Big In Da Street Magazine Vol 2 Issue 6

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BlueUp Entertainment

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The Hook-up Hip Hop and hair


On The Cover Blue Up Entertainment CEO’s D Blue and Tipsey

Street Queen Victoria Mayhem Sweet tooth?

16 24 3 Big In Da Street Magazine

The Hook Up Hip Hop culture goes far beyond just music. Popular artists of the genre are trendsetters in several arenas. This issue we decided to recognize some of the people who keep you, hooked up!

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How many years have you been styling hair? I’ve been styling Hair since I can remember as a child always wanted to do My grandmother’s, My mom’s My Brothers hair Everyone’s hair I wanted to do. Way way back in the day, when we had the Microwave and Hurricane Ponytails lol. Even before then was braiding everyone’s hair in the neighborhood. I started young, I would say about 20 years. What’s your specialty style? I don’t really have a specialty style, I take pride in everything I put my hands on but if I had to pick my favorite style to do..... It would definitely be a “Razor Bob” hands-down. There’s so many ways to Style and Create a Bob its amazing! Its so much fun! If you could style any celebrity hair who would it be and why? I would love love love love to do Mariah Carey’s hair just one time. She has been someone I have looked up to for so long just because she’s been through the struggle and came out standing strong, she’s so beautiful. I just want to see her with the Bob!

Nikki Warden


What’s the best knowledge you can pass on to a upcoming stylist? The most important thing I want to say is Follow your Dream! There’s never anything in the world that you can’t do as long as you put your mind to it. Stay in those Cosmetology books because times change so much there’s always knowledge to learn nobody is the best,

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nobody is perfect, nobody’s better than the Next! Although styling hair makes you Good Treating, Conditioning and keeping their Hair Healthy makes you Great! One thing I always remember as a child, people used to say you want to be a hairstylist when you grow up, no you need to be something that makes money Well let me just say that Cosmetology is A billion $$ industry, and there’s no limit to the Success of Styling hair!! Where do you see yourself in 5 years in the cosmetology world? I see myself owning a Cosmetology school. I feel like a lot of schools now just get you in and out they don’t really teach you everything you need to know. I can’t really say I want to travel or do celebrities hair because really that’s not my passion. I have three children that I want to raise and dedicate most of my time to. I just want to teach people to do what I do and let them go out and do celebrities hair and travel all over the country that would be just as satisfying to me and then I could sit back relax count these checks and raise my children to be a successful as I want them to be..... One last thing I want to give a shout out to my mother Sherrie Rodriguez who is the strongest woman I know, Thank you mama for never doing my hair as a child, for making me determined to make Every Woman I come in contact with Feel as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside.... Being a biracial child growing up with Bright skin and Nappy hair I truly know the Struggle......Love you Momma Love

Patrick Watkins #ThePeoplesChamp What’s the funniest story you heard in the shop? Years ago a man came into the shop and wanted a shave but he had so many hair bumps and he didn’t want any of his bumps cut. He sit down pulls out a gun and said if you cut one bump I’m going to pay you with this lead . So Mr. M.c. said I got him boys so he lays him back puts the hot towel on his face sharpens his straight razor lather his face and begins to shave him. Oops I cut one Mr. M.c. said . That’s ok the man said. Later on oops I hit another the man said its ok and Mr. M.c kept shaving a couple of minutes later he was done clean shave and ready to go. The man said sir you did a great job on the shave you must have known I was going to shoot you ? Mr. M.c said naw I wasn’t scared cause if I thought you was ready to shoot I would have slit your throat before you could’ve sat up How many years have you been cutting hair? 20 in total. I started in the sixth grade after my grandfather passed away and my grandmother couldn’t afford to get my haircut every two weeks but once a month,so my uncle jap gave me some clippers to give myself a shape up but they were regular clippers just zeroed out so you could shape with them and as they say the rest is history

games and that was where I spent all of my time I knew then this is what I wanted to do. If there is any knowledge you can pass on to a upcoming barber what would it be? You never can say I know everything about cutting, I know what I’m doing cause haircuts change so much for an example the 80’s Mr.T Mohawk is not the Roscoe Dash Mohawk of today if you cut a Mr.T Mohawk today you might be in for a fight and if you can’t fight you’re in a world of trouble as my grandmother would say. Just be a learner always go to the hair shows take the classes that they offer buy videos study them out. Learn how to cut more than just your races hair every person in this world needs a haircut might as well cut it. Plus this is a service job we work for others not I cut good so I’m doing you a favor by cutting your hair but he’s doing you a favor by sitting in your chair and its a honor to cut their hair

