Pharmacy Department. She is preceded in death by her father, Carl G. Leidner. Survived by her loving husband of 26 years, Brent; children, Candice Borchert, Crystal Metzler, Brandon Darling and Nicholas Darling; grandchildren, Isaac, Faith, Grace, Olivia and Avalon; mother, Marlene Leidner; siblings, Don (Julie) Leidner, Dale (Ellen) Leidner, and Debra (Robert) Hilmoe; many nieces and nephews other relatives and friends. Memorial service was held, 1 PM Wednesday, June 27, 2012 at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, 12650 Johnny Cake Ridge Road, Apple Valley with memorial visitation was Tuesday 4-8 PM (6/26) at the W h it e F u n er a l H o me, 20 1 34 Kenwood Tr. Lakeville (952 469 2723) and 1 hr. prior to service at church. Private Interment, Rosemount Cemetery, Rosemount, MN. Online condolences at

McMahon Martin

Jeanna McMahon and Lucas (Luke) Martin, both of Eagan, announced their engagement. She is the daughter of Terry McMahon of Pleasant Prairie, WI and Jeanine McMahon of Kenosha, WI. He is the son of Roger and Melinda Martin of Apple Valley. Jeanna graduated in 2005 from Tremper High School, Kenosha, and Rasmussen College in Minneapolis, receiving an associate's degree in ISM Database Administration. She works for Dell, in Edina, as Software Development Senior Data Analyst. Luke graduated from Eagan High School in 1999 and the University of Minnesota in 2003, receiving a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering. He is employed at the Minnesota Department of Health. They plan to be married on October 5 in Eagan.

Klee - Destein David and Mary Klee of Eagan announce the engagement of their daughter, Telesha Klee, to Michael Destein, son of Richard and Billie Destein of Lakeland, FL. Telesha graduated from Visitation in 1996 and earned her BA from Drake University. Michael received his BS from UC Santa Cruz. Telesha and Michael reside in San Francisco and will be married September 29, 2012 at St. John’s Catholic Church in Sonoma. Telesha sells digital imaging equipment to hospitals for GE Healthcare and Michael is a Software Solutions Architect for Informatica.


Education Farmington Community Ed

Farmington Community Education has many opportunities for youth in July. Listed below are the start dates for the classes or events listed. For more information, visit or call (651) 460 3200. • Getting Started with iPad, adults, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, July 19, Aaron M. Vehling can be Meadowview Elementary, reached at aaron.vehling@ 6100 195th St. or • Going Further with your iPad, adults, 6:30 to sunthisweek. 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 31, Meadowview Elementary, 6100 195th St. • July 9: Camp Invention, Tiger Basketball Scoring/ Position Camp • July 13: Pre-London Challenge at Dodge Pool • July 16: Summer Swim Session C starts, Introduction to Springboard Diving, Introduction to Competitive Swimming, Fencing, Digital Film Production: CSI Experience, Rollercoaster Engineering and Building, Clay and Canvas Creations • July 23: Tiger Cubs Basketball Camp (K-2), Lego X: Olympic Decathlon • July 27: Pre-London Challenge at Dodge Pool • July 30: Summer Swim Session D starts, Introduction to Competitive Swimming, Intermediate Diving, Synchronized Swimming

Lily May Larson

Dylan Daniel Klingelhut Dylan Daniel Klingelhut was born on May 14, 2012 to the proud parents of Ross and Jennifer Klingelhut of Lakeville. Dylan weighed 7lbs, 7oz, and was 21 1/2 inches long.

Lily May Larson was born May 28th, 2012 at Fairview Ridges Hospital in Burnsville to Jacqueline and Michael Larson of Webster. Lily weighed 6 pounds 10 ounces and was 20 1/4 inches. Hunter is the proud big brother. Lily’s grandparents are Susan and Michael Challenger and Kathy and Eric Larson, all from Lakeville.


To submit an announcement Forms for birth, engagement, wedding, anniversary and obituaries announcements are available at our office and online at www. (click on “Announcements” and then “Send Announcement”). Com­pleted forms may be e-mailed to class.thisweek@ or mailed to Sun Thisweek, 15322 Galaxie Ave., Suite 219, Apple Valley, MN 55124. If you are submitting a photograph along with your announcement, please only submit photographs for which you have the right to permit Sun Thisweek to use and publish. Deadline for announcements is 4 p.m. Tuesday. A fee of $50 will be charged for the first 5 inches and $10 per inch thereafter. They will run in all editions of Sun Thisweek. Photos may be picked up at the office within 60 days or returned by mail if a self-addressed, stamped envelope is provided.

Congratulations Lindianna J. Steffan Daughter of Wesley and Vicki Steffan, 2008 graduate of Lakeville South High School, recently was commissioned as an Officer and Ensign in the United States Navy. She has reported to flight school at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, FL to begin her training as a military pilot. Lindianna graduated from Norwich University, the nation's oldest private military college in the United States of America, summa cum laude, with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and as a member of the Corps of Cadets.

Sun Thisweek - Farmington-Lakeville June 29, 2012



June 29, 2012 Sun Thisweek - Farmington-Lakeville

Sun Thisweek - Farmington-Lakeville June 29, 2012


Search for missing Lakeville pilot ends


Bratlie went missing June 8, search crews’ efforts unsuccessful

Apple Valley

by Aaron M. Vehling

Community meals

Sun Thisweek

Grace Lutheran Church in Apple Valley will serve free community meals on Mondays, July 2, 16 and 23. Dining hall doors will open at 5:30 p.m. Dinner will be served from 6 to 6:30 p.m. The meals are for senior citizens, single-parent families, families in transition and all others in the surrounding community seeking a healthy meal in a relaxed and fun environment. Although the meals are free, donations are accepted. Grace Lutheran Church is located at the intersection of Pennock Avenue and County Road 42. For more information, call the church at (952) 432-7273.


