Lakeville August 18, 2017 | Volume 38 | Number 25
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2A August 18, 2017 SUN THISWEEK - Lakeville
Supporting a free press by U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar SPECIAL TO SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE
In Minnesota, we understand the importance of a free press. It’s hard to forget in our state – Minnesotans are among the most engaged citizens in the country. Last year we again ranked first in the nation in voter turnout. Minnesotans volunteer at the second highest rate in the country. And we usually look to our local newspapers as the first stop for the information we need. In my house growing up, it was impossible to forget the importance of a free press. My dad was a journalist. As a reporter and a columnist, my dad, Jim Klobuchar, covered it all. On the night of the presidential election in 1960, as a young stringer for the Associated Press, he was among the first in the country — if not the first — to call the race for President John F. Kennedy. He was fearless, whether it was reporting from Moscow with a Soviet Intour-
Guest Columnist
U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar ist guide assigned to him at all times or taking tear gas covering protests outside of a political convention. Digging for the truth was his job. Finding the truth made it all worth it. From children with cancer to Minnesota veterans, he covered the stories of every day heroes, too. He believed that all stories needed to be told, and that by sharing these stories, we deepen our understanding of one another and become more united as a country. So, from a very young age, I understood the important role the press has played in our democracy. And today, I understand a free press is as important
as ever. Minnesota reporters have been on the frontlines of major stories since the founding of our first newspaper in 1849. They’ve covered good times and bad. From enlisting with the Union in the Civil War, as Hastings Democrat publisher Charles P. Adams did in 1861, to tireless investigating and reporting on the abduction of Jacob Wetterling, Minnesota journalists have always been committed to telling our stories. Over the past few months, we have heard about “alternative facts.� We have heard an Administration official suggest that the press should “keep its mouth shut.� And we have even seen efforts to limit journalists’ access to elected officials. None of this is acceptable. Our founders enshrined freedom of the press in our Constitution for a reason. Thomas Jefferson said that our first objective as a nation should be to leave
open “all avenues to truth,� and that the most effective way of doing that is through “the freedom of the press.� Today, Minnesota reporters continue their dogged pursuit of the truth day after day, story after story. That reporting is on display all across Minnesota, and the Minnesota Newspaper Association has played a big part in supporting Minnesota reporters for 150 years now. From Deborah Howell, who oversaw the Pioneer Press’s first Pulitzer Prize, to Mark Kellogg, the first Associated Press reporter to die in the line of duty, reporters all across our state are carrying forward a remarkable legacy. I’m determined to protect journalists and defend freedom of the press. My dad expects me to. The oath I took to “support and defend the Constitution� demands that I do. Amy Klobuchar has been a U.S. senator serving Minnesota since 2006. She is a former Hennepin County attorney.
Why this week’s front page was blank by Tom West SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE
Do you know who was involved in that accident you passed on the highway the other day? Did you learn about a friend’s death by reading the obituaries? Did you see who the grand champions were at the county fair? Sun Thisweek and the Dakota County Tribune provides that information and so much more about the happenings in our community, but this week we decided to join more than 200 of the newspapers in the state to ask one more question: Where would you get your news about
Sun Thisweek Columnist
Tom West our community without us? Even though it is summer, that’s why this week’s front page contains no news. If you think you know the news, try filling in that blank. That’s what Sun Thisweek and the Dakota County Tribune do with See WEST, 5A
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SUN THISWEEK - Lakeville August 18, 2017 3A
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A Division of ECM Publishers, Inc.
Lakeville August 18, 2017 | Volume 38 | Number 25
Klobuchar talks human trafficking
Eight ďŹ le in District 196 Eight people filed for open seats on the Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan School Board before Tuesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s deadline. Page 12A
OPINION Supporting school success The Burnsvillebased nonprofit 360 Communities helps students in need succeed in school. Page 4A
Trucking industry uniquely positioned to help end the illegal activity by Andy Rogers SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE
U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar chose Dart Transit Company headquarters in Eagan as the staging grounds for a press conference on her proposed human trafficking legislation because the trucking industry is uniquely positioned to battle the issue. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The truckers are on the front lines,â&#x20AC;? Klobuchar said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They go to the truck stops and see whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s happening. They can be the eyes and hears of the operation.â&#x20AC;? She said based on information from Truckers Against Trafficking, calls from truckers lead to 525 likely human traffic cases and 972 victims. Russ Moore, vice president of communications and marketing with Dart
Transit Company, said truckers can receive training on how to recognize human and sex trafficking because they drive and stop in the same locations. The company has been offering the training to every new driver and contractor since 2014. Bev Monahan, one of Dartâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s drivers who lives in River Falls, Wis., said that just about every truck driver has observed questionable behavior while on the road or at truck stops. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re seeing the signs everywhere because itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s so rampant at truck stops and rest areas,â&#x20AC;? Monahan said. If drivers see something out of the ordinary, theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re encouraged to contact authorities, not intervene themselves. Photo by Andy Rogers â&#x20AC;&#x153;Get information. What Bev and Mike Monahan, truckers with Dart Transit Company, stand next to Sen. Amy Klobuchar at Dart headquarters in Eagan during a press conference Monday. KlobuSee BILL, 12A char touted the trucking industryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s efforts in combating human and sex trafficking.
Fair entertains the masses Vigil held in Apple Valley
TakeAction MN organized rally at representativeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Woodbury home
Apple Valley area residents gathered in Kelley Park on Sunday for a vigil to support peace and unity after violence in Virginia. Page 10A
Photo by Tad Johnson
The Dakota County Fair brought the masses to Farmington to take part in the annual event that included 4-H competitions, grandstand entertainment, a carnival, food and history at Dakota City Heritage Village. Typically thousands of people turn out during the fair, which ran this year from Monday, Aug. 7, to Sunday, Aug. 13. For more photos look inside this edition.
SPORTS Ready to play for real Lakeville South and Lakeville North fall sports teams are ready to get competiton started. Page 13A
PUBLIC NOTICE Sun Thisweek Lakeville is an official newspaper of the Lakeville Area School District and the city of Lakeville. Page 15A
INDEX Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 4A Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . 13A Public Notices . . . . . . 15A Classifieds . . . . . . . . . 17A Announcements . . . . 20A
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Protest at Lewisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; house causes stir
About 25 people from TakeAction MN went to U.S. Rep. Jason Lewisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Woodbury home last Wednesday to deliver a poster-sized letter urging him to reconsider his support for repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act. The tactic of showing up at the private residence of a sitting member of Congress was criticized by Lewis, who was not at home during the protest, but said that a neighbor See LEWIS, 16A
Kombucha home brewed in Apple Valley Bootlegger Brewing finding success with fermented tea
For some, kombucha is a health elixir. For others, the sparking fermented tea is a tart alternative to soda or sweet tea. For many, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a drink growing in popularity found grocery stores, taprooms and restaurants across the Twin Cities. For Bootleggers Brewing Kombucha in Apple Valley, kombucha is family tradition and a life-changing operation. Bootleggers Brewing Kombucha is brewed in custom-made 640 gallon tanks and bottled by hand within the Apple Valley Business Campus by Jake Haneman. The drink is fermented using sugar, tea and a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast, called a scoby. The culture has been in the family for 40 years. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s from the hippie, biker side of my family,â&#x20AC;? Haneman said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve
been doing it for decades.â&#x20AC;? Haneman started making it on his own about five years ago. As a cancer survivor who has several allergies, Haneman is a believer in its health benefits. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For me there was profound health improvements,â&#x20AC;? Haneman said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;First I liked the taste, but when I look into it, it seemed to really make a difference.â&#x20AC;? He said he was diagnosed with cancer in 2000, and it entered into his naval cavity. He continued to have sinus issues that would made him bed ridden. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I used to have seasonal allergies to the point where Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d get a fever and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d be out,â&#x20AC;? Haneman said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t been sick now in three years.â&#x20AC;? He said he also made changes to his diet, but kombucha is a big part his overall healthy lifestyle. Two years ago, Haneman was at a crossroads. He had a stable job as
an aerospace engineering manager, but he always wanted to do something on his own. â&#x20AC;&#x153;No investors. No loans. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 100 percent selffunded,â&#x20AC;? Haneman said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It took about six months to get the permits and the equipment. I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t come from the kombucha industry, so as a whole, this is pretty new. The folks that had been (making kombucha) were keeping the process under wraps.â&#x20AC;? Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no such thing as a commercially available kombucha tank, so he had to create one. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was a challenge, but it fits my personality as an engineer,â&#x20AC;? Haneman said. Kombucha has become more mainstream in recent years. His main competitors include GTâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Kombucha, which reported $346 million in sales in 2014. PepsiCo purchased another competitor Kevita Photo by Andy Rogers for about $200 million last President and brewmaster at Bootlegger Brewing Jake year. Haneman stands with his handmade kombucha at his faSee HANEMAN, 16A cility in Apple Valley.
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4A August 18, 2017 SUN THISWEEK - Lakeville
Opinion 360 Communities finds trust is key to school success by Jeff Mortensen SPECIAL TO SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE
Brittany arrived at the Lakeville Alternative Learning Center as a transfer student with no connections and a history of challenges. Living in foster care with different family members, she had been enrolled in four different schools within the last three years. Brittany was all too familiar with judgment, as her records of poor attendance and numerous suspensions always seemed to precede her. School staff referred Brittany to Jennie, a school-based family support worker with 360 Communities’ Partners For Success program. As an incoming junior navigating one more unfamiliar school, Brittany had learned to remain defensive and offer little information. She met with Jennie a week before school was to begin. Brittany shared her desire to come to a smaller school, but she had given up hope that things would be different when it came to this staff and school community. She felt she simply did not fit in anywhere. Brittany had been living with her mother, but her mom did not attend this meeting. As a family support worker, Jennie knew that establishing a relationship based on care and trust would be critical to any long-term success. Prior to their initial meeting, Jennie had done her homework. Brittany was exceptionally bright, but did not complete much work and her grades consequently suffered. She had a history of theft and was suspended recently for stealing a cellphone. Brittany had an upcoming court date for her latest offense and was facing the possibility of spending time in juvenile detention. During their initial meeting, Jennie focused on the relationship and listened without judgment. Jennie and school staff could not establish contact with Brittany’s mother
Guest Columnist
Jeff Mortensen before the start of the school year, and when school started, Brittany did not show. It turns out that Brittany had run away from home and was placed back in temporary foster care. When she came to school two weeks later, Jennie reengaged with her to establish a trusting relationship. Initially, Jennie offered her small things for support — a piece of candy, a granola bar, or school supplies. Brittany declined to take anything, but those interactions mattered. It was important that Jennie meet Brittany wherever she was at that moment and work to constructively understand the unique challenges that she faced. Jennie knew that in order to build trust, she needed to take her time and demonstrate that she was a consistent, caring adult in Brittany’s life. After a few meetings, Jennie was able to partner with Brittany to set goals around attendance and homework completion. The intentional engagement and partnership of 360 Communities has a history of proven success. Over the past three years, 86 percent of students in the Partners For Success program improved or maintained their attendance, and 89 percent of students in the program improved or maintained their academic performance. With the many challenges that a student might be facing outside of school, stabilizing attendance and grades can be a herculean effort that involves multiple partners. 360 Communities staff, school
staff, parents, counselors and more play critical roles in ensuring students remain engaged and do not drop out of school. Research has shown that investment in this work pays dividends for society as a whole. According to a 2015 study by the University of Minnesota’s Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement, for every dollar invested in Partners For Success, a conservative estimate of $5 is returned in social benefits, which includes personal earnings gains, higher tax revenues, public health savings, and crime reduction. In addition, the study says that preventing even four students from dropping out of high school per year, generates social benefits that far exceed the cost of the program. About three weeks after her enrollment, Jennie noticed Brittany was sitting in the hallway looking downtrodden. She invited her to come hang out in her office. Once there, Brittany cried and confided that in two days she had to go to court for the cellphone theft. She didn’t feel like anyone believed her story because she had a history of stealing and other offenses. They talked about the possible consequences and how she was doing in school. Brittany liked the school and finally felt like she was settling in, but now worried she would be sent to juvenile detention. Jennie was determined to support Brittany. She arranged to meet Brittany the morning before and the day after her court date. Meanwhile, Jennie met with the principal and the school psychologist and asked if it was possible for the school to write a simple letter for Brittany. She wanted it to demonstrate the difference being made, that Brittany had settled in well and was making friends, her attendance was much better, and she was respectful to staff and students. The principal agreed and sent the letter to court.
Brittany’s court date came and the judge sentenced her to community service. She was relieved and felt that she had a fresh start. She couldn’t believe that the school had written a letter on her behalf and was touched that she had the school in her corner. By the end of the school year, Brittany had almost perfect attendance and had received the ALC’s perfect attendance award on several occasions. Up until the end of school, she met most days with Jennie or the school psychologist to check in, or sometimes simply to have a quiet place to work. In addition, she had regular appointments with an outside counselor that have continued throughout the summer. Today, Brittany smiles more frequently. She allows Jennie to help her with small things like snacks, personal care items, and even a mattress. Her last report card showed all A’s and B’s and there has not been a single report of theft in the school. The positive outcomes of the Partners For Success program stem from family support workers’ ability to build trust and offer flexible solutions. When Brittany arrived at school last fall, her challenges were unique. Jennie was able to assess her needs, craft a plan that fit her circumstances, and partner with school staff to help her navigate the barriers ahead of her. Most importantly, Brittany is ready to return to Lakeville Alternative Learning Center in the fall, a place where she feels she is trusted and she belongs. Jeff Mortensen is president and CEO of 360 Communities, a Dakota County nonprofit that works to prevent violence, ensure school success, and promote longterm self-sufficiency. Columns reflect the opinion of the author.
Bloomington drinking water a thirst quencher by Don Heinzman SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE
The next time you stop in Bloomington, have a glass of its tap water, which is reputed to be some of the best drinking water in the nation. Bloomington authorities are telling their residents that their city’s tap water ranked first among its peer cities and 11th among all jurisdictions polled nationwide in a 2016 National Citizens Survey. That sparkling water also was named the “Best in Glass” at the 2015 American Water Works Association fall conference that led to the “Best of the Best” title in the summer of 2016, according to the city’s recent Water Quality Report. Where does the city get this high quality water? Authorities in the city say Bloomington in 2016 drew 79 percent of its water
Sun Thisweek Columnist
Don Heinzman from its six deep wells and 21 percent from the Mississippi River, treated by the city of Minneapolis. In addition, Bloomington is one of 24 cities in Minnesota that softens water, so no need to get a private softening system. Now before you sell your home and move to Bloomington, be assured that wherever you live, your drinking water is safe, according to the Minnesota Department of Health. Ed Ehlinger, MDH commissioner, says the drinking water in the Twin Cities
metropolitan area is safe thanks to the state and communities that keep a constant watch on the quality. A report based on frequent samples of drinking water shows that drinking water supplies are in good shape in the metropolitan area, and there is an adequate supply of safe water to drink. Still, Minnesotans must be on guard to do their part to keep the water quality it has, because there are some long-term threats to the water supply. Minnesotans particularly must be concerned about the amount of lead in the drinking water supply, dramatized in the recent water quality problems in Flint, Michigan. The amount of lead found in Minnesota water is within the state standards. Only six communities exceeded the action level for lead in 2016. To make residents in all cities more aware of their water quality, the Depart-
ment of Health is scheduling a series of water quality town meetings organized by Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton. Scheduled meetings include: Sept. 26 at Minneapolis Urban League, Oct. 4 at Burnsville’s Diamond Education Center and Oct. 5 at Stillwater Area High School. Maybe they should have scheduled one in Bloomington where they could have enjoyed a glass of the city’s awardwinning water. You can learn more about the 2017 water quality report online at the Minnesota Department of Health website or through this URL: https://tinyurl.com/ dx4ggkq. Don Heinzman is a columnist for ECM Publishers Inc. Send comments to editor. sun@ecm-inc.com. Columns reflect the opinion of the author.
Letters Craig seeks solutions To the editor: In conversations with voters Monday, Aug. 13, Angie Craig, who narrowly missed being member of Congress in Minnesota’s 2nd District in 2016, cited weather and carbon pollution as cues by mother nature to expedite support for already robust development of alternative fuels like hydro, solar and geothermal. She mentioned conversations with seniors in the district who say melting glaciers are inundating some Pacific islands and changing fishing patterns in Alaska and other locations on the planet, causing dislocations for various businesses. Angie has already spoken out about working
with folks across the aisle on a fair tax structure for these businesses and others which may employ people in the state and country. Xcel Energy already has implemented solar and wind facilities, and Dakota Electric has infrastructure in wind as well, as have other power utilities in the state. Mindful of human resources implications, Craig suggests there are things that can be done educationally and otherwise to prepare coming generations to meet the workforce gaps in these fields. She says innovative educational emphases are already in place in most schools, and support for these coming needs can catalyze personnel training, and that challenges in IT security can be addressed in developing
technical literacy. Voters disillusioned by events after the election of 2016 have expressed increasing interest in actions at all levels of government, national, state, and more local, and cooperation between levels and parties. Craig says a sea change is needed in such relationships, given current issues, and that she will work to create that. Asked about the likelihood that her competitors next year may use her statements as their own, Angie says her hope is to elevate the level of the debate on these issues, believing that can only benefit citizens in the district, state and country. MAGGIY EMERY Bloomington
A division of ECM Publishers, Inc.
Laura Adelmann | LAKEVILLE NEWS | 952-894-1111 | laura.adelmann@ecm-inc.com Mike Shaughnessy | SPORTS | 952-846-2030 | mike.shaughnessy@ecm-inc.com Mike Jetchick | AD SALES | 952-846-2019 | mike.jetchick@ecm-inc.com Tad Johnson | MANAGING EDITOR | 952-846-2033 | tad.johnson@ecm-inc.com John Gessner | MANAGING EDITOR | 952-846-2031 | john.gessner@ecm-inc.com Keith Anderson | DIRECTOR OF NEWS | 952-392-6847 | keith.anderson@ecm-inc.com GENERAL MANAGER. . . . . . . . . . . . Mark Weber LAKEVILLE/DISTRICT 194 EDITOR . . Laura Adelmann DISTRICT 196 NEWS. . . . . . . . . . . . .Amy Mihelich SPORTS EDITOR . . . . . . . . . Mike Shaughnessy
NEWS ASSISTANT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Darcy Odden THISWEEKEND EDITOR . . . . . . . . . .Tad Johnson SALES MANAGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mike Jetchick
15322 GALAXIE AVE., SUITE 219, APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 952-894-1111 FAX: 952-846-2010 www.SunThisweek.com | Office Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Friday
Faith versus science To the editor: A recent letter (“People are speaking up,” July 14) suggests I, and we, should have faith in the “97 percent of scientists” supposedly saying catastrophic global warming is real and we human beings can (and obviously should) “do something” about it, like curbing the use of fossil fuels. The problem with such faith is that real science and simple mathematics raise serious doubts about it. Certainly, you can find 97 percent of scientists who will agree that “Earth is warming” since the little ice age centuries ago, and that human activity is “having an effect.” The all-important questions are how much warming and how much effect CO2 has. Though admitting, in the United Nations’ official third Assessment Report, that “long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible,” meaning nobody can predict the future, the computer climate models can make a SWEG — a Scientific Wild-Eyed Guess. Us-
ing varying assumptions about the future, they “predict” temperatures in the year 2100 will be between 0.3 and 4.8 degrees warmer than today. That’s like predicting the Vikings will win their next game because they will score between 3 and 48 points. The midpoint of those predictions — 2.5 degrees — is just above the Paris targets, and these models have proven to predict “hot.” Actual temperatures over the last hundred years continue to rise at the “natural” rate of about 1-1.5 degrees per century. Using math, we can say the Earth is really big. It is so big that reducing human CO2 emissions by 25 percent only changes Earth’s atmosphere by about 4 parts per million. We are asked to believe that such a small difference controls the climate. Of course, if renewable energy becomes as cheap and reliable as existing sources and incidentally produces less CO2 (that helps plants grow) — including the CO2 contributed by mining, refining, transporting, manufacturing, and backup generators— we will happily use it. Call
me of little faith in that happening anytime soon. JERRY EWING Apple Valley
Finding common ground To the editor: Dave Meyer a Republican who lost his run for Eagan City Council responded to a letter I wrote on July 20. The letter I had written was in response to a letter by another person who marched in the Fourth of July parade with U.S. Rep. Jason Lewis. Although the two marched in the same unit, you would not know this by reading each account. The first letter complained about the unit being treated badly, in Meyer’s letter, this apparently was not the case. There is one thing in common between them, and that is how much Republicans like to think opposing ideas do not matter and it is a waste of time to even entertain them. Or the notion that a constituent could just walk up to and talk to See LETTERS, 6A
Letters to the editor policy Sun Thisweek welcomes letters to the editor. Submitted letters must be no more than 350 words. All letters must have the author’s phone number and address for verification purposes. Anonymous letters will not be accepted. Letters reflect the opinion of the author only. Sun Thisweek reserves the right to edit all letters. Submission of a letter does not guarantee publication.
