Interior design Portfolio

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Thomas Antonietti - Portfolio

in Paris and 東京

2010 - 2006


pages: 1-6 Shiseido ZEN 7-11 Shiseido SFLX 12-14 M event space, in Tokyo. 15-19 Generate presents Exhibition, in Tokyo. 20-22 Appartments, in Senlis. 23-26 At Large, in Paris. 27-28 Stand Woolmark, in Paris.


Shiseido Zen Perfume PR event guidelines

東京 2009

Defining and drawing the guidelines of the worlwide launch event of ZEN Perfume. Zen is the first men fragrance by Shiseido for the international market, created by by Françoise Caron and Francis Kurkdjian. Any potential showroom in the world had to produce an atmosphere revealing the energy and freshness qualities Zen perfume can offer. Showrooms had to be divided into a display zone and a presentation and explanation zone. the guidelines had to be flexible enough for any showroom to produce the fitting atmosphere for the launch of this perfume. Each showroom receiving these guidelines were then locally responsible to follow the different visual communication and space guidelines. I decided to organise the atmosphere on a contrast using soft materials and soft colors for the displays and seats and the light and image reflection of mirror panels (or filters) all around the space to directly let the guests being into the perfume bottle and feel an endless energy. To manage this project, I was working in between the PR department and the Marketing Department, managing and according the different needs of each department.


Shiseido Zen Perfume PR event guidelines

Advertising visuals by Jean Paul Goude.


Shiseido Zen Perfume PR event guidelines

Press Launch: Enter into the Universe of Siseido ZEN, presented as an endless energy. Concept: Inside the perfume. The whole space design reflects the inside of the perfume packaging, you enter a hidden passion. The walls are covered with a mirror effect adhesive film to create the perfume bottle’s inside. Displays and seats are made of seat’s strong foam covered with cotton to create a soft and sensual feeling. The blue and silver colours bring this endless energy feeling that represent the qualities of ZEN.


Shiseido Zen Perfume PR event guidelines

Floor guidelines.




Create within a rectangular space a circular circulation starting with a display room facing the entrance. The Journalist can test and discover ZEN perfume. Along this display room the guests will seat in front of a screen where will be held an explanation of the Aroma therapy principles used for the perfume’s creation.

seats made of seating foam covered with cotton cover corresponding to the pattern blue cover/silver cover

Entering the showroom, the guests are instantly cutted out from the exterior atmosphere (wherever it may be, Paris, New York, Shangai,...). At any time, the guests are reflected in the mirror panels, they always are inside the perfume bottle, close to the fragrance and its refreshment.


mirror effect adhesive film

little displays made of foam covered by a blue cotton cover + tester stand

big display made of foam covered by blue cotton cover + silver plate


Shiseido Zen Perfume PR event guidelines

Explanation Area For the launch event a shiseido Laboratory specialist is invited to explain the aroma therapy principles involved in ZEN.


Shiseido Zen Perfume PR event guidelines

Press tools Invitation card format 12cm square color codes: Black, silver blue embossed font: Arno pro regular Front: ZEN New fragrance for men logo shiseido, logo ZEN Back: invitation information the press tools have been produced locally by each showroom


Shiseido Future Solution LX PR event guidelines

東京 2009

Defining and drawing the guidelines of the worlwide launch event of Future Solution LX new luxury cosmetic line. The atmosphere had to visually and sensually settle the Shiseido concept of Japanese richness. The atmosphere had to create an intimate and luxurious feeling for each guest. Two areas had to parallelly coexist, one area to present, showcase and feel the textures and ingredients the FSLX collection is based on, and one area to test the FSLX products. Each showroom receiving these guidelines were then locally responsible to follow the different visual communication and space guidelines. To manage this project, I was working in between the PR department and the Marketing Department, managing and according the different needs of each department.


