Thisweek Farmington and Lakeville

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The cherubic stage comedy ‘The Education of Angels’ opens next week at the Lakeville Area Arts Center. SEE STORY IN THISWEEKEND ON PAGE 9A

Thisweek Farmington-Lakeville JULY 30, 2010

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VOLUME 31, NO. 22




Real Estate/11A



Public Notices/19A

County struggles to manage budget with anticipated state aid cuts Board gets serious about cutting programs, staff



Anticipating dramatic and permanent state aid cuts, rising insurance premiums and economic uncertainties, Dakota County officials are planning for years of financial struggles. During a July 27 budget workshop, County Finance Director Matt Smith estimated the current $368 million county budget will drop to $313 million by 2013, a $55 million reduction. Smith said without insurance plan modifications, the county will pay another $1.8 million for employee health insurance next year, and another $300,000 in retirement benefits. Next year, Smith is recommending the county plan to cut its budget by $10 million.

In 2012, the county is planning for the possibility of losing another $19 million, and cuts of $26 million in 2013. The figures are broad estimates, and could change because there are still many unknowns, including the severity of the expected state aid cuts. In response to the anticipated budget challenges, Smith proposed earmarking a portion of the county’s fund balance to pay off bond debt over the next few years, freeing up tax levy dollars to be reallocated to cover operational costs. In addition, the county may cut employees and programs, delay or eliminate planned improvements and purchases, raise property taxes 1 percent next year and 2 percent in both 2012 and 2013, in hopes that the actions are enough to carry through until the economy picks up by 2014 and beyond.

While commissioners and department heads have prioritized county services, with law and justice topping the list, and encouraging the public in civic affairs at the bottom, few rendered comments about which areas to cut, knowing those issues will be discussed more in depth next month. But Commissioner Paul Krause questioned why the county is devoting $2.8 million of its budget, a disproportional amount compared to other metro counties, on preventing homelessness. Commissioner Tom Egan said the county should not be leading an independent effort to save energy, but working with others to achieve that goal. Commissioner Nancy Schouweiler asked if laying off workers would exacerbate the problem, and commissioners briefly debated whether employee unions would agree to multi-year wage freezes to avoid layoffs. It was also suggested that there may be

Police offer a ‘Night to Unite,’ encourage community parties lice officers annually join residents THISWEEK at neighborhood NEWSPAPERS block parties. Want a safe The purpose neighborhood? is to deter crime Police officers and foster drug will suggest meetprevention as ing the neighbors. well as promote a “Neighbors sense of commuwatch out for nity. neighbors,� JoanThe annual na Paul said. “We event is slated for wouldn’t catch Aug. 3 this year some of the bad and Paul said guys if neighbors communities all didn’t call.� over the state will Paul is a crime Photo submitted be participating. analyst, and the “It’s also a Lakeville Police Officer Jessica Swaner support services gives stickers to children at one of great way to build supervisor with Lakeville’s 90 Night to Unite parties last and enhance the the Golden Valyear. Previously known as National Night relationship poley Police DeOut, Night to Unite is a not-for-profit lice have with partment. version of the neighborhood building their communiShe is also the parties that have become a tradition in ties,� Paul said. Minnesota Crime “Each city kind Lakeville. Prevention Assoof has their own ciation’s volunteer organizer for Night way to celebrate, but at the end of the to Unite. day, it strengthens neighborhoods.� The annual evening is a nationally Last year, Lakeville’s residents had recognized community celebration at which city officials, firefighters and po- See Night, 7A


Building to be sold, but Ben Franklin not going anywhere Lakeville’s ‘five and dime’ store, family owned for more than 30 years, offers something for everyone by Derrick Williams THISWEEK NEWSPAPERS

Ben Franklin is just one of the many familyowned businesses that give downtown Lakeville its small-town feel. Half variety store, half “five and dime,� Ben Franklin, located at 20765 Holyoke Ave., has offered a gamut of services in the 30 years Scott Erickson has owned it. “We get people all the time that stop and say, ‘Look, a Ben Franklin. I haven’t seen one of those in a long time,’ � Erickson, 52, said. “But it’s going well. We just look for things that people can’t find other places.� And despite the fact that the Ben Franklin building is on the verge of being sold, Erickson said nothing will be General 952-894-1111 Distribution 952-846-2070 Display Advertising 952-846-2011 Classified Advertising 952-846-2000


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Laura Adelmann is at laura.adelmann@

One step at a time

Night to Unite to encourage the meeting of neighbors, promotion of safe communities by Derrick Williams

more room for reductions in higher priority areas, than in other areas where few resources are already expended. County Administrator Brandt Richardson said they are trying to find a way to make reductions with the least amount of impact on county services, employees and residents. “We’re going about this the right way, and as negative and awful as it is, I think it really is helpful,� Schouweiler said of the process. Commissioners will continue budget discussions next month, with another workshop scheduled Aug. 24. On Nov. 2, the county plans to release the administrator’s proposed budget and a public hearing on the budget and levy is Nov. 30. The final 2011 budget is set for adoption Dec. 14.

LAKEVILLE changing. “We’re still here and Ben Franklin isn’t going anywhere,� Erickson said. And that’s great news for Judy Tschumper. Tschumper, director of the Downtown Lakeville Business Association, said it’s great to know Erickson plans to be around a long time. “It’s not only a very unique store, but part of it is the historical part of being downtown. The Ericksons, like the Enggrens, have been an integral part of Lakeville for so long,� Tschumper said. “Families like that make downtown what it is.� The Enggren family is selling the Ben Franklin

Photo by Derrick Williams

Downtown Lakeville’s historic Ben Franklin building is on the verge of changing ownership. The Enggren family, which has owned the building since the 1960s, is selling it to Lakeville-based Metro Equity Management. building to Lakevillebased Metro Equity See Ben Franklin, 7A

Photo submitted

Jordan Dibb finished his “I Walk for Love� fundraiser walk on the Fourth of July in Miami as planned and raised nearly $30,000 to help the homeless in Haiti. Walking through small towns in Kentucky, Dibb came across a state park where he said, “It was a beautiful forest where a bunch of people were hiking, sightseeing and relaxing.�

Farmington graduate finishes ‘I Walk for Love’ to raise money for Haiti by Kara Hildreth THISWEEK NEWSPAPERS

After completing his I Walk for Love trek of nearly 2,000 miles in 100 days, Farmington graduate Jordan Dibb said his journey renewed his faith in America. As a young man wanting to lead a life of intention who could not land a job after college graduation, Dibb walked from Minneapolis to Florida to raise $30,000 for Haiti relief. After starting on March 27, he ended his walk as planned on the Fourth of July in Miami with his family at his side to celebrate. The 2005 Farmington High School graduate collaborated with Action Against Hunger, an international food relief agency, to raise money for food and water relief. Even though donations are still coming in, Dibb will be short of his $100,000 goal. “After walking for half the way I realized I was probably not going to get to $100,000, and I started reflecting that my journey would be more about the experience and the people I met,� Dibb said. Dibb said $30,000 will help 1,500 Haitians have clean water for three months.

The walk Dibb said it was an unforgettable experience he was

IN BRIEF Donations to I Walk for Love can be made at Jordan Dibb can be contacted by e-mail at or reached at (651) 3085546.

FARMINGTON glad to have taken at this time in his life. The first few weeks of averaging about 25 miles per day produced huge blisters on his feet as he wore out the soles from four pairs of shoes. After staying with families in at least 70 different homes ranging from apartments to mansions, Dibb said he learned a lot about close-knit families. Dibb experienced southern hospitality firsthand and was often asked to attend a church service in the morning. “It was definitely an educational experience to see all the different churches and listen to all the subtypes of Christianity,� Dibb said. With more than 11,000 followers on his Facebook page, Dibb wrote a blog entry about his journey on 40 of his 100 days and had nearly 12,000 daily views. “I met so many kind people who shared their lives and stories with me – a complete stranger,� Dibb said. “I learned you need to open up around people who will be accepting of other views or op-



posite views because they are good people.� Dibb hopes to publish a book of his photographs and reflections in his journal about the people he met. “I never imagined I would experience America in that sense – that everyone I talked to was really supportive even if they did not agree with my cause,� Dibb said. “I have a renewed faith in the American people because everyone can put their differences aside and help each other out.�

Next steps With plans to visit Haiti in the near future, Dibb is wondering where his steps will lead him now. After graduating in 2009 with a degree in psychology and sociology from Hamline University, Dibb could not land a job after interviewing for a few positions and sending out nearly 1,200 resumes. He is currently researching the potential of finding investors to help him start a dogboarding business. Dibb said job opportunities for college graduates are slim, but he added to his resume experiences from his journey. Dibb said he hopes employers will find him more valuable as a potential employee. “This walk taught me that I am willing to work hard and I hope I can find a cause where I can work hard and be happy with what I am working for,� Dibb said. Kara Hildreth is at


July 30, 2010 THISWEEK

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THISWEEK July 30, 2010

Former student finds synergy in dance Synergy Dance Studio opens in Brenda’s School of Dance location THISWEEK NEWSPAPERS



Photo by Kara Hildreth

Dana Riste took her first dance lessons at age 8. She’s the new owner of the dance school she attended and taught at. bow grocery is located. cause I feel better than I Riste has been work- have ever felt in my life,� ing full-time for Lendzion Riste said. for 26 years. Riste was the The two women kept it first babysitter for Lend- a secret about the business zion’s children and both until the last dance recital women have shared many in June, so it was a huge family weddings and cel- surprise to the public and ebrations. their families, Riste said. Riste began assisting Synergy will offer lesin Lendzion’s classes and sons and classes for chillearned the process of dren as young as 2-1/2 up choreography and teach- to adults. ing dance classes at the Riste said she decided age 16. on the more inclusive For the last few years, name “synergy� because it the two had talked about is her favorite word. Riste taking over when “Synergy has always Lendzion retired. They been a word that I loved felt the time was right now because it has a meaning that Riste is healthy after of combining two parts battling breast cancer. and the whole is more than “I feel like I have been the two parts separate and watched over and this was I like the whole idea of cothe right time for me be- operation,� Dana said. The studio plans to keep all the same employees. The dance school’s students regularly entertain at Dew Days and the annual Octoberfest hosted


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With each step, dance has always brought joy to Dana Riste – as an eager 8-year-old dancer, and now as a teacher giving direction to toddlers dressed in pink ballet shoes. Riste will take more than 26 years of dance experience and teaching to become the new owner of Synergy Dance Studio in Farmington in the former Brenda’s School of Dance studio on Highway 3 in the Farmington Mall. After Brenda Lendzion decided to semi-retire after teaching for 40 years, Riste looks forward to building on the studio’s strong reputation. In 1976 when she was 8 years old, Riste became a dance student of Lendzion’s. Riste, 42, looks to introduce many new generations of dancers to Synergy Dance Studio. “Dance is one of the things that you do on both sides of your brain, and so it develops both sides of your body,� Riste said. “(Dance) helps young people develop balance, coordination, discipline and learn to take direction.� Riste began her dance steps taking ballet, tap, jazz and hip-hop classes and competing in dance competitions in high school when competitions were held in the Apple Valley Mall where Rain-

by Dakota County Technical College in Rosemount. The studio plans to add a dance team to prepare them for trying out for the Farmington High School dance line and other groups. Riste said her daughters, Macie and Aubrie, and husband, Tom, are See Synergy, 12A

by Kara Hildreth



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Photo by Kara Hildreth

Dana Riste is the owner of Synergy Dance Studio in the former Brenda’s School of Dance in Farmington.

















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July 30, 2010 THISWEEK

Lakeville Mark Bellows to run for mayor Lakeville Friends Mark Bellows, who has served on the Lakeville City Council for 10 years, has announced his candidacy for mayor in the November election. Bellows is the lead pastor at Hope Community, a recovery-focused church in northern Lakeville. He is also a licensed marriage and family therapist and has opened his own counseling practice – Hope Counseling. Bellows has been the chaplain for the Lakeville Police Department for 20 years, for which he was recognized as 2007 Citizen Volunteer of the Year. Bellows said his various roles have brought him into contact with many Lakeville residents at some of life’s most painful moments. “But I have always championed the cause of the underdog,� Bellows said. Bellows has been a resident of Lakeville for 23 years. He and his wife, Monica (Marek), have six chil-

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of the Environment organizes second Pedal the Parks

dren. Bellows said he decided to run for mayor after being asked to do so by many business owners and residents. “I pledge to make local government more efficient and accountable, and to address the perennial issue of tax increases,� he said. He said he was the only member of the council who opposed the property tax increase by the city of Lakeville in 2010. “In this economy, business owners have had to operate more efficiently while increasing customer service,� he said. Bellows said he also pledged to make government more responsive, respectful, and transparent to residents and business owners. Bellows has served as the mayor pro tem and on various City Council committees including HRA, ALF Ambulance and Public Safety.

Lakeville Friends of the Environment and Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota is organizing the second annual Pedal the Parks in Lakeville. The event will begin at 2 p.m. Oct. 10 at Casperson Park, 19720 Juno Trail. Participants may bike 3 to 10 miles, have a bike safety check and be involved in other activities. There is a suggested donation $10 per family to participate, which will benefit organizers of the event. To pre-register or find more information about Pedal the Parks, find Lakeville Friends of the Environment on Facebook or call (952) 250-3320.

Safety camp offered Lakeville Parks and Recreation will offer a safety camp for children entering third and fourth grade from 8:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 16, and 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 17, at Antlers Park, 9740 201st St. W. Cost is $32, which includes a T-shirt. Families are invited to a graduation ceremony on Tuesday at 4:45 p.m.

Service News

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Navy Seaman Mark G. Drewiske, son of Janet Drewiske of Lakeville and Thomas Drewiske of Eden Prairie, recently completed U.S. Navy basic training at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Ill. Drewiske is a 2003 graduate of Benilde-St. Margaret’s High School, St. Louis Park.

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Agendas Lakeville City Council

Following is the agenda for the 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 2, meeting of the Lakeville City Council. 1. Call to order and flag pledge. 2. Roll/attendance. 3. Additional agenda information – City Administrator. 4. Presentations/Introductions. a. Presentation of a Police Chief’s Award of Merit b. Presentation to 360 Communities c. Spotlight on Business – Highview Hills d. Operations & Maintenance – monthly report e. Proclamation for Night to Unite

5. Citizens’ Comments. 6. Consent Agenda. a. Claims for payment. b. Minutes of the July 19, 2010, City Council meeting. c. Final acceptance of public utilities in Fieldstone Creek 6th Addition. d. Final acceptance of public streets in Chadwick Farm 4th Addition. e. One-year extension of the Appaloosa Farms preliminary plat. f. Contract with South Metro Storm Swim Club for a triathlon to be held at Antlers Park on Aug. 15, 2010. g. Change Order No. 2 with K.A. Witt Construction, Inc. for Fieldstone Park, Improvement Project 09-08. h. Performance and instructor agreements for the Lakeville Area

Arts Center. i. Resolution authorizing the sale of assets from various City departments. j. Agreement with Dakota County for Active Living Services (tentative). k. Release of Development Contract for Lot 1, Block 1, Lakeville Commerce Center 2nd Addition. l. Contract with Automatic Systems Company for the installation of a variable frequency drive. 7. Interim Use Permit to allow short-term temporary off-site parking for Pizza Ranch restaurant, located at 16995 Kenyon Ave. 8. New business. 9. Announcements: • Next regular Council meeting, Aug. 16, 2010 10. Adjourn

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THISWEEK July 30, 2010



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Patchin Davenport Loken, Jean (Jeanette) Died in Apple Valley, MN, on July 17, 2010. Born in 1945 to Ingrid and John Christ, Jean graduated from Wagner College and Columbia University and went on to become a reference librarian for Dakota County Libraries. Jean made medical history in 1995 when she received a Left Ventricular Assist Device to sustain her until she received a heart transplant at the U of M. Jean volunteered with Second Chance for Life and the DFL party and created prize-winning quilts for family and friends. Jean served as the Minnesota coordinator for the Home of the Brave Quilt project, honoring families of fallen Minnesota soldiers with handmade Civil War reproduction quilts. See Jean is survived by her husband Steven, daughter Diana (Bob) Mulcahy and two grandchildren of Richfield, MN, son Robert (Kimberly) Loken of Brooklyn, NY, her mother Ingrid Middleton of New Market, VA, and two sisters and one brother. A celebration of Jean's life is planned for August 29, 2010. Please visit . In lieu of flowers, please consider a memorial donation to Second Chance for Life Foundation, P.O. Box 131462, Roseville, MN 55113.

