Ash ESE 633 Week 6 Final Paper Check this A+ tutorial guideline at After completing this assignment, you will have demonstrated your understanding of the following objectives: Analyze the value of co-teaching as an inclusion model of instructional delivery. Analyze the value of collaborative consultation as an inclusion model of instructional delivery. Analyze ways to create a collaborative school culture to promote professional growth and leadership. Determine some of the causes of educationbased conflict.
Evaluate problem solving and negotiation strategies to resolve education-based conflict. Recognize the importance of knowing personal strengths and weaknesses in conflict resolution. Evaluate verbal, non-verbal, and para-verbal cues that impact communication with educators, administrators, parents, and community members. Analyze the range of placements and services offered to students who have a disability. Additionally, this assignment demonstrates your mastery of the Course Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 and the MAED Program Learning Outcomes 2 & 8 and will have reinforced your competency with the MAED Program Learning Outcome 7. As you have learned throughout this course, it takes a team to educate a student. The team is composed of stakeholders who have a professional and/or emotional investment in the student’s education and post-graduation
success. Although everyone has the same destination in mind, their paths may differ. Being a proactive problem-solver means recognizing a disagreement or differing of opinions and finding an amicable solution through understanding and compromise. To further your abilities with these essential skills for a special educator, you will complete this comprehensive final assignment. For more classes visit