Ice cream social, supperette The women of Highview Christiania Lutheran Church will serve a Supperette and Ice Cream Social at the church from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 11. The menu will include sloppy joes, hot dogs, beans, potato salad, pie and ice cream. There will be a fish pond for children. The church is at 26690 Highview Ave. W., Eureka Township, rural Farmington. Call (952) 469-2722 for more information.

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The search has been suspended for Lakeville pilot Michael Bratlie, 67, whose plane went missing June 8 north of Duluth after what was supposed to be a day trip from South St. Paul to Duluth and back. Crews from Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois searched for nearly two weeks, covering more than 2,000 miles in northeastern Minnesota without any success, according to the Civil Air Patrol. Bratlie, a former airline and Navy pilot, was testing out a new engine on his Piper PA-31 Navajo plane, according to various media


reports. the areas airports, nor was Lt. Col. Paul Hertel of there a flight plan on file, the patrol said that likely according to the patrol. crash areas were searched multiple times. Patrol volunteers volunteered 641 “person-days” and flew about 62,000 miles over the region in search of Bratlie, he said. The patrol was able to isolate a general search area – from Silver Bay to the border with Ontario and from Lake Superior inland seven miles – based on data from radar and cell phone signals, reports said. Up to as many as 10 planes and four ground teams were deployed in the area. There was no evidence Bratlie landed at any of


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Aaron M. Vehling can be reached at aaron.vehling@ or sunthisweek.


June 29, 2012 Sun Thisweek - Farmington-Lakeville


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News Briefs Free classes for adults English as a second language classes for adults begin July 10. Classes are free. This is a class is for all levels of adult English language learners. The class includes basic vocabulary, reading, writing, conversation in English. Classes are

held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 to 8:15 p.m. in room 201 of the Instructional Service Center, 510 Walnut St., Farmington. For more information, call (651) 463-5085. No appointment is required. GED preparation, college or work preparation, and adult basic education classes for adults begin July

9. Classes are free and are held Mondays from 5:30 to 8:15 p.m. and Tuesdays from 9 to 11:45 a.m. in room 201 of the Instructional Service Center, 510 Walnut St., Farmington. For more information, call (651) 4635085. No appointment is required.

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Photo by Deb Laugerude

The Lakeville and Lakeside Lions held a food drive on May 19 in which they collected 1,207 pounds of food and 1,229 pounds of personal items for the Lakeville Resource Center. The Lions also donated five trees to the city of Lakeville to be planted at city parks and the new Heritage Center. Lions were on hand May 24 at Valley Lake Park for the tree planting. From left: Jerry Laugerude, Marion Clay, Larry Bakken, Duane Zaun and John Buehler.

Sun Thisweek - Farmington-Lakeville June 29, 2012



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Lakeville seniors The Lakeville Senior Center is located at 20732 Holt Ave. Senior center inquiries can be directed to Linda Walter, senior coordinator, at (952) 985-4622 or

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Book Club with Murray

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The Lakeville Senior Center’s book club will meet at 10 a.m. on July 3 to discuss “Half Broke Horses” by Jeannette Walls and “Imprisoned by Hope” by Dolores Attias (senior center member.) This group is led by Heritage Library’s Murray Wilson. New members are welcome. Cost: One punch.

Health Angels Biking Club

Photo by Jessica Harper

The Eagan Art Festival exhibited artists from across many media, including handmade dolls. The two-day event also displayed more traditional art forms such as photography, The Health Angels Bik- painting and sculpture. ing Club meets at the senior center at 8 a.m. Wednesdays and Fridays for coffee before heading out on a ride at 8:30 a.m. sharp. The biking schedule for July is: • July 4, open • July 6, Hopkins to Excelsior, 20 miles • July 11-12, overnight to Duluth • July 18, Hopkins to Excelsior, 20 miles • July 20, Minneapolis – Stone Arch, 22 miles • July 25, Minneapolis Lakes, 22 miles • July 27, Big River, 17 miles • July 21-27, MS TRAM Ride (250 miles) New, experienced bikers are welcome.

St. Croix River cruise Take a St. Croix River cruise from Stillwater on Thursday, Aug. 2. A deli luncheon will be served. Leave the senior center at 9:30 a.m. and return at approximately 3:15 p.m. Cost is $49, payable by July 6.


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Singles group The monthly planning meeting is the third Friday of each month at 9:30 a.m. Participants must be current senior center members and pay a $5 group registration fee. On Saturday, July 7, the group will visit the Minneapolis Institute of Art, 2400 Third Ave. S., Minneapolis. Admission is free. Carpool from the senior center parking lot at 11 a.m. Lunch at noon at Bryant Lake Bowl, 810 W. Lake St., Minneapolis. Check out the menu at

Health insurance counseling Free health insurance counseling to Medicare beneficiaries will be provided by state-certified Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging staff or volunteers from 9 a.m. to noon Monday, July 9. To make a one-hour appointment, call the senior center.

