6 minute read
Tire Ratings
from sin46th magzus.org
by Thomas Swift
Buying Tires
Tires have a direct impact on your car’s handling, braking, ride comfort, and fuel economy. More important, their cornering grip, braking distances, and resistance to hydroplaning all affect your safety on the road.
CONSUMER REPORTS TESTS 50 or more tire models each year, with each going through as many as 14 rigorous tests. We’ve found that you generally get what you pay for. No matter the type, tires that combine the best grip with the longest tread life may cost a little more but will probably be worth it in the long run.
For example, a $130 tire that will last twice as long as an $87 tire is a better buy, assuming all other factors are equal. Still, the cheaper tire may be just fine if you won’t be keeping your car for long.
When buying new tires, we recommend sticking to the same type and size tire that originally came on your car.
First, check the ratings for models that provide good braking and handling capabilities, as well as good resistance to hydroplaning (when there is too much water between your tire and the pavement), which can help you avoid an accident. After that, look for those rated highly in areas important to you, such as winter grip, tread life, ride comfort, and rolling resistance.
We have found that some tires with lower rolling resistance allowed our test cars to get 1 or 2 more mpg than tires with the highest rolling resistance.
But the mileage you get with brandnew, low-rolling resistance tires may initially be worse than the old tires you are replacing. This is because tires with tens of thousands of miles of wear have less tread and behave more like low-rolling resistance tires.
Our latest tests include the projected wear-out mileage of a tire. To determine longevity, we test tread life at a contract lab in Texas, where each tire is driven at least 16,000 miles or more on public roads. We’ve been conducting this test for several years.
Our tread-life estimates let you compare the expected miles-to-wear-out for the specific tires we tested, but your actual experience will vary by how and where you drive, and what vehicle you use, among other factors.
Many tires have a pro-rated treadwear warranty, but the tread-life mileage in the following charts will give you a direct comparison.
Remember that if you buy tires online, you may have to pay for shipping and for mounting and balancing when the tires arrive.
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CONSUMER REPORTS is an independent, nonprofit organization founded in 1936 that works side by side with consumers to create a safe, fair, and transparent marketplace. To achieve our mission, we test thousands of products and services in our labs each year and survey hundreds of thousands of consumers about their experiences with products and services. We pay for all the products we rate. We don’t accept paid advertising.
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