Forms for birth, engagement, wedding, anniversary and obituaries announcements are available at our office and online at (click on “Announcements� and then “Send Announcement�). Completed forms may be e-mailed to class. or mailed to Thisweek Newspapers, 12190 County Road 11, Burnsville, MN 55337. If you are submitting a photograph along with your announcement, please only submit photographs for which you have the right to permit Thisweek Newspapers to use and publish. Deadline for announcements is 5 p.m. Monday. A fee of $25 will be charged for the first 5 inches and $5 per inch thereafter. They will run in all editions of Thisweek Newspapers. Photos may be picked up at the office within 60 days or returned by mail if a self-addressed, stamped envelope is provided.

McCormick, Michael J age 73 of Apple Valley passed away on 7/23/10. Preceded in death by Parents Michael & Eleanor, Brothers Kevin & Brian, Grandson Liam; Survived by Wife Sylvia, Children Margaret (Terry), Michael (Melanie), Timothy (Jina) & Gerald (Sherri); 15 Grandchildren; Siblings Terry, Sean, Mary Jane & James. Funeral Service 11AM Wednesday, July 28, 2010 at Hope Church, 7477 145th St W. Apple Valley, MN. Visitation 5-8pm Tuesday at White Funeral Home, 14560 Pennock Ave. and also one hour prior to service at church. Interment Lebanon Cemetery. Memorials preferred to Camp Heartland or World Vision. White Funeral Home.Apple Valley 952-432-2001

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Tingstad-Greiner Madeline Penelope Tingstad, daughter of Karen Tingstad of St. Paul, and Nathan Joseph Greiner, son of Ron and Debbie Greiner of Lakeville, announce their engagement. Maddie is a 2004 graduate of Highland Park Senior High School and a 2008 graduate of the University of St. Thomas. Nate is a 2004 graduate of Lakeville High School and a 2008 graduate of the University of St. Thomas. Nate is in the Air Force and is stationed at Hill Air Force Base in Utah. Maddie has recently earned a position as an engineer at Hill Air Force Base. An August wedding is planned at All Saints Catholic Church in Lakeville.


To submit an announcement

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Age 98 of Burnsville, died peacefully Jan 8th, 2010. Preceded in death by husband Frank Charles Pettit, parents, brothers & sisters in U.K. Survived by two brothers, loving daughters Vivien Young & Carol (Jim) Willard, Grandchildren Stephen (Michele) Young, & Davina (Dan) Nelson, Great grandchildren Isabelle & Esme Young, Andre, Riley, Marina, & Alex Nelson. Also many relatives & friends worldwide. Eva’s lovely smile, stories, humor, hugs & love will be greatly missed by all who knew & loved her. We will miss you our sweet English rose. The family would like to thank Fairview Doctors, Nurses, Staff, Hospice & friends for their help, love & support. A memorial service celebrating Eva’s life was held at 2pm Thursday 7/22/10 at River Hills United Methodist Church, 11100 River Hills Dr., Burnsville, MN with visitation one hour prior & reception to follow. Memorials are preferred to Fairview Hospice BV or American Cancer Society.

Rose Anna Drobitsch Day was born December 26, 1927, in Chicago, Illinois, to Frank J. and Rose Ann (Gerkitz) Drobitsch. She was raised in Chicago, baptized and confirmed in the Catholic faith, and graduated from Calumet High School in 1945. After her education she worked as an operator for Bell Telephone Company. On July 5, 1947, she married Eugene E. Day at an Episcopal Church in Chicago. After marriage they traveled the country in a camper for Gene’s job. In 1947, they bought a house in Homewood, Illinois, and in 1954, they moved to Hopkins, Minnesota. They lived in Hopkins until 1974, when they bought property for a home in Eureka Township from the Ostlie family. Gene passed away in 1978, and Rose remained on the land, currently living in her home on the farm of Karen and Tom. Rose was a member of Christiania Lutheran Church and always volunteered where she could. She was also a member of the Chub Lake Charmers Home Makers Club. Rose was an avid fisherman - traveling to Canada every year for 2 weeks to fish with her friend Mary Lindberg. Family was at the heart of everything she did - cooking, listening, or doing whatever she could to make things easier. She had a "heart of gold" and will be truly missed. Survivors include her son and daughter-in-law, Ronald and Merlene of Pipe Creek, Texas; her daughter and son-in-law, Karen and Tom Ostlie of rural Lakeville; 3 grandchildren and their spouses: Shane and Jasmine Day and children Brandon, Dylan, Logan and Savannah of Australia; Jim and Laura Ostlie and children Lilly and Riley of Paynesville, Joe and Melinda Ostlie of Lonsdale; one brother and his wife, Frank and Theresa Drobitsch of Palmdale, California; one sister and her husband, Jean and Jim Boardman of Oak Forest, Illinois; her brother-in-law, Arthur (Betty) Day of Blaine; nieces, nephews, and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband and her sister Marie Gleich. Rose passed away peacefully at her home in Eureka Township, Dakota County on Saturday morning, July 24, 2010, at the age of 82. Funeral services was held at 2PM Wednesday, July 28, 2010, at Christiania Lutheran Church in rural Lakeville with Rev. Nancy Brown officiating. Music will be provided by Joey Larson-Brown. Interment was in the East Christiania Cemetery. Casket bearers will be Thomas Ostlie (son-in-law), James Ostlie (grandson), Joseph Ostlie (grandson), Ronald Day (son), Shane Day (grandson), Arthur Day (brother-in-law), Arthur James Day (nephew), and Dennis Boardman (nephew). Arrangements are with the Benson & Langehough Funeral Home.



Eva F. Pettit (Leonard)

Rose A. Day

Katie Patchin, daughter of Brad Patchin and the late Cheri Anderson of Shakopee and Ben Davenport, son of Griff and Nancy Davenport of Lakeville announce their engagement. Katie, a 2002 graduate of Prior Lake High School attended St. Cloud State U. and currently teaches preschool in So. St. Paul. Ben graduated in 2002 from Lakeville North High School. He attended SCSU & graduated from Arizona State University. He is an assistant golf professional at Olympic Hills C.C. in Eden Prairie. An August 28, 2010 wedding is planned in Minneapolis.

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Splittstoesser Carlson Jeffery and Rosemary Carlson of Apple Valley announce the marriage of their son, Jeremiah to Melia Splittstoesser daughter of Douglas and Julie Splittstoesser of Kasson, MN. An August 28th wedding is planned at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in Apple Valley, followed by a reception at the Wilds Country Club and Golf Course in Prior Lake. Jeremiah is a 1999 graduate of Eastview High School in Apple Valley, MN, and a 2006 graduate of Dunwoody Institute of Technology Minneapolis, earning a degree in Construction Management. He is currently enrolled at the Minnesota School of Business in Lakeville, MN obtaining his degree in Sales and Marketing. Jeremiah is currently employed by J. Carlson & Son's Concrete & Masonry Restoration as a Project Manager/Estimator in Apple Valley. Melia is a 2002 graduate of Kasson-Mantorville High School in Kasson, MN, and a 2006 graduate of University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, earning a Bachelor's degree of Science and is Board Certified in Nuclear Medicine. She is currently employed at Regions Hospital in St. Paul as a Nuclear Medicine Technologist. The happy couple resides in their home in Lakeville, MN. Jeremiah and Melia plan to honeymoon in Hawaii!

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July 30, 2010 THISWEEK

Opinion Thisweek Columnist DealzOn: a new way to connect readers, advertisers thedealz by Larry Werner THISWEEK NEWSPAPERS

The newspaper is a funny animal. Are its customers the readers whom we inform about the happenings in our communities? Or are our customers the merchants who buy the ads that pay the bills? The answer is, yes. During my 40 years in this business, I have often referred to the paper as a “two-headed monster” dedicated to serving two masters – readers and advertisers. Our job is to provide objective information in the news columns while selling space in the ad columns so merchants can deliver their own commercial messages. Next week, we’ll be launching a new feature that is different from anything we’ve ever done. It will offer our advertising customers a chance to provide our readers with exceptional bargains through coupons sold on our website, www. It’s called DealzOn, which stands for “The Deal is On.” Once you hear how it works, you’ll realize the idea isn’t original. Others have been selling coupons

off websites for some time. Going by names such as Groupon and Living Social, companies have provided bargain hunters with the chance to buy “group coupons” if a minimum number of other folks buy in a limited period of time, usually 24 hours. Through, which works off our ThisweekLive. com website, we will give consumers the same opportunity to spread the word that good deals will be on if enough people buy. In a recent staff meeting, one of our sales agents asked what DealzOn has to do with putting out a newspaper. It isn’t news, and it isn’t advertising, at least in the traditional sense. My response to the sales agent’s question is that DealzOn is about serving the local businesses that support our free newspapers and website with advertising and the readers who, we hope, patronize those advertisers. A better question than why should we offer group coupons is why not? We’ve been bringing local businesses and their custom-

your local

ers together for more than 125 years in the Dakota County Tribune and more than 30 years in Thisweek. The Tribune was started as a subscription newspaper in 1884 and is now published as our Business Weekly on Thursdays. About 65,000 copies of our three Thisweek papers are distributed on Fridays in Dakota County. Our website includes virtually all the stories that appear in our newspapers. And speaking of websites, they have changed a lot of things in the news business. Many of the financial challenges we’ve faced are related to advertising moving from printed newspapers to the Internet, where ads are inexpensive because of the large number of competitors out there. Among the competitors are the group-coupon sites that have become popular with bargain-hunting consumers. Mike Jetchick, our sales man-

daily savings site

ager, noticed that group coupons were being sold every day on behalf of companies that have included some of our longtime local business clients. He persuaded me that we should start selling these coupons. Next week, you will be able to check for our daily deal and buy coupons providing discounts of 50 percent and more at local businesses once a minimum number of people buy along with you. The revenue will be split between us and the participating businesses. Once you buy the coupon on our site, you’ll get a link that will allow you to print out a voucher for the deal. We have spent several months fine-tuning the details of our new program with a DealzOn team consisting of Mike, business manager Eva Mooney, our web designer, Dawn Igoe, graphic artist Robyn Berg and Gina Lee, one of

our sales agents. They are ready for our business customers to start offering “dealz” and for our readers to sign up for e-mail notices at I must admit that when I got into this business 40 years ago, I never imagined that I’d be selling coupons on the Internet as part of my newspaper job. For that matter, I never imagined there would be something called the Internet or a website or e-mail or social networking. Our business has been changed rapidly by amazing technologies, and it will continue to change. But what hasn’t changed is the role we play serving those two masters – readers who rely on us to tell them what’s happening in their communities and the advertisers who want to reach those readers, their customers. Beginning Aug. 3, we will be serving those two masters in a new way we call DealzOn. We’d like all of you to sign up. Larry Werner is editor and general manager of Thisweek Newspapers and the Dakota County Tribune. He is at

Letters Emmer’s wait staff pay plan shows bad thinking To the editor: The story unfolding about Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer and his desire to cut the wages of wait staff in restaurants is, unfortunately, a good picture of how this man and his party might run the state if they were elected. The way they think about issues is, indeed, troubling. At first he suggested we should cut the minimum wages of wait staff because “they make in excess of $100,000.” Even though the restaurant owner he supposedly interviewed denied ever making such a claim, the candidate made the ridiculous statement. After publicity about the statement mounted, he changed his tune and said he wanted to reduce wages so restaurant owners could make more money to hire more workers or pay other staff (kitchen help, for example) more money. So, he was cutting wages to create more (low wage) jobs. Now he has rescinded all the previous statements and suggested we “exempt the first $20,000 of tip wages. Tips should be between the customer and the server and state government has no business reaching in and taking a portion of that income.” So, now he has gone from reducing and freezing the minimum wage for wait staff to coming up with a proposal that will add “$17 million to the state deficit (according to his own staff estimates). What? A fiscally conservative, hawkish on deficit spending candidate, comes up with a solution that, in fact, increases the deficit. And worse, he never tells us how he plans to make up this new shortfall of his own making.

This kind of inconsistent thinking is frightening. He wants to bring this kind of approach to problem solving to the top of the state leadership? There is only one solution: the voters of Minnesota should reject his candidacy for higher office. At least he gave a good tip to south metro area voters: don’t trust these folks to lead your state. Otherwise, we will certainly be headed over a cliff. RON COMMINS Eagan

Baker is the right choice for judge

need of legal help as well as has been recognized by the bar association for his pro bono service. People often complain about our justice system and the injustices they see coming from it. This is our time to stand up and do something about it and put a man like Stephen Baker on the bench. CATHY A. CIACIURA Lino Lakes

Joan Baez graced the Minnesota Zoo To the editor: Wow! I had a front row center seat. This being my first Joan Baez concert, I can’t tell you what it meant to me to be able to see her perform in this intimate woodland environment at the Minnesota Zoo. “Music in the Zoo” has a an outdoor amphitheater that seats about 1,500. I sat and asked myself for two hours, “Why, oh why had I not seen her before?” She is a beautiful woman, excellent musician, phenomenal writer, who articulates with her musical creative craft that she has so passionately built throughout her career. Can you imagine that Joan Baez came to Apple Valley? I spoke to several individuals and learned that they were from Apple Valley and one from Minneapolis. That made me curious if it is primarily residents of Dakota County who are attending these concerts. She sang songs that she herself has written and songs by the Guthries, other folk songs that were new to me and I can’t forget Bob Dylan. From speaking to others, it seems that she hasn’t graced Minnesota too often in the past and we want her to know that she is warmly welcomed to please come back more often.

To the editor: Six years ago, my son was killed by an aggressive driver with a long traffic record. Although he was quickly charged, the courts allowed this deadly driver to get continuance after continuance, against my wishes and to our families great pain and anguish. Stephen Baker was the prosecutor assigned to our case. He fought hard against a court system that seemed intent on punishing us rather than the callous criminal that took our sons life. Mr. Baker was very kind to us and fair to the defendant and his family. Mr. Baker stood by us and fought hard for our rights as the case dragged on for many months without resolution. He finally forced the case to a lengthy jury trail and gained a conviction. He argued hard for a tough sentence, but the court only gave our son’s killer a minimal amount of time in jail. Now, Baker is running for judge in the First Judicial District. It’s about time we had someone like him on the bench. Fair minded and tough, Mr. Baker is the answer to a judicial system that has long been broken and is in desperate need of repair. He’s given his time and com- ROSEY GATES passion to many people in Apple Valley

Thisweek Farmington Lakeville Contact us at: FARMINGTON NEWS: LAKEVILLE NEWS: SPORTS: AD SALES: PRODUCTION: Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Julian Andersen President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marge Winkelman General Manager/Editor . . . . . . Larry Werner Managing Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . Tad Johnson Assistant Managing Editor . . . . John Gessner Farmington Editor . . . . . . . . . . Kara Hildreth Lakeville Editor . . . . . . . . . . Derrick Williams

Thisweekend Editor . . . . . . . . . Andrew Miller Photo Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rick Orndorf Dakota County Reporter . . . Laura Adelmann Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andy Rogers Sales Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mike Jetchick Production Manager . . . . . . . . Ellen Reierson Business Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . Eva Mooney

BURNSVILLE OFFICE 12190 County Road 11 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-894-1111 fax: 952-846-2010 Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. M-Th, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Friday

ECM Editorial

Anderson Kelliher merits nod in deep DFL primary field Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s eight years in office have given voters ample time to compare his no-new-taxes version of government with the more progressive model that had prevailed for decades. November’s gubernatorial election again presents clashing philosophies. On the Democrat-Farmer-Labor side, Margaret Anderson Kelliher is the best candidate to make her party’s case in a robust contest with Republican endorsee Tom Emmer and Independence Party endorsee Tom Horner. Anderson Kelliher, a 12year veteran of the state House of Representatives, was elected speaker in 2007. She faces former U.S. Sen. Mark Dayton, also a former state auditor, and former House Minority Leader Matt Entenza in an Aug. 10 primary. The new governor’s first job will be mending an unprecedented $5.8 billion hole in the state budget. Anderson Kelliher and Entenza propose similar approaches that include spending cuts, tax hikes and continued delays in aid payments to school districts. Both propose higher income taxes for households making more than $250,000 a year. They’re right to use the income tax to reverse regressivity that has crept into Minnesota’s state and local tax structure during the Pawlenty years. Dayton’s approach – raising more revenue than either of his DFL opponents by hiking income taxes on a broader swath of “highincome” earners – may have gut-level appeal for some

DFL primary voters. It’s too divisive to carry into a general election and the 2011 legislative session. Anderson Kelliher’s choice of John Gunyou as her lieutenant governor running mate inspires confidence in her intellectual and political flexibility. Gunyou is a former state finance commissioner under Republican Gov. Arne Carlson and the current Minnetonka city manager. He’s an authority on state finance and a wellknown scold on “solutions” that trade long-term stability for expediency. The Anderson Kelliher/ Gunyou team offers the best chance for an evolving model of state finance that will become more fair and less vulnerable to unsettling revenue swings. Anderson Kelliher was the chief architect of a gasoline-tax increase that will raise more than $6 billion for badly needed road and bridge projects. She held together a coalition, including several Republicans, that delivered the only veto override Pawlenty has suffered in office. She represents a new generation of DFL leadership, one less prone to inter-caucus “bullying and yelling,” in her words, and more willing to try velvet persuasion. The daughter of rural Minnesota dairy farmers, Anderson Kelliher is visionary in many respects – such as her call for a government official to oversee services for a growing population of elderly – but some of her ideas need work. In an interview with the ECM Editorial Board, she gave an incomplete response

to a question about Minnesota’s growing public-pension crisis. In order to win DFL endorsement, she committed to exploring a state universal health-care system. The goal may be laudable, but too little has been said about how it would meld with the federal program and whether the cost is sustainable, especially in these times. Anderson Kelliher also supports a large, dedicated increase in state school funding combined with cuts in property taxes. To her credit, she says Minnesota must conquer its budget crisis first. She opposes gambling expansion and state tax dollars being spent on a new Vikings stadium, would sign a samesex marriage bill and rightly identifies Minnesota’s eroding water quality as its biggest environmental problem. Minnesota is fortunate to have three strong candidates in the DFL primary. Dayton’s lifetime of public service includes serving as a state commissioner for three different departments. During his career, Entenza was an effective legislator and leader of the House DFL caucus who now brings a fresh centrist profile to the primary race. Anderson Kelliher faces two wealthy Goliaths who have invested small fortunes in the Aug. 10 primary. Their campaign war chests neither qualify nor disqualify any of the three candidates. This editorial is a product of the ECM Editorial Board. Thisweek Newspapers and the Dakota County Tribune are part of ECM Publishers Inc.