Pops orchestra concert Travel to Nicollet Island to hear the sounds of the Minneapolis Pops Orchestra on July 17. Free refreshments and door prizes included. Leave the senior center at 8:45 a.m. and return at approximately 12:30 p.m. Cost is $12, payable by July 10.

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ORDER FOR PUBLICATION ON HEARING STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF KENT 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FAMILY DIVISION Case No.: 12-51894-NA-101709101 & 12-51895-NA-101709102 TO: JOHN GOLDNER Child’s Name: VICTORIA AND SAMANTHA GOLDNER Hearing: JULY 17, 2012 AT 9:00 A.M. Judge GARDNER, 9TH FLOOR COURTROOM 9-D An initial and/or supplemental child protective petition has been filed in the above matter. A hearing on the petition, including petition to terminate your parental rights and a permanency planning hearing, will be conducted by the Court on the date and time stated above in the 17th Judicial Circuit Court, Family Division, Kent County Courthouse, 180 Ottawa NW, Grand Rapids, Michigan. The permanency planning hearing will result in the child(ren) being returned home, continued in foster care, or the court may order proceedings to terminate parental rights. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that you personally appear before the court at the time and place stated above and exercise your right to participate in the proceedings. THIS HEARING MAY RESULT IN THE TERMINATION OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS or in a temporary loss of your right to the child(ren). Dated: June 26, 2012 PATRICIA D GARDNER JUDGE OF PROBATE 3065577 6/29/12P

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June 29, 2012 Sun Thisweek - Farmington-Lakeville

Thisweekend Dew Days showers visitors with fun

Photo by Laura Adelmann

Wearing Tiger orange colors, Farmington School District Superintendent Jay Haugen and Farmington School Board members ran hard against a blue team during the Dew Days bed race event last Friday.

Nine Miss Farmington Pageant princesses and 11 community members participated in the June 15 Dew Days pie-eating contest, sponsored by the Farmington Bakery. Several contests were held, and winners received gift certificates to the bakery.

Photo by Rick Orndorf

Farmington High School students provided plenty of pep during the Dew Days Parade last weekend in Farmington.

Photo by Laura Adelmann

Photo by Rick Orndorf

The Farmington Basketball Association handed out candy to eager children during the Dew Days Parade last weekend in Farmington.

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Sun Thisweek - Farmington-Lakeville June 29, 2012

theater and arts briefs

‘Cinderella’ Broadway hits Bortnick, tickets on sale at area parks Kidz Bop Kids The Dakota Valley Sum- concert for July dates mer Pops Orchestra and

family calendar To submit items for the Family Calendar, email: darcy.

Friday, June 29 Open house by the Apple Valley MOMS Club-South (Moms Offering Moms Support) from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Lac Lavon Park in Burnsville. Information: momsclubofapplevalleysouth@ Summer Fresh Friday Film, “Locavore: Local Diet, Healthy Planet,” 6 to 8 p.m. at Valley Natural Foods, 13750 County Road 11, Burnsville. Information: (952) 891-1212, ext. 221. Monday, July 2 Children’s author Patrick Mader will read from his farm book, “Oma Finds a Miracle,” from 1 to 2 p.m. at Valley Natural Foods, Burnsville. Register for the class 32 hours in advance in the store, at (952) 891-1212, ext. 221, or online at www.eventbee. com/v/valleynaturalfoods/boxoffice. Tuesday, July 3 Family Fun Tuesday – Raptors from Dodge Nature Center, 10 to 11 a.m. in the Sculpture Garden at Caponi Art Park, Eagan. $4 per person donation is suggested. Information: (651)

454-9412 or www.caponiartpark. org.

Thursday, July 5 Children’s author Gordon Fredrickson will read from “If I Were a Farmer, Tommy’s Adventure” from 1 to 2 p.m. at Valley Natural Foods, Burnsville. Register for the class 32 hours in advance in the store, at (952) 891-1212, ext. 221, or online at Friday, July 6 Forever Wild Family Friday: Dakota Wild Animals, 7 p.m., in the Discovery Room at Lebanon Hills Visitor Center, 860 Cliff Road, Eagan. Meet a friendly collection of live animals. All ages. Free. Registration required at 3696172&SDT=39002.7589004 63&sectionId=2. Course number 4088. Blood drives The American Red Cross will hold the following blood drives. Call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800733-2767) or visit redcrossblood. org to make an appointment or for more information. • June 30, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Culver’s, 3445 O’Leary Lane,