Shiseido Future Solution LX PR event guidelines

Concept: Japanese richness. The wole showroom space brings the Japanese Richness through rich materials as black laquer panels (or black acrylique panels), golden weaven clothes pieces , a thick and light grey flooring rug as a dry zen garden and a soft reflected lighting system on the laquer panels. The display area presents the visuals, a video expressing the essence of Japanese richness, textures and ingredients of the new cosmetics and displays the products. Textures: the creamy textures are presented on black laquer bowl and foamy and liquid textures are presented in stone bowls to stress the contrats. Ingredients: Green tea and Yeast are presented in the sape of a mountian, The soft and powdery textures of each ingredient are showcased as a delicacy.


Shiseido Future Solution LX PR event guidelines

hanged gold pieces of cloth

black acrylic panels miror and tablet, seat.

Floor guidelines.


ingredients textures lacquered displays

black acrylic panels




1rst area: entering the japanese richness to discover the products through the ingredients and the textures of the new line. the 4 laquered displays are placed on an offset pattern. 2nd area: testing the japanese richness the Vanity Case area, a testing area for the new line products.

products tester stand VIDEO SCREEN


The space is divided into 2 ares. Each area is delimited by shiny and slick black acrylic panels contrasting with hanged gold weaven pieces of cloth. A thick rug floor brings a comfortable and quiet atmosphere to the presentation’s luxury feeling. A circular circulation brings the guest from the first area to the second area as journey into the luxury of the new product.

product tester stand display



Shiseido Future Solution LX PR event guidelines

Testing area The Future Solution LX are presented in a Vanity Case space, try, test, discover and touch the textures of the new line products. In order to test the cosmetics, a seat and a tablet face a large mirror to test the cosmetics in an alcove like atmosphere.


Shiseido Future Solution LX PR event guidelines


le 26 avril 2009 14h Ă 20h 47 rue de Buci, 75006 paris

Press tools Invitation card

Future Solution LX

Open House Invitation le 26 avril 2009 de 14h Ă 20h au showroom, 47 rue de Buci, 75006 paris

format 12cm x 10 cm folded cardboard color codes: shiny Black, gold embossed font: Arial regular Front: Shiseido Logo map and phone number Back: Future Solution LX, Open house invitation, date, opening hours, adress. the press tools have been produced locally by each showroom

map phone number


M event bar 代官山, 東京 Daikanayama 150m2 event space in Daikanyama, one of the Trendy Spot of Tokyo, which is a laboratory for the worldwide fashion. This project had to focus on how a space could welcome different genres of events as exhibtions or fashion shows, turning even into a temporary fashion showroom, a bar or a club for parties. Located in a Basement, the lightning systems had to be flexible enough for all these purposes. Respecting as well a non flexible budget, I had to find and coordinate the builder company (union planning) to match the budget and time constraints. The design had to be simple yet with an specific and remarkable atmosphere. Working on a global concept, designing the space and the different stackable pieces of furniture as the stage, the chairs, and a giant M shaped Dj Booth, I focused on a generic Space design as open and as flexible as possible. White walls to welcome exhibitions easily, a black floor for night events. Thsi floor as a remarkable identity point for this project, yet hidden as a wabi-sabi japanese concept, is a concrete floor melted with squid ink. The result of this technique gives a floor looking like a giant black and soft rug. The lightings systems have been divided in two systems: a general one (railed halogen spots) and a specific system (directional LED spots)

東京 2009


M event bar 代官山, 東京 Daikanayama

entrance view


M event bar 代官山, 東京 Daikanayama

salon view


Generate Limited Editions Design by Rising Stars 表参道, 東京 Omotesando

東京 2008

Happening during the famous Design Tide event in Tokyo, 30th of october - 3rd of november 2008, Generate Ltd asked me to handle a global art direction and production of their exhibiton happening in a new shop of Omotesando (Wut Berlin). Visual Communication, and scenography skills were essential for this project to become one of the corner stones of the Design Tide event. This exhibiton showcased strictly limited editions of design that had never been shown before in Japan. The purpose of this exhibition was to settle a potential limit between art products and design products, therefore I decided to show and display the whole exhibition in a manner of art pieces shipping. All the design pieces were displayed inside or upon rough wood (OSB Board) made of diplays of different sizes which clearly defined the exhibition area within the shop.