THISWEEK July 30, 2010

Night/from 1A more than 90 parties as part of Night to Unite, Police Chief Thomas Vonhof said. “Some were official, others were more spur of the moment. But it doesn’t matter if you sign up or not, as long as folks are getting out and meeting their neighbors,â€? he said. “It’s really become a tradition here in Lakeville.â€? The MCPA, which is the lead group that helps organize Night to Unite, has a mission to provide leadership to empower community members in crime prevention efforts in Minnesota, Paul said. “The whole idea behind the association is that we’re here to help each other and other agencies,â€? Paul said. Ben Franklin/from 1A Management. Tschumper said it’s easy to see why Ben Franklin seems to thrive in downtown Lakeville. “If you walk in there you can see – they have something for everyone,â€? she said. “From kids who need Lakeville North and Lakeville South items, to seniors, to scrap-bookers, to the custom framing ‌ you just don’t see anything so eclectic anymore. There is literally something for everyone.â€? Erickson said that’s the point.

“If someone has a good program, we call and ask, ‘Can we have your notes?’ � In Lakeville, block parties are being encouraged to seek donations to the 360 Communities food shelf. Last year, Vonhof said, the 90 community parties generated more than 1,100 pounds of food. “Personally, I love this event,� Vonhof said. “We get to meet people, get out in the community – it’s really just a great opportunity.� The event used to be known as National Night Out. In some Minnesota cities, the change in event sponsor and title came last year after it was learned that National Night Out creator Matt Peskin earns $300,000 a year in But he also said owning the store has a unique set of challenges. Ben Franklin was once a dynamic franchise of retail stores, Erickson said. “But the franchise was sold. We didn’t have the clout the Wal-Marts of the world were getting,� he said. So instead of getting all of his merchandise from a central Ben Franklin warehouse like days past, Erickson said he now deals with “oodles of vendors.� “It’s a little more difficult, but now I can get more spe-

salary and benefits. Vonhof said the questions about the compensation of Peskin led to the creation of Night to Unite, which is a non-profit venture. Paul said last year’s event, the first with a new title, had as much participation as ever. “There certainly wasn’t a decline,� she said. In terms of expenses, the Lakeville Police Department spends just $635 on the day’s events and it comes out of the department’s crime prevention supplies budget. Parties can be registered with the city through July 30 by going to E-mail Derrick Williams at:




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cialized items,� he said. He’s also complemented merchandise sales with specialized services, such as custom picture framing. “It’s really strong,� Erickson said. He said Lakeville’s growth from small town into a commuter community has changed business. “A lot of people don’t know we’re even here,� Erickson said. “But we are, and we’re not leaving.�


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July 30, 2010 THISWEEK

News Briefs Love & Logic the topic of The Learning Curve support group

Rasmussen College to host Career Business loans up to $20,000 and Networking Fair is Aug. 19 available for veterans, small

Parents of children who have difficulty learning or controlling their behavior and reactions, can hear at 7 p.m. Aug. 5 how the principles of “Love & Logicâ€? can improve communication, strengthen relationships, and help children become better decision-makers. Guest speaker Angela Luebke-Schultz, a counselor at Cherry View Elementary School in Lakeville and a trained Love & Logic facilitator, will lead the session at Trinity Evangelical Free Church, 10658 210th St. W., Lakeville. Luebke-Schultz is speaking as part of The Learning

Rasmussen College, 3500 Federal Drive in Eagan, will host from 3- 5 p.m. Aug. 19 a free Career and Networking Fair for residents of the surrounding communities. Companies from a variety of industries will be present and looking to fill positions with qualified candidates. Featured businesses include UPS, Aerotek, Wells Fargo, and ACR Homes. Rasmussen College representatives will be on

Curve – a resource support group for those families who have children with learning and/or behavioral difficulties. The group meets quarterly throughout the year, hosting guest speakers to help families find solutions and encouragement to help their students become more successful, and to improve family communication and relationships. For more information, contact one of the co-chairs: Joy Crevoiserat ( or Mandi Boogerd (mandi.

Scott County offers immunization clinics on Mondays in Shakopee Scott County Public Health offers walk-in immunization clinics Mondays from 1 to 5 p.m. at 792 Canterbury Road S., Suite A160, Shakopee. No clinics are held on legal holidays.

The clinic office is located in the Workforce Development Center at the opposite end of the building of the WIC office. For information, call (952) 496-8555.

hand to provide information about master’s degree programs offered through the Rasmussen Partner Network of schools, and bachelor’s and associate’s degree programs offered through the local campus, as well as career opportunities within the Rasmussen College system. For more information, call (651) 687-0507 or go online at www.Rasmussen. edu.

Volunteers needed to support families caring for an elder Family members caring for an elder in their home could use a break from caregiving now and then, and being a DARTS volunteer can make it possible. Volunteers can support family caregivers by giving them a break once a week or every other week for three to four hours. Volunteers

provide company and a safe environment for the elder who cannot be left alone. For more information about DARTS volunteer opportunities with older adults, contact Barb Tiggemann, barb.tiggemann@ or (651) 4551560, or visit www.darts1. org.


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businesses across state An expanded and renamed state program is offering loans of up to $20,000 apiece to recently retired military service members who want to start businesses, and also to small businesses that suffered due to the loss of essential employees being called to military service, under a law passed in the 2010 legislative session. The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development is administrating the program, called the Minnesota Reservist and Veteran Business Loan Program. Both the business and start-up business loans are one-time, interestfree loans, available from $5,000 to $20,000. Terms are for four and a half years, with no repayment over the first one and a half years and equal monthly payments for the remaining three years. Start-up business loans are available to businesses that are owned and operated by a recently separated veteran (after Sept. 11, 2001). To qualify for this program, a veteran must have been on active

Cross of Christ Community Church


“A place to discover God just as you are�

8748 210th St. West In Downtown Lakeville on the corner of Holyoke and 210th Street Ph: 952-469-3113 www. Sunday Morning Schedule

Worship Service: 10:30AM Education: 9:30AM Nursery Available

Wednesday Eve 6:30 PM YOUTH REVOLUTION

duty on or after 9/11 and have been separated under honorable conditions after having been on active duty for at least 181 consecutive days, or after disability incurred while on active duty. “Small business is the backbone of Minnesota,� said Sen. Pat Pariseau, who is retiring at the end of 2010. “These loan programs were developed for our hard-working veterans that continue to serve our state by priming the economic pump of small business that fuels our state’s economy. I encourage all veterans that may be eligible and interested to check into the programs they may want to take advantage of.� Applications are available at under “reservist and veteran business loan.� The direct link to the information page is at: Questions about the program can be directed to Jeff Nelson at (651) 2597523 or jeff.m.nelson@

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All Saints Catholic Church

19795 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, Minnesota 952-469-4481

Weekend Mass Times Saturdays at 5:00 pm Sundays at:

7:30, 9:00, 11 am & 5:30 pm

Reconciliation Saturdays

8:30-9:30am & 3:30-4:30 pm

TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH (LCMS) 600 Walnut Street, Farmington


Life’s Healing Choices: Recycling Pain - The Healing Choice 9:00a Contemporary 10:30a Blended Nursery/Children/Youth 9:00a and 10:30a

17671 Glacier Way SE Corner of Cedar & Dodd, Lakeville

952.469.PRAY (7729)

Rev. James Markworth Rev. Wil Franzmeier WORSHIP SERVICES Wednesdays 7pm Sundays 9am Vacation Bible School Saturday, July 17th. Holy Communion 2nd & 4th Sundays and preceding Wednesdays


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Family of Christ Lutheran Church ELCA

Summer Worship One service 9:30 am Nursery available

East of 1-35 on 185th Lakeville Pastor Lon Larson 952-435-5757

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THISWEEK July 30, 2010


Thisweekend Expressions! offers divine comedy Lakeville theater group presents ‘The Education of Angels’ by Andrew Miller THISWEEK NEWSPAPERS

Laugh-out-loud comedy has become the stock in trade of Lakeville-based community theater group Expressions! The group’s latest production, “The Education of Angels,� promises plenty of laughs, but also delves into deeper issues, says director Maureen Carroll. “It’s about life and death and new beginnings,� Carroll said. “It’s funny, it’s poignant, it’s a tearjerker but in a very sweet way.� The show, which runs Aug. 6-15 at the Lakeville Area Arts Center, follows the misadventures of two angels in training (played by Bonnie Stevenson and Paul Modderman) sent to Earth to assist a bridegroom (Andrew Wilkins) experiencing cold feet on his wedding day.

Making their debut The production marks the stage debut for three actors in the show’s ninemember cast. Toby Nichols, who works as a substitute teacher in Lakeville Area Public

Schools, is cast as the elderly, cane-clutching Clifton in his first acting role. Rob Carry, a horticulturist by trade who this summer is producing a reality TV series tentatively titled “The Station� about the lives of firefighters in Naples, Fla., is cast as Jack, the best man at the wedding in “The Education of Angels.� “It’s exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time,� Carry, of Inver Grove Heights, said of his first theater role. “It’s something to cross off my bucket list.� Also new to the stage is 7-year-old Ariana Doyle, the sole child in the cast. “I’ve always wanted to act and it’s been really fun,� said Doyle, who will be a second-grader at Falcon Ridge Elementary in New Prague in the fall. Carroll and the other cast members describe Doyle as a natural talent. “She’s doing a phenomenal job – she’s very professional, and it feels like she’s always been on the stage,� said Carroll. “I’d take her again in a heartbeat.� Doyle got connected with Expressions! through

IN BRIEF Expressions! Lakeville Community Theater presents the stage comedy “The Education of Angels� Aug. 6-15 at the Lakeville Area Arts Center. Show times are 7:30 p.m. Aug. 6-7 and 13-14, and 2 p.m. Aug. 8 and 15. Tickets are $12 and are available at under “Lakeville Area Arts Center.�

Performances ISD 191 Community Education and The Play’s the Thing Productions will present “Annie Jr.â€? at 1 p.m. Aug. 4 and Aug. 6 and 7 p.m. Aug. 5 and Aug. 7 at the Burnsville Performing Arts Center, 12600 Nicollet Ave. Tickets are $12/adults and $10/seniors/students and are available at the box office or For more information go to www. Eagan Community Theatre will present “The Music Manâ€? at Eagan High School at 7:30 p.m. July 30-31 and at 2 p.m. July 31. Tickets: Call (651) 683-6964 between 1-4 p.m. weekdays and one hour before each performance. Tickets are $10 and $12. Events The Art and All that Jazz Festival will be held Aug. 20-21 at Nicollet Commons Park and the Burnsville Performing Arts Center in the Heart of the City, Burnsville. Information: Comedy “Times are Tough ‌ Laughing is Easyâ€? comedy showcase presented by the MinneHAHA Comedy Club at 9:30 p.m. Aug. 20 and 21 at Jensen’s Supper Club, 3840 Sibley Memorial Highway, Eagan. Comedian Tammy Nerby headlines with special guest Elaine Thompson. Admission: $12.50. For reservations log onto or call (612) 860-9388. Classes/workshops Drama - Theater Camps for ages 4 and older from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 2-19 at River Ridge Arts Building, Burnsville.Register for full or half days. Call (952) 7363644 for more information. TV Interviewing Class for ages 8-14 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Aug. 5 at River Ridge Arts Building, Burnsville. Fee: $35. Call (612) 250-8611 for information.

Script Writing for ages 8 and older from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Aug. 4 at River Ridge Arts Building, Burnsville. Fee: $35. Call (952) 7363644 for more information. Brushworks School of Art in Burnsville will offer Summer Teen Drawing and Painting from 5 to 7 p.m. on Mondays throughout the summer. Register at or call (651) 214-4732. Brushworks School of Art in Burnsville offers Array Color Mixing for everyone – in oil or acrylic – with professional artist Frank Wetzel, Aug. 5 and 6. Register www. or call (651) 214-4732. Brushworks School of Art in Burnsville offers Family Friday Art Day on July 23 and Aug. 27. Cost: $60 per family of four per session. For information and to register: www.BrushworksSchoolofArt. com or call (651) 214-4732. Brushworks School of Art offers visual art classes at the Burnsville Performing Arts Center. Mini Masters, paint like Picasso (Aug. 12). Fairy Art for ages 5-11, Aug. 12, 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Art Around the World in America for youth on Aug. 12-13, 10 a.m. to noon. All supplies included with registration. Register online at www.BrushworksSchoolofArt. com or call (651) 214-4732. Join other 55-plus adults at the Eagan Art House to create beaded jewelry. The Jewelry Club meets on the third Friday of each month from 1 to 3 p.m. Class fee is $3 per person and includes all supplies. Bring any old jewelry you would like to re-make. The Eagan Art House is located at 3981 Lexington Ave. S. For more information, call (651) 686-9134. In The Company of Kids Creative Arts Center presents the Fairytale Adventures Program, a music-based based dance program for parents and children. Newborns to age 3 welcome with parent or caregiver. Call (952) 7363644 for more information or visit

Register now for summer classes at the Eagan Art House. Classes are offered for all ages from age 4 through adult. A variety of schedules and course offerings are available. For a complete listing visit eaganarthouse. For more information, call the Eagan Art House at (651) 686-9134. Soy candle making classes held weekly in Eagan near 55 and Yankee Doodle. Call Jamie at (651) 315-4849 for dates and times. $10 per person. Presented by Making Scents in Minnesota. Country line dance classes held for intermediates Mondays 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at Rambling River Center, 325 Oak St., Farmington. Cost is $5 per class. Call Marilyn at (651) 463-7833. Beginner country line dance classes on Wednesdays, 5:307:30 p.m., at the Lakeville Senior Center, 20732 Holt Ave. $5/class. Call Marilyn (651) 463-7833. The Lakeville Area Arts Center offers arts classes for all ages. For class and registration information, visit or call the Arts Center office at (952) 985-4640. DanceWorks Performing Arts Center’s Let’s Dance program will hold a “First Friday� dance event on the first Friday of each month. Latin/swing/ballroom class from 6 to 7 p.m., followed by a two-hour “practice session� from 7 to 9 p.m. The lesson is free. The “practice session� is $12 per family (high school students are free) or $7 per person. A partner is not needed to participate. The monthly event is at DanceWorks Central, 20137 Icenic Trail, Lakeville. Call (952) 432-7123 to reserve a spot or visit A new five-week session of Adaptive Dance will begin on Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:15 a.m. at DanceWorks Performing Arts Center, 17470 Glacier Way, Lakeville. For more information, email or call (952) 432-7123.

whose lives have been affected by another’s compulsive sexual behavior. There is a women’s only meeting of COSA on Wednesdays from 6:45 to 8:30 p.m. in Apple Valley. Newcomers are welcome. For more information, visit, email AppleValleyCOSA@yahoo. com or call (763) 537-6904. South of the river group for parents of children with Down syndrome will meet at 6 p.m. at Shepherd of the Valley Church, Apple Valley, on the third Monday of the month. Call Jennifer at (651) 463-2226 to register. Child care available for $3.