arts calendar To submit items for the Arts Calendar, email: darcy.odden@

Books Atina Diffley, author of “Turn Here Sweet Corn,” will be at Valley Natural Foods, 13750 County Road 11, Burnsville, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on July 10 to discuss her family’s experience as organic farmers and sign copies of her book. Free, but registration required by July 9 due to space considerations. Call (952) 891-1212, ext. 221 to register. Comedy Benny Quash with special guest Todd Jay at 8:30 p.m. Friday, June 29, and Saturday, June 30, at MinneHAHA Comedy Club, 1583 E. First Ave., Shakopee (lower level of Dangerfield’s), (612) 860-9388, Tickets: $13. Concerts John Prine with Willie Watson, 7:30 p.m. Friday, June 29, Subway Music in the Zoo, Minnesota Zoo amphitheater, Apple Valley. Cost: $67. Tickets available at David Gray with Yuna, 7:30 p.m. Sunday, July 1, Subway Music in the Zoo, Minnesota Zoo amphitheater, Apple Valley. Cost: $67. Tickets available at Ziggy Marley with The New Primitives, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 3, Subway Music in the Zoo, Minnesota Zoo amphitheater, Apple Valley. Cost: $38. Tickets available at Dark Star Orchestra, 7 p.m. Thursday, July 5, Subway Music in the Zoo, Minnesota Zoo amphitheater, Apple Valley. Cost: $30. Tickets available at ticketmaster. com. Music in Kelley Park featuring The Castaways from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, July 6, at Kelley Park, 6855 Fortino St., Apple Valley. Free. Food and beverages available for purchase. DeVotchKa with Caroline Smith and the Goodnight Sleeps, 7:30 p.m. Friday, July 6, Subway Music in the Zoo, Minnesota Zoo amphitheater, Apple Valley. Cost: $31. Tickets available at Melody and The Dramatics will perform at 7 p.m. on July 8 as part of Sunday Night Music in the Park at Nicollet Commons Park, 12600 Nicollet Ave., Burnsville. Free. Exhibits World Travel Photography exhibit by artist Becqi Sherman at the Lakeville Area Arts Center, 20965 Holyoke Ave. Information: (952) 985-4640. Festivals Apple Valley Freedom Days runs June 29-July 4. Information: Lakeville Pan-O-Prog runs July 1-8. Information: Eagan July 4th Funfest runs July 3-4. Information: Workshops/classes Heartbeat Studios, Apple Val-

ley, will offer a six-week youth dance, singing and acting class summer session beginning July 9 in the amphitheater at Caponi Art Park in Eagan. This fairy tale production is open to ages 3 to middle school, and will be presented in mid-August. For class registration information, contact Heartbeat Studios, (952) 4327833, or Mystery Art Night will be offered Fridays, July 20 through Aug. 17, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Eagan Art House. All supplies will be included and light refreshments will be served. Cost per class is $25 in advance or $30 at the door. Register at Call (651) 675-5521 for information. Music Together in the Valley offers classes for parents and their infant, toddler and preschool children in Rosemount, Farmington, Lakeville and Apple Valley. Information: or (651) 439-4219. The Eagan Art House offers classes for all ages. For a complete listing go to or call (651) 675-5521. Dan Petrov Art Studio in Burnsville offers oil painting classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced skill level painters,, (763) 843-2734. Teens Express Yourself with Paint, 5 to 7 p.m. Mondays at Brushworks School of Art in Burnsville,, (651) 214-4732. Drama/theater classes for ages 4 and up at River Ridge Arts Building, Burnsville, (952) 7363644. Special needs theater program (autism-DCD), ages 5 and older, Burnsville, (952) 736-3644. Join other 55-plus adults at the Eagan Art House to create beaded jewelry. The Jewelry Club meets on the third Friday of each month from 1 to 3 p.m. Fee is $3 and includes all supplies. Bring any old jewelry you would like to re-make. 3981 Lexington Ave. S., (651) 675-5500. Savage Art Studios, 4735 W. 123rd St., Suite 200, Savage, offers classes/workshops for all ages. Information: or (952) 8950375. Soy candle making classes held weekly in Eagan near 55 and Yankee Doodle. Call Jamie at (651) 315-4849 for dates and times. $10 per person. Presented by Making Scents in Minnesota. Country line dance classes held for intermediates Mondays 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at Rambling River Center, 325 Oak St., Farmington, $5/class. Call Marilyn (651) 463-7833. Beginner country line dance classes on Wednesdays, 5:307:30 p.m., at the Lakeville VFW, 8790 Upper 208th St. $5/class. Call Marilyn (651) 463-7833. Country line dance classes on Wednesdays at the Lakeville Senior Center, 20732 Holt Ave. Beginners, 9-10 a.m.; Intermediate, 10 a.m.-noon. $5/class. Call Marilyn (651) 463-7833. The Lakeville Area Arts Center offers arts classes for all ages,, (952) 9854640.

Eleven-year-old music sensation Ethan Bortnick will perform with special guests, The Kidz Bop Kids, at 7 p.m. Friday, Aug. 3, at the Burnsville Performing Arts Center. Tickets range from $51 to $71 and can be purchased at the box office, or by phone at (800) 982-2787.

Salute to the Rat Pack

Michael Jackson tribute artist Tickets are on sale for the 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 28, performance of “Moonwalker: A Reflection of Michael” by tribute artist Michael Firestone at the Burnsville Performing Arts Center, 12600

Nicollet Ave., Burnsville. Tickets range from $51 to $71 and can be purchased at the box office, ticketmaster. com or by phone at (800) 982-2787.

7:35 p.m.; Travis Tritt, 9 p.m. July 14 schedule: The Butanes Soul Revue, 5 p.m.; GB Leighton, 6:25 p.m.; Mitch Ryder, 7:50 p.m.; Creedence Clearwater Revisited, 9:30 p.m. Admission is $10 ($10.50 online) in advance and $15 at the gate. Visit for informa Prior Lake’s Lakefront tion. Music Fest will be held July 13-14 at Lakefront Park, 5000 Kopp Parkway. July 13 schedule: Rocket Club, 6 p.m.; Rockie Lynne,

Lakefront Music Fest

Tickets to the 3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 18, performance of Salute to the Rat Pack & the Legends of Las Vegas at the Burnsville Performing Arts Center will be on sale beginning Friday, June 29. Tickets range from $31 to $51 for adults, $22 for chil-

Eagan. • July 2, 2 to 7 p.m., Carmike 15 Cinemas, 15630 Cedar Ave., Apple Valley. • July 2, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., LearningRx, 2874 Highway 55, Eagan. • July 3, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Messiah Lutheran Church, 16725 Highview Ave., Lakeville.