What inspired you to cut hair? Going to Wilson’s as a child I loved the shop environment and when Rickey moved to North Ave that became all the kids hang out spot because he had a pool table and video 6 Big In Da Street Magazine

Brittany Brown


How many years have you been styling hair? I have been doing hair every since 2000, I was at cedar shoals high school in the 9th grade. I used to watch my mother do hair and one day I just started doing hair, I loved it! After that I have always wanted to become a celebrity hairstylist! God blessed me with magical hands that I believe will take me a long way.

most of all BE PROFESSIONAL AT ALL TIMES!!!!! Where do you see yourself in 5 years in the cosmetology world? Five years from now I see myself out of Athens somewhere with my own hair salon in a major city being a professional celebrity stylist!!!!

What’s your specialty style? I am a big fan of razor Bobs. Everybody loves them! I also love doing sew-ins. And for the most part those are the trendy styles out right now. Really, I like doing every style I’m capable of from braiding to cutting men’s hair and back to my quick weaves and sew-ins. I guess you can call me a jack of all trades. (laughs) If you could style any celebrity hair who would it be and why? (laughs) If I could do any celebrity hair I think it would be Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, or Beyonce because those are ladies I admire the most. And they’re rich too! What’s the best knowledge you can pass on to a upcoming stylist? For the upcoming stylist all I have to say is “follow your dreams”. What god has planned for you is for you. Be supportive of yourself even if no-one else is supporting you. And 7 Big In Da Street Magazine

Allah Love

#FadeMaster What’s the funniest story you heard in the shop? This guy was at the shop talking bout this girl he just “caught” and her boyfriend was in the shop that day. What a fight that was. How many years have you been cutting? I’ve been cutting for about 12 years. I was born to do it. What’s your specialty cut? My specialty is “da fade”. I’ve been nicknamed “da fademaster”!! What inspired you to cut hair? I’m just that good with my hands. If there is any knowledge you can pass on to a upcoming barber what would it be? It’s not as hard as it seems. Practice makes perfect. 8 Big In Da Street Magazine

Facebook Guy Code: Don’t Do It Man

10 things a guy should never ever do on Facebook or any social site. 1. Don’t be thirsty: Just because you see a girl post a pic on FB doesn’t mean you gotta comment on all of em. The “Thirst” was peeped when you liked photo #5 2. Don’t beef wit another dude: Internet thugs? Really? If you gotta throw blows with a dude on facebook just tell him to meet you in the parking lot. We all know you tough but that ain’t gonna cut it, its better ways to handle beefs. 3. Don’t beef with a chick: Should we really have to explain this one? That’s a definite no-no. What rank are you pulling to beef wit a chick? 4. Don’t post selfie pics of yourself in the bathroom: It kills me to see a nigga wit his shirt off takin’ photo’s of himself in the bathroom mirror. Delete,Delete,Delete... 5. Don’t use the word selfie: 6. Never post a stat talking bad about your girl: It makes you look like an idiot, and you just let the vultures know yall having problems. Keep it to yourself. 7. Don’t post stats talking bad about your homies: 8. Don’t chime in on female beef: You just look like the dude waiting for a tittie to pop out in a cat fight. Leave them chicks be! 9. Don’t create a fake page claiming to be a someone else: I know you want to catch your girl cheating but this really ain’t the way to go. Did you ever think to ask her if she was? Assumptions only make an ass of you, if you doing what you’re supposed to she’ll be back. 10. Don’t be a guy groupie:

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Brandee Bailous- House of Baboski

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How did you begin your design career? I began sewing at 8 but I began designing when I was about 11. I just couldn’t find anything to fit my crazy style, so I started sketching my own creations. Who inspires you the most? My granny inspires me. She is awesome and she is strong. I never see her mad and upset, she just goes with the flow and prays about everything and she has a heart of gold. Favorite designer? My favorite designer is the late great Alexander McQueen. His style and creations are out of this world. If you could work with any designer in the world who would they be and why? If I could work with any designer in the world it would be Diane Von Furstenberg. She is timeless. Diane is a living legend in the business and has been doing this longer than most of us have been alive. I love her style, she is so classic and is known world wide. She is one of my idols. Where do you see House of Baboski a year from now? A year from now, I can see House of Baboski in a few more stores and in more magazines. I hope to have my mens line out by then, but i know for sure my Luscious Diva’s line will b up and running and I hope to see that my swimwear line takes off. I did fairly well in summer 2013 so i see it booming. Web links: www.houseofbaboski. com, Email:

11 Big In Da Street Magazine

Mz. Bo$$ette #TheNewcomer

Before I get to the specific questions I want to share my passion with you. I am a “Promoter� and this covers all kind of events such as club marketing, special occasions that include social events such as birthday parties, graduation, baby showers, and holiday gatherings just to name a few. I also work with artist to endorse shows on social media. What is your name? Where are you from? How did you come up with your name? My name is Mz. Bo$$ette and I was born and raised in Athens GA. and proud to still call it home. There were a couple of people, Sharhonda Clink and Michael Colbert, that helped me to come up with the name Mz. Bo$$ette. I have always been told that I am very bossy and demanding, so when I decided to go full throttle 12 Big In Da Street Magazine

in the promotion industry I knew that I had to have a name that was not just catchy, but would fit my personality well. I really wanted to steer away from “BOSSY”, “BOSS CHICK”, OR “MS. BOSSY”. So with some careful consideration the name Mz. Bo$$ette came into play. Its spelled B-O-DOUBLE DOLLAR SIGN-ETTE. How and when did you start? I started off doing house parties and they always had an amazing turn out. So I began to think and placed myself in a business frame of mind. If I can PROMOTE a house party and people that don’t know anything about me show up, then I can take this even further and make money. That is when I started networking with Damon “D Blue” Allen, the CEO of Blue Up Entertainment. He and I started working together and he has been showing me the ropes on how the industry works and shared a lot of great knowledge. I was inspired to step into this industry because I love to have fun and I like to see other people enjoy themselves. It is an amazing feeling to know that I had a hand in making an event a success. The cherry on

top is the fact that there is money to be made and Mz. Bo$$ette is after it! I thank God for a very supportive team, Damon “D Blue” Allen, the Blue Up Entertainment family, Michael Colbert owner of Pressure King Enterprise, but mostly my three princesses that give me the drive to go harder and do more. What makes you stand out from others? I am a go-getter and I always put my heart into what I do. Heart goes further than money. God has blessed me with drive, determination and ambition that no one can take away. I work hard at no matter what the challenge is placed before me and I never give up on anything. I have learned how to listen, observe, and accept constructive criticism as part of my growing process. All of this makes me an exceptional person that cares about others and fuels a passion for what I do. What challenges are you facing as an entrepreneur? Wow, various challenges come to mind (laughing) but one that seems to stand out is being female in a male dominated industry. THANK

GOD I CAN HOLD MY OWN AND HAVE TOUGH SKIN! By no means am I saying that a female cannot conquer the task but it is just that a “TASK”. What is the ultimate goal in regards to your skills, and where do you want to go? Mz. Bo$$ette is not driven by fame and fortune, although that would be nice (smiling). My personal feelings are that for me to be a success I will continue to do what I do and put my heart into it. I also strive to be a positive role model for my girls and other young ladies coming along this path. MY MOTTO: GOD IS MY GUIDE, DETERMINATION IS MY ADRENALINE RUSH AND THE ONLY LIMIT I HAVE…… IS THE SKY!!!! Contact Info: CEO of Mz. Bo$$ette Promotions Sharon Mz. Bo$$ette Mitchell (706)286-0856

Check us out on More Interviews, more cars, more stories, more street queens!!

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Fall Fashion, 2013: What’s In, What’s Not! By Caitlin Gallagher

When we think of fall fashion, and peruse magazines around this time of year, it seems like all of the colors darken, the stylistic features dull out, and everything just becomes rather bland. I have good news, my friends! That is NOT the case this fall! It’s almost like we’re in a typical spring fashion season. The stores are displaying colors – bright colors. Thinking about what magazines like Bazaar and Vogue have out for their fall fashion? That’s not the real world – what I’m referring to is what’s big on da streets! So what are the rules for this atypical fall fashion season? Read along! Accessorize: Keep it colorful, and match it up!! This isn’t a time where one can own one or two pairs of sneakers – I have a pair of sneakers or a pair of flats to match every single outfit that I own! This stylistic rule is so big right now, that I was recently visiting a friend in the hospital, and the nurses shoes were matching their scrubs! It looked awesome, but this can definitely be an expensive habit! I have saved my money for my

