Travelling Tips During the Coronavirus Outbreak
Thomas Salzano
Thomas Salzano
As we know COVID-19 virus is spreading all over the world and this is the very serious situation. WHO declared it a global pandemic In march 2020 because this virus spread person to person.
Thomas Salzano
When an infected person coughs or sneezes then this virus spread by respiratory droplets.if you have travel plans during this outbreak then you have to follow these tips strictly.
Thomas Salzano
Here Thomas Salzano wants to share important tips for travelling during the Coronavirus outbreak.
Keep the distance to people who are sick
It is very important because it helps you to lower the risk of respiratory infection. Avoid contact with sick people your safety is in your hands.
Wear a Good Quality Facemask
Another important thing is to wear a facemask when you are travelling with other people
Check CDC and WHO websites
If you are planning to an international journey then you have to check the advice of CDC and WHO websites.
Use Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizer
Always carry a good quality hand sanitizer with you which contain alcohol content at least 60 to 95 per cent.
Avoid Eating Uncooked Meat
Avoid uncooked meat or other organs of animals during this coronavirus outbreak