Free Food - Both Days

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Green & Original Free Foods SYMBOL SENSE

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These foods are a good or very good source of CALCIUM, which is essential for healthy bones and teeth and may also play a part in boosting your body’s ability to metabolise fat, helping your weight loss.

Cutting Edge Veg!

Looking for some variety in your veg? Check out these vegetables to ring the changes: they’re also all Free Food when cooked without fat.

These foods are high or extra-high in FIBRE, so they are filling and good for the digestive system.

Acorn squash Alfalfa sprouts Artichokes Asparagus Baby whole sweetcorn Balor beans Bamboo shoots Butternut squash Celeriac Chicory Chinese leaves (amaranth) Chioca Cho cho (choko) Cluster beans Curly kale Endive Fennel Kohl rabi Okra Papri beans Radicchio Salsify Seakale Seaweed Spaghetti squash Vine leaves Water chestnuts


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These foods are particularly nutritious or are vital for good HEALTH; you should choose some of these every day. These foods are low or extra-low in energy density compared to others in the same food group, and so can SPEED your weight loss.


Every single type of vegetable is Free Food on the Green choice – enjoy them fresh, frozen, canned or pickled in vinegar. Cook them in any way you like; if you add fat, count the fat as Syns. Aim to eat vegetables every day as they are vital to health as well as being filling and delicious! Aubergine Bean sprouts Beetroot Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Celery Chillies Courgettes Cucumber French beans Garlic Gherkins

Green beans Leeks Lettuce Mangetout Marrow Mushrooms Mustard & Cress Onions Passata (sieved tomatoes) Peppers Pumpkin Radishes Runner beans Savoy cabbage Shallots Spinach Spring onions Sugar snap peas Swede Tomatoes Turnips Watercress


Enjoy eggs boiled, coddled, poached, scrambled or fried using Fry Light.

Tangerines Watermelon Whitecurrants

Fabulous Fruit

All of these fruits, fresh or frozen, are Free Foods. For cooked, canned, puréed and dried fruit see the Healthy Extras or Syns section. For fruit juice see the Syns section. Apples Apricots Bananas Bilberries Blackberries Blackcurrants Blueberries Boysenberries Cherries Clementines Cranberries Figs Gooseberries Grapefruit Grapes Greengages Kiwi fruit Lemons Limes Loganberries Mandarins Mango Melon, all varieties except watermelon Nectarines Oranges Peaches Pears Pineapple Plums Raspberries Redcurrants Rhubarb Satsumas Strawberries

Quinces Rambutan Sapodilla Sharon fruit (persimmon) Tamarillos Tayberries Ugli fruit Yellow plums

Unusually Fruity

Look out for different and exciting fruits in the exotic section of the supermarket or greengrocer’s; they are all Free Foods when fresh or frozen so the only limit is your imagination... Amla Babaco Carambola (star fruit) Cashew fruit (not cashew nut) Custard apple (cherimoya) Damsons Elderberries Feijoa Grenadilla Guava Jambu fruit Jujube Karelo Kiwano (horned melon) Kumquats Loquats Lychees Mammie apple Mangosteen Medlars Mulberries Ortaniques Passion fruit Paw paw (papaya) Physalis Pomegranates Pomelo Prickly pears

Dairy products CHEESE Quark – skimmed milk soft cheese Very low fat natural* cottage cheese Very low fat natural* fromage frais YOGURT Very low fat natural* yogurt

* Some flavoured varieties have Syns. ●

Vegetable Protein

QUORN Use this to replace meat in pies, pasta dishes, chilli and curries. Quorn pieces Quorn mince TOFU Tofu, or bean curd, is very versatile and makes great stir-fries. Plain Naturally smoked TEXTURED VEGETABLE PROTEIN (TVP)/SOYA PROTEIN This is a versatile low-fat base for casseroles, curries and stir-fries. Dried using defatted soya

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