www.SunThisweek.com NEWS Schools tap reserves School districts 191 and 196 are spending fund reserves to balance their 2016-17 budgets. Page 2A
Burnsville | Eagan
A Division of ECM Publishers, Inc.
July 1, 2016 | Volume 37 | Number 18
Is Eagan Funfest’s 50th year the last? Lacking volunteers, committee plans disbandment as festival marks five decades by Jessica Harper SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE
OPINION Ag must lead on water Minnesota’s agriculture industry must play a leading role in reducing water pollutants, the ECM Editorial Board writes. Page 4A
Oak Ridge Boys at Ames The Grammy-winning country and gospel vocal quartet has scheduled two concerts at Burnsville’s Ames Center on July 10. Page 19A
This weekend will mark the 50th year of Eagan’s July 4th Funfest. It may also mark the last year of Funfest as we know it. Funfest is among Eagan’s most popular events. Its annual parade held on the Fourth of July alone attracts about 20,000 people each year. However, finding people to volunteer for the event is another story. Each year event organizers struggle to recruit enough volunteers to work the three-day festival, which typically requires between 150 and 200 volunteers. For the past few years the number of volunteers hasn’t even come close to that count, organizers say. The number of festival workers hit an all-time low last year of between 60 and 70 volunteers. “It’s on a holiday that most people spend with their families and fewer and fewer people are willing to take time to work the event,� Funfest Committee Board Member Julian Ross said. “Without that volunteer base, we can’t go on.� In addition to its struggle to find volunteers to work the event, the Funfest Committee, a nonprofit that organizes and runs the community festival, has been unEagan’s July 4th Funfest will mark its 50th year this weekend. Above: Children particiable to replace exiting board members. “A lot of the board members are getting burnt out pate a Funfest parade down Rahn Road in 1976. At the time, the festival was organized especially those who have worked on this for 10 years,� by the Eagan Fire Department, which also hosted an annual carnival at the end of the parade route at Cedar Pond Park in the Cedar Grove neighborhood. (Photo submitted by the Eagan Historical Society) See FUNFEST, 20A
Survivor stories, hugs and laps around the track Burnsville Relay for Life is July 29 at Ames Center by John Gessner SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE
SPORTS Father, daughter team The father and daughter team of Gary and Lauren Huhnerkoch played in a mixed-team golf tournament. Page 12A
The Burnsville Relay for Life has had a few homes since it started in 2002. The American Cancer Society benefit has been held at Nicollet Junior High and several times at the Burnsville High School stadium. Construction on the track forced organizers to relocate to the school’s bus turnaround for two years. That’s not an option this summer, with the entire school undergoing a $52.5 million building project. So the Burnsville Relay is moving again — and this time organizers needn’t worry about rain
or heat. The event will be held at the Ames Center in the Heart of the City on Friday, July 29, from 6 p.m. to midnight. “The event will occur regardless of the weather outside,� said Randon Ruggles, of Burnsville, the event’s lead organizer. “There’s AC if it’s too hot. No one needs to bring suntan lotion or campsites or any of that.� Most of the activities will be held in the roomy upper lobby of the center. The upper and lower lobbies will double as walking tracks. The Relay for Life is the American Cancer Society’s largest fundraiser. Burnsville’s is one of the many locally organized Relays held annually. Teams of walkers raise money and take to the track, showing their com-
Workman faces Giles in county rematch
mitment to fighting cancer by keeping at least one walker on the track at all times during the event. The event draws cancer survivors, people being treated for cancer and their friends and loved ones. Most everyone has a story to tell. “About six years ago my mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer,� said Ruggles, 29, who is married with an 18-month-old daughter and was active in the Rosemount Relay before joining Burnsville’s three years ago. “After about a four-month struggle with ovarian cancer, she ended up dying; it will be six years in September. There’s that. “Both of my grandparents on my mom’s side have had cancer themselves. My father-in-law See RELAY, 20A
Family memory brushwork
Commissioner Liz Workman faces a rematch in her bid for a third term representing District 5 on the Dakota County Board of Commissioners. Dave Giles, who lost to Workman in 2012, is running again in the allBurnsville district. Workman, who captured 62 percent of the vote, pointed to the county’s state-low property taxes and new debt-free status as reasons she should be returned in November for another four years. “If you live in Dakota County, your (county) taxes are lower than anyone else’s in the state of Minnesota,� said Workman,
INDEX Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 4A Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . 12A Public Notices . . . . . . 13A Classifieds . . . . . . . . . 15A Announcements . . . . 18A
Laurie Toth, an instructor with the Eagan Art House, conducted a painting demo for guests at the Eagan Art Festival on Saturday, June 25. She based the painting on a photo from a family vacation taken more than 50 years ago. Toth paints quickly — she started with a pencil-sketch illustration at about 11 a.m. Saturday, and was nearly finished with the painting, needing to do only a few touch-ups, by the late afternoon. More photos from this year’s Eagan Art Festival, which ran June 25-26, can be found on 19A. (Photo by Andrew Miller)
Liz Dave Giles Workman crediting the county’s continued growth and fiscal stewardship. “You work hard to do stuff like that. I care a lot about what I do. And I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t enjoy it. I still enjoy it.� Workman, 60, of 2332 E. 121st St., served three terms on the Burnsville City Council before being elected commissioner in 2008. She was previously an appointee to the city’s Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission. Giles, 58, of 2110 AlSee COUNTY, 14A
More high marks for superintendent First 3 years went ‘very fast,’ Gothard says
Burnsville-Eagan Sun Thisweek is the official newspaper for the cities of Burnsville and Eagan and school districts 191 and 196. Public Notices are on Page 13A.
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Commissioner seeks third term
An unbroken string of strong annual performance reviews continues for District 191 Superintendent Joe Gothard, who has led building and technology improvements underway in the district. Gothard earned above-par ratings of “accomplished� or “distinguished� on 21 of 25 performance statements, the Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School Board announced June 17. The board met with Gothard in a closed session June 9 to review his performance since July 1, 2015. As a result of his lead-
ership, the district is “now kneedeep in laying the groundwork for Joe Gothard i n c r e a s e d connections with students, between schools, and with our community,� said a statement read by the board’s vice chair, Abigail Alt, who led the review process. The board credited his “complete understanding� and “thorough application� in six key areas — vision, district structure, accountability, boardsuperintendent relations, advocacy and unity. He has empowered the staff to “do likewise,� the statement said. Joining the district in See GOTHARD, 14A
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2A July 1, 2016 SUN THISWEEK - Burnsville - Eagan
Budget includes new costs HONORING THE SPECIAL OLYMPIANS District 191 looks ahead to transition year
A general fund budget increase of $4.6 million in School District 191 reflects not just typical inflation, but also costs of changing over to a revamped school system, officials say. The Burnsville-EaganSavage School Board approved on June 16 the district budget for 201617 — the first year of a new grade configuration that will send ninth-graders to Burnsville High School, change junior highs to middle schools for grades six through eight and create K-five elementary schools. The budget reflects $2.5 million in new annual spending on technology, a doubling of previous spending. A technology levy and $65 million in building projects — most at the high school — were approved by voters in February 2015. Facing a $4 million shortfall, the district is using reserves to balance the projected $125.82 million budget. Projected revenue is $121.23 million. The district is using reserves instead of making cuts that could affect “programming that is critical to the Vision One91 transition,� Lisa Rider, business services director, wrote in her
budget report. The budget vote included automatic waiver of a policy calling for the district to try to maintain a general fund balance totaling at least 8 percent of general fund spending. The budget leaves an unassigned balance of 7.1 percent, raising the specter of budget adjustments for the following year, when the balance is projected to plunge to 1.8 percent. “We are investing in programming that’s coming along with Vision One91, and I think we’re doing fairly well. Next year will be interesting,� Board Member Abigail Alt said. “The challenge will be there,� Board Member Jim Schmid said. But next year’s deficit spending will have tangible benefits beyond simply covering year-toyear inflation of 3 to 3.5 percent, he said. “We’re keeping class sizes the same, and they’re low compared to anyone around us. We’ve increased our periods at the middle school to eight-period days,� Schmid said. The district is lengthening the school day for elementary and middle school students and will have “tens of thousands more square feet� of building space to heat, cool and manage, he
said. “All that stuff ’s factored in and we’re still only at $4 million� above revenue, he said. Many districts have fund-balance goals of 5 or 6 percent, lower than 191’s 8 percent, he added. Future budget challenges also include expiration of a voter-approved operating levy that has raised $7.5 million a year, Schmid said. Voters would have to reauthorize the 10-year levy in 2017 to keep the revenue coming. The new technology spending, part of an annual 10-year outlay, will include a Chromebook for every high school student beginning this fall and one for every middle school student the following year. The budget includes a $5 increase in activity fees and a 10-cent increase in lunch prices. The total 2016-17 budget, including all funds, is $228.26 million, compared with revenue of $168.12 million. The first $25 million in proceeds from the voterapproved building bonds is expected to be paid out this budget year, with the rest reflected in next year’s budget.
Above: Special Olympics Minnesota’s 2016 Summer Games, held June 23-25 at Eastview High School in Apple Valley, featured the Friday night Celebration Ceremonies with a team parade and lighting of the Flame of Hope. Michelle Bodurtha, left, a Special Olympics athlete, carried the Flame of Hope into the venue accompanied by Apple Valley Police Chief Jon Rechtzigel. At left: Athletes and coaches entered through an honor guard of regional law enforcement officers. (Photos by Andrew Miller)
John Gessner can be erached at 952-846-2031 or email john.gessner@ecm-inc. com.
Dakota County names antiDistrict 196 School Board approves preliminary budget drug/violence contest winners by Jessica Harper SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE
The Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan School Board approved a preliminary 2016-17 budget that calls for borrowing from the district’s general fund to stay in the black. The School Board unanimously voted in favor of the proposal during its June 27 meeting. The district’s general fund revenues are projected to be $336.6 million next fiscal year and expenditures are estimated at $344.7 million, which leaves an $8.1 million deficit. Officials plan to borrow from the district’s general fund balance to absolve the deficit. This will bring the general fund balance to $24.2 mil-
lion, which is 7.02 percent of general fund expenditures. Board policy requires a fund balance that is at least 5 percent of the general fund expenditures. This is the fourth consecutive year the district has planned to borrow from its general fund, but based on past performance trends the district may not have to do this. District officials planned to borrow from the district’s general fund in 2014-15 but instead contributed $800,000 to the fund that fiscal year. Officials planned to borrow from the general fund in 2015-16, but the district is on track to contribute to the fund balance $1.9 million. Each year district officials prepare the budget
using conservative estimates to ensure the actual budget is balanced, Finance Director Jeff Solomon said. In 2015-16, revenues were higher than projected and expenditures were lower enabling the district to save $8.5 million. The state Legislature in 2015 approved a 2 percent increase to the basic funding formula for Minnesota school districts. As a result, District 196 received $119 per pupil more in 2015-16 than in the previous fiscal year. Enrollment in the District 196 has gradually increased every year since 2013 and is projected to be at 27,879 in 2017. Jessica Harper is at jessica.harper@ecm-inc.com .
This school year marked the 28th year for the Dakota County Attorney Anti-Drug/Violence poster contest, open to fifth- and sixth-grade students attending public and private schools throughout Dakota County. The contest encourages students to make their own positive statement in opposition to drug abuse, alcohol and tobacco use, and violence. Contest winners will have their posters depicted in the 2017 Dakota County Attorney Anti-Drug/Violence calendar available mid-September. Winners include: Dejah Dedeaux, Highland Elementary; Laney Schwartz, Westview Elementary; Melina Solorzano-Cruz, Cedar Park Elementary; Leah Willingham, Lakeview Elementary; Abby
Bluml, Sioux Trail Elementary; Bridger Cook, Westview Elementary; Tanner Kronberg, Highland Elementary; Emily Hodgin, Sioux Trail Elementary; Rylee Colin, Sioux Trail Elementary; Olivia Montgomery, Cedar Park Elementary; Matthew Reinardy, Randolph Elementary; Kellen Otte, Randolph Elementary; Emma Scott, Lakeview Elementary; Keandre Lee, Sioux Trail Elementary. Honorable mention recipients include: Benjamin Abell, Cedar Park Elementary; Akshara Ande; Cedar Park Elementary; Lizie Bryant; Cedar Park Elementary; Trevor Cloutier, Cedar Park Elementary; Kristine Joseph; Cedar Park Elementary; Marea Nielsen, Randolph Elementary; Mariya
Pritchard, Randolph Elementary; Isabel Solorzano-Cruz, Cedar Park Elementary; Kaillie Sorem, Randolph Elementary School; Tatyana Soukchareun, Highland Elementary; Samhita Thummala, Cedar Park Elementary; Lydia Voss, Westview Elementary; Hayley Wees, Highland Elementary School, Jessica Wilhelm, Highland Elementary; Ian Young, Highland Elementary. The winners and honorable mention recipients were recognized at a May 25 award ceremony. Posters will be displayed in the 4th of July parades in Eagan and Apple Valley. The 12 winning posters will be featured in the Dakota County Attorney’s booth at the Dakota County Fair Aug. 8-14.
Eagan’s Colonial Village complex sells for $18.3 million An 188-unit apartment complex in Eagan recently sold for $18.3 million. Manhattan-based Abacus Capital Group closed on the purchase of Colo-
nial Village apartments on June 10. The purchase price greatly exceeds the property’s assessed market value of $3.4 million, according to Dakota County
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SUN THISWEEK - Burnsville - Eagan July 1, 2016 3A
School District 196 graduate ahead of his time William Laiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s acceleration in the classroom takes him to Oxford
William Lai has a new perspective on laziness. The Rosemount High School graduate says he self-studied some of his classwork over the summer and during the school year because of â&#x20AC;&#x153;laziness.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Why do it in two years when you can do one?â&#x20AC;? Lai said of his view of the calculus curriculum. This approach has led to a rare path for Lai, who will be one of 13 students to enter the first-year class of a triple-major program at Oxford Universityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Brasenose College in England. Though Lai will turn 16 just before his studies start this fall, age has never been an issue to him since heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s proven his intellectual worth wherever heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s included studying math modeling at the University of Minnesota, working at an internship at the Federal Reserve of Minneapolis or in front of the interview panel at Oxford. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m used to talking to people older than me,â&#x20AC;? Lai said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t talk down to me after I show them I can talk to them on their level.â&#x20AC;? During his U of M class he said the students bonded in large part because they felt they were all in it together as their shared suffering brought them together, Lai added with a laugh. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also been true in other situations like chemistry labs when groups of students have to work together for successful experiment outcomes. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When you are working with nitric acid you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to have an accident,â&#x20AC;? Lai said. While skipping the
Rosemount High School graduate William Lai (second from right) celebrated speech and debate success with some of his teammates this year. Lai will take his talents to Oxford Universityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Brasenose College this fall. (Photo submitted) fifth grade put Lai in a class of older students early on, it was the invitation he received to sit in on the Rosemount High School DECA business and marketing programâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s afterschool session while he was a middle school student that deepened this interaction. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The biggest thing is to start early,â&#x20AC;? he said, offering advice to students who may ponder a grade-skip. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You are going to have to deal with older students at some point.â&#x20AC;? He said talking to high school students on their level about business, marketing, the economy and other â&#x20AC;&#x153;relatable random subjectsâ&#x20AC;? earned him quick acceptance and regular visits to the DECA room. In addition to skipping a grade, Lai spent only three years in high school and self-studied pre-calculus the summer before his eighth-grade year, starting his accelerated mathematics path.
Lai said his parents didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t force him in any way to accelerate or skip grades as they simply presented options to him. He said the cooperation from the schools, especially RMS Principal Mary Thompson, along with his ability to accelerate in several subjects have prepared him for the rigor of Oxford. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m used to going fast,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve grown accustomed to it.â&#x20AC;? At Oxford, Lai will be in the Philosophy, Politics and Economics program, which aims to give him his college degree in three years. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been told to be prepared for a large volume of study material and to work as hard as he can from the outset. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They want to test your mettle,â&#x20AC;? Lai said. He has a good idea of the rigor based on the Oxford admissions process, which included several essays, a multiple-choice test and interview that posed
TCF plans bank location on Mount Olivet site in Apple Valley by Andrew Miller SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE
TCF Bank is looking to open a new branch location on Cedar Avenue in Apple Valley on part of the land owned by Mount Olivet Assembly of God. According to the plan, Mount Olivet, 14201 Cedar Ave., will subdivide a 16,570-square-foot parcel of its existing 8-acre site to sell to TCF for construction of the bank. The Apple Valley City Council approved a site plan and building permit for the project at its June 23 meeting. The new bank branch, which will be built on the northeast portion of the Mount Olivet site that is currently an undeveloped lawn area, will have three drive-through lanes, and the structure will have a primarily brick facade with a glass tower, according to city documents.
A traffic impact study found that traffic will increase slightly, but no changes are needed to area streets or intersections to accommodate the development, according to city officials. Plans call for the existing driveway for Mount Olivet to be removed and reconfigured, said Kathy Bodmer, city planner. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Church traffic will be able to circulate as it does today without any interference from the bank,â&#x20AC;? Bodmer said. The Apple Valley Planning Commission held a public hearing on the project at its April 20 meeting, and subsequently voted unanimously to recommend approval of the project. The City Council voted 4-0 (City Council Member Tom Goodwin was absent from the meeting) to authorize the site plan and building permit on June 23.
City officials sought, and received, approval from the Metropolitan Council for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the project. The Mount Olivet site was zoned â&#x20AC;&#x153;institutional,â&#x20AC;? and the Comprehensive Plan Amendment allows for commercial development on the property. A construction timeline has not yet been submitted to city officials by the projectâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s developers. TCF plans to vacate its bank branch currently located in Apple Valleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Time Square Shopping Center, 7520 149th St. W., once the new location opens on Cedar Avenue, according to city officials. TCF also has a branch in Apple Valley housed inside Cub Foods, 15350 Cedar Ave.
questions such as determining the logical prerequisites of questions involving a present tense dodo and the impact of government surveillance activities related to terrorism. Lai said extracurricular activities like DECA and speech at RHS prepared him to handle such questions. Those activities allowed Lai to explore wide-ranging topics such as those related to current events, historical issues that have shaped the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s laws and the formation of a entrepreneurial venture. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve had great coaches and teachers,â&#x20AC;? Lai said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;(DECA adviser) Mr. (Ryan) Harrison has been helpful since he knows a lot about different businesses. When we went to
Nashville for nationals there was a lot of down time and we talked about different business principles. It was exhausting for me and for Mr. Harrison, but it was worth it.â&#x20AC;? That year Lai placed first in the nation overall for Business Finance Series Event. â&#x20AC;&#x153;(Speech coach) Mr. (Cort) Sylvester, he knows so much about current events, so he helps you to think about other perspectives and be ready to deal with those issues,â&#x20AC;? Lai said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He would say: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Look for this, it is a popular line of thinking.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;? This summer Lai advanced to the third round of extemporaneous debate at Nationals before bowing out. Lai said Lincoln-Douglas debate helped advance his skill and knowledge in English composition and history due to the hours of research it required. While Lai said he likes video games and read the Harry Potter books like most teenagers, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also delved into the works of French philosopher JeanPaul Sartre and German philosopher Martin Heidegger. Lai has also gained cultural experience having traveled extensively throughout the world, making several trips to China, where his familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s roots are, and other trips to Europe, Australia and Africa where he spent a lot of time in museums, art galleries and historic sites. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not one to relax on the beach,â&#x20AC;? he said. He described DECA as the assembly line for put-
ting all of his coursework and experiences together. Through the activity, he gained writing, speaking, research, analysis, job interview and technical business skills, along with the chance to make real world business decisions. When asked if he would miss anything about RHS, Lai said his friends, of which he said he has many throughout all the grades, and â&#x20AC;&#x153;it would have been great to have four years of debate and four years of DECA,â&#x20AC;? Lai said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I will miss my high school in a way, especially those in the junior class, that is just how it goes,â&#x20AC;? Lai said. Email Tad Johnson at tad.johnson@ecm-inc.com. Follow him on T witter @ editorTJ.