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Chorus will present “Broadway, Baby!” at the following venues: • Tuesday, July 3, 7 p.m., Antler’s Park, Lakeville. • Sunday, July 8, 6:30 p.m., Caponi Art Park, Eagan. • Wednesday, July 11, 7 p.m., Civic Center Park, Burnsville. The performance will include songs from “Guys and Dolls,” “West Side Story,” “Oklahoma,” and “Beauty and the Beast.” The orchestra will be accompanied by the Summer Pops Chorus for music from “Les Miserables” and popular tunes from Andrew Lloyd Webber. In case of rain, the July 8 concert will be moved to July 15.

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Tickets for Eagan Summer Community Theatre’s production of “Cinderella” are now on sale. Performances will be in the Eagan High School auditorium, 4185 Braddock Trail, at 7:30 p.m. July 12 (free senior preview), 7:30 p.m. July 13-14, 18-21, 2528, and 2 p.m. July 15, 22 and 28. Tickets are $12 for adults and $10 for seniors 62-plus and children under 12. To purchase tickets, call (651) 683-6964 between 1 and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, or purchase online at webstore/webstore.html.

dren under 12. Tickets can be purchased at the box office, or by phone at (800) 982-2787.


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June 29, 2012 Sun Thisweek - Farmington-Lakeville

Schmitz playing his best golf, but career might not have peaked yet

Podominick fifth at Olympic trials Lakeville graduate comes close to qualifying for London games by Andy Rogers Sun Thisweek

Photo by Mark Brettingen/Minnesota Golf Association

Farmington native and Apple Valley resident Sammy Schmitz hits a tee shot during the 2011 Minnesota Golf Association Mid-Amateur Championship. He won that tournament and went on to win the MGA Player of the Year award.

MGA Player of Year has strong start in 2012 by Mike Shaughnessy Sun Thisweek

When asked how he’s been tearing it up on the Minnesota amateur golf circuit the last couple of years, Sammy Schmitz said simply, “I’m in a really good place in my life now.” And there’s a lot to be said for that settled feeling. With a wife who supports his golf ambitions, a career that allows him to play an extensive schedule and a swing coach who helped him improve his ball striking, Schmitz rose to the top of the Minnesota Golf Association’s Men’s Player of the Year points list in 2011. This year, he stands second in the points race with some of the biggest tournaments of the season still to come. The Apple Valley resident was a Division III All-American at St. John’s University and played as a touring professional for a year after college, but said he’s playing the best golf of his career now, at age 31. “Oh, there’s no doubt about it,” he said. “I starting working with a swing coach a couple of years ago. It’s done a lot to improve my swing. That was a breakthrough for me. It used to be that when I scored well, I got up and down from all over the place.” Last year Schmitz won the MGA Mid-Amateur, a tournament open to amateur players 30 and older, finished fifth in the MGA Amateur, was second by two strokes in the Minnesota State Open and took second in the Minnesota Public Golf Association Publinks Championship. He also reached the match play stage at the U.S. Golf Association Mid-Amateur. He had almost twice as many points as the runner-up in the MGA Player of the Year standings. College-age players had won the MGA Player of the Year award the

previous five years. It’s presumed that college players have an advantage over amateurs who have careers outside of golf, but for last year at least, Schmitz helped turn that notion on its head. Winning the Player of the Year award “was a goal,” Schmitz said. “Last year when I put together my schedule, I wanted to play as many tournaments as possible that had Player of the Year points.” In May, Schmitz won the MPGA Mid-Amateur by seven strokes at the Jewel Golf Club near Lake City. Earlier this month he won the MGA Mid-Players Championship, a match-play event at Dakotah Ridge Golf Club in Morton. He closed out all his matches on or before the 16th hole. Schmitz, playing out of Valleywood Golf Course, reached the round of 16 at the recent MGA Players Championship at Windsong Farm. Possibly the biggest week in local golf comes up in mid-July. The MGA Amateur takes place July 1618 at Hastings Country Club, followed by the Minnesota State Open July 20-22 at Bunker Hills in Coon Rapids. That week in 2011 was a good one for Schmitz, who finished in the top five in both tournaments, but it left him wanting more. “The state am, that was OK. Don Constable (last year’s champion) was so far ahead of me,” Schmitz said. “The state open was kind of a tough one. Troy (Johnson) and I were out there at the beginning of the round, not really thinking about winning it, but cheering each other on and having fun with it. Then we each make a few birdies and suddenly we’re in the lead.” The Minnesota State Open is open to professionals and amateurs alike, but it was two amateurs in the “mid” category – Schmitz and

Johnson – who battled for the title. Johnson, paired with Schmitz, led by one stroke with one hole to play and closed the door with a birdie on the final hole at Rush Creek, Johnson’s home course. He shot 67 in the final round to Schmitz’s 68. Schmitz said he believes he has an opportunity to contend at this year’s state amateur and state open sites. “Hastings is really well suited for my game,” he said. “I’ve played out there a number of times with friends who are members there. It fits my eye well. Bunker does, too. We played the MIAC (Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference) tournament there when I was in college.” Considering his lineage, it might be surprising he found his way to golf. A Farmington native, he’s part of the Schmitz family that helped build hockey in the community. Louis Schmitz, who helped start youth hockey in Farmington, was the uncle of Sammy Schmitz’s father, Steve. Sammy Schmitz played hockey in Farmington, “although not as well as golf,” he said. “I still like to skate in the old-man leagues, though, and last winter I got into reffing for the first time.” He still wants to see how far he can go in amateur golf. He played briefly on the Hooters Tour, a Florida-based professional mini-tour, before giving that up and regaining his amateur status. By 2008 and 2009, the urge to compete had returned. One of his goals this year is to play his way onto the Minnesota team for the USGA state team competition in New Jersey in September. Fortunately for him, his wife, Natalie, understands. “She’s a competitive person, too,” Schmitz said. “I’m still trying to talk her into caddying for me.” Mike Shaughnessy is at or sunthisweek.