exhibition main displays

Generate Limited Editions Design by Rising Stars 表参道, 東京 Omotesando

Exhibition displays



Low shelf Stool



19 50



Fitting room Mirror

Ding 3000


Fitting room

Maike & Maike Sander Mulder Shelf Desk

Studio 5000

Glass box









H625 R壁面 LGS+ケイカル下地 150角タイル貼り



+100 Cash counter 詳細図参照

Shelf Desk

床:下地レベル調整 シーラー下地 ※大日技研工業

Cash counter







Acc 詳細図参照

Vitamin Drift Design

Display space





Showroom space Mirror


床:t50mmモルタル打設 シーラー下地 ランディックスコート R800G(艶無し)3回仕上 ※大日技研工業

吹 抜










吹 抜








M event bar 代官山, 東京 Daikanayama

Communication Material

exhibition’s main image

exhibition’s data release CD

Generate Limited Editions Design by Rising Stars 表参道, 東京 Omotesando

folded DM front side

gn 's

ri si ng

ar s


art direction \ (*ù*) / :

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Generate Limited Editions Design by Rising Stars 表参道, 東京 Omotesando

folded DM back side BCXSY


Drift Design

Mike and Maiike

2007年よりオランダ、アイントホーフェンにてBoaz CohenとSayaka Yamamotoにより設立されたBCXSY 。異なったバックグラウンドを持つ2人が、絶妙なバラ ンス感と共にユニークな発想を展開する。コレクショ ン FOREVER!はユニークで個性的、素材豊かなコレク ションたちがデザインの機能性、美しさ、感情を通し て定義不可能なものを定義する事に挑戦している。

3000はCarsten Schelling、Ralf Webermann、Sven Rudolph とStina(犬)の3人プラス1匹によるドイツのデザイン スタジオ。一般的なイズムでは説明不可能な彼らは、 デザインを生み出すため、方法と魔法の中間のどこか を通り、現在存在しない何かを捜し求めるという。彼 らのデザインがその証拠となり、今後も新しい驚きの 発見は続いていく。

Design DRIFTはRalph NautaとLonneke Gordijnの2人が 2007年にオランダでスタートしたデザインスタジオ。 Nautaは工芸、素材、製造技術、Gordijnはフォルムやコ ンセプトのクリエイションを得意とし、知識+直感、自 然+サイエンスフィクション、イデオロギー+リアリテ ィを融合させている。Ghost Chairは2008年ミラノで大き な話題になる。

Mike and MaaikeはMaaike EversとMike Simonianの2人によ るサンフランシスコのデザインデュオ。エクスペリメ ンタルなデザイン、プログレッシブなアイデア、予測 不可能なソリューションは全く異なるバックグランド を持つ2人の融合から生み出される。過去にはxbox360 など世界規模のクライアントを多く持つ。

BCXSY was established in Eindhoven in 2007 by Boaz Cohen and Sayaka Yamamoto. The combination of these two talents creates one unique narrative. BCXSY’s second collection – FOREVER! - was presented during Milano Salone 2008. FOREVER! is a collection of uniquely individual and materially rich products that explores how the function, aesthetics, and emotions of design can help to define the indefinable.

ding3000 was founded by Carsten Schelling, Ralf Webermann, Sven Rudolph in Germany. Their design philosophy cannot be described by a dogma or an 'ism'. The way to the product lies in the search for a new, better, different, unjustly forgotten, humorous idea. Their work is evidence of the pleasure they take in challenging materials, products and not least people's behavior.