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Email Andrew Miller at andrew.miller@ecm-inc.com.
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4A July 1, 2016 SUN THISWEEK - Burnsville - Eagan
Agriculture must take lead in managing water pollutants Minnesota is fortunate to have an abundance of water. It is also the third largest corn-producing state in the country. That creates a great conflict when trying to balance crop production with the use of fertilizers and pesticides. “Too much nitrogen and phosphorus in the water causes algae to grow faster than ecosystems can handle. Significant increases in algae harm water quality, food resources and habitats, and decrease the oxygen that fish and other aquatic life need to survive,” according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Excessive nitrogen can harm the health of forests, soils and waterways, according to the EPA. Agricultural runoff is among the leading causes of water pollution. Phosphorus and nitrates become part of sediment and runoff that contaminates local waterways. This is called nonpoint contamination. As it flows through our agriculture communities, runoff collects and transports soil, pesticides, fertilizer and other pollutants. This water drains directly into nearby creeks, streams and rivers. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has estimated that nonpoint sources account for as much as 86 percent of water pollution in the state. The No. 1 problem regarding nonpoint pollution of our water is the runoff of excess nutrients from fertilizers used in agriculture operations, said Dr. Deb Swackhamer, recently retired co-director of the Water Resource Center at the University of Minnesota, when meeting recently with the ECM Editorial Board.
ECM Editorial Controlling phosphorus is an important part of protecting Minnesota’s water resources. Upgraded wastewater treatment facilities have reduced phosphorus levels considerably since 2000, Swackhamer said. The annual phosphorus load has been reduced by 67 percent since 2000, according to the MPCA. In 2013 the MPCA tested 50,000 water samples in a study of the sources of surface water pollution. The results determined that 73 percent of the elevated nitrate levels come from cropland, primarily through agricultural drainage systems below cropped fields and by nitrate pollution leaching into groundwater, and then moving underground until it reaches surface water. Nitrates have leached into many private wells, causing damage to the environment. Babies are particularly susceptible to nitrogen exposure, which can decrease oxygen levels and lead to skin discoloration and death. In Randall, near Little Falls, the city closed one of its two wells due to the presence of elevated nitrates. The water contamination was attributed to nitrogen fertilizer leaching into groundwater. To address the problem, the city located a site for a new well. In Mille Lacs County near Milaca, Estes Brook and the West Branch of the Rum River have been found to be impaired and do not meet clean water standards. On
June 15, county officials stated that water quality monitoring has found excess nutrients and are contaminated with E.coli. There may be health risks from recreation in these streams. A June 29 town meeting was scheduled to address the issue. So what can we do to decrease the threat of non-point water pollution? “Agriculture is the hardest one to crack,” Swackhamer said. The MPCA stated in a June 2013 water study that significant reductions in nitrogen pollution are possible. The report suggested cropland drainage system changes that would slow, filter or divert the collected nitrogen that would otherwise head directly into rivers, streams or groundwater. It also suggested increasing the use of complementary cover crops in corn and soybean fields and shifting some cropland away from row crops to perennial crops that provide continual ground cover. The 2015 buffer initiative signed into law by Gov. Mark Dayton is also a good step. We support the law, which establishes vegetative buffers of 50 feet along public waters (lakes, rivers and streams), and 16.5 feet along public ditch systems. Buffers along public waters are required by November 2017; buffers along public ditch systems are required by November 2018. More agricultural producers could learn from leaders in their own industry and implement additional no-till, reduced tillage or precision agriculture methods. Implementing variable-rate applications of fertilizers and pesticides will further
protect water quality. We also believe more agricultural producers should enroll in the Minnesota Ag Water Quality Certification Program, a voluntary opportunity to take the lead in using conservation practices that protect our water. ` Offered through the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, the program allows producers to get hands-on assistance from the experts from the soil and water conservation districts in adopting best management practices for their farmland to keep water clean. Producers who participate are rewarded with priority status for on-farm technical assistance and financial help. Ruth Hruby, a farmer from Montgomery who speaks nationally on conservation issues, stated in February for the Center for Rural Affairs that farmers need to remember that not only their neighbors, but people downstream on the rivers and streams in their communities, count on them to preserve the quality of the water that runs across their farms. They are stewards not only of the land, but of the water. We agree. Taking care to manage potential pollutants leaching into the soil will make for a stronger future for the millions of people and businesses who rely on clean water from our rivers, lakes and streams. An opinion of the ECM Editorial Boar d. Sun Thisweek newspapers and the Dakota County Tribune are part of ECM Publishers Inc.
Letters Did police shooting have to be lethal? To the editor: I am a former senior high school teacher, coach and assistant principal, and I was quite dismayed by what I saw on Channel 804 recently. After watching the video of the March 17 police shooting in Burnsville, I have only one question: Why didn’t the police officers shoot the threatening/fleeing, knife-wielding man in the legs or somewhere where he would not have been killed? It seems to me that if they were to prevent him from fleeing and thus threatening other people’s safety, this would have been a much, much better alternative than taking a young, troubled man’s life. This is crazy. CARL MOONEY Burnsville
The facts about tighter gun control
rates than France. The Paris attack is not a strong point considering the fact that (according to study in the American Journal of Medicine) France’s firearm homicide-rate is lower or equal to Portugal’s, Spain’s, the Netherland’s, and Italy’s to name a few. In fact, France could have a Paris attack every week and their rate would only be around the U.S.’s. Thus, using Paris as an argument fails to hold up. I won’t address his points about Hitler and Nazi gun control due to the weak connection between it and current issues. However, I’ll point out that his claim that Australian homicides climbed the first year after they “confiscate[d] more than 600,000 guns” is misleading. In an easy-to-find report to parliament on the gun-related deaths, if you look beyond a single year, they have fallen significantly. What’s more? Australia had 13 mass shootings in two decades prior to the gun reform in 1997. Since then? None. Finally, I would just like to point out that his conclusion about how the Democratic Party “welcome[s] illegal immigrants” from “Socialist nations” is deeply misinformed. Many American policies are socialistic, and have been since our conception. To stamp countries as “socialist” or not is reminiscent of a fading world view. Plus, about half of all immigrants in 2014 came from Mexico, the Caribbean, India, and Korea, all places hardly more socialistic than the U.S. I will close my comments with the end quote from his own letter: “Think about it. Get informed.”
To the editor: Last week, there was a letter to the editor attacking the Democratic Party and their push for gun control in the wake of the worst mass shooting in U.S. history. I’m not interested in arguing ideology, however, there were points he made worthy of response. He points to the Paris attack as evidence of gun control’s ineffectiveness. As he puts it, France has “the tightest gun control laws in Europe.” I failed to find any research verifying this. Every source on gun ownership rates I found online had Ireland, LEE D. COSING the U.K., Russia, and Italy Lakeville (and more) all with lower
More ’14 gun homicides in Minnesota than in Australia To the editor: Terry Branham in his letter last week related to gun safety suggested that voters should get informed. I took him at his word and here are my results: His letter implies that the Australian gun program has just begun and offers statistics of the first year results. This came from a 2001 e-mail from an Australian police officer, so I assume that the numbers are correct. The Australian National Firearms Agreement was initiated in 1997 in response to the Port Arthur shooting where 35 people were killed and 23 wounded. The program has resulted in the buyback of more than 600,000 guns the first year (estimated to be 20 percent of all of the guns) and to date the number is close to 1 million. It is legal to own some types of guns in Australia providing people can demonstrate a need and have acquired the necessary training. I believe that semi-automatic weapons are not allowed for the general public. Guns are registered with the government. In a paper published by American Law and Economics Review 2012, researchers at Neill of Wilfrid Laurier University found that in the decade following the NFA, firearm homicides (both suicides and intentional killings) in Australia had dropped significantly. Prior to the Port Arthur shooting that resulted in the changes to the gun laws, there were 13 mass shootings of 4-plus deaths
A division of ECM Publishers, Inc.
John Gessner | BURNSVILLE NEWS/MANAGING EDITOR | 952-846-2031 | john.gessner@ecm-inc.com Jessica Harper | EAGAN NEWS | 952-846-2028 | jessica.harper@ecm-inc.com Mike Shaughnessy | SPORTS | 952-846-2030 | mik e.shaughnessy@ecm-inc.com Mike Jetchick | AD SALES | 952-846-2019 | mik e.jetchick@ecm-inc.com Darcy Odden | CALENDARS/BRIEFS | 952-846-2034 | darcy .odden@ecm-inc.com Tad Johnson | MANAGING EDITOR | 952-846-2033 | tad.johnson@ecm-inc.com Keith Anderson | DIRECTOR OF NEWS | 952-392-6847 | k eith.anderson@ecm-inc.com PUBLISHER .................................. Julian Andersen PRESIDENT .............................. Marge Winkelman GENERAL MANAGER........................... Mark Weber BURNSVILLE/DISTRICT 191 EDITOR .. John Gessner EAGAN/DISTRICT 196 EDITOR .........Jessica Harper
SPORTS EDITOR .......................Mike Shaughnessy THISWEEKEND EDITOR ...................Andrew Miller NEWS ASSISTANT ............................ Darcy Odden SALES MANAGER ............................. Mike Jetchick
15322 GALAXIE AVE., SUITE 219, APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 952-894-1111 FAX: 952-846-2010
in the previous 18 years. Since that time there have been none. A Google search turned up a website that compared number of total gun homicides in Australia with other countries/ states. Based on the latest available data (2014), the total number of gun homicides in Minnesota was 377 compared to 230 for Australia despite the fact that the population of Australia was 23.5 million compared to Minnesota’s population of 5.5 million. There have been a lot of reasons offered for why the Founding Fathers established the Second Amendment. I believe that the reason was as stated – In order to maintain a well-regulated militia – as there was no army at that time. WAYNE LUNDQUIST Eagan
Gun deaths have declined in Australia To the editor: I would like to respond to a letter published last week from Terry Branham regarding guns. He noted that Australia has very strict gun laws, but disputes the idea that these laws have changed anything. In fact, he cites statistics that show a spike in gun-related deaths one year after the new laws took effect. But let’s go further. He neglected to point out that the Australian laws were changed in 1996. Branham inferred that this was more recent. And, yes, it is true that gun
deaths had an uptick in the year after the laws were changed, but have been on the decline ever since. And, more important, Australia has never had a mass shooting incident since that year, 1996. Not one. I would agree with Mr. Branham that we need to get informed about this issue, but informed means get the real facts … not the cherry picked ones. Democrats are standing on the right side of this issue. DAVID MINDEMAN Apple Valley
Smart gun control
percent of those on the TSD have “no recognized terrorist affiliation,” and 5,000 are Americans. The government has been “slow rolling” the ACLU in court since 2004 (12 years) to prevent making the necessary reforms. Gun control solutions include first, providing list transparency and a legal, due-process mechanism for adding and removing names to make the lists accurate. Second, changes to HIPPA medical patient privacy laws are needed to permit the addition of those with criminal mental illness to the lists. Third, additional FBI staffing is needed to manage the legal process and maintain the lists. Fourth, a redesigned computer information system is needed that can rapidly access the lists. It should not take days to determine whether a buyer is authorized to buy a gun. This will better facilitate gun show sales. Guns allow the weak (such as battered women and their children) to defend themselves against the strong (their attackers). Your view of gun control depends on whether you live in a high crime area or a secure area. The weak have a right to defend themselves. Gun control advocates should be pressing the government to provide a legal due process method for adding and timely removing names from the lists rather than advocating for stupid gun control based on the current lists.
To the editor: I don’t know any responsible gun owners who would object to keeping guns away from terrorists, criminals, and those with criminal mental illness. The FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database contains more than 875,000 names. TSD names can be placed on the No-Fly List. The American Civil Liberties Union took the U.S. government to federal court in 2004 and 2010 to contest the use of the Terrorist Watch List and the No-Fly List without providing legal due process (Fifth Amendment violation). The lists are classified. Once on, it’s hard to get off. The No-Fly List contains more than 47,000 names. Innocent people are on the list including members of Congress, nuns, war heroes and people with common names like Robert Johnson and CARL ROCK Gary Smith. Nearly 40 Rosemount
Letters to the editor policy Sun Thisweek welcomes letters to the editor. Submitted letters must be no more than 350 words. All letters must have the author’s phone number and address for verification purposes. Anonymous letters will not be accepted. Letters reflect the opinion of the author only. Sun Thisweek reserves the right to edit all letters. Submission of a letter does not guarantee publication.
SUN THISWEEK - Burnsville - Eagan July 1, 2016 5A
Wonderful museum honors those who â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Never Gave Upâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; by Joe Nathan SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE
Minnesota is mentioned several times at the superb, relatively new National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C. Unlike most museums Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve visited around the world, this one will produce strong, mixed emotions â&#x20AC;&#x201C; sometimes admiration, sometimes smiles and sometimes shame. You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to visit Washington, D.C., to enjoy and learn from this free-admission museum. Kevin Gover (Pawnee), director of the museum, wrote on its website: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our objective is no less than to change what the world knows about the Native peoples of the Americas and Hawaii. We seek to bring the Native voice into every school, every library, every university, indeed every home. Most Americans will never enter our museum, yet because of the digital revolution in communications we can reach them all.â&#x20AC;? A vast array of resources is available on the museumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website: http://www. nmai.si.edu. But if you are able to visit, on the fun and smiling side, the museum features one of the most creative hands-on areas for youngsters ages up to age 12 Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve seen anywhere. In the ImagiNations Activity Center, youngsters (and adults) can try balancing to feel what itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s like to ride in a kayak. They can build a mock igloo or a large woven basket. They can participate in various art activities, as well, if arrangements are made ahead of time.
Sun Thisweek Columnist
Joe Nathan
On the more somber side, visitors can start on the top (fourth) floor to see the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nation to Nationâ&#x20AC;? exhibit. This traces history between whites and American Indian tribes via hundreds of treaties. A short video and multiple displays explain what accurate history shows. This country made hundreds of treaties with American Indian tribes and repeatedly broke them. This is shameful. But at the center of the fourth floor is an exhibit titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;We Never Gave Up.â&#x20AC;? By videos, text and pictures, this area shows that despite broken treaties, American Indians (sometimes with white allies) have won victories. Minnesota controversies about fishing rights are among those cited in this area. One of the most powerful areas of the museum is a temporary exhibit of art by Cherokee artist Kay WalkingStick. Perhaps my favorite of the more than 60 pictures is one titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Farewell to the Smokies.â&#x20AC;? This is, in part, a beautiful landscape of the Great Smoky Mountains. But a small line of people are walking at the bottom. As the museum explains, these people represent â&#x20AC;&#x153;a bitter contrast with the natural beauty, â&#x20AC;&#x153;recalling the forced exodus of the Cherokee people from their homeland.â&#x20AC;? Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a wonder-
ful example of how a great artist can combine nature with historical events and produce a picture that is simultaneously beautiful and disturbing. Examples from the WalkingStick exhibit are found here: http://s.si.edu/1WzVLFH. The museumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website has a vast array of materials, information and interactive games for families, students and educators. One game helps users learn more about American Indians living in various parts of the Americas: http://s.si.edu/1BTl6CQ. The museum also offers periodic music and dance programs and has a terrific museum shop with a vast array of items ranging from a few to hundreds of dollars. Viewing the website, or visiting the museum, produces a mixture of emotions. But along with shame and anger about what this country has done, I think visitors will come away with deep admiration and greater appreciation for people who â&#x20AC;&#x153;Never Gave Up.â&#x20AC;? Joe Nathan, f ormerly a Minnesota public school teacher, administrator and PTA president, is a former director and no w senior fellow at the Center for School Change. Reactions are welcome at joe@ centerforschoolchange.org. Columns reflect the opinion of the author.
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6A July 1, 2016 SUN THISWEEK - Burnsville - Eagan
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SUN THISWEEK - Burnsville - Eagan July 1, 2016 7A
Man accused of swapping barcodes at Burnsville store to get pricey wine cheap Police say they discovered secret wine room
A Lakeville man has been charged in Dakota County District Court with felony theft by swindle for allegedly purchasing expensive wine he had swapped with cheap barcodes. A Dakota County criminal complaint states that Clinton Patterson Balfanz, 42, nine times purchased wine worth between about $80 and $95 per bottle for less than $10 per bottle at a Burnsville liquor store between October 2015 and January 2016. Store managers called Burnsville police when they noticed discrepancies between inventory and the storeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s documented wine sales, the complaint said. They reportedly found they had many more cheaper wines in stock and they were coming up short on the amount of expensive wines, the store reports documented. Police said they reviewed footage that showed Balfanz allegedly purchasing multiple bottles of wine at a time, often in crates and staff was alerted to report such transactions, the complaint said. Employees reported to management that a man asked for wine crates on Jan. 7 and a manager allegedly followed Balfanz to a store aisle stocked with an expensive red wine brand that had been missing from inventory. The manager reportedly witnessed Balfanz place a sticker on a bottle of wine and walk toward the register. When confronted, Balfanz stated, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got nothing on meâ&#x20AC;? and
left the store without the wine, according to the complaint. Store management allegedly photographed Balfanzâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vehicle license plate and police took the bottle of wine as evidence. Police said they found a bar code for wine that retailed for $8.99 on it, when the value of the bottle of wine was $79.97. The business also investigated and allegedly found Balfanz allegedly used his credit card to purchase gift cards from the store and later used the cash and gift cards to make the wine purchases. Another business only identified as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Business Bâ&#x20AC;? in the criminal complaint also reported Balfanz had tried to purchase $159.99 wine that had stickers placed over the bar code that sells for $11.59 per bottle. After being told of the situation, Balfanz allegedly purchased a case of beer and left the store. The complaint said he had purchased a bottle of Irish Creme there on Dec. 19, 2015, and after he left workers found two expensive bottles of wine had been misplaced. Video footage allegedly showed Balfanz tampering with bar codes and putting wine back on shelves. He reportedly returned Jan. 9, 2016, bought some inexpensive wine and a worker followed him to his vehicle and wrote down his license plate number. Balfanz was allegedly identified in a police photo lineup and was wearing a shirt with a stone emblem on it, and he owns a stone and tile company. During a search warrant executed at his home and business, police say
they found sticker paper, printers and computers at his business. He allegedly told police he purchased wine at the businesses, online and at another business and said there had been an incident at â&#x20AC;&#x153;Business Aâ&#x20AC;? where an employee had accused him of putting a sticker on a bottle of wine. The complaint said he told police he was not admitting to changing bar codes on wine, and when asked how many bottles of wine he had changed bar codes on he said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know.â&#x20AC;? Police reportedly found a wall made of old wood planks was actually a sliding pocket door that was encased in concrete with a key pad handle. The criminal complaint said police found a wine rack inside containing hundreds of bottles of wine including numerous bottles that were listed on the search warrant and were confiscated. Police say they also found a wine bar code that registered $9.99 and light bulb boxes affixed with bar code labels that appeared to have been tampered with or were not an original label. The complaint also says a forensic examination of a computer seized from Balfanzâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s home revealed sheets of bar codes, including bar codes for inexpensive wine codes that had been placed on expensive wine at the businesses. Charges against Balfanz values the thefts between $1,000 and $5,000. If convicted, he faces fines from $3,000-$10,000 and up to five years in jail. Laura Adelmann is at laura. adelmann@ecm-inc.com.
