Portfolio Thomas Funder-Nielsen Industrial Design 11/4 - 2014 Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
Index Lazy Susan Dinnertable suplies
Pomelo Shoe Nature inspiration project
Automotive Abstract auto shaping
Truck Creation of future truck
Small projects Different small ideas
Freetime Sketches Cellection of some of my sketches
Thomas Funder-Nielsen
Education Odense Tekniske Gymnasium (Design & Technology) 2008 – 2011
Industrial designer born 24-07-1991 Copenhagen, Denmark
The Scandinavian Design College (Product design & Architecture) 2013 – 2013
Contact mail: thomasfunder@gmail.com Phone: +45 21 51 48 79
Work experience Marker course - Assistant teacher for Soren Essendrop The Scandinavian Design College from 24 to 26 february 2014
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (Industrial Design) 2013 - ?
Lazy Susan
Lazy Susan in various sizes.
in the 21 centery, many changes are happening around the world. The connection between cultures have never been like today People are mixing food from many different cuisines. We are eating mexican, italien and japanes food. I wanted to create a product that could combine cultures. Taking knowledge from Asian and European culture.
Knife and fork
The idea was to make a device that could be placed in the center of the table
The device placed in the center of the table.
It is possible to pull out the different arms, so you dont need to lift ex the pan of the plates. This means that people with arthritis dont have a hard time lifting of the food.
The plate is turning to the other end of the table
Then it is pulled out for better reach
The plate is pushed back in, so it is ready for the next one
The Idea presented in 3d. The platform is created in wood and the rotating part at the top is made in steel. The product combines two very differently cultures. To visualize that the wood is made in Bamboo. (good to the environment and is antibacteria)
Pomelo Shoe This project was about, how to use the nature as inspiration and the transform it into a new product that have new and innovative abilities
The Pomelo fruit is very different from many other kinds of citrus fruits. Not only because of its size. Thes fruit have a special inner structure that gives it a incredible ability to shockabsorb.
The structure that protect the fruit, when landing on the ground from hights up to 16 metres.
Some shoe sketches are selected. They are rendered to give a better visual idea about the design.
The structure is used to absorb the shock from the ground. The many arms are spreading the shock from the exposed areas
Selected areas where the structure is absrbing the shock.
Climbing shoe
The project focuses on athletes, because they have very high requirements for equipment.
The idea is to make a shoe where you are shifting the sole instead of changing the whole shoe.
It is important to have lightweight, but for long runs like marathon, comfort can be the differens between nr.1 and 2.
This means that you can save some of the equipment and give a opportunity to customize your shoes after your needs.
The different soles have variations in the structure, depending on the surface, this means you can achieve the best compfort
Running track It is possible to switch the sole of the shoe depending on the surface. Exampel as shown: running track, dirt road or aphalt
The soles is done in different colors, so the athlete remember the different levels of compfort.
Dirt road
It is possible to change the sole of the shoe, this means that you can get the right comfort either if you are running on asphalt or a dirt road.
Especially for athletes it is a great function because the soles are very important to give the right comfort and grip on the track.
Reflections Reflections are sometime what creates the shape and in this project I closely examined the reflection at classic cars to understand how beutifull shape can be made
I wanted to create a new automotive form, where classic lines were retained and combined with complicated production technique
Aerodynamic shape of Mercedes Silver Arrow
The focus is the shape of the car, that is why no wheels are submitted
Final result, simpel organic shape. The reflection make us understand the shape
the final result of the project. a simple and comprehensible form. at the same time, there is a movement in the surface, which gives it an interesting expression
Scania truck This project is about the aerodynamic of todays trucks. They often have a flat surface at the front that makes the truck look very heavy and not that interesting I wanted to create a truck that can improve the aerodynamics of trucks. This can result in a better fuel consumption.
Air stream through the body of the truck.
The truck is rounding very much at the top, to give it a smooth shape, that makes it more aerodynamic when driving at a highway.
Giving the meaning of a truck new life and change the attitude.
Watches Collections of sketches. The watches are very different in their shapes and could give an idea about the possibilites in the final sollution for the watch
Experiementing with different shapes.
Ladies watch
Transformation af the watch so it fits the indvidual user.. It is possible to change the strap of the watch
Autosketching Car sketches, made in order to improve the sketching techniques. They are drawn from various perpectivers for exercise in better visualization.
Shape research
In this project the idea was to make deferent kinds of propotion shapes that could be transformed into a transportation
Final result. The shape is a extra layer around the car and can improve the way the car absorb from collision
Active Lifestyle The free lifestyle is about doing what you want the most. This project was about making a car where the feeling of active lifestyle was high priority.
The car is open without any windschreen.. It was important that the driver should feel air and the speed, when drving.
Great temperature Sailing
Electric Automotive Cars that is electric powered have changed very much over the last few years. This project was about using the modern technology into a new and different design. I was inspired by cars like the Ellert. It have three wheels instead of four.
The color of the car is changing from green to red, when it needs to be recharged. This helps to remind you to plug it in.
A shape reserach of different kinds of shavers. I tried to create a simpel shape of the shaver, by looking at existing products.
Sketching Various car sketches