Friday, July 30 Child Safety Seminar at 6 p.m. at ATA Martial Arts, 1040 E. County Road 42, Burnsville, (952) 432-6555. Free seminar will include simple break away techniques, role playing with possible stranger dangers, how to deal with bullies. Free pizza will be served following the seminar. Friday Nights Music in the Park featuring Latin Voices, 6 p.m. to dusk at Kelley Park, Fortino and 152nd streets, Apple Valley. Relay for Life of Farmington begins at 6 p.m. at Robert Boeckman Middle School, 4008 220th St. W.

concrete,yet is light weight. Fee: $25. Supplies provided. Questions or to register by phone, call University of Minnesota Extension: (651) 4807700. National Night Out in area communities. Information: Eagan, (651) 675-5727; Farmington, (651) 280-6700. Night to Unite in area communities. Information: Apple Valley, (952) 953-2706; Burnsville (952) 895-4575; Lakeville, (952) 985-2800; Rosemount, (651) 322-2012.

Ongoing Polka Mass at 5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 7, at St. Wenceslaus Church, 215 E. Main St., New Prague. Euchre tournament, video game competition, music, food and beverage. Polka Mass at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 8. Grilled chicken dinner served 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Grilled pork burgers, floats, ice cream, crafts, pull-tabs, bingo and live entertainment both Saturday and Sunday. Marriage Encounter weekend Aug. 14-15 at the Dakota Ridge Hotel on 35E and Yankee Doodle in Eagan. Information: or (651) 4543238. The American Red Cross will sponsor the following blood drives. Type O negative and type B negative blood donations are especially needed. For more information, call 1 (800) 448-3543 or 1 (800) GIVE-LIFE or visit • July 31, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Nelson Chiropractic, 14321 Nicollet Court, Burnsville. • Aug. 3, 7 a.m. to noon, Fairview Ridges Hospital, 201 E. Nicollet Ave., Burnsville. • Aug. 4, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., School of Environmental Studies, 12155 Johnny Cake Ridge Road, Apple Valley. • Aug. 7, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Caribou Coffee, 3868 150th St., Rosemount.

Wednesday, Aug. 4 Senior Social & Dance from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Lakeville VFW, 20195 Holyoke Saturday, July 31 Ave. Carnival and Silent AucHealth & Wellness Night – tion benefit for Gracie Norlin Eagan Market Fest from 4 to 8 from 1 to 5 p.m. at Farmington p.m. at Central Park’s Festival American Legion Post 189, Grounds at the Eagan Commu10 Eighth St. N., Farmington. nity Center, 1501 Central ParkSix-year-old Gracie is battling way. Free health screenings, cancer. The event will include fitness demos and health and a silent auction, games, food, wellness information booths. treats, and more. Tickets: $10 Entertainment: Shoop! (jazz voper person or $25 per family. cal). Information: Nicki at (612) 308Wednesday on Main – Will 2524 or Dawn at (952) 239- Hale & The Tadpole Parade 2634. Band, 6:15 p.m., Pioneer Park Plaza, Holyoke Avenue and Tuesday, Aug. 3 208th Street, Lakeville. AppeCaponi Art Park’s Family tizers from Subway SandwichFun Tuesday – Lucky Lion and es & Salads. Red Ribbons: China’s Moving Wednesday in the Park – History with CAAM Chinese The British Invasion, 7 p.m., Thisweek Newspapers acDance Theater, 10 to 11 a.m., Civic Center Park, Burnsville. cepts submissions for cal1220 Diffley Road, Eagan. $2 endar events in Apple Valley, suggested donation. Informa- Friday, Aug. 6 tion: (651) 454-9412. Friday Nights Music in Burnsville, Eagan, FarmingTuesday Evenings in the the Park featuring Frahtzich ton, Lakeville and Rosemount Garden: Hypertufa Contain- Brothers, 6 p.m. to dusk at by fax at (952) 846-2010, by ers with Cheryl Mann, 6:30 to Kelley Park, Fortino and 152nd e-mail at reporter.thisweek@ or by phone at 8 p.m. in the garden at UMore streets, Apple Valley. Relay for Life of Burnsville (952) 846-2034. Deadline for Park, 1605 160th St. W. (County Road 46), Rosemount. Make begins at 6 p.m. at Nicollet Junior submissions is 5 p.m. Monday. a planter that resembles aged High School, 400 E. 134th St.

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Miscellaneous The Dakota County Star Quilters quilt guild meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Parkway, Eagan. Our meetings consist of speakers, demonstrations or community service projects all designed to share our love of quilting. Visitors welcome. For more information, visit Support The Learning Curve, a resource support group for families who have children with learning and/or behavioral difficulties, meets quarterly at Trinity Evangelical Free Church, 10658 210th St. W., Lakeville, (952) 435-5548. Angela Luebke-Schultz, counselor at Cherry View Elementary, will speak about the principles of Love and Logic at the next meeting (7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 5). Information: Joy Crevoiserat ( or Mandi Boogerd (mandi.boogerd@gmail. com). Overeaters Anonymous 12step program meets at 9 a.m. Saturdays at Spirit of Life Pres-

byterian Church, 14401 Pilot Knob Road, Apple Valley. Contact Becky at (952) 423-1527 or for more information visit www. Overeaters Anonymous 12-step program meets at Faith Covenant Church, 12921 Nicollet Ave. S., Burnsville, (952) 8903110, ext. 13. Men’s Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step program meets at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays at Faith Covenant Church, 12921 Nicollet Ave. S., Burnsville. Contact (952) 890-3110, ext. 13. COSA is a 12-step recovery program for men and women

At left: Ariana Doyle, left, shares a laugh with Andrew Wilkins during rehearsals for “The Education of Angels.�

family calendar

groups calendar To submit an item for the Groups Calendar, send it by e-mail to

Above: Kim Lang, center, gets physical with Bonnie Stevenson and Paul Modderman during rehearsal Sunday for “The Education of Angels.� The stage comedy follows the misadventures of two angels in training sent to Earth to assist a man experiencing cold feet on his wedding day.

Andrew Miller is at

theater and arts calendar To submit items for the Arts Calendar, e-mail: eagan.

Photos by Christina Schroeder

her neighbor, Bonnie Stevenson, a founding member of the Lakeville theater group who’s playing one of the two angels in the production. “She holds her own in a cast full of adults,� Stevenson said.�She’s just a very talented, very bright little girl.� More about “The Education of Angels� is at www. under “Lakeville Area Arts Center.�

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July 30, 2010 THISWEEK



CLUES ACROSS 1. Greek capital 7. Pharaoh’s cobra 10. One-celled aquatic protazoa 11. ClariďŹ ed butter (India) 12. Quenching 13. Saudi natives 14. Early inhalation anesthetic 15. Arrogant people 16. Last in an indeďŹ nitely large series 17. Belonging to a thing 18. 51044 Iowa 20. Megahertz 21. Porch or balcony 26. Writer Kenzaburo 27. TV and movies, 32. 4th US state 33. Odyssey hero 35. Will Farrell movie 36. Main omelette ingredient 37. Wager 38. ___ of Innocence 39. Glasses 41. Twain _____, CA 95383 44. A navigation map 45. Embarrassed and confused 47. A dissenting clique 48. Postures

49. Icahn’s airline 50. Japanese female entertainer CLUES DOWN 1. Far East wet nurse 2. Take a pu

3. One who inherits 4. Point one point N of due E 5. Annoy constantly 6. Opposite of NW 7. Moby’s pursuer 8. Point one point S of SE

9. Foot (Latin) 10. Brass instrument 11. 1/100 Polish zloty 12. Small sofa 13. Hymns 15. Barratry 16. 11th month 19. Seated 22. Lack of care 23. Conscriptions 24. Indicates position 25. Vietnamese currency unit 28. Potato state 29. Point midway between E and SE 30. Contradicts 31. Pulled hard 34. South-Southeast (abbr.) 35. Sun Times critic 39. Jazz man Bobby ___ 40. S. American rodent 41. Star Wars character Solo 42. German racer Roland ___ 43. Zeus’ mother 44. Between EST and MST 45. Consumed 46. Spoken in the Dali region of Yunnan 48. SpeciďŹ c gravity


Ladies Night set Aug. 5 in downtown Lakeville music calendar The retail committee of the Downtown Lakeville Business Association will sponsor Ladies Night from 5 to 9 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 5. The theme will be Shades of Summer. The committee continues to promote its “Shop Local. Shop Downtown Lakeville� campaign by hosting these events. There is no charge to attend and shops will be offering refreshments and special sales and promotions. Game cards can be picked up at participating retailers. By visiting all of the shops attendees will be eligible to win a basket of gift certificates

from the participating stores, a $250 value. Shoppers will receive 10 tickets for each purchase made and 10 extra tickets from each store for wearing their favorite sunglasses. Tickets will allow guests to have a chance to win one of 17 gift baskets provided by the shops. The baskets will be on display in the post office corridor that evening. All prize drawings (need not be present to win) will be awarded at 9 p.m. at Mainstreet After Hours and the winning numbers will be posted the following day at

the DLBA website, www. Participating retailers are: Ace Hardware, Barger’s Salon, Belle Ami Salon & Spa, Erickson Ben Franklin, Flora, Etc., Isabella’s, Lakeville Auto & Tire, Lakeville Barbers, Mainstreet After Hours, The Loft Bridal, Pearl Light Nails, Pink Door Boutique, Porch‌for your home, R. Stidger Photography, Sacks in the City, Varsity Sports and World of Games. For more information: www.downtownlakeville. com, or (952) 985-0517.

books calendar Burnhaven Library 1101 W. County Road 42, Burnsville, (952) 891-0300 Anime Drawing for teens from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Monday, Aug. 2. Learn how to draw anime with the Eagan Art House. Registration required. Ketzal Coatlicue Aztec Dance Troupe for all ages from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 2. Baby Storytime for babies up to 24 months and their caregivers from 10:15 to 11 a.m. Tuesdays, Aug. 3 and 10. Remarkable Reptiles for all ages from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 4. Live animals and artifacts.

To submit items for Thisweekend’s Music Calendar, e-mail:

Friday, July 30

No Name Jazz Trio, 7:30 to 10 p.m., Jo Jo’s Rise & Wine, 12501 Nicollet Ave., Suite 100, Burnsville, (952) 736-3001. Good for Gary, 9:30 p.m., Bogart’s Nightclub, 14917 Garrett Ave., Apple Valley, (952) 432-1515. Shaw Brothers, 9:30 p.m., Neisen’s Sports Bar and Grill, 4851 W. 123rd St., Savage, (952) 846-4513. TBA, 9 p.m. to 12:30 a.m., Rudy’s Redeye Grill, 20800 Kenrick Ave., Lakeville, (952) 469-0711. Teresa Peterson Band, 8 to 10 p.m., The Ugly Mug Coffee, Bar and Grill, 18450 Pilot Knob Road, Farmington, (651) 463-6844. Larry Johnson on keyboards, 7 to 11 p.m., Chateau Lamothe, 14351 Nicollet Court, Burnsville, (952) 435-7709.

Classic Jazz, 7:30 to 10 p.m., Jo Jo’s Rise & Wine, 12501 Nicollet Ave., Suite 100, Burnsville, (952) 736-3001. Lady Luck, 9:30 p.m., Neisen’s Sports Bar and Grill, 4851 W. 123rd St., Savage, (952) 846-4513. Rising, 9:30 p.m., Primetime Sports Bar and Grill, 14103 Irving Ave., Burnsville, (952) 435-6111. 8 Foot 4, Babe’s Music Bar, 20685 Holyoke Ave., Lakeville, (952) 469-5200. Mr. Peabody, McKracken’s Pub, 3120 W. Highway 13, Burnsville, (952) 277-0197. Mark Mraz, 9 p.m. to 12:30 a.m., Rudy’s Redeye Grill, 20800 Kenrick Ave., Lakeville, (952) 469-0711. Teresa Peterson Band, 7 Open mic, 9 p.m., Bogart’s to 10 p.m., Pardon My French, Place, 14917 Garrett Ave. S., 1565 Cliff Road, Eagan, (651) Apple Valley, (952) 432-1515. 454-2233. Larry Johnson on keyboards, 7 to 11 p.m., Chateau Jambo Joe Bones, Enjoy! Lamothe, 14351 Nicollet Court, Restaurant, 15435 Founders Burnsville, (952) 435-7709. Lane, Apple Valley, (952) 8916569.

Monday, Aug. 2

day, Aug. 6. Movie is rated G.

Heritage Library 20085 Heritage Drive, Lakeville (952) 891-0360 Waggin’ Tales for ages 5-10 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, July 31. Read aloud to a therapy dog. Wii for Kids for ages 6-12 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Monday, Aug. 2. Wii for Teens from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 2. Teens Read to Tots for ages 2-8 and their caregivers from 10:30 to 11 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 3. Kindergarten Here I Come Storytime for children about to start kindergarten and their Farmington Library families from 10:30 to 11 a.m. 508 Third St., Farmington Wednesday, Aug. 4. (651) 438-0250 Legos and Duplos at the LiThere’s still time to sign up brary for kids of all ages and their for the Make A Splash Summer caregivers from 10 a.m. to noon Reading Club. Kids who sign up Thursday, Aug. 5. will be given a form to keep track Marvelous Mobiles for teens of the time they read or are read from 3 to 5 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 5. to. Prizes are awarded to partici- Create mobiles with funky materipants after five, 10 and 20 hours als from the ArtStart Scrapmobile. of reading. Registration required. Wii Games for teens from Baby Storytime for babies up 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. to 24 months and their caregivers 2. Show off your bowling skills from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Friday, or own the competition in Super Aug. 6. Smash Bros. Brawl. Board Games for ages 6-12 Robert Trail Library from 1 to 2 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 3. 14395 S. Robert Trail Rosemount, (651) 480-1210 Galaxie Library The teen summer reading 14955 Galaxie Ave., Apple Val- program, Make Waves at your ley, (952) 891-7045 Library, continues. All teens beRegistration for the Summer tween 12 and 17 are welcome Reading Program ends on Sat- to come and register for the prourday, Aug. 14. Last day for prize gram. Don’t forget to turn in your pick-up is Saturday, Sept. 4. permission slip for the Friday, Aug. Raiders of the Lost Junkyard 13, lock-in at the Galaxie Library in for teens from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Mon- Apple Valley. day, Aug. 2, and Tuesday, Aug. 3. Your Self Portrait for ages 12Take things apart, then create a 18 from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday, July robot or something else from the 31. Registration required. pieces. Presented by Leonardo’s Dakota Wild Animals for all Basement. Registration required. ages from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Must attend both sessions. Thursday, Aug. 5. Live reptile and Sidewalk Chalk Art for all mammal show. Free ticket reages from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Tues- quired. day, Aug. 3. Decorate sidewalks Handmade Books for teens near the library. Chalk provided. from 2 to 4 p.m. Friday, Aug. 6. “Twilight� for teens from 2 to Use fun materials to create a 4 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 4. Movie handmade book with the help of is rated PG-13. the ArtStart Scrapmobile. RegisRAD Zoo for all ages from tration required. 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Thursday, Art Detective for ages 7-10 Aug. 5. Meet frogs, turtles, lizards, from 2 to 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. snakes and even a small alligator. 7. Explore the art of Salvador Dali “Finding Nemo� for all ages and Henri Rousseau and create a from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Fri- masterpiece of your own. Regis-

tration required. Savage Library 13090 Alabama Ave. S.E., Savage (952) 707-1770 Celebrity Storytime for all ages at 10:30 a.m. Monday, Aug. 2, with Superintendent Randy Clegg, ISD 191, and Tuesday, Aug. 3, with Pat Mitton, branch manager, Savage Library. Underwater Adventures Open House for all ages from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 5. Hands-on activities, artifacts, and live aquarium animals. Origami Photo Book for teens from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 5. Make a few folds, add special paper and some photos to make a photo book. Wescott Library 1340 Wescott Road, Eagan (651) 450-2900 Books and Bagels for teens from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 2. Wonder Weavers Storytellers for all ages from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 3. Interactive storytelling using props, puppets, costumes, songs, magic and audience participation. Printmaking for teens from 3 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 3. Carve linoleum or print with a fish or a flower to create unique designs. Registration required. Spray-Painting for teens from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 4. Use stencils and freestyle to make a mural with the help of muralist Katrina Knutson. Spoken Word Greatness for teens from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 4. Learn and practice the art of spoken word with Eagan resident and spoken word artist Julian Hines. Baby Storytime for babies up to 24 months and their caregivers from 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 4. Craft Fair for sellers ages 4-17 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 5. All items must be priced for less than $2. Sellers must register in advance. The Art of the DJ for teens from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 5. Professional DJ Jason Serbescu teaches beats, mixing and scratching. Storytime for all ages from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Friday, Aug. 6.