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8A July 1, 2016 SUN THISWEEK - Burnsville - Eagan
District 194 approves $164 million budget Spending exceeds revenues as enrollment declines by Laura Adelmann SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE
The Lakeville Area School District 194 School Board unanimously approved a $164 million budget for fiscal year 2017 at its June 28 meeting. Even with an expected $7.8 million increase in general fund revenue, primarily derived from property tax increases, general fund spending is expected to exceed revenue by $5.4 million. Total general fund spending is expected to increase by $10.9 million, a 9.3 percent increase from fiscal year 2016. The additional spending is driven by staff sal-
ary and benefit increases and include anticipated contract settlements. District 194 student enrollment is expected to decline from 10,868 in 201516 to 10,845 in 2016-17. Enrollment is directly related to government funding, and with high levels of residential construction occurring in Lakeville, district officials have stated they are hoping for increased enrollment in coming years. To help mitigate the anticipated financial shortfall in the new fiscal year, the district’s general fund balance is projected to drop from $16.2 million to $8.4 million, That planned reduction will leave the general fund balance at 5.4 percent of general fund spending, in compliance with district policy. Board Member Jim
Skelly cited concern about the shortfall, calling the situation “unsustainable,” for the long term, but Board Chair Michelle Volk said the adjustment is for one-time expenses. Under the budget, the school portion of property taxes are expected to increase over 15 percent in 2017, according to District 194 Executive Director of Business Services Michael Baumann. The budget assumes a $5.7 million property tax increase for the school portion of the property tax levy, raising the district levy from $37.8 million to $43.5 million in 2016. Much of the levy increase is due to the passage of a capital and operating levy in 2015. Uses for the referenda include upgrading security, technology and restoring elementary art
and fifth-grade band, and School Board members have been diligent to ensure the funds are appropriated as voters were promised during the levy campaigns. District 194 Controller Jaber Alsiddiqui projected fiscal year 2017 general fund budget revenues to total $123.3 million and expenditures of $128.7 million. Also provided in the budget are more school program options. MNCAPS, the careerfocused off-campus classes for high school students kicks off in the fall, and Impact Academy will be the only learning option at Orchard Lake Elementary this fall. Under the Impact Academy model, students advance based on ability rather than age, utilize open spaces and flexible
furniture and a service learning component is included in the classwork. Prior to approving the fiscal year 2017 budget, the School Board also approved final revisions of its 2015-16 budget, which ended June 30, to include a total funding increase of $277,527 and additional expenditures of $624,022. Alsiddiqui said the general fund revenue increase of $216,927 was primarily derived from federal grants. The remaining $60,600 increase was in the community service fund. He said the increase in general fund spending resulted from adjustments for various federal grants and re-appropriation of the school’s staff training balance. Community service spending increased by almost $140,000 primarily in its school readiness pro-
gram and growth in health insurance benefits. The district will post its budget book on its website, a document that School Board Member Bob Erickson said is transparent, detailed, easy to understand and will answer many questions the community has posed over the years. He complimented Baumann and Alsiddiqui for their work and amount of detail provided in the document. “It’s more than a picture,” Erickson said. “It’s a vision. And it presents and provides transparency and accountability in great detail, I think something that has been lacking in previous documents.” The board will certify the levy in December. Laura Adelmann is at laura. adelmann@ecm-inc.com.
Education Planting pollinators
Lakeville city parks crew members, Lakeville Rotary volunteers and more than 200 students from the School District 196 Nature’s Engineers program worked June 23 to kick off the city’s first pollinator garden. The groups planted about 500 native plants that attract bees, butterflies and other pollinators essential to food crops in Valley Lake Park. (Photos submitted)
Three board seats up for grabs in District 191 Candidate filing opens Aug. 2 and closes Aug. 16 for three seats on the Burnsville-Eagan-Savage District 191 Board of Education. Seats held by Sandy Mackall, Ron Hill and DeeDee Currier will be up for election in November. Their terms end in January 2017. Board terms are for four years. Affidavits of candidacy will be available from the school district clerk at Diamondhead Education Center, 200 W. Burnsville Parkway, Burnsville. The filing fee is $2. In order to file, a candidate must be an eligible voter, be at least 21 years old on assuming office, have been a resident of District 191 for 30 days before the election, and have no other affidavit on file for any other office at the same primary or general election. The filing deadline is Aug. 16 at 5 p.m. Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 8.
Absentee voting open for special School Board election in District 196
www.mnvotes.org. Dakota County processes the applications and mails voters an absentee ballot along with instructions for completing and returning their ballot in the postage-paid envelope that is provided. If the person applying for an absentee ballot is not registered to vote, a voter registration application is included with the absentee ballot. The completed voter registration application and ballot should be returned together. Voter registration can also be completed online at www. mnvotes.org. To absentee vote in person, voters can visit their municipal offices or one of the Dakota County government centers in Apple Valley, Hastings and West St. Paul, during regular business hours. District 196 voters can also vote in person on primary Election Day, Tuesday, Aug. 9, at their regular precinct polling place. To determine where they should vote, voters can go to www.mnvotes.org. The seven candidates for the open School Board seat (in alpha order) are Craig Angrimson of Apple Valley, Michael Atherley of Rosemount, Wendy Brekken of Inver Grove Heights, Christopher Dahling of Rosemount, Sachin Isaacs of Burnsville, John Millea of Rosemount and Rachel Wetzsteon of Lakeville. There will be a candidates’ forum sponsored by the Dakota County Regional Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, July 20, 7-8:30 p.m. at the Rosemount City Hall Council Chambers. The candidate-elect will serve the remainder of Duchscher’s term on the board, which runs through Jan. 6, 2020.
have been awarded scholarships from the Valspar Foundation. The Valspar Scholarship program recognizes scholastic and community achievement by the daughters and sons of Valspar employees, awarding $2,000 to students on a competitive basis. Erickson, who is studying international business at the University of South Carolina – Columbia, is the daughter of Valspar employee Jerimy Erickson who works in the company’s Minneapolis office. Dillon Kurila is studying biochemistry at Loyola University in Chicago, and Jack Kurila is studying economics and mathematics at the University of Chicago. They are the sons of John Kurila who works in Valspar’s Minneapolis office. The awards are based on academic performance, demonstrated leadership, participation in school and community activities, work experience, career and educational goals and objectives, and an outside appraisal.
District 196 has two top 10 schools in the nation in speech and debate
Apple Valley and Eagan high schools were two of Absentee voting is open the top 10 Schools of Outfor voters in Independent standing Distinction at this School District 196 who year’s National Speech and wish to cast their balDebate Association tourlot on the special School nament June 12-17 in Salt Board election before it is Lake City. conducted as part of the The top 10 schools are statewide primary election determined by the number on Tuesday, Aug. 9. Votof rounds of competition ers will elect one of seven their students complete in candidates seeking to fill speech and debate events the School Board seat vaduring the tournament. cated by Rob Duchscher in Each event started with March. more than 200 competiVoters no longer need Apple Valley tors. a reason to vote early by students Of the 15 Apple Valley absentee ballot. Absentee students who qualified for voting can be completed by receive Valspar the national tournament, mail or in person. scholarships 13 advanced to the elimiTo absentee vote by nation rounds, including Apple Valley natives mail, voters must first three octofinalists (top 60), Chloe Erickson, Dillion complete an absentee balsix quarterfinalists (top Kurila and Jack Kurila lot application available at 30), one semifinalist (top
14), two finalists (top six), and one national champion. Eagan had 19 students qualify and nine advanced to the elimination rounds, including four octofinalists, two semifinalists, two finalists and one national champion. Eastview High School qualified seven students and four advanced to the elimination rounds, including two octofinalists, one quarterfinalist and one finalist. Sarah Grambo of Apple Valley is the national champion in informative speaking and Aekta Mouli of Eagan earned the title in original oratory after taking third place at last year’s national tournament. During this year’s tournament, the oratory event was named after longtime Apple Valley coaches Joe and Pam Cady Wycoff. Other national finalists from District 196 are Mark Moran of Eagan, fifth place in humorous interpretation; Trevor Taylor and Cassandra Edlund of Apple Valley, fifth place in duo interpretation; Ben Portzen of Eagan in congressional debate; and Pavi Guttipatti of Eastview, who took fourth place in the supplemental extemporaneous debate event. Semifinalists are Rachel Standal of Eagan, seventh place, informative speaking; Jackson Cobb of Eagan, 10th place in dramatic interpretation; and Trinity Ek of Apple Valley, 12th place in informative speaking. This is the second year in a row that Apple Valley and Eagan have both finished among the top 10 Schools of Outstanding Distinction at the national tournament. At the state level, they rank first and second, respectively, in total speech titles won all time.
College news Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois, spring graduate, Emily Sonneborn, of Eagan, B.A., music business, cum laude.
Boston University (Massachusetts), spring graduates, from Eagan – Katie Dinter, M.S.W., social work; Alexander Hille, B.S., biomedical engineering; Morgan Phelps, B.A., English. Minnesota State University Moorhead, scholarship recipient, Alysha Tse, of Eagan, $1,308 Department of Art and Design scholarship. Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa, spring graduate, Eleanor Backman, of Burnsville, B.A., music education. Northwestern College, Orange City, Iowa, spring dean’s list, Grace Ristow, of Eagan. Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Mass., spring graduate, Sean Byom, of Eagan, B.A., economics. University of Dayton (Ohio), spring dean’s list, Kaysa Jarrard, of Eagan. University of Wisconsin-Madison, spring dean’s list, from Burnsville – Kali Brux, Marissa Dekraker, Samuel Ewert, Lauren Fugh, Hayley Jacobs, Leema John, Kate Knutson, Nicholas Lane, Abigail Noonan, Hannah Nunne, Madeline Phillips, Lauren Schonberg, Anne Shutt, Jordan Stuppnig, Jacob Tangney; from Eagan – Austin Anderson, Sally Anderson, Caleb Benz, Casey Brown, Sophia Callahan, Victoria DePrey, Will Dyke, Melinda Fenn, Rachel Gagne, Samantha Gannon, Ellen Gustafson, Kirsten Haukness, Melanie Johnson, Joseph Keegan, Rachel Larson, Mikaela Lodahl, Tyler Lodahl, Gina Luu, Emily Lynch, Kayla Moor, Daniel Muckenhirn, Marshall Mueller, Carter Rients, Oscar Segar, Amy Soeun, Brandon Steer, Mark Tervo, Rayyaan Usmani, Paul Van Vliet, Jennifer Westlund, Jacob Wilson, Julia Yelle. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, spring dean’s list, from Burnsville – Alexandra Case, Katelyn Ehlers, Natalie Neisen; from Eagan – Alissa Anker, Nicholas Asta, Sarah Berryman, Courtney Brockman, Lucas Brunner, Eva Buchmayer, Rachel Galloway, Aubrey Goettsch, Landon Hafstad, Rachel Hlas, Victoria King, Haley Kruenegel, Ellen Lemke, Katelyn McGowan, Kayla Mulrooney, Leah Rolfzen, Alanna Thelen, Taylor Zellmer. University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, spring academic honors, from Eagan – Abigail Brinkmeier, Eli Broman, Annemarie Schwery. St. Olaf College, Northfield, spring dean’s list, from Burnsville – Noah Ford; from Eagan – Amanda Bauer, Christopher Casey, Alexander Lao, Lydia Narum, Michaela O’Brien, Jordan Pellegrom, Alexandra Rosati, David Streed. St. Olaf College, Northfield, spring graduates, from Burnsville – Kaylen Guzzi, B.A., economics;
from Eagan – Amanda Bauer, B.A., economics, mathematics, magna cum laude; Maxwell Buffie, B.A., exercise science; Alexander Lao, B.A., biology; Michaela O’Brien, B.A., psychology, race and ethnic studies; Jordan Pellegrom, B.A., chemistry, magna cum laude; David Streed, B.A., religion, Spanish. St. Cloud State University, spring graduates, from Burnsville – Allison Butler, B.S., finance; Adam Goldsmith, B.A., film studies; Garrett Hazlett, A.A., liberal arts and sciences, magna cum laude; Samantha McIntosh, B.S., mass communications, magna cum laude; Kassim Mursal, B.S., information systems, cum laude; Tinodiwa Musemburi, B.A., psychology; Kristi Rehborg, B.S., medical laboratory science; Phoutana Rohana, B.S., finance; Harlan Sang, B.S., computer science; from Eagan – Mychaela Goeden, B.S., elementary/K-6 education, magna cum laude; Matthew Hentges, B.S., SPED: academic and behavioral strategist; Phani Vivekanand Kandalam, M.S., computer science; Alec Kintigh, B.A., film studies, magna cum laude; Brandon Marshall, A.A., liberal arts and sciences; Quinn Murray, M.S., applied behavior analysis; Katelyn Nelson, B.A., psychology; Lindsey Toliver, B.A., communication studies. Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, Indiana, spring dean’s list, Brianna Kozemzak, of Eagan. Pine Technical & Community College, Pine City, spring graduate, Deann Garrett, of Burnsville, A.S., nursing mobility program. Minnesota State University, Mankato, spring dean’s list, from Burnsville – Anwar AliAbshir, William Camden, Aaron Chandler, Fatuma Guhad, Victoria Hart, Ashley Hiebert, James Kearney, Tyler Nieson, Olivia Phillips, Emanuel Rusho, Jane Schneider, Patrick Solinger, Brett Staniforth, Emma Woodruff; from Eagan – Meghan Atkinson, Tyler Bache, Henrietta Boateng, Gretchen Christianson, Samantha Delzotto, Kayla Fineran, Sarah Gilleland, PJ Glover, Lindsey Goodell, Jack Hallstrom, Paul Heng, Rachel Jambois, Luke Kegley, Rachel Kelly, Mok Kim, Sarah Knutson, Jules Larson, Drake Malaske, Alexis Mau, Matthew Miller, Claudia Oberembt, Abigail Okoneski, Cristian Overland, Samuel Pesik, Alex Rayman, Kylie Skare, Nathan Steele, Monica Warner. University of Kansas, Lawrence, spring dean’s list, from Burnsville – Tyler Schmid; from Eagan – Natalie Baldinger, Joseph Howe. To submit colleg e news items, email: r eporter. thisweek@ecm-inc.com.
SUN THISWEEK - Burnsville - Eagan July 1, 2016 9A
News Briefs 4-H team wins scholarships A team of Dakota County 4-H members won first place in the 4-H Science of Agriculture Challenge held June 21-23 at the University of Minnesota St. Paul campus. The program is part of an effort to create excitement about agriculture and expand the pipeline of youth studying agriculture and pursuing agriculture-related careers. 4-H asked teams of Minnesota youth to identify agriculture-related issues in their communities and develop science-based solutions. Over the past nine months, the youth worked with adult mentors and agriculture experts to identify their issues and develop their solutions using science and engineering practices. Each member of the first-place team was awarded a $1,000 scholarship to be used at any accredited university, college or trade school.
Chief deputy sheriff graduates from FBI academy Joe Leko, Dakota County chief deputy sheriff, graduated June 10 from the 264th Session of the FBI National Academy, a professional development course for United States and international law enforcement leaders. The 10-week academy serves to improve the administration of justice in law enforcement agencies,
both at home and abroad. Participation is by invitation only and is extended to law enforcement executives through a nomination process. The program is comprised of undergraduate and graduate programs on the FBI Campus in Quantico, Virginia. Participants collaborate with each other on current issues and experiences. The program provides officers the opportunity to create partnerships across state and national borders. Leko, a 19-year veteran of the Dakota County Sheriffâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office, was appointed chief deputy in January 2015. He was promoted to captain in 2011, and has served as the commander of the Dakota County Drug Task Force. Leko worked in narcotic and gang investigations for six years. Additionally, he served 11 years as a member of the SWAT Team and was a certified explosive breacher.
Scout uniform collection through July To help families who have difficulty purchasing uniforms for Boy Scouts or Cub Scouts, Pilgrim Cleaners and the Northern Star Council of the Boy Scouts of America are launching the ninth annual Scouting for Uniforms collection. During the month of July, all 25 Pilgrim Cleaners locations in the metro area will accept Scout uniforms during regular business hours. Pilgrim Cleaners will then clean them and provide them to Northern
Star Council, who will distribute the uniforms. To find the closest Pilgrim Cleaners, visit pilgrimdrycleaners.com/locations. Uniforms may also be donated at both Northern Star Council BSA offices at 393 Marshall Ave. in St. Paul, and 5300 Glenwood Ave. in Golden Valley. The offices are open 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. The emphasis is securing as many blue Cub Scout uniform shirts as possible. These are in the highest demand and are difficult for the councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s uniform exchange to keep in stock. Those who donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have a uniform, but still wish to contribute, can donate online at pilgrimdrycleaners. com/community/scoutingforuniforms. Checks for monetary contributions are also encouraged, and checks should be made to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Northern Star Council BSAâ&#x20AC;? and dropped at Pilgrim Cleaners or mailed to Pilgrim Cleaners, Attn: Uniform Drive, 3217 85th Ave N, Brooklyn Park, MN 55443.
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State Sen. Dan Hall, R-Burnsville, and Reps. Laurie Halverson, DFLEagan, and Roz Peterson, R-Lakeville, were among 31 state lawmakers honored as 2016 Legislators of Distinction by the League of Minnesota Cities. The honor recognizes legislators for specific actions that aided efforts of Minnesota cities during the 2016 legislative session.
