Solemnization of Holy Matrimony Bteween Roseline B.C. Browne & Sando J.Moore Monrovia Christian Fellowship Church 9th Street, Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia. January 31st 2014
Roseline B.C. Browne & Sando J.Moore
Order of Service Musical Prelude
The Organist
Procession The Bridal Party Invocation Praise & Worship
The Praise Team
Bondojah S. Cooper
Exchange of Vows
Pst. Momolu Dukuly Pst. Bondojah S. Cooper
Signing of Marital Documents Offering MCF Worship Team Prayer for the Couple
Pst. Bondjah Cooper
The Best man
Bridal Procession
The Bridal Party
Our Parents Bride’s Parents
Siatta Fahnbulleh Randolph C. Browne
Groom’s Parents Gillian T. Moore Bai T. Moore
Mother Father
(Deceased) (Deceased)
Mother Father
Bridal Party Maid of Honor Mrs. Eunice Deline
Best Man James G. Kiazolu
Flower Girl Ring Bearer T. Lorba Moore Joseph Lee
A Big Thank You to All!!! Mr. & Mrs. Sando J. Moore
Designed By: Bai T. Communications (c) 2014