Wednesday, Aug. 4

Saturday, July 31

Thursday, Aug. 5 Good for Gary, Babe’s Music Bar, 20685 Holyoke Ave., Lakeville, (952) 469-5200. The Feelin’ (piano bar). 9:30 p.m., Ansari’s Mediterranean Grill and Lounge, 1960 Rahncliff Court, Eagan, (651) 452-0999. Junk FM, 9:30 p.m., McKracken’s Pub, 3120 W. Highway 13, Burnsville, (952) 277-0197. Stealing Seconds, Babe’s Music Bar, 20685 Holyoke Ave., Lakeville, (952) 469-5200.

Friday, Aug. 6 Paul Woell & Company, 7:30 to 10 p.m., Jo Jo’s Rise & Wine, 12501 Nicollet Ave., Suite 100, Burnsville, (952) 736-3001. Critical Mass, 9:30 p.m., Neisen’s Sports Bar and Grill, 4851 W. 123rd St., Savage, (952) 846-4513. Touched, Babe’s Music Bar, 20685 Holyoke Ave., Lakeville, (952) 469-5200. Mark Mraz, 9 p.m. to 12:30 a.m., Rudy’s Redeye Grill, 20800 Kenrick Ave., Lakeville, (952) 469-0711. Larry Johnson on keyboards, 7 to 11 p.m., Chateau Lamothe, 14351 Nicollet Court, Burnsville, (952) 435-7709.

thisweekend briefs Explore China with dance and drum Caponi Art Park’s Theater in the Woods stage will celebrate the cultural heritage of China with the CAAM Chinese Dance Theater’s 2010 production of “The Sound of Drums from the Land of China� on Sunday, Aug. 8. Audience members will learn about the important role of the drum in China’s history through contemporary folk dance, costumes and music with cultural explanations in both English and Chinese. The free performance begins at 6:30 p.m. in the Theater in the Woods amphitheater. A Chinese paper lantern making activity will be from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. A $4 per person suggested donation helps to make this program possible. In the event of rain, the performance will be held Sunday, Aug. 15. Bring a blanket or folding chair. Program descriptions and a complete schedule of events are available at www. Patrons are encouraged to bring a food donation for Eagan’s 150th Anniversary Food Drive.

Local author to speak at Dakota County Fair

Mariachi on Saturday. Both concerts will be held at 7 p.m. at Town Hall Park. For more information, visit www.vintageAward-winning author Gordon W. Fredrickson of Lakeville will speak and perform his Minnesota farm stories in the Chautauqua Tent at Dakota City during this year’s Dakota The Eagan Art House’s County Fair. Performances are slated fifth annual Harvest of for 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Art Community Art ExAug. 10; 5 p.m. Thursday, hibit will be held Aug. 29 Aug. 12; and noon Satur- through Oct. 20. The exhibit is open to day, Aug. 14. all south of the river artFredrickson also will have a booth in the Display ists. All media are acceptBuilding across from the ed. An exhibit opening Print Shop in Dakota City will be held Aug. 29 at the during the fair. Eagan Art House. The exhibit will then be divided to go on display at various community locations. The registration fee for The 2010 Vintage Band up to two pieces of artFestival will take place in work is $15 (ages 8-18) Northfield Aug. 5-8 with and $20 (ages 19 and oldmore than 50 concerts by er). Register by Aug. 9. 20 historical American Complete exhibit guideand international bands. lines are available at www. On Friday, Aug. 6, and, Aug. 7, the fes- arthouse. For more information, tival will come to Empire Township with perfor- call the Eagan Art House mances by Chestnut Brass at (651) 686-9134. Company on Friday and Estrellas de Guadalupe

Call for artists for Harvest of Art

Vintage Band Festival Aug. 6-7

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THISWEEK July 30, 2010


Dakota County Rare judicial race on primary ballot County’s aging initiative likely to 11-year incumbent suspended last year faces two challengers reorganize into a non-profit agency by Laura Adelmann THISWEEK NEWSPAPERS

A Dakota County judge disciplined last year for misconduct is facing two challengers in the Aug. 10 primary election. In the rare contested judicial race, attorneys Larry Clark and Stephen Allan Baker have filed to run against Judge Timothy Blakely, a former Navy officer who has held the First Judicial District seat for 11 years. Last year, Blakely was suspended from practice for six months by the Minnesota Supreme Court for negotiating a $63,503 discount for legal services in his divorce by appointing his attorney as mediator to cases he oversaw. Both Clark, an assistant prosecuting attorney for Dakota County, and Baker, an attorney from Red Wing who has practiced in Minnesota and Florida, have cited references to Blakely’s discipline as one of the reasons they decided to run for the bench. In an e-mail, Baker said his candidacy speaks for his views on Blakely and the court’s sanction.

“We need to bring honesty, integrity and the spirit of community service back to the bench in the First Judicial District,� he wrote. On his website, Clark states that he never envisioned himself running against a sitting judge, but now feels compelled to do so, “in an effort to restore integrity and respect to the position. As a judge, I promise to not let my personal interests interfere with my decisions.� On his website, Blakely does not reference the incident, but cites his experience, case decisions and states that his most important courtroom contribution “is to facilitate expeditious case resolution through consensus building and timely case management.� Blakely was on vacation last week and could not be reached for further comment. While citing concerns about Blakely, both candidates emphasized their qualifications for a seat on the bench. Baker has served as a city attorney for five Minnesota municipalities including

Eagan and Burnsville. He has 23 years of experience at the trial and appellate level in Minnesota and Florida, where he was a senior assistant attorney general assigned to special complex federal litigation division aimed at keeping murderers and sex offenders in prison. Clark joined the Dakota County Attorney’s Office in 1989 as a criminal prosecutor, handling major crimes including murder, criminal sexual conduct, felony assault and robbery. He graduated from William Mitchell College of Law in St. Paul and was in private practice in Wisconsin for five years before moving to Minnesota. The First Judicial District includes the counties of Carver, Dakota, Goodhue, LeSueur, McLeod, Scott and Sibley. Primary voters are asked to select one candidate in the judicial race. The top two vote-getters will proceed to the general election, Nov. 2.

are encouraged to register immediately so that new students can attend the Back to School event on Friday, Aug. 6. A public charter school, Paideia Academy is tuitionfree. For more information, call (952) 953-6200 or visit www.paideiaacademy. org.

County Technical College, Rosemount. She is a student in the Human Resource Development program. The president’s list recognizes students who have achieved a 3.5 grade point average or better.

Living Longer and Stronger out of money at year’s end by Laura Adelmann THISWEEK NEWSPAPERS

A Dakota County initiative administered by a local non-profit organization is likely to become its own non-profit next year. What began as the county’s investigation of how to accommodate an aging public became an action plan through DARTS. The county funded the program with about $110,000 annually for three years, but it is not being funded in 2011, said Jack Ditmore, director of operations, management and budget. At a July 27 commit-

Classes at Paideia Academy, a K-8 charter public school in Apple Valley, will begin Monday, Aug. 9. The school’s calendar includes quarter breaks of two to three weeks throughout the year, and a shorter summer break, which aids in learning retention. Lynne Moldenhauer The school has several of Farmington has been openings for eighth-grad- named to the spring semesers, and interested families ter president’s list at Dakota



The Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors has appointed Lakeville resident Jason Swenson to the board. Swenson will fill the remaining six months of the District 2 supervisor position, previously held by Scott Norstad, 52, of Apple Valley who unexpectedly died in April. Swenson is also running for the position in November, when voters will decide who will finish the term which expires in

Laura Adelmann is at laura.

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Laura Adelmann is at laura.

All dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. We will not knowingly accept any advertisements that violate Federal or Minnesota laws dealing with discrimination in housing.

Burnsville and Eagan. District 2 includes Apple Valley, Rosemount, Lakeville, Empire Township and Farmington. According to the Minnesota Secretary of State Office, Soil and Water Conservation District candidates do not appear on the primary ballot.


2012. Other candidates are Dan Kuykendall, Anthony Nelson and Doug (Tip) Tipka. Four candidates are also running against Scott Holm for the District 1 seat he has held for four years. Those candidates are Dian Blake, John Ross, and Thomas Willenbring. District 1 includes


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Laura Adelmann is at laura.

Position is temporary; voters will decide seat in November

President’s list

demographics. The group plans to next focus on Apple Valley and Rosemount. Other areas of involvement have included housing, services, wellness, transportation, work and community. Wiggins said the organization has no money now, and funding the new non-profit would be a challenge. “There may be other partners interested in the community development side of this as opposed to the aging side,� she said.

Lakeville man appointed to Soil & Water seat

Education Paideia Academy classes begin Aug. 9

tee meeting, DARTS vice president Beth Wiggins said the aging initiative, now called Living Longer and Stronger, has formed a sustainability committee to explore ways to continue its work without county support. She said about 70 volunteers have given over 1,000 hours of time this year, providing support to residents in a variety of ways. For example, in Burnsville, the organization’s Health and Wellness Team surveyed residents age 45 and older about how senior centers can adapt to meet changing needs and

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17874 179th Trail W. $619,900 3 BR, 3 BA Walkout Rambler Dyana Mark-Lewis 952-891-7673

18118 Kindred Ct. $234,900 3 BR, 4 BA, twin home Sandra Luedtke 952-898-7016





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4373 Canton Court $364,900 3 BR, 3 BA with Airplane Hangar Kary Marpe 612-325-8787

30 125th Street $240,000 4 BR, 4 BA, townhome Michele Skjei 612-414-3213



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July 30, 2010 THISWEEK

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Farmington Briefs Celebrate Empire festival is Aug. 5 Empire Township’s community celebration “Celebrate Empire� is planned from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 5, at the town park. The annual celebration offers Doodles and Bobbles the Clowns and the Elevation Variety Band from 6 to 8 p.m. Gunny sack races for children ages 4 to 9 begin at 7:30 p.m. with registration at 7:15 p.m. Prizes are awarded to top finishers. Other family entertainment includes Dakota County K-9 unit, boat patrol, fire trucks, police cars, race car moon walks, obstacles, face painting and food and drink. Volunteers are still needed and can call the town hall at (651) 4634494.

Farmington Community Garden harvest day, open house Farmington Area Public Schools Community Education and the city of Farmington have planted a community garden at Meadowview Elementary in Farmington and invite the public to a Garden Harvest Day and open house from 4 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 4. The garden is home to 10 plots. Nine gardens are rented out by community

members. One is dedicated to donate produce to the Farmington Food Shelf. Organizers welcome the public to come find out about gardening in the community garden the next growing season. The Community Garden is located at Meadowview Elementary, 6100 195th St. W. Parking is available on the east side of the building.

Farmington chef takes home honors Farmington chef Peter Christenson took home honors at the fifth annual Taste of the Twin Cities Originals Restaurant Olympics on July 22 at International Market Square in Minneapolis. Christenson, executive chef at Woolley’s Steakhouse at the Embassy Suites in Bloomington, competed against 20 of Twin Cities Original Restaurants and Woolley’s Steakhouse took first place in the bartender competition and second in the chef competition. The competition is similar to the popular “Iron Chef â€? TV show where a secret ingredient is revealed before competition begins. The secret ingredient for the competition was lavender. Christenson prepared lavender smoked salmon with sweet corn and smoky-bacon polenta, kohlrabi and Mt.

Rainier cherries pickled in his Haitian Love Rub seasoning.  Christenson, known as the “Plump Chef � and creator of a signature line of seasonings and meat rubs, developed the “Haitian Love Rub� after an earthquake struck while he was on a mission trip. Proceeds from the “Haitian Love Rub� will benefit All God’s Children Orphanage in Haiti. The entire line of Plump Chef seasonings and rubs are available locally at The Downtown Farmington Farmers’ Market, Farmington’s Pellicci Hardware, Ace Hardware in Lakeville and Apple Valley, Andy’s Market in Apple Valley or at Synergy/from 3A looking forward to supporting her new business. Tom has set up an office in the janitor’s closet. “I have always been a dance instructor and I never wanted to do anything else,� she said. Her father used to tell her she would need to grow up and get a real job after high school because dance was not going to be her “real career.� “I want to take my dancing passion to a career level now, and I feel lucky because not a lot of people get to do that,� said Riste. “I can’t imagine not being around the kids. They keep me young.� She said she loves to teach young people and see them in recital on stage. “It is like the dancers are your canvas to create different pictures,� Riste said. “I love the whole package of the kids, the music, the dance and the costumes. It is so much fun.� Kara Hildreth is at

THISWEEK July 30, 2010


From one Junior’s to another Owner of Junior’s Cafe and Grill in Eagan coming to Burnsville with American staples and full bar by John Gessner



James Reyes Jr. doesn’t fret about the recent fortunes of his new restaurant space in Burnsville, where two eateries have gone out of business. He thinks he’s got a winner, and there’s reason to believe him. Reyes owns Junior’s Cafe and Grill in the Duckwood Square strip center on Duckwood Drive in Eagan. He’s bringing his all-American diner concept to the Towne and Country shopping center in northeast Burnsville, where Junior’s Sports Cafe is expected to open in late August. Junior’s will take over the space at 1996 E. Highway 13 previously occupied by the AppleWood Rustic Grille and Event Center, which closed last October. Before that it was a hot dog-and-pizza place called Papa T’s. “There were a couple things in this place that didn’t make it either, and we’ve been here for seven years,� Reyes said in an in-

terview at his Eagan restaurant. “Making good food and treating your customers well, that’s what makes you survive.� The Eagan restaurant’s decor and agreeably smoky cooking smells pretty much announce what’s on the menu. Cooks work over an open griddle behind a counter lined with stools. The walls are covered with images of 20th-century Americana, and the table coverings are checkered red and white. The place is known for its breakfasts, fresh-cut burgers and other starsand-stripes staples. “American food,� said Reyes, 31, of Apple Valley. “Blue-plate specials. Meat loaf. Brisket. Countryfried steak. Real mashed potatoes. Gravy. Stuff like that.� Reyes has worked in restaurants most of his life. His father, James Sr., used to own two Sizzler Steakhouses, in West St. Paul and Columbia Heights.

After they closed, James Sr. got into the distribution end of the business as a meat salesman. “He does that now with Reinhart FoodService,� James Jr. said. “He’s my food distributor. He’s one of the top salesmen in the country.� The elder Reyes has been a close adviser to his son and helped him scout a location for Junior’s Sports Cafe. At Junior’s in Eagan, James Jr. is a hands-on owner who even gets help from his mother, Alice. The 6,700-square-foot Burnsville location seats 165, dwarfing the nook-like Eagan site. “We’ve been open seven years now,� said Reyes, who is married and has three children. “I think the business is where it’s going to be. ... I want to take the next step so I can quit waiting tables and be a manager.� Reyes is adding pizza and appetizers at his Burnsville restaurant, which will have a full bar, unlike the Eagan site.

Photo by John Gessner

James Reyes Jr., pictured at his Junior’s Cafe and Grill in Eagan, is opening Junior’s Sports Cafe in the Towne and Country shopping center in Burnsville. He expects to grow into the space, leaving the banquet portion unused for now. Reyes has no immediate plans for live music, which AppleWood Rustic Grille tried. “We’re going to see what the business brings us,� Reyes said. “Right now there’s a stage there. We’re going to leave it there.

Maybe we’ll get ideas from the customers.� While Reyes is courting a nighttime crowd, he knows his most faithful customers may be those who rise with the sun. In March’s Minnesota Monthly magazine, WCCO-TV reporter Jason DeRusha ranked Junior’s Cafe and Grill seventh on his

top-10 list of Twin Cities breakfast spots. “We’re still going to open at 7 a.m.,� Reyes said. “We want to get a Burnsville breakfast crowd going there. We have a lot of clientele here from Burnsville.� John Gessner is at burnsville.