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10A July 1, 2016 SUN THISWEEK - Burnsville - Eagan
Local leaders celebrate the groundbreaking of Argonne Hills senior housing development in Lakeville. Participating in the ceremony is County Commissioner Mary Liz Holberg, Lakeville Mayor Matt Little, Commissioner Mike Slavik, state Rep. Jon Koznick and Commissioner Liz Workman. (Photo by Laura Adelmann)
Fourth senior housing project set for Lakeville Ulfers attends groundbreaking by Laura Adelmann SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE
Lakeville and Dakota County officials celebrated the groundbreaking of the fourth taxpayer-subsidized senior housing complex in the city June 22. Argonne Hills, a 62unit development for seniors ages 55 and up, is set to be developed near the intersection of Kenwood Trail and Kenrick Avenue behind the Argonne Village Shopping Center and Cub Foods. The facility will include 36 one-bedroom and 26 two-bedroom units at rents starting at $600 for those meeting income guidelines. Amenities at the building include a community room with kitchen, an exercise room, screened porch and underground heated parking. Multiple local officials attended the event, as did former Community Development Agency Executive Director Mark Ulfers, whose 38-year career at the agency ended in controversy last year. The CDA terminated
Ulfersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; employment based on allegations of workplace harassment that Ulfers has repeatedly denied. After arbitration, Ulfers received $115,000 in exchange for agreeing to drop all his claims against the CDA in a May 2016 settlement agreement. Ulfers said he decided to attend the groundbreaking where many of his former co-workers were helping set up the event, because he had a role in establishing the development and said some people in Lakeville encouraged him to attend. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I like to see things through,â&#x20AC;? Ulfers said, noting the return of strong development in Lakeville. Former City Administrator Bob Erickson, now a District 194 School Board member, said Ulfers helped Lakeville develop three senior living facilities and three workforce housing facilities. Erickson said Ulfers also played a key role in helping the city to establish the Lakeville Area Arts Center and create the downtown plaza; he said the CDA also provided a matching grant for the downtown clock while
Ulfers was leading the agency. â&#x20AC;&#x153;People donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see the myriad of programs and grants and special financing modes (Ulfers) brought to this community,â&#x20AC;? Erickson said. He said even though Ulfers wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t recognized by officials during the ceremony, his presence spoke for itself. Lakeville Mayor Matt Little called Argonne Hills â&#x20AC;&#x153;an exceptional compliment to everything that Lakeville is about.â&#x20AC;? He noted that by the year 2020, people ages 65 and up will outnumber those who are ages 5-17. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m really excited that more people can join us here in Lakeville, and we continue to add this variety of housing for people of all ages.â&#x20AC;? Dakota County Commissioner Mary Liz Holberg recalled the first CDA project in downtown Lakeville and said she is â&#x20AC;&#x153;very proud of my community and the people of here. More information about CDA properties is at dakotacda.org. Laura Adelmann is at laura. adelmann@ecm-inc.com.
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SUN THISWEEK - Burnsville - Eagan July 1, 2016 11A
Seniors DFL Senior Caucus Sandy McGurran of Fairview Home Services is the guest speaker at the next meeting of the DFL Senior Caucus, South Metro Chapter, at noon Wednesday, July 13, at the Apple Valley Pizza Ranch, 15662 Pilot Knob, Apple Valley, 952-431-3333. Buffet lunch is available for purchase. The chapter meets the second Wednesday of every month. All are welcome.
AARP hosts free movie night at CHS Field AARP will host the second annual Movie Night at the Ballpark event at CHS Field in St. Paul at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 10. The classic baseball movie â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Sandlotâ&#x20AC;? will be shown. Moviegoers can bring a blanket and watch the film out on the field or from the stands. The movie is free and open to the public. To register for the event, visit aarp.cvent.com/2016MovieCHS. CHS gates will open at 6 p.m. and the movie will begin at 7. CHS Field concession stands will be open for business. Personal chairs as well as outside food and drink are not permitted in the ballpark.
Apple Valley seniors The Apple Valley Senior Center, 14601 Hayes Road, is home to the following activities, which are organized and run by the Apple Valley Seniors and Apple Valley Parks and Recreation. The facility is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. For information, call 952-953-2345 or go to www.cityofapplevalley.org. Monday, July 4 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Closed for Independence Day. Tuesday, July 5 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Quilting Bees, 9 a.m.; Tuesday Painters, 9:30 a.m.; Bike Group, 9:30 a.m.; Blood Pressure Checks, 9:30 a.m.; General Meeting, 10 a.m.; SR Meeting, 11 a.m.; Pool, noon; Cribbage, noon; Pinochle, 12:30 p.m.; Hand & Foot Cards, 1 p.m.; Table Tennis, 1 p.m.; Spanish â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Intermediate, 1 p.m.; Finance Committee, 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 6 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Donated Bread, 9 a.m.; F.F. on Spokes, 9 a.m.; Yoga, 9:45
a.m.; Morning Stretch, 10 a.m.; Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bowling at Apple Place Bowl, noon; Pool, noon; Mahjong, noon; Gather Around Music, 1 p.m.; First Edition Book Club, 1 p.m.; Dominoes, 1 p.m. Thursday, July 7 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Beg. Line Dancing, 9:15 a.m.; Int. Line Dancing, 10 a.m.; Pool, noon; Duplicate Bridge, 12:30 p.m.; Table Tennis, 1 p.m.; 500, 1 p.m.; Recreated Cards, 1 p.m.; Color & Chat, 1:30 p.m. Friday, July 8 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; F.F. on Spokes, 9 a.m.; Morning Stretch, 10 a.m.; Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pool, 11 a.m.; Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bowling at Apple Place Bowl, noon.
Burnsville seniors The Burnsville Senior Center is located in the Diamondhead Education Center at 200 W. Burnsville Parkway. Call 952-707-4120 for information about the following senior events. Monday, July 4 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Closed for Independence Day. Tuesday, July 5 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Scrabble, 10:30 a.m.; SS Yoga, 10:30 a.m.; Duplicate Bridge, 12:30 p.m.; Line Dancing. Wednesday, July 6 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Woodcarvers, 8 a.m.; Sunrise Stretch, 8:30 a.m.; Cribbage, 10 a.m.; 500, 12:45 p.m.; BABS, 1 p.m.; Wednesday in the Park, 7 p.m. Thursday, July 7 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Foot Clinic, 9 a.m.; Health Insurance Council, 9 a.m.; Belle Scrappers, 9:30 a.m.; Crafters, 10 a.m.; SS Yoga, 10:30 a.m.; Glensheen, 12:45 p.m.; Defensive Driving Refresher, 5:30 p.m.; Wood Carving, 6 p.m. Deadline: Pearl Lake. Friday, July 8 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sunrise Stretch, 8:30 a.m.; Painting, 9 a.m.; Knitters, 9:30 a.m.; Hand & Foot, 12:15 p.m.
Eagan seniors The following senior activities are offered by the Eagan Parks and Recreation Department in the Lone Oak Room at the Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Parkway. Call 651-675-5500 for more information. Monday, July 4 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Mahjong, 9 a.m.; Recycled Cards, 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, July 5 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Quilting, 9:30 a.m.; Euchre/500, 12:45 p.m.; Book Club No. 1, 1 p.m.
Wednesday, July 6 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Coffee, Conversations & Games, 9 a.m.; Brain Fitness, 9:30 a.m.; Hand & Foot, 12:45 p.m. Thursday, July 7 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Dominoes, 9 a.m.; Bridge, 12:45 p.m. Friday, July 8 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Drop In Time, 9-11:30 a.m.; Zumba (Oasis), 10:15 a.m.; S/B/ Yoga (Oasis), 11:10 a.m.; Bingo, 1 p.m. For full information on senior events and details, read the Front Porch newsletter on the city of Eagan website. Become a senior center member for a $10 annual fee and receive the Front Porch quarterly by mail. For questions or to register for events and pay by credit card, call Eagan Parks and Recreation Department.
Farmington seniors The Rambling River Center is located at 325 Oak St. For more information on trips, programs and other activities, call 651-280-6970. Monday, July 4 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Closed for Independence Day. Tuesday, July 5 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Coffee Guys, 9:30 a.m.; Fitness Center Orientation, 9:30 a.m.; Senior Surf Day, 10 a.m.; Chair Exercise, 10 a.m.; Wood Carving, 1 p.m.; Table Tennis, 2 p.m.; Yoga, 6 p.m. Wednesday, July 6 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Wii Games, 9 a.m.; Coffee Guys, 9:30 a.m.; Health Insurance Counseling, 10 a.m.; Day Old Bread, 10 a.m.; Bridge, 1 p.m. Thursday, July 7 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Zumba Gold, 9:15 a.m.; Coffee Guys/Gals, 9:30 a.m.; Tap Dance, 10:45 a.m.; Pinochle, 12:30 p.m.; Table Tennis, 2 p.m. Friday, July 8 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Defensive Driving, 8 a.m.; Wii Games, 9 a.m.; Coffee Guys, 9:30 a.m.; Day Old Bread, 9:30 a.m.; Bingo, 1 p.m. Happy Harryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Furniture Fundraiser â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Stop by Happy Harryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Furniture in Farmington and mention the Rambling River Center when ordering/purchasing new furniture. Happy Harryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Furniture will give 10 percent of the purchase to the Rambling River Center.
Seniors. For more information, call the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department at 651-322-6000. Monday, July 4 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Closed for Independence Day. Tuesday, July 5 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Coffee, 8 a.m., Rosemount Cub; Bid Euchre, 9 a.m. Wednesday, July 6 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Walking Club, 9 a.m. Thursday, July 7 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Cribbage, 9 a.m.; Monthly Luncheon, House of Coates & Card Bingo, 11:30 a.m. Friday, July 8 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Euchre, 9 a.m. The Rosemount Area Seniors are located in the Steeple Center, 14375 S. Robert Trail. Cards and games take place in Room 100. Check room schedules at the facility for locations of other programs and activities.
Lakeville seniors
All Lakeville Area Active Adults events are held at Lakeville Heritage Center, 20110 Holyoke Ave. Call 952985-4622 for information. Monday, July 4 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Closed for Independence Day. Tuesday, July 5 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Pilates Mat Class, 8:15 a.m.; Pickleball, 9 a.m.; Dominoes & Poker, 9 a.m.; Happy Feet, 9 a.m.; Book Club, 10 a.m.; Pan-O-Prog Baby Crawl, 10 a.m.; Day Old Bread, 10:15 a.m.; Party Bridge, noon; Ping Pong, 12:30 p.m.; Bingo, 1 p.m.; Billiards, 1 p.m. Wednesday, July 6 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Golf at Gopher Hills, 8 a.m.; Health Angels Biking, 8:30 a.m.; Line Dancing, 8:30 a.m. to noon; Poker & Hearts, 9 a.m.; Healthways Flex Fitness 2, 10 a.m.; Day Old Bread, 10:15 a.m.; Healthways Flex Fitness 1, 11 a.m.; Pinochle, noon; Line Dance Social, 12-3 p.m. Thursday, July 7 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Interval Walking, 9:30 a.m.; Day Old Bread, 10:15 a.m.; Red Hat Chorus, 10:30 a.m.; Healthways Flex Fitness 1, 11 a.m.; Healthways Flex Fitness 2, noon; Euchre, Hand & Foot, noon; Quilting Group, 1 p.m.; Red Hat Chorus at Trinity Care Center, 1:30 p.m.; Zumba Gold, 3:30 p.m. Friday, July 8 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Pan-O-Prog Craft & Rosemount seniors Bake Sale, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Pickleball, The following activities are sponsored 9 a.m.; Poker & 500, 9 a.m.; Day Old by the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Bread, 10:15 a.m.; Duplicate Bridge, Department and the Rosemount Area 12:30 p.m.
New members appointed to Workforce Development Board The Dakota County Board of Commissioners has appointed two new members to the DakotaScott Workforce Development Board. Marcus Thomas and Doug Suchanek were appointed during a board meeting on June 21. Thom-
as will represent the private sector and Suchanek will represent organized labor. Thomas, principal owner and office manager of Bolton & Menk Inc. in Burnsville, is a civil engineer with more than 20 years of experience. He manages about 75 employ-
ees and has overseen $100 million in municipal infrastructure projects for more than 20 Minnesota cities and counties. Thomas is involved with organizations and boards throughout the state, including 360 Communities, Burnsville Rotary and Burnsville
Chamber of Commerce. Suchanek is a business representative for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 110. He is involved in contract negotiations and completes various maintenance and representational duties on behalf of
the Local 110. Suchanek currently sits on the board of directors for the St. Paul Federal Credit Union and has volunteered for numerous organizations, including Habitat for Humanity, Homes for Our Troops and Disabled Veterans. The Dakota-Scott
Workforce Development Board oversees employment and training programs in Dakota and Scott counties. It develops programs administered through WorkForce Centers in Burnsville, Shakopee and West St. Paul.
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12A July 1, 2016 SUN THISWEEK - Burnsville - Eagan
Sports Father-daughter team plays for memories at MGA tourney Former Blaze standout tees it up in first competitive round in 8 years by Mike Shaughnessy SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE
Thirteen years after winning a Minnesota high school golf championship, Lauren Huhnerkoch was back in her home state and curious to see how her game would respond. Also among the interested observers: Lauren’s father, Gary Huhnerkoch, who was her partner in the Minnesota Golf Association Mixed Team Championship on Tuesday and Wednesday at Valleywood Golf Course. The event marked Lauren’s first competitive round of golf in eight years. “This is my first tournament since I graduated,” she said. “My last one was the Big East Championship my senior year of college (at Rutgers University) in 2008.” Lauren won the state high school Class AA individual championship in 2003 while a junior at Burnsville High School. In her senior year, she tied for fourth individually at state and helped the Blaze to second place in the
Lauren Huhnerkoch, who won the 2003 state Class AA girls golf championship while a junior at Burnsville High School, returned to her home state this week to play with her father Gary in the Minnesota Golf Association Mixed Team Championship. (Photo by Mike Shaughnessy) team competition. After that it was off to college golf, first at South Carolina and then at Rutgers, where she was the Scarlet Knights’ captain. Following college, “I just focused on my career and took some time off from golf,” said Lauren, who works in pharmaceutical sales and lives in New Jersey. “My husband plays recreationally, so we play on vacations and for fun. Being competitive again
was a bit of an adjustment. It’s nice now that I can enjoy golf without all the pressure.” Lauren might not have felt much pressure Tuesday, but the same could not be said for her father. “I tried too hard, I think,” Gary said. “(Wednesday) will be fun. It’s alternate shot. I’ll just try not to put her in a bad position off the tee. “I played in the state senior publinks for five
years and the state senior four-ball and did well, but this was completely different. There, it was just me. Here, I felt like I was letting her down.” “You weren’t,” Lauren told her father. “It was fun.” The father-daughter team had a two-player best-ball score of 77 in the first round. In Wednesday’s second round, played in a modified alternateshot format, they had 73,
Students from Apple Valley, Burnsville compete in state meet SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE
As if the pressure of competing for a state championship wasn’t enough, the weather added a little stress for those competing in the Minnesota State High School League clay target tournament Saturday. Heat, humidity, and most of all, wind, added to the challenge. For most of the shooters, at least. “The weather was nice for me,” Eastview’s Logan LeClair insisted. In high winds, “you should shoot a lot faster, get on the target a lot faster,” said LeClair, who broke 98 targets and finished sixth in the individual competition at Minneapolis Gun Club in Prior Lake. “Once the wind grabs that bird, it’s unimaginable what it can do to it and where it can throw it, so you need to get really quick on it.” This was the first MSHSL meet medal for LeClair, who scored 92 at last year’s state tournament. He tied for 12th at the Minnesota State High School Clay Target League’s annual tournament in Alexandria, which drew an estimated 8,000 shooters. Top teams and individuals from that event earned spots in Saturday’s MSHSL-sponsored tourney in Prior Lake. “This is a very important tournament,” LeClair said. “Even compared to the 8,000 who showed up in Alexandria, it’s still a very large tournament.” According to the clay target league, more than 10,000 boys and girls competed on high school teams in Minnesota this spring. Adult trapshooting leagues still exist, but “I don’t think anything has the same turnout as high school right now,” LeClair said. The skill level is improving, too. LeClair missed just two targets out of 100 on Saturday, but five shooters finished ahead of him. State champion Jack Knaus of Kimball broke 100 targets, the second consecutive year the winner has had a perfect score. Four other shooters scored 99.
LeClair was one of four shooters to score 98 and took sixth place based on his “reverse run” of 61, meaning he broke his last 61 targets without missing. Lakeville South’s Jake Johnson also scored 98 but had a reverse run of one and dropped to ninth place, one spot away from earning a medal. “Once you miss one, it feels like the rest are practice because somebody’s most likely going to shoot 100,” LeClair said. “It’s quite difficult, a lot of pressure.” Last year LeClair went into the MSHSL state tournament ranked fifth. This year he was 79th going into state. “I still felt a lot of pressure,” he said. “Out of 10,000 or more kids, I was 79th, so there was a lot of pressure on me coming in as one of the top 100.” LeClair, whose family has a hunting background, said trapshooting is his only high school sport. For others, shooting is one of several activities. Eastview junior Luke Doolittle, who tied for 73rd at the MSHSL state tournament, finished third in the state Alpine skiing meet in February and tied for 32nd at the Class 3A boys golf tournament June 1415. Eastview’s Madison Guentzel scored 86 at Saturday’s tournament and tied for 85th overall. She was the fourth-best female shooter. Guentzel was the female high gun at the clay target league state tournament June 14-21 in Alexandria. Apple Valley junior Kory Miller, the state’s top-ranked shooter during the regular season, shot 93 targets Saturday to tie for 33rd place. Apple Valley’s Bryant Mickelson scored 96 to tie for 14th and Ryan Baer tied for 79th with 88. Saturday’s state individual competition drew 101 shooters. Other local shooters competing included Alex Dahl of Burnsville (94, tied for 26th), Nick Gray of Lakeville South (91, tied for 55th), Dalton Scurr of Rosemount (91, tied for 55th), Jack Wiggert of Farmington (90, tied for 66th), Dane Nelson
good point now with my career where I might have more time to practice. It would be fun to play in some events.” Gary Huhnerkoch wouldn’t mind taking another crack at the mixed team tournament, and if that happens it might be with another daughter. Gretchen Huhnerkoch played for Burnsville’s 2007 state Class AA championship team and later played at Wichita State University. Gretchen is in South Carolina completing work toward a physician assistant’s degree; once she finishes in August, she will work for a surgeon in Salisbury, N.C. In a year or two, Gretchen might be available to play in the MGA mixed team. “It would be fun if she can come back,” Gary said. The Huhnerkoch team didn’t finish first and didn’t finish last, but in the end that didn’t matter. “I think I was getting frustrated to not be at the level I used to be,” Lauren said, “but we said from the very beginning this was for fun, and we definitely had fun.” Email Mike Shaughnessy at mike.shaughnessy@ecminc.com.
SSC honors track and field athletes
Eastview shooter 6th at clay target tourney by Mike Shaughnessy
with their 150 total placing them 16th of 26 teams. While contending for the championship would have been nice, it’s not why they played, Lauren said. “I think we were talking a year or two ago and said it would be fun to play together,” she said. “Obviously not to be too competitive, but just to have fun and have a memory.” Former University of Minnesota men’s golf coach John Means, who was Lauren’s swing instructor while she played high school golf, served as her caddy during the mixed team tourney. “I was never good off the tee, but my drives were great (Tuesday),” Lauren said. “Historically, my short game has always kind of led me. I was hitting good putts, but I couldn’t read the greens, and I think that takes time to come back. So it was the opposite of how I used to score, which was funny.” Lauren played several high school matches at Valleywood, and returning there for a tournament also got her thinking about playing more competitive golf. “I know my game is still there. I would like to,” she said. “I’m kind of at a
Eight Lakeville South athletes landed spots on the All-South Suburban Conference boys track and field team, while Prior Lake had 11 selections to the girls team. Lakeville South’s girls team, which took first in the SSC meet, had five athletes named all-conference. Following are the complete all-conference lists, plus honorable mention athlees from Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan and Eastview.
Logan LeClair of Eastview scored 98 and placed sixth at the Minnesota State High School League clay target tournament Saturday in Prior Lake. (Photo by Mike Shaughnessy) of Burnsville (87, tied for 81st), Jack Waite of Rosemount (85, tied for 91st) and Zac Olson of Lakeville South (84, tied for 93rd).
(470) took the top three spots. Defending state champion Lakeville South did not advance out of the Class 8A team competition in Alexandria.