sneakers, and bought them new and have spent a little less on matching flats for my dressier outfits. But wait – it doesn’t just end with sneakers! Jewelry, hats, and even purses are matching up, too. Now, this doesn’t mean that it’s “cool” to wear the same exact shade on top, bottom, and with your accessories. I’ve seen people do this and it simply makes me cringe! The clothes and accessories that are big right now are generally multicolored, so make sure that you match up the main color, or a color that stands out, or even match multiple colors with different aspects of your attire. A lot of clothing and accessories that are just one color are out of style! (But no worries for those of you who like that look – what’s “in” is constantly changing, so it’ll come back) One exception to this are Keds, Toms, Converses, and similar types of shoes, where people generally own several pairs in a variety of colors, to match a multitude of outfits. Being unique and being in style is not hard, especially when it comes to sneakers! Go to Foot Locker and you’ll find one type of limited edition shoes, and you 14 Big In Da Street Magazine

may find a similar pair in another store, but look closely – it’s likely that there are differences. Hats. You can find the same (or a very similar) hat in a multitude of colors! Lids is a great example of this – they must have the New York Yankees hat (just as an example) in at least fifteen different color schemes! That being said, you can also have a customized hat made, and really make your look unique. I am seeing this done more and more frequently. Isn’t it exciting how much everyone’s look can be customized, yet within the same popular look? I love it! Nail polish. The girls are definitely walking around manicured and pedicured! What is interesting about this is that a lot of people are wearing more than one color on their hands, and it actually looks cute! Maintenance on your nails is crucial now, as the ladies are coordinating their colors with their outfits. Oh! And we can’t forget sunglasses! I own several pairs, also to match each of my outfits. They don’t have to be expensive, either. Of course there are

popular brands that people like to wear but I am honestly seeing all sorts of brands (or non-brands) or sunglasses out there – the biggest concern these days is that they match you outfit. This has been a lot of information so let’s sum it up: Match it up, and be multicolored! Sunglasses, shoes, and hats (particularly flat hats and sneakers) are in while purses and jewelry are much less important this season. Be sure to coordinate colors well! Simplicity on the bottom! While colors may be vibrant in outfits, that’s about as far as it goes. You won’t be seeing add-ons such as lace or sequins. Jeans are straight leg. Super baggy is out, and super tight is out. Even a boot-cut jean is too flared for today’s look. The days of leggings being “the style” has passed for the ladies, and you won’t see much other than jeans in popular apparel. Less and less, you’ll see companies like Hollister and Abercrombie coming out with jeans that are already ripped, and if they are, it’s to a much lesser extent. Jeans are almost always dark blue, and fading (natural or manufactured) is both commonplace and acceptable. Jersey shorts such as Adidas and Nike seem to be the only exception to the jeans rule, as long as you wear them below the knee, guys. Women can get away with wearing

them however they want, of course! Other than that, don’t get caught wearing khakis or athletic pants – at least, not this fall! Making your tops fit your body shape and style. The most challenging aspect of keeping up with the current style has to do with the tops you choose to wear. The best way I can think of to explain this rule is to, “wear your weight right!” Plenty of us are overweight, and we have to hit the gym. It’s reality, and there is nothing that we can do that is going to change our look between today and next week, but we can change the way we appear by the kind of tops that we chose to wear. This applies to guys as well, and to individuals who may have a lower BMI index. If you’re in a lower weight class, do not wear your clothes baggy, or tight. The ladies today are just simply letting their clothes fall comfortably – not tight enough that one can see all of the aspects of one’s body underneath while also not wearing shirts that are so baggy that it looks like your body is hidden in there! For us women who weigh a little more, like I said, that’s okay, because we can still wear it right! There are a lot of tops out there right now that will flare out a little for the stomach and/or the upper

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arms. Department stores are the best place to find such clothing right now, and it’s out there, and it’s in! The trick is, even if you hate doing this, to try things on, and you’ll see what accentuates the right parts of your body. Just like I said earlier, wearing tight clothing that shows every little thing about your body is simply not in style at the moment, but at the same time, I don’t want to see you walking around in shirts that are so baggy that I can’t even find you in them! For the guys, tees are in! Of course, polos are good for a date night, but other than that, most guys are just wearing t-shirts. Everywhere I go, I’ll see someone wearing a tee that makes me smile, because that’s what is in style at the moment. Pick out a shirt that has a saying on it that you think is fun. Nike has a lot of them, but so do other companies. It brings humor to the streets! A lot of the gentleman are wearing these shirts with jersey pants, and that’s good. What is really fun is seeing the ladies kick this style too – I love it! So there are a few simple guidelines to keep yourself looking fly this fall. Before you go shopping, check out this style guide and then hit the streets to show off your latest and greatest looks!

