Thomas Salzano - Tips for Traveling Alone ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Solo travels are a life-changing experience of an individual’s life is what Thomas Salzano, a traveler feels about solo trips. There are a lot of people who want to go on a solo trip but find it daunting. Safety is the main concern when you think of a solo trip and it's good to be alert and aware of the safety level of a country or city you are traveling to. Other than safety there are a few things that should be considered when planning a solo trip.
Here are some tips on traveling solo from Thomas who has done such trips a lot many times:
● Safety First Let’s talk about the main concern first that is safety. Travel insurance is what everyone will suggest to you and is a good idea too. Keeps your emergency contact number with you and always keep your phone charged. The emergency contact information should include your own personal contact back home, and any other pertinent phone numbers you might need. If you have some specific health condition or are under some medication then keep your doctor’s number along.
● Keep a Language translator app in your phone Try and learn a few words in the native language of the country you are visiting this will help you to communicate with the locals of that place. The best option is to keep a language translation app on your phone that can translate your message in the desired language and make your interaction easy.
● Interact with the Locals You will get to know the place better if you interact with the locals. The difference between real and fictional stories is easily cleared when you listen to the locals. Very often the key to having a unique and unforgettable experience is when talking trips with locals to the tourist spots.
● Pick your own way Pick a trip ap per your unique personality and interests so that you have to have a good time when you are traveling solo. If you like an adventure then picks a city or countries like Finland, Belgium, Portugal, Italy or New Zealand or Greece. If you desire for a peaceful and relaxing trip go for the city or countries which have less traffic and are close to water bodies.
● Believe in Yourself
Solo travels can be challenging, but the rewards make it worth it. Even when you face difficulty don’t jump to a conclusion or panic. The professional way to handle tough situations during solo trips is to be prepared in advance with all the emergency needs which include emergency money, contact the hotel that you are staying at so that if you are stuck somewhere they can provide you with help.
● Join a tour Go for an organized day tour or a longer package group holiday. This type of package suit well for first-time solo travelers as its safe and you gain confidence at the first stage of such travels. It can be expensive but it is worth it if you are not sure that you can manage it for the first time.
● Stay somewhere with multiple positive ratings When traveling to an unfamiliar place it’s advisable to stay somewhere with multiple positive ratings. Consider the ratings of the place when you look for a hotel to stay in. This is another safety measure that should you all should priorities.
● Enjoy and keep updating your day’s activities with your family & friends Sharing your day to day activities with your friends and family will keep up your motivation level. You feel relaxed after you share everything with your family and be open to suggestions that you receive from your family and friends. Sometimes
you get too excited and neglect some safety measures that your loved ones can pinpoint when you share the events with them.
You might hesitate at first but don’t. Thomas is a traveler by profession and is sharing the above tips as per his real experience as a traveler. You can consider the tips shared by him which will definitely help. As a traveler, Thomas says it a priority to be safe and organize a trip under safety measures but the thing which is important is that you should enjoy the trip and experience the best as you deserve it.
Thomas Salzano has recently announced the launch of a new website on poets and you can get more information related to traveling from his blogging website on travel which is famous for his tips and tricks for traveling. You can also reach out to him on social media and connect with him for any questions on travel or poetry. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------