Team competition
Skeet tournament
Thirty-eight schools participated in the MSHSL tournament’s team competition Saturday morning in Prior Lake. They qualified by earning high finishes at the clay target league’s tournament in Alexandria. Apple Valley advanced by winning the Class 4A team championship. There are eight classes in the clay target league, with class assignment based on the number of shooters participating. Teams competed within their classes at the Alexandria tournament, but the ones that made it to Prior Lake competed as one class. On Saturday, the Eagles placed fifth with a 464 team total. New Prague (480), St. Michael-Albertville (471) and Bemidji
The state high school clay target league also sponsored a skeet shooting tournament that took place Sunday at Minneapolis Gun Club. Lakeville South, the defending champion, finished third this year with a team score of 428. Wayzata (455) and Hastings (448) took the top two places. Jarret Hayes of Lakeville South tied for fifth in the varsity skeet individual standings with 93. Jack Smith of Lakeville South scored 90 to tie for 11th. Collin Clarey of Lakeville South was junior varsity overall high gun, scoring 90. Email Mike Shaughnessy at mike.shaughnessy@ecminc.com.
All-conference Apple Valley – Kieran McKeag (sr.), Isaiah Hall (sr.). Burnsville – Jean Lain (jr.), Segi Aguda (jr.), Andy Samuel (sr.), Steph Olson (jr.). Eagan – Zach Chermak (sr.), Nate Nguon (sr.), Andrew Lowder (jr.), Ryan Steger (jr.). Eastview – Darren Misiak, (jr.), Emmanuel Phoulom-Smith (so.). Farmington – Alex Hart (sr.), Devon Webb (sr.), Caleb Bray (sr.), Ben Sorenson (sr.). Lakeville North – Evan El-Halawani (jr.), Jonathan Laing (sr.), Kyle Meyer (sr.). Lakeville South – Eric Rousemiller (jr.), Kyle Martin (sr.), Kenny Braziel (sr.), Brittan Burns (so.), Jackson Devereaux (jr.), Jeremiah Jacobson (so.), Anthony Vote (sr.), Josh Willard (jr.). Prior Lake – Ian O’Connor (jr.), Trenton Galloway (sr.), Collin Dwyer (jr.), Luke Bednarek (sr.), Sam Mader (sr.), Logan Petersmeyer (sr.), Keegan Bloedel (sr.). Rosemount – Zaffer Hussein (sr.), Trevor Otterdahl (jr.). Shakopee – Josh Theis (sr.), Tyler Steffensen (sr.), Jonathan Rowe (sr.), Tony Monroe (so.), Kyle Rachel (sr.), Zach Steffensen (sr.), Karl Wachter (sr.). Honorable mention Apple Valley – Justin Smithwick (jr.), Yassin Abasher (sr.), Robert Hapke (sr.), Patrick Kelehan (so.). Burnsville – Joe Free (9th), Kain Kelling (sr.), Kyle Atkinson (9th), Alex Garlington (jr.).
Eagan – Seth Jackson (jr.), Trenton Allen (so.), Nikhil Srikanth (so.), Travarious Nolen (sr.). Eastview – Michael Delich (jr.), Kevin Gunawan (jr.), Tim Morgenstern (so.).
Girls All-conference Apple Valley – Olivia Anger (sr.), Amanda Sonnenburg (sr.). Burnsville – Sarah Gigstad (sr.), Emily Kauffman (jr.), Miah Keller (so.). Eagan – Maddie Gourley (sr.), Olivia Mitchell (sr.), Michelle Passe (so.), Jailyn Robinson (so.), Natalie Windels (so.). Eastview – Andrea Abrams (so.), Laura Bestul (sr.), Natalie Manders (sr.), Sarah Montgomery (sr.), Chrystal Otundo (sr.). Farmington – Anna Fenske (7th), Lauren Peterson (9th), Emma Record (jr.). Lakeville North – Temi Carda (jr.), Ella Larson (8th). Lakeville South – Sydney Ferrie (jr.), Jocie Johnson (sr.), Halle Johnston (jr.), Jaimie McNamee (sr.), Jenny Mosser (jr.). Prior Lake – Alyssa Altendorf (sr.), Kristyn Arends (so.), Madison Bremer (so.), Gabriella Brinkley (jr.), Hannah Caldwell (so.), Nicole Hoepner (sr.), Serena Pfeiffer (so.), Madison Scholl (jr.), Olivia Schroeder (sr.), Mallory Stach (8th), Olivia Thielen (sr.). Rosemount – Lexy Berger (9th), Shae Buchman (so.), Jenna Eichten (jr.), Josie French (sr.), Arianna Passeri (9th). Shakopee – Maddie Ames (jr.), Abbie Fuder (so.), Erin Johnson (9th). Honorable mention Apple Valley – Khanaila Kielo (9th), Myah Cloutier (so.). Burnsville – Sarah Kuplic (9th), Krista Holmstrom (jr.), Katherine Shealy (sr.), Aryonna Edwards (so.). Eagan – Tamira McLemore (sr.), Amy Koenig (sr.), Taylor Kenealy (sr.), Nia Steele (9th). Eastview – Kelly Smith (sr.), Katie Keelin (sr.), Courtney Clark (jr.), Mikayla Koles (jr.).
SUN THISWEEK - Burnsville - Eagan July 1, 2016 13A
LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: April 16, 2013 MORTGAGOR: Mark E. Bullis, single. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for CitiBank, N.A. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded May 3, 2013 Dakota County Recorder, Document No. 2947717. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: CitiMortgage, Inc. Dated December 2, 2015 Recorded December 9, 2015, as Document No. 3104431. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT’S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100011511234774058 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: CitiBank, N.A. RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: CitiMortgage, Inc. MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 107 River Woods Lane, Burnsville, MN 55337 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 02.77002.08.050 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 5, Block 8, Townhouse Villages at River Woods 3rd Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Dakota ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $102,089.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $102,212.80 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: August 12, 2016 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff’s Office, Law Enforcement Center, 1580 Hwy 55, Lobby #S-100, Hastings, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys’ fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on February 13, 2017, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None “THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREM-
ISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED.” Dated: June 9, 2016 CitiMortgage, Inc. Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 10-16-003886 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Burnsville-Eagan Sun Thisweek June 17, 24, July 1, 8, 15, 22, 2016 562205
CITY OF EAGAN ORDINANCE NO. 553 2ND SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAGAN, MINNESOTA, AMENDING EAGAN CITY CODE CHAPTER NINE ENTITLED “PARKING REGULATIONS” BY AMENDING SECTION 9.12 REGARDING IMPOUNDING AND REMOVING VEHICLES; AND BY ADOPTING BY REFERENCE EAGAN CITY CODE CHAPTER 1 AND SECTION 9.99. The City Council of the City of Eagan does ordain: Section 1. Chapter 9 of the Eagan City Code is hereby amended by revising Section 9.12, Subd. 1 to read as follows: Sec. 9.12. Impounding and removing vehicles. Subd. 1. Vehicles in violation of parking regulations & subject to removal. When any police officer finds a vehicle standing upon a street or city-owned parking lot in violation of any parking regulation, such officer is hereby authorized to require the driver or other person in charge of such vehicle to remove the same to a position in compliance with this chapter. When any police officer finds a vehicle unattended upon any street or city-owned parking lot in violation of any parking regulation or is otherwise subject to towing and impoundment under Minnesota state laws, the officer is hereby authorized to impound such vehicle and to provide for the removal thereof to a convenient garage or other facility or place of safety. Section 2. Eagan City Code Chapter 1 entitled “General Provisions and Definitions Applicable to the Entire City Code Including ‘Penalty for Violation’” and Section 9.99, entitled “Violation a Misdemeanor” are hereby adopted in their entirety by reference as though repeated verbatim. Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication according to law. CITY OF EAGAN City Council ATTEST: /s/ Christina M. Scipioni Its: City Clerk /s/ Mike Maguire Its: Mayor Published in the Burnsville-Eagan Sun Thisweek July 1, 2016 567183
NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that the property will be sold on July 20, 2016. The property will be offered online at www.StorageBattles.com/ StorageTreasures.com and more information about the sale can be found at that website. The undersigned Acorn Mini Storage will sell at Public Sale by competitive bidding the personal property heretofore stored with the undersigned by: Unit # 818- Christopher Wyttenbach, fishing equip., television, boxes of unknown content Published in the Burnsville-Eagan Sun Thisweek June 24, July 1, 2016 565061
CITY OF EAGAN ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed proposal bids will be received by the City of Eagan, Minnesota, in City Hall at 3830 Pilot Knob Road, until 10:30 A.M., C.D.S.T., on Thursday, July 28, 2016, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud for the furnishing of all labor and materials and all else necessary for the following: CENTRAL AREA LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS City Contract No. 16-21 Involving Approximately: Est. Qty Unit Item 1 LS MOBILIZATION 1 LS TRAFFIC CONTROL 22 EA LIGHT FOUNDATION DESIGN E MODIFIED 3,500 LF 2” NON-METALLIC CONDUIT 1,300 LF 2” NON-METALLIC CONDUIT (DIRECTIONAL BORE) 14,100 LF UNDERGROUND WIRE 1 COND NO 8 16,150 LF UNDERGROUND WIRE 1 COND NO 12 104 EA REMOVE LUMINAIRE 104 EA INSTALL LED ROADWAY LUMINAIRE & ARM 59 EA INSTALL LED RETROFIT KIT 22 EA INSTALL SALVAGED LIGHTING UNIT 1 LS LIGHTING CONTROL SYSTEM 4 EA MODIFY SIGNAL SERVICE 1 LF IRRIGATION REPAIR 1 LS TURF ESTABLISHMENT Note: The City will furnish new LED luminaires, luminaire arms, LED luminaire retrofit components, and lighting control system equipment to the Contractor for installation. Together with Miscellaneous Structure Installations, Adjustments & Site Restoration Complete digital contract bidding documents are available at www. questcdn.com. You may download the digital plan documents for $30.00 by inputting Quest project # 4565718 on the Web site’s Project Search page. Please contact QuestCDN.com at (952) 233-1632 or info@questcdn.com for assistance in free membership registration, downloading, and working with this digital project information. Complete contract documents may also be seen at the offices of the City Clerk and City Engineer, Eagan, MN, at 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122, Phone (651) 675-5646. Contractors desiring a hardcopy of the complete bidding documents may obtain them from the office of the City Clerk, Eagan, MN upon payment of $50.00. No money will be refunded to any person who obtains plans and specifications. Each bid proposal shall be accompanied by a bidder’s bond naming the City of Eagan as obligee, a certified check payable to the Clerk of the City of Eagan or a cash deposit equal to at least five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid, which shall be forfeited to the City in the event that the bidder fails to enter into a contract. The City Council reserves the right to retain the deposits of the three lowest bidders for a period not to exceed forty-five (45) days after the date and time set for the opening of the bids. No bids may be withdrawn for a period of forty-five (45) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. Payment for the work will be by cash or check. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive irregularities and informalities therein and further reserves the right to award the contract to the best interests of the City. Christina M. Scipioni, Clerk, City of Eagan Published in the Burnsville-Eagan Sun Thisweek July 1, 8, 15, 2016 567200
CITY OF EAGAN, MN SECTION 00020 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS COUNTRY HOLLOW LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS RECEIPT AND OPENING OF PROPOSALS: Sealed proposals for the work described below will be received by the City Administrator at the Eagan Municipal Center, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122 until Thursday, July 14, 2016 at 1:00 p.m., at which time the bids will be opened and publicly read. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The work includes the following: A. Removal of existing lift station equipment and piping in the Country Hollow Lift Station. B. Furnish and install new valve vault structure, pumps, piping, and valves. C. The project includes the removal of a portion of the existing steel dry well below grade for placement of the valve vault structure. D. Remove concrete fillet in existing wet well to accommodate pumps as shown on plans. E. Removal of existing lift station controls. F. Furnish and install new controls as noted in the Contract Documents. G. The Country Hollow Lift Station shall remain in service during the changeover. All pumping of sewage required for the changeover, is the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be coordinated with the City of Eagan (OWNER). COMPLETION OF WORK: All work under the Contract must be complete within one hundred eighty (180) calendar days after receipt of the Notice to Proceed. MINIMUM CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS: The Bidder shall have experience as a General Contractor in the successful completion of at least three (3) lift stations within the last five (5) years. OBTAINING CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND BIDDING REQUIREMENTS: Plans and specifications and all contract documents may be obtained at the office of Bolton & Menk, Inc., 12224 Nicollet Ave., Burnsville, MN 55337, upon payment of $50.00, (includes sales tax); non-refundable for each full set of specifications and accompanying drawings. Additional shipping charges will apply for delivery to any address not within the lower 48 states. Complete digital project bidding documents are available at www.questcdn.com. You may view the digital plan documents for free by entering Quest project #4289503 on the website’s Project Search page. Documents may be downloaded for $20.00. Please contact QuestCDN.com at (952) 233 1632 or info@questcdn.com for assistance in free membership registration, downloading, and working with this digital project information. A copy of the plans and specifications may be inspected at the following locations: - Office of Bolton & Menk Inc., 12224 Nicollet Ave., Burnsville, MN 55337. PLANHOLDERS LIST, ADDENDA AND BID TABULATION: The planholders list, addenda and bid tabulation will be available on-line at www.bolton-menk.com. Bids will be received on a lump sum basis. BID SECURITY: A certified check or a Bid Bond satisfactory to the City of Eagan, Minnesota, in the amount of not less than 5 percent of the total Bid price submitted must accompany each Bid. LABOR RATES - MINIMUM WAGE REQUIREMENTS: This project is being funded by the City of Eagan, Minnesota. The project is not subject to the provisions of Little Davis-Bacon Act. PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BONDS: The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and Labor and Materials Payment Bond each in the amount of the Contract. The Bid, Agreement, and Bonds shall be conditioned upon compliance with all provisions of the Bid Documents. PROJECT ADMINISTRATION: All questions relative to this project prior to the opening of bids shall be directed to the Engineer/Manager for the project. It shall be understood, however, that no specification interpretations will be made by telephone. Address inquiries to: Bolton & Menk Inc. Attn: Seth A. Peterson, P.E. 12224 Nicollet Ave. Burnsville, MN 55337 Tel: 952-890-0509 Fax: 952-890-8065 Email: sethpe@bolton-menk.com OWNER’S RIGHTS RESERVED: The OWNER reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any informality in a bid, and to make awards in the interest of the OWNER. Date: June 21, 2016 Owner: City of Eagan, Minnesota /s/ Dave Osberg City Administrator Published in the Burnsville-Eagan Sun Thisweek June 24, July 1, 8, 2016 565374
MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME Minnesota Statutes, 333 The filing of an assumed name does not provide a user with exclusive rights to that name. The filing is required for consumer protection in order to enable customers to be able to identify the true owner of a business. ASSUMED NAME: BloomPayment PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS: 1559 Southcross Dr W, Ste 105 Burnsville, MN 55306 NAMEHOLDER(S): BloomPayment Financial LLC 1559 Southcross Dr W, Ste 105 Burnsville, MN 55306 I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the
penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath. DATE FILED: April 22, 2016 SIGNED BY: Harrison J. Brown Published in the Burnsville-Eagan Sun Thisweek June 24, July 1, 2016 565159
CITY OF EAGAN ORDINANCE NO. 552 2ND SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAGAN, MINNESOTA, AMENDING EAGAN CITY CODE CHAPTER FIVE ENTITLED “BEER, WINE AND LIQUOR LICENSING AND REGULATION” BY AMENDING SECTIONS 5.33, 5.52, AND 5.70 REGARDING ON-SALE SPECIAL USE SETBACK FROM DAYCARES ; AND BY ADOPTING BY REFERENCE EAGAN CITY CODE CHAPTER 1 AND SECTION 5.99. The City Council of the City of Eagan does ordain: Section 1. Chapter 5 of the Eagan City Code is hereby amended by revising Section 5.33, Subd. 5, to read as follows: Sec. 5.33. Beer license restrictions and regulations. Subd. 5. No license shall be granted for a proposed licensed premise that does not meet the special use setback, as defined in the zoning regulations of this Code, from any nursery, elementary or secondary school structure; or church structure, except as provided herein. A license may be granted for a proposed licensed premise not meeting the special use setback, as defined in the zoning regulations of this Code, from any of the above listed uses when the proposed licensed premises and listed uses are located within the same zoning district and planned commercial development, or the proposed license is for offsale exclusively. Section 2. Chapter 5 of the Eagan City Code is hereby amended by revising Section 5.52, Subd. 8, to read as follows: Sec. 5.52. Liquor license restrictions and regulations. Subd. 8. No license shall be granted for a proposed licensed premise that does not meet the special use setback, as defined in the zoning regulations of this Code, from any nursery, elementary or secondary school structure; or church structure, except as provided herein. A license may be granted for a proposed licensed premise not meeting the special use setback, as defined in the zoning regulations of this Code, from any of the above listed uses when the proposed licensed premises and listed uses are located within the same zoning district and planned commercial development. Section 3. Chapter 5 of the Eagan City Code is hereby amended by revising Section 5.70, Subd. 3(G), to read as follows: Subd. 3. On-sale wine license restrictions and regulations. G. No license shall be granted for a proposed licensed premise that does not meet the special use setback, as defined in the zoning regulations of this Code, from any nursery, elementary or secondary school structure; or church structure, except as provided herein. A license may be granted for a proposed licensed premise not meeting the special use setback, as defined in the zoning regulations of this Code, from any of the above listed uses when the proposed licensed premises and listed uses are located within the same zoning district and planned commercial development. Section 4. Eagan City Code Chapter 1 entitled “General Provisions and Definitions Applicable to the Entire City Code Including ‘Penalty for Violation’” and Section 5.99, entitled “Violation a Misdemeanor” are hereby adopted in their entirety by reference as though repeated verbatim. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication according to law. CITY OF EAGAN City Council ATTEST: /s/ Christina M. Scipioni Its: City Clerk /s/ Mike Maguire Its: Mayor Published in the Burnsville-Eagan Sun Thisweek July 1, 2016 567180
CITY OF BURNSVILLE MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 1389 AN ORDINANCE OPTING-OUT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 462.3593 WHEREAS, on May 12, 2016 Governor Dayton signed into law the creation and regulation of temporary family health care dwellings, codified at Minn. Stat. 462.3593, which permit and regulate temporary family health care dwellings; WHEREAS, subdivision 9 of Minn. Stat. 462.3593 allows cities to “opt out” of those regulations; THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURNSVILLE, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Title 10, ZONING, Chapter 7 - General Provisions, of the Burnsville City Code is amended by adding the following Section: 10-7-51 OPT-OUT OF MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 462.3593: Pursuant to authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.3593, subdivision 9, the City of Burnsville opts-out of the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.3593. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 21st day of June, 2016 by the City Council of the City of Burnsville. Elizabeth B. Kautz, Mayor ATTEST: Macheal Collins City Clerk Published in the Burnsville/Eagan Sun Thisweek July 1, 2016 568152
INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 This is a summary of the June 13, 2016 School Board meeting with the full text available for public inspection at www.district196.org or at the District Office or by standard or electronic mail. The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. on June 13, 2016 at Dakota Ridge School followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for students Mikaela Moser and Jousi Alanza Banos who recently passed away. Present: Albright, Coulson, Huusko, Magnuson, Roseen, Schutte and Supt. Berenz. Motion by Huusko, seconded by Roseen and carried with a 6-0 vote to approve the agenda. Students and staff were congratulated on being national, state and local award recipients and champions. Berenz congratulated state champions, students who competed at state and national tournaments and the more than 2,000 recent graduates. The board heard two special communications requests. Motion by Schutte, seconded by Albright and carried with a 6-0 vote to approve Consent items: board meeting minutes; a revision to Policy 203; set the official newspaper; memberships; claims; electronic funds transfer schedule; schedule of investments; treasurer’s report; gifts totaling $231,543.08; grants totaling $16,520; advisory council appointments; contracts with LS Black Constructors for $163,500, Schmitty and Sons, Inc. for supplemental transportation; technology purchases totaling $2,652,282 through an existing contract with the state of Minnesota; personnel separations, leaves of absence and new staff; pay rates for substitute, temporary and part-time employees; termination and non-renewal of teachers; student teacher agreements, confirmation of ULA; student expulsions; temporary work space permit for NNG pipeline at Oak Ridge; nonpublic school counseling agreements; appointment of LEA; agreements with CAP Agency and YMCAs for summer programs. The board heard reports on FIRST Robotics, the legislative session, community education offerings and an equity plan update. Motion by Huusko, seconded by Schutte and carried with a 6-0 vote to approve a $20 per year, per device electronic device protection plan fee. Board members listened to New Business presentations on the 2016-17 preliminary budget and two curriculum policies. The board is scheduled to take action on the items at its June 27 meeting. Motion by Huusko, seconded by Roseen and carried with a 6-0 vote to approve the addition of a new course offering at Apple Valley High School entitled STEM Academy. Motion by Huusko, seconded by Schutte and carried with a 6-0 vote to approve a contract with SFM for workers’ compensation insurance coverage with a high-deductible plan. Motion by Huusko, seconded by Albright and carried to approve the School Readiness Fee Schedule. Magnuson congratulated the Class of 2016. Berenz reported she responded to the high school students who talked about issues affecting transgender students at the last board meeting. Motion by Huusko, seconded by Roseen and carried with a 6-0 vote to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. Published in the Apple Valley Sun Thisweek, Lakeville Sun Thisweek, Burnsville-Eagan Sun Thisweek July 1, 2016 568191
CITY OF EAGAN INVITATION FOR BIDS SANITARY LIFT STATION RENOVATION Sealed bids will be received by the City of Eagan, Minnesota, at the Eagan Utility Facility located at 3419 Coachman Point, Eagan, MN 55122, until 11:00 a.m., C.S.T., on Thursday July 14, 2016 at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud for the furnishing of all labor and materials and all else necessary for the following: Country Hollow Sanitary Lift Station Renovation City Project No. 1210 City Contract No. 16-23 Plans and specifications, proposal forms and contract documents may be seen at the Eagan Utility Facility located at 3419 Coachman Point, Eagan, MN 55122, Phone (651) 675-5200. Contractors desiring a copy of the plans and specifications and proposal forms may obtain them from the Eagan Utility Facility for $60.00 Each bid shall be accompanied by a bidder’s bond naming the City of Eagan as obligee, a certified check payable to the Clerk of the City of Eagan or a cash deposit equal to at least five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid, which shall be forfeited to the City in the event that the bidder fails to enter into a contract. The City Council reserves the right to retain the deposits of the three lowest bidders for a period not to exceed forty-five (45) days after the date and time set for the opening of the bids. No bids may be withdrawn for a period of fortyfive (45) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. Payment for the work will be by cash or check. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive irregularities and informalities therein and further reserves the right to award the contract to the best interests of the City. Christina Scipioni, City Clerk City of Eagan Published in the Burnsville-Eagan Sun Thisweek June 24, July 1, 2016 565307
MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME Minnesota Statutes, 333 The filing of an assumed name does not provide a user with exclusive rights to that name. The filing is required for consumer protection in order to enable customers to be able to identify the true owner of a business. ASSUMED NAME: CAI Health BPO PRINCIPAL PLACE
OF BUSINESS: 1551 Southcross Drive W. Ste. C Burnsville, MN 55306 NAMEHOLDER(S): Creditor Advocates Inc. 1551 Southcross Drive W. Ste. C Burnsville, MN 55306 I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath. DATE FILED: June 9, 2016 SIGNED BY: Harrison J. Brown Published in the Burnsville-Eagan Sun Thisweek June 24, July 1, 2016 565153
MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME Minnesota Statutes, 333 The filing of an assumed name does not provide a user with exclusive rights to that name. The filing is required for consumer protection in order to enable customers to be able to identify the true owner of a business. ASSUMED NAME: Fairy Healings PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS: 11441 Galtier Drive Burnsville, MN 55337 NAMEHOLDER(S): Blending Babes 11441 Galtier Drive Burnsville, MN 55337 Michele Rae Markuson 11441 Galtier Drive Burnsville, MN 55337 I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath. DATE FILED: May 17, 2016 SIGNED BY: Michelle Markuson Published in the Burnsville-Eagan SunThisweek July 1, 8, 2016 567779
MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME Minnesota Statutes, 333 The filing of an assumed name does not provide a user with exclusive rights to that name. The filing is required for consumer protection in order to enable customers to be able to identify the true owner of a business. ASSUMED NAME: SuperSafe Movers PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS: 3005 Eagandale Place Eagan, MN 55121 NAMEHOLDER(S): Tyler Johnson Aalid 3005 Eagandale Place Eagan, MN 55121 Joseph Lee Aalid 3005 Eagandale Place Eagan, MN 55121 I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath. DATE FILED: May 11, 2016 SIGNED BY: Tyler Aalid Published in the Burnsville-Eagan Sun Thisweek June 24, July 1, 2016 563663
NOTICE OF HEARING BY PUBLICATION (MINOR NAME CHANGE) Minn. Stat. § 259.10 State of Minnesota Kandiyohi County District Court Judicial District: 8th Court File Number: 34-CV-16-123 Case Type: Name Change In the Matter of the Application of: Jennifer Ann Jopp On Behalf of: Ariana Lee Creech For a Change of Name to: Ariana Lee Jopp TO: Patrick Creech 2091 Silver Bell Rd. Apt 11 Eagan, MN 55122 Last known address An Application for Name Change has been filed by Jennifer Ann Jopp for a change of name for the minor child(ren) Ariana Lee Creech to Ariana Lee Jopp. A hearing on this Application will be held at Courthouse, 505 Becker Ave SW. Willmar, MN 56201 on July 27, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. You may obtain a copy of the Application for Name Change from Kandivohi County Courthouse, 505 Becker Avenue SW. Willmar, MN 56201 If you do not appear at the scheduled hearing, the Petitioner’s Application for a Name Change for the minor child(ren) may be granted. Dated: June 9.2016 Deb Mueske Court Administrator By: /s/ Julie Lounagie Deputy Published in the Burnsville-Eagan Sun Thisweek June 24, July 1, 8, 2016 564097
Continues Next Page
14A July 1, 2016 SUN THISWEEK - Burnsville - Eagan
COUNTY, from 1A cana Lane, has a long family history in Burnsville. His grandparents on both sides had farms here. His late parents, Ed and Loretta, had farms near Burnsville Center and later near the old Valley Ridge shopping center on Burnsville Parkway. Gilesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; grandfather, Henry, maintained and plowed the roads in Burnsville for many years. His son, Ed, was Burnsvilleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s public works superintendent and filled other jobs, including parks supervisor, constable and assistant fire chief, Giles said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dad always said being a public servant is one of the greatest things you can do,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I believe that, too.â&#x20AC;? Giles was hired by the Burnsvilleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Public Works Department in 1987 and became a firefighter-paramedic in 1990. Giles said
he was injured while fighting a fire and left in around 2005 when he was hired by the Dakota County Highway Department as a maintenance worker.
Issues Workman said the county became debt-free in February, when it paid off the last of its general obligation bonds, a little more than $40 million. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We even had balloons and cake,â&#x20AC;? said Workman, who served as board chair in 2014. Her second term included controversial votes for a paved trail in Lebanon Hills Regional Park and for pulling Dakota out of the five-county Counties Transit Improvement Board. A 1-mile paved loop around the parkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s McDonough Lake remained in a park improvement plan after public uproar over paved trails and input
GOTHARD, from 1A
creating a plan for grade reconfiguration and buildJuly 2013, Gothard was ing use. That led to voter charged by the board with approval of referendum
from a citizen commission. The board voted 5-2 in March 2015 to include the paved loop. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is not Boundary Waters quality,â&#x20AC;? she said of Lebanon Hills. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a park that used to be a cow pasture that the county felt necessary to purchase and preserve.â&#x20AC;? The parkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s natural state wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be compromised by the trail, whose exact location is still being decided, Workman said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The part that bothers me the most is we (heard from) disabled veterans in wheelchairs â&#x20AC;&#x201D; taxpayers, who paid for that park and are not able to use that park,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;To me, that just wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t fair. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not paving the other 40 miles of trails that are being left natural or the equestrian trails that are being left natural.â&#x20AC;? Giles has a different view on the issue. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If people felt that their
voice wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t heard and their wishes werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t met, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m here to say that Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m going to listen to them and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m going to vote to carry their wishes out if thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what the majority wants,â&#x20AC;? he said. Workman joined a 6-1 County Board majority that voted June 21 to notify the County Transit Improvement Board of its intention to pull out of the body in 2019. Other CTIB members â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Washington, Ramsey, Hennepin and Anoka counties â&#x20AC;&#x201D; have criticized the move. CTIB revenue is raised through a 0.25 percent sales tax and a $20 motor vehicle sales tax charged in the five counties to fund metro-area light rail, commuter rail and bus rapid transit. Dakota County â&#x20AC;&#x201D; which runs buses, not light rail lines â&#x20AC;&#x201D; doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get a fair return for its contribution, Workman said. From
2008 to 2016, the county generated 13 percent of CTIB tax revenue but was awarded only 7 percent of CTIB grants, she said. From 2015 to 2024, estimates show the county contributing 12 percent of taxes but getting only 3 percent back, she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When I saw that, I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t live with myself if we give 12 percent and only get 3 percent back,â&#x20AC;? Workman said. CTIB voted at its last meeting to â&#x20AC;&#x153;shelve or delayâ&#x20AC;? a contribution of about $12 million to the Orange Line bus rapid transit project from Minneapolis to Burnsville. The funding was needed to fill a funding gap left by the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s failed bonding bill. â&#x20AC;&#x153;To me, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s retaliation,â&#x20AC;? Workman said of the CTIB action. But it may be only a temporary setback for the project led by Metro Transit, she said. The countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stance
measures in February over 10 years for technol2015 that raised $65 mil- ogy investments. lion for building projects A new grade structure and will raise $25 million will debut this school year,
with grades nine through 12 at Burnsville High School, middle schools at three former junior high buildings and K-five elementary schools. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It really has been great to think about what we have accomplished and set out to do as leaders in three years that have gone very fast,â&#x20AC;? Gothard told the board June 17. He signed a second contract with the board in January. Under the threeyear pact, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be paid $195,200 in 2017-18 and $198,600 in 2018-19. Gothard has moved away from â&#x20AC;&#x153;business as usual,â&#x20AC;? valued peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s diverse perspectives and
LEGAL NOTICES MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME Minnesota Statutes, 333 The filing of an assumed name does not provide a user with exclusive rights to that name. The filing is required for consumer protection in order to enable customers to be able to identify the true owner of a business. ASSUMED NAME: Precision Builders LLC PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS: 4551 Oak Chase Circle Eagan, MN 55123 NAMEHOLDER(S): American Restoration & Transformation LLC 4551 Oak Chase Circle Eagan, MN 55123 I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath. DATE FILED: June 15, 2016 SIGNED BY: Michael Peterson Published in the Burnsville-Eagan SunThisweek June 24, July 1, 2016 565110
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zoning, is amended to allow a commercial yard waste recycling and composting facility in a Limited Industrial (I-1) district as a conditional use, subject to a condition use permit. Conditions and regulations of a commercial yard waste recycling and composting facility were also established in this amendment. A printed copy of the ordinance is available for inspection by any person during regular office hours at the office of the City Clerk at the Eagan Municipal Center, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, Minnesota 55122. Effective date. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication. Published in the Burnsville-Eagan Sun Thisweek July 1, 2016 567201
INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 ROSEMOUNT-APPLE VALLEY-EAGAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS EDUCATING OUR STUDENTS TO REACH THEIR FULL POTENTIAL CALL FOR BIDS COMPUTERIZED MEASURES OF ACADEMIC PROGRESS Notice is hereby given that BIDS will be received for the purchase of the Internet Version of NWEAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Computerized Measures of Academic Progress and NWEA Instructional Resources â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Class Breakdown Reports by Goal and RIT or approved alternate of equal or better quality/functionality by Independent School District 196, 3455 153rd Street W., Rosemount, MN 55068, until 10 a.m., Monday, July 18, 2016 at which time and place, bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Complete instructions on how to obtain Bidding Documents can be found at: http://www.district196.org/ District/LegalNotices/index.cfm If you should have any questions regarding this bid you may contact the Michelle DeMers at (651) 4237856. Joel Albright, Board Clerk Independent School District 196 Published in the Apple Valley Sun Thisweek, Lakeville Sun Thisweek, Burnsville-Eagan Sun Thisweek July 1, 8, 2016 566449
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backgrounds and set high standards for himself and others, the statement said. He has also finished work on his doctorate degree since coming to the district. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The School Board commends Dr. Gothard on distinguishing himself in advocacy on behalf of our students, and in his vision for mobilizing our community to give highest priority to both our children and to their success as productive members of our community,â&#x20AC;? the statement said. John Gessner can be reached at 952-846-2031 or email john.gessner@ecm-inc.com.
Immunization clinics set Dakota County Public Health provides low-cost immunizations for eligible children and adults. Check w w w. d a ko t a c o u n t y. u s (search â&#x20AC;&#x153;vaccinesâ&#x20AC;?) or call 952-891-7528 for eligibility guidelines, vaccine availability or to schedule an appointment. July clinics at Dakota County Western Service Center, 14955 Galaxie Ave., Suite 286, Apple Valley: â&#x20AC;˘ Tuesday, July 12, by appointment only. â&#x20AC;˘ Tuesday, July 19,
walk-in from 4-6 p.m. â&#x20AC;˘ Tuesday, July 26, by appointment only. Bring all immunization records with you to the clinic. A donation of $21 for each vaccination is suggested, but persons who qualify for reducedfee immunizations will not be turned away if not able to pay the donation. Credit and debit cards are not accepted. For more information, call the Immunization Hotline at 952-891-7999.
Historical society lands grant for Civil War project The Dakota County Historical Society has received a $17,670 grant from the Minnesota Historical Society to publish a book that collects six articles about the Civil War and one article on the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862. Books will be distributed in Dakota County. MHS awarded nine grants statewide as part of
the Historic Recognition Grants Program. The program was created through an Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund appropriation by the Minnesota Legislature during the 2015 session. This one-time appropriation is an effort to carry on the work done by the Minnesota Civil War Commemoration Task Force.
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sounds reasonable, Giles said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I guess Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d have to study it a lot further to see,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not getting your moneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s worth, yeah, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re better off to walk away.â&#x20AC;? His vision for transit includes plans not on the books: light rail across the river into Dakota County. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I know itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a big deal, I know itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a lot of money, but just to get it across the river would be huge,â&#x20AC;? Giles said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You can only build roads so big,â&#x20AC;? and they grow congested anyway, Giles said, adding, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Some of these buses are not really that green. Light rail is totally green.â&#x20AC;?
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SUN THISWEEK - Burnsville - Eagan July 1, 2016 15A
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4000 SALES
4530 Houses For Rent
5160 Commercial & Residential Cleaning
5170 Concrete/Masonry/WaterprooďŹ ng
5170 Concrete/Masonry/WaterprooďŹ ng
1010 Vehicles
4030 Garage & Estate Sales
Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â? To place your Classified Ad contact Sharon Brauer at: 952-392-6873 or email: sharon.brauer@ ecm-inc.com Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?
5080 Child & Adult Care
Quality Friendly Service. Affordable. Bi-wkly, monthly, Free est. Call Genevra 651-226-2368
Daveâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Concrete & Masonry
Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â? To place your Classified Ad contact Elliot Carlson at: 952-392-6879 or email: elliot.carlson@ ecm-inc.com Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?
â&#x20AC;˘ 952-469-2754 â&#x20AC;˘
for special deals.
*** HUBCRETE Inc. *** Drives, Patios, Walks Steps, Walls & Additions Stamped & Color avail. Chimney repair & block NO $ dwn/CC accepted Ins./bonded 30 yrs exp. CARL 612 979-3518
5190 Decks
Having a Garage Sale?
www.rooftodeck.com Code #78
2002 Ford Taurus, 81K, recent tune-up, good tires, gray. $3,000. 651-454-1927 2004 Jaguar X-Type, 3L. AWD. Royal Blue w/ Tan Leather Interior, Leaper Hood Orn. New Tires. Very Good Condition. 165k mil. $3,800. 612-518-1464 2012 Honda Civic EX 4DR 140hp 1.8 L i-VTEC 4 cyl. engine. Pwr locks, windows, doors. 1 owner. Polished Metal ext//Gray int. New tires 11/2015. $12,500 Call Chuck 952-239-7154
1020 Junkers & Repairables $$$ UP TO $7,500 $$$ Junkers & Repairables More if Saleable. MN Licensed www.crosstownauto.net 612-861-3020 651-645-7715
1030 Motorcycles
3 Sisters Estate Company helps seniors downsize, and/or prepares any estate for liquidation. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s meet! 763-443-0519 Bloomington, July 7-8, 8-5 HH Items, Small Appl. Eletr., Kids Toys & Throws 9837 Cavell Circle Brooklyn Center - Cross of Glory Lutheran Church Presale $3 Adm. 7/6 (4-8); Sale 7/7 (9-6); 7/8 (9-5); 7/9 (9-1) 5929 Brooklyn Blvd Brooklyn Center: HugeDonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Miss Out! 6/30-7/2, (8-5). 5625 Hillsview Rd (btwn Lilac & Brookview) Brooklyn Park- 7/7 - 7/9, 8a-5p. Neighborhood Sale & Moving Sale! Antiques, furn, 9225 Dunbar Knoll
Classified Advertising
Early Deadline for July 7th publication
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;04 Harley Davidson 883 Custom, under 10K miles, $5,400/BO. 952-892-0389
1050 RVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s & Campers 2010 Salem 392BRDRQ, 40 ft, fiberglass, 1 owner, $18,000. 952-890-6926
4570 Storage For Rent 2 Warehouses for Rent Great Location! 1,000 sq ft @ $675 per month & 1,200 sq ft @ $700 per month. Both are heated. Call: 612-889-8768 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; x 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Storage units available, great location! 612-889-8768 Lonsdale Mini-Storage 7 sizes available. 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; to 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Call 507-744-4947 leave message.
You need it? We have it!