SUN THISWEEK - Lakeville August 18, 2017 5A
A hollow shell without the news of your community by Keith Anderson SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE
and what we may still achieve. It is our mission to serve in an objective role to collect, investigate, interview, verify and share all of this information, to keep you informed and to build on our connections as individuals and community. As a nation, state and community one of our greatest assets has been our ability to see and pursue goals that strengthen the freedoms we all enjoy, but also to protect the rights every citizen deserves. It means thinking beyond what satisfies or promotes only individual goals and appreciates the perspective and opinions of all people. As Minnesota newspapers celebrate 150 years of journalism, this â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whiteout Dayâ&#x20AC;? is being held to recognize all that we hold true and important for strong communities. Our pledge to you is our continued effort to find and explain trusted stories, issues and information that are relevant for your lives. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what newspapers have been doing for generations. And with your continued support, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what we will continue to do. Imagine thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no newspaper ... think of all weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d lose?
Sun Thisweek Columnist
If we didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have newspapers, think of all that would be lost. Our blank front page this week is meant to illustrate a week without news and all that weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d lose as a community without that shared connection. As the Minnesota Newspaper Association celebrates its 150th year, this â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whiteout Weekâ&#x20AC;? is meant to bring awareness to a shared goal of keeping our communities informed. But we also serve as a watchdog of government, we strive to capture the moments in life that define our communities, and we hope to entertain and inspire by sharing your stories. Newspapers are not about the reporters, photographers, sales people, editors or the people who produce these pages every week or post content to sites every day. Newspapers are about you, the people who wake up and go to work every day, who attend school, worship together, volunteer, help during tragedies, celebrate accomplishments, lead service organizations, vote on elections and shop at local stores. It is about you and your absolute value in this world. You are the people who make this community the home where we all find comfort
Keith Anderson
and connected strength. It is you who drive the stories that make this a newspaper. The newspaper is your resource because without you there is no community. It is your stories of struggles won and lost that help shape who we are and how we come together as people. Your courageous fight against disease, the emotional and sometimes daunting first day of school for child and parent, the heartache of a home leveled by tornado or destroyed by fire, the joy of a state championship title or a single win for a team that has been denied for weeks, the street assessment being proposed by your city or the new park being planned down the block, the mayor who made good on his campaign promise or the legislator who failed to vote the will of the people. All of these are snapshots of what Keith Anderson is the director of news is shared in your newspaper. And all for ECM Publishers Inc., which is a diof them help define who we are today vision of Adams Publishing Group.
WEST, from 2A each issue. Sun Thisweek and the Dakota County Tribune exist to provide you with news of importance to our community and area. We keep you informed of births, deaths and marriages. We serve as a watchdog for your city council and school board. We follow with pride the efforts of our local sports teams. Newspapers have been the primary way that communities have delivered accurate information since the founding of our republic. Gov. Mark Dayton has declared this week as Minnesota Newspaper Week. The newspapers of this state are proud of our accomplishments, and strive each issue to play an important watchdog role in the community and to inform of you of future events and recent happenings. We thank our readers and advertisers for their support, and ask for it to continue going forward. Without you, there is no newspaper. The Minnesota Newspaper Week Whiteout was organized by the Minnesota Newspaper Association with the help of its members, including the newspapers in Warroad and White Bear Lake, that ran similar campaigns recently. We offer it here as a reminder of our important role in serving the community. Tom West is the former publisher of the Morrison County Record, which is part of ECM Publishers. He is also the former general manager of the Duluth Budgeteer and the Waseca County News.
Whiteout highlights newspapersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; relationships with communities This week, more than 200 newspapers across the state of Minnesota will publish no news on their front pages. This â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whiteoutâ&#x20AC;? is taking place during Minnesota Newspaper Week, Aug. 13-19, a part of the Minnesota Newspaper Associationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s yearlong celebration of its 150th anniversary. The Whiteout reminds Minnesotans of the important role that newspapers play, writing the first draft of history and telling the stories of their communities. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In many communities across the state of Minnesota, the newspaper is the main source of local news,â&#x20AC;? said MNA Executive Director Lisa Hills. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Newspaper journalists across the state attend city council and school board meetings,
they cover town festivals and local sports teams, and they arrive on the scene to document history during natural disasters and other community challenges. We know newspapers play an important role.â&#x20AC;? Today, 25 daily and 295 non-daily newspapers, from Worthington to Warroad, Bird Island to Baudette, Elbow Lake to Ely and every community in between, belong to the Minnesota Newspaper Association. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Minnesota Newspaper Week is a statewide initiative that reminds individuals of the importance of a free press,â&#x20AC;? reads Governor Mark Daytonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s proclamation. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Freedom of the Press promotes a well-informed constituency, improves
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public policy, increases responsiveness and accountability, and enhances public confidence in governmental institutions.â&#x20AC;? Minnesotans agree that newspapers play a vital role in the state. MNAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s member newspapers have a total circulation of more than 2.2 million each week. A 2014 Scarborough readership survey found that 89 percent of Minnesotans accessed a newspaper in print and/or digital format in the past month. Minnesotans of all ages read Minnesota newspapers in print and online. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no wonder that in a state where many read their local newspaper, the population is also civic-minded and involved in activities like voting in local elections. According to state officials, more than 81 percent of
registered Minnesota voters cast ballots in the November 2016 election. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just under 75 percent of eligible Minnesotans. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are proud to support Minnesotaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vibrant newspaper industry and look forward to being here for the next 150 years,â&#x20AC;? said Hills. MNAÂ is the voluntary trade association of all general-interest newspapers in the state of Minnesota, acting on behalf of the newspaper press of the state, representing its members in the Legislature and in court, managing local/regional/ national newspaper advertising placement, operating a press release service, and working to enhance the quality of the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s newspapers.
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6A August 18, 2017 SUN THISWEEK - Lakeville
LETTERS, from 4A an elected representative about important matters. Or when a peaceful group of concerned citizens go to the public office of an elected official during business hours, that is akin to â&#x20AC;&#x153;bargingâ&#x20AC;? in. Getting to some of the other inaccuracies, Meyer states things about me and my involvement in politics that are just not true. I am not sure why he would even try to dig into my personal life over this, but either he is bad at looking things up or just likes to employ an occasional â&#x20AC;&#x153;alternateâ&#x20AC;? fact. In either case, this letter should be a warning to us all, people like him are asking for votes in every election. People that think if you didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t vote for them or you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t agree with them you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t deserve any consideration. I believe the founding fathers called for a well reasoned, logically structured process for differing sides to find common ground. When this process is being shut down, when we are being told our voices do not count, and when those in power no longer listen to us and our concerns, it is indeed time to stand up and become active. MARK FRASCONE Eagan
Meeting with Lewis To the editor: Who knew meeting with a congressional representative could be so complicated? For example, U.S. Rep. Jason Lewis refused from day one in Congress to meet with progressives, long before picketing began. Progressives have played hide-and-seek with Lewis for seven
months, reminiscent of U.S. Rep. John Kline, who was seen escaping his office via its back door when progressives showed up. The common denominator here is not progressives. It is the failure of GOP officeholders to be real representatives of the districtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s constituency. Progressives in the 2nd District have had zero congressional representation since 2003. While itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s part of democracy for political parties to take turns in office, it is not part of democracy to stonewall more than half of the districtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s population when the inparty is Republican. Hence the eventual picketing. The most recent picketing (two weeks ago) finally got Lewisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s attention. Why? Because it provided the chance to twist it into something it was not. He defamed the picketers, labeling them dangerous. Citizens armed with signs not attached to sticks? Citizens seeking from the get-go to have time with Lewis? To share concerns about health care, Medicaid, education, climate change, transparency in government, etc.? If those things are threatening to the 2nd Districtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s representative, he should pack his bags and return to Woodbury. Two weeks ago, FOX news was not allowed into Lewisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s District Congressional Office â&#x20AC;&#x201D; it was a business location, staff said. Their rules. No photography. Research revealed that the office, paid for by taxpayers, is a public place. A few picketers were allowed to enter. All questions were dodged. Picketers asked where progressive groups are on Lewisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fabled scheduling list, and were told office staff didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know. Some-
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where. Long list. Picketers asked if they could see the list. No. Picketers asked if they could see only their name on the list. No. Picketers were advised by staff that they really didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need to meet with Lewis. They could just leave their concerns with staff, whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d pass them along to him. Picketers rolled their eyes, and were dismissed. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what happened. How do I know this? I was there. BARBARA J. GILBERTSON Eagan
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t put food in the garbage To the editor: Last Wednesday I attended a movie on food waste entitled, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Just Eat It.â&#x20AC;? The movie was presented by Dakota County Recycling and was attended by many interested members of the community. I learned that food waste is one of the greatest contributors of greenhouse gases. How is this possible? Food thrown out in the regular garbage collection is disposed of in the area landfills and as it decays it creates methane, a potent green house gas, a gas that is responsible for heating up our atmosphere. Suggestions for not creating so much waste. Plan your weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s meals, bring a list to grocery store and use it strictly. Use up your leftovers, and prepare foods from what you have in your refrigerator. Donate to local food shelves. The next step is to feed animals with food you know longer want, when that option is exhausted. Compost. Many of us in the au-
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dience were interested in curbside compost pickup. We are hoping that other interested consumers in our Dakota County community will be vocal supporters of curbside composting by our local waste haulers. Let Dakota County Recycling and your local waste company know that being a smart consumer is a smart move for the environment as well. DEBORAH NELSON Lakeville Editorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s note: The letter writer is a member of the Lakeville Friends of the Environment.
Hindering the town hall they want To the editor: Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s obvious that the people who complain the most about U.S. Rep. Jason Lewis not having a town hall are the ones who work the hardest to prevent him from having one. Why? They know Lewis is one of the most intelligent, knowledgeable and hardworking people in the House. He is working hard to improve the economy, and constantly meeting with various groups to find solutions for the many issues our country is currently dealing with. He knows his stuff, and is happy to speak with anyone who has real questions or concerns. These resistance groups know he is a danger to their regressive agenda, so they look for every opportunity to harass him â&#x20AC;&#x201D; even to the point of illegally trespassing on his property, just to create a media event to attempt to discredit him. They continually pro-
test and harass him and the people who work with him in order to hinder him from being able to communicate with his constituents. This is a classic description of bullying! They insist on their right to free speech while they do everything they can to disrupt and harass the congressman whenever he speaks. In spite of all this, Lewis continues to add to the long list of his many accomplishments. The majority of people in our congressional district want real answers and solutions to the health care problems created by Obamacare as well as the other issues our country is currently dealing with. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not fair to the people in our district for some minority resistance group to bully and harass our congressman to impede his ability to do his job and communicate with his constituents. If we really want improvement in our country, we need to be able to communicate and work together to find solutions â&#x20AC;&#x201D; not resist, obstruct and bully anyone who doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t agree with us. CANDICE REYES Eagan
Trump and Charlottesville
you for the honesty and courage to tell the truth about Charlottesville.â&#x20AC;? The president is unable to tell Nazis, KKKâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ers, and other white supremacists, that he does not want their support â&#x20AC;&#x201D; that they should cease wearing Make America Great Again hats and praising his presidency. Rather, he blames people on both sides. His failure to reject their support disgraces the nearly 30,000 Jews who actively resisted the Holocaust. They are heroes who deserve our honor, love, and everlasting respect. Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s one story. Rae was a young women living in a Polish ghetto. The Nazis killed her older sister and mother. However, she and others dug a tunnel, barely big enough to hold one person. Of 250 who attempted, 175 successfully escaped and 50 died. She and her father joined the Bielski partisans (see movie â&#x20AC;&#x153;Defianceâ&#x20AC;?). Rae stood guard and helped cook meals. This partisan group committed sabotage against Nazis and rescued Jews. Rae married a fellow partisan, moved to New York and raised a family. President Trump accepts the support of Nazis whose predecessors killed Raeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family. Rae Kushner died several years ago. Her grandson Jared Kushner is now a senior advisor to his father-in-law. To paraphrase Joseph Welch from the ArmyMcCarthy hearings: At long last, President Trump, has you no sense of decency?
To the editor: After President Donald Trumpâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s comments this week about events in Charlottesville, I am horrified and nearly speechless, but offer these words. On Saturday, I watched the so-called â&#x20AC;&#x153;alt rightâ&#x20AC;? chanting, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Jews will HOWARD SCHNEIDER not replace us.â&#x20AC;? Today, shortly after Lakeville Trumpâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s press conference, KKKâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;er David Duke tweeted, â&#x20AC;&#x153;thank
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SUN THISWEEK - Lakeville August 18, 2017 7A
News Briefs Lakeville Parks and Recreation programs Lakeville Parks and Recreation will offer the following activities. Register at https:// webtrac.lakevillemn.gov or call 952-985-4600. Fall brochure: The Lakeville Parks and Recreation and Lakeville Area Arts Center fall brochure is scheduled to arrive in Lakeville mailboxes on or near Aug. 19. Online registration has already started at www. lakevillemn.gov. Nickelodeon Universe, Mall of America, Bloomington: Purchase all-day discount wristbands for $26 at the Lakeville Parks and Recreation office in City Hall, 20195 Holyoke Ave., or call 952-984-4600. Pick up tickets at City Hall. Country Heat Live, classes start Sept. 5 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Tuesdays at Lakeville South, 21135 Jacquard Ave.; Fridays at Lakeville North, 19600 Ipava Ave. Lowimpact, high-energy dance class set to country hits. First class is free. Call 952-985-4600 or instructor Amanda Ewers, 515460-5850, for more information. Calling All Horse Lovers, ages 8-13, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 22, Golden Ridge Stables, 8315 190th St. W. Participants are required to wear jeans and boots; riders will not be allowed to ride in tennis shoes. Helmets provided. Bring water, a snack and/or a lunch. Cost: $95. Lynch Summer Tennis Camps for beginners to advanced levels, Aug. 21-24, Kenwood Trail Middle School. Staff teach fundamentals and building strong sport specific skills using drills, games and friendly competition. Students must bring own age-appropriate tennis racquet. Young Hitters, ages 5-7, 9-10:30 a.m. Junior Hitters, ages 8-12, 10:30 a.m. to noon. Cost: $89. On Belay, ages 18 and older, 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 28, Life Time Fitness, 18425 Dodd Blvd., Lakeville. The class is for
any climber looking to improve their rock climbing technique. It covers all necessary skills for top rope belay certification. Open to all skill levels. Cost: $35. Learn to Skate, indoor skating lessons for ages 3 to adult, one-hour lessons Saturday mornings Oct. 21-Dec. 16 (skip Nov. 25). Several skating levels and times offered at Hasse Arena, 8525 215th St., Lakeville. Cost: $89 per session and $125/P.A.L.S. level. Who Done It Hike, Saturday, Sept. 9, Ritter Farm Park, 19300 Ritter Trail, Lakeville. Registration: 9:30-9:50 a.m. Hike: 10 a.m. Play Sherlock Holmes by collecting clues, gathering information and solving mysteries. Free.
Metro Republic Women meet Sept. 16 University of Minnesota Regent Steve Sviggum will present â&#x20AC;&#x153;How to be a Republican on todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College Campusâ&#x20AC;? at the Sept. 16 meeting of the Metro Republican Women. The monthly breakfast meeting is held at the Mendakota Country Club. As U of M Regent for the 2nd Congressional District, Sviggum is a farmer and former politician who served as communications director for the Minnesota State Senate Majority, commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, and commissioner of the Department of Management and Budget. He also served in the Minnesota House of Representatives from 1979 to 2007, including eight years as Speaker of the House. Sviggum was an adjunct professor and Legislative Fellow at the University of Minnesotaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Humphrey School of Public Affairs. He taught high school math and coached football and basketball at Belgrade-Elrosa and West Concord high schools. In additional to his Board of Regents position, Sviggum currently serves on the board of di-
rectors for Security State Bank of Kenyon. He received his bachelor of arts degree in mathematics from St. Olaf College. The event will be held at Mendakota Country Club, 2075 Mendakota Drive in Mendota Heights, with breakfast buffet at 8:30 a.m. and program at 9. The cost is $18 for members, $20 for nonmembers and $10 for students. Walk-ins are welcome, but reservations are encouraged. Pay online at metrogopwomen.org or make a reservation and pay at the door. Reservations are requested by Tuesday, Sept. 12.
Forum on hunger, poverty and refugee issues A forum on local hunger and poverty issues, as well as refugee issues, is planned 6:308 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 29, in the Burnhaven Library Community Room, 1101 W. County Road 42 in Burnsville. The event, open to the public, is being presented by the steering committee for the fifth annual South of the River CROP Hunger Walk. Speaking on local issues will be Anika Rychner, director of self-sufficiency for 360 Communities. She oversees the operation of the agencyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s network of five food shelves and two family resource centers in Dakota County. She will address factors contributing to local hunger and poverty and how to be proactive and prevent hunger in our communities. Expected to speak on refugee issues will be Ben Walen, director of refugee services at the Minnesota Council of Churches. The council, in collaboration with Church World Service and other partners, provides specialized services for refugees to assist them on the path to self-sufficiency. The presentation will include an overview of the current refugee crisis, factors contributing to it and its connection to issues of poverty and hunger prevention. The fifth annual South of
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the River CROP Hunger Walk is scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 8. The walk is sponsored by CWS, a global aid and development organization. This yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s walk will start at St. Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lutheran Church in Lakeville at 2 p.m., with registration beginning at 1 p.m. The walk route will cover approximately 4 miles, with a mini-walk of 1 mile also available. People who are interested in participating in the walk or forming a team may pick up materials at the forum. One-quarter of the funds raised by walkers and their sponsors will go to local hungerfighting agencies, 360 Communities, the Open Door in Dakota County and the CAP Agency in Scott County as well. The remainder will support CWS projects around the world. For the first two years, the South of the River Walk was based in Burnsville, and for the past two years it was based in Apple Valley. Those wishing further information on the forum or on the walk should contact one of the coordinators: Paula Nordhem at pnordhem@yahoo.com or Denise Lewis at dlewis9476@ comcast.net. Information also is available at www.crophungerwalk.org and on Facebook at Twin Cities South of the River CROP Walk.
Car seat recycling AAA and its partners are collecting and recycling infant and child car seats. Car seats may be dropped off between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, Sept. 18-22, at AAA Burnsville, 600 W. Travelers Trail, Burnsville. A $5 voluntary donation is requested. A free food or beverage coupon will be provided for each $5 donation. Two seats per family may be dropped off. The family must drop off the seat(s); large collections from other organizations will not be accepted. More information is at https://mn-ia.aaa.com/events.
Minnesota Drive for Awareness set Sept. 16 The fifth annual Minnesota Drive for Awareness Golf Scramble and Silent Auction will be Saturday, Sept. 16, at Heritage Links Golf Club in Lakeville. Registration will begin at 11 a.m. with a 1 p.m. tee time. Dinner and silent auction will follow. Registration includes 18 holes with a cart, dinner, beer on the course for those 21 and older, gift duffel bag, and silent auction access. Registration cost is $100; dinner/auction only option is $20. The event is a fundraiser for the Lil MAC Kids Foundation, which assists needy families with children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, and the Lake Family Foundation, which provides financial assistance to military veterans in need of financial support and parents who have lost a child to sudden infant death syndrome. More information is at http:// w w w. l i l m a c k i d s. o rg / 2 0 1 7 Drive-for-Awareness.pdf.
Volunteer mentors needed Kids â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n Kinship has over 35 youths waiting for a caring mentor in Dakota County. A mentor information session is set 7-7:45 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 30, at the Robert Trail Library in Rosemount. Attendees will hear about the children who are waiting for mentors, the volunteer screening process and the activities and benefits provided by Kids â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n Kinship. Application materials will be available. Information sessions are held every few weeks at locations throughout the south metro. Find out more at www.kidsnkinship.org.
8A August 18, 2017 SUN THISWEEK - Lakeville
A vigil for unity
PACER Center workshop in Rosemount
Photos submitted
Apple Valley area residents gathered in Kelley Park on Sunday for vigil to support peace and unity after one person was killed and others injured during a protest against removing the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday, when an Ohio man drove his car into a crowd of counterprotestors. State Rep. Erin Made Quade, DFL-Apple Valley, spoke to the crowd, which gathered as a steady rain fell. Renita Fisher (left), of Burnsville, and Sam Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Connell, both are immigrants from Guyana, attended the vigil.
Agendas District 194 School Board
ductions d. Good News e. Public Comment f. Board Communications g. Agenda Additions Following is the agenda h. Approval of Agenda for the 7 p.m. Tuesday, Consider Approval of Consent Aug. 22, regular meeting 2. Agenda of the District 194 School a. Board Minutes Board at Lakeville City b. Employment Recommendations, Leave Requests and ResHall. ignations c. Other Personnel Matters 1. Preliminary Actions d. Payment of Bills & Claims a. Call to Order e. Wire Transfers & Investb. Pledge of Allegiance c. Roll Call and Board Intro- ments
a. Superintendentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Report f. Change Orders b. Board Members Reports g. Bid Awards 8. Adjournment h. Other Business Matters i. Resolution Regarding Acceptance of Gift Donations j. Field Trips k. FY19 LTFM Projects 3. Consent Agenda Discussion Items Following is the agenda 4. Reports a. AVID Summer Program for the 5-7 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 23, retreat of Update b. Referendum Update the District 194 School 5. Recommended Actions Board at Lakeville South 6. Additions to Agenda High School Community 7. Information
District 194 School Board
1. Preliminary Actions a. Call to Order b. Roll Call and Board Introductions 2. Discussions a. Initial Discussion on Development of Superintendentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Evaluation b. Board Operations and Protocol with Administration 3. Adjournment
PACER Center will offer â&#x20AC;&#x153;Challenging Behaviors, Positive Supports, and School Success,â&#x20AC;? a free workshop for parents of children and youth with disabilities, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 31, at Rosemount Community Center, 13885 S. Robert Trail. Going back to school can be difficult for children and youth with challenging behaviors. New teachers, new classrooms and unknown expectations often increase anxiety and unwanted behaviors. This workshop will provide parents and others with information to help prepare for the new school year. Topics will include: â&#x20AC;˘ Strategies and ideas to promote wellness and person-centered principles when developing a 504 Plan or Individualized Education Program (IEP). â&#x20AC;˘ Understanding the role of positive supports and intervention. â&#x20AC;˘ Tips on effective communication with school staff when challenging behaviors are present. To register for this free workshop, contact PACER Center at 952-8389000 or visit PACER.org/ workshops.
