Thomas Salzano, a New Jersey-based expert hairstylist, traveler, photographer, and blogger lives by the words of Zen scholar Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu said, “Mastering others is a strength, mastering yourself is true power.” In the present world, these words hold truer than ever before. With a salon so popular and the variety of customers that he tends to, Salzano would easily find himself at his wit’s end every other day.
Self-awareness, Salzano says, is what keeps him calm under all circumstances. He credits all his success and ability to steer through tough times to self-awareness.
Self-awareness, Thomas says, is the ability to see oneself objectively. The ability to know one’s own strengths and weaknesses, and instead of letting them guide you, you become a master of your own emotions. You start responding instead of reacting, and things start falling into place a just bit more easily.