LOOK to Sunâ&#x20AC;˘Thisweek Classifieds theadspider.com
Friday, July 1 at 3 pm Call 952-392-6888 to place your ad
Crystal Estate Sale
1500 SPORTING 1530 Watercraft Maxum I/O Open Bow, 19.5 feet, low hours, Exc cond! $8,000. 952-892-0389
3500 MERCHANDISE 3520 Cemetery Lots Glen Haven Mem., Garden of Christus, 2 burial plots & vaults. Valued @ $7,200; asking $6,000. 615-476-5847
Glen Haven, Crystal, 3 lots, Christus Garden area, asking $600 ea. 320-676-8944 Pleasant View, Burnsville 4 lots, val. $1,200 each. Sell for $950/ea. 952-237-9098
3580 Household/ Furnishings Rattan: 4 chairs & table nice cush, glass top 48â&#x20AC;? round, $325 763-416-4831
3600 Miscellaneous For Sale La-Z-Boy reclining sofa & swivel rocker. Forest Green in color. $225 612 869-3093
3620 Music Instruments PIANO (older), very good working cond! $35/BO. 651-290-1645 651-686-0297
1020 Junkers & Repairables
4849 Georgia Ave. No. 6/30-7/1 (8-6); 7/2(9-4) HH, furn., elec. oak fplc, X-mas, yard stuff, more!
EAGAN, July 7-9, 8a to 5p Table Saw, Tools, House Hold Items & Kids Clothes 1569 Baylor Ct. Excelsior MOVING SALE 6/29-30; 7/1-2 (8:30 am) Furn., antiqs, toys, Wmns cloz, tools, lawn/garden, books, crafts, Creative Mem. scrpbking, Cookie jars. 3910 Linden Circle
Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â? To place your Classified Ad contact Sharon Brauer at: 952-392-6873 or email: sharon.brauer@ ecm-inc.com Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?
4510 Apartments/ Condos For Rent
$/ 0- 0z
Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â? To place your Classified Ad contact Jeanne Cannon at: 952-392-6875 or email: jeanne.cannon@ ecm-inc.com Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?
4500 RENTALS / REAL ESTATE 4510 Apartments/ Condos For Rent Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â? To place your Classified Ad contact Sharon Brauer at: 952-392-6873 or email: sharon.brauer@ ecm-inc.com Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?
SunThisweek.com $ 3HUIRUPDQFH 3DYLQJ Sealcoating /Parking Lots
No Job too Big or too Small
: 4< " 2$: 4": "2 I :/ 9 0 !" Â?[nÂŁĂ&#x201C;ne nAÂ&#x2DC;nĂ? M AÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2DC; |¨Ă? .̨Ă?n
;2½ ä
A+ BBB Member
Owners on job site
952-985-5516 â&#x20AC;˘ Stamped Concrete â&#x20AC;˘ Standard Concrete â&#x20AC;˘ Driveways â&#x20AC;˘ Fire Pits & Patios â&#x20AC;˘ Athletic Courts â&#x20AC;˘ Steps & Walks â&#x20AC;˘ Floors & Aprons
â&#x20AC;&#x153;We Now Install Carpet, Tile & Vinyl.â&#x20AC;? 952-440-WOOD (9663) Duffyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hardwood Floors
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1-100 yards delivered. Both small & large trucks. Contractors & Homeowners. 952-890-7072
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2Â&#x17D;o $Ă&#x2DC;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;ÂĽAÂ&#x161;
5110 Building & Remodeling
5110 Building & Remodeling
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DAGGETT ELECTRIC Gen. Help & Lic. Elec. Low By-The-Hour Rates 651-815-2316 Lic# EA006385
DANâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S CONCRETE 26 Yrs Exp. Insured 612-244-8942
5090 Asphalt/Blacktopping/Seal Coating
0 ! / 02 2 0 ÂŻĂ&#x;Ă&#x; ß -AĂ?Â&#x2014;ô¨¨e Ă?½
5220 Electrical
V Lowell Russell V V Concrete V
5210 Drywall
Kelly Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Malley
â&#x20AC;&#x153;As owner, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m always on site!â&#x20AC;? 9Driveways 9Sidewalks 9Patios 9Steps 9Floors 9Stamped 612-756-3060 - 30 yr exp
Steps, Walks, Drives, Patios Chimney Repair. No job to Sm. Lic/Bond/Ins John
Minn Lic BCď&#x2122;&#x2030;ď&#x2122;&#x160;ď&#x2122;&#x152;ď&#x2122;&#x160;ď&#x2122;&#x2030;ď&#x2122;&#x2039;
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Brick, Stone & Concrete NEW & REPAIR
Above All Hardwood Floors
Professional and Prompt Guaranteed Results.
Advertise your sale with us
Call Roger 612-991-0799
5260 Garage Doors GARAGE DOORS & OPENERS Repair/Replace/ Reasonable Lifetime Warranty on All Spring Changes www.expertdoor.com 651-457-7776
5270 Gutter Cleaning Gutter Cleaning / Window Washing 612-298-8737 10% off New Customers Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â? To place your Classified Ad contact Elliot Carlson at: 952-392-6879 or email: elliot.carlson@ ecm-inc.com Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?
5280 Handyperson 0 Stress! 110% Satisfaction!
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**A CONCRETE** PRESSURE LIFTING â&#x20AC;&#x153;THE MUDJACKERSâ&#x20AC;? Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Replace it Raise it! Save $$$ Walks- StepsPatios- Drives- Garage Floors- Aprons- BsmntsCaulking Ins/Bond 952-898-2987
5140 Carpet, Floor & Tile
Â?[ § ~¤äĂ&#x;~Ă&#x2DC;
1020 Junkers & Repairables
5170 Concrete/Masonry/WaterprooďŹ ng
952-890-2403 / 612-363-2218 Mbr: Better Business Bureau
Hopkins, 7/8-10, 10a-5p MOVING SALE! Baseball cards! Computer acc, exer/ equip, furn, 1980 Honda 650 & HH 1313 Lake St NE ST CROIX , 7/9-10, 9a-3p. Lots pics: www.oldisknew. com/upcoming_Sales 13003 177 ST N.
30+ Years Experience Asphalt Paving & Sealcoat Quality Work W/Warranty LSC Construction Svc, Inc
4610 Houses For Sale
1070 Trailers 2009 Featherlite 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; encl. trlr., motorcycle pkg. Like new! $7,400. 763-229-5875
5090 Asphalt/Blacktopping/Seal Coating
H & H Blacktopping 612-861-6009
Due to the
4th of July Holiday
Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â? To place your Classified Ad contact Jeanne Cannon at: 952-392-6875 or email: jeanne.cannon@ ecm-inc.com Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?
39 yrs exp. Free ests. Insâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d. Colored & Stamped, Driveway Specialist, Steps, Sidewalks, Patios, Blocks, & Floors. New or replacement. Tear out & removal. Will meet or beat almost any quote!
ôôô½ Ăľn[ĂŚĂ?Â?Ăłn/nÂ&#x17E;¨enÂ&#x2DC;Â?ÂŁÂ&#x192;½[¨Â&#x17E;
Carpentry Baths & Tile Windows Water/Fire Damage Doors
5 Star Home Services Handyman,Painting, Maintenance, Siding Repair. Lic #BC708390
Â? All Home Repairs! Â? Excell Remodeling, LLC Interior & Exterior Work One Call Does it All! Call Bob 612-702-8237
16A July 1, 2016 SUN THISWEEK - Burnsville - Eagan
5280 Handyperson
5340 Landscaping
5370 Painting & Decorating
5420 Tree Care & Stump Removal
Home Tune-up
â&#x20AC;˘ Fix It â&#x20AC;˘ Replace It â&#x20AC;˘ Upgrade It Over 40 Yrs Exp. Insâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d Ron 612-221-9480
The Old Fashion Way Brush & Roller, Exp teacher Fred Kelson 651-688-0594
763-420-3036 952-240-5533
Al & Richâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Low Cost Stump Removal, Portable Mach. Prof. tree trimming â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ 952-469-2634 â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘
Check us out online at sunthisweek.com theadspider.com Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â? To place your Classified Ad contact Mike Specht at: 952-392-6877 or email: mike.specht@ ecm-inc.com Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?
Water Features & Pavers 30+ Years of Experience
5380 Plumbing
SAVE MONEY Competent Master Plumber needs work. Lic# M3869. Jason 952-891-2490
5370 Painting & Decorating 3 Interior Rooms/$275 Wallpaper Removal. Drywall Repair. Cabinet Enameling and Staining. 30 yrs exp. Steve 763-545-0506
612â&#x20AC;˘390â&#x20AC;˘6845 Quality Residential Painting & Drywall Ceiling & Wall Textures H20 Damage-Plaster Repair Wallpaper Removal
5340 Landscaping E-Z Landscape y Retaining / B lder W alls y Paver Patio y Rock & Mulch y Bobcat Work
Call 952-334-9840
*A and K PAINTING* Schedule Summer Painting!
Stain/Texturing. Free Est. 952-474-6258 Ins/Lic Major Credit Cards Accepted
Benâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Painting Ext/Int, Drywall Repair Paint/Stain/Ceilings.
Retaining Walls, Patios Brush Removal, Sod Install Rocks, Mulch and More! 15% off new customer Mendoza 612-990-0945
Int/Ext â&#x20AC;˘ Free Est. â&#x20AC;˘30 Yrs. Will meet or beat any price! Lic/Ins Complete Handyman Svc Visa/MC 952-469-6800
LANDSCAPES BY LORA landscapesbylora.com Quality work @ competitive prices. 15+ yrs exp.! 612-644-3580
**Mike the Painter Interior/ exterior, Wallpaper, 35 yrs exp, Ins 612-964-5776
5370 Painting & Decorating
Modern Landscapes â&#x20AC;˘ Retaining Walls â&#x20AC;˘ Paver Patios â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Committed to Excellenceâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;˘ Summer Pricing 612-205-9953
BretMann Stump Grinding Free Ests. Best$$ Insâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d Bck Yrd Acc 612-290-1213
5390 RooďŹ ng, Siding & Gutters A Family Operated Business No Subcontractors Used
Insurance Claims, Tearoffs, BBB A+, Angies List A+, Certifâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d GAF Installer 50 yr warranty Insured, Lic # BC170064 952-891-8586 NEED A ROOF? NEED SIDING? Dun-Rite Roofing Co. Locally owned & operated! 952-461-5155 Lic# BC177881 www.DunRiteMN.com Randyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Residential Improvements, LLC Roofing, Ext. Paint & More z 612-414-0308 z #BC635383 BBB Member
Call Jeff for
Stump Removal 9 Narrow Access 9 Backyards 9 Fully Insured
Jeff 612-578-5299
Gutters â&#x2014;&#x2020; Soffit/Fascia TOPSIDE, INC.
612-869-1177 Lic CR005276 â&#x2014;&#x2020; Bonded â&#x2014;&#x2020; Insured 35 Yrs Exp. A+ Rating BBB
Tree Trimming, Tree Removal, Stump Grinding
Pavers Plus
5350 Lawn & Garden Services
5350 Lawn & Garden Services
Thomas Tree Service 25 yrs exp./ Expert Climb. Immaculate Clean-up! Tree Removal/Trimming Lot Clearing/Stump Removal
Free Ests 952-440-6104
5440 Window Cleaning Richâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Window Cleaning Quality Service. Affordable rates. 952-435-7871
Nests for every
â&#x2014;&#x2020; 651-338-5881 â&#x2014;&#x2020; Expâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d. Prof., Lic., Insâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d. Reasonable Rates.
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5370 Painting & Decorating
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5370 Painting & Decorating
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Turn to Sunâ&#x20AC;˘Thisweek Classifieds Real Estate & Rentals
2nAĂ?Â&#x17D;¨||Ă&#x201C; I "nĂ´ ¨£Ă&#x201C;Ă?Ă?ĂŚ[Ă?Â?¨£ 0Â?eÂ?ÂŁÂ&#x192; I ĂŚĂ?Ă?nĂ?Ă&#x201C; $ĂłnĂ? ¯¤ ĂśĂ?Ă&#x201C; nþ¡½ Ă?nn nĂ&#x201C;Ă?½ /¨eÂŁnĂś $Â&#x2DC;enÂŁQĂŚĂ?Â&#x192;
5390 RooďŹ ng, Siding & Gutters
" ' ' !& "# ' & ' (((
ACCOUNTING FULL TIME Accounts Payable and General Accounting Pleasant Office in Prior Lake. 8-5 Excellent Pay and benefits. Please send resume to: jason@gmnorthrup. com
Godfatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Pizza in Burnsville is hiring for the following positions: DOUGH MAKERS & ENTRY LEVEL MANAGEMENT
Provide support services for adults with intellectual disabilities in the Twin Cities area. Position requires the ability to lift and transfer adults to/from wheelchairs and assist with personal care. Relevant experience is helpful, but we are willing to train the right person. Driving a Rise vehicle is required. Compliance with Rule 11 & MVR background checks and valid driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license required. Position is FT/M-F with day hours. $12.50 HR. Benefits include PTO, holidays, medical, dental, life, disability and 401(k). Submit cover letter and resume: Anoka: Jodi at JBlume@rise.org Bloomington: Melinda at MDannley@rise.org Coon Rapids: Natalie at NCastaneda@rise.org Crystal: Maureen at MTrost@rise.org www.rise.org Equal Opportunity Employer
Dough â&#x20AC;˘work approximately 7am to 2:30pm â&#x20AC;˘Must be 18 years of age to operate equipment â&#x20AC;˘Must be willing to cross train Management â&#x20AC;˘Must be at least 18 years of age, access to a reliable vehicle, auto insurance, and a good driving record. â&#x20AC;˘Must be able to work evenings and weekends
Bilingual Case Manager $41,668.71 Hmong or Somali speaking Join us in our mission of Respecting and Responding to the choices of people in need of Supports.
Apply online at: www.pleaseapplyonline. com/godfatherspizza/
As a Case Manager you will be responsible for: Managing caseloads, utilizing community resources and assuring necessary case coordination occurs for the people you serve.
International Quality Homecare Corp seeking p/t & f/t Nurses to work with complex homecare clients in Eagan, MN. Competitive Pay + Benefits: RN $35/hr LPN $28/hr. Apply Online: http://www. alphaiqh.com/careers.htm or call Leslie(507) 252-8117
***4 Year degree in the social services field required along with two years of experience. Dungarvin offers, competitive pay and benefits, great 401(K) and PTO package. Apply at www.dungarvin.com to requisition #16-0279 today!
5510 Full-time
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% % )% "'"!**
5510 Full-time
Direct Support Professional
612-644-8035 Remove Large Trees & Stumps CHEAP!!
! < $:" " $- / 2 0 " ¯¤Ă&#x2014;s
5510 Full-time
5390 RooďŹ ng, Siding & Gutters !¨ôÂ?ÂŁÂ&#x192; Z nĂ?Ă?Â?Â&#x2DC;Â?ĂşÂ?ÂŁÂ&#x192; :nne ¨£Ă?Ă?¨Â&#x2DC; AÂŁeĂ&#x201C;[A¡Â?ÂŁÂ&#x192; 0¡Ă?Â?ÂŁÂ&#x192; I AÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2DC;
5510 Full-time
RN & LPN Openings
5420 Tree Care & Stump Removal Tree & Landscape.
Free Ests. Licâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d & Insâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d 952-888-5123
â&#x2014;&#x2020; Roofing â&#x2014;&#x2020; Siding
Spring Discount - 25% Off
Re-Roofing & Roof Repairs - 30 Yrs Exp Insured - Lic#20126880 John Haley #1 Roofer, LLC. Call 952-925-6156
$0 For Estimate Timberline
modernlandscapes.biz Paver Patios & Driveways rtn walls 612-644-4836
612-703-0175 Mbr: BBB Trimming, Removal & Stump Grinding.
Easy Tree Service, LLC Trim/Removal. Lic/Ins Eugene 651-855-8189
5300 Heating & Cooling Services Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â? To place your Classified Ad contact Michelle Ahrens at: 952-392-6883 or email: michelle.ahrens@ ecm-inc.com Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?Â?
Offering Complete Landscape Services
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5420 Tree Care & Stump Removal
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5420 Tree Care & Stump Removal
theadspider.com The Ad Spider is your source for local classiďŹ ed listings from over 200 Minnesota communities. Place your classiďŹ ed ad or announcement using our easy 4 step process and start getting responses today!
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SUN THISWEEK - Burnsville - Eagan July 1, 2016 17A
5510 Full-time
5520 Part-time Office Assistant
WAREHOUSE – HIRING EVENT Full Time & Part-Time How does Weekends Off to enjoy Summer Sound? • Competitive Wages • Paid Holidays • PTO • 401K w/ Exc Match • Safety Bonus • FULL CASE GROCERY SELECTORS $200 SIGN ON BONUS for FT only & Runs to Aug 1st. FT 6:30am start Mon to Fri $13.95/hr PT Mon to Fri 6:30am start or 11:00am start • rd Shift Fork 9:30pm Sun- Thurs $13.50+ shift • Candy/GMP Selectors 6am start or 10:30am start for part time full time 6:00am start MonFri $13.25/hr •Damage and Returns Processor Mon-Fri 11:00pm start 13.25/hr +.35 HIRING EVENT July 6th, 7th, and 8th - 7 AM to 5 PM McLane Company, Inc. 1111 W 5th Street Northfield, MN Visit www.mclaneco.com under careers / warehouse or email: mnhr@mclaneco.com
We are looking for a responsible self-starter 3-4 days/week who is able to work with minimal supervision in our busy Home Care office. The right candidate will have good computer skills that include Word/Excel/Quickbooks. Other tasks include answering multiple phone calls, faxing MD orders, filing, and other tasks. Please email your resume to: rpariseau@rvhci.com. Calls to 651-460-4201
Child Care Providers Advertise your openings in Sun•Thisweek Classifieds
Part-time administrative assistant to support a growing p.r. agency in Eagan. Send resume & cover letter to hilary@ spotlightmediarelations. com.
HOMEMAKERS Aging Services for Communities is looking for Homemakers to run errands, clean, and socialize with seniors. Must be able to drive. $12/hr start – Call 507-364-5663 todd@aging-services.org
School Bus Drivers PT, benefits, paid holidays
$15.50 per hour $1,000 Hiring bonus Call Denise
No Experience Necessary Become a Professional School Photographer while making kids smile! Are you: energetic, reliable, sociable and team oriented? If you have reliable transportation, able to work early mornings and can lift photography equipment, then contact us! Call (763) 416-8636 Lifetouch is hiring now to start training and photography in August. Learn from the BEST and get paid to have fun. x $250.00 Hiring Bonus x Weekends OFF x Competitive Wage x Seasonal Position August to November x Holidays and Summers OFF Employment is contingent on a background check.
School Bus Driver
Competitive wage and full benefits, paid holidays.
5510 Full-time
5510 Full-time
are you
Hiring? powered by ecm publishers
local classifieds
theadspider.com The Ad Spider is your source for local classified listings from over 200 Minnesota communities. 5520 Part-time
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5530 Full-time or Part-time
5530 Full-time or Part-time
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18A July 1, 2016 SUN THISWEEK - Burnsville - Eagan
theater and arts calendar To submit items for the Arts Calendar, email: darcy. odden@ecm-inc.com. Call for Artists The Dakota County Public Art Citizen Advisory Committee is seeking original works of art for its sixth Community Art Exhibition. Theme of the exhibit is â&#x20AC;&#x153;Landscapes of Dakota County.â&#x20AC;? Artists 8 years old and older living in Dakota County can submit original two-dimensional art that meets the committeeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s criteria outlined online. One entry per person is allowed. The submission deadline is July 8. For a complete list of criteria that submissions must meet, visit www.dakotacounty.us and search â&#x20AC;&#x153;art exhibit.â&#x20AC;? To learn more, contact Jean Erickson at 651-438-4286 or jean.erickson@co.dakota.mn.us.