Mud run obstacle course coming to Buck Hill campTITAN will raise funds for LifeAbove charity

by Andy Rogers Sun Thisweek

If crawling through mud, climbing up walls, lifting heavy objects and running up hills in the middle of summer sounds like your idea of fun, there’s good news. Registration is open for campTITAN, a 3-mile-plus obstacle mud run scheduled Aug. 4 at Buck Hill in Burnsville. The course is designed to test strength, speed and endurance as well as mental capacity. It’s similar to a Tough Mudder or Warrior Dash, but campTITAN plans to have a few twists. “Many of them have you stand around and wait to do the obstacles,” said Devon Allen, associate director of LifeAbove, which is sponsoring the event. “This one you pretty much just push through the whole thing without stopping.” Jamie Bartlett, a personal trainer at Acceleration Sports Training Center in Arden Hills who helped design the course, said organizers wanted to arrange the obstacles so there would not be as many traffic jams.

“For the elite recreational athlete, there’s no downtime,” Bartlett said. “You can have a goal of finishing without stopping.” The course will go up and down Buck Hill about six times. “Just walking up Buck Hill is a challenge,” Allen said. “In the midst of summer, it should be quite the challenge.” If there’s one thing to do to prepare for the event, it’s running hills. “Doing the obstacles is the fun part,” Bartlett said. “It’s the hills that can really burn up the legs.” On a scale of one to 10 in difficulty, Bartlett said the course would be between five and eight, depending on an individual’s athletic ability. “At the same time, we set it up for everyone,” Bartlett said. “If you’re not in shape, you’ll be able to get through it. “What’s great about these mud runs is it’s fun to do with friends and have someone there to help you and push you. It’s going to be more fun if you have some-

one to talk about it with afterwards. Some obstacles you might need assistance with, but everybody there will probably help you.” Several clubs, such as Acceleration Sports Training Center and Crossfit, have programs in place to prepare people for events such as mud runs. The programs emphasize improving strength, endurance and core stability. “Everybody is an athlete in my eyes,” Bartlett said. Another difference is the cost, with campTITAN at $40 compared to the Tough Mudder costing between $90 and $155. “It’s not like a Tough Mudder or Warrior Dash that travels around the country,” Bartlett said. “The training programs are here and the money stays here.” Allen said it’s a strictly Minnesota event with 100 percent of the proceeds going to charity. “It’s solely a fundraiser for us,” Allen said. “I invite people just to come out and have fun with us and help us raise funds for what we need to do for places like Haiti and Guatemala.”

The profits will go to LifeAbove, a nonprofit Christian organization that provides humanitarian aid to areas affected by natural disasters. Allen, a pilot for Pinnacle Airlines, is going to Haiti from July 4-7 with his with wife Marte, a chiropractor and medical director for the Athletic Enhancement Clinic in Arden Hills, to help rehabilitate Haitians still affected by the 2010 earthquake. “It’s our heart and passion to help those who are disabled,” Allen said. “After a natural disaster event like the earthquake in Haiti, there was a lot of help at first, but that started to disappear. These people still need rehabilitation and therapy.” For more information about campTITAN, to sign up, or to find gyms in the Twin Cities offering training for the event, visit www. Andy Rogers can be reached at or

Lewis-Smallwood didn’t throw the qualifying standard at the trials – she finished sixth, one place behind Podominick – but did have an Olympic-qualifying throw at an event in Hawaii in May. Podominick graduated from Lakeville High School in 2003 and she’s younger than the three women who qualified for London. “I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a new generation of throwers coming up,” Podominick said. “I really do believe I have a chance to be one of the top in the country.” She plans to take some time off for now. “I’m exhausted,” she said. “My body needs a little break. It was a huge breakthrough year for me, but there’s more I think I can accomplish.” In college her best throw was 54 meters. Last year her top toss was 57 meters. “This year I’m up to 60 and it’s more consistent at that distance,” Podominick said. “I’m improving by an average of 10 feet a year. I’ll take that next year.” She’s keeping an eye on sponsorship opportunities as well. “It’s all very new to me,” she said. “Hopefully some people recognize the improvement I’ve made this year and I’ll keep my fingers crossed. I still have some fundraiser money in February (in Lakeville) to hold me over. I can’t say enough how much that helped.”

