ASH EDU 675 Week 1 DQ 1 NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at
For more classes visit Building Capacity in the Collaborative Process - What's Your Focus? The sharing of ideas can be a beneficial process during collaboration (Atweh, Kemmis, & Weeks, 1998; Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2002). Those researchers and professionals in the field who support collaborative learning strongly believe that sharing ideas with others “increases interest among the participants but also promotes critical thinking” (Gokhale, 1995, para 2). Further, “collaboration lets you share responsibility and combine the knowledge, creativity, and experiences of others” (Unknown (n.d.) Often, when we collaborate through the exploration and insightful sharing of each other’s ideas, we can systematically improve upon our own. As a way of further developing your action research and communicating your ideas to your classmates, you now have the opportunity to accomplish both while providing feedback to your class peers. The purpose of this process is twofold. First, it promotes your critical thinking and, second, it gives you an opportunity to share your experiences in the research design. In summary, the process of providing
collaborative feedback builds capacity in your thought process and in the implementation of your action research study. Initial Post: Respond to the following prompts in relation to your own study in detailed, yet succinctly written paragraphs. • Post the link to your Action Research Proposal and/or upload the document/presentation from your EDU671. • Describe the Area of Focus for your action research study. • Explain the Research Question(s) for your action research study and the importance of their application. • Describe the individual roles of each research participant in your action research study. Your initial post functions as a springboard for peers and the instructor to respond to you with constructive ideas and feedback about your study. You share your Action Research Proposal with peers to obtain ideas and feedback on your proposal. If you have already identified a change to your proposal (e.g., research questions, population, setting, intervention, data collection techniques or personnel involved in your project) make those changes before you share your presentation. Note: In Week Four you will describe the roles and responsibilities of the identified personnel and the specific leadership strategies you observed. This initial process in this discussion supports the Week Four activity. Guided Response: Respond to two peers, preferably those that have not yet had responses, and provide constructive feedback and questions regarding their Action Research Proposal. Ask clarifying questions to assist with their process of deepening their study. Some questions to consider as you respond to your peers include: Is the area of focus clearly stated (you know what they are centered on for their study)? Is there direct alignment between the research question(s) and area of focus statement (do they match up logically?) Are the research questions potentially answerable? What suggestions can you provide regarding their actual intervention/innovation? (Is it appropriate/suitable)? Do the data collection techniques align with the research questions and are they manageable? Remember, though two replies is the basic expectation, for deeper engagement and learning, you are encouraged to provide responses to any comments or questions others have given to you (including the instructor) before the last day of the discussion to allow for adequate time for responses. This will further the conversation while also giving you opportunities to demonstrate your content expertise, critical thinking, and real world experiences with this topic.