Hurling club to play exhibition, offer clinic during Leprechaun Days by Tad Johnson THISWEEK NEWSPAPERS

When a hurling match is staged at the Rosemount High School athletic fields Saturday, July 31, it is possible it will be the same game that was played more than 100 years ago in that location. Rosemount residents will have a chance to see and even try their skill at the two-millenia-old Irish game as part of Rosemount Leprechaun Days. The Minnesota Irish Cultural Center and Twin Cities Robert Emmets Hurling Club will stage the game, which will start after the Grand Day Parade, probably after 2 p.m. Longtime Rosemount

IN BRIEF For more information about other Rosemount Leprechaun Days events, go online at or For more information about the Irish Heritage 304&.06/5 Cultural Center, go online at &13&$)"6 For more %":4 information about the hurling club, go online at http://twincities.northamerican.gaa. ie. For more information about the Brian Boru Irish Pipe Band, go online at www.brianborupipeband. com.


resident Kevin Carroll, a frequent volunteer with the cultural center, helped connect all the proverbial dots to organize the game, which will


also include a short concert by the Brian Boru Irish Pipe Band playing traditional bagpipe tunes. The hurling club has long

sought to bring its game to the Twin Cities masses, and the Irish theme of Leprechaun Days seemed a logical first step. “Many of Rosemount’s founders and early settlers were Irish immigrants who undoubtedly participated in or watched hurling matches before they came to America,� Carroll said. “They, and perhaps their children, probably set up hurling matches in and around Rosemount in the mid-to-late 1800s.� Carroll refers to hurling as the grandfather of many modern sports. It has elements of lacrosse, field hockey, baseball and soccer. Hurling has two teams of about 15 players each racing up and down the field as

they attempt to score points by hitting the ball into a soccer-type goal (three points) or through a set of uprights set on top of the goal (one point). “Spectators can expect to see an exciting, fast-paced game with continuous action, played by well-conditioned and skillful amateur athletes,� Carroll said. During the intermission, club members will conduct a clinic and demonstrations during which people will have a chance to hit the baseball-sized leather ball (sliotar) with one of the wooden playing sticks (hurleys). The game is one of the many aspects of Irish heritage the cultural center aims to keep alive in Minnesota.

Carroll said the sport eventually “died out� as immigrants assimilated into American culture. “The children of each new generation were one step further removed from their Irish roots, which made it progressively harder to maintain and perpetuate traditional Irish customs and practices – and sports,� he said. Rosemount seems like the perfect place to revive the game since the city has embraced its Irish heritage both in its artifices and the high proportion of residents who are of Irish descent. Tad Johnson is at editor.

CLASSIFIEDS email ad: • phone ad: 952-894-1111 • fax ad: 952-846-2010 DEADLINE WEDNESDAY 3 pm TO HAVE YOUR AD IN FRIDAY’S EDITION in person ad: 12190 Co. Rd. 11, Burnsville • web placed ad:

Organizational Notices

Farmington AA

A : ! A = # / !$ + - A :

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Alanon Mtgs # : / !$ 5 #

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Organizational Notices Abraham Low Self-Help Systems

Watercraft ! " # $ % # $ & ' '( ) )

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20’Palm Beach Pontoon $ # @ 1 9 $ & 1@" # # : $ 43 @2-$ 952-388-9605

Summer Hockey

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Garage & Estate Sales AV: ��� � ��� ������ ����� 13119 Ferris Ct.

AV: Multi-Family Sale.

Thur.-Sat., 8/5 & 8/6, 9-5. 8/7, 9-12. ����� ��� ����� �������� ������ ������������ ���� � ����� 14488 Holland Court �� ������ ����������� ������ ��� ����� ������ �� ��� ����� ����� ��� ������ ������� � ��������� ������ ��������� EAGAN: Aug 5/6/7 CLIFF LAKE SHORES


OPENS @ 9am ���� ������ ���������� ������������ ������ �������� ������ �������� ������ �������� ��������� ��������� �������� ������� ���������� ���� ���� ������ �� ��������� ������� ���� �� ����� ���� ��� ���� �� ��� ������ DON’T MISS! � � � � � � ���� ���� ���� ���� ����������� ��� ���� ����� ������ ����� ����� ��� ������ ����� ���� � ����� ������� ��� ���� ����� EG: ������� ���� ���� ��� 4244 Sequoia Drive EG: 3700 Ashbury Rd ������� ������ ���� EG: 656 Brockton Curve ������� ���

Thrifty Ads

Thrifty Ads

Thrifty Ads

Thrifty Ads

Thrifty Ads

Chest of drawers � ��� 952-469-2932

2-10G ���� ����� ���� ���� ���� 952-212-2311

Moongoose mens �� �� ���� ��� 651-463-4812

K i d s p l a y e q u i p � � � Vanity light brass, � ������ Chain saw 14” ����� ����� 651-454-1332 ��� 612-619-2271 ��� 651-688-8413 40 gal LP water ������ Gazebo, ��������� ����� Dining cutlery � ���� ���� Black lthr ������������� ���������� ����� ����� �� ��� ���� 952-890-8169 ������ ���� ����� ���� ��� ���� 952-469-4818 ��� ��� 952-457-1878 ���� 952-297-6232 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Para Body weight ����� 4 windows ��� ����� ��� ��������� �� �������� ������ Clarinet, Selmer ����� Eureka Mighty Mite ��� ���� 952-469-4019 952-212-2128 �������� �������� ��� ����� ��� 952-212-2128 ��� 952-891-3832 Fisher Price ���������� �������� ����� ��� ���� Life jackets � ���� ��� ��� ���� ��� 651-463-4812 Antique vanity & mirror Spare tire ���������� �� 952-432-5438 ��� ���� 651-342-6495 LK: TOY SAMPLE SALE V C R p l u s �� ���� ���� A K A I s t e r e o c a s s e t t e ���� 952-201-8112 ������� ��� ����� � ���� �������� ���� ��� 952-457-1878 ���� ��� 952-457-1878 Sm bird cage������ �� Deck ����� � ��� �� ��� ����� 20350 Jupiter Way ��� ���� ���� ���� 651-423-2357 Small antique ���� ������ A/C 6000 BTU ���� ���� ����� ��� 952-953-4126 ��� ����� ��� 612-750-5298 ���� ��� 952-890-8571 ��� �� ����� Tall microwave cabinet T V c o n s o l e � � � � � � � � Baby bassinet ��� ��� ��� ��� ����� ���� ��� ��� 651-456-0364 ������ ���� 651-423-5311 952-746-8906 ��� ���� ������������ �������� TV/media console ����� Ind. ��� ��������� ������� Tall wood bookcase ��� Cedar chest� ������� ������ ���� ��� 612-810-1576 ���� 612-750-5298 5 0 0 0 W G e n e r a t o r l i k e ��� 952-891-3832 ����������� ������� ���� 612-991-9662 new. Used 1 hr. $375 ���� ���� ������ Old trunk ��� ���� ���� Leaf blower mulch � � � Little Tikes ������ ����� New digital converter ��� 651-402-3172 ���� ��� 651-463-9521 ��� 952-423-6698 952-432-5532 ���� ���� 612-619-2271 ��������� ��� ������� ������� ��� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Golf balls sum. ������� Bv red metal ���� ��� ��� Tire, new, ����������� �� C h i c o t o p s �� � �� ��� ��������� ����� ��� ��� 952-432-7066 ����� ��� 952-432-5277 ����� �������� ����� � ����� ��������� 952-890-2518 612-839-5682 ������ ������ ���� ����� Honda �� ��� ��� ������� Oak comp roll ��� ���� ������� W a s h e r & D r y e r � � � � Air soft rifle ��� ��� ��� �� ��� ����� 612-991-9662 ������� 651-354-3130 952-953-2947 evenings 651-755-4048 ���������� ��� ������ ���������� ����� ������� Ladder ���� ��� ������ Sofa bed 72’ ���� ��� �� ����� ����� ����� ������� ���� 952-423-1117 ��� 952-895-6132 ��������� ������������� 55G Fish Tank ���� ��� Dirt Devil �� 952-895-1623 REACH NEARLY 1 MILLION HOUSE- MEDICAL: ���� ���� 952-212-2311 HOLDS! �� ��� ���� � �������� �������� FREE Hearing Test, Courtesy of Miracle Leap Frog �������� ���� Beautiful brass � �� ����� �� �������� ���� ����� �� ������ �� Ear. ���� ��� ����� ���� � ����� ���� ��� � ��� 952-457-1878 ��� ��� 952-431-1192 �������� ������ � ������� ���������� �������� ���������� ��� ���� ������ ���� ���������� ���������� ��� ��������� �������� ���� ����� � �������������� Chev ��� ������ �������� #1 hardwood fplc � � � � ���������� ������� ���� ����� ��� �� ������ W a l k e r - 4 w h e e l s����� �������� ��� 651-423-2357 ���� 952-432-3178 ����� ����� ��������� ��������� ������� ���� 952-201-8112 S h u t t e r s b l a c k � � ��� �������������� ��� ���� ����������� Medical Alert for Seniors-Monitoring Welder like new ���� 651-454-1332 ���������� � �������� ���������� �� ���� 24/7. ���� ���������� ���� ��������� Great ����� ������ ���� 952-432-5438 ���� ����������� �� ��������� ���������� ���� ������� ���� ���������� ���� ���� ���� 952-898-7627 Bike Fuji Sand ������� �� Little Tikes Tricycle ��� ������� �� ������������� ������ ������� �������� ������ �������������� �� ��� 952-891-4950 Wh ERANCE ������ ��� 952-435-7578 ������ ���� ���� 651-322-8154 D o u b l e s t r o l l e r � � � � � GENERAL HELP WANTED: Girls dresser w/ ������� P A I D I N A D V A N C E ! � � � � � � � � � AUTO: ���� �� ���� 952-435-5519 ����� ��� 952-432-2965 TV stand cherry ���� � ������ ������� ��������� ���� ����� DONATE YOUR CAR! ������ ������ ����� ��� 952-423-6698 Power miter saw �� ���� O r g a n t o p o a k� ������� ���� ������ ������ �� ����������� �� �������� ����������� ���� ������ ����� ������ ���� 612-750-5298 ���� 952-432-9182 ���������� ��������� ������ ������ ������ ������ ������� �� �������� ��� For sale firewood ��� ��������������������� ����� �� ��� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Graco baby swing � �� Weider Pro 9940 ���� ��� 612-865-5138 ������ ���� ���� 952-239-4433 �������������� ������ ��� ��� 952-746-8906 Water softner beads ��� Bv lt wood twin ��� � F r a m e s s o m e a n t i q u e MISCELLANEOUS: ��� 952-423-3395 ������� ���� 612-839-5682 ����� �� 952-432-5277 FREE HD FOR LIFE! ���� �� ���� �������� ������ ����� �� �������� New TI-83 Plus �������� Kids 12-bin ��������� ��� Dbl brnr gril� �� ���� ���� ��������� ��� ���� ��� ��������� ����� ��� 952-953-0522 ��� 952-890-3896 952-435-7578 ���� � ���� ������ ���� ������ 2 s l a t t e d w o o d e n ��� Maple hutch ��� � ��� ��� Black bench ���� � ���� �������������� ������ ��� 952-435-5519 ������ ��� 651-456-0364 651-423-9075

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Rosewood Manor

BV: QUITE CONDO, � �� � ���� � ����� � ��� ���� ����� ����� ����� ����� ������ ����� �������� ����� Dick 952-693-5053

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EG: 3 BR, 2 BA Townhouse ����� ����� �������� � ������ �� ����� 612-721-2026



14599 Cimarron Ave. Rosemount


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LV, 4BR, 2BA, ����� �� �������� ��� ��� ������� ��������� ����� ���� ��� ��������� ��� �� ������ ���� ���������� ���� ����� ������� ���� ����� ��� �� ������ ��� ����� 612-760-1573 651-295-1596 ���������� ���� ���� FGTN Large 2 BD, ����� ������� ��� ��� ���� ��� ����� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��� ��� ���� ������ ����� �������� 612-280-6521 ����������� �� ������� ������������


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Enjoy the comfort of our 2 BR apartments and 3BR Townhomes featuring: � ����� ����� ����� � ������ ���� � ������ �������� � ��� � ���������� ���� ���� � ����� �� ������� � ����� �� �������� � ����� ��������

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Section 8 vouchers accepted. Call Today!

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Professionally managed by Sand Companies Inc.

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TH, Dbls Duplexes ��� ���� ������ ��������� ��� �� ���� ��������� �� ������� �� ��� ���� ������� ��� ����� ����� �� ������� �� ��������� ���� ���������� ���������� �� ��������� ������ ����� �� ����� ������ ����� ����� ���� ��������� �������� ���� ���� �� �������� ������� �� �� ���������� �� ���� ��� ���� ����� ������� ���������� �� ����������� ������ �������� ������ �������� �������� ����� ��� ��� �� �� ���� ��� ���� ������� �� ����� �������� ���� �������� ������ ��� ������ �������� ������� �� �������� ����� ��� ���� ��������� ���� ��� ����� ����� ������ ��� ����������� ��� ���� ������ ����� �� �� ��������� �� ��� ���� ��� ������� ��� ������ �������� ���� ��� ��������� ������ ����� �� ���� ��������� ��� ������ ���� �� �� ����� ����������� ������ �� �������� �� ����������� ���� ���� ��� ��������� �� ��������������� ��� ��������� ��������� ������ ��� ��� ������� �������� �� ���������������

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R S M T / A V 3 B R , 1 B A� Townh. ��� ���� ������� ����� ��� 612-817-9554

��� ��� ����� ���� �������� ���������� �� ������ �� ��������������������

Houses For Rent BV - ����� ����� ����� �������� ��� ���� �� ����� ���� ��� ���� 612-804-7591.

Casas en venta

Lo tenemos para usted hoy, hogares baratof; $6,000 Llamenos hoy mismo 952-435-7979 Por favor de tener alguien que puede traducer.


��� ���� ������ ��������� ��� �� ���� ��������� �� ������� �� ��� ���� ������� ��� ����� ����� �� ������� �� ��������� ���� ���������� ���������� �� ��������� ������ ����� �� ����� ������ ����� ����� ���� ��������� �������� ���� ���� �� �������� ������� �� �� ���������� �� ���� ��� ���� ����� ������� ���������� �� ����������� ������ �������� ������ �������� �������� ����� ��� ��� �� �� ���� ��� ���� ������� �� ����� �������� ���� �������� ������ ��� ������ �������� ������� �� �������� ����� ��� ���� ��������� ���� ��� ����� ����� ������ ��� ����������� ��� ���� ������ ����� �� �� ��������� �� ��� ���� ��� ������� ��� ������ �������� ���� ��� ��������� ������ ����� �� ���� ��������� ��� ������ ���� �� �� ����� ����������� ������ �� �������� �� ����������� ���� ���� ��� ��������� �� ��������������� ��� ��������� ��������� ������ ��� ��� ������� �������� �� ���������������

Manufactured Home! $680 per month Look & Lease Beautiful 1BR with W/D hookups, & Microwave!

Houses For Rent Manufactured Home! Split 3BR, 2 BA, storage shed. W/D,

��� ����� ��������� ������� ������ ���� �� ������ ���� ������ � ����� ������ ����� ����� ���� ������� ��� ���� ������������ �� ������������������������


Inver Grove Heights For Sale! ��� ������ ����� ��� ���� ��� ���� ���� ������� ����� �� ����� ���� ������� �� � ���� ���� ������� ����� �� ������������ Call 612-251-7300 T.K. Davidson Realty

Rambush Estates Call Jean

Unbelievable! 1600 sf, 4 BR

Mobile Home Look & Lease

Whirlpool Tub! Dishwasher, New carpet, new vinyl

952-435-7979 Call Jean for details!

Mobile Homes Look & Lease DW too! Great counter space! W/D hookups!


ROSEMOUNT- ����� ��� ����� ����� ��� ���� �� ����� ����� �� ����� � ��� ����� ��������� ���� ���������� ���� �������� ���� 612-245-8073

Storage Roommates/ For Rent Rooms For Rent CASTLE ROCK STORAGE ������ ��������������������� ����� ���� ����� �������� ������������ F� �� ��� ��������� � ���� ������ ����� ��������� �� �������� ������� ��������� 952-890-3896 ��� ������ LV: �� ����� �� ������ ������� ��������� ����� ��� ������ $550 952-388-1196 LV: Wanted Fem. to Share �� ����� ������� ��� �� � ������� ���� ���� ��� �� � ����� ��� 612-701-4096

Real Estate For Sale ��� ���� ������ ��������� ��� �� ���� ��������� �� ������� �� ��� ���� ������� ��� ����� ����� �� ������� �� ��������� ���� ���������� ���������� �� ��������� ������ ����� �� ����� ������ ����� ����� ���� ��������� �������� ���� ���� �� �������� ������� �� �� ���������� �� ���� ��� ���� ����� ������� ���������� �� ����������� ������ �������� ������ �������� �������� ����� ��� ��� �� �� ���� ��� ���� ������� �� ����� �������� ���� �������� ������ ��� ������ �������� ������� �� �������� ����� ��� ���� ��������� ���� ��� ����� ����� ������ ��� ����������� ��� ���� ������ ����� �� �� ��������� �� ��� ���� ��� ������� ��� ������ �������� ���� ��� ��������� ������ ����� �� ���� ��������� ��� ������ ���� �� �� ����� ����������� ������ �� �������� �� ����������� ���� ���� ��� ��������� �� ��������������� ��� ��������� ��������� ������ ��� ��� ������� �������� �� ���������������

1st Month Just $1

In/Outside Starts @ $29.