Family course on mental illnesses NAMI Minnesota (National Alliance on Mental Illness) is offering a free educational course that helps families gain a greater understanding of mental illness, discuss resources, build communication skills, reduce stress and find support. The Family-to-Family course will meet weekly for 12 weeks, 6:30-9 p.m. starting Tuesday, Sept. 26, at Trinity Church, 10658 210th St. W. in Lakeville. For information or to register (required), call Barb at 612-695-4338.
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SUN THISWEEK - Lakeville August 18, 2017 9A
Discovering The Mature Lifestyle
Minnetonka Gildaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club takes unique approach to cancer Story inside Mind, Body & Relationships August 2017
August 17 & 18, 2017
Eagan woman offers help for dealing with grief and loss BY SUE WEBBER CONTRIBUTING WRITER In previous years, Faye Heffele found a niche by becoming involved with a church retreat ministry. But in the last few years, sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s found a new calling. She speaks to groups about her experiences with grief and loss. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I set my mission 15 years ago to support, help and encourage other people,â&#x20AC;? Heffele said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Most of my losses were 15 years ago or more, but I speak from experience,â&#x20AC;? said Heffele, whose father took his own life, and who has a friend whose son committed suicide. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Talking about it is helpful for me. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve written from both perspectives. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been able to come through it, and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve learned how to deal with myself. Journaling works for me.â&#x20AC;? She is a writer, too, and finds that to be very therapeutic, Heffele said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sometimes I just put
pen to paper and write,â&#x20AC;? she said. Grief and Loss Coalition. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I advise people to go to scripShe has a gift for poetry, too. Most of Heffeleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s audiences are ture, to a pastor and to prayer,â&#x20AC;? she said. made up of people 30 years She said sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s done of age and up, with a â&#x20AC;&#x153;tons and tonsâ&#x20AC;? of reconcentration of folks search online and in their 40s and 50s, through books to find she said. helpful resources. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A â&#x20AC;&#x153;Older people google search can come because get you to good retheyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve lost a sources, but not evspouse,â&#x20AC;? she said. erything you find â&#x20AC;&#x153;As they become there is helpful,â&#x20AC;? older, people she said. may lose a â&#x20AC;&#x153;As Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve expespouse or a rienced it, I have child, or they found that cermay have a setain things can rious illness.â&#x20AC;? help others, too,â&#x20AC;? She advises she said. people who Creative outhave expelets are imporrienced loss tant for people to acknowlFAYE HEFFELE working through a loss, edge that loss, grieve, and find professional help according to Heffele. She recomthrough counseling, ministry, mends adult coloring books, and and even good friends. She has painting as two avenues for exworked with the South Suburban pressing feelings.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re good outlets,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They take your mind off your loss and help you concentrate in a different way. You just need to find what works for you. You need to believe you can get through it.â&#x20AC;? If people become too immersed in their grief and too far down, it becomes harder for them to pull up, she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You need to take it a day or one minute at a time,â&#x20AC;? she said. Forgiveness becomes a crucial part of healing, Heffele said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I learned to forgive my dad,â&#x20AC;? she said. Heffele gained much of her speaking experience from being a member of Toastmasters for 25 years. She has a college degree in accounting and an MBA degree from the University of St. Thomas. When she retired, she was working as a business analyst for Land Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lakes in financial and information systems. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As I retired, I wanted to find
Seniors touch othersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; lives
effectual and irrelevant. These folks are missing the point. Regardless of age, something you say or do (or donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do) will affect someone else. It may be a family member, loved one, friend, neighbor, acquaintance, caregiver, shop clerk, mail carrier or stranger. Intentionally or unintentionally, you will make a difference. In fact, you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t help but influence someone, sometime, somewhere. This is another good reason to remain active and engaged in the community and doing the next right thing as long as possible. Your legacy is the influence you have had on others. Bob Ramsey is a lifelong educator, freelance writer and advocate for Vital Aging. He can be reached at 952-922-9558 or by e-mail at joyrammini@comcast.net.
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tact. But if he wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t that minister, I enjoyed his column anyway. Then I waited to see if I would get any response. A week later, I got a packet in the mail. Inside was a letter from Dr. Turner indicating that, indeed, he had married us years earlier. He wrote that he was now retired, but continued to write his popular weekly column. The packet also held a published collection of his writings. Reading them inspired both my wife and I. Through an accidental encounter, Dr. Turner had ministered to us once again. Another 20 years passed. Then one day as I pondered what to write about in this column, I tore a leaf off my page-a-
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and I. Shortly thereafter, we began our married life in another city and had no more contact with Dr. Turner. Almost 30 years later while visiting Seattle, I read the Sunday edition of the hometown paper. A column by a local minister caught my eye. Then I noticedâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the author was Dr. Dale Turner. Upon returning home, I wrote that Dr. Turner in care of the newspaper and said I enjoyed his column and wondered if he could possibly be the same Rev. Turner who married us a quarter of a century ago and half a continent away. I said if he was the same pastor, he must have done something right, because our marriage was still in-
day calendar and saw this uplifting quote on â&#x20AC;&#x153;vital aging:â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.â&#x20AC;? It was written by Dr. Dale Turner. Wow! Spooky, isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t it? Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m sure he is deceased by now, but Dr. Turner managed to touch my life again in a meaningful way. The point of these examples is simply that our lives have ripples and repercussions. We canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t foresee how far the effects of our daily actions may reach. A simple gesture, word or deed can make a difference in anotherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life. This fact doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t end because we retire. Or qualify for AARP. Or hit 75. People over 60 sometimes feel powerless, in-
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s funny how lives con- never forgotten that letter. nect and intersect in sur- Back then, it had buoyed prising and unexpected his spirit and given him ways. Sometimes, out of a sense of pride in his the blue, anotherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life accomplishments. And may impact your Guest own. Likewise, you never know how or column when your behavior may change some... by Bob one elseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;at Ramsey least, a little bit. Seemingly inconsequential acts can influence others in unpre- now, he experienced these dictable ways without you same positive feelings all even knowing it. It can over again. My little leteven occur across time ter turned out to be a gift and space. that kept on giving for a For example, I re- lifetime. cently ran into a former A better example: my co-worker I hadnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t seen experience with Rev. in a long time. Immedi- Dale Turner. In 1955, Dr. ately, he related that he Turner, a popular Conhad just found a letter I gregational minister in wrote on his retirement our Kansas college comover 25 years ago. He had munity, married my wife
ways to give back and give to others on their journey of life,â&#x20AC;? she said. She works as a volunteer tutor, is on the board of RAAC (Rosemount Area Arts Council), a member of Second Act Players (a Rosemount theater group for people 50+) and has worked in community theater and stand-up comedy. A native of Richfield, Heffele is a 28-year resident of Eagan. She has three children and six grandchildren. She is the author of two books: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Reflections on the Journey: Thoughts and Prayers on Lifeâ&#x20AC;? in 2014, and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Reflections on the Journey 2: Living the Rosaryâ&#x20AC;? in 2016. Faye Heffeleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website is www. reflectionsonthejourney.net, or she can be reached at faye@reflectionsonthejourney.net. Her Facebook page is called Reflections On The Journey.
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10A August 18, 2017 SUN THISWEEK - Lakeville
A big catch of fun
Photos by Tad Johnson
After one of the sessions of the All-American Lumberjack Show, the family with the most members present won a carved fish from organizers of the show. Along with the lumberjack show, the Dakota County Fair in Farmington, which ran this year from Monday, Aug. 7, to Sunday, Aug. 13, hosted lots of entertainment, such as tractor parades, the theater group performing its annual Chautauqua, music, the talent show and more.
Mind, Body & Relationships August 2017
Discovering The Mature Lifestyle August 17 & 18, 2017
Loss of eyesight doesn’t stop Bloomington man from painting BY SUE WEBBER CONTRIBUTING WRITER Ken Dobratz of Bloomington lost 95 percent of his sight almost 15 years ago, and it happened very quickly. “It started in one eye,” he said. “There was something wrong with my eye when I watched TV. By the end of the week, I couldn’t see out of it. The doctor said the optic nerve was dead. My other eye was fine.” His mother, brother and sister had each lost eyesight in one eye, so it wasn’t a total shock to Dobratz. “It might be hereditary; no one knows,” he said. “The doctor said there was almost no chance of something
happening to the other eye,” he said. “Two days later, it started in the other eye.” His vision now is 20/1000 in the bad eye and 20/700 in his good eye. “Anything beyond 4 or 5 feet away from me turns into a ghost,” Dobratz said. “I wear real powerful glasses.” Dobratz worked in the graphic arts and printing sales industries until he retired, and has been painting since he was 28. Now 72, the Vietnam veteran was ready to end his life when blindness hit, according to his wife, Ellyn. “When I lost my sight, we moved to an apartment,” Dobratz said. “For a couple of years, I had very bad depres-
A taste of Dobratz’ specialty, animal paintings. (Submitted photo)
sion. I really crawled into a rabbit hole. But then I went to the VA and it was unbelievable. I met an awesome psychologist there. The VA helped pull me out. I worked with them for six months.” “The psychologist asked me when I was going to start painting. I said, ‘I’m blind.’ He said, ‘So? You can try. Who knows what will happen? I want you to think about it.’ “So I bought an easel and some canvases, and I started,” Dobratz said. “I thought it was going to be hard. But I found that I could paint pretty darn good.” “The Minneapolis Veterans Health Care System mental health department saved his life,” Ellyn said. “With their care, he was able to return to his hobby of painting. The VISOR (Visual Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation) program provided him with many magnifiers and other special equipment. He has since entered the Creative Arts contest at the VA and has taken first place three years in a row.” After losing most of his sight, Dobratz said, he had to convert from oil painting to using acrylics. “Acrylics are totally different from oils,” he said. “Oils blend automatically; oils are so easy.” He took three lessons, and found he really enjoyed painting
with acrylics. “It took me 4 ½ years to learn how to do it correctly,” he said. A self-described “extreme introvert,” Dobratz said he spends six hours painting each day. “I talk to no one, and I’m quite at ease,” he said. However, he credits his wife for her support during this difficult time. “My wife and I are tight as can be,” he said. “My wife and I are joined at the hip.” Dobratz has sold a couple of his paintings and estimates that he’s given away 100, but said he has more than 70 of them still at his home. “I had always painted buildings, or mountains with a reflection from the water,” he said. “I never painted animals. Now I want to paint animals and birds. I love birds.” He gets photographs from the library of things he would like to paint. “I’m one to have goals,” he said. “I always have a plan. I make a plan in my head before I paint something and then I follow that.” If he works quickly, he said he can finish a painting in two weeks, though one painting generally takes three weeks to complete. Portraits of his wife and daughter took four months each to finish. “I’m not going to do a lot of those,” he said. A native of the Twin Cities, Dobratz spent a year in a trade
Ken Dobratz of Bloomington continues to paint, despite losing 95 percent of his eyesight. (Submitted photo) school before joining his brother-in-law in the printing business. He and his wife have lived in Bloomington for 35 years. He is no stranger to physical pain. During the four years he served in the Navy during Vietnam, Dobratz said, “I broke my neck on Pearl Harbor and didn’t tell anyone. I couldn’t turn my neck left and right.” Two years after he got out of the service, he had x-rays at the VA that showed his clavicle was shattered. In 2016, Dobratz finally had neck surgery that lasted 7 ½ hours. Now, Dobratz said, “I love painting. It’s what I do.” An article he wrote about his painting was printed in the spring 2017 newsletter from the Chicago VA Medical Center. Dobratz and his wife have four children and 10 grandchildren.
Gilda’s Club offers social, emotional, psychological support BY SUE WEBBER CONTRIBUTING WRITER
For the last 18 months, Chuck Niebauer has found a home away from home in a building with a red door at 10560 Wayzata Blvd., Minnetonka. It is Gilda’s Club, a place where people living with cancer can come for social, emotional and psychological support. It’s a place that stands by its philosophy: No one should have to face cancer alone. Membership is free. The club, one of 57 throughout the coun-
try, offers support and networking groups, lectures, workshops and social events, as well as structured programs for people living with cancer, their friends and families, including children and teens. “I was given information about Gilda’s Club by an oncology social worker at Minnesota Oncology,” Niebauer said. “I’ve had a love relationship with it ever since. It’s the best thing my oncologist told me to do. I’m there at least two or three times a week.” At 70, Niebauer is re-
tired from his career in information technology. He has enjoyed art classes, music therapy and improv classes at Gilda’s Club, as well as a Thursday night support group, and speakers that have been of interest to him. “I can’t say enough good things about that place,” he said. “The volunteers, the staff, the people there with cancer have all been a blessing. It helps you forget why you’re there. If you’re having a tough day, either medical or attitude, Chuck Niebauer enjoys participating in a variety of group activities at Gilda’s Club. (Submitted GILDA - TO NEXT PAGE photo)
SUN THISWEEK - Lakeville August 18, 2017 11A
Taken too soon Farmington graduate in fatal car accident in Colorado by Maren Bauer SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE
Photo submitted
U.S. Rep. Jason Lewis (center) receives the 2017 Energy Champion Award from Joel Johnson (left), director of the Coalition for a Secure Energy Future, and former Rep. Mike Beard (right), coalition co-chair.
Lewis receives energy award U.S. Rep. Jason Lewis, R-Woodbury, received the 2017 Energy Champion Award from the Coalition for a Secure Energy Future. Recipients of the award have championed an all-of-the-above energy strategy to ensure that consumers and businesses have access to affordable and reliable electricity. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The coalition is proud to recognize the work of Congressman Jason Lewis who is dedicated to ensuring that hardworking Minnesota families have access to affordable and reliable electricity,â&#x20AC;? said Joel Johnson, coalition director.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;We also know that supporting a diverse energy portfolio keeps costs low for businesses and allows our region to remain globally competitive. Just in his first term, Congressman Lewis has stood up for an all-of-the-above approach to energy policy, and we are grateful for his ongoing support.â&#x20AC;? The award was presented to Lewis by Johnson and former Rep. Mike Beard, R-Shakopee. Beard serves as co-chair for the Coalition for a Secure Energy Future with former Rep. Loren Solberg, DFL-Grand Rapids.
Ethan Jack Weber, most recently a Fort Collins resident, had lived life to the fullest. The former Farmington resident had been an avid sports fan and player, missions trip participant, and all-around adventurer. On July 25, the adventure ended for the 23-yearold. Weberâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brown Ford F150 had been found rolled over after striking a curb and a tree before landing on the grounds of Grandview Cemetery. The young adventurer and devout Christian had not been wearing a seatbelt. Besides sports and adventures, Weber also had a passion for serving animals as he worked toward a career doing just that. His girlfriend, Ariana McGinty, shared that same passion. The couple had moved out to Colorado so that she could attend school at Colorado State Univer-
sity. Weber had told her, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t worry; Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll take care of you.â&#x20AC;? McGinty reflected that he would make her laugh, help her with her homework, and cover the cost of rent. In tears, she said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;He was my caretaker.â&#x20AC;? The two had met when he was 18 and she 16. He had come to learn how to shoe horses with his uncle in Arizona, and once he met her, the two were inseparable. Weber eventually convinced the Arizona native that â&#x20AC;&#x153;Minnesota was the most beautiful place in the world.â&#x20AC;? She moved to the North Star State once sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d graduated from high school. While here, Weber taught her how to ice skate, ice fish, and drive in snow. Since Weber had been a big hockey player, McGinty says that â&#x20AC;&#x153;Everyone always said how fast he was. He made it look effortless. But even though I was so slow, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d always come back and grab my hand and skate with me.â&#x20AC;?
She says that he was a perfectionist at everything he did. He would look at old horseshoes, and say, â&#x20AC;&#x153;No, this one isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t perfect. See that dent there?â&#x20AC;? She laughingly recalls his skills at fantasy sports; he won his league almost every year. And even though he was a natural athlete, he wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let McGinty win while they played basketball. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He would say,â&#x20AC;? she laughs, â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;you have to work for it!â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Weber was born in Burnsville and grew up in Farmington where he attended District 192 schools. He participated in hockey, baseball, football, and golf through his community. He also had a passion for basketball, fishing, dirt biking, frisbee golf, hiking, cooking, and was always adopting new hobbies. A funeral service was held Aug. 1 at Mount Olivet Assembly of God in Apple Valley. Interment was at St. Michaelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cemetery in Farmington.
Car seat recycling at AAA Burnsville AAA and its partners are collecting and recycling infant and child car seats. Car seats may be dropped off between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, Sept. 1822, at AAA Burnsville,
Mind, Body & Relationships August 2017
600 W. Travelers Trail, Burnsville. A $5 voluntary donation is requested. A free food or beverage coupon will be provided for each $5 donation. Two seats per family may be dropped
off. The family must drop off the seat(s); large collections from other organizations will not be accepted. More information is at https://mn-ia.aaa.com/ events.
Discovering The Mature Lifestyle August 17 & 18, 2017
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Gildaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club was created in memoriam of Gilda Radner, an SNL alum best known for her character Roseanne Roseannadanna. (Submitted photo)
Gildaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club offers community vibes, not â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;support groupsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; GILDA - FROM PREVIOUS day. It is structured into positive
you can take a class and feel so much better when you leave. The people are just fantastic. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s such an important part of my life.â&#x20AC;? It helps to know that others at Gildaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club have experienced some of the same things heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going through, Niebauer said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Everybody understands,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve become family. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve done so much for me.â&#x20AC;? Even though he has a college degree in art, Niebauer said, he found that you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to be an artist to enjoy an art class. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The first day in improv class, all of a sudden I realized that I was trying something I thought I was afraid of,â&#x20AC;? he said. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s had help writing two songs since he joined Gildaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club, he said. Allison DeCamillis, program director at Gildaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club for the last 3 years, said the clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s membership includes more than 2,000 people, evenly distributed by gender, half of whom are 55 and older. The clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s online calendar is printed two months at a time on the website. Programs are offered 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Thurs-
five core groups: â&#x20AC;˘Support trained groups â&#x20AC;˘Healthy life activities, such as walking, exercise, nutrition, mind/body and creative arts â&#x20AC;˘Educational sessions, including speakers â&#x20AC;˘Social opportunities â&#x20AC;˘Information and referral Gildaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club is not just for individuals living with a diagnosis, DeCamillis said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It includes family members, friends, kids, teens and caregivers,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cancer is so much more than a chronic illness. People are living so much longer. It impacts the whole family. There are many more caregivers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have a fair number of people who drop by for coffee,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A lot of them became friends through activities, and they meet here to hang out or have lunch or do some writing.â&#x20AC;? Gildaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club is a complement to the medical community, DeCamillis said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not a clinic. It feels homelike here. We have a living room, kitchen and meeting rooms, a kids and teens room and a mind/body study room. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a unique place. â&#x20AC;&#x153;People think it will be a sad or difficult place to be. Gildaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club is a
environment, one of people learning to live with cancer. That doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t mean that a lot of tears arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t shed here, though,â&#x20AC;? she said. Some people find Gildaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club on their own, while others are referred to it by oncologists or radiologists in the health care system. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Some people have been here since we opened 3 ½ years ago,â&#x20AC;? DeCamillis said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We focus on creating a community of support. They might be newly diagnosed. As they move beyond that, they go to post-treatment support. If their cancer is no longer an identifying factor in their lives, they become volunteers because they feel the need to give back.â&#x20AC;? The Minnetonka club has grown quickly, thanks to support from grants and donors. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is built by our community for our community, and it is sustained by our community,â&#x20AC;? DeCamillis said. Information: 612-2272147 or info@GildasClubTwinCities.org
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12A August 18, 2017 SUN THISWEEK - Lakeville
Eight file for three seats
BILL, from 3A
Incumbents file along with five challengers by Amy Mihelich SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE
Eight candidates are competing for three Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan School Board seats, currently belonging to Art Coulson, Gary Huusko and Mike Roseen, in the election on Nov. 7. The filing deadline for the four-year terms â&#x20AC;&#x201D; January 20182022 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; was Tuesday. All three incumbents are running for re-election. Huusko began serving on the District 196 School Board in October 2011. He lives in Eagan and he currently holds the title of vice chairperson. Huusko serves on the Audit and Finance, Legislative and Policy Review committees.