Lakeville’s Liz Podominick finished fifth in women’s discus at the U.S. Olympic Track and Field Trials in Eugene, Ore., last weekend, falling short of the international A-standard mark for the 2012 London Olympics. Her best throw at the trials was 59.42 meters, short of the 62-meter international standard. “I had hoped for a different result and it was definitely within my reach,” she said. “I’m not disappointed with how I competed. I went after it and I have no regrets. “To make it to the trials is an honor. It was probably the most stressful competition I’ve ever been a part of. It was amazing, as simple as that. But I would have been more euphoric if I had different results.” She was in third place after the preliminary round on a rainy June 22, leaving her excited about the possibilities for the finals on June 24. “I thought I could pop out 62 meters,” Podominick said. “It felt close. I kept making little adjustments, but I ran out of throws.” She tossed a personalbest 60.96 meters at the University of Arizona in the Tucson Elite Throwers Classic in May, which qualified her for the trials. The trials winner and defending Olympic champion, Stephanie Brown Trafton, 32, had a throw of 65.18 meters. The other two women who qualified Andy Rogers can be reached for the Olympic team are at Aretha Thurmond, 35, and or Gia Lewis-Smallwood, 33.

New NAHL hockey team coming to south metro to look for players Lakeville resident helping run Johnstown Tomahawks by Andy Rogers Sun Thisweek

purchasing the team. “Our whole goal is to promote youth hockey and help kids move on to the next level and get a look from colleges,” Rick Bouchard said. Rick Bouchard commutes between Pennsylvania and Minnesota. He’s spending his time welcoming incoming players who chose to relocate from Alaska as well as holding player tryouts, running team operations, looking for sponsors and doing community outreach. “Just me being in the area I’ll be able to find some talent here,” Rick Bouchard said. “The connection really fits.” Space in the camp is limited, so players are encouraged to register as early as possible. Tryout cost is $250. Players who impress the Tomahawks coaching staff during the camp will be invited to the Tomahawks’ main camp Aug. 3-7 at Planet Ice in Johnstown. The 24-team NAHL features several alumni currently playing in the NHL. The Tomahawks will play in the North Division against teams from the Midwest including the Janesville (Wis.) Jets. Other NAHL teams hail from places such as Onalaska Wis., and Austin, Minn. The league has five teams in Texas and still will have two in Alaska.

A new junior hockey team from Pennsylvania is coming to Minnesota to look for talent next week. The Johnstown Tomahawks will hold a tryout camp July 6-8 at the Dakotah! Sport and Fitness rink in Prior Lake. The camp is open to players ages 16-20. The team will play at the Tier II Junior A level in the North American Hockey League. Johnstown acquired the NAHL team known as the Alaska Avalanche in the spring and changed its name to the Tomahawks. Its new home will be the Cambria County War Memorial Arena, where hockey scenes from the movie “Slap Shot” were filmed. So why is a junior hockey team in Pennsylvania holding tryouts in Minnesota? One reason is the south metro is known for producing quality hockey players. The Alaska Avalanche goalie last season, Bodhi Engum, graduated from Burnsville High School in 2011. “I know some (United States Hockey League) teams really look to Minnesota to get some players,” Tomahawks president Rick Bouchard said. “We should get some good talent from Minnesota.” Another reason is that Bouchard has lived in Lakeville for 15 years. His Andy Rogers can be reached brother, Jim Bouchard, is at the principal owner and or asked Rick to help out after

anderson, from 1A “I conceptually support our seniors, as well as veterans,” he said, “but we need to be putting together a solid business plan to make sure we understand where funding’s coming from.” He also emphasizes his neutral, non-aggressive communications style. Though the mood on the council this year has changed following some meetings on decorum last year, several meetings in 2011 saw cracks tear through what was once a non-contentious atmosphere. Anderson’s background in business and community organizations, he said, helps inform this style, centering on “listening skills and the ability to be a mediator some times.” Anderson said that the city should pursue more “synergistic partnerships.” “It’s an opportunity to

take partnerships to a different place,” he said. In addition to his work on the FAC (he was at one point its chair), Anderson has served on boards for the Friends of the Boundary Waters, Hosanna!, the Lakeville Rotary, the Lakeville Jaycees, Okoboji Bible Camp and the Lake Marion Association. This is the first time Anderson has sought elected office, but not the first time he has sought a seat on the council. In 2007, he was one in a group of residents who applied for an appointed seat. Kerrin Swecker was selected and then elected officially in 2009. Anderson and his wife, Deb, have lived together in Lakeville for almost as long as he has been working in finance. They met while attending the University of Minnesota-Duluth. Anderson said the couple moved to Lakeville so Deb, a member of a longtime Lakeville

family, the Ericksons, could work in her family’s pharmacy business. David Bares is currently the only announced candidate for City Council. Incumbents Laurie Rieb and Swecker, whose terms expire this year, have not yet announced their intentions to run again. Anderson grew up in St. Paul in a family that was active in the community and at church. He sees that as the foundation for his decades of volunteerism and involvement. Those concepts his parents taught him have a positive outcome, he said. “It helps to build a better community,” he said. “I’ve been involved and kind of grown into this. It’s a positive and logical next step for me.” Aaron M. Vehling can be reached at aaron.vehling@ or sunthisweek.