Design studio DRIFT was founded by Ralph Nauta and Lonneke Gordijn in 2007 in the Netherlands. DRIFT designs products, projects and concepts for interior and public space. Nauta is an expert in many crafts, materials and production techniques. Gordijn has a good sense for shape and strong concepts. Together they combine knowledge and intuition, nature and science fiction, ideology and reality.



WUT 青山











A joint effort between Maaike Evers and Mike Simonian, mike and maaike is a resource for experimental design, progressive ideas and unexpected solutions for products, furniture and environments. They have designed some world-famous products, such as xbox 360.

Generate Design(のセレ クションの延長として、欧米では既に脚光を 浴びている若手デザイナー8組をフィーチャ ーし、彼らのリミテッドエディションを展示 します。日本初上陸となる彼らの作品はあく まで商品。作品と商品の狭間で浮遊するグッ ドデザインを純粋にセレクトし、驚きと喜び を提案します。



4日 1月 -1 日 30 0月 ,1 09 20


Generate Design is proud to present an exhibition of limited editions by 8 exciting young designers /collectives, all of which will be shown in Japan for the first time. The exhibition, like our store, features cutting-edge contemporary design from around the world.

LIMITED EDITIONS by design's rising stars 2009,10月30日-11月4日

exhibition curator and organiser: Generate(

AT WUT 渋谷区明治神宮前 5-1-15

art direction: Thomas Antonietti(

meijijingumae 5-1-15

bcxsy, ding, drift design, mike and maiike, sander mulder, studio 5050, treluce, vitamin

Thanks to: WUT berlin and Yann Le Goec

sander mulder

Studio 5050



Sander Mulderは2002年にデザインアカデミーアイント ホーフェンを卒業後、オランダに自身のスタジオを設 立。国際的なプロジェクトを手掛けるスタジオに成長 し、家具、プロダクト、ライティング、インテリアデ ザインを専門に活動している。時間のユニークな解釈 を視覚的に見せたプロダクトは世界的に熱狂的なファ ンを生み出している。

Studio5050はDespina Papadopoulosが1995年にNYでスタ ートしたスタジオ。ファッション、デザイン、テクノ ロジー、アート、哲学の融合をミッションとする。現 在は、デザインコンサルティングなど多岐に渡る活動 を行う。これらのミッションを体現したプロダクトは 独創性に富み、人々の興味を離さない。

TreluceはMarcus Tremontoと妻のMonica Tremontoが2002 年にNYにてスタートしたデザインスタジオ。以来、革 新的、独創的な照明のリミテッドエディション "Lightworks" は世界的な認知と賞賛を獲得。2008年には ミラノ、スワロフスキークリスタルパレス展にZaha Hadid、吉岡徳仁氏など世界トップレベルのデザイナー と共に選出されている。

Vitaminは2005年よりロンドンにて磁器製品、家具、そ して、スポーツアクセサリーを手掛ける。オリジナル のテイストを注ぎ込み、プランターの下に灰皿が融合 するなどユニークなプロダクトを手掛ける。「普通で はない」特別なプロダクトをデザインし、ユーザーに ほんの少し「普通ではない」特別な暮らしを提供して いる。

After artist/designer Marcus Tremonto started his New York based design studio,Treluce Studios, with wife and partner Monica Tremonto in 2002, he has received international recognition and acclaim for his innovative limited edition"Lightworks" pieces. He was chosen for the coveted Swarovski Crystal Palace in Milan 2008.

With a product range which spans from ceramics, furniture, and now sports accessories, Vitamin is ready to put it's own fresh spin on any product. Whether it's free-standing lamps that double as carpet sweepers, vases with integrated ashtrays or table lights which keep your cup of tea warm, Vitamin produces extra-ordinary products that hopefully make their owners' lives a little less ordinary.

After his graduation from the design Academy Eindhoven in 2002, Sander Mulder started his own design studio. Over the years, Sander Mulder has become an international operating design studio, which specializes in the field of furniture-, lighting- and interior design.