Lakeville Pan-O-Prog, July 4-10. Information: www. panoprog.org. Rock and Rockets, 5 p.m. Monday, July 4, Mystic Lake, Prior Lake. Features fireworks display, food trucks, live music. Information: mysticlake.com/ rockandrockets. Vintage Marketplace Festival, 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. July 8-9, Dakota County Fairgrounds, Farmington. Admission: $7. Early bird admission (8-9:30 a.m. July 8): $15. Magic show by Halls of Magic, 6-8 p.m. Friday, July 8, as part of the Summer Fun Series, Twin Cities Premium Outlets, 3965 Eagan Outlets Parkway, Eagan. Free. Information: 612-444-8850. Minnesota Scottish Fair & Highland Games, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, July 9, Faithful Shepherd Catholic School, 980 Discovery Road, Eagan. Admission: $17 adults, $12 seniors 65-plus, $5 children 15 and younger. Information: www.mnscottishfair.org.
Comedy Chris Porter and Gabe Noah, 7 and 9 p.m. Friday, July 8, and Saturday, July 9, Mystic Comedy Club, Prior Lake. Tickets: $19. Mature audiences only. Information: 952-445-9000 or Exhibits The â&#x20AC;&#x153;Out and Aboutâ&#x20AC;? and mysticlake.com. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Color in Commonsâ&#x20AC;? exhibits run June 16-July 16 at the Events Apple Valley Freedom Northfield Art Guildâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Center Days, June 27 to July 4. Infor- for the Arts, 304 Division St. S., mation: www.avfreedomdays. Northfield. An artist reception is 7-9 p.m. Friday, June 24. Incom/. Eagan July 4th Funfest, July formation: www.northfieldarts2-4 and 11. Information: www. guild.org. eaganfunfest.org.
Music The Jayhawks, 7:30 p.m. Friday, July 1, in the amphitheater at the Minnesota Zoo as part of U.S. Bank FlexPerks Rewards Music in the Zoo. Tickets: $47, $59.50 VIP box seat. Information: http://suemclean.com/. Bruce Hornsby and The Noisemakers, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, July 2, in the amphitheater at the Minnesota Zoo as part of U.S. Bank FlexPerks Rewards Music in the Zoo. Tickets: $48, $60.50 VIP box seat. Information: http://suemclean.com/. Smorgasboard (polka), 7 p.m. on July 3 as part of Sunday Night Music in the Park at Nicollet Commons Park, 12600 Nicollet Ave., Burnsville. Free. Guster with KT Tunsall, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 6, in the amphitheater at the Minnesota Zoo as part of U.S. Bank FlexPerks Rewards Music in the Zoo. Tickets: $35, $47.50 VIP box seat. Information: http:// suemclean.com/. Music in Kelley Park with Patty Peterson and Friends featuring Jason Peterson DeLaire, Billy Franze, Bobby Vandell and Ronny Loew, 6-9 p.m. Friday, July 8, at Kelley Park, 6855 Fortino St., Apple Valley. Free. Food and beverages available for purchase. Information: http://avartsfoundation.org/. Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, July 9, in the amphitheater at the Minnesota Zoo as part of U.S. Bank FlexPerks
family calendar
Workshops/classes/other Preparing artwork for exhibit workshop presented by Wet Paint Artistsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Materials and Framing, 6-8 p.m. Friday, July 22, at the Eagan Art House. Free. Information: arthouse@ cityofeagan.com or 651-6755521. Watch Me Draw Art Studio, 20908 Holyoke Ave., Lakeville, classes: Ladies Night Out, 6-8 p.m. the second and fourth Friday of the month, create a 9x12 acrylic painting, $30. Date Night Painting, 6-8 p.m. the first
and third Friday of the month, choose to paint individual canvases or one large canvas, age 21 and older, $55 per couple includes light appetizers. Coffee & Canvas, 9-11 a.m. Wednesdays, $25 per class. Information: www.watchmedraw.net or 952-469-1234. Yoga classes at Precision and Flow Pilates, 13708 County Road 11, Burnsville. Candlelight Yoga, 7-8 p.m. Thursdays, $20. Drop in or sign up at www.precisionandflowpilates.com. Kind Hearts Princess School offers a variety of fun Christian summer classes for girls and boys ages 3-14 including Bible Ballerinas, Davidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mighty Men, Ballet Jazz Fusion Pretty Princess inside & out, Tap & Praise and more. Tuesday-Thursday camps are held in Burnsville June-August. For a complete summer schedule, email Miss Karin at KindHeartsPrincessSchool@ gmail.com or call 952-6889348. Teen Poetry Jam/Rap Battle, 4-5 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month at Apple Valley Teen Center, 14255 Johnny Cake Ridge Road, Apple Valley, 952953-2385. Ages 12-18. Drawing & Painting (adults and teens) with artist Christine Tierney, 9 a.m. to noon Tuesdays, River Ridge Studios, 190 S. River Ridge Circle, Burnsville. Information: www. christinetierney.com, 612-210-
3377. Brushworks School of Art Burnsville offers fine art education through drawing and painting. Classes for adults and teens. Information: Patricia Schwartz, www.Brushworks SchoolofArt.com, 651-2144732. Soy candle making classes held weekly in Eagan near 55 and Yankee Doodle. Call Jamie at 651-315-4849 for dates and times. $10 per person. Presented by Making Scents in Minnesota. Line dance classes Wednesdays at Lakeville Heritage Center, 20110 Holyoke Ave., beginners 9-10 a.m., intermediate 10 a.m. to noon. Information: Marilyn, 651-463-7833. The Lakeville Area Arts Center offers arts classes for all ages, www.lakevillemn.gov, 952-985-4640. Rosemount History Book Club meets 6:30-8 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at the Robert Trail Library. Information: John Loch, 952-2558545 or jjloch@charter.net. SouthSide Writers, Saturday workgroup for aspiring writers, offering critique, submission and manuscript preparation information, support and direction, 10 a.m. to noon, Wescott Library, 1340 Wescott Road, Eagan. Information: 651688-0365.
theater and arts briefs
Friday, July 1 Forever Wild Family Friday: Festival of Flight, 7-8:30 p.m., Lebanon Hills Visitor Center, 860 Cliff Road, Eagan. Explore the world of things that fly. Try your hand at kite flying, bird watching, bug catching and more. All ages. Free. Registration requested at http://parks. co.dakota.mn.us.
Freedom Fighters Support Group, a free veteran-driven support group, 6-8 p.m., Trinity Evangelical Free Church, 10658 210th St. W., Lakeville. Free resources available each month: community meal, chiropractic, acupuncture, yoga, massage, live music, resource tables. Sponsored by The Mission Project. Veteransâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; families and loved ones welcome. Bring proof of service. Information: 952-393-7524 or missionproject2005@gmail.com.
Parkinsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Support Group, 2-3 p.m., Augustana Regent at Burnsville, 14500 Regent Lane, Burnsville. Information: Jane Hubbard at 952898-8728. Eagan Market Fest, 4-8 p.m., Eagan Festival Grounds at Central Park, 1501 Central Parkway. Farmers market, entertainment by Alive & Kickin, 4-5:30 p.m., and Brio Brass, 6-8:15 p.m. Information: www. cityofeagan.com/marketfest or 651-675-5500.
Tuesday, July 5
Wednesday, July 6
Thursday, July 7 Wiggle, Jiggle and Jam, 10 a.m. at Central Park Amphitheater, 2893 145th St., Rosemount. Part of the Summer Music in the Park series. Bring a blanket or lawn chair for seating. Free. Call 651-322-6020 and select option 6 to check for cancelation due to inclement weather. Free divorce clinic, 1-4 p.m., Galaxie Library, 14955 Galaxie Ave., Apple Valley. Get help with divorce paperwork using Minnesota I-Can. Presented by the Dakota County Law Library, Legal Assistance of Dakota County, the Minnesota Justice Foundation, and volunteer attorneys and law students. Registration required. Call 952-431-3200.
To submit items for the Family Calendar, email: darcy.odden@ecm-inc.com.
Rewards Music in the Zoo. Tickets: $50, $62.50 VIP box seat. Information: http://suemclean. com/. The Oak Ridge Boys, 3 and 7 p.m. Sunday, July 10, Ames Center, 12600 Nicollet Ave., Burnsville. Tickets: $48-$68 at the box office, 800-982-2787 or Ticketmaster.com. Voice of Culture Drum and Dance and Auntie Beverly the Storyteller, 6:30 p.m. Sunday, July 10, at Caponi Art Parkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Theater in the Woods outdoor amphitheater, 1220 Diffley Road, Eagan. Cost: $5 donation; no one will be turned away. Information: www.caponiartpark.org. Lee Engele and Reynold Philipsek (jazz), 7 p.m. on July 10 as part of Sunday Night Music in the Park at Nicollet Commons Park, 12600 Nicollet Ave., Burnsville. Free.
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Riverwalk Market Fair Music by hammered dulcimer player Kathleen Johnson, fresh local produce and artisan foods, arts and crafts, and a free childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s activity sponsored by the Northfield Arts Guild will be featured at Riverwalk Market Fair from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, July 2, in downtown Northfieldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bridge Square. For more information, visit www.Riverwalk MarketFair.org.
Forte Fine Arts presents â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Shrekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Forte Fine Arts Academy presents â&#x20AC;&#x153;Shrek The Musical Jr.â&#x20AC;? at 7 p.m. Thursday, July 21, and Friday, July 22, at Kenwood Trail Middle School, 19455 Kenwood Trail, Lakeville.
With music by Jeanine Tesori, book and lyrics by David Lindsay-Abaire, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Shrek The Musicalâ&#x20AC;? is based on the Oscar-winning DreamWorks Animation film and the book â&#x20AC;&#x153;Shrekâ&#x20AC;? by William Steig. Tickets are $8 adults and $5 children 12 and younger. For more information, email Lysa Clayburn at lysa@lunycrab. com.
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Little Mermaidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Eagan Summer Community Theatre presents Disneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Little Mermaidâ&#x20AC;? July 15-30 in the Eagan High School auditorium. A free senior preview for ages 62 and older is 7 p.m. Thursday, July 14. Performances are 7 p.m. July 15-16, 20-23, 2730, and 2 p.m. July 17, 24 and 30. Tickets are $15 adults,
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Spencer and Carla Hunter of Farmington are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Whitney, to Rohan, son of Roshan and Kalpana Chitrakar of Kathmandu, Nepal. A sunset beach wedding in Malibu, California, is planned for October 2, 2016.
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Z Puppets Rosenschnoz presents â&#x20AC;&#x153;Monkey Mind Pirates Family Yoga Partyâ&#x20AC;? from 10:3011:30 a.m. Friday, July 8, at Burnhaven Library, 1101 W. County Road 42 W., Burnsville. The free performance uses the puppet, rock and yoga adventures of Monkey Mind Pirates to help youngsters find calm. No yoga mats or previous experience needed. Ages: 3-12. Call 952-891-0300 for more information.
The family-friendly Vintage Marketplace Festival will be 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. July 8 and 9 at the Dakota County Fairgrounds in Farmington. The event brings top antique and re-purpose vendors together in one location and features food, beverages, music and fun. Jack Knife and The Sharps, and Trailer Trash will provide live music. Special guests will be Horse-Crazy Market and Retro Rodeo. Admission is $7. Early bird admission (8-9:30 a.m. July 8) is $15. For more information, visit Vintage Fest Americaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Facebook page.
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Puppet fun in Burnsville
Vintage Fest in Farmington
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$12 seniors age 62 and older, $10 children 12 and younger. Tickets can be purchased on the Eagan High School website (www.eagan.k12.mn.us/) or at the ticket booth 4-6 p.m. July 11, 13, 18 and 25, and one hour prior to each performance. Call 651-683-6964 for information.
SUN THISWEEK - Burnsville - Eagan July 1, 2016 19A
Thisweekend EAGAN ART FESTIVAL 2016
Country harmonies
Vocal jazz band Shoop entertained guests on Saturday afternoon. (Photos by Andrew Miller)
Ceramicist Miky Cunningham of Des Moines, Iowa, stands next to one of her artworks after being awarded Best in Show honors at the Eagan Art Festival, which ran June 25-26 at the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Central Park.
The Oak Ridge Boys are set to perform Sunday, July 10, at the Ames Center in Burnsville. Recently inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame, the country and gospel vocal quartet is scheduled to present two concerts at the Ames Center that day, at 3 and 7 p.m. Tickets range from $48-$68 and can be purchased at the Ames Center box office, 12600 Nicollet Ave., and through Ticketmaster at 800-982-2797. More about the band is at www.oakridgeboys.com. (Photo submitted)
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â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Your Story?â&#x20AC;? was the theme of this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s festival, and stations throughout the festival grounds allowed guests to share and create stories. One station, titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Story Game,â&#x20AC;? featured giant Scrabble-like letter blocks for guests to create words around a theme provided.
20A July 1, 2016 SUN THISWEEK - Burnsville - Eagan
FUNFEST, from 1A Ross said. The Funfest Committeeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s board is comprised of volunteers who work year-round to plan and operate events. Most of the board members have expressed interest in stepping down but no one has stepped up to replace them, he said. Due to the lack of interested volunteers, the committee plans to disband on Aug. 31 and has approached other community organizations about taking over the event. The committee is currently in discussions with one local organization but it hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t committed to taking over the festival. If no one steps forward to run Eaganâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s July 4th Funfest, the city will continue to fund the annual fireworks show. The city hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t expressed any interest in taking over the festivalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s planning and operations. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It would be a shame for an event that has been a tradition for so many families for so many years to shut down,â&#x20AC;? Ross said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We hope to find someone to keep the tradition going.â&#x20AC;? Funfest began in 1966 as a simple Fourth of July giveaway at Haroldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s store in Cedar Grove. The owner offered free ice cream to children who
RELAY, from 1A has had cancer. Thankfully all three of them are survivors. My mom is the only one Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m walking in memory of, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s definitely a near and dear thing to my heart.â&#x20AC;? Burnsville Mayor Elizabeth Kautz, who will give opening remarks, has her own story. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the one who initiated bringing the event to Burnsville and opening up doors and making sure it would actually happen,â&#x20AC;? Ruggles said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a twotime survivor, and her hus-
rode their bikes to the store. Soon it turned into a small bicycle parade. As the event grew, it was taken over by the Eagan Fire Department, which organized a parade down Rahn Road and a carnival at the end of the
parade route at Cedar Pond Park. Each street in the Cedar Grove neighborhood would build a float and attempt to outdo each otherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s designs. The West Eagan Civic Association, VFW, Jaycees and Lions Club would
assist in organizing the event each year. The fire department soon created committee to oversee the event, which was chaired for many years by former Fire Chief Jerry Adam. Mini Olympic games were added to the event
in the early 1970s. Over the next three decades, the event bounced from one location to the next from Rahn Park to the Blue Cross soccer field, to Sky Hill Park. One year it was held in the Cedarvale parking lot. In 2002, the festival was moved to the newly created Central Park where it has continued to be held each year. The park and nearby community center were designed with festivals and fireworks displays in mind making it the ideal location, said Joanna Foote, communications coordinator for the city of Eagan and city liaison to the Eagan Historical Society. Three years later, the Funfest Committee established and took over the festivalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s planning and operations. This yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s event will kick off Saturday, July 2 with an annual Red Cross blood drive at 1 p.m. at Eaganâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Central Park. The carnival will begin at 4 p.m. as well as the annual childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bike parade. The annual Fourth of July parade will begin at 10 a.m. Monday, July 4. Other favorites will return this year such as Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Car Show, the Ambassador Brain Freeze, the Texas Holdâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;em tour-
band (David) died of cancer as well.â&#x20AC;? The event has become a family affair for Burnsville resident Heidi Bros, 51. Last year she was chosen to speak on behalf of cancer survivors. Bros is in her 10th year of remission from non-Hodgkin lymphoma. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The other flip of the coin is that about five years after, I had breast cancer,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;So now Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m five years out from that. And Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m doing fine.â&#x20AC;? Bros likes the Relay because the ACS covers all forms of cancer â&#x20AC;&#x201D; includ-
ing lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer deaths in women. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s very emotional,â&#x20AC;? she said of the event. â&#x20AC;&#x153;And I like to show people, especially the people that are fighting cancer right now, that look, there is light at the end of the tunnel.â&#x20AC;? Survivors will be front and center at the Burnsville Relay. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This year, for the first time ever, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to have a survivors dinner before the event (4:30 p.m.),â&#x20AC;? Ruggles said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;At opening ceremonies weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll announce the survivors. They have
their own survivors lap, where all the participants can cheer them on.â&#x20AC;? The traditional lighting of luminaria bags to remember loved ones lost to cancer and honor those fighting it will be held at around 9 p.m., Ruggles said. The eveningâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s last event will be the Fight Back ceremony at 11:30 p.m. The event has shown steady growth in fundraising in recent years, with 15 teams and 234 participants raising $29,500 in 2014, followed by 19 teams, 178 participants and $33,000
raised last year. This yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s goal is 20 teams, 275 participants and $36,000. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got student teams,â&#x20AC;? Ruggles said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got businesses (and organizations) in the area, like UTC Aerospace, the Burnsville Women of Today, the Fairview nurses. And the other part of it is just families forming their own team.â&#x20AC;? The ACS was there for his mother when she fought her battle, Ruggles said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;She participated in the Look Good ... Feel Better
Eaganâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s July 4th Funfest began as a small childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bike parade prompted by a holiday giveaway promotion. From there, it grew into a parade down Rahn Road. A shark float is featured in this 1970s photo. (Photo submitted by the Eagan Historical Society)
nament and fireworks show. Crowning of the 2016 Eagan Ambassador will be held at 7 p.m. Monday, July 11, in the Oaks Room of the Eagan Community Center. Tickets are available at the door for $7. Festival-goers are encouraged to plan ahead, especially when attending the parade and fireworks show due to reduced parking availability. In prior years, parking was available at the former Lockheed Martin building near Yankee Doodle and Pilot Knob. Parking is no longer available there due to on-going construction of Central Park Commons, which is expected to be complete later this year. People may need to park farther away and should allow extra time to walk to their viewing area, organizers say. For a full schedule of events and map of the parade route, visit www. eaganfunfest.org. Organizations interested in taking ownership of the annual festival are encouraged to visit www. eaganfunfest.org, click on â&#x20AC;&#x153;Aboutâ&#x20AC;? and then click â&#x20AC;&#x153;Contactâ&#x20AC;? to discuss it with the Funfest Committee. Jessica Harper is at jessica. harper@ecm-inc.com or facebook.com/sunthisweek.
program and also received a wig,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As a family, we looked to ACS for answers to the many questions that we had around her diagnosis and prognosis.â&#x20AC;? Teams and participants can register online or on the day of the event. For information, visit www. relayforlife.org/burnsvillemn or contact Ruggles at relayforlifeofburnsville@ gmail.com or 651-3430734. John Gessner can be reached at 952-846-2031 or email john.gessner@ecm-inc.com.
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