Roseen has been on the School Board since 1989. He lives in Apple Valley and he serves on the Board Policy review committee. Huusko and Roseen both serve as board representatives to the Community Education Advisory Council and the Minnesota State High School League. Colson lives in Apple Valley. He has served on the School Board since 2009. He serves on the Curriculum and Instruction committee and is the chairperson of the Legislative committee. He is the board representative to the Gifted and Talented Advisory Council and the Native American Parents Advisory Committee. One more familiar face will appear on the ballot. Craig Angrimson returns to
the race for his fifth School Board campaign. He lives in Apple Valley. He is a committee member of the Metropolitan Council, a member of the St. Paul Labor Federation, and a former U.S. Marine. Four new candidates, Bianca Ward Virnig, Brian Buechele, Daniel Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Neil and Rebecca Gierok, are running for the first time. Gierok also lives in Apple Valley. Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Neil and Virnig live in Eagan, and Buechele lives in Lakeville. At press time, the newspaper was unable to get in touch with all of the candidates. Check back next week for a more comprehensive introduction to each candidate.
they look like? Vehicle type? License plate information? Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going on the CB radio?â&#x20AC;? Moore said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re the eyes and ears on the highway.â&#x20AC;? They donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t receive any grant money, rather they see this as an opportunity to help. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is a humanitarian effort everyone has to take responsibility for,â&#x20AC;? Monahan said. They might see young people traveling with older men who donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t appear to be relatives. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We see more families and how they interact and we know whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not normal,â&#x20AC;? another driver Mike Monahan said. They might see people linger at truck stops with out-of-state license plates. They might hear comments over the radio asking if people need company. Klobuchar said that sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
been working in preparation for the Super Bowl coming to the Twin Cities next year, which could see an influx of human trafficking. She said law enforcement is interested in the individuals trafficking and those who are paying for their services. The victims of human trafficking are seen as victims. She also touted the efforts as bipartisan. She said she recently spoke with Ivanka Trump, an aid to her father, along with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who she said have expressed support. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s authored a bill headed for the Senate floor to create a human trafficking prevention coordinator with the U.S. Department of Transportation and grants for training. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It sets a standard nationally that needs to be set,â&#x20AC;? Klobuchar said.
Alternative cancer language aims to help club members GILDA - FROM PREVIOUS PAGE
Siegel, actor/singer Mandy Patinkin and several â&#x20AC;˘Opportunity to join with others and share exof Gildaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s other friends. The first Gildaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club, periences, NOT being helpless or in need of help memory of comedian Gilda Radner, who died including a worldwide training center, opened its â&#x20AC;˘Club members, NOT clients from ovarian cancer in 1989. Gilda is best known signature red door in New York City in 1995. â&#x20AC;˘Cancer support community, NOT cancer supfor her work on NBCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Saturday Night Live. Her port group book, Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Always Something, describes her life â&#x20AC;˘Living fully as one learns to live with cancer, The language of Gildaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club: with cancer. Gilda once said that cancer gave her NOT improving oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s quality of life â&#x20AC;˘People living with cancer, NOT cancer victims â&#x20AC;&#x153;membership to an elite club Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d rather not belong or patients â&#x20AC;˘A warm and welcoming clubhouse, NOT a safe to,â&#x20AC;? which is where the name Gildaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club origiâ&#x20AC;˘Learning to live with cancer, NOT coping with haven nated. â&#x20AC;˘A place to express a full range of feelings, NOT cancer or facing a life-threatening illness Gildaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club was founded by Joanna Bull, Gilda â&#x20AC;˘Regaining control and wellbeing, NOT doing a place to â&#x20AC;&#x153;stay positiveâ&#x20AC;? Radnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cancer psychotherapist and Gildaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hus- battle, struggling with cancer or fighting for recovband Gene Wilder, with the help of film critic Joel ery
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SUN THISWEEK - Lakeville August 18, 2017 13A
Sports Notebook: Local teams ready to start playing for real by Mike Shaughnessy
at Eden Prairie. All games are 7 p.m. Farmington plays at Woodbury at 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 1. New football scheduling procedures this season have, among other things, restored the BurnsvillePrior Lake trophy game, which will be Sept. 29 at Burnsville. However, it also means Apple Valley won’t play any of the other three schools (Eastview, Eagan and Rosemount) from District 196. With Apple Valley a Class 5A team for postseason play, its schedule has been adjusted to consist of mostly Class 5A teams. Previews of local football teams will appear on SunThisweek.com and the Sun Thisweek and Dakota County Tribune print editions the week of Aug. 28.
Practices for high school fall sports began Monday, and soon local teams will be playing for real. Girls tennis teams could start playing matches as early as Thursday. Apple Valley will wait until Friday before going to an eight-team tournament in Stillwater. On Monday, Eastview and Lakeville North will be hosts of triangular meets at 9 a.m. Soccer and volleyball teams can play season openers Thursday, Aug. 24. Boys soccer games scheduled that day include Apple Valley at Simley (4 p.m.), Cretin-Derham Hall at Eagan (7), Rochester Mayo at Lakeville North (7), and Rochester Century at Rosemount (7). Eastview plays St. Paul Central at 5 p.m. in the opening round of a tournament at Stillwater. Girls soccer games Aug. 24 include East Ridge at Eagan and Rochester John Marshall at Lakeville South in 5 p.m. matchups. Eastview plays host to Henry Sibley at 6, De La Salle is at Burnsville at 7 and Minneapolis Southwest plays at Apple Valley at 7. Burnsville is at Northfield, Farmington is at Owatonna and Lakeville North is at Wayzata in Aug. 24 volleyball matches. Two-time defending Class 3A champion Eagan plays its opener at Minneapolis Southwest on Aug. 29. Farmington’s boys and girls cross country teams will travel to Duluth for their season-opening meet Aug. 24, while Eastview’s girls will go to a meet at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls the same day.
Erik Westrum to coach
Jim Lindquist/sidekick.smugmug.com
Lakeville South’s Sydney Case sets against Eagan during the 2016 state Class 3A volleyball tournament. Case is one of the Cougars’ returning players this season. Football scrimmages are Saturday, Aug. 26, including the annual Watermelon Bowl at Burnsville High School starting at 9 a.m. Also that day, Rosemount will be host to Ea-
gan and Visitation in a girls swimming and diving triangular. Diving starts at 8 a.m. with swimming events at 11. In Week 1 football games Aug. 31, Hopkins is
at Apple Valley, Eagan is at Minnetonka, Lakeville South is at Edina, Eastview is at Eden Prairie, Burnsville is at Lakeville North, Rosemount is at Wayzata and Eastview is
Not surprisingly, Duke lands Tre Jones Guard follows 2 Apple Valley teammates to Blue Devils by Mike Shaughnessy SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE
For the third time, Duke University has successfully recruited a player who was instrumental in Apple Valley’s rise as a Minnesota high school basketball power. The latest Eagle headed to Durham, North Carolina, is incoming senior point guard Tre Jones, who helped Apple Valley win two state Class 4A championships in the last three years. Jones’ brother Tyus played the 2014-15 season at Duke, helping the Blue Devils win the national championship, then turned pro and now is a member of the Minnesota Timber-
wolves. Shooting guard Gary Trent Jr., Tre Jones’ teammate on the Apple Valley varsity for three seasons, will join the Blue Devils this fall. Tre Jones verbally committed to Duke during a gathering Sunday at Cedar Valley Church in Bloomington. The presentation included a video that showed Tyus Jones, wearing a Duke basketball shirt, passing the ball to Tre Jones on a court with the Duke logo at the center jump circle. He can sign a National Letter of Intent, making the agreement to attend Duke official, in early November. Tre Jones had narrowed his list of finalists to six schools, including Minnesota, but his choice of Duke is not a surprise considering the relationship Blue Devils coach Mike Krzyzewski cultivated with the Jones family going back to when
he was recruiting Tyus. Krzyzewski offered Tre Jones a scholarship almost two years ago. “He’s talked about everything with me, not just basketball,” Jones said Monday afternoon. “Mostly about things I’ll be dealing with in life. We formed a bond. One of the first big moments in my career was when he offered me a scholarship while I was a still sophomore in high school. He had a vision for me.” Zach Goring, Apple Valley’s head coach during Tre and Tyus Jones’ recruitment, said the process played out similarly for each player. “We had coaches of a lot of high-major programs come through for open gym and practices with Tre, just as we did for Tyus,” Goring said. “The one difference is, Tre decided in the middle of the summer and Tyus
didn’t commit until November. That means we had a lot of coaches coming through in the fall of Tyus’ senior year.” Tre Jones said there was no push for him to make an announcement now, almost three months before he can sign, other than “I knew where I wanted to go. It wasn’t that I needed to get it out of the way, but I didn’t want to drag it out.” Ohio State, Oregon, UCLA and USC were Jones’ other finalists, along with Minnesota. Daniel Oturu, Jarvis Thomas and Gabe Kalscheur, three players from Jones’ AAU team, the Howard Pulley Panthers, recently committed to Minnesota, leading to speculation that the Gophers might also have a chance to land Jones. But it appears that was never realistic.
Express, Bandits play state tourney games Sunday Men’s Class B baseball starts this weekend by Mike Shaughnessy SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE
Earlier this month, Eagan and Elko earned their places in the state men’s amateur baseball tournament, but now the Bandits and Express know their first-round opponents. Eagan will play the St. Cloud Beaudreau’s Saints at noon Sunday in Norwood in the first round of the Class B tournament. Elko will play the Brooklyn Park Norseman at 5 p.m. Sunday, also in Norwood. First-round games in the 16-team tournament are single-elimination. The eight first-round winners advance to the double-elimination portion of the tournament
beginning Friday, Aug. 25. The Eagan-St. Cloud winner will play Miesville or Champlin in the second round. Miesville is first in the state Class B poll and is defending state champion. Eagan, eighth in the Class B rankings, played three other state qualifiers in tune-up games last week, losing 4-3 at Elko on Aug. 10 and 6-0 at Chanhassen on Saturday, but defeating Dundas 5-3 on Tuesday. The EaganChanhassen game Saturday was to determine the top seed from Section 3 as Chanhassen and Eagan already had clinched their state tournament berths. The Bandits will be in the state tournament for the fifth time in six years. Eagan’s roster consists almost entirely of Eagan High School baseball
alumni, including playercoaches J.D. Dorgan and Alex Johnson. Eagan had a four-run third inning in its victory over Dundas, with Roy Larson’s two-run single being the big hit. Winning pitcher Jordan Brandt worked the first five innings, allowing one run. Larson pitched the first six innings of Saturday’s game against No. 2-ranked Chanhassen, with Neal Kunik finishing. Elko, which will play in its 15th state tournament, is 29-13 and ranked ninth in Class B. The Elko-Brooklyn Park winner will play Moorhead or Shakopee in the second round. Elko’s roster has a number of players with Lakeville ties, including former Lakeville North High School and Winona
State University player T.J. Evanson, the Express’ leader in several key offensive categories, including home runs (18), runs batted in (51) and average (.439). Dylan Thomas, a former Lakeville North and St. Paul Saints player, has batted .397 and has a 1.65 earned-run average as the Elko closer. Mike Mehlich, another former St. Paul Saint in his first season with the Express, has an 8-1 record and 1.99 ERA in 15 pitching appearances. The state tournament runs until Labor Day, with the finals scheduled at noon Monday, Sept. 4, in Hamburg. Contact Mike Shaughnessy at mike.shaughnessy@ecminc.com.
Erik Westrum, who starred at Apple Valley High School and the University of Minnesota before playing professional hockey for 11 years, will be head coach of a high school team this fall. He recently was named coach of the Southwest Christian/Richfield co-op team. One of his Westrum’s assistant coaches will be his father, Pat Westrum, who was head coach of Apple Valley’s 1996 state Class AA championship team. Erik Westrum played on that team and was named all-tournament and all-state that year. He remains Apple Valley’s career scoring leader. He played four years at Minnesota and was a twotime Gophers MVP. Later, he played for the Phoenix Coyotes, Toronto Maple Leafs and Minnesota Wild in the NHL, as well as professionally in Switzerland. Westrum now owns an
insurance agency in Prior Lake. Another former AVHS head hockey coach will return behind the bench this winter as Jerry Hayes takes over as head coach at Irondale High School.
U.S. Senior Amateur Randall Garber and John Barry, both of Lakeville, will play in the U.S. Senior Amateur Championship beginning Saturday, Aug. 26, at the Minikahda Club in Minneapolis. Garber, 67, shot 70 to finish first in a local qualifier July 24 at Wayzata Country Club. Barry shot 73, placing second and earning one of the other four qualifying spots. Both play out of University Golf Club. Barry, 55, qualified for the U.S. Senior Amateur in his first year of eligibility. It’s the second time in the national tournament for Garber, who also qualified in 2010. The 156 qualifiers will play two rounds of stroke play Aug. 26-27, with the low 64 scorers advancing to match play. The championship match will be Aug. 31.
Sibling winners Emma Welch of Lakeville had a two-day total 2-over-par 146 to win the girls division at the Minnesota PGA Section Junior Players Tour Tournament of Champions last week at Breezy Point Resort. Welch’s sister Megan won the same tournament in 2015. Both are Lakeville North High School students and play on the golf team. Contact Mike Shaughnessy at mike.shaughnessy@ecminc.com.
Pine Tree Apple champs
Photo submitted
Kevin Werwie of Lakeville and Larissa Mavros won the Masters division at the Pine Tree Apple Tennis Classic, a mixed doubles tournament held Aug. 3-6 in White Bear Lake. Werwie and Marvos, the No. 1 seeds, defeated thirdseeded Amy Jamieson and Tim Burke 5-7, 6-2, 10-6 in the championship match. Werwie is a 1991 graduate of the University of Minnesota, where he was a two-time All-Big Ten Conference player. He has played in the Pine Tree Apple Tennis Classic 25 times (23 in the Open division and twice in Masters) and has won five championships. The Pine Tree Apple Tennis Classic is a fundraiser for the cancer research program at Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota.
Sports Briefs Fall youth volleyball Girls in grades 3-6 in the Lakeville North attendance area are invited to try out for the 2017 Lakeville North Fall Volleyball Program. Final tryout is 6-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 22, at Lakeville North High School. Pre-registration is required. For more information and registration, go to www.LakevilleNorthJuniors.com.
Buck Hill Foundation Buck Hill Ski Racing Team program director Erich Sailer, whose proteges include Lindsey Vonn, Kristina Koznick, Tasha Nelson, Paula Moltzan and Michael Ankeny, will be honored during
a dinner Aug. 25 at the Buck Hill Event Center in Burnsville. It’s the inaugural event of the newly created Buck Hill Foundation, which was founded to support Alpine programs such as the Buck Hill Ski Racing team. Vonn, a four-time World Cup champion and 2010 Olympic gold medalist, is scheduled to attend to talk about her career and recognize Sailer. The Aug. 25 event begins with a 6 p.m. social hour. Dinner will be 7 p.m. with the award ceremony at 8. To reserve tickets, visit www.eventbrite.com/e/please-joinus-for-an-olympic-eventtickets-36112762244. For more information about the Buck Hill Foundation, visit www.buckhillfoundation.org/contact/.
14A August 18, 2017 SUN THISWEEK - Lakeville
Business Buzz Skyline Medical signs merger agreement Burnsville-based Skyline Medical has signed a definitive agreement to merge with CytoBioscience, a San Antonio, Texas, manufacturer of instruments used in human cell research for drug development. Skyline produces the STREAMWAY System for automated, direct-todrain medical fluid disposal. Skyline will pay the owners of CytoBioscience at closing 19.8 percent of the outstanding common shares, plus shares of Class C, D and E non-convertible, non-voting preferred stock with a total liquidation preference of $22.7 million. The acquisition has been approved by the boards of directors of both companies and is expected to close by Sept. 30. James Garvin, chief executive officer of CytoBioscience, will be named president of Skyline Medical and will be appointed to the Skyline Medical board of directors. Carl Schwartz will remain chief executive officer and a director of Skyline. CytoBioscienceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 24 employees will continue to work in San Antonio and Skyline Medicalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s headquarters will continue to be in Burnsville.
Local Applebeeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to remain open Applebeeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s locations owned by Apple American Group are operating as usual and are not affected by DineEquityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s recent announcement that it expects to close between 105-135 Applebeeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s restaurants across the country. Apple American Group owns Applebeeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s restaurants in Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Lakeville and Savage. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We, Apple American Group, a subsidiary of Flynn Restaurant Group, wanted to assure our valued guests and employees that this announcement in no way affects franchised Apple-
beeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s locations that we own and operate. Apple American Group is supported by the strong financial footing of Flynn Restaurant Group and has no plans to close any restaurants at this time,â&#x20AC;? said Greg Flynn, chairman and CEO of Flynn Restaurant Group.
Hospital recognized Fairview Ridges Hospital in Burnsville was recognized for its high-performing rating in knee replacement by U.S. News & World Report. Each year, U.S. News & World Report evaluates more than 4,500 hospitals across the nation, assessing objective measures such as survival and readmission rates, volume, patient experience, patient safety and quality of nursing, among other care-related indicators. Hospitals are ranked nationally in 25 adult care specialtiesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; from cancer to urologyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and rated in common procedures and conditions such as heart bypass surgery, hip and knee replacement and colon cancer surgery. U.S. News Hospitals Rankings and Ratings can be found at http://health.usnews.com/ best-hospitals.
Credit union relaunches campaign Ideal Credit Union has relaunched its donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t text and drive awareness campaign designed to call attention to the dangers of distracted driving and encourage the public to take a pledge to put the phone away when they get behind the wheel. The â&#x20AC;&#x153;Stop the Texts, Stop the Wrecksâ&#x20AC;? campaign consists of 15- and 30-second television ads on Twin Cities stations, an online pledge at idealcu.com/pledge, and efforts to increase awareness through social media channels. The two ads can also be found on Idealâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
YouTube page. By taking the pledge, drivers agree to not text while operating a vehicle, keep their eyes on the road at all times and encourage others to help end distracted driving. Ideal conducted the first donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t text and drive awareness campaign in September 2016 in honor of one of its employees, David Riggs, who was hit by a distracted driver in August 2013 and died four days later. The texting awareness ads will run through the month of August. Ideal will hold a balloon release in honor of Riggs during its Aug. 17 Community Appreciation Week celebration in North St. Paul. Gov. Mark Dayton has issued a proclamation making Aug. 17 â&#x20AC;&#x153;David Riggs Distracted Driving Awareness Dayâ&#x20AC;? in the state. Ideal Credit Union has locations in Eagan and Inver Grove Heights. Trucking association names directors Mel Simon of Styer Transportation Company, Lakeville, was elected first vice chair of the Minnesota Trucking Association board of directors. Dave Oren of Dart Transit Company, Eagan, was elected vice chair. Sam Anderson of Bay & Bay Transport, Eagan, and Oren were elected board members.
Dental office completes move Valley Oaks Dental has completed its move to 14600 Granada Drive in Apple Valley. The office has almost all new equipment and furniture, according to the Apple Valley Chamber of Commerce. Its old equipment was donated to Prince of Peace Church in Burnsville to expand their free services for the needy. Dentist Jeffrey Wichmann is Valley Oaksâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; owner. Dentist Nicholas Navarro also provides services at the office. More information is at valleyoaksdental.com.
Lakeville lawyer named best again Arthur Kosieradzki of SiebenCarey has been included in The Best Lawyers in America 2018. He was selected by his peers for his work in the practice area of Personal Injury Litigation â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Plaintiffs. He also was named as a 2017 Best Lawyer. An experienced partner at the firm, Kosieradzki manages the Lakeville office. He has earned recognition from a variety of organizations including the title Senior Certified Civil Trial Law Specialist, awarded by the Minnesota State Bar Association. Kosieradzki focuses his practice on cases of personal injury and wrongful death. He obtained his undergraduate degree from the University of Iowa in 1984 and a juris doctor degree from William Mitchell College of Law in 1988. Kosieradzki is actively involved in distracted driving education campaigns both locally and nationally, and has spoken to thousands of adults and young adults regarding the dangers involved. He is a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, the Minnesota State Bar Association and is a presidential appointee on the American Association for Justice Trial Lawyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Care Task Force. The annual Best Lawyers list has been published since 1983. Rankings are based on a peerreview survey in which more than 50,000 attorneys cast nearly 5 million votes on the legal abilities of other lawyers in their practice areas.
Chiropractic holds community picnic Discover Family Chiropractic of Apple Valley is hosting a free community picnic 5-7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 24. The event features food, fun, bouncy house and magic show. Donations will be collected during the picnic to benefit Gigiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Playhouse, a one-of-a-kind
achievement center for individuals with Down syndrome, their families, and the community. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m thrilled to have been in practice for 12 years working with families and individuals in the local and surrounding communities who want a holistic approach for their health,â&#x20AC;? said chiropractor Katie Cowles. Cowles specializes in neurological-based adjustments for all ages as well as nutrition response testing. She has helped patients with a variety of symptoms for allergies, asthma and ADHD to digestive and hormonal challenges. Discover Family Chiropractic is at 5920 149th St. W., Suite 110, Apple Valley. Learn more at discoverfamilychiro.com.