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Blue Up


hard work we plan to push our movement forward. One goal is to increase our fan base outside of the Athens area. We have shows coming up with artist in North Carolina and Tennessee, which is a move in the right direction.

Has anyone been kicked to the curb?

Behind The Label

Nope, but we have had artist to relocate and are now utilizing outside facilities to get their music recorded. No lost souls so far.

What was it like working on Unyque’s solo project?

Before you sign an artist, what qualities do to look for in an artist?

Well as her name suggests it was unique. Miss. Unyque is a special person and we enjoyed working with her on her freshman project. The process was long but as you know it was worth the wait. We think she turned out an excellent debut mix-tape and we are excited about getting started on the next one.

A standard list of qualities does not work in the music industry because each artist is different. We try to look at individual strengths but it is always helpful if they have a solid fan base and a solid work ethic (drive, determination, and ambition). They also need a tough skin because this business can be ruthless. If the streets don’t like you they let you know!

The listening party was crazy, we gave the album some good reviews, was there anything that disappointed you guys with the CD? In the Blue Up camp there is no such thing as a disappointment only learning opportunities. The biggest lesson that came out of this project was the need to stay focused! With everyone living busy lives it is easy to get distracted, but we have got to make time for the things that we love (music).

Where do you guys see Blue Up Entertainment this time next year? The egotistical answer is “the sky is the limit”! The realistic answer is with

What’s the story behind Tony B, Mr. scrub the ground signing to Blue Up Ent? That move made a lot of local artist upset. First let me respond by saying that we don’t base our decisions on what other people may think. You can never please all of the people all of the time. So we only try to please God and do what we think is right. Tony B is a friend and we go way back. Our connection is one of both business and friendship. Technically he is not signed to Blue Up ENT but we have a collaborative relationship. We have come together on a couple of music projects but we don’t have a defined relationship. We help each other out in 17 Big In Da Street Magazine

various ways and are truly a family on this journey.

I just received a petition thru email with a hundred thousand signatures for Tipsey to come out of retirement (laughs). Will you ever perform or do a solo project again? Currently I am featured on several songs with various artist. Some of these include Miss Unyque, Billy D Brell, Chino Skywalker, L.G., and Tony B. I enjoy this type of collaborative work. It shows the streets how we can all work together. My best response to your question regarding a solo project is “we’ll see”.

What made you guys start the label? I had a close friend, more like a “sister”, who I worked with on different lyrical projects. We always found it difficult to get studio time at a price that we considered reasonable. So in an effort to cut out the middleman in 2008 we decided to purchase our own equipment. We started out with a group of friends renting space and recording each other. Eventually, I was able to upgrade the equipment and we came together and developed the label. I am CEO and my Co-CEO is none other than one of the featured rap artist on the label known as “Tipsey” (Meka Curry).

Who all stands out on the label? We don’t consider anyone artist a stand out. We feel that each artist has something exciting and distinctive to him or her that adds a certain style to the label.

How many awards will you guys win at next year’s hip-hop awards?

You guys stole the show last year winning like 8 awards. Wow, we were really excited about the outcome of last year’s show. We had a great movement and we have seen it grow throughout 2013. We love the support we get from the streets. Our fans are our motivation. But we all know how the music industry is; we are at the mercy of the streets. One minute you can be on top and the next minute you are a forgotten artist. We have been busy and also having a lot of fun with what we are doing (videos, shows, featured interviews, and mix-tape releases). We will just have to wait and see what the outcome is!!

We could do an entire show with y’alls artist, who is all on the label? Tip Clarke (Tiffany Clarke), Malaci (Dremon Byrd), Velvet (Cecil Young), L.G. (Larry Gresham), Repunza (Repunza Brown), Chrismas (Crystal Fair), Miss UnyQue (Stephanie Cobbs), Tisa Praise (Shantisa Collins), Nuk (Davion Taylor), Tony B (Antonio Bradford), and RJ (Rj Thomas). What’s next for Blue Up Ent? I am excited to be working towards completing and releasing our first gospel mix-tape. “Tisa Praise” (Shantisa Collins) is an amazing singer and I think people are going to be blown away by her vocal range. How can new artist find you? Email Contact: YouTube: Twitter: Facebook:

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Mike Jones, Marcus Houston, Adina Howard, T-Pain, Charlie Boy and J Cole. I have also performed at many local and regional events. My music can be heard on many underground music internet stations, as well as most local radio stations and clubs in North Carolina, and surrounding areas Download Bama Mr. 16 Bars Ft. Flo Boy - Money Dance


mixtape/artist reviews

Contact: 910-364-6188 / lilbama@

Bama Boy Mr. 18 Bars I was born and raised in Union Springs, Alabama. I developed a love for music when I was young. I was writing, rapping, and free-styling in high school. After graduating I moved to Killeen, Texas. It was there that I met up with another rapper named Uncle Maine and we formed the group U.M.L.B. Crunk and Aggression was our first album. We later decided to go our separate ways with the group and I started back being a solo artist. Afterwards I dropped three solo mixed tapes: Respect My Flow, Radioland, and Money Is Tha Motivation. I am currently living in Fayetteville, North Carolina where I am still pursuing my music career. I have recently released a mixtape as part of B.D.S. BOYZ titled: Bang Dat Shit Vol. 1, which is available for free download on I am about to drop my new solo mixtape titled Clubs and Subwoofers. On this mixtape you can find my new hit single “BOUNCE IT” which is in heavy rotation right now. I have appeared in many articles and opened for many artists like: Fat Joe,

Lil St. Louis Keep it Trill Born and raised in Saint Louis, Via Huntsville AL, LIL ST.LOUIS has been on his grind for 13 years. Lil St. Louis, along with his team have built a crazy buzz here in Saint Louis which in fact is still growing and spreading to other markets 21 Big In Da Street Magazine

throughout the country! People can expect the grittiest Muzik and coming St. Louis for the first time ever with the most impeccable grind behind it this year! Lil St. Louis says his biggest musical influence was and still is Pimp C and Bun B (UGK). His ideal collaborations are with artist like Trey Songs, Future, Verse Simmons, Rico love, and Rocko! A lot more but those are a few. What separates Lil St. Louis from other artist is the raw content he brings to the table and it’s actually coming from Saint Louis! This type of Muzik has never sprung out of St.Louis! St. Louis has been silent, he is the first to actually bring light to the streets of St. Louis. This is what separates him from a lot that’s already going on in the game!

Lunden De’Leon

“Queen of Afro-Punk”

“My dad was the lead singer in a gospel band,” says Dirrty Records Founder/Filmmaker Lunden De’Leon. “The first time I saw him on stage I knew I wanted to be a part of the music industry.” Born in Barbados, while in high school, Lunden found a fry flipping job at Burger King and when the time was right, she hitched a ride to Hollywood with only $200 in her pocket. “I was homeless for a short period of time in Los Angeles,” says Lunden. “ I did not know what the future held but I was determined to turn my stumbling blocks into stepping stones.” Lunden soon found a roommate that changed her life forever. “ I tagged along to a modeling audition with my roommate. I wasn’t interested in modeling or acting but when you’re hungry and penniless you’ll try anything to put food on the table. I got the audition. That same day I was signed to a one year modeling contract.” Fans recall first being introduced

to Lunden as Joanne Mbutu on the hit television series Vital Signs. Years later, she catapulted that breakout role into a successful career with quite an impressive track-record by creating a number of unforgettable performances and starring in over fifty movies and television shows like the 20th Century Fox Movie The Ladies Room, Surviving Paradise, Fury, Faux-Pas, Cryptz, the HBO award-winning film Kickin Chicken and the NBC hit comedy “Just Shoot Me.” Lunden was soon voted by The Ave Magazine as “One of the Most Significant Women in Entertainment” alongside Halle Berry, Beyonce, Oprah Winfrey and many more. In fall 2003, Lunden opened the doors to her Los Angeles based record label Dirrty Records making headlines around the world for releasing a punk remake of Jimi Hendrix’s classic Purple Haze. Lunden was soon inducted into the Caribbean Hall of Fame alongside such legends as Bob Marley and Sidney Poitier. Known for her compassion, confidence and inspirational achievements, Former Los Angeles Mayor James K. Hahn issued a special proclamation declaring February 7th as “ Lunden De’Leon Day” in the City of Los Angeles. Lunden recently ran for Councilwoman in her home state of South Carolina. Her film production company, Palmetto Film Studios, makes and distributes 5-7 films a year. “I moved my record company to South Carolina and started a film production company to give back to my community,” says Lunden. “ I’m blessed and believe in blessing 22 Big In Da Street Magazine


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Street Queen

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Victoria Mayhem

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MIXTAPES 26 Big In Da Street Magazine


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