LV: 1200 sq ft Storage Space. Private entrance. $600/month. Elec & Heat avl. Call Jean


Commercial For Rent Johnson Office Bldg �������� ���������� ��� � ��� ��� ��� 952-469-4500 LV: 5000 SF Warehouse, unheated, 14’ door, $1500/mo. 612-978-1295 LV Prime area! ���� ��� ���� ������ ������ �� � ���� ��� ��� �� ��� ����� $1300/mo 651-231-1669

Modular/ Mfg For Sale LV: 1984 2 BR, Newly remodeled. $6,000 to own or $750 a month to rent.


Land For Rent/Sale � � � � � � � � ��� ����� �� ��� ��� ������� ���� ���� ����� �������� ��� ���� �������� �� ����� �� �� ������ ��� ���������� ��� ���� ������� ������������

������ ������ �� ������ ��� ���������� �����


Newer! LV: 2 BR,

Real Estate For Sale

� � � � � � �� ����� ��������� � ������� ������� � ������������ �� ���� ����

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THISWEEK July 30, 2010




House Aides PT

Medical- Learn skills for a career in the medical field in the National Guard. Earn money for college while training one weekend a month and two weeks a year. A part time career with full time rewards. Call today for details. SFC RICHARD SAXTON 651-783-6050 RICHARD.SAXTON1@MN.NGB.ARMY.MIL To learn more, visit

Mystery Shoppers

! ) & @ / ) ! # $ B # ! &+ ! &)) ! # # & A #7 ! # # 7 3 . % $ ()$ & ! "$


Leaps and Bounds Child Care Center Now Hiring for

Community Assisted Living




Part Time & Full Time

Aides & Assistant Teachers

for application address.

Part-Time Seasonal Position

Previous Child Care Experience Preferred. Application available at:

www.leapsand Or Apply in Person at 3438 151st St. W. Rosemount


$6$ *G ! &$ # ) ! . % & Office Assistant 6 ! + $ ) - ) & # 3

! $ &!, 7 , &- #7 &' *'' ! " ! #$ . / # % & ! ) ! - ,$ % ! % & & ) & ) $

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Engineer- Learn skills for the field of engineering through service in the National Guard. A part time career with full time rewards. Call today for details. SSG JESSE HOWARD

Auto Car Washer/Lot Person Part Time Evenings/Weekends Five-Star rated Volume Dodge Dealership seeks an energetic, motivated person to perform misc. duties incl. wash vehicles maintain car & truck inventory. Minimum 18-yr. old. Must have clean driving record.


Lead Teller

Eagle Valley Bank , 4 : = ! <-,; # ! )) ? $ 2&! &%) # ! ) & + 5

H 5 ./ ! ! () ) () )' !& 7 &!7 > + , I # 7 ()I > &+ ! )!&' . & # $ # &! ' ( &+ ! ! > ! % &5 Trish Brown, 14800 Galaxie Avenue, Suite 100, Apple Valley, MN 55124. Fax: 952-432-0698. Email:

Full-Time or Part-Time HAIR STYLIST Farmington C!&- 7 3 &&, 7 '&! () ! # ! $ 651-460-4955

Cued Language Transliterator / ! <-, & )!&+ # # '< !# &' ! 7 . # - # 7 ! ! 7 !+ && 7$ &%) . & &' ! ! &! ! . 7 )!&7! % :&! - 7. & % & ! ! " ! % '&! ! . ! &! ! 7; # )!&' . # 7 ! ! & &! - 7. & ! ! " ! #$ () ! ! ! 7 # & 7 )! ' !! #$ & ! . ! &! ! ' & )! . ' !! #$ 2&! '&!% & & ! &5 952-707-3091 kitri.kyllo@ 4 A&3 # ! ). & # )) & . 5 &! # )) & ! % # ! # &5 Personnel Office, Intermediate School District 917, 1300 145th St East, Rosemount MN 55068$

35W & Cliff Road Apply in Person

Full-Time or Part-Time

Full-Time or Part-Time

! 7 &- '&! + ! )& . & $ , # '' ! - & -&!,$ C& &5 ---$7&&#- ! $& !7 & )) $ < * & ! 7 ) & ) ' ! &% # + ! 3 ,7!& # )) $

Real Estate Career!

& #- 6 , ! 6 ! &&, 7 '&! ' - 7

%& + # # + # - %3 & # # ! & #$ ) &

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& ! !! 3 & - + $ We have the tools, training & resources to get you there. The sky’s the limit! # &7 ! 651-683-8265


Exp. Grill Cooks AM & Weekends • Top Wages! • Health/Life/Dental Insurance • Discount Purchase Plan • Paid Vacation • Weekly Pay

Evenings & Weekends. Apply in person at:

Ole Piper, 16604 Cedar Ave. 952-432-7111 or send resumes to:

Swimming Instructors The Family Swim School of Eagan & Lakeville is accepting applications for individuals interested in delivering swim instruction in an ideal teaching and learning environment. Applicants require high energy and a background working with children. Paid training.


House Coordinator FT Community Assisted Living

&&, 7 '&! 2 & &&!# &! & -&!, 8 & ! .2 % 7 7 ! # # + 7 &% '&! = # ! )) ? $ # # # % + )! + & # ! ! # % 7 % () ! $ Contact

952-440-3955 for further details # !. + 6 ! + $ # ! # - ! ) ! # ! & , ' . % &) 7$ &% ! !+ )& . & $ )) # & 3 )!&' & #! + # # #$ )!&+ # ' % &! . # -&!, + !& % - 3 ' $ ! 7 )!&+ # #$ .% ! % 5 /0J & $ &%

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% & "


! " ! #$ % % &' ! () ! )! ' !! #$ *+ ! !& # ! , #! + ! &% %& - ,. # $ &'' . /0. 1 $



Accounts Payable Position

2 % - 3 ' $ / ! () ! ! " ! #$ & &' + ! &'' $ 4 .% ! % &5 jason@

, ! < + ! C!&+ 7 ! )&! , 7 ' . % &%. ) #! + ! # &- ! &) ! &! & ! )&! ' # ) $ &'' ! 3 ' # 9 :,; + & > & #

) '&! ' . % &%)

%) & $ + 8 # , ! # D% #&! % $ ---$, ! )&! $ &% & )) &! 0EE.E 9./ = ( $ 9



6 ! + &$ , 2 Delivery Driver$ () ! ! " ! #$ + #! + 7 ! &!#$ # 8 ' # 8 3

! 9 :,;$ % ! % & galen.gishwiller

KinderCare Teacher Full-Time

3 ! " ' #$ * Please call Cyndi at: 952-898-1200 or apply in person: 17455 Kenrick Ave, Lakeville

NAR: Day & Evening Shifts Trinity Care Center , 7 ! 7 & !+ & ! =/.3 # , # ! 7 ' $ 8 # 7 ! # - ! # 7!&&% 7 # ' # 7 # & 7 - %&+ 7 # ! ' !! 7 ! # ! " ! #$ # # % 3 & & 7 ! $ Trinity &'' ! & # 7 &%) & ) , 7 ## & & ' > ! - !# 7 -&!, ) ďż˝ 4 )) 5


Systems Technician

3410 213th Street West Farmington, MN 55024

3 # !

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Concrete & Masonry

Concrete & Masonry

AV: ����� ����� ����� ���� ���� ���� ��� ��� ���� ���� ���� 952-432-1469 AV 1 FT ���� ������� ���� ���� �� ���� �� ��� ���� ���������� 952-432-3882 BV, Caring Heart Daycare� ���� � ��� � ������ ������ ������� ���� 952-583-2365 EA/ ��� ��������� ������ ������������ ��� ���� ��� �������� ��� ������� � ��� �� ����� ��� ��� ��������� ���� ���� � 651-340-9828 EG/BV Teachers Tots Childcare, ����� ��� ����� ���� �� ���� ���������� ���� ���� �� ��� 651-353-0968 Farmington FT/PT � ����� ����� ������ ���� �� ���� ������ Kathy (651) 463-3765 FGTN: ���� �������� ����� ����� ���� � ����� �� �������� ��� ��� Kelly 651-460-4226 FGTN: ������ � ���� ���� ��������� ���� �������� Laura 651-463-8119 Home-Help for Seniors! ������ ��������� �������� � ����� ������������� ���� Susan 952-892-1605 LV/AV/RSMT/FGTN ����� ����� ���������� ����� ���� ������ ������ 952-997-3427 LV Daycare Design/Lic/ exp/24mo-K presch curric 167/Ipava 952-432-8885

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Heating & Cooling

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Lindquist Construction Masonry ~ Concrete � ��� ������������ � ������������������ ������������ �� ���������� � ������� ������ 952-236-8766 MN Lic# 20634816

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From the unique to the ordinary Specializing In: •Driveways •Patios •Stamped Colored & Stained Concrete •Acid Stained Interior Floors & Countertops


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Dave’s Painting & Wallpapering LLC

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MISC. FOR SALE ���� �� ��� ����� ���� �� ���� �������� AUTOMOTIVE ������ ����� �� �������� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��������� ��� ���� ��� ��������� ������������������� ������� ������ ���� ������ ������������ ������� ������� ������� ������� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � MISCELLANEOUS ��������������� ��������������� ������ ������� ������ ���� ����� ����� ���� ��������� ���������� ����������� �������� AUTOS WANTED �������� ��� ��������� ������ ���� ���� ���� ������� ����� ����������� �������� ���������� ��������� ��� �� ��� ������ ��� ���������� ��� ���������� ���� ���������� ���� ������������ �������������� ���������������� �������� �������������� �������� ��� ������� ����� ��� ���� ������ EDUCATION �������� ����������� ������� ��� �������� ���� ������ ������� ���� ����� ��� �������� ��������� ��� �� ������ ����������� ������ �������������� ��������� � ������� ���������� ���� �������� ���� ��������� ���� ���� ��������� �� ������������ ������������� ��������������� ����������������������� ���� �� ��� ����� ���� �������� ���������� � ���� ��� ��������� ���� ���� ������ ���� ELECTRONICS ��������������� ������ �� ���� ��������� �� ���������� ����� ��� ���� ������ ���� ������������� ���� ������ �������� ��� ��������� � �� ���������� ������� ����������� ����������� ���� ������� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ���������� ����������� ��� ���� �������� �������������� ���� ��� �������������

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Dennis’s Drywall ��� ������ �� �������� ��������� �������� ���� ���� �� ���� ��� ������� 651-463-4977 or 612-309-7403

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Rich’s Window Cleaning ������� �������� ������� ���� ������ 952-435-7871

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Storm Damage?

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Rodney Oldenburg Cell #612-210-5267



Melissa’s Housecleaning ���� ��������� � ��� ���� ��� ������ 612-598-6950

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ANNOUNCEMENTS ������ ���� ��� ���� ������ ����� ��� ����� ��� ��������� ��� ���������� ���� ��������������� ��������������

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Business Professionals

� ������� � ������ � �������

HELP WANTED ��� ��� ��� ���� ���� �������������� ������ ��� �� ���� ��� ����� ������ �������� ����� �������� ������ ���� ��� ������� ������ ���� ����� ������������ �����

FINANCIAL ���������� ������ ������ ��������������������� ������ �������� ������� ���������� ����� �������� ����� ��������� ��� ����������� ����� ����� ���� ������������



ADOPTION ��������� ����������� ��������� ��� ������ ���� �������� ����������� ������ �������� ����� ������ ��� ���� ���� ���������� ������������� ����� �������

EMPLOYMENT ������� ��������� ���� �� �� ���� ������ ��� ���� �� ���� ������ ���� ��� �������������

Roofing & Siding

Reader Advisory: the National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the following classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. 800 numbers may or may not reach Canada.

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CUSTOM DECKS New & Replacement John Ford Construction

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THISWEEK July 30, 2010


Sports Standings Baseball Final state American Legion coaches and media baseball poll Teams Total points/1st place votes 1. Eden Prairie* 139 (12) 2. Eastview* 121 (2) 3. North St. Paul* 103 4. Lakeville North* 84 (1) 5. Excelsior* 72 6. Mankato National* 46 7. Centennial 35 8. Burnsville 34 9. Tri-City Red 29 10. Maple Grove* 25 11. Rosetown 20 12. Coon Rapids* 19 Owatonna* 19 14. Rochester Patriots 16 15. Duluth Lakeview* 13 16. Fergus Falls* 12 17.St. Cloud Chutes* 11 18. Apple Valley 76ers 6 Rochester Redhawks 6 20. Eagan* 5

Racing Friday July 23 AMSOIL Dirt Nationals at Elko Speedway IRA Sprints Fast Qualifier: Travis Whitney, Coon Rapids 12.333 seconds (109.462 mph): **Track Record** Heat 1 (10 laps):: 1. Scott Neitzel Beaver Dam, WI 2. Scott Biertzer West Bend, WI 3. Travis Whitney Coon Rapids Heat 2 (10 laps): 1. Scott Winters, Butterfield 2. Wayne Modjeski, Oak Creek, WI 3. Steve Meyer, Sheboygan Falls, WI Heat 3 (10 laps): 1. Jeremy Kerzman, Grey Eagle 2. Brook Tatnell, San Souci, Australia 3. Bill Warren, Beaver Dam, WI Heat 4 (10 laps): 1. Gregg Bakker, Sioux Falls, SD 2. Dave Heskin, St. Michael 3. Terry McCarl, Altoona, IA “B” Main 15 laps 1. Bill Balog, Eau Claire, WI 2. John Sernett, Prior Lake 3. Russ Borland, Kewaskum, WI 4. Phil Mock, Pleasant Prairie, WI 5. Billy Hafemann, Waldo, WI “A” Main 30 laps 1. Terry McCarl, Altoona, IA 2. Scott Winters, Butterfield 3. Scott Biertzer, West Bend, WI 4. Bill Balog, Eau Claire, WI 5. Scott Neitzel, Beaver Dam, WI AMSOIL Championship Modifieds Heat 1 (8 laps): 1. Nate Chodur, Lake Mills, IA 2. Jonny Hentges, Jordan 3. Ryan Schluesner, Hector Heat 2 (8 laps): 1. Dustin Scott, Rosemount 2. David Swearingen, Little Canada 3. Doug Toepper, Stacy Heat 3 (8 laps): 1. Joshua Bonnstetter 2. Allen Gessell, Jr, Big Lake 3. Michael Kyllonen, Rogers Feature #1 1(8 laps): 1. Nate Chodur, Lake Mills, IA 2. Jared Boumeester, Waseca 3. Dan Wheeler, Columbia Heights 4. Allen Gessell, Jr., Big Lake 5. Dustin Scott, Rosemount Feature #2 1(8 laps): 1. Nate Chodur, Lake Mills, IA 2. Allen Gessell, Jr. Big Lake 3. Joshua Bonstetter 4. Dan Wheeler, Coon Rapids 5. John Paul Odegaard, Brooklyn Center UMSS Micro Sprints Heat 1 6 laps 1. Chris Koch, Sweet Springs, MO 2. Wade Huisman, Hospers, IA 3. Mike Dolezal, Eagle River, WI Heat 2 (8 laps): 1. Tyler Stump, Fort Wayner, IN 2. Robby Resch, Antigo, WI 3. Mark Chevalier, Andover Heat 3l (8 laps): 1. Skylar Prochaska 2. Jamison Wilson, Kansas City, KS 3. Jeff Mound, Rapid City, SD Feature 15 laps 1. Chris Koch, Sweet Springs, MO 2. Tori Knutson, Monticello 3. Robby Resch, Antigo, WI Saturday July 24 AMSOIL Dirt Nationals at Elko Speedway IRA Sprints Fast Qualifier Gregg Bakker Sioux Falls, SD 12.593 seconds (107.202 mph): Heat 1 (10 laps): 1. Brooke Tatnell, San Souci, Australia 2. Jeremey Kerzman, Grey Eagle 3. Wayne Modjeski, Oak Creek, WI Heat 2 (10 laps): 1. Kim Mock, Pleasant Prairie, WI 2. Phil Mock, Pleasant Prairie, WI 3. Scott Winters, Butterfield Heat 3 (10 laps): 1. Russ Borland, Kewaskum, WI 2. John Haeni, Brownsville, WI 3. Scott Neitzel, Beaver Dam, WI “B” Main 15 laps 1. Travis Whitney, Coon Rapids 2. Scott Biertzer, West Bend, WI 3. Kris Spitz, Salem, WI 4. Scott Uttech, New Berlin, WI 5. Dave Uttech, Kenosha, WI “A” Main 30 laps 1. Brooke Tatnell, San Souci, Australia 2. Bill Balog, Eau Claire, WI 3. Scott Winters, Butterfield 4. John Haeni, Brownsville, WI 5. Travis Whitney, Coon Rapids AMSOIL Championship Modifieds Heat 1 (8 laps): 1. Shawn Kelley, Somerset, WI 2. Nate Chodue, Lake Mills, IA 3. Jared Boumeester, Waseca Heat 2 (8 laps): 1. Dan Wheeler, Columbia Heights 2. William Stetter, Inver Grove Heights 3. Joshua Bonnstetter Feature 25 laps 1. Dan Wheeler, Columbia Heights 2. Nate Chodur, Lake Mills, IA 3. Jared Boumeester, Waseca 4. William Stetter, Inver Grove Heights 5. Ryan Schluesner, Hector SERIES CHAMPION Dan Wheeler, Columbia Heights UMSS Micro Sprints Heat 1 6 laps 1. Dan Henning, Knoxville, IA 2. Chris Koch, Sweet Springs, MO 3. Tyler Stump, Fort Wayne, IN Heat 2 6 laps 1. Mike Dolezal, Eagle River, WI 2. Alan Mondus, Lakeville 3. Tim Ottenbacher, Hospers, IA Feature 15 laps 1. Tyler Stump, Fort Wayner, IN 2. Tim Ottenbacher

Cougar football kick-Off night is Aug. 25 There will be a Lakeville South football season kickoff event at 6 p.m. Aug. 25. The 2010 Cougar players will scrimmage and be on hand for autographs. Entertainment includes a performance by the Lakeville South danceline and drumline. There will be children’s games and prizes along with a silent auction. The Bob Kuhr scholarship will also be presented. Bring a nonperishable food item to donate to the local food shelf. Admission is free.

Does dance team belong on this page? by Andy Rogers THISWEEK NEWSPAPERS

If you want to see who has some of the biggest fans in all of high school, go to the Target Center in mid-February for the dance team state tournament. The people that fill up the arena are as loud as anyone else that enters. The problem with “covering” dance team is finding out what to write about. There are injuries and heartache; winners and losers. It’s similar to gymnastics or ice skating where the

PRESSBOX judges decide the final score. E v e r y team works hard and every coach is proud. Many times the nut of the story is found in individual statistics. As far as I know, there are none for dance team. Sports writing is driven by statistics such as touchdowns, goals, ERAs, times and baskets.

There’s no doubt dance team is one of the most enthusiasm-inducing activities anyone could be a part of, and from my perspective it has the most enthusiastic parents who want to see their kids recognized. There’s interest in all kinds of sports but there’s only so much time and space available. Thisweek has printed stories before about dance team in the sports and news section. I believe that the story is sometimes best told

through photographs. During the state tournament, I don’t think any paper publishes more photos. Online you can find hundreds of pictures of the state tournament at The question is whether dance belongs on the sports page. Does it count toward Title IV? I don’t believe so. So is it an activity or a sport? Does it really matter? If there’s interest out there, then it’s newsworthy. But where does it go? I’m curious to hear your

opinion. You can send it to

Youth victors The Lakeville North 14AAA traveling baseball team won the Minnesota Baseball League playoffs on July 14. The Lakeville North 11A baseball team finished runner-up at the 2010 Gopher State tournament on July 25 at the Northwoods Complex in Brooklyn Park. Andy Rogers is at

Lakeville girls don’t mind Local nine hopes to round the bases at volleyball 24-7-365 state legion

Panther girls earn All-American awards with their club teams during the summer



For many high school athletes, there is no offseason. Even though practice for fall sports doesn’t begin for a couple weeks, many athletes never really stopped playing. Lakeville North volleyball players Kellie and Taylr McNeil and Alyssa Goehner were recently named AllAmericans in June after the AAU National Volleyball Championships in Orlando, Fla. The award is given to about 10 players in the nation in each age group. To be that good takes year-round practice, which they seem to enjoy. “The only time when I’m not playing volleyball is a week during summer, but it doesn’t really count because we play in our backyard,” Kellie said. Club volleyball begins the day after the high school state tournament in November ends and continues into the end of June or early July. Summer camp usually starts a week later. “I love volleyball,” Taylr said. “It’s my favorite thing to do. When I get done with a tournament, I want to get back to it. It never really gets old. There’s always new stuff to learn.” The girls look at the experience as an opportunity to hang out with their friends. “I like how I get to meet a ton of new people,” Goehner said. “My relationships get stronger every day since I play with them all the time. “I think it’s the competition. I want to be the best out there. I won’t settle for anything but.” Kellie has become one of

Photo by Rick Orndorf

Lakeville North’s Alyssa Goehner returns the ball during a game against Burnsville last season. She earned two AllAmerican awards this summer. the top setters in the state nament in Reno, Nev. They credit their coaches as a member of the Mizuno Minnesota One and Lakev- at Lakeville North and reille North. She committed spective club teams such as to play with the University of Northern Lights coach Walt Minnesota as a sophomore. Weaver, M1’s Thanh Pham Her sister Taylr helped her and Lakeville North’s Milan 15U M1 team finish fifth at Mader and Doug Bergman with their success. nationals this year. Lakeville North has had She played on the varsity team last season as an eighth- several other volleyball playgrader for Lakeville North, ers find success with summer which she said was intimidat- club teams. Junior Nicole Latzig’s M1 ing at first. “I didn’t really know the 16-1 team finished third in team; they were a lot older,” the AAU Club Division and Taylr said. “(Kellie) helped freshman Libero Abby Monson’s Northern Lights 14-1 me out a lot.” Taylr’s classmate Goeh- team finished third in the ner, who spends the offsea- USAV 14 National Division. son with the 15-1 Northern The team will have another Lights team, earned her third pair of sisters this season with All-American award this Jessica Goehner, Alyssa’s sissummer earning her second ter, expected to join varsity. at the AAU Nationals in June and third at the United States Andy Rogers is at of America Volleyball tour-

If history repeats itself, one area American Legion baseball team might find itself playing at the regional tournament again this year. Third District winner Eastview along with first runner-up Lakeville North and second runnerup Eagan qualified for the Legion State Tournament from Thursday to Monday in Hibbing. The top two teams move on to the either the Great Lakes Regional in Illinois or Central Plains Regional tournament in Missouri in August, which is good news for local teams because the Third District has a reputation of success at state. Apple Valley won the state American Legion tournament in 2002 and was runner-up in 2009, 2007 and 2004. In 2008, Eastview won the state title. Coaches feel that the Third District tournament prepares the team well for state. “There are so many tremendous programs (in the district),” Lakeville North head coach Josh Storm said. “They don’t take days off. There’s a lot of key Lake Conference teams in our group like Eagan, Burnsville, Rosemount, Apple Valley and Lakeville South. We’re playing a high level of competition.” The tournament also features programs from Forest Lake, Stillwater and Woodbury, which also provides stiff competition. “It’s almost like a state tournament,” Storm said. “We’re facing some tremendous pitching and it sets you up to be successful at the state tournament and beyond.” Since the competition level is so high, one good or

bad play can determine the outcome of the game. “You have to have a little bit of the baseball gods on your side and you need a good draw,” Eastview head coach Bob Klefsaas said. “That’s what baseball is all about. I love to be able to go out on the field and say this team might be better on paper than us, but if we make some great plays, any day of the week you can beat anybody.”

Lakeville North Lakeville North has been one of the premier teams in the state this season. In the final state American Legion coaches and media baseball poll, the team rose to No. 4 thanks to its 26-6 record. “We’ve played extremely well,” Storm said. “Everyone got on board and the leadership took over.” Pitching by Andy Yetzer, A.J. Moore, Tyler Brekke, Colin Baker and John Hayes has been the team’s biggest muscle this season. Yetzer has a 1.36 ERA with a 6-1 record. He’s given up eight earned runs. Moore has 37 strikeouts in 36 innings going 4-1. The team is playing for a state title thanks to the power it has at the plate. The team is hitting .370. “On any given day, eight of the nine players could hit a home run,” Storm said. “We have really good power.” T.J. Evanson is leading the team in home runs and RBI. Nick Kulla and Collin Baker are both hitting well above .400, and Nick Altavilla and Tim Kuznair both had game-deciding hits in the district tournament. “We don’t really have a weak spot,” Storm said. Andy Rogers is at

Q&A: South swimmer Hailey Campbell headed to Penn State Cougar owns most of the school’s swimming records by Andy Rogers THISWEEK NEWSPAPERS

In a few short years Hailey Campbell became the best swimmer in the history of Lakeville South girls swimming. After entering the school in the 10th grade, she took hold of nearly every school record by the time she graduated. The list of records she doesn’t hold – the 100yard breaststroke and relays – is shorter than the list of records she claimed. Colleges took notice of her accomplishments, and she’ll be taking her talents to Penn State in the fall. Q: What’s the accomplishment you’re most proud of? A: I think going to state all those years. I’ve never won, but I’ve been runner up. Q: What’s your favorite stroke? A: I have two favorites: freestyle and backstroke. Freestyle is a common stroke; a lot of people are good at it. I like swimming on my back and being able to breathe a lot. My coaches are always getting on me about breathing too much. Q: When did you first fall in love with swimming? A: I started swimming for a summer league in Texas for fun when I was trying out different sports. When I was 8 a friend of mine said I was pretty good and suggested competitive swimming. By 10 I was on a (club team) and by the end of the season I was rated in the top 16 in the nation. Q: How did you feel about your time with Lakeville South? A: I was always surrounded by people who were really into swimming. The coaches paid attention to you. If you were doing something wrong they’d

cord. In the last home meet I ended up breaking it. Q: What made you choose Penn State? A: When I was there I fell in love with the campus. It was so pretty. I got along with the coaches really well. They called me a lot, and they e-mailed me all the time. Q: What are your goals for college swimming? A: The plan is to hopefully go to the Big 10 championships. I already have the time for the B cuts. Q: What was your favorite memory at Lakeville South? A: My junior year at the state tournament I swam the final leg of the 200-yard freestyle relay. We really wanted to win a state title. The year before without me the relay finished third at state, but they lost one of the seniors. I was a little faster and they were so excited. They were saying this was our year to win. There was a girl, Hannah Bowen, one of my best friends, who was with Stillwater. They also had some really good times, and I really didn’t want to swim the same leg as her. Everyone told me not to worry because Hannah usually does the third leg. I remember standPhoto by Rick Orndorf ing there talking to Hannah and said she was Lakeville South’s Hailey Campbell swims one of going last. My heart started beating. I looked her favorite strokes, the backstroke, at the Class over at her, and thought I just had to beat her. AA state meet in 2009. I swam the fastest I had ever gone. We saw each other on flipturn and I was already ahead. I show you yourself. knew she was gunning for me, but we ended up Q: Have you dealt with any adversity? A: I’m not quite the (individual medley swim- tying. I think that was the best moment ever. mer). I’m just not a decent breast-stroker. One of (The relays ended up setting a state record.) my goals was to get the pool record for the 200 IM Andy Rogers is at and I really tried at that. I asked my coach to help me train because I wanted to break the school re-


July 30, 2010 THISWEEK

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Submitted photo from city of Farmington

Five area city planners visited Farmington recently to give feedback in a First Impressions survey. They were surprised to find much single-family housing and attractive parks.

Survey to help city improve its marketing strategy Aim is to attract more businesses, residents by Kara Hildreth THISWEEK NEWSPAPERS

When area city planners visited the vistas and farmlands in Farmington, many were surprised to discover the vast single-family housing developments and attractive, well-maintained parks. Five area city planners took a two-hour tour riding in a city parks and recreation van June 18 to visit all sides of the city and fill out a 50-page First Impressions survey. “They (city planners) look at it differently and they have a quicker focus on what is going on,� said Lee Smick, Farmington city planner. “I was looking for suggestions on what we could expand upon and work on.� When Smick discovered the First Impressions survey organized by the University of Wisconsin extension office, she knew it could be a

Challenges City planners reported the city’s top challenges: • People perceive the city to be mostly agricultural and not connected to the Twin Cities • No major industry or job generators • Unusual city boundaries to maintain city identity • Not enough retail options to sustain people living in the city • Lack of nightlife or a real “hookâ€? to entice people to move to Farmington

City assets City planners rated the top city assets as being well planned, convenient and

clean with friendly people and affordable housing. Other assets were the “phenomenal� new Farmington High School with an “impressive� football stadium. Other perks were city parks and proximity of vistas and rolling farm fields, along with the quality of residential housing. The survey found the historic Third Street or Main Street is an asset. Many communities are trying to build “artificial town centers� to develop a sense of place because many suburbs were developed as bedroom communities. Apple Valley City Planner Maggie Dykes was surprised to see new singlefamily housing. “I think overall they have done a great job of developing a community and they have a lot of land and know what they need to do in order to achieve their goals and vision,� Dykes said. Noting how she likes the See Survey, 19A


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valuable feedback tool. “The survey both helped us as a city staff to realize what opportunities we have here and how to solidify them and have the EDA (Farmington Economic Development Authority) realize them as well,� said Smick.

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THISWEEK July 30, 2010

area,� Dykes said. Farmington faces similar challenges that other southern metro cities face, including creating a larger job base for its residents, Dykes said.

new city hall and its location across the street from the library, Dykes said there is also evidence of how Farmington has made efforts to preserve the hisMarketing toric downtown district. “That is a credit to Planners suggested poFarmington that it still has tential marketing avenues a functional and working as: downtown with offices and • Attract more indusservices in the downtown trial parks businesses be-



Credit River Township Monthly Board Meeting

Sealed bids in duplicate will be received by


Monday, August 2, 2010

Farmington Area Public Schools


for the Farmington High School Ball Field Parking Lot until 2:00 pm on August 18, 2010 at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bidders are invited to attend. Bids received after this time will be returned unopened. Bids shall be upon form provided by the Owner. Envelopes containing bids must be sealed, marked "Farmington High School Ball Field Parking Lot" with the name and address of the bidder, the name of the Project, and the date and hour of the opening. Bids shall be delivered to: Mark Stoffel Supervisor of Maintenance, Grounds, and Custodial Farmington Area Public Schools 421 Walnut Street Farmington, MN 55024 The complete form shall be without alterations, additions, or erasures. All bids shall be on a lump sum basis. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities in the bids. Copies of the Bidding Documents are on file and available for inspection at Larson Engineering, Inc., 3524 Labore Road, White Bear Lake, MN 55110, Builders Exchanges of Minneapolis, and St. Paul. Bidding Documents may be obtained at the office of Larson Engineering, Inc. upon payment of $100.00 for each set. The deposit will be refunded if all documents are returned in good condition within ten days of the bid opening date. Each bidder shall include the bid security with the Bid Form as described in the Instructions to Bidders. A pre-bid conference will be held on August 11, 2010 at 2:00 pm, located at the District Service Center, 421 Walnut Drive, Farmington, MN. 2279364 7/30-8/6/10

5:00pm - Update with Scott County Administration 6:00pm - Regular Meeting Update Meeting with Scott County Administration Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance 1 Consent Agenda 1) Approve Minutes from July 6, 2010 2) A p p r o v e J u n e 2 0 1 0 T r e a s u r e r Report 3) Approve July 2010 Developer's Escrow Report 4) Approve Year to Date Building Permit Report 2 Resident Open Forum 3 Engineer's Report 1) Consider Seal Coat bids 2) Consider invoice for Huntington Way 3) Update on Stonebridge 4 Old Business 1) Update on cable television 2) Update on City of Savage Joint Powers Agreement 3) Update on Prior Lake fire contract 4) Update on Weed inspection 5) Update on Territory mowing and planting 6) Trees in South Passage / Monterey Heights 5 Park Report 6 Clerk's Report 1) Newsletter 7 Treasurer's Report 1) Transfer funds 2) Review 1st half year actual to budget 3) 2011 budget discussion 8 Road Report 1) Update on Hills of Credit River road project

cause land prices are more reasonable than neighboring Lakeville and Eagan • Dakota County Fairgrounds is located close • Trout fishing and recreational opportunities in Vermillion River • Find ways to increase retail and commercial options in downtown • Further expand industrial development to expand tax base and provide jobs Survey feedback also suggested the city invest in way-finding signs to direct traffic from the north, east, south and west sides of town to downtown. When asked “Would you consider locating your retail or service business here?â€? one planner said if a big box store would locate in Farmington it could essentially capture the entire market since there is no competition. The First Impressions survey has been forwarded to the Dakota County Regional Chamber and Farmington Downtown Business Association membership. Smick plans to discuss the findings with these groups. “We need to come up with a brand,â€? for marketing Farmington, Smick said. The city logo with the Rambling River Bridge and “A proud past, a promising futureâ€? has been around for many years and needs an update, Smick said.

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