Indian grocery, boutique opens Mantra Bazaar, a full-service Indian grocery and boutique, is opening soon in the Granada Shopping Center at 14809 Granada Ave., Apple Valley. Husband-and-wife owners Hariny K. Kuttuva and Ram Prakash created Mantra Bazaar both to satisfy the communityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s growing demand for an Indian grocery, and to realize Kuttuvaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s long-held dream of operating a retail boutique that would showcase the work of Indiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s skilled artisans. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mantra Bazaar will be unique,â&#x20AC;? said Kuttuva. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In addition to offering everything you would expect in a full-spectrum Indian market, we are directly importing beloved, hard-to-find foods. Moreover, our boutique will feature home decor items, clothing, jewelry and accessories available nowhere else in the area.â&#x20AC;? More information is at www. facebook.com/mantrabazaar. Granada Shopping Center is owned and managed by Linvill Properties.
Business Calendar To submit items for the 14998 Glazier Ave., Apple ValBusiness Calendar, email: ley. Speaker: Ursula Mentjes, darcy.odden@ecm-inc.com. founder of Sales Coach Now. Cost: $15. Information: Fabiana Apple Valley Chamber of at fabiana@applevalleychamCommerce events: ber.com. â&#x20AC;˘ Monday, Aug. 21, 10:3011:30 a.m., ribbon cutting, Burnsville Chamber of ComCosta Vida, 15678 Pilot Knob merce events: Road, Apple Valley. Informaâ&#x20AC;˘ Tuesday, Aug. 22, 12-2 tion: Fabiana at fabiana@ap- p.m., ribbon cutting, White plevalleychamber.com. Chiropractic, 14500 Burnhaven â&#x20AC;˘ Tuesday, Aug. 22, 11 a.m., Drive, Suite 180, Burnsville. ribbon cutting, FIT Academy, Information: Tricia Andrews at 7200 147th St. W., Apple Valley. tricia@burnsvillechamber.com. Information: Fabiana at fabiâ&#x20AC;˘ Wednesday, Aug. 23, ana@applevalleychamber.com. 8-9:30 a.m., County Road 42 â&#x20AC;˘ Thursday, Aug. 24, 11:30 Corridor Meeting, Keller Wila.m. to 1 p.m., NEXT Lead- liams Preferred Realty, 14300 ers Luncheon, Old Chicago, Nicollet Court, Suite 208,
Burnsville. Free. Registration preferred. Information: Jennifer Harmening at jennifer@burnsvillechamber.com. â&#x20AC;˘ Tuesday, Aug. 29, 8-9 a.m., Chamber 101, Burnsville Chamber of Commerce, 350 W. Burnsville Parkway, Suite 425, Burnsville. Learn how to maximize your membership. Information: Tricia Andrews at tricia@burnsvillechamber.com.
to all members. Free. Information: Kelli Morgen at 651-2889202 or kmorgen@dcrchamber. com. â&#x20AC;˘ Tuesday, Aug. 22, 9:1510 a.m., ribbon cutting, Raising Caneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 1715 S. Robert St., West St. Paul. Information: Kelli Morgen at 651-288-9202 or kmorgen@dcrchamber.com. â&#x20AC;˘ Thursday, Aug. 31, 3-5 p.m., 60th Anniversary Summer Celebration, Dakota County Dakota County Regional Regional Chamber, 3352 SherChamber of Commerce man Court, Suite 201, Eagan. events: Free, but RSVP required. Inâ&#x20AC;˘ Tuesday, Aug. 22, 8-9 formation: Pam Schmidt at a.m., Coffee Break, St. Croix 651-452-9872 or pschmidt@ Lutheran Academy, 1200 Oak- dcrchamber.com. dale Ave., West St. Paul. Open
Lakeville Area Chamber of Commerce events: â&#x20AC;˘ Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2-3 p.m., Ambassador Anniversary Visits. Information: Shanen Corlett at 952-469-2020 or shanen@lakevillechambercvb. org. â&#x20AC;˘ Thursday, Aug. 24, 5:306:30 p.m., ribbon cutting, Rainbow Child Care Center, 19881 Idealic Ave., Lakeville. Information: Shanen Corlett at 952469-2020 or shanen@lakevillechambercvb.org.
Networking Luncheon: Your Health is Your True Wealth with Wendie Pett, the host and producer of Visibly Fit television, Hyatt Regency Hotel, 3200 E. 81st St., Bloomington. Cost: $30 members, $50 nonmembers ($60 at the door). Information/registration: encouragehernetwork.com.
Business Networking International events: â&#x20AC;˘ Leads to Referrals Chapter of BNI meets 7:30 a.m. Tuesdays at Vivo Restaurant, Encourage Her Network 15435 Founders Lane, Apple events: Valley. Information: Helen Peâ&#x20AC;˘ Monday, Aug. 21, 11 a.m. terson, 952-412-0265. to 1 p.m., Signature Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Religion Summer Salon
grams. Block party at SOTV The event is open to the community. Summer Salon, a chamber concert of For more information, call 952-890Shepherd of the Valley will host its classical music, will be presented 7 p.m. 7877. fourth annual Neighborhood Block ParSaturday, Aug. 19, at the Presbyterian ty 4-7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 16. Church of the Apostles, 701 E. 130th St., All are welcome for food, live music, Burnsville. A silent auction will begin at Breaking Bread bouncy castles, games and outdoor wor6:15 p.m. Shepherd of the Valley is hosting a ship at 5 p.m. Julie Amacher, Classical Minnesota new dinner and worship experience 5 The church is at 12650 Johnny Cake Public Radioâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s host and producer, will p.m. Sundays starting Aug. 20. All are Ridge Road, Apple Valley. Learn more at host the evening of chamber music. welcome at Breaking Bread, a casual www.sotv.org. Featured participants are cellist Valerie worship experience that weaves together Kahler and violinist Andrea Blain (clas- an inspirational message, communion, UMC hog roast sical MPR hosts), the Dolce Wind Quin- dinner, and fellowship. Castle Rock United Methodist tet, pianist and composer John Kuntz The church is at 12650 Johnny Cake Church will hold its annual hog roast and soprano Shruthi Rajasekar. Ridge Road, Apple Valley. Learn more at 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 20. A donation of $20, checks and cash www.sotv.org. Cost is $14 for adults, $5 for ages 6-10, only, is suggested. Concert proceeds will and free for ages 5 and under. support church music and worship pro-
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A silent auction will be held 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The church is at 27890 Delft Ave., Castle Rock. With road construction on Highway 3 and County Road 86, consider taking Cedar Avenue to County Road 86.
Document shredding As part of the fifth annual Advent Cares Day, Advent UMC in Eagan will have a free document-shredding event 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Aug. 19. The event is for personal shredding only, no businesses. Two bags per person. Shredding is free, but donations to defray the cost are welcome.
SUN THISWEEK - Lakeville August 18, 2017 15A
LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: June 30, 2004 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $145,900.00 MORTGAGOR(S): Brenda J. Harris, a single person and Gary V. Harris, a married person MORTGAGEE: ABN AMRO Mortgage Group, Inc. SERVICER: Rushmore Loan Management Services, LLC LENDER: ABN AMRO Mortgage Group, Inc. DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: Scott County Minnesota Recorder on November 5, 2004 as Document No. A677534. ASSIGNED TO: Ditech Financial LLC F/K/A/ Green Tree Servicing LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company dated 03/22/2016 recorded on 03/22/2016 as Document No. A998282 Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, not individually but as trustee for Pretium Mortgage Acquisition Trust dated 01/10/2017 recorded on 02/01/2017 as Document No. A1019795 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Unit 404, CIC Number 1066, Longmeadow Carriage Homes, Scott County, Minnesota PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1580 Hummingbird Street, Shakopee, MN 55379 PROPERTY I.D: 272650280 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: One Hundred Ninety-Three Thousand Six Hundred Thirty-Two and 69/100 ($193,632.69) THAT no action or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; that there has been compliance with all pre-foreclosure notice and acceleration requirements of said mortgage, and/or applicable statutes; PURSUANT, to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: October 3, 2017 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: in the lobby of the Scott County Law Enforcement Center, 301 S. Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN 55379 to pay the debt then secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any actually paid by the mortgagee, on the premises and the costs and disbursements allowed by law. The time allowed by law for redemption by said mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns is 6 months from the date of sale. If Mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on April 3, 2018, or the next business day if April 3, 2018 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. â&#x20AC;&#x153;THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGORâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED.â&#x20AC;? Dated: August 11, 2017 Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, not individually but as trustee for Pretium Mortgage Acquisition Trust Randall S. Miller & Associates, PLLC Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgage/Mortgagee Canadian Pacific Plaza, 120 South Sixth Street, Suite 2050 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Phone: 952-232-0052 Our File No. 17MN00146-1 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Lakeville Sun Thisweek August 11, 18, 25, September 1, 8, 15, 2017 720113
MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME Minnesota Statutes, 333 The filing of an assumed name does not provide a user with exclusive rights to that name. The filing is required for consumer protection in order to enable customers to be able to identify the true owner of a business. ASSUMED NAME: Greg Gelhorn Benefit PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS: 17438 Goodland Court Lakeville, MN 55044 NAMEHOLDER(S): John C. Stern 17438 Goodland Court Lakeville, MN 55044 Amy Gelhorn 17459 Goodland Court Lakeville, MN 55044 I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath. DATE FILED: August 15, 2017 SIGNED BY: John Stern Published in the Lakeville Sun Thisweek August 18, 25, 2017 723484
INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 ROSEMOUNT-APPLE VALLEY-EAGAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS EDUCATING OUR STUDENTS TO REACH THEIR FULL POTENTIAL SERIES NUMBER 505.3.2P ADOPTED AUGUST 1978 REVISED MAY 2016 TITLE PUBLIC NOTICE â&#x20AC;&#x201C; DIRECTORY AND YEARBOOK INFORMATION The following Public Notice shall be published in the legal section of the districtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s official newspaper, displayed on each schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bulletin board by September l of each year and available in school offices. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ... That Independent School District l96, pursuant to the U.S. General Education Provisions Act and Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, declares the following as â&#x20AC;&#x153;directory informationâ&#x20AC;? as provided in said Act, and that information relating to students may be made public if said information is in any of the following categories: r 4UVEFOU T OBNF r %BUF BOE QMBDF PG CJSUI r .BKPS Ă FME PG TUVEZ r 1BSUJDJQBUJPO BOE QFSGPSNBODF in officially recognized school activities and sports r 8FJHIU BOE IFJHIU PG NFNCFST of athletic teams r %BUFT PG BUUFOEBODF r &OSPMMNFOU TUBUVT r %JTUSJDU JTTVFE FNBJM BEESFTT r (SBEF MFWFM r %FHSFFT IPOPST EJQMPNBT and awards received r )POPS SPMM r 4DIPPM PG BUUFOEBODF r 5IF NPTU SFDFOU QSFWJPVT FEucational agency or institution attended r 1IPUPHSBQIT BOE PUIFS WJTVal and audio representations for school-approved publications, yearbooks, newspapers, public presentations, student ID badges and publication on school-approved Internet pages r 4UVEFOU JEFOUJĂ DBUJPO *% number, user ID, or other unique personal identifier used by the student for purposes of accessing or communicating in electronic systems or displayed on a student ID badge r UI UI UI PS UI HSBEF studentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s home address and teleQIPOF OVNCFS GPS SFMFBTF UP NJMitary recruiters and institutions of IJHIFS FEVDBUJPO POMZ
" QBSFOU HVBSEJBO NBZ OPU QSFvent the disclosure of a studentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name, identifier or institutional email address in a class in which the student is enrolled or on a student ID badge *O BDDPSEBODF XJUI UIF .JOOFTPUB 4UBUVUF (PWernment Data Practices Act and 1VCMJD -BX /P $IJME -FGU #FIJOE "DU PG UIF EJTUSJDU must release to military recruiting officers and institutions of higher education the names, home addresses and telephone numbers PG TUVEFOUT JO UI UI UI BOE UI HSBEFT XJUIJO EBZT BGUFS UIF date of the request, unless parents or students refuse to release the information. Therefore, studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; home addresses and telephone numbers are gathered only for 9 th UISPVHI UI HSBEF TUVEFOUT POMZ for the purpose of providing the information to military recruiting officers and institutions of higher education. Directory information does not include identifying data which references religion, race, color, disability, social position or nationality. Any parent or guardian of any student in the district, or any student ZFBST PG BHF PS PMEFS NBZ OPUJGZ the district of their desire that some or none of the above information is to be released without their consent by contacting the principal of the school which said student attends and completing Procedure 1 %FOJBM PG 3FMFBTF PG %Jrectory and Yearbook Information. This notification must be given to UIF EJTUSJDU XJUIJO UIJSUZ EBZT of this publication notice or at any time with the approval of district level administration. If filed, a denial will remain in effect until it is modified or rescinded by the parent, guardian or eligible student. Please understand that if you choose to deny the release of all directory information, your child PS ZPV JG B TUVEFOU ZFBST PG BHF PS PMEFS XJMM CF FYDMVEFE GSPN such published lists as honor rolls, news releases regarding sports achievements, honors received, athletic contest programs, theater and fine arts programs, graduation programs, future class reunion mailings, etc. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT l96 T (BSZ )VVTLP School Board Clerk Si usted habla espaĂąol y tiene preguntas, favor de llamar al telĂŠfono HADDI ADD SOMAAALI TAHAY 00 ""% 2"#5*% 8"9 46""- ") '"%-"/ -" 400 9*3**3 '"*4"- ."%"3 *G ZPV TQFBL 4QBOJTI 4PNBMJ "SBCJD BOE IBWF RVFTUJPOT DBMM Published in the Apple Valley Sun Thisweek Burnsville-Eagan Sun Thisweek Lakeville Sun Thisweek "VHVTU
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: November 24, 2006 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $280,000.00 MORTGAGOR(S): Jenny Jesperson, an unmarried woman MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. acting solely as a nominee for Countrywide Bank, N.A. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. MIN#: 1001337-0001844144-7 SERVICER: Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC LENDER: Countrywide Bank, N.A. DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: Scott County Minnesota Registrar
of Titles on December 4, 2006 as Document No. T180995 CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO: 41754 ASSIGNED TO: The Bank of New York Mellon FKA The Bank of New York, as Trustee for the Certificateholders of the CWALT, Inc., Alternative Loan Trust 2006OA21 Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-OA21 dated 04/24/2012 recorded on 05/04/2012 as Document No. T215271 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 2, Block 1, Island View 3rd Addition, Scott County, Minnesota. REGISTERED PROPERTY. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 15786 Island View Road NW, Prior Lake, MN 55372 PROPERTY I.D: 252280020 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: Three Hundred Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-Six and 24/100 ($308,996.24) THAT no action or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; that there has been compliance with all pre-foreclosure notice and acceleration requirements of said mortgage, and/or applicable statutes; PURSUANT, to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: September 26, 2017 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: in the lobby of the Scott County Law Enforcement Center, 301 S. Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN 55379 to pay the debt then secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any actually paid by the mortgagee, on the premises and the costs and disbursements allowed by law. The time allowed by law for redemption by said mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns is 6 months from the date of sale. If Mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on March 26, 2018, or the next business day if March 26, 2018 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. â&#x20AC;&#x153;THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGORâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED.â&#x20AC;? Dated: July 31, 2017 The Bank of New York Mellon FKA The Bank of New York, as Trustee for the Certificateholders of the CWALT, Inc., Alternative Loan Trust 2006-OA21 Mortgage PassThrough Certificates, Series 2006OA21 Randall S. Miller & Associates, PLLC Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgage/Mortgagee Canadian Pacific Plaza, 120 South Sixth Street, Suite 2050 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Phone: 952-232-0052 Our File No. 17MN00139-1 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Lakeville Sun Thisweek August 4, 11, 18, 25, September 1, 8, 2017 716926
INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 196 This is a summary of the July 24, 2017 School Board meeting. The full text is available for public inspection at www.district196. org, at the District Office, or by standard or electronic mail. The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. at Dakota Ridge School followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: Albright, Coulson, Huusko, Isaacs, Magnuson, Roseen and Supt. Berenz. Absent: Schutte. Motion by Huusko, seconded by Albright and carried with a 6-0 vote to approve the agenda. Students and staff were recognized by the board and superintendent. Eastview Community Foundation Grant Chair Liz Brennhofer presented grant awards to four schools. Motion by Huusko, seconded by Coulson and carried with a 6-0 vote to approve consent items: board meeting minutes; Identified Official with Authority (IOwA) for Minnesota Department of Education; general fund revenues and expenditures report; claims; schedule of investments; band uniforms and instruments purchase financing agreement; gifts totaling $166,869.04; grants totaling $258,180.92; longterm facilities maintenance 10-year plan; personnel separations, leaves of absence and new staff; pay rates for substitute, temporary and part-time employees; employment agreements; agreement for private duty nurses, and joint power governance agreement between Dakota County, Dakota County school districts and Scott-Carver CAP agency. Motion by Roseen, seconded by Huukso and carried with a 6-0 vote to approve the proposed fee increases for early childhood family education programs. Berenz shared summer learning happenings, reminded parents to sign up for summer literacy assessments and stated the two-week School Board filing candidacy begins August 1. Motion by Huusko, seconded by Albright and carried with a 6-0 vote to adjourn at 6:35 p.m. Published in the Apple Valley Sun Thisweek, Lakeville Sun Thisweek, Burnsville-Eagan Sun Thisweek August 18, 2017 723481
INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 194 This is a summary of the Independent School District No. 194 Regular and Special Board of Education Meetings on July 11, 18 and Aug 1, 2017 with full text available for public inspection on the district website at www.isd194.org or 8670 210 th Street W., Lakeville, MN 55044
REGULAR MEETING JULY 11, 2017 The regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. followed by pledge of allegiance. All board members and administrators were present except Lind. Consent agenda items approved: Minutes of the meetings on June 27; employment recommendations, leave requests and resignations; payment of bills & claims; authorization to release checks; donations; field trips; milk supply bids; memberships in Chamber of Commerce, MSBA, AMSD, and MSHSL; designation of IOWA for MDE. Reports presented: LTFM 2 & 10 year plan. Approved Actions: LTFM 2 & 10 year plan; FY17 budget adjustments. Meeting adjourned at 7:56 p.m.
SPECIAL MEETING JULY 18, 2017 The special meeting was called to order at 5:37 p.m. All board members and administration were present except Massaros. Discussions: Review of springsted survey; determination of referendum direction; discussion of polling sites. Meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.
SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 1, 2017 The special meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. All board members and administration were present. Discussions: Referendum renewal assessment; referendum election update Meeting adjourned at 7:12 p.m. Published in the Burnsville-Eagan Sun Thisweek Lakeville Sun Thisweek August 18, 2017 720834
SCOTT COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE VERMILLION RIVER WATERSHED JOINT POWERS ORGANIZATION (VRWJPO) PUBLIC HEARING ON THE DRAFT VRWJPO 2018 BUDGET Notice is hereby given that the Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization (VRWJPO) will hold a public hearing at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 24, 2017, at the Dakota County Western Service Center, 14955 Galaxie Avenue, Apple Valley, Minnesota, Conference Room 334, for the purpose of receiving comments on the draft VRWJPO 2018 Budget and Watershed Management Tax District Levy. The draft VRWJPO 2018 Budget and Watershed Management Tax District Levy can be viewed online at www.vermillionriverwatershed. org in the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Newsâ&#x20AC;? category after Tuesday, August 01, 2017. Paper copies of the draft VRWJPO 2018 Budget and Watershed Management Tax District Levy, as well as requests for any special accommodations at the public hearing, can be obtained by contacting Jen Dullum at 952-891-7086 or by email at jennifer.dullum@co.dakota. mn.us. Agencies, groups, or persons attending the public hearing will have the opportunity to provide written or oral comments. Prior to the public hearing, written comments can be addressed to the VRWJPO, 14955 Galaxie Avenue, Apple Valley, MN 55124, or emailed to VRWJPO administrator Mark Zabel at mark.zabel@co.dakota.mn.us Published in the Lakeville Sun Thisweek August 11, 18, 2017 718844
MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME Minnesota Statutes, 333 The filing of an assumed name does not provide a user with exclusive rights to that name. The filing is required for consumer protection in order to enable customers to be able to identify the true owner of a business. ASSUMED NAME: MN Direct PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS: 7676 173rd Street West Lakeville, MN 55044 NAMEHOLDER(S): Robert John Bednarski 7676 173rd Street West Lakeville, MN 55044 I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath. DATE FILED: August 1, 2017 SIGNED BY: Robert J. Bednarski Published in the Lakeville Sun Thisweek August 11, 18, 2017 718717
INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 ROSEMOUNT-APPLE VALLEY-EAGAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS EDUCATING OUR STUDENTS TO REACH THEIR FULL POTENTIAL SERIES NUMBER 505.3.1P ADOPTED JUNE 1980 REVISED MAY 2016 TITLE PUBLIC NOTICE â&#x20AC;&#x201C; ANNUAL NOTIFICATION OF RIGHTS, PROTECTION AND PRIVACY OF STUDENT RECORDS 1. Intent 1.1 Pursuant to the requirements of Administrative Regulation 505.2AR, Protection and Privacy of Student Records, and the requirements of federal law (34 C.F.R. Section 99.7), the following constitutes the districtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual notification to parents, guardians and students
regarding data privacy practices of the district. 1.2 Administrative Regulation 505.2AR, Protection and Privacy of Student Records, incorporates state and federal requirements on data privacy rights in student educational records, as summarized below. 2. Privacy Rights 2.1 Educational records which identify or could be used to identify a student, other than directory information, may not be released to members of the public without the written permission of the studentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s parent or guardian, or the student if the student is 18 years of age or older or attends a post-secondary institution or as otherwise permitted by law. This general rule is subject to specific and limited exceptions which are described in Administrative Regulation 505.2AR, Protection and Privacy of Student Records. 2.2 One exception, which permits disclosure of educational records without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the school as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff; a person serving on the School Board; a person or company with whom the school has contracted to provide a service instead of using its own employees or officials or an authorized volunteer. Legitimate educational interests include those directly related to the school officialâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s professional responsibilities for classroom instruction, teaching, assessment and research, student achievement and progress, student discipline and student health or welfare or other legitimate professional responsibilities. 3. Directory Information 3.1 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Directory informationâ&#x20AC;? includes a studentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation and performance in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, enrollment status, district-issued email address, grade level, degrees, honors, diplomas and awards received, honor roll, school of attendance, the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended, photographs and other visual and audio representations for school-approved publications, yearbooks, newspapers, public presentations, ID badges, and publication on school-approved Internet pages and student identification (ID) numbers, user IDs or other unique personal identifiers used by a student for purposes of accessing or communicating in electronic systems or displayed on an ID badge. (A studentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s identifier is directory information but educational records can only be accessed in conjunction with the use of a password or personal identification number (PIN) or other factor known or possessed only by the authorized user.) Directory information does not include identifying data which references religion, race, color, disability, social position or nationality. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Directory informationâ&#x20AC;? also includes home addresses and home telephone numbers of students in grades 9 through 12, for the purpose of providing such information to military recruiting officials as requested by the military and to institutions of higher learning as requested by
the institutions, in accordance with state and federal law. 3.2 In accordance with the Minnesota Data Practices Act, 20 U.S.C. Section 1232g and Public Law 107-110 (No Child Left Behind Act of 2001), the district must release to military recruiting officers and institutions of higher learning the names, addresses and home telephone numbers of students in 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades within 60 days after the date of the request, unless parents or students refuse to release the information. Therefore, studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; addresses and studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; home telephone numbers are gathered only for 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade students, only for the purpose of providing the information to military recruiting officers and institutions of higher learning. 3.3 Directory information may be released to the public without prior parent, guardian or student consent unless the parent or student (if the student is 18 or older) has objected in writing to the release of one or more category of such information. 3.4 Parent(s), guardian(s), or students age 18 or older may object to the release of directory information by obtaining Procedure 505.2.4.3P, Denial of Release of Directory and Yearbook Information. The form should be completed and returned to your childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s school. A parent/ guardian may not prevent the disclosure of a studentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name, identifier or institutional email address in a class in which the student is enrolled or from wearing, disclosing or displaying a student ID badge. 3.5 If filed, the denial of release of information will remain in effect until such time as it is modified or rescinded by the parent or eligible student. 4. Inspection of Records â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The parent(s), guardian(s), or a student who is 18 or older, may request to inspect and review any of the studentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s educational records except those which are, by state or federal law, made confidential. 4.1 The district will comply with the request immediately, if possible, and, if not, within 10 days exclusive of weekends and holidays. 4.2 Copies of records may be obtained upon written request. A copying and handling fee will be charged. 5. Challenge to Accuracy of Records â&#x20AC;&#x201C; A parent, guardian, or student 18 or older who believes that specific information in the studentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s educational records is inaccurate, misleading, incomplete or violates the privacy or other rights of the student, may request that the district amend the record in question. Challenges may be made by requesting and filing Procedure 505.2.11P, Request to Amend Educational Records, with the director of special education at Independent School District 196, 3455 153rd Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-4946. 5.1 If the director of special education declines to amend the record as requested within 30 days, the parent, guardian, or student who is 18 or older, will be advised in writing of their right to request and obtain a hearing. 5.2 If either the director of special education or, after hearing, the hearing officer appointed by the school district, determines that the record in question is inaccurate, misleading, incomplete or violates
Continues Next Page
INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 196 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID SANITARY MAINTENANCE CHEMICALS AND SUPPLIES Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received for Sanitary Maintenance Chemicals and Supplies by Independent School District 196, at the Facilities and Grounds Office, 14445 Diamond Path West, Rosemount, MN 55068, until 10:00 a.m., local time on Friday, August 25, 2017; at which time and place bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. If you have any questions regarding this bid please contact the Facilities Department at (651) 423-7706. Joel Albright, Board Clerk Independent School District 196 Published in the Apple Valley Sun Thisweek, Lakeville Sun Thisweek, Burnsville-Eagan Sun Thisweek August 11, 18, 2017 720378
INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #196 VALLEY-EAGAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ROSEMOUNT-APPLE ISD#196 THOMAS LAKE, GREENLEAF & WESTVIEW ELEMENTARY OFFICE ADDITIONS Notice is hereby given that Independent School District #196, will receive multiple prime sealed bids for the ISD#196 Thomas Lake, Greenleaf & Westview Elementary Office Additions in the Dakota Conference Room at the District Office â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3455 153rd Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068 until 2:00pm on Wednesday, August 30th, 2017 at which time they will be opened and read aloud. The work for this bid package includes Contracts for: #0330 CastIn-Place Concrete, #0420 Masonry/Brick/Architectural Precast, #0510 Structural Steel â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Erection, #0512 Structural Steel â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Supply, #0610 Carpentry/Building Demolition/Specialties, #0750 Roofing, #0741 Metal Panels, #0810 Metal Doors/Frames/Hardware â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Supply, #0840 Aluminum Entrances/Storefronts/Windows/ Glazing, #0920 Drywall/Plaster, #0930 Tile, #0950 Acoustical Ceilings, #0965 Resilient Flooring/Carpet, #0990 Painting, #1230 Premanufactured Casework, #2100 Fire Protection, #2200 Plumbing & Heat Piping, #2300 HVAC, #2500 Temperature Controls, #2600 Electrical/Communications/Fire Alarm, #3100 Earthwork/Site Demolition/Utilities, #3210 Asphalt Paving/Curbs/Site Concrete, #3290 Sodding/Landscaping. Reference Specification Section 01 12 00 Contract Work Scope Descriptions for detailed listing of items included in each Contract. A pre-bid conference will be held at District Office â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3455 153rd Street W. Rosemount, MN - at 10:00AM on Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017. All bids must be sealed and marked for the appropriate contract for which the bid is submitted. Bids shall be submitted in exact accordance with Bid Documents (including Instructions to Bidders and Proposal Forms) and Contract Documents (including Drawings and Specifications) as prepared by Wold Architects & Engineers. Documents will be available on or about August 14th, 2017, for public inspection at the Wold Architects & Engineerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office (332 Minnesota Street,W2000, St Paul, MN 55101), the Construction Managerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office (7500 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite #300, Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427), Minneapolis; St. Paul, Mankato, Rochester, St. Cloud and Mid-Minnesota Builderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Exchanges; Reed Construction Data (CMD) and McGraw-Hill Construction Plan Room. Bidders may obtain sets of Bidding Documents by contacting Amber Sager at the office of the Construction Manager, Wenck Construction, 7500 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite #300, Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427. Plans will be distributed electronically only. Contractors will be responsible for printing plans if hard copies are desired. The bids shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashierâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s check, or corporate surety bond in an amount equal to five (5%) percent of the base bid, as bid security. No personal checks will be accepted. No bids may be withdrawn within 45 days after opening the bids. A bidder may withdraw his or her bid at any time prior to the date set for receiving bids, or authorized postponements thereof. Thereafter, bids may be withdrawn only after 45 days have elapsed after bid date, provided Independent School District #196 has not acted thereon. Bids may be withdrawn only by written request. Independent School District #196 reserves the right to reject any or all bids received and to waive informalities and irregularities in the bidding. Bid results maybe be accessed by going to www.wenck.com and clicking on Bid Results at the bottom of the home page. Published in the Apple Valley Sun Thisweek Burnsville-Eagan Sun Thisweek Lakeville Sun Thisweek August 18, 25, 2017 722480
16A August 18, 2017 SUN THISWEEK - Lakeville
Lions organize Sporting Extravaganza The Rosemount Lions 2017 Sporting Extravaganza will be held Saturday, Sept. 9, at the Rosemount VFW, 2625 120th St. W., with the doors opening at 5 p.m. The event includes over $12,000 in raffle prizes. Raffle tickets of $10 each will be sold at the event only.
HANEMAN, from 3A Bootleggers can be found in grocery stores such as Fresh Thyme, Kowalskiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Markets, some Hy-Vee stores and most local co-ops next to other kombucha. Valley Natural Foods in Burnsville was the first grocery store to carry his product. Haneman and his business partner John Skinner, a radiologist, founded the company and made their first delivery to co-ops in late May 2016. He started with â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hearty Woodsman Ginger,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sturdy Girl Apple Cinnamonâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lookout Lemon Berry.â&#x20AC;? The flavors are added after the fermentation process. A new watermelon flavor is coming soon. His goal was to keep Minnesota themes in the drink titles. His wife works with CRC Marketing Solutions,
LEWIS, from 3A wanted to contact police because they were afraid, according to a Facebook post by the congressman. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Appalled to find out my home and private property were invaded today by protesters while I was working in my congressional district. Suffice it to say it is more than a bit disturbing to get a call from your neighbor saying his daughters were afraid and called him to contact the police,â&#x20AC;? Lewis said in the post. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just immature anymore; this is a dangerous ramping up of rhetoric that already has one of my House colleagues in rehab from a vicious attack,â&#x20AC;? Lewis wrote in reference to the shooting of U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise during a baseball practice in June. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Beyond increasing security measures, we are investigating what action to take. But this dangerous targeting of people, staffs, associates and now families must stop. And stop now.â&#x20AC;? The nonprofit Minneapolis-based political ac-
There will be dinner served at 7 p.m. along with a live auction at 8 p.m. with raffle drawings to follow. Tickets to the event are on sale for $50 each. The ticket prices includes admission, dinner, and a $50 gift card to Joeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sporting Goods. Only 200 tickets will be sold. Peo-
ple can purchase tickets from any Rosemount Lions member or call Lion Jerry Wohlers at 612-965-6342 No tickets will be sold at the door. Proceeds will benefit causes supported by Rosemount Lions.
a business-to-business marketing company that put together the branding and hand-painted characters on the bottles. The business processes about 500 gallons a week, and after a year, the company is close to making a profit. â&#x20AC;&#x153;To be a year in and to be right on the edge of profitability, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s huge,â&#x20AC;? Haneman said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Typically itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s three to five years for a new company.â&#x20AC;? As heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grown, so has his business model. He puts a significant portion of the drink in kegs now, where itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s served in corporate lunchrooms throughout the metro in places such as the Best Buy, Medtronic and the Minnesota Vikings headquarters. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also available at bars and taprooms throughout the Twins Cities such as Vivo Kitchen in Apple Valley, Wild Mind Taproom in Minneapolis,
Lakeville Brewing Company, Prohibition Bar in Minneapolis and Augustineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bar and Bakery in St. Paul. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The drink is huge on the coasts as a nonalcoholic option or a mixer, but the culture is slowly reaching us,â&#x20AC;? Haneman said. The kombucha is certified organic and he tries his best to keep the ingredients, bottles and label as close to Minnesota and as green as possible. â&#x20AC;&#x153;All the processed waste the like tea and excess scoby goes to an organic chicken farmer,â&#x20AC;? Haneman said. He expects the business to continue to evolve. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Eventually Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to have a taproom where people could come a taste it in-house,â&#x20AC;? Haneman said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I would like to have some wild ferments, some alcoholic adult beverages. A straight kombucha brewery isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t going
to draw the masses. But a unique brewery with kombucha could work.â&#x20AC;? It would feature fermented alcoholic tea, not beer. He tried a guayusa tea mixture, a caffeinated tea from South American similar to yerba mate, and feels heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s onto something. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not something anyone is doing right now,â&#x20AC;? Haneman said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I found a cookbook from the 1930s, a farm cookbook, where they were talking about different ferments so I tried it out.â&#x20AC;? For now heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to continue to brew the tea, put it in kegs and bottles, and hope people continue to try his homegrown kombucha. And if they feel a little healthier, even better. More information about the kombucha can be found at www.bootlegger-brewing.us.
tion group TakeAction MN responded to Lewisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s comments by saying: â&#x20AC;&#x153;For months, constituents have asked for a town hall. They are worried about dangerous Medicaid cuts that will be debated as soon as Congress returns from recess. Seniors, people living with disabilities, and caregivers in Rep. Lewisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s district have stories to share with him. His constituents would rather have a conversation at a town hall, than deliver a letter to his door.â&#x20AC;? At the end of the protest, which included several minutes of shouting and response chants, the protesters said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be back.â&#x20AC;? WCCO-TV news reported that going to the homes of U.S. House and Senate members is a new tactic, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the first time itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s happened in Minnesota. DFL 2nd District candidate Jeff Erdmann, a Rosemount resident and Rosemount High School teacher, said in a statement that people donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need to resort to these tactics. The statement said the
Erdmann campaign would never condone people protesting on a personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s private residence. Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s public is public, and whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s private is private, the statement said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I remember a time when our house was egged and my young daughter fearfully asked why people would do this to us,â&#x20AC;? Erdmann said in the statement. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hard to come up with an answer to that question which takes away her fear. All families should feel safe in their homes, including the Lewis family and their neighbors.â&#x20AC;? When asked by WCCOTV if TakeAction MN would do such a protest again at a private residence, it responded that it would. The Erdmann campaign said the portion of the Facebook Live video shot by TakeAction MN and linked from Lewisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s social media didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t show the whole peaceful protest, which was participated in by several seniors along with young people in their 20s. TakeAction MNâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s video footage is about 12
minutes, while the Lewislinked portion is about 4 minutes and focuses on the shouting and chants. Lewis also took exception in his Facebook post to the protests that have been at his congressional office in Burnsville. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our district office has also experienced demonstrations in blatant violation of well-established security rules that have escalated to the point of causing real concern to my staff and the constituents who desire to speak to them,â&#x20AC;? Lewis said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sadly, instead of condemning such threatening behavior, declared candidates on the other side of the aisle have actually participated in these spectacles and encouraged this wanton disregard of civility.â&#x20AC;? Erdmann and DFL 2nd District candidate Angie Craig reportedly participated in a protest last week at Lewisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s district office.
Contact Andy Rogers at andy.rogers@ecm-inc.com.
Contact Tad Johnson at tad. johnson@ecm-inc.com or at twitter.com/editorTJ.
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LEGAL NOTICES the privacy or other rights of the student, the record will be amended, the parent, guardian, or student age 18 or older will be notified of the change, and an attempt will be made to notify past recipients of the data. 5.3 If, as a result of the hearing, it is determined that the challenged record is not inaccurate, misleading, incomplete or in violation of the privacy or other rights of the student, the parent, guardian, or student age 18 or older, will be notified of their rights to place a statement with the record commenting upon it and setting out any reason for disagreeing with the decision of the district. 5.4 The decision of the director of special education as responsible authority or the hearing officer may, with regard only to questions of accuracy and completeness of records, be appealed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the State Administrative Procedures Act, Minnesota Statute Chapter 14, relating to contested cases. 5.5 To the extent that a record is alleged to be misleading or to violate the privacy or other rights of a student, in violation of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. Section 1232[g] and 34 C.F.R. Part 99), neither state nor federal law provides for an appeal. 6. Subjects of Special Education Records: Requesting Destruction After Graduation or Upon Reaching Age 21 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; District 196 complies with 34 C.F.R. Chapter III Section 300.624. At the time of graduation or at the attainment of age 21, special education records are no longer needed to provide educational services to the child. 6.1 Requests for destruction of special education records can be made by: 6.1.1 The graduated student, age 18 or older, or 6.1.2 The non-graduated student age 21 or older, or 6.1.3 The parent or guardian of a 17-year old or younger graduated student, or 6.1.4 A person assigned guardianship of a former student with a disability who is no longer eligible for special education services. 6.2 Special education records are defined as any records stored in the districtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s child study files that include a referral form and the subsequent steps of evaluation and/or assessment, including: raw data, any record of staffing and/or team meeting, and IEP periodic review and annual review. 6.2.1 Special education data includes but is not limited to the child study forms labeled CS1 through CS99 and any supporting data, as well as due process forms DP1 through DP12 and any supporting data, and any analogous forms used in the district prior to the development of the forms now in use. 6.2.2 Special education records include records on students referred for special education service and denied assessment; referred for special education service, assessed and denied service; and/or assessed and granted service. 6.2.3 There may be instances in which the director of special education may need to determine if records are special education records. 6.3 A former District 196 student (or the parent or guardian of such a student) who is the subject of special education data may request destruction of special education records by calling 651-423-7628 or writing to the director of special education at Independent School District 196, 3455 153rd Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, 55068-4946. 6.4 Former students who are in doubt as to whether they are subjects of special education data or want more information regarding destruction of data may call 651423-7628 for a determination. If records exist, the former student may request destruction of the data by writing to the director of special education at Independent School District 196, 3455 153rd Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, 55068-4946. 7. Transfer of Records to Other Schools â&#x20AC;&#x201C; District 196 forwards educational records, including disciplinary records, of students to other schools and school districts in which a student seeks or intends to enroll upon request of that school or school district. A parent, guardian, or student who is 18 years of age may request and receive a copy of the records which are transferred and may, pursuant to this policy, challenge the accuracy of the records. The district does not, however, notify parent(s), guardian(s), or students of age 18 or older prior to such transfer. 8. Types and Purposes of Data Gathering: Right to Refuse or Not Refuse 8.1 Educational programs administered by the district involve the submission by students of assignments, reports and, periodically, the taking of tests. The district may also collect information for purposes of student enrollment, the administration of various school programs and for purposes of student health and safety. 8.1.1 Information required to be submitted by students in connection with such reports, assignments and tests is private data under the terms of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statute 13.01 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 13.99. Such information is gathered and used as part of the educational process, in part to determine what the student is learning and what the student needs to learn. The district may also gather information from students when necessary to maintain the order and discipline of the school. In some cases this may include private data. 8.1.2 There is no legal requirement that the students submit such data, but their failure to do so will, of course, have a direct result upon grades which are measured by evaluating such information. In some cases, students may be required to share data when it is necessary to maintain order and discipline. Failure to provide data in such cases may lead to disciplinary action.