Studio 5050 was founded in 1995 by Despina Papadopoulos in NY. The original mission was to explore and stretch the boundaries of fashion, design, technology, art and philosophy. From the start, Studio 5050 embraced the attitude of risk and celebrated the power of collaboration. Soon Studio 5050 became a vibrant collective. Out of the incessant questioning and re-questioning emerged new and exciting products and a mounting client base.


Appartements built in juxtaposed 17th centuy buildings

Senlis 2008

Rehabilitation of 2 old 17th century houses and designing 4 appartments. This rehabilitation project had first to respect all the Historical Heritage rules that the city of Senlis apply onevery building. The sedond important point was to manage a project in cost and time meeting the client needs. This project has been done, designing and then coordinating the workers company to finalize the project in the best terms.

n o

After demolishing the 360m2 70’s style former apartments settings we had the pleasure to rediscover some 17th century architectural properties of the building (stone walls, stone pillars and wooden structures) and decided to include them in the rehabilitation project to mix History with a contemporary feeling. The 4 rental apartments design went on mixing quality materials with the historical aspect of the buildings to respect and enhance the spatial qualities.

e r

a h

i b

i t a t li


Appartements built in juxtaposed 17th centuy buildings

1st apartment, living room connecting to the bedrooms.


Appartements built in juxtaposed 17th centuy buildings

4th apartment, living room and open kitchen area below a distinctive wooden ceiling structure.


At Large PR office Fashion Showroom 10 rue Charlot, Paris 3e.

Paris 2007

This project had to transform and develop a "120m2 two very low ceilings rooms and a cave" into an appropriate office and showroom for At Large office's activities. I first focused on how I could visually enlarge the space. the best way to visually erase the ceiling was through a daylight neon lighting source covered with half transparent polycarbonate panels, transforming the ceiling into a soft and evanescent source of light. contrasting it with a strong and rough black floor made of recycled caoutchouc reinforced the contrast in between a strongly existing floor and a disapearing ceiling. Both were then connected by a soft lighting box covering the basement floor staircase. The office naturally settled in a sandwich made of two showrooms, one upstairs and one downstairs easily allowing At large to spatially distinguish the different collections. Today, At large stopped the fashion showroom activities and moved out of the 10 rue Charlot. However Stephane verdino installed his shop within this project, still keeping a great part of the project I did. It was prepared to serve a showcase function and works for other products in the same manner. The circulation and lighting systems I designed are still valuable in this new shop.


At Large PR office Fashion Showroom 10 rue Charlot, 3e, Paris

1st floor, Office


At Large PR office Fashion Showroom 10 rue Charlot, 3e, Paris

2nd floor, showroom


At Large PR office Fashion Showroom 10 rue Charlot, 3e, Paris

basement floor, showroom


Stand Woolmark Salon Premiere Vision Collaboration with a trend agency

Paris 2006

Meanwhile I was working for my graduation year at L’Ecole Camondo, I worked as a freelance collaborator with Polypheme, a Parisian Trend agency. During this collaboration I designed several stands and booth for different brands but the most interesting one was for Woolmark. At that time the Woolmark label wanted to reintroduce itself in the european market after a few years of absence... The label was well known as a wool label but wasn’t known enough for the different use the label covered. This project had to reveal all the application for which the label was now working on, fashion but also upholstery. Woolmark especially insisted on all the documents they wanted to show, catalogues, brochures, partners brochures as well as the importance to touch all the different wools coming from all the different processes wool can be processed.


Stand Woolmark Salon Premiere Vision Collaboration with a trend agency

First of all, the whole stand was designed in technical felt, covering the walls and the displays. A 3 pattern felt cutted framing screen was showing videos of wool patterns and materials. We focused on how we could show and touch the materials in different ways which could make a change for the visitors. stock pc and printer area

reception desk

meeting area


sample touch wall video display

video framed picture

stand for licenses swatches library litterature display

technical felt walls

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