Sun Thisweek - Farmington-Lakeville June 29, 2012



June 29, 2012 Sun Thisweek - Farmington-Lakeville

Sun Thisweek - Farmington-Lakeville June 29, 2012



June 29, 2012 Sun Thisweek - Farmington-Lakeville

Three students plead guilty

Sun Thisweek - Farmington-Lakeville June 29, 2012


Inappropriate middle school locker room photos, videos were part of a game

by Aaron M. Vehling Sun Thisweek

Three of four students involved in taking inappropriate photos and video of students in a locker room at Century Middle School in Lakeville in May 2012 each pleaded guilty June 26 to one count of conspiracy to interfere with privacy, a gross misdemeanor, according to the Dakota County Attorney’s Office. Judge Michael Sovis handed down the following: a stay of adjudication, which means if all conditions are complied with there will be no criminal conviction on their juvenile records; probation for 180 days; 30 hours of community work service; and each must attend a victim empathy class and write a letter of apology to the victims. The three students who took the pleas were a 14-year-old boy, a 13-yearold boy and a 14-year-old

girl. The other 14-year-old girl involved in the incident was charged with criminal defamation in addition to conspiracy to interfere with privacy, and was not part of this plea. The incident occurred May 21, when two girls allegedly took photos and video of two other girls undressing in the locker room. The three pleaded guilty to these allegations in the original criminal complaint: The first girl took four photos of one victim and a video of another. The second girl took one photo of the same victims. The video and photos showed the backs of the victims partially undressed from the waist down, though none of them featured nudity. The first girl later shared the media content with one of the two boys charged. That boy then shared the data with two other boys. The second boy charged

then forwarded the photos of one victim to four other boys. The Dakota County Attorney’s office said earlier this month that it believes that as many as 40 students at Century saw the photos and video. The two boys charged had apparently created a game in which they took photos of the buttocks of girls in the hallway and forwarded these photos to other students. Each boy paid one of the girls $5 and one of the boys gave her a can of soda as payment to take the photos in the locker room. The second girl charged is believed to have taken one inappropriate photo as a result of the urging of the first girl charged in the case. Aaron M. Vehling can be reached at aaron.vehling@ or sunthisweek.


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June 29, 2012 Sun Thisweek - Farmington-Lakeville

pahl’s, from 1A

of the business. Jack, who works at the market in the summer, is currently a student at the University of Minnesota’s School of Horticulture. Gary Pahl looks to son Jack as perhaps the next generation of the Pahl family to take the reins of the business. “Maybe that’ll be the sixth generation,” he said. “We’ll see.”

Drawing Giveaway.” One lucky customer who’s entered the promotion will be awarded a diamond pendant at noon on Saturday, June 30. Pahl’s Market is open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday, at 6885 160th St. W. in Apple Valley. For more information, go online at www. or call (952) 4314345.

early days in Apple Valley. “Everything around us was cornfields and there wasn’t a house until you hit County Road 42,” Gary Pahl recounted. “There was a time before they made this a main thoroughfare that very few cars drove by.” The Pahls started selling flowers at their Apple Valley store in the late 1980s, and in the mid-1990s built their Anniversary first greenhouse. Now, many families In celebration of its 30th Andrew Miller can be reached make trips to Pahl’s part of anniversary, Pahl’s Mar- at annual rituals such as the ket is holding a “Diamond or market’s spring opening, the delivery of the first sweet corn batch in July, picking out pumpkins in October and selecting a Christmas tree in December. Pahl’s Market is a business that diversified and grew as demand for its products increased. While many people are familiar with Pahl’s retail operation with pansies, petunias, begonias and much more under three acres of greenhouse glass, the vegetable business is larger than one might think. The farming operation – spanning five generations of the Pahl family – now includes about 1,100 acres of vegetables, with farm fields in Eagan, Apple Valley, Rosemount, Lakeville and throughout rural Dakota County. The farming operation supplies about 50 grocery store companies in 15 states, and clients include such supermarket heavyweights as Cub Foods, Target and Rainbow. Peppers grown on Pahl family farms are used in burritos and other entrees at Chipotle restaurant.

Giving back Through their business, the Pahls have given back to the community in many ways. Gary has been involved with the Minnesota Grown advisory committee. He’s been a coach with the Lakeville Hockey Association, and has sat on the UMore Park advisory council. Jane has served on the board of the Lewis House golf tournament fundraiser and has been president of the Lakeville North Booster Club. The business has 10 fulltime employees, though the addition of seasonal help in the summer months bumps the employee roster up to about 125. Gary and Jane Pahl’s two adult children, Jamie and Jack, have lent a hand at the market since they were kids. Jamie, a recent college graduate who’s planning to attend law school, has worked in the retail end

Education Open house at Kindernook Kindernook Preschool, 20088 Kenwood Trail, Lakeville, will hold an open house from 9 to 11 a.m. Wednesdays during the summer months. Fall preschool classes begin Sept. 10. For further information, call Laura Saarela at (952) 440-3662 or visit www.

College news Vermilion Community College, Ely, spring 2012 graduate, Cody Archibald of Farmington, A.A., liberal arts and sciences. South Central College, Faribault and North Mankato, spring 2012 president’s list, from Elko New Market – Nicholas Adolph; from Farmington – Joseph Kamen; from Webster – Barbara Kivisto. � ������� �� ��������� ��� ��� ������� �� ���� ����� ����� ����� ��������� ������� ����� ����������� �� ����� �� ��� ����� ��� ������ ���� �� ����� ��� �������� ���� ���� ��� ���� ������ ���� �������� ��� ��������� �� ����� ������

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Gary Pahl (right), who runs Pahl’s Market with his wife Jane (center) and his brother Brian (left), remembers the early days of the market in Apple Valley – sweet corn, watermelons and tomatoes being sold out of the back of a semitrailer with a handpainted logo on its side. In the early 1980s, Gary recounted, “everything around us was cornfields and there wasn’t a house until you hit County Road 42.” Photo submitted

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