8.1.3 School officials within the school district may receive and use the collected data when they have a legitimate educational interest in evaluating the studentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s progress or maintaining the order and discipline of the school. Such information is treated as private information under the terms of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and is not to be disclosed to third parties, unless authorized by law, consistent with the terms of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C.1232[g] and 34 C.F.R. Part 99), without the permission of the parent(s) or guardian(s) of minor students or students age 18 or older. 8.1.4 School officials may also use student data for research, including student data that is collected or assembled for purposes of student assessments. The research may be for developing, validating or administering predictive tests; to administer student aid programs, or to improve instruction. Student data collected or assembled for student assessments may be used in research that includes, but is not limited to norming studies, longitudinal or alignment studies and growth research. Parents, guardians and adult students may contact the district with questions about such research and may also refuse to participate in certain student assessments. 8.2 The information described above is maintained by the district in its educational records. There are two student record systems: 8.2.1 Cumulative records, gathered on all students in the regular education program and include, but may not be limited to, group achievement and ability measures, Title I services, English Language Learner services, Gifted and Talented services, interest inventories, disciplinary interventions, transcripts and other records, and logs and notes as appropriate; and 8.2.2 Child Study records gathered when direct and indirect services and programs are delivered to individual students and include, but may not be limited to, individually administered achievement tests, sensory and motor function tests, intellectual measures and other records, individual educational plans, evaluation reports, and logs and notes as appropriate. Such services and programs include but are not limited to psychological services, special education services, Title I services, English Language Learner services and Gifted and Talented services. 9. Location of Records â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The educational records gathered on students are maintained in secure locations in district schools. 9.1 Cumulative records are maintained in the school the student attends. When the student graduates or transfers out of District 196, the records are maintained at the school of last attendance for one year. After one year the records are moved to the District Office and archived into the digital imaging system. 9.2 Current child study records are stored in the school the student attends. Historical child study records are transferred once per year to the District Office (3455 153rd Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-4946, telephone 651423-7628) where they are archived into the digital imaging system. Questions may be addressed to the Director of Special Education or the principal of the school the student attends. 9.3 Records are released to outside individuals or agencies only according to provisions in Administrative Regulation 505.2AR, Protection and Privacy of Student Records. 9.4 Parents or students age 18 or older may request an opportunity to inspect records and/or receive copies of records according to provisions in Administrative Regulation 505.2AR, Protection and Privacy of Student Records. To make an appointment, Procedure 505.2.10P, Parent or Eligible Student Request to Inspect Records and/or Obtain Copies of Educational Records, should be completed and submitted to the principal of the school the student attends or last attended. 9.5 District policies, regulations and procedures are available on the district website. 10. Complaints for Non-compliance â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Parent(s), guardian(s), and students age 18 or older may submit written complaints of violation of rights accorded them by 20 U.S.C. Section 1232(g) to the Family Policy Compliance Office, U. S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW; Washington, DC 20202-8520. 11. For More Information â&#x20AC;&#x201C; This review of the data privacy rights of students, and parent(s) and guardian(s) in the educational records maintained by District 196 is intended only to be a summary of the provisions of Administrative Regulation 505.2AR, Protection and Privacy of Student Records and applicable state and federal law. The policy and regulation are available online, at schools or the District Office. Questions should be addressed to: School District Attorney, Independent School District 196, 3455 153rd Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-4946, phone number 651-423-7883. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 /s/ Gary Huusko School Board Clerk Si usted habla espaĂąol y tiene preguntas, favor de llamar al telĂŠfono (952)431-8993. HADDI ADD SOMAAALI TAHAY OO AAD QABTID WAX SUAAL AH FADLAN LA SOO XIRIIR FAISAL MADAR (952)769-7625 If you speak (Spanish/Somali/Arabic) and have questions, callâ&#x20AC;Ś 952-769-7625 Published in the Apple Valley Sun Thisweek Burnsville-Eagan Sun Thisweek Lakeville Sun Thisweek August 18, 2017 722659
SUN THISWEEK - Lakeville August 18, 2017 17A
DONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T FORGET YOUR GARAGE SALE KIT! Pick one up today at our Eden ofďŹ ce: Valley en Prairie of fďŹ ce: ďŹ 10917 V alley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344
2500 PETS
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4030 Garage & Estate Sales
2510 Pets
Apple Valley: 8/17 (9-5), 8/18 (9-12). Tlz, many garage items, lawn & deck furn, HH, vint. furn. Cash only. 13020 Hershey Way
Hopkins, Aug. 19, 8-4. HUGE Church Sale! Jewelry, household, furn, toys, tools, golf clubs, Christmas, art, linens, vintage, books & more! Gethsemane Lutheran - Follow signs from Hwy 7 & 5th Ave. Clean Sale Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Miss! 715 Minnetonka Mills Rd
German Shepherd Pups 3M, 1F; born 5/17; dews removed, vet ckâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d, 1st shots, $300. 651-438-1169
Bloomington 8/17-19 (8-5)
Teacher retiring! Teacher materials, tons of kids books/games, antiqs, more! 10408 Brunswick Circle
Church Rummage Sale 8/17-19, Thurs & Fri (9-5); Sat (9-12) MN Valley UU
3580 Household/ Furnishings
Fellowship 10715 Zenith Av S
L-Shaped Sectional Sofa w/ottomen. Forest Green. Nearly New. Original Price $1,800. Asking $800 firm. Call 763 781-5058
Brooklyn Park
â&#x2014;&#x2020; HUGE KIDS SALE â&#x2014;&#x2020; 300+ Sellers!! August 17-18-19-20 Open 10am-7pm daily
Rattan: 4 chairs & table nice cush, glass top 48â&#x20AC;? round, $290 763-416-4831
8081 Brooklyn Blvd. (Former TJ Maxx Store)
BROOKLYN PARK, 8/24 & 25, 8-5. XMAS IN AUGUST, Dept 56, Antiques, Furn, Household, Toys. 8821 Irving Ave N.
3620 Music Instruments Clarinet (Buffet Champion APRIS) w/case & stand, newly cleaned. Exc cond! $150/BO. 612-716-2161
4000 SALES
Burnsville 8/26-27 (9-5) Wmns cloz, furn, TVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, lwn. tools, rad. arm saw, ladders, elec. woodwrk tols, misc. 13013 Irving Ave. South Burnsville Downsizing Sale 8/17-19 (9-4) Lthr. lvseat, bev. glass DR tbl, glasstop coff. tbls, much more! Cash only. 616 East 143rd St.
4030 Garage & Estate Sales 3 Sisters Estate Company
r IFMQJOH TFOJPST EPXOTJ[F r QSFQBSF BOZ FTUBUF GPS MJRVJEBUJPO r CZ PVU PS UPUBM FTUBUF DMFBO PVU -FU T NFFU! 763-443-0519 Apple Valley Rodeo Hills Nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;brhd Multi-Family Sale 8/18-19 (8-5) Huntington Drive off Palomino. Apple Valley, 8/17 to 8/18, 8-5:30 Multi-Fam Huge Sale. Vintage dolls, HH, much more. 13476 Ferris Av Apple Valley, 8/23 to 8/25 9-6. HH Items, Decor, Art, Cloz, Electronics, Toys, Bks 13106 Heritage Way
Burnsville: Multi-Family Sale! Aug. 24 -26, (9-3). 13416 & 13501 York Ave S Cambridge SALE, 8/27 & 28, 9a-3p. PICS at www.oldisknew.com 32915 Hilary Cir NE Eagan 8/17-19 (7-5) Antiqs, collectbls, HH, home decor, kitch, applcs, furn. New items! 2018 Flint Lane Lakeville 8/18-19 (9:30-6) New Chinese lanterns, arts, crafts & glass art. Scarves, Camry snow tires, etc.
8301 West 174th Street
Lakeville, 8/17 to 8/19, 8 to 5. HUGE SALE: KITCHEN ITEMS, ART, BOOKS, BEDDING, PURSES, FURNITURE. SALE NOT TO MISS 16705 Iredale Path LAKEVILLE, 8/17-8/19, 9am - 6pm. Jewelry, teen & ladies cloz, books, dvds & misc. 17586 Gillette Way Lakeville, 8/24 to 8/26, 8:00-6:00. Multi-fam sale. Antiques, clothes 2T-2X, HH, furn, toys, more! 11375 237th St. E
Visit us at SunThisweek.com Lakeville, 8/26; 8-3. HH, kids books, cds, games, ladies cloz, like new! Cash only. 17888 Impala Path Long Lake, Aug. 24-26, Thurs. 1-6pm, Fri & Sat. 10am-6pm. HH, Furniture, Tools, Handbags, Leather Jackets & Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Shoes, Some Antiques, Glassware & China. All items priced to sell! 1300 6th Ave N (County Rd 6 W) Waconia, Aug. 18 & 19, 7 am-6 pm. HUGE Barn, Basement and Home Cleanout, Multi-Family - Snow blower, Wood Splitter, Tiller, Grinder, Tools, LG Sprayer, Lots HH, Womens/Mens Designer Clothes, Vintage Items, Art, Phones, Ipad, Drape Panels, Rugs, Furn, Sports Equip, & MORE! 7455 Polk Ave.
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4500 RENTALS / REAL ESTATE 4510 Apartments/ Condos For Rent Farmington: 2 BR $775 mo. gar. avail. No Pets. Laundry on site, ht pd. 612-670-4777
4570 Storage For Rent Lonsdale Mini-Storage 7 sizes available. 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; to 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Call 507-744-4947 leave message.
5160 Commercial & Residential Cleaning
5170 Concrete/Masonry/WaterprooďŹ ng
5190 Decks
Professional Cleaning w/o paying the high price Honest, dep, reas. Exc. refs Therese 952-898-4616
Â&#x2122; Kali Concrete Â&#x2122;
5170 Concrete/Masonry/WaterprooďŹ ng **A CONCRETE** PRESSURE LIFTING â&#x20AC;&#x153;THE MUDJACKERSâ&#x20AC;? Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Replace it Raise it! Save $$$ Walks- StepsPatios- Drives- Garage Floors- Aprons- BsmntsCaulking Ins/Bond 952-898-2987
A+ BBB Member
Owners on job site
H & H Blacktopping 612-861-6009 5110 Building & Remodeling
5 Star Home Services DECKS & BASEMENTS Garages, Windows, Painting & Home Remodeling 651 442-1400/952 855-2550 Lic #BC708390
5140 Carpet, Floor & Tile Above All Hardwood Floors Installation-Sanding-Finishing
â&#x20AC;&#x153;We Now Install Carpet, Tile & Vinyl.â&#x20AC;? 952-440-WOOD (9663) Duffyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hardwood Floors
We offer professional services for your wood floors! Installs/Repair Sand/Refinish Free Ests Insâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d Mbr: BBB
Professional w/15 yrs exp.
Steps, Walks, Drives, Patios Chimney Repair. No job to Sm. Lic/Bond/Ins John 952-882-0775Â?612-875-1277
Concrete Excellence yDriveways yPatios ySidewalks yGarage Floors yAprons ySteps yBrick Paving yRetaining Walls yDecorative Concrete Tear Outs & Replacement Free Estimates Contact Troy @ 952 457-8504 Concrete-Excellence.com Â?Concrete/Chimneys,Â? brick, stone, Drain Tile New and Repair Â?Christian Brothers Â? Construction & Concrete Minn Lic BCď&#x2122;&#x2030;ď&#x2122;&#x160;ď&#x2122;&#x152;ď&#x2122;&#x160;ď&#x2122;&#x2030;ď&#x2122;&#x2039;
Â?ď&#x2122;&#x2030;ď&#x2122;&#x201E;ď&#x2122;&#x2026;-ď&#x2122;&#x160;ď&#x2122;&#x201E;ď&#x2122;&#x2030;-ď&#x2122;&#x192;ď&#x2122;&#x2020;ď&#x2122;&#x2039;ď&#x2122;&#x2039; Â?
Daveâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Concrete & Masonry 40 Yrs. of Experience
rDriveway Specialistr
Free Estimates, Insâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d. Colored & Stamped, Driveways, Steps, Sidewalks, Patios, Blocks & Floors. New or Replacement. Tear Out & Removal. Will Meet or Beat Almost Any Quote!
r r SunThisweek.com
Royâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sanding Service Since 1951
GARAGE APRONS Driveways, Patios, Sidewalks, Blocks, Footings, Etc. Insured
5160 Commercial & Residential Cleaning
Danâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Concrete
Happy Homes Housecleaning 952-737-8995
27 Years of Experience 612-244-8942
4510 Apartments/ Condos For Rent
4510 Apartments/ Condos For Rent
0¡Ă?ĂŚ[n -Â&#x2DC;A[n ¡AĂ?Ă?Â&#x17E;nÂŁĂ?Ă&#x201C; AĂ?Â&#x17E;Â?ÂŁÂ&#x192;Ă?¨£ ÂŻ neĂ?¨¨Â&#x17E; ¡AĂ?Ă?Â&#x17E;nÂŁĂ? kĂ&#x2014;~~Ă&#x2122;Â&#x17E;¨£Ă?Â&#x152; šÂ?ÂŁ[Â&#x2DC;ĂŚenĂ&#x201C; ĂŚĂ?Â?Â&#x2DC;Â?Ă?Â?nĂ&#x201C;Âş
Ă&#x2DC;~ÂŻÂ&#x17D; Ă&#x2DC;Ă&#x;Â&#x17D;ä~ÂŻÂŻ
www.rooftodeck.com Code #78
Kelly Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Malley
â&#x20AC;&#x153;As owner, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m always on site!â&#x20AC;? 9Driveways 9Sidewalks 9Patios 9Steps 9Floors 9Stamped 612-756-3060 30+yrs exp
5210 Drywall PearsonDrywall.com 35 yrs. Small jobs, wall & ceiling repairs & knockdowns. 952-200-6303 PINNACLE DRYWALL *Hang *Tape *Texture *Sand Quality Guar. Ins., 612-644-1879
Classified Ads
5220 Electrical
Escobar Hardwood Floors, LLC
â&#x2014;&#x2020;651-699-3504 â&#x2014;&#x2020;952-352-9986
952-890-2403 / 612-363-2218 Mbr: Better Business Bureau
Professional and Prompt Guaranteed Results.
612 247-2565 or Kaliconcrete.com
5090 Asphalt/Blacktopping/Seal Coating 30+ Years Experience Asphalt Paving & Sealcoat Quality Work W/Warranty LSC Construction Svc, Inc
Driveways, Sidewalks, Garage Floors and More Free Est! 30+ yrs. exp.
V Lowell Russell V V Concrete V
DAGGETT ELECTRIC Gen. Help & Lic. Elec. Low By-The-Hour Rates 651-815-2316 Lic# EA006385
BBB A+ Rating Angies List Honor Roll
5260 Garage Doors
Specializing in drives, patios & imprinted colored & stained concrete. Interior acid stained floors and counter tops. www.staincrete.com
GARAGE DOORS & OPENERS Repair/Replace/ Reasonable Lifetime Warranty on All Spring Changes www.expertdoor.com 651-457-7776
From the Unique to the Ordinary
info@staincrete.com Rick Concrete & Masonry
All Types of Concrete Work! Additions, driveways, patios, stamped & colored. Tear out & replace
612-382-5953 5170 Concrete/Masonry/WaterprooďŹ ng 2Â&#x17D;o $Ă&#x2DC;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;ÂĽAÂ&#x161;
5280 Handyperson #1 Home Repair
No job too small!! Quality Work @ Competitive Prices! We Do It All!
Ray 612-281-7077
5170 Concrete/Masonry/WaterprooďŹ ng
.4 2< 0 /9 0�£[n ¯¤ ¤
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! !
18A August 18, 2017 SUN THISWEEK - Lakeville
5280 Handyperson 0 Stress! 110% Satisfaction!
Status Contracting, Inc. Kitchens & Baths, Lower Level Remodels. Decks.
5390 RooďŹ ng, Siding & Gutters
Lawn Aerations $40 Dethatching Mark 651-245-7876
â&#x2014;&#x2020; Roofing â&#x2014;&#x2020; Siding Gutters â&#x2014;&#x2020; Soffit/Fascia TOPSIDE, INC.
5370 Painting & Decorating
Wall/Ceiling Repair/Texture
Tile, Carpentry, Carpet, Painting & Flooring #BC679426
5350 Lawn & Garden Services
3 Interior Rooms/$275 Wallpaper Removal. Drywall Repair. Cabinet Enameling and Staining. 30 yrs exp. Steve 763-545-0506
MDH Lead Supervisor
Dale 952-941-8896 office 612-554-2112 cell We Accept Credit Cards â&#x20AC;&#x153;Soon To Be Your Favorite Contractor!â&#x20AC;? Statuscontractinginc.com Find Us On Facebook *100% SATISFACTION*
$// +20( 02',),&$7,216 5(3$,5 5(02'(/,1*
Book Fall Painting Now!
Stain/Texturing. Free Est. 952-474-6258 Ins/Lic
Handicap Accessibility Carpentry Baths & Tile Windows Water/Fire Damage Doors
Major Credit Cards Accepted
A Family trade since 1936. Gustafson Painting. Call Mike for a free est. Interior/ Exterior. 612-220-6610
952-451-3792 Lic-Bond-Ins
Â? All Home Repairs! Â? Excell Remodeling, LLC Interior & Exterior Work One Call Does it All! Call Bob 612-702-8237
Benâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Painting Ext/Int, Drywall Repair Paint/Stain/Ceilings.
Home Tune-up
r 'JY *U r 3FQMBDF *U r 6QHSBEF *U 0WFS :ST &YQ *OT E Ron 612-221-9480
5340 Landscaping Anderson Bobcat Srv. Bobcat/Mini-X, Trucking, Retaining walls, grading, holes, etc. 952-292-7600
E-Z Landscape Hardscape & Landscaping y Paver Patios y Retaining Walls y Boulder Walls y Bobcat Work
Â?[ § ÂŻ Ă&#x2DC;sĂ&#x; Z ÂŁĂ&#x201C;ĂŚĂ?ne :n 2AÂ&#x2014;n AĂ?n ¨| ÂŁĂ&#x201C;ĂŚĂ?AÂŁ[n Â&#x2DC;AÂ?Â&#x17E;Ă&#x201C; $||nĂ?Â?ÂŁÂ&#x192; Ă?Â&#x152;n nĂ&#x201C;Ă? ĂľĂ?nÂŁene !AÂŁĂŚ|A[Ă?ĂŚĂ?nĂ?Ă&#x201C; :AĂ?Ă?AÂŁĂ?Ăś
5420 Tree Care & Stump Removal Al & Richâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Low Cost Stump Removal, Portable Mach. Prof. tree trimming rrr 952-469-2634 rrr
ArborBarberTrees.com 612-703-0175 Mbr: BBB Trimming, Removal & Stump Grinding.
**Mike the Painter Interior/ exterior, Wallpaper, 35 yrs exp, Ins 612-964-5776
BretMann Stump Grinding Free Ests. Best$$ Insâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d Bck Yrd Acc 612-290-1213
5380 Plumbing
Easy Tree Service, LLC Trim/Removal. Lic/Ins Eugene 651-855-8189
Insurance Claims, Tearoffs, BBB A+, Angies List A+, Certifâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d GAF Installer 50 yr warranty Insured, Lic # BC170064 952-891-8586 Re-Roofing & Roof Repairs - 30+ Yrs Exp Insured - Lic#20126880 John Haley #1 Roofer, LLC. Call 952-925-6156
Free Ests. Licâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d & Insâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d 952-888-5123
Silver Fox Services Tree Trimming/Removal Fully Licensed & Insured BBB Accredited Registered W/Dept of Ag. Located in Bloomington Family Owned & Operated
Free Est. Open 8am-7pm
5440 Window Cleaning
5370 Painting & Decorating
Window Cleaning /Gutter Cleaning 612-298-8737 10% off New Customers
5370 Painting & Decorating
Richâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Window Cleaning Quality Service. Affordable rates. 952-435-7871
5500 EMPLOYMENT 5510 Full-time
Ă?nĂ&#x201C;Â&#x152; ¨¨Â&#x2014;b ÂŁ[½ -AÂ?ÂŁĂ?Â?ÂŁÂ&#x192; Â&#x17D; ÂŁĂ?nĂ?Â?¨Ă? I ĂľĂ?nĂ?Â?¨Ă? ¨£ n I ÂŁĂ&#x201C;ĂŚĂ?ne ÂŁĂ&#x201C;ĂŚĂ?n ¨£ene 'SFF &TU t 4FOJPS %JTDPVOUT
Â?[½ § Ă&#x2DC;äĂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x2014;ßß
CONSTRUCTION Licensed & Insured Framing, Trimming & other trades who care about quality in their work wanted. Fieldstone Family Homes, Inc 952-469-8800
Ă&#x2DC;¯äÂ&#x17D;sä~Â&#x17D;Ă&#x2014;Ă&#x;ÂŻĂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x2122;¤~äÂ&#x17D;¤Ă&#x; Â&#x17D; ¯äs ôôô½A|Ă?nĂ&#x201C;Â&#x152;Â&#x2DC;¨¨Â&#x2014;Â?ÂŁ[½[¨Â&#x17E;
5390 RooďŹ ng, Siding & Gutters
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AÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2DC; Ă&#x2DC;¯ä Ă&#x2014;Ă&#x2014;äÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x;~ Ă&#x2DC; 5420 Tree Care & Stump Removal
0nÂŁÂ?¨Ă? Â?Ă&#x201C;[¨Ì£Ă?Ă&#x201C;
Health Clinics has several openings for entry-level Reception Desk and Billing Coordinators in our Eagan Office. Work hours are 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. Some college or medical office experience is a plus. Responsibilities include answering phones, scheduling appointments, checking in clients at the front desk, timely and accurate insurance and client billing and collection follow up to assure prompt payments. Successful candidates will be friendly, computer literate, and be able to multitask in a busy work environment. Competitive salary and great benefits package available. Please contact Peggy Dominic with your resume and salary requirements: pdominic@ eagancounseling.com To learn more about us, visit our website at: www.mnmental healthclinics.com Minnesota Mental Health Clinics is an equal opportunity employer and complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
$ 0 4 ½ ?
5510 Full-time
5510 Full-time
Drivers Wanted New pay scale of .50 cents a mile
Drive out of Mauston, LaCrosse, Mankato or Cannon Falls
Avalon Express, Inc.
Cannon Falls, MN â&#x20AC;˘ 800.251.2463 â&#x20AC;˘ 507-650-0090
" <$4/ " : $ "$:z 2Ă&#x152;0 0< 2$ "
<$4/ " : / / 2
$ 0 4 ½ ?
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Lakeville School District Student Nutrion has PT and subbing opportunities. To apply, go to:
0$ 0 /9 0
www.applitrack.com/ isd194/onlineapp/
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612-715-2105 952-883-0671
REGAL ENTERPRISES Roofing, Siding, Windows & Gutters. Insurance Work. Since 1980. Lic. BC 515711 We remove blk roof mold Call Dave @ 952-201-4817
5420 Tree Care & Stump Removal
Caregivers Needed for gentleman in his home. 15-40 hrs a week. Contact Nurse Jess at 651-387-9420 or Don, 651-307-1271
&/$66 $ % '5,9(56
Offering Complete Landscape Services
5390 RooďŹ ng, Siding & Gutters
5510 Full-time
&YDFMMFODFu r 4VNNFS 1SJDJOH 612-205-9953
763-420-3036 952-240-5533
Ă&#x2DC;¯äÂ&#x17D;ä¯ßÂ&#x17D;~äĂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x2014; ¤~äÂ&#x17D;  Ă&#x;Â&#x17D;¤¤~Ă&#x2014;
No Subcontractors Used
LANDSCAPES BY LORA landscapesbylora.com Quality work @ competitive prices. 15+ yrs exp.! 612-644-3580
Water Features & Pavers 30+ Years of Experience
2nAĂ?Â&#x17D;¨||Ă&#x201C; I "nĂ´ ¨£Ă&#x201C;Ă?Ă?ĂŚ[Ă?Â?¨£ 0Â?eÂ?ÂŁÂ&#x192; I ĂŚĂ?Ă?nĂ?Ă&#x201C; $ĂłnĂ? äß ĂśĂ?Ă&#x201C; nþ¡½ Ă?nn nĂ&#x201C;Ă?½ /¨eÂŁnĂś $Â&#x2DC;enÂŁQĂŚĂ?Â&#x192;
A Family Operated Business
Yard Clean Ups & Gutter Cleaning, Lawn & Landscaping Services, Brush Removal & Bobcat Service Available 15% off new customers Mendoza 612-990-0945
:Â&#x152;Ăś :AÂ?Ă? /¨¨|Â?ÂŁÂ&#x192;
5520 Part-time
5390 RooďŹ ng, Siding & Gutters
5390 RooďŹ ng, Siding & Gutters
SAVE MONEY Competent Master Plumber needs work. Lic# M3869. Jason 952-891-2490
Call 952-334-9840
Modern Landscapes r 3FUBJOJOH 8BMMT r 1BWFS 1BUJPT r i$PNNJUUFE UP
Lic CR005276 â&#x2014;&#x2020; Bonded â&#x2014;&#x2020; Insured 37 Yrs Exp. A+ Rating BBB
5510 Full-time
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Office Assistant Data entry, light accounting, assisting Company Controller with Accounts Payable and Payroll, and other duties as assigned. Other office assignments as directed by CEO. Position located in Lakeville. Health, Life, Dental, 401k with match, vacation, sick time. Salaried position, available immediately. EEO. Send resume to: sharonbordwell@ adamsradiogroup.com ** School VAN DRIVERS** Company minivan from Home! $14/hr & 3.5 weeks PTO after 1 year. 651-203-8149
5510 Full-time
5510 Full-time
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Travel Agent Wanted
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Travel Leaders Shakopee Travel is seeking to add an expâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d travel consultant to our team in the Prior Lake office. Applicants should have a minimum of 2 yrs. of agency experience & a working knowledge of Worldspan is prefâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d. Please contact Barb at (952) 445 6463 or via email at
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SUN THISWEEK - Lakeville August 18, 2017 19A
5530 Full-time or Part-time
5530 Full-time or Part-time
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20A August 18, 2017 SUN THISWEEK - Lakeville
theater and arts briefs â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 1, New box office at Steeple Center
at Ames Center, 12600 Nicollet Ave., Burnsville. Tickets are $40 at the box ofThe Steeple Center Theater has opened a new box office in fice, 800-982-2787 and Ticketthe Fireside Room at the Steeple master.com. Center in Rosemount. Box office hours are 8-10 a.m. Mon- Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s choir days and 2-4 p.m. Fridays. The box office was opened seeks new as a service for those wishing to members purchase tickets in person, rathSeptember is open memberer than on the Rosemount Area ship month for the Eagan WomArts Council website. Tickets en of Note. Women in the southfor RAAC are still available on metro area who love to sing and its website at www.Rosemounmay be interested in joining the tArts.com. The Steeple Center is at 14375 non-audition choir are invited to visit Monday rehearsals durS. Robert Trail, Rosemount. ing September. The choir rehearses throughSymphony out the school year with separate fall and spring semesters presents that end with concerts in Deâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Purple Rainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; cember and May. The choir also Black Jacket Symphony cel- performs at community events, ebrates the life of iconic musi- senior centers, nursing homes, cian Prince by recreating â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pur- and veteransâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; hospitals. Women 18 and older are enple Rainâ&#x20AC;? in its entirety â&#x20AC;&#x201C; plus a full set of Princeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s greatest hits couraged to visit the choir at
rehearsals on Mondays beginning Sept. 11, 6:30-8:30 p.m., at Falcon Ridge Middle School in Apple Valley. Enrollment for the semester is $60, which covers professional leadership, music, and overhead expenses. Those interested in attending a rehearsal should send an email to eaganwomenofnote@gmail. com. More information about the choir is at www.eaganwomenofnote.org.
David Crosby & Friends David Crosby, two-time Rock and Roll Hall of Famer and co-founder of the Byrds and Crosby, Stills & Nash, is joined by five musical friends for a 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 2, performance at Ames Center. The friends are James Raymond on keys, Mai Agan on bass, Steve DiStanislao on drums, Jeff Pevar on guitar and Michelle Willis on keys and vocals.
Crosby performs music from his soon-to-be-released album â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sky Trailsâ&#x20AC;? alongside some of his best loved songs and greatest hits. Tickets are $50.50 and $70.50 at the box office, 800-982-2787 and Ticketmaster.com.
Tonic Sol-fa holiday tour
The Emmy award-winning a cappella group Tonic Sol-fa brings its I Still Believe Tour to the Ames Center stage in Burnsville 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 12. The group has released television specials and its Shaun Johnson Big three new PBS special will be shown Band Experience through 2017. Tickets are $39 at the box ofThe Shaun Johnson Big Band Experience performs its Suit Up fice, 800-982-2787 and Ticket& Sing Holiday Tour 7:30 p.m. master.com. Monday, Dec. 11, at Ames Center, 12600 Nicollet Ave., Burns- Riverwalk Market ville. Johnson is an Emmy-winning Fair singer/songwriter who has sold Music by Kaia Schomburg, nearly 2 million albums as part fresh local produce, arts and of the vocal group Tonic Sol-fa. crafts, and the Northfield Public The Shaun Johnson Big Band Library Book Bike are featured Experience takes big band mu- 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. sic, fuses it with suits, edge and 19, in downtown Northfieldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s emotion and then adds a mod- Bridge Square. For more inforern punch. mation, visit www.Riverwalk Tickets are $35 at the box of- MarketFair.org. fice, 800-982-2787 and Ticketmaster.com. Engagements
theater and arts calendar To submit items for the Information: www.burnsvillefiremuster. Arts Calendar, email: com. darcy.odden@ecm-inc.com. Exhibits Auditions Works by Juliet Parisi, painter of The Prior Lake Players will hold organic surrealistic images, and painter auditions for the comedy â&#x20AC;&#x153;Harveyâ&#x20AC;? Carolina Tana are on display through 6:30-8:30 p.m. Aug. 21-22 at Twin Oaks September in the Rosemount Steeple Middle School, 15860 Fish Point Road Center gallery, 14375 S. Robert Trail, S.E., Prior Lake. Cast: six males and Rosemount. Free and open to the pubsix females. Auditions are first-come, lic. first-served; no appointments necessary. Come prepared to read from the Music script. Head shots welcome; an on-site Music in Kelley Park featuring 8th photographer will take photos for direc- Street Band (Think Mutual Bank torsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; reference. Rehearsals will be September and October in Prior Lake and Night), 6-9 p.m. Friday, Aug. 18, at Burnsville. Performances will be 7 p.m. Kelley Park, 6855 Fortino St., Apple ValNov. 3-4 and 10-11 at Twin Oaks Middle ley. Free. Food and beverages available School. Audition forms and additional for purchase. Information: http://avartsfoundation.org/. details can be found at plplayers.org. John Butler Trio with Landon McExpressions Community Theater will hold auditions for â&#x20AC;&#x153;Miracle on 34th Namara, 7 p.m. Friday, Aug. 18, in the Streetâ&#x20AC;? 6-8 p.m. Aug. 29-30 and Sept. amphitheater at the Minnesota Zoo as 5 at Lakeville Area Arts Center, 20965 part of Music in the Zoo. Tickets: $47, Holyoke Ave. Cast: three men, two $59.50 VIP box seat. Information: http:// women and 14 either, plus many extras suemclean.com/. Summer Salon, chamber concert of including children (minnesotaplaylist. com). Bring a head shot or current pho- classical music, 7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. to and calendar. Auditions will consist 19, Presbyterian Church of the Aposof readings from the script. Rehearsals tles, 701 E. 130th St., Burnsville. Sugstart Sept. 18. Show dates: Nov. 10-12, gested donation: $20 cash and checks 16-19. Information: Jim Anderson, di- only. Silent auction opens at 6:15 p.m. rector, 651-283-6118, or the arts center, Information: 952-890-7877 or www. ChurchApostles.org. 952-985-4640. Kevin Kling & Simone Perrin, 6:307:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 20, Caponi Art Call for artists Eagan Art Houseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 12th annual Park, 1220 Diffley Road, Eagan. Cost: Harvest of Art Community Art Ex- $5. Information: caponiartpark.org. Eric Hutchinson, 7:30 p.m. Sunday, hibit, Sept. 10 to Oct. 31. Open to all south-of-the-river artists, ages 8-18 Aug. 20, in the amphitheater at the Minand ages 19 and older. All media ac- nesota Zoo as part of Music in the Zoo. cepted. Registration fee: $16 per per- Tickets: $45, $57.50 VIP box seat. Inforson for up to two pieces of artwork mation: http://suemclean.com/. Gregory Alan Isakov & Blind Pi(ages 8-18); $21 per person (ages 19 and older). Deadline: Aug. 30. Com- lot, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 22, in the plete guidelines are at www.eagan amphitheater at the Minnesota Zoo as arthouse.org. Information: 651-675- part of Music in the Zoo. Tickets: $38, $50.50 VIP box seat. Information: http:// 5521. suemclean.com/. Lakeville Area Community Band Events Food Truck Festival, 4-8:30 p.m. concert, 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 24, at Friday, Aug. 18, Eagan Central Park, Antlers Park, 9740 201st St. W., Lakev1501 Central Parkway, Eagan. Informa- ille. Free. In case of inclement weather, tion: http://cityofeagan.com/foodtruck. the concert will be held at the arts cenLFA 20, 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 25, Mys- ter. Five For Fighting with String Quartic Lake, Prior Lake. Tickets start at $35. Information: 952-496-6563 or mysti- tet, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 25, in the amphitheater at the Minnesota Zoo as clake.com. Southern Cruzers Summer Spec- part of Music in the Zoo. Tickets: $36, tacular Car and Craft Show, 9 a.m. to $48.50 VIP box seat. Information: http:// 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 26, Dakota Coun- suemclean.com/. Eelpout Stringers, 6-7:30 p.m. Satty Fairgrounds, Farmington. Information: www.thesummerspectacular.com. urday, Aug. 26, in the amphitheater at Burnsville Fire Muster, Sept. 5-10. Whitetail Woods Regional Park, 17100 Station Trail, Farmington. Part of Dakota
Countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Music in the Parks. Free. Philemon & Baucis â&#x20AC;&#x201C; A Picnic Operetta, presented by Mixed Precipitation, 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 27, Caponi Art Park, 1220 Diffley Road, Eagan. Free, but a $15 minimum donation is requested. Information: caponiartpark. org. Indigo Girls, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 29, and Wednesday, Aug. 30, in the amphitheater at the Minnesota Zoo as part of Music in the Zoo. Tickets: $50, $62.50 VIP box seat. Information: http:// suemclean.com/. Music in the Park â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The Bazillions, 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 31, Rambling River Park, 17 Elm St., Farmington. Free. Theater Cole Porterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Anything Goes!â&#x20AC;? presented by Burnsville Summer Theatre and The Playâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the Thing Productions, 7:30 p.m. Aug. 17-19, and 2:30 p.m. Aug. 20, Mraz Center, Burnsville High School, 600 E. Highway 13, Burnsville. Tickets available at the door and online at https://tpttproductions.thundertix. com/events/108005. Workshops/classes/other Eagan Women of Note is accepting new members in September. Rehearsals are 6:30-8:30 p.m. Mondays beginning Sept. 11 at Falcon Ridge Middle School in Apple Valley. Cost: $60 per semester. Those interested in attending a rehearsal should email eaganwomenofnote@gmail.com. Information: www. eaganwomenofnote.org. Vendors wanted for fall Trash to Treasures Flea Market to be held Saturday, Sept. 23, and sponsored by the Apple Valley American Legion Auxiliary. Information: Marlene at 651-423-2493. Ballet Royale Minnesota, Lakeville, August offerings: Youth Ballet August Jump-Start Intensive, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Aug. 21-25. Youth Ballet Point Preparatory Workshop, Aug. 20-25, 2-4 p.m. Sunday, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Deirdre Chapman Master Class, 10 a.m. to noon Aug. 22. Open house celebration, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 26. Mommy/ Daddy and Me, 6-6:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Registration open house, 5:30-8 p.m. Sept. 6. Information: 952-8983163. Kids Club, 1-3 p.m. Thursdays, Divine Time, 14555 S. Robert Trail, Rosemount. Friendship, crafts and more. Ages: 7-11. Cost: $22 per class, pay as you come. No registration required. Sibling discount. Information: 651-3438606. Coffee and Canvas class, 9-11
a.m. Thursday, Aug. 24, at BlueNose Coffee, 20700 Chippendale Ave. W., Farmington. Cost: $36. Different theme each month. Sign up in store or online at www.tracygiza.com. Goswami yoga, 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 26, Angry Inch, 20841 Holyoke Ave., Lakeville, $15. Bring a mat and water bottle. Information: https://www.facebook.com/ events/448873945467720. Yoga wind down class is the first Thursday of the month at Precision and Flow Pilates, 13708 County Road 11, Burnsville. Information: www.preci sionandflowpilates.com. Oil painting workshop: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Alla Prima Oil Paintingâ&#x20AC;? with Dan Petrov, 4-7 p.m. Thursdays, Sept. 7 to Oct. 12, 190 S. River Ridge Circle, Burnsville. Preregister by phone at 763-843-2734. Drawing & Painting (adults and teens) with artist Christine Tierney, classes 9 a.m. to noon Tuesdays and 9 a.m. to noon Wednesdays, River Ridge Studios, 190 S. River Ridge Circle, Burnsville. Information: www.christinetierney.com, 612-210-3377. Brushworks School of Art Burnsville offers fine art education through drawing and painting. Classes for adults and teens. Information: Patricia Schwartz, www.Brushworks SchoolofArt.com, 651-214-4732. Soy candle making classes held weekly in Eagan near 55 and Yankee Doodle. Call Jamie at 651-315-4849 for dates and times. $10 per person. Presented by Making Scents in Minnesota. Line dance lessons, 1:30-4 p.m. Mondays, Apple Valley American Legion, 14521 Granada Drive. Information: Marilyn at 651-463-7833. The Lakeville Area Arts Center offers arts classes for all ages, www. lakevillemn.gov, 952-985-4640. Rosemount History Book Club meets 6:30-8 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at the Robert Trail Library. Information: John Loch, 952-2558545 or jjloch@charter.net. SouthSide Writers, Saturday workgroup for aspiring writers, offering critique, submission and manuscript preparation information, support and direction, 10 a.m. to noon, Wescott Library, 1340 Wescott Road, Eagan. Information: 651-688-0365. Dakota Speakers Toastmasters meets 6-7 p.m. Mondays at Apple Valley Ecumen Seasons Learning Center. Information: http://dakota.toast mastersclubs.org/.
Blood drives The American Red Cross will hold the following blood drives. Call 1-800-RED CROSS (1800-733-2767) or visit red crossblood.org to make an appointment or for more information. â&#x20AC;˘ Aug. 24, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Fairview Clinic, 18580 Joplin Ave., Lakeville. â&#x20AC;˘ Aug. 26, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., The Salon by InStyle/ JC Penney, Burnsville Center, 14301 Burnhaven Drive, Burnsville.
Burniece/Lee Alexandra Burniece, daughter of Bruce and Belinda Burniece of Lakeville, and Lars Lee, son of Hans and Nancy Lee of Minneapolis, announce their upcoming wedding on September 3rd in St. Ansgar, Iowa. Alexandra is a graduate of Lakeville South High School and a 2013 graduate of St. Olaf College in Northfield. She works at Carlson Print Group in Eden Prairie as a Marketing Coordinator. Lars is a graduate of Southwest High School and a 2013 graduate of The Hartt School, University of Hartford. He works as an actor at the Chanhassen Dinner Theater, Burnsville Performing Arts Center and Old Log Theater. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s currently attending St. Paul College for welding. Anniversaries
Gregory and Patricia Page Huge congratulations to Greg and Patti Page of Rosemount, MN, who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday, August 13, 2017. They have lived in many different U.S. states over the years and have traveled to many countries. Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wishing them many more years of adventures together!
Paul Stuart Voigt
Paul Stuart Voigt of Apple Valley, MN passed away on Wednesday, July 12, 2017 at the age of 89. He was preceded in death by parents Bishop Edwin Edgar Voigt, Eleanor Hemsted Dodge, and sister Nancy Mahoney. He is survived by wife Lois, children Kim (B.J. Johnson), Ed (Peg), Hugh (Susan) and, Chris (Judy), 11 grandchildren, and two greatgrandchildren whom he all loved deeply. Paul had a life-long passion for math and science. He attended Yale University around service in the U.S. Army, and obtained a teaching degree from the U of M. Starting as a math teacher in White Bear Lake, he became involved in computer science at Control Data then he helped found Cytrol Corporation where he remained until his retirement. An amateur ornithologist, a second generation Mason of Templar Lodge #176 and the Scottish Rite, and a lifelong Republican recently turned Independent, Paul was also active in Land-o-Lakes Kennel Club and served as Show Chairman and owned Wellington Lhasa Apsos. Paul was most of all a loving husband, father, and grandfather. Few things gave him more joy than to attend his grandchildrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s music and sports events. If you were in WKH PRRG WR WDON \RX FRXOG DOZD\V FRXQW RQ KLP WR ÂżOO DQ\ time available. Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s willful nature never overshadowed his caring and compassionate spirit. Visitation at 10 a.m. with memorial service at 11 a.m. on Saturday, August 19th at Faith United Methodist Church, 710 8th Street, Farmington MN.
SUN THISWEEK - Lakeville August 18, 2017 21A
Thisweekend family calendar To submit items for the Visit Conductor Bud and his railroad Family Calendar, email: garden. If raining, trains will not run. darcy.odden@ecm-inc.com. Free. Information: 651-454-3534, www.lutzrailroadgarden.net, bud_ Saturday, Aug. 19 lutz@yahoo.com. Fix-It Clinic, 12-3 p.m., Burnhaven Library, 1101 W. County Road 42, Monday, Aug. 21 Burnsville. Bring up to five small houseJohnny Price IV Memorial Golf hold electronics, clothing, jewelry or Tournament, 12 noon, Brackettâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s other items to get help repairing them at Crossing Country Club, 17976 Judicial this first-come, first-served fix-it event. Road, Lakeville. Proceeds benefit the Family fishing, 2-4 p.m., Cleary Blizzard Foundation. Information: http:// Lake Regional Park, Prior Lake. Equip- theblizzardfoundation.org/events/. ment and fishing license provided for Legal Assistance of Dakota Counclass only. Cost: $6. Reservations re- ty, 1-4 p.m., Galaxie Library, 14955 Galquired by two days prior at 763-559- axie Ave., Apple Valley. Receive a free 6700. 30-minute consultation from a volunteer attorney regarding family law matters Sunday, Aug. 20 such as domestic abuse, custody, child Open house, 1-4 p.m., Lutz Rail- support or visitation. Call 952-891-7135 road Garden, 2960 Egan Ave., Eagan. for more information and to schedule an
appointment. Tuesday, Aug. 22 Consumer law clinic, 1-4 p.m., Galaxie Library, 14955 Galaxie Ave., Apple Valley. Get help with consumer law matters such as debt collection, garnishment, credit issues, foreclosures, contracts and conciliation court with a free 30-minute consultation from a volunteer attorney. This clinic is a joint program of Legal Assistance of Dakota County, the Dakota County Family Court and the Dakota County Law Library. Call 952-431-3200 for more information and to schedule an appointment. Criminal expungement clinic, 1:30-4 p.m., Galaxie Library, meeting room L139, 14955 Galaxie Ave., Apple Valley. Learn about expungement and
discuss your situation with a volunteer Saturday, Aug. 26 lawyer. No appointment necessary. InBirding by Canoe, 8-10 a.m., formation: 651-438-8080. Cleary Lake Regional Park, Prior Lake. Beginners welcome. Cost: $15. ResWednesday, Aug. 23 ervations required by two days prior Eagan Market Fest, 4-8 p.m., Ea- at 763-559-6700. A Three Rivers Park gan Festival Grounds at Central Park, District program. 1501 Central Parkway. Farmers marGeocaching for Sâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;mores, 12-2 ket, entertainment by Pan Handlers p.m., Cleary Lake Regional Park, Prior and The Innocent Reggae Band. Infor- Lake. Equipment provided. Cost: $8. mation: www.cityofeagan.com/mar- Reservations required by two days ketfest or 651-675-5500. prior at 763-559-6700. A Three Rivers Park District program. Friday, Aug. 25 Movie in the Park â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Trolls,â&#x20AC;? rated Friday Night Flicks on the Bricks PG, activities start at 7 p.m., Trapp â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Great Gilly Hopkins,â&#x20AC;? rated Farm Park, 841 Wilderness Run Road, PG, 7:30 p.m. seating, dusk show- Eagan. Movie begins at dusk, about time, Nicollet Commons Park in the 8:30 p.m. Free. Information: 651-675Heart of the City, 12600 Nicollet Ave., 5500 or cityofeagan.com